- Central Florida Obedience Dog Club
- Central Florida Obedience Dog Club
March 2014 The Happy Heeler Central Florida Obedience Dog Club Obedience . Rally . Agility Volume 4 Issue 3 Dedicated on June 10, 2006, the United States War Dogs Memorial, located guarding the gateway to the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial in Holmdel, New Jersey, consists of a bronze statue of a kneeling Vietnam War soldier and his dog, set on a black granite base. The memorial was designed by sculptor Bruce Lindsay, Architectural Division Manager at Johnson Atelier in Mercerville, New Jersey. A graduate of Bucknell University, Lindsay’s studio is adjacent to Grounds for Sculpture, the 22-acre sculpture park on the grounds of the former New Jersey State Fair. The U.S. War Dogs Memorial, while directly representing the War Dog Teams of the Vietnam War, honors all our nation’s war dogs and their handlers - past, present and future. In UNITED STATES WAR DOGS MEMORIAL Central Florida Obedience Dog Club Inc. President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Board Member Board Member Board Member Betty Van Dellen Fran Brown Susan Handy Mary Ann Sanford Chris Jeffrey Jan Naigus Ron Wallace Newsletter Editor Chris Jeffrey 23032 Oak Prairie Circle . Sorrento, FL 32776 Subtlesmoke1@comcast.net __________________________________________________________________ The Happy Heeler is published monthly by The Central Florida Obedience Dog Club, Inc. The views and opinions listed herein do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of The Central Florida Obedience Dog Club, Inc. or the editor. New, brags, etc., must be submitted by the 20th of each month to be included in the following month’s edition. We’re on the Web! www. cfodcinc.com Club Phone: (352) 742-4442 2 THE HAPPY HEELER From the President’s Desk … Once again the March trials are upon us. I think we have a good panel of judges and a great team of stewards and officials assembled to put on a really great trial weekend. We will need help Thursday afternoon about 3:30 getting set up for the trials and then again Sunday taking everything down. It looks like we should finish all the classes by 3 or so depending on lunch breaks the judges take. As some of you know the fairgrounds have a major plumbing issue and unfortunately they will not have the problem resolved by the time for our trials. However, there are port-a-potties with hand sanitizer set up outside the front gate area and I have been assured that the hoses around the building all have drinkable water. I don’t know about you but I intend to bring extra water for my dogs. We will also have hand sanitizer around the tables inside the building. And we will have water for the judges and workers. The Maine Thang has been informed also and hopefully will be able to cope along with the rest of us. Jan has worked hard to make sure there are as few conflicts in the classes as possible, unfortunately with some exhibitors entering multiple dogs, some conflict is inevitable. Let the judge know as soon as possible if you have an expected conflict and if you are stewarding ask the judge how she/he wishes to handle the conflict. I really appreciate the effort all the members put forth to see that our trials run smoothly. Looking forward to our next meeting right after the trials so we can hear all the brags! Betty 3 CFODC Meeting Minutes … . . . Spotlights February 18, 2014 The Central Florida Obedience Dog Club was called to order by President Betty Van Dellen at 6:30 pm. People in Attendance were: Bobbie Kurivial, Chris Jeffrey, George Smallwood, Ann Shinkle, Jan Naigus, Sandy Jones, Fran Brown, Betty Van Dellen, Mary Ann Sanford, Jean Devlin, Susan Handy, Candy Zimmerman Visitors - Fred Zimmerman, Ron Handy President Report: Betty Van Dellen announced that the trial would have no restroom facilities and would have Port A Potties instead. It was suggested to supply an ample supply of hand sanitizer. A discussion on payment for someone to take judge Sharon Redmer to the airport on Sunday ensued. Fran Brown presented the final reading for two new members: Amy Fumia was presented. Mary Ann moved to accept her membership, Jean seconded - all in favor. Lynda Brach was presented. Susan moved and Bobbie seconded - all in favor. We welcome Amy and Lynda to CFODC! Patsy and Stunn – more rounds of excellence … From Deb Smith . . . Pawsitively Fun Dog Training (PFDT) USDAA, Rachel Flatleys trial. Weekend 2/22 Patsy took first in Adv. Snooker and Advanced Jumpers. Thursday trial set up logistics was brought into question. Have to check on it again. Jan reminded us that entries for the trial close a week from tomorrow, February 26. Trophies are ordered and all is set for the trial. Candy needs menu for the judges to check off. Meeting adjourned. Everyone consumed mass quantities off Italian Food. Awards were passed out by Bobbie to the numerous people whose dogs earned titles in 2013. Chris presented gifts to people who helped with the training program and other club functions. Respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Sanford Weekend 3/1 Stunn took first in Masters Gamblers, Steeplechase and Snooker and got her third Super Que. . . . TRIAL WEEKEND . . . March 15-16, 2014 Central Florida Obedience Dog Club Lake County Fairgrounds Eustis, FL 4 THE HAPPY HEELER CFODC Photo Contest . . . Thanks to all 18 fabulous entries! and the winner is . . . Awards of Merit MARK YOUR CALENDAR Trial Dates Mary Ann and Bling! Our grand prize winner will receive a free audit seat at a 2014 CFODC seminar of their choice. Congratulations! ODTC April 5-6 Location: Orlando Closing Date: March 19 Best Portrait – Submitted by Susan Handy K9 Obedience Club of Jacksonville April 19-20 Location: Jacksonville Closing Date: April 2 IPOC April 26-27 Location: Lakeland Closing Date: April 9 Dog Training Club of St. Pete May 3-4 Location: St. Petersburg Closing Date: April 16 Best Seriously Cute – Submitted by Jan Naigus Tallahassee Dog Obedience Club May 31- June 1 Location: Tallahassee Closing Date: May 14 IPOC June 21-22 Location: Lakeland Closing Date: June 4 Honorable Mention – Submitted by Mary Ann Sanford Many thanks to our contest judge, Anna Wight! Anna Wight currently lives in Texas with her fiance on a small farm, where they raise Irish Dexter cattle and specialty breed chickens. It was while completing her Bachelor's degree in Art from an Oregon university she realized her passion for photography. A past rodeo and horse show photographer in Oregon, Anna now enjoys photographing pets and farm critters, which are often featured on her blog Sassy & Sweet. http://sweetmissdaisy.typepad.com Best Playtime – Submitted by Sandy Jones Obedience Club of Daytona July 19-20 Location: Deland Closing Date: June 27 Editors Note – Proceeds from the photo contest entry fees were used towards our trophy fund. Thanks so much to all of our entrants! We now have some wonderful photos to use in our future brochures and on our website! 5 Spotlights . . . . Congratulations to the following Central Florida Obedience Dog Club members for titles earned in 2013 Ann Shinkle and DREAM – UKC-URO-3 SHINE – CGC, AKC CH, RN, BN, CAD – UKC-RO1 Bobbie Kurivial and ZEEZEE – UDX2 ARDEN – CD, RN, RA, RE, OA, OAJ, OF Jan Naigus and MICKEY – BN, RE, THD ALLIE – CGC, RN, Tricks-NTD SERENA – RN Chris Jeffrey and FLETCH – AKC-RN, RA, BN, Tricks-NTD Sandy Jones and TRAC – AKC-CD, Tricks-NTD Ellen Heinis and HOPE – CGC, RN BELLA – AKC-CGC, CD, RA,RE,NA, NAJ, NF, USDAASPS, SPK, SPG, APJ FINALLY! A simple solution to dirty, stinky pet beds! Multiple uses and benefits: Pet Bed Crate Pad Pet Blanket Car Seat Cover Furniture protector Pet Odor Control Flea Prevention Editor’s note: this is one of the best pet beds I have purchased. Go to their website to see a demo www.washnzippetbed.com Wash’nZip has graciously donated one of their pet beds for our Spring Cluster Trial drawing. (Value $54.99) Buy your tickets at the Trial! Mary Ann Sanford and BLING – AKC-UD, Tricks-ETD Harilyn Adler and HERO – BH Deb Smith and STUNN – USDAA-GM BLUSH – CGC PATSY CLINE – USDAA-AD, SS, SJ Betty VanDellen and NESSIE – RN, RA KNIGHT – RN, CD Jean Devlin and KYLIE – AKC CGC, CAD, Tricks-NTD SEAMUS – AKC RN, CGC, Tricks – NTD, ITD 6 THE HAPPY HEELER Upcoming Events … About our Club The purpose of the Central Florida Obedience Dog Club is to promote the training of dogs. To disseminate knowledge regarding obedience training. To conduct classes for the training of all dogs and their handlers. To encourage and cooperate with individuals and other groups with similar purposes. To encourage the training of judges. To hold and support all AKC events including but not limited to obedience trials, tracking tests, agility trials, under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club. To promote cooperation and good sportsmanship among its members in the training and exhibition of dogs. Training classes for Basic and Novice Obedience are held on Monday evenings. Call 352-7424442 for a class schedule, pricing and additional information. The Happy Heeler Chris Jeffrey, Editor 23032 Oak Prairie Circle Sorrento, FL 32776 Saturday, April 12th and Sunday, April 13th Gainesville, Florida (right off I-75 at exit 390) Indoors, Climate Controlled Presenter: Rachel Tabor Flatley Day 1: "Clever Handler, Clever Canine Series - Heeling Essentials" -Building the dog's desire to stay focused on the handler (which implies making the choice to stay with the handler and proofing the choice to stay with the handler) -Teaching your dog the body mechanics needed for the dance known as heeling -Teaching the proper focal point for heeling and how this will help you avoid some common handler errors while improving your dog's accuracy -Proofing Attention -Proofing Heel Position -Includes Discussion of Placement of Reward Theory, Training Clean and Listening to Your Dog Explain What You Have Taught It Day 2: "Essential Elements for Open" and "Essential Elements for Utility" The goal is to cover all of the exercises and to work the dogs on some of the essential elements. However, to ensure we accomplish what is most important to each participant, each person with a working spot will be asked to email in their 2 most important exercises. -Includes Discussion of Placement of Reward Theory, Training Clean and Listening to Your Dog Explain What You Have Taught It To register, please mail your check payable to Rachel Flatley to me at 261 SW Atlas Drive, Fort White, FL 32038 along with your name, email address, telephone number, and a brief description of your dog's skill level. Upon receipt of your registration a confirmation email will be sent. Please email me with questions at Bordercoolies@aol.com. The 2 day price is $130. Club Phone (352)742-4442 Club E-mail cfodtc@gmail.com CFODC 2014 Training Schedule BASIC CLASSES (7-8pm) March 10 – April 14 May 5 – June 16 July 7 – August 11 September 8 – Oct 13 Rally Classes (5:30-6:30pm) Jan 20 – Feb 24 May 5 – June 16 September 8 – Oct 13 Next General Meeting: Tues - March 18, 2014 6PM 448 Club Tavares, FL Trick Training Classes (5:30-6:30pm) March 10 – April 14 July 7 – August 11 Oct 27 – Nov 17 (Accelerated class)
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