Tilapia _x___ Pangasius ___ Initial(Inicial)_X_Surveillance(Vigilancia)


Tilapia _x___ Pangasius ___ Initial(Inicial)_X_Surveillance(Vigilancia)
Report (Reporte) number (número):845560ASCRPT-2016-01-RR
ASC Audit Report
Version (Versión) 5 APR (ABRIL) 2014
(Reporte de Auditoría)
Tilapia _x___ Pangasius ___
Name client (Nombre del
Client number (número del
Name contact person
(Nombre de persona de
Address client (Dirección del
Telephone, fax, e-mail
(Teléfono, Fax, correo
Certificate code (Código de
Date of issue of certificate
(Fecha de emisión del
Date and length of audit
(Fecha y duración de la
Name of auditor(s) Nombre
del auditor (res)
Inspected unit (s)
Number and % of members
(in case of group
certification) / Número y %
de los miembros evaluados
(en caso de certificación
Issued by / Elaborado por
Address / Dirección
Telephone / Teléfono
Email / Correo electrónico
Website / Portal de internet
Certifier / Certificador
Date / Fecha
Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S./Unión Piscícola San
Isidro S.A.S.
Alejandro Mendez Arboleda/Alejandro Méndez Arboleda
7 Street#9-59 Neiva, Huila / CARRERA 7#9-59 NEIVA, HUILA
(+57) 3134663455, N/A, unionpiscicolasanisidro@gmail.com
March (Marzo) 7-8, 2016 (2 days/2 días)
Jose Renato Recalde/José Renato Recalde (Principles/Principios 16) Jose Gabriel Rosales/José Gabriel Rosales (Principle/Principio
PRD 069492 Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S.
Control Union Peru SAC
762 Rivera Navarrete Ave., floor 15, San Isidro, Lima Peru /Av.
Rivera Navarrete 762, piso 15, San Isidro, Lima Perú
+ 5117190400
+ 5117190410
www.cuperu.com www.controlunion.com
Midori Kawazo
Signature / Firma
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Report (Reporte) number (número):845560ASCRPT-2016-01-RR
Version (Versión) 5 APR (ABRIL) 2014
Control Union Peru (CUP), a member of the Control Union World Group is an international inspection and certification
body and is accredited by ASI on behalf of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) to carry out inspection and
certification according to the ASC farm certification standards.
Control Unión Mundial es un organismo de inspección y certificación y es acreditada por ASI en nombre del
Consejo De Administración de la Acuacultura (ASC) para llevar a cabo inspección y certificación de
acuerdo a los estándares de certificación para fincas ASC.
Audits and certification is carried out in conformity with the procedures as laid down in the Procedure Manual and the
program manual for the auditor and certifier. During the audit the qualified CU auditors use standardized audit forms
to record their findings.
Las auditorías y certificación se lleva a efecto en conformidad con los procedimientos establecidos en el
Manual de Procedimientos y el Manual de Programa para el auditor y certificador. Durante la auditoría los
auditores calificados de CU utilizan formatos de auditorías estandarizados para registrar sus hallazgos.
Based on the information provided by the auditor and by the client, the certifier reviews and evaluates all information
provided and certifies the products when all conditions of the regulations are fulfilled. The result of the evaluation is
documented in Chapter 7. Audit work by the auditor and certification by the certifier are clearly separated activities.
Basado en la información provista por el auditor y por el cliente, el certificador revisa y evalúa toda la
información provista y certifica los productos cuando todas las condiciones de las regulaciones son
cumplidas. El resultado de la evaluación es documentada en el Capítulo 7. El trabajo de auditoría por el
auditor y la certificación por el certificador son actividades claramente separadas.
This certification report is made in accordance with the ASC Certification and Accreditation requirements, Version 1.0,
Annex C.
Este reporte de certificación es realizado de acuerdo con los requerimientos de certificación y acreditación
ASC versión 1.0, anexo C
2.1 Background of the assessed company and description of the management system/Historia de la
compañía evaluada y la descripción del sistema de administración:
Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S. is dedicated to the production of Silver Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) under the best
guidelines and quality standards. It counts with a working team capable, committed and focused on the sustainable
production, to deliver raw material and final products which satisfy the necessities of clients in Colombia and
Worldwide. The company is dedicated to produce fish under regulations guaranteeing quality and innocuity, with Good
Aquaculture production practices to satisfy the necessities of clients, granting a continuous improvement of farming
procedures. The exact location of the farm is; KM 2 Highway to Gigante; Hobo, Huila. Geographic coordinates are as
follows; 02°32’46.6” N, 075°27’38.6” W. The annual production is 209,920 Kilograms.
La Unión Piscícola San Isidro S.A.S está dedicada a la producción de Tilapia plateada (Oreochromis
niloticus) bajo los mejores lineamientos y estándares de calidad. Cuenta con un equipo de trabajo capaz,
comprometido y enfocado en la producción sustentable, para entregar materia prima y productos que
satisfagan las necesidades de los clientes de Colombia y del mundo entero. La compañía está dedicada a
producir pescado bajo reglamentos que garanticen calidad e inocuidad, con buenas prácticas de
producción acuícola para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes, garantizando una continua mejora de
los procedimientos de cultivo. La localización exacta de la finca es; Km 2 vía a Gigante; Hobo, Huila. Las
coordenadas geográficas son como siguen; 02°32’46.6” N, 075°27’38.6” W. La producción anual es
209,920 Kilogramos.
Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S initiates legal dealings late July 2012 and started farm construction by October 2012,
beginning operation by August 2013, the land property represents a lot called Los Guasimos with 30 Hectares
approximately and 1,786 square meters located on Llano Sur County (southern plains), Campoalegre jurisdiction,
Department of Huila. It obtained the concession of superficial waters by June 25 2013 with a water intake volume of
70.92 liters per seconds and operational, 69.17 liters per second. The National Authority for Aquaculture and Fisheries
of Colombia (AUNAP) granted cultivation permission by December 4 2013. The receiving water body is Quebrada el
pescador (Fisherman Hills). Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S. has operational 22 ponds between sex reversing
installations (earthen ponds), nurseries and grow-out ponds. Farm is owned by Mr. Alejandro Mendez Arboleda who
acts both as Company´s legal representative and as Administrator.
Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S inicia los trámites legales a finales de Julio de 2012 e inicia la
construcción de la finca por Octubre de 2012, iniciando operaciones por Agosto de 2013, la propiedad
representa un lote denominado Los Guasimos con 30 Hectáreas aproximadamente y 1,786 metros
cuadrados localizado en la Vereda Llano Sur, Jurisdicción Campoalegre, Departamento del Huila. Obtuvo
su concesión de aguas superficiales en Junio 25 de 2013 con una boca toma de 70.92 litros por segundos y
operacional de 69.17 litros por segundo. La Autoridad Nacional de Acuacultura y Pesca de Colombia
(AUNAP) le otorgó el permiso de cultivo por Diciembre 4 de 2013. El cuerpo de agua receptor es la
Quebrada El Pescador. La Unión Piscícola San Isidro S.A.S cuenta con 22 lagos operativos entre
instalaciones para la reversión de sexo (estanques de tierra), precriaderos (levante) y lagos de engorde
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Report (Reporte) number (número):845560ASCRPT-2016-01-RR
Version (Versión) 5 APR (ABRIL) 2014
(ceba). La finca es de propiedad del Sr. Alejandro Mendez Arboleda quien actua tanto de Representante
Legal de la Compañía como de Administrador.
Tilapia fry (non-sex reversed) are purchased from Piscicola Penjamo (neighbor farm) and reversed on earthen ponds
at the farm, on the other hand, C.I. Piscicola Botero S.A. acquires San Isidro production for local market only (the
product is sold whole fresh on the market). Piscicola Penjamo takes fry up to the production facilities. Fries are placed
into earthen ponds where they are left to be sex reversed with artificial feed already with hormone and gain weight up
to 20 grams over a period of 1 month; next, fish are transferred to nursery ponds where they reach a weight of 300400 grams over 2 months period and finally they are transferred to grow-out ponds to gain 700-800 grams of weight
during 4 months.
Las larvas (no reversadas) son compradas de la Piscícola Pénjamo (finca vecina) y reversadas en piscinas
de tierra en la finca, por otro lado, C.I. Piscícola Botero S.A. adquiere la producción de San Isidro para el
mercado local solamente (el producto es vendido entero fresco en el mercado). Piscícola Pénjamo lleva las
larvas hasta las instalaciones productivas. Las larvas son colocadas en estanques de tierra donde son
mantenidos para ser tratados con concentrado industrial ya con hormona hasta ganar un peso mayor a 20
gramos por un período de un mes; lo siguiente, los peces son transferidos a estanques de precría donde
alcanzan un peso de 300-400 gramos por un período mayor a 2 meses y finalmente son transferidos a
estanques de tierra donde ganan un peso de 700-800 gramos durante 4 meses.
2.2 Summary / Sumario
The scope of this audit is: Tilapia, single site.
The applicable standards are: ASC Tilapia standard v 1.0, ASC tilapia audit guide 1.0 and the ASC certification and
accreditation requirements v 1.0.
El alcance de esta auditoría es: Tilapia, único sitio.
Los estándares aplicables son: Estándar de tilapia ASC v 1.0, Guía de auditoría ASC tilapia 1.0 y
Requerimientos de certificación y acreditación ASC v 1.0.
All regulations related to aquaculture operations were fulfilled as: Payment to CAM and AUNAP water use, water
discharge and property documents. The company is up to date with taxes obligations and property obligations. The
internal labor, health and safety regulations working according to local laws.
Todas las regulaciones relacionadas con las operaciones de acuicultura fueron cumplidas como: Pago al
uso del agua CAM y AUNAP, descargas de agua y documentos de propiedad. La empresa se encuentra al
corriente de las obligaciones y deberes impuestos a la propiedad. El Reglamento interno de trabajo, de
salud y seguridad laboral operan según las leyes locales.
DDDO average and during audit were below 65%
El promedio y valor de auditoria de DDDO fueron menores a 65%
All water quality values were inside the data set from July 2015 to January 2016,
Todos los valores dentro del rango del juego de datos desde Julio 2015 a Enero 2016
No evidence of wetlands conversion before or after 1999.
No se evidenció conversión de humedales antes o después de 1999.
Las medidas de SD no fueron posibles de determinar durante la auditoria, el nivel de agua fue de 5 cm debido a la
temporada de sequía en Colombia. Durante la auditoria de seguimiento se realizará en el tiempo cuando estos
indicadores puedan ser revisados.
SD measurement not possible to determine during audit; water level was 5cm due to dry season in
Colombia. During the Surveillance audit will be conducted at a time when these indicators can be
All information for calculations about phosphorus and nitrogen from feed and fertilizers was available as feed producer
declarations, invoices and consumption records. The phosphorus levels were under maximum values of the standard.
Toda la información para los cálculos acerca del fósforo y nitrógeno de alimentos y fertilizantes estaba
disponible tales como declaraciones de fabricante de concentrado, facturas y registros de consumo. Los
niveles de fósforo están por debajo de los máximos del estándar.
The farm takes the necessary measures to avoid escapes of cultured fish to the receiving water bodies as proper
maintained nets at pond discharge pipes, transportation that don´t allow escapes and sampling of the efficiency of the
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Report (Reporte) number (número):845560ASCRPT-2016-01-RR
Version (Versión) 5 APR (ABRIL) 2014
discharge pipes retention devices by nets. Males percentage of fish above 200 g was 100%. No evidence of use of
GMOs or lethal predator control.
La finca toma las medidas necesarias para evitar escape de los peces cultivados a las aguas receptoras
tales como mallas bien mantenidas en las tuberías de descargas de los lagos, transporte que no permite
escape de peces y muestreo de la eficiencia de los equipos de retención por mallas en las tuberías de
descarga. El porcentaje de machos por encima de 200g fue de 100%. No evidencia de uso de GMOs o
control LETAL de depredadores.
Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S. feed suppliers are Contegral and Solla. Through declaration letters, they explained
that the source for fishmeal and fish oil is from sustainable sources for the feed used in grow-out and first stages. All
information was available and in compliance.
Los proveedores de alimento concentrado de Unión Piscícola San Isidro S.A.S. son Contegral y Solla.
Mediante cartas de declaración, ellos explicaron que la fuente de harina y aceite de pescado es de fuentes
sustentables para el engorde y la precría. Toda la información estaba completa y en cumplimiento.
There was no evidence of use of allowed substances (in origin and destiny countries); however there is a Veterinarian
Health Plan managed by a qualified veterinarian. No treatments have been performed by the veterinarian so far, no
evidence of medicine related to a recorded pathology event. No Antibiotics are used on the farm.
No se evidenció el uso de sustancias permitidas (en países de origen y destino); sin embargo hay un Plan
Veterinario de Salud manejado por un veterinario calificado. Ningún tratamiento ha sido realizado por
veterinario hasta ahora, no hubo evidencia de medicina relacionada con un evento patológico registrado.
Ningún antibiótico es utilizado en la finca.
The mortalities collection and final disposal don´t present risk of spread of pathogens internally or to natural water
bodies. The recovery value is over 65%
La recolección y desecho final de mortalidades no presenta riesgos de propagación de patógenos
internamente o hacia los cuerpos de agua natural. El valor de recobro está por encima del 65%
This principle was evaluated on this initial audit. Seven (7) non conformities were found on this principle, one of them
of major category. Este principio fue evaluado en esta auditoría inicial. Siete (7) no conformidades fueron encontradas
en este principio, una de ellas de categoría mayor.
2.3 Decision / Decisión
Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S is granted the ASC certification under the Tilapia standard.
Unión Piscícola San Isidro S.A.S se otorga la certificación ASC bajo el estándar de Tilapia.
Date of inspection; March 07-08, 2016.
La fecha de inspección; Marzo 07-08, 2016.
2.4 Audit background/Antecedentes de la auditoría
Author(s)/Autor (es): Jose Renato Recalde (RR)/José Renato Recalde (RR)
Audit dates/Fechas de la auditoría: March 7th and 8th 2016/Marzo 7 y 8 2016
Report finished at/Reporte finalizado el: March 19, 2016/Marzo 19, 2016
Report reviewed at/Reporte revisado el: April 29, 2016/Abril 28, 2016
Date of the certification decision/Fecha de la decisión de certificación: 27-05-2016
Persons involved in the audit/Personas envueltas en la auditoría:
Alejandro Mendez/Alejandro Méndez: Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S. Chief Executive Officer/Gerente General
Unión Piscícola San Isidro S.A.S.
Edna Carolina Ramirez/Edna Carolina Ramírez: Production Manager/Jefa de Producción
Daniel A. Ossa: Harvest Supervisor/Supervisor de Pesca
Nidia Soleil Gomez/Nidia Soleil Gómez: FEDEACUA Consultant/Consultora de FEDEACUA
Activities audited/Actividades auditadas:
This initial audit included the social principle seven (7). The production activities audited were: / Esta auditoría
inicial incluyó la evaluación del principio social siete (7). Las actividades auditadas fueron:
Feeding / Alimentación
Veterinary treatments / Tratamientos veterinarios
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Version (Versión) 5 APR (ABRIL) 2014
Receiving waters reference points water sampling and DO lecture / Muestreo de agua de puntos de referencia
de cuerpo de agua receptor y lecturas de OD.
Harvest / Cosecha
Male/Female sampling / Muestro de machos/hembras
Predator control / Control de Predadores
Chemicals storage / Almacenamiento de químicos
Stakeholder participation/Participación de las personas directamente afectadas por la producción:
Stakeholder were notified by letter invitation sent it to their emails to participate in the announcement and also during
the audit of certification. There was no participation nor comments from stakeholders at all. /Las partes interesadas
fueron notificadas para que participaran del periodo de anuncio y durante la auditoria de certificación. No hubo ni
participación ni comentarios de personas directamente afectadas.
List of stakeholder invited/Lista de partes intersadas:
- Alcadia municipalidad de Hobo
- Autoridad veterinaria, Lina Giraldor
Other activities/Otras actividades:
Audit plan was submitted one (1) week before the audit to the client, no comments were received on the plan and the
organization of the audit was accomplished according to arrangements agreed with the client. Additionally, during the
audit, the auditor witnessed a harvesting process; and fish transferred from nursery to Grow-out ponds; both
processes do not imply escapes risk, tank truck for harvest operations is sealed and not opened until reaching the
processing plant. Fish transferring from sex-reversal treatment ponds to either nursery or grow-out phases
respectively, the tank in which the fish would be put in, is previously covered by a net within, then, by the time
reaching the pond, the net will be recovered, extended and allocated on the corresponding transferring pond.
El plan de auditoria fue entregado una (1) semana antes de la auditoría al cliente, no hubo comentarios del plan y la
organización de la auditoría fue cumplida conforme a los arreglos acordados con el cliente. Adicionalmente, durante la
auditoría, el auditor presenció un proceso de cosecha; y los peces transferidos desde pre cría a estanques de engorde;
ambos procesos no implican riesgos de escapes, el camión tanque para las operaciones de cosecha es sellado y no
abierto hasta que llegue la sala de proceso. Los peces transferidos desde los lagos para el tratamiento de reversión ya
sea a los lagos de fases de pre cría (levante) o de ceba (engorde) respectivamente, el tanque en el cual los peces
serán colocados, es previamente cubierto por una malla, de ahí, al momento de llegar al lago (estanque), la malla será
recuperada, extendida y colocada en el correspondiente lago de transferencia.
2.5 Scope / Alcance
ASC standard version/Versión del estándar ASC: ASC Tilapia standard v 1.0, ASC Tilapia audit
guide v 1.0./ Estándar ASC Tilapia v 1.0, Guía de auditoría ASC Tilapia V 1.0
Species/Especies: Oreochromis niloticus and hybrids/Oreochromis niloticus e híbridos.
Scope of audit/Alcance de la auditoría: Units and locations included in the audit with geographical
coordinates/Unidades y localizaciones incluídas en la auditoría con coordenadas geográficas
Single site certification/certificación en sitio único.
Production Unit
name/Nombre de la
Unidad Productiva
Production Unit number
(assigned by
CUSI)/Número de la
unidad de producción
(asignado por CUSI)
Address and
positions/Dirección y
water/Cuerpo de agua
Union Piscicola San
Isidro S.A.S./Unión
Piscícola San Isidro
PRD 069492
Hobo- Huila;
Receiving water/Cuerpo de agua receptor: The receiving water body is fresh water from QUEBRADA EL
PESCADOR (FISHERMAN RAVINE). Even Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S. receiving water body is Quebrada El
Pescador (Fisherman Ravine), at the moment there is not any discharge to this receiving water body, water is
discharged to sedimentation ponds and later pump into water reservoirs to be conducted back to the system.
El cuerpo de agua receptor es agua dulce de la Quebrada El Pescador. Aunque la Unión Piscícola San Isidro
S.A.S. cuerpo de agua receptor es Quebrada El Pescador, al momento no hay descarga a este cuerpo de
agua receptora, el agua es descargada a lagos de sedimentación y después bombeada hacia reservorios
para ser conducida de regreso al sistema.
The selections of the RWRP, RWFO and RWFA are simple: upstream, farm discharge and downstream.
La selección de los puntos RWRP, RWFO y RWFA es simple: aguas arriba, descarga de la finca y aguas
2.6 Description of the start of the Chain of Custody/Descripción del comienzo de la Cadena de Custodia.
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Report (Reporte) number (número):845560ASCRPT-2016-01-RR
Version (Versión) 5 APR (ABRIL) 2014
Tilapia products from Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S. currently are not to be processed; on the contrary, C.I. Piscicola
Botero SA is buying their product and it is been transported to the processing plant for local market and it is sold
whole fresh; for instance, Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S. is not using the ecolabel, this is an initial audit; however, it
is able to enter into further certified chains of custody.
Los productos de tilapia de Unión Piscícola San Isidro S.A.S. actualmente no son procesados; por el
contrario, C.I. Piscícola Botero S.A. está comprando sus productos y están siendo transportados a la sala
de proceso para mercado local y está siendo vendido entero fresco; en consecuencia, Unión Piscícola San
Isidro S.A.S. no está utilizando la eco-etiqueta, ésta es una auditoría inicial; sin embargo, puede entrar en
las siguientes cadenas de custodia certificadas.
Considerations for the decision/Consideraciones para la decisión:
Tracking, tracing and segregation systems within the aquaculture operation / Sistemas de rastreo,
trazabilidad y segregación dentro de la explotación acuícola:
Only certified product should be produced at Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S. and when the certification
process ends, then and only then, and after completing the corresponding application procedures, raw
material from San Isidro will be transported to C.I. Piscicola Botero S.A. processing plant, here there would
not be any inputs from non-certified products from external sources at farm level, all dispatch documents
must indicate Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S. as origin, respectively.
Solo productos certificados deberían ser producidos en Unión Piscícola San Isidro S.A.S y cuando
el proceso de certificación termine, entonces y solo entonces, y después de completar los
correspondientes procedimientos de aplicación, materia prima desde San Isidro serán
transportados a la sala de proceso de C.I. Piscícola Botero S.A., aquí no deberían haber ingresos
de productos no certificados de fuentes externas a nivel de finca, todos los documentos de
despacho deben indicar Unión Piscícola San Isidro S.A.S. como origen, respectivamente.
