January-April 2014 - California State Old Time Fiddlers Association
January-April 2014 - California State Old Time Fiddlers Association
Old Time Fiddlers District 8 Newsletter Perpetuating fiddling as an art form and cultural treasure Vol. 3 Issue 1 Visit us on the web at www.calfiddlers.com PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Hello all and Happy New Year, Looking back, the year flew by. The Fiddlers have much to be grateful for. We had many members support the organization by volunteering, financially thru donations and by showing support in the audience. Those of you who were not able to attend the Christmas Dinner, our Treasurer Sid Brown gave the annual financial report, which indicated a good year of income thru “Gigs”, the BBQ and personal donations. We had a nice increase in membership since December of 2012. The Christmas Dinner also included some special guests a String Ensemble of Our Lady of Assumption Church in Ventura playing Classical Christmas music. We installed the new District 8 officers for the 2014 term. Greg Marks stepped down as an Advisor but Sam Martin will be filling the vacated position. The new officers are as follows: President: Joe Johnson VicePresident: Ray Magee Secretary: Mary Brodey Treasurer: Sidney Brown Membership Secretary: Merrilyn Lemons Editor: Dave Gehr State Director: Joe Hunsinger Advisors: Dick Lemons, Sus Corez, San Lee, and Sam Martin Events The annual California State Old Time Fiddlers Association Open Fiddle and Picking Championships were held in Oroville California. March 13 16. Lively hoedown tunes and smooth waltzes sailed on the breeze as musicians from all over California gathered for the 48th annual Open California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 JanApr 2014 Fiddle Championship and Picking Contest at the Municipal Auditorium in Oroville. Joe Johnson and Joe & Luana Hunsinger were in attendance. Julian Family Fiddle Camp (East San Diego County) April 9 13. CSOTFA District 8 offered two (2) scholarships to attend the camp. Scholarship award is $580.00 each, which includes room and board, lessons for fiddle, mandolin, guitar, banjo, bass and flat foot dancing. Evenings include jamming, performances and contra dancing. Scholarships were awarded to Audrey CurtisAbbe (beginning banjo ) and Sue Cooper (beginning fiddle). Congratulations to both and looking forward to hearing about your experience. Something new at the regular meetings: Patio vs. Kunkle room for jamming areas – we will be designating the Kunkle room for Old Time and Bluegrass music only. If you wish participate or listen, please join in. Raffle – we will be trying a new raffle by providing items win. Reminder Music tone being set – remember the type of music we are trying to promote, Old Time, Bluegrass, Traditional Country and personally written works. Although most of us appreciate pop music, it has no place at our meetings. Please use some discretion when performing on stage in deciding what type of music would be appropriate. Thanks for your support and see you at the meetings. Joe Johnson, President page 1 CHAPLAIN'S CORNER CHRISTMAS DINNER PHOTOS by Marlene Nord Courtesy of Tim Nafziger Happy New Year greetings to one and all! Hasn't it been a super duper music and fun filled year? My contrubution this month will be short, but straight from my heart! My prayer is for each of you to have an even cooler and memorable year, packed full of rich blessings. As for us collective Fiddler folks, I look forward to many more hours of melodies, munching and many strong friendships. May God fill your hearts with joy and peace in 2014! Warmest regards, Mar, the Chaplain GOING LIKE JESUS DID An old preacher was dying. He sent a message for his doctor and his lawyer, both church members, to come to his home. When they arrived, they were ushered up to his bedroom. As they entered the room the preacher held out his hands and motioned for them to sit, one on each side of his bed. The preacher grasped their hands, sighed contentedly, smiled and stared at the ceiling. Junior member Audrey Abbe performing at the Christmas Dinner. Good job Audrey! For a time, no one said anything. Both the doctor and lawyer were touched and flattered that the preacher would ask them to be with him during his final moments. They were also puzzled; the preacher had never given them any indication that he particularly liked either of them. They both remembered