elijah - North Avenue Presbyterian Church
elijah - North Avenue Presbyterian Church
I n s i d e e v e ry i s s u e : Upcoming Sermon Series (P. 7) Upcoming Events & News Volunteer Opportunities (P. 6) NAPC Milestones (P. 7) Calendar & Birthdays (P. 8) Inside t h i s Issue Visiting the State Capitol with ACS P. 4 April 2013 | VOLUME 59.04 Summer Opportunities for Your Kids P. 5 community sing of ELIJAH by Felix Mendelssohn Community Sing of “Elijah” by Mendelssohn P. 6 NEWS Palm Sunday 2013 Photo by Josh Schicker North Avenue Presbyterian Church | 607 Peachtree Street NE | Atlanta, Georgia 30308 | 404.875.0431 | www.napc.org “Christ is risen!” “He is risen indeed!” These amazing words of declaration are spoken by the followers of Christ all around the world on Easter Sunday. And we spoke them all day long at North Avenue at our four Easter services. They are words that we affirm not just on Easter Sunday, but on every day of the year. They are the words around which we center our lives, as those who follow a living Christ. In these days that follow our Easter celebration, let us trust in the risen Christ to accomplish God’s purpose. Over the next two months, we will conclude our sermon series on the Gospel of Luke and move into Luke’s second book, the book of Acts. Notice the sermon series as listed on this page (you can see the sermon series that concludes our study of Luke on p. 7). From My Heart to Yours By Dr. Scott Weimer, Senior Pastor A p r i l R e c o m m e n d at i o n The Message of Acts The Bible Speaks Today Series by John Stott Acts: Fresh Start May 05—Acts 1:1-5 May 12—Acts 1:12-23 May 19—Acts 2:1-5 May 26—Acts 2:14-21 Acts: Vulnerable Community June 02—Special Guest, Marilyn Borst June 09—Acts 2:42-47 June 16—Acts 4:23-31 June 23—Acts 4:32-37 June 30—Acts 6:1-7 Acts: Rooted in Our Story July 07—Acts 7 July 14—Acts 7:54-8:4 with Tom Tewell July 21—Acts 9:1-19 with Tom Tewell July 28—Acts 11:1-18 August 04—Acts 15:1-35 August 11—Acts 16:6-10 Acts: People of the Message August 18—Acts 17:16-33 August 25—Acts 28:23-31 2 North AveNews • April 2013 It’s so hard for me to believe that this summer will mark 16 years that Cynthia and I and our family have been among you at North Avenue. In many ways, it seems like only yesterday that we came to this wonderful congregation. We want to thank you for everything that you have meant to me and to our family over these past years. You have been faithful, generous, loving, supportive, and truly encouraging in every aspect of our life among you. We are deeply grateful. As part of my call to North Avenue, a provision is made for ordained clergy to take a sabbatical of three months every seven years. After the first eight years, the Session granted me a first sabbatical for which I was awarded the Lily Sabbatical Scholarship. In the summer of 2005, my sabbatical focused on the emerging church in China, the remarkable spiritual renewal of young people through the Taize Community in France, and on strengthening our family for future ministry. It was a wonderful experience. This summer, my sabbatical plans include time for rest and restoration, reading and writing, and travel with Cynthia in celebration of 30 plus years of marriage. During my time away, Jeff Meyers will guide our able staff and will oversee a full summer of strong preaching and excellent programming, with a focus on children and youth ministry (you can see opportunities for kids and youth on p. 5). The summer preaching schedule will include guest preachers who will greatly bless our congregation, including our own Marilyn Borst of the Outreach Foundation, Rev. Dr. Tom Tewell of Macedonian Ministries, and Rev. Dr. Jim Singleton, president of the Fellowship of Presbyterians. By God’s grace, it will be a wonderful summer for the Weimers and for North Avenue Presbyterian Church. Grace and peace, u pcoming e v ents & news April Events What Do We Believe—And Why? (class continues) Sundays at 10 a.m. in Room 301 Come learn more about what it means to be a Presbyterian. Each week is a stand-alone lesson, so feel free to drop in any Sunday through April 7. First Thursday Prayer Gathering Thursday, April 4 at 11:45 a.m. in Prayer Room Come experience a dedicated time of reflective prayer in a small community. Prayer companions will be available afterward for individual prayer needs. Childcare by reservation with Ann Carter McDonald at apmcdonjr@comcast.net. Mom’s Night Out Tuesday, April 16 at 7 p.m. Moms of all ages gather together to share a meal and mutual support and encouragement. $5 