partner guide - North Avenue Presbyterian Church


partner guide - North Avenue Presbyterian Church
Fa m i ly
A t l anta
C h i l dren ’ s s h e l ter
Founded in 1986 by the Junior League of
Atlanta and located in the North Avenue
Presbyterian Church, the Atlanta Children’s
Shelter provides free, quality day care,
emotional support, and educational
curriculum for homeless children, and
focused social services for their families.
Dedicated to helping families overcome
the issues that contribute to homelessness,
including domestic violence and job loss,
the Atlanta Children’s Shelter focuses on
the long term self sufficiency of the family
– which sets them apart from other Atlanta
homeless shelters.
A t l anta D a y
S h e l ter f o r
W o m en and C h i l dren
Their mission is to ease the burden of
homelessness for women and children
and to assist in establishing selfsufficiency by providing comprehensive
education and supportive services in a
manner that respects human dignity.
A t l anta D rea m
C enter
Through relationships, acts of kindness,
and the love of Christ, they are changing
lives and restoring dreams.
C enter f o r
P o s iti v e A ging
The Center for Positive Aging is a
partnership of individuals, community
organizations and congregations working
together to connect seniors to the vast
network of information, programs, and
services available for them and their
Fran k and N anc y
Dimmock Lesotho
The Dimmocks have been working with
vulnerable children in southern African
since 1979. Frank is a health education
specialist working with numerous
international organizations to help bring
health solutions and education to 20
African nations. Nancy has started a nonprofit addressing issues affecting children
in Southern Africa, specifically in Lesotho
where their family is based. Her work
has led to the adoption of 42 orphaned
children including a child in the NAPC
congregation. The Dimmock family is
quite large: Frank, Nancy, Nathan, Moses,
Jessica, Katie, Andrew, Alifa, Isaac and
Jackson. They are PCUSA missionaries.
Virginia G artre l l
Virginia is based in Sorocaba, Brazil
working with the Bethel Children’s
Home. These are children removed
from their homes by local authorities
because of abuse and neglect. Virginia
has been a longtime missionary in Brazil
and works as a missionary on behalf of
Latin America Mission.
Ma j i Ma z uri K e n y a
Maji Mazuri, which means “good water” in
Swahili, is a social economic development
program based in Kenya. Founded
by Dr. Wanjiku Kironyo in 1984, the
organization is composed of 4 interrelated
programs: Education and Talent, Economic
Empowerment, Community Development
and Mental and Physical Health. The
programs seek to address the root causes
of poverty and focus on alleviating poverty
by empowering people to bring about
change in their own lives.
R e s o urce Ser v ice
Mini s trie s
Resource Service Ministry’s Mission is
to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ
through improving the living conditions
of the elderly poor, mostly widows.
They provide practical services such as
weatherization, furnace and appliance
repair/replacement, and minor home
repairs. All these services are provided
free of charge to homeowners.
& Justice
Street G race
Street GRACE is an alliance of churches,
community partners, and volunteers
dedicated to supporting, enlarging,
and allying with those individuals and
organizations working toward eliminating
the commercial sexual exploitation of
children (CSEC). Street GRACE mobilizes
the resources within the community —
financial, human and material — toward
those organizations and individuals who
have demonstrated effectiveness in
battling CSEC in the areas of advocacy,
aftercare and mentoring. North Avenue
was a founding church.
A t l anta Mi s s i o n
Established in 1938, the ministry provides
emergency shelter, residential discipleship,
job attainment, and transitional housing
to more than 950 homeless men, women
and children daily.
C l i f t o n Sanctuar y
Mini s trie s
Open 365 days a year, the Clifton
Sanctuary is the oldest house-ofworship shelter operating in Atlanta
and seeks to provide a wide array of
programs to meet the needs of their
guests transitioning into a more stable
living situation. Clifton Sancturay
provides case management, support
groups and counseling. They also have
a Toastmaster’s group which meets at
Clifton. Joe’s Place, their transitional
living facility, provides an additional
resource for the men who have secured
employment and are diligently working
toward establishing a full life, anchored
by living on their own.
