International Catalogue
International Catalogue
International Catalogue 2012 Welcome to the world of learning International Catalogue 2012 This International Catalogue 2012 of the Cornelsen Publishing Group contains the latest products from various publishing houses Dear fellow publisher, dear editor, Cornelsen Verlag is one of Germany’s leading educational publishing houses. Our programme consists of over 15000 titles, ranging from the classic schoolbook with accompanying materials to books for vocational training and adult education. Cornelsen Software provides innovative material for education. It develops interactive and multimedial worlds of learning, both for school education and the home. Cornelsen Scriptor is well-known for its resource books for teachers, its s elf-study and supplementary materials for pupils, its reference books and teaching aids. Comeptence, quality and a consistent practical orientation characterize Oldenbourg’s teaching materials and educational literature. Veritas is the largest educational publisher in Austria. On their list are schoolbooks, as well as titles on pedagogical topics. Fraus Verlag is one of the major publishing houses in the Czech Republic, specializing in the production of foreign-language teaching materials and dictionaries. The publishing house Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag offers monographs, special editions, coursebooks and reference books for the subjects history, modern history, politics, philosophy, mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, economics and business administration. Sauerländer is one of the leading Swiss schoolbook publishers. The publishing programme focuses on teaching and study material, lesson aids and educational media – starting with elementary school to upper-secondary education and vocational further training. Duden is a trademark with a long tradition in German speaking countries and is associated with the dictionary for German orthography which is the standard reference work since 100 years. Duden Schulbuchverlag publishes textbooks and learning aids for primary and secondary level, especially in the field of natural sciences and multimedia learning aids. Verlag an der Ruhr is a publisher for pedagogical titles which achieved a good reputation by publishing up-to-date topics as well as being close to its target group: pedagogues, parents and children. inhalt/content German/Deutsch Spotlight: Prima Young Beginners: Primary School Test Training Adult Education and older Youth 8-9 10 10 10-13 Business German 14 Vocabulary 15 Grammar 15 Additional Material 16 English Young Beginners: Primary School 20-21 Adolescent Beginners 22 English Library 23 Test Training 24 Bilingual Education 24 Self Study 25 Grammar 26-27 Vocabulary 27 Spotlight: Key 28 Business English 29-31 Vocational English 33-35 Spotlight: Career Express 36 E-Learning 37 French Library 40 DVD 40 Young Beginners 41 Adult Learners 41 Grammar 42 Self Study 43 Spanish 2 Spotlight: Perspectivas ¡Ya! 44 Adolescent Beginners 45 Older Youth 45 Business Spanish 45 Library 46 Grammar 46 Self Study 47 Italian Adult Learners 48 Grammar 48 Self Study 49 Chinese 50 Further Languages 51 Russian 52-53 Latin 53-54 Mathematics Primary Level 55 Adolescent Learners 55-56 Lesson Preparation 56-57 Learning Aids 57 Natural Sciences 58-59 Computer Science 59 Software & Apps 60-61 Teaching Material 62-63 Basic Vocational Education 64-66 Business Training 67-71 Academic Titles 72 Teachers’ Bookstore Spotlight: Whiteboard in the Classroom Further Teachers’ Bookstore titles Kindergarten 74 75-76 78-79 3 Entdecken Sie das Internationale Programm der Verlage der Cornelsen Gruppe Auf diesen zwei Seiten zeigen wir Ihnen eine kleine Auswahl an Titeln, die wir im vorliegenden Katalog präsentieren. Diese Bücher und andere interessante Titel erwarten Sie im International Catalogue 2012. On these two pages you find a selection of titles we present in this catalogue. These books and other interesting titles await you in this International Catalogue 2012. German Seite/Page 6–17 English Seite/Page 18–37 Further Languages Seite/Page 38–54 Discover what’s on offer at the Cornelsen Publishing Group Teacher‘s Bookstore Seite/Page 74–76 Mathematics Seite/Page 55–57 Academic Titles Seite/Page 72 Business Training Seite/Page 67–71 Our German as a Foreign Language Titles Unsere Deutschlehrwerke European Language Certificates (TELC) A1 Adolescent Beginners Prima Band 1 Prima Band 2 A2 Prima Band 3 Prima Band 4 B1 B2 C1 C2 Prima Band 5 Prima Band 6 Adult Education Business German Ja genau! Band 1 Band 2 eurolingua Deutsch Band 1 Ja genau! Band 3 Band 4 eurolingua Deutsch Band 2 Ja genau! Band 5 Band 6 eurolingua Deutsch Band 3 page/Seite 11 page/Seite 10 studio d Band 1 studio d Band 2 studio d Teilband A1/1 studio d Teilband A1/2 studio d Teilband A2/1 studio d Teilband A2/2 Pluspunkte Beruf: Gastronomie und Hotellerie studio d Band 3 (B1) page/Seite 12 Kommunikation im Beruf: • Wirtschaft • Tourismus studio d • Soziales Teilband B2/1 • Landwirtschaft studio d Teilband B2/2 page/Seite 8 page/Seite 14 studio d Teilband C1 page/Seite 12 page/Seite 14 Additional Material Test Preparation Lextra Grammatik kein Problem Orientierungskurs Lextra Grundwortschatz DaF page/Seite 16 Lextra Kompaktgrammatik DaF Patrick Reich Krimis Prüfungstraining DSD 1 page/Seite 15 Prüfungstraining Zertifikat Deutsch page/Seite 15 page/Seite 16 Prüfungstraining GoetheZertifikat B2 Prüfungstraining DSD 2 Prüfungstraining TestDaF page/Seite 15 Prüfungstraining GoetheZertifikat C1 page/Seite 10 Prüfungstraining DSH page/Seite 10 page/Seite 10 German/Deutsch A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 spotlight Prima Von L. Rohrmann, F. Jin und M. Zbranková Prima ist ein Deutschlehrwerk für jugendliche Deutschlerner im Alter von 12 bis 18 Jahren. Es führt in fünf Bänden zum Zertifikat Deutsch. Band 1 und 2 führen zur Niveaustufe A1, Band 3 und 4 zu A2 und der fünfte Band zu B1 des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens. Band 6 führt bis B2. Prima orientiert sich darüber hinaus eng an den Vorgaben an der vom GoetheInstitut entwickelten Sprachprüfung für Jugendliche „Fit in Deutsch“. Für das Lehrwerk heißt das unter anderem: ■■ konsequente Orientierung an der Handlungsbezogenheit der sprach- lichen Mittel. ■■ Transparenz der Lernziele durch die Umsetzung der Kannbeschreibungen ■■ Betonung von Lerntechniken und Lernstrategien Jeder Band kann in 60–70 Unterrichtseinheiten bearbeitet werden und bietet darüber hinaus eine Fülle von optionalem Material. Prima ist besonders geeignet für Schüler und Schülerinnen, die Deutsch als zweite Fremdsprache (z.B. nach Englisch) erlernen. 8 Die Lehrbücher enthalten jeweils sieben Einheiten, eine „Kleine Pause“ und eine „Große Pause“ sowie einen Anhang. Die Einheiten bestehen aus acht Seiten. Die erste bilderreiche Seite ist der Auftakt und führt hin zum Thema einer Einheit. Es folgen sechs Seiten mit abwechslungsreichen Texten, Dialogen und Aktivitäten. In den klar gegliederten Lernsequenzen werden die vier Fertigkeiten Hören, Sprechen, Lesen und Schreiben entwickelt und die Aussprache systematisch geschult. Im Sinne des europäischen Sprachenportfolios schreiben die Schüler und Schülerinnen regelmäßig Ich-Texte. Die grünen Merkkästen „Land und Leute“ auf den Seiten vermitteln aktuelle Landeskunde über die deutschsprachigen Länder. Die orangenen Kästen „Denk nach“ dienen der Bewusstmachung sprachlicher Strukturen. Die letzte Seite einer Einheit, „Das kannst du“, fasst das Gelernte übersichtlich zusammen. Die „Kleine Pause“ nach Einheit 3 und die „Große Pause“ nach Einheit 7 wiederholen den Lernstoff spielerisch und erweitern ihn. Im Anhang gibt es eine alphabetische Wortliste mit den jeweiligen Fundstellen und eine Liste unregelmäßiger Verben. Die Arbeitsbücher mit integrierter LernerAudio-CD für die Hörübungen unterstützen die Arbeit mit dem Lehrbuch durch zusätzliches umfangreiches Übungsmaterial. Lehr und Arbeitsbuch sind in allen Einheiten konsequent parallel aufgebaut. Das „Fitnesscenter Deutsch“ ist ein eigenständiges, optionales Übungsangebot, das sich besonders gut zur Binnendifferenzierung eignet. Im Sinne des Europäischen Portfolios der Sprachen bietet die Seite „Einen Schritt weiter – Was kann ich jetzt?“ den Schülern und Schülerinnen die Gelegenheit, ihren jeweiligen Lernstand selbst einzuschätzen und zu überprüfen. Die letzte Seite enthält den neuen Wortschatz der Einheit in der Reihenfolge des jeweiligen erstmaligen Auftretens. Im Anhang gibt es eine systematische Grammatikzusammenfassung, „Grammatik im Überblick“, und die Lösungen zu den Seiten „Einen Schritt weiter – Was kann ich jetzt?“. Die Audio-CD enthält die Hörtexte aus dem Lehrbuch sowie die Phonetikübungen. Die Video-DVD hat eine Länge von ca. 35 Minuten und kann in einzelnen Sequenzen oder als zusammenhängende Geschichte gezeigt werden. Die DVD begleitet eine Gruppe Jugendlicher in Schule und Freizeit und enthält viele landeskundlichen Informationen. Auf der DVD befinden sich auch abwechslungsreiche Übungen in einem PDF-Dokument, die bequem ausgedruckt werden können. Die Testhefte zu Prima A1 und A2 mit eingelegten Audio-CDs bieten Lehrenden Tests zu allen Einheiten der Bände 1–4, einheitenübergreifende Klassenarbeiten und Modelltests Fit in Deutsch 1 und 2. Unter gibt es für die Arbeit mit Prima Zusatzmaterialien, Übungen und didaktische Tipps sowie interessante Links. Summary Prima is a German language course for young people aged 12 to 18, leading to the Zertifikat Deutsch qualification in The test booklet for Prima A1 and A2 includes audio CDs and contains tests for students on all units in volumes 1–4, cross-unit class tests and the model tests Fit in Deutsch 1 and 2. ilable B2 ava 2! in 201 five volumes. Volumes 1 and 2 lead to Common European Framework level A1, volumes 3 and 4 lead to level A2 and the fifth volume leads to level B1. Sixth volume leads to level B2. In addition Prima closely follows the requirements of the Goethe Institut’s ‘Fit in Deutsch’ examination, which is specifically designed for young people. Each volume can be completed in 60–70 lesson periods (of 45 minutes) and additionally provides a wealth of optional practice material for extension and consolidation of skills. Prima includes: Five coursebooks, containing seven units each and each unit consists of eight pages. The first highly-illustrated page introduces the main topic of the unit. This is followed by six pages of varied texts, dialogues and activities. Clearly-structured learning sequences systematically develop pronunciation and the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). The workbooks with integrated learner’s audio-CD for listening practice support the coursebooks by offering of a wide range of additional practice material. Coursebooks and workbooks are parallel in structure. The Audio-CD contains listening materials relating to the coursebook as well as pronunciation exercises. The Prima A1 DVD is approximately 35 minutes in length and can be shown in individual sequences or as a complete story. The DVD accompanies a group of young people at school and in their free time and provides a great deal of regional information. The DVD also includes a variety of exercises as a PDF document which can be printed out easily. Additional materials for working with Prima as well as teaching tips and useful links are available on our website Kursbuch 1 80 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb. 200 513 13,25 € Arbeitsbuch mit CD 1 kartoniert, CD 65 Min. 200 521 9,95 € Lehrerhandbuch 1 kartoniert 200 394 14,00 € CD 1 67 Min. 200 661 14,95 € Kursbuch 2 80 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb. 200 670 13,25 € Arbeitsbuch mit CD 2 kartoniert, CD 65 Min. 200 688 9,95 € Lehrerhandbuch 2 kartoniert 201 706 14,50 € CD 2 67 Min. 200 696 14,95 € Testvorbereitungsheft A1 mit CD kartoniert 200 788 15,25 € DVD 1+2 35 Min. 202 003 24,95 € W Interactive Whiteboard Software 1 Please get in touch with us for licensation Kursbuch 3 80 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb. 200 750 13,25 € Arbeitsbuch mit CD 3 kartoniert, CD 65 Min. 200 769 9,95 € Lehrerhandbuch 3 kartoniert 14,50 € 201 714 CD 3 75 Min. 14,95 € 200 777 Kursbuch 4 80 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb. 13,25 € 201 722 Arbeitsbuch mit CD 4 kartoniert, CD 65 Min. 9,95 € 201 730 Lehrerhandbuch 4 kartoniert 201 757 14,00 € CD 4 ca. 75 Min. 201 749 14,95 € Testvorbereitungsheft A2 mit CD 84 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb. 202 041 16,50 € new DVD 3+4 ca. 40 Min. 202 249 ca. 24,95 € Kursbuch 5 144 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb. 201 765 18,50 € Arbeitsbuch mit CD 5 kartoniert, CD 65 Min. 201 773 13,25 € Lehrerhandbuch 5 kartoniert 201 790 19,50 € CD 5 75 Min. 201 781 19,95 € new Kursbuch 6 ca. 144 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb. 201 419 (1. Quartal 2012) ca. 18,50 € new Arbeitsbuch mit CD 6 kartoniert, CD 201 426 (1. Quartal 2012) ca. 15,95 € new Lehrerhandbuch 6 kartoniert 201 433 (2. Quartal 2012) ca. 19,95 € new CD 6 ca. 75 Min. 201 440 (1. Quartal 2012) ca. 24,95 € (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Bulgaria, Czech Republic,Lithuania, Poland, Russia, China, Greece 9 german/deutsch adult education and older youth Hallo, da bin ich! Prüfungstraining DaF Lehrwerk für den früh beginnenden Deutschunterricht (Examination Preparation for GFL) (Course for Young Beginners of German as a Foreign Language) Für die internationalen Prüfungen bietet Cornelsen jetzt Trainingsmaterial zur optimalen Vorbereitung an. C2 test training A1 A1 A2 A2 B1 B1 B2 B2 C1 C1 C2 young beginners: primary school Von G. Schneider. Mit Hallo, da bin ich! wird das Deutschlernen leicht gemacht! Das neue Lehrwerk für den früh beginnenden Deutschunterricht besteht aus drei Bänden und ist für Schüler und Schülerinnen ab der ersten Klasse geeignet. Der erste Band enthält ein breites Spektrum verschiedenster Themen (z. B. sich vorstellen, jemanden besuchen, sich mit Freunden verabreden, telefonieren …). Die beiden Folgebände präsentieren eine durchgehende, in sich geschlossene Geschichte. Summary: With Hallo, da bin ich!, learning German is made easy! This course is designed for young children starting school who have no knowledge of German and consists of three volumes. All three volumes are full of colour illustrations that help the children understand the texts. For example: Schülerbuch 1 40 Seiten, kartoniert 208 524 Schülerbuch 2 64 Seiten, kartoniert 208 575 (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Slovakia 10 12,95 € 12,95 € Summary: Cornelsen now offers practice material aimed at optimum preparation for the international examinations. Test DaF 128 Seiten, kartoniert inkl. Audio-CDs 203 113 Zertifikat Deutsch 152 Seiten, kartoniert inkl. Audio-CDs 203 105 Goethe-Zertifikat B2 200 Seiten, kartoniert inkl. Audio-CDs 205 302 Goethe-Zertifikat C1 200 Seiten, kartoniert inkl. Audio-CDs 205 310 Prüfungstraining DSH 108 Seiten, kartoniert inkl. Audio-CD 203 121 new DSD A2/B1 ca. 144 Seiten, kartoniert inkl. Audio-CDs 204 526 (4. Quartal 2011) new DSD B2/C1 ca. 160 Seiten, kartoniert inkl. Audio-CDs 204 403 (2. Quartal 2012) 17,50 € 17,50 € 18,50 € 18,50 € 17,50 € 17,50 € ca. 17,50 € Eurolingua Deutsch Neue Ausgabe Das komplett bearbeitete Lehrwerk gibt es in zwei Ausgaben: eine dreibändige und eine fünfbändige, die beide zu B1 bzw. zum Zertifikat Deutsch führen. Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch sind in einem Band integriert. Texte und Aufgaben greifen in einander über, umständliches Hinund Herblättern fällt damit weg. Die sanfte Progression fördert schnelle Lernfortschritte, die kurzen Lernsequenzen lassen einen raschen Themenwechsel zu. Begleitmaterialien: ■■ Glossare und Vokabelhefte ■■ Übungsheft Sprachtraining ■■ Lernerhandbuch ■■ Audio-CDs Online-Service unter eurolingua-deutsch-neu (in Deutsch) Summary: The completely revised series leads to level B1 or the Zertifikat Deutsch. The coursebook and workbook are again combined in one volume. Texts and exercises are integrated, thus avoiding unnecessary leafing back and forth. The gentle progression promotes rapid learning progress and the short learning phases allow for quick changes of topic – all positive aspects for learner motivation. The coursebook is supplemented by: ■■ Glossaries and vocabulary booklets ■■ workbook ‘Sprachtraining’ (language training) ■■ learner’s handbook ■■ Audio-CDs For example: Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch 1 272 Seiten, kartoniert 210 995 21,50 € (Cornelsen) (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Poland, China All rights available except: Spain, China C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 Ja genau! Prüfungen: Zertifikat Deutsch; telc Deutsch B1 Dieses sechsbändige Lehrwerk richtet sich an Lernende ab 16 Jahren ohne oder mit geringen Vorkenntnissen der deutschen Sprache. Es vermittelt u.a. Fertigkeiten, die auf den Beruf oder das Absolvieren eines Praktikums vorbereiten. Ja genau! ist besonders für das Unterrichten von heterogenen Gruppen geeignet. In einer klaren und kleinschrittigen Progression werden abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben angeboten, die die unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten der Lerner berücksichtigen, das ganzheitliche Lernen fördern und einen lebendigen Unterricht ermöglichen. Jeder Band besteht aus sieben Einheiten mit dazugehörigen Arbeitsbuchseiten, inklusive einer Seite zum Lernen des Wortschatzes. Die Übungen zur Aussprache sind in die Einheiten integriert. Neben Angeboten zur Projektarbeit und zum kooperativen Lernen bietet eine Extra-Seite unterhaltsame Sprechanlässe mit zusätzlichen authentischen Lese- und Hörtexten, die auch das binnendifferenzierende Arbeiten erleichtern. Eine Übergangsseite zwischen den Kapiteln bereitet mit einem Bildimpuls auf das nächste Thema vor. Summary: Examinations: Zertifikat Deutsch; telc Deutsch B1 This six volume textbook is aimed at students from 16 years of age who have no or very little prior knowledge of the German language. It provides students with skills that, among other things, are well suited to work and traineeship situations. Ja genau! is particularly suitable for teaching heterogeneous groups. The book is structured in clear, compact steps covering a wide range of tasks that take into account the different abilities of learners, promote holistic learning and facilitate lively lessons. Each volume consists of seven units with corresponding workbook sections, including a page devoted to learning the relevant vocabulary. Pronunciation exercises are integrated into the units. In addition to project ideas and cooperative learning exercises, an extra page offers entertaining speaking exercises with additional authentic reading and listening texts, which also support the differential teaching process. A transitional page between the chapters features a pictorial introduction to the next topic. Kurs- und Übungsbuch A1/1 mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft 152 Seiten, kartoniert 12,95 € 241 576 CD A1/1 70 Min. 241 668 9,95 € Kurs- und Übungsbuch A1/2 mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft 176 Seiten, kartoniert 241 583 12,95 € CD A1/2 70 Min. 241 675 9,95 € Spachtraining A1 104 Seiten, kartoniert 204 625 9,95 € Unterrichtsvorbereitung A1 184 Seiten, kartoniert 14,95 € 241 729 Unterrichtshilfe interaktiv A1 CD-ROM 25,95 € 241 774 Kurs- und Übungsbuch A2/1 mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft 160 Seiten, kartoniert 241 590 12,95 € CD A2/1 ca. 70 Min. 241 682 9,95 € new Kurs- und Übungsbuch A2/2 mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft 184 Seiten, kartoniert 241 606 12,95 € new CD A2/2 ca. 70 Min. 241 699 9,95 € new Sprachtraining A2 ca. 80 Seiten, kartoniert 204 632 9,95 € new Unterrichtsvorbereitung A2 ca. 164 Seiten, kartoniert 241 736 (3. Quartal 2011) ca. 14,95 € new Unterrichtshilfe interaktiv A2 CD-ROM 241 781 (4. Quartal 2011) ca. 25,95 € new Kurs- und Übungsbuch B1/1 mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft ca. 168 Seiten, kartoniert 241 613 (3. Quartal 2011) 12,95 € new CD B1/1 ca. 70 Min. 241 705 (3.Quartal 2011) ca. 9,95 € Kurs- und Übungsbuch B1/2 mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft ca. 168 Seiten, kartoniert 241 620 (1. Quartal 2012) ca. 12,95 € CD B1/2 ca. 70 Min. 241 712 (1. Quartal 2012) ca. 9,95 € (Cornelsen) 11 german/deutsch A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Adult education and older youth Studio d Von H. Funk, S. Demme, M. Koenig, C. Kuhn 12 Als lernerorientiertes Lehrwerk berücksichtigt studio d unterschiedliche Erwartungen und Lerngewohnheiten und bietet abwechslungsreiche Arbeits- und Übungsformen an, die die Nutzung von unterschiedlichen Medien einschließen. Die Lernenden werden mit interessanten Themen in den Alltag der deutschsprachigen Länder eingeführt. Dem beruflich motivierten Interesse am Erlernen des Deutschen kommt studio d durch die Integration von beruflichen Szenarien sowie durch die Präsentation von Berufsbildern entgegen. Das Kursbuch: Im Zentrum des multimedialen Lehrwerkverbunds steht das Kursbuch mit integriertem Arbeitsbuchteil sowie Wortschatzlisten und einem zusammenfassenden grammatischen Überblick. Das Kursbuch gliedert sich in die Einheiten mit thematisch-funktionaler und grammatischer Progression und die Stationen, die der Vertiefung dienen. In allen Einheiten sind Aufgaben zur Automatisierung und zum flüssigen Sprechen enthalten sowie Übungen zur Unterstützung des mentalen Lexikons und offene Formen der Wortschatzarbeit. Ergänzendes Übungsangebot: Das Arbeitsbuch Sprachtraining ergänzt das Übungsangebot gerade auch für den Intensivkursbereich. Dieses ist aber ebenso fakultativ wie die Nutzung der studio dInternetseite. Video/ DVD In den Videos zu studio A1 und A2 sind authentische Landeskundeausschnitte in eine persönliche Rahmenhandlung integriert, bei B1 sind Videoclips aus gesendetem Material deutscher Fernsehsender zusammengestellt, die durch eine Magazinmoderation eingerahmt sind. Unterrichtsvorbereitung interaktiv Zeit sparen mit der digitalen Unterrichtsvorbereitung zu studio d. Alle Lehrwerkskomponenten, didaktische Tipps und viele Zusatzmaterialien sind kompakt zusammengestellt und sinnvoll verknüpft. Digitaler Stoffverteilungsplaner (Whiteboard-Software) Ein Werkzeug für die Materialien des Lehrwerksverbundes, den persönlichen Materialfundus und für alle künftig erscheinenden Verbundmaterialien, mit dem die Kurse organisiert und der Unterricht vorbereitet wird. Angebote für die digitale Tafel (Whiteboard-Software) Inhalte des Kurs- und Übungsbuchs studio d A1 und Zusatzmaterialien. Die interaktiven Tafelbilder ermöglichen eine abwechslungsreiche Arbeit mit Wortschatz, Hörtexten, Videosequenzen, Redemitteln und Grammatik des Kursund Übungsbuches im Unterricht – mit Beamer oder Whiteboard. studio d Mittelstufe Nach dem großen Erfolg von studio d in der Grundstufe (A1-B1) wird die Reihe nun auch in der Mittelstufe fortgesetzt und ist damit der erste DaF-Kurs, der alle Niveaus von A1-C1 abdeckt. Das Mittelstufenbuch zeichnet sich durch seine sanfte Progression von B1 zu B2 aus. In drei Bänden (zwei B2-Bände) erreichen die Lerner das Niveau C1. Der Wortschatz wird systematisch erweitert, wobei Redewendungen ein spezielles Augenmerk gewidmet ist. Die klar strukturierten Grammatikabschnitte werden im Gesamtzusammenhang aufgezeigt. Hilfestellungen und Aufgaben ermöglichen es den Lernern eine nachhaltige Verbesserung ihrer kommunikativen Kompetenzen zu erzielen. Authentische Texte über aktuelle Themen regen die Kursteilnehmer zum Sprechen an. Die besonders gestalteten Landeskundeseiten sind um eine interkulturelle Perspektive erweitert. Regelmäßige Selbstü- berprüfung und Testvorbereitungen helfen dem Lerner die eigenen Lernfortschritte festzustellen. Summary: As a learner-oriented textbook, studio d takes into account the wide range of expectations and learning habits and offers diverse work and exercise forms which include the use of various media. Learners are introduced to daily life in German-speaking countries. studio d integrats professional scenarios and presents various professions. The coursebook: The series is centered around the coursebook with its integrated workbook, vocabulary lists and a grammar overview. All units in the coursebook include exercises that train automatic response, fluent speech, reinforce the mental dictionary and open forms of vocabulary work. Additional exercises: The exercise booklet can be used to supplement the range of exercises. This is optional, as is the use of the studio d website. Video/DVD The video supplements integrate information about life in German-speaking countries and features video clips from television broadcasts. Interactive lesson preparation All textbook components, didactic tips and a great deal of supplementary material are organized in a compact fashion and linked in a logical way. Digital lesson planner A tool with materials from the textbook network, your personal pool of material, and all future network materials with which courses can be organized. Digital board materials Contents of the studio d A1 course and exercise book as well as supplementary material. The interactive charts and diagrams allow for stimulating and varied lessons using the vocabulary, listening texts, video sequences, expressions and gram- board White ble! availa mar provided in the course and exercise book - using a projector or whiteboard. studio d Intermediate After the success of studio d for the levels A1 to B1, the series is now the first GFL course to cover all levels from A1 to C1. The lexis is systematically expanded, whereby idioms and expressions are given special attention. The clearly-structured grammar sections are presented in context. Supporting drills and exercises enable learners to make lasting improvements in their communicative competences. Authentic texts on current topics motivate to speak. The well designed area studies are expanded by an intercultural perspective. Regular self-evaluation and examination preparation help the learner to assess his or her progress. Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch 1 mit CD 1 272 Seiten, kartoniert 207 072 19,95 € Arbeitsbuch – Sprachtraining 1 207 080 10,95 € Vokabeltaschenbuch 1 207 137 6,95 € Unterrichtsvorbereitung 1 207 323 16,95 € Unterrichtsvorbereitung 1 interaktiv 207 463 29,95 € DVD 1 208 311 19,95 € CDs 1 (2) 207 110 23,50 € CD-ROM 1, Home-Einzel-Lizenz 207 250 19,95 € Testvorbereitungsheft 1 208 229 14,95 € Audiotrainer 1 208 519 7,95 € Digitaler Stoffverteilungsplaner 1 206 070 9,95 € Whiteboard Material 1 208 717 39,95 € Der Einstieg (Vorkurs) 208 403 8,95 € Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch 2 mit CD 2 276 Seiten, kartoniert 207 129 19,95 € Arbeitsbuch – Sprachtraining 2 207 145 10,95 € Vokabeltaschenbuch 2 207 153 6,95 € Unterrichtsvorbereitung 2 207 331 16,95 € Unterrichtsvorbereitung 2 interaktiv 207 471 29,95 € DVD 2 208 460 19,95 € CDs 2 (2) 207 188 23,50 € Testvorbereitungsheft 2 200 481 14,95 € Digitaler Stoffverteilungsplaner 2 206 087 9,95 € Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch 3 mit CD 3 264 Seiten, kartoniert 207 196 19,95 € Arbeitsbuch – Sprachtraining 3 207 200 10,95 € Vokabeltaschenbuch 3 207 218 6,95 € Unterrichtsvorbereitung 3 207 358 16,95 € Unterrichtsvorbereitung 3 interaktiv 207 501 DVD 3 208 175 CDs 3 (2) 207 242 new Testvorbereitungsheft 200 498 (4. Quartal 2011) 29,95 € 19,95 € Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch B2/Teil 1 mit CD 232 Seiten, kartoniert 200 947 19,95 € CD B2/Teil 1 204 276 15,95 € Unterrichtsvorbereitung B2/Teil 1 200 955 10,95 € new Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch B2/ Teil 2 mit CD ca. 232 Seiten, kartoniert 200 740 (Oktober 2011) 19,95 € new CD B2/Teil 2 200 870 (Oktober 2011) 15,95 € new Unterrichtsvorbereitung B2/ Teil 2 200 931 (1. Quartal 2012) ca. 10,95 € new Arbeitsheft Trainieren und Testen B2 206 131 ca. 9,95 € new DVD B2 201 099 (4. Quartal 2011) 19,95 € new Unterrichtsvorbereitung B2 interaktiv 206 124 (4. Quartal 2011) ca. 29,95 € Kursbuch C1 200 963 (2012) ca. 21.95 € CD C1 204 284 (2012) ca. 23,95 € Unterrichtsvorbereitung C1 200 971 (2013) ca. 13,00 € (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Taiwan, Indonesia, Poland, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka 23,50 € 3 14,95 € 13 german/deutsch Kommunikation im Beruf (Professional Communication) Diese Lehrwerkreihe ist für die Lernenden mit soliden Grundkenntnissen bestimmt. Die Zielgruppe bilden besonders Deutschlernende in Berufsfachschulen, in Fachmittelschulen und Fachhochschulen. Lernende erweitern ihren Fachwortschatz, und erwerben Kompetenzen für zukünftige Situationen im Beruf. Die Lehrbücher können dank der mehr sprachigen Glossare in verschiedensten Ländern der Welt eingesetzt werden. Summary: This series is designed for students with a basic knowledge of German. Students can quickly and effectively broaden their professional vocabulary, acquire the ability to communicate easily and manage various situations typical for specific professions. For example: Kommunikation in der Wirtschaft von D. Lévy-Hillerich, Prof. A. Fearns 212 360 14,95 € Kommunikation im Tourismus von D. Lévy-Hillerich 212 335 14,95 € Kommunikation in sozialen und medizinischen Berufen von verschiedenen Autoren 212 327 14,95 € Kommunikation in der Landwirtschaft von D. Lévy-Hillerich 14,95 € 212 343 (Fraus) 14 All rights available except: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 business german new Pluspunkte Beruf (Plus Points Careers) Die Reihe vermittelt und trainiert berufsbezogene Sprachkenntnisse. Die Arbeitshefte zeichnen sich aus durch: ■■ klar strukturierte Lernsequenzen, ■■ praxisbezogene und handlungsorientierte Aufgaben aus dem Berufsalltag, ■■ integrierte Entwicklung der Fertigkeiten Hören, Sprechen, Lesen und Schreiben, ■■ ein gezieltes Wortschatztraining und einen Ausbau des fachspezifischen Vokabulars. Der vorliegende Band Erfolgreich in Gastronomie und Hotellerie geht auf Bedürfnisse von Beschäftigten im Gaststättenund Hotelgewerbe ein. Die Lernangebote trainieren mündliche wie schriftliche Kommunikation und vermitteln notwendiges Fachvokabular. Summary: The series provides help and practice for business-related language skills. The workbooks are characterised by: ■■ clearly-structured learning sequences ■■ practical, task-based exercises based on everyday work situations ■■ development of the four key skills ■■ vocabulary training with emphasis on the development of specialist vocabulary The current volume Success in the Catering and Hotel Industries deals with the specific needs of restaurant and hotel employees. The material trains oral and written communication and conveys essential specialist vocabulary. Gastronomie und Hotellerie 88 Seiten, kartoniert, CD 14,95 € 203 789 Pflege ca. 88 Seiten, kartoniert, CD 14,95 € 203 796 (Nov. 2011) (Cornelsen) new DaF in den Ingenieurwissenschaften (GFL in Engineering) Das Buch erleichtert das Verfassen technikbezogener Texte und eignet sich vor allem für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Mitarbeiter an Forschungseinrichtungen sowie Nicht-Muttersprachler in technischen Berufen. Acht Module mit ausgesuchten Beispielsätzen bieten Hilfestellung für eigene Schreibprojekte. Im Schreibmodul finden sich Schlüsselwörter oder -phrasen. Diesen sind Beispielsätze zugeordnet, aus denen sprachliche Strukturen abgeleitet werden können. Die Tabelle „Wortpaare in der Wissenschaftssprache“ listet für technische Fachtexte typische Wörter auf und ordnet sie den entsprechenden Tätigkeiten, Vorgängen oder Zuständen zu. Summary: This book assists with the composition of technical texts. A selection of example sentences, divided into eight modules, offer assistance with individual projects during the writing process. The book is ideal for: Engineering students, employees of higher education or research institutes, non-native speakers of German in technical professions who need to write texts in German. Each module contains key words or key phrases, which can be used in particular writing tasks. Accompanying these key words are numerous example sentences, which can be used as grammatical and linguistic models. A table of “word pairs in scientific language” lists words which may be relevant to the writing process. 