covers the cost of food. For directions or more information, contact Alison Robson Smith at alisonrobson@mindspring.com. Youth Modern Christian Family Conference: Almost Christian The final part of the Youth Modern Christian Family Conference Series is on Sunday, April 21 at 6:30 p.m. at Trinity Presbyterian Church. Join us for Almost Christian with Kenda Creasy Dean and Rodger Nishioka. Together we will examine how to move from the “gospel of niceness” to a passionate faith, ridding ourselves of a shrink-wrapped Christian identity and truly living the gospel. Kenda is a United Methodist Pastor and Professor of Youth, Church, and Culture at Princeton Theological Seminary. Rodger will speak to the youth. He is the Benton Family Associate Professor of Christian Education at Columbia Theological Seminary. There will be nursery care and a separate event for elementary kids to go to. Cost is $20 per family. You can register online at www.montreat.org/young/ modern-christian-family or pay at the door. New Members Exploration Interested in taking the next step toward involvement at North Avenue? Are you thinking that you might want to join as a member? The next New Membership Exploration Class will take place on Sunday, April 14, from 8:30 a.m.-1p.m. In addition, we will host a New Member Exploration dinner at the home of a member on Thursday, April 11. Contact Janie Hicks at janie@napc.org for more information or to sign up for the class. [Additional New Member Exploration Classes in 2013 will be held on September 8 and November 17.] S ave t he Da t e ! This summer we worship together at The Morning Service at 10:15 a.m. on Sundays, July 7-August 11. Sunday School will gather at 9 a.m., and the Evening Service will continue to worship at 5:45 p.m. the NEW(ish) family c l a s s Ministry & Mission Income and Expenses Ministry & Mission Income Ministry & Mission Expenses Difference February 2013 Year-to-date $ 146,477 $ 185,766 $ (39,289) $ 258,174 347,238 (89,064) Come study the Bible in community with other young families during the 10 a.m. hour on Sundays at NAPC. Randy and Susie Eberhard will share their wisdom and lead discussions in a small group environment April 7-May 19. Randy and Susie have been married for 38 years and have raised three sons (and have five granddaughters). Randy and Susie have been the keynote speakers at the past three national Young Life Family camps. They have started worshiping at NAPC over the past year. North AveNews 3 Giving a Voice to Children in Georgia F ebruary 26 was Children’s Day at the Georgia Capitol, so on that cold and rainy Tuesday morning Roxie Chess, Debbie Heller, Fiona Smith, and I went to the Capitol building to represent the Atlanta Children’s Shelter (a NAPC mission partner) at this event. The aim of Children’s Day was to raise awareness among lawmakers of the needs of children and families in our state. The atrium at the Capitol was filled with tables showcasing organizations that serve children in Georgia. Our role as representatives of the Atlanta Children’s Shelter (ACS) was to share with lawmakers and their staff about the needs of Atlanta’s homeless children and families. Having a cute small child (Fiona) with us helped draw attention to our table and we were able to share information with many people of influence in our state. One of the most painful statistics we shared was that every morning 13,000 people in our city wake up with no place to call home—of these, approximately 2,500 are children. Located in our church grounds, ACS provides free, quality day care, emotional support, and an educational curriculum for homeless children, as well as focused social services for their families. Dedicated to helping families overcome the issues that contribute to homelessness, including domestic violence and job loss, the Atlanta Children’s Shelter focuses on the long term self sufficiency of the family. Since 1986, the Atlanta Children’s Shelter has cared for almost 8,000 children and provided services for more than 5,000 families. ACS Chapel Time: Children & Family Ministries share the love of Jesus through a weekly chapel with the preschool children at the ACS. Alison Smith, Betty McKay, Kate Susong, and Roxie Chess rotate weekly to teach a story (the same one we share on Sunday with our Big Adventure children) as well as a special follow up project. We have watched God use this time in the hearts and lives of the children. Look for a 1st Serve opportunity for all ages to be a part of the ACS 5K and Family Festival on June 1... you won’t want to