Read The Issue - HopeTree Family Services


Read The Issue - HopeTree Family Services
HopeTree Family Services
Spring 2015
125th Anniversary
Compassion Across
Three Centuries
The Exuberant
Miss Bea
Touching Lives:
Our Annual Report
In This Issue
HopeTree Celebrates 125 Years
We started as a simple orphanage
and now serve multiple populations
across the state.
Pages 4-6
Exuberance Personified
Bea participates in the DDM InHome program which allows her to
maintain her independence.
Page 8
2013-14 Annual Report
Here’s a look at the impact your
compassion and generosity had on
our ministries.
Page 11-12
Join the 125 Challenge
Celebrating Our Past...
By Ensuring Our Future.
Page 22
HopeTree Family Services provides residential care to at-risk youth as well as adults with developmental disabilities.
All children are treated the same regardless of ability to pay. No discrimination will take place on the grounds of
race, color, sex, or other classification protected by law. All children will have equal access to nutritious meals in
accordance with federal law and USDA policy.
The Developmental Disabilities Ministry shall develop, carry out, and regularly monitor policies and procedures
governing discrimination in the provision of services to adult residents with developmental disabilities. HopeTree
Family Services shall comply with all state and federal laws, including any applicable provisions of the Americans
with Disabilities Act (42 USC 2101 et seq.), prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity,
age, sex, disability, or ability to pay.
A Century
A Message of Hope
“The Lord is the strength of his
people; He is the saving refuge of
His anointed. O save your people,
and bless your heritage; be their
shepherd, and carry them forever.”
Psalm 28:8-9
HopeTree Family Services has not
been serving the needs of ‘the least
of these’ forever. It only seems like it.
125 years ago our founders created
an amazing vehicle through which
Virginia’s Baptists could minister to
the thousands of orphans who had no
home, no one to love them, no one to
turn to in their time of need.
A combination of ministers and lay
leaders surveyed their communities
and consciences, then heeded the
compelling call of their Lord to
establish the Baptist Orphanage of
Virginia on donated land at the top of
a hill in the small town of Salem.
Thanks to the dedication and vision
of our founders and partners who
have joined our mission through the
years, we are now entrusted with
Dr. Richerson chats with a visitor
at the Salem DDM Christmas party.
an amazing heritage of compassion.
It is difficult to attend a church
gathering anywhere in Virginia and
not encounter someone familiar with
the work of ‘the Children’s Home’ as
many still remember us.
Though we now operate with the
name ‘HopeTree Family Services’,
that same heritage of compassion
for at-risk children, and adults with
intellectual disabilities, still guides
our every thought and deed.
We ask that during this year of
celebration you rejoice with us in
the steadfast love God demonstrates
daily in the lives of those in our care.
We also ask that you continue your
gracious support of a ministry that
has become an irreplaceable refuge
for at-risk children and adults with
intellectual disabilities.
Dr. Stephen W. Richerson
Caring Times is published 4 times per year by HopeTree Family Services, 860 Mt. Vernon Lane, Salem, VA
24153. Phone: (540) 389-2112 Select photos may represent volunteers and not
actual clients of HopeTree.
Publisher...............................................................................................................................................Dr. Stephen Richerson
Editor........................................................................................................................................................................Mark Early
Graphic Designer..................................................................................................................................................Erin Cooper
125 Years of Caring
About the photo: Residents and staff gather on the
steps of Old Main for a group picture in 1910.
125th Anniversary
Nearly 130 years ago, a group of
Baptist pastors and parishioners
gathered to discuss a critical topic.
They were painfully aware that
thousands of orphans across the
Commonwealth of Virginia had
virtually no one to care for them.
Neighboring states were already
establishing their own methods to
care for indigent children. In fact,
a native New Yorker read that the
Superintendent of North Carolina’s
orphanage regretted that Virginia
had no such facility. On December
15, 1887 that man contributed $1.50
toward the creation of an orphanage
for Virginia’s children.
Discussion turned to action over the
next weeks and months. In relatively
short time, these caring, far-sighted
individuals transformed that initial
gift (which would today equal about
$40) into the Baptist Orphanage of
Virginia. Officially chartered by
the Baptist General Association of
Virginia in 1889 and the Virginia
General Assembly in 1890, the
Orphanage welcomed its first
residents on July 2, 1892.
Those doors have remained open
ever since.
The original Orphanage has changed
substantially through the years.
Few children now are true familial
orphans. Nearly all those in our care
are at-risk children and youth who
have endured some form of abuse
or neglect, or are struggling with
emotional or behavioral issues. These
young people often have greater
needs than our orphans of long ago.