160 Seiten, kartoniert, CD-R 19,95 € 5 206 655 (Cornelsen) (Lextra Basic Thematic Vocabulary German) (Lextra Grammar no problem) Die Lernwörterbücher Grundwortschätze nach Themen sind ideal für alle, die ihren Wortschatz gezielt auffrischen oder erweitern möchten. Auch zur Prüfungsvorbereitung sind sie bestens geeignet. Sie enthalten auf der Grundlage von neuesten wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen die 4000 häufigsten Wörter gegliedert nach Themengebieten. Für jedes Stichwort gibt es eine Übersetzung und einen Beispielsatz zur Veranschaulichung der Bedeutung. Die Register enthalten sämtliche Stichwörter. Diese Übungsgrammatik enthält eine Reihe von Aufgaben in unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden. Dabei werden die Stufen A1 bis A2 des Europäischen Referenzrahmens abgedeckt. Das Layout folgt dem Doppelseitenprinzip: Auf der linken Seite stehen die Erklärungen zur Grammatik, während auf der rechten Seite die dazugehörigen Übungen platziert sind. Der Anhang enthält hilfreiche Zusatzinformationen zur Aussprache etc. 14,95 € 13,95 € (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Hungary, China, Netherlands new Lextra Grammatik kein Problem Summary: This practice grammar contains a variety of exercises at different levels of difficulty and covers the grammar content relevant to levels A1 to A2. The layout is structured in double pages spreads: the left-hand pages feature the grammar explanation while the right-hand page presents opportunities to practise, moving from controlled to freer tasks. The appendix contains helpful additional information such as guides to pronunciation etc. English, Business English, French and Spanish will also be available. 136 Seiten, kartoniert 15 986 (Cornelsen) 14,95 € C2 B1 A1 A2 B1 A2 A1 Zum Nachschlagen und Üben 248 Seiten, kartoniert 15 597 Übungsbuch 160 Seiten, kartoniert 15 603 new Datenbank für digitale Produkte und Apps auf Anfrage B2 C1 B2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 Lextra Grund- und Aufbauwortschatz Deutsch nach Themen Summary: These learning dictionaries are ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or expand vocabulary and are also excellent tools for examination preparation. The dictionaries contain the 4000 most frequently used words, organised according to subject areas. For each headword there is a translation and an example sentence to clarify meaning. All the headwords are listed alphabetically. C1 C2 grammar C2 Vocabulary Lextra Kompaktgrammatik (Lextra Compact Grammars) Die Kompaktgrammatik ist ideal sowohl zum schnellen Nachschlagen als auch zum Wiederholen. Übersichtlich und leicht verständlich sind hier alle wichtigen Regeln und Strukturen bis zur Niveaustufe B 1 auf einen Blick dargestellt. Zahlreiche Beispielsätze mit Übersetzungen veranschaulichen das Erklärte, ein ausführliches Stichwortregister hilft beim schnellen Auffinden eines bestimmten Themas. ■■ Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick ■■ Grammatikerklärungen in leicht verständlicher Sprache ■■ Viele Beispielsätze mit Übersetzungen ■■ Ausführliches Stichwortregister ■■ Praktisches Taschenformat 12,5 x 19 cm Summary: This clearly laid out and easy to understand book is perfect for looking up grammar structures quickly as well as for revision. It covers all important rules and structures up to level B1. Numerous example sentences with translations provide clear illustrations of the grammar, and a comprehensive keyword index helps users to locate particular topics quickly. ■■ Essential information at a glance ■■ Grammar explanations in easy to understand language ■■ Numerous example sentences ■■ Comprehensive keyword register ■■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm 160 Seiten, Festeinband 16 365 9,95 € (Cornelsen) 15 German/Deutsch Patrick Reich – Privatdetektiv für alle Fälle Im Mittelpunkt der kurzweiligen Krimis für Leserinnen und Leser mit DeutschVorkenntnissen (A2 – B1) steht Privatdetektiv Patrick Reich. Er ist „der Mann für alle Fälle“. Von seinem Büro aus hat Patrick Reich einen herrlichen Blick über die documenta-Stadt Kassel, in der „seine“ Fälle spielen. Illustriert und mit vielen Worterklärungen, landeskundlichen Informationen, interessanten Internetadressen, Rätseln und Aufgaben. Summary: The focus of these entertaining detective stories for readers with a previous knowledge of German (A2 – B1) is private investigator Patrick Reich. The stories are illustrated and supplemented with a range of word definitions, regional information, interesting internet addresses, puzzles and tasks. Der Mond war Zeuge 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 054 Liebe bis in den Tod 56 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 061 Tatort: Krankenhaus 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 030 Jeder ist käuflich 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 016 Tödlicher Cocktail 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 023 Tod in der Oper 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 047 16 9,95 € 9,95 € 9,95 € 9,95 € 9,95 € 9,95 € C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 A1 iphone + iPad s! edition A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Additional Material Die Spur führt nach Bayern 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 085 9,95 € Gefährlicher Einkauf 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 108 9,95 € Tödlicher Irrtum 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 092 9,95 € Freude, Liebe, Angst 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 115 9,95 € Der letzte Kuss 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 146 9,95 € new Tödliches Testament 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 15 160 9,95 € Editions for iPhone and iPad DaF-Krimis jetzt auch für die Niveaustufen A1/A2: new Haifische in der Spree 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 18 420 9,95 € new Kaltes Blut 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 18 444 9,95 € new Schuss ins Leere 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 18 451 (Sept. 2011) 9,95 € new Die Skorpion-Frau 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 18 437 9,95 € new Teufel in Seide 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 18 956 9,95 € new Der Tod kommt pünktlich 48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert 9,95 € 18 963 (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Hungary, China new Orientierungskurs (Orientation Course) Dieser Band ist als Orientierungskurs mit 45 Unterrichtseinheiten konzipiert. Er soll Verständnis für das deutsche Staatswesen wecken und gleichzeitig Landeskunde vermitteln. Der Aufbau des Heftes: ■■ Modul 1: Politik in der Demokratie ■■ Modul 2: Geschichte in der Verantwortung ■■ Modul 3: Mensch und Gesellschaft Jeder Abschnitt im Kursheft beginnt mit einer sprachlich einfachen bildgestützten Darstellung der zentralen Inhalte. Die Folgeseiten behandeln die Inhalte dann ausführlicher. Das Glossar im Anhang erläutert zentrale Begriffe. Jedes Modul endet mit Aufgaben zur Verständnissicherung und einer zusammenfassenden Übersicht. Am Ende des Orientierungskurses steht ein Test. Summary: This book was developed as an orientation course over 45 units, and is intended to explain the workings of the German state as well as area studies. The book is structured as follows: ■■ Module 1: Politics in a Democracy ■■ Module 2: History and Responsibility ■■ Module 3: People and Society Each section begins with an overview of the main contents in simple language supported by photographic material. The subsequent pages deal with the content in more detail. A glossary at the end of the book explains key terms. Quizzes to check understanding and a summary of the contents round off each module. At the end of the orientation course there is a test. 92 Seiten, kartoniert 200 146 9,95 € (Cornelsen) Der Cornelsen-Newsletter für Deutsch als Fremdsprache Auf Wunsch informieren wir Sie einmal pro Monat über Neuigkeiten aus dem Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Deutsch als Zweitsprache. Diese Informationen umfassen unser Online-Angebot und viele weitere nützliche Tipps: Interessante Links im Internet Die vorgestellten Internetseiten geben einen guten Einblick in Land und Leute und sind eine willkommene Abwechslung für den Unterricht. Neuigkeiten aus dem Verlagsprogramm Wir stellen Ihnen unsere zentralen Neuerscheinungen im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache vor. Außerdem finden Sie alle Lehrwerke auf einen Blick, ob Neuerscheinung, Neubearbeitung oder Klassiker. Mit Leseproben, Konzeptbeschreibung und vielem mehr. Informationen zu Lehrwerken Hier finden Sie aktuelle Zusatzmaterialien und Übungen sowie didaktische Anregungen zu unseren Lehrwerken. Den Cornelsen-Newsletter für Deutsch als Fremdsprache können Sie unter abonnieren. Overview English Course Books · Course Areas · Certificate Courses Common European Framework of Reference European Language Certificate in English ––––––––––– Cambridge Certificate A1 Start English A2 Self Study Adolescent Beginners Key A1 Lextra Turbo Course Stage 1 Lextra Language Course ––––––––––– KET Englisch EG 21 & New Highlight Premium Englisch B1 Adult Education Stage 2 Key A2 page 25 ––––––––––– PET B2 Stage 3 C1 CAE C2 CPE ––––––––––– FCE Key B1 Lextra Video-DVDs Business English - Meetings - Presentations - Communication - Negotiating - Socializing page 25 page 25 page 22 page 28 Business English Vocational English University English Matters Series Business English for Beginners - Hotel - Mechatronics - Shopping - Health - IT - Office - Industry - Metal - Elecricity - Insurance - Logistics - Money - Trade - Dentistry page 29 Basis for Business Short Courses (all different Levels) Intercultural Business English page 29 page 30 page 31 Job Matters - Car Mechanics - Construction - Wood - Plumbing - Gastronomy - Metal - Electro technology page 35 Career Express B2 page 33 Career Express C1 page 36 english young beginners: primary school Sunshine Early Start Edition 20 What makes a course easy for teachers to teach? Teaching what you have already learnt yourself! Add reliability, attainable teaching aims and time saving components and you have the ideal course which includes: ■■ Universally loved and known stories from children’s English literature. ■■ Authentic but simple language input which speeds up understanding and communication. ■■ Humorous content which awakens the pupils’ delight and enthusiasm. ■■ Carefully planned lessons with balanced phases of teaching, language practise and skills training. The familiarity of the contents lightens the teaching load for all non-native teachers of English. Realistic teaching goals mean successful lessons in mixed ability classes. All units follow the same clear, systematic structure both to help the teacher and create a familiar setting for the pupil. The course ties in with Common European Framework guidelines: It includes cross-curricular content and provides regular opportunities for self-assessment and the creation of portfolios. This four-level beginner’s course enables teachers to prepare effective English lessons. Learners can develop their listening and speaking skills from an early age. The familiar and age-group related themes in each volume are repeated and extended throughout the course. Language work is complimented by well known fairy tales for the youngest and amusing stories about a typical group of British children in the last two volumes. Sunshine offers a great range of time-saving, beautifully illustrated components. ■■ Large posters to illustrate the stories with smaller versions for each child in their materials ■■ Videos of the stories in each volume – a most effective listening and viewing experience with a medium beloved by all young learners. ■■ Workbooks with a variety of exercises and activities which include a collectable set of picture cards for learning vocabulary in each volume ■■ Pupil’s Books for stages 3 and 4 offer illustrated scenes for language work, cartoon versions of the stories and board games. ■■ Authentic listening CDs with recordings of all the songs, stories and dialogues ■■ Teacher’s Books with steps-by-step lesson plans for the teaching year including a teaching menu of new words and structures for each lesson Activity Book 1 56 pages, softback, with Audio-CD 346 269 6.50 € Teacher’s Manual 1 144 pages 321 940 16.50 € Poster Books 1 5 posters 346 986 8.25 € Picture Cards 1 70 cards 346 340 12.95 € Video-DVD 1 347 036 29.95 € Song-/Text-CD 1 346 331 16.95 € Activity Book 2 64 pages, softback, with Audio-CD 8,25 € 346 439 Teacher’s Manual 2 216 pages 23.50 € 346 420 Poster Books 2 7 posters 10.25 € 346 994 Picture Cards 2 76 cards 346 455 24.95 € Video-DVD 2 347 072 29.95 € Song-/Text-CD 2 346 447 23.95 € Pupil’s Book 3 40 pages, softback 346 919 9.95 € Activity Book 3 56 pages, softback, with Audio-CD 346 889 8.50 € Teacher’s Manual 3 208 pages 346 870 23.50 € Picture-, Word- and Story Cards 3 139 cards 346 900 39.95 € Song-/Text-CDs 3 346 897 23.95 € Pupil’s Book 4 40 pages, softback 346 960 9.95 € Activity Book 4 56 pages, softback, with Audio-CD 346 935 8.50 € Teacher’s Manual 4 208 pages 346 927 23.50 € Picture-, Word- and Story Cards 4 105 cards 346 951 39.95 € Song-/Text-CDs 4 346 943 23.95 € (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Viet Nam, Brazil new Sally A four-part primary English course new English-Stars Practice books with reward stickers and self-study key Sally stands for a course that is organised in small steps, contains detailed lesson plans and focuses on the development of communicative skills. What makes Sally so attractive for teachers is that teachers who are just starting to teach or don’t teach English regularly will find in-depth information for each lesson which will help them to overcome beginners’ difficulties and give them confidence. Experienced teachers on the other hand will find a wide range of ideas which they can individually put together. What makes Sally so attractive for children is the fact that it uses motivating, varied and many authentic stories, rhymes and songs as well as exercises that keep the fun in learning a foreign language. These English trainers cover all important topics of English in primary school and can be used independently of a textbook wherever extra practice material is needed – whether in class or at home. A wide range of motivating exercises revise vocabulary and train reading and writing skills in a way that keeps the fun in learning a foreign language. Students can work on their own and the integrated key makes it easy for them to check their answers. Two special features are the picture dictionary and comics with Sally the kangaroo. The picture dictionary contains the vocabulary of all topics and can either be used alongside the exercises or as a general reference. The comics not only train reading skills but furthermore show students how much they already understand and promote continuous reading in the foreign language. To make these trainers even more motivating and fun, the children can place a star sticker for every completed topic and for every read comic on the back inside cover. Once the last star is at its place, a well known sight will shine in their light. Components: ■■ Activity Book with exercises to strategi- cally work on vocabulary development as well as writing skills. Includes audio-CD with all songs and rhymes. ■■ Pupil’s Book with stories which promote listening skills, funny comics that promote reading skills, as well as songs and rhymes that motivate children to sing along and speak. ■■ Teacher’s manual with detailed lessons plans, great number of additional masters, portfolio, two audio CDs, … ■■ Picture cards to visualize vocabulary and support storytelling ■■ Word cards ■■ DVD with animated stories, includes lesson plans and masters For example: Activity Book 1 40 pages, softback, with Audio-CD 7.95 € 4 375 Activity Book grade 3 64 pages, softback 8 731 Comic Book grade 3 48 pages, softback 15 081 (Nov. 2011) Activity Book grade 4 64 pages, softback 8 823 Comic Book grade 4 48 pages, softback 15 098 (Apr. 2012) (Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag) (Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag) new Lextra Picture Dictionaries for children with TING These first picture dictionaries are aimed at young children taking their first curious steps into other languages and cultures. The A-Z section of the dictionaries cover about 800 typical everyday items from everyday life for primary-age kids. The thematic sections cover important sections such as verbs, prepositions and family relationships, colours, seasons and holidays. TING printing technology also makes it possible for learners to hear each new vocabulary item: just touch each entry with the TING infra-red sensor pen and listen to the correct pronunciation. To add to the fun, children can go on a treasure hunt to find the words with hidden sounds attached: no CD- or MP3 player necessary! Other languages available: Spanish, French, Italian, Turkish, Polish 108 pages, hardcover, numerous illustrations, TING-Audio files 16 518 14.95 € (Cornelsen) 5.60 € 5.60 € 5.60 € 5.60 € 21 english A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Adolescent beginners Klick! Englisch New Highlight English G 21 The Klick! English series has been especially developed for less able learners and learners with special needs at the secondary level (age group 10-14). The material focuses on the development of listening and speaking skills and aims to make communication in English a reality for pupils with learning difficulties. Realistic levels of vocabulary and structures together with illustrations and photos to ease understanding of the written language empower the pupils to communicate in English. Short relevant dialogues which enable personal expression are a central component of each lesson. Raps and cartoons offer essential repetition of the spoken material. Extensive listening material provides access to a reliable language model at all times. Exercises based on three different levels of competence make differentiation in the language class easy to manage. By R. Cox, F. Donoghue (Editors) The latest generation of Germany’s leading English textbook series – English G – is called English G 21 and is a state-of-the-art course leading to the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference. English G 21 is developed for students in the 11 to 16 age range and can be used in all types of Secondary Schools. For example: Klick! English student’s book 1 56 pages, softback 310 869 12.95 € Klick! English workbook 1 56 pages, softback, with Audio-CD 310 913 9.50 € Klick! English teacher’s book 1 310 289 16.50 € Klick! English Song-/Text-CD 1 311 897 23.75 € Klick! English teacher’s CD-R 1 311 903 30.95 € Klick! English student’s book 2 56 pages, softback 311 941 12.95 € Volumes 3 to 6 are also available. (Cornelsen) School students and the school background are constantly changing. For this reason we have developed the tried and trusted ‘Highlight’ concept even further and are breaking new ground with this range of materials designed for groups of children between 10 and 16 with learning difficulties. Authentic characters motivate students. Sarah, Emma, Tom and Jamie are the heroes of New Highlight, and students can identify immediately with their various experiences. New Highlight places special emphasis on communication skills: listening comprehension, mixed listening and visual comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and use of language. New Highlight enables students to deal with texts and develop their own learning strategies at an early stage. Tips on learning vocabulary are presented in an appendix and are integrated throughout the units. Students are able to learn language structures inductively: with the guidance of New Highlight they discover the rules for new structures themselves. Class projects, games and handicrafts enable children to put new language into practice in a creative and stimulating way. New Highlight leads to the level B1 of the Common European Framework. For example: New Highlight 1 Student’s Book 164 pages softback, numerous illustrations 344 061 (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Austria 22 18.95 € The first two volumes of English G 21 are set in Bristol. Featuring five children, their families, friends and pets, it offers a rich picture of life in 21st century Britain. The books are full of authentic photographs commissioned by Cornelsen and taken on location in Bristol. English G 21 comes with a wide range of additional printed and electronic material: ■ teachers’ version of the student book ■■ a colour workbook for students, complete with audio CD and CD-ROM containing numerous interactive exercises, ■ Wordmaster, a vocabulary practice book with games, puzzles and crosswords, ■ a reader with another detective story featuring the main characters of English G 21, ■ a DVD tailored to the student book themes, ■ The Radio Bristol Roadshow, a series of ten-minute radio programmes set in Bristol with topical interviews and music ■ Software for teachers and/or students and more. For example: English G 21 student‘s Book 1 204 pages, four-colour softback, numerous illustrations 313 040 19.40 € (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Russia A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 ENGLISH Library Cornelsen English Library The readers in this series, mostly written by native speakers, can be used alongside course materials, but above all they offer stimulating and entertaining stories and discussion materials which are of real interest to young people. The booklets, most of which are illustrated, include an appendix containing vocabulary, questions and activities. Kim and the Rainbow (Years of English: 1; Level 1) 312070 Merlin’s Magnificent Magic Shop 53 318 (Years of English: 1, Level 2) Outdoor Adventures (Years of English: 1; Level 3) 318 516 Kisses and Cokes (Years of English: 2, Level 1) 68 102 Harry’s Dog (Years of English: 2, Level 1) 59 499 Ben’s Pet (Years of English: 2, Level 2) 371 255 Sharon’s First Case (Years of English: 2, Level 2) 67 874 An Elephant never forgets (Years of English: 2, Level 2) 68 242 Indian Adventure (Years of English: 2, Level 2) 67 998 The Adventures of Mr D (Years of English: 2, Level 2) 311 805 A New Life Down Under (Years of English: 3; Level 1) 317 803 Mortimer’s Graffiti (Years of English: 3, Level 1) 371 611 Lake District Camp (Years of English: 3, Level 1) 68 048 XX 49 Five Against Pollution (Years of English: 3; Level 2) 318 524 They’re after us (Years of English: 3, Level 2) 68 234 Romance at Camelot 53 270 (Years of English: 3, Level 2) Robin Hood (Years of English: 3, Level 3) 371 670 I am what I am (Years of English: 4, Level 1) Together Forever (Years of English: 4, Level 1) Teenage Detectives (Years of English: 4, Level 1) The Land of their Fathers (Years of English: 4; Level 2) On the Klondike Trail (Years of English: 4, Level 2) I’m OK, I’m OK (Years of English: 4, Level 2) Rosso (Years of English: 4, Level 2) Rainbow Caravan Park (Years of English: 5, Level 1) From Prison to Prosperity (Years of English: 5; Level 2) A Touching Tale (Years of English: 5, Level 2) The Australian Connection (Years of English: 5, Level 2) Betrayed (Years of English: 5, Level 3) Fair Play (Years of English: 6; Level 2) King of the Rappers (Years of English: 6, Level 2) The Lost Letter (Years of English: 6, Level 3) 343 928 371 620 53 369 68 030 68 463 53 296 68 145 343 944 311 686 311 945 68 072 53 300 318 486 343 979 311 813 All titles between 48-104 pages, 5.95-8.25 € Audio-CD editions: Adventures of Mr D 317 706 Rosso 317 837 The Lost Letter 310 267 8.50 € 9.50 € 8.50 € Lextra Detective Stories The new English readers within the Lextra series are suitable for students and adults with previous knowledge of the language (B1-B2). The stories are focused on investigator Bobby Rudd. Each book is supplemented with an Audio-CD. The last time I saw you 76 pages, softback, CD 9.95 € 18 529 Runaway Flame 92 pages, softback, CD 9.95 € 18 512 The Sugar Cane Killer 80 pages, softback, CD 9.95 € 18 505 new Director’s Cut 80 pages, softback, CD 18 536 9.95 € new The Milk Murders 88 pages, softback, CD 18 543 9.95 € new Death in Edinburgh 96 pages, softback, CD 18 550 (Sept. 2011) 9.95 € new Thriller: Mr Wong’s Revenge 96 pages, softback, CD 19 328 (Sept. 2011) 9.95 € new Thriller: Five Million Dollars 96 pages, softback, CD 19 335 (Sept. 2011) 9.95 € (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Hungary, Bulgaria (Cornelsen) All rights available except: China, Romania, Hungary, Turkey 23 english C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Bilingual Education C2 Test Training new Training and Testing of all language skills (Beginners, A2) new Training and Testing for Oral exams (Intermediate, B1) Workbook with Audio-CD (incl. answer key) Training and model test practise for all 4 language skills. All tasks are derived from a pool of exercises designed by an official board of test experts and have been piloted and tested with over 4.000 students. Additional students’ guide sheets contain tips for the different task formats, as well as useful phrases for the writing and speaking exercises. This rich material can be integrated into classroom lessons. However, students may also use the workbook for individual study. 64 pages, softback, CD 9.95 € 324 538 Teacher’s Manual The accompanying teacher’s manual offers short task profiles listing the level of difficulty, the test type as well as the text format and text length.The task commentary explains the test items and contains tapescripts, answer keys and guidelines. The speaking and writing tasks are illustrated by rating scales and assessment grids (including examples of students’ answers along with teacher’s commentary. 56 pages, softback 9.95 € 324 521 Copymaster with CD-ROM and Picture Bank The testing of speaking skills focuses on core aspects of oral communication such as fluency, pronunciation, adequacy of vocabulary, grammar and style. In addition, students are expected to demonstrate sociolinguistic competencies while interacting with their partner. A broad range of topics and task formats provide ample opportunity for practising and testing students’ speaking skills: general conversation, responding to visual prompts, simulated situations, role plays, presentations, mediation. 68 pages, softback, CD-R 20.50 € 323 586 (Cornelsen) new Training and Testing for Oral exams (Advanced, B2-C1) Copymaster with CD-ROM The testing of speaking skills focuses on core aspects of oral communication. In addition, students are expected to demonstrate sociolinguistic competencies while interacting with their partner (flexibility, turn-taking strategies). A broad range of topics and task formats provide ample opportunity for practising and testing students’ speaking skills: general conversation, responding to visual prompts, simulated situations, role plays, presentations, mediation. A reference section contains useful phrases, assessment sheets and model answer keys. 64 pages, softback, CD-R 20.50 € 327 737 (Cornelsen) 24 Going CLIL Going CLIL offers the skills required for subjects and the language required to deal with tasks in the foreign language. The book contains nine scenarios from the fields of Geography and History. Workbook 88 pages, softback 310 517 8.75 € Teacher’s book with CD and CD-R 310 524 9.25 € CLIL Modules The modular form of these units, tailormade for the age group 13-15 in the fields of History, Politics, Geography and Biology, makes them convenient for teachers, who have the freedom to decide on the order in which they wish to teach them. The American Revolution 310 427 19th-century Britain 310 434 Europe in the Age of Imperialism 310 441 The First World War 310 663 new The Interwar Years 313 020 new National Socialism 313 013 The Labour Behind The Label 310 687 Your Carbon Footprint 310 694 Political Systems 310 724 Laws 310 991 Tropical Rainforest 618 866 Polar Zones 618 842 Hot Deserts 618 859 Your Blood – A Vital Fluid 323 289 Your Respiration 323 272 Your Eyes and Ears 323 708 All titles 16-56 pages, softback 5.95-7.95 € (Cornelsen) Lextra DVD interactive language courses Lextra has taken the advantages of moving pictures one step further by incorporating the revolutionary new technology of interactive video DVD. At the flick of a remote control, learners can now check their comprehension, accuracy and language skills while watching the DVD by answering on-screen questions and performing language tasks. Each of the five DVDs in this series focuses on a particular skill that business people need. Set in international business contexts with an authentic storyline, the learner encounters not only native speakers of English but also real-life situations where English is used as a lingua franca. Clearly structured in five chapters each, the DVDs come with a 72-page booklet providing additional information on grammar and vocabulary as well as writing practice. Meetings DVD + Booklet 70 min., 72 pages, softback 15 535 16.95 € Presentations DVD + Booklet 70 min., 72 pages, softback 15 542 16.95 € Communication DVD + Booklet 70 min., 72 pages, softback 15 559 16.95 € Negotiating DVD + Booklet 70 min., 72 pages, softback 15 566 16.95 € Socializing DVD + Booklet 70 min., 72 pages, softback 15 573 16.95 € Lextra Turbo Courses Effective learning in 2 x 10 minutes daily The ideal language course for busy people who want to learn or improve their knowledge of a foreign language. The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm of modern life, which doesn’t leave much time for learning. Each chapter requires only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a clearly defined and self-contained learning unit. The short sections are designed to provide a sense of ongoing achievement that motivates users and helps them to learn quickly and effectively. Thematic focal points include the most important situations and expressions relevant to the use of the language as well as grammatical structures and verb forms. ■■ Guaranteed learning success in 30 days ■■ 2 x 10 minutes daily – adaptable to all schedules ■■ The most important situations and expressions ■■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the traveller ■■ Tests to check learning progress ■■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads 128 pages, softback, CD 18 369 12.95 € The turbo course is available for the languages English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Greek and Swedish. C2 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Self Study Lextra Premium Language Courses The Premium Language Course offers a comprehensive tool for all those interested in intensive language-learning. The detailed learning book contains a range of varied exercises covering all linguistic skills and a short grammar guide. The reading book is ideal for study “on the road” and contains dialogs relating to an ongoing story with translations. The story addresses everyday themes as well as situations specific to travelling and business. A particular feature of the Premium Language Course is its comprehensive audio material, which comprises approximately 400 minutes on an MP3 audio CD. This includes the entire reading book as an audio book plus numerous listening and speaking exercises. ■■ 1 learning book with a self-testing section after every chapter ■■ 1 reading book with an ongoing story in dialogs – ideal for travellers ■■ compact dictionary integrated into the reading book ■■ 1 MP3 audio CD containing approximately 400 minutes of material (equivalent to 4 normal audio CDs) 2 books (approx. 