miss it! 4 North AveNews • April 2013 Photo by Connor.carey at en.wikipedia If you would like to learn more about the Atlanta Children’s Shelter, please contact either Roxie Chess (roxie@napc.org) or Matt Seadore (matt@napc.org). -Alison Smith Elementary Vacation Bible School June 24-27, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM | Rising Grades K-6 Join us for an amazing week where we’ll be amazed by God’s grace! Live (and lively!) worship, Amazing Bible teaching, playing together, serving together, and hanging out with new and old friends are just a few of the experiences your kids will have at VBS. Mission Plunge July 15-18, 2013 9:30 AM- 3:30 PM Rising Grades 4-5 | Cost $40 Mission Plunge Jr. June 4-6, 2013 9:30 AM- 2:30 PM Rising Grades 1-3 | Cost $25 Kids learn about putting faith into action Putting on a great VBS requires lots of volunteers. and being Jesus’ hands and feet in the local No matter what your gifts are, we can use you for a community and to the ends of the earth. Daily few hours, a day, or the whole week! Preschool VBS is Bible Study will guide us in our call to serve others available for volunteers’ children. with compassion, hope, and joy. We will explore ways we are able to join God’s great mission as Register or sign up to volunteer online at we explore opportunities to serve in our families, www.napc.org/vbs by May 24. church, community, and world. Register online at www.napc.org/plunge by May 24. Youth CentriKid July 8-12 at Anderson University in Anderson, SC Rising Grade 6 | Cost $290 (scholarships available) Kids take part in Bible study, recreation, track times, and exciting worship. See details at centrikid.com. The Great Escape June 16-21 at Lee University in Cleveland, TN Rising Grades 7-9 | Cost $425 (scholarships available) The Great Escape is a week full of recreation and activities with dynamic speakers, musicians, and others who understand how to communicate in real ways with young people. See details at ycmhome.org/the-great-escape/ MFuge (Mission Fuge) July 15-20 at N. Greenville University in Greenville, SC Rising Grades 10-12 (and Recent High School Grads) Cost $325 (scholarships available) At M-Fuge jump into mission and ministry with local communities and serve people in need. See details at www2.lifeway.com/fuge/ Sign up to go to any of these youth camps by contacting jessica@napc.org MISSION community sing of ELIJAH by Felix Mendelssohn Sunday, April 28 at 2 p.m. in the North Avenue Sanctuary What is First Serve? A first serve event gives an easy on-ramp to serve for half a day with one of our mission partners. There is no commitment beyond giving a Saturday morning away. How often will there be a First Serve opportunity? We are looking to have at least six Saturday first serve opportunities this year. Who can help with a first serve? Each project will be different, but we are looking to be as inclusive as possible. Many of our first serves will be whole family friendly. If I love my first serve opportunity, how can I learn more about mission opportunities? We will give you basic information about the partner you are serving with and we will be serving right alongside you. If you are looking for a place to give of your time, talents, and energy, then first serve is a great launching pad for continued service. Now that you know about First Serve, give one a try! When: Saturday, April 20 (9 a.m.-12 p.m.) What: We will be preparing soil and planting gardens for widows served by our mission partner Resource Service Ministries. The gardens will both provide food for the widow and meet her desire to be able to tend to her own garden. Who: We need between 16-20 volunteers. This event is family friendly and appropriate for ages 5 and up. Where: People will be put in teams of 4-5 people. Each team will be given the name and address of a widow and a time to arrive. When you arrive you will meet the widow you are serving and receive more detailed instructions. How to sign up: There are a number of ways you can sign up, but you do need to sign up. You can e-mail me at matt@napc.org, stop by our table (March 31 at Peachtree landing between 9-12), or click on the banner on our homepage at www.napc.org. Please be sure to sign up no later than Sunday, April 14. What do I need to bring: When you sign up we will give you a list of needed supplies. What if it is rainy that day? Our makeup day will be Saturday, April 27. 