As society’s needs have changed, our
services and programs have changed.
After World War II, the numbers
of true orphans steadily declined,
but the need for someone to care
for children that families could not
financially afford to raise increased
substantially. In taking on that task,
the Orphanage took on a new name;
Virginia Baptist Children’s Home.
New services were gradually created
to meet the needs of new generations
of children; Foster Care, Counseling,
Emergency Care, and wilderness
facilities. But our expansion did not
stop there. Because these additional
programs became vital components
of our day to day work, they became
part of our name: Virginia Baptist
Children’s Home & Family Services.
The 1970s and ‘80s brought a
growing demand for services to help
adults with intellectual disabilities.
Always ready to minister where
we can, we welcomed a week-long
respite camp for adults to our Salem
campus. We quickly realized these
amazing individuals required more
from us than a camp experience.
The Developmental Disabilities
Ministry began in 1992 and now
consists of nearly 20 homes spread
throughout Virginia. With more
expansion of services, we needed
a broader name to encompass
our efforts. In 2007 we adopted
the Doing Business As name of
HopeTree Family Services.
Our current sports fields were
used by our football team in 1938.
HopeTree has weathered two
world wars, the Great Depression,
numerous economic recessions,
societal and political changes, and
countless other ebbs and flows.
Throughout them all, we have relied
on God’s guidance to carry out the
mission He set for us 125 years ago.
We have also relied on, and remain
ever grateful for, the generosity of
fellow Christians and to people like
you who support us in what we do.
The main quad has
changed over the years.
Reflection on our History
When an organization has occupied the same location for well over a
century as HopeTree Family Services has, that location becomes saturated
with memories. Residents leave behind traces of their experiences on the
grounds, in the buildings, in the lives of staff who remain long after the
residents mature and move away.
Generation after generation of children have trod these same grounds,
never giving a thought to the other children, much like them, who walked
the same paths 50, 70, even 100 years ago. Children who faced many of the
same problems with the same fears and determination. Children who found
the same love and understanding a century ago that permeates everything
HopeTree does today. It seems time has drawn a very thin veil across the
years that separate the Children’s Home of yesteryear from the HopeTree
of today. If you stand very still in certain places, when the light is just right,
you can almost see clear back to those times of long ago and realize that the
same mission, the same commitment, the same love has been here all along.
Happy 125th Birthday HopeTree!
125 years of successful ministry are well worth celebrating and
we want to share our joy with you. Below is a list of dates and
locations where we are currently scheduled to hold gatherings of
friends and supporters. If you would like to attend a celebration
in your area, please contact us a week in advance so we can be
sure to have plenty of refreshments on hand.
Also, be sure to regularly look for updates on the HopeTree
Facebook page and website. We are still planning a few more
events during the coming year.
8/23 9/13 9/19
First Baptist Church - Alexandria
Southside DDM Location - Farmville
Bradley DDM Location - Abingdon
HopeTree at Camp on Craig - Craig County
Thalia Lynn Baptist Church
Horne DDM Location - Martinsville
First Baptist Church - Newport News
Fall Festival/Brunswick Stew - Salem campus
Derbyshire Baptist Church - Richmond
HopeTree at Glory Road - Henry County
For more information about HopeTree’s 125th Anniversary
Celebrations, please contact:
David Wilson
(540) 389-2112
Donna Weinz
(804) 545-1202
The Exuberant
Miss Bea
Developmental Disabilities Ministry
Webster’s Dictionary defines
‘exuberant’ as ‘abounding in vitality;
extremely joyful and vigorous’. That
perfectly describes DDM’s In-Home
client, Beatrice. You can also call
her B.B. or Bea, if you like. She’s
perfectly happy with either.
Beatrice receives services through
In-Home Care; a growing division
of the Developmental Disabilities
Ministry. In-Home allows adults
with intellectual disabilities to
remain in their own homes rather
than live in one of DDM’s nearly
20 group homes. Beatrice shares
her Richmond apartment with a
roommate. The In-Home staff who
make regular visits to check on
Beatrice empower her to maintain a
very high level of independence.
“They see about me and make sure
I have everything I need. They do a
wonderful job,” Beatrice says.
While Beatrice is proud of her
apartment and enjoys cooking
in her own kitchen, she is not a
homebody. She regularly visits many
of Richmond’s museums, meets with
her friends at local restaurants, goes
shopping, and is active in her church.
Beatrice’s enthusiasm most clearly
comes through in her singing.