Use of transshipment / Uso de trasbordo
Transshipment not practiced, fish is loaded into oxygenated tanks and doors sealed until the arrival to
processing plant for local market.
No se practica trasbordo, los peces son cargados en tanques oxigenados y las puertas selladas
hasta su arribo a la planta de proceso para mercado local.
Eligible operators and point(s) of landing / Operadores elegibles y puntos de desembarque:
Transportation is made by owned that transport the tilapia alive in tanks with numbered seals to only
processing plant (C.I. Piscicola Botero SA local market)
El transporte se realiza mediante camiones propios que llevan la tilapia viva en tanques con sellos
numerados a una única planta de proceso (C.I. Piscícola Botero SA mercado local)
Opportunity of substitution of certified with non-certified product within the unit of certification./ Oportunidad
de substitución de producto certificado con producto no certificado dentro de la unidad de certificación
There is not opportunity of substitution, only certified products will be produced by the legal entity; even
there are more tilapia producers in the surroundings and once Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S. accomplishes
certification process on traceability documents should be indicated raw material origin and certification status.
No existe oportunidad de substitución, la entidad legal solo producirá productos certificados; a
pesar de existir más productores de tilapia en las cercanías y una vez que Unión Piscícola San
Isidro S.A.S. complete el proceso de certificación en los documentos de trazabilidad debería
indicar el origen de la materia prima y el estado de certificación.
Point from which Chain of Custody certification is required./ Punto donde se requiere certificación de cadena
de custodia.
The MSC chain of Custody certification for ASC products is required at the point of download at processing
plant after harvest and transportation.
La certificación MSC cadena de custodia para productos ASC es requerida en el punto de entrega
en la planta de proceso después de la cosecha y transporte.
2.7 Evaluation results/Evaluación de los resultados
See audit checklist attached / Ver lista de verificación de auditoría adjunto
2.8 Findings/Hallazgos.
After the review of evidence for settling and action plans for non-confomities, its decided to grant the ASC certification
to Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S.
Después de la revisión de evidencia para y los planes de acción para el cierre de la no conformidades, se
decide otorgar la certificación ASC a Unión Piscícola San Isidro S.A.S.
Corrective action/Acción
item/Item Del
Grading/Categoría Status/Estad
Falling (Falla)
o de la NC
The policy presented based on
The policy presented based on
ILO Conventions does not
ILO Conventions does not
include protection to pregnant
include protection to pregnant
1. 7.3.1. C &D
women and lactating mothers
Closed/Cerra women and lactating mothers
and HIV / La política presentada
and HIV / La política presentada
basada en las Convenciones de
basada en las Convenciones de
la Organización Internacional de
la Organización Internacional de
Trabajo (OIT) no incluye la
Trabajo (OIT) no incluye la
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Report (Reporte) number (número):845560ASCRPT-2016-01-RR
7.3.2. AB-C
7.4.2 B C
7.5.1 A
7.5.2. G
7.8.1 A
7.8.3 A
Version (Versión) 5 APR (ABRIL) 2014
protección a mujeres
embarazadas y madres en
periodo de lactancia y de VIH.
protección a mujeres
embarazadas y madres en
periodo de lactancia y de VIH.
Monthly suggestion box checkup and to process any
complaints, claims or
suggestions presented by
Possibility keeps opened to
hiring people living in Hobo with
equal conditions.
There is no evidence of training
in anti-discrimination. /No hay
evidencia de la formación en
la lucha contra la
There is no comparison. The
nearest community is el Hobo,
but they had bad experiences
with worker from this area. The
majority of the workers come
from Garzón Huila / No hay
comparación. La comunidad
más cercana es El Hobo, pero
tuvieron malas experiencias
con los trabajadores de esta
área. La mayoría de los
trabajadores provienen de
Garzón Huila.
Company registers all
events related to working
activities; however, there
is information such as
accidents, it was not
reported accordingly and
root cause and corrective
actions were not reported.
La Compañía registra
todos los eventos
relacionados con las
actividades de trabajo; sin
embargo, hay información
como los accidentes, que
no fueron reportados en
consecuencia y la causa
raíz y las acciones
correctivas no fueron
There are not details on
compensation per activity.
No hay detalles de la
compensación por
Only two (2) night guards
exceeded the allowed
time for extra working
hours, 20 hours.
Solo dos (2) guardias
nocturnos excedían el
tiempo permitido para las
horas extras, 20 horas.
There is an action plan
procedure to address
complaints of September
2015, no complaints
Realizar mensualmente la
apertura del buzón y dar trámite
a cualquier queja reclamo o
sugerencia que se presente.
Se deja abierta la posibilidad de
contratación de personas
residentes en Hobo con
igualdad de condiciones.
Accomplishing the
correspondent research
when incidences
presented and to
determine the cause and
risk zones.
Realizar la respectiva
investigación cuando
se presenten incidentes
y determinar la causa y
las zonas de riesgo.
Changes on
responsibilities manual
were accomplished to
specify employee’s roles
and differences on
Se realizaran los
cambios en el manual
de funciones para
especificar los cargos
de los empleados y las
diferencias de
Do not exceed allowed
timing for each working
No exceder del tiempo
permitido para cada
jornada de trabajo.
Maintain good relations
with the community and
to receive and to solve
complaints, claims and
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Report (Reporte) number (número):845560ASCRPT-2016-01-RR
Version (Versión) 5 APR (ABRIL) 2014
recorded, but there is no
records of the review of
suggestion box
There is not available a
conflict resolution policy
with the community
Hay un procedimiento
para el plan de acción
que trata las quejas de
Septiembre de 2015, no
se ha registrado quejas,
pero no hay registros de
la revisión del buzón de
No hay disponible una
política de resolución de
conflictos con la
Theres is no community
conflict resolution
There is an environmental
and socioeconomic
studies but not informed
to communities.
7.10.2 AB-D-E-F
No existe un
procedimiento para la
resolución de conflictos
con la comunidad. Hay
estudios socioeconómicos y medio
ambientales pero no se
ha informado a las
suggestions presented by
Tener buenas
relaciones con la
comunidad, atender y
dar solución a las
quejas, reclamos y
sugerencias que
Maintain good relations
with the community
working in conjunction to
mutual interests without
causing any disturbances
to third parties and
looking forward to good
and sustainable
Tener buenas
relaciones con la
comunidad para
trabajar en conjunto por
los intereses colectivos
sin perjudicar a
terceros buscando
siempre un buen
desarrollo sostenible.
2.9 Non-conformity report(s)/Reporte de No Conformidades
See attached NCs form / Ver el formato de NCs.
2.10 Confidential annexes / Anexos confidenciales
There are no confidential annexes to this audit/ No hay anexos confidenciales a esta auditoría.
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ASC audit checklist
1.1 Client contact data
CU number:
Company name:
Contact person:
Postal code:
Telephone number:
1.2 Audit information
Date of last external audit:
Audit date:
Full name of the lead auditor:
Audit team:
Type audit:
1.3 Scope of ASC
Production units
Company name
Alejandro Mendez Arboleda
(+57) 3134663455
Initial audit
February 22-23, 2016
Jose Renato Recalde Ruiz (RR); Principles 1-6
Jose Gabriel Rosales Garcia (JR)-Social Auditor; Principle 7
Standard Version: ASC Tilapia Standard_v1.0
Specie: Oreochromis niloticus
Address and GPS coordinates
Receiving water body
PRD 069492
Hobo- Huila; N02°32’46.6” W075°27’38.6”
Changes since last audit
Initial audit
1.4 Other information
Brand name of the company:
Mention other existing certification schemes of licensee:
Lead Auditor: Jose Renato Recalde (Lead Auditor); Jose Gabriel Rosales (Social Auditor)
Company representative: Alejandro Mendez Arboleda
Scope: Species of the Family Cichlidae commonly referred as Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, O. mossambica, O. aureus and O. hybrids)
1.1 Criteria: Evidence of legal compliance
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
a. Maintain copies of applicable land and water use laws.
Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance
with local and national authorities on land and water
use (e.g., permits, evidence of lease, concessions and b. Maintain original lease agreements or land titles on file.
rights to land and/or water use)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
A. Review compliance with applicable land and water use laws.
B. Confirm client holds original lease agreements or land titles.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance
with all labor laws and regulations
inspection record code: To obtain the superficial water concession Corporación autonoma del alto magdalena verify
through inspections accomplished January 15, 2013
inspection date: January 15, 2013
entity that conducted the inspection: Corporación autonoma del Alto Magdalena.
Is there extist any confict?No; prior to obtain the concesion aguas superficiales the farm have to obtain a Permit for use
of the land in which it is certified no conflicts on preserved areas
codes of documents that proving:c. No physical document on Permit for land use, it is delivered to the CAN (Corporacion
autonoma regional del alto magdalena)
tax payments code: 900538000 (tax for water concession) invoice number 28911
record date: June 05, 2015 period June 2015
A. Verify client has records of tax payments to appropriate jurisdiction(s).
b. Maintain copies of tax laws for jurisdiction(s) where company operates.
B. Confirm client has a basic knowledge of tax requirements for farm.
c. Register with national or local authorities as an “aquaculture activity".
C. Verify client is registered with local or national authorities.
a. Maintain copies of national labor codes and laws applicable to farm.
A. Confirm client has specified documentation.
does client have knowledge?: yes, Factura de tasas por uso Edgardo Rios Gutierrez del agosto 24 de 2015 y CAM
comprobante de ingresos numero de comprobante 28911
codes of documents that proving:
Is client registered? Resoluci+on numer 001379 PERMISO DE CULTIVO A LA SOXIEDAD San Isidro SAS indetificada con NIT
N.- 900538000-5
Code of records related to taxs: NIT 900538000-5
record date: September 25, 2014
Code of records related to all labor laws and regulations:Law 704 2001 (november 21) official diary n.- 44.628 , november
27 , 2001 (International conference of Labor agreement 182 ; agreement 138 Oit related to minimum age adopted to the
58 International conference meeting for labour; CIII agreeemnt about discrimination (employment and occupation) ;
1958; Agreement n.- 105 related to forced labor abolition ; C100 agreement about equality of salary payment 1951; C98
agreement about sindicalism right and collective negotiotion 1949; agreement number 87 relative to group of worker
organization adopted july 9 1948, XXXI international conference in San Francisco California; agreement 29 about forced
labor.june 28 , 1930
record date: November 27 , 2001
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
b. Keep records of farm inspections for compliance with national labor laws
B. Review inspection records for compliance with national labor laws and
and codes (only if such inspections are legally required in the country of opera) codes (as applicable).
Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance a. Obtain permits for water quality impacts where applicable.
with regulations or permits concerning water quality
b. Comply with all discharge laws or regulations.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
c. Maintain records of monitoring and compliance with discharge laws and
regulations as required
2.1 Criteria: Site information
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
lease agreements/land titles code: Property number 200-8307; statistical number 00-001-0002-0025-000; address or
name San Isidro, jurisdiction Hobo Department HUila value 150,820,000;
holding time: not determined; lease agreements/land titles code land title number 200-80792, statistical code 00-0100020026-00; address or name, Las Delicias , Jurisdiction Hobo; Department HUila , Value 11,036,000; Legal nature of
the act (nothing written here); Value in Colombian Pesos (Nothing written here); Contract nothing written here code 157,
specificacion (nothing written here), disclosure open no limit of quantity 400,000,000 persons intervining on the act
/contract Society Union Piscicola San Isidro S.A.S
c. Keep records of inspections for compliance with national and local laws and
C. Review inspection records for compliance with national and local laws and
regulations (only if such inspections are legally required in the country of
regulations (as applicable).
Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance a. Keep records of tax payments.
with all tax laws
Indicator: Site location, history and stewardship
activities matrix located in
Appendix 1, Table 1 is completed and validated
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
2.2 Criteria: Presence of natural or established tilapia species
a. Complete the Receiving Water Information Checklist in Audit Reference 2
(Table 1 in Appendix 1 of the Standard).
b. Submit checklist and attachments to CB before the on-site audit.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
codes of documents that proving: Resolution N.- 1424 (June 25, 2013)Resolution License &/or Permission Concession
superficial waters
Issue and expire date: June 25, 2013 (issue);: expiration date; 10 years (water intake)
lease agreements/land titles code:Land titles republic of Colombia page 1 number zero-eighty six date January 23, 2013;
Notary Superintendent and registration (qualification template) property registration number 200-6091, statistics id 0000-0030-0070-000; address or name; Los Guasimos Lot; jurisdiction Campo alegrr department Huila, value;
holding time: not deternined
d. Obtain permits and maps showing that farm does not conflict with national
D. Verify facility does not conflict with national preservation areas.
preservation areas
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Yes No N/A
A. Verify that client obtains permits as applicable.
B. Review evidence of compliance with discharge laws or regulations.
C. Verify that records show compliance with discharge laws and regulations.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
A. Do not schedule on-site audit of client until checklist review is complete.
B. Review client submission for completeness, accuracy, and currency of
information. Request clarification if needed.
C. Verify client information by cross-checking with independent sources (e.g.
local authorities).
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Was there a inpection related to labor laws?: No inspections so far since company started
entity that conducted the inspection: Municipality of Campo Alegre; only if there is a complaint from workers and to
revise compliance of implementation of labor safety procedures; so far no inspection conducted by Municipality
code of inspection records: No code available, document will be generated by Municipality of Campo Alegre itself when
the inspection takes place or if there is any complaint from workers.
inspection date:According to the farm Municipality will inspect the farm to revise compliance of implementation of labor
safety and social security registration to workers
does client have permits?: yes; Resolution N.- 3097 December 30, 2013 permission for industrial water discharge
codes of documents that proving: Resolution N.- 3097 December 30, 2013; 05 years
entity related: Corporacion Autonoma Del Alto Magdalena
Law regulation number: Law 99 1993; and resolution 1719 of 2012
Is in compliance?: there is not a compliance criterion; no water discharge at the moment only implementation of
sedimentadores at discharge point in the farm.
Does client have any water analysis record?: Yes, Parameters control template physical-chemical (monthly water quality)
receiving water code RPC 01 (temperature, dissolved oxygen, % saturation pH ammonia nitrite, nitrate, secchi disk,
responsible observations at receiving water (reference point); receiving waters (discharge or mixing zone ) same
parameters; receiving waters to the distance to exploitation
Record code: July 30, 2015, August 30, 2015, september 30, 15, 30 october 15, november 30 15, december 30, 15,
Was the "receiving Water Information Checklist" used before the onsite audit?: YES, email sent January 26, 2016 (first
email); february 2, 2016 (second email -acceptance);
use date of checklist: February 2, 2016
What documents were sent to CB?: Application form (Application form for Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)for cup
inspection & certification
Sending date: February 2, 2016
sources of confirmation:Emails and pdf form
Indicator: Demonstration that the tilapia species
cultured is established[1] and naturally reproducing in
the receiving waters[2], of the operation on or before
1 January 2008[3]
tilapia cultured is established and naturally reproducing in the receiving waters of the operation on or before 1 January
2008?: POPA (Programa de ordenación de los recursos pesqueros y acuícola) document page 13 description of terrestrial
and aquatic animals in Betania ; according to Cala (1992) on Betania dam there are species such as silver tilapia
(oreochromis niloticus)
sources of confirmation: Resolution 2287 December 29 2015 issued by AUNAP (Autoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y
Pesca ) declaration as domestic species some species such as siilbver tilapia (oreochromis nilotticus)
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All farm locations outside Africa (see
2.2.2), Farm-Wide
a. Collect documentary evidence that cultured species was established in
receiving waters on or before 1 January 2008, or
Collect first hand accounts showing evidence for natural reproduction of
tilapia species in receiving waters on or before 1 January 2008.
Submit evidence with checklist (Audit Reference 2).
A. Review evidence for compliance with the Requirement.
documentary evidence: peer-reviewed literature; verifiable Environmental
Impact Assessment; and government certification.
Acceptable first hand accounts: community testimonials and direct evidence
for multiple size classes of tilapia species in receiving waters captured with
cast nets, trapping devices or fishing.
Even the farm has receiving water point; operations do not discharge still into receiving waters because of severe dried
season during the inspection (they are re-using the water after sedimentation pond treatment); However information
reported at 2.2.1 A is valid for this point; tilapia cultured is established and naturally reproducing in the receiving waters
of the operation on or before 1 January 2008?: POPA (Programa de ordenación de los recursos pesqueros y acuícola)
document page 13 description of terrestrial and aquatic animals in Betania ; according to Cala (1992) on Betania dam
there are species such as silver tilapia (oreochromis niloticus)
sources of confirmation: Resolution 2287 December 29 2015 issued by AUNAP (Autoridad Nacional de Acuicultura y
Pesca ) declaration as domestic species some species such as siilbver tilapia (oreochromis nilotticus)
b. If system does not have receiving waters according as defined in this
requirement [2] then the requirements of Indicator 2.2.1 are not applicable.
B. If system does not have receiving waters according as defined in this
requirement, Auditor response to 2.2.2 is “not applicable” (NA).
c. If water is discharged into municipal water systems, show that there is a
mechanism for treating effluent to eradicate/eliminate macro-biological
organisms such as fish.
C. If water is discharged into municipal water systems, show that there is a
mechanism for treating effluent to eradicate/eliminate macro-biological
organisms such as fish. Review evidence to confirm compliance.
A. Review evidence for compliance with the Requirement.
documentary evidence: peer-reviewed literature; verifiable Environmental
Impact Assessment; and government certification.
Acceptable first hand accounts: community testimonials and direct evidence
for multiple size classes of tilapia species in receiving waters captured with
cast nets, trapping devices or fishing
Audit taken place in Hobo, Huila, Colombia
B. If system does not have receiving waters according as defined in this
requirement, Auditor response to 2.2.2 is “not applicable” (NA).
Audit taken place in Hobo, Huila, Colombia
C. If water is discharged into municipal water systems, show that there is a
mechanism for treating effluent to eradicate/eliminate macro-biological
organisms such as fish. Review evidence to confirm compliance.
Audit taken place in Hobo, Huila, Colombia
Is water discharged into municipal water? No discharge into municipal waters.
what are the devices/mechanism used to eradicate/eliminate macro-biological organisms such as fish:
[1] “A non-indigenous species is considered established if it has a reproducing population within the basin, as inferred from multiple discoveries of adult and juvenile life stages over at least two consecutive years. Given that successful establishment may require multiple introductions, species are excluded if their records of
discoveries are based on only one or a few non-reproducing individuals whose occurrence may reflect merely transient species or unsuccessful invasions.” (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
[2] “Receiving water” is defined as all distinct bodies of water that receive runoff or waste discharges, such as streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and estuaries (adapted from World Health Organization). This does not include farm-constructed water courses,
impoundments or treatment facilities.
[3] Where there are no-discharge systems, or no discharge to receiving waters, requirements 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 are not applicable.
a. Collect documentary evidence that cultured species and strain was present
in receiving waters on or before 1 January 2008 or
Indicator: In Africa, demonstration that the tilapia
Collect first hand accounts showing evidence for natural reproduction of
species and strain cultured is established and naturally
tilapia species and strain in receiving waters on or before 1 January 2008.
reproducing in the receiving waters of the operation or
Submit evidence with checklist (Audit Reference 2)
before 1 January 2008
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: Farms located in Africa only (see 2.2.1),
2.3 Criteria: The effects of eutrophication
b. If system does not have receiving waters as defined in this Requirement
[2]then the requirements of Indicator 2.2.2 are not applicable.
c. If water is discharged into municipal water systems, show that there is a
mechanism for treating effluent to eradicate/eliminate macro-biological
organisms such as fish.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 2.3.1 - Diurnal Difference in Dissolved Oxygen (DDDO)
- Sampling for DDDO is done at least once per month and is measured only at Receiving Water Farm Afar (RWFA) site.
- Measure dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity (or salinity), and temperature at 0.3 m depth. Take all three measurements at the same time.
- For each monthly sampling of DDDO, take measurements two times: 1 hour before sunrise and 2 hours before sunset.
- Equations for calculating DDDO are given in Audit Reference 6 (also Equation 1 in Appendix III of the Standard).
Note 1: For farms located in temperate zones, audits will occur during the 4-month window of peak primary productivity in receiving waters.
Note 2: For farms where thermal destratification occurs (a natural event when oxygen is depleted due to mixing of deep waters with surface waters), the detection of low oxygen concentration will be recorded but will not be considered a non-conformance.
Note 3: The pre-sunset measurements are taken at the same time that samples are collected for water quality monitoring (see Instructions for 2.5.1) at the day of the audit
Indicator: The percent change in diurnal dissolved
a. Collect ≥12 months of DDDO samples if farm was built after December 2009
A. Do not schedule on-site audit until client provides baseline DDDO data.
oxygen of receiving waters relative to dissolved oxygen (farms built before December 2009 need only 6 months of data).
at saturation for the water’s specific salinity and
Requirement: ≤ 65%
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
b. Calibrate all equipment at the frequency and by the method recommended
by the manufacturer. Calibrate daily if there is no manufacturer's
B. Verify that client calibrates equipment as required.
c. Adjust DO at saturation to reflect temperature, salinity and altitude during
calibration or in calculations (see Audit Reference 6).
C. Verify that client adjusts for temperature, salinity and altitude through
calibration or in calculations (Audit Reference 6).