his many long, uncomfortable sermons about greed, covetousness and avaricious behavior that made them squirm in their seats. Sus Corez with Gordon, Leon and Dave Finally, the doctor said, "Preacher, why did you ask us to come?" The old preacher mustered up his strength, then said weakly, "Jesus died between two thieves; and that's how I want to go." California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 www.calfiddlers.com page 2 Bob Bueling and Charletta Erb entertaining Darryl gettin' a bit wild with Claudia String Ensemble Our Lady of Assumption Church featuring member Elaine Kenton Jane and Ruth doing a little boot scootin' FIDDLE LESSONS Leon Copass, Gordon Roberts and Ray Magee Bill Severance with Ray Magee California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 www.calfiddlers.com Charletta Erb tel: 8056137668 | 3125057460 email: charlettaerb@gmail.com web: charfiddle.com page 3 IT'S A BOY! HUFFMAN AWARD Joyce Chapman is now a greatgrandma! Wyatt Ben Airton (named after his greatgrandpa, Ben Chapman) was born January 28 in South Africa. He weighed in at 6 lbs 4 oz. Mommy, Daddy, and little Wyatt Ben are all doing well. Dianna Brown, recipient of the 2013 Huffman Award for outstanding dedication and service to District 8. Dianna, you're very much appreciated. Thank you for all your hard work! GET WELL LEON Leon Copass is recovering from a broken hip suffered as a result of a fall. While he recuperates, Leon is staying at the Glenwood Care Center in Oxnard. Please take a moment to send get well wishes to Leon and Sherry as they get through this difficult time. Leon, we miss you and hope to see you back on stage real soon. The Panhandlers just ain't the same without you! California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 www.calfiddlers.com page 4 GIGS December 18, 2013 at Sterling Hills Sam and Don Martin, Marlene Nord, and Sus Corez performed for the Dog Fancier's Club at the Sterling Hills Golf Course Clubhouse in Camarillo. FROM THE EDITOR When everything seems to be happening at once in your life, there's one expression that you're likely to hear from friends and family: When it rains, it pours. It's that expression that allows us to say something when there's really nothing else to say. It helps us make sense of a string of bad luck. And we all say it. Our mothers say it, our grandmothers say it, even song lyrics say it. But where did that expression come from? In 1911, the company had started adding magnesium carbonate, an anticaking agent, to salt; this allowed it to pour freely. (Morton Salt now uses calcium silicate.) Before that addition, salt would clump if the weather wasn't agreeable. The company wanted to emphasize the idea that this salt would pour freely, even in damp weather. The famous umbrella girl was the first idea decided upon, and from there the team worked on coming up with the copy. The original pitch was "Even in rainy weather, it flows freely," but they found that too long and clunky. They tried the old proverb, "It never rains, but it pours," but found it too negative. And, just like Goldilocks and the three bears, they eventually found one that was just right: "When it rains, it pours." Since 1914, the slogan and the girl (both company trademarks) have been pasted on their salt product and sold all across America. So what do this have to do with the Hoedown Lowdown? Well, you may have noticed by now that the JanuaryFebruary 2014 edition didn't appear in your email, postal mail, or on newstands anywhere. Despite the lack of appreciable rain in California, my small slice of the the state saw fit to make me the recipient of numerous downpours. Without going into details, I believe the storm has moved on, leaving sunny weather in the forecast for the foreseeable future. No more "when it rains, it pours" in my forecast, which means that newsletters should henceforth be completed in a timely manner. Its origin comes from a fairly unlikely place: the Morton Salt Company. Yep, that's right. That expression which you use at least a handful of times a month was developed by ad execs in the early 1900s to sell salt. It's still, to this day, one of the most successful and lasting ideas to originate in those early days of advertising. The Morton Salt Company was looking for a way to promote its new product, a freeflowing table salt. The product it was selling then looks nearly the same today, a blue cylindrical tube of