Saint Clare - St. Clare Catholic Church
Saint Clare - St. Clare Catholic Church
Saint Clare CATHOLIC CHURCH “Love God, serve God, everything is in that” January 31st — 4th Sunday In Ordinary Time PARISH INFORMATION Fr. Eric Kunz, Parochial Administrator Deacon Harvey Dubbs Mass Times Saturday Sunday Monday — Friday 4:30 PM 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 8:00 AM Confessions Saturday 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM Eucharistic Exposition Thursday 8:30 AM - 6:45 PM Benediction Thursday 6:45 PM Prayer Chain Contacts Joyce Willis 629-2573 or 636-667-1933 Sherry Reed 629-7535 Welcome FEBRUARY 10TH Masses: 8:00 am 7:00 pm A warm welcome to all who have come to worship with us. If you are visiting, we are honored by your presence. If you are interested in becoming a member, please call the rectory. Our Parish serves the needs of this community in many ways. We offer preparation for Sacraments, education for children and adults, social activities, assistance to those in difficulty, comfort to the sick and those who mourn a loss. If we can be of service, please let us know. For your convenience, we have blue “Let Us Know” Cards in back of church. We hope you will come again soon. 1 6 5 E . S P R I N G F I E L D R O A D ● S T. C L A I R , M O 6 3 0 7 7 636-629-0315 † Fax: 636-629-2327 † † From the Pastor’s Desk This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. Our Catholic Schools have such a beautiful history in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Often at the expense and hardship of many religious and lay people our system of Catholic Schools has continued to serve many people throughout the centuries. One of the secondary patrons of the Archdiocese, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, who worked and lived in our own Archdiocese, opened the very first free school west of the Mississippi. We have been educating children even before the public school system became a reality. This weekend and throughout this week we celebrate the good things that Catholic Schools have accomplished up to now and we look with hope-filled eyes to the future to the good things still to be accomplished. Our school here at St. Clare has a beautiful history as well. Our school has educated and formed countless students not only in the subjects needed for a fruitful and contributive place in society, but also and perhaps most importantly, it has given its students an education and formation in the Faith of Jesus Christ. Our Lord told a parable once about a merchant who found a pearl of great worth in a field. He reburied that pearl where he found it, spent everything he had to buy that field, then came back and reveled in this great find. That pearl of great worth is like the Kingdom of Heaven. Our School strives every day to impart love and knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven; that is why we were put on this earth. How can anyone put a value on that? We strive to plant seeds that will grow and bear great fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven, it is our honor and our duty as Christians to share the Good News and to hand on what we have received to future generations. This weekend, we are beginning an annual fund for our school. The cost of education has risen dramatically over the years. In order to prepare our students for the world of today (and tomorrow) we need to give them an education that can engage the world in which they will be living and working. Please take some time to look over the brochure that has been prepared for this campaign. This campaign is to help fund the daily needs of our school, therefore this will be an annual campaign. Please pray over this and give from your heart. Finally, Wednesday is the feast of St. Blaise. St. Blaise was a bishop who, tradition has it, miraculously removed a fish bone from a child’s throat who was choking. In honor of him, we will have the blessing of throats at the Mass on Wednesday morning. Have a blessed week, Fr. Kunz Excerpts From The Compendium — Catechism of the Catholic Church What are the sacramentals? These are sacred signs instituted by the Church to