July-August 2014 - California State Old Time Fiddlers Association


July-August 2014 - California State Old Time Fiddlers Association
Old Time Fiddlers District 8 Newsletter
Perpetuating fiddling as an art form and cultural treasure
Vol. 3 Issue 4
Visit us on the web at www.calfiddlers.com
July­Aug 2014
• Events:
Annual Fiddlers BBQ ­ Sept. 28
Waltz Day ­ Oct. 12th.
Hello all,
At the time of this letter we just finished with the
City of Ojai 4th of July parade. It gives me great
pleasure to report we won the Judges Sweepstake
Trophy. I think I speak for all the people who rode in
the CSOTFA entry that we had a good time and the
crowd did as well judging by all the clapping,
singing and dancing. I would like to thank Ray
Magee for his artistic genius in the design of the
float and for the many hours he put into the building
of the trailer and truck. I would also like to thank
Elaine Ferguson for making the Grandma sitting on
the roof of the truck. We got a lot of comments
about her. There were lots of pictures taken and
can be seen in this newsletter or our District 8
The Board has decided to dedicate October 12 to
be themed around waltzes. We are requesting that
all the players who sign up to perform play at least
one (1) waltz during their three (3) song set. If you
have friends that belong to a dance club, or who
just like to dance, let them know about it.
• Health and Welfare:
Our Emcee Dick Lemons is recovering after some
rather lengthy surgery to correct some issues with
his back. He's now at home and being cared for by
Merrilyn while an infection is being dealt with.
Leon Copass had another fall and is back in the
hospital with two (2) broken vertebrae in the neck.
He will be recovering with physical therapy at St.
Johns Hospital.
Long time member of the CSOTFA Districts 8 and 2
Ray Shirley passed away at 90 years old. Ray was
involved for many years with Fiddlers and was a
long time Fiddle Contest Judge.
Looking forward to seeing you at the meetings,
Joe Johnson
Sid and Diana Brown have been on vacation for the
last month and I would like to thank the ladies who
stepped to take Diana’s place with the kitchen
responsibilities. They include Polly Gehr, Elaine
Ferguson, Merrilyn Lemons, San Lee and Jane
Wortman. Great job ladies!
One last thanks goes out to all the generous people
who donated to the raffle basket. San Lee has
made the last two and if anyone else would like to
show off their Martha Stewart skills let us know.
Elaine Ferguson's "Grandma" atop the float vehicle
California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8
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Participating on the float were Audrey Abby, Sus
Corez, Dave & Polly Gehr, Joe Hunsinger, Joe
Johnson, Sara Kalmenson, Dale & Kerri Climer,
Ray Magee, Frank McCormick, Grady Nalley, Robbi
Sheppard, and Steve Welborn.
Ray Magee posing with the float as final
preparations are made before the parade starts
For the first time in more than 20 years, the District
8 Fiddlers entered a float in Ojai's 4th of July
Parade. The float was decorated in a theme
reminiscent of the "Grapes of Wrath" and sported a
working windmill fabricated by Ray Magee. In
addition to all the decorations, an amplified sound
system powered by deep cycle marine batteries
provided enough sound to get the parade audience
clapping in time with the music as we passed by.
The Fiddlers musicians rocked downtown Ojai with
the music of our country's heritage, enough so that
our float was awarded the Sweepstakes Best in
Parade trophy. How great is that!
California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 ­ www.calfiddlers.com
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FIDDLERS WIN (cont...)
The parade judges weighing their decisions
Musicians in the float in line awaiting the "go" signal
The Fiddlers playing to the crowd
Approaching downtown Ojai ­ the music is great!
A huge crowd cheers on the Fiddlers float
Front l to r: Sus Corez, Kerry Climer, Grady Nalley,
Audrey Abbe, Joe Hunsinger
Back l to r: Ray Magee, Frank McCormick, Steve
Welborn, Dale Climer, Joe Johnson
California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 ­ www.calfiddlers.com
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by Marlene Nord
A fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her
class to look
At TV commercials and see if they could use them
in 20 ways
To communicate ideas about God.
