Edition 25
Edition 25
New corporate identity in Asistencia Interview with Rafael Senén, CEO MAPFRE modifies its corporate structure Advertisement for the MAPFRE ASISTENCIA corporate campaign in the United Kingdom SISTEMA MAPFRE MAPFRE becomes a public limited company with a view to being a world leader The activities and companies of the Group, which will be restructured throughout 2006, will form part of CORPORACIÓN MAPFRE (the future MAPFRE S.A.), which will continue to be quoted on the Stock Exchange. FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE will hold the controlling stake in the Group. which it operates, to achieve an effective presence in Europe, the U.S.A. and the Far East. fter authorisation was received from the MAPFRE MUTUALIDAD Shareholders Meeting, the SISTEMA MAPFRE Board of Dire c to rs has commenced the process towards ceasing to be a mutual company and creating a new co r p o ra te structure as a public limited company. The aim is to make MAPFRE one of the major European and world insurance companies as well as one of the ten leading Spanish companies in terms of market capitalisation. The process will be completed in 2006. A The new business model authorised involves joining together all the Group’s activities in the quoted finance company CORPORACIÓN MAPFRE (which will be called MAPFRE S.A.). The controlling stake in this quoted company will be held by FUNDACIÓN The new structure will also mean a clear separation, both in terms of finance and management, between actions for the good of society, which will be managed by FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE, and business activities, which will be managed by MAPFRE, S.A. This meets the increasing demands of the markets and eliminates conflicts of interest, allowing a clearer and more transparent perception of the activities of the Group as a whole. FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE will become larger, its activities for the good of society will increase and it will play a central role in SISTEMA MAPFRE, guaranteeing its institutional principles and independence. In his speech at the MAPFRE MUTUALIDAD Shareholders Meeting on 15 June, the Chairman, José Manuel Martínez, stated that the new structu- Among the main objectives of this change are international expansion, especially in China, and a world leadership position for MAPFRE ASISTENCIA MAPFRE, with no special benefits for any of those who work for MAPFRE (board members, directors and employees), as the Company Statutes have stipulated for fifty years. Combining all the MAPFRE activities and companies in CORPORACIÓN MAPFRE (the future MAPFRE S.A.) increases the Group’s financial capacity. This will open up new possibilities for business development, speed up the company’s growth and enable it to take on new projects and acquisitions with a view to increasing in size in Europe and other markets in pag 6 / SIAM NEWS - June 2006 re, strictly in line with the provisions of the MAPFRE Statutes, “is the culmination of the process commenced in 1970, for making MAPFRE MUTUALIDAD a powerful insurance group with an international presence”. He highlighted the large, ambitious projects of all the MAPFRE units, emphasising that the new structure, as well as increasing the number of shareholders (the current mutualists will become sharehold e rs at no co st), “will substantially incre a s e MAPFRE’s market capitalisation and provide it with a significant capacity to seek new funds”, financing its development in coming years in accordance with its new size. He underlined the “brilliant and ahead of its time” creation of MAPFRE as a public service institution, which will be favoured by the new corporate structure. He also pointed out that this new structure will benefit not only the company as a whole through the general interest activities of the great FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE, but also all the mutual i sts, employees, clients, dele g a tes, agents and collaborators who will benefit from the larger size and greater efficiency of the company. He also said that we should all feel proud that an operation “of such a significant financial scope has been carried out in an exemplary manner with no MAPFRE board member, dire c tor, employee or co l l a b o ra tor obtaining any adva n tage or benefit other than those shared by the other mutualists.” “Things have been done” Martínez said, “transparently, ethically, generously and in an exemplary manner.” New corporate structure of the MAPFRE Group Spanish insurer of the 21st century, highlighted MAPFRE’s enormous asset strength and announced that the results to May (revenues of over 6 billion euros, an increase of 12 percent, and pre-tax and minority