New Sermon Series! - North Avenue Presbyterian Church
New Sermon Series! - North Avenue Presbyterian Church
I N S I D E E V E RY I S S U E :NAPC Milestones & Financial Report (P. 7) Calendar and Birthdays (P. 8) JANUARY 2016 | VOLUME 62.01 NEWS New Sermon Series! (more on on p. p. 4)3) (more details M O R E INSIDE T H I S I S S U E Renew Your Life w/ Kai Nilsen Parenting Conversation Women’s Retreat P. 5 P. 6 P.7 North Avenue Presbyterian Church | 607 Peachtree Street NE | Atlanta, Georgia 30308 | 404.875.0431 | T he NAPC staff and officers pray that 2016 will be a year filled with love, joy, peace, and the deep blessings of God for you, your families, and North Avenue Presbyterian Church. By God’s grace and the incredible outpouring of generous pledging to the SHINE Campaign, we look forward to breaking ground in our SHINE building project in early summer. (Dependent upon a variety of factors, the exact date is yet to be determined.) On a personal note, thank you many times over for your loving care, concern, prayers, and countless acts of kindness for Cynthia, Christen, James, and me, in light of Justin’s death in September. If God so enables me, I plan to begin preaching again on January 10 in a sermon series called “Announcing Good News,” a reflection on the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Philippians. The call of the church From My Heart to Yours of Jesus Christ is always to proclaim the Good News of God’s everlasting love for the world in every circumstance of our lives. In By Dr. Scott Weimer, Senior Pastor a world too-often filled with fear, war, death, grief, displacement of people, isolation, and despair, God has given us the light of the world - his only son, Jesus Christ. Jesus shines in the darkness and brings us gifts of the Spirit that enable us to live lives of joy, love, meaning, and purpose, for the glory of God. May it be so for each of us and for all of us together. Blessed New Year to each and every one of you! Grace and peace from your pastor and friend, Scott In the Cool of the Evening As a way of saying “Thank you” for this past year, please take a copy of this devotional book by Dr. Vernon S. Broyles, Jr. as a gift from NAPC. This year-long devotional book is a great way to start 2016! You can find a copy at the Peachtree Landing on Sunday mornings or throughout the week. Please limit 1 copy per family. Former and beloved pastor of North Avenue, Dr. Broyles served this congregation and the Atlanta area from 1941-50 and 1954-76. 2 North AveNews • January January 10 January 17 January 24 January 31 February 7 “GRATITUDE” Philippians 1:3-11 “Joy” Philippians 1:18b-30 “Soundness of MInd” Philippians 2:1-11 “Transformation” Philippians 3:12-21 “Peace” Philippians 4:4-14 Thank You! A special thanks to all of the ambassadors, ushers, and 5:45 p.m. greeters who have welcomed people so faithfully this past year! The following people were integral to the "radical hospitality" that is one of North Avenue's core values. Some of these folks have been serving at their posts for years. Please take a moment to thank them when you see them! Ambassadors Ellie Leap, Ann Carter and Allen McDonald, Bill Rice, Joseph Patterson, Sally Hale, Laura Rotroff, Lorie Coats and Paul Tom, Jackie Milton, Tara and Chris Compton, David Bottomley, Anne Fowlkes, Lorraine and Carlton Eaton, Hubert Nall, Lynn Hudgins, Maurice Lattimore, Philomene Atangane, Mary Duncan, Susan Thompson, Johnson Kakeu, Sally Barnes, Barbara Chandler, Martha McGourk, Alice Pickett, Cyndy Roberts, Jim Roberts, Debra Slaughter, and Bobo Thomas. Ushers Bill Schaffer, Frederick Gituku, Eddie Griffin, Lee Underwood (Chair), Dottie Hopple, Carolyn Robison, Xin Xu and Jack Tie, Mike Hair, Sharon Bailey, Kirk and Diane Baier, and Baohua Wu and Holly Li. 5:45 pm Greeters Erin and Zack Dentmon, Tom Opdyke, Michael Payne, Nathan Miller, Rachel Lovins, Yunpeng Pan, Laurel Boatright, Elizabeth Nadelman, Lindsay Allward, Janie Hicks, Tara Jatlaoui, Evelyn Maris, Carolyn Tye, Samuel Yenn-Batah, and Betsy White. Please contact Kay Carlson ( or Lee Underwood ( if you have an interest in serving as well! North AveNews 3 Fulfill a New Year’s Resolution: Join North Avenue! Our first Membership Exploration class of the new year is coming up in February. We will gather in the Eldridge Room at 8:30 a.m. for coffee, donuts, and introductions, then move to the 9:00 service. From there we will return to the Eldridge Room for discussions of faith, as well as a glimpse into North Avenue’s vision and mission. We will conclude at 12 p.m. For more information or to sign up, please contact or Kay Carlson ( or call 875-0431, ext. 213. 