(You can hear two samples of her
beautiful voice in her video noted
below.) Not only does she sing well,
she often composes her own lyrics
in a free-form style that would make
Walt Whitman proud.
In-Home services are available in the
Salem and Richmond areas and make
the lives of many adults like Beatrice
vastly more fulfilling.
Beatrice enjoys sharing
her story. Visit our
YouTube page and
experience her
exuberance for
The Nature of Foster Care
Guest Author
Abigail Schreiner, MSW
Foster Parent Recruiter
HopeTree’s Foster Care program
provides safe, loving Christian homes
for children by building relationships
with social services agencies,
community leaders, and foster
families. HopeTree’s Christian foster
care model starts with comprehensive
training and assessment of potential
families in order to match each child
with the right family.
Foster families welcome each child
into their home for as long as that
child needs foster care services.
HopeTree’s staff ensures that each
child placed in each home matches
the family’s strengths, skills,
personality, and desires. HopeTree
social workers provide extensive case
management that cares for the family
and child’s physical, emotional,
social, and spiritual needs.
Children who enter HopeTree’s
foster care program are often in need
of Treatment Foster Care (TFC),
which means they have a higher
level of physical, behavioral, and/
or emotional challenges than the
average child.
HopeTree’s foster families attend
training and support groups in order
to equip them to deal with these
special challenges. Children in
HopeTree’s foster care program also
have the opportunity to be involved
in psycho-educational support
groups. All of these services give the
children at HopeTree the opportunity
to successfully meet their goals.
In 2014, the successes of HopeTree’s
foster care program in the Chester
region include:
•87% of children maintained their
placement in the same foster home
while they were in care (compared to
state of Virginia’s rate of 35%).
“The Nature of Foster Care”
continues on page 23.
2013-14 Annual Report
“Your descendants shall gather
your fruits.” --Virgil
Virgil perfectly describes the
intention of HopeTree’s founders.
They expected to see a direct
impact of their labors when they
founded the Baptist Orphanage
of Virginia in 1890, but their
vision was clearly focused on
generations of at-risk children not
then imagined who would benefit
from their efforts.
Today HopeTree Family Services
ministers to a far more diverse
population than our founders
could have predicted. To that
end, we feel certain they would
be pleased the ministry they
established 125 years ago
touches the lives of so many atrisk children and youth as well as
adults with intellectual disabilities.
The seeds those pastors and lay
persons sowed in 1890 were
reaped this past year by the 282
individuals and their families
touched by HopeTree’s services.
The Children and Youth Services
division provided care to 175
individuals during fiscal 201314. Newly re-opened HopeTree
at Glory Road continues to build
its enrollment as a females only
facility in Henry County.
HopeTree Academy increasingly
serves the educational needs of
at-risk students seeking alternative
education services. A dozen
students received diplomas from
HopeTree Academy during the
fiscal year.
Foster Care continues to play a
vital role in our ministry to children
and youth. That program’s success
is best seen in the tremendous
quality of life each young person
receives from their foster family.
(See related story on page 9.)
The Developmental Disabilities
Ministry cared for 107 men
and women through Group
Homes, Respite Care, and our
steadily increasing In-Home
program. In-Home allows adults
with intellectual disabilities to
either remain in the familiar
surroundings of their own homes
or live more independently away
from their family. (See related
story on page 8.)
HopeTree extends its gratitude to
those far-sighted founders who
sowed the seeds over a century
ago for the fruits we now harvest.
We also thank you for sowing
seeds now that will, in turn, be
harvested in generations to come.
Annual Report
HopeTree Family Services and
Virginia Baptist’s Children’s Home Foundation
Annual Report 2013-2014
From Operations:
Contributions 1,734,488
Contributions Pledged
Program Fees
Investment Return Used for Operations
Trust Income
Revenue from Operations14,781,200
From Investment Activity:
Earnings from Investments
Total Revenue from Operations and Investments
Children’s Programs 6,172,604
Adult Programs 6,010,172
Fund Raising
Administration 1,700,736
Total Expenses14,122,211
Net Change in Assets (Includes Contributions Pledged)
Honors & Memorials
The following contributions have been given to HopeTree
in honor or in memory of someone who has touched lives.
Children’s Ministry Honors
October 1 - December 31, 2014
Hamdy, Kareem A.
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman M. Horne
Atkinson, Mandy
Mr. & Mrs. Wes Matthew
Hamrick, Ector L.
Mr. Richard W. Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Lytal
Working Pilots Sunday School Class
Berea Baptist Church
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Harris, Rita
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Talbert
Breeden, Myrtle L.
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Harrison, Hazel T.