freerunning table salt with a handy pouring spout (a patent of the company's) seen in almost all kitchens across the country. California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 www.calfiddlers.com page 5 California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 www.calfiddlers.com page 6 PROSPECTIVE GIG MUSICIANS Are you interested in playing with fellow fiddlers? The outside gigs we play are the main source of funding for our organization. Not only do you get to have fun playing music and making people happy, but you'll be helping the Old TIme Fiddlers by generating income. Fill out the form below and return it to President Joe Johnson... you'll be glad you did. MUSICIAN INFORMATION Name: Phone: City of residence: Availability for Performances: (check all that apply) □ Week days □ Weekends □ Evenings □ Any time □ Before dark Preferred travel distance: (please check all that apply) □ Within ten miles □ Within 25 miles □ Anywhere Please list the instrument(s) you play: Do you have a sound system? □ Yes □ No Do you feel comfortable leading a band? □ Yes □ No What type of music do you fill most comfortable playing? California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 www.calfiddlers.com page 7 California State Old Time Fiddlers Association District 8 Membership Application New Member Application __________ Date _________ ** Renewal Application ____________ Due Date ____________ Change of Address ____________ You may pay your dues at any regular meeting or by completing this form and mailing it to: CSOTFA Merrilyn Lemons, 6108 Woodland View Dr., Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Make checks payable to: C.S.O.T.F.A. District 8 Adults: $14.00 Married Couples: $16.00 Junior Members: $2.00 (under 18)** **(Junior membership must be accompanied by an Adult membership) I pledge that as a member of C.S.O.T.F.A., I agree to abide by and uphold the bylaws and rules of the Association and ever to remember its purpose: "To Preserve and Perpetuate Authentic Old Time Music" Name____________________________ Signature ____________________________ Birthdate __________ Spouse ___________________________ Signature ____________________________ Birthdate __________ Address ________________________________ City & State _________________________ Zip __________ Phone _________________________________ Jr. Member ____________________ Birthdate ____________ Email Address ___________________________________________________________________ ** Renewal dues must be paid within 30 days of the month due or membership will be dropped. March Dues May Dues Lou & BJ Adams Stanley Chin Barbara Flynn & Michal Martin Flynn Lee Johnsen David Roine Ron & Linda Sexton Fred Davis Lawrence & Beverly Fiery Ray Lucy Vince & Jill Pierse April Dues Bob & Karen Bueling Caroline Good Lani Keener Jeri Lee Gayel Pitchford Tim Smith WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Robbie Sheppard Steven Welborn Jim & Ann Kosinski Nina LoCelso Allen Pollock Mark Danch Jim & Dana Sjoblom Karen Banfield Tom & Patricia Kuhn Bill & Judith Ann Braconi Sue Cooper Caroline Sanders The Hoedown Lowdown is published bimonthly for the District 8 Old Time Fiddlers Association by David Gehr, Editor, email: davegehr@gmail.com, and is provided to our dues paying members. The California State Old Time Fiddlers Association is a volunteer based, nonprofit organization. California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 www.calfiddlers.com page 8 California State Old Time Fiddlers Association P.O. Box 1522 Oak View, Ca 930221522 HoedownLowdown is published bimonthly by the California State Old Time Fiddlers Association District 8 Old Time Fiddlers District 8 Newsletter January-April 201 4 HOEDOWNLOWDOWN Sunday, March 23 Regular jam session Fiddler meetings are 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month (except Dec.) 1:30 to 4:30 pm Oak View Community Center, 18 Valley Rd., Oak View, CA Sunday, April 13 Regular jam session For more information, please contact: Sunday, April 27 Regular jam session President: Joe Johnson Sunday, May 11 Regular jam session (805)7650241 jskcmrjohnson@gmail.com • Fiddlers Calendar • — 2014 — Sunday, May 25 Regular jam session VicePresident: Ray Magee (805)6469892 raymondpmagee@aol.com Advisor: Dick Lemons (818)9925801 rlemons@socal.rr.com Editor: David Gehr (805)6495203 davegehr@gmail.com
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