200 pages each), 4CDs 15 719 28.95 € (Cornelsen) The Premium Language Course is available for the languages English, French, Italian and Spanish. All rights available except: Hungary (Cornelsen) (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Poland, Vietnam, China, Japan, Hungary 25 english Grammar no problem By C. House, J. Stevens Grammar No Problem is a tried and tested volume of grammar explanations and practice exercises which is invaluable both to those wishing to work on their grammar at home and for grammar practice in the classroom. Simple language is used to explain grammar phenomena, while colour indicators help differentiate and clarify complex grammar structures. Each grammar topic is dealt with on a double-page spread with explanations on the left and practice on the right. A removable key provides solutions for all the practice exercises. New structures: Aside from revisions of the existing material, the book now offers a series of progress tests at the end of the book, each test referring to a different chapter or section. Business grammar: In answer to the many requests for a workplace grammar book, Business Grammar No Problem has been devised and developed by the same authors, both of whom have a great deal of experience in creating material for business-English teachers and learners. The structure of the book remains unchanged, while the chapters focus on grammar topics in realistic business contexts. Grammar No Problem 128 pages, softback 5 206 242 Business Grammar No Problem 128 pages, softback 5 206 235 (Cornelsen) 26 16.95 € 16.95 € C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Grammar new Lextra Grammatik kein Problem Lextra Lerngrammatik Englisch (Lextra Grammar no problem) (Lextra Learner’s English Grammar) This practice grammar contains a variety of exercises at different levels of difficulty and covers the grammar content relevant to levels A1 to B1. The layout is structured in double pages spreads: the left-hand pages feature the grammar explanation while the right-hand page presents opportunities to practise, moving from controlled to freer tasks. The appendix for each language contains helpful additional information such as guides to pronunciation, explanations of regional variations etc. German, French and Spanish will also be available. 128 pages, softback 14.95 € 15 689 Lextra Business English Grammatik kein Problem (Lextra Business English Grammar no problem) 132 pages, softback 16 754 14.95 € The Learner’s English Grammar for young adults is ideal for reference, learning and practice purposes. The book deals with the most important rules up to level C1. (Cornelsen) The grammar items are explained in easyto-understand language and easy-to-digest portions. Clear examples with translations make learning easier. An appendix provides practice exercises and tests for each chapter along with a key. The detailed index makes it easy to find the information being sought. 350 pages, softback 224 479 19.95 € (Cornelsen) C2 C2 C1 C1 B2 B2 B1 B1 A2 A2 A1 A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Vocabulary Lextra Compact Grammars Lextra Basic Thematic Vocabulary English new Lextra Englische Verben … for quick reference These dictionaries are ideal to brush up or expand vocabulary and are also excellent tools for examination preparation. The dictionaries contain the 4000 most frequently used words, organised according to subject areas. The words are cate gorised as basic vocabulary (A1-B1) and extended vocabulary (B2). For each headword there is a translation and an example sentence to clarify meaning. 248 pages, softback 14.95 € 15 610 Workbook 168 pages, softback 13.95 € 15 627 new Database for digital products and apps please get in touch with us for licensation (English Verbs) The Lextra Compact Grammar is a practical handbook for young people and adults who want to learn a language and improve their knowledge of grammar. This clearly laid out and easy to understand book perfect for looking up grammar structures quickly as well as for revision. It covers all important rules and structures up to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Numerous example sentences with translations provide clear illustrations of the grammar, and a comprehensive keyword index helps users to locate particular topics quickly. ■■ Essential information at a glance ■■ Grammar explanations in easy to understand language ■■ Numerous example sentences with translations ■■ Comprehensive keyword register ■■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm 208 pages, hardback 16 341 9.95 € Available for English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish and Danish. (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Hungary, Netherlands (Cornelsen) Lextra Concise Thematic Dictionary Verb conjugation dictionary for reference and learning. This book is a compact grammar of English verbs with numerous examples of the formation and use of the tenses in English. It contains verb tables with approx. 80-120 completely conjugated example verbs and expressions. Translated example sentences round off each entry. In addition, the book offers tables which list the endings for each verb, their derivation from the present tense, the tenses, and the formation of participles. A list of more difficult irregular verb forms crossreferenced to the infinitive and a list of 5000 English verbs, each with a translation and notation of its type of conjugation, make this grammar book a comprehensive reference work. 460 pages, softback 18 321 9.95 € (Cornelsen) These bilingual dictionaries are structured according to topics and subject areas. Chapters such as “At the restaurant”, “Sports”, or “Information technology” present the typical vocabulary along with language patterns, phrases and authentic example sentences and dialogues. Hundreds up-to-date colour photos added to this dictionary will help the tourist, business people, or student to improve vocabulary concerning special subjects. 472 pages, hardback 20,000 entries, numerous illustrations 19.95 € 15 399 (Fraus / Cornelsen) All rights available except: China 27 English A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 spotlight Key Key is a completely new multi-level coursebook for adult learners of English. With it’s clear structure – two-page spreads for each lesson – Key offers a successful combination of motivating input and straightforward language training. The motto of the series is ‘take & teach’, and the coursebooks live up to that motto on every single page. Key concept Each of the 12 units is divided into four two-page sections. Parts A and B introduce key language and expressions; in Part C the learner revises and consolidates what has gone before; Part D is for homestudy, but can also be used in the classroom if desired. The coursebook contains full solutions to the homestudy sections so that the learner can use them independently. The journals The Key coursebooks each contain three sections with 7 journal pages each. The journals were inspired by in-flight magazines and offer authentic reading at an easily understandable level. Consisting of stimulating articles and photo essays, amusing quizzes and short fiction, the journals not only provide a starting point for conversation, they also give learners an opportunity to hone reading skills outside the classroom. Bringing it all together The final unit of each coursebook invites learners to review what they have learned, 28 to complete their own learner portfolio and to bring their own material to the lesson. Flexible planning The coursebook structure makes it easy to plan lessons and whole courses. The A/B/ C/D structure with each section providing around 90 minutes of teaching time ensures that the book fits into any term plan. Faster learners can even skip the C sections, while Part D of each unit provides more than enough material for homework and extra practice. The three journal sections can either be incorporated into the lessons as a change of pace or learners can be invited to look at them in their own time. The teaching guide provides suggestions as to what teachers can do in class with the journals, if they wish to do so. Real language from day 1 Unlike almost all of its competitors, Key puts learners and teachers in the driving seat. Learners want real language from the first lesson and teachers want to enable their learners to communicate effectively from the first lesson. That’s what Key is about: real-world language right from the start with masses of motivating input and constant opportunities to speak and interact in a genuine way. All in one The Key coursebooks A1 to B1 contain 12 units of 8 pages each, three 7-page journals, partner files, grammar summary, homestudy solutions, transcripts and 2 CDs with all the listening material, as well as a phrasebook for quick reference and practice on the move. The teaching package includes the coursebook components, as well as copy masters and a compact teaching guide for easy lesson planning. Key Starter – a highly motivating introduction to the English language for complete beginners – has a shorter and simpler format to get diffident learners ready for further English courses in one term. Key B2 (August 2012) again adopts a slightly different format to provide more advanced learners with more conversation practice. new Key Starter with 1 CD 72 pages, softback 208 128 9.95 € new Key Starter Teaching Package with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and Copymasters 32 pages, softback 208 135 (Oct 2011) 14.95 € Key A1 Coursebook with 2 CDs and Phrasebook 168 pages, softback 201 020 19.95 € Key A1 Teaching Package with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and Copymasters 96 pages, softback 201 037 27.95 € Key A2 Coursebook with 2 CDs and Phrasebook 176 pages, softback 200 986 19.95 € Key A2 Teaching Package with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and Copymasters 96 pages, softback 27.95 € 200 993 new Key B1 Coursebook with 2 CDs and Phrasebook approx. 176 pages, softback 201 006 19.95 € new Key B1 Teaching Package with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and Copymasters approx. 80 pages, softback 27.95 € 201 013 (Oct 2011) new Key Entry level test online only 207 657 (3rd quarter 2011) (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Brazil, Turkey Business English from Beginners to Upper-Intermediate new By M. Hogan, B. Landermann, C. Eilertson and S. Ashdown Building on the success of their predecessors, Business English for Beginners and Basis for Business have now joined forces to create an extensive business-English series from complete beginners to B2. Designed to meet the needs of professionals in a wide variety of positions within companies, the series offers course-planners and learners complete flexibility. Each coursebook in the series now includes common features of structure, format and design such that teachers can quickly get to grips with any level in the series. Business English for Beginners Covering levels A1 and A2 in two short coursebooks of 7 units each, Business English for Beginners meets the needs of complete beginners or false beginners in a workplace environment. The new edition focusses on the following areas: ■■ Key business vocabulary ■■ Grammar ■■ Useful business phrases ■■ Business communication skills Both a consolidation section in each unit, designed for use in class, and an additional workbook for home use provide learners with ample practice of the course material. Role-plays based on authentic business situations enable learners to practise speaking in realistic settings and to build communicative competence. C2 C2 C1 C1 B2 B2 B1 B1 A2 A2 Personalization activities guarantee that students apply their newly acquired knowledge in business English to their own jobs. As a result, they are prepared for everyday professional life. The additional workbook includes a CD with further listening practice while a combined teaching guide for levels A1 and A2 includes not only copy masters, but also teacher software for text analysis and worksheet generation. Separate A1 and A2 teaching guides are available as downloads. Basis for Business Basis for Business, covering levels B1 and B2 of the common European Framework, build on the success of their predecessors and bring easily accessible business English up to date. Basis for Business B1 can be used following Business English for Beginners A2 or as a standalone course for students working towards level B1 of the Common European framework. Similarly, Basis for Business B2 follows on from the B1 level or can be used independently. The features of the new series are: ■■ Basic vocabulary, structures and expressions in a modern business context. ■■ A recognition of current business trends: communication across cultures and English as a lingua franca; digital communication and business processes; socializing as an essential component of rapport building. ■■ Just like Business English for Beginners, the coursebooks contain extra practice for use in the classroom and/or at home, while a workbook with CD provides learners with all the practice and revision they need between lessons. ■■ Again, as with all levels in the series, the teaching guides contain ample photocopiable activities and a CD-ROM with textanalysis and worksheet-generation tools. A1 A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 business english A1 Coursebook 104 pages, softback, 1CD 206 582 13.95 € A1 Workbook 48 pages, softback, 1CD 206 612 (Oct. 2011) 7.95 € A2 Coursebook 104 pages, softback, 1CD 206 605 13.95 € A2 Workbook 48 pages, softback, 1 CD 206 636 (Oct. 2011) 7.95 € A1/A2 coursebook package 2×104 pages, softback, 2 CDs and phrasebook 200 405 (Oct. 2011) 24.95 € A1/A2 workbook package 2 × 48 pages, softback, 2CDs numerous illustrations 200 429 (Oct. 2011) 12.50 € A1/A2 Teaching Guide 224 pages, softback, CD-ROM 200 412 (4th quarter 2011) 17.95 € B1 Coursebook 168 pages, softback, 2CDs and phrasebook 5 210 058 (Sept. 2011) 25.50 € B1 Workbook 72 pages, softback, 1CD 5 210 065 (Jan. 2012) 12.50 € B1 Teaching Guide 112 pages, softback, CD-ROM 5 210 072 (Jan. 2012) 17.95 € B2 Coursebook 168 pages, softback, 2CDs and phrasebook 25.50 € 5 210 089 (2012) B2 Workbook 72 pages, softback, 1CD 12.50 € 5 210 096 (2012) B2 Teaching Guide 112 pages, softback, CD-ROM 17.95 € 5 210 102 (2012) (Cornelsen) 29 Englisch A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Business English Short Course Series Designed for people in work who need to train their business communication skills or brush up their English for a specific business area. Each coursebook provides material for ca. 10 double lessons and can be used as a stand-alone intensive course or to supplement a general coursebook. 30 new English for the IT Industry Professionals in IT need to communicate in English more than in any other industry. This short course is designed to develop the large technical vocabulary which IT professionals already possess into competent and easily understandable English communication, enabling the learner to communicate with technicians and experts as well as with customers and employers worldwide. 104 pages, softback, numerous illustrations, with Audio-CD 203 620 (Sept. 2011) 21.50 € new English for Tax Professionals Whether operating freelance or within a larger financial institution, auditors, tax advisers and controllers need to be able to provide English-language financial reporting in compliance with international regulations. They also need to advise both domestic and overseas customers in a multitude of international issues relevant for their tax obligations. This course prepares tax and finance professionals for providing a full range of services in English. 104 pages, softback, numerous illustrations, with Audio-CD 201 930 21.50 € new English for Trade Fairs Trade fairs and commercial events are by their nature international. Anyone involved in preparing, attending and following up on a trade fair, whether at home or abroad, needs the English-language skills necessary for making the right impression. This course helps ensure that you and your employees are ready to reap the maximum benefit from your next trade fair. 80 pages, softback, numerous illustrations, with Audio-CD 21.50 € 204 757 (Feb. 2012) new English for the Insurance Industry In the modern insurance world, both B2B and B2C communication is often in English. For companies operating internationally, as well as for those providing services to international customers, English-language competence is essential. This course prepares the insurance professional for policy issues, customer questions and crises and for communication with international partners. 104 pages, softback, numerous illustrations, with Audio-CD 204 726 (Feb. 2012) 21.50 € English for Legal Professionals English for Legal Professionals is aimed at legal staff, i.e. corporate legal consultants, lawyers, legal assistants and notaries who work with English-speaking clients. Set at CEF B2, the course enable students to practise written and oral communication with respect to the following legal topics: Contracts, Intellectual Property (IP), Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and Risk Management and insolvency. 80 pages, softback, numerous illustrations, with Audio CD 203 867 21.50 € English for the Pharmaceutical Industry This addition to the Short Course series provides professionals in pharmaceutical companies with the specific language they need in order to use English successfully in the industry. Authentic texts and realistic role-plays help students obtain the communication skills required to collaborate with foreign partners and drug-related regulatory institutions. Topics included are Substance discovery and Product devel- opment, Quality assurance and Auditing, Testing, Drug safety and Regulatory affairs. 80 pages, softback, numerous illustrations, with Audio-CD 203 875 21.50 € The following titles are also available: English for Accounting 204 801 21.50 € English for Emails 200 070 21.50 € English for Telephoning 18 733 21.50 € English for Meetings 18 741 21.50 € English for Presentations 18 750 21.50 € English for Socializing and Small Talk 201 562 21.50 € English for the Energy Industry 203 859 21.50 € English for Customer Care 18 822 21.50 € English for Human Resources 204 818 21.50 € English for Sales and Purchasing 202 259 21.50 € English for the Automobile Industry 204 795 21.50 € English for Marketing and Advertising 18 768 21.50 € English for Real Estate 200 063 21.50 € English for Negotiating 202 240 21.50 € (Cornelsen) All rights available except: CZ, HU, PL, RUS, CN, ROM, GB, monolingual English edition C2 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 Intercultural Business English Commercial Correspondence new Professional Business English Trainers Perfect for anyone doing business abroad or communicating with business partners from other countries. This unique series helps business people to understand their own cultural influences and to prepare themselves for any situation when interacting with partners from other world regions. The key features are: ■■ Business English as a core skill for any intercultural business situation. ■■ Analysis of one’s own and others’ cultural influences, including insights into many different world regions, avoiding formulaic and unrealistic behaviour codes. ■■ Building of communicative strategies for dealing with uncertainty, maintaining standards of politeness and developing diplomatic skills. ■■ Development of the language required for the social situations which accompany any business relationship. ■■ Extensive listening practice in all situations with speakers of English as a foreign language on the accompanying CD. ■■ Trainer’s manual with photocopiable material and teacher support. By D. Clarke The titles in the series combine the advantages of a methodic handbook and resource packs in one book. Trainers or directors of study who want an easy-to-use overview of theoretical and practical issues are guided through the main areas relevant to Business English professionals. Working in Asia Coursebook and CD 136 pages, softback 5 202 237 24.95 € Working in Asia Trainer’s Manual online-download only 5 202 244 9.95 € Working in Russia and Eastern Europe Coursebook and CD 128 pages, softback 5 202 299 24.95 € Working in Russia and Eastern Europe Trainer’s Manual online-download only 9.95 € 5 202 305 (Cornelsen) Elementary This compact, slim volume with its 72 pages is a basic introduction to commercial correspondence. It is at the A1-A2 level (European Framework). The course covers the following areas: letter layout, enquiries, offers and quotations, orders, acknowledgements, advice of dispatch, complaints and reminders. Intermediate For learners who are at the B1-B2 level, this is the right course. It can be used either to accompany students who are in training (eg vocational schools) or for employees who wish to improve their correspondence skills at the workplace. It covers the same areas as the Elementary course and in addition has units on writing emails and telephoning. Advanced This is a comprehensive course (176 pages) which covers all the requirements of commercial correspondence at the B2C1 level and is suitable for the advanced user who needs to improve her/his skills in an in-company situation. The course covers the areas of the Elementary and Intermediate edition in greater depth and in addition has a unit on general office communication and one on credit enquiries. For example: Elementary Commercial Correspondence 72 pages, softback, numerous illustrations 9,50 € 19 926 Testing and Assessment in Business English Designing specifications, choosing a test or an exam, formulating marking criteria and writing test instructions are the main areas presented in this book. There are also chapters on testing each of the four skills, as well as on testing vocabulary and grammar. Testing and Assessment in Business English is specifically geared to the daily requirements of busy trainers. The chapters can be referred to separately according to specific needs and interests, or the whole book can be worked through systematically. The book comes with a CD-R, including checklists, test templates and workshop material. 184 pages, softback, CD-R 27.50 € 5 200 806 Technology in the Business English Classroom How to use digital technology in the classroom? For example: Wikis, blogs, screencasts, digital whiteboards. 192 pages, softback, CD-Extra 5 200 783 (Sept. 2011) 27.50 € (Cornelsen) (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Czech Republic, China 31 TING: teaching books to speak! Cornelsen is now offering books featuring TING technology. Used together with the pocket-sized TING sensor pen, learners will be able to listen to audio files while out and about without carrying CDs, CD-players or MP3-players around with them. Recent technological progress has allowed printers to develop a way of printing small codes invisibly behind pictures and texts. The TING sensor pen reads the code, interprets it and then plays the corresponding audio file. In practical terms, this means that when sitting on the beach or in a café learners can look up a word in their dictionary or coursebook, touch it with the sensor pen and hear the correct pronunciation – immediately! The TING technology is already available for the following product lines: • Lextra Picture Dictionaries for children pages 21, 43, 47, 49, 51 • Lextra Turbo Courses pages 49, 51 • Lextra Learner’s Dictionary of Chinese page 50 • Welcome to China page 50 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Vocational English Matters Series The highly successful ‘Matters’ series offers a broad range of coursebooks all with upto-date topics, a strong professional content combined with integrated language and skills work. These ESP books can be used for vocational and/or in-company courses. new IT Matters 2nd edition A pre-intermediate level course tailored to the needs of those planning a career in or currently employed in the IT sector. Topics covered: Dealing with customers,Telephoning, E-mailing, Trouble-shooting, Hotline services, Programming and applications, Communications and telephone systems, IT systems (hardware and software), Networks, Installation For example: Student’s Book 168 pages, softback 5 205 054 For example: Student’s Book 144 pages, softback 200 092 20.50 € Shopping Matters 2nd edition Shopping Matters provides hands-on communicative skills and key grammar structures for those in the retail trade with direct contact to customers. From a basis vocabulary of only 400 words, learners are guided through a spiralling syllabus, covering the most important vocabulary and language skills for a wide range of retail jobs. For example: Student’s Book 192 pages, softback, CD-ROM 241 378 20.95 € Office Matters 20.95 € Hotel Matters This book familiarises students with all the fundamental aspects of the relevant English vocabulary and confronts them with realistic situations in context which they may subsequently encounter as they go about their daily activities. Whether greeting guests, dealing with complaints, taking care of orders in the restaurant or even writing down administrative tasks, Hotel Matters offers the appropriate linguistic response. In addition, this new coursebook contains helpful Language, Grammar and Culture boxes. Office Matters is a vocationally orientated, communicative course for those who are training in the administrative and secretarial field. The numerous and diverse exercises develop skills such as mediation, telephoning, text production etc. For example: Student’s Book 176 pages, softback, numerous illustrations 26 779 20.95 € Industry Matters Industry Matters is a pre-intermediate coursebook aimed at learners who are ei- ther already in or planning to enter industry. Almost all the units are based on real companies with real products. Using a wide variety of exercise material, important skills are developed such as telephoning, bookings, receiving a visitor, agreeing prices and terms of delivery, using faxes and emails etc. For example: Student’s Book 168 pages, softback 67 165 20.95 € The following titles are also available: new Metal Matters 2nd edition 208 pages, softback 21.95 € 5 205 115 Electricity Matters 2nd edition 144 pages, softback 21.95 € 207 951 new Insurance Matters 2nd edition 168 pages, softback 200 863 23.95 € Money Matters 3rd edition 168 pages, softback 241 408 23.95 € Trade Matters 2nd edition 164 pages, softback 25 306 20.95 € Mechatronics Matters 144 pages, softback 207 994 20.95 € Health Matters 2nd edition 128 pages, softback 200 894 19.95 € Dentistry Matters 128 pages, softback 200 634 20.95 € Logistics Matters 128 pages, softback 21.95 € 200 719 (Cornelsen) All rights available except: China 33 English A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Vocational English Baustein Series Aimed at learners in vocational schools (aged 15 to 16), the Baustein series consists of three different courses covering technical, business and social topics. Each book is made up of ten independent units which can be used individually or as part of an ongoing course. The units offer diverse exercises including tasks, listenings, role plays, etc. which focus primarily on subject-specific knowledge whilst also touching upon grammar revision. The books are at A2-B1 level of the Common European Framework. Baustein Soziales (Caring for people) By I. Williams Each unit begins with a warm-up which eases students into the topic. The following pages deal with a different aspect of the topic in the form of a text and accompanying exercises. Exercise types are varied, including individual, pair, group and project work. All the main areas of social care are covered. ■■ Topics include: ■■ Caring jobs ■■ The family ■■ Nursery and childcare ■■ Domestic violence ■■ Mental health ■■ Substance abuse ■■ Disabilities ■■ Healthy eating ■■ Care for the elderly ■■ Organisation and safety in the home Student’s Book 104 pages softback, numerous illustrations 241 460 34 13.95 € Teacher’s Manual 56 pages softback 241 477 Audio-CD 40 minutes 241 545 Baustein Wirtschaft (Business at work) 8.50 € 22.95 € Baustein Technik (Technology at work) By R. Bosewitz, R. Kleinschroth Each unit begins with a warm-up page which eases students into the topic. The following three double pages each deal with a different technical aspect of the topic in the form of a text and accompanying exercises. Each unit concludes with a chronological list of the relevant technical vocabulary. The appendix contains five word fields plus exercises which consolidate the most important vocabulary items from various technical fields. ■■ Topics include: ■■ Energy and electricity ■■ Engines ■■ Entertainment technology ■■ Communication ■■ Tools and construction ■■ Environment and waste management ■■ Robotic devices Student’s Book 104 pages softback, numerous illustrations 25 446 Teacher’s Manual 64 pages softback 25 454 Audio-CD 40 minutes 205 068 12.95 € 7.00 € 22.95 € By K. Thomson After a short warm-up each unit looks at a different area of business life focusing on the most important vocabulary and communication strategies. A special focus page at the end of each unit covers an interesting aspect of the subject in more detail and is followed by the most important vocabulary from the unit. A short business correspondence section at the end of the course covers the basic vocabulary and phrases required for both written and spoken communication. Topics include: ■■ Applying for a job ■■ Management structures ■■ Advertising and marketing ■■ Telephoning ■■ Business travel ■■ Presentations ■■ Customer care Student’s Book 96 pages softback, numerous illustrations 205 037 Teacher’s Manual 56 pages softback 205 045 Audio-CD 40 minutes 205 075 (Cornelsen) 12.95 € 7.00 € 22.95 € C2 C1 C2 B2 C1 B1 B2 A2 B1 A1 A2 A1 Job Matters By various authors Job Matters is a coursebook aimed at young trainees (17–20 year olds) who are attending sandwich courses and/or trainee development schemes leading to a professional, vocational qualification. The starting point is at the end of A1 and it finishes at the beginning of B1 and covers a range of aspects such as numbers, telling the time, giving directions, being polite, telephoning, writing emails and applying for a job etc. Elementary grammar points are revised and vocabulary is expanded. Five attractive, four-colour Workbooks have been developed to accompany and complement the Job Matters coursebook. Nevertheless, students and teachers can also use them as stand-alone material. They deal with the following fields: Construction, Wood, Plumbing/Heating/ Cooling, Car mechanics, Gastronomy/ Hotel Management, Metal and Electro Technology. Because they concentrate entirely on a specific, technical area these English for Special Purposes Workbooks also lend themselves to incompany technical training. They are at level A2 to B1. 