C o m m unit y Men ’ s
B ib l e Stud y NAPC
Community Men’s Bible Study: This is
our weekly Bible study for homeless
men. It’s made up of two groups. Half
of the attendees are in the Personal
Development Program of the Atlanta
Mission. The other half are not in
program. This creates an opportunity
for men in program to learn with and
encourage men who have not yet
taken that step. This is a great volunteer
opportunity for men of the church. The
group eats a hot meal together and
then has a Bible Study. It goes from
5-6:30 pm on Wednesday Nights during
the school year.
C o v enant H o u s e
At l a n ta , G e o r g i a
Covenant House is dedicated to help
suffering homeless kids and to protect
and safeguard all children in need by
providing them with a nourishing meal, a
shower, clean clothes, medical attention,
and a safe place away from the dangers
of the street.
C r o s s r o ad s
m ini s trie s
at l a n ta , G e o r g i a
Crossroads was born nearly 40 years ago
when a St. Luke’s Episcopal Church member
handed a homeless man a sandwich. From
that moment of compassion, St. Luke’s
operated the Soup Kitchen until 1996 when
Crossroads became its own, separate,
non-sectarian nonprofit organization.
Their Mission is to empower people who
are homeless to move to economic and
personal self sufficiency.
Mand o b o y D anga
D. R. Congo
Mandoboy works at the Evangelical
Medical Center/Nyankunde (CME) at the
Beni branch in DRC. As the Coordinator of
the HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment
programs for CME in N.E. DRC., he travels
to set up clinics and provide continuing
education for clinicians. He teaches
continuing education courses for nurses
in outlying areas and has produced and
published a nursing journal.
T h e G atewa y C enter
at l a n ta , G e o r g i a
The Gateway Center works to end
homelessness, and particularly chronic
homelessness, by providing the support
and framework people need to achieve
self-sufficiency. Through therapeutic
programs and services, the Gateway helps
homeless individuals in metro Atlanta move
into transitional and permanent housing.
G atewa y Sandwic h
Ma k ing NAPC
A group of North Avenue members gets
together on the second Sunday of every
month at 10 am in the Dining Room
to make bag lunches for the overflow
residents at the 24/7 Gateway Center.
This is the main homeless resourcing
center for the City of Atlanta. Our meal
contribution helps to ease the burden for
the weekend staff of providing meals for
the homeless seeking help.
Midt o wn
A s s i s tance C enter
at l a n ta , G e o r g i a
The Midtown Assistance Center (MAC)
is a non-profit, inter-faith organization
whose mission is to provide emergency
assistance to the working poor of
Midtown and Downtown Atlanta to
prevent homelessness and hunger
during periods of crisis.
T h e C up NAPC
The Cup has been around for several
decades as an outreach worship service
to the poor. Many of the attendees
are homeless or in transitional shelter
situations. The Cup provides spiritual
formation opportunities and offers a
free hot meal to provide our neighbors
much needed help. The Cup is a full
worship service with music, teaching
and prayer time. It is held every Sunday
in the Broyles Ministry Center.
B ib l e Sc h o o l s
o f C h ina
North Avenue has a very strong presence
with Chinese scholars studying in
the United States and specifically at
Georgia Tech. This ongoing ministry has
enlightened us to the fact that there is
very little Biblical teaching available to
those that want to become Christians in
China. Many Chinese church leaders are
misinformed and have not been trained
in solid Theology. Supporting the Jiangsu
Bible College is our way of creating good
Christian teaching centers for the people
of China. If a student becomes a Christian
while studying in the United States, Bible
Colleges like Jiangsu give them an outlet
to get more training and to continue to
mature in their understanding of the
Ja m i l C h abbut h
North Africa
Jamil works within closed countries to
Christianity in North Africa. He ministers
to students and individuals throughout
the region to provide them with
exposure to the Gospel. His work is very
risky and sensitive and he is dealing with
countries and cultures that persecute
Christianity. Jamil works on behalf of
International Fellowship of Evangelical
Students (IFES) which is the parent
organization of Intervarsity Fellowship.
( W IF ) W e s t m in s ter
I nternati o na l Friend s
WIF is a partnership between North Avenue
and Westminster Christian Fellowship
(WCF), the Presbyterian Campus ministry
at Georgia Tech. WIF reaches out primarily
to Chinese scholars via English Second
Language classes, Bible discussions, trips,
holiday celebrations, and used furniture.