interest profits of 455 million euros, a growth of 15 percent) will make 2006 another excellent year for the Group. Finally, José Manuel Martínez, who welcomed the birth of the new MAPFRE as the great multinational FIVE-YEAR OBJECTIVES With this change, MAPFRE aims to achieve the following objectives within a five-year period: - Position it amongst the ten leading Spanish companies in terms of market capitalisation, significantly increasing the circulation of its shares. - Become one of the five largest European Non-Life insurance companies. - Confirm its leadership position in Spain and in Latin America in all insurance classes and achieve a significant presence in other EU countries. - Introduce its management model abroad, particularly in vehicle insurance, and become a provider of high quality services, increasing its market share in Life, Savings and Pensions products. - Speed up MAPFRE’s projects for expansion in the United States and the Far East, especially in China. - Enhance the growth of reinsurance transactions to place MAPFRE RE amongst the world’s ten leading reinsura n ce companies. Further the g rowth of corpora te insura n ce, offering its clients global cover of their risks in the countries in which they operate. And promote the expansion of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA, which aims to become the world leader in this activity. - For FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE, which inherits and guarantees the MAPFRE principles and culture, to significantly develop and enhance the Group’s social actions and become a landmark institution through its educational and cultural activities. SIAM NEWS - June 2006 / pag 7 NEWS New corporate identity in the subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, Africa, United States and Canada APFRE ASISTENCIA has adapted and introduced the Unit’s new corporate identity to its subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, Africa, United States and Canada. The process is the result of the change in image carried out for the MAPFRE Group in 2004 and developed in 2005, which is the reference for the project. The process was carried out during the first half of the year and its main elements include: the design of each of the subsidiaries’ new logos and the application manual called “Corporate identity manual and style book” and the creation of the “Advertising” and “Trade fairs and special events” manuals. M The aim of this project, which will be carried out in the companies in Latin America at the end of the year, is the international renewal of MAPFRE A S I S T E N C I A’ s graphic identity, which will merge the company values (globality, innovation, quality and excellent service) shared by employees, clients and providers. This new identity will be applied coherently worldwide and in all the MAPFRE ASISTENCIA companies. • Inclusion of a new pictogram which represents the company’s international identity and new activities. The road and the telephone, which are only associated with assistance, have disappeared. • Creation of the claim “a MAPFRE company”. This will accompany the logo, forming a single block, in those subsidiaries located in countries in which the MAPFRE Group does not carry out direct insurance. These are: I reland, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Fra n ce, Luxe m b o u rg, Russ i a , Hungary, Tu r key, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Canada, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Bahrain, Panama and China. The new logo replaces the one introduced in 1986 NEW LOGOS In this area, the Unit has created the new logos that will identify its subsidiaries. The main new elements are: Two versions, a horizontal version and a vertical version, have been designed for each co m p a n y. This allows greater flexibility in applying the brand name, depending on the space where it is to be placed. The first subsidiaries involved in the project have had their new logos since June. After a six-month period of adaptation, the remaining subsidiaries will do so by the end of the year by which this new identity should be totally introduced and operational in each company Example of the new logo. • Use of the new corporate colours (red and grey), which replace blue, and the central separating bar. All the companies keep their historical name. pag 12 / SIAM NEWS - June 2006 This is the logo for the Turkish Asistencia company NEWS X Anniversary of TURASSIST n 4 April 1996 MAPFRE ASISTENCIA commenced operations in Turkey with its subsidiary TURASSIST. At that time, this small company was composed of 12 people and only operated in the roadside assistance business. Ten years later the company is a leader in, amongst other activities, all