16:06 September
16:06 September
THE CICHLID · MONTHLY vc Volume 16 No.6 SEPTEMBER 1987 - 50c VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INCORPORATED REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST - PUBLICATION No. VBH0291 CATEGORY B. PO BOX 25, BALACLAVA, VICTORIA 3183. PHONE: (03) 527 2546 .. . "ROP/ ~9· CAl THIS ADVERTISING SPACE IS AVAILABLEI < If you are interested, please contact Graham Rowe on 560 7472. 1.1 'l~~fl'I (There· is also space available on the inside pages.) ~ ~ l' 1(~ it ' \1 ,I ,4 It( I I ~I 'i I, i,' I',J,;Ii' "',I. , :! 'r\ I"l }!t Lamprologus kendalli itl] ALL CICHllDS BOUGHT AND SOLD (WHOLESALE ONLY) 1,1J.I !jr h i', t \' \1\ (; THE CICHLIDMONTHLY COMMITTEE FOR 1987 President ,............... Secretary Treasurer Vice-President Show Secretary .. .. .. Trading Table Secretary.. Social Secretary Librarian .. ~............. Editor .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. HEINZ STAUDE GRAHAM ROWE.. .. KEITH PATFORD STEVE BUTCHER AART LANGELAAR JOHN REEVES.. .. .. JUDY MASHITER .. SCOTT HAYMES .. .. STEVE MORTON '. .. .. 546 1025 560 7472 7162425 5469568 .. .. .. .. 783 5386 .. .. .. .. 233 8736 .. .. 7627549 .. .. 8984870 BH 565 3663 AlI 211 9259 Commlttee at large ...... BILL FOREMAN .. .. .. .. 7363784 CRAlG LEE 791 6235 MARKLEE 7916235 PETER PETRUS 700 1213 Life Members GRAHAM ROWE HEINZ STAUDE KEVIN ARCHIBALD KEITH PATFORD This magazine is produced and edited by Steve Morton assisted by Daryl Hutchins and Steve McCausland with the help of John Hogan and Neil McLaren. The Cichlid Monthly is Registered by Australia Post - Publication Number VBH0291. The Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated is a member of the Federation of Victorian Aquarium Societies. SEPTEMBER 1987 vc~ VOL. 16NO.6 1 CONTENTS PAGE 3 4 5 6-8 10-11 12 13 15 Editorial August Minutes Fish House Night Report "Lake Victoria and its Cichlids" - Aart Langelaar Species Maintenance Update I1Having a Bad Spell" - John Emms Ta ble Show Report Cichlid Scene The Victorian Cichl1d Soci.ety Inc, formed by Cichlidophiles in March 1972, th us became the first specialist aquarist group in the State of Victoria. The aims of the VCS Inc are: to promote the keeping of Cichlidsi to gain and disseminate knowledge of their habits through slides, films, books, lectures, overseas magazines, articles by members and discussion wi th fellow members or other experts in the field. REPRINTS: Anyone wishing to reprint materials from any Cichlid Monthly, may direct their requests to authors, via the Editor. The Cichlid Monthly is published monthly by: THE VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INCORPORATED, cj- 23 ManganaDrive, Mulgrave, Vic, Australia 3170. EDITORIAL NEWS FLASH! MEDIA WATCH PRESS I'm sure every reader young and old would have spotted my mistake in last month's Cichlid Monthly. Yes our cover Cichlid was a Jack Dempsey - Cichlasoma octofasciatum and not a Convict - Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum as I had labelled it. Sorry about that folks! The Yes. is very happy to have Professor Muntz from Monash University back to give the main talk at our September meeting. This time Prof. Muntz will be telling us about collecting and studying Cichlids from Lake Malawi. I've already seen some of Prof. Muntz's slides and although not wanting to say too much about what we will see, I am compelled to mention one slide. I have never seen so many cichlids in one picture .. before, it's amazing. This is a meeting definitely not to be mIssed. I hope all members have noticed that the Door Prizes at the last several meetings were donated by M.A.S. Imports - thanks to M.A.S. Also I would like to thank PRYDA Aust. Ply. Ltd. for donating a number of sets of drill bits which are being auctioned at our mini auctions. On the topic of auctions, the V.C.S.'s Annual Auction is coming up at the end of October. It's time to start thinking about fish and hardware you may want to get rid of. As soon as