3 N 3 T O U R N A M E N T One of the ways we engage the city is through a basketball ministry on Monday nights. Mike Buchanan and Jessie Breite have been opening the gym to men from the neighborhood and Atlanta Mission for the past four years. Many of these men have become plugged into the life of NAPC and made positive life changes with the help of the Holy Spirit. Three years ago, we held our first three-on-three tournament. This year eight teams competed. If you would like to take part in Monday night basketball, contact Mike Buchanan at or just show up Monday evenings at 6 p.m. 4 North AveNews • January Congregational Meeting Sunday, January 17 immediately following the 11 a.m. service The sole purpose of the meeting is to approve the sale of the vacant quarter acre tract of land located on the northeast corner of Courtland Street and Linden Avenue and commonly known as the Alpha House lot. DISCOVER YOUR V O C AT I O N IN YOUR O C C U PAT I O N V O C AT I O N C O N V E R S AT I O N S : "Renew your life" with Kai Nilsen Sunday, January 24 at 5:45 p.m. Since 2005, Kai Nilsen has served as lead pastor at Peace after having joined the staff in 1993. Throughout his career, Kai’s ministry has been motivated by a core conviction that God has planted in each of us the capability to love each other, to serve those in need, to hope during dark times, and to experience a full life in the present moment. Beyond his work at Peace, Kai is on the Ministry Team for Renovaré—an ecumenical movement focusing in spiritual formation, a teacher in the Renovare’ Institute for Spiritual formation, and a leader in the local ministerial association. In 2009, Kai completed his Doctor of Ministry degree through Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California. Nilsen graduated from Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota in 1985, where he met his wife Patty. He graduated from Luther Seminary in 1989 and was then called to serve Trinity Lutheran Church in Madison, Wisconsin. Kai’s book Renew Your Life: Discovering the Wellspring of God’s Energy will come out in the fall of 2015. In it he describes the seven ways that God has been renewing life from the very beginning (Genesis 1:1-2:3) through the creative energies of Grace, Possibility, Paradox, The Natural World, Relationships, Fruitful Work and Rest. You can pre-order Pastor Kai’s book today! The Nilsens are parents of four children—Anders, Annika, Leif and Siri. When asked what he does when he is not at Peace, Kai answered, “During the time I have not devoted to work or my family, I love heading to the YMCA for an intense workout, sharing a glass of wine with friends or curling up on the couch for a relaxing read.” View A Video about his book at North AveNews 5 Pride for Parents A great big thank you to all of our North Avenue friends who donated toys for our “Pride for Parents” toy drive. We collected over 100 toys and gift cards that were loaded in a minivan and taken to South Atlanta Marketplace on Monday, December 14. We know that these toys are a blessing for the parents who purchased them and the children who received them. Thank you for being a part of bringing hope, peace, joy and love to our friends in South Atlanta! Annual Youth Lock-in Friday, January 8 from 7 p.m. - 8 a.m. in the BMC The cost is $20/youth and parents can drop off and pick up their youth in the BMC lobby. They can get a permission form when they sign up by emailing Jessica Dart, Director of Youth Ministry, at This will be the last lock-in before