Has client provided DDDO data before the audit?: Yes; there was evidence of excel spreadsheet (physical-chemical
parameters sampling (DDDO analysis) monthly sampling
How old are this data: starting July 30, 2015; August 30, 2015; september 30, 2015; october 30, 2015, november 30,
2015, december 30, 2015, January 30, 2015, February 29, 2016; in ordet according to dates results; 48.38, 17. 26, 55.93,
8.93, 0.44, 24.25, 8.26, february 29 pending.
Date of the last calibrate: January 2016
method and frecuency: when the electronic device showed error on screen, personnel proceeded to perform calibration.
Brand Oxyguard; handy polaris 2
responsible for calibration: Daniel Ossa
Oxygen equipment brand Oxyguard, Handy polaris 2, client performed calibration accurately, adjusting temperature,
salinity and altitude.
d. Calculate DDDO using equation 1 (Audit Reference 6) and oxygen saturation
D. Review Water Quality Monitoring Matrix. Verify that all DDDO
values (Audit Reference 5). Enter DDDO values into Water Quality Monitoring
measurements from the receiving water comply with the Requirement.
Matrix (Audit Reference 4).
DDDO value was calculated?: yes,
DDDO values: July 30, 2015; August 30, 2015; september 30, 2015; october 30, 2015, november 30, 2015, december 30,
2015, January 30, 2015; 48.38, 17. 26, 55.93, 8.93, 0.44, 24.25, 8.26
e. Calculate average annual DDDO for the prior 12-month period. Enter result
E. Review monitoring matrix and confirm that mean annual DDDO ≤ 65 %.
into Water Quality Monitoring Matrix (Audit Reference 4).
Is the DDDO calculated less than 65%?: yes, July 30, 2015; August 30, 2015; september 30, 2015; october 30, 2015,
november 30, 2015, december 30, 2015, January 30, 2015; 48.38, 17. 26, 55.93, 8.93, 0.44, 24.25, 8.26
f. Arrange to take DO measurements while the auditor is at the farm
2.4 Criteria: Water quality in oligotrophic receiving waters
F. Witness client measuring DO. On-site values should fall within range of
farm data for DDDO. If an out of range measurement is observed, raise a non- x
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
all values are whitin range?: yes; July 30, 2015 5:00 AM DO; 5 mg/lt; 4:00 PM; 8.8 mg/lt; August 30, 2015 5:00 AM 6.8
4:00 PM 8; September 30, 2015 ; 5:00 AM 7.7; 4:00 PM 11; October 30; 5:00 AM 7.5; 4:00 PM 6.5; November 30, 2015
5:00 AM (6.8) 4:00 PM 6.4; December 30, 20155:00 AM 8.8 ; 4:00 PM 6.4; January 30 , 2016 5:00 AM 6.4, 4 pm: 5.4
DO on-site values:
Am: Do 6.4, T 24.3, Salinidad 0, Saturación 85%
Pm: Do 5.4, T 27.8, Saturación 75%, Dddo 10%
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 2.4.1 - Upper Limit of Secchi Disk Visibility (SD)
The TAD concluded that "Water bodies with an average annual Secchi disk visibility at or above 10 meters are not permitted to be used as receiving waters under the ISRTA because of their ecological uniqueness and rarity." Thus, Indicator 2.4.2 sets an upper limit on
eligibility for certification: SD ≤10 m.
- Testing of the upper limit of SD is done only at the RWFA sampling station.
- When depth at RWFA station is < 10 meters, the Requirement does not apply.
- The required methods and equipment for measuring SD are given in Audit Reference 1
Indicator: Secchi disk visibility[4] limit above which
production is not certifiable
2.4.1 Requirement: 10 meters
a. Collect ≥12 months of SD readings at RWFA station (for first audits, farm
A. Review matrix to verify that average annual SD < 10 m. If average annual
must have ≥ 6 months of data). Enter SD values into Water Quality Monitoring
SD equals or exceeds 10 m, production is not certifiable.
Matrix (Audit Reference 4).
Quebrada el Pescador Receving water body is less than 10 m.
b. Arrange to take SD measurements at RWFA during the audit of the farm.
The auditor will witness and replicate your SD measurements.
B. Witness client measuring SD. Repeat the SD measurement yourself at the
same time and location. Record both sets of values.
Quebrada el Pescador Receving water body is less than 10 m.
C. Calculate percent error of farm data using Equation 2 (Audit Reference 6). If
< 5% difference is observed between auditor and farm min and max SD
readings, then accept the annual average from farm data. If > 5% difference is
observed between auditor and farm min and max SD readings, then raise a
non-conformity (see Audit Reference 3).
Quebrada el Pescador Receving water body is less than 10 m.
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 2.4.2 - Decision about Oligotrophy using SD
Indicator: Compliance with standards 2.4.3. & 2.4.4.
when Secchi disk visibility[4] ≤ 5.0 meters
2.4.2 Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
The TAD concluded that it was necessary to protect oligotrophic waters from excessive nutrient loading. They imposed strict limits on concentration of Total Phosphorus (Indicator 2.4.3) and Chlorophyll a(Indicator 2.4.4). To decide whether a given water body is
oligotrophic or not, the TAD mandated a functional definition: "Oligotrophic receiving waters are characterized as those that have a Secchi disk visibility equal to or greater than 5.0 meters." Thus, the Secchi disk measurement (SD) will determine whether Standard
nutrient limits shall apply to a given receiving water. The flow chart in Audit Reference 7 shows how to make decisions using SD measurements.
A few points about the logic of the decision-making process must be noted:
- Highly oligotrophic waters (i.e. where the average annual SD is > 10 m) are automatically ineligible from certification because they do not comply with Indicator 2.4.1.
- The decision about Oligotrophy is made based solely on SD measurements taken at RWFA (i.e. SD measures from RWRP, RWFO or other locales are not considered).
- The auditor will verify accuracy of farm SD measurements while on site. Where farm and auditor measurements differ, the auditor's SD measurement shall prevail.
- When deciding if Requirement nutrient limits apply to a receiving water body, the auditor shall also compare the annual average SD to the on-site SD measurement.
- If water depth at RWFA is < 5.0 meters and the SD measurement is to 'bottom' then 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 are not applicable.
Note: If the client suspects that an abrupt reduction in SD as measured by the auditor (e.g. case D below) was caused by natural seasonal variations (i.e. summer blooms or rainy season turbidity), the client may request exemption from 2.4.3 and 2.4.4 but only if it can
be shown annual average SD has not decreased by > 5% over the previous 2 years
a. If auditor measurement shows SD > 5.0 m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m, then A. If auditor measurement shows SD > 5.0 m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m,
(see next column -->)
then Proceed to Indicator 2.4.3 and 2.4.4
SD measurement not possible to determine during audit; water level was 5cm due to dry season in Colombia.
Average SD 50 cm
the SD measurement will be checked in the next surveillance audit
b. If auditor measurement shows SD > 5.0 m and annual mean SD > 5.0 m,
then (see next column -->)
SD measurement not possible to determine during audit; water level was 5cm due to dry season in Colombia.
Average SD 50 cm
the SD measurement will be checked in the next surveillance audit
B. If auditor measurement shows SD > 5.0 m and annual mean SD > 5.0 m,
then stop
c. If auditor measurement shows SD ≤5.0 m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m, then C. If auditor measurement shows SD ≤ 5.0 m and annual mean SD < 5.0 m,
(see next column -->)
then stop
d. If auditor measurement shows SD ≤ 5.0 m and annual mean SD > 5.0 m,
then (see next column -->)
Indicator: Total phosphorus concentration limit in
receiving waters[4]
2.4.3. Requirement: ≤ 20 µg/L
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
SD measurement not possible to determine during audit; water level was 5cm due to dry season in Colombia.
Average SD 50 cm
the SD measurement will be checked in the next surveillance audit
D. If auditor measurement shows SD ≤ 5.0 m and annual mean SD > 5.0 m,
then Proceed to Indicator 2.4.3 and 2.4.4.
SD measurement not possible to determine during audit; water level was 5cm due to dry season in Colombia.
Average SD 50 cm
the SD measurement will be checked in the next surveillance audit
A. Take duplicate water sample at RWFA. Have sample analyzed by a qualified
a. If required under Indicator 2.4.2, collect water samples at RWFA. Determine
independent laboratory for total phosphorus concentration (for handling, see
total phosphorus concentration.
Indicator 2.5.1)
SD Average is 50 cm, at aaudit water body was dry with 5cm, water body maximum depth 2 m
b. Report results to CB.
SD Average is 50 cm, at aaudit water body was dry with 5cm, water body maximum depth 2 m
SD Average is 50 cm, at aaudit water body was dry with 5cm, water body maximum depth 2 m
SD Average is 50 cm, at aaudit water body was dry with 5cm, water body maximum depth 2 m
SD Average is 50 cm, at aaudit water body was dry with 5cm, water body maximum depth 2 m
B. Calculate percent error of farm data using Equation 2 (Audit Reference 6). If
> 5% difference is observed between auditor data and farm min/max, raise a
non-conformity (see Audit Reference 3).
c. Analyze total phosphorus concentrations in all subsequent water samples
from monthly water quality monitoring. Continue until instructed otherwise by C. Verify that samples from receiving waters comply the Requirement.
the CB.
Indicator: Chlorophyll a concentration limit in receiving
A. Take duplicate water sample at RWFA. Have sample analyzed by a qualified
a. If required under Indicator 2.4.2, collect water samples at RWFA. Determine independent laboratory for chlorophyll a concentration (for handling, see
chlorophyll a concentration.
≤ 4.0 µg/L
Indicator: Chlorophyll
a concentration limit in
B. Calculate percent error of farm data using Equation 2 (Audit Reference 6). If
receiving waters[4]
b. Report results to CB.
> 5% difference is observed between auditor data and farm min/max, raise a
non-conformity (see Audit Reference 3).
Indicator: Chlorophyll a concentration limit in
c. Analyze chlorophyll a concentrations in all subsequent water samples from
receiving waters[4]
monthly water quality monitoring. Continue until instructed otherwise by the C. Verify that samples from receiving waters comply the Requirement.
[4] Measurements shall be taken at the Receiving Water Farm Afar (RWFA) sampling station. See Appendix II for RWFA definition.
2.5 Criteria: Receiving water monitoring
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 2.5.1 - Water Quality Monitoring
a. Conduct ≥6 months of water quality monitoring before first audit.
A. Do not schedule the on-site audit until client has monitoring dataset.
2.5.1 Requirement: Yes (6 months data, pre-audit, required)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
d. During the audit of the farm, arrange to conduct water quality monitoring.
The auditor will witness and replicate water sampling
D. Witness client conducting water quality monitoring. Repeat on-site
measurements at the same time and location. Record both sets of values.
e. Collect water samples and prepare them for shipment as applicable
E. Collect duplicates of water samples for independent analyses performed by
either the CB or an independent laboratory (i.e. not by farm staff). At a
minimum, the independent analyses shall include determination of:
chlorophyll a (ug/L), phosphate-phosphorus (ug/L), ammonia-nitrogen (ug/L),
and turbidity (NTU). Keep samples in a sealed cooler at < 10⁰C.
f. Perform routine analysis of water samples (i.e. done in the same manner as F. Keep samples under auditor control until analyses are complete or until
for previous months of water quality monitoring).
samples are placed into custody of a qualified independent laboratory.
g. Record values for each parameter and submit results to CB.
2.6 Criteria: Wetland conservation
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
G. Calculate percent error of farm data using Equation 2 (Audit Reference 6).
If > 5% difference is observed between auditor and farm data, raise a nonconformity (see Audit Reference 3).
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Indicator: Hectares of allowable wetland[5] conversion
since 1999[6]
a. Provide a map delineating all wetlands currently within a 5-km radius of the A. Evaluate whether there is evidence for any wetland conversion occurring
within a 5-km radius of the farm since 1999.
Requirement: 0 ha
Information dataset period: August , september, ocotber, november, december 2015; January 2016
b. Complete the Water Quality Monitoring Matrix (Audit Reference 4) and
B. Review Matrix to verify that client monitored all required parameters at the
submit to CB.
required frequency.
c. Calibrate all equipment at the frequency and by the method recommended
C. Verify that client calibrates equipment as required.
by the manufacturer. Calibrate daily if there is no manufacturer's
Indicator: Receiving water quality monitoring matrix
completed and validated (Appendix II)
SD Average is 50 cm, at aaudit water body was dry with 5cm, water body maximum depth 2 m
Parameters monitored: Conductance, chlorophyll a, Phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen, SD
frequency: Monthly
Date of the last calibration: January 2016
Method and frecuency: electronic calibration
Responsible for calibration: Daniel Ossa
Auditor witnessed client conducting water quality monitoring? Yes,
Samples taken sent to: Construcsuelos Suministros Ltda
Parameters in criteria tested? Yes, chlorophyl a, conductance, phosphorus, nitrogen ammonia,
Samples storage: by independent lab
Date of sending: February 22, 2016
Farm reading:RWFA; phosphate, turbidity, conductivity, ammonia nitrogen, chlorophyll a; <0.07 mg/L (<0.00007 µg/L),
0.86 NTU ( Nephelometric Turbidity Unity), 100 µS/cm, 0.00 mg/lt (0.00 µg/L), 0.77 mg/L (0.00077 µg/L)
Auditor reading: phosphate, turbidity, conductivity, ammonia nitrogen, chlorophyll a; <0.07 mg/L (<0.00007 µg/L), 0.86
NTU ( Nephelometric Turbidity Unity), 100 µS/cm, 0.00 mg/lt (0.00 µg/L), 0.77 mg/L (0.00077 µg/L)
Error %: no difference between farm and audit readings.
Yes No N/A
Wetland conversion since 1999? No wetland near farm, only valleys according yo environmental impact evaluation
(Environmental and biodiversity plan code MPA01) located at Vereda El batan is constituted on forest surface
approximately 15 Ha
Source of confirmation:google earth pro, Environmental impact assessment code MPA01 february 18, 2016.
Near wetland: not applicable for farm. forest surface approximately 15 Ha
B. Evidence shows that farm siting or related activities have resulted in loss of
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Wetland conversion since 1999? Not wetland on the area, only valleys;
b. Prepare a map showing pre- and post-1999 wetland coverage at farm site.
wetland habitat since 1999, then the client is not certifiable.
[5] “Wetland is defined as lands where saturation with water is the dominant factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities living in the soil and on its surface.” (United States Environmental Protection Agency)
forest surface approximately 15 Ha
[6] The year Ramsar contracting parties adopted strategic framework for the development of the Ramsar List
3.1 Nutrient utilization efficiency
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
B. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish purchased.
Were the invoices checked?: Yes, Production program (control template tranfer to pre-nursery phase) code RPT 02
version 1 page 1 of 1 (september 01, 29; October 12 , december 1 2015; january 24 and february 18, 2016)
Code of checked invoices: Production program (control template tranfer to pre-nursery phase) code RPT 02 version 1
page 1 of 1
Total weight of all fish purchased: 465.5 Kg
c. Calculate total weight of fish produced. Keep invoices for all fish sold or
C. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish sold or shipped.
Were the invoices checked? Yes, (Sample) Procesadora de Pescado del Huila ALFAPEZ SAS invoice code 7580 000877
Code of checked invoices: (Sample) Procesadora de Pescado del Huila ALFAPEZ SAS invoice code 7580 000877
Total weight of all fish produced: 284.10 TM (284, 099 kg)
d. Obtain a signed letter from feed manufacturer stating phosphorus content
of the feed.
D. Confirm that a letter from the feed manufacturer states phosphorus
e. Complete nutrient budget worksheet (Audit Reference 8).
E. Review nutrient budget worksheet for accuracy
Farm provided signed letter from feed manufacturer stating phosphorus content and nitrogen of the feed?:
Phosphorus content: Contegral ( meal star up 1.3% p;) 45% extruded 1.20%; Maxi peces 38% 1.10 % P; Maxi peces 32%
1%; AGRINAL Sex reversal diet 1.3%; Meal 45% 1.2 % 45% extruded 1.2%. AGRINAL (SOLLA) Sex reversal meal for tilapia
1.3%; Tilapia 45% meal 1.2 %
Letter date signature:Signed by Juan Jose Uribe Montoya Operational Manager on February 5, 2016 (CONTEGRAL).
AGRINAL February 9, 2016 Juan Jose Jaramillo Nutrition Director
Indicator:The total amount of phosphorus released
from the culture system per metric ton of fish
produced per year. Phosphorus loading will be either
calculated using equations from Appendix III or
measured in effluent
if there is post-culture treatment.
Farms without post-culture treatment for phosphorus
F. Confirm that total phosphorus does not exceed the requirement
Farms without post-culture treatment for phosphorus
Yes, raw data checked on reports.
Yes No N/A
Does the added total phosphorus exceed 27 kg?: No; 15.63 Kg P/MT Fish
Total added phosphorus: 15.63 Kg P/Mtfish
a. Calculate total weight of feed used. Keep invoices.
A. Calculate total weight of feed used. Keep invoices.
Were the invoices checked? Yes, invoices both Agrinal and Contegral; previously instead of contegral SOLLA
Code of checked invoices: Remission n.- 191054275 (September 9, 2015); purchase sex reversal feed meal agrinal 20 Kg ;
Agrinal remission number 191048539 August 31, 2015 sex reversal meal agrinal 20 Kg; Agrinal Date July 31, 2015
remission umber 191031137 sex reversal meal Agrinal 20 Kg ; Contegral invoice code FAN-176295 C. Maxi peces 32 3.5
mm Extruder; C. Maxi peces 32 4.7 mm extruded; C. Maxi peces 32 7.0 mmm extruded ; C. Maxi peces 2.5 mm extruded
december 4 2015; Contegral invoice code FAN-176052 C. maxi peces 38 2.5 mm extruded , C. Maxi peces 32 3.5 mm
extruded; c. maxi peces 32 4.7 mm Extruded; c. maxi peces 32 7.0 mm extruded December 02, 2015
Total weight of feed used : August -November 2015; 273,359 Kg
b. Calculate total weight of all fish purchased. Keep invoices.
B. Calculate total weight of all fish purchased. Keep invoices.
Were the invoices checked?: Yes, Production program (control template tranfer to pre-nursery phase) code RPT 02
version 1 page 1 of 1 (september 01, 29; October 12 , december 1 2015; january 24 and february 18, 2016)
Code of checked invoices: Production program (control template tranfer to pre-nursery phase) code RPT 02 version 1
page 1 of 1
Total weight of all fish purchased: 465.5 Kg
C. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish sold or shipped.
Were the invoices checked? Yes, (Sample) Procesadora de Pescado del Huila ALFAPEZ SAS invoice code 7580 000877
Code of checked invoices: Procesadora de Pescado del Huila ALFAPEZ SAS invoice code 7580 000877
Total weight of all fish produced: 284.10 TM (284, 099 kg)
d. Complete nutrient budget worksheet (Audit Reference 8)
D. Review nutrient budget worksheet for accuracy.
Is the nutrient budget worksheet completed and accurate?: Yes, raw data checked on reports.
E. Confirm that phosphorus released does not exceed requirement.
Does the released total phosphorus exceed 20 kg?: no, 15.63 Kg P/MTFish - 7.5 Kg/mT= 8.13 total amount of phosphorus
released from the culture system per metric ton of fish produced per year
Total released phosphorus: 8.13 total amount of phosphorus released from the culture system per metric ton of fish
produced per year
Farms with post-culture treatment for phosphorus
f. Complete steps a-d (above) for Indicator 3.1.2A.
Farms with post-culture treatment for phosphorus
F. Complete steps A-D (above)
Yes No N/A
Steps A-D completed? Completed accurately
G. View evidence for effective post-culture treatment.
Describe the post culture treatment: Sedimentation ponds on each sector at the farm according to production stage, and
then water is conducted through pipes to reservoir and pumped back to the system.
Requirement:≤ 20 kg
Applicability: Farms with no post-culture treatment for
c. Calculate total weight of fish produced. Keep invoices for all fish sold or
phosphorus, Unit of Certification Only. Clients may
omit/delete pricing details from purchase documents. shipped.
Indicator: The total amount of phosphorus released
from the culture system per metric ton of fish
produced per year. Phosphorus loading will be either
calculated using equations from Appendix III or
A. Review invoice to confirm the total weight of feed used
Indicator: The total amount of phosphorus added to
the culture system per metric ton of fish produced per b. Calculate total weight of all fish purchased. Keep invoices.
year. Use equations from Appendix III.
Requirement: ≤ 27 kg
Yes No N/A
Were the invoices checked? Yes, invoices both Agrinal and Contegral; previously instead of contegral SOLLA
Code of checked invoices: Remission n.- 191054275 (September 9, 2015); purchase sex reversal feed meal agrinal 20 Kg ;
Agrinal remission number 191048539 August 31, 2015 sex reversal meal agrinal 20 Kg; Agrinal Date July 31, 2015
remission umber 191031137 sex reversal meal Agrinal 20 Kg ; Contegral invoice code FAN-176295 C. Maxi peces 32 3.5
mm Extruder; C. Maxi peces 32 4.7 mm extruded; C. Maxi peces 32 7.0 mmm extruded ; C. Maxi peces 2.5 mm extruded
december 4 2015; Contegral invoice code FAN-176052 C. maxi peces 38 2.5 mm extruded , C. Maxi peces 32 3.5 mm
extruded; c. maxi peces 32 4.7 mm Extruded; c. maxi peces 32 7.0 mm extruded December 02, 2015
Total weight of feed used : August -November 2015; 273,359 Kg
a. Calculate total weight of feed used. Keep invoices.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
g. Describe method for treatment (e.g. sludge removal for fertilizer, water
treatment facilities, etc.) and means of quantifying phosphorus capture.
calculated using equations from Appendix III or
measured in effluent if there is post-culture treatment. h. Keep records of the quantity of phosphorus captured by treatment.