the date and venue is finalised I will publicise it in our magazine. So keep a look out for that. Finally we have another Fish House Night coming up on October 13th at 8 pm at the home of David and Helyna Thorn at 26 Greenaway Drive, Femtree Gully. I hope to see you all there. SteveM. , OSCAR EYES WANTED FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AT MONASH UNIVERSITY If one of your Oscars should die, we would lIke to have him/her, young or old. Put it In a plastic bag (or two) and stick it in the freezer. Give us a ring and we will arrange to pick them up. Please phone Steve Morton on 565 3663 BH or 211 9259 vc AH. ~ 3 AUGUST MINUTES The August meeting opened at 8.17 with President in chair. He welcomed all 40 members and 11 visitors present. Apologies were received. Steve B. then spoke about Julidochromis - Fish of the Month. Treasurers report: Opening balance 39.09 836.55 . Income (mini Auction $434.05) Expenditure 105.00 Closing Balance $814.64 This report was received on a motion moved by Steve B. and seconded by Bill. Minutes of July meeting taken as read on motion moved by Kevin and seconded by ~eith. Correspondence recei ved on motion moved by Danny and seconded by Steve B. New members Kevin Blitz, Graham Bell, Sylvia Gilbert and Kerry Jones were welcomed and presented with badges. Aart defeated Manny in the quiz and won a can of food. After a brief mini auction there was a short break. Bill thanked Judy for organizing the great night out. Aart was thanked for opening his fish house, for the Club's fish house night. Colin Parbery then spoke on his experiences with Discus. John Emms moved a vote of thanks which was carried by acclamation. John R. is now B.A.A. Secretary. Table Show results announced and ribbons presented. Draw prize: Eheim 2009 - Kevin Blitz Wine - Syd Soleh - redonated - Sue Smith Plant - Sue Smith Door prizes presented. Sue Smith, Aart, Judy M., Luke, Heinz and Chu Noon. Meeting adjourned for supper at 11 pm. 4 FISH HOUSE NIGHT And now for something completely different, a Fish House Report from your Vice President Well, this is my type of fish house; plenty of space and plenty of chairs which is uncommon in most fish houses due to a desire by most to capitalize on all available space. That said, down to business. The fish house night was at Aart Langelaar's and I was able, together with the other 11 visitors, to view 20 tanks in all, ranging in size from 12" to a 6 x 2 x 2. Contained in the tanks were a good selection of cichlids, mainly African. Some of the more notable species were Nanochromis nudiceps (obtained through the S.M.C. scheme), Haplochromis livingstoni, Cynotilapia frontosa and four species of Julidochromis. The tanks are individually heated and are filtered by either D.Gs or power filters. It would seem that Aart must be doing something right as there were plenty of babies in various stages of growth, which is generally a sign that conditions in the tanks are favourable. A few interesting details worth mentioning are that the fish house is actually a converted bungalow which accounts for the space with a distinct homely atmosphere, having plenty of fish calendar pictures on the walls and quite a few plants, no doubt acquired at our recent donation auction. Also, anyone planning to buy a tank or a tank stand should really pay Aart a visit as every conceivable shape of tank and stand was on display. The range of tank shapes and stand types would make mos t shop keepers envious. All in all, a nice fish house run by an obviously capable fi shkeeper. Steve B. PS: Watch this space for our next f;<;h house report at a venue soon to be announcecl vc 5 LAKE VICTORIA Lake Victoria is the third major lake which makes up the African Rift Lake system that we have been discussing. Whilst Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika are similar to each other in some respects, Lake Victoria is very different. It has a mxaimum length of some 320 kilometres and a maximum width of some 300 