Students and scholars are invited to
attend Sunday worship at North Avenue.
North Avenue families host tables at the
annual Welcoming Dinner in August, and
individuals at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Some return to China as Christians. These
are future leaders in China! We are making
a difference!
C h ri s tian I n s tituti o n
NAPC has a desire to support minority
higher education and so we support
Beulah Heights University and the
Interdenominational Theological Center
- Johnson C. Smith Seminary. Many alum
from these two schools call NAPC their
home congregation.
Mar k and R ac h e l
D anie l s P e r u
The Daniels Family is a new addition to
the mission field. They just completed
language school and are now in the
field in Cusco, Peru. They are working
with evangelism and campus outreach
on a major university campus in Peru.
They are targeting medical students.
They are in the mission field through
the Mission to the World Organization.
Mark and Rachel have five children:
Hannah, Eli, Hank, Abe and Reide.
E v ange l ica l
T h e o l o gica l
Se m inar y C a i r o , E g y p t
This is a Christian Seminary in Cairo,
Egypt that serves as a tremendous
training ground for Christians in North
Africa. There are very few places where
a Christian can learn and study about
the Christian faith in North Africa.
G l enn G o l d s m it h
At l a n ta , G e o r g i a
Glenn works with Emory University
Graduate Education through Intervarsity
Fellowship. He provides ministry and
support to graduate students and faculty
all around all Emory University campus.
This includes law, business and medical
students. He partners with several
organizations including the Christian
Medical and Dental Association and the
Christian Legal Society to conduct joint
ministry opportunities. Glenn is married
to Kim and they have three boys: Will,
Peter and Jonathan.
B o bb y G r o s s
At l a n ta , G e o r g i a
Bobby Gross is the Director of Graduate
and Faculty and Ministries for Intervarsity.
Bobby is based out of Atlanta and is a
frequent attender of North Avenue. He
oversees the training and programs for
Intervarsity that minister to and provide
support for graduate students and faculty
at colleges and universities all around
the United States. This includes over 100
campuses, almost 4,000 participants.
Bobby is married to Charlene.
S o ccer f o r
I nternati o na l s NAPC
International Graduate Students gather
to play soccer on Wednesday nights. It’s
an opportunity for relationship building
and ultimately gives a chance to share
the Gospel with individuals who are not
a part of the Christian faith.
A m ber Jipp
C h i c a g o , Ill i n o i s
Amber’s connection to North Avenue
started when she interned in urban
ministry for a year. She then moved into
a campus ministry position with Emory
University for Intervarsity. Recently she
had a child (Josiah) and moved with her
husband Josh to the Chicago area where
she will continue her ministry through
Intervarsity but now on the campus of
Illinois Chicago. We are blessed to be
able to continue to support her campus
outreach efforts.
P re s b y terian
U ni v er s it y o f Ken y a
North Avenue has a long history of
connection and ministry to Kenya. The
Presbyterian University of East Africa
is a much needed institution of higher
education in the challenged nation of
Kenya. This University was established
by Western Christians in the 1890s.
Today 70% of the Kenyan population
is under 30, creating a larger need
than ever before for solid institutions
for higher education. In particular the
University is working to create a new
school for Health Sciences which would
train more Nationals as much needed
healthcare providers.
W e s t m ini s ter
C h ri s tian
Fe l l o w s h ip
At l a n ta , G e o r g i a
Westminster Christian Fellowship is the
Presbyterian Campus ministry at Georgia
Tech. WCF reaches out to undergraduates
and is North Avenue’s partner in operating
Westminster International Friends (WIF).
WCF students reach out to their peers on
campus through worship, Bible studies,
service, and trips. WCF students and
“alumni” are actively involved in North
Avenue. Several WCF“alumni”are in active
mission service including Roy and Becky
Eyre and Brian Anders. The building is
also used by WIF for Thursday night Bible
discussions, furniture storage and some
student/scholar led events.
T ed Yuan E a s t As i a
Ted is a missionary to students in East
Asia through Campus Crusade for Christ.