Mrs. Virginia T. Marshburn
Busch, Jackie
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Hash, Lois S.
Mr. & Mrs. Atwood Huff
Butler, Edna
TEL Class
Hicks, Larry M.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Dunkenberger, Jr.
Mr. Christopher M. King
Caldwell, Jack
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Filling
Chafee, Patricia M.
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Miller
Dunnagan, Mary
TEL Class
Fishback, Edie H.
Long Branch Baptist Church
Frazier, Katherine W.
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Fishback, Rev. Franklin
Long Branch Baptist Church
Freeman, Patricia
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Frizzell, David
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Filling
Frizzell, Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Filling
Gallaher, Cassie
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Gallaher, Gene
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Haislip, Elaine
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Filling
Hale, Rodney J.
Teams Class
Hodges, Becky
Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Flora
Hodges, Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Flora
Hough, R. F.
Mr. Ollie W. Pickral
Huff, Mary A.
Ms. Lois Sue Hash
Keaton, Johnny
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Payseure
Lane, Paul A.
Mrs. Kay F. Dunlap
Latham, Camila
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Latham, Wendell
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Lingafelt, C. Steven
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Lingafelt
Mann, Gloria
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Mann, Robert
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Mayo, Franklin E.
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace F. Winebriner
McClure, Lora
Mrs. Lorene Crawford
Mizell, John G.
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Moreau
Thornton, Matthew
Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Thornton
Montrief, Patricia C.
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Threet, Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Talbert
Mullins, Bert C.
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford D. Mullins
Tyrell, Bonnie
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Munson, Stephen E.
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd E. Munson, Jr.
Updike, Shannon N.
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Burks
Mustoe, Joseph K.
Ms. Ellen Mustoe
Urbanna Baptist Church
Mr. W. Aubrey Hall
Open Door Class
Mrs. Kay F. Dunlap
Wade, Frances
Ms. Brenda Mack
Paul, Lew
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Williams, David C.
Mr. & Mrs. Woody Turlington
Peake, Stephen R.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sparks
Wilson, Gladys S.
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Wilson
Renyer, William
Ms. Phyllis Harris
Roberts, Kathy
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Roberts, Scott
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Saunders, Vance
Ms. Maria R. Saunders
Sherman, Nancy
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Caudill
Side by Side Brain Injury Clubhouse
Mr. Michael J. Boyd
Sprouse, Larry
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Dillon
Stubbs, Mabel
Mrs. Bettie S. Helvey
Stuckey, Sharon L.
Mr. Darrell Hensley
Taylor, Kent
Mrs. Kay F. Dunlap
Berean Sunday School Class
Thornton, Linus
Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Thornton
Witter, Betty
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Witter, Larry
Rev. & Mrs. Paige A. Young
Wydner, Virginia D.
Ms. Shirley E. Pendleton
Young, Paige A.
Mrs. Myrtle L. Breeden
Mrs. Patricia C. Montrief
Children’s Ministry Memorials
October 1 - December 31, 2014
Angle, Lucille
Mr. H. Glenn Angle
Ash, James H.
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Ash
Bailey, Mildred
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Farmer
Barnett, Theodora S.
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Barr
Bartley, Vertie F.
Ms. Brenda F. Mawyer
Bennett, Betty
Mrs. Myrtle B. Bradley
To recognize someone who has impacted your life, complete the
form on the reply envelope included with this magazine and return it
to the Advancement Department along with your gift.
Bordeaux, R. D.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Coleman
Coleman, Jean H.
Ms. Beverley J. Coleman
Bowser, Carl
Ms. Mary Ann Bowser
Coleman, Robert L.
Mrs. Lynda C. Adkins
Breeden, Melvin S.
Mrs. Myrtle L. Breeden
Coleman, Vernon
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Coleman
Breeden, Thomas R.
Mrs. Sue C. Breeden
Coley, A. Wayne
Mr. Rodney J. Hale
Breeden, Renee
Mrs. Myrtle L. Breeden
Collins, Carl A.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Bandy
Breeding, A. A.
Mr. & Mrs. Leon W. Castle
Cook, Eddie L.
Ms. Andrea M. Cook
Breeding, Cora C.
Mr. & Mrs. Leon W. Castle
Cousins, Louise B.
Mrs. Myrtle B. Fore
Brown, Eugene C.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Tobey
Craig, W. Lynwood
Mrs. Rosie S. Craig
Bryant, Getta
Ms. Janine C. Bloomer
Cox Communications
Mr. James Jordan
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Whistler
Ms. Becky Wilburn
Rev. & Mrs. Timothy T. Brendle
Bryant, Ivel
Mr. Moyer L. Bryant
Bryant, Marie
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. McCoy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Williams S. Perry
Buckner, Becky
Mrs. Mary F. Buckner
Campbell, Catherine
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Farmer
Carr, Lois A.