Here are some of the results:
God is like.
He works miracles.
God is like.
He's got a better idea..
God is like.
He's the real thing.
God is like.
He cares enough to send His very best.
God is like.
He gets the stains out others leave behind. ...
God is like.
He brings good things to life.
God is like.
He has everything..
God is like.
Try Him, you'll like Him
God is like.
You can't see Him, but you know He's there.
God is like..
He's ready when you are.
God is like.
You're in good hands with Him.
God is like.
VO­5 Hair Spray;He holds through all kinds of
God is like.
Aren't you glad you have Him? Don't you wish
everybody did?
God is like .
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet nor ice will keep
Him from
His appointed destination.
God is like.
Chevrolet. . . .the heart beat of America
God is like
Maxwell House. .... .
Good to the very last drop
God is like.
He is the quicker picker upper. . Can handle the
tough jobs. ..
And He won't fall apart on you
God is like.
The Energizer Bunny
He Keeps Going, Going, and Going
"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the
lambs in his arms and
carries them close to his heart;..." Isaiah 40:11
Peace, Love and Prosperity to all !
I think these is so cool, a day brightener, that's for
Chaplin Mar
California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 ­ www.calfiddlers.com
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After three years as editor of our newsletter I've
decided to move on to other pursuits, so it's time to
pass the baton to that special someone who will
carry on publishing our district newsletter.
We as an organization have made great strides in
growing our membership and providing a good
experience at our meetings and special events.
Hopefully the newsletter has grown as well to better
serve our membership.
December Saturday, June 14 ­ Somis
Don, Bob, and Sam Martin, Marlene Nord, and Bob
Levin performed at a private birthday party. Lucky
birthday person to have such talent entertaining!
If you are that someone who will volunteer to
compile and publish newsletter, please let Joe
Johnson or myself know. I will gladly provide any
technical assistance needed to the new editor, as
well as software instructions. I use an open source
desktop publisher (Scribus) that is readily available
at no cost for all computer platforms.
I conclude with a little redneck humor:
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is
no one alive who is Youer than You"
— Dr. Seuss
"The older the Fiddler, the sweeter the tune"
— English Proverb
Joyce Chapman celebrated her birthday Friday,
July 25. Stop by and wish her a happy birthday, and
take a moment to remember her husband Ben who
played a key role in bringing our Fiddlers district to
life way back in 1975. Thank you Joyce and Ben!
California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 ­ www.calfiddlers.com
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with Grady Nalley
Grady started taking guitar lessons in 1954 while in
Junior High School, then teamed up with schoolmate
Don Harris from Ojai and played numerous functions in
Ojai and Ventura during the summer of 1954 until Don's
tragic death in a fire. Grady eventually formed a dance
band consisting of all high school musicians and played
at school functions and parties until entering military
service where he continued playing until discharge in
After leaving the military, Grady began playing at the
Ban­Dar in Ventura backing up Delaney Bramlett, and
Johnny and Jonie Mosby. At the same time he began
working with a jazz trio in Oxnard, a gig that lasted a few
years.After a short
photo: Grady Nalley playing the guitar
stint in Hawaii where
he worked with a rock
'n' roll band, Grady
returned to California
where he formed a
new band. The new
group was booked for
6 months in San Jose
where they opened for
numerous acts
including the Rolling
Stones, the Byrds,
Johnny Rivers, Wayne
Newton, Roger Miller,
Ray Anthony, and Glenn Yarboro.
Dick and Darryl preparing the BBQ feast in 2011
Leon Copass headin' for the stage ­ 2012
After leaving San Jose, Grady worked for a while with
Dewey Martin, drummer for Buffalo Springfield, then was
hired to play guitar for the Checkmates, voted Best Las
Vegas Lounge Act. Grady did more touring with various
groups throughout the Midwest, Canada and Alaska,
then settled in the San Fernando Valley and began a 10
year stint with Donnie Brooks and backed up the
Coasters, the Drifters, the Platters, Jan and Dean and
other 50's acts.
