(757) 850-5000 * Fax: (757) 850-5613


(757) 850-5000 * Fax: (757) 850-5613
Home of the Warriors
522 Woodland Road * Hampton, VA 23669 * Office: (757) 850-5000 * Fax: (757) 850-5613
Journey of Everyday Greatness...
Fall 2014
Greetings KHS Students and Parents,
I take great pride, as your new principal, in welcoming you to the 2014-2015 school year.
relaxing and enjoyable summer break.
I certainly hope everyone has had a
We have experienced some exciting changes at Kecoughtan this summer. KHS became Virginia’s 23rd Governor’s STEM
Academy. The Architecture and Applied Arts Academy (AAA Academy) will provide our students with opportunities to enhance
their knowledge and skills in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math.
Also, there are new additions to our administrative team and faculty. These new team members bring with them a wide variety
of experiences and skill sets that will be instrumental to the success of your child.
Kecoughtan not only has a history rooted deep in high academic standards and expectations but also has a commitment to extra
curricular, co-curricular, and athletic opportunities for our students. As I return to Kecoughtan High School, I am honored to be a
part of this tradition as we continue to provide an exceptional learning environment where “Everyday Greatness is the
Expectation” for “every child, everyday, whatever it takes…”
Again, I welcome you to a new school year and I ask for your support and partnership in making this a successful year for all
Jeffrey T. Mordica
Orientation for rising freshmen and
transfer students will be held Thursday,
August 28th, from 8:15 a.m. to 12:00
p.m. All freshmen will report to the
cafeteria upon arrival to school. New
upperclassmen will report to the
Library. Students will have the
opportunity to walk through their
actual schedule and meet each of their
teachers. Information will be provided
on clubs, activities, and organizations.
Hampton City Schools will provide
transportation. Please call HCS
Transportation at 727-1079 if you have
any questions about your child’s bus
schedule or route.
Kecoughtan High School
Student Supplies
Cell Phone Policy
High School students do not
receive a common supply list.
Each student will receive a
specific list of required
supplies from each teacher
during the first week of school. We
suggest students bring paper, pens, pencils, a
folder and notebook to be prepared for the first
few days.
Students are able to keep their cell
phones on their person during the
school day. Students are required to
keep their cell phones off and out of
sight for the entire instructional day.
Students will face disciplinary action
for using cell phones during
instructional time.
Back-to-School Night
procedures for this policy will be
Come meet the Warrior family found in the 2014/2015 Student’s
for our “Back To School Night” R i g h t s a n d R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s
on Thursday, October 2, 2014. Handbook.
We are looking forward to this
opportunity for parents and
guardians to meet our teachers and the
administrative team. This event will run from
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. We hope you will join us.
High School 101
The Parent Portal is an online service
that connects parents and families to
the tools needed to help ensure
student success.
assignments, teacher information,
student grades, and attendance
information can be accessed through
a secure, easy-to-use website. To use
the Parent Portal you will need a
computer with internet access and a
valid username and password.
Parent accounts are mailed.
security reasons, account
information cannot be provided over
the phone.
Bring Your Own Technology
KHS is currently involved in a
program allowing students to bring
their own personal electronic devices
such as iPads, netbooks, and laptops
to school for instructional purposes.
Students will be permitted to access
the internet through the division’s
high-speed connection.
This will
allow access to online textbooks, ebooks, online dictionaries, and many
other reference and research sites.
Internet access is and will continue to
be filtered, restricting sites such as
Facebook and other non-academic
related sites. Also, please note that
this program excludes cell phones and
that the cell phone policy remains asis. In order for your student to be
able to bring his/her personal
electronic device to school, you will
be required to sign an approval form.
(Please visit our school’s website to
download the required form.) We are
committed to being a cutting-edge
school focused on preparing our
students for the 21st century!