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Ash
Chaffin, Elizabeth H.
Mr. & Mrs. Horton M. Southall
Chaffin, Nelson A.
Mr. & Mrs. Horton M. Southall
Chappell, Virginia
Ms. Mary T. Webb
Childrey, Wilson S.
Mrs. Joyce R. Forcke
Clark, Robert L.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Clark
Clary, James I.
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Lucy, III
Crank, Henry F.
Dr. & Mrs. Carlysle Crank
Davenport, Morgan P.
Ms. Jessica V. Davenport
Davidson, Judy P.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Davison
Davis, Ethel E.
Mrs. Jan Clayton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Dettman
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Field
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Harrison
Ms. Helen E. Maben
Mr. Henry F. Murphy, Jr.
Mr. Wayne J. Ness
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Orr
Ms. Nicole Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Swortzel
Ms. Phyllis D. Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Weeks
Davis, J. C.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Payseure
DeFord, Edward
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. DeFord, Jr.
DeHart, Doris R.
Ms. Kathie L. Jones
Dixon, Roger J.
Mr. John S. Dixon
Dodson, Charles
Mrs. Lucy D. Lewis
Doss, Elsie F.
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey P. Dunn
Dunn, Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey P. Dunn
Dunn, Ruby
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey P. Dunn
Elliott, Gladys
Ms. Bonnie Martin
Elliott, Maude
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Davison
Ellis, David
Mrs. Peggy M. Ellis
Ellis, Tom
Mrs. Peggy M. Ellis
Ellison, Helen B.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Clark
Etheredge, Emmett C.
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Hardbower
Farmer, Anna M.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. LaClair
Farmer, Kathy G.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Farmer
Farrar, Helen
Mrs. Betty B. Jackson
Fisher, H. B.
Mrs. H. B. Fisher
Fletcher, George H.
Ms. Kimberli G. Ball
Ms. Patricia M. Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Breeden
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Briggs
Mr. & Mrs. William Brown
Ms. Shana Carrico
Ms. Shelby J. Comstock
Davis & Davis Inc.
Ms. Bonny K. Dillon
Ms. Wendy Donley
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ebersole
First Baptist Church of Winchester
Mr. & Mrs. Marty C. Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gordon, III
Ms. Abbye Gordon
Ms. Jan E. Habeck
Ms. Charlotte D. Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jones
Ms. Joyce W. Lacy
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Law
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Mayberry
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Mizell, Jr.
Ms. Elma B. Morrison
Mr. Dallas Norris, Jr.
Mrs. Robert T. Palmer
Mr. Dudley Pearce
Ms. Miriam B. Remine
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Richerson
Ms. Judith G. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Carlin Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Stainback
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Thompson
Mrs. Paula P. Vail
Ms. Josephine A. Wade
Frye, Ruthie Charlotte
Mr. Robert A. Frye
Garber, Elizabeth
Mr. & Mrs. W. Thomas Bundick
Garman, Warren
Mr. De Witt F. Burgess
Garrett, Grace
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Romer
Giesen, Margaret
Riverdale Baptist Church
Gladhill, Caleb A.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex M. Cockey, Jr.
Good, Johnnie
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Ingles
Gore, Herschel C.
Mr. William R. Gore
Greathouse, William M.
Ms. J. Greathouse
Heafner, Horace
Ms. Ann J. Egleston
Helvey, Clayton H.
Mrs. Bettie S. Helvey
Hill, Robert
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hill
Hinton, James R.
Mr. & Mrs. F. Kimball Hahn
Houchens, Vernon
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. Knight
Hummer, Bernice N.
Mrs. Lois M. Kirby
Mr. Beverly N. Salotti
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Watkins
Little, Mary G.
Mr. W. J. Little, Jr.
Humphrey, Iva T.
Ms. Jean E. Carter
Long, Lester
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hill
Hurd, Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Hurd
Long, Lorene
Dr. Joyce Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Billy J. Pyles
Ingles, Clayton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Ingles
Ingles, Mildred
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Ingles
Johnson, Charles B.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Johnson, Sr.
Jones, Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey P. Dunn
Jones, Louise
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey P. Dunn
Judd, Elva
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Farmer
Jungbert, George
Dr. & Mrs. Carlysle Crank
Justice, Walter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Justice
Keller, Florence H.