Requirement:≤ 20 kg
i. Subtract net phosphorus captured in treatment facility from total output of
phosphorus, expressed as kg P/mt fish produced over prior 12-month period
Applicability: Farms that use post-culture treatment
for phosphorus, Unit of Certification Only. Clients may
omit/delete pricing details from purchase documents. -
a. Calculate total weight of feed used. Keep invoices.
Indicator: Calculation and verification of the total
amount of nitrogen applied to the culture system. Use
b. Calculate total weight of all fish purchased. Keep invoices.
equations from Appendix III.
3.1.3 Requirement: Measured in kg nitrogen/mt fish/year
c. Calculate total weight of fish produced. Keep invoices for all fish sold or
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
Clients may omit/delete pricing details from purchase
Phosporus before treatment: 1 - 1.2 % on feeds
Phosporus after treatment: 0.04 mg/l PO4
Records reviewed: Lab results
H. Review records for phosphorus capture.
I. Review calculations for accuracy.
Was the value correctly calculated?: yes, measured by independent lab (Construcsuelos Suministros Ltda; accredited by
national organization of accreditation IDEAM ( Institute of Hydrology, meterology and Environmental Studies)
Value in kg P/mt fish produced over prior 12-month period: 15.63 Kg P/MT Fish
J. Confirm that the total amount of phosphorus released does not exceed
Does the released total phosphorus exceed 20 kg?: NO, value confirmed by independent laboratory ; (Construcsuelos
Suministros Ltda; accredited by national organization of accreditation IDEAM ( Institute of Hydrology, Meterology and
Environmental Studies)
Total released phosphorus: 8.13 total amount of phosphorus released from the culture system per metric ton of fish
produced per year
A. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of feed used.
Were the invoices checked? Yes, invoices both Agrinal and Contegral; previously instead of contegral SOLLA
Code of checked invoices: Remission n.- 191054275 (September 9, 2015); purchase sex reversal feed meal agrinal 20 Kg ;
Agrinal remission number 191048539 August 31, 2015 sex reversal meal agrinal 20 Kg; Agrinal Date July 31, 2015
remission umber 191031137 sex reversal meal Agrinal 20 Kg ; Contegral invoice code FAN-176295 C. Maxi peces 32 3.5
mm Extruder; C. Maxi peces 32 4.7 mm extruded; C. Maxi peces 32 7.0 mmm extruded ; C. Maxi peces 2.5 mm extruded
december 4 2015; Contegral invoice code FAN-176052 C. maxi peces 38 2.5 mm extruded , C. Maxi peces 32 3.5 mm
extruded; c. maxi peces 32 4.7 mm Extruded; c. maxi peces 32 7.0 mm extruded December 02, 2015
Total weight of feed used : August -November 2015; 273,359 Kg
B. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish purchased.
Were the invoices checked?: Yes, Production program (control template tranfer to pre-nursery phase) code RPT 02
version 1 page 1 of 1 (september 01, 29; October 12 , december 1 2015; january 24 and february 18, 2016)
Code of checked invoices: Production program (control template tranfer to pre-nursery phase) code RPT 02 version 1
page 1 of 1
Total weight of all fish purchased: 465.5 Kg
C. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish sold or shipped.
Were the invoices checked? Yes, (Sample) Procesadora de Pescado del Huila ALFAPEZ SAS invoice code 7580 000877
Code of checked invoices: Procesadora de Pescado del Huila ALFAPEZ SAS invoice code 7580 000877
Total weight of all fish produced: 284.10 TM (284, 099 kg)
d. Obtain a signed letter from feed manufacturer stating nitrogen content of
the feed.
D. Confirm that a letter from the feed manufacturer states nitrogen content.
Farm provided signed letter from feed manufacturer stating phosphorus content and nitrogen of the feed?:
Phosphorus content: Contegral ( meal star up 1.3% p;) 45% extruded 1.20%P; Maxi peces 38% 1.10 % P; Maxi peces 32%
1%P; AGRINAL Sex reversal diet 1.3%P; Meal 45% 1.2 % P; 45% extruded 1.2% P; Nitrogen content: CONTEGRAL; Tilapia
start up meal 7.20 %; Tilapia start-up extruded 7.20%; Maxi-Peces 38% 6.10%; Maxi-peces 32% 5.10%; Maxi-peces 28%
4.50%; Fish 25% 4.00%. AGRINAL (SOLLA) Sex reversal meal for tilapia 7.68%; Tilapia 45% meal 7.2 %
Letter date signature:Signed by Juan Jose Uribe Montoya Operational Manager on February 5, 2016 (CONTEGRAL).
AGRINAL February 9, 2016 Juan Jose Jaramillo Nutrition Director
e. Complete nutrient budget worksheet (Audit Reference 8)
E. Review nutrient budget worksheet for accuracy.
Is the nutrient budget worksheet completed?: Yes, raw data checked on reports.
Total N input: 48.84
a. Calculate total weight of feed used. Keep invoices.
A. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of feed used.
Were the invoices checked? Yes, invoices both Agrinal and Contegral; previously instead of contegral SOLLA
Code of checked invoices: Remission n.- 191054275 (September 9, 2015); purchase sex reversal feed meal agrinal 20 Kg ;
Agrinal remission number 191048539 August 31, 2015 sex reversal meal agrinal 20 Kg; Agrinal Date July 31, 2015
remission umber 191031137 sex reversal meal Agrinal 20 Kg ; Contegral invoice code FAN-176295 C. Maxi peces 32 3.5
mm Extruder; C. Maxi peces 32 4.7 mm extruded; C. Maxi peces 32 7.0 mmm extruded ; C. Maxi peces 2.5 mm extruded
december 4 2015; Contegral invoice code FAN-176052 C. maxi peces 38 2.5 mm extruded , C. Maxi peces 32 3.5 mm
extruded; c. maxi peces 32 4.7 mm Extruded; c. maxi peces 32 7.0 mm extruded December 02, 2015
Total weight of feed used : August -November 2015; 273,359 Kg
b. Calculate total weight of all fish purchased. Keep invoices.
B. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish purchased.
Were the invoices checked?: Yes, Production program (control template tranfer to pre-nursery phase) code RPT 02
version 1 page 1 of 1 (september 01, 29; October 12 , december 1 2015; january 24 and february 18, 2016)
Code of checked invoices: Production program (control template tranfer to pre-nursery phase) code RPT 02 version 1
page 1 of 1
Total weight of all fish purchased: 465.5 Kg
C. Review invoices to confirm the total weight of fish sold or shipped.
Were the invoices checked? Yes, (Sample) Procesadora de Pescado del Huila ALFAPEZ SAS invoice code 7580 000877
Code of checked invoices: Procesadora de Pescado del Huila ALFAPEZ SAS invoice code 7580 000877
Total weight of all fish produced: 284.10 TM (284, 099 kg)
D. Confirm calculation.
Was the value correctly calculated?: Yes, value calculated correctly according to auditor reference 6
Value in kg nitrogen/mt fish/year:48.84 - 21.2 = 27.64 Kg N/MT Fish per year
E. Review nutrient budget worksheet for accuracy.
Is the nutrient budget worksheet completed and accurate?: Yes, raw data checked on reports.
Indicator: Calculation and verification of the total
amount of nitrogen released from the farming activity.
Use equations from Appendix III.
Requirement: Measured in kg nitrogen/mt fish/year
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
Clients may omit/delete pricing details from purchase
c. Calculate total weight of fish produced. Keep invoices for all fish sold or
d. Use equation from Audit Reference 6 to calculate total amount of nitrogen
released. D. Confirm calculation.
3.2 Groundwater salinization
e. Complete nutrient budget worksheet (Audit Reference 8)
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Only applicable if brackish water is used for the culture of tilapia (if surface water used is less than 1,300 µS/cm or if initial well water measure is greater than 1,300 µS/cm – standard is not applicable and no non-conformance issued)
a. Inform CB if brackish water is used for tilapia culture (3.2.1 applies only to
Indicator: Percent change in specific conductance of
farms where surface water is > 1,300 µS/cm or initial well water is < 1,300
freshwater from a drilled well at the time of drilling
and the time of audit. This is required when freshwater µS/cm).
wells are used in combination with brackish surface
A. Confirm whether client uses brackish water for tilapia culture. If not, then
auditor response to 3.2.1B-E is “not applicable” (NA).
water system conductivity: No freshwater from drilled well detected on the farm surroundigs only direct canalization of
fresh water (coming from Quebrada El Pescador; this water is conducted through a canal to a reservoir, treatment with
chlorine on the reservoir.
Brakish water? No brackish water on the area at all, production uses only freshwater coming from Quebrada El Pescador.
wells are used in combination with brackish surface
water for the culture of tilapia. Freshwater aquifers are
b. Show well locations on map of farm.
B. Confirm well locations.
defined as having a specific conductance less than
1,300 µS/cm.
c. Record date of drilling and initial specific conductance (µS/cm) at each well. C. Retain a record of location and initial specific conductance for wells.
Requirement: ≤ 10 %
Applicability: Only farms where brackish water is used
for tilapia culture, Farm-Wide
d. Measure specific conductance of all wells less than 4 weeks before audit.
D. Review updated measurements of specific conductance. Compare values to
initial measurements taken from the same wells.
E. Verify that specific conductance at wells did not change by > 10 %.
4.1. Escapes from aquaculture facilities
Indicator: Presence of net mesh or grills/screens,
barriers on inlets and outlets of culture vessels (e.g.,
tanks, ponds and raceways), and mesh on all netted
confinement units (e.g., cages and impoundments),
4.1.1 appropriately sized to retain the stocked fish
Requirement: Yes
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Requirement: Yes
A. Inspect site to verify that net mesh, screens and barriers are in place.
Devices used (net mesh or grills/screens, barriers): nylon net 3 mm
devices details : net put at entrance pipe and water discharge pipe; no water inlets and outlet on ponds engineering
b. Use meshes that are appropriately sized to retain stocked fish.
B. Inspect site to verify meshes are appropriately sized to retain stocked fish.
are the devices appropriated? No discharge so far to quebrada el Pescador only to sedimentation ponds and oxidation
ponds, dried season water is being re-used
Device size: only on pipes water entrance and discharge, net is put on pipes to cover hole.
a. Establish program for regular inspection of permanent barriers.
A. Inspect site to verify effectiveness of inspection program.
Is there a inspection program? Yes ; UNION PISCICOLA San Isidro SAS mantainance program and equipments version 1
code RME01 page 1 of 1 date, equipment device instalation maintenance prevention corrective hygine cleaning
desinfection next maitenance description of maintenance observation responsible
Code of inspection program: code RME01
Inspection frequency: daily
Inspection responsible: Egna Ramirez (Aquaculture Technician)
b. Record the dates, findings and actions taken in an 'Inspection Register'.
B. Review records.
record dates: January 2016
Findings: General inspection, net on filters
Actions taken : not necessary any
c. Collect data for 6 months before first audit.
C. Do not schedule the first audit until client submits 6 months of inspection
Has the client submitted 6 months of data before the audit? Starting from July 2015, data available on the farm.
a. Establish program for monitoring escapes with trapping devices
A. Inspect farm to verify that trapping devices are used in an effective and
representative way for monitoring escapees.
Is there a program for monitoring escapes? Ponds have not direct discharge to Quebrada El Pescador; at the moment of
the inspection, water reaches sedimentation pond and then reservoir to be pumped back to the system.
Trapping device: Nets at water intake pipes and pipes at discharge, nets cover pipe hole; nylon net 3 mm mesh size.
fequency: At water intake net is maintained when fnew water get into the pond, to avoid entrance of foreign species
(ornamental fish). On the case of water discharge nets are maintained all the time.
b. Record all traps used, findings and actions taken.
B. Review records
c. Collect data for 6 months before first audit.
C. Do not schedule the first audit until client submits 6 months of monitoring
record dates: July 2015 to January 1, 2016
Findings: No findings detected so far
Actions taken : Not necessary
Has the client submitted 6 months of data before first audit? July 2015 rto January 2016
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Indicator: Presence of trapping devices placed in
effluent/drainage canals or in between cages to
sample for escapees, and a record of findings and
actions taken
Indicator: In cage culture systems, the minimum
distance between the bottom of the cage and the
bottom of the receiving waters where the cage is
Requirement: ≥ 3.0 m
Applicability: Cage systems only, Farm-Wide
a. Install net mesh, screens and barriers in required locales.
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Indicator: Presence of net mesh, or grills/screens and
permanent barrier inspection register recording dates,
findings and actions taken, including mitigation or fish
containment structure repairs
Well locations are accurate in a map? No freshwater from drilled well detected on the farm surroundigs only direct
canalization of fresh water (coming from Quebrada El Pescador; this water is conducted through a canal to a reservoir,
treatment with chlorine on the reservoir.
Initial conductivity: No freshwater from drilled well detected on the farm surroundigs only direct canalization of fresh
water (coming from Quebrada El Pescador; this water is conducted through a canal to a reservoir, treatment with
chlorine on the reservoir.
Conductivity values range: No freshwater from drilled well detected on the farm surroundigs only direct canalization of
fresh water (coming from Quebrada El Pescador; this water is conducted through a canal to a reservoir, treatment with
chlorine on the reservoir.
Last conductivity data:
There is change >10%: No freshwater from drilled well detected on the farm surroundigs only direct canalization of fresh
water (coming from Quebrada El Pescador; this water is conducted through a canal to a reservoir, treatment with
chlorine on the reservoir.
A. For cage systems, confirm that distance between cage bottom and bottom
sediment is ≥ 3 m.
Yes No N/A
receiving water body depth: Production system on earthen ponds no cage
cage depth:Not applicable; production system on earthen ponds
Cage bottom and bottom sediment distance: Not applicable; production system on earthen ponds
Indicator: The minimum percentage of males or sterile
fish in a culture unit
Requirement: 95 %
Applicability: Land-based systems only, Farm-Wide
4..2. Transporting live tilapia
If the farm is a land-based system, the client shall arrange to have tilapia
cultures sampled for percentage of male fish (or sterile fish) as follows:
For land-based systems, the auditor shall confirm that clients follow
requirements for determination of percentage of male fish (or sterile fish) in
Yes No N/A
a. Select three (3) culture vessels at random.
A. Verify samples were selected at random.
Selected by: Auditor during on-site inspection according to specificarions at auditor reference (> 200 g). Auditor´s name:
Jose Renato Recalde (RR)
b. Capture 40 fish from each culture vessel for a total of 120 fish.
B. Verify that fish originated from different culture vessels.
Ponds selected: C1 (Area: 12336 m2; average weight up today, 256 g ; date of stocking, January 5, 2016; lot number
300715-2); B5 (Area: 11383 m2; average weight up today, 415 g; date of stocking, October 20, 2015); B6 (Area: 12650
m2; average weight up today 529 g; date of stocking: September 29, 2015).
c. Determine the number of fish in the sample that are male (or sterile).
C. Verify method used to determine sex (or sterility).
Method used: direct observation
d. Calculate the percentage of male fish (or sterile fish) in culture.
D. Review results to confirm compliance with the requirement.
e. Alternate approach when farm has fewer than 3 culture vessels: capture a
total of 100 fish and determine the percentage male fish (or sterile fish).
% of male: pond 1 (C1) fish sampled, 40 fish (100% male); pond 2 (B5) fish sampled, 41 fish (100% male); pond 3 (B6)
fish sampled, 62 fish (only one female, red hybrid )
E. As for 4.1.5D
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
4..3 Transgenic fish
b. For transport of live fish away from the farm (e.g harvested fish), ensure
that containers do not provide escape paths for fish.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
a. Maintain records for the origin of all cultured stocks including the supplier
name, address and contact person(s) for stock purchases.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
a. For transport of live fish to the farm (e.g. fry), ensure that containers do not A. Inspect site to verify containers do not provide escape paths for live fish
Indicator: Presence and evidence of use of fish
transported to the farm.
transport containers that have no escape path for fish provide escape paths for fish.
B. Inspect site to verify containers do not provide escape paths for live fish
transported from the farm.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
4.4 Criteria: Predator control
Indicator: Use of lethal[7] predator control
4.4.1 Requirement: No (None allowed)
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
a. Prepare a list of all predator control devices and their locations
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
[7] The use of lethal predator control is prohibited, unless a predator becomes impinged in netting and is required to be euthanized.
Fish tanks details: 300 liters with net protection inside, net is grabbed with fish within and transfer to the pond to initiate
pre-nursery or nursery stage.
Number of fish tanks inspected: three (3)
Design is appropiate to prevent escapes?: Yes, design is appropriate to prevent escapes.
Yes No N/A
Does client use transgeninc tilapia?: No; Fish factory Penjamo SAS revenue service registration number 900.044.228-6 ;
certitifate 1. on our folder it appears as client Únipon piscicola San Isidro SAS identifed with the revenue service number
900.538.000 and which address is Cta 7 Number 9-59 of 201 b in Neiva -huila; 2. commercial relationships are
maintained eith Union Piscicola San Isidro SAS through sale of tilapia fingerlings not reversed of Nile Tilapia. 3. Union
Piscicola San Isidro SAS buys 200,000 larvae each moth, from penjamo farm, as raw material for Union Piscicola San
Isidro production at Hobo, Colombia. 4. To produce Nile tilapia fingerlings Penjamo counts with 5,000 brood stock female
and 2,000 brood stock mles of nile tilapia, organisms which are natural breeded non genetically modified
Seedling supplier (name, addres and contact person): Fish factory Penjamo SAS revenue service registration number
900.044.228-6; Pomerania Farm, house El Centro Hobo Huila ; Maria Elisa Sanchez Otalora; administrative assistant.
B. If the auditor suspects that transgenic fish are in culture, test stock identity
by collecting 3 fish and sending to an ISO 17025 certified laboratory for
genetic analysis
Suspects of GMO? No suspects whatsoever of genetically modified organisms; fingerling origin Penjamo Fish Factory (San
Isidro neighbour), certificate availble Fish factory Penjamo SAS revenue service registration number 900.044.228-6 ;
certitifate 1. on our folder it appears as client Únipon piscicola San Isidro SAS identifed with the revenue service number
900.538.000 and which address is Cta 7 Number 9-59 of 201 b in Neiva -huila; 2. commercial relationships are
maintained eith Union Piscicola San Isidro SAS through sale of tilapia fingerlings not reversed of Nile Tilapia. 3. Union
Piscicola San Isidro SAS buys 200,000 larvae each moth, from penjamo farm, as raw material for Union Piscicola San
Isidro production at Hobo, Colombia. 4. To produce Nile tilapia fingerlings Penjamo counts with 5,000 brood stock female
and 2,000 brood stock mles of nile tilapia, organisms which are natural breeded non genetically modified
Sample result? invoices revised; October 28, 2015 n.- 243; October 13, 2015 Number 230; September 04, 2015 number
192; August 26, 2015 number 181; July 30, 2015 number 153, July 18, 2015 number 145
A. Review records to confirm compliance with the requirement
Requirement: No (None allowed)
b. Purchase documents must confirm that culture stock is not transgenic.
farm with <3 ponds? 22 ponds in total
Indicator: Allowance for the culture of transgenic
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
A. Predator control devices listed and site inspection for validation
B. Inspect sites to verify no use of lethal predator controls.
Predator control: On sex reversal and nursery ponds, they are covered by nylon nets three inches mesh size, no trapped
birds detected during inspection and not statistically trapped on the farm, birds flying all around no harm detected during
on-site inspection. on grow-out ponds there are air canon allocated on strategically points around the farm; the air canon
is set up on time and detonation space.
Is there evidence the using of lethal predator controls?:no evidence whatsover on the farm; no guns on the farm; strict
control of firearms previous sightseeing place for guerrillas.
Verified by: Jose Renato Recalde
Instruction to Clients for Indicator 4.4.2 - Presence of IUCN Red List Species
Indicator: Mortality of IUCN red listed species
4.4.2 Requirement: 0 (zero)
Determine whether IUCN red list species are present in the region as follows:
- Go to http: //www.iucnredlist.org/
- Follow to "other search options"
- Select "Taxonomy"
- Select "Animalia"
- Indicate appropriate "Location", "Systems", "Habitat",
- Click on "run search" and record species listed and whether they are threatened by the farming activity.
Note: The IUCN Red List uses nine categories for ranking species according to threat, and search results may include species that are not currently threatened. For the purposes of determining whether a farm complies with indicator 4.4.2, species in the following IUCN
categories may be excluded from further analyses: "Not evaluated", "Data Deficient", and "Least Concern".
4.4.2 Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
5.1 Criteria: Use of wild fish for feed (fishmeal and oil)
a. Perform analysis. Record all IUCN red list species and farm-related threats.