He has been in the field since 2008. He
recently married Carrie, and together
they are doing campus ministry. He
spends much of his time training small
group leaders and conducting Christian
discipleship activities. Ted has been a
great addition to our missionary family
because of our focus on Asian student
outreach. At North Avenue we have a
thriving outreach to Chinese scholars
studying at Georgia Tech and the other
surrounding campuses, and Ted has
given us a global presence to continue
that work.
G osp e l
A bde l F r a n c e
Abdel is on the front lines of evangelism
reaching out to Muslims in Europe and
North Africa. His work is quite sensitive
and dangerous but much needed. He has
been able to use media outlets to proclaim
the Gospel message into countries that
would not allow a Christian missionary
access. His organization provides hotline
numbers for interested Muslims to call
with questions about the message they
heard or about Christianity. Its quite
exciting work but is in need of constant
prayer for protection and for hearts to
be opened to God. Abdel has a wife
Olivia and four kids. He works through an
affiliate ministry of Campus Crusade for
Christ. His last name and children’s names
are not published for security purposes.
B rian and
Karen A nder s
Ta n z a n i a a n d U g a n d a
The Anders are Wycliffe Bible Translators.
It seems hard to believe that there are
still people that have never read the
Scriptures because they couldn’t get
a Bible in their own language, yet that
is a reality. The Anders are serving 32
different language groups in the area
with four or five new projects beginning
shortly. The Anders have two girls Christa
and Victoria.
A t l anta D o k urit s u
C h ri s tian C h urc h
Ever wonder where the wonderful Sushi
comes from at our annual International
Buffet? It’s from the talented hands of this
Japanese Church. Rev. Sahara has been
a faithful partner and friend to North
Avenue for many years.
D a v id and Stace y
B erg m ar k S w e d e n
The Bergmarks are planting churches
and training leaders in Sweden. The
Bergmark family is made up of David,
Stacy, Miriam and Samuel. They are
working as missionaries for Mission to
the World.
T i m and D ebbie D unn
The Dunns are relatively new to the
mission field but are already having
a large impact. Tim and Debbie are
providing leadership development
for church leaders in Brazil through
Antioch Partners. They are a part of a
team of missionaries that are giving
much needed ministry support to
Christian leaders throughout their
region of Brazil. The Dunns are working
to train Brazilians to go to other nations
to provide similar training where
American Christians aren’t as welcome.
The Dunns have one son, Jonathan.
R o y and B ec k y E y re
Wycliffe, Canada
Roy is the newly appointed President
of Wycliffe Canada. Previously he was
in leadership development for Wycliffe
USA. Wycliffe is the leading translator
of the Bible into the native languages
of people all around the world. Wycliffe
supports Bible translation projects in
places that have never been able to
read the Gospel. Roy has taken the role
of President to help Wycliffe continue to
innovate and improve its abilities to help
all peoples in every nation read God’s
word. Roy is married to Becky and have
three kids: Aidan, Cotter and Kaitlyn.
Farri s and T h e l m a
G o o dru m B r a z i l
The Goodrums are PCUSA missionaries to
Brazil. They work with Church Leadership
training, evangelism training, music
ministry of churches and administrative
help for the denomination. They are
based in Vitoria. They have been in the
mission field since 1982.
T h e Outreac h
F o undati o n
With a mission statement of engaging
Presbyterians and global partners in
proclaiming the good news of Jesus
Christ, the Outreach Foundation has
been a great organization to partner
with. We support a number of Outreach
Foundation missionaries. Just as we need
members of North Avenue to support
the church AND its mission partners,
we in turn support the missionaries
AND its sending organization. This is
a particularly special organization to
North Avenue because of its ties to the
Presbyterian faith.
Boyd Nixon
At l a n ta , G e o r g i a
Boyd works in leadership for Campus
Crusade for Christ. In the past he worked
through CRU in Russia. He is involved
with their Global Aid Network that is their
aid and disaster relief arm. Boyd currently
is based in Atlanta and is a longtime
member of NAPC.
J o s e P e z ini U S A
Jose is in charge of Portuguese Language
Ministries for the Outreach Foundation.
He has been in the field for 10 years,
doing leadership traing for church
leaders in Portugal and Brazil. He helps
with immigrant fellowships in the United
States as well.