6 North AveNews • April 2013 The Music & The Arts Ministry invites you to join our Chancel Choir and Orchestra NAPC as well as guest musicians for a free Community-Sing Experience on Sunday afternoon, April 28 at 2 p.m. in North Avenue’s Sanctuary. For our major work this year we will offer selected choruses from Felix Mendelssohn’s beloved oratorio, Elijah. All choral singers in the audience will be invited to first rehearse the music, and then to participate in the singing of this descriptive work. Elijah depicts the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of the great Old Testament prophet Elijah. You’ll want to obtain a vocal score (G. Schirmer, edition) of the work so that you will be able to do some rehearsing prior to the event. For further information, contact Melinda Clark at melinda@napc.org or Lisa Ellinger at lisa@napc.org. Infant Baptism Class Join us on Sunday, April 21 at 10 a.m. in the BMC as Rev. Megan Johnson, Rev. Jeff Meyers, and Roxie Chess explore the mystery, blessing, and responsibilities of infant baptism. This is a class for people who are preparing to baptize their child, have baptized and would like to learn more, or those just interested in learning about the sacrament. For more information contact Roxie at roxie@napc.org. Have you ever wanted to tell a friend or neighbor about your relationship with Christ and not known where to start? Have you been called on to share your testimony with a group and been at a loss? What do you say and how do you say it? How to Tell your Story WORKSHoP WITH STAN WOOD | SUNDAY, APRIL 21 Sharing your faith journey and telling other people about Jesus doesn’t have to be scary. Come learn what to say and how to say it at the How to Tell Your Story workshop on Sunday, April 21 at 12:45 p.m. in the Eldridge Room. Stan Wood, Executive Director at Sower’s Field Ministries, will give us practical insights and steps on sharing our faith in this one and half hour workshop; it is a great opportunity for students, teachers, deacons, and elders who are often called on to give a reason for the hope that is in them. This event is sponsored by the Evangelism Team. new sermon series April 7, 14, & 21 close encounters of the divine kind eNCOUNTERS WITH DESPAIR the road to emmaus | luke 24:13-35 ENCOUNTERS WITH DOUBT jesus appears to the disciples | luke 24:36-49 ENCOUNTERS WITH DEATH the ascension | luke 24:50-53 Youth Sunday Confirmation Sunday Make plans to join us in morning worship services on April 28 as we hear from our youth and welcome some of them as new members! Our youth band will also help lead worship in both morning services. Come encourage and celebrate the youth of NAPC. M arch M ilestones • Emily Eaton Maysilles and Ryan Ross Curtin were married on March 9, 2013. • Joshua Claude Bruso and Jacob Thomas Latzak were baptized on March 10, 2013. Are you in need of prayer? Come by the Prayer Room located just behind the Sanctuary any Sunday morning from 10-11 a.m. and join a faithful group of intercessors at Living Waters. Let us pray for your physical, spiritual, or emotional healing. Contact I nformation Senior Pastor Dr. D. Scott Weimer scott@napc.org, ext. 210 Director of Missions & Outreach Matt Seadore matt@napc.org, ext. 226 Assistant to Director of Music Lisa Ellinger lisa@napc.org, ext. 209 Theologian in Residence Rev. Dr. Samuel Mwaniki samuel@napc.org, ext. 211 Director of Music & The Arts/ Organist Melinda L. Clark melinda@napc.org, ext. 208 Administrative Assistant/ Receptionist Bridgett Stewart bridgett@napc.org, ext. 223 Worship Leader in Mission Josh Schicker josh@napc.org, ext. 236 Executive Director of Finance and Operations Roger Young roger@napc.org, ext. 222 Senior Associate for Discipleship/Teaching Pastor Rev. Jeff Meyers jeff@napc.org, ext. 202 Associate for Congregational Care Rev. Frank Eldridge frank@napc.org, ext. 247 Director of Communications Whitney Meadows whitney@napc.org, ext. 215 Associate for Women’s Ministry Rev. Megan Johnson megan@napc.org, ext. 220 Membership Involvement Coordinator Janie Hicks janie@napc.org, ext. 206 Director of Children & Family Ministries Roxie Chess roxie@napc.org, ext. 243 Director of Youth Ministry Jessica Dart jessica@napc.org, ext. 205 Administrative/ Pastoral Assistant Andrea Henry andrea@napc.org, ext. 201 Administrative Assistant Kay Carlson kay@napc.org, ext. 213 Staff Accountant Nicole Fitzgerald nicole@napc.org, ext. 221 Facilities Manager Gene Wooldridge gene@napc.org, ext. 224 Director of Food Services Richard Slade richard@napc.org, ext. 241 Director of Music & The Arts, Emeritus Oscar L. Rodriguez Become a fan on Facebook! www.facebook.com/northavenuepres Follow NAPC on