New Visitor
Electronic Management System
Hampton City Schools is implementing
the V-Soft Raptor visitor management
system (Raptor). The Raptor system
allows schools to electronically check
all visitors, providing enhanced
protection for our students and staff. On your initial visit to Kecoughtan
High School, you will be scanned in
the Raptor system using a valid
Virginia Driver License or ID Card. For
more information, please visit the KHS
webpage, and click on Visitor Security
A program, for 9th grade students & parents,
that will provide information to help your child
have a successful high school career. Information
will be shared regarding diploma requirements,
grade point average, High School & College
athletics, testing, test preparation, course
selections, goal setting, attendance and resources.
Please join us on August 27, 2014, in the KHS
Auditorium at 6:00 p.m.
Connect-ED is a technology support piece that is
being incorporated in Hampton City Schools
again this school year. This phone and e-mail
communication system will allow the division
superintendent, other HCS administrative offices,
attendance personnel and principals to have the
ability to contact all families and students within
a minute’s notice. The system is generally run
through the phone and will be used for inclement
weather and special notices.
Student Dress Code
All students are expected to maintain good grooming habits and appropriate dress.
Clothing should promote a positive image, be of acceptable social standards and not be
offensive or distracting to the learning environment.
Kecoughtan students may not wear:
1. Shirts or blouses exposing the midriff
2. Undershirts worn as blouses/shirts
3. Curlers, picks, combs or rakes in the hair
4. Hats, sweatbands, du-rags, and
5. Tank tops, halter tops, fishnet shirts/
tops, strapless dresses or dresses and
tops with narrow shoulder straps (No
6. Stretch lycra, spandex, nylon tights,
leotards, bike pants, underwear or
cutoffs worn as outer garments
7. Pants that sag below the waistline
8. Clothing which displays obscene or
violent themes, designs, or pictures or
conveys sexually suggestive, alcohol/
drug related messages, or profanity; or
any clothing distracting to the
learning environment
Kecoughtan students may wear:
1. Girls—hemmed walking shorts, skorts
or split skirts, skirts or dresses
reaching at least the tips of the
fingers with hands at the side.
2. Boys—hemmed walking shorts
reaching the knee.
3. Appropriate footwear.
NOTE: Students in violation of the dress
code will be required to remove the
inappropriate items and, if necessary,
clothing from the school will be provided
for the student to wear the remainder of
the day. Repeat violations will result in
additional disciplinary consequences.
Guidance Secretary
Mrs. Hope
(757) 850-5023
Mrs. Casey Hasey
(757) 850-5403
Mrs. Blackshear, Nurse
Ms. Johnson, Health Clerk
(757) 850-5019
Main Office Secretary
Mrs. Berry
(757) 850-5000
Principal Secretary
Ms. C. Williams
(757) 850-5004
Mrs. Moore
(757) 850-5011
Mrs. Andrea Dipasquale
(757) 850-6843
Testing Specialist
Ms. Haga
(757) 848-2159
Dean’s Office
★Registration and Withdrawals
★Discipline questions
★ Homework Request
★Drop off items for students - students
WILL NOT be called out of class to pick up
items. Student are responsible for picking
up items from the Deans Office.
★Work Permits (if you have found a job)
★Academic Concerns
★Schedules, Graduation & Promotion
★Returning to school from a suspension
★Transcripts, Verified Credits, Test Scores
★Contact your child during school hours
because of an emergency.
★College, Career or Scholarship Resources
★Attendance Appeals/Concerns
★Letters of Recommendation
★Early Dismissal
★Conferences (Teacher and Counselors)
(8:30am - 11:30am)
★Report absences/tardies/early dismissals
★Excused notes (doctor’s, parent
★Early Dismissal (medical)
★ID required to pick up student(s)
★Medication for student during the
★Only three (3) tardy notes from home will
be excused per nine (9) weeks.