After parting ways with Donnie Brooks, Grady joined a
country western band from Lancaster and played with
them for 10 years. He joined a jazz band and plays with
them every week. During his many years of being a
musician, he has also taught guitar and done studio
session work.
Dick and Merrilyn at the 2012 Christmas dinner
California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 ­ www.calfiddlers.com
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Are you interested in playing with fellow fiddlers? The outside gigs we play are the main
source of funding for our organization. Not only do you get to have fun playing music and
making people happy, but you'll be helping the Old TIme Fiddlers by generating income.
Fill out the form below and return it to President Joe Johnson... you'll be glad you did.
City of residence:
Availability for Performances: (check all that apply)
□ Week days □ Weekends □ Evenings
□ Any time
□ Before dark
Preferred travel distance: (please check all that apply)
□ Within ten miles □ Within 25 miles □ Anywhere
Please list the instrument(s) you play:
Do you have a sound system?
□ Yes
□ No
Do you feel comfortable leading a band? □ Yes
□ No
What type of music do you fill most comfortable playing?
California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 ­ www.calfiddlers.com
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California State Old Time Fiddlers Association District 8
Membership Application
New Member Application __________
Date _________
** Renewal Application ____________
Due Date ____________
Change of Address ____________
You may pay your dues at any regular meeting or by completing this form and mailing it to:
CSOTFA Merrilyn Lemons, 6108 Woodland View Dr., Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Make checks payable to: C.S.O.T.F.A. District 8
Adults: $14.00
Married Couples: $16.00
Junior Members: $2.00 (under 18)**
**(Junior membership must be accompanied by an Adult membership)
I pledge that as a member of C.S.O.T.F.A., I agree to abide by and uphold the bylaws
and rules of the Association and ever to remember its purpose:
"To Preserve and Perpetuate Authentic Old Time Music"
Name____________________________ Signature ____________________________ Birthdate __________
Spouse ___________________________ Signature ____________________________ Birthdate __________
Address ________________________________ City & State _________________________ Zip __________
Phone _________________________________ Jr. Member ____________________ Birthdate ____________
E­mail Address ___________________________________________________________________
** Renewal dues must be paid within 30 days of the month due or membership will be dropped.
September Dues
Charletta Erb
Shanon Garcia
Gabriel Kunkel
Oliver Kunkel
Lynn Gordon
Jack, Marie & Elaine Kenton
D. Pops Kerill
Rey Sandbom
Betty Valmonte
Raymond Valmonte
Cassie Elsenbaumer
Kenneth Luper
October Dues
Sus Corez
Gerald Kerill
Dick & Merrilyn Lemons
Mary Null
Nathan & Jacqueline Waters
The Hoedown Lowdown is published bi­monthly for the District 8 Old Time Fiddlers Association by David Gehr, Editor, e­mail: davegehr@gmail.com,
and is provided to our dues paying members. The California State Old Time Fiddlers Association is a volunteer based, non­profit organization.
California State Old Time Fiddlers District 8 ­ www.calfiddlers.com
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California State Old Time Fiddlers Association
P.O. Box 1522
Oak View, Ca 93022­1522
Hoedown­Lowdown is published bi­monthly by the California State Old Time Fiddlers Association District 8
Old Time Fiddlers District 8 Newsletter July-August 201 4
Sunday, August 10 ­ Regular jam session
Fiddler meetings are 2nd and 4th
Sunday of every month (except Dec.)
1:30 to 4:30 pm ­ Oak View
Community Center, 18 Valley Rd.,
Oak View, CA
Sunday, August 24 ­ Regular jam session
For more information, please contact:
Sunday, September 14 ­ Regular jam session
President: Joe Johnson
• Fiddlers Calendar •
— 2014 —
Sunday, September 28 ­ Annual Fiddlers BBQ
Regular Jam Session
Sunday, October 12 ­ Waltz Day
Vice­President: Ray Magee
Advisor: Dick Lemons
Editor: David Gehr

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