renovations start! Come join the fun!! MOM’S NIGHT OUT Mom’s Night Out meets for dinner and sharing life together on Tuesday, January 19. For more information, contact Alison Smith at Parenting Conversation: Engaging Social Media with Jim Roberts Sunday, January 31 from 12:15-2 p.m. Since getting his PhD from Penn State, Jim Roberts has taught media, film, and literature at Georgia State University. A side-benefit of this career is the first-hand knowledge he gains from his students about how teens navigate social media and the channels they engage information he has used in raising his own four children. Jim will share his family and professional experiences in navigating ever-changing social media. He will provide a framework for parents so they can better understand the social media landscape and will lead a discussion about options for guiding their children through the (rich and trapstrewn) social media terrain. You can register online starting January 6 at Cost: $10 per family. Care is available for children elementary age and younger. SAVE THE DATE: Family Night of Worship Saturday, February 6 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the BMC Come worship as a family for a special “Ash Wednesday” worship experience and stay for a pizza dinner and time to be with friends and family! Dinner is $5 per family. 6 North AveNews • January NAPC Women’s Retreat February 27-28 at Unicoi State Park, Helen, GA Just imagine: a weekend away to step back from everyday life, with nothing but time to discover your role as a “living stone” in the kingdom of God. Time to connect and enjoy fellowship with other women. Time to rest your body, stimulate your mind, and delight your soul. That’s the promise of the NAPC Women’s Retreat, scheduled for February 27 - 28, 2016. This year, Rev. Megan Johnson will lead us on a spiritual journey set amid the serene natural beauty of the North Georgia mountains and Unicoi State Park near Helen, GA. Along with small group discussions, prayer time, conversations, and meals, you’ll have time to hike to a waterfall, gather ‘round a bonfire, explore your creative side, or just close the door and take a nap. Spiritual and physical renewal is the goal. Sound like a daydream? We want YOU to make it a reality. Your place is with us, even if you can find 100 reasons to stay home. To learn more about being part of this rejuvenating weekend, stop by the registration tables in the lobby or contact Jill Fossett ( or Carol Reeder ( Specific details about the event are online at D E C E M B E R M I L E S TO N E S • Marriage of Jenna Andrews and Alex Sponseller on December 4 • Baptism of Edwin Goh on December 13. FINANCIAL REPORT OCT 2015 Ministry & Mission Income $ 201,604 Ministry & Mission Expenses 179,732 Difference $ 21,872 YEAR-TO-DATE $ 1,922,575 2,169,438 $ (246,863) CO N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. D. Scott Weimer, ext. 210 Theologian in Residence Rev. Dr. Samuel Mwaniki, ext. 211 Senior Associate for Discipleship/Teaching Pastor Rev. Jeff Meyers, ext. 216 Associate for Congregational Care Rev. Frank Eldridge, ext. 247 Associate for Women’s Ministry Rev. Megan Johnson, ext. 220 Director of Children & Family Ministries Roxie Chess, ext. 243 Director of Youth Ministry Jessica Dart, ext. 205 Director of Missions & Outreach Matt Seadore, ext. 226 Equipping Ministries Associate Kay Carlson, ext. 213 International Student Ministry Coordinator Jason Yu Chen, 404.578.7250 Assistant to Director of Music Lisa Ellinger, ext. 209 Director of Music & The Arts/ Organist Melinda L. Clark, ext. 208 Executive Director of Finance and Operations Roger Young, ext. 222 Worship Leader in Mission Josh Schicker, ext. 236 Staff Accountant Karen Dickey, ext. 221 Director of Communications Tyler Jackson, ext. 215 Facilities Manager Gene Wooldridge, ext. 224 Membership Involvement Coordinator Kim Goldsmith, ext. 206 Director of Food Services Richard Slade, ext. 241 Administrative/ Pastoral Assistant Andrea Henry, ext. 201 Administrative Assistant/ Receptionist Bridgett Stewart, ext. 223 Director of Music & The