Ministry of Amora Deliverance Theological Institution
Ministry of Amora Deliverance Theological Institution
Ministry of Amora Deliverance Theological Institution TABLE OF CONTENTS Tribute To The Original Founder (Apostle Arturo Skinner………………………………………………….2 Current Founders of ADTI……………………………………………………………………………….......6 Tribute To Dr(s) Harold L. and Flora Shindoll………………………………………………………………7 A Word From The Vice Chancellor………………………………………………………………………….9 A Word From The Dean of Students………………………………………………………………………...10 Faculty List…………………………………………………………………………………………………...11 National Christian Counselors Association…………………………………………………………………..12 Statement of Faith.............................................................................................................................................13 Statement of Purpose.........................................................................................................................................14 Notice of Religious Exemption….....................................................................................................................15 General Information about ADTI......................................................................................................................18 Associate Degree Program…………………………………………………………………………………….24 Bachelor Degree Program..................................................................................................................................32 Master Degree Program.....................................................................................................................................52 Doctorate Degree Program…………………………………………………………………….………………58 Course Description…………………………………………………………………………………...…….….65 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 1 Tribute To God’s Last Day Apostle Apostle Arturo Skinner Founder of The Deliverance Bible Institute (The Foundation Institution for Amoral Deliverance Theological Institution) 1924-1975 Our Founder was born Arthur Alfred Skinner to Ethel Rhoda and James Leon Skinner on December 15, 1924 in Brooklyn, New York. Along with his two older brothers, James, Jr. (Bucky) and Clyde and half brother Irving, the family crowded into a small cold flat on the 1700 block of Fulton Street. Eventually his father left the family to return to his native Barbados, where he remained until his death in 1945. “Arturo” earned his nickname because of his West Indies background and flamboyant personality. As a child he was a natural entertainer. Growing up in Jewish neighborhoods he took odd jobs and learned Yiddish fluently and served as a translator for Jews in the community who only spoke Hebrew. Work aside, Arturo’s real joy – and pride – came from dancing in the streets. All his creative energy and talent would exude as he tapped his way on busy street corners, eager for the audience, the applause and the coins that came his way at the end of the performance. He was a master of tapping and performing all the latest ballroom dances. In spite of the money he earned, life was extremely hard for the family. So at fifteen he left school to work as a shipping clerk to help maintain the household. Being a clerk was short lived. Encouraged by a talent scout, Arturo soon began to frequent Harlem trying to establish his career as entertainer. Eventually he became caught up in a whirlwind, dancing Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 2 his way across nightclub strips and even appearing in several Broadway musicals. Money poured in – and quickly went out. He loved fine clothes, jewelry, and even started collecting ceramic dogs (a hobby he maintained for the rest of his life). Arturo became a heavy social drinker and eventually turned to drugs to try to maintain a euphoria that was quickly fading. Twenty-eight years of Arturo Skinner’s life had gone by before his miraculous conversion came while on the brink of suicide in 1952. He reached his crisis the year following his mother’s death after suffering a stroke at the age of 61. That faithful night two voices conflicted inside of him. One compelling him to “go were your mother is” the other saying “Arturo, I want you to turn your life over to me. Give me your heart”. According to Arturo Skinner, he received his salvation in the middle of Brooklyn’s busy Atlantic Avenue thoroughfare, when Jesus prevented him from taking his own life. Determined to start anew, he gave away custom-made furniture, opened his closets to friends and withdrew the little money he had from the bank and proclaimed that it was going towards working for God. With a few possessions and his mother Bible in hand, Arturo Skinner (he legally changed his name sometime later) took a train to Hartford, Connecticut and spent the next 56 days in the Allen Hotel. He recalled later that those were some of the most torturous days and nights of his whole life, as God prepared him for ministry through dreams and visions. Fully recovered, he returned to New York and promptly attended the Bethel Bible Institute in Jamaica, Long Island, New York, where he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It was during this time that he went to live in the home of the esteemed Judge James Lopez Watson, Jr. and his mother, Mrs. Viola Watson, who influenced him greatly and whom he considered his adopted parents. He and Judge Watson remained close friends for the rest of his life. While living in the Watson home, he worked as a houseboy to earn the money required for his personal sustenance and study. He graduated from the Institute and was ordained as an evangelist on Psalm Sunday, 1952 and soon after started holding evangelistic services and tent meetings. Many people that came to his services were healed as countless miracles began to occur. After three and a half years the people who supported his meetings, insisted that Arturo locate a church home. The church began simply by holding meetings in the home of Mother Mary Armarty. As the power of God worked through Apostle Skinner, the congregation soon outgrew her living room and moved to a storefront on Pershing Avenue in Newark, New Jersey, then to Springfield Avenue, which also became too small. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 3 The congregation outgrew several other locations including the Masonic Temple at 188 Belmont Avenue before they marched, one Sunday morning, into a new building, the Central Avenue Theatre, at 505 Central Avenue in Newark. The Theatre became the Newark Deliverance Evangelistic Center's first headquarters, holding about 1500 people. Deliverance was being born thought Apostle Skinner still hesitated to put a pattern or formula to his ministry. Meanwhile there was still a need for ministry to continue in Brooklyn. So Apostle Skinner conducted Saturday night Deliverance rallies, beginning first at 182 Gates Avenue. As in Newark, the swelling attendance kept forcing the rallies to still larger accommodations, eventually they where moved into the Bedford Street YMCA. Finally, Reverend Skinner ventured forth and bought another theatre building, the old Kismet Theatre at 785 DeKalb Avenue. The Kismet held close to 2,000 people – and soon, it too, was holding packed services. Renamed The Deliverance Tabernacle, it was purchased to accommodate w e e k l y s e r v i c e s , house church staff, the printing ministry, and the other mechanics of what was now growing into an i n t e r n a t i o n a l ministry. The v i s i o n of Deliverance was e x p a n d i n g in Arturo Skinner’s mind as he continued to seek God’s counsel for the future. In 1957 he was inspired to create the Deliverance Evangelistic Centers, I n c ., Worldwide. He said, “Deliverance is not as an organization, but an organism of the Body of Christ”. The man who once so desperately needed saving, was now responsible – through the message of deliverance – for saving countless thousands of lives by transmitting his own powerful belief of salvation to his huge flock. This sizeable feat was being accomplished through weekly services, and the weekly DEC radio broadcast, which was embraced by people in the United States as well as Mexico, Canada and the Caribbean Islands. Outreach was also accomplished through various huge Crusade caravans that traveled cross-country. DEC outreach ministry, spread throughout the world, because of Pastor Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 4 Skinners heartfelt desire to "reach and win 10 million souls in every corner of the world for Christ" with the message of Deliverance. Apostle Skinner made history when rented Madison Square Garden in New York City and preached to a capacity crowd. On April 28, 1963 Apostle Arturo Sinner, along side his friend and brother Reverend Charles Miles, Pastor of International Gospel Center in Ecorse, Michigan, were consecrated to the office of Apostle by Reverend J. L. Alaman. The Deliverance Ministry was growing and would eventually include between 40 and 50 affiliated churches worldwide. In 1973 DEC Ministries purchased its present headquarters church, the former Temple B’nai Abraham at 621 Clinton Avenue, in the Clinton Hill section of Newark, New Jersey. Apostle Skinner paid $250,000 in cash to the B’nai Abraham Congregation. Deliverance now had room to grow as the main sanctuary seated 2,000 people. Apostle Skinner’s vision was flourishing: God’s deliverance was indeed taking the land. After h a v i n g l a i d the foundation and spreading the Deliverance Ministry around the world, Apostle A r t u r o A r t h u r S k i n n e r d i e d suddenly on March 20, 1975 and was buried in his hometown of B r o o k l yn , N e w York. Three months later, in June of 1975,A p o s t l e R a l p h G. S h a m m a h Nichol formally succeeded him as Senior Pastor and Overseer of DEC Ministries. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 5 Amora Deliverance Theological Institution Current Founders 1981-Presents ADTI Class of 2006 42 Years Later Welcome and thank you for considering Amora Deliverance Theological Institution (A.D.T.I.) as your college of Christian Educational enhancement. We are excited to announce our affiliation with the National Christian Counselors Association (N.C.C.A.) of Sarasota, Florida which is an accredited Christian Pastoral Counseling Licensure/Certification and Board Certification degree issuing institution. ADTI is a Certified Academic Institution of NCCA and is authorized and certified to offer their program of study in North Carolina. Together we will be able to assist you in achieving your Christian Education goals and objectives, specifically in the areas of Pastoral Christian Counseling. (See their website at The degree programs of study offered by Amora Deliverance Theological Institution have been declared exempt from the requirements for licensure under provisions of North Carolina General Statue Section (G.S.) 116-15(d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education….Exemption from licensure is not based upon any assessment of program quality under established licensing standards. (Please read the Licensure vs. Accreditation statement enclosed with this packet). We provide a certificate of completion for each course, a one year diploma, a two year Associate degree, four year bachelor in our under-graduate studies, as well as our post graduate and graduate courses to include M.Div., Master of Theology, and Doctor of Theology. We have served the Body of Christ for more than 30 years with results that will only be fully recognized in glory. Many have established new careers as well as enhanced their God given talents, skills and abilities to further the gospel of Jesus Christ. This, too, can be your new beginning. Remember, Christian Education don’t cost, but pays, with interest beyond this world. May God continue to bless you and yours is our prayer. Yours because of Christ, Lonnie Sessoms, Jr. Apostle Lonnie Sessoms, Jr., Ph.D. Founder/President/Chancellor Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 6 Tribute To Dr. Harold L. Shindoll & Mrs. Flora Shindoll Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 7 Message from the Chancellor Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 8 Message from the Vice-Chancellor Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 9 Message from the Dean of Students “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” –Acts 17:11 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 10 Faculty List Faculty Lonnie Sessoms, Jr., BTh, MTh, D.D., PhD, LPN Licensing Program for Christian Counselors/ C.A.I. Course Professor Jacquelyn Pollock, BTh, MTh, Th.D., LPN Christian Counseling Carolyn A. Thomas BTh, MTh, ThD Pastoral Counseling Queen Sessoms, BTh, MTh, ThD Biblical Studies Myron McAuley, ThD Biblical Studies Carolyn McAuely, BA, BTh, ThD Christian Education Pamela Adams, Chaplain, ThD Christian Fine Arts Joyce A. Adams, ThD Church Administration Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 11 National Christian Counselors Association (N.C.C.A.) Amora Deliverance Theological Institution has been a Certified Academic Institution of the National Christian Counselors Association of Sarasota, Florida since 2008. National Christian Counselors Association In 1981, Drs. Richard and Phyllis Arno established the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) as a non-profit corporation in order to conduct research and develop a therapeutic procedure based on Scripture. The procedure would accomplish three essential goals: ✝ Enable the candidate to learn the system easily and relatively quickly ✝ Save pastors and Christian counselors precious time in counseling sessions ✝ Produce effective, positive, and more immediate results with those being counseled Drs. Arno developed the system over seven years through systematic research with over 5,000 individuals. The counselees sought help for depression, inter/intra-personal conflict, marriage and family dysfunctions and anxiety. The purpose of the research was to: (1) increase the effectiveness of the NCCA’s therapeutic procedure; (2) measure the percentage of success within a controlled environment; and (3) develop an accurate clinical testing procedure for initial identification of the counselee’s temperament (spiritual genetics). In-depth studies were conducted on all current psychological tests and/or behavioral inventories. For many reasons, the NCCA selected the FIRO-B, which was developed by Dr. Will Schutz, as its initial measuring device or questionnaire. The NCCA named its analysis procedure the Temperament Analysis Profile (TAP), which reveals the "hidden problems" that normally take the counselor seven or eight sessions to identify. In November 2000 the NCCA changed the name from the Temperament Analysis Profile to the Arno Profile System (APS) in honor of its’ developers. Presently, over 4,000 pastors and professional counselors rely on the Arno Profile System to aid them in their counseling efforts. These counselors report an accuracy rate of over ninety percent (90%) in identifying an individual’s correct (in-born, God-given) temperament. How the NCCA Credentials Help You Personally and Professionally Potential counselors often ask about the benefits of the training and obtaining certification or license from the NCCA Of course, the main benefit is knowledge. The training you receive provides a deep spiritual insight into understanding human behavior and relating to others. This knowledge is valuable in every area of life, including your ability to help those who are hurting. Having NCCA credentials ensures that you are recognized within your community as a qualified Christian/Pastoral counselor. The community can be assured that your credentials are authentic and current. Other benefits available to NCCA members include qualifying for professional liability insurance, networking with other counselors and the opportunity to earn continuing education credits at seminars and conferences. In addition, the NCCA offers assistance to its members with regard to degree transfer work and fulfillment of academic goals. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 12 Statement of Faith We believe the Bible is the literal, infallible, and inspired Word of God, and is the final authority on all matters of faith and life (Matthew 24:35; II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:3-4). We believe there is one God who is revealed to us in three distinct manifestations; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (John 1:1-4, 14; Romans 8:9; II Corinthians 13:14). We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, His death, burial and bodily resurrection. We believe in His complete deity and humanity; that He is fully God and came in the likeness of man, God incarnate (Romans 1:3-4; John 1:1-14; I Timothy 3:16). We believe Christ’s atoning sacrifice on Calvary has made possible the salvation of all mankind, by Grace through Faith, and that a Christian stands and lives by the faith of the Son of God (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5; Galatians 2:16; Hebrews 9:12). We believe in the present day New Testament ministry of the Holy Spirit (Mark 16:20; II Corinthians 5:17-19). We believe in His appearing in and through the Body of Christ, and His eminent physical return (Revelation 20:11-15; I Corinthians 15:13-17; John 14:20, 23; II Peter 1:4). We believe that God was in Christ reconciling all the world unto Himself, and that the ministry of reconciliation has been given to the Body of Christ (John 3:16-17; II Corinthians 5:18-21). We believe in the bodily resurrection and righteous judgment of all mankind (Acts 26:8; Revelation 21:11-15). We believe that when matters in the scripture appear to be ambiguous, the Christian should seek the leading of the Holy Spirit, and the witness of the Word of God for direction (Romans 14:4-5; Philippians 2:12). We believe in water baptism as an act of obedience to the Word of God (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38; Mark 16:16). Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 13 Statement of Purpose It is the purpose of the Amora Deliverance Theological Institution to provide professional undergraduate and graduate level programs, which will equip the practitioners of ministry, the Pastor, Evangelist, Missionary, Chaplain, Christian Educator, Bible Counselor, Church Member and those engaged in other areas of Christian service. It is to equip the children of God as they yields to the leadership of the Holy Spirit of God, to rightly divide the Word of Truth. ADTI recognizes the work of the ministry as a divine calling, and also recognizes God’s mandate in II Timothy 2:15, for the requirement to study for the ministry. It is also the purpose of ADTI to offer this training to all Christians desiring a solid biblical education, regardless of race, ethnic origin, or religious background. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 14 Notice of Exemption Statement From The University of North Carolina Board of Governors Degree program(s) of study offered by Amora Deliverance Theological Institution have been declared exempt from the requirements for licensure under the provisions of North Carolina General Statues (G.S.) 116-15(d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education….Exemption from licensure is not based upon any assessment of program quality under established licensing standards. There is no requirement for secular accreditation for Christian colleges and seminaries, that do not issue secular degrees. Most such schools do not believe that it is right for Christians schools, offering only theological training to come under the secular accreditation system, as these agencies can regulate what you can and cannot teach. We do feel however, that it is vitally important that Christian accreditation be established, to insure the proper standards of academic excellence within Christian education. Please read the follow excerpt from the UNC Board of Governor concerning Licensure vs. Accreditation: Difference Between Licensure and Accreditation The Board of Governors as agent of the State regulates nonpublic post-secondary degree activity in North Carolina through a licensing process. Licensure is required by law. Accreditation, on the other hand, is not a requirement of law: it is a status sought voluntarily by an institution from a group of peer institutions and is accomplished by a voluntary, nongovernmental body called an accrediting commission. For more information on Accreditation visit: State licensure fulfills a consumer protection function, protecting potential and enrolled students and employers, as well as the public in general. It substantiates minimum educational quality and is prerequisite to, among other things, receipt by institutions and their students of sizeable sums of public funds derived from the taxing power of the State. Accreditation commissions also provide consumer protection, but their primary purpose is to serve those institutions that called them into being. State licensure precedes accreditation; and it is the first requirement an institution must meet to be eligible for accreditation and for various programs of the United State Office of Education and other federal student financial aid agencies. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 15 Administrative Staff Lonnie Sessoms, Jr, BTH, MTH, DD , PhD Chancellor Queen E. Sessoms, MTh, D.D., PhD Vice Chancellor Joyce A. Sessoms, MTh, PhD Dean of Students Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 16 Information on class schedules, other courses available, student payment agreements and work/study grants may be obtained by contacting us at: Amora Deliverance Theological Institution 319 Brower Road Cameron, North Carolina 28326 Phone (910) 774-9273 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 43605 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28309 Dr. Joyce A. Adamss – Dean of Student Affairs Email Address: ADTI Email Address: Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 17 General Information STUDENT SERVICE A counseling center is provided to help students with academic advice, personal, educational, and emotional problems. The service is free to students and staff. It will also be open to the public to serve them and to provide counseling experience for our counseling majors and interns, under staff supervision. QUALITY OF INSTRUCTION Each staff, faculty and board member must be in agreement with the ADTI Statement of Faith, and Purpose, and be a member in good standing of a bible-believing church. We have qualified people with Bachelor Degrees and Master Degrees to teach our students. Technical classes may be taught by those who the board approves as qualified. No course will be offered with inferior instruction. STUDY PROGRAMS Classroom - Available at all campus locations. Directed Studies - Course video/audio productions & publications are available in English through all campuses. Seminar Study - Seminars covering first through fourth year curriculum, can be scheduled for your church, if at least ten students are enrolled. CLEP Credit - Study credits for applicable life experience may, after evaluation, be applied toward your undergraduate course requirement. Transfer Credits - Study credits obtained from other institutions, bible or other secular schools, which are applicable to our curriculum may, after evaluation, be applied toward your undergraduate course requirement. Trimester Length - There will be three trimesters of fifteen (15) weeks each, with a two (2) week break between each trimester and allowing one (1) week vacation between Christmas and New Year holidays. Credits - The unit of credit is based on the trimester hour, one trimester hour represents three class and lab hours (either on campus or at the student’s home) per week for fifteen weeks. This equals 45 hours per 3 credit hours course. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 18 The 45 hours required to complete a 3 credit hour course may also be obtained in a seminar setting of four, 3 hour sessions and 33 hours of reading assignments, research, assessment and reports, as well as answering designated questions pertaining to the subject matter. Directed Study Courses are also offered which requires approximately 45 hours of home study, assessments and reports, and answering designated questions. Transfer Policy - ADTI will accept college credits from all schools within our accreditation associations and other Christian colleges and universities with whom we have established an associate agreement. After evaluation of the credits for compatibility with our curriculum, we will be willing to transfer credit for credit up to three (3) credits per course. The option to accept credits rests with the receiving school. Transfer Credits - When transferring into an Associate Degree program or a Bachelor Degree program, we will accept equivalent credits from other qualified colleges, providing the grade is “C” or above has been received, and the subjects are compatible with our curriculum. Conversion of Credits - There are many major churches and outstanding bible institutes that cannot offer college credits, but can and do offer institute credits, and continuing education credits. Having been associated with many of these churches and institutes, and having evaluated the academic excellence of their study programs, we may determine to convert credits that are appropriate to our study programs. CLEP of Credits: For Life Experience - Men and women of God who have not had the opportunity to pursue formal bible training; but have dedicated their lives to the service of the ministry; are now able to receive credits for the time they have labored in the ministry. To qualify, a student must be a least thirty (30) years of age with a minimum of five (5) years in the ministry. Upon evaluation of the information given by the student with his/her application, ADTI is authorized to award up to six (6) credit hours for each year of full time Christian service. Credits earned through experience can only apply to undergraduate courses. How to Apply for Advance Entrance - Submit with your application a complete resume of your ministerial experience; transcripts from previous colleges; and detailed information from church studies and other Christian institutes for which you have not obtained college credits. Upon evaluation, you will be informed of your advance entrance status. At least twenty (24) credit hours must be taken through one of the ADTI study programs. Transient Status - If a student desires to take a class which ADTI does not offer, the student may request permission from the Dean to take the class from another college. The Dean will investigate the student’s needs as well as the other class. If permission is granted, the Dean will provide a transient letter for the admissions officer of the other college. Each class will have to be handled as a separate issue. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 19 We will accept transient students from other colleges. They must provide a transient letter from the parent college at the time of application. Transient student grades are not transferred automatically. A transcript must be requested in writing at the end of the transient period. DROP/ADD REFUND POLICY: A student may drop classes for full refund, or may change classes, after the end of the first session of the course, but not later than the beginning of the second session of the course. After the beginning of the second session there will be no refund, and the classes cannot be changed. After the Drop/Add period, the student must not only pay for the course, but if the student does not finish the course, he/she will be given a grade of incomplete. TRANSCRIPTS: In keeping with the privacy act, transcripts must be requested in writing (typed or printed) by the student. The date, student number, student telephone number and student’s signature must be clearly written. The transcript fee must be included. {DO NOT SEND CASH}. If the student is using the ADTI Transcript Request Form, fill in all requested information. If the student is not using the ADTI form, include the student social security number, the name that the student record is listed under, the date the student last attended, the name and address of the person to receive transcripts, and how many copies are to be sent. GRADING SYSTEM Grade Percent Point Average A 95% - 100% 3.6 - 4.0 B 85% - 94% 3.0 - 3.5 C 70% - 84% 2.4 - 2.9 D 60% - 69% 1.6 - 2.3 F below 60% Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 0.0 - 1.5 Failure ADTI Page 20 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Tuition and Fees Schedule Application Fee: $175.00 *Registration Fee (nonrefundable) $100.00 *Evaluation Fee (one time charge) $75.00 Tuition: Classroom Study (per credit hour) $58.50 Seminar (per credit hour) $58.50 Directed Study (per credit hour) S42.00 Life Experience (per credit hour) $15.50 Transfer (per credit hour) $12.00 Master Program (per credit hour) $55.00 Doctorate Program (per credit hour) Miscellaneous Charges Replacement of ID Card $10.00 Replacement of correspondence manual $15.00 Transcripts (first one free) $20.00 Replacement of Certificate $25.00 Return check fee $35.00 Late fee of monthly payment $15.00 Graduation fee (excludes robes, invitations, etc) $200.00 Class Ring $200.00 Alumni Registration Fee (Receive Alumni Lapel Pin) $100.00 (for three (3) years) Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 21 Textbooks and Lab Materials To keep tuition and fees as low as possible, the required textbooks and lab materials are not included in the program tuition and fees. Since we have developed our studies primarily around the Word of God, only a few textbooks are required. Most of you however, should begin to establish your own library, by purchasing study helps and other reference books, at your own pace and financial circumstances. Each of you will receive a list of textbooks required for the year in which you are studying. You may elect to order from our Fayetteville campus bookstore, or from a local bible bookstore. FINANCIAL AID Student Loans - A student loan is available for your annual tuition upon request. The terms are: 10% down with the balance in ten (10) equal monthly payments. All other fees must be paid at, or within thirty (30) days after enrollment. Work Study - Work study scholarships are available to those who demonstrate financial need and maintain a “C” or better average. Work study students will be allowed the equivalent of $5.50 an hour toward their tuition, and may not work for more than 30% of his/her tuition. At the Master level, teaching fellowships are available to those who qualify. Teaching Fellowships are awarded on qualification rather than need, and are a requirement for the completion of the Master and program. A teaching fellowship consists of free classes for the term in which the student is teaching. Special arrangements will be made for those students who are on teaching fellowship but are not participating in on - campus study programs. Discount - All ministers in full time ministry will receive a 10% discount. A copy of your license, or ordination certificate, and proof of your full time status must be submitted to receive this discount. Additional discounts may also be available to you on an individual basis, so please inquire at enrollment. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 22 STANDARD ADTI PROGRAMS PREREQUISITE FOR ENTRANCE - All prospective students for studies in Amora Deliverance Theological Institution, must have completed their high school education or equivalent. There is no age limitation as long as all other requirements are met. COURSE CERTIFICATE - A course certificate is issued after completion of an individual course for all non-degree students. The certificate identifies the courses taken, the grade received, the date completed, the student’s name and the number of hours of study. ONE YEAR DIPLOMA - A one year diploma is awarded on satisfactory completion of the first year curriculum of any one of the Bachelor Programs. The diploma identifies the course taken, the date completed, the student’s name, the number of hours of study and the name of the study program. ASSOCIATE DEGREE An Associate Degree is conferred on students after satisfactory completing the first and second year curriculum of their Bachelor Degree program for the following programs. A total of twenty (20) courses (60 credit hours) are required for an Associate Degree. In addition to the required credit hours of study, each student must complete eight (8) hours of intern volunteer service in their major under the supervision of their pastor or Christian school administrator each trimester. ASSOCIATE DEGREE: Prerequisite: Graduation from high school, GED or equivalent Diploma (for Foreign Students). Tuition: 3,840.00 ($64.00 X 60 credit hours). Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 23 Associate of Theology in Biblical Studies This program is a detailed study of Scripture designed to equip ministers, lay-ministers, and developing theologians with special Biblical knowledge and theological analysis skills, FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT BI 101 Bible 1 (How to Study the Bible) 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CS 101 Counseling 1 (Theory) 3 CS 102 Biblical Counseling 1 3 CS 103 Biblical Counseling II 3 EV 101 Evangelism 1 (One-on-One) 3 MN 101 Ministry 1 (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS Christian Leadership 3 101 CREDITS Total 30 SECOND YEAR BI 201 Pentateuch 1 (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life and Teachings of Christ) 3 BI 205 Revelation 3 BI 206 Hebrews 3 BI 207 Ephesians-Galatians 3 CM 211 College Composition 1 3 CM 203 Speech 1 3 CM 206 Grammar 3 MN 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation) 3 MN 202 Ministry IV (Ministry of Reconciliation) 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 24 Associate of Theology in Ministry (Major to be Selected) This program is a detailed study of Scripture designed to equip ministers, lay-ministers, with the basic tools, educational foundation, and Biblical knowledge needed as doses all general ministries. FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT BI 101 Bible 1 (How to Study the Bible) 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CS 101 Counseling 1 (Theory) 3 EV 101 Evangelism 1 (One-on-One) 3 MN 102 Ministry 1 (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall of Man) 3 SS Christian Leadership 3 101 CREDIT 100 Level Elective in Major 3 100 Level Elective in Major 3 SECOND YEAR BI 201 Pentateuch 1 (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life and Teachings of Christ) 3 CM 203 Speech 1 3 CM 204 Speech II 3 CM 206 Grammar 3 CM 211 College Composition 1 3 MN 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation) 3 MN 202 Ministry IV (Ministry of Reconciliation) 3 200 Level Elective in Major 3 200 Level Elective in Major 3 200 Level Elective in Major 3 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 25 Associate of Theology Degree in Pastoring and Leadership FIRST YEAR This program is designed to equip ministry professional and church leaders, e.g., pastors, evangelists, missionaries, local church elders/leaders, with the basic tools, educational foundation, Biblical knowledge and leadership skills required to be a successful leader and spiritual equipper and motivator of others for service. CODE # SUBJECT CREDITS BI 101 Bible 1 (How to Study the Bible) 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CS 101 Counseling 1 (Theory) 3 CS 102 Biblical Counseling 1 3 CS 103 Biblical Counseling II 3 Cm 101 College Composition I 3 MN 101 Ministry 1 (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS Christian Leadership 3 101 Total 30 SECOND YEAR BI 201 Pentateuch 1 (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life and Teachings of Christ) 3 BI 203 New Testament Greek I 3 BI 204 New Testament Greek II 3 BI 205 Revelation 3 BI 206 Hebrews 3 BI 207 Galatians-Ephesians 3 BI 208 Old Testament Hebrew I 3 BI 209 Old Testament Hebrew II 3 Ministry II (Reconciliation to God) 3 MN 201 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 26 Associate of Theology Degree in Pastoral Counseling Pastoral Counseling This program is designed to train ministers in the vocation of Christian Counseling, and to build the requisite educational foundation and counseling internship for graduate degree programs in pastoral or Christian counseling. FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT BI 101 Bible I 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey I) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CC 101 Christian Counseling I (Theory) 3 CC 102 Biblical Counseling I 3 CC 103 Biblical Counseling II 3 CM 101 College Composition I 3 MN 101 Ministry I (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS Christian Leadership 3 101 CREDITS Total 30 Second Year BI 201 Pentateuch I (Genesis – Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life and teaching of Christ) 3 BI 207 Galatians-Ephesians 3 CC 201 Counseling- Techniques I 3 CC 202 Counseling- Techniques II 3 CC 203 Case Studies 3 CM 203 Speech I 3 CM 408 Work of the Minister and Pastoral Care 3 MN 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation to God) 3 MN 402 Sonship 3 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 27 Total 30 Associate of Theology Degree in Missions of Ministry This program is designed to equip ministers wit5h the special tools, educational Foundations, Biblical and general knowledge, as well as the specialized preparation needed for a ministry on foreign mission fields. FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT CREDITS BI 101 Bible I 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old testament Survey) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CC 101 Christian Counseling I (Theory) 3 CC 102 Biblical Counseling I 3 CC 103 Biblical Counseling II 3 CM 101 College Composition I 3 MN 101 Ministry I (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS 101 Christian Leadership I 3 Total 30 SECOND YEAR BI 201 Pentateuch I (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life and teaching of Christ) 3 BI 207 Galatians-Ephesians 3 CM 203 Speech I 3 CM 206 Grammer 3 MI 201 Missions III 3 MI 202 Missions Nutrition 3 MI 203 Missions Technology I 3 MN 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation to God) 3 MN 403 Ministering the Word 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 28 Associate of Theology Degree in Christian Education Christian Education This is a detailed program designed to equip and train aspiring teachers within Christian Educational systems, e.g., various kinds of church schools and seminaries. FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT CREDITS BI 101 Bible I 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey ) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CC 101 Christian Counseling I (Theory) 3 ED 101 Education I 3 ED 102 Education – Early Childhood 3 ED 103 Education – Elementary School Child) 3 MN 101 Ministry I (Grave and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS 101 Christian Leadership I) 3 Total 30 SECOND YEAR BI 201 Pentateuch I (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life & Teaching of Christ) 3 CM 101 College Composition I 3 CM 203 Speech I 3 CM 208 American Literature 3 ED 204 Elementary Education I 3 ED 205 Elementary Education II 3 ED 206 Elementary Education III 3 MN 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation to God) 3 MN 402 Sonship 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 29 Associate of Theology Degree in Church Administration This program is designed for those who will be engaged in th3 busin3ss-administrative aspects of ministries, e.g., local churches, Christian Schools and seminaries. FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT CREDITS AC 102 Basic Accounting 3 BA 102 Church Business I 3 BI 101 Bible I (How to Study The Bible) 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CC 101 Counseling I (Theory) 3 CM 101 College Composition I 3 MN 101 Ministry I (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall ) 3 SS 101 Christian Leadership I 3 Total 30 SECOND YEAR AC 201 Principles of Accounting 3 BA 205 Church Finance I 3 BA 208 Church Management 3 BI 201 Pentateuch I (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV 3 BI 207 Galatians – Ephesians 3 CM 203 Speech I 3 MI 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation to God) 3 MN 402 Sonship 3 SS 204 Leadership II (Church Government) 3 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 30 BACHELOR DEGREES A Bachelor Degree is conferred on all students after satisfactory completing the four year curriculum for their designated Bachelor Degree program. A total of forty (40) courses (120 credit hours) are required for a Bachelor Degree. To earn a double Bachelor Degree a total of forty nine (49) courses are required (147 credit hours) are required. In addition to the required credit hours of study, each student must complete eight (8) hours of intern volunteer service in their major under the supervision of their pastor or Christian school administrator each trimester. BACHELOR DEGREES: Prerequisite: Graduation from high school, GED or equivalent Diploma (for Foreign Students). Tuition: $8,064.00 ($64.00 X 126 credit hours). Bachelor of Theology in Biblical Studies: The Bachelor of Biblical Studies is designed for pastors, teachers, and Christians interested in the detailed study of scripture. Bachelor of Theology in Ministry: The Bachelor of Ministry is designed for pastors, missionaries, evangelists, music and other fine arts ministries, administrators and those who deal with the practical aspects of the ministry. Bachelor of Theology in Pastoral Counseling: The Bachelor of Pastoral Counseling is designed to train Christian counselors. Bachelor of Theology in Missions: The Bachelor of Missions is designed to prepare missionaries and those who have a calling to the mission field. Bachelor of Theology in Christian Education: The Bachelor of Christian Education is designed for teachers of Christian pre-schools, elementary schools, secondary schools, Sunday schools, bible schools and seminaries. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 31 BACHELOR OF THEOLOGY CURRICULUM The following curriculum is standard for the particular degree designated. However, within the established parameters of minimum required major and minor courses, and with the approval of the Dean, there can be changes made to this curriculum to better suit the students particular needs. Note: With approval of the Dean of the student’s campus: Up to, but not exceeding, eight (8) elective courses may be substituted for some of the standard courses, in the Bachelor Degree programs except as noted. STANDARD DEGREE CURRICULUM BACHELOR PROGRAM Bachelor of Theology in Biblical Studies This program is a detailed study of Scripture designed to equip ministers, lay-ministers, and developing theologians with special Biblical knowledge and theological analysis skills, FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT CREDITS BI 101 Bible 1 (How to Study the Bible) 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CS 101 Counseling 1 (Theory) 3 CS 102 Biblical Counseling 1 3 CS 103 Biblical Counseling II 3 EV 101 Evangelism 1 (One-on-One) 3 MN 101 Ministry 1 (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS 101 Christian Leadership 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 32 SECOND YEAR BI 201 Pentateuch 1 (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life and Teachings of Christ) 3 BI 205 Revelation 3 BI 206 Hebrews 3 BI 207 Ephesians-Galatians 3 CM 211 College Composition 1 3 CM 203 Speech 1 3 CM 206 Grammar 3 MN 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation) 3 MN 202 Ministry IV (Ministry of Reconciliation) 3 Total 30 THIRD YEAR BI 203 New Testament Greek 1 3 BI 208 Old Testament Hebrew 1 3 BI 301 Pentateuch II (Leviticus-Numbers-Deuteronomy) 3 BI 302 Joshua-Judges-Samuel 3 BI 303 Acts-Timothy-Titus-Philemon 3 BI 304 Psalms-Proverbs 3 BI 305 Kings-Chronicles 3 BI 306 I and II Corinthians 3 MN 301 The Teaching Ministry 3 RG Physiology of Religion 3 303 Total Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 30 ADTI Page 33 FOURTH YEAR BI 401 Romans 3 BI 402 Isaiah 3 BI 403 Ezekiel-Daniel 3 BI 404 Minor Prophets 3 BI 405 Philipians-Colossians-I and II Thessalonia 3 BI 406 The Epistles of Peter-John-Jude 3 CM 404 Homiletics 1 3 CM BI 405 206 Homiletics II Hebrews - Internship 3 3 BI 207 Ephesians-Galatians-Internship 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 34 BACHELOR OF THEOLOGY IN GENERAL MINISTRY (Major to be Selected) This program is a detailed study of Scripture designed to equip ministers, lay-ministers, with the basic tools, educational foundation, and Biblical knowledge needed as doses all general ministries. FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT BI 101 Bible 1 (How to Study the Bible) 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CS 101 Counseling 1 (Theory) 3 EV 101 Evangelism 1 (One-on-One) 3 MN 102 Ministry 1 (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall of Man) 3 SS Christian Leadership 3 101 100 100 CREDIT Level Elective in Major 3 Level Elective in Major 3 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 35 SECOND YEAR BI 201 Pentateuch 1 (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life and Teachings of Christ) 3 CM 203 Speech 1 3 CM 204 Speech II 3 CM 206 Grammar 3 CM 211 College Composition 1 3 MN 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation) 3 MN 202 Ministry IV (Ministry of Reconciliation) 3 200 Level Elective in Major 3 200 Level Elective in Major 3 200 Level Elective in Major 3 THIRD YEAR BI 301 Pentateuch II (Lev.-Num.-Deut.) 3 BI 302 Joshua-Judges-Samuel 3 BI 303 Acts-Timothy-Titus-Philemon 3 BI 304 Psalms-Proverbs 3 BI 305 Kings-Chronicles 3 BI 306 I and II Corinthians 3 CM 302 Counseling Children - Youth - Aged 3 CM 303 Counseling Disturbed - Handicapped 3 EV 301 Evangelism III (Conduct Revivals) 3 RG 301 History of Religion II 3 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 36 FOURTH YEAR BI 401 Romans 3 BI 402 Isaiah 3 BI 403 Ezekiel - Daniel 3 BI 404 Minor Prophets 3 BI 405 Philippians-Colossians-I & II Thessalonia 3 BI 406 The Epistles of Peter-John-Jude 3 CM 404 Homiletics 1 3 CM 405 Homiletics II 3 CS 401 Family Counseling 3 CS 402 Practicuum 3 Internship – Two selected courses 6 Note: There are other Bachelor Degree Programs in; Pastoral and Leadership, Christian Education, Missions, and Ministry Management. These programs can be developed to suit your own particular ministry needs. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 37 PASTORING AND LEADERSHIP (Major to be Selected) FIRST YEAR This program is designed to equip ministry professional and church leaders, e.g., pastors, evangelists, missionaries, local church elders/leaders, with the basic tools, educational foundation, Biblical knowledge and leadership skills required to be a successful leader and spiritual equipper and motivator of others for service. CODE # SUBJECT CREDITS BI 101 Bible 1 (How to Study the Bible) 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CS 101 Counseling 1 (Theory) 3 CS 102 Biblical Counseling 1 3 CS 103 Biblical Counseling II 3 Cm 101 College Composition I 3 MN 101 Ministry 1 (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS 101 Christian Leadership 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 38 SECOND YEAR BI 201 Pentateuch 1 (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life and Teachings of Christ) 3 BI 203 New Testament Greek I 3 BI 204 New Testament Greek II 3 BI 205 Revelation 3 BI 206 Hebrews 3 BI 207 Galatians-Ephesians 3 BI 208 Old Testament Hebrew I 3 BI 209 Old Testament Hebrew II 3 Ministry II (Reconciliation to God) 3 MN 201 Total 30 THIRD YEAR BI 301 Pentateuch II (Leviticus-Numbers-Deuteronomy) 3 BI 302 Joshua-Judges-Samuel 3 BI 303 Acts-Timothy-Titus-Philemon 3 BI 304 Psalms-Proverbs 3 BI 305 Kings-Chronicles 3 BI 306 I and II Corinthians 3 BI 314 I & II Samuel 3 BI 315 Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther 3 BI 317 Proverbs 3 MN 302 Praise and Worship Services 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 39 FOURTH YEAR BI 401 Romans 3 BI 402 Isaiah 3 BI 403 Ezekiel-Daniel 3 BI 404A Minor Prophets (Six Before Exile) 3 BI 404B Minor Prophets (The Last Six) 3 BI 406 The Epistles of Peter-John-Jude 3 BI 421 New Testament Leaders 3 CM CM 405 408 Homiletics I Work of the Minister and Pastoral Care 3 3 MN 402 Sonship 3 Electives (2) 6 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 40 Bachelor of Ministry Pastoral Counseling This program is designed to train ministers in the vocation of Christian Counseling, and to build the requisite educational foundation and counseling internship for graduate degree programs in pastoral or Christian counseling. FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT BI 101 Bible I 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey I) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CC 101 Christian Counseling I (Theory) 3 CC 102 Biblical Counseling I 3 CC 103 Biblical Counseling II 3 CM 101 College Composition I 3 MN 101 Ministry I (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS 101 Christian Leadership 3 Total CREDITS 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 41 Second Year BI 201 Pentateuch I (Genesis – Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life