the assistance areas (home, vehicle and travel) and looks set towards achieving the same position in the warranty market. O Güven also summarised the company’s progress, the new products created and the goals for the coming years. These are: to enhance special risks, offer the local market new products and services and “come close to a hundred percent client satisfaction rate”. The company is currently close to 99 percent in the quality of service rating. Before handing over to Rafael Senén, the General Manager ended his speech by thanking the provider companies, TURASSIST staff and operators and the managers of the companies that use their services for the tremendous support they have given the company in its first decade. R a fael Senén highlighted the importa n ce of TURASSIST within MAPFRE ASISTENCIA’s group of companies and thanked the Turkish managers for how well the Asistencia company has been received in its ten years of existence. The TURASSIST management team. On 25 May TURASSIST celebrated its tenth anniversary in style in the Bosphorus. With the presence of the management teams of its over sixty client companies, mainly in the Turkish insurance and automobile sectors, as well as Rafael Senén, Pablo Alvert Sanz and Natalia Jorquera, all the company’s managers were invited to the celebration which consisted of a dinner and show. During his speech, Güven Aykac, General Manager of TURASSIST, spoke of how the creation of the company had enabled assistance products adapted to meet the needs of the country and the Turkish people to be extended and diversified. He highlighted the great effort made, from the year before the company was set up, to create a provider network able to provide a high quality of service. He also mentioned TURASSIST’s tremendous work to raise awareness on ass i sta n ce services amongst secto rs in the country that might include them in their products as an added value for their clients. pag 20 / SIAM NEWS - June 2006 After the speeches, all employees who have been with the company for ten years were given a commemorative plaque in recognition of their dedication to the company. The most moving moment came when, after being presented by Güven Aykac as “the real heroes of TURASSIST, our boys and girls”, the company’s operators came into the room carrying flags with the names of the subsidiary’s client companies. Throughout the evening a Turkish orchestra played a wide range of local music, from classical pieces to more popular modern music, and a performance was given by the Turkish singers Faith Erkoc, Sibel Ersoy and Sibel Kose. EL SALVADOR ASISTENCIA, satisfaction with the Tarjeta n its 23rd issue, SIAM NEWS reported on the Tarjeta Naranja project, a medical programme in which EL SALVADOR ASISTENCIA participates and which aims to offer medical ass i stance to people in El Salvador with less re s o u rces. After a year in operation, the results and pro j e c t s designed for 2006 indicate that this activity is both beneficial to its public and of great satisfaction and interest to its creators. In addition to MAPFRE ASISTENCIA’s subsidiary in El Salvador, these are Banco Uno, Grupo Roble and Laboratorios López. Naranja Project With regards to innovations in 2006, the company has created a plan of medica l conferences given by specialists in cardiovascular medicine, gynaecology, dentistry, diabetes and paediatrics. These talks will be held at the programme’s three clinics – Santa Ana, San Miguel and San Salvador – throughout the ye a r. The last of these clinics has also introduced dentistry services. I In 2005, EL SALVADOR ASISTENCIA carried out over 1,500 assistances at the clinics, including medical a d v i ce, ambulance dispatch and home medical visits. In the first months of 2006 it has already carried out over 500 assistance services. SOLIDARITY This year the subsidiary also took part in the Te le t h o n television marathon held on 27 and 28 January. Funds raised in this charity event go to Salvadorian children with physical handicaps. Last October EL SALVADOR ASISTENCIA also made a donation of 70 books by Salvadorian writers to the Escuela Centro América, a public school sponsored by MAPFRE AMÉRICA which had no library. PRIZE The campaign “Conduce libre… de alcohol” (“Drive free… of alcohol”) (SIAM NEWS 23), which EL SALVADOR ASISTENCIA took part in together with other companies at the end of 2004, was awarded first prize in the Institutional Communication Campaign ca tegory at the 30th edition of the FIDES Hemispheric Insurance Conference, held at the end of 2005 in Caracas (Venezuela). With this prize, FIDES recognises the excellent awareness work of “Conduce libre…de alcohol”, which fights against the consumption of alcohol and the