Arts, Emeritus Oscar L. Rodriguez Become a fan on Facebook! Follow NAPC on Twitter! Get the latest NAPC news online at the church website Sign up to receive this newsletter via e-mail or via the post office to your home North AveNews 7 REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS S U N D AY S 9 AM Contemporary Worship in the Sanctuary 9:15 AM Cherub & Junior Choirs Rehearse 10 AM Sunday School & Living Waters Prayer Ministry in the Prayer Room 11 AM Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary & Sunday Lunch in the Gym (also at noon) 12 PM Healing Service on third Sundays of the month in the Session Room behind the Sanctuary 1 PM Orchestra NAPC Rehearsal in Room 301 5 PM Youth Group meets on Fourth Floor 5:45 PM Evening Service in the Sanctuary M O N D AY S 6 PM Volunteer with Basketball with the Atlanta Mission in the Gym Diaconate & Session Meetings on the second Monday of the month T U E S D AY S 10 AM Presbyterian Women Inductive Bible Study meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month 10:30 AM Presbyterian Women Circles meet on the second Tuesday of the month W E D N E S D AY S 5:30 PM Volunteer at the Community Men’s Bible Study in Room 408 (contact 5:30 PM Wednesday Dinners in the Dining Room 5:30 PM ESL meets on the Fourth Floor 5:50 PM NAPC Handbell Choir rehearses in Sanctuary 6:15 PM Prayer Warriors meet in the Library 7 PM Young Adults Small Group meets in Room 316 7 PM Wednesday Women’s Bible Study meets in Room 323 7 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Choir Room 7 PM Tuk & Tak International Soccer meets in the Gym 8 North AveNews • January JANUARY CALENDAR T H U R S D AY, D E C E M B E R 31 5PM Year-end Gift Deadline F R I D AY, J A N U A R Y 8 7PM - 8AM Annual Youth Lock-in (see details on p. 6) S U N D AY, J A N U A R Y 10 New Sermon Series: “Announcing Good News” (see details on p. 2-3) S U N D AY, J A N U A R Y 17 12PM Congregational Meeting (see details on p. 5) S AT U R D AY, F E B R U A R Y 6 4:30-6:30PM Family Night of Worship (see details on p. 6) F E B R U A R Y 27 - 28 NAPC Women’s Retreat: Living Stones (see details on p. 7) See up to date events and news online at S U N D AY, J A N U A R Y 24 5:45PM Renew Your Life with Kai Nilsen (see details on p. 5) S U N D AY, J A N U A R Y 31 12:15 - 2PM Parenting Conversation (see details on p. 6) J A N U A R Y B I R T H DAY S 01 Jane Davis, Kargi Tasi, Lauren Flinn, Asher Black 02 Cindy Holt, Ruth Waihiga, Jonathan Goldsmith 03 Theron Ragsdale, Lindsey Elliot 04 Virginia Ferguson, Samuel Mwaniki, David Glass, Emma Hughes 05 Jean McFadden, Nigel Lush, Megan Johnson, Armani Jusu 06 Jim Alm, Hannah Goodyear, Tracy Knapp 07 Edna House 08 Cyndy Roberts 09 Mullin Underwood, Hannah Choi, Jack Susong, Dorie Watkins 10 Deborah Lowery, Linda Thompson, Charles Knapp 11 Jeff Rice, Sally Barnes, Vivian Wells, John Crawford Langley, Emily Liu, Everett Gray 12 Betty McKay, Lakshmi Sankar, Lei Xie 13 Beth Brady, Connie Pinder 14 Betsy Primm, Monicah Mwaniki, Dana Klest, Kim Wilson, James Din, Yagiong Guo 15 Ben Carmichael, April Pilgrim, Malaika Cheney-Coker, Cole Thompson 16 Scott Thompson, Tristan Askew 17 Jorge Millan, Matthew Boatwright, Nathaniel Gieseking 18 Lisa Wells 19 Marian McGaughey, Rachel Carruth, Amanda Abernathy, Neil Whitman 20 Sherrie Smith, Eric Johnson, Lauren Handell, Walker Rogers, Hannah Tie 21 Ann Cousins, Glad Eldridge, 22 Corie Galusha, Emily Toriani-Moura, Katy Mosby, Andrea Bowers, Will Perry 23 Wallace Underwood, Sarah Kenady, Bo Underwood, Camryn Dawson 24 Ralph Rutherfod, Matt Bruso, Jared Lowe, Tyler Jabaley, Ben Radford 25 George Rice, Lynne Norman, Han Choi, Ben Buxton 26 Al Valerius, Micheal Hair 27 Lynn Bishop, Joan Goodyear, Kermit Llaurador, Isabel Carter, Alexander Carter 28 Paul Tom, Dan Lowery, Yoko O’ Brien, Juila Roberts, Aiden Armstrong, Trina Respess, Jasmine Gray 29 Tillman Douglas, Carolyn Curtis, Margaret Draper, Amelie Respress 30 William Flinn, Hubert Nall III, Andrew Watkins, Josh Gregory, David Millan 31 Jiaming Li, Mattie Kelbaugh
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