Ms. Elizabeth K. Bruton
Keller, Marion
Ms. Elizabeth K. Bruton
Kelly, Danny
Mrs. Almeda S. Kelly
Kelly, R.C.
Mrs. Almeda S. Kelly
Kelly, Tim
Mrs. Almeda S. Kelly
Kendall, Joseph
Ms. Joann S. Kendall-Schroetter
Kessel, Lenore B.
Ms. Mona A. Carver
Keys, Martha D.
Mrs. Myra L. Redding
Kirkland, John C.
Mr. & Mrs. Milton T. Futrell, Sr.
Korff, James L.
Mrs. Young C. Korff
Layne, Paul B.
Mrs. Sally I. Layne
Mann, Albert W.
Mrs. Barbara W. Mann
Marsh, Henry C.
Mrs. Eunice D. Marsh
Martin, J. C.
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Reardon
Martin, James C.
Mrs. Arlene Reardon
McDonald, Mona
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Turner
McKenzie, Annie
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Hardbower
Meador, Joann C.
Mr. Granville B. Meador
Miechunski, Ann
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Romer
Miller, E. N.
Mrs. Peggy M. Ellis
Miller, Elizabeth M.
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Filling
Moles, Lewis E.
Mrs. Jacqueline P. Moles
Moruzzi, Sylvia
Mr. James G. Moruzzi
Myers, Shirley
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Farmer
Owens, Allen F.
Mr. & Mrs. Earl H. Arrowood
Owens, Myrtle E.
Mr. & Mrs. Earl H. Arrowood
Paciulli, Jack
Ms. Mollie D. Hassell
Perkins, Brooke M.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Fairburn
Perry, Amos T.
Ms. Andrea M. Cook
Pessaud, William H.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Humphrey
Tiller, Carter C.
Ms. Maurene K. McClanahan
Petersen, Virginia
Mr. George E. Petersen, Sr.
Vereska, Debbie
Mr. Keith W. Lewis
Price, Jack M.
Mrs. Robin P. Fisher
Westerman, Marcia
Mr. & Mrs. Howard H. Newlon, Jr.
Reale, Mildred
Mrs. Kathleen R. Allder
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Barg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bowers, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy S. Lemons
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Reale
Whaley, Frances T.
Mrs. Virginia T. Marshburn
Ms. Frances T. Rountree
Sharpe, Vallie C.
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne T. VanStaden
Simonsen, Dana D.
Mrs. Lucy D. Lewis
Sloan, Robert A.
Mrs. Lucille L. Sloan
Sloan, Jeanne
Mrs. Lucille L. Sloan
Smark, Cathy
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Montgomery
Smith, Carl R.
Mrs. Margaret Jeanette Smith
Smith, Patricia
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest G. Sprouse
Wilson, Esther
Mr. & Mrs. Bill M. Gentry
Wilson, Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Bill M. Gentry
Winstead, Malcolm E.
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Bacigalupi
Wise, Sarah G.
Mrs. Sally G. Price
Wittig, Dorothy L.
Mrs. Sharon R. Ward.
Ms. Betty W. Johnson
Woolwine, Brady G.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Perry, Jr.
Wright, Bill
Mr. & Mrs. Albert P. Wright
Soyars, Norma G.
Mrs. Gene D. Soyars
Developmental Disabilities
Ministry Honors
October 1 - December 31, 2014
Soyars, Vernon F.
Mrs. Gene D. Soyars
Brendle, Ava A.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Carter
Sprouse, William
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Romer
Brindle, Tim
Charles E. Carter
Sraders, Guntis
Ms. Inta S. Sraders
Carlton, Dan
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Scott
St. Marion T.
Mr. Alvin E. St. Clair
Carlton, Emily
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Scott
Stillman, Katy
Ms. Sandra S. Johnson
DDM Staff & Residents
Martha P. Conner
Stopfel, Larry
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Farmer
DeLoatche, Bryant
R. T. Lassiter
Ruth Bible Class
Taylor, Jennie P.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Milby
Tibbetts, Frank
Mrs. Lucy D. Lewis
Fishback, Rev. Franklin & Eddie
Long Branch Baptist Church
Grubb, Britnay
Mr. Lonnie Hines
Grubb, Josh
Mr. Lonnie Hines
Grubb, Kevin
Mr. Lonnie Hines
Developmental Disabilities
Ministry Memorials
October 1 - December 31, 2014
Hines, Larry
Mr. Lonnie Hines
Ayers, Karen L.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Conner
Ms. Rebecca L. Cundiff
Mr. David L. Ayers
Ms. Kathryn J. Jacoby
Keaton, Johnny
Lawrence A. Payseure
Ayers, Lurline T.