20 units base on the double-page principle, covering all the main, relevant, thematic areas and with a wide variety of exercise material which is aimed at consolidating and expanding the student’s technical vocabulary. These Workbooks can also be used for self-study since each one comes with an answer key. For example: Car Mechanics 52 pages, softback, numerous illustrations 8.95 € 200 337 Construction 48 pages, softback 8.95 € 200507 Wood Technology 48 pages, softback 8.95 € 200 329 Plumbing 48 pages, softback 8.95 € 200 493 Gastronomy 48 pages, softback 8.95 € 200 442 Metal Technology 64 pages, softback 8.95 € 204 007 Electro Technology 64 pages, softback 204 014 8.45 € Focus on Modern Business (Cornelsen) For example: Focus on Modern Business 1 – Student’s Book 184 pages, softback 978-3-464-02579-6 14,25 € All rights available except: China, Sweden, Czech Republic, Finland This course has been designed for four- or five-year courses in higher commercial schools, leading up to level B2+. Focus on Modern Business can be easily adapted to local curricula. A number of practice activities prepare students for International Certificates (PET, FCE, BEC). After every four units a self-test unit gives students the opportunity to check their progress. Volume 1 (A1/A2) and 2 (A2/B1) look at various topic areas in a more general way, with occasional glimpses into the professional world. Volume 3 introduces an increasingly professional bias, building on Volumes 1 and 2 and expanding language skills gradually (B1). Volume 4/5 offers the upper-intermediate student flexible multilevel practice and smaller ‘case studies’ to work on individually. Further titles in the Focus on … series: Focus on Modern Technology 1 – Student’s Book A derivate of Focus on Modern Business focusing on technical English. 192 pages, softback 978-3-06-020544-8 14.75 € Focus on Modern Careers 1 – Student’s Book A “light-edition” of Focus on Modern Business with slower progression for pupils with lower skills, leading to level B1. 148 pages, softback 978-3-464-20379-8 13.95 € (Veritas) 35 English spotlight C2 Career Express B1 B2 C1 Career Express is a completely new series for students in higher education. It caters for the specific needs of university students, and prepares and qualifies them for their professional life. Career Express takes fluency head on, considered a key skill needed to meet the qualifications for a degree in higher education. Custom-built: Students in higher education are required to achieve a high level of English-language competence within a short period of time and with few classroom hours. Teaching staff are expected to cover a lot of material within these strict time-constraints. Career Express takes into account the specific needs of students in higher education and is the result of a close analysis of their approach to language learning. It focuses on preparing students for the linguistic challenges in their future jobs. Modular: Each coursebook in the series is designed to cover one semester of four classroom hours per week and offers enough material for a whole course. The units are modular so teachers can pick and choose material according to students’ needs. Self-study: Since course programmes generally require students to cover a lot of material outside the classroom, the Career Express series provides students with ample material for self-study. As a result, faculty members do not need to develop extra home-study material. Online modules allow students to develop their linguistic competence between lessons and help them achieve the equired level within a shorter time. In addition, online materials, which are closely linked to the coursebooks, are available and offer teachers additional opportunities to extend the course with supplementary texts and tasks. Online components for both students and teaching staff can be accessed at any time and from any web-enabled computer. 36 A1 A2 The series offers a number of language courses on a range of subjects taught at colleges, universities and private educational institutes. Career Express Business English B2 Students in their first semester are presented with a range of topics and expert language which is relevant to future business people and economists. Career Express Business English presupposes general school English set at CEF level B2. Based on this foundation, its objective is to make students competent speakers of business English and prepare them for a wide variety of concrete business situations which they will soon face in the professional world. By focussing on specific skills such as finding an internship abroad, giving presentations and learning the ropes on the job, Career Express Business English B2 provides them with the support needed to become professional managers on the international stage. Career Express Business English C1 The second volume of the course takes students beyond competence and into fluency, helping them achieve business English skills at C1 level. It extends their practical knowledge of particular business situations and provides them with an excellent basis for their first work experience in an English-speaking environment. Career Express English for Job Applications is the first in a series of special skills books which are suited to both students and those who are already in work. The coursebook offers material for intensive courses, for short courses or can be used to supplement other teaching resources. It is also suitable for learners currently not attending a course. English for Job applications covers all the important stages of the job-application process: finding job vacancies, preparing your application online or on paper, the job interview and following up on it. Each unit focuses on a specific stage and provides ample extra practice. Thus, for example, students learn step-by-step how to structure and write professional CVs and convincing covering letters or how to enquire about vacancies by phone. Two special sections teach students strategies on how to check their applications and to best deal with assessment centres. The book is accompanied by a CD-Extra which includes the classroom listening material as well as useful documents and word lists, such as CV templates, translations of qualifications and job titles. Career Express Business English B2 coursebook, audio-CD, phrasebook 160 pages, softback 27.95 € 5 202 008 Career Express Teaching Guide B2 with DVD 128 pages, softback 5 202 015 22.50 € Career Express Business English C1 coursebook, audio-CD, phrasebook 160 pages, softback 5 202 053 27.95 € new Career Express Teaching Guide C1 with DVD 128 pages, softback 22.50 € 5 202 060 Career Express Job Applications B2 coursebook, CD-Extra, phrasebook 112 pages, softback 5 202 046 19.95 € (Cornelsen) A1 A1 A2 A2 B1 B1 B2 B2 C1 C1 C2 C2 E-learning new Academic Writing C1 Academic Writing C1 is the new blended learning suite designed for non-native English speaking undergraduate and graduate students who are required to write academic papers in English. The course consists of 14 online self-study modules and a Teaching Guide. Inside the Teaching Guide there are 14 writing assignments, guidelines on conducting peer-to-peer editing, a marking framework for academic texts and a checklist for students. Developed for students at the C1 level, Academic Writing C1 is also beneficial for strong B2 students. Instructors can teach the course from beginning to end or select those modules which best meet the needs of their students. Topics The 14 units can be divided into three main sections: Basic Knowledge, CrossGenre Writing Skills and Specific Academic Genres. The first section introduces key concepts of academic writing, e.g. characteristics of academic writing, thesis statements as well as specific grammar topics. Focusing on language functions such as paragraph structure, transitioning and discussing graphs, the second section covers writing skills students need to master regardless of their academic discipline. The final section examines a wide range of genres students are likely to encounter in their studies, e.g. essays, reports and abstracts. The Online Modules Each module begins with an aims statement. Then, two to three topics are introduced and explained using samples from various academic disciplines, e.g. an essay on bridges in New York City or a report on the effectiveness of traffic cameras. All sample texts maintain an academic character while remaining accessible to stu- dents across all academic disciplines. After the explanation phase, students complete a series of enjoyable interactive exercises which not only reinforce their skills at the word, sentence and paragraph level but also increase their awareness of larger text structures. Each exercise screen includes a handy reference entry which students can access at any time to review the topic. These entries have been collected into a 45-page “Reference Bank” which students can print out for future reference. Writing Assignments Found in the Teaching Guide, the writing assignments pick up where the modules ended and offer students the possibility to put their newly acquired skills into practice. Assignments can be done alone or collaboratively as described in the “Guidelines to Peer-to-Peer Editing”. By setting out a methodology for determining the quality of student contributions, the “Assessment Framework for Academic Texts” will prove to be an effective tool for instructors when they are grading the assignments. Advantage for learners ■■ flexible learning independent from time PEP The widespread development and use of digital media make online learning the next logical step in foreign language learning. With this in mind, Cornelsen has developed a comprehensive blended learning solution which allows language schools and further education institutes to expand the range of courses they are able to offer. The innovative language course system PEP, with over 100 interactive learning modules, offers a comprehensive collection of materials for blended learning courses featuring online phases and faceto-face tuition. Trainers are able to work online on the PEP platform to organise and plan courses flexibly. It is also possible for trainers to integrate their own materials into the course plans. The accompanying Trainer‘s Guides provide suggestions for planning face-to-face classes; they relate to the material presented in the modules, both revising and expanding on the language covered. In this way it is possible for the trainer to co-ordinate online and face-to-face phases of training. ■■ individual learning pace ■■ immediate feedback ■■ learning progress overview ■■ self dependent learning Learning Modules Business English (B2) English for Emails (B1) English for Telephoning (B1) English for Meetings (B1) English for Presentations (B1) Grammar - no problem (from A1 onwards) Please get in touch with us directly for further information and licensation. The course system is simple and intuitive and thus suitable for users who have not previously worked with online materials. schedules or room occupation plans This course does not replace attendance courses, but makes self study units more effective for both students and instructors. (Cornelsen) Please get in touch with us directly for further information and licensation. (Cornelsen) 37 Overview Further Foreign Languages Course Books · Course Areas · Certificate Courses Common European Framework of Reference A1 French Spanish ¡Apúntate! 1 Encuentros volume 1 Perspectives volume 1 ¡Apúntate! 2 A2 B1 B2 ¡Apúntate! 3 Perspectives volume 2 Encuentros volume 2 Lextra Basic Vocabulary French Perspectives volume 3 Lextra Grammar French page 41 C1 C2 page 43 page 42 ¡Apúntate! 4 ¡Apúntate! 5 Encuentros volume 3 page 45 page 45 page 45 Italian Perspectivas volume 1 Español profesional volume 1 Perspectivas volume 2 Perspectivas volume 3 page 44 page 45 Russian Insieme volume 1 Dialog volume 1 Privet! volume 1 Insieme volume 2 Español profesional volume 2 Chinese Lextra Language Course Plus Learners Dictionary Chinese Insieme volume 3 page 48 Dialog volume 2 Dialog volume 3 page 50 page 50 page 52 Privet! volume 2 Privet! volume 3 page 52 Wmeste volume 1 page 52 french Library Faim d’Histoire – Adventures in French History In France and Belgium comics are loved by young and old and often find their way onto bestseller lists. Cornelsen is now taking up this tradition with Faim d’Histoire, a series of engaging comics dealing with episodes from French history. The people who created the comics are both experienced comic-book authors and teachers. This makes it easier to tailor the comics to the target group with only an elementary knowledge of the language. The aim is to introduce students to selected epochs in French history in an amusing way. The series is targeted at students in their second year of French (levels A1+ and A2). Each of Jacques and Jules’ adventures includes a small appendix that provides information about French society at the time and a vocabulary list. For every volume teachers can make use of 5-7 hours of teaching material available at The site also includes several worksheets ready for use in the lessons. À l’ombre des gargouilles 24 pages, softback 5 201 001 8.50 € Le masque d’or 24 pages, softback 5 201 018 8.50 € À la decouverte de la Nouvelle – France 24 pages, softback 5 200 998 (2012) 8.50 € Sous les yeux du sphinx 24 pages, softback 5 201 025 8.50 € 40 (Cornelsen) C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 DVD Nouvelle Bibliothèque Junior Ciné junior: Justine et Malo This newly conceived lesson series for lower secondary school presents current texts by French authors of books for young people. The series includes well-known authors as well as new young authors. The texts have been didactically and optically arranged in the form of a “genuine” book for young people and thus provide a reading experience beyond the school teaching context. In order to facilitate an authentic reading experience and various approaches to the reading process, the vocabulary annotations are alphabetically arranged and inserted in the book. A differentiated typographic design takes into account the different ages of readers. For pupils in their second year who are not accustomed to reading in the foreign language, a larger font is used than for pupils in higher years. Titles are arranged in accordance with the levels defined by the CEF. Ciné junior: Justine et Malo – seven film sequences around Justine, Malo and their friends. These have been developed for beginners at A1 level on the CEF. Their adventures in Lyon are presented in lively scenes so that school students see an accurate and up-to-date picture of France and at the same time practise their listening and viewing comprehension. The films can be used independently of other materials in the classroom, although they complement the contents of French courses for young people such as Réalités – Nouvelle édition and À plus!. They develop the action using film and provide a stimulus for intercultural learning. The photocopiable materials include worksheets and advice on how to use the medium film for comprehension purposes. They also contain practical suggestions for lessons relating to each episode. Marque 48 pages, softback 227 020 Foulard 40 pages, softback 227 037 Correspondence 56 pages, softback 227 044 Détournement 32 pages, softback 227 082 D’un quai à l’autre 32 pages, softback 227 105 (Cornelsen) 5.95 € 5.95 € 5.95 € 5.95 € 5.95 € Justine et Malo 1 DVD approx. 25 min. 221 172 42.00 € Justine et Malo 1 Photocopiable Worksheets 72 pages softback 12.50 € 221 229 (Cornelsen) Adult Learners new French-Stars Practice books with reward stickers and self-study key Perspectives – New Edition A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Young Beginners These French trainers cover all important topics of French in primary school and can be used independently of a textbook wherever extra practice material is needed – whether in class or at home. A wide range of motivating exercises revise vocabulary and train reading and writing skills in a way that keeps the fun in learning a foreign language. Students can work on their own and the integrated key makes it easy for them to check their answers. Two special features are the picture dictionary and comics with Plume the rooster. The picture dictionary contains the vocabulary of all topics and can either be used alongside the exercises or as a general reference. The comics not only train reading skills but furthermore show students how much they already understand and promote continuous reading in the foreign language. To make everything even more motivating and fun, the children can place a star sticker for every completed topic and for every read comic on the back inside cover. Once the last star is at its place, a well known sight will shine in their light. Activity Book grade 3 64 pages, softback 10 659 Activity Book grade 4 64 pages, softback 10 666 (Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag) 5.60 € 5.60 € Perspectives – New Edition is a modern communicative textbook for adult education. Over three volumes it leads to the B1 level of the CEF and prepares students for the European language certificate for French and DELF examinations. The course and work book comprises 12 unités and six optional units, an appendix, audio CDs containing all listening texts and a vocabulary trainer. The 12 unités are clearly structured. Each unit consists of ten pages: ■■ the Introduction page introduces the theme of the unit, lists the vocabulary and encourages spontaneous speaking. ■■ the following four Presentation pages contain lively dialogues and varied texts and activities which systematically build up the students’ linguistic competence. The development of listening comprehension plays a central role here, and a graduated practice program promotes the systematic training of this skill. ■■ the Gros plan sur page provides students with insights into France and the francophone world through a series of texts with relevant regional themes. ■■ the three Exercices pages contain consolidation exercises in grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, listening and reading comprehension, and communication. ■■ the concluding Repères page, which focuses on linguistic competence, clearly summarizes the learning content and grammar. The optional Pour approfondir unit offers additional motivating texts and activities around the themes of Pour la profession and Français et francophones. The fourth page, Autoévaluation, enables students to monitor their progress. Supplementary materials provided: The vocabulary trainer lists all new words in order of appearance together with their pronunciation and translation. The audio CD for the classroom contains all listening material and phonetic exercises. The audio CD for home contains selected texts in learner-friendly versions, listening exercises corresponding to the exercise sections, and selected expressions to practise from the Repères sections. Coursebook A1 228 pages, softback incl. vocabulary booklet + 2 CDs 5 201 599 23.95 € Workbook A1 76 pages, softback 5 201 681 9.95 € Teacher’s Book A1 128 pages, softback 5 201 612 14.95 € Coursebook A2 240 pages, softback incl. vocabulary booklet + 2 CDs 5 201 629 23.95 € Workbook A2 72 pages, softback 5 201 698 9.95 € Teacher’s Book A2 104 pages, softback 5 201 643 14.95 € new Coursebook B1 240 pages, softback incl. vocabulary booklet + 2 CDs 5 201 650 23.95 € new Teacher’s Book B1 96 pages, softback 5 201 674 14.95 € A1-2 Entry level test online only 5 201 728 (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Netherlands, Austria 41 french C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 Lextra Compact Grammars Lextra Lerngrammatik Französisch new Lextra Grammatik kein Problem … for quick reference (Lextra Learner’s French Grammar) (Lextra Grammar no problem) The Learner’s French Grammar for young adults is ideal for reference, learning and practice purposes. The book deals with the most important rules up to level C1. This practice grammar contains a variety of exercises at different levels of difficulty and covers the grammar content relevant to levels A1 to B1. The layout is structured in double pages spreads: the left-hand pages feature the grammar explanation while the right-hand page presents opportunities to practise, moving from controlled to freer tasks. The appendix for each language contains helpful additional information such as guides to pronunciation, explanations of regional variations etc. The Lextra Compact Grammar is a practical handbook for young people and adults who want to learn a language and improve their knowledge of grammar. This clearly laid out and easy to understand book perfect for looking up grammar structures quickly as well as for revision. It covers all important rules and structures up to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Numerous example sentences with translations provide clear illustrations of the grammar, and a comprehensive keyword index helps users to locate particular topics quickly. ■■ Essential information at a glance ■■ Grammar explanations in easy to un- derstand language ■■ Numerous example sentences with translations ■■ Comprehensive keyword register ■■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm 208 pages, hardback 9.95 € 16 358 Available for English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish and Danish. (Cornelsen) 42 A1 A1 A2 A2 B1 B1 B2 B2 C1 C1 C2 C2 Grammar The grammar items are explained in easyto-understand language and easy-to-digest portions. Clear examples with translations make learning easier. An appendix provides practice exercises and tests for each chapter along with a key. The detailed index makes it easy to find the information being sought. 304 pages, softback 224 487 19.95 € (Cornelsen) German, English, Business English and Spanish will also be available. 128 pages, softback 15 696 (Sept. 2011) 14.95 € (Cornelsen) A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 self study new Lextra Picture Dictionaries for children with TING These first picture dictionaries are aimed at young children taking their first curious steps into other languages and cultures. The A-Z section of the dictionaries cover about 800 typical everyday items from everyday life for primary-age kids. The thematic sections cover important sections such as verbs, prepositions and family relationships, colours, seasons and holidays. TING printing technology also makes it possible for learners to hear each new vocabulary item: just touch each entry with the TING infra-red sensor pen and listen to the correct pronunciation. To add to the fun, children can go on a treasure hunt to find the words with hidden sounds attached: no CD- or MP3 player necessary! Other languages available: English, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Polish 108 pages, hardcover, numerous illustrations, TING-Audio files 14.95 € 16 525 (Cornelsen) Lextra Basic Thematic Vocabulary French Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or expand his vocabulary and for examination preparation. The dictionaries contain the 4000 most frequently used words, organised according to subject areas. The words are categorised as basic and extended vocabulary 248 pages, softback 15 658 14.95 € Workbook 148 pages, softback 15 665 13.95 € new Database for digital products and apps please get in touch with us for details of licensation All rights available except: China, Netherlands new Lextra French Verbs A compact grammar of French verbs with numerous examples of the formation and use of the tenses. Lists 5000 French verbs, each with a translation and notation of its type of conjugation. 424 pages, softback 18 338 9.95 € Lextra Concise Thematic Dictionary These bilingual dictionaries are structured according to topics and subject areas. Hundreds of carefully selected up-to-date colour photos add to this new type of dictionary will help the tourist, business people, or student to improve vocabulary concerning special subjects. 472 pages, hardback 20,000 entries, numerous illustrations 19.95 € 15 412 Lextra Turbo Courses Effective learning in 2 x 10 minutes daily The ideal language course for busy people who want to learn or improve their knowledge of a foreign language. The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm of modern life, which doesn’t leave much time for learning. Each chapter requires only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a clearly defined and self-contained learning unit. The short sections are designed to provide a sense of ongoing achievement that motivates users and helps them to learn quickly and effectively. Thematic focal points include the most important situations and expressions relevant to the use of the language as well as grammatical structures and verb forms. ■■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the traveller ■■ Tests to check learning progress ■■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads 128 pages, softback, CD 18 383 12.95 € Lextra Premium Language Courses (Fraus / Cornelsen) The Premium Language Course offers a comprehensive tool for all those interested in intensive language-learning. The detailed learning book contains a range of varied exercises covering all linguistic skills and a short grammar guide. The reading book is ideal for study “on the road” and contains dialogs relating to an ongoing story with translations. A particular feature of the Premium Language Course is its comprehensive audio material, which comprises approximately 400 minutes on an MP3 audio CD. 2 books (approx. 200 pages each), 4CDs 15 740 28.95 € All rights available except: China (Cornelsen) 43 Spanish spotlight Perspectivas ¡Ya! C2 new Tried and tested structure Perspectivas ¡Ya! includes: 44 • 15 unidades, each introduced with lively visuals and filled with texts, listening work, dialogues and exercises. Each unit contains, of course, an extensive ejericios section for use in the class and/or at home and a repaso section in which the unit material, in particular the grammar, is reviewed. • 4 opciónes following units 3, 6, 9 and 12. These optional extension sections provide new and authentic text formats such as songs, magazine articles and advertising fliers, all carefully chosen to reflect the learner’s comprehension ability. Linguistic quizzes covering the material of the foregoing units give the learners a chance to test their progress in a fun and competitive way. • An introductory spread in which the learner is introduced to the rich variety of Spanish-speaking culture around the B2 B1 A2 A1 New perspectives The basic concept which has enthused teachers and learners alike remains unchanged: systematic training of the four skills – speaking, listening, reading and writing – using topics which excite the learners’ interest and task formats which encourage the development of learner confidence and self-expression. The focus in the first two levels (A1, A2) is very much on listening and speaking skills, while the B1 level introduces more activities covering reading and writing skills. In this new series, the skills set is enhanced by ‘viewing skills’ with the help of the video-DVD, i.e. listening competence combined with an understanding of body language and gesture. At all levels, pair and group work continue to play a central role in the practice and development of communicative competence while Perspectivas ¡Ya! provides learners with rich and varied impressions of the entire Spanish diaspora from Menorca to Tierra del Fuego. C1 Building on the success of the previous Perspectivas series for adult learners of Spanish, the new series Perspectivas ¡Ya! is fresh, communicative and exciting. The new approach includes fresh topics, new texts and visuals, a new design which combines the vibrant colours of the previous edition with an elegant new page layout, as well as multimedia enhancement with a video-DVD for classroom and home use. globe, from Spain to parts of Africa to the Caribbean to Central and South America and to the Balearics and the Canaries. • Extensive appendices with a grammary reference, an alphabetical word list, solutions, transcripts and partner files. A complete package for any Spanish course No other Spanish course includes everything the learner and teacher needs in one package. With Perspectivas ¡Ya! you get: • A coursebook with all the units required for one level, as well as grammar summaries, word lists and transcripts. Extension and practice material is already included with the four opciónes. • A phrasebook in handy pocket format with unit word lists (keywords and translations), word fields and situational phrases. The learner can practise vocabulary on the bus or at the beach. • All the classroom listening material on two audio-CDs. CD1 is the easier version with a slower speech tempo and more pauses between speakers and sentences. CD2 is the same content spoken more realistically, i.e. no-holdsbarred Spanish. The learner can build confidence with the easier CD while the teacher can use both CDs in class to work on listening speed. • A DVD with a video sequence for every unit. Each unit ends with an exercise suggestion for the classroom or for home use while the teacher’s handbook contains further material for using the DVD in class. No other Spanish coursebook includes such extensive video material at no extra cost. • Online extension material for teacher and learner: further classroom activities, placement tests and interactive exercises. Perspectivas ¡Ya! A1 Coursebook with 2 CDs and DVD approx. 256 pages, softback 204 887 (2012) A1 Workbook approx. 96 pages, softback 204 924 (2012) A1 Teacher’s Book approx. 72 pages, softback 204 955 (2012) A2 Coursebook with 2 CDs and DVD approx. 256 pages, softback 204 894 (2012) A2 Workbook approx. 96 pages, softback 204 931 (2012) A2 Teacher’s Book approx. 72 pages, softback 204 962 (2012) B1 Coursebook with 2 CDs and DVD approx. 256 pages, softback 204 917 (2013) B1 Workbook approx. 96 pages, softback 204 948 (2013) B1 Teacher’s Book approx. 