and teaching of Christ) 3 BI 207 Galatians-Ephesians 3 CC 201 Counseling- Techniques I 3 CC 202 Counseling- Techniques II 3 CC 203 Case Studies 3 CM 203 Speech I 3 CM 408 Work of the Minister and Pastoral Care 3 MN 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation to God) 3 MN 402 Sonship 3 Total 30 Third Year BI 301 Pentateuch II (Leviticus-Numbers-Deuteronomy 3 BI 302 Joshua-Judges-Ruth 3 BI 302 Acts 3 BI 304 Psalms 3 BI 305 Kings-Chronicles 3 BI 306 I & II Corinthians 3 CC 301 Counseling – Drugs & Alcohol Abuse 3 CC 302 Counseling- Child-Youth-Aged 3 CC 303 Counseling Disturbed – Handicapped 3 MN 302 Praise and worship Services 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 42 Fourth Year BI 401 Romans 3 BI 402A Isaiah 3 BI 403A Ezekiel 3 BI 404A Minor Prophets (Six Before Exile) 3 BI 405 Phil-Col-I & II Thess 3 BI 406 Epistles Peter-John 3 CC 401 Christian Family Counseling 3 CC 402 Practicum 3 CC 409 Statistical Analysis 3 CM 408 Work of the Minister and Pastoral Care 3 Electives (2) 3 Total Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 36 ADTI Page 43 Bachelor of Ministry Missions Ministry This program is designed to equip ministers wit5h the special tools, educational Foundations, Biblical and general knowledge, as well as the specialized preparation needed for a ministry on foreign mission fields. FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT BI 101 Bible I 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old testament Survey) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CC 101 Christian Counseling I (Theory) 3 CC 102 Biblical Counseling I 3 CC 103 Biblical Counseling II 3 CM 101 College Composition I 3 MN 101 Ministry I (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS 101 Christian Leadership I 3 Total CREDITS 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 44 SECOND YEAR Credit Hours BI 201 Pentateuch I (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life and teaching of Christ) 3 BI 207 Galatians-Ephesians 3 CM 203 Speech I 3 CM 206 Grammer 3 MI 201 Missions III 3 MI 202 Missions Nutrition 3 MI 203 Missions Technology I 3 MN 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation to God) 3 MN 403 Ministering the Word 3 Total 30 THIRD YEAR BI 301 Pentateuch II (Lev-Num-Deut,) 3 BI 302 Joshua-Judges-Ruth 3 BI 303 Acts 3 BI 304 Psalms 3 BI 305 Kings-Chronicles 3 BI 306 I & II Corinthians 3 CC 302 Counseling Child-Youth-Aged 3 MI 301 Spanish for Missions I 3 MI 302 Spanish for Missions II 3 MI 306 Mission Anthropology 6 Total 36 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 45 FOURTH YEAR BI 401 Romans 3 BI 402A Isaiah 3 BI 403A Ezekiel 3 BI 404A Minor Prophets (Six Before Exile) 3 BI 405 Phil-Col-I & II Thess 3 BI 406 Epistles Peter-John 3 CM 408 Work of the Minister and Pastoral Care 3 MI 401 The Mission Pastor 3 MI 404 Teaching Health and Sanitation 3 MI 408 Missions IV 3 Electives (2) 6 Total 36 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 46 Bachelor of Theology Christian Education This is a detailed program designed to equip and train aspiring teachers within Christian Educational systems, e.g., various kinds of church schools and seminaries. FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT BI 101 Bible I 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey ) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CC 101 Christian Counseling I (Theory) 3 ED 101 Education I 3 ED 102 Education – Early Childhood 3 ED 103 Education – Elementary School Child) 3 MN 101 Ministry I (Grave and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS 101 CREDITS Christian Leadership I) 3 Total 30 SECOND YEAR BI 201 Pentateuch I (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV (Life & Teaching of Christ) 3 CM 101 College Composition I 3 CM 203 Speech I 3 CM 208 American Literature 3 ED 204 Elementary Education I 3 ED 205 Elementary Education II 3 ED 206 Elementary Education III 3 MN 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation to God) 3 MN 402 Sonship 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 47 THIRD YEAR BI 301 Pentateuch II (Lev-Num-Deut) 3 BI 302 Joshua-Judges-Ruth 3 BI 303 Acts 3 BI 304 Psalms 3 BI 306 I & II Corinthians 3 CC 301 Counseling – Child-Youth-Aged 3 CC 302 Counseling Disturbed – Handicapped 3 ED 301 Education II 3 ED 302 Early Childhood Practice Teaching 3 ED 306 Elementary Education IV 3 Total 30 FOURTH YEAR BI 401 Romans 3 BI 402A Isaiah 3 BI 403A Ezekiel 3 BI 404A Minor Prophets (Six Before Exile) 3 BI 405 Phil-Col- I & II Thess. 3 BI 406 Epistles Peter-John 3 ED 401 Teaching I 3 ED 402 Early Childhood Problems 3 ED 404 Early Childhood Practice Teaching III 3 ED 405 Practice Teaching Elementary 3 Electives (2) 6 Total 36 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 48 Bachelor of Ministry Church Administration This program is designed for those who will be engaged in th3 busin3ss-administrative aspects of ministries, e.g., local churches, Christian Schools and seminaries. FIRST YEAR CODE # SUBJECT CREDITS AC 102 Basic Accounting 3 BA 102 Church Business I 3 BI 101 Bible I (How to Study The Bible) 3 BI 102 Bible II (Old Testament Survey) 3 BI 103 Bible III (New Testament Survey) 3 CC 101 Counseling I (Theory) 3 CM 101 College Composition I 3 MN 101 Ministry I (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 SS 101 Christian Leadership I 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 49 SECOND YEAR AC 201 Principles of Accounting 3 BA 205 Church Finance I 3 BA 208 Church Management 3 BI 201 Pentateuch I (Genesis-Exodus) 3 BI 202 Bible IV 3 BI 207 Galatians – Ephesians 3 CM 203 Speech I 3 MI 201 Ministry III (Reconciliation to God) 3 MN 402 Sonship 3 SS 204 Leadership II (Church Government) 3 THIRD YEAR AC 301 Computer Accounting for Churches 3 BA 201 Church Business II 3 BA 301 Administrative Assistant I 3 BA 303 Christian Finance II 3 BI 301 Pentateuch II (Lev-Num-Deut,) 3 BI 302 Joshua-Judges-Ruth 3 BI 303 Acts 3 BI 304 Psalms 3 BI 306 I & II Corinthians 3 ED 306 Elementary Education IV 3 Total 30 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 50 FOURTH YEAR AC 401 Accounting Theory I 3 AC 402 Accounting Theory II 3 BA 403 Business Law I 3 BA 404 Business Law II 3 BI 401 Romans 3 BI 402A Isaiah 3 BI 403A Ezekiel 3 BI 404A Minor Prophets 3 BI 405 Phil-Col-I & II Thess 3 BI 406 The Epistles of Peter-John 3 Electives (2) 6 Total 36 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 51 MASTER OF THEOLOGY DEGREE PROGRAM Prerequisite For Entrance - The Master Degree Program is a post-graduate program. Therefore, the student must have completed one of the four year Bachelor Programs and possess an earned Bachelor Degree to qualify for entrance into one of the Master Degree Programs. DEGREE REQUIREMENTS: The Master of Pastoral Counseling requires sixty (60) credit hours. This requirement includes six (6) assigned courses (18 credit hours), eight (8) elective courses (24 credit hours), appropriate to the major of your Master Program and a thesis (18 credit hours). Internship Up to twelve (12) credits may be earned through Internship courses by either of the following methods: a. If the student is able and qualified to be an instructor at ADTI or one of the other campus locations and receives the approval of the Campus Dean; they may teach up to four (4) courses equivalent to twelve (12) credits. -ORb. If the student is able and qualified to work at ADTI or one of the other campus locations or their church and receives the approval of the Campus Dean; they may assume a part-time volunteer position within the student’s major for up to four (4) courses equivalent to twelve (12) credits. This equals forty five (45) hours per each three (3) credits. Thesis: A thirty thousand (30,000) word thesis, the required research for the thesis, and the dissertation (If recommended by the student’s Thesis Advisor and deemed appropriate by the Campus Dean) of that thesis is required of all Masters Degree candidates except as described under Masters Project. This requirement includes three (3) Independent Research courses, twelve (12) credit hours, in the Thesis topic and two (2) courses, six (6) credit hours, of Thesis under the guidance of the student’s Thesis Advisor. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 52 Masters Project: With the approval of the Campus Dean, students in some majors may produce an equivalent Masters Project instead of the thirty thousand (30,000) word thesis. The Master Project must be a significant original work, started after the student registers for the Master Degree, such as a book, a play, a production, or other significant work within the area of the students Master Degree and Major. The Masters Project must be equivalent to the thesis in magnitude of effort and end product. However, the end product would differ in structure and format from the traditional thesis. This requirement includes three (3) Independent Research courses, twelve (12) credit hours, in the Masters Project topic and two (2) courses, six (6) credit hours, of Masters Project under the guidance of the student’s Masters Project Advisor DEGREE PROGRAMS: Master of Theology in Ministry The Master of Theology in Ministry is designed for pastors, missionaries, evangelists, ministers and those who work within the spiritual aspects of the Church. Prerequisite: Master of Ministry or equivalent. Tuition: $1,890.00 ($42.00 X 45 credit hours). Thesis Required Master of Theology in Biblical Studies The Master of Theology in Biblical Studies is designed for pastors, teachers, and Christians interested in the detailed study of Scripture. Prerequisite: Bachelor of Biblical Studies, or equivalent. Tuition: $1,890.00 ($42.00 X 45 credit hours). Thesis Required Master of Theology in Pastoral Counseling The Master of Theology in Pastoral Counseling is designed specifically for those interested in the study of Christian Counseling and for those desiring to be trained as Christian Counselors. Prerequisite: Bachelor of Pastoral Counseling. Tuition: 2,520.00 ($42.00 X 60 credit hours). Thesis or Masters Project Required Master of Theology in Christian Education Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 53 The Master of Theology in Christian Education is designed for teachers of Christian pre-schools, elementary schools, secondary schools, Sunday Schools, Bible schools and Seminaries. STANDARD DEGREE CURRICULUM MASTERS PROGRAM Master of Theology in Ministry CODE # SUBJECT CREDITS TH Christian Theology 3 RG Comparative Religions 3 BI The Body of Christ I 3 BI The Body of Christ II 3 MN The Church Service 3 CC Pastoral Counseling 3 MN The Study of Integrity 3 MN Stewardship 3 MN Internship 3 MN Thesis Research 12 MN Thesis 6 Total 45 The remainder of the course requirement may be chosen in the students degree major with approval of the Dean of the Campus. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 54 Master of Theology In Pastoral Counseling CODE # SUBJECT CREDITS MN The Study of Integrity 3 BI The Body of Christ I 3 BI The Body of Christ II 3 CC CO-Dependency I 3 CC CO-Dependency II 3 CC New Age & Cult Practices 3 CC Practical Applications of Christian Counseling 3 MN Christian Ethics 3 MN Deliverance 3 MN Stewardship 3 CC Internship 3 Electives 9 CC Thesis/Master Project Research 12 CC Thesis/Master Project 6 TOTAL 60 The remainder of the course requirement may be chosen in the student’s degree major with approval of the Dean of the Campus. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 55 Prerequisite: Bachelor of Christian Education Tuition: $1,890.00 ($42.00 X 45 credit hours). Thesis Required Master of Theology in Arts (Religious Major) The Master of Theology in Arts is offered in four major fields of study. Prerequisite: Bachelor of Arts of Bachelor of Theology in Religious Major or equivalent. Tuition: $1,890.00 ($42.00 X 45 credit hours) Thesis or Masters Project Required Master of Theology – Ministry Administration The Master of Theology in Arts in Ministry Administration Major is designed for administrators and those who work within the practical aspects of Churches and Christian pre-schools, elementary schools, secondary schools, Sunday schools, Bible schools and Seminaries. Master of Theology – Ministry Missions The Master of Theology in Arts in Ministry Missions is designed to prepare missionaries and those who have a calling to the mission field. Master of Theology – Ministry The Master of Theology in Arts in Ministry is designed for music and fine arts ministers, teachers and those who work within the expressive aspects of the Church and Christian preschools, elementary schools, secondary schools, Sunday schools, Bible schools, and Seminaries. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 56 STANDARD DEGREE CURRICULUM Master of Theology in Biblical Studies CODE # SUBJECT BI Bible Research - OT CREDITS -OR- 3 BI Bible Research - NT BI Hebrew Word Studies -OR- 3 BI Greek Word Studies 3 GY Bible Geography 3 MN The Study of Integrity 3 BI Prophets and Prophecy 3 BI The Body of Christ I 3 BI The Body of Christ II 3 MN Stewardship 3 BI Internship 3 BI Thesis Research 12 BI Thesis 6 TOTAL 45 The remainder of the course requirement may be chosen in the students degree major with approval of the Dean of the Campus. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 57 DEGREE PROGRAMS 1. DOCTOR OF THEOLOGY DEGREE PROGRAM The Doctor of Theology is designed for pastors, missionaries, evangelists, ministers and those who work within the spiritual aspects of the Church who are interested in a program of study in theology. Prerequisite: Master of Ministry, Biblical Studies, or equivalent. Tuition: $3,840.00 ($64.00 X 60 credit hours) DISSERTATION REQUIRED! 2. Doctor of Theology in Pastoral Counseling The Doctor of Pastoral Counseling is designed to increase the competency and advance the scholarship of those involved in Christian Counseling. Prerequisite: Master of Pastoral Counseling Tuition: $3,840.00 ($64.00 X 60 credit hours) DISSERTATION REQUIRED or DOCTORATE PROJECT REQUIRED 3. Doctor of Theology- Christian (Rel) Education The Doctor of Christian (Religious) Education is designed to increase the competency and advance the scholarship of teachers of Christian pre-schools, elementary schools, secondary schools, Sunday schools, Bible Colleges and seminaries. Prerequisite: Master of Christian Education Tuition: $3,840.00 ($64.00 X 60 credit hours) DISSERTATION REQUIRED Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 58 4. Doctor of Theology- Biblical Studies The Doctor of Biblical Studies is designed to increase the depth of knowledge and understanding of God for those who are teachers, pastors, ministers, or anyone working within the spiritual aspects of the Body of Christ who are actively seeking a deeper wisdom, understanding and knowledge of God. Prerequisite: Master of Biblical Studies Tuition: $ 3,840.00 ($64.00 X 60 credit hours) DISSERTATION REQUIRED 5. Doctor of Theology in Ministry The Doctor of Ministry is designed to increase the competency and advance the scholarship of the ministry by broadening the student’s foundation knowledge and expanding their understanding and philosophy of the ministry. The Doctor of Ministry is offered in three fields of study. Prerequisite: Master of Ministry, or equivalent Tuition: $3,840.00 ($64.00 X 60 credit hours) DISSERTATION OR DOCTORATE PROJECT REQUIRED Doctor of Theology in Ministry- Ministry Management The Doctor of Theology – Ministry Management Major is designed for administrators and those who work within the practical aspects of Churches and Christian pre-schools, elementary schools, secondary schools, Sunday schools, Bible colleges and seminaries. Doctor of Theology in Ministry – Missions The Doctor of Theology – Ministry Missions is designed to prepare missionaries and those who have a calling to the mission field Doctor of Theology – Fine Arts in Ministry The Doctor of Theology – Fine Arts in Ministry is designed for music and fine arts ministers, teachers and those who work the expressive aspects of the Church and Christian pre-schools, elementary schools, secondary schools, Sunday schools, Bible colleges and Seminaries. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 59 CURRICULUM The following is a representation of the standard Doctorate Degree Programs offered at ADTI. These programs may be modified within the established parameters of minimum required major ad minor courses, with the approval of the Dean, to more completely represent the students desired program of study and particular needs. Standard Degree Curriculum Doctorate Degree Program Doctor of Theology Code# Subject Credits BI 601 Old testament survey 3 B 602 New testament survey 3 TH 601 Old testament survey 3 TH 602 New testament survey 3 TH 610 Intro. to Christian Theology 3 TH 612 Christian Thought 3 TH 611 Systematic Theology 3 TH 612 Apologetics 3 TH 620 Dissertation Research 24 TH 630 Dissertation 12 Total 60 With approval of the Dean of the campus; some of the course requirement above may be substituted for others, as long as they are in the same students Degree Major. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 60 With approval of the Dean of the campus; some of the course requirement above may be substituted for others, as long as they are in the same students Degree Major. Doctor of Theology Pastoral Counseling Code# CC Subject Credits Assigned for individual specialty 3 CC Assigned for individual specialty 3 CC Assigned for individual specialty 3 CC Assigned for individual specialty 3 CC Assigned for individual specialty 3 CC Assigned for individual specialty 3 Electives 6 CC 620 Dissertation 24 CC 630 Dissertation 12 Total 60 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 61 Doctor of Theology Christian (Religious) Education Code# Subject Credits TH Old Testament Theology 3 TH New Testament Theology 3 BI Hermeneutics 3 MN Ethics 3 ED History of Philosophy of Christian Ed. ED Curriculum of Christian Education 3 ED Administration of Christian Education 3 ED Teaching the Bible 3 ED 620 Dissertation/Doctorate Project Research 24 ED 630 Dissertation/Doctorate Project 12 Total 60 3 With approval of the Dean of the campus; some of the course requirement above may be substituted for others, as long as they are in the same students Degree Major. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 62 Doctor of Theology Biblical Studies Code# Subject Credits BI 601 Bible Research-NT 3 BI 602 Bible Research-OT 3 BI Eschatology 3 BI Pauline Epistle Theology 3 RG World Religion 3 TH Christian Thought 3 TH 612 Apologetics 3 TH 611 Systematic Theology 3 TH 620 Dissertation Research 24 TH 630 Dissertation 12 Total 60 With approval of the Dean of the campus; some of the course requirements above may be substituted for others, as long as they are in the same students Degree Major. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 63 Doctor of Theology in Ministry Basic Study Courses Code# Subject Credits TH Introduction to Christian Theology 3 BI Bible Research-NT -OR- 3 BI Bible Research-OT 3 TH Christian Thought 3 TH Apologetics 3 BI Eschatology 3 Electives 9 ED 620 Dissertation/Doctorate Project Research 24 ED 630 Dissertation/Doctorate Project 12 Total 60 With approval of the Dean of the campus; some of the course requirement above may be substituted for others, as long as they are in the same students Degree Major. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 64 Doctorate Project With the approval of the campus Dean, students in some major may produce an equivalent Doctorate Project instead of the ninety-thousand (90,000)) word Dissertation. The Doctorate Project must be a significant original work, started after the student registers for the Doctorate Degree, such as books, a play, a production, or other significant work within the area of the studens Doctorate Degree and Major. The Doctorate Project must be equivalent to the dissertation in magnitude of effort and end product. However, the end product would differ in structure and format from the traditional dissertation. This requirement includes (3) Independent Research courses, (12) credit hours, in the Doctorate Project topic and (3) courses, (9) credit hours, of Doctorate Project under the Guidance of the Students Doctorate Project Advisor. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 65 AMORA DELIVERANCE THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION COURSE DESCRIPTIONS FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2013 - 2016 ACCOUNTING (AC) CODE NO. AC 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Accounting Mathematics I 3 Introduction to mathematics for accounting and finance. AC 102 Basic Accounting 3 Introduction to accounting as applied to churches of different sizes. Instruction and practice in fundamentals of financial record keeping. AC 201 Principles of Accounting I 3 The concepts, principles, and techniques applicable to the accounting cycle, notes, accruals, deferrals, receivables, inventory, evaluation depreciation, assets’ evaluation, and payrolls for churches and Christian schools. AC 202 Principles of Accounting II 3 A continuation of AC 201 with emphasis on managerial decisionmaking. AC 203 Church Accounting Special application to churches and Christian schools. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI 3 Page 66 AC 204 Computer Accounting For Churches 3 The use of computer on churches and Christian school accounting. AC 301 Computer Accounting for Churches 3 The use of computers for churches and Christian Schools. AC 302 Tax Accounting for Churches I 3 AC 401 Accounting Theory I 3 Introduction to accounting theory. AC 402 Accounting Theory II 3 A continuation of AC 401, designed for the manager accounting for a church or Christian school. AC 403 Tax Accounting for Churches II 3 Continuation of AC 302 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 67 CHURCH BUSINESS AND FINANCE (BA) CODE NO. BA 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Church Business I 3 Introduction to business for churches and Christian schools. This includes the basic fundamentals of business law for Churches and Christian schools. BA 102 Church Personnel Management 3 A study of church personnel selection, development, and evaluation techniques. BA 103 Church Office Management 3 Learning to manage a one-person office with its complex operation. BA 104 Computer Typing I 3 Beginning instruction in typing, including the keyboard, correct letter forms and business English. This course also extends to help the student to improve typing and data entry skills to the level of 65 words per minute. BA 105 Office Machines 3 Use of the telephone, CRT, printer, copy machine, tape duplicator, typewriter and calculator. BA 106 Computer Typing II 3 This class covers the basic characters and functions of the computer keyboard; including but not limited to data in-put and basic typing. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 68 BA 201 Word Processing I 3 Introduction to Word Perfect 6.1 software for all IBM and compatible computers. Part of the class will be actual processing of Amora Deliverance Theological Institution. BA 202 Church Business II 3 A continuation of BA 101, with the in-depth study of laws applying to the finances for churches and Christian schools. This course is required for all Business Degrees including Secretarial Degrees. BA 205 Church Finance I 3 A continuation of AC 102 Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 69 CODE NO. BA 208 SUBJECT CREDITS Church Management 3 For those in leadership of a church: pastors, elders, members of the board of trustees, and church board members; facilitates efficiency through communication and cooperation between the leaders, office personnel, board members, and the congregation. BA 209 Desktop Publishing (Computer) 3 This course will introduce the student to computerized desktop publishing. Including the production of newsletters, fliers, handouts and posters and other publications required in the daily operations of churches and Christian Schools. BA 210 Public Relations (Marketing) I 3 This course will explore such things as advertising your ministry as well as church programs aimed toward growth. BA 211 Computer Typing III 3 A continuation of BA 106. BA 301 Administrative Assistant I 3 This course is to prepare you to become the administrative assistant to your immediate supervisor or department manager. BA 302 Church Finance II 3 A continuation of BA 205. BA 303 Church School Office Manager 3 Introduction in dealing with the principal and teachers of a Christian school. Learning the state and county regulations and/or requirements for student enrollment and reporting; includes developing skills for dealing with student-teacher-parent communications. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 70 BA 304 Public Relations (Marketing) II 3 Continuation of BA 301 with emphasis on television and radio. BA 305 Principles of Supervision 3 BA 401 Administrative Assistant II 3 Instruction in evaluating church and Christian school policies and procedures, recommending and implementing time and money saving changes (continuation of BA 301). BA 402 Administrative Assistant III 3 A continuation of BA 401, with emphasis on increasing the effectiveness of your superior by introducing new and more efficient ways for the church and/or school personnel to carry out their duties. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 71 CODE NO. BA 403 SUBJECT CREDITS Business Law I 3 This is the same course as State No. BUL. 2111. It is an introduction to law, its social forces and agencies for enforcement The effects of governmental regulations on society and business, including environmental law, community planning, consumer protection, contracts, and personal property, including sales. BA 404 Business Law II 3 A continuation of BA 403. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 72 BIBLE AND BIBLICAL STUDIES (BI) CODE NO. BI 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Bible I 3 This is a beginning Bible course to help the student learn how to find things in the Bible; how to understand the language, history, geography, culture and religion of Bible times. It introduces you to the key people in the Bible and gives an overview of it history and message. BI 102 Introduction to Old Testament 3 An introduction to the Old Testament with its major divisions, and an overview of the Gospels, Acts, the epistles and Revelation, their authors and message. BI 104 Dispensational Truth 3 This class deals with the different dispensational truths, such as the law of grace and the various ways God has dealt with man. BI 201 Pentateuch I 3 The study of Genesis and Exodus. BI 202 Life and Teachings of Christ The life and teachings of Jesus. 3 BI 203 New Testament Greek I 3 A beginning class in New Testament Greek. Undergraduates may take this course with the permission of the Dean. It teaches the Greek alphabet, sounds, grammar, vocabulary. Graduate level students will sign up under BI 502. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 73 BI 204 New Testament Greek II 3 Continuation of BI 203. Graduate students will sign up under BI 502. BI 205 Revelation 3 An in-depth study of the Revelation given to John, its symbolism and its meaning today. BI 206 Hebrews 3 An in-depth study of Hebrews, including the covenants God has made with his people. BI 207 Galatians—Ephesians 3 An in-depth study of Galatians and Ephesians with emphasis on the instruction to the Church concerning spiritual growth. BI 208 Old Testament Hebrew I 3 Introduction to the study of Biblical Hebrew. Graduate students will sign up under BI 608. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 74 CODE NO. BI 209 SUBJECT CREDITS Old Testament Hebrew II 3 A continuation of BI 208. Graduate students will sign up under BI 609. BI 210 Bible Research I 3 How to more accurately study the Bible using reference books such as the Greek and Hebrew concordances. This class instructs the student to research Bible topics in detail. BI 301 Pentateuch II 3 An in-depth study of Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. BI 302 Joshua -- Judges -- Ruth 3 An in-depth study of these books. BI 303 Acts 3 An in-depth study of this book. BI 304 Psalms 3 A study of the history and teachings of the Psalms. BI 305 I & II Kings – I & II Chronicles 3 An in-depth study of the history of the kings and the prophets of the period covered in these books. BI 306 I & II Corinthians 3 An in-depth study of the First and Second Epistles of Paul to the church at Corinth. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 75 BI 307 Advanced New Testament Greek I 3 Translating the Gospel of John. Graduate students sign up under BI 503. BI 308 James – Jude An in-depth study of these books. 3 BI 309 Tabernacle I 3 An introduction to the history, construction, furnishings, Levitical offerings, and the Priesthood. BI 310 Tabernacle II 3 A detailed study of each of the courts, and the Holy of Holies, and their furnishings and application to worship then and now. BI 312 Opening the Seals 3 Detailed study of the seven seals of Revelation. BI 313 Mind/Voice 3 Extensive study of the prophet, priest and king and these offices in the Church. CODE NO. BI 314 SUBJECT CREDITS I & II Samuel 3 A study of the books regarding the author, the message, the audience, and the time period in which written. BI 315 Ezra -- Nehemiah – Esther 3 A study of the books regarding the author, the message, the audience, and the time period in which written. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 76 BI 316 Job 3 A study of the book regarding the author, the message, the audience, and the time period in which written. BI 317 Proverbs 3 A study of the book regarding the author, the message, the audience, and the time period in which written. BI 318 Ecclesiastes 3 A study of the book regarding the author, the message, the audience, and the time period in which written. BI 319 Song Of Solomon 3 A study of the book regarding the author, the message, the audience, and the time period in which written. BI 320 The Gospels (The Four Faces of Christ) 3 The face of Christ as viewed by the writers of the four Gospels. BI 321 The Sermon on the Mount 3 The principles of the Kingdom as taught by Jesus. BI 322 Pastoral Epistles (I & II Timothy, Titus, Philemon) 3 A study of the pastoral books regarding the author, the message, the audience, and the time period in which written. BI 401 Romans 3 A detailed study of Romans. BI 402A Isaiah 3 An undergraduate study of the messianic prophet. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 77 BI 402B Jeremiah An undergraduate study of the weeping prophet. 3 BI 403A Ezekiel 3 An undergraduate study of this prophet. BI 403B Daniel 3 An undergraduate study of this prophet. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 78 CODE NO. BI 404A SUBJECT CREDITS The Minor Prophets I 3 A detailed study of the times and messages of the first six minor prophets, (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah and Jonah). BI 404B The Minor Prophets II 3 A detailed study of the times and messages of the first six minor prophets, (Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi), {continuation of BI 404A} BI 404C The Major Prophets 3 A detailed study of the times and messages of the major prophets, (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel). BI 405 Philippians – Colossians – Thessalonians 3 A detailed study of these epistles. BI 406 Peter—John 3 A detailed study of these epistles and their teachings. BI 407 Biblical Archeology I 3 A study of the uses, methods, techniques and shortcomings of archaeology in the study of the Bible. This includes studying archaeology findings in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the surrounding areas before and during the Patriarchal Age. BI 408 Biblical Archeology II A continuation of BI 407 with emphasis on Palestine and discoveries relating to the Hebrew people, their friends, and their enemies from Abraham to the Christian era. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI 3 Page 79 BI 409 Tabernacle III A detailed study of the Royal Priesthood of Melchizedek. 3 BI 410 Numerology in Scripture 3 A study of the meaning of numbers in scripture. BI 411 The Principles of the Kingdom 3 A study of the Kingdom of God; and the principles that govern the Kingdom. BI 412 Genesis 3 A study of the meaning of this book in Scripture. BI 413 The Heavens Declare 3 A study of the universe and how the glory of God is declared even in the stars. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 80 CODE NO. SUBJECT CREDITS BI 415 The Garments of the High Priest A study of the garments of the High Priest. 3 BI 420 Biblical Std. Internship -- Teaching 3 Teaching of two (2) courses on Biblical studies under the supervision of the Dean of Graduates. BI 421 New Testament Leaders 3 A study of the New Testament leaders other than the Apostles. BI 422 Six Steps to the Throne 3 BI 425 Bible Research II (Old Testament) 3 An undergraduate research on an elective subject. BI 430 Bible Research III (New Testament) 3 An undergraduate research on and elective subject. BI 435 Hebrew Word Study 3 An undergraduate Hebrew word study. BI 440 Greek Word Study 3 An undergraduate Greek word study. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 81 BI 450 Contemporary Old Testament Thought 3 A specialized study of Gerhard Von Rad, Walter Brueggemann, Brevard Childs and other key Old Testament scholars, exploring the new insights and directions of scholarships being taken. BI 451 Contemporary New Testament Thought 3 A specialized study of Rudolf Bultmann, Oscar Cullman, Paul Minear, William Barclay and other key New Testament scholars, exploring new insights and directions of scholarship being taken. BI 452 The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Qumran Community 3 An exploration into the history and literature of the Essenes, their expectations of the Messiah, and their impact on the early Christian Church. BI 453 Read and Search (God’s plan) 3 How to study the Bible in an advance way. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 82 COMMUNICATIONS (CM) CODE NO. CM 101 SUBJECT CREDITS College Composition I 3 This course is the same as the State Number ENC 1101. Instruction and practice in effective expository writing with emphasis on clarity of central and supporting ideas, development, logical organization, coherence and grammatical and mechanical accuracy. Student must write a total of 1,000 words. CM 102 Christian Journalism I 3 Learning to write articles for Christian publications. CM 103 Christian Journalism II 3 News reporting, finding and writing articles that are newsworthy. CM 104 Christian Journalism III 3 Practice and instruction in conducting interviews and presenting the final write-ups to the class for their critique. CM 105 Writing I 3 Writing Christian stories for children. CM 106 Conversational Spanish I 3 An class practicing conversational Spanish. CM 201 Christian Journalism IV 3 Writing magazine articles and getting them published. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 83 CM 202 Christian Journalism V 3 Christian newspaper editing. CM 203 Speech I 3 Fundamentals of speech, including leading a group discussion and effective expression. CM 204 Speech II 3 Public speaking and the rules of order, presiding over meetings, preparing and delivering speeches, and receiving feedback from the class CM 205 Writing II -- Christian Books 3 Writing Christian books and getting them published. CM 206 Grammar I 3 A study of the grammatical structure of the English language for those who are planning to become teachers or preachers. CM 207 Grammar II 3 An introduction to the basic grammatical structure of the English Language for students (foreign or domestic), whose primary language is other than English. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 84 CODE NO. CM 208 SUBJECT CREDITS American Literature 3 A study of American literature for those students who are planning to teach English in a Christian school. CM 209 English Literature 3 A study of English literature for those students who are planning to teach English in a Christian school. CM 210 Teaching Grammar (Internship) 3 Internship teaching grammar to seminary students or elementary through high school students in a Christian school environment. CM 301 College Composition II 3 This is the same class as the State Number ENC 1102. Practical application of skills learned with emphasis on style, use of the library, reading, evaluating and using available sources, planning, writing, and documenting a short research paper. The student will be required to write a minimum of 6,000 words. CM 302 Speech III -- Effective Communication 3 Debates, forums, and discussions. CM 303 Christian Broadcasting I 3 Radio broadcasting, taping cassettes, studio recording, live broadcasting, announcing, and working the mixing board. CM 304 Christian Broadcasting II 3 TV broadcasting, video taping and live productions. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 85 CM 305 Christian Illustrating 3 Illustrating Christian writing, drawings, graphics, photography, etc. CM 306 Advanced Written and Spoken English 3 Advanced English for preachers and teachers and foreign students. CM 307 Advanced Literature 3 Studying and becoming familiar with great literature of the world. CM 308 Teaching Literature (Internship) 3 Internship teaching literature to students in seminary or elementary through high school students in a Christian school. CM 309 Effective Communication 3 Teaching speed writing, shorthand, and court reporting. CM 401 Christian Broadcasting III 3 A continuation of CM 304. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 86 CODE NO. CM 402 SUBJECT CREDITS Christian Broadcasting IV 3 A continuation of CM 401. CM 403 Christian Media Production 1 3 Preparing and utilizing Christian writing, drawing, graphics, and photos, for use in a media production. CM 404 Homiletics I 3 Preparation, delivery, evaluation of sermons with practice in class. CM 405 Homiletics II 3 Continuation of CM 404 with emphasis on delivery before a number of congregations and/or other preaching places, such as jails. CM 406 Reading improvement 3 This is a study in remedial reading. CM 407 Teaching Reading (Internship) 3 Teaching reading for K-5 through elementary levels. CM 408 Pastoral Care (The Work of the Minister) 3 Teaching the student to effectively communicate to the individual needs of the congregation. This course includes everything that a minister does, except preaching – which is taught in CM 404 and CM 405. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 87 CM 409 Practical Methods of Christian Ministry 3 Teaching the student to deal with such things as discipline, grief administering sacraments, performing weddings, funerals. There will be actual hands-on practice in these areas. CM 410 Hermeneutics 3 Rightly dividing the Word of God. CM 411 Conflict Ministry 3 Dispelling the myth that conflict within the church is always bad and to be avoided. This course touches on conflict resolution and equips people for faithful ministry in the midst of conflict. CM 412 Theology and the Arts 3 Examines the various forms of the humanities (drama, art, sculpture, music, architecture) historically and technologically, exploring how they can be expanded within the life of the church and society. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 88 CODE NO. CM 413 SUBJECT CREDITS Preaching as Story Telling 3 This class will nurture different approaches to proclamation, including original dramatic monologues as Biblical and contemporary personalities and the style of Fred Buechner and others. Especially, the emphasis will on preaching in a multicultural church. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 89 COMPUTER SCIENCE (CS) CODE NO. CS 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Basic Personal Computers 3 An introduction to the different kinds of personal computers, their use in today’s market place. This course includes computer components, such as processors, memory, hardware modules, monitors, video quality and many other peripherals that compose today’s computers. Other segments deal with such topics as telecommunications, networking and scanners. CS 102 Computer Buyer’s Guide 3 This class is an exploration of the various components available for today’s personal computer; included is the use of each of these components, their relationship to each other and evaluation of on shelf computers for use by the end user. This course will enable potential computer purchasers to make quality decisions as to the type and use of off-the-shelf computers including custom built computers. CS 103 Computer Software Applications 3 This course describes the types of software available for the personal home or office computer; the purpose of the software and the possible conflicts that may arise from the use of mixed components included in the software packages. CS 104 Computer Software (MS Excel) 3 This is a training course in the use of MicroSoft Excel. Applications include the use of spreadsheets as applicable to churches and Christian schools. CS 105 Computer Software (MS Windows) 3 This is a training course in the use of MicroSoft Windows. The applications and the optimization of Windows for specific applications related to church and Christian schools. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 90 CS 106 Computer Software (MS Access) 3 This is a training course in the basic use of the data base as applicable to the Christian school and church. CS 107 Computer Software (MS Word) 3 This is a training course in the use of MicroSoft Word. This course will teach the student the basic applications of the modern word processor. CS 108 Computer Software (MS Publisher) 3 This is a training course in the basic use of MicroSoft Publisher as applicable to Christian schools and churches. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 91 CODE NO. CS 109 SUBJECT CREDITS Computer Software (Word Perfect) 3 Teaching the various versions of Word Perfect processor. CS 201 Desktop Publishing I (MS Publisher) 3 This course will teach the student to perform basic desktop publishing tasks, including the manipulation of fonts and graphics. The student mush have completed CS 108 prior to enrollment in this course. CS 202 Desktop Publishing II (MS Publisher) 3 This course will teach the student to import graphics and text; manipulate and convert graphic and text to and from differing computer file formats. Part of the class requirements is the student must produce newsletters, illustrated booklets and brochures and other applicable publications as commonly used by churches and Christians schools. CS 203 Finance and Accounting 3 The student will receive basic instruction as to the input of financial data into programs specifically designed for record, and accounting for the church and Christian schools. CS 204 Computer Graphics 3 This course will teach the student to compose, edit, import, export, paint, retouch photographs and computer graphics to be used in presentations through multi-media. CS 205 Computer Animation I 3 This course introduces the student to the basic concepts and theories involved in commercial computer animations. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 92 CS 206 Computer Animation II 3 Continuation of CS 205. CS 207 Word Processing II 3 Introduction to a variety of word processing systems. CS 301 Commercial Animation 3 This course will teach the student to coordinate the audiovisual components into multimedia presentations. CS 302 Word Processing III 3 Introduction to complex networking data systems. CS 303 Introduction to Internet I 3 This course deals with the beginner and the Internet. CS 304 Internet II 3 This course teaches the student to design and develop a “Web Page”. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 93 DATA PROCESSING (DP) CODE NO. DP 10 SUBJECT CREDITS Data Processing I 3 An introduction to the field of data processing, including history of computers, kinds of computers and their uses., hardware, software, computer logic, flowcharting, telecommunications, data banks and programming. This course also includes handson experience inputting information, and understanding the application of the computer for church and Christian school requirements. DP 102 Basic Programming II 3 Introduction to basic programming for the home computer. DP 103 Computer Mathematics 3 Mathematics for computer applications. DP 201 Basic Programming II 3 Continuation of DP 102. DP 202 Flowcharting 3 Learning to flowchart the procedural steps required establishing programs to produce the desired results. DP 203 Programming I 3 Advanced programming. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 94 DP 204 Desktop Publishing 3 This class teaches the student the fundamentals of desktop publishing; including the manipulation of text and graphics and the incorporation of these elements into a finished publication. DP 205 Computer Language I 3 An introduction to various computer languages. DP 301 Advanced Programming II 3 A continuation of DP 203. DP 302 Advanced Programming III 3 A continuation of DP 301. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 95 CODE NO. DP 401 SUBJECT CREDITS Computer Accounting 3 An introduction to computer accounting for churches. DP 402 Computer Applications 3 Financial record-keeping and reporting for churches and Christian Schools. DP 403 Computer Applications II 3 Demographic record-keeping and print-out for churches and Christian schools. Keeping school records and grades and printing transcripts. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 96 EDUCATION (ED) CODE NO. SUBJECT ED 101 Education I Insight into learning for teachers, preachers , and every kind of ministry. This course stresses stages of human development and what each is capable of learning, what facilitates learning, and what hinders learning, motivation, memory retention, and recall, who our hidden teachers are and what we learn from them. ED 102 Early Childhood I CREDITS 3 3 Understanding the young child, his/her social needs, abilities , and learning capabilities. ED 103 Early Childhood II 3 Teaching the young child, either in a Christian church school or Sunday school environment. ED 104 Early Childhood III 3 Health and hygiene for early childhood. ED 105 The Elementary School Child 3 Understanding the elementary school child and his/her needs. ED 106 Reading Skills 3 This class teaches basic reading skills. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 97 ED 201 Early Childhood IV 3 Using play for physical, mental, spiritual, and social development. ED 202 Early Childhood V 3 Christian literature for the young child, including storytelling. ED 203 Early Childhood VI 3 Christian art/music for young children, including teaching methods. ED 204 Elementary Education I 3 Goals, curriculum, lesson plans for grades K5, 1&2 in Christian schools. ED 205 Elementary Education II 3 Goals, curriculum, lesson plans for grades K5, 3 & 4 in Christian schools. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 98 CODE NO. ED 206 SUBJECT CREDITS Elementary Education III 3 Goals, curriculum, lesson plans for grades K5, 5 & 6 in Christian schools. ED 207 Secondary Education I 3 Understanding the junior high and high school students and their present and future needs. ED 208 Secondary Education II 3 Curriculum, goals and lesson plans for the secondary school. ED 209 Education Methods 3 Reading, composition, and Christian values in the Christian school. ED 210 Motivating Discouraged Students 3 Addressing issues of the student needing remedial aid and the neglected gifted student who have become discouraged; stressing how to meet their needs, to give them hope, and to restore to them the joy of learning. ED 301 Education II 3 Trends in American education, overview of the history of education, shortcomings of education. This course compares secular schools to Christian schools and introduces Christian teaching methods and materials. ED 302 Early Childhood Practice Teaching 3 Practice teaching infants through love, stroking, voice changes, facial expressions, exercise, reading to them, playing music for them, letting them touch and taste things. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 99 ED 303 Teaching Remedial Reading 3 This class is a continuation of ED 106. ED 306 Elementary Education IV 3 Teaching methods and techniques for grades K5, 1 and 2 in the Christian school. This includes storytelling, art, singing, and physical education, as well as academic subjects. ED 307 Elementary Education V 3 Teaching methods and techniques for grades K5, 3-6, in the Christian school this includes storytelling, art, singing, and physical education, as well as academic subjects. CODE NO. ED 401 SUBJECT CREDITS Teaching I 3 Practice researching, planning and teaching Bible lessons to the class, including setting goals, writing lesson plans, using audiovisual aids, asking/answering questions, demonstrating ability to communicate on student’s level; also includes determining the class frame of reference for the subject being taught, and building upon it. ED 402 Early Childhood Problems 3 How to identify the learning disability of a young child. ED 404 Early Childhood Practice Teaching III 3 Teaching four and five year old children. ED 405 Practice Teaching III – Elementary 3 Teaching elementary school level students. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 100 ED 406 Practice Teaching Teen & Adult 3 This class requires the student to teach classes under the supervision of Dean of Students. ED 407 Practice Teaching Adult & Aged 3 This class requires the student to teach classes under the supervision of Dean of Students. ED 408 Teaching – Supervising Teaching 3 Students will be required to supervise teachers who are fulfilling their internship. ED 409 Biblical Curriculum Development I 3 The student will be taught to develop a syllabus, lesson plan and the appropriate tests. ED 410 Biblical Curriculum Development II 3 Continuation of ED 409. ED 411 Biblical Curriculum Development III 3 Continuation of Ed 410. ED 415 Internship—Teaching Level 100 – 200 3 Teaching courses under the supervision of the Graduate Staff member. ED 416 Internship – Teaching Level 300 – 400 3 This class is a continuation of ED 415. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 101 EVANGELISM (EV) CODE NO. EV 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Evangelism I 3 This course instructs the student in the Biblical approach of witnessing to the lose, with emphasis on leading them to the Lord. There will be field work, where students will go door to door for one-on-one evangelism and report on the results. EV 102 Evangelism II 3 This course will include praying with people who want to receive the Lord into their lives, as well as providing follow-up with new Christians. The student will arrange for and conduct a home meeting, where unsaved people are invited to the class. EV 202 Evangelism III 3 This course will instruct the student concerning the preparation necessary to advertise a revival including the participation of the local church and the pastor. The student will arrange for a meeting to be held in a local church and conduct a revival. EV 301 Evangelism IV 3 A study of how to arrange, coordinate, and conduct a multi-church revival. Includes advertising, contacting local ministers and motivating them to participate in the meeting. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 102 Christian Fine Arts (FA) CODE NO. FA 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Introduction to Music 3 An introduction to notes, keys, tempo, pitch, grandstaff, chords, tetrachords, dynamics, scales, triads, instruments, and music history, this course also includes sight reading of music and is a required subject for all Christian fine arts majors and minors. FA 102 History of Music 3 This course surveys the musical expression in different cultures, including the influence of music on worship. FA 103 Historic Search for True Imagination 3 Historic survey of the artistic styles showing man’s search for true imagination. FA 104 Creative Profile 3 Teaching students to discover their own creative potential. Students taking this course are required to have completed the foundations of faith courses (MN 101, 102, 201, and 402 and SS 101). This course is also a prerequisite for Graphic Arts Primer (FA 105), Structure of Color (FA 201), Structural Principles for Drawing Techniques (FA 202), and the various art studio lab courses (FA 203, 204, 205, and 206). FA 105 Graphic Arts Primer 3 An introduction to color, design, layout and lettering. FA 106 Choral Reading I 3 Beginning choral reading in the different vocal parts. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 103 FA 107 Voice I 3 Beginning instruction in voice. FA 108 Instrument I 3 Beginning instruction in one instrument. FA 109 Seminary Choir I 3 Beginning instruction in choral singing. FA 110 Music for Teachers 3 Teaching syllables, notes, tempo, pitch, singing in parts, learning songs for different grade level. CODE NO. FA 201 SUBJECT CREDITS Structure of Color 3 Learning to render the pigment color spectrum and understanding the science of color. FA 202 Structural Principles for Drawing Techniques 3 Learning how to represent three dimensional objects on two dimensional surfaces. FA 203 Watercolor Medium 3 Instruction in techniques such as wash, brush strokes, and creative mixing of colors. This class includes hands-on lab activity. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 104 FA 204 Oil Paint Medium 3 Instruction in techniques such as canvas preparation, color palette, brush and palette knife approach and proper care of the paint. Hands-on lab activity will also be included in this class. FA 205 Acrylics Medium 3 Exploring various techniques with brush and palette knife and painting surfaces. Hands-on lab activity is included in this class. FA 206 Three Dimensional Art 3 Instruction in various techniques including ceramics and sculpturing in clay and paper. This class will include handson lab activity. Repeatable for up to 12 credit hours. FA 207 Introduction to Christian Drama 3 A class for beginners in drama. FA 208 Introduction to Christian Dance 3 A class for beginners in dance. FA 209 Voice II 3 A continuation of FA 107. FA 210 Instrument II 3 A continuation of FA 108. FA 211 Music Theory I 3 Emphasis on understanding the basic principles of music, recognizing tones and writing simple songs. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 105 FA 301 Music Theory II 3 Emphasis of training the ear, harmonizing and writing songs with harmony. FA 302 Voice III 3 Continuation of FA 209. FA 303 Instrument III 3 Continuation of FA 210. FA 309 Leading Group Singing 3 Learning all phases of leading informal group singing. FA 310 Choir Directing 3 Directing a choir of four part harmony. FA 313 Church Orchestra 3 Participating in church orchestra. FA 314 Christian Drama II 3 A continuation of FA 207. FA 315 Christian Drama III 3 A continuation of FA 208. FA 402 Instrument IV 3 Continuation of FA 303. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 106 FA 405 Voice IV 3 Continuation of FA 302. FA 406 Directing Church Orchestra 3 Learning to direct the church orchestra. FA 420 Fine Arts Internship 3 The student is required to work under the supervision of a Graduate Staff Member for a period of six (6) months. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 107 Mathematics For Teachers (MA) CODE NO. MA 101 SUBJECT CREDITS College Mathematics I 3 An introduction to logic, compute logic, mathematical thought, geometry, statistics, algebra and trigonometry. MA 102 College Algebra I 3 This is the same course as the state number MAT 1033, Intermediate algebra. Topics include fundamental operations with polynomials, complex numbers, and algebraic functions, factoring, graphing, exponents, radicals, systems of equations, quadratic equations, laws of logarithms and word problems. MA 103 Geometry For Teachers 3 Plane and solid geometry. MA 201 College Algebra II 3 Same course as state number MAC 1104, College Algebra. Function approach to algebra. Types include: relations, polynomials, exponential and logarithmic functions and their graphs and systems of equations. MA 203 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 3 A study of mathematics needed for teaching grades K5 through 6. MA 204 Mathematics for Junior High Teachers 3 A study of mathematics needed for teaching grades 7 & 8. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 108 MA 402 Teaching Secondary Mathematics 3 Methods of teaching mathematics on junior and senior high levels. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 109 Media (ME) CODE NO. ME 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Media I Introduction to audio-visual aids and their uses 3 in the church and in the Christian school. This course includes cataloging materials and equipment. ME 102 Media II 3 Preparing, maintaining, and dispensing audiovisual equipment. Producing, transparencies, slides and film strips. ME 201 Media III Recording, reproducing and playing audio cassettes. Operating the church sound system, and maintaining the church library, including the dispensing of cassettes for the tape ministry. 3 ME 202 Media IV 3 Producing and editing VCRs and video cassettes. Setting up and operating the equipment necessary for presenting video material in the classroom environment. ME 301 Media V Operating various types of movie cameras, projectors, including repairing and editing and splicing film and 3 operating and maintaining the television camera. ME 302 Radio Ministry 3 Instruction in the production and application of broadcasting as it applies to ministry and Christian schools. Included in this course are the operation and maintenance of the short wave radio. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 110 ME 303 Television Ministry 3 This course introduces the student to the basic production and application of television programs as they apply to ministry and Christian education. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 111 Missions (MI) CODE NO. MI 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Missions I 3 Introduction to foreign missions including geography, social economic problems and spiritual conditions of representative countries. MI 102 Missions II 3 Introduction to home mission. Identifying and locating home missions fields, discovering what needs to be done and who can do it, specific language barriers, cultural and geographic barriers and religious climate of the population. MI 103 Spanish I (Beginning) 3 A study of Spanish speaking mission fields, including customs, language and religious beliefs. MI 104 Spanish II 3 A continuation of MI 103. MI 105 Portuguese 3 A study of Portuguese speaking mission fields, including customs, language and religious beliefs. MI 106 French 3 A study of French speaking mission fields, including customs, language and religious beliefs. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 112 MI 201 Missions III 3 Teaching in the mission field – both at home and foreign, how to approach the people, create interest in them for a school, setting up a school, teaching within their culture, learning their language and teaching Jesus to those who have no knowledge of Him. MI 202 Mission Nutrition I 3 A study of nutrition for home and foreign missions. MI 203 Missions Technology I 3 Mission technology for survival – electricity, radio, and mechanics. MI 301 Spanish for Missionaries III 3 A continuation of MI 104. MI 302 Spanish for Missionaries IV 3 A continuation of MI 301. MI 303 Missions Technology II 3 Carpentry, church home, school building and repairs. This course includes a study of building materials available in different areas and how to implement supplies both at home and abroad. MI 304 Mission Nutrition II 3 A continuation of MI 202. MI 306 Mission Anthropology 3 A study of world culture and their people. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 113 MI 401 The Missionary Pastor 3 A study in visitation, evangelism, preaching, deliverance, healing, encouragement. This course includes training local pastors. MI 402 Teaching Nutrition 3 Learn to teach the local people how to take care of their own nutritional needs. MI 403 Short Wave Radio 3 Operating, patching, and obtaining all licensing required. MI 404 Teaching Health and Sanitation 3 Learning to teach the local people to protect their own health by improving sanitary conditions. MI 405 Missions Technology III 3 A continuation of MI 303. MI 406 Teaching Technology 3 Learning to teach the various technologies to people who know nothing about them and may be afraid of them. MI 407 Mission Life 3 Acquainting prospective missionaries with the hardship they will face, the things they will have to give up, how to deal with cultural shock, the dangers involved and the emotional stress of separation from families. MI 408 Missions IV 3 Setting up and operating up health clinics and first aid stations on the mission field. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 114 CODE NO. MI 420 SUBJECT CREDITS Missions Internship 3 The student will be required to work in the mission field under the supervision of a Graduate Staff Member. MI 430 Pastoral Care and Human Sexuality 3 An inter-disciplinary, intra-personal and crosscultural exploration, using Psychology, sociology and Theology, analyzing Biblical and cultural roles for men and women and presenting alternate models where appropriate, in modern society. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 115 Ministry (MN) CODE NO. MN 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Ministry I (Grace and Sovereignty) 3 This course is required regardless of degree. MN 102 Ministry II (Creation and Fall) 3 This course is required regardless of degree. MN 103 Holy Spirit I 3 A study of the Holy Spirit ministering to us. MN 104 Holy Spirit II 3 A study of the Holy Spirit ministering through us. MN 201 Ministry III 3 This course is required regardless of degree. MN 203 Ministering the Word 3 Includes the study, memorizing and sharing the Scriptures of promise and of warning. MN 204 Ministering to the Poor 3 Includes identifying the poor and their needs, feeding the hungry, meeting their immediate needs in the name of Jesus and leading them out of their current condition, through the Word of God. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 116 MN 205 Ministering to the Sick 3 Helping and healing the sick. MN 206 Street and Jail Ministry 3 Reaching the people of the street and those in jails. This course will instruct the student concerning the regulations of the penal system governing ministering the gospel in their facility. MN 209 Ministering the Sacraments 3 This class concerns itself with water baptism, spiritual baptism and the ministering the Body and Blood of Christ to the church. MN 210 Introduction to Curses 3 This class introduces the students to the Biblical concept and origin of curse, Included are the types of curses and their effect on the lives of Christians. MN 211 Five Fold Ministry 3 A study of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher and pastor: their function individually and collectively. MN 301 The Teaching Ministry I 3 Identifying different kinds of teaching ministries, preparing for and practicing them. MN 302 Praise and Worship Ministry 3 History and application of praise and worship within the church. Students will visit different kinds of churches to learn about praise and worship styles, kinds of services and sermons, elements of services and the sacraments. MN 303 Ministry to Children Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 3 ADTI Page 117 Vacation Bible School and summer camps. MN 304 Teaching Ministry II 3 A continuation of MN 301. MN 305 Ministerial Ethics 3 Undergraduate level study of ethics as it applies to the ministry. MN 401 Ministering to the Deaf and the Blind 3 Learning the needs of the handicapped and ministering to them, includes a study of sign language and Braille. MN 402 Sonship 3 What it is, what it is not, high calling, glory/character of Sonship, in the image of the Son, from servants to sons and one new man. This course is required regardless of degree. MN 403 Ministering to the Elderly 3 Discovering the many needs of the elderly and ministering to them. MN 404 The Deliverance Ministry 3 The why, who, when, and how of deliverance. MN 405 Ministering Deliverance 3 Completion of MN 404 is required prior to enrollment in this course. This class deals with confrontations and conflicts with demonic spirits. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 118 MN 406 Curses 3 The origin and nature of curses as they apply to the Christian in today’s world. Included in this course are methods for discovering the sources of curses and the removal of curse from the lives of Christian. MN 407 Ministerial Sacraments II 3 Continuation of MN 209; including funeral and wedding ceremonies. MN 410 Stewardship 3 A study of the Biblical principles concerning total stewardship. MN 420 Ministerial Internship Under the guidance and supervision of your pastor serve at least three (3) months as an assistant or intern pastor. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 3 ADTI Page 119 Printing (PR) CODE NO. SUBJECT CREDITS PR 101 Printing I Introduction to printing methods and machinery. 3 PR 102 Printing II 3 Illustration and layout, including film stripping and masking with hands-on experience. PR 201 Printing III 3 Printing letterheads, envelopes, business cards and color graphics. PR 202 Printing IV 3 Printing books – the entire process, including cutting and binding until the product is finished. PR 204 Photolithography 3 Photographic techniques in production of negatives for the printing process; including but not limited to the camera-ready operation, development, enlarging, printing, scaling, line copy reproduction, and stripping methods, also analysis of the various halftone screens, dot patterns and percentages as they relate to the printing process direct and indirect methods of color separation, photomechanical reproduction, use of filters for color halftone separation, color correction methods, opaque and transparent overlays for line color separation, masking requirements and color proofing systems, are studied in depth. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 120 Religious Education (RE) CODE NO. RE 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Religious Education I 3 Educational work for the church. An overview of the various educational programs for the church and their potential. RE 102 The Sunday School Teacher 3 Attitudes, abilities, spiritual maturity, emotional maturity and discipline needed to be a teacher. RE 103 Religious Education II 3 Teaching the pre-readers through play, arts, crafts, stories and memorization of scripture. RE 201 Religious Education III 3 Methods of teaching the elementary grades involving the home, developing Christian leadership, concern for others, and encouraging Christian activities. RE 202 Worship and Prayer 3 Teaching preschool and elementary children worship and prayer that can be adapted for adults and teenagers as well as being simplified for the very young child. RE 301 Religious Education IV 3 Teaching junior high and high school students to channel their energies toward rewarding ministries to others, helping them to gain self-respect by showing respect to others, grounding them in the faith and in the Word, encouraging Christian recreation, leisure-time activities and friendships. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 121 RE 401 Religious Education V 3 Teaching the high school and college student in Sunday School and youth program setting, building on RE 301, leading toward maturity and future ministries. RE 402 The Christian Home 3 Roles and responsibilities of the father, mother, and children. Family worship and Bible study, making Jesus head of the home, obtaining favor and protection for the family and Biblical instructions for rearing children and parental influences. RE 403 Religious Education VI 3 Planning and directing an adequate religious education program for every age level within the church. This includes Sunday School, mid-week activities, Vacation Bible School and summer camps, as well as seminars, retreats, trips. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 122 Religion (RG) CODE NO. RG 101 SUBJECT CREDITS History of Religion I 3 The Bible is used as the basic framework for history. Beginning with creation we trace the religious beliefs of mankind with emphasis on ancient civilizations and their myths, and why the introduction of Jesus’ new way for living was so shocking to the world at the time. RG 103 History of Religion II 3 History of the early Church from Acts, the epistles and early writers such as Eusebius and Josephus. RG 201 Religion I 3 A study of original Christian beliefs and practices. RG 202 Religion II 3 A study of changes in Christian beliefs and practices. RG 203 Religion III 3 Apostasies and cults that existed during the early days of the Christian Church. RG 204 Introduction to Church History 3 An overview of Church history from the early Church to the present day Church. RG 205 Religion IV 3 Judaism, Islam and various Islamic sects. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 123 RG 301 History of Religion III 3 History of the Jewish nation using the Bible as well as writings of Josephus’ “Antiquities of the Jews,” pseudo writings of the Apocrypha and the archaeological finds. RG 302 Religion V 3 A study of pagan religions. RG 303 Psychology of Religion 3 A study of man’s need for God, and how he invents gods if he does not know the One True God. This course includes how false religions work against mankind. RG 401 Religion VI 3 Apostasies and cults of modern times. RG 402 Denominationalism 3 A study of a number of denomination in America today, what separates them, what unites them and trends toward unification. RG 403 The Philosophy of Religion 3 Studying the purpose of religion, good and bad of religion, modern though concerning religion pros and cons. This course includes the philosophy of Christianity without reducing Christianity to a philosophy. RG 404 World Religions 3 Comparing religions of the world with Christianity. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 124 RG 405 Church History III 3 A study of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. Students will visit different kinds of churches to better understand these movements. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 125 Science (SC) CODE NO. SC 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Science for Elementary Teachers 3 Learning basic scientific facts and how to teach them to elementary school children. The course approaches scientific study as a quest for truth. SC 102 Science for Junior High Teachers I 3 A continuation of SC 101, covering more advanced material. SC 103 Science for Junior High Teachers II 3 Continuation of SC 102, covering more advanced material and greater student participation. SC 201 General Science for Teachers 3 Teaching ninth grade science. SC 202 Earth Science 3 A study of the earth, air and sea, in preparation for teaching junior and high school students. SC 203 Man and Environment 3 Provides the student with an understanding of man’s interdependence with his environment and his responsibility for it; includes evolution both physical and social. This study includes many aspects of our environmental crisis such as : pollution; urbanization, population trends; changes in life style, as well as present and projected solutions to our problems. SC 204 Biological Science for Teachers I Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 3 ADTI Page 126 A non-lab course in biology. A study of the body, genetics, reproduction, development and diseases of man. SC 205 Biological Science for Teachers II 3 Instruction in the science of biology including preparation of class plans, and their practical application. SC 301 Physical Geology for Teachers 3 A course dealing with the physical structure of the earth. It includes the effects of volcanic activity, glaciation, diastrophism, tectonics, sediments, rock and mineral formation, as well as current geological development. SC 302 Introduction to Chemistry for Teachers 3 An introduction to fundamentals of organic chemistry and its applications. The course is a nonlaboratory class. SC 401 Introduction to Physics for Teachers I 3 The physical principles of mechanics, properties or matter, heat and thermodynamics. SC 402 Introduction to Physics for Teachers II 3 The physical principles of wave motion, sound, light, electricity and magnetism. SC 405 Archeology I 3 A study of archeology as it pertains to the Holy Scriptures and Bible History. SC 406 Archeology II 3 A continuation of SC 405. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 127 Social Studies (SS) CODE NO. SS 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Christian Leadership I (God’s Perfect Order) 3 An introduction to Christian leadership in the home, church and community. (This course is required, regardless of degree.) SS 102 Community Awareness 3 A study of the community and its needs. The student will visit various organizations that are working for community improvement. The class will discuss actions that may be employed to further improve these or other needy conditions in our community. SS 103 Community Involvement 3 Studying local and national groups working for a better society; what they have accomplished, and what one person or the class can contribute, becoming involved both as a class and individually. SS 104 American History for Teachers 3 An overview of American history. Each student will research a period of American history and present it to the class in a logical and interesting manner. SS 105 Old World History for Teachers 3 This class is designed to prepare the Christian educator to teach world geography in the classroom environment for students of middle and high school. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 128 SS 201 American Christian History 3 A detailed study of the Christian Church in America. SS 202 State Educational System 3 A detailed study of the state public education system teachers’ organizations, lobbying groups what they want, what Christians can do to better the system and its product, planning, organizing and taking initiative in an important manner. SS 204 Christian Leadership II 3 A study of church government at the local level. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 129 SS 205 World Geography for Teachers 3 A study of world geography for those teaching in middle and high schools. SS 301 American Government for Teachers 3 A study of the three branches of the Federal Government, the constitution, election process, political forces and the Christian’s responsibility as an American citizen. SS 302 Sociology A study of our modern day society; its main groups of home, school, church, and community, the power structure within them and the forces that influence them. 3 SS 303 World History for Teachers 3 SS 401 Humanism 3 A study of humanism in its many forms of deception, including what it is and its adverse effect on our American society. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 130 Theology (TH) CODE NO. TH 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Theology I 3 The study of the Essence of God. TH 201 Theology II (Foundations of Faith I) 3 A study of the Nature of God. TH 301 Theology III 3 The study of the Character of God. TH 401 Theology IV 3 The study of the Deity of Jesus Christ. TH 402 Theology V 3 A study of the Person of the Holy Spirit. TH 403 The Theology of the Sacraments 3 A summary of the Church’s view of the sacraments from the middle ages and the Reformation and an exploration of what Protestantism believes today about Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 131 TH 418 The Ethics of Reinhold and Richard Neibuhr 3 A seminar focusing on critical, ethical and theological issues in the thought of the Neibuhr brothers. Major attention will be given to the principles and problems of love, power and justice as themes for modern Christians. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 132 Counseling (CC) CODE NO. CC 101 SUBJECT CREDITS Counseling I- Theory 3 This class is an introduction to Christian counseling and includes: the art of interviewing and data gathering for pastors, teachers, and counselors to identify problems and determine to what extent counseling is required. CC 102 Biblical Counseling I 3 An introduction to Biblical counseling with emphasis on the role of the Holy Spirit as Counselor. This course compares the Nouthetic approach to counseling with other counseling approaches, and suggests a model counseling program. We use the Nouthetic approach. This course covers the first seven (7) chapters in “Competent to Counsel” by Jay Adams as well as other material. CC 103 Biblical Counseling II 3 Continuation of CC 102. This course goes into detail about the skills and techniques of counseling Biblically. The course covers chapters 8-11 of Jay Adams’ “Competent to Counsel.” CC 201 Christian Counseling Techniques I 3 This course is a study of the various techniques of counseling. We use the first twenty (20) chapters of Jay Adams’ “The Christian counselor’s Manual” as a textbook. CC 202 Christian Counseling Techniques II 3 A continuation of CC 201 including an in-depth study of the techniques and their uses. We use chapters 21-38 of Jay Adams’ “The Christian Counselor’s Manual.” Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 133 CC 203 Case Studies in Christian Counseling 3 The application of what has been learned about counseling in various situations. CC 204 Creative Counseling 3 Advanced study to improve insight and creativity in counseling, such as recognizing symptoms of suicide and how to deal with the person. CC 302 Counseling Children, Youth and Aging 3 An undergraduate level course that attempts to understand these special age groups and their development; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Recognizing trouble and dealing with it in ways to which they can relate. CC 303 Counseling Disturbed and Handicapped 3 An undergraduate course that deals with crisis intervention, facing reality, living with reality or changing reality. This course includes: appreciation of life and preparation for death. CC 304 Premarital Counseling 3 This course will deal with subject matter pertaining to the marriage of man and woman; including the areas of stress that often affect the state of marriage. CC 305 Marriage Counseling 3 This class will instruct the student in the concerns of marriage difficulties and the reconciliation of marriage partners through various means of Biblical counseling. CC 306 The Marriage Principle 3 A study of a Biblical marriage. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 134 CC 307 Youth and Crisis Counseling 3 A study of youth and crisis counseling. CC 308 Grief work 3 A study of all of life’s transitions and later life transitions. CC 401 Family Counseling 3 Counseling the family as a group to facilitate understanding of how they interact with and influence each other. Developing Christian order, love, consideration, and respect in the family; helping them tackle problems together with God’s help, premarital counseling, counseling during marriage and/or divorce crisis with the orientation that God is in the business of saving marriages, edifying victims of divorce and rebuilding lives with God’s power through His Word. Special emphasis on dealing with rebellion, drug and alcohol abuse. CC 402 Practicum 3 This course is open to Seniors in their last trimester. It requires one hour per week in a seminar type class, and two hours per week in a counseling environment under supervision of an instructor or the student’s local pastor. CC 403 Psalms in Counseling 3 Study of the Psalms as they relate to practical counseling. CC 404 Psychotherapy and Principles 3 CC 405 Eschatology and Counseling 3 An examination of the healthiness of prophetic and Pauline eschatology for mental-spiritual wholeness and how it may be used in counseling and teaching. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 135 CC 407 Transactional Analysis 3 Introduction to this counseling methodology that is compatible with Christian counseling. CC 408 Human/Spiritual Development and Theory 3 The course outlines the growth-developmental issues with human and spiritual needs, including ego psychology, drive theory and value systems; Erickson, Piaget, Kohlberg, Mahler, and Stern are among authors who will be discussed. This course is required for CC 539 and CC 540. CC 409 Statistical Analysis 3 This course covers statistical analysis, frequency distribution and other statistical procedures used in research. This course is required for graduation. CC 410 Crisis Theory and Intervention 3 Related to CC 508, it helps the pastor/church leader to recognize when and how to intervene, using Menninger Foundation and Stephen Ministries’ concepts. It helps to equip lay people to minister in these cases. CC 418 Biblical and Psychological Typology 3 A study of Biblical types of the Old Testament primarily and of Jung’s prototypes with application to preaching, teaching and counseling. CC 420 Counseling Internship 3 This class requires the student to work for a six month period under the direct supervision of a Christian counselor. Responsibilities will include but are not limited to: scheduling sessions, keeping records and assisting in counseling. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 136 CC 424 Christian Counseling Youth in Crisis 3 CC 425 New Age and Cults 3 A study of the New Age Movement and the influence of cults and Satanism on adults and youth in contemporary society. CC 426 Dysfunctional Family Crisis Counseling 3 Ministering to a family during crisis. CC 427 Rites of Passage in Counseling 3 The developmental dynamics of spiritual growth through the stages of life and how the church may minister to the person at these particular times. CC 428 Blessing and Burnout 3 An examination of some major issues in pastoral care in the context of Biblical and psychological understanding of blessing and curse, redemption and guilt, and the dynamics of burnout among clergy and laity. CC 429 Design and Oversee Christian Care Giving 3 Introduction to the development of volunteer lay ministry, i.e. Stephen Ministries. Catalog for College Academic Year 2013-2016 ADTI Page 137