school day
★Early Dismissals (limited to five (5) persemester)
★Shot records
Info. Specialist
Mrs. Wilson
(757) 850-5166
Ms. Gutierrez
(757) 850-5001
Important Contacts
Office Staff
2014 -2015
Telephone: (757) 850-5000
Fax: (757) 850-5153
Main Office
★Medication information
Information Specialist
★General school information
★Change of address/phone number form
★Lunch forms
★Copy of report card
★Making appointments with administrators
★Out-of-Zone request form
★Messages for teachers and administrators
★Proof of Residency
★Sports Physical Forms
★Student Exemption forms
★Bus schedules information
★Parking Info/Fees for Decals
★Fines (books)
★School Fees (eg. lost books)
★Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)
★Yearbook purchases
★Out-of-Zone request form
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Lisa Incorminias
(757) 850-5439
Assistant Principal
Dr. Sharmaine Grove
(757) 850-5437
Graduation Specialist
(757) 850-5408
Dean of Girls
Mrs. Rebecca Tidwell
(757) 850-5007
Dean of Boys
Mr. Gary Alexander
(757) 850-5008
Hampton City Schools has transitioned to an individualized/Yellow Bus
System. The bus schedules are public and all students riding the bus to and
from school will be provided with their schedules. Go to http://
edulogweb.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us/edulog/webquery/ to look up your
student’s bus schedule. Please contact the HCS Transportation Department
at 727-1079 for questions or concerns.
Mr. Jeffrey Mordica
(757) 850-5004
Assistant Principal
Mr. Paul Lawrence
(757) 850-5438
School Transportation and Parking Decal Policy
Administrative Team
Assistant Principal
Mr. Dwayne Lucas
(757) 850-5401
ALL Hampton City Schools High Schools are implementing a Parking Decal system for this
school year. Please see the below information:
Parking Information: Parking at Kecoughtan High School is a privilege for students in good
standing. This privilege is extended to some students that have special school-related
transportation needs that Hampton City Schools transportation cannot meet. Students who
do not have permits to park on campus shall not operate a vehicle on school grounds during
the school day (8:20 a.m. to 3:09 p.m.). Emergency daily parking permits are issued on a
limited basis. Such requests must be made with an administrator, or in his/her absence the
Dean of Boys/Girls, prior to operating a vehicle on school grounds.
Fees: Parking fees are $20.00 (checks made payable to Kecoughtan High School) per year for
the first decal. All decals are non-refundable and non-transferable. Permits are requested by
the year only. There is no partial fee available. New Horizons students do not qualify for any
reduced rates because transportation is provided by Hampton City Schools. Permits that are
lost or damaged may be replaced for $5.00 (if approved by school administration).
Important Dates
1st Semester
Sept. 2
Sept. 25
Oct. 1
Oct. 15
Oct. 22- Oct. 31
Nov. 3
Nov. 4
Nov. 11
Nov. 26
Nov. 27-28
School Begins
Back-to-School Night
Progress Reports
PSAT Testing
Benchmark Testing
End of 1st Quarter
Conference Day
Report Cards
Early Close @ 1:09 p.m.
Schools/Offices Closed
Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 9
Progress Reports
Dec. 22 –Jan. 2 Winter Break
Jan. 5
School Reopens
Jan. 12-23
Benchmarks/HS Exams
Early Release
Jan. 19
Schools/Offices Closed
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Jan. 26, 27
Teacher Work Days
End of 1st Semester
2nd Semester
Jan. 28
Feb. 3
Feb. 13
Feb. 16
Second Semester Begins
Report Cards
Early Close
Schools/Offices Closed
President’s Day
Mar. 3
Progress Reports
Mar. 23-Apr. 2 Benchmark Testing
April 3
End of 3rd Quarter
April 6-10
Spring Break
April 7
Schools/Office Closed
April 17
Report Cards
May 12
Progress Reports
May 22
Early Close @ 1:09 p.m.
May 26-June 3 Benchmarks
May 25
Schools/Offices Closed
Memorial Day
June 8-15
High School Exams
Early Release
June 16
Teacher Workday
June 12
KHS Graduation @ 7:00 p.m.
June 18
Report Cards Mailed