72 pages, softback 204 979 (2013) (Cornelsen) ca. 25.95 € ca. 9.95 € ca. 17.95 € ca. 25.95 € ca. 9.95 € ca. 17.95 € ca. 25.95 € ca. 9.95 € ca. 17.95 € business spanish Apúntate – Método de español new Encuentros – Edición 3000 ¡Apúntate! is the new four-volume Spanish textbook series for students from 12 to approximately 15 years of age. The textbook is consistently oriented to the Common European Framework of Reference and covers the A1-B1 levels. It also offers a modern profile of Spain and Latin America. ¡Apúntate! places particular emphasis in terms of content and method on: ■■ Intensive training in listening compre- hension and pronunciation ■■ Learning strategies (destrezas) involving tasks based on concrete situations ■■ Practice, practice, practice ... playful, inductive, and always with a view to the everyday experiences of students. Clear headings are included to help users navigate their way through the book. ■■ Use of new media in the form of small research tasks ■■ Being geared to the European Language Portfolio and the Common European Framework of Reference, which enables students to prepare for the DELE language examination. A three-volume course series for Spanish for school students aged 14 – 16. ■■ 7 units + an optional short unit ■■ Themes, topics and area studies information based on school students’ lives ■■ Statement of communicative learning objectives before every text ■■ Punto final: a complex learning task/ project in every unit ■■ Tips on working methods ■■ Summary for reference and testing ■■ Repaso: optional extra exercises Supplementary materials: ■■ Cuaderno de actividades with Audio-CD ■■ Grammatic supplement ■■ Mi cuaderno de gramática For example: Apúntate student’s book 1 192 pages, softback, numerous illustrations 205 655 17,50 € (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Netherlands C2 C1 C1 B2 B2 B1 B1 A2 A2 Supplementary materials: DVD, workbook with CD or CD-R, grammar booklet, transparencies, whiteboard CD-R. For example: Coursebook 1 240 pages, softback 5 203 333 19.95 € new is a one-volume Spanish course for older school students (16 years and above) leading to level B1. ■■ 12 lessons plus an optional Suplemento ■■ learning objectives at the beginning of each lesson, progress check at the end ■■ helpful references to overviews in the appendices (Grammar, Methods) ■■ area studies, intercultural learning ■■ focus on oral and reading skills Supplementary materials: Workbook with CD, DVD, whiteboard CD-R, practice and reference grammar, key to exercises. For example: Coursebook 320 pages, softback 205 303 (Cornelsen) A1 A1 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 older Youth C2 adolescent Beginners Español Profesional By G. Bürsgens This course is aimed at young adults and adults with little or no prior knowledge of Spanish who wish to learn Spanish for business purposes. The work comprises two volumes leading to level B1 of the Common European Framework and prepares students for the ‘Certificado de Español Comercial’ and the European Language Certificate in Spanish. Español Profesional is a communicative language course which from the outset relates language learning to the requirements of business and commercial communication. The topics include for example: ■ Business trips and customer visits ■ Company structure ■ Company and product presentations ■ Meetings and negotiations with customers The grammar to be learned is presented clearly and concisely in each unit and is consistently linked to communicative goals. The Lecciones consistently end with four practise pages offering a variety of exercises and activities to reinforce the vocabulary and language of the unit and to develop communication skills. The following components are available: workbook, audio CD, teacher‘s book. For example: Español Profesional Course Book 1 208 pages, softback, illustrated 200 884 17.95 € (Cornelsen) 25.95 € All rights available except: Netherlands, Belgium, Poland 45 Spanish Grammar new Lextra Detective Stories Lextra Compact Grammars new Lextra Grammatik kein Problem This series of crime stories for learners of Spanish at A2/B1 level provides strong storylines and appropriate but authentic language in an entertaining context.. All the stories revolve around Madrid journalist Luisa Durango, who gets involved in exciting cases of robbery, forgery and murder around the Spanish-speaking world. The varying locations are an ideal way to integrate cultural background information which is included in the appendix, as well as exercises on comprehension, grammar and vocabulary for each chapter in the book. Each story also features illustrations and footnotes to aid comprehension without interrupting the flow of the stories. The practical handbook for young people and adults who want to learn a language and improve their knowledge of grammar. This clearly laid out and easy to understand book is perfect for looking up grammar structures quickly. It covers all important rules and structures up to level B1. Numerous example sentences with translations provide clear illustrations of the grammar, and a comprehensive keyword index helps users to locate particular topics quickly. ■■ Essential information at a glance ■■ Grammar explanations in easy to understand language ■■ Numerous example sentences with translations ■■ Comprehensive keyword register ■■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm (Lextra Grammar no problem) La oveja negra 80 pages, softback, CD 18 574 Los ricos también mueren 88 pages, sotback, CD 18 581 Secuestro en la pasarela 72 pages, softback, CD 18 567 Las trece calaveras 72 pages, softback, CD 18 598 Un Crimen imperfecto 72 pages, softback, CD 18 611 (Sept. 2011) La Mesa de Salomón 72 pages, softback, CD 18 604 (Sept. 2011) (Cornelsen) 9.95 € 9.95 € 9.95 € 9.95 € 9.95 € 9.95 € 160 pages, hardback 16 389 9.95 € Lextra Learner’s Spanish Grammar The Learner’s Spanish Grammar for young adults is ideal for reference, learning and practice purposes. The book deals with the most important rules up to level C1. The grammar items are explained in easyto-understand language and easy-to-digest portions. Clear examples with translations make learning easier. An appendix provides practice exercises and tests for each chapter along with a key. The detailed index makes it easy to find the information being sought. 304 pages, softback 19.95 € 224 509 (Cornelsen) 46 All rights available except: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru A1 A1 A2 A2 B1 B1 B2 B2 C1 C1 C2 C2 Library This practice grammar contains a variety of exercises at different levels of difficulty and covers the grammar content relevant to levels A1 to B1. The layout is structured in double pages spreads: the left-hand pages feature the grammar explanation while the right-hand page presents opportunities to practise, moving from controlled to freer tasks. The appendix for each language contains helpful additional information such as guides to pronunciation, explanations of regional variations etc. German, English, Business English and French will also be available. 128 pages, softback 15 917 (Sept. 2011) (Cornelsen) 14.95 € A1 A1 A2 A2 B1 B1 B2 B2 C1 C1 C2 C2 self study new Lextra Picture Dictionaries for children with TING These first picture dictionaries are aimed at young children taking their first curious steps into other languages and cultures. The A-Z section of the dictionaries cover about 800 typical everyday items from everyday life for primary-age kids. The thematic sections cover important sections such as verbs, prepositions and family relationships, colours, seasons and holidays. TING printing technology also makes it possible for learners to hear each new vocabulary item: just touch each entry with the TING infra-red sensor pen and listen to the correct pronunciation. To add to the fun, children can go on a treasure hunt to find the words with hidden sounds attached: no CD- or MP3 player necessary! Other languages available: English, French, Italian, Turkish, Polish 108 pages, hardcover, numerous illustrations, TING-Audio files 16 532 14.95 € (Cornelsen) Lextra Basic Thematic Vocabulary Spanish Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or expand his vocabulary and for examination preparation. The dictionaries contain the 4000 most frequently used words, organised according to subject areas. The words are categorised as basic and extended vocabulary. 248 pages, softback 15 634 14.95 € Workbook 160 pages, softback 15 641 13.95 € new Database for digital products and apps please get in touch with us for details of licensation All rights available except: China, Netherlands new Lextra Spanish Verbs A compact grammar of Spanish verbs with numerous examples of the formation and use of the tenses. Lists 5000 Spanish verbs, each with a translation and notation of its type of conjugation. 376 pages, softback 18 352 9.95 € Lextra Concise Thematic Dictionary These bilingual dictionaries are structured according to topics and subject areas. Hundreds colour photos add to this new type of dictionary will help the tourist, business people, or students to improve their vocabulary concerning special subjects. 472 pages, hardback 20,000 entries, numerous illustrations 9.95 € 15 405 (Fraus / Cornelsen) All rights available except: China Lextra Turbo Courses Effective learning in 2 x 10 minutes daily The ideal language course for busy people who want to learn or improve their knowledge of a foreign language. The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm of modern life, which doesn’t leave much time for learning. Each chapter requires only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a clearly defined and self-contained learning unit. Thematic focal points include the most important situations and expressions relevant to the use of the language as well as grammatical structures and verb forms. ■■ The most important situations and expressions ■■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the traveller ■■ Tests to check learning progress ■■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads 128 pages, softback, CD 18 376 12.95 € Lextra Premium Language Courses The Premium Language Course offers a comprehensive tool for all those interested in intensive language-learning. The detailed learning book contains a range of varied exercises covering all linguistic skills and a short grammar guide. The reading book is ideal for study “on the road” and contains dialogs relating to an ongoing story with translations. A particular feature is its comprehensive audio material, which comprises approximately 400 minutes on an MP3 audio CD. 2 books (approx. 200 pages each), 4CDs 15 726 26.95 € (Cornelsen) 47 Italian Insieme is intended for adults and young people from the age of 16 upwards who are either complete or false beginners. ■■ Integrated training of all four skills ■■ Gentle progression ■■ Holistic learning with regard to differing learning styles ■■ Varied activities and mini-scenarios as examination preparation ■■ Careful development of language awareness ■■ Systematic training of pronunciation and intonation ■■ Gradual development of communicative competence ■■ Presentation of a lively, modern portrait of Italy Beginners can work through Insieme 1 in approximately 90 lessons of 45 minutes. Those with language-learning skills or prior knowledge will need approximately 60 lessons. Supplementary Materials There is a vocabulary book with all new words in their order of appearance, translations and useful expressions organised according to subject matter, as well as the Audio-CD with all of the listening materials. A Teachers’ Book is available separately and provides a guide to methods, learning tips, tests, additional background material on Italy and photocopiable templates. For example: Coursebook A1 196 pages, softback, CD 201 579 23.95 € (Cornelsen) 48 Bilingual rights available: Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia C1 C2 A1 A1 A2 A2 B1 B1 B2 B2 C1 C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 Insieme C2 Grammar adult Learners Lextra Compact Grammars Lextra: Lerngrammatik Italienisch … for quick reference The Lextra Compact Grammar is a practical handbook for young people and adults who want to learn a language and improve their knowledge of grammar. This clearly laid out and easy to understand book perfect for looking up grammar structures quickly as well as for revision. It covers all important rules and structures up to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Numerous example sentences with translations provide clear illustrations of the grammar, and a comprehensive keyword index helps users to locate particular topics quickly. ■■ Essential information at a glance ■■ Grammar explanations in easy to un- derstand language ■■ Numerous example sentences with translations ■■ Comprehensive keyword register ■■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm 192 pages, hardback 16 372 The Learner’s Italian Grammar for young adults and adults is ideal for reference, learning and practice purposes. The book deals with the most important rules up to level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference. The grammar items are explained in easyto-understand language and easy-to-digest portions. Clear examples with translations make learning easier. The book also offers many tips on the similarities and differences between Italian and German. An appendix provides practice exercises and tests for each chapter along with a key. The detailed index makes it easy to find the information being sought. 400 pages, softback 224 495 (Cornelsen) 9.95 € Available for English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish and Danish. (Cornelsen) (Lextra: Learner’s Italian Grammar) 19.95 € A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 Self Study new Lextra Picture Dictionaries for children with TING These first picture dictionaries are aimed at young children taking their first curious steps into other languages and cultures. The A-Z section of the dictionaries cover about 800 typical everyday items from everyday life for primary-age kids. The thematic sections cover important sections such as verbs, prepositions and family relationships, colours, seasons and holidays. TING printing technology also makes it possible for learners to hear each new vocabulary item: just touch each entry with the TING infra-red sensor pen and listen to the correct pronunciation. To add to the fun, children can go on a treasure hunt to find the words with hidden sounds attached: no CD- or MP3 player necessary! Other languages available: English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Polish 108 pages, hardcover, numerous illustrations, TING-Audio files 16 549 14.95 € (Cornelsen) Lextra Basic Thematic Vocabulary Italian new Lextra Turbo Courses Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or expand his vocabulary and for examination preparation. The dictionaries contain the 4000 most frequently used words, organised according to subject areas. The words are categorised as basic and extended vocabulary. 240 pages, softback 18 277 14.95 € Workbook 168 pages, softback 18 260 13.95 € new Database for digital products and apps please get in touch with us for details of licensation The ideal language course for busy people who want to learn or improve their knowledge of a foreign language. The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm of modern life, which doesn’t leave much time for learning. Each chapter requires only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a clearly defined and self-contained learning unit. Thematic focal points include the most important situations and expressions relevant to the use of the language as well as grammatical structures and verb forms. ■■ The most important situations and expressions ■■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the traveller ■■ Tests to check learning progress ■■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads ■■ TING-compatible edition new Lextra Italian Verbs A compact grammar of Italian verbs with numerous examples of the formation and use of the tenses. Lists 5000 Italian verbs, each with a translation and notation of its type of conjugation. 384 pages, softback 18 345 9.95 € Lextra Concise Thematic Dictionary These bilingual dictionaries are structured according to topics and subject areas. Hundreds up-to-date colour photos add to this new type of dictionary will help the tourist, business people, or student to improve their vocabulary concerning special subjects. 472 pages, hardback 20,000 entries, numerous illustrations 15 672 19.95 € (Fraus / Cornelsen) 128 pages, softback, CD 18 390 14.95 € Lextra Premium Language Courses The Premium Language Course offers a comprehensive tool for all those interested in intensive language-learning. The detailed learning book contains a range of varied exercises covering all linguistic skills and a short grammar guide. The reading book is ideal for study “on the road” and contains dialogs relating to an ongoing story with translations. A particular feature of the Premium Language Course is its comprehensive audio material, which comprises approximately 400 minutes on an MP3 audio CD. 2 books (approx. 200 pages each), 4CDs 28.95 € 15 733 (Cornelsen) 49 Chinese Lextra Sprachkurs Plus (Lextra Language Course Plus) Coursebook with 2 Audio-CDs – free MP3-Download This Chinese language course provides an efficient way to learn written as well as spoken Chinese (variant: Mandarin). Clear explanations and illustrative mnemonic aids for about 800 characters quickly turn a foreign into a familiar language. Additional word-by-word translations facilitate the understanding of even complex Chinese language patterns and phrases. ■■ Typical phrases, example sentences and dialogues in eyeryday Chinese. ■■ Authentic and up-to-date audio-material ■■ Intercultural background knowledge ■■ Visualization of Chinese characters by more than 200 illustrations ■■ Phonetic transcription in Pinyin ■■ All phrases, dialogues and audioexercises on two CDs ■■ Target group: beginners 320 pages, softback, 2 CDs, numerous illustrations 15 788 (Cornelsen) 34.95 € Lextra Learner’s Dictionary Chinese About 8,500 entries, phrases and example sentences ■■ Contains the vocabulary of the HSK certificate ■■ Pinyin transcription for all characters ■■ Many helpful additional information in user-friendly boxes ■■ Additional help to disambiguate different meanings ■■ Additional help concerning grammar ■■ Especially designed to meet the needs of European learners ■■ Target group: beginners ■■ This title is now also available in a TINGcompatible edition. By touching the Chinese entries with the TING infra-red sensor pen learners can listen to the correct pronunciation of each word and of key phrases. The system is perfect for use on business trips or while holidaying in China: No CD- or MP3 player necessary! 352 pages, softback approx. 8,500 entries 15 139 19.95 € new TING edition 15 184 21.95 € new Lextra Basic Thematic Vocabulary Chinese Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or expand his vocabulary and for examination preparation. The dictionaries contain the 4000 most frequently used words , organised according to subject areas. The words are categorised as basic and extended vocabulary. ca. 16.95 € 19 465 (Feb. 2012) Workbook 19 427 (Feb. 2012) ca. 15.95 € 50 (Cornelsen) Welcome to China “Welcome to China” is a short travel guide which is aimed at pupils taking part in exchange programs and helps them to prepare for encounters with their hosts. The book is divided into 30 chapters that describe standard everyday situations (e.g. “Arriving at your host family’s home,” “Small talk in the family,” “In an internet cafe,” “At a restaurant,” “On the street” etc.) and list expressions appropriate to each context. All expressions are supplied in Chinese, Pinyin and German. The book also provides typical questions and answers visitors will encounter in China so that if necessary a basic understanding can be established by pointing to the relevant phrases in their written form. An audio pen for the travel guide is also available that provides a spoken version of the written phrase indicated by the user. 80 pages, softback 228 003 10.90 € (Cornelsen) Lextra Turbo Courses Effective learning in 2 x 10 minutes daily The ideal language course for busy people who want to learn or improve their knowledge of a foreign language. The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm of modern life, which doesn’t leave much time for learning. Each chapter requires only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a clearly defined and self-contained learning unit. Thematic focal points include the most important situations and expressions relevant to the use of the language as well as grammatical structures and verb forms. ■■ The most important situations and expressions ■■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the traveller ■■ Tests to check learning progress ■■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads The turbo courses for Portuguese, Turkish and Greek are available in a TING-compatible edition. By touching the TING symbols with the TING infra-red sensor pen learners can listen to the dialogues and exercises while travelling for business or pleasure: no CD- or MP3 player necessary! Portuguese 128 pages, softback, CD 18 406 new Greek 136 pages, softback, CD 18 703 (Sept. 2011) new Swedish 128 pages, softback 18 710 (Feb. 2012) Turkish 128 pages, softback, CD 18 697 14.95 € 14.95 € A1 A1 A2 A2 B1 B1 B2 B2 C1 C1 C2 C2 Further languages Lextra Compact Grammars The Lextra Compact Grammar is a practical handbook for young people and adults who want to learn a language and improve their knowledge of grammar. This clearly laid out and easy to understand book perfect for looking up grammar structures quickly as well as for revision. It covers all important rules and structures up to level B1. Numerous example sentences with translations provide clear illustrations of the grammar, and a comprehensive keyword index helps users to locate particular topics quickly. ■■ Essential information at a glance ■■ Grammar explanations in easy to understand language ■■ Numerous example sentences with translations ■■ Comprehensive keyword register ■■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm Dutch 176 pages, hardback 16 495 Portuguese 184 pages, hardback 16 488 Swedish 160 pages, hardback 16 471 Danish 208 pages, hardback 16 501 12.95 € 12.95 € 12.95 € 12.95 € new Lextra Picture Dictionaries for children with TING These first picture dictionaries are aimed at young children taking their first curious steps into other languages and cultures. The A-Z section of the dictionaries cover about 800 typical everyday items from everyday life for primary-age kids. The thematic sections cover important sections such as verbs, prepositions and family relationships, colours, seasons and holidays. TING printing technology also makes it possible for learners to also hear each new vocabulary item: just touch each entry with the TING infra-red sensor pen and listen to the correct pronunciation. To add to the fun, children can go on a treasure hunt to find the words with hidden sounds attached: no CD- or MP3 player necessary! Polish 108 pages, hardback, numerous illustrations, TING-Audio material 19 236 (Sept. 2011) 14.95 € Turkish 108 pages, hardback, numerous illustrations, TING-Audio material 19 243 (Sept. 2011) 14.95 € Other languages available: Spanish, English, French, Italian (Cornelsen) (Cornelsen) 14.95 € 14.95 € (Cornelsen) 51 Dialog new Privet! New three-volume concept This work is aimed at complete beginners with no prior knowledge and is suited for learners stating at age 10 to 13. The series is based on the latest communicative methods. A variety of exercises covers differing needs for practice. Special emphasis is placed on intercultural and supralinguistic learning. In particular, learning experience gained from English as a first foreign language is reactivated and drawn upon. These learning techniques from the first foreign language are revised and developed further. A new feature is the learner’s grammar, which is found in the workbook. These pages can be separated from the book and used as a starting point for the student’s own grammar notes. The learner can add his or her own examples or other useful notes to the grammar overviews, which are based on language functions. The work is divided into the preparatory unit “Start”, an introduction to the phonetic system and script, and three lesson units. Each lesson unit is comprised of four sections, whereby the last is the socalled “Additum”, which contains revision exercises, interesting cultural and geographical material and exercises for learners with Russian family backgrounds. In addition to the student’s book, a workbook, vocabulary book, an audio CD and a teacher’s book are available. Privet! builds on learners’ existing knowledge of their first and second foreign languages. The clear and well-organized layout is particularly oriented to the needs of younger learners. Volumes 1 and 2 focus on language skills up to level B1 of the CEFR and present lexical and grammatical aspects of the Russian language in steep progression: Each section begins with accessible pages containing tasks for learners that introduce the theme of the section in terms of content and language. Texts and exercises included in the textbook are designed to develop all aspects of language use – listening, speaking, reading, writing, mediation – in individual and group contexts. Intercultural learning is a key focus and each section includes pages devoted to specific aspects of culture and national life. Authentic materials are employed to reflect life in Russia. The textbook is also designed to animate learners to work with the language dossier and to evaluate their own progress. All lessons offer a range of different approaches. At the end of each section, learners have the opportunity to review the new grammatical points that have been introduced. Privet! 3 provides a transition to upper level learning in the form of five modules and a methodology section. New Edition For example: Dialog 1 Student’s Book 120 pages, softback, numerous illustrations 1 200 002 13.95 € (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia 52 For example: Coursebook 1 192 pages, softback 1 201272 (Cornelsen) 20.50 € C2 C1 B2 B1 A2 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 B1 B1 B2 B2 C1 C1 C2 C2 Russian new Wmeste The new upper level textbook – up-to-date, suitable for young learners with a clear, fresh layout. Wmeste is oriented around the Common European Frame of Reference for Languages competence levels B2 in terms of productive language use and C1 in terms of language reception (in particular reading comprehension). The compendium is made up of six modules, which are divided into chapters. Topics featured in the textbook are: ■■ Youth and personal life ■■ Russian culture – literature, film, music ■■ Russia in the globalized world ■■ Geography, environment, the Russian economy ■■ Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow ■■ Mass media and modern communication Each sub-topic is introduced by an authentic text. These texts cover a wide range of forms – narrative, biography, questionnaire, letter, newspaper article, statistics, proverb, song, fairytale, fable, quotation, film, poem, interview, picture, phraseology, caricature, joke, commentary, dialogue, survey, geographical map, telephone conversation, poster, encyclopedia entry, letter of congratulations, SMS, radio news, comic, announcement, signage, advertisement. The selection achieves a good balance between fictional and non-fictional texts. The introductory text is accompanied by tasks based on textual comprehension and specific language points. For example: Coursebook 164 pages, softback 1 200 213 (Cornelsen) 19.50 € latin new Raduga po-novomu By S. Jelínek, R. Hříbková, H. Žofková, L. Alexejeva Russian for beginners from 13 years in five levels. The individual levels correspond to levels A1-B1 of the CEFR for Languages. Vocabulary and cultural information are presented in intercultural contexts. The whole series is based on the linguodidactic concept. Developing communicative competence of students is supported by the gradual verification of linguistic knowledge in functional and system context. This implies an activity approach to teaching, which stems mainly from the didactically prepared grammar. Particular attention is paid to motivation of pupils, aesthetic and ethical aspects of foreign language teaching. Crucial focus is paid on Russian contemporary life. The textbooks contain a large number of cross-curricular links. The layout plays an important role in all levels of Raduga po-novomu, which facilitates the orientation of teachers and students in lesson building. To a large extent, photographs are used to show the cultural informaton. The coursebook is accompanied by a workbook, audio recordings and a teaching guide. The first volume of the coursebook is also available in interactive form. For example: Raduga po-novomu 1 coursebook 128 coloured pages, softback, ISBN 978-80-7238-659-8 (Fraus) new Lextra Turbo Courses new Cursus The ideal language course for busy people who want to learn or improve their knowledge of a foreign language. The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm of modern life, which doesn’t leave much time for learning. Each chapter requires only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a clearly defined and self-contained learning unit. Thematic focal points include the most important situations and expressions relevant to the use of the language as well as grammatical structures and verb forms. ■■ The most important situations and expressions ■■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the traveller ■■ Tests to check learning progress ■■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads 128 pages, softback, CD 18 413 (Feb. 2012) 14.95 € new Lextra Basic Thematic Vocabulary Russian Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or expand his vocabulary and for examination preparation. The dictionaries contain the 4000 most frequently used words , organised according to subject areas. The words are categorised as basic and extended vocabulary. 224 pages, hardback 18 307 Workbook 160 pages, softback 18 253 14.95 € A single-volume language course for Latin at Secondary Stage 1 (approx.equivalent to years 5-10 or level 2 of the International Standard Classification of Education ISCED), the new Cursus – Edition N has been developed for skills-based curricula: ■■ More specific practice: identifying forms instead of conjugating forms ■■ The main aim is that school students are able to identify forms within texts rather than to use them actively. Conjugation tasks have therefore been reduced to make space for identification tasks. In this way, the content of Cursus N has been significantly trimmed down while maintaining the same high level of language recognition. ■■ More skills-based orientation: methods pages The newly-developed methods pages were designed to fulfill the need for more methodical training. Various analytical methods are explained briefly and in a way appropriate for school students. Simple sentence analysis, period analysis and grammar are all covered. ■■ Easier orientation for teachers The identification of skills and optional material in the contents list and individual exercises provides teachers with a better overview, making it easy to shorten lessons when time is limited. For example: Workbook 1 A edition 56 pages, softback 877 061 9.95 € (Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag) All rights available except: Netherlands 13.95 € (Cornelsen) 53 Latin new Via mea Via mea builds upon a model of competence which has been specifically developed by the publishers. This model organises the three components: language (word, form and sentence), text and culture on three levels: ■■ Knowing ■■ Understanding ■■ Performing Following the principle of structured learning, these areas of competence are signalled by symbols throughout the course book. Explanatory texts, illustrations and cultural and historical information lighten the Latin texts. Via mea motivates learners to explore the language and learn about grammatical phenomena inductively. There are materials for vocabulary work, verb conjugation and parsing/sentence analysis, as well as brief topical context information, providing a systematic leadup to translation. Each lesson concludes with a test text. Students are thus able to test their abilities in the areas of preliminary text analysis, translation and linguistic analysis. The workbooks with detachable solution pages are available with a choice of audioCD or CD-ROM. The CD-ROM contains a vocabulary and grammar trainer specifically designed to complement the book. This accompanying software includes around 70 interactive whiteboard pages on the subjects text work, grammar and vocabulary. For example: Student’s book 1 136 pages, hardback 1 201 074 54 (Cornelsen) 16.95 € Salvete new Res Romanae compact The multimedia vademecum for advanced level Latin classes featuring text study. The texts are confined to the core areas of Roman culture and Latin literature, and compiled in a collection appropriate for school students. ■■ Prominently-placed basic information gives a necessary insight into the subjectmatter. ■■ The influence of Virgil on subsequent ages right up to the present day becomes clear. ■■ Language-based structure and layout guarantee readability. ■■ Photos and animated sequences on DVD-ROM bring Roman culture to life. res romanae compact – for a solid overview of all areas of Roman life and its influence on modern language and literature. 