P re s b y terian
Fr o ntier Fe l l o w s h ip
PFF’s mission is to mobilize congregations
to participate with God in bringing good
news of the kingdom into cultures where
the church has yet to take root.
P uerta de Sa l v aci o n
Puerta de Salvación is a Presbyterian
Church that was established in Mexico
City by the early 70’s and since then
has been committed to sharing the
good news of the Gospel in word and
deed. For 25 years, Puerta de Salvación
and North Avenue have shared a “sister
church” relationship by sending groups
of mission teams, choirs, pastors,
elders and planning committees to
each other’s countries and seeking to
broaden the scope of the Lord’s work in
each others’ corners of the world.
Li s a and Martin
Sc h o e s berg A u s t r i a
The Schoesbergs are working in Austria
with refugees. They are ministering to
a number of Middle East refugees who
have never been able to learn about the
Bible or Christianity. They have a unique
opportunity to reach these groups
because of their European location.
These refugees cannot gain entrance to
the United States, so the Schoesbergs
are going to them! The Werners have
two children, Sara and Ben. They are
working via International Teams.
Mic h ae l and I rene
Si v a l ee B r a z i l
Michael and Irene have been in in the
mission field of Brazil for 29 years. They
are serving as Outreach Foundation
missionaries conducting church ministry
training and mentoring for Presbyterian
Congregations in the Federal District
Presbytery. They are working with
congregations to help them become self
L o ui s and
Su s an Sutt o n
W EC : S i n g a p o r e
Louis and Susan have been with WEC
as missionaries for 25 years. They
served in Africa up until a few years
ago and have now been redeployed as
leadership to Singapore. WEC provides
Compassion and Relief work to deliver
evangelism. This aid includes medical,
drug addiction help, homeless outreach,
education programs. WEC stands for
World Evangelism for Christ.
C o n ta c t
m i s s i o nar y c o ntact in f o r m ati o n
Brian and Karen Anders
P.O.Box 60368
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
David and Stacey Bergmark
Hoggaton 8
5-57333 Tranas
Jamil Chabouh
c/o Jamil Chabouh
21 rue Serpente
75006 Paris
Mandoboy Danga
C.M.E Beni (DRC)
P.O. Box 21285
Nairobi, Kenya
Mark and Rachel Daniel
Instituto de Lengua Espanola
Apartado 100-2350
San Jose, Costa Rica
America Centra
Frank and Nancy Dimmock
c/o CHAL
P.O. Box 1632
Tim and Debbie Dunn
R. Marechal Hermes
297, Apto. 101
Curitiba PR 80530 230
Roy and Becky Eyre
28 Hidden Spring Place NW
Calgary, AB T3A 5H6 Canada
Virginia Gartrell
Rua Guaxupé 105, Ap.02
Cidade Jardim,
Sorocaba, SP 18055-350 Brazil
Glenn Goldsmith
1226 Forrest Blvd.
Decatur, GA 30030
Farris and Thelma Goodrum
C.P. 01-5021
29045-970 Vitoria, ES
Bobby Gross
1041 Atlanta Ave Apt 3
Decatur, GA 30030
Amber Jipp
1633 West Estes Avenue, Apt. 2E
Chicago, IL 60626
Boyd Nixon
5524 Prince Phillip Way
Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Jose Pezini
1948 Shiloh Valley Trl NW
Kennesaw, GA 30144-7575
Lisa and Werner Schobesberger
Dorferstr. 13/6
6063 Rum
Michael and Irene Sivalee
Residencial Paineiras Apto. 1001
Rua das Paineiras Sul
Lote 5, Aguas Claras
71929-180 Brasilia, DF
Louis and Susan Sutton
IC Cantonment Road
#41-27 Singapore 085301
Ted Yuan
25674 South Village Dr.
South Riding, VA 20152
Organi z ati o n W eb s ite s
Atlanta Children’s Shelter
Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children
Atlanta Dream Center
Atlanta Mission
Center for Positive Aging
Clifton Sanctuary Ministries
Covenant House of Georgia
Crossroads Community Ministries
The Gateway Center
Maji Mazuri
Midtown Assistance Center
The Outreach Foundation
Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship
Resource Service Ministries