Twitter! twitter.com/northavenuepres Get the latest NAPC news online at the church website www.napc.org/news Sign up to receive this newsletter via e-mail or via the post office to your home www.napc.org/newsletter.html North AveNews 7 calendar & birthdays : A pril R e g u l ar l y S che d u l e d E v en t s S u n d ays 9 AM Contemporary Worship in the Sanctuary 9 AM Cherub & Junior Choirs Rehearse 10 AM Sunday School & Living Waters Prayer Ministry in the Prayer Room 11 AM Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary & Sunday Lunch in the Gym (also at noon) 12 PM Healing Service on third Sundays of the month in the Session Room behind the Sanctuary 1 PM Orchestra NAPC Rehearsal in Room 301 4 PM Youth Band rehearses in the BMC 5 PM Youth Group meets on Fourth Floor 5:45 PM Evening Service in the Sanctuary M o n d ays Diaconate & Session Meetings on the second Monday of the month T u e s d ays 10 AM Presbyterian Women Inductive Bible Study meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month 10:30 AM Presbyterian Women Circles meet on the second Tuesday of the month 6 PM Volunteer with Basketball with the Atlanta Mission in the Gym W e d n e s d ays 10 AM Christian Care Outreach 1:30 PM Girls Scouts 5:20 PM Volunteer at the Community Men’s Bible Study in Room 408 (contact matt@napc.org) 5:30 PM Wednesday Dinners ($6 per person or $15 per family) in the Dining Room 5:30 PM ESL meets on the Fourth Floor 5:50 PM NAPC Handbell Choir rehearses in Sanctuary 6:30 PM Financial Peace Classes meets in BMC 7 PM Young Adults Small Group meets in Room 316 7 PM Wednesday Women’s Bible Study meets in Room 323 7 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Choir Room 7 PM Tuk & Tak International Soccer meets in the Gym T h u r s d ays 9:30 AM Women’s Thursday Morning Bible Study meets in Room 301 8 North AveNews • April 2013 April Calendar Ap r i l 4 First Thursday Prayer Gathering at 12 PM in Prayer Room Ap r i l 5 Finance Team Meeting at 8 AM in Room 314 Ap r i l 7 New(ish) Family Class kicks off at 10 AM in BMC Ap r i l 8 Leadership Development Team Meeting at 4:30 PM in Room 314 Ap r i l 9 Property Team Meeting at 12 PM in Room 406 Gateway Partner Meeting at 2:30 PM in BMC-B Homeless Provider Network Meeting at 3:30 PM in BMC Ap r i l 10 New Member Exploration Dinner at 6:15 PM (see details on p.3) Ap r i l 14 New Member Exploration at 8:30 AM in Eldridge Room (see details on p.3) April Birthdays 01 James Weimer 02 David Choi, Casey Creal, Clare Draper IV, Matt Habib 03 Allyson Jones, Lee Underwood 04 Scott Hightower, Paul Kiunyu, Erica Raut 05 Michael Bryant, Christopher Choi, Darren Epps, Benson Karanja, Bud Woolheater 07 Emily Bruso, Nelly Kibirech 08 Lee Burrows, Ali McWhirter, Steve Weir 09 Gaan Akers, John Walker 10 Doris Burns, Edward Kil, Valery Nzima Nzima, Todd Vermeer 11 Francis Githieya, Jennifer Hightower, Chris McGourk 12 Knox Burton, Ella Creal, Ben Hudgins, Cassandra Kirk 13 Willis Fan, Sierra Joelson Ap r i l 17 Presbyterian Opportunities Team Meeting at 12 PM in Room 406 Ap r i l 21 New Member Coffee at 10 AM in Eldridge Room Ap r i l 22 Human Resources Team Meeting at 4:30 PM in Room 316 Ap r i l 28 YOUTH SUNDAY (see details on p.7) Community Sing of Elijah at 2 PM in Sanctuary (see details on p.6) Ap r i l 30 Resources Service Ministries Prayer Meeting & Lunch at 10 AM in Dining Room See up to date events and news online at www.napc.org/news 14 Kim Collins, Michael Kenady, Jay Latzak, Patrick Murphy, Martha Rodriguez, Mike Weldon 15 Walker Dunn, Ryan Marquette, Kelly Russell-Tutty 16 Terry Baker, Jean Dennis, Peter Goldsmith, Mary Frances McGourk, Marcy Motes, Jaida Seadore, Jerry Thomas 17 Gianna Albertini, Isis Bonsu, Kate Buxton, Judy Graves, Jim Willmer 18 Joe Craver, Lynn Hudgins 19 Ken Crain, Jane Going, Rebecca Gray, Elizabeth Jones, Stuart Jones, Jane Williams 20 Timothy Gieseking 21 J.B. Boonstra, Carolyn Handell 22 Rob Barnes, Harry Bosse, Jake Raharja 23 Mike Johnson, Chris Massey, Anna Grace Robinson 24 Holly Hughes, David Lee, Pat Stevens 25 Susie Armstrong, Elliott Crain, Abbye Dalton, Kyle Davis, Debbie Dunn, Lori Marquette, Charles Michael Ndonga, Ian Venn 26 Sue Haney, Tom McLeod 27 Eugene Bales, Ramona Christ, Evie Eikhoff, Jamise Goodman, Mickie Holton 28 Tim Dodenhoff, Meg Goodman, Billy Mitchell, Martha Young 29 Liang Zhang 30 Alison Howell, Sara Anne Johnson, Jacob Rogers-Martin
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New Sermon Series! - North Avenue Presbyterian Church
jessica@napc.org, ext. 205
Director of Missions & Outreach