sanctify different circumstances of life. They include a prayer accompanied by the sign of the cross and other signs. Among the sacraments which occupy an important place are; blessings, which are the praise of God and a prayer to obtain his gifts, the consecration of persons and the dedication of things for the worship of God. 2 Welcome to St. Clare Catholic Church PARISH NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Practice Pays Off! It may be just plain luck or maybe … talent, but the following people were winners at the recent Washer Tournament held at the KC Hall: 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place 5th Place 6th Place $400 $250 $150 $100 $ 75 $ 25 Justin Narup & Chad Chandler Ryan Webb & Drew Thurman Joe Taylor & Kaleb Arnold Kyler Waldo & Richard York Devin Thurman & Brandon Russell Bud Frick & Jack Putnam ST. CLARE CATHOLIC SCHOOL Uniting Families and Education Have you thought about sending your children to St. Clare Catholic School but finances prevented you? Well, the Archdiocese now has a scholarship available for those families that didn’t qualify financially before. It’s called Beyond Sunday Scholarship and is targeted to middle-income parents. In fact, The Today & Tomorrow Education Foundation has announced that beginning February1st, a new unified application form for all scholarships will be available online at NO COST. This single application will enable a family to apply for all umbrella scholarships for which their child is eligible. These umbrella scholarships include Alive In Christ, Catholic Family Tuition Assistance, and Beyond Sunday Scholarships. If your child is already enrolled in our school and receiving an Alive In Christ Scholarship, please go to the website to update your information. This award is a per child award. If a sibling is entering the school this coming year, they may be qualified for an award as well (K—8th grade). Congratulations to all the winners. Turn out was awesome and everyone had a great time! If you missed us this year, we will have another one next year. Start working on your game! Fun At KC Hall — It never hurts to practice! And, if your child is in school and you haven’t received any scholarships/financial help, please apply as well to see if the new programs will help with tuition. The website is or call 314-792-7777 for help. Start applying February 1st. Deadline is February 29th. Note: Parents of Borgia Students, you can take advantage of these scholarships as well. See website. Fish/Chicken Dinner Every Friday During Lent K of C Hall Serving from 4 pm to 7 pm All You Can Eat (Dine-In) (Carry Outs Available) Good Samaritan Supper Tuesday, February 2nd Knights of Columbus Hall Serving Chicken & Dumplings 5 — 6 pm. This is a free meal available to anyone needing a warm meal, companionship or, just an evening out. Invite a friend! St. Clair, MO Menu includes: Deep fried catfish, cod & chicken, fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, stewed tomatoes, coleslaw, applesauce, dessert, coffee, iced tea and lemonade. Adults $10 , Children 5—11 y/o $4.00 Children under 5 eat free Sponsored by the Daughters of Isabella Circle #1082 and the Knights of Columbus Council 4667 3 SCHOOL NEWS Catholic School's Week is here! Please join us between 9AM and Noon on Sunday and visit our awesome school! We have a full week of activities planned for Catholic School's Week: Monday - Parent Appreciation Day Tuesday - Teacher Appreciation Day Wednesday - Staff Appreciation Day Thursday - Student Appreciation Day Friday - Special Guest Day We will be enrolling for the 2016-2017 school year. There are many opportunities for scholarships through the Archdiocese. Please be sure and ask. There are deadlines and some are on a first come first served basis. *We still have a few open tables for Trivia on Saturday, February 6th. If you would like a table, please contact the school office @ 636-629-0413 as soon as possible. For enrollment information, Mary Hoffman 629-0413 TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday, February 6th K of C Hall Doors Open 6pm Trivia Starts 7pm Hosted by St. Clare Catholic Home and School Association $100 a table, up to 10 players per table 10 rounds of questions Cash bar Bring your own snacks/decorations 50/50 and small auction Please call Mary Hoffman at 636-629-0413 or stop by the St. Clare Catholic School office to reserve a table with payment. (IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE AN AUCTION ITEM, PLEASE DROP OFF AT SCHOOL OR CHURCH – LABELLED “TRIVIA”) St. Clare 100 Club News We are excited that 2016 is the 10th year for the St. Clare 100 Club! The 100 Club contributed over $3,000+ to our school for tuition and technology assistance in 2015 and will be assisting with tuition assistance and technology needs in 2016. We appreciate all past members and hope to have new members join us this 10th year. There will be monthly $100 drawings March — December (and our appreciation banquet next year). Flyers with information on joining the 100 Club can be found in the School News area in back of church. Our first $100 drawing will be Sunday, March 6th. It’s time for a new Parish Directory! So note these dates and check your schedules: Wednesday, March 23rd Thursday, March 24th Tuesday, March 29th Wednesday, March 30th Thursday, March 31st You can get a free 8 X 10 family portrait and a complimentary Pictorial Directory. More information to follow. Other Area Events . . . . Sweetheart Dance — Saturday, February 6th, St. Francis of Assisi, Luebbering, MO. 8:00 pm until midnight. $25/ couple or $15/single. Higher at door. Snacks, Soda, Set-ups (BYOB). Must be 21 years old. Reservations 314-972-3071 or Pro-Life Square Dance — Saturday, February 6th, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, St. Louis, MO. Beer, soda and snack provided. You may bring own drinks & you don’t have to know how to square dance. Doors open at 7:00 pm with dancing from 7:30 till 10:30 pm. Contact Randy @ 314-651-8745 for more information. Sunday Breakfast — Sunday, February 7th, St. Vincent School Dining Hall, Dutzow, MO. Serving from 8:00 am until 11:30 am. All grade school children eat free. Fish Fry — Friday, February 12th, St. Vincent Parish Dining Hall, Dutzow, MO. Serving from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Dinner Auction — February 20th, St. Francis Borgia High School, Washington, MO. Now accepting donations for the auction. For more information, call 636-2397871, extension 122. Thank you! 4 Welcome to St. Clare Catholic Church THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH DATE TIME Mon 02/01 8:00 am Mass Tues 02/02 8:00 am 5:00 pm Mass Good Samaritan Supper (KC Hall) Wed 02/03 8:00 am Mass Thurs 02/04 8:00 am 6:45 pm 7:00 pm Mass Benediction K of C Meeting (KC Hall) 02/05 8:00 am Mass 02/06 3:30 pm 4:30 pm Confession Mass 02/07 8:00 am 10:30 am Fri Sat Sun EVENT January 23rd — January 31st WEEKEND, JANUARY 30TH & JANUARY 31ST SAT. 4:30 PM † DAUGHTERS OF I SABELLA — RESPECT FOR LIFE SUN. 8:00 SUN. 10:30 AM AM † † NORBERT BRUEGGEN PEOPLE OF THE PARISH MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8:00 † AM ADOLPH BRUEGGEMANN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Mass Mass 8:00 AM † 1ST 2ND DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE JOHNSON FAMILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY READINGS FOR THE WEEK MONDAY: 2 SM 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13/PS 3:2-7/MK 5:1-20 TUESDAY: MAL 3:1-4/PS 24:7-10/HEB 2:14-18/LK 2:22-40 OR 2:22-32 WEDNESDAY: 2 SM 24:2, 9-17/PS 32:1-2, 5-7/MK 6:1-6 THURSDAY: 1 KGS 2:1-4, 10-12/1 CHR 29:10-12/MK 6:7-13 FRIDAY: SIR 47:2-11/PS 18:31, 47, 50-51/MK 6:14-29 SATURDAY: 1 KGS 3:4-13/PS 119:9-14/MK 6:30-34 ©LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC 8:00 † AM WALLEY RICHEY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8:00 † AM † 4TH EMERY CLONTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8:00 AM 3RD 5TH ANN HANNEKEN WEEKEND, FEBRUARY 6TH & FEBRUARY 7TH SAT. 4:30 SUN. 8:00 SUN. 10:30 PM AM AM † † † EDGAR HAGEDORN PEOPLE OF THE PARISH DOROTHY SIESS LITURGICAL MINISTERS - FEBRUARY 6TH & 7TH DATE/TIME SERVERS 02/06 4:30 pm Volunteer 02/07 8:00 am 02/07 10:30 am GIFT BEARERS LECTORS EUCHARISTIC Volunteers Charlotte Hagedorn Jerry Miller, Mary Jane Miller, Pete Green Emma Davis Volunteer Volunteers TJ Wild Sharon Freeman Rita Davis Mary Grace Wild Caleb Wild Rebecca Wild Barb Dubbs Barb Dubbs, Erlene Ellert, Jeanine Lewis 02/07 Collection Counters: Janet Lindemann, Barb Dubbs, Teri O’Brien St. Clair, MO 5 WE PRAY FOR OUR LOVED ONES May God Provide Health and Comfort January Marge Mester, Twyla Wilinski, Tony White, Joe Stecher, Tammy Garrett & Family, Virginia Lindemann, Sally Gratzer, and Joan Wells. December Troy LaRoe, Dick Williams and Eddie Canada. November Bernice Grus, Leona Collins, Stephanie Lindemann, John Evans, Joshua Dickinson and Carolyn Williams. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY MEMBERS Please remember in your prayers the following military personnel: SPC Drew Alsop — US Army, Jason Burton — US Navy, Samantha Butler — Coast Guard, Justin Campbell — US Navy, Scott Daugherty, Coty DeClue — USAF, LT COL Daniel Dubbs — US Marines, SGT Cameron Earley — US Army, SGT Tyler Earley — US Army, PFC Cory Matthew Ershen — US Army, Cory Gargus — US Marines, SPC Tyler Grogan — US Army, Matthew Martin — US Navy, Monty Perkins, Ray Schoonveld — US Marine, Andrew Snodgrass — US Navy, and SPC Gordon Yancey. “Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, it is not pompous. “ - 1 Corinthians 13:4 Do you get jealous? Do you focus more on the things that other people have than on the gifts that God has given to you? Are you pompous? Do you acquire more possessions to impress others? At times we are all guilty of these things. Pray for more humility. Pray to become less self-centered and more God-centered. Week of January 24th General Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Initial Offering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solemnity of Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loose Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,096.40 15.00 10.00 307.00 Total Money For Operating Capital $ 4,428.40 Restricted Funds Summary of our actual income received and our budgeted parish income needed to pay our bills. The Envelopes/Tuition line represents the Sunday offerings that are “unrestricted” and tuition that is invoiced to our school parents which is our income. The Budgeted Amount Needed is the amount that we anticipate to pay out for our expenses. This Week Fiscal To Date Envelopes/Tuition Budgeted Amount Needed Over/Under $18,357.10 $ 215,747.57 10,667.69 283,184.92 7,689.41 - 67,437.35 “God never tires of forgiving us; we are the ones who tire of seeking His mercy.” - Pope Francis 6 Food For The Poor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harley Hedge Memorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parish Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Partners In Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ $ 25.00 12.00 5.00 250.00 390.00 145.00 827.00 Dynamic Catholic, Alive! Rejecting Christ Through Sin. Today we heard about the rejection of Jesus at Nazareth. Those who rejected Jesus were rejecting the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). How often do we reject God in our own lives, through our sinful actions and words? Have we embraced the fullness of the faith, as taught by the Catholic church, which was founded by Christ and is protected by the Holy Spirit? There is freedom in embracing the Truth. Check out a new book by Matthew Kelly for Lent: Rediscover Jesus. More information at (Recommended by a parishioner) Welcome to St. Clare Catholic Church Sharing the Gospel FUN & GAMES In the time of Jesus, every first male child was dedicated to the service of God in the temple. Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple to show that he would do the work of his Father in heaven. God has a purpose for you. Thank God that he gave you life. Tell him that you will help others to know him and to love him, too. Prayer Lord, help me be a pleasing gift to you every day of my life. Mission for the Week I will ask my parents if our family can read the Bible together tonight. ©2008 - PO Box 510817, New Berlin, WI 53151-0817 - 1-800-950-9952 x2469 - Tuesday, February 2nd St. Clair, MO 7
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