km, making it the third largest lake in the world, with a surface area of over 68,000 square kilometres. It is relatively shallow, however, having a maximum depth in the region of 100 m. In fact it could be described as a "saucer" lake. It is situated to the east of Lakes Albert, Edward and Kinn, just south of the equator. Lake Victoria has Tanzania on its southern shores, Uganda on its North-western shores and to the North-east of the lake is Kenya. It is the principal source of the Nile, and receives inflow from the Katangi, Ruizi and Kagara Rivers, as well as numerous minor streams which fonn the headwaters of the Nile. Water hardness varies around 480 p.p.m. and the pH ranges from 7.1 to 9.0. Temperatures are stable around the 25°<;;elsius mark. Lake Victoria is infested with parasitic organisms called Schistosoma, more commonly known as Bilharzia. Lake Malawi is reported to be the only lake in the Rift Valley to be largely free of Bilharzia, which cause Schistosomiasis. This vast stretch of water has already revealed some 125 species of Cichlids, the majority belonging to the Genus Haplochromis. Of the eight Cichlid Genera, 4 are Endemic. Aart THE CICHLIDS OF LAKE VICTORIA Astatoreochromis allaudi Haplochromis acutirostris aelocephalus annectens altegenis apogomoides arcanus argentus artaxerxes barbarae bartoni bayoni boops brownae 6 cavifrons chilotes chlorochrous chromogenys cInctus cinereus crassilabris cronus cryptogramma decticostoma dentex dichrourus dolichorhynchus empodisma erythrocephallus estor flavipinnis fusifonnus gestri gilberti gowersii gracilicauda granti guiarti hu mil ior ishmaeli lacrimosus laparogramma lifidus longirostris macrodon macrqgnathus macrops maculipinna mandibularis martini maxillaris megalops melanopterus melanopus melichrous mento michaeli' microdon ill grecens/nigricans niloticus nubilis nuchisquamulatus nyanzae obesus obliquidens obtusidens orthostoma pachycephalus pallidus paraguiarti paraplagiostoma paroptus parorthos toma parvidens pellegrini percoides pharyngomylus phytophagus piceatus plagiodon plagistoma promodus prognathus pseudopel1egrini riponianus sauveigi saxicola serranus serranoides spekiiJspekei squamulatus symnodees taeniatus theliodon thuragnathus triaenodon/tridens tyrianthinus victorianus wellcommei xenodon xenognathus xenostoma HaplotiIapia retrodens ]'v[acropleurodus bicolor 1 Paralabidochromis serranus victoriae2 Platytaeniodis degeni Sarotherodon esculenta galilaea leucostia nilotica variabilis TiIapia .. 3 zilli 1 a piebald Mono-genus growing to 16 em 2 This small genus is endemic to rlle lake and is a Bi-parental mouth brooder. This is fairly rare and only known amongst another half a dozen or so AfTican Cichiids, e.g. Sarotherodon-g a1ilaea, mas amb ic a, macrocephala & nilotica 3 It has been suggested that this is a sub species of Tilapia-Brevimanus OSCAR EYES WANTED FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AT MONASH UNIVERSITY If one of your Oscar.. should diE, we would like La haY~ nlm/her, young or old. Put it in a plastic bag {or two) and slick JI In the freezer Give us a [lrIg and we wdJ arfC):nge io pick them up. Please phone Steve Morton on 565 3663 BH or 211 9259 AH. DDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD o o D gHave you got your copy D gof the new cichlid book . g §The Cichlid Aquarium g g By PAUL LOISELLE g o Ask at your favorite g g Cichlid Store D DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 8 All Aquarium & Pet Supplies P/L (Cichlidarium) 8 Dunaan Crt, Mulgrave, Vic 3 '17C loff Police Road} We speclalisp. HI CICHlIDS, NATIVES, KILLIFISH, MARINES and all other rare 5;:'><:";''=5 EVERYTHING FOR THE AQUARIUM Phone (03) 546 1025 Business hours. Man-Sat 9 am-7 pm; Sunday 11 am· 5 pm, Werlnesday Closed Victoria's First and Original Cichlid Centre Bayside Aquariums & Pet Su~plies 786 - 161 7 tropical marine CICHLIDS goldfish all accesories Tanks made up to ANY SHAPE or Open 7 Days SIZE Plants Live Food Rocks Nepean H'way -- Station St, SEAFORD vc~ • WANTED - preferably alive These fish are some of the species that the sub-committee feels are threatened in Victoria, if not Australia. We do not profess this to be a complete list by any means, but it is a starting point. SPECIES MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST Key to groups: No 1 = Lost to the hobby No 2 = Existence doubtful No 3 = Extremely rare No 4 = Very rare No 5 = Rare No 6 = Threatened by inbreeding No 7 = Endangered No 8 = Allowable import but rare Group No 3: Group No 1: Biotodoma cupido Chromidotilapia gpentheri Cichlasoma alfmi Eretmodus cyanostictus Geophagus daemon Haplochromis grandeosos Haplochromis horei Haplochromis niger Haplochromis straeleni Haplochromis trimaculatus Haplochromis woodi Labidochrornis caeruleus Lamprologus furcIfer Limnochromis auritus Melanochromis brevis Nanochromis dimidiatus Simnochromis diagramma Group No 2: Cynotilapia afra "blue" Haplochromis boadzulu Haplochromis brownae Haplochromis epichorialis Haplochromis johnstoni Haplochromis Sp "utaka green" Lamprologus elongatus LimnotIlapia dardenni Pseudotropheus elongatus "blue" Pseudotropheus zebra "red top" 10 Aequidens tetramerus CicWasoma aureum Cichlasoma motaguensis Cichlasoma psittacum Cichlasoma sieboldi Haplochromis quadrimaculatus Hemitilapia oxyrhynchus Lamprologus calvus Lamprologus compressiceps Lamprologus mustax Lobochilotes labiatus Melanochromis chipokae Melanochrornis parallelus Pseudotropheus lucerna Pseudotropheus zebra "albino" Steatocranus tinanti Group No 4: Aulonocara sp. "sunburst" Cichlasoma atromaculatum Cichlasoma facetum Cichlasoma friedrichsthalii CicWasoma septemfaciatum Cichlasoma tetracanthus Etroplus maculatus Etroplus suratensis Haplochrornis fuscotaeniatus Lamprologus pleuromaculatus Lamprologus tretocephalus Lamprologus waIteri Melanochromis venniverous Petrotilapia tridentiger Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor Group No 5: Cichlasoma ellioti Cichlasoma salvini Haplochromis ahli Haplochromis chrysonotus/mloto Haplochromis euchilus Haplochromis frenestratus Haplochromis incoJa Haplochromis mola Haplochromis omatus Haplochromis polystigma Lamprologus brevis Lamprologus chrystyi Lamprologus pulcher Lamprologus tetracanthus Petenia splendida Pselldotropheus elongatus "likoma island" Pseudotropheus elongatus "golden" Telmatochromis bifrenatus Tremotocranus reginae Trematocranus jacobfreibergi Group No 6: Aequidens itanyi Aequidens geayi Aequidens portalegrensis Chilotilapia rhoadesi Cichlasoma longimanus Cichlasoma maculicauda Cichlasoma trimaculatum Cichlasoma umbriferum Group No.6 contd. Cynotilapia afra "yellow" Geophagus balzani Geophagus surinamensis Haplochromis annectens Haplochromis compressiceps Haplochromis electra Haplochromis livingstoni Haplochromis nigricans Haplochromis rostratus Haplochromis symnodees Melanochromis crabro Melaochromis similans Pseudotropheus dinghanni Pseudotropheus minutus Group No 7: Geophagus jurapari Haplochromis lividus Nanochromis nudiceps/parilius Group No 8: Apistogramma "species" Crenicara filamentosa Lamprologus leleupi Lamprologus meeli Nannacara anomala Pelvicachromis subocellatus Pelvicachromis taeniatus Daru amphiacanthoides Should you wish to assist the hobby by maintaining one or more of the "endangered" species the V.C.S. will help. The Species Maintenance Committee will give financial assistance to members wishing to acquire fishes listed in groups 1,2,3 and 4. All you need do is apply and we will t.ry and get you the requested species. It's very easy, just talk to Scott, John E, John R or Steve B. HAVING A BAD SPELL Reading through the Melbourne Trading Post is often cause for a chuckle at some of the spelling that appears in the Aquarium ads. I was looking at a recent edition and found the following: African Siklets Tangerine eyelids Geophagus Warearing Melonochrmis Gohami Biscus 3-4 inch Lorescent lights Blue Accra Anger fish Golden Severeigns Jayco pheburgies 3 large Rusaids Aurcatus Pilapia Mariae Silver garammees Ehyme power filter Dencity test kit 1 male Man Quese unwell African children? orange bicycles? with earrings? non Kosher? Discus/barb cross? ? a type of vegetable? unsuitable for community tanks? worth a fortune! A caravan hamburger? ? ? I am still puzzling over those Rusaids - are they a fish or an ailment? John Emms SECONDHAND BUILDING MATERIALS Good range of ... TIMBER, OREGON AND HARDWOOD TIMBER, STEEL COLUMNS, RSJ'S, C-FRAME, ANGLE IRON, CORRUGATED IRON, BLUESTONE PITCHERS, BRICKS, DOORS, WINDOWS, HAND BASINS, CISTERNS, KITCHEN SINKS, FLUORESCENT LIGHTS, WINDOW SASHES, SHEET GLASS. OPEN 6 DAYS MONDAY - SATURDAY, 8 am - 5 pm IMPACT DEMOLITION 6 NANTILLA RD, CLAYTON NORTH 561-7573 12 TABLE SHOW REPORT August was our fifth Table Show for this season - Dwarfs, both African and American; although only 5 Africans were entered. Many thanks to our judge, John Reeves, for the excellent work. Tank Specie Entrant Julidochromis marlieri Nanochromis parilus Julidochromis dickfeldi Julidochromis dickfeldi Lamprologus brichardi 1 2 3 4 5 A Langelaar D Thorn H Staude J Ind B Kerr Judge's Report Tank Gen/Cond 1 2 3 24/30 28/30 22/30 26/30 26/30 4 5 Fins Shape 22/30 28/30 25/30 25/30 27/30 17/20 18120 17/20 17/20 18/20 Scales 8/10 10/10 8.10 8110 8110 Age 7110 8110 10110 7110 8110 TOTAL 78 92 82 83 87 Judge's Comments 1 2 3 4 5 Some fm damage Excellent show fish Poor general condition, ventrals damaged Slight fin damaged, good potential Good fish, only just beaten by better fish RESULTS: 1st 2nd 3rd David Thorn Brian Kerr John Ind Popular Choice went to Tank 2 Dave Thorn's "Nudiceps" by a landslide. Aart vc ~ 13 The Professionals at M I C ROT E A C H do not sell Computers . do not sell Software . do not sell Anything . EXCEPT THE SMALL BUSINESS SOLUTION The Professionals at MICROTEACH will .... Evaluate your Management needs help you choose your solutions assist you to get it going and show you how to get the best from it!! Call the Professionals today to talk it over .850-9399 or try 543-6333 pagers 15670, 15651 10111 and David, Zipporah-Leah, Martin and Marc will show YOU THE SMALL BUSINESS SOLUTION SILVER SHARK AQUARIUM 649 Warrigal Rd Chadstone Phone 568 - 6962 We BUY & ELL CICHLIDS ! 10% OFF =#: IF YOU BRING THIS ADVERTISMENT 14 CICHLID SCENE NEXT MEETING will be held on September 16th at the Ashburton Primary School, Fakenham Road, at 8.00 pm. Supper will be held after the meeting, all visitors are most welcome. MINI TALK MAIN TALK Heinz Staude "Collecting and Studying Cichlids from Lake Malawi" Professor W R A Muntz DOOR PRIZES DRAW PRIZES TABLE SHOW • Kindly supplied by M.A.S. Imports TO BE ANNOUNCED Africans and Asians FISH HOUSE NIGHT The next Fish House Night is on OCTOBER 13th at 8 pm at the home of David and Helyna Thorn at 26 Greenaway Drive Ferntree Gullv (Melwav's Map 73. E-3) Ii 'I Large range of Queensland Marine, --- .....:. CichlidS,Tropical and Cold water Fish 7 Days 11 am - 6 pm 8 Railway Parade Highett L Tel 5559781 10% Discount if you bring this Ad lfMarine Wholesale Enquiries Welcome I ~ 5 Invite a friend to join the Society FEES: Ordinary membership Family membership Junior membership Overseas membership $12.00 Joining fee $5.00. . $13.00 . $7.00 No joining fee. . $A12.00 Plus handling charges. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP The Secretary, .. Graham Rowe, The Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated, 23 Mangana Drive, MULGRAVE, AUSTRALIA 3170. Dear Graham, I wish to become a mem ber of the Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated. Herewith I have included the required in formation, and I enclose a cheque for the correct amount. Name in fUll: .. Age next birthday (if under-18): Address .. " PObc.code: . " Telephone: .. Signature: .. Date: 16 " Meals of interest: . Nominated by: .. Seconded by: ..
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came a fetish with me and I was more
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