A. Repeat analysis to verify that client obtained an accurate result.
A. Repeat analysis to verify that client obtained an accurate result.
b. If an IUCN Red List species is identified in region of the farm (including
receiving and source waters), take appropriate precautions
B. Verify that client takes appropriate precautions as required.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
a. Obtain a signed letter from feed manufacturer stating percentage of fish
meal and/or fish oil (Audit Reference 9) in feed used during the past 12
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
A. Verify that values are stated in a letter from the feed manufacturer.
Yes No N/A
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
b. For FFER calculations, exclude fish meal and fish oil derived from rendering B. Verify client excludes rendered seafood byproducts from calculation of
of seafood
c. Calculate FFER using equations in Audit Reference 6 (also Appendix IV of
C. Verify that FFER calculations were done correctly.
b. For FFER calculations, exclude fish meal and fish oil derived from rendering
D. Confirm that FFER complies with the Requirement
of seafood
a. Obtain a signed letter from feed manufacturer identifying the origin (genus, A. Verify that species used in fishmeal are identified in a letter from the feed
species and region harvested) of fish used in fish meal/oil (Audit Reference 9). manufacturer
Indicator: Allowance for the use of fishmeal and fish oil
in tilapia feed containing products from fisheries that
are listed on the IUCN’s Red List or the species list
maintained by the Convention on the International
5.1.2 Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora b. Determine if any of the species used in fish feed are on the IUCN's Red List
following the instructions given for Indicator 4.4.2.
Requirement: None
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
B. Repeat search of IUCN database to verify that client obtained an accurate
Measure to prevent inpingment: Environmental impact assessment; Environmental management plan and biodiversity
code MPA01 prepared February 18, 2016 version 1, specioes on IUCN list identified on the wild animals surrounding farm.
letter available:yes, signed by Juan Jose Uribe Montoya February 05, 2015 ; Operational Manager Contegral
providers: Contegral S.A. ; Solla (Agrinal) February 02, 2016 signed by Juan Jose Jaramillo Nutrition Director
letter code and signature date: (CONTEGRAL) February 05, 2015 code N.- 023195 ; SOLLA (Agrinal) no code on the letter
only date; February 02, 2016
values stated: For Contegral; Tilapia start-up meal; fish meal 20%, Fish oil 1%; tilapia start-up extruded; fish meal 20%,
fish oil 1%; Maxi-Peces 38% Fish meal 7%, Fish oil 1%; Maxi-Peces 32% Fish meal 6%, Fish oil 1%; Maxi-Peces 28% Fish
meal 5%, Fish oil 1%; Peces 25% Fish meal 5%, Fish oil 1%. For SOLLA (Agrinal) Tilapia Sex reversal Meal Fish meal 17%;
Fish oil 2%; Mojarra 45% meal Fish meal 15%, Fish oil 2%
Yes, all byproducts excluded from calculation
Indicator: Feed Fish Equivalence Ratio (FFER). See
Appendix IV for feed calculations.
Requirement: ≤ 0.8
Does the client have all IUCN red list species and farm-related threats?: Yes; Caiman crocodilus (common caiman) least
concern; Pandion haliaetus (osprey) least concern; Pandionhaliaetus (Osprey) least concern; Ardea alba (Great white
Egret) least concern; Crotalus durissus (Cascabel Rattlesnake) least concern; Chloroceryle maericana (Green Kingfisher)
least concern
The analysis was repeated again? Yes; during on-site inspection, direct search engine at IUCN website.
Species detected: Caiman crocodilus (common caiman) least concern; Pandion haliaetus (osprey) least concern;
Pandionhaliaetus (Osprey) least concern; Ardea alba (Great white Egret) least concern; Crotalus durissus (Cascabel
Rattlesnake) least concern; Chloroceryle maericana (Green Kingfisher) least concern
Farm Threads: no threads detected during on-site inspection.
EFCR: 1.30
fish meal accumulate %:(Contegral) 10.5% ; (SOLLA) 10.83%
fish oil accumulate %: (Contegral) 1% ; (SOLLA) 1.63%
Calculation done correctly? Yes, According to what it is stated on the standard
FFER value: FFERm: 0.0064 ; FFERo: 0.00379
Is the value calculated less than 08?Yes, FFERm: 0.0064 ; FFERo: 0.00379
letter available:yes, Contegral February 05, 2016 signed by Juan Jose Uribe Montoya, Operations manager. SOLLA
February 2, 2016 letter signed by Juan Jose Jaramillo (Nutrition Director) no letter code only date.
letter code and signature date:Contegral letter code 023195 February 05, 2016 signed by Juan Jose Uribe Montoya,
Operations manager. SOLLA February 2, 2016 letter signed by Juan Jose Jaramillo (Nutrition Director) no letter code only
species: Anchovy (Engraulis ringens) peruvian northern-central, Chilean Common Sardine (Strangomera bentinck) Chilean
regions V, Anchovy (Engraulis ringens) Chilean regions III and Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albaceres) Panama Eastern Pacific.
SOLLA Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) Pacific southeast chilean fishery; Frigate tuna (Auxis thazard), Picudillo
(Decapterus macrosoma), Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) Eastern Pacific Central -Pacific Southeast) Culture salmon
(Oncorhynchus kisutch) Chile; However the raw material supplier for this company (Galdecun S.A.) has declared using
fishing by products to prepare fish meal and fish oil, respectively.
Has the client done the search of IUCN correctly?Both feed suppliers have performed IUCN analysis correctly and it was
verified by auditor accordingly.
Species listed: SOLLA S.A. Thunnus albacares (Yellowfin tuna) the IUCN grading is near threaten and Picudillo (Decapterus
macrosoma) has not been assessed yet. Contegral SA all species listed but Thunnus albacares are least concern.
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
Indicator: Timeframe for producers to source feed
containing fishmeal or fish oil originating from
fisheries deemed sustainable by an ISEAL member’s
accredited certification scheme
Requirement: 5 years following the date of ISRTA
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
c. Determine if any of the species used in fish feed are listed by CITES as
- go to http: //www.cites.org/eng/resources/species.html
- select option "Species" and click "find it"
C. Repeat search of CITES database to verify that client obtained an accurate
Has the client done the search of CITES correctly? Yes, both feed suppliers have included on their correspondent
declarations CITES analysis; SOLLA has declared on Chub mackerel, as not listed; raw material from SOLLA came from
fishery byproducts. On the case of CONTEGRAL, all species are declared as not listed as well; on crossed check revision,
auditor obtained same results as suppliers.
Species listed: Anchovy (Engraulis ringens) peruvian northern-central, Chilean Common Sardine (Strangomera bentinck)
Chilean regions V, Anchovy (Engraulis ringens) Chilean regions III and Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albaceres) Panama Eastern
Pacific. SOLLA Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) Pacific southeast chilean fishery; Frigate tuna (Auxis thazard), Picudillo
(Decapterus macrosoma), Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) Eastern Pacific Central -Pacific Southeast) Culture salmon
(Oncorhynchus kisutch) Chile; However the raw material supplier for this company (Galdecun S.A.) has declared using
fishing by products to prepare fish meal and fish oil, respectively.
a. Prepare a policy stating the organization's support of efforts to shift feed
manufacturers to an ISEAL-accredited certification scheme for fish meal/oil
A. Verify that the client's policy supports sustainable feed sourcing (e.g.
programs at http: //www.isealalliance.org/portrait/full%20member).
Does the client´s policy establish the using of feed from feed sustainable deemed by ISEAL? Yes, according to letter
signed by Client´s representative, they have clearly stated their compromise with the environment supporting efforts
feed suppliers are doing to utilize on the future fish meal and fish oil coming from fishery exploitation certified by ISEAL
letter signed by chief executive officer on February 04, 2016, letter has been delivered to both suppliers (CONTEGRAL and
SOLLA) accordingly,
b. Prepare a letter stating the organization's intent to source feed containing
fishmeal or fish oil originating from fisheries deemed sustainable by an ISEAL
member’s accredited certification scheme by 19 December 2014
B. Obtain a copy of client's letter of intent.
copy letter available: letter available, signed by Chief Executive Officer on February 04, 2016, it is clearly stated the
organization intent to source feed containing fish meal or fish oil originating from fisheries deemed sustainable by an
ISEAL member´s accredited certification scheme.
record code: Letter of commitment available and stamps from feed suppliers as part of the internal communications.
signature date: February 04, 2016
c. Affirm support of the process through internal and external communications C. Confirm client's support with documented evidence (letters,
(e.g. correspondence with feed manufacturers)
- go to http: //www.fishsource.org/
- select "Species" drop down tab to the left
- select the species that is utilized by the farm as a source of fish meal or oil
- if the species is not on the FishSource website, and the fish meal or oil is not sourced from by-products (trimmings) of capture fisheries, farms are not in compliance. Contact FishSource via Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships to identify the species as a priority for
- if the species is assessed, select the top tab that reads "Scores"
- If any scores is < 6.0 then the feed does not comply with the Requirement. If the average score is < 6.0 then the feed does not comply with the Requirement.
- If an 'N/A' appears in the sock assessment category then the feed does not comply with the Requirement.
a. Record FishSource scores for each species from which fishmeal or fish oil is
A. Confirm that client has recorded scores for each species. Repeat FishSource
analysis to verify that client obtained an accurate result.
Species: CONTEGRAL; Anchovy (Engraulis ringens) peruvian northern-central, Chilean Common Sardine (Strangomera
bentincki) Chilean regions V, Anchovy (Engraulis ringens) Chilean regions III and Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albaceres)
Panama Eastern Pacific. SOLLA Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) Pacific southeast chilean fishery; Frigate tuna (Auxis
thazard), Picudillo (Decapterus macrosoma), Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) Eastern Pacific Central -Pacific
Southeast) Culture salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Chile; However the raw material supplier for this company (Galdecun
S.A.) has declared using fishing by products to prepare fish meal and fish oil, respectively.
Capture zone:peruvian northern-central, Chilean regions V, Chilean regions III, Panama Eastern Pacific. SOLLA; Pacific
southeast chilean fishery, Eastern Pacific Central -Pacific Southeast), Chile.
Scores: Peruvian northern-central; 1. ≥ 6, 2. 10.0, 3. ≥ 6, 4. ≥ 6, 5. ≥ 6; Chilean region V; 1. ≥ 6, 2. 10.0, 3. 10.0, 4. 8.7, 5.
7.8; Chilean regions III; 1 (Contegral) ; 1. ≥6, 2. 10.0; 3. 10.0, 4. 7.5, 5. 7.6; Panama Eastern Pacific; 1. ≥6, 2. ≥6, 3. ≥6, 4.
8.0; 5. 8.6. SOLLA;the raw material supplier for this company (Galdecun S.A.) has declared using fishing by products to
prepare fish meal and fish oil, respectively.
b. Confirm that average score is ≥ 6.0 with no individual score < 6.0.
B. If any scores is < 6.0 then the feed does not comply with the Requirement.
If the average score is < 6.0 then the feed does not comply with the
Individual score values: Contegral; Peruvian northern-central; 1. ≥ 6, 2. 10.0, 3. ≥ 6, 4. ≥ 6, 5. ≥ 6; Chilean region V; 1. ≥
6, 2. 10.0, 3. 10.0, 4. 8.7, 5. 7.8; Chilean regions III; 1 (Contegral) ; 1. ≥6, 2. 10.0; 3. 10.0, 4. 7.5, 5. 7.6; Panama Eastern
Pacific; 1. ≥6, 2. ≥6, 3. ≥6, 4. 8.0; 5. 8.6. SOLLA;the raw material supplier for this company (Galdecun S.A.) has declared
using fishing by products to prepare fish meal and fish oil, respectively.
average score value: Contegral >6; SOLLA Not applicable.
c. Confirm that there is no 'N/A' in a stock assessment category.
C. If an 'N/A' appears in the sock assessment category then the feed does not
comply with the Requirement.
Is N/A appears in stock assessment? Not any N/A on contegral declaration; SOLLA only byproducts are used from their
Indicator: Prior to achievement of 5.1.3, the average
FishSource score characterizing the fishery(ies) from
which the fishmeal or fish oil is derived. See Appendix
V for explanation of FishSource scoring.
Requirement: ≥ 6.0 with no individual score < 6.0 or an
N/A in the stock assessment category
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
Criteria 5.2 Criteria: Preference for better feed manufacturers
d. If the species is not on the website it means that a FishSource assessment is
D. If the species does not have a FishSource score then the fish feed does not
not available. Contact FishSource via Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships to
comply with the Requirement.
identify the species as a priority for assessment.
All species assessed by fish source?All declared species by Contegral were assessed; SOLLA raw material supplier
Galdecun S.A. has declared to use only byproducts on their production.
e. In lieu of FishSource scores, a farm undergoing a first audit may substitute a
signed letter of intent from their feed manufacturer stating commitment to
provide feed complying with FishSource scoring requirements. However at the
second audit, all farms shall demonstrate that they have used feed that
complies with the FishSource scoring requirements for a minimum of 6
Commitment letter available? Contegral letter available during the audit; February 05, 2016 aigned by Juan Jose Uribe
Montoya, Operations Manager, last page of the commitment letter, it is stated; Contegral as feed supplier, they
understand and it represents their intention to produce, under fish source requirements with fish meal and fish oil higher
than 6 as score. On the case of SOLLA there is the declaration by GALDECUN S.A. (raw material supplier to SOLLA S.A.)
stating on January 22, 2016; Galdecun S.A. through this certificate declares for the processing of fish meal and fish oil,
Galdecun S.A. utilizes raw material (fishery byproducts) coming from companies following the legislation and they adjust
to the criteria established by the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishery or consequently these companies could show, a
commitment to fulfill the criteria, utilizing resources both efficient and sustainably, with a business culture focusing on
continuous improvement.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
a. Compile a list of all feed suppliers with contact information.
b. Prepare a letter of intent to preferentially source feed from suppliers who
have a traceability and sustainability policy by 19 December 2011 (Audit
Reference 9; also see Indicator 5.1.3B)
Indicator: Timeframe for producers to provide
c. Communicate your organization's policy to each feed supplier.
evidence of preferential sourcing of feed products
from feed manufacturers that have a sustainable
sourcing policy for feed ingredients, and traceability of
feed ingredients
Requirement: 2 years following the date that the ISRTA
are published
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
d. Request a traceability policy from each feed supplier (or letter of intent to
establish one) before 19 December 2011.
e. Request sustainability policy from each feed supplier (or letter of intent to
establish one) before 19 December 2011
5.3 Criteria: Energy use
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
E. Verify that client has manufacturer's letter of intent as applicable to first
Thereafter, client must demonstrate that all feeds used are in compliance
with the Requirement.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Suppliers name: Contegral S.A. and SOLLA S.A.
Supplier address: 1. Neiva, Km 12, southern highway, Neiva-Colombia; 2. 42 street #33-80 Southern freeway, ItagüiColombia
Contact information: Contegral; Juan Jose Uribe Montoya (Operations Manager) Mobile; (+57) 3137185066,
dptoserviciocliente@contegral.co ; SOLLA; Juan Jose Jaramillo, NUtrition Director, phone (+57) 44448411 www.solla.com
B. Verify that client has prepared the letter (it must cover traceability; see
Indicator 5.1.3B).
Letter of intent to preferentially source available?: Yes, letter signed by Juan Jose Uribe Montoya (Operations Manager)
on February 05, 2016 stating Contegral is currently in process to request a certification for Aquaculture under BAP
guidelines, and it is establishing a sustainability policy which it´s been implemented on the present year 2016. Moreover,
the company counts with all the standards and requirements aiming to guarantee the fulfillment of all the basic points of
sustainability for the production of feed for tilapia. For SOLLA; GALDECUN S.A. (raw material supplier to SOLLA S.A.)
stating on January 22, 2016; Galdecun S.A. through this certificate declares for the processing of fish meal and fish oil,
Galdecun S.A. utilizes raw material (fishery byproducts) coming from companies following the legislation and they adjust
to the criteria established by the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishery or consequently these companies could show, a
commitment to fulfill the criteria, utilizing resources both efficient and sustainably, with a business culture focusing on
continuous improvement.
Record date:January 19, 2016 (CONTEGRAL). For SOLLA January 22, 2016.
C. Verify that client communicated policy to feed supplier
Have all suppliers recieved the organization's policy?Yes, letter of commitment by the client has been received by both
suppliers (CONTEGRAL and SOLLA)
Record date: February 04, 2016
A. Review feed supplier list and cross-check against feed purchases.
D. Verify client requested documents from each supplier.
Records requested documents from each suppliers: Yes, Yes, letter signed by Juan Jose Uribe Montoya (Operations
Manager) on February 05, 2016 stating Contegral is currently in process to request a certification for Aquaculture under
BAP guidelines, and it is establishing a sustainability policy which it´s been implemented on the present year 2016.
Moreover, the company counts with all the standards and requirements aiming to guarantee the fulfillment of all the
basic points of sustainability for the production of feed for tilapia. For SOLLA; GALDECUN S.A. (raw material supplier to
SOLLA S.A.) stating on January 22, 2016; Galdecun S.A. through this certificate declares for the processing of fish meal
and fish oil, Galdecun S.A. utilizes raw material (fishery byproducts) coming from companies following the legislation and
they adjust to the criteria established by the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishery or consequently these companies
could show, a commitment to fulfill the criteria, utilizing resources both efficient and sustainably, with a business culture
focusing on continuous improvement.
E. Verify client requested documents from each supplier. Auditors shall allow
clients one year (until 19 December 2012) to demonstrate full compliance
with 5.2.1c-e in accordance with forthcoming ASC guidelines.
Sustainability and traceability policys available? Yes, Yes, letter signed by Juan Jose Uribe Montoya (Operations Manager)
on February 05, 2016 stating Contegral is currently in process to request a certification for Aquaculture under BAP
guidelines, and it is establishing a sustainability policy which it´s been implemented on the present year 2016. Moreover,
the company counts with all the standards and requirements aiming to guarantee the fulfillment of all the basic points of
sustainability for the production of feed for tilapia. For SOLLA; GALDECUN S.A. (raw material supplier to SOLLA S.A.)
stating on January 22, 2016; Galdecun S.A. through this certificate declares for the processing of fish meal and fish oil,
Galdecun S.A. utilizes raw material (fishery byproducts) coming from companies following the legislation and they adjust
to the criteria established by the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishery or consequently these companies could show, a
commitment to fulfill the criteria, utilizing resources both efficient and sustainably, with a business culture focusing on
continuous improvement.
Record date: February 05, 2016 (CONTEGRAL). For SOLLA January 22, 2016.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Instructions to Clients for Indicator 5.3.1 - Calculating Total Energy used by Farm
Calculate the total energy consumption of the farm over the prior 12-month period by completing the Energy Budget Worksheet (Audit Reference 10). Include all sources of energy consumption on the farm site such as aeration, boat engines, electricity for housing, etc.
Indicator: Identification of the energy sources and
calculation and verification of total energy used at the Do not include off-site energy consumption such as transport of personnel to or from the farm, or transport of fish to or from the farm. Report energy consumption in kilojoules (Note: 1 megajoule = 1,000 kilojoules). The different energy units can be converted to
kilojoules using the following website: http: //tonto.eia.doe.gov/energy explained/index.cfm?page=about). Report the grand total energy used as kilojoules/mt fish produced/year.
culture facility
Requirement: Measured in kilojoules/mt fish/year
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
a. Complete the Energy Budget Worksheet (Audit Reference 10).
6.1 Criteria: Stocked tilapia recovery
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Instructions to Clients for Indicator 6.1.1 - Calculating Percent Recovery of Production Stages
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Energy sources:Gasoline, ACPM, electricity
KJ / MT fish:Worksheet ; energy consumption total 2015 42,116,400,000; gasoline total 2015; 3,952,800,000ACPM total
2015; 8,564,400,000
A. Verify that client completed the Energy Budget Worksheet.
Yes No N/A
Calculate the annual percent recovery of fish stocked in production stages after they have attained a size of 100 grams. All steps refer to quantities for the entire preceding 12- month period.
1) Stage of production where fish attain an average weight of 100 g (estimated) identified.
2) Estimated loss of fish (#) prior to average size of 100 g being achieved for all production cycles (in ponds, cages, tanks, etc.) for the prior 12-month period.
3) Standing stock of fish (#) after average size of 100 g achieved.
4) The number of fish harvested to market for the 12 month period divided by (#3 above) multiplied by 100 is equal to the percent recovery after 100 g.
5) Average percent recovery for prior 12-month period at grow-out site and verification of calculations from farm records.
Indicator: Percent recovery of fish stocked in
production stages after they have attained a size of
100 grams
Requirement: ≥ 65
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
Note 1: The method presented above is the required formula for calculating annual percent recovery of fish stocked in production stages. It is acknowledged that some farms may have production cycles which make it difficult to accurately collect the information
needed to complete this calculation. In such cases, the client may propose to modify the abovementioned formula provided that the client can show such change is justified. Written justification shall be submitted to the CB together with a detailed description of farm
production cycles and a complete explanation showing how a modified formula will yield a more accurate calculation of annual percent recovery of fish stocked in production stages. Proposals must be reviewed and approved by the CB before the audit.
Note 2: Recovery does not include recruitment of tilapia resulting from reproduction within the culture system.
a. Collect 12 months of data on recovery before the first audit.