296 pages, softback, DVD-R 1 201 838 (Cornelsen) 24.50 € The new edition develops the tried and trusted concepts of Salvete even further and at the same time sets new trends for Latin tuition. It can be used for students in school years 5 to 10 (ages 10 to 16). The methods pages of Salvete provide a systematic guide to improving translating ability. Nine double-page spreads on translation training impart the basic skills. Vocabulary, form and syntax are increased step-by step in this method course. Attractive exercises increase motivation. Further components (Workbook, Teacher’s book, Class test, Vocabulary list) are also available. For example: Salvete Complete Volume 368 pages, hardback 654 494 28.95 € Videte Grammar The Latin grammar Videte is designed for use in both the textbook language learning phase (10 years of age) and in the later literature reading phase (up to age 16). This systematically organized grammar is designed to promote students’ ability to translate. Clear model sentences, explanations, tables and strategic advice aid text comprehension. Where appropriate, Videte also includes details comparable to modern language publications. The vocabulary used in Videte is based on SALVETE, but the book can be used with all current textbooks. Videte Grammar 192 pages, hardback 654 400 (Cornelsen) 19.50 € Mathematics Primary Level new Mathematics for the primary school By Prof. M. Hejný et al. Mathematics textbooks for children aged 6-10 years. Children enter the world of mathematics through their own experience. The advantage of the textbooks is a great diversity of contexts in which pupils get familiar with key concepts. This approach contributes to the development of mathematical thinking, intellectual and communication skills, creativity and social behavior of pupils. The textbooks contain cross-curricular links and they are accompanied by many illustrations and photographs. In addition, bottom bars on each page contain instructions for teachers or parents as well as coloured boxes with additional information. The textbooks for the 1st and 2nd class have been designed as combination books, for the 3rd to 5th class as a coursebook supplemented by two workbooks. For each level, we also offer interactive textbooks, teaching guide and supplementary materials. For example: Mathematics 1 – volume 1 + set of supplements 68 pages, softback 978-80-7238-626-0 Mathematics 1 – volume 2 68 pages, softback 978-80-7238-627-7 Mathematics 1 – teaching guide + CD 152 pages, softback 978-80-7238-628-4 (Fraus) Adolescent Learners Super M Fokus Mathematik Clear exercises and a likeable guide: Super M shows that mathematics can be fun. It provides an effective learning tool for children between 6-10 years of age. Super M is organized in a way that allows for flexible use in the classroom. The student’s book is accompanied by a workbook and teachers are provided with a pad of differentiated worksheets for heterogeneous groups. Introductions provide workbook pages for lower level students while Upgrades provide a differentiation for upper level students. The full colour worksheets can be distributed in accordance with the teaching situation and free teachers from having to search for and copy material. Super M makes teaching easier using a completely new concept of handouts: ■■ Quick overview: two sheets showing the double page from the student’s book and the worksheets list the essential points of the topic and identify interconnections. ■■ Commentary section: information on lesson structure, individual tasks and differentiation. ■■ Teacher’s magazine: more information, practical tips and interesting articles on teaching and the textbook. Additional copy templates include diagnostic sheets, tests and worksheets related to special topics. (Focus Mathematics) For example: Pupil’s Book 1 128 pages, softback, numerous illustrations 813 370 15.95 € Workbook 1 76 pages, softback, with CD-ROM 10.50 € 813 450 Teacher’s Book 1 340 pages, softback 25.00 € 813 493 (Cornelsen) By A. Bunnermeier, A. Herz, F. Kammermeyer, H. Kilian, J. Sauer, J. Zechel u.a. Stimulating applied and pure mathematical situations allow students to experience mathematics in action and get to know it as a means to describe and understand our environment. The abundant range of tasks offered in Focus Mathematics, a coursebook series for students aged 10 to 16, encourages students to practise basic skills and learn problem- solving techniques. As an introduction to each subject, three to four alternative tasks are offered. They describe either applied mathematics in everyday situations or mathematical questions to be answered independently or in teamwork. The subsequent explanation deals with one of the questions and uses it to clarify the mathematical reasoning and associations. A summary substantiates the results. The contents dealt with are presented verbally and formally and are illustrated by means of examples. The extensive practice section is organized in multiple levels. A test page presented in the form of a quiz can be found at the end of each chapter, giving students feedback on the their standard of performance. Solutions to the tests are given at the end of the book. For example: Student’s Book Fifth Grade 224 pages hardback, numerous illustrations 540 154 22.50 € (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Lithuania, Latvia 55 Mathematics adolescent learners new Maths, get set, go By T. Zwicker With these materials, pupils practise mathematics in the truest sense of the word “on the run”.The principle of the mathematical dictation relay is simple: Pupils pick up their tasks at different stations, keep them in mind until they reach their positions, and then solve them. Over 70 master copies, with completely prepared work plans for 10- to 14-yearolds, save the teacher a significant amount of preparation. The pupils work independently and practise basic calculation methods. Differing degrees of difficulty will equally meet the needs of lower and higher performing pupils. Mathematics, combined with play and movement, is fun for children and young people, and promotes their ability to concentrate. Mathematical dictation relays are very well suited for revising and deepening learning contents. Therefore, they can also be used in cover lessons and as an accompaniment to any mathematics textbook. Mathe, fertig, los! Teaching material for lower secondary level 88 pages, softback 24.90 € 978-3-7058-8257-7 (Veritas) Lesson Preparation Grundwissen Mathematik 10,000 Tasks in Mathematics (Basic Mathematics) „10,000 Tasks“ provides mathematics teachers working at secondary level (age group 10-16) with an easy-to-use and efficient tool for the creation of customized worksheets. ■■ Individual tutoring made easy: worksheets that can be printed out, saved as PDF files or edited in Word 2007. ■■ The database made up of 10,000 mathematics tasks contains a multitude of process-oriented tasks and exercises together with solutions. ■■ A search function facilitates the initial steps and enables teachers to create worksheets tailored to the individual needs of students quickly, easily and efficiently. The database has a flexible structure which enables teachers to add their own tasks. The publisher can add a feedback function with which the teacher-generated content can be published in an update version. This makes „10,000“ a completely new open-cycle product. By Prof. T. Glocke Basic Mathematics is a reference and practice book for the main items of mathematics required at the end of school study in order to pursue a career or a course of higher education. In addition to the mathematical contents, the book deals with the use of pocket calculators. Complicated mathematical theories and proofs are dispensed with. Instead, emphasis is placed on communicating the basic ideas and making the contents comprehensible for the reader. The book is laid out in two columns; an example exercise is developed step-by-step on the right-hand side with explanations on the left. Numerous examples permit individual repetition, revision and learning. A wide range of practice exercises are provided, with solutions so that students may check their answers. From the contents: Numbers and size/magnitude, powers and roots, variables, correlation, the rule of proportion, ratios, coordinates, percentages, interest calculations, developing diagrams and graphs, algebra, problems, equations, functions, trigonometry, geometry. 384 pages, softback 413 110 (Cornelsen) 56 21.95 € 10,000 Tasks in Mathematics DVD-ROM, single license 9 848 69.00 € (Cornelsen) learning aids Mathemagical moments Moments of fruitful teaching and learning in the field of mathematics This book presents didactic ideas central to mathematics teaching that have been compiled by a number of well-known authors. The result is 20 contributions that are all suited to both classroom teaching and further education contexts. Each section contains: ■■ One or more concrete teaching examples ■■ Didactic and methodological explanations ■■ Concrete suggestions for use in further education contexts ■■ Hints on further work with other literature, the Internet and use of the DVD. ■■ The accompanying DVD contains: ■■ Videos featuring teaching segments ■■ Worksheets for the school classrom and further education programs ■■ Additional background information (such as thematically relevant newspaper articles) ■■ PowerPoint lectures ■■ Alternative applications 232 pages, softback, DVD 11 858 (Cornelsen) 22.00 € Formulae and Data up to Year 10 The collection of formulae is tailored according to the material which is required for the 16+ school examinations. This new edition covers primarily mathematical formulae, and in addition includes formulae and data from physics, chemistry as well as general data. The user of “Formulae and Values” will find information quickly, be able to access specific material individually and thus be able to use the book with confidence. 96 pages, numerous 4c illustrations 978-3-8355-9020-5 9.95 € Collection of Formulae for use up to 18+ level This Collection of Formulae for Use up to 18+ level covers all important mathematical formulae, data from physics, chemistry, biology and information technology. This popular title was developed in close co-operation with teachers and is thus completely tuned to the requirements of school practice. Its clear and logical structure makes easy orientation within the materials possible. 168 pages, numerous 4c illustrations 978-3-89818-700-8 11.95 € new Formulae and Values for Upper Secondary Education This collection includes all formulae required for success in upper secondary courses in the subjects Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (leading to the 18+ examination). Learners have fast and easy access to example calculations and additional tables via the internet portal at 184 pages, numerous 4c illustrations 11.95 € 978-3-8355-9040-3 (Duden Schulbuchverlag) Das große Tafelwerk (The big book of tables) By B. Frank, K. Martin,W. Schulz, W. Tietz, E.Warmuth The Big book of tables covers the main points of mathematical teaching in secondary schools up to and including final examinations. It also provides a reference for the entire syllabus in physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology and computer science. It is therefore an ideal reference work for maths and natural-science teaching in secondary school. The book covers the basics in all the subjects mentioned, and for biology, physics and chemistry also provides charts reflecting the current knowledge and research. The well-structured layout with easy-tofollow subdivisions and clear labelling of subjects makes it easy to find the data you are looking for. The book of tables Mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, computer science, biology 160 pages, hardcover 571 467 10.50 € The big interactive book of tables 168 pages, hardcover numerous illustrations 571 432 10.50 € (Cornelsen) 57 natural sciences Upper Level Physics By Dr. B. Diehl, Prof. Dr. R. Erb, C. Schmalhofer, Prof. Dr. L.-H. Schön, Dr. P. Tillmanns, Dr. R. Winter The new Upper Level Physics course is a combination of textbook, DVD-ROM and internet portal. The subject is presented in a thematic way that promotes competence and context-related learning. The individual chapters are organized around the core areas of the study of physics: ■■ Mechanics ■■ Fields ■■ Vibrations and waves ■■ Quantum physics and the structure of material ■■ Relativity and astrophysics ■■ Thermodynamics A separate section provides a clear summary of the most important methods used in the study of physics. More than 120 context building blocks establish a reference to the world outside the physics classroom. Each chapter concludes with a systematic summary of its contents. Upper Level Physics – Student’s Book with DVD-ROM 560 pages, hardback, numerous illustrations 130 060 35.95 € (Cornelsen) new Advanced Level Chemistry Advanced Biology – Revised Edition The best recipe for complex content is a clear concept. This course book combines the tried-andtested with modern touches to present all necessary material for university entrance qualification examinations. By Prof. U. Weber ■■ clear structure ■■ concisely and clearly presented special- Advanced Biology focuses on the basic concepts of biology, the development of competence and the recognition of interconnections in a clearly understandable and practically oriented way. All chapters exhibit the same clear structure: Introduction – Text – Material-MethodPractice – Competence. ■■ simple texts through which experiments ■■ Features ised knowledge and materials are integrated into the learning process ■■ clearly presented basics ■■ foundation in the real world, with examples from contemporary research, technology, physiology, environment and history ■■ comprehensive collection of exercises with tasks for examination preparation Subject Areas ■■ Atomic Structure, Classification of Ele- ments (Periodic Table) ■■ Chemical Bonds ■■ Thermodynamics, Kinetics und Chemi- cal Equilibrium ■■ Acid-Base Balance ■■ Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry ■■ Basics of Organic Chemistry ■■ Classification of substances and reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry ■■ Fossil fuels and renewable energy ■■ Macromolecular compounds (carbohy- drates, fats, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids) ■■ Plastics, medicines, dyes and surfactants 560 pages, hardback numerous illustrations 111 794 58 (Cornelsen) 33.95 € On the Introduction page a large photo accompanied by a detailed text introduces the topic, provides an overview of the material that follows and summarizes the knowledge relevant to the current chapter. ■■ The Text section provides a precise and well structured presentation of the target knowledge, illustrated by drawings and photos. ■■ The Material-Method-Practice section demonstrates applications in the economic and research contexts. ■■ The Competence section enables users to check their level of knowledge and skills. ■■ The Principles section revises the relevant basic principles at the end of each chapter and connects them with other topics, which are taught separately as part of the overall learning system. Advanced Biology 528 pages, hardback, numerous illustrations 171 833 (Cornelsen) 35.50 € Computer science 2007 Chemistry in Context By Prof. Dr. R. Demuth, Prof. Dr. I. Parchmann, Prof. Dr. B. Ralle Chemistry in Context is a multimedia course which implements the mediaspecific advantages of all its components to achieve a modern, motivating and effective chemistry course for school students aged 16 to 19. Chemistry in Context includes a student’s book and teacher’s materials – the tried and trusted basic, but with a new structure. The student’s book contains 13 context units. A selection: ■■ The chemistry of the human being ■■ Mobile energy sources for a mobile world ■■ Stone age – iron age – plastic age? ■■ Wonder of medicine ■■ Waste becomes valuable ■■ The world is colourful In addition, the student’s book provides five basic concept units, which systematize the basics learned in context and thus facilitate long-term learning. A CD-ROM accompanies the student’s book, enabling students to explore the subject through multimedia units. Chemistry in Context – Student’s Book with CD-ROM 568 pages, hardback, numerous illustrations 31 130 32.95 € (Cornelsen) Allrights are available except: Netherlands, Austria Natural Sciences: Biology Chemistry Physics This series for interdisciplinary science education gives teachers support in introducing complex scientific themes. Experiments, observations and applications from biology, chemistry, physics and astronomy courses provide important stimulation for achieving this teaching aim. Natural Sciences is an exceptional resource for project days and weeks aimed at school children and students from 10- 16 years of age. Space Travel Feuer (Fire) Experimentation and the emergence of the natural sciences Addiction Health Information and Communication Energy Air Skin and Hair Water Ground Colours Optical Devices Flying Washing 80 901 30 980 20 739 10 752 10 942 60 923 20 935 10 746 10 941 10 745 10 920 30 966 209 677 145 784 30 740 Each title approx. 64 to 80 pages, numerous illustrations, softback 11.75 € Information Technology Foundation Course and Information Technology for Upper Secondary Level These information technology textbooks for lower and upper secondary level convey the foundations of IT in a systematic and easy-to-read form. The tried-andtested bestsellers focus on providing a sound knowledge base and are not restricted to isolated technical solutions or programming languages. Informatische Grundbildung Sekundarstufe I (Information Technology Foundation Course for Lower Secondary Level Grades 7 to 10) 320 pages, numerous 4c illustrations 978-3-8355-6004-8 29.95 € Profilinformatik Klassen 9/10 (Profile IT for Grades 9-10) 160 pages, numerous 4c illustrations 978-3-89818-625-4 19.95 € Objektorientierte Programmierung mit BlueJ (Object-orientated Programming with BlueJ) 192 pages, numerous 4c illustrations 978-3-8355-6045-1 19.95 € Informatik Oberstufe (Information Technology for Upper Secondary Level Grades 11 to 13) 544 pages, numerous 4c illustrations 978-3-89818-622-3 35.95 € (Duden Schulbuchverlag) (Cornelsen) All rights available except: Czech Republic 59 software & Apps new Learning Snacks Mathematics Cornelsen mobile learning apps for iPhone, iPad and iPod The Learning Snacks from Cornelsen are individual learning units designed for mobile revision and practice of mathematical skills and knowledge in crisp, short, stages. Each learning snack contains numerous practice exercises centered around a specific topic. The first learning snacks from Cornelsen are on the subject Mathematics and are aimed at school students preparing for secondary school leaving examinations at 10th grade who need or wish to revise and improve their mathematical skills. Yet learning snacks are also ideal for adults who wish to refresh their memories and recall forgotten knowledge of mathematical subjects such as calculating percentages and interest rates, binomial formulae or quadratic equations. Each learning snack deals thoroughly with a mathematical concept and offers numerous practice exercises. The exercises are divided into individual steps in calculation, so that students are able to follow each process towards the solution and use it themselves. The learning snacks are therefore an ideal way to prepare for classes, quizzes and examinations. All of the explanations and exercises were developed by mathematics teachers and edited according to the usual Cornelsen quality standards. This app is the first (mobile) application in the Learning Snack Series from Cornelsen. Included in the price of this app is the first learning snack on percentage calculations as well as the basic app „Cornelsen Lernsnacks“. The basic app forms the basis for all future snacks. More learning snacks on further 60 mathematical areas can be purchased from the “Snackstore” which can be accessed using this app. Additional mathematics snacks are already available or are in preparation. A new snack will be released each month. Details of forthcoming snacks can be obtained via the basic app. (The latest information can be found under “News” in the main menu.) More learning snacks covering other school subjects (e.g. foreign languages) are due to appear in the near future. Features of the basic app: ■■ Library of all learning snacks purchased so far ■■ Integrated calculator ■■ Display of individual calculation steps ■■ Specific help in solving individual prob- lems ■■ Display of learning progress ■■ Snackstore, from which further learning snacks can be purchased ■■ Link to Facebook ■■ News Learning Snack No. 1 Percentage Calculation (approx. 100 Exercises) ■■ Calculating percentage values ■■ Calculating percentage rates ■■ Calculating base values ■■ Percentage rates over 100% ■■ Percentage rates in pie charts ■■ Percentage rates in bar charts ■■ Using the rule of three to solve mathematical problems ■■ Percentage rates in block diagrams ■■ Profit and loss problems ■■ Discount calculation problems ■■ Allowance and discount calculation problems ■■ Gross/Net/Tare ■■ Increased and decreased base values ■■ Per thousand calculation problems Already available: Learning Snack No. 2 Calculating Interest with approx. 200 practice exercises and tasks Learning Snack No. 3 Formulae Collection This comprehensive collection of formulae contains the most important formulae and explanations which are needed for class tests and examinations. An alphabetical register of key words with over 300 entries links to the related formula and explanation with a simple click. The learning snacks are intuitive to operate and lead directly to the learning units. The apps function on iPod Touch and iPhone from the operating system version 3.0 and for all versions of the iPad. The following learning snacks are in preparation and will appear shortly: ■■ Learning Snack Classifications ■■ Learning Snack Binomial Formulae ■■ Learning Snack Terms and Equations ■■ Learning Snack Fractions ■■ Learning Snack Linear Functions ■■ Learning Snack Quadratic Functions and Quadratic Equations ■■ Learning Snack Data and Diagrams ■■ Learning Snack Chance and Probability ■■ Learning Snack Mathematical Lexicon ■■ Learning Snack Exam Practice The learning snacks are a universal application and can be run simultaneously on the iPod touch, iPhone und iPad. Please get in touch with us directly for further information and licensation. (Cornelsen) the future of education new FlexiBook Interactive electronic textbook for the use on interactive whiteboards and PCs. The content is identical to the printed textbook, the interactive form of textbooks allows, however, a highly efficient work with text and audio-visual material such as photographs, illustrations and other components. With this unique system, the teachers may work with the traditional content of the printed book and customize the materials according to their needs. The FlexiBook contains lots of multimedia for better representation and understanding of subject matter: ■■ videos ■■ 2D and 3D animations ■■ sound recordings ■■ additional photos and illustrations ■■ cross-curricular links ■■ web links ■■ direct link to the Google search engine ■■ texts that complement the printed textbook The new generation of FlexiBooks allows teachers and students: ■■ to place their own materials directly into the FlexiBook (documents, notes, audio, video, photos, web links, etc.) ■■ to highlight texts in the FlexiBook The FlexiBook can be used on all types of interactive whiteboards and computers. Please get in touch with us directly for further information or licensation. (Fraus) Cornelsen Learning Software for Nintendo DS Cornelsen now offers learning software for the popular games console Nintendo DS. The pocket-sized console is the ideal companion for learning while out and about. Four titles are available for Mathematics and English as a foreign language. Mathematics The arithmetic trainer for year 5 provides practice in basic arithmetical calculation. The arithmetic trainer for year 6 concentrates on additional skills and also particular mathematical procedures which are important in everyday life, such as fractions and percentages, the rule of three, etc. The ingenious examination trainer enables users to design their own examinations and practice under realistic examination situations. In practice mode, learners can complete exercises and tasks of their choice without time pressure. This is the ideal way for users to consolidate and revise what has been learnt in school. Learning progress can be displayed and checked at any time, so that users can monitor their progress. English Two further titles are available for English as a foreign language, one developed for years 5/6 and the other for 7/8. In this case, learners are placed in the situation of a school student whose family moves to Australia for work-related reasons. Learners are confronted with everyday situations in which they are forced to use the language of their new home country. Learning thus takes place in context-related situations. All of the main grammatical structures, as well as the vocabulary, are covered thematically, as well as dictation and pronunciation. The current level of achievement can be displayed at any time, showing learning progress in the areas of grammar, vocabulary and dictation. English grade 5/6 Home-Individual License 756 810 English grade 7/8 Home-Individual License 756 834 29.99 € 29.99 € (Cornelsen) The titles are not only suitable for school students; they are also ideal for adults who wish to refresh their knowledge of mathematics. Mathematics grade 5 Home-Individual License 756 803 Mathematics grade 6 Home-Individual License 756 827 29.99 € 29.99 € 61 Teaching Material spotlight new Punch-Card Box Product Family Punch-Card Box The Punch-Card Box is an ingenious selfstudy training device. Children place their question cards in the box and decide on the correct answer from a selection of predetermined solutions offered on each card. They then place a peg in the appropriate hole. Only once the peg is in the hole corresponding to the correct answer can the learner slide the card from the box. 800 537 9.75 € Card sets for the Punch-Card Box each set contains 40 punched cards, printed on both sides. Size: 8 x 12 cm (The correct solutions must be cut out on all cards according to markings on the cards). Cards with learning tasks from mathematics and language. Blank cards for individual use are also available. Mathematics: Year 1 Addition and Subtraction up to 20 823 925 10.00 € Set theory breakdown up to 10 823 932 10.00 € Year 2 Addition and Subtraction up to 100 with practice tasks 823 956 10.00 € 62 Mini Multiplication Table 823 949 Calculating quantities 824 830 10.00 € 10.00 € Year 3 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division up to 1000 824 847 10.00 € Calculating Quantities: Money, length weight and time 824 854 10.00 € Year 4 Calculating up to a million Large Multiplication Table 824 861 10.00 € Calculating Quantities: Money, length, weight, time and volume 824 878 10.00 € Years 1-4 Blank Cards for individual use, 40 cards, double-sided, white 800 544 5.00 € Language: Year 4 Identification of parts of speech, use of cases, word families, lexical fields. 824 564 10.00 € Inserting Pronouns, Identifying parts of speech, sentence structure and tenses 824 571 10.00 € Twist and Fix Product Family Twist and Fix The robust Twist and Fix is a puzzle that involves twisting wooden blocks, which can be used to facilitate quiet work in the classroom. It may be used in for a variety of classes, for example for mathematics or language learning tasks. The correct colour segment of the wooden block is twisted towards the question which corresponds to the solution options at the head of the inserted card. When all coloured surfaces have been allocated, the card is turned over and the correct answers can be seen. As a result of the double-sided arrangement of blocks, Twist and Fix is also ideally suited to pair work. There is a variety of card sets available for Twist and Fix, covering many areas of learning. 800 551 15.00 € Mathematics: Year 1 Addition/Subtraction up to 10 824 144 10.00 € Addition/Subtraction up to 20 824 151 10.00 € Calculating with money 824 175 10.00 € Calculating with quantities 824 199 10.00 € Year 2 Addition up to 100 824 205 Subtraction up to 100 824 212 Division 824 755 Multiplication Tables 824 229 10.00 € 10.00 € 10.00 € 10.00 € Year 3 Addition/Subtraction with numbers up to 1000 824 762 10.00 € Multiplication/Division with numbers up to 1000 824 779 10.00 € Calculating with money 824 786 10.00 € Calculating with quantities 824 793 10.00 € Year 4 Calculating with numbers up to ten thousand – Addition, Subtraction 824 816 10.00 € Calculating with numbers up to ten thousand – Multiplication, Division 825 530 10.00 € Wooden Puzzle Product Family Number and Quantity Puzzle The Number and Quantity Puzzle consists of large, easy-to-handle wooden dominotype pieces with surface numbers or spots. They are tactile and ideal for matching exercises – only when the correct numbers are put together do the pieces fit. 824 069 24.90 € Alphabet Puzzle (Latin Alphabet) Assign the correct upper and lower-case letters with the Alphabet Puzzle: the large and easy-to-handle wooden pieces are tactile and ideal for matching exercises. The pieces fit together only when the correct solutions are found. 823 130 49.90 € Soma Cube The Soma Cube promotes three-dimensional spatial perception. The seven different types of wooden cube come in threes and fours and are fitted together to form a larger cube. The cubes come either unvarnished or with a coloured finish. An instruction booklet accompanies the cubes. Soma Cube, varnished in colour 828 487 10.90 € Soma Cube, unvarnished 828 494 8.90 € Geo-Board The Geo-Board and its accompanying rubber bands quickly enable a variety of geometrical forms to be created. Simply place a rubber band over the appropriate wooden pegs to complete a geometrical form. 12.00 € 824 090 Geometric Figures (Two dimensions), Wooden Cube These geometrical pieces enable children to learn about the basic geometric shapes in a hands-on fashion. The two-dimensional shapes convey the basic forms and the three-dimensional shapes introduce children to three-dimensional geometry. The wooden cubes are ideal for practical construction tasks and enable children to build shapes for themselves. Dice Games 1 printed dice (4 x 4 x 4 cm), sixty doublesided results cards (4.7 x 4.7 cm) in a wooden box (6.8 x 11.2 x 6.4 cm) with transparent sliding lid. Years 1-4 Geometric Shapes (Two Dimensional Shapes) 8 wooden shapes (square, rectangle, circle, triangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, lozenge, hexagon) in a sealable bag 824 120 10.00 € Year 2 Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication up to 100 823 987 12.00 € Geometric Shapes (Three-Dimensional Shapes) 8 wooden shapes (cube, cuboid, sphere, hemisphere, cylinder, 2 different pyramids) in a re-sealable bag 824 137 10.00 € Wooden Cube 20 wooden cubes in a bag, size: 2 x 2 x 2 cm 824 113 10.00 € Year 1 Addition and Subtraction up to 10 823 963 12.00 € Addition and Subtraction up to 20 823 970 12.00 € Year 3 Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication with numbers up to 100 824 922 12.00 € Years 3-5 Mental Arithmetic (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) with numbers up to 1000 824 939 12.00 € Shake Puzzle The Shake Puzzle enables children to learn about numbers and basic functions. First the desired number of spheres is placed in the box. For individual work, children describe the correct function either orally or in writing. During pairwork, one of the windows is covered, so that one child can perform the calcu-lations and the other can check the solution. The number can be written in the middle of the plexiglass window by means of a water-soluble marker. Reading Slider Year 1 Shake Puzzle Numbers and functions with numbers up to 20 Material: Wooden frame with plexiglass windows, 20 spheres, two separate accompanying stickers. 