Ms. Alma J. Tate
McDowell, Barbara
Mr. & Mrs. R. T. Lassiter
Bivens, Lewis
Mrs. Lucille L. Sloan
Monteinth, John
Mr. Lonnie Hines
Bordeaux, R. D.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Coleman
Mullins, Bert C.
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford D. Mullins
Breeding, Cora C.
Mr. & Mrs. Leon W. Castle
Nance, Jordan
Mrs. Robin P. James
Childrey, Wilson S.
Mrs. Joyce R. Forcke
Novak, Pat
Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Davis
Rev. & Mrs. Timothy T. Brendle
Our Men & Women in the Military
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Grena
Coleman, Vernon
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Coleman
Plott, William E.
Rev. & Mrs. Glenn L. Plott
Coley, Bivens Lewis
Mrs. Lucille L. Sloan
Preas, Clayton
Mrs. Lorene S. Preas
Collins, Carl A.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Bandy
Schrum, Kevin
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin E. Blake
Davis, J. C.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Payseure
Scott, Rachel Ann
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Batten
Mr. & Mrs. V. Curtis Brooking
Ms. Inez Q. Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Thomas
Hagy, Jim
Ms. Martha V. Hagy
Haymans, Ruth
Mrs. Dorothy A. Canipe
Shelton, Clyde
Mr. Joseph F. Morrissette
Sparks, Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Peake
Watkins, Sharon
Mr. Lonnie Hines
Weaver, Kristen L.
Mr. & Mrs. Milford A. Weaver
Heltzel, Roy F.
Mrs. Barbara C. Heltzel
Hines, Jean L.
Mr. Lonnie Hines
Jenkins, Fred A.
Mrs. Thelma M. Jenkins
Kirkland, John C.
Mr. & Mrs. Milton T. Futrell, Sr.
Lewis, Charles A.
Mrs. Lucille L. Sloan
Myers, Edgar R.
Mrs. Joyce D. Myers
Newsome, H. Sumner
Mrs. Florine W. Newsome
Obenshain, Julian A.
Mrs. J. F. Obenshain
Price, Jack M.
Mrs. Robin P. Fisher
Rickmon, Rawleigh A.
Mrs. Ruby R. Rickmon
Scott, David S.
Ms. Ann Page Aylor
Mr. & Mrs. Erskine Bankhead
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Batten, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Beard
Mrs. Bessie B. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Brooking
Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Davis
Ms. Pamela W. Dolgin
Mrs. Mary Ellen Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor E. Gore
Ms. Rachel Graves
Mr. & Mrs. Earl G. Heltzel
Mrs. Helen Huneycutt
Mr. Frances K. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Lacey, Jr.
Mr. Thomas Lewis
Mrs. Catherine F. Lohr
Mr. & Mrs. H. Lee Kirk, Jr.
Dr. Barbara S. Miller
Ms. Everdina Nieuwenhuis
Ms. Peggy R. Place
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Richerson
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Troilo, Jr.
Ms. Ann Vazquez
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Walker, III
Mrs. M. J. Washburn
Ms. Josephine A. Webber
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Wiltshire, Jr.
W. P. Lewis Sunday School Class
Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Yeaman, III
Sloan, Jeanne
Mrs. Lucille L. Sloan
Sloan, Robert A.
Mrs. Lucille L. Sloan
Smark, Cathy
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Montgomery
Smith, Carl R.
Mrs. Margaret Jeanette Smith
Wise, Sarah G.
Mrs. Sally G. Price
Woolwine, Brady G.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Perry, Jr.
a Legacy
Many HopeTree supporters have
kindly included us in their estate
plans in the event of their deaths.
Their forethought ensures the
ministry they deemed important
during their lives continues after
their passing. They have provided
the ultimate example of ensuring
that their spiritual descendants will
gather their fruit.
We express our gratitude for
these friends whose dedication to
Christian stewardship will continue
to support our ministry to at-risk
children and youth as well as
adults with intellectual disabilities
for many years to come.
Jean C. Fairfax
Catherine H. Kirby
Walter W. Ridgway
Ruth G. Sheffield
Floyd W. &
Marietta W. Smith
If you would like more information
about making a bequest gift,
please contact the Advancement
Department at (540) 389-2112.
Service Locations
HopeTree Family Services
provides a wide range of
services for at-risk children and
youth from locations in:
•Craig County
•Henry County
HopeTree’s Developmental
Disabilities Ministry provides
services for adults with
intellectual disabilities in the
following locations.