A. Make sure client has collected 12 months of data on recovery before first
b. If the farm proposes to modify the formula for calculating percent recovery,
B. Review justification for using an alternate calculation if applicable.
submit written justification to the CB before the first audit.
c. Calculate percent recovery according to the instructions above.
[8] Recovery does not include recruitment of tilapia resulting from reproduction within the culture system.
6.2 Chemicals
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
Indicator: Allowance for the use of chemicals and
therapeutants for disease and pest control that are
banned in the importing or producing country
Requirement: None
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
C. Review calculations and verify that client's production records support the
D. Verify that percent recovery complies with Requirement.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Has client collected 12 months of data? Date of Audit: February 22, 2016 and recovered data from December 3, 2014
(stocking date); March 8, 2015; March 09, 2015; March 8, 2015; February 1, 2015; April 22, 2015; April 12, 2015
Stage where fish reach 100gr: Phase 2 (prior to nursery)
Estimated fish loss before 100 gr: 15%
#animals at 100g:25,500; 45,050; 42,500; 39950; 80;750; 93,925; 68,000
#animals harvested: 23,250; 30,702; 29,047; 25,050; 55,220; 71,330; 49,500
Grow out survival average: 91.17%; 68.15%; 68.34%; 62.70%; 68.38%; 75.94%; 72.79
Was the calculation done according the instruction: Yes; traceability exercise performed on lots 20315 (original remission
document JP-438); 80515-1 (JP-324); 80515-2 (JP-324); 80515-3 (324); 40115 (125); 220415 (118); 120415 (115).
Yes No N/A
a. Prepare a list of all chemicals used on the farm in the previous 12 months.
[Note: The TAD considers any substance added by the producer to culture
system - aside from water and feed - to be a chemical.]
A. Review list. Cross-check against purchases (6.2.2) and health events (6.2.4). x
b. Prepare a list of suppliers of all chemicals or therapeutants used.
B. Review supplier list to identify the country of origin for each chemical.
e. Maintain records of voluntary and/or mandatory chemical residue testing
conducted or commissioned by the farm from prior 12-month period.
E. Verify records.
Is the list of all chemicals used on the farm in the previous 12 months? Only lime (Dolomite) and Ox-Virin
The cross check was done correclty?: Yes, Visit to chemicals warehouse, to cross check presence of declared chemicals on
Suppliers name: Lime ( Cales and Abonos Neiva); Agrocosur (Oxyvirin)
Supplier address: Neiva Highway, Palermo Km 9; Ricardo Quintero Mosquera, Carrera 1 H N.- 739, Neiva, Colombia.
Contact information: Mobile (+57) 3102189379-313 8923757 remission guide n.- 01 date february 2, 2016; Mobile; (+57)
871 4716.
c. Prepare a list of all the countries where the product has been exported to in C. Review list and cross-check against documentary evidence (e.g. sales
the prior 12-month period
d. Prepare a list of banned substances for the producing and exporting country
and the national authority or regulating body in producing country (contact
D. Review evidence and cross-check against published information.
information required).
Percent recovery: 85% on each sample taken during the on-site inspection.
Countries:only local sale of harvested product (Colombia)
On Animal health program (veterinary program) as part of Joint Aquaculture Management Program on the Farm code
MRP -03 page 32 it is feasible to see a therapeutants lisy to be used on treatments. Maximum residual limits and
therapeutants approved by FDA and by the European Union (LMR); however the farm is under ASC assessment to start
exporting product to the United States.
Records available?: currently, the farm is not exporting only local sales; moreover, the local authority for local sales does
not require neither medicine nor heavy metal traces testing; only HACCP plan on processing plants.
Records dates:
a. Maintain records for all purchases of antibiotics (invoices, prescriptions).
indicator: Allowance for the prophylactic use of
antibiotics, prior to any evidence of a disease problem
6.2.2 Requirement: None
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Requirement: ≥ 48 hours
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Indicator: Health records proving all therapeutants
were used or are being used as prescribed by a
veterinary or accredited fish health professional
C. Verification that antibiotics used are related to corresponding and current
health-related events.
Indicator: Calculation and verification of the total
amount of each antibiotic (active ingredient) used per
mt fish produced per year.
6.2.5 Requirement: Measured in kilograms of active
ingredient of individual antibiotic/mt of fish
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
6.3 Criteria: Mortalities
Total purchased: No medicines at all detected during on-site inspection ; no evidence of stored medicine at chemicals
warehouse; only lime and Oxy virin (desinfectant)
Previous inventory:
Invoices reviewed:
Records date:
Analized period stock:
Stock on site at audit:
Antibiotic use is justified by a pathologic event? NO use of antibiotics at all; however the farm has a template to record
mortality and causes ( Production program, daily feeding template version 1, code RPA 02 page 1 of 1; registry starting
from September 2015 up tp February 2016
Total consumed:
Records reviewed:
Antibiotic use is justified by a pathologic event? NO use of antibiotics at all; however the farm has a template to record
mortality and causes ( Production program, daily feeding template version 1, code RPA 02 page 1 of 1; registry starting
from September 2015 up tp February 2016
Records reviewed:
This indicator applies only to farms where the hatchery is located at the grow-out site (e.g. the grow-out facility owns and operates the hatchery) and where the hatchery discharges into the receiving waters. During the holding period, there shall be no risk of exposure
of humans or livestock to methyl or ethyl testosterone.
a. Hatchery facility must have the capacity to retain any water that contains
hormones for sex reversal for a period of ≥48 hours .
A. Inspect hatchery to verify effectiveness of the systems to retain any water
that contains hormones for sex reversal.
a. Keep a record of all therapeutants used for prior 12-month period.
A. Review record of therapeutant usage.
b. Maintain all prescriptions for therapeutants for prior 12-month period.
Does the Hatchery have the capacity to retain any water containing hormones for a period of ≥48 hours?: Farm has sex
reversal ponds to feed animals; one month approximately, sometimes for lack of space; it is extended up to 40 days.
Put details about the system to retain any water: During fish transfer there is no direct contact to receiving water body
(Quebrada El Pescador); discharge water is conducted through buried hoses to sedimentation ponds and later pond back
to a reservoir to be pump back again to the system, on the sedimentation pond, water remained on the sedimimentation
pond more than 48 hours.
B. Verify that therapeutants were used only under prescription.
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
b. Maintain a log of all health related events. For each event record the
B. Review log of health events to verify that the quantity of antibiotic applied
duration and the requirements for use of antibiotics or therapeutants (see also
by the client does not suggest prophylactic use
c. Determine the total amount of antibiotics used in prior 12-month period
Indicator: Minimum hold time required before any
water in which fish have been fed with feed containing
methyl or ethyl testosterone can be released
A. Review purchase records and calculate total amount procured by client.
Inspect storage area to verify quantities on site
c. If prescriptions are made by health professionals who are not veterinarians,
C. If a non-veterinarian wrote prescriptions, confirm that the individual is
obtain evidence of competency (e.g. accreditation) in the diagnosis of fish
qualified as an accredited fish health professional.
disease and drug therapy.
Record available: NO use of antibiotics at all; however the farm has a template to record mortality and causes (
Production program, daily feeding template version 1, code RPA 02 page 1 of 1; registry starting from September 2015
up tp February 2016
Record date:
Cross check invoices and prescriptions (6.2.2) with therapeutants record:
Are all prescription for therapeutants for prior 12 month available?: NO use of antibiotics at all; however the farm has a
template to record mortality and causes ( Production program, daily feeding template version 1, code RPA 02 page 1 of
1; registry starting from September 2015 up tp February 2016
Therapeutants used:
Were therapeuthants used only under presciption?
Documents to prove:
Is the person accredited to carry out prescriptions? However, the farm has not used any therapheutant treatment, they
counted with a veterinarian up to December 2015; however, the farm is currently looking for a new veterinarian.
Person name: Diego Ivan Martinez Zarate
Career: Veterinarian
Put more details: Professional card N.- COMVEZCOL 12141
a. Determine total amount of antibiotic used for prior 12-month period.
A. Verify against record of antibiotic use (see 6.2.2C).
b. Adjust total weight of antibiotic by the fraction of active ingredient.
B. Verify fraction of active ingredient in antibiotic with manufacturer's data.
Antibiotics used: NO use of antibiotics at all; however the farm has a template to record mortality and causes (
Production program, daily feeding template version 1, code RPA 02 page 1 of 1; registry starting from September 2015
up tp February 2016
Total consumed:
Antibiotics used and fraction: NO use of antibiotics at all; however the farm has a template to record mortality and
causes ( Production program, daily feeding template version 1, code RPA 02 page 1 of 1; registry starting from
September 2015 up tp February 2016
Total antibiotic active ingredient used: NO use of antibiotics at all; however the farm has a template to record mortality
and causes ( Production program, daily feeding template version 1, code RPA 02 page 1 of 1; registry starting from
September 2015 up tp February 2016
Fish harvested:
c. Determine total weight of fish produced for prior 12-month period.
Calculate kg active ingredient/mt of fish produced/year.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
C. Verify that calculations are accurate.
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
Total weight calculated in kg active ingredient/mt of fish produced/year:
Indicator: Presence of records demonstrating that fish a. Ensure that fish mortalities are removed from cultures on a daily basis.
mortalities are removed consistently on a minimum
daily basis
A. Do site inspection to confirm there are no dead fish in cultures whose
advanced state of decomposition would suggest mortality is > 1 day
Mortality of more than 1 day observed? No mortality for more than one day detected during pond on-site inspection,
evidencia of mortality disposal area with liner coverage.
Requirement: Yes
B. Verify client's records show daily removals of fish mortality for prior 12month period.
Records of daily mortality available: September 2015 - February 2016
period:September 2015 - February 2016
Applicability: All Farms, Unit of Certification Only
b. Maintain records of daily removals of fish mortalities.
Indicator: Evidence proving acceptable disposal of
dead fish, (i.e., landfill receiving receipts, sales
receipts, permits or approvals for onsite burial, and
assurance if converted to animal meals not destined
6.3.2 for the culture of tilapia)
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
6.4 Criteria: Fish health management
a. Prepare a farm policy that addresses all requirements of the Standard in
regards to the acceptable disposal of dead fish.
A. Review policy to verify it addresses all requirements of 6.3.2 of the
Dead fish disposal procedure: Solid waste disposal procedure as part of Environmental and Biodiversity management plan
code MPA 03 February 18, 2016 version 1 on page 11 on the description of non-reused residues ; we see the description
of mortality ´such mortality identified for causes different than patogenic ones; and biological risks could be used as
compost according to compost plan structured by the farm; such mortality recovered by biological agent will be isolated,
separated and treated especially with chemical agents guaranteeing non disease outbreak of such agent; production of
animal oil through boiling procedure on pressure cockware; griding and animal silo production.
Way of Mortality disposal: Burial at mortality disposal, sand plus liming.
b. Maintain records of mortality disposals as evidence of compliance.
B. Review disposal records to verify compliance.
records checked: From August to December 2015; January to February 2016
records date: August to December 2015; January to February 2016
C. Do site inspection to confirm that farm policy towards mortality is
implemented and mortality records are accurate.
Compliance Criteria (Required Client Actions)
a. Prepare a fish health plan that addresses all requirements of the Standard,
1) Protecting the farm from introduction of pathogens,
2) Preventing the spread of pathogens within the farm and to the receiving
waters, and
Indicator: Presence and evidence of implementation of 3) Reducing the potential for development of disease resistance by ensuring
a fish health plan that is site-specific and contains
responsible therapeutant use
effective methods for 1) Protecting the farm from
introduction of pathogens, 2) Preventing the spread of
pathogens within the farm and to the receiving waters b. Obtain review and written approval of the fish health plan by the farm's
and 3) Reducing the potential for development of
veterinarian or health professional.
disease resistance by ensuring responsible
therapeutant use
Auditor Evaluation (Required CB Actions)
Yes No N/A
7.1 Criteria: Child labor
Indicator: Number of incidences of child[8] labor[9]
7.1.1 Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
A. Review fish health plan to verify it addresses all requirements of Indicator
6.4.1 of the Standard and that the plan is site-specific.
Is there a fish health plan in farm? Yes, Animal Health Program (Veterinarian Program) code MPR 03 Union Piscicola San
Isidro S.A.S; as part of the joint Aquaculture Management Program at the farm since November 2015 version 1 checked
and approved by Alejandro Mendez and prepared by Nidia Soleil Gomez.
Record date: November 2015
Record code: MPR-03
B. Confirm that the farm's veterinarian or health professional has reviewed
and approved the fish health plan.
Who has reviewed the fish health plan?: ON the document apperared Company´s legal Representative Mr. Alejandro
Méndez however there is an evidence of a veterinarian curriculum vitae ; Diego Ivan Martinez Zarate Professional card
COMVEZCOL number 12141
Documents proving his qualifications: Curriculum vitae; id number 79873.988 from Bogota, Colombia
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Disposal location: Union Piscícola San Isidro SAS
Disposal site complies with procedure? Mortality burial, mortality hole is covered by liner and after disposal sand and
lime is added.
Describe observations: The mortality disposal area is correctly identified and isolated by door and ceiling, at the moment
of inspection, mortality was placed on the mortality disposal , sand and lime were added.
Document proving that fish health plan is effectively implemented and understood by farm staff: mortality registry
(number of animals detected and cause of mortality
Record date: August to December 2015 and January and February 2016
Who were the participants: training registration form; topic ASC - food innocuity and hygine practices, isolation for ASC
and HACCP principles; January 15, 2016 from 4 to 6 pm; pariticpants signature (11 participants) Parra Rodriguez Hector
(various activities); Maca Scarpeta Ernesto (Various activities); Tulio V. Bermudez, Romulo Bermeo, Miller Zamora, Yumid
Ardiya, Neftali Rivera., WIlliam Andres Castañeda, Daniel Ossa Suarez (Production Manger ; Egna Carolina Ramírez
Administrative auxiliary.
C. Do site inspection to verify that fish health plan is effectively implemented
and understood by farm staff.
This module is not assessed at this surveillance audit
Compliance Criteria
A. Minimum age of permanent workers is 15 or older (per national legal minimum age).
B. System exists to monitor hours and conditions of young workers and light work by children.
Yes No N/A
C. Young workers (from 15 to less than 18): have no conflicts between work and schooling; do not spend more than 10 hours/day on transportation time,
school and work; do not perform hazardous work.
D. Equal treatment for children of migrant workers.
Minimum local legal age: The Colombian law states that no under 18 years old workers are allowed to be hired and the
producer has a declaration that is socialized with workers.
There are records for hours worked by children?
Records reviewed:
average working hours:
Children average working hours:
School time:
Transportation time:
There are migrant children?
Equal treatment evidenced by:
Footnot [8] A “child” is defined as any person less than 15 years of age. A higher age would apply if the minimum age law stipulates a higher age for work or mandatory schooling. If, however, the local minimum age law is set at 14, in accordance with developing
Footnot [9] “Child labor” is defined as any work by a child younger than the age specified in the definition of a child, except for light work as provided for by ILO Convention 138, article 7.
7.2 Criteria: Forced, bonded, compulsory labor
Compliance Criteria
Yes No N/A
Indicator: Number of incidences of forced[10] ,
bonded[11] or compulsory labor
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Are contracts clearly stated and understood by employees?: The producer has a standard contract Minerva 10-01 signed
with all the workers. There are a total of 15 workers on field.
How many contracts were checked?: 5 contracts reviewed.
All workers are paid? They get paid punctually with bank transfer in Ban Colombia.
A. Contracts clearly stated and understood by employees, no ‘pay to work’ schemes through labor contractors or training credit programs.
B. Employees free to leave workplace and manage their own time.
End of working hours: 4pm is the end of the working day.
Workers are free to leave at free time: According to workers interviews they are free to manage their own allocated time.
Verified by: Workers interviews and working hour registration.
C. Employer does not withhold employee’s original identity papers.
D. Employer shall not withhold any part of workers’ salaries, benefits, property or documents in order to oblige them to continue working for employer.
Is there any evidence proving the employer withhold the original ID papers?: No
Verified by: Workers files.
E. Employees not to be obligated to stay in job to repay debt.
Are there any evidence proving the employer withhold any salary, benefits etc.?: Punctual payments stated by workers
and according to slips.
Verified by: Payment slips and workers interviews.
Are there any employees obligated to stay in job to repay debt?: No
Verified by: Workers files and interviews.
Footnot [10] “Forced (compulsory) labor” is defined as all work or service that is extracted from any person under the menace of any penalty for which a person has not offered him/ herself voluntarily or for which such work or service is demanded as a repayment of debt. “Penalty” can imply monetary sanctions, physical
Footnot [11] “Bonded labor” is defined as when a person is forced by the employer or creditor to work to repay a financial debt to the crediting agency.
7.3 Criteria: Discrimination in the work environment
Compliance Criteria
A. Written anti-discrimination policies in place, stating that the company does not engage/support in discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to
training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership,
political affiliation, age or any other condition that may give rise to discrimination.
Indicator: Number of incidences of discrimination[12]
Yes No N/A
Are the antidiscrimination policies available in place?: There was evidence of a written anti-discrimination declaration of
the 12-01-2015 based on the ILO declaration.
Have all the components? Yes.
How many workers were interviewed?: 5
Worker comments: There is no evidence of discrimination to the workers.
Requirement: 0 (zero)
B. Worker testimony supports that the company does not interfere with the rights of personnel to observe tenets or practices, or to meet needs related to
race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation or any other condition that may give rise to
discrimination. Records indicate objective mechanisms for employee reviews and the offering of promotion and training opportunities.
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
C. Company has a policy in place protecting pregnant and lactating mothers.
D. Company has a policy in place against HIV discrimination.
Is the policy available in place?: The policy presented based on ILO Conventions does not include protection to pregnant
women and lactating mothers.
Date of issue NA
Is the policy available in place?: No. There is no policy of HIV anti-discrimination.
Date of issue: NA
Footnot [12] “Discrimination” is defined as any distinction, exclusion, or preferences, which has the effect of nullifying or impairing equality of opportunity or treatment. Not all distinction, exclusion, or preference constitutes discrimination. For instance, a merit- or
Indicator: Evidence of proactive anti-discrimination
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
7.4 Criteria: Health and safety of workers
A. Verification of clear and transparent company procedures are outlined to raise, file, and respond to discrimination complaints.
There is discrimination complaints procedure? There is a written complaints procedure developed on September 2015
that includes a suggestion box that is be reviewed every 15 days.
Formats for record complaints available? Yes
B. All managers and supervisors receive training on diversity and non-discrimination. All personnel receive non-discrimination training. Internal or external
training acceptable if proven effective.
There is no evidence of training in anti-discrimination.
Training date: NA
Does all managers and supervisor receive the training?: NA
Number of attendants: NA
C. Comparison of workforce diversity with demographics of host community updated regularly by management.
Was the comparison done? There is no comparison. The majority of the workers come from Garzón Huila that is a
mixture of races
Date: NA
Compliance Criteria
Yes No N/A
A. Minimization of hazards/risks in the working environment, including documented systemic procedures and policies to prevent workplace hazards and their
risks, shall exist and the information shall be available to employees.
B. Emergency response procedures shall exist and be known by employees.
Indicator: Percentage of workers trained in health and
safety practices/
C. Health and safety training for all employees conducted on a regular basis (once a year and immediately for all new employees), including training on
procedures/ policies
potential hazards and risk minimization.
Risk assessment date: 15-08-2015
All farm activities included? Yes
Documented minimization procedures available? Yes
Evacuation routes and/or instruction available? Yes
Meeting point available? Yes
Workers showed awareness at interview? Yes
# workers interviewed: 5
What is the Health and safety training frequency for all employees?: Yes, Inducción Sistema general Seguridad y Salud
When was the last training and who is in charge: 10-10-2015
Brief description, detailing the training subjects: General risks, active pause, 1st aids, PPE, Emergency brigades and
Chemical storage room description: There no other chemicals stored than disinfectants
Lockable: Yes
Illuminated: Yes
Ventilated: Yes
Containment devices: Yes
Spillage recovery material: Yes
Refrigeration if needed: NA
Chemicals labeled: Yes
Chemicals separated according compatibility and risks of cross contamination: Yes
Examples of chemicals stored: Disinfectants, cal.
Requirement: 100 %
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Indicator: Percentage of health- and safety-related
accidents and violations recorded and mitigated
through corrective actions
D. Potentially dangerous chemicals are stored properly and as prescribed.
A. Documentation is generated with regards to occupational health and safety violations.
Requirement: 100 %
B. Corrective action plan are implemented in response to accidents that have occurred. This should include: analysis of the root causes, address the root
causes, remediate and prevent future accidents of similar nature.
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
C. Workers involved in departments where accidents have occurred can explain what analysis has been done and what steps taken/improvements made.
Indicator: Employer responsibility and proof of
insurance (accident/ injury) for employee costs in a jobrelated accident or injury when not covered under
A. Documentation maintained by management confirms that all personnel are provided sufficient insurance to cover annual check-ups and costs related to
national law
occupational accidents or injuries. Equal insurance coverage must include temporary, migrant or foreign workers.
Requirement: 100 %
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Health and safety violations recorded? Accident of falling of Flavio Parra.
Record dates: 24 Mar 2015
Case example: Fall in working site.
Records reviewed: The record found is the report of the clinic included in the workers file.
Case example Fall at the working site.
