Buckeye Bulletin - Cichlid Room Companion
Buckeye Bulletin - Cichlid Room Companion
Buckeye Bulletin May 2013 rd Our next meeting is May 3 at 8pm Buckeye Bulletin Staff Jonathan Dietrich Editor jdietric@mail.bw.edu Eric Sorensen Exchange Editor Eeleven@aol.com The Ohio Cichlid Associations Buckeye Bulletin is produced monthly by the Ohio Cichlid Association. All articles and photographs contained within this publication are being used with consent of the authors. If you have an article, photograph, or ad to submit for publication, please send it to jdietric@mail.bw.edu. When submitting articles for publication in this bulletin, please remember to include any photographs or art for the article. The Ohio Cichlid Association is not responsible for any fact checking or spelling correction in submitted material. Articles will be edited for space and content. All information in this bulletin is for the sole use of The Ohio Cichlid Association and the personal use of its members. Articles, photographs, illustrations, and any other printed material may not be used in any way without the written consent of The Ohio Cichlid Association. For membership info please contact Andrew Subotnik: drewluvspeaches@yahoo.com Water Lettuce (missing ranch) Gary Mendez OCA Board In this Issue of the Buckeye Bulletin… Monthly Features President’s Message Editor’s Message Bowl Show Results Cichlid BAP Results Catfish BAP Results Program Preview 2013 Program Preview This Month in OCA History May Specials Exchange Article Ohio Holey Rock Supporting the OCA and providing homes for your fish. ohioholeyrock@gmail.com Old World Exotic Fish Support Those Who Support Your Hobby OCA Leaders in quality African cichlids for 30 years Wholesaler of unique fish to cichlid retailers. Custom Printing Oldworldexoticfish.com www.clvcreations.net 330-571-6501 President’s Message A Word from Don Danko In April, we held a Swap Meet at the monthly meeting. It was well attended and much swapping of fish and fish tales occurred. At the May meeting, Ken Walker will be speaking on breeding Loricariids. Plecos have long been popular with Cichlid keepers and Ken has been a pioneer in keeping these colorful and interesting fish. He has recently built a new and large fish room that dedicates much space to keeping Plecos. Come join us to hear Ken’s insights and to learn from his experiences. We’ll be trying some things to make the business part of the meeting more effective at the May meeting. Primarily, we’ll be using the microphone for announcements so that you can hear them better. Secondly, we’ll be collecting info from other clubs during the break and will announce upcoming events when we start the meeting back up. If you have friends interesting in learning about fish keeping, please bring them out to the meeting. We’re always interested in getting new folks involved. Well, that’s all for now. Check out www.ohiocichlid.com and Facebook for speaker and other club information. See you at the monthly meeting on Friday, May 3. Regards, Don A fine family of products committed to developing technologies and innovative solutions for pet owners and their pets. Brands you know. Brands you trust. United We Stand. Next Social Meeting – May 3rd, 2013 Old Oak Church, 7575 Old Oak Blvd, Middleburg Heights, Ohio Meeting Starts at: 8pm Directions: From the North take I-71 South Take exit 235 (Bagley Rd.). Turn Right onto Bagley. Turn left onto Old Oak Blvd. Church is about ½ mile on left. From the South take I-71 North Take exit 234. Turn Right onto Pearl Rd. (42) Turn Left onto Fowles Rd. Turn Right onto Old Oak Blvd. Church is on the right 1/10 mile. Old Oak Church 7575 Old Oak Blvd. Middleburg Heights, Ohio See you there!!! Program Preview By Lew Carbone Ken Walker knows catfish in ways that most of us do not. He grew up on a Missouri