824 007 14.50 € Card Sets for the Reading Slide-Rule Year 1 Phonetically Representative Words/Phonetically Accurate Words (2–3-syllable words) 20 word-picture cards (blue) 7.75 € 822 959 Difficult Words (2–4-syllable words) 20 word-picture cards (green) 822 973 7.75 € Blank Cards for individual use 10 cards, double-sided, white 3.00 € 822 942 Dice Games Product Family During the dice game, children search for cards which correspond to the tasks on the dice. Whoever “bags” the most correct cards wins. The solutions can be found on the reverse side of the 60 game cards. The level of difficulty can be varied by changing the number of cards in play. The Reading Slider supports independent reading. A word is revealed step-by-step by sliding out the word card. Children can immediately check their progress using the picture on the reverse of each card. When the illustrated side of the cards is used, all of the cards may be used to practice word division. Size: 7 x 20.3 x 0.9 cm (cards available separately) Material: wood 4.50 € 822 935 (Cornelsen) 63 basic vocational education Cosmetics series: Hair & Beauty In guten Händen Kosmetik covers the complete learning needs of students taking the beautician’s final examination. The books convey scientific, anatomical and dermatological basics and specialised know-how. Each treatment is explained step-by-step with illustrated instructions. The volume Acquisition, Consultation, Sales deals with the necessary business skills. The volume is highly illustrated and includes in-depth explanations. The Hair & Beauty materials pack is aimed at all hairdressing trainees. It is ideal for both self-study and as supplementary classroom material. Trainees can also use it as a reference work during their practical salon training. Practical information on hairdressing is provided in an easy-to-understand format, and includes the basics of hair and skin structure, hair and skin condition, hygiene requirements and legal information relating to hairdressing as a career. The main subject areas are ■■ problem-based client situations ■■ client relations ■■ theoretical scientific principles ■■ practical information on hairdressing. A wide range of exercises complement the material. (In Good Hands) Cosmetics 1 – Assessment, Cleansing, Skin Care 344 pages, hardback 450 112 Cosmetics 2.1 – Skin care, Massage, Colour Cosmetics 320 pages, softback 4 551 655 Cosmetics 2.2 – Skin care, Massage, Colour Cosmetics 232 pages, softback 4 551 663 Cosmetics 3 – Acquisition, Consultation, Sales 232 pages, softback 450 139 (Cornelsen) 28.50 € 18.50 € 18.50 € 23.50 € Hair & Beauty Student’s book 1 248 pages, softback 4 558 188 18.50 € Hair & Beauty Student’s book 2 200 pages, softback 4 558 380 18.50 € Hair & Beauty – Marketing and Economics 200 pages, softback 4 558 196 23.95 € Hair & Beauty – teacher’s book download only 4 558 218 16.50 € Hair & Beauty – Basic Knowledge Mathematics 144 pages, softback 4 502 444 18.50 € Hair & Beauty – Examination Trainer approx. 200 pages, softback 4 558 200 19.95 € (Cornelsen) 64 Nurse training is undergoing worldwide change. Social and health policy changes (demographic changes, healthcare prevention and prophylaxis measures, financial cutbacks and technological advances) have also had an influence on the curriculum planning for nursing programmes. In Good Hands – Health and Nursing Care/ Health and Child Nursing supports teachers, trainers and student nurses in this process. It provides a multidisciplinary description of the fundamentals of this complex occupation and at the same time the workbooks with their innovative phenomenological concept provide students with support in their personal and professional development through reflection and orientation towards practice. The series In Good Hands – Geriatric Nursing is based on the same concept. Here the specific contents of the newly-designed geriatric nurse training curriculum are dealt with, including recognition and evaluation of the special needs of an aging population and concepts for the care of the elderly. For example: In Good Hands Volume 1 Health and Nursing Care Theory 672 pages, numerous illustrations hardback 453 022 40,95 € (Cornelsen) Pflegiothek (Care-o-theque) Pflegiothek is a care manual and the ideal companion for those working or training in the areas of nursing-, invalid- and geriatric care. Features: ■■ easy-to-understand translations and explanations of medical and nursing terms. ■■ abbreviations, reference values and calculations ■■ colour illustrations explain complex topics Ideally suited as a handy reference work for quick consultation during a hectic working day. 208 pages, plastic binding, numerous illustrations 4 551 612 16.95 € Avoiding Stress and Burnouts 192 pages, hardback 4 551 879 16.95 € Case and Care Management 240 pages, hardback 4 503 298 16.95 € Dementia 224 pages, hardback 4 551 855 16.95 € English for Nurses 192 pages, hardback 4 551 763 16.95 € Eating and Drinking 224 pages, hardback 4 551 770 16.95 € Quality Management 176 pages, hardback 16.95 € 4 551 732 Fremdsprachen in der Zahnarztpraxis Qualifying for Media Professions (Foreign Languages in the Dental Practice) This series focuses on the core knowledge required for media professions. Detailed manuals deal with the issue of switching careers, provide useful guidelines and discuss current aspects of careers in the media field. No fear of foreign dental patients! This book provides trainee dental assistants with foreign language training especially tailored to the requirements of the dental practice. It provides step-by-step guidance in the form of typical dialogues and phrases in English for everyday situations, from reception duties to X-rays. A glossary of the most important phrases is also provided in Turkish, Russian, Polish, French, Spanish and Arabic. The book therefore fulfills its aim: the learners have ‘no fear of foreign dental patients!’ 72 pages, spiral-bound 4 500 105 18.50 € Foreign Languages in the Medical Practice 112 pages, spiral bound 4 500 594 18.50 € (Cornelsen) Manual of Visual Media Design Fifth edition 39.95 € 237 296 Manual of Media Management 236 256 29.95 € Writing for Digital Media 237 180 12.95 € Communication Policy 3rd edition 238 217 19.95 € 34 Case Studies Advertising and Communication 238 224 18.95 € Creating Concepts 238 279 12.95 € Project Management for Media 238 293 12.95 € Usability as a factor of success 237 692 12.95 € new Copywriting 239 276 12.95 € new Developing Content for Media 239 122 22.95 € new Image editing and artwork 239 191 19.95 € (Cornelsen Scriptor) (Cornelsen) 65 basic vocational education new Automobilkaufleute (Automobile Sales Professionals) This newly-developed and practicallyorientated series covers all of the required content for training courses leading to the officially recognised German qualification Automobilkaufmann/Automobilkauffrau (Automobile Sales Professional) For each of the three years of training there is a different textbook, workbook with learning situations and collection of teachers’ material: ■■ The Textbooks provide all of the necessary specialist content required for the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) examinations and explain each subject area using examples, overviews and illustrations to help students work with and learn the theory. ■■ The Workbooks provide numerous practically orientated and task-based learning situations based on the model company Autoland Murschall GmbH. Tasks and worksheets, as well as additional English situations, complete the package. ■■ The teachers’ materials contain all of the solutions and suggested answers to the learning situations, exercises, and worksheets from the workbooks. For example: Textbook and Workbook 1 376 + 312 pages, softback 4 503 564 37.95 € (Cornelsen) new Industriekaufleute – Neubearbeitung (Industrial clerkship and administration – new revised edition) This practically-orientated series for those training for the German industrial administration qualification „Industrie kaufmann/Industriekauffrau“ offers the following for each of the three years of the course: a course book (student’s book), a workbook with learning situations and a teacher’s handbook. The workbooks determine the direction of study during task based classes. Starting with a work situation (e.g. a business letter requiring action), learners learn inductively with the assistance of the specialist information provided. They are then able to complete the task required by the situation (e.g. a letter in response, a presentation, a decision). Additional worksheets and tasks help to secure learning success. Teachers act as facilitators during this selfdetermined learning process, assist weaker students, and encourage stronger students to complete more demanding tasks. The series may of course also be used in teacher-centred training. With the help of the workbooks, the material may be practised individually or as group work. For example: Textbook 1 536 pages, softback, CD-R 4 504 943 (Cornelsen) 66 29.00 € Grundwissen Wirtschaft (Economic Fundamentals) This series is tailored to learners who would like to gain a qualification through further education. It supplements its practically oriented content with the kind of fundamental economic knowledge required in many professions in the commerce, services and industrial trade sectors: Compact presentation and exercises with solutions support targeted preparation for examinations. Marketing 238 194 9.95 € Consultation and Sales 237 350 9.95 € Distribution 237 494 9.95 € Commercial Accounting 237 252 9.95 € Bookkeeping for the Industry 237 457 9.95 € Bookkeeping for Commercial Trade 237 463 9.95 € Collection of Economic Formulas 237 593 9.95 € Office Economics 237 487 9.95 € new Tasks for Economics 238 903 12.95 € new Leadership 238 897 12.95 € new Tasks for Bookkeeping 238 910 (Sept. 2011) 12.95 € new Human Resources Management 238 927 (Sept. 2011) 12.95 € new Economics 3rd edition 240067 9.95 € (Cornelsen Scriptor) Business Training Crash Course Series new Personal Presentation The modern workplace requires specialized knowledge – but less and less time is available for further training. The trend is towards shorter, more direct, and more intensive knowledge acquisition. The new Cornelsen Crash Courses take this development into account. These books are suited to independentlearning and as preparation and revision material for seminars. The different volumes offer essential basic theoretical knowledge in compact form and present it in a way that allows for rapid practical application. The easy-to-follow workbooks are large-format (17 x 24 cm) and include practical exercises and solutions. Many of the books are supplemented by a CDROM that includes worksheets, checklists, tools and further information. The books cover all the basic themes concerning the application of methods and personal skills typically acquired in public training programmes and in-house courses devoted to skills enhancement. The series offers a range of training modules that enable users to build up their level of personal competence on an individual basis and according to their specific requirements. The authors are all experienced trainers in their fields and their contributions are based on years of experience. A confident appearance is necessary in many situations. This Crash Course discusses the basics of the personal impressions we convey to others, dealing with factors such as body language, appearance, voice, content, behaviour, attitude. In addition, the course presents strategies and techniques along with the training materials. 128 pages, softback 240 159 (Sept. 2011) new 12.95 € Quality Management The basis for a comprehensive quality management system is the standard DIN norm EN ISO 9001 from 2008. Based on practical situations, this easy-to-follow book uses the example of a pizza delivery service to explain how standard rules and regulations apply to one’s own business and how a quality management system can be implemented. 120 pages, softback 238 583 12.95 € Service providers and freelancers who do not offer a tangible product face the problem of having their efforts undervalued. This Crash Course deals with the theory and methods of optimum pricing as well as the problem of having to negotiate which is practised in the second section. new “Presentorics” To be persuasive and inspiring, leading managers must be able to give presentations and use rhetorical skills. This book provides an introduction to the psychology of presenting and introduces effective rhetorics tools: how an effective and harmonious first impression is created and confirmed; how to create, maintain and direct rapport; how to arouse specific attention; how content can be structured and prepared in a way that the message comes across effectively, and how voice, language and body language can be used to their greatest effect. 128 pages, softback, CD-R 240 135 (Sept. 2011) 128 pages, softback, CD-R 240 166 (Oct. 2011) new Pricing and Fee Negotiations 17.95 € 17.95 € new Quick-Wittedness 128 pages, softback 12.95 € 240 142 (Sept. 2011) Project Management 144 pages, softback 12.95 € 237 432 Project Management Basics 104 pages, softback, CD-R 17.95 € 237 753 Leadership 128 pages, softback, CD-R 17.95 € 237 715 Leading Teams 120 pages, softback 12.95 € 238 323 Self Management 128 pages, softback, CD-R 17.95 € 237 890 Business Administration 128 pages, softback, CD-R 238 316 17.95 € Business Plan 144 pages, softback, CD-R 237 722 17.95 € Statistics 120 pages, softback 237 661 12.95 € Basics Marketing 128 pages, softback, CD-R 237 913 17.95 € Sales 120 pages, softback, CD-R 237 746 17.95 € Successful Media Appearance 96 pages, softback 237 654 12.95 € Interviewing 144 pages, softback 237 739 12.95 € Employee Appraisal Interviews 120 pages, softback 12.95 € 237 920 (Cornelsen Scriptor) 67 Business Training new Training Compact Seminars can be significantly more successful if participants are able to prepare for and follow-up on them. For this purpose, Training Compact provides efficient material to cover the following: ■■ basic preparatory reading so that the seminar itself can get to the point quickly ■■ a follow-up phase with prompt revision of the important points ■■ implementation of learned skills in everyday work situations through practical content, examples and tasks The titles are not restricted to specific methods and are therefore easy to combine with the trainer’s own materials. They come in a handy softback format (12.6 x 19.0 cm) with a clear layout and a wide margin for notes. 68 Project Management – Methods and Tools This training book clearly and concisely conveys the basics of project management: ■■ Standards and Models of Practice in Project Management ■■ Work from the project’s start, through planning, monitoring, controlling and conclusion stages, rounded off with project documentation ■■ Communication: Standardised terms and instruments are carefully defined and explained. About the author: Dr Wolfgang Cronenbroeck has many years of experience in industry both in Germany and abroad. He is the managing director of the company BonVentis GmbH and supervises international client projects on project and process management, including training and coaching. Dr Cronenbroeck is qualified as an International Project Manager (Level B) and as a Project Management Professional (PMP). 128 pages, softback 9.95 € 239 320 (Sept. 2011) Rhetoric – professional speaking skills This training book supports speaking skills training for a variety of professional occasions, e.g. speeches, lectures, presentations, discussions and meetings. The author deals with the important aspects of a successful performance. The book also deals with the preparation and writing of speeches. It uses a variety of contexts and can also be used as a complement to video-based training. 128 pages, softback 9.95 € 239 337 (Sept. 2011) Customer Acquisition for Sole Traders and Freelancers For small businesses and freelance operators, the main aim of marketing is to acquire and keep customers. For this, a breakdown of appropriate marketing tools and advice on how to put them into practice is essential. This training book provides the necessary guidance. The following aspects are covered: company profile, target groups, presentation and the process of acquisition using various media, including the Internet. 128 pages, softback 239 887 (Sept. 2011) 9.95 € Understanding and Using Marketing Strategies As marketing is increasingly being viewed as a holistic process in companies, (almost) everyone needs to know the basics. This book offers a well-balanced introduction with a range of content and the inclusion of theory to practice. It explains the most important terms, provides a basic overview of market analysis and marketing strategy and offers a lead-in to planning. A summary of the marketing mix rounds off the book. 128 pages, softback 239 894 (Sept. 2011) 9.95 € Strategies and Methods of Developing Customer Loyalty The author introduces the five basic steps to achieving customer loyalty and demonstrates how to tailor these steps to individual requirements. The following areas are dealt with: communication, understanding one’s customer, activity behind the scenes and “the point of sale”. 128 pages, softback 239 900 (Sept. 2011) 9.95 € Negotiation Techniques This training book deals with theories of recognised negotiation strategies. Its focus lies in the practical implementation of basic techniques. Such techniques cover: assessment of non-negotiable positions, aims, joint and individual requirements for successful negotiations, saving face, helpful techniques, dealing with traps and pitfalls. 128 pages, softback 239 917 (Sept. 2011) 9.95 € Using NLP at Work This book begins by introducing NLP’s basic methods and techniques, followed by how to implement them in the following situations: learning and skills development, setting and achieving objectives, creativity and problem-solving, communication and personal management. 128 pages, softback 239 962 (Sept. 2011) 9.95 € Putting Marketing into Practice – the Marketing Mix The classic four Ps marketing tools are introduced. These are then extended by a further three Ps essential for service sector marketing. Modern forms of Internet marketing are also considered. 128 pages, softback 239 856 (Sept. 2011) 9.95 € (Cornelsen Scriptor) Training International – consistently bilingual! Conversing and negotiating in English – more and more people have to do this as part of their day-to-day work, not only with customers but also with colleagues, project leaders and bosses. In addition to a sound grasp of the language, specialist knowledge and communicative skills are needed. There is, however, seldom enough time to return to school, and in any event, more practical skills are called for. Cornelsen fulfills these needs with its Training International series. The Innovation The books present key skills in a compact form. They contain background information, intercultural tips and self-assessment checklists as well as recommendations for action according to the topic being covered – and all of this in two languages! The German text is printed on the left-hand page and on the right, the same contents can be read in authentic international business English. The series therefore offers the reader the chance to kill two birds with one stone: he/she can… ■■ acquire skills efficiently or prepare quickly for specific duties, and ■■ at the same time - and almost inciden- tally – test and increase his/her knowledge of the language. A variety of opportunities for licensees Either the German or the English text can be translated into the native language of the licensee, according to his or her requirements. It would also be possible to use the English text alone, an option which could be particularly interesting for publishers in English-speaking countries. The bilingualism of the series opens up new opportunities for licensees, as the books can be adapted to the needs of the target groups. Going Marketing 200 pages, softback 239 955 16.95 € Rhetoric 176 pages, softback 239 948 16.95 € Team Development 192 pages, softback 239 646 16.95 € Presentations – effective and well-structured 192 pages, softback 239 840 16.95 € Sales Negotiations 176 pages, softback 239 247 16.95 € Interview Techniques 184 pages, softback 16.95 € 239 140 Conflict Management 200 pages, softback 239 743 16.95 € Meetings and Facilitation 200 pages, softback 239 042 16.95 € Employee Appraisal Interviews 200 pages, softback 16.95 € 239 549 Project Management 200 pages, softback 16.95 € 239 441 Small Talk 200 pages, softback 16.95 € 239 344 (Cornelsen Scriptor) All rights available except: Poland, Indian Subcontinent and Africa new Understanding Business Management The St. Gallen Management Model The book provides the knowledge required to scholars of business management. The authors understand companies to be complex, changing, productive social systems. Very different people work together in different functions in order to achieve a shared economic goal. As systems they are embedded in a complex made up of society, nature, technology and the economy. This means that companies have to adjust to economic, technological, ecological and social changes. For almost forty years now business management has been taught at the University of St. Gallen on the basis of the St. Gallen Management Model. This model is being continually honed and developed at the intersection between teaching, research and business practices. This textbook draws on the St. Gallen Management Model to prepare students to be able to deal with complex professional and social tasks and functions. The textbook is designed for both class teaching and independent study. The methodical approach used in the book is strongly orientated around practical business situations. Detailed case studies and an example that summarizes the various aspects discussed in the context of a real enterprise give lessons a strongly problem-based character. Cross-references between and within individual thematic blocks, a comprehensive keyword index, a business-management glossary, and the use of the model all contribute to the positioning of the individual aspects of business management. 576 pages, four-coloured, hardback 52.00 € 282 531 (Sauerländer) 69 Business Training new Marketing Competence The Marketing Competence series is oriented around participants in professional further training programs and interns who want to inform themselves about the area of marketing in which they are involved. The series also expressly addresses those with expertise in other areas (e.g. engineers and technicians) who want to acquire knowledge of the marketing field, as well as people with a general knowledge of marketing who are changing careers and are looking to acquire knowledge of additional and specific areas. The series comprises textbooks, course materials and reference works. The books are designed to introduce readers to the fundamentals of marketing and enable them to apply their knowledge. Depending on the particular topic, material is presented either in a compact form designed for rapid access to topics or as a normal-format textbook. The series covers fundamental facets of marketing as well as addressing current topics to provide initial points of orientation for marketing professionals. 70 Marketing and Market Research This textbook is among the standard works providing a non-academic introduction to marketing. The first section deals with fundamentals, analysis and strategy and provides an overview of the marketing mix. The second section deals with market research. The work presents and explains marketing theory in a way that is comprehensible and lends itself to subsequent application. It includes several case studies that are comprehensively and systematically analyzed. This new edition is being published as part of the new series “Marketing Competence.” 4th edition 392 pages, softback 240 180 19.95 € Planning Promotional Campaigns Concept, Media and Creation This book, which is a recognized standard work in the field, deals with “advertising and promotion” as taught in many educational and institutions of further education. The volume covers all aspects of the development and realization of a promotional concept, from strategic planning to the elaboration of a media plan to the actual creation of the campaign. Relevant theoretical aspects are presented, e.g. from the field of research into market effectiveness, as well as their practical application. Each chapter includes at least one concrete, comprehensively presented case study including relevant (prototypical) market data and pointers on how a successful campaign is created. New in the fourth edition: an excursus on storytelling. 4th edition 528 pages, softback 240 272 29.95 € Social Media Marketing Analysis - Strategy - Concept – Application Published in collaboration with the Mannheim Social Media Academy This book is a compendium and an instruction manual that deals with the question of how social media can be integrated and concretely applied as an instrument in the marketing of firms. After reviewing the basic framework within which the application of social media takes place, the book moves on to present the series of necessary and typical steps taken in the concrete marketing context: the development of a strategy, planning the use of social media, implementation and the measurement of success. This is followed by a chapter addressing the integration of social media marketing in the workings of firms (ongoing process of change, hypertext organization) and a perspective on how such marketing can be further devel- oped. The discussion is concretized in the case study of a medium-sized business presented in stages throughout the book. The publication and distribution of the book is accompanied by a “Book Newsroom” on the internet that offers links, text excerpts and additional material (e.g. checklists) and which is designed to promote the development of a communicative network. Readers are thus drawn into the medium that is the subject of the book and are encouraged to explore the background to this work. 224 pages, softback 239 085 18.95 € Market Research 136 pages, softback 12.95 € 239 313 Advertising Psychology 216 pages, softback 239 221 18.95 € Storytelling 144 pages, softback 239 092 12.95 € Direct Marketing 136 pages, softback 239 290 12.95 € Guerilla Marketing 144 pages, softback 239 238 12.95 € Referral Marketing 128 pages, softback 239 283 12.95 € (Cornelsen Scriptor) new Training for Sales Success new Management Competence Long-established sales techniques are increasingly proving inadequate in winning over the client of today. Communicating effectively with decision-makers within client firms requires sellers to find ways of co-determining purchasing decisions if they are to gain a decisive advantage over their competitors. This book presents methods that enable sellers to influence and motivate decision-makers in their client firms. ■■ Everything you need to know about achieving sales success ■■ How to convince key clients – and secure high commissions ■■ Practical strategies that ensure influence over purchasing decisions The Management Competence series is comprised of training manuals and workbooks on essential aspects of business training in personnel leadership, management, project management and organization. It includes a number of works dealing specifically with these topics, and others that focus on the application of interesting and successful concepts formulated by their authors. The books in the series are written for participants in seminars and those who want to prepare for or follow up on (business) seminars and other informational presentations. They are ideally suited to integration in seminars by trainers. With this purpose in mind, they have been designed as workbooks with exercises and tasks, and are organized along clear, module-based lines. Convincing decision-makers and effective tendering 160 pages, softback 238 965 18.00 € Fast-tracking access to top decision-makers 192 pages, softback 238 415 18.00 € (Cornelsen Scriptor) Business Coaching Providing guidance for professional development and change Coaching now seems to have become the all-purpose tool for both staff and individual development. But what is really behind this enigmatic concept? What can organizations and individuals expect of coaching? This book explains the preconditions required for successful coaching, how the interplay between contractor, client and coach functions, how the coaching process unfolds in concrete terms and what tools and methods are employed. Users: Personnel managers and company managers attending relevant seminars and courses who are planning to contract out coaching programs or conduct such programs themselves; individuals undergoing coaching who wish to be able to assess it effectively as a tool. 208 pages, softback 240 227 16.95 € Leadership in practice Fundamentals and background Business success depends on motivated staff and, as a consequence, leadership is an enduring theme in the workings of every firm. This book introduces readers to well-established approaches to leadership, the methods and strategies they involve, and studies their implementation in practice. The form of presentation is aimed at the everyday experience of managers. The topics addressed include leadership competence and styles, talking to staff, agreeing on targets, motivation and delegation, assessment of achievements and potentials, the selection and integration of personnel, and particular problems such as bullying and the lack of motivation. Users: Participants in seminars and further training programs 192 pages, softback 16.95 € 240 234 (Oct. 2011) Becoming a leader Fundamentals and fields of action Taking over a leadership position is one of the key moments in any career and needs to be carefully prepared for. This book clearly presents the challenges and tasks involved and illustrates how leadership skills can be successfully and effectively applied in practice. Topics addressed include preparation in terms of qualifications for the task of leadership, the correct way to deal with superiors, new colleagues and staff members when starting out and on a day-to-day basis: the correct use of modern management strategies and techniques, and the regular self-assessment of one’s approach and actions. Users: Seminar participants, college students 176 pages, softback, CD-R 19.95 € 237 937 (Oct. 2011) (Cornelsen Scriptor) 71 Academic titles Herausgegeben von Michael Epkenhans, Jörg Hillmann und Frank Nägler Skagerrakschlacht Vorgeschichte – Ereignis – Verarbeitung Asquith Atatürk Baldwin Barlach Barth Bassermann Bell Beumelburg Bonomi Braun Brecht Bredow Briand Brockdorff-Rantzau Bruckner Brüning Carossa Chaplin Clemenceau Cohn Cuno Curtius Dawes Deterding Dietrich Dittmann Döblin Dollfuß Duesterberg Ebert Ehrhardt Eisenstein Eisner Erzberger Facta Fallada Fehrenbach Feininger Feuchtwanger Flex Flick Foch Ford Frenssen Frick Gareis Gayl Geßler Gilbert Giolitti Glaeser Göring Goering Grimm Groener Gropius Grosz Haase Harden Hartlaub Hasenclever Hauptmann Haußmann Heckel Heinze Held Helfferich Hellpach Herriot Hesse Hilferding Hindenburg Hitler Hoffmann Horthy Hugenberg Jannings Jarres Jessner Kaas v. Kahr Kaiser Kandinsky Kapp Kautsky Keil Kellogg Kerr Kirchner Klee Koeth Kokoschka Kornfeld Kortner Krause Kreuger Lampel Landsberg Lang Law Le Corbusier Lenin Liebknecht Lloyd George Löbe Löns Lossow Ludendorff Lüttwitz Luther Luxemburg MacDonald Macke Maltzan Mann Marc Marx May Mehring Meißner Mies van der Rohe Müller Murnau Mussolini Naumann Nitti Noske Orlando Pabst v. Papen Peckstein Peffer v. Salomon Pilsudki Piscator Poincaré Preuß Rathenau Reger Rehfisch Reinhardt Remarque Renn Reutter Rilke Ruttmann Salazar Schacht Scharoun Schauwecker Scheidemann Schiffer Schlange-Schöningen Schmidt-Rottluff Scholz v. Schröder v. Schubert Schumacher v. Seeckt Seisser Seldte Severing Simons Smuts Solf Stegerwald v. Sternberg Stolper Strasser Stresemann Taut Thälmann Thyssen Toller v. Unruh Wagner Wehner v. Westarp Bonomi Braun Brecht Bredow Briand Brockdorff-Rantzau Bruckner Brüning Carossa Chaplin Clemenceau Cohn Cuno Curtius Dawes Deterding Dietrich Dittmann Döblin Dollfuß Duesterberg Ebert Ehrhardt Eisenstein Eisner Erzberger Facta Fallada Fehrenbach Feininger Feuchtwanger Flex Flick Foch Ford Frenssen Frick Gareis Gayl Geßler Gilbert Giolitti Glaeser Göring Goering Grimm Groener Gropius Grosz Haase Harden Hartlaub Hasenclever Hauptmann Haußmann Heckel Heinze Held Helfferich Hellpach Herriot Hesse Hilferding Hindenburg Hitler Hoffmann Horthy Hugenberg Jannings Jarres Jessner Kaas v. Kahr Kaiser Kandinsky Kapp Kautsky Keil Kellogg Kerr Kirchner Klee Koeth Kokoschka Kornfeld Kortner Krause Eberhard Kolb Deutschland 1918–1933 Eine Geschichte der Weimarer Republik Oldenbourg Schriftenreihe des Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamtes Oldenbourg Skagerrakschlacht. Vorgeschichte – Ereignis – Verarbeitung (The Battle of Jutland. Background – Event - Aftermath) Edited by Michael Epkenhans, Jörg Hillmann and Frank Nägler The Battle of Jutland of 1916 between England and Germany was one of the biggest conventional see battles in history. It was fought with a spectacular deployment of material, but neither the course of the battle nor the undecided outcome were crucial for the conclusion of the First World War. The essays by English and German experts look at the rivalry at sea between their countries, their strategies in the First World War, their ultimate clash in the Baltic Sea and the cultures of remembrance that developed in both countries in the following decades. 2nd, rev. edition 2011. XVIII, 391 pages, numerous pictures 978-3-486-70270-5 34.80 € 72 Kaufleute, Seefahrer und Piraten im Mittelmeerraum der Neuzeit. Entgrenzende Diaspora – verbindende Imaginationen (Merchants, Sailors and Pirates in the Mediterranean in Modern Times. De-limitation through Diaspora – Association through Imaginations By Desanka Schwara, Luise Müller, Patrick Krebs, Ivo Haag, Marcel Gosteli Streets, bustling squares and imposing buildings: the harbour towns around the Mediterranean were similar in structure and colour. In these metropolises, sailors and merchants, pirates and consuls, people from all over the world met there on their search for income, adventure, and new opportunities. Even as these people were interacting with a disregard to national and political boundaries, the authors look at the aspects that connected their lives in the cities between Lisbon and Istanbul. 2011. Ca. 650 pages, 2 pictures 978-3-486-70487-7 ca. 72.80 € “Integration through Economy”. Volumes II and III will follow in 2012. 2011. Ca. 350 pages, numerous pictures 978-3-486-70418-1 ca. 39.80 € Deutschland 1918–1933. Eine Geschichte der Weimarer Republik (Germany 1918–1933. A History of the Weimar Republic) By Eberhard Kolb Eberhard Kolb is one of the foremost experts on the Weimar Republic. His compact, well-written outline of the history of the first German democracy contains the essence of his decades of research. He gives a vivid description of the beginnings of Weimar Germany in war and revolution, of the time of relative stability and the decline into the dictatorship of National Socialism. Politics, economy, and culture are all part of this essential book. 2010. X, 251 pages, 3 pictures 19.80 € 978-3-486-59760-8 All right available except: English (world) Militärgeschichte der DDR (Military History of the GDR) By Winfried Heinemann Winfried Heinemann provides us with the first concise outline of the history of the National People’s Army of the GDR. He describes its genesis and implementation into the socialist state and looks at a range of systematic topics, such as what repercussions the militarization had on politics and society of the East-German state. He is led by the question as to how far the “sovereign” GDR was able to provide for its own safety without relying on the troups the Soviet Union had stationed in East Germany. 2011. Ca. 224 pages ca. 19.80 € 978-3-486-70443-3 Europäische Erinnerungsorte Bd. I. Mythen und Grundbegriffe des europäischen Selbstverständ nisses (European Memorial Sites Vol. I. Myths and Basic Concepts of the European Self-Image) Edited by Pim den Boer, Heinz Duchhardt, Georg Kreis, Wolfgang Schmale Are there European memorial sites, reference points of the collective memory that created or amplified a sense of European identity in the whole of Europe, or at least in large parts of its society? Experts from 15 different European countries, from the USA and Israel have written essays about topics such as “Europe as a concept” • “European Culture” • “Classical Antiquity” • “Christianity”• “Judaism”• “Islam” • “Humanism”• “Human Rights”• “Points of the Compass”• “Borders”• “Visions of Peace”• Der Sozialstaat. Entstehung und Entwicklung im internationalen Vergleich (The Welfare State. Genesis and Development in an International Perspective) By Gerhard A. Ritter In the third edition of his benchmark book, Gerhard A. Ritter has updated his survey of the welfare state to the present. His book compares the history of public welfare in Germany, Great Britain, France, Scandinavia, the USA, and Japan from its roots in early modern times. Its further development between industrialisation, changes in society and political upheavals explains why public welfare has different characteristics throughout the world. 3rd edition 2010. XII, 281 pages 49.80 € 978-3-486-59817-9 (Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag) International Newsletter Learn more about the Cornelsen Publishing Group and developments in the educational market Our biannual International Newsletter provides information about the Cornelsen Publishing Group, about current publications from Cornelsen and developments in the educational market. With this newsletter we would also like to provide a forum for those readers who wish to exchange ideas and to discuss their experience of using our books. Our International Newsletter is available in a German–English edition. If you would like to be informed regularly about the latest developments in our group and in education, we would be pleased to include you in our mailing list. Please send an email with your contact details to You also have the possibility to have a look at the International Newsletter on our website: There you will also find an archive of former newsletters. FOCUS FOCUS Language Learning – easier than ever with Lextra! Lextra – our portfolio for language learners – offers a wide range of components with something for every type of learner. From language courses and dictionaries to grammar and reading materials, Lextra offers a wide range of products covering every need. Language Courses: Premium Language Courses Premium Language Courses provide learners with a comprehensive learning package. These courses are aimed at beginners or false beginners who wish to learn a language intensively and each course leads to CEF level B1. The course books offer a variety of exercises and a short grammar overview as well as personal tests to check and consolidate what has been learned. The reader which accompanies each course is ideal to take along when travelling. Here learners can find dialogues from an ongoing story, along with an appropriate translation. The audio material accompanying the courses is particularly large and varied, comprising a total of 400 minutes of practice material as well as the complete reader as an audio book. Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish to-date. Correct pronunciation and intonation can be practised using the accompanying 140 minutes of audio material. Languages: Chinese, Japanese (September 2011) Turbo courses The Lextra Turbo courses are just the right language courses for learning or brushing up on a language – perfect for anyone who is busy and has little time to spare. Each lesson takes no longer than twenty minutes and provides a clearly-defined and complete learning unit. This means fast learning and each lesson provides an immediate sense of achievement. With these courses and the accompanying CDs, learners can internalise expressions for important situations and important travel vocabulary. Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Greek Dictionaries and Vocabulary: Large Subject Dictionaries The large Subject Dictionaries are – in contrast to the alphabetical sequencing of traditional dictionaries – Language Courses plus Language Courses plus enable learners to gain a quick grasp of the basics of a new language, even if they have no prior knowledge. The systematically-organised vocabulary and grammar exercises lead to CEF level A2. Learners practice of the language using realistic situations and the cultural and social background information is also fully up- 8 Cornelsen International Newsletter 1/2011 arranged according to topics and subject areas. Chapters such as In the Restaurant, Food and Drink, Health and Sickness and Sport present the typical vocabulary in each subject area. In addition, learners can find examples of language in use, based on genuine situations, which demonstrate how the vocabulary is used in context. Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian Chinese Learning Dictionary Learners can use this Learning Dictionary to reference the vocabulary required for the HSK Chinese Language Examinations (Elementary and Intermediate Levels) – in total approx. 8,500 entries, expressions and example sentences as well as 1,800 characters. It contains information and explanations on language usage, help in interpreting meaning and advice on grammar. Basic and Follow-on Vocabulary plus Practice Book The bilingual Learning Dictionaries (CEF levels A1B2) were compiled using the latest lexis corpora and contain the 4,000 most common words in thematic fields, including a translation and an example sentence for each entry. They thus form an efficient tool for everyone who wants to brush up on or expand their vocabulary, or to revise for examinations. A register at the end of each book lists all of the key words in alphabetical order. The Practice Books consolidate the most important words on each topic in manageable portions and also offer tips on effective vocabulary learning. The Practice Books are designed to complement the Learning Dictionaries fully. Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish Sprachenlernen – mit Lextra einfach wie nie zuvor! Lextra – unser Portfolio für Sprachenlerner hält eine Vielzahl von Angeboten – für jeden Lernertyp passend – bereit. Ob Sprachkurs, Wörterbuch, Grammatik oder Lektüren – Lextra bietet eine breite Auswahl für jeden Anspruch. Sprachkurse: Premium-Sprachkurs Lerner finden mit den Sprachkursen Premium ein umfassendes Lernangebot. Sie richten sich an Anfänger wie leicht Fortgeschrittene, die sich intensiv mit einer Sprache beschäftigen wollen. Jeder Kurs führt zum Niveau B1. Das Lernbuch bietet abwechslungsreiche Übungen, eine kurze Grammatik sowie Selbsttests zur Festigung und Überprüfung des Gelernten. Ideal für unterwegs ist das Lesebuch: Hier finden Lerner Dialoge einer fortlaufenden Geschichte mit der entsprechenden Übersetzung. Besonders umfangreich ist das Audio-Material, das insgesamt 400 Minuten Übungsmaterial sowie das komplette Lesebuch als Hörbuch umfasst. Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch Sprachkurs plus Auch ohne jede Vorkenntnisse ermöglicht der Sprachkurs plus einen schnellen Einstieg in die Sprache. Die systematisch aufgebauten Übungen zu Wortschatz und Grammatik führen zum Niveau A2. Die Lerner üben anhand realistischer Situationen, ebenso sind die interkulturellen und landeskundlichen Informationen topaktuell. Aussprache und korrekte Betonung können mit 140 Minuten Audiomaterial geübt werden. Sprachen: Chinesisch, Japanisch (September 2011) Turbokurs Die Lextra Turbokurse sind die passenden Sprachkurse zum Lernen oder Auffrischen einer Sprache – genau richtig für alle, die viel beschäftigt sind und wenig Zeit haben. Jede Lektion erfordert nicht mehr als 20 Minuten und bietet eine klar definierte und in sich abgeschlossene Lerneinheit. So lernt man schnell, und jede Lektion vermittelt ein sofortiges Erfolgserlebnis. Mit diesen Kursen und den beiliegenden CDs verinnerlichen die Lerner Redewendungen für die wichtigsten Situationen und wichtiges Reisevokabular. Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Türkisch, Griechisch Wörterbücher und Vokabular: Großes Themen-Wörterbuch Die großen Themen-Wörterbücher sind – im Gegensatz zum alphabetischen Aufbau traditioneller Wörterbücher - thematisch und nach Sachgebieten geordnet. Kapitel wie Im Restaurant, Speisen und Getränke, Gesundheit und Krankheit oder Sport präsentieren den jeweils typischen Wortschatz. Darüber hinaus finden die Lerner noch typische, auf konkrete Redeanlässe bezogene Beispiele, die zeigen, wie man ein Wort erfolgreich anwendet. Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch Lernwörterbuch Chinesisch Mit diesem Lernwörterbuch kann der Lerner den Wortschatz des HSK-Abschlusses (Grund- und Aufbauwortschatz) nachschlagen - insgesamt ca. 8.500 Einträge, Wendungen und Beispielsätze sowie 1.800 Schriftzeichen. Es enthält Informationen und Erläuterungen zur Sprachanwendung, Hilfen zur Bedeutungsunterscheidung und grammatische Hinweise. Grund- und Aufbauwortschatz sowie Übungsbuch Die zweisprachigen Lernwörterbücher (Niveaustufen A1-B2) verzeichnen auf der Grundlage neuester Wortschatzdatenbanken die 4.000 häufigsten Wörter in thematischen Feldern, inklusive Übersetzung und einem Beispielsatz zu jedem Eintrag. Sie sind somit ein effizientes Werkzeug für alle, die ihren Wortschatz auffrischen, erweitern oder sich auf Prüfungen vorbereiten möchten. Ein Register am Ende der Bücher listet alle Stichwörter alphabe- Cornelsen International Newsletter 1/2011 9 Teachers’ Bookstore spotlight new The Whiteboard in the Classroom and How to Use It A practical guidebook and methodological compendium By Sina Müller Is the interactive whiteboard in your classroom simply a “white panel” with which you don’t really know what to do? Then this guidebook is for you. It shows all those who want or need to use a whiteboard in their lessons how it can be a useful teaching instrument and how to structure lessons that do not only involve standing in front of the class. How and to what purpose can I use the whiteboard? Why should I use the whiteboard at all? What kind of problems can I expect and how can I avoid them to ensure that I remain an effective teacher and facilitator in my classroom? All these questions are answered clearly with the help of numerous screenshots and practical examples. This practical aid is completed by a compilation of methods on the use of the whiteboard that are structured in terms of lesson phases. The book thus provides users with a comprehensive overview and reveals that the whiteboard really isn’t all that mysterious after all. The Whiteboard in the Classroom and How to Use It 96 pages, softback 9483460901 14.90 € (Verlag an der Ruhr) 74 What Is Good Teaching? By H. Meyer The book provides a framework for evaluating teaching, while it also introduces the latest research to monitor and further develop skills. With the help of the criteria established by Meyer, teachers can achieve demonstrable improvements in their students’ learning performance and social and methodological skills. Topics include: ■ Ten features of good teaching. ■ Theoretical framework for establishing quality criteria. ■ Improving your own teaching. ■ From good teaching to a good school. ■ The professionalism of the teaching trade. Since 1975 Hilbert Meyer has been Professor of Educational Theory at the Carl von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg. He is known for his many publications on general didactics and teaching methodology. 192 pages softback, numerous illustrations 220 473 17.50 € Further Hilbert Meyer titles: Didactic Models 215 666 20.50 € Guidelines for lesson preparation 224 586 16.50 € Teaching Methods 1 – Theory 208 503 19,50 € Teaching Methods 2 – Practice 208 511 20,50 € new Guidelines for Teachers Working in Elementary Education By H. Meyer, C. Walter-Laager How are good lessons designed? What do pupils and students want from their teachers? These key questions lie at the heart of this book, which is specially tailored to elementary education. The book focuses on fundamental methods and on how to structure varied, stimulating, distinctive and effective lessons. The most important approaches in the field are presented, explained with the help of numerous examples, overviews and illustrations, and supplemented with a series of questions for readers to reflect on. The book also addresses the topics of “professionalization” and the utilization of textbooks in lessons. This is the first handbook specifically tailored to the needs of teachers working in the elementary field. It will prove particularly valuable for those who are beginning their careers and seeking to invest their teaching with a solid foundation, but also offers benefits for “old hands.” Approx. 112 pages, softback 246 298 (Feb. 2012) (Cornelsen Scriptor) ca. 12.95 € new How Pupils Think Far too little attention is paid to the basic fact that pupils and teachers think differently. As a result many teachers still tend to project their own way of thinking onto their pupils. They assume that, when dealing with problems, pupils are just as open to rational thought processes as their adult instructors. However, what may appear irrational in pupils’ behavior becomes understandable with a change of perspective. In a figurative sense, this book provides “scans” of a pupil’s brain. The most important school situations are illuminated in 45 such figurative “scans” associated with cognitive and social learning. Key factors here are: stress in particular situations and the make-up of the group that assesses individual behavior. Put simply, in this context intelligence tends to take a back seat to genetic and emotional factors and immediately available solutions to problems. This book discusses subjects such as imitative learning, mirror neurons and new trends in neuro-enhancement. However, these and other concepts from the fields of psychology, brain research and game theory are dealt with in a way that is not only clear but, above all, closely related to the practical context. This alternative perspective represents an extremely valuable aid to educators who want to identify areas where productive changes can be made. 176 pages, softback 232 895 19.50 € (Cornelsen Scriptor) (Cornelsen Scriptor) All rights available except: Denmark, Croatia, China, Japan, Korea 75 Teacher’s Bookstore new Everyone can show civil courage! A training manual for schools and youth work By Jörg Kowalczyk, Dieter Lünse, Katty Nöllenburg, Florian Wanke We are now regularly seeing headlines about violent attacks – such as incidents in the German underground and overground rail systems, in schools and the workplace. How can courage be taught? Can civil courage be cultivated through training? And how can we prepare ourselves for these uncertain situations? The team of authors from the Institute for Constructive Conflictive Resolution and Mediation (IKM) shows how this topic can be approached with young people. Numerous, varied practical exercises are provided that help young people to assess and deal with conflict situations appropriately. These exercises explore the basis of fear, delineate the relationship between power and powerlessness and investigate opinions on violence and aggression. The exercises can be deployed in modules or as elements in a systematic training program. Clear descriptions of how the exercises are structured, time specifications and learning goals help users to make the appropriate selection. Young people can thus be provided with targeted training with the aim of cultivating civil courage – and can learn to intervene rather than merely look away. 156 pages, softback 19.80 € 9 400 060 813 (Verlag an der Ruhr) new Violence Prevention Violence in schools is no longer being hushed up. Calling the police in such situations is no longer frowned upon, and schools, police and youth welfare services are working together ever more intensively. Strategies for dealing with violence are many and varied, and programs are constantly being developed in order to make them more effective. Headings such as Effective Measures, Implementer Competencies, Checklists for Conditions Influencing Success and Inhibitory Factors guide users through the prevention and intervention programs that are presented in this book. The delineation of prevention programs includes a presentation of the Buddy and Lions Quest programs, which are designed to promote peer group education and social competencies. In this context theater work is used to facilitate a physical, emotional and creative approach. The Prevention in Teams (PiT) program teaches young people to deal with violence in public space. The intervention programs are orientated to schools endeavoring to make fundamental changes following incidents of violence and/or in a school climate dominated by violence. Key concepts here are the anti-bullying program, mediation and arbitration, the “no blame approach” as a strategy to deal with bullying and cyberbullying. The book also discusses crisis situations such as school massacres and suicides. 160 pages, softback 232 918 (Cornelsen Scriptor) 19.50 € new Fundamentals of Vocational Learning and Teaching – 4th Edition By B. Ott Changes in the demands of our job markets have led to significant changes in the nature of vocational teaching and learning. In its fourth edition, this book takes these changes into account. It summarizes the theories currently dominating this field and provides a concise and striking account of how learning can be optimally designed in the context of education and further education to meet these changing demands. Above all, the book is directed at those engaged in the field of vocational education, in particular students, student teachers, teachers, mentors, heads of departments and lecturers, planners and managers in associations, urban authorities and training departments and working educators. The book takes a holistic approach to learning. The discussion is structured around twelve aspects, each of which corresponds to a particular chapter and which are dealt with in relation to all types of learning locations: ■■ Learning, education theory ■■ Learning psychology, group dynamics, motivation ■■ General didactics and (examples of) the teaching of technical subjects ■■ Methodology, target planning ■■ Lesson implementation, implementation of educational programs ■■ Assessment 264 pages, softback 239 177 (Cornelsen Scriptor) 76 23.50 € Cornelsen International If you would like to receive further information, reading copies or in case you have general requests, please feel free to get in touch with us Mr. Vicente Arioli Ms. Anne Fuchs Mr. Ulf Steinhagen Multimedia Development´ German as a Foreign Language and International Booktrade Head of International Marketing and Sales Tel: +49-30-897 85-532 Fax: +49-30-897 85-499 mail to:anne.fuchs@ Tel: +49 30 897 85-449 Fax: +49 30 897 85-277 mail to:ulf.steinhagen@ Tel: +49 30 897 85-467 Fax: +49 30 897 85-97 467 mail to: Mr. Holger Behm Head of International Relations and Foreign Rights Tel: +49-30-897 85-341 Fax: +49-30-897 85-658 mail to: Ms. Friederike Obermeier German as a Foreign Language and International Booktrade Tel: +49-30-897 85-8099 Fax: +49-30-897 85-277 mail to:friederike.obermeier@ Ms. Martina Bartucz Consultant for German as a Foreign Language Tel: +49-30-897 85-465 Fax: +49-30-897 85-277 mail to: Ms. Kristin Kupsch Mr. Karsten Ermlich Mr. Martin Fielko International Relations and Foreign Rights Consultant for German as a Foreign Language International Relations and Foreign Rights Tel: +49-30-897 85-380 Fax: +49-30-897 85-658 mail to: Tel: +49-30-897 85 758 Fax: +49-30-897 85 277 mail to:karsten.ermlich@ Tel: +49-30-897 85-560 Fax: +49-30-897 85-658 mail to: Kindergarten new Doing Away with Anger 101 games promoting conflict resolution and emotional control By P. Bartoli y Eckert, E. Tsalos Fits of rage, tantrums, whining marathons – anyone who has worked in a kindergarten will be more than familiar with such assaults by rage vampires and defiance demons. This book offers numerous games designed to counter attacks of rage and teach children to act out waves of emotion in a non-violent and constructive way. Whether by pressing out anger with a scrunch ball or using a breathing exercise to blow away rage – these simple game ideas provide children with a small and immediate aid that they can use when they feel the next wave of emotion swelling up. The games can be used repeatedly at regular intervals and can often help to hinder the eruptions of rumbling rage volcanoes. In addition, they provide a playful way of promoting children’s emotional competence. The secret recipe is taking power instead of getting sour! 112 pages, softback 9 400 060 830 (Verlag an der Ruhr) 15.80 € new 101 Movement Games Five-minute ideas for letting off steam and relaxing in kindergarten By J. Bläsius From table gymnasts to corner snorers – all of them need a lot of opportunities to move about, some in order to express their irrepressible urge to move, others in order to get moving at all. These simple fiveminute games for occasional use can help you bring movement into your everyday kindergarten schedule. Whether during the morning gathering or before lunch, after clearing up, outside in the playground or in the gymnastics hall – these small games can be integrated everywhere without requiring any complicated materials and they promote concentration, wellbeing and children’s motor skills. Use them to structure small but effective movement breaks to help cultivate more balanced chair-bouncers and more animated mid-lesson snoozers. 116 pages, softback 9 400 060 816 (Verlag an der Ruhr) 14.80 € new Wolle, the little brown bear By E. Schmitz, with drawings by H. Niklaus Language training works best when it’s a lot of fun. The story of the little brown bear Wolle encourages active participation by children from 2 years of age. The texts are constantly accompanied by movements, gestures and noises, and in the process promote oral motor skills, language comprehension and the capacity to listen. The book does not require extensive preparation by educators: once they are familiar with the concept, they can simply open the book, start reading and enable the children to experience a small adventure with Wolle. In addition to numerous tips on how to use the book, users are provided with information about the value of the activities involved. The story of the little bear is continued in the volumes “Wolle and the Pirates” and “Wolle’s Christmas Dream” – which are aimed at children from 3 to 6 years of age. The focus here is on the promotion of phonological awareness. All the volumes are suitable both for groups of children and individuals and offer a range of ideas for educators, parents, child care workers and all those interested in cultivating children’s comprehension and speaking skills. 36 pages, hardback, numerous illustrations 14.90 € 247 165 (Cornelsen Scriptor) 78 new Seeing, Feeling, Tasting – Discovering the World By P. Thiesen Perception games, physical exercises and psychomotor movement help refine the senses, promote intellectual and emotional development, offer surprises and enhance the feeling of living in an atmosphere of fun and enjoyable cooperation. They help children continually to improve their perceptual skills and to stabilize their imaginative worlds. The book provides 200 ideas for games that stimulate children’s joy of discovery and awaken their senses: from “Photo Safari” to “Water Sounds” to “Tree Contacts.” The exercises involved can help prevent and counter widespread perceptual disturbances. Particular emphasis is placed on a child’s need to be active, and learning is encouraged in a playful and extremely enjoyable way. Whether for indoors or outdoors, situations that are calm or noisy, short breaks or a whole morning – this book guarantees educators a wealth of appropriate ideas for games and stimulation for children between 3 and 10 years of age. 192 pages, softback 247 219 (Cornelsen Scriptor) 15.95 € new Arranging Nursery School and Kindergarten interiors and playgrounds The learning environment is often considered as important as education itself. These books demonstrate how subtle changes in the arrangement of nursery school and kindergarten interiors and grounds can achieve great effects. The aim is to create a pedagogical learning environment that encourages discoveries and invites everyone to play, to enjoy themselves, or to relax. The books offer hands-on and low-budget ideas as well as practical instruction – both for small and for complete rearrangements of interiors and exterior areas. The German standard books of interior and playground design in nursery schools and kindergarten. Arranging Nursery School and Kindergarten interiors (Spielbudenzauber) By U. Bendt, C. Erler 128 pages, softback 9 400 060 636 20.50 € Arranging Nursery School and Kindergarten playgrounds (Spielwiesenzauber) By M. Godau 104 pages, softback 9 400 060 720 20.50 € (Verlag an der Ruhr) new Playing with Children under 3 By A. Bostelmann This book is a reminder of something on which scientists have agreed for a long time: playing is by far the most important form of learning for children. We merely need to provide them with the appropriate equipment and show them how to use these materials properly. This allows children, for example, to explore the natural laws governing free fall by dropping dice and allowing sand to trickle through his fingers, or, by leaping into the air, to realize that, in the end, they always land on the ground again. When they put together jigsaw puzzles or assemble building blocks, they learn how new structures emerge from individual parts that can be constantly changed or destroyed. In roleplays children reproduce scenes from the adult world and find out why we behave as we do. This book explains how you can create these and other play situations, precisely what children learn from them and how you can make appropriate tools for play from simple materials. Make playing an everyday experience of discovery for yourself and the children under your care! 104 pages, softback 9 400 060 603 19.80 € (Verlag an der Ruhr) 79 notes 80 NOTES People to contact Holger Behm Head of international Relations and Foreign Rights Phone +49-30-897 85 341 +49-30-897 85 658 Fax e-mail Kristin Kupsch Foreign Rights Manager Phone +49-30-897 85 380 Fax +49-30-897 85 658 e-mail Martin Fielko Foreign Rights Manager Phone +49-30-897 85 560 Fax +49-30-897 85 658 e-mail Cornelsen Verlag Mecklenburgische Straße 53 14197 Berlin Germany Cornelsen online Postal Address: D-14328 Berlin Cornelsen is the German member of the European Educational Publishers Group Preisangaben in € (D), Stand: 01.06.2011 Umschlagfotos: Michael Miethe L Umweltschonend hergestellt aus chlorfrei gebleichten Faserstoffen P932745 10.11