Root cause: Not analyzed.
correction: Not determined.
preventive action: Not defined.
Actions taken evidenced at interview? Not taken
Case commented by workers: Falls
Insurance organization (public/private): The documents of the payments by ASOPAGOS S.A. of the affiliation of insurance
are included in each workers files. The worker can choose different companies of medical insurance where a 4% is
discounted to the workers (Entidad promotora de Salud EPS); for retirement (Administrador de Fondos de Pensiones AFP)
the discount to the workers is 4% and the employer pays an additional 12% ; work accidents depends of the risk in the
industry where the 1,44%is paid by the employer (Administrador de Riesgos Profesionales ARP) and Living
Compensation 4% pays only the employer (Caja de compensación).
All workers covered? Yes
Verified by: Workers files and interviews.
7.5 Criteria: Wages, overtime and working hours
Indicator: The percentage of employees who are paid
fair and decent wages
Requirement: 100 %
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Compliance Criteria
Applicable to employees, workers and contractors
A. Employers/Managers understand and have policies to ensure the principle of equal pay for equal work.
Minimum local legal wage: $689 454 pesos/month
Salary is at or above minimum wage? 3 workers are at minimum wage and the rest are over that salary.
Verified by: Payment slips and workers interviews.
C. Labor conflict resolution policy in place to track conflicts & complaints raised, and responses to conflicts & complaints.
Conflict resolution policy available? Complaint procedure
Formats available: Formats are available
Examples: Procedure of complaint review not operative.
D. Ratio of lowest wage rate to basic needs wage always exceeds 100%.
Minimum wage (MW):$689 454 pesos/month
Lowest wage (LW): $689 454 pesos/month
Ratio calculation; (LW/MW): 100%
E. Proof of employer engagement with workers and their representative organizations, and use of cost of living assessments from credible sources to assess
basic needs wages.
C. Labor-only contracting[13] or false apprenticeship schemes[14] are not accepted, including: revolving/consecutive labor contracts used to deny benefit
Indicator: Incidences of abuse of working hours and/or D. Clear, transparent mechanism for wage setting known to employees.
overtime laws
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Principle of equal work stated at: There is a description of activities but is not related to the compensation.
B. Wage and benefits are clearly articulated to employees and rendered to employees in a convenient manner; e.g. no need to travel to collect benefits, no
promissory notes, coupons or merchandise; payment in cash or check.
Requirement: 0 (zero)
B. Employers ensure wages paid for a standard working week (no more than 48 hours) always meet, at least, legal/industry minimum standards, cover basic
needs of personnel and provide some discretionary income
A. No deductions in pay for disciplinary actions.
Yes No N/A
E. Employer shall comply with applicable laws and industry standards related to working hours. “Normal workweek” can be defined by law but shall not on a
regular basis (constantly of majority of the time) exceed 48 hours. Only if allowed by law, variations (to the 48-hour regular work week) based on seasonality
may apply.
F. Personnel shall be provided with at least on day off in every seven day period.
Place of payment: Bank transfer.
Way of payment: Debit card.
Contract duration: Undetermined with 2 months trial.
# of contracts reviewed: 5
shortest term contract:
What is the wage setting mechanism? By Law
Workers show knowledge about the mechanism? Yes
# Workers interviewed: 5 workers.
Local legal workweek: 48 hours
Are there cases of exceed the legal workweek? No
Workers provided with 1 day off per each 7 day? 13 days in and 2 days off.
Verified by: Workers files, interviews and pay slips.
G. All overtime shall be paid at a premium and should not exceed 12 hours per week.
H. Overtime work shall always be voluntary.
Basic wage determined by law? Yes
Credible sources checked: Ministry of labor web site
Meeting records:
Meeting date:
Verified by: Workers interviews and files.
Normal overtime premium %: 125 day; 175 night
Rest day overtime premium %: 150 day; 250 night
Holiday overtime premium %: 200 day; 250 night
Maximum overtime hours/week in sample: 2 night guards had 20 overtime hours exceeding the 12 hours/week limit.
Worker comments: The overtime is voluntary.
# workers interviewed: The workers stated that they can justify when they cannot do OT.
Footnot [13] Labor-only contracting arrangement: The practice of hiring workers without establishing a formal employment relationship for the purpose of avoiding payment of regular wages or the provision of legally required benefits, such as health and safety protections
Footnot [14] False Apprenticeship Scheme: The practice of hiring workers under apprenticeship terms without stipulating terms of the apprenticeship or wages under contract. It is a “false” apprenticeship if its purpose is to underpay people, avoid legal obligations,
7.6 Criteria: Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
Compliance Criteria
Yes No N/A
Indicator: Incidences of employees denied freedom to
associate, ability to bargain collectively[15] or denied
access to representative(s) chosen by workers
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
A. Workers have the freedom to form and join any trade union, free of any form of interference from employers or competing organizations set up or backed
by the employer. ILO specifically prohibits “acts which are designated to promote the establishment of worker organizations or to support worker
organizations under the control or employers or employers’ organizations.
B. Local trade union, or where none exists a reputable civil-society organization, confirms no outstanding cases against the employer for violations of
employees’ freedom of association and collective bargaining rights.
C. Trade union representatives have access to their members in the workplace at reasonable times on the premises.
E. If trade unions exist, they are able to access/inform all workers directly (posters, pamphlets, visits).
D. Explicit communications from the employer about their commitment to freedom of association and collective bargaining rights of all.
[15] “Bargain collectively” is defined as a voluntary negotiation between employers and organizations of workers in order to establish the terms and conditions of employment by means of collective (written) agreements.
7.7 Criteria: Disciplinary Actions
Compliance Criteria
Yes No N/A
Indicator: Incidences of abusive disciplinary actions
A. There is never any use of or support for (e.g. subcontractors using) corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, or verbal abuse.
B. Fines or wage deductions shall not be acceptable as a method for disciplining workers (indicated by policy statements, as well as evidence from worker
Requirement: 0 (zero)
Did the client mention to all employees about the freedom to associate?: The company has established a parity Health
and Safety Committee (Comité Paritario de Salud y Seguridad en el Trabajo COPASST)
records that prove it: Minute of meetings 15 January 2016.
Trade union at farm: There is no evidence of a union present a the farm, but they have a health and safety committee
Local civil society consulted: Hobo Municipality.
If there are no unions interview reputable organization as municipalities, community associations,
recognized NGOs. Name of Organization interviewed: Ombudsman at the Municipality of Hobo, Germán
Comments: At the interview at the municipality of Hobo, German Guzman stated that there are no unions
for the aquaculture industry in this area and no conflicts of freedom of association from Union Piscicola
San Isidro
Trade union interviewed: NA
Explicit communication way:
Trade union publications observed:
Evidence of abuse? No
# workers interviewed: 5
Evidence of wage deduction as disciplinary actions? No
Verified by: Workers files, interviews and pay slips.
Indicator: Evidence of non-abusive disciplinary policies
and procedures
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
7.8 Criteria: Action response plans/policies
Indicator: Evidence of implementation of a corrective
action plan (updated annually) that addresses
unintended problems associated with labor relations
and internal monitoring of labor activities
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Requirement: Yes
Indicator: Evidence of implementation of a verifiable
conflict resolution policy for conflicts and complaints
tracked transparently, and proof that conflicts and
complaints from employees are responded to within
three months after being received
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
7.9 Criteria: Living conditions for employees
Indicator: Evidence that living conditions are clean,
sanitary and safe for habitation
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
7.10 Criteria: Community relations and interaction
Compliance Criteria
A. Verification of a labor relations action plan for prior 12-month period (first audit requires previous 3-month period) and employer testimonial that these
plans have been implemented.
B. Workers are aware of the action plans and their results.
Indicator: Evidence that farms are not inhibiting or
restricting local community access to public land,
freshwater resources or public fishing grounds
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
Disciplinary measures procedure available? There is no evidence of a written procedure for disciplinary measures
Describe the levels of disciplinary actions: Verbal to written is established as the regular practices.
Yes No N/A
B. Worker competency in the appropriate actions required during an emergency response.
Is there a labor action plan for 12 month period? There is an action plan procedure to address complaints of September
2015, no complaints recorded, but there is no records of the review of suggestion box
How many people were interviewed? 5
Are workers aware of the action plans and their results? The resolution is done directly with Daniel Ossa, administrator of
the farm.
# workers interviewed: 5
A. Verification of emergency (examples include earthquakes, fires, storms, etc.) action plan for prior 12-month period (first audit requires previous 3-month
Indicator: Evidence of implementation of an
emergency action plan and annual (or more frequent) period) and employer testimonial that these plans have been implemented.
internal monitoring activities
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
A. Procedures exist for situations in which disciplinary action is required, and they establish the use of progressive verbal and written warnings. Aim should
always be to improve the worker before letting him/her go (indicated by policy statements as well as evidence from worker testimony).
Is there an emergency action plan? Yes
Who is in charge of the emergency action plan? Daniel Ossa
How many people were interviewed? 5
Ask to the worker, what does he/she must to do in an emergency ? The workers have established brigades in case of
How many people were interviewed? 5
A. Verification of an employee conflict resolution policy for prior 12-month period (first audit requires previous 3-month period) and employer testimonial
that this plan has been implemented.
Is there a community conflict resolution policy?: The conflict resolution is not operative.
Has been the plan implemented?: No
How many testimonials did you do? 5
B. Three month time-frame from employee conflict filing and response upheld.
C. Records of complaint cases, related actions and resolution maintained as well as worker evaluation of the resolution.
Is there a record complaint? No records are available.
How many complaint cases exists? NA
D. Worker actions and testimony confirms they understand this process and are comfortable raising complaints.
How many testimonials did you do? 5
A. Verification that potable/safe drinking water available.
Compliance Criteria
Yes No N/A
B. Verification that sanitary conditions for disposal of human waste are in practice.
C. Verification that human waste is not discharged into the environment.
D. Worker housing is constructed of material to sustain local conditions in the event of storms or other natural events that could endanger lives.
Compliance Criteria
A. Testimonials from surrounding community members that farms have not blocked access to public property or public natural resources.
Yes No N/A
Time taken for response: Not operative system
Is there potable/safe drinking water available? Yes, there is a filter at the kitchen but it has not been analyzed.
How many people were interviewed? 5
Are sanitary conditions for disposal of human wastes in practice? The bathrooms of the living area of personnel are clean
and the wastes go to a septic tank.
How many people were interviewed? 5
Is human waster discharged into the environment? No
How many people were interviewed? 6
Are worker houses constructed of material to sustain local conditions? The houses are constructed on bricks and cement.
The roofs are high and the interior is fresh.
What kind of material are used? Bricks and cement
How many people were interviewed? 5
Are farms blocking access to public property or public natural resources?: No, the farm supports a project to give access
to water to the neighbors.
How many testimonials did you do? 3.
A. Verification of community conflict resolution policy and actions for prior 12-month period (first audit requires previous 3-month period) and community
testimonials that this plan has been implemented and there is a shared understanding of procedures for filing complaints.
Indicator: Evidence of implementation of a verifiable
conflict resolution policy for conflicts and complaints B. Three month time-frame from community member conflict filing and response evidenced by community testimonials.
tracked transparently, and proof that conflicts and
complaints from communities are responded to within C. Verification that farm management communicates with the community on the impact of its activities.
7.10.2 three months after being received
Requirement: Yes
Applicability: All Farms, Farm-Wide
D. If environmental impact assessment has been performed, it is made easily accessible to community members.
E. If a socio-economic impact assessment has been performed, it is made easily accessible to community members.
F. Economic impacts of the farm activities reported – at least annually – to the community.
Is there a community conflict resolution policy?: There is not a Conflict resolution policy with the communities of Hobos
that is the nearest one.
Has been the plan implemented?: No
How many testimonials did you do? 3. Gilberto Amaya and Onorio Sauza users of the water system and Germán Guzman
municipality representative (ombudsman)
What was the evidenced? There is no communication system.
How many testimonials did you do? 3.
Does the far management communicate with the community? No
Meeting record number: NA
Date of meeting record: NA
Has been performed the environmental impact assessment ? Alejandro Mendes with the collaboration of the Colombian
Federation of Aquaculture (FEDEACUA for it's acronym in Spanish) developed a Environmental Impact Assessment the 04
February 2016.
Is it made easily accessible to community members? No
Has been performed the socio-economic impact assessment ? Alejandro Mendes with the collaboration of the Colombian
Federation of Aquaculture (FEDEACUA for it's acronym in Spanish) included the Socio-Economic Assessment with the
Environmental Impact Assessment of the 04 February 2016.
Is it made easily accessible to community members? No
Have reported economic impacts of the farm ? Yes, but it is not informed to the communities
How many economic impacts were reported? 10
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
ASC Non-Conformity and Re-assessment form/Formulario de No Conformidad y Re-evaluación ASC
Client number and name /Número de
cliente y nombre
Production unit/Unidad de
Number of non-conformity/Número
de no conformidad
Classification of nonconformity/Clasificación de no
MAJOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MAYOR
MINOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MENOR
Found non-conformity/NoConformidad hallada
* Mention failing and audit finding
and evidence/Mencionar la falta y el
hallazgo de auditoría y evidencia
The policy presented based on ILO Conventions does not include
protection to pregnant women and lactating mothers and HIV / La política
presentada basada en las Convenciones de la Organización Internacional
de Trabajo (OIT) no incluye la protección a mujeres embarazadas y madres
en periodo de lactancia y de VIH.
Section number of checklist/Número
de la Sección de la lista de
Reference to standard/Referencia al
C. Company has a policy in place protecting pregnant and lactating
mothers. / C. La Compañía tiene una política de protección a mujeres
embarazadas y madres en período de lactancia.
D. Company has a policy in place against HIV discrimination./ D. La
Compañía tiene una política implementada en contra de la discriminación
del VIH.
Deadline for corrective
actions/Fecha límite para las
acciones correctivas
ACTION PLAN (To be filled by client)/ PLAN DE ACCIÓN (A ser llenado por el cliente)
Root Cause/Causa Raiz
Are the events that caused the failing. How,
Pregnant women, breast feeding and HIV non-discrimination policies, were
who, when, where/Los eventos que causaron
neither created nor contemplated within the Company management system
la falta. ¿Cómo?, ¿Quién?, ¿Cuándo?,
/ La política de protección a las mujeres en estado de gestación, lactancia
y discriminación por VIH, no estaba creada ni contemplada dentro de la
Correction / Corrección
Actions take to solve the punctual failing
Protection policies for pregnant women, breast feeding and HIV nonobserved during audit. / Las acciones a tomar
discrimination were implemented prior authorization of Chief Executive
para resolver la falta punctual observada
Officer and these policies were published and socialized to the workers / Se
durante la auditoría
implementó una política de protección a las mujeres en estado de
gestación, lactancia y discriminación por VIH , autorizada por el gerente y
publicadas, se socializo a los trabajadores.
Corrective action/Acción correctiva
Actions taken to prevent that the causes that
conducted to the failing happen again / Las
acciones tomadas para prevenir que las
causas que condujeron a la falta no vuelvan a
To have clear understanding and to abide to the pregnant women, breast
feeding and HIV non-discrimination policies, periodically trainings to
personnel and administrative staff take place at the farm. / Tener claridad y
cumplir con la política de protección a las mujeres en estado de gestación,
lactancia y discriminación por VIH, capacitar periódicamente al personal y
a la dirección.
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Records, procedures, photos sent that show
the corrections and corrective actions
implementation/Registros, procedimientos,
fotos enviadas que muestran las
implementaciones de correcciones y acciones
Pregnant women, breast feeding and non-HIV discrimination protection
policies published and authorized by CEO. Trainings attendance for
workers and administrative personnel, photos. / Política de protección a las
mujeres en estado de gestación, lactancia y discriminación por VIH
publicada y autorizada por el gerente, Registros de capacitación para el
personal y la dirección, fotografías.
Re-assessment (To be filled by Certifier) /Re-evaluación (A ser llenadas por el Certificador)
Re-assessment done by/Re-evaluación hecha por:
Document review/Revisión documental
al sitio
Result(s) of re-assessment of the
Mention details like/Mención de detalles como: name of documents, sites,
non-conformity/Resultado (s) de la
and person(s), corrective action plans/Nombre de documentos, sitios, y
re-evalaución de la no-conformidad:
persona (s), planes de acción correctiva
People in charge:
Status of non-conformity/Estado de
la No Conformidad:
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Client number and name /Número de
cliente y nombre
Production unit/Unidad de
Number of non-conformity/Número
de no conformidad
Classification of nonconformity/Clasificación de no
MAJOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MAYOR
MINOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MENOR
Found non-conformity/NoConformidad hallada
* Mention failing and audit finding
and evidence/Mencionar la falta y el
hallazgo de auditoría y evidencia
There is no evidence of training in anti-discrimination. /No hay evidencia
de la formación en la lucha contra la discriminación.
There is no comparison. The nearest community is el Hobo, but they
had bad experiences with worker from this area. The majority of the
workers come from Garzón Huila / No hay comparación. La comunidad
más cercana es El Hobo, pero tuvieron malas experiencias con los
trabajadores de esta área. La mayoría de los trabajadores provienen de
Garzón Huila.
Section number of checklist/Número
de la Sección de la lista de
Reference to standard/Referencia al
A. Verification of clear and transparent company procedures are outlined to
raise, files, and respond to discrimination complaints.
B. All managers and supervisors receive training on diversity and nondiscrimination. All personnel receive non-discrimination training. Internal or
external training acceptable if proven effective.
C. Comparison of workforce diversity with demographics of host community
updated regularly by management.
Deadline for corrective
actions/Fecha límite para las
acciones correctivas
A. Verificación de procedimientos claros y transparentes de la empresa se
describen a levantar, archivo, y responder a las quejas de discriminación.
B. Todos los gerentes y supervisores reciben formación sobre la diversidad
y la no discriminación. Todo el personal recibe entrenamiento de la no
discriminación. La formación interna o externa aceptable si ha demostrado
C. Comparación de la diversidad en el trabajo con la demografía de la
comunidad de acogida actualizados periódicamente por la dirección.
1 year (12 months) / 1 año (12 meses)
ACTION PLAN (To be filled by client)/ PLAN DE ACCIÓN (A ser llenado por el cliente)
Root Cause/Causa Raiz
Are the events that caused the failing. How,
There was neither evidence of suggestion box daily check-up, nor hiring of
who, when, where/Los eventos que causaron
community members near Hobo, due to the fact these people does not
la falta. ¿Cómo?, ¿Quién?, ¿Cuándo?,
have experience on earthen ponds culture, their experience is based on
Betania Dam production systems (cages)
No se tenía evidencia de apertura del buzón, ni contratación de personas
de la comunidad más cercana del Hobo, debido a que estas personas no
tienen experiencia en cultivos en tierra, su experiencia es en el embalse de
Betania (jaulones).
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Correction / Corrección
Actions take to solve the punctual failing
observed during audit. / Las acciones a tomar
para resolver la falta punctual observada
durante la auditoría
Suggestion box was opened on presence of four (4) witnesses and it was
processed the template (MQSGS-02) for complaints, claims and suggestion
filing system
Both personnel and administrative staff were trained related to the nondiscrimination policies
Se dio apertura al buzón de sugerencias en presencia de 4 testigos, y se
diligencio el formato (MQSGS- 02) de trámite para quejas reclamos y
Se capacitó el personal y la dirección, referente a la antidiscriminación.
Corrective action/Acción correctiva
Actions taken to prevent that the causes that
conducted to the failing happen again / Las
acciones tomadas para prevenir que las
causas que condujeron a la falta no vuelvan a
Monthly suggestion box check-up and to process any complaints, claims or
suggestions presented by personnel.
Possibility keeps opened to hiring people living in Hobo with equal
Realizar mensualmente la apertura del buzón y dar trámite a cualquier
queja reclamo o sugerencia que se presente.
Se deja abierta la posibilidad de contratación de personas residentes en
Hobo con igualdad de condiciones.
Records, procedures, photos sent that show
the corrections and corrective actions
implementation/Registros, procedimientos,
fotos enviadas que muestran las
implementaciones de correcciones y acciones
Photos opening the suggestion box. Template for petitions, suggestions,
complaints, or claims. Template to process complaints, claims and
suggestions. Photo and template for non-discrimination training,
authorization and publication of non-discrimination policies.
Fotografías de apertura del buzón de sugerencias. Formato de Petición,
sugerencia queja o reclamo. Formato para trámite de quejas, reclamos y
sugerencias. Fotografía y Formato de capacitación antidiscriminación,
Autorización y publicación de la política antidiscriminatoria.
Re-assessment (To be filled by Certifier) /Re-evaluación (A ser llenadas por el Certificador)
Re-assessment done by/Re-evaluación hecha por:
Document review/Revisión documental
al sitio
Result(s) of re-assessment of the
Mention details like/Mención de detalles como: name of documents, sites,
non-conformity/Resultado (s) de la
and person(s), corrective action plans/Nombre de documentos, sitios, y
re-evaluación de la no-conformidad:
persona (s), planes de acción correctiva
Status of non-conformity/Estado de
la No Conformidad:
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Client number and name /Número de
cliente y nombre
Production unit/Unidad de
Number of non-conformity/Número
de no conformidad
Classification of nonconformity/Clasificación de no
MAJOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MAYOR
MINOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MENOR
Found non-conformity/NoConformidad hallada
* Mention failing and audit finding
and evidence/Mencionar la falta y el
hallazgo de auditoría y evidencia
Company registers all events related to working activities; however, there is
information such as accidents, it was not reported accordingly and root
cause and corrective actions were not reported.