catfish farm, before moving to Tennessee, and eventually Bay Village. He has kept fish (in aquariums, that is) since the late 1970s. Ken got involve with area aquarium clubs in the mid-1990s, and got to know other hobbyists who broadened his aquaristic interests. He credits Carl Hazenstab (an active area aquarist and OCA board member who passed away in 2001) with turning him on to the diversity of plekos, and Loracariids have been a main focus ever since. Besides the OCA, Ken belongs to the Lorain and Medina County Aquarium Clubs, the American Livebearer Association and the Potomac Valley Aquarium Society, which puts on the Catfish Convention every two years. He has held the positions of President and Vice President in both the LCAS and the MCAS. In his current fishroom, Ken maintains 65 tanks ranging from 2.5 to 210 gallons, mostly on an automatic water change system In the real world, he owns and operates a trucking company and a leadership management group. Ken is a contributor to Planet Catfish, probably the most comprehensive aquarium catfish website in the English language. The title of Ken’s talk will be “Breeding Catfishes of South America”. I hope to see you there! Ohio Cichlid Association 2013 Program Schedule Sept 6 Dr. Ronald Oldfield Topic TBA May 3 Ken Walker Oct 4 Breeding Loracariids + June 7 Ed Burress Pike Cichlids Aug 2 Troy Veltrop “Barombi-Mbo Species Flock” Don’t miss out! Mark your Calendars! Eric Bodrock Catfish November 1 Pre-Extravaganza Swap Meet December 6 Christmas Party!!! Party, Gift Exchange & Potluck Dinner. Bring something from your fish room for the gift exchange (less than $10 value), and a dish for our potluck dinner. Turkey and ham provided by the OCA – thanks to Rhonda and Eric! Don’t miss it – the perfect meeting to bring the kids along as well! * Date tentative + Topic tentative Pleco Caves Sera Fish Food Breeding Caves Driftwood Fish I will meet or beat anyone’s price or deal!!! For Innovation For Design For Quality For Pets 56 years of Excellence A Lifetime of Experience Dave’s Tropical Fish www.davestropicalfish.com 419-478-3283 4602 Lewis Ave. Toledo, Ohio 43612 Offering the best products in the business. Deepblueprofessional.com 386-426-0131 mikescichlids.com Home of quality tropical fish food and supplies www.kensfish.com 508-823-4043 Support the Brands That Support the Cichlid Hobby. Tell them where you saw their ad. BAP Results May 2013 By Mark Chaloupka Bryan Davis Altolamprologus compressiceps “black Nangu” Altolamprologus compressiceps “Malasa Island gold head” Ken Galaska Amatitlania nigrofasciata “pink convicts” Amphilophus citrinellus Geophagus sp. “Tapajos red head” Neolamprologus crassus Phil Hypes Tropheus duboisi “Maswa” Bill Loudermilk Astatotilapia sp. 35 “tomatoe” Kyle May Amatitlania nigrofasciata “pink convicts” Peter Nario-Redmond Cryptoheros nanoluteus Jonathan Strazinsky Cyphotilapia frontosa “Mpimbwe blue” 20 20 10 15 15 10 20 10 10 10 20 200 POINT LEVEL CURRENT B.A.P. STANDINGS (4/5/13) BREEDER 2013 TOTAL MASTER BREEDER 1000 POINT LEVEL Lew Carbone Don Danko Dan Woodland Bill Loudermilk Linda Wallrath Rich & Maggie Schoeffel Bryan Davis Mark Chaloupka 20 10 105 10 2545 2285 2050 1170 1130 1065 1010 1000 900 POINT LEVEL Dennis Tomazin Tom Swiderski - 965 905 800 POINT LEVEL John Tesar Dustin Brummitt - 880 840 700 POINT LEVEL James Shakour Paul Collander Dave Esner 10 - 690 650 615 610 500 POINT LEVEL Bill Schwartz Hilary & Antonio Lacerda Ken Galaska Ron Georgeone 50 - 595 595 535 510 400 POINT LEVEL Rick Hallis Phil Hypes Bob Blazek Jonathan Strazinsky Bob Bina Tim Craig George Anagnostopoulos Kyle May Tyler Toncler David Hale Gary Zalewski Eric & Rhonda Sorensen 495 20 455 35 445 30 435 415 85 415 300 POINT LEVEL 10 10 375 365 350 335 325 320 250 205 205 55 20 - 195 190 190 185 180 170 145 145 140 135 130 130 125 125 120 115 110 105 100 POINT LEVEL Marc & Dawn DeWerth Ken & Karen Grimmett Ozeal Hunter Chuck Carroll Andrew Subotnik Josh Cunningham David Ayers Greg Seith Frank Mueller Bill & Janice Bilski Tom & Carolyn Evers Jason Mylnar Steve Heinbaugh Ken Walker Joe Ring Aaron Stevens Bob Evers Davis Toth 600 POINT LEVEL Jeff Natterer Jeff Yadlovsky Charlie & Cathy Suk Gary Mendez 10 20 BREEDER LEVEL Mark Huntington Peter Nario-Redmond Dan Ogrizek Jonathan Dietrich Rick Wood Dennis Kuehn Denis Rozmus Bob Tillman Chris Jaskolka John Kahl Dolores Bacisin Alex Gorges John Kaminski Ethan Wiley Christopher Sooy Tom Tansey Jason Gorges Paul Hutnyak Fred Roberts Andy Lacerda Bill Sensor Wayne Corman Ron Drungil Mike Trader 95 15 30 35 15 - 95 95 95 85 75 70 70 70 55 50 45 45 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 20 20 10 10 10 The points list for the Breeders Award Program has been updated to include only current members. If you are a current member and your name has been omitted, please see the B.A.P. Chairman at the social meeting so we can correct any errors. Please remember: You may only turn in a species or strain of fish for B.A.P. points one time. If you need a list of what you have been credited with, see the BAP chairman at the social meeting Catfish BAP Results May 2013 March 1, 2013 By Steve Heinbaugh Species Points Ancistrus dolichopterus 20 Hemiloricaria eigenmanni 15 Breeder Dan Ogrizek Steve Heinbaugh TOTALS (thru 2/1/13) NAME Dan Ogrizek Steve Heinbaugh Dave Ayres Don & Marilyn Danko Phil Ayres Rick Hallis Dan Woodland Dustin Brummitt Linda Wallrath Eric & Rhonda Sorensen Charlie & Cathy Suk Bob Bina Bryan Davis Phil Hypes Hilary & Antonio Lacerda Tom & Carolyn Evers Jeff Natterer Dennis Tomazin Ken Galaska Tyler Toncler John Kaminski Ken Walker Kyle May Bob Blazek John Kahl George Anagnostopoulos Lew Carbone Gary Mendez John Tesar David Toth James Shakour Chuck Caroll Mark Chaloupka Bob Evers Jeff Gorbach Karen & Ken Grimmett David Hale Paul Hutnyak Denis Rozmus Kris Sooy Jonathan Strazinsky Bob & Jennifer Tillman Ethan Wiley 2013 TOTAL 20 15 225 210 165 165 145 115 100 80 75 65 65 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 45 45 40 40 40 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 Virgil’s Chicken Ranch It doesn’t get any fresher than this! See Virgil at The OCA Meetings Each Month. eastcoastcichlids.org Bringing innovation to hobbyists with these brands: Just one dose will instantly populate an aquarium with all the live, active nitrifying bacteria needed to prevent ammonia and nitrite toxicity. Get more info: startsmarttestimonials.com 216-4721-3030 This Month We Crown Another MASTER! BRYAN DAVIS Reaches the 1,000 POINT LEVEL An Accomplishment only a few Cichlid Breeders have achieved worldwide. An Accomplishment only a handful have achieved within the OCA. An accomplishment that tells the world… I AM MASTER! CONGRATS BRYAN DAVIS FOR REACHING THE 1,000 POINT LEVEL BY SUCCESSFULLY BREEDING Altolamprologus compressiceps “Malasa Island gold head” MAY 2013 This Month In OCA History By Lew Carbone 1994: Jim Smith takes over the OCA Membership Chair, from Dan Woodland. Jim, in whose honor the Jim Smith Fund is named, held this position for the rest of his life. 1999: Dr. Ron Coleman, of the University of the Pacific, in Stockton, California, is our speaker at this month’s social meeting. He recently did field studies in Costa Rica, and will be speaking about the cichlids he encountered there. Dr. Coleman also spoke at the 1997 and 2003 Extravaganzas. He currently holds the title of Associate Professor at California State University, Sacramento. Anyone interested in the science side of our hobby should check out his website: www.cichlidresearch.com 2003: After over 8 years of social meetings at the Tri-County Senior Center, in Middleburgh Heights, the OCA holds its first meeting at a new location. The Hampton Inn, on Tiedeman Rd in Brooklyn, offers a bigger room and a better parking situation. In addition, it’s located just 5 minutes from I480. The guest speaker at this meeting is fish-health specialist Terry Fairfield, from Chicago. Are you looking for the most up to date information about Cichlids from those who know them better than anyone? Then You Need This! Cichlid News offers the latest information about all of the Cichlid species you love from experts you trust. Subscribe Today. www.cichlidnews.com The Jim Smith Memorial Fund What’s exciting about the Cichlid hobby is that there are hundreds, maybe thousands of species that we have yet to discover. Unfortunately each day many cichlids are losing their habitat or being consumed by those who don’t understand their value to the local environment and the planet. The Jim Smith Memorial Fund is used by the members of The Ohio Cichlid Association to help those who study cichlid species and engage in real world efforts to stop habitat destruction. This fund has been used to catalog data that is available to the entire world so that we can all learn more about these species that we all enjoy. We’ve also helped efforts to stop overfishing of cichlids and prevented destruction breeding areas in the African Rift Lakes. Please help us by supporting the Jim Smith Memorial Fund. You can guarantee that new fish will be available for the future and support those who are making a difference today. You can help by buying raffle tickets, donating supplies and fish, or by offering a cash donation at any OCA meeting or event. Get More Info: www.ohiocichlid.com/JimSmithFund.html More than a hobby… …it’s a lifestyle. SomethingFishyinc.net BY JUAN MIGUEL ARTIGAS ASAZ 4764 State Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44109 THE INTERNET CICHLIDAE INFORMATION CENTER! 216-635-1625 WWW.CICHLIDAE.COM Sera uses only 1st class ingredients from sustainable sources to achieve a high digestibility rate of 80% Sera foods are different. Simply more natural! www.sera.de FREE SHIPPING on orders $49 and over! 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! Wondering how many points your fish earn for the Breeders Award Program? Well, here’s the Ohio Cichlid Association’s point schedule for New and Old World Cichlids. Happy Breeding! Point Schedule for New World Cichlids 10 Ten Point Fish: Aequidens sp. (The Blue and Green Acaras) Archocentrus centrarchus Archocentrus nigrofasciatum Archocentrus octofasciatum Archocentrus sajica Archocentrus septemfasciatum Archocentrus spilurum Bujurquina sp. Cichlasoma sp. (The Black Acaras) Geophagus brasiliensis var. Geophagus pellegrini Geophagus steindachneri Guinacara sp. Gymnogeophagus balzanii Gymnogeophagus meridionalis Gymnogeophagus rhabdotus Herichthys carpintas Herichthys cyanoguttatum Herotilapia multispinossa Krobia sp. Laetacara sp. (curviceps, dorsigerus) Nannacara sp. Neetroplus nematopus Pterophyllum scalare Thorichthys meeki Fifteen Point Fish 15 “Cich.” Facetum Amphilophus citrinellum Amphilophus labiatum Amphilophus longimanus Amphilophus macracanthus Apistogramma sp. Cleithacara maronii Heros appendiculatus Heros severum Hypselecara temporalis Mesonauta festivum Microgeophagus altispinossa Microgeophagus ramerezi Nandopsis atromaculatum Nandopsis bartoni Nandopsis freidrichsthalli Nandopsis loiselli Nandopsis managuense Nandopsis motaguense Nandopsis salvini Nandopsis trimaculatum Nandopsis uropthalmus Theraps argentea Theraps bifasciatum Theraps breidorhi Theraps guttalatum Theraps hartwegi Theraps heterospilus Theraps intermedium Theraps nicaraguense Theraps panamense Theraps regani Theraps synspilus Theraps zonatum Thorichthys affinus Thorichthys aureum Thorichthys ellioti Thorichthys helleri Thorichthys pasionis Thorichthys socolofi 20 Twenty Point Fish Amphilophus alfari Amphilophus altifrons Amphilophus calobrense Amphilophus diquis Amphilophus lyonsi Amphilophus rhytisma Amphilophus robertsoni Amphilophus rostratum Amphilophus tuyrense Amphilophus zaliosum Apistogrammoides sp. Archocentrus spinosissimus Astronatus sp. Batrachops sp. Caquetaia sp. Crenicara sp. Geophagus crassilabrus Geophagus surinamensis var. Gymnogeophagus gymnogenys Gymnogeophagus labiatum Gymnogeophagus lacustrus Herichthys bocourti Herichthys labridens Herichthys minkleyi Herichthys pearsi Nandopsis beani Nandopsis dovii Nandopsis festae Nandopsis grammodes Nandopsis haitiensis Nandopsis islantum Nandopsis ornatum Nandopsis pantostictum Nandopsis steindachneri Nandopsis tetracanthus Nandopsis umbriferum Paraneetroplus bulleri Petenia splendida Satanoperca leucosticta Satanoperca pappaterra Symphysodon sp. Taeniacara candidi Teleocichla sp. Theraps coeruleus Theraps fenestratum Theraps gibbiceps Theraps godmani Theraps irregulare Theraps maculicauda Theraps melanurum Therapsmicropthalmus Theraps nebuliferum Theraps omonti Theraps seiboldi Thorichthys callolepis Tomocichla tuba Uaru amphiacanthoides 25 Twenty Five Point Fish Acarichthys heckelii Acaronia sp. Biotecus sp. Biotodoma sp. Chaetobranchopsis sp. Chaetobranchus sp. Hoplarchus psittacum Pterophyllum altum Pterophyllum dumerelli Retroculus sp. Satanoperca acuticeps Satanoperca daemon Satanoperca Lilith Point Schedule for Old World Cichlids 10 Ten Point Fish Aristochromis ** Astatoreaochromis Chalinochromis ** Chilotilapia Cleithrochromis Corematodus Cynotilapia Genyochromis Gephyrochromis * Haplochromis (victorian) Haplochromis ** Hemichromis bimaculatus Hemichromis thomasi Hemihaplochromis * Iodotropheus sprengerae Labidochromis * Labeotropheus ** Lamprologus brichardi Lamprologus margarae Lamprologus ornatipinnis Lamprologus meeli Lamprologus tetracanthus Lethrinops Lichnochromis Melanochromis * Pelvicachromis * Pseudocrenilabrus philander Petrotilapia Pseudotropheus Telmatochromis Thysia * Tilapia * Trematocranus 15 Fifteen Point Fish Asprotilapia Aristochromis macrochir Aulonocara maylandi Aulonocara ussiyi Aulonocranus Callochromis Cardiopharynx Chalinochromis * Chromidotilapia * Cyprichromis Diplotoxidon Docimodus Eretmodus Grammatotria Julidochromis * Haplochromis ahli Haplochromis bethicola Haplochromis borleyi Haplochromis horei Haplochromis kiwingi Haplochromis linni Haplochromis macrostoma Haplochromis pfefferi Etroplus maculatus Hemichromis elongatus Hemichromis fasciatus Nanochromis * Labeotropheus marmalade cat Labeotropheus trewavasae orange x orange Lamprologus (lake species) Lamprologus furcifer Limnochromis Limnotilapia Orthochromis Rhamphochromis Spathodus Steatocranus * Tanganicodus Tylochromis Xenotilapia Twenty Point Fish Cunningtonia Lobochilotes 20 Cyphotilapia * Ectodus Etroplus suratensis Hemibates stenosoma Lamprologus calvus Lamprologus compressiceps Lamprologus fasciatus Lamprologus ornatipinnis Lamprologus sexfasciatus (gold) Lamprologus tretocephalus Lastredea Lamprologus (all riverine) Limnochromis auritus Petrochromis ** Serranochromis Simochromis Trematocara Tropheus brichardi Tropheus duboisi Tropheus moori Tropheus polli Twenty Five Point Fish Boulengerochromis Cyathopharynx furcifer Lamprologus sexfascitus (blue) Haplotaxodon microlepus Haplotaxodon tricoti Ophthalmochromis Perissodus Petrochromis trewavasae Reganochromis Triglachromis otostigma NOTE: FOR ALL OLD WORLD CICHLIDS * = ALL ** = NOT ALL 25 Aquatica Superstore.com 6653 Grafton Rd. Valley City, Ohio All Cleveland Reptile Show and Sale The Place for all your Reptile Pets and Supplies! For table reservations: 614-886-3946 Aquaticastore@gmail.com 330-866-0559 www.freewebs.com/shrz/
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