•Abingdon •Blue Ridge
•Chase City •Farmville
•Fredericksburg •Martinsville
•Richmond •Salem
•Virginia Beach
For more information on the
services available in these
locations, how to support those
services with your contributions
or volunteer efforts, or gain
access to those services, please
visit, or call:
Richmond office
(804) 545-1202
Salem office
(540) 389-2112
Rock For Hope
Saturday, February 28th at 9:00 a.m.
Grab a chair and join Stockton Memorial
Baptist Church as they Rock For Hope to
help raise awareness and funds for the
Blessings Home. Contact Development
Director Donna Weinz at (804) 545-1202 to
reserve your seat!
Project: HopeTree
Saturday, April 25th at 9:00 a.m.
Come ready to get your hands dirty and
break a sweat on this volunteer day
dedicated to beautifying Salem’s campus.
We’ll tackle a variety of projects from
painting to cleaning and landscaping.
Contact Julia Durodoye at (540) 389-2112
to register as a volunteer today! Individuals
and groups are welcome.
Glow For Hope 5K Run & 2K Walk
Friday, May 8th 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Grab your running and walking shoes,
bright clothes, and glow sticks and join us
in Salem as we enjoy a great night of fun
and fellowship!
Glow For Hope is a family-friendly event
benefitting HopeTree that includes a 5k
race and 2K fun walk at 7:30 pm followed
by food, a live DJ, games, and a bouncy
house for the kids. Come glow with us and
help light the way for a better, brighter
future for those we serve!
Visit for more
information and to register, or call
Erin Cooper at (540) 389-2112.
Blessings Home Update
Construction on the Blessings Home began in December. The building is
under roof and wiring and plumbing are being installed. With good weather,
we should stay on schedule for an August move in. Contact David Wilson at or (540) 389-2112 to discuss naming opportunities
and make a contribution.
“Thank you, very kindly.”
An anonymous donor bestowed a lovely gift on the Developmental
Disabilities Ministry’s Day Activities group; a KitchenAid Mixer. This
wonderful appliance will be a great enhancement to their Thursday afternoon
baking parties. So, to whomever donated this amazing gift, thank you from
the bottom of our hearts. In this photo, residents Greg and Cynthia and staff
Angela pause while making brownies with the new mixer.
You can see the mixer in action at
The 125 Challenge
Celebrating Our Past, By Ensuring Our Future.
HopeTree Family Services has
successfully changed lives
across the Commonwealth for
125 years because far-sighted,
caring individuals made sufficient
contributions to first establish, then
maintain, our ministry.
We are proud to dedicate 2015 to
celebrating our past. We also believe
we must honor our heritage by taking
this opportunity to continue ensuring
our future.
During 2015, our goal is to raise
an additional $250,000 above
supporters’ regular contributions.
Contributions will be accepted
through any of our usual donation
opportunities, as well as through
three new fun ways created just for
you. Call (540) 389-2112 or visit
- Coins for Hope
- Envelopes of Hope
- Hope Event
There is a special box on the
Reply Envelope included with this
magazine that you can select to
indicate that you are Celebrating
Our Past...By Ensuring Our Future.
$125,000 in honor of our first 125
years and $125,000 to help ensure the
next 125 years. We are calling this
effort the 125 Challenge.
Alumni Don and Joyce Martin on an
Easter Sunday in the 1950’s.
“The Nature of Foster Care”
continued from page 9.
•72% of children who left HopeTree
achieved their permanency goal of
reunification with biological family,
adoption, or independent living.
•93% of school-aged children were
promoted to the next grade level
at the conclusion of the 2013-2014
academic year.
All of these successes can be
attributed to the dedication of loving
foster families, the hard work of the
case management team, the support
of generous people like yourself,
and the resiliency of the incredible
children we serve.
While much has changed in the last
125 years, HopeTree has remained
committed to make a life-long
difference in the lives of children
and, with your help, will continue to
keep that commitment for the next
125 years and beyond.
If you have an interest in becoming
a HopeTree Family Services foster
parent please call (540) 444-0566 or
(804) 201-9006.
Connect With Us
We’re social, are you? Connect with us and get all the latest and
greatest updates, photos, videos and content to help you stay
informed and in-the-know about what we’re up to at HopeTree
Family Services.
It’s a great way to show your support and share our mission with
your network of family and friends. See you online!
PO Box 849
Salem, VA 24153
People are already lining up for the 2015 Glow for Hope.
Visit or call (540) 389-2112 today
to save your place in line.