Section number of checklist/Número
de la Sección de la lista de
Reference to standard/Referencia al
B. Corrective action plan are implemented in response to accidents that
have occurred. This should include: analysis of the root causes, address
the root causes, remediate and prevent future accidents of similar nature.
C. Workers involved in departments where accidents have occurred can
explain what analysis has been done and what steps taken/improvements
La Compañía registra todos los eventos relacionados con las actividades
de trabajo; sin embargo, hay información como los accidentes, que no
fueron reportados en consecuencia y la causa raíz y las acciones
correctivas no fueron reportadas.
B. Plan de medidas correctivas se aplican en respuesta a los accidentes
que se han producido. Esto debe incluir: el análisis de las causas
fundamentales, abordar las causas fundamentales, remediar y prevenir
futuros accidentes de naturaleza similar.
C. Los trabajadores involucrados en los departamentos donde se han
producido accidentes puede explicar lo que el análisis se ha hecho y qué
medidas tomadas / mejoras realizadas.
Deadline for corrective
actions/Fecha límite para las
acciones correctivas
1 year (12 months) 1 año (12 meses)
ACTION PLAN (To be filled by client)/ PLAN DE ACCIÓN (A ser llenado por el cliente)
Root Cause/Causa Raiz
Are the events that caused the failing. How,
Farm did not have research incidences to determine cause and risk zones
who, when, where/Los eventos que causaron
No se tenía la investigación de los incidentes para determinar la causa y
la falta. ¿Cómo?, ¿Quién?, ¿Cuándo?,
las zonas de riesgo.
Correction / Corrección
Actions take to solve the punctual failing
Research of incidences were accomplished, training is taking place to
observed during audit. / Las acciones a tomar
people suffered the incidence and risk zones were labeled.
para resolver la falta punctual observada
Se realizaron las investigaciones de los incidentes, se da capacitación a
durante la auditoría
las personas que presentaron el incidente y se señalizan las zonas de
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Corrective action/Acción correctiva
Actions taken to prevent that the causes that
conducted to the failing happen again / Las
acciones tomadas para prevenir que las
causas que condujeron a la falta no vuelvan a
Accomplishing the correspondent research when incidences presented and
to determine the cause and risk zones.
Realizar la respectiva investigación cuando se presenten incidentes y
determinar la causa y las zonas de riesgo.
Records, procedures, photos sent that show
the corrections and corrective actions
implementation/Registros, procedimientos,
fotos enviadas que muestran las
implementaciones de correcciones y acciones
Incidences research, training attendance of people presenting the incidence
and photos of labeling
Investigación de los incidentes, Registro de capacitación para las personas
que presentaron el incidente y fotografías de señalización.
Re-assessment (To be filled by Certifier) /Re-evaluación (A ser llenadas por el Certificador)
Re-assessment done by/Re-evaluación hecha por:
Document review/Revisión documental
al sitio
Result(s) of re-assessment of the
Mention details like/Mención de detalles como: name of documents, sites,
non-conformity/Resultado (s) de la
and person(s), corrective action plans/Nombre de documentos, sitios, y
re-evaluación de la no-conformidad:
persona (s), planes de acción correctiva
Responsibles/ Responsables:
Status of non-conformity/Estado de
la No Conformidad:
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Client number and name /Número de
cliente y nombre
Production unit/Unidad de
Number of non-conformity/Número
de no conformidad
Classification of nonconformity/Clasificación de no
MAJOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MAYOR
MINOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MENOR
Found non-conformity/NoConformidad hallada
* Mention failing and audit finding
and evidence/Mencionar la falta y el
hallazgo de auditoría y evidencia
Section number of checklist/Número
de la Sección de la lista de
Reference to standard/Referencia al
Deadline for corrective
actions/Fecha límite para las
acciones correctivas
There are not details on compensation per activity.
No hay detalles de la compensación por actividad.
Applicable to employees, workers and contractors
Employers/Managers understand and have policies to ensure the
principle of equal pay for equal work.
Aplicable a los empleados, los trabajadores y contratistas
A. Los empleadores / Gestores de entender y tener políticas para
garantizar el principio de igualdad de retribución para un mismo trabajo.
1 year (12 months) 1 año (12 meses)
ACTION PLAN (To be filled by client)/ PLAN DE ACCIÓN (A ser llenado por el cliente)
Root Cause/Causa Raiz
Are the events that caused the failing. How,
At the moment of the audit; there was no justification about difference
who, when, where/Los eventos que causaron
between wages which it was depending on the activity each employee
la falta. ¿Cómo?, ¿Quién?, ¿Cuándo?,
accomplishes at the farm.
En el momento de la auditoria no se justificó que la diferencia de salarios
dependía de las funciones que realiza cada empleado.
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Correction / Corrección
Actions take to solve the punctual failing
observed during audit. / Las acciones a tomar
para resolver la falta punctual observada
durante la auditoría
Salarial waging justification
All field operators earn a basic salary of 728,000 Colombian pesos, taking
into account, housing and meals are provided. Two (2) employees, Wilmer
Quina and Ernesto Scarpetta, stayed all the time at the farm with their
correspondent families; to these people, meals are not provided, for this
reason, they receive as wage 121,000 Colombian pesos which correspond
to meals. Personnel manager, field manager, and Quality Technician
Auxiliary, their wages are higher due to the fact, their positions are of higher
responsibility, Yamid Ardila fulfilled construction and welding labors for this
reason, his salary is higher and also housing and meals are provided to
him. A minimum legal wage is received by the messenger who fulfilled his
activities in Neiva city and the lady in charge of preparing meals who is also
provided from housing and food.
Justificación de la Nómina
Todos los operarios de campo devengan salario básico de $728,000,
teniendo en cuenta que se les suministra la alimentación y el hospedaje.
2 empleados, Wilmer Quina y Ernesto Scarpetta viven todo el tiempo en la
finca con sus familias, a estas personas no se les suministra el alimento,
por tal motivo reciben económicamente $121,000 correspondiente a la
alimentación. El jefe de personal, jefe de campo y Auxiliar Técnica de
Calidad sus salarios son mayores debido a que sus cargos son de mayor
responsabilidad, Yamid Ardila realiza labores de construcción y soldadura
por tal motivo su salario es mayor y al que también se le suministra la
alimentación y el hospedaje. Devengan un salario mínimo legal vigente el
mensajero que realiza sus funciones desde la ciudad de Neiva, y la señora
encargada de preparar la alimentación y a quien también se le suministra
el alimento y el hospedaje.
Corrective action/Acción correctiva
Actions taken to prevent that the causes that
conducted to the failing happen again / Las
acciones tomadas para prevenir que las
causas que condujeron a la falta no vuelvan a
Changes on responsibilities manual were accomplished to specify
employee’s roles and differences on salaries.
Se realizaran los cambios en el manual de funciones para especificar los
cargos de los empleados y las diferencias de remuneracion.
Records, procedures, photos sent that show
the corrections and corrective actions
implementation/Registros, procedimientos,
fotos enviadas que muestran las
implementaciones de correcciones y acciones
Payroll registration
Registro de nómina salarial.
Re-assessment (To be filled by Certifier) /Re-evaluación (A ser llenadas por el Certificador)
Re-assessment done by/Re-evaluación hecha por:
Document review/Revisión documental
al sitio
Result(s) of re-assessment of the
Mention details like/Mención de detalles como: name of documents, sites,
non-conformity/Resultado (s) de la
and person(s), corrective action plans/Nombre de documentos, sitios, y
re-evaluación de la no-conformidad:
persona (s), planes de acción correctiva
Status of non-conformity/Estado de
la No Conformidad:
Responsibles/ Responsables:
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Client number and name /Número de
cliente y nombre
Production unit/Unidad de
Number of non-conformity/Número
de no conformidad
Classification of nonconformity/Clasificación de no
MAJOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MAYOR
MINOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MENOR
Found non-conformity/NoConformidad hallada
* Mention failing and audit finding
and evidence/Mencionar la falta y el
hallazgo de auditoría y evidencia
Only two (2) night guards exceeded the allowed time for extra working
hours, 20 hours.
Section number of checklist/Número
de la Sección de la lista de
Reference to standard/Referencia al
G. All overtime shall be paid at a premium and should not exceed 12 hours
per week.
Deadline for corrective
actions/Fecha límite para las
acciones correctivas
Solo dos (2) guardias nocturnos excedían el tiempo permitido para las
horas extras, 20 horas.
G. Todas las horas extras se abonará una prima y no debe exceder de 12
horas por semana.
1 year (12 months) 1 año (12 meses)
ACTION PLAN (To be filled by client)/ PLAN DE ACCIÓN (A ser llenado por el cliente)
Root Cause/Causa Raiz
Are the events that caused the failing. How,
People in charge of farm surveillance were working more than two (2) extra
who, when, where/Los eventos que causaron
hours according to their normal working schedule
la falta. ¿Cómo?, ¿Quién?, ¿Cuándo?,
Los encargados de la vigilancia de la finca estaban laborando más de 2
horas extras en su jornada de trabajo
Correction / Corrección
Actions take to solve the punctual failing
observed during audit. / Las acciones a tomar
para resolver la falta punctual observada
durante la auditoría
Shifts and schedules for guards are changed as follows; twelve (12) nights
shift, they will rest two (2) days and eight (8) days diurnal shift; schedules
for two (2) night guards; one with an schedule from 8 PM to 6 AM and
number two (2) from 6 PM to 4 AM, in such way their labor scheduling to be
eight (8) hours plus two (2) extra hours during night shift.
Se cambian los turnos y horarios para los celadores que serán de la
siguiente manera: turnos de 12 noches, descansan 2 días y 8 días en
jornada diurna; los horarios son: 2 celadores nocturnos, 1 con horarios de 8
p.m. hasta las 6 a.m. y el 2 con horario de 6 p.m. hasta las 4 a.m., de tal
forma que su jornada laboral sea de 8 horas más 2 horas extras nocturnas.
Corrective action/Acción correctiva
Actions taken to prevent that the causes that
conducted to the failing happen again / Las
acciones tomadas para prevenir que las
causas que condujeron a la falta no vuelvan a
Do not exceed allowed timing for each working schedule
No exceder del tiempo permitido para cada jornada de trabajo.
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Records, procedures, photos sent that show
the corrections and corrective actions
implementation/Registros, procedimientos,
fotos enviadas que muestran las
implementaciones de correcciones y acciones
Working time registration and payroll receipt
Registro de asistencia laboral y desprendibles de pago.
Re-assessment (To be filled by Certifier) /Re-evaluación (A ser llenadas por el Certificador)
Re-assessment done by/Re-evaluación hecha por:
Document review/Revisión documental
al sitio
Result(s) of re-assessment of the
Mention details like: name of documents, sites, and person(s), corrective
non-conformity/Resultado (s) de la
action plans
re-evaluación de la no-conformidad:
Responsibles/ Responsables:
Status of non-conformity/Estado de
la No Conformidad:
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Client number and name /Número de
cliente y nombre
Production unit/Unidad de
Number of non-conformity/Número
de no conformidad
Classification of nonconformity/Clasificación de no
MAJOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MAYOR
MINOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MENOR
Found non-conformity/NoConformidad hallada
* Mention failing and audit finding
and evidence/Mencionar la falta y el
hallazgo de auditoría y evidencia
There is an action plan procedure to address complaints of September
2015, no complaints recorded, but there is no records of the review of
suggestion box
There is not available a conflict resolution policy with the community
Hay un procedimiento para el plan de acción que trata las quejas de
Septiembre de 2015, no se ha registrado quejas, pero no hay registros de
la revisión del buzón de sugerencias.
No hay disponible una política de resolución de conflictos con la
Section number of checklist/Número
de la Sección de la lista de
Reference to standard/Referencia al
A. Verification of a labor relation’s action plan for prior 12-month period (first
audit requires previous 3-month period) and employer testimonial that these
plans have been implemented.
A. Verification of an employee conflict resolution policy for prior 12-month
period (first audit requires previous 3-month period) and employer
testimonial that this plan has been implemented.
A. Verificación de un plan de acción de las relaciones de trabajo para el
período de 12 meses anterior (primera auditoría requiere anterior período
de 3 meses) y testimonial empleador que estos planes se han aplicado.
Deadline for corrective
actions/Fecha límite para las
acciones correctivas
A. Verificación de una política de resolución de conflictos de los
empleados para el período de 12 meses anterior (primera auditoría
requiere anterior período de 3 meses) y testimonial empleador que
este plan se ha implementado.
1 year (12 months) 1 año (12 meses)
ACTION PLAN (To be filled by client)/ PLAN DE ACCIÓN (A ser llenado por el cliente)
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Root Cause/Causa Raiz
Are the events that caused the failing. How,
who, when, where/Los eventos que causaron
la falta. ¿Cómo?, ¿Quién?, ¿Cuándo?,
There was no implementation of means to receive complaints, claims and
suggestions from the community
No se habían implementado medios para la recepción de quejas reclamos
y sugerencias que tuviera la comunidad.
Correction / Corrección
Actions take to solve the punctual failing
observed during audit. / Las acciones a tomar
para resolver la falta punctual observada
durante la auditoría
By managerial board, it was authorized a meeting with neighboring
community representatives, in order to let them be aware of open
communication means (suggestion box) located at Union Piscicola San
Isidro and this one will be available to receive suggestions, complaints and
A community conflict resolution policy was implemented, it was published
and authorized by CEO, and it was socialized to the employees and
community representatives.
Autorizado por gerencia, se realizó reunión con representantes de la
comunidad aledaña para dar a conocer el medio de comunicación abierto
(Buzón de Sugerencias) ubicado en Unión Piscícola San Isidro y que
estará a la disposición de recibir sugerencias quejas y reclamos.
Se implementó una política de Resolución de Conflictos Comunitarios,
publicada y autorizada por el gerente, se socializó a los empleados y a los
representantes de la comunidad.
Corrective action/Acción correctiva
Actions taken to prevent that the causes that
conducted to the failing happen again / Las
acciones tomadas para prevenir que las
causas que condujeron a la falta no vuelvan a
Maintain good relations with the community and to receive and to solve
complaints, claims and suggestions presented by them.
Tener buenas relaciones con la comunidad, atender y dar solución a las
quejas, reclamos y sugerencias que presenten.
Records, procedures, photos sent that show
the corrections and corrective actions
implementation/Registros, procedimientos,
fotos enviadas que muestran las
implementaciones de correcciones y acciones
Community conflict resolution policy authorized by CEO and publication of
such policy. Meeting minutes with the community. Socialization attendance
of community conflict resolution policy and pictures.
Política de resolución de conflictos comunitarios autorizada por el gerente y
publicada. Acta de reunión con la comunidad. Registro de socialización de
la política de resolución de conflictos comunitarios y fotografías.
Re-assessment (To be filled by Certifier) /Re-evaluación (A ser llenadas por el Certificador)
Re-assessment done by/Re-evaluación hecha por:
Document review/Revisión documental
al sitio
Result(s) of re-assessment of the
Mention details like/Mención de detalles como: name of documents, sites,
non-conformity/Resultado (s) de la
and person(s), corrective action plans/Nombre de documentos, sitios, y
re-evaluación de la no-conformidad:
persona (s), planes de acción correctiva
Responsibles/ Responsables:
Status of non-conformity/Estado de
la No Conformidad:
Open / Abierta
Closed / Cerrada
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Client number and name /Número de
cliente y nombre
Production unit/Unidad de
Number of non-conformity/Número
de no conformidad
Classification of nonconformity/Clasificación de no
MAJOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MAYOR
MINOR Non-Conformity/Noconformidad MENOR
Found non-conformity/NoConformidad hallada
* Mention failing and audit finding
and evidence/Mencionar la falta y el
hallazgo de auditoría y evidencia
Section number of checklist/Número
de la Sección de la lista de
Reference to standard/Referencia al
Deadline for corrective
actions/Fecha límite para las
acciones correctivas
Theres is no community conflict resolution procedure.
There is an environmental and socioeconomic studies but not informed to
No existe un procedimiento para la resolución de conflictos con la
comunidad. Hay estudios socio-económicos y medio ambientales
pero no se ha informado a las comunidades.
A. Verification of community conflict resolution policy and actions for prior
12-month period (first audit requires previous 3-month period) and
community testimonials that this plan has been implemented and there is a
shared understanding of procedures for filing complaints.
B. Three month time frame from community member conflict filing and
response evidenced by community testimonials.
D. If environmental impact assessment has been performed, it is made
easily accessible to community members.
E. If a socio-economic impact assessment has been performed, it is made
easily accessible to community members.
F. Economic impacts of the farm activities reported – at least annually – to
the community.
A. Verificación de la política de resolución de conflictos comunitarios y las
acciones para el período de 12 meses anterior (primera auditoría requiere
anterior período de 3 meses) y la comunidad testimonios que este plan se
ha implementado y hay un entendimiento compartido de los procedimientos
para presentar quejas.
B. Tres meses de plazo de presentación miembro de la comunidad de
conflictos y la respuesta se evidencian por testimonios de la comunidad.
D. Si la evaluación del impacto ambiental se ha realizado, se hace
fácilmente accesible a los miembros de la comunidad.
E. Si una evaluación del impacto socioeconómico se ha realizado, se hace
fácilmente accesible a los miembros de la comunidad.
F. Los efectos económicos de las actividades agrícolas reportaron - por lo
menos anualmente - a la comunidad.
3 months (3 meses)
ACTION PLAN (To be filled by client)/ PLAN DE ACCIÓN (A ser llenado por el cliente)
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Root Cause/Causa Raiz
Are the events that caused the failing. How,
who, when, where/Los eventos que causaron
la falta. ¿Cómo?, ¿Quién?, ¿Cuándo?,
The environmental and biodiversity management plan prepared by Union
Piscicola San Isidro and FEDEACUA was not socialized to the community.
No se había dado a conocer a la comunidad el Plan de Gestión Ambiental
y Biodiversidad elaborado por Unión Piscícola San Isidro y FEDEACUA.
Correction / Corrección
Actions take to solve the punctual failing
observed during audit. / Las acciones a tomar
para resolver la falta punctual observada
durante la auditoría
Community conflict resolution policy was implemented, published and
authorized by the CEO; this one was socialized to employees and to
community representatives.
Prior authorization from CEO Department, meeting with neighboring
community representatives was granted to socialize the Environmental and
biodiversity management plan elaborated by Union Piscicola San Isidro and
Se implementó una política de Resolución de Conflictos Comunitarios,
publicada y autorizada por el gerente, se socializó a los empleados y a los
representantes de la comunidad
Autorizado por gerencia, se realizó reunión con representantes de la
comunidad aledaña para dar a conocer el Plan de Gestión Ambiental y
Biodiversidad elaborado por Unión Piscícola San Isidro y FEDEACUA
Corrective action/Acción correctiva
Actions taken to prevent that the causes that
conducted to the failing happen again / Las
acciones tomadas para prevenir que las
causas que condujeron a la falta no vuelvan a
Maintain good relations with the community working in conjunction to
mutual interests without causing any disturbances to third parties and
looking forward to good and sustainable development.
Tener buenas relaciones con la comunidad para trabajar en conjunto por
los intereses colectivos sin perjudicar a terceros buscando siempre un
buen desarrollo sostenible.
Records, procedures, photos sent that show
the corrections and corrective actions
implementation/Registros, procedimientos,
fotos enviadas que muestran las
implementaciones de correcciones y acciones
Community conflicts resolution policy was signed and published, meeting
minutes with community representatives, registration of socialization of
conflict resolution policy to employees and community representatives,
Política de resolución de conflictos comunitarios firmada y publicada, Acta
de reunión con representantes de la comunidad, Registro de socialización
de la política de resolución de conflictos comunitarios para los empleados y
representantes de la comunidad, fotografías
Re-assessment (To be filled by Certifier) /Re-evaluación (A ser llenadas por el Certificador)
Re-assessment done by/Re-evaluación hecha por:
Document review/Revisión documental
al sitio
Aquaculture Stewardship Council Non Conformities Assessment form/Formulario de Evaluación de No Conformidades del Consejo de
Administración de Acuacultura
Result(s) of re-assessment of the
non-conformity/Resultado (s) de la
re-evaluación de la no-conformidad:
Mencionar detalles como: el nombre de los documentos, sitios, y la
persona de), planes de acción correctiva
Resolution policy ofr Commune conflicts.
Act N.1 Meeting with community representatives.
Training registration for the resolution policy of community conflicts.
Photography evidence.
Responsibles: Alejandro Mendez A. (CEO)
Andres Castañeda ( Field chief)
Edna Ramirez (Quality Support Technologist )
Política de Resolución de Conflictos Comunitarios.
Acta N.1 Reunión con representantes de la comunidad.
Registro de capacitación de la política de resolución de conflictos
Evidencias fotográficas.
Responsables: Alejandro Méndez A. (Gerente)
Andrés Castañeda ( Jefe de Campo)
Edna Ramírez (Auxiliar Técnica de Calidad)
Status of non-conformity/Estado de
la No Conformidad: