August Newsletter Cruz-Bubes 2016-2017


August Newsletter Cruz-Bubes 2016-2017
News and Notes from Ms. Cruz’s and Mrs. Bubes’ Classroom
August 2016
Here’s what we are working on!
Launching Lisa Calkins:
Units of Study for Reading
Launching Everyday Math
Launching Lisa Calkins:
Units of Study for Reading
Social Studies:
Conscious Discipline and First 6 weeks:
Setting Procedures and Guidelines
Look Ahead
¨ Curriculum Night:
August 24th 5:30-7:30
¨ September 5th:
Labor Day Holiday
Birthday Celebrations!
•  Mrs. Bubes 8/19
•  Aerin Ayitenfio 8/31
Technology Minute:
Class Dojo
Thank You Parents !!!!
Mrs. Bubes and myself want to express
our sincere gratitude for the outpouring
of support we have received from all of
you. We thank you for signing up for
volunteering and contributing to help our
classroom needs. We have many great
things in the works such as additional
flexible seating and increased book
library to name a few.
Class Dojo is a great tool
for you to see into our classroom. We will be
posting pictures and videos of classroom
activities weekly. Please refer to the Class
Dojo letter sent this week for your
specific code to register and
access our site.
Home-School Connection:
Brain Breaks are a great way to help the brain
refocus and get the ‘jitters’ out. Below is the link to
go noodle brain breaks that you can use at
home to help during those’ challenging’
moments or to bond as a family.
Here’s what we’ve been up to lately...
The beginning of the school year has been very productive. We
completed an author’s study of Kevin Henkes. This was a follow up
to students summer reading series and collaborated together to
establish classroom norms. Below you will see a snapshot of our
hard work.
Team Building:
Marshmallow Towers
Author Study: Kevin Henkes
We have been participating in an author’s
study of Kevin Henkes books.
Stay on the look out for our
Author’s Study display
outside our doorway by next Friday.
Snack Schedule for August/September: • 
Week of August 22nd: Mya Bellinger’s family Week of August 29th: Gabriella Colvin’s family Week of September 5th : Tom Sullivan’s family Week of September 12th: Sagan Mullinix Week of September 19th: Asa Douglas Week of September 26th: Eva Schulz *Please refer to Snack Sugges2ons for snack ideas* Feel free to contact us:
Ms. Cruz:
Mrs. Bubes:
Math Guided Explorations:
Pattern Blocks, Clocks & Roll the Dice (Place Value)