consequences of drunk driving. Donation at the Escuela Centro América. SIAM NEWS - June 2006 / pag 23 NEWS ANDIASISTENCIA promotes Segurviaje Since April El Dorado has had a Segurviaje information point which is not only creating great interest amongst passengers, who number 350,000 people a month, but is also a great support for raising awareness on the brand amongst the airport’s travellers. For the 25th Anato Fa i r, held on 22 February, ANDIASISTENCIA designed an interactive stand with the slogan “Segurviaje te acompaña en el Mundial” (“Segurviaje goes with you to the World Cup”). As well as being one of the most visited spaces at the fair, which received over 14,000 visitors, the company managed to make over 2,000 contacts with companies in the tourism sector. Information point at El Dorado airport. egurviaje has been a tangible reality in Latin America for two years now and the various subsidiaries are carrying out an increasing number of activities for the sale of this product. Our Colombian company’s two most significant projects have been setting up an information and marketing point for this insura n ce at the El Dora d o International Airport in Bogotá and taking part in the Anato 2006 tourism fair. S Stand at the Anato Fair. The company receives the ISO 9001 certification ANDIASISTENCIA has obtained the ISO 9001:2000 certification, confirming the maturity and efficiency of the quality management system of its Travel Assistance, Health, Home and Legal services. This certification, which the company obtained with no “Non-conformity”, was carried out by the prestigious international firm BVQI. The Colombian company joins the other MAPFRE ASISTENCIA companies which already hold the ISO 9001 certification. These are: MAPFRE ASISTENCIA Spain, VENEASISTENCIA, BRASIL ASSISTÊNCIA, which has renewed this certification for a further three years, and MAPFRE QUAVITAE. pag 24 / SIAM NEWS - June 2006 Advertisement for the MAPFRE ASISTENCIA corporative campaign for the United Kingdom. NOTICIAS URUGUAY ASISTENCIA receives the Har de Oro n November, URUGUAY ASISTENCIA was awarded the Har de Oro for Business Merit in the Assistance category. This award, one of the most pre stigious in the Uruguayan business sector, recognises the company’s exce l lent work in the assistance sector. I URUGUAY ASISTENCIA is the country’s leading assistance company. Its clients include leading insura n ce, finance and auto m o b i le companies in Uruguay. Its latest project is entering the business of Assistance for the Elderly with the Tele-assistance service. The URUGUAY ASISTENCIA management team poses in front of the Har de Oro diploma. New headquarters for NICASSIST and VENEASISTENCIA he expansion of the business and addition of new products is “forcing” many MAPFRE ASISTENCIA companies to move to larger headquarters to enable them to carry out their work better. This is the case of the subsidiaries in Venezuela and Nicaragua. T Their new contact details are: NICASSIST Edificio OPUS, de Semáforos ENITEL Villa Fontana, 2c. este, c. norte, 2do. Piso, 2do. Módulo. The telephone and fax numbers and email address are the same as before. VENEASISTENCIA 4ta Avenida de Montecristo. Edificio Bancaracas Planta Baja. Los Dos Caminos. Caracas, Venezuela. Telephone: 58-212-210-7111 58-212-280-7111 The NICASSIST headquarters pag 28 / SIAM NEWS - June 2006 MARKETING MAPFRE ASSISTANCE, promotional campaign for travel insurance included in insurance and travel sector magazines. Each of these advertisements puts across a strong message on the need to have travel insurance. n the first half of the year, MAPFRE ASISTENCIA’s general agency in the United Kingdom, which operates under the name MAPFRE ASSISTANCE, has carried out a marketing campaign which included the following actions: advertisements, press articles, direct marketing and presentations. The aim of the campaign was to penetrate the travel insurance market, increase the company’s presence in the country and raise awareness on its activities, including the broking and underwriting sectors. The project was aimed at companies which market this travel product: banks, retailers, tour operators, online travel portals and airlines. I The message this dynamic campaign conveyed to potential clients is that the insured are guaranteed the best assistance anywhere in the world when faced with any kind of problem, backed by the fact that the company is part of a leading multinational in the sector. To achieve this goal, the project was divided into four phases: First phase: advertising campaign. This lasted from January to April, with three original adve r t i s e m e n t s pag 36 / SIAM NEWS - June 2006 Second phase: direct marketing campaign. From April to May around 300 potential corporate clients (tour operators, on-line travel portals, banks, retailers and airlines), were sent a gift relating to the previously mentioned adverts. The aim of this was to support the messages launched in the advertising campaign and keep them in the client’s mind. Third phase: communication campaign. In the first months of the year a number of articles on the company and its activities were published in leading insurance and travel publications. Fourth phase: presentations. As a logical result of the three previous phases, the company is already fully involved in this final phase, which involves direct contact with potential clients inte re sted in the MAPFRE ASISTENCIA travel insurance. MAPFRE WARRANTY Italy direct marketing campaign for Warranty Warranty), which includes the following advantages, which are also sales incentives: rom 10 April, all drivers who have to renew their Mechanical Breakd own Warranty Insurance with MAPFRE WARRANTY Italy will receive, just a month before their policy expires, a letter and a telephone call from the company offering them special renewal conditions. Both activities form part of MAPFRE WARRANTY Italy’s direct marketing campaign for the Warranty product which also aims to enable MAPFRE ASISTENCIA to penetra te B2C (business to consumer) even further. F Until now, MAPFRE ASISTENCIA’s business had been linked (with the exception of travel insurance) to companies, institutions and large corporations, but not to the end user. Achieving this goal is, in the medium term, one of the company’s main objectives and the Wa r ranty product meets all the requirements fo r this. It was within this framework that the dire c t marketing campaign we describe was designed. This plan, which is aimed at over 3,500 ve h i c le owners a month, is divided into two phases: the first is aimed at vehicles whose warranty expires in 2006 and the second at those which expire in 2007. A personalised letter is sent to the insured, offering automatic renewal of their annual policy with an exc l u s i ve product (Plus - A more economical premium than the dealer might offer. This discount is obtained by establishing limits and deductibles in the product - Payment in instalments: quarte r ly or annually If new MAPFRE WARRANTY Italy clients choose to pay a n n u a l ly, they are also offered a gift. They can choose between a holiday voucher and the Driving L i ce n ce Withdra w a l product. This pers o n a l i s e d mailing is reinforced by a telephone call. To take out the product the client only needs to sign the co n t ract they have been sent and return it by post. In the future, MAPFRE ASISTENCIA will extend this practice of private sale to all the European countries in which it opera tes with the Warranty product. SIAM NEWS - June 2006 / pag 37 REPORT Corporate Social Responsibility world in social problems. The governments of some of the more developed countries are also beginning to tackle the fact that the question of underdevelopment is starting to be, not just ethically necessary, but also politically profitable. Corporate Social Responsibility is a change in the concept of companies. People no longer only expect them to make a profit, create jobs or pay taxes in order to carry out their activity within the bounds of the law. They also demand that they demonstrate and fulfil their commitments to certain social and enviro n m e n tal values, inve sting more in human ca p i tal, the environment and relationships with those with whom they have contact. This is the citizen company as a part of society and as a human project. he concept of Corporate Social Responsibility first sprang up in the United States at the end of the 50s and beginning of the 60s mainly as a result of two conflicts: the Vietnam War and Apartheid. In the 80s, the governments of some North American states (New York, California and Massachusetts) decided that the companies which managed their pension funds should get rid of their interests in the racially segregated South Africa. The news shocked the financial world. In the 90s, faced with accounting scandals and generalised poor corporate governance practices, the financial world began to pay heed to non-financial parameters and the idea that recognised social responsibility practices are a good indicator of a company’s future profits began to take shape. T Sustained financial well-being and development in Europe, the United States and some Asian countries, the revolution of IT systems and the fact that the gap between rich and poor countries only continues to grow all mean that the man on the street is beginning to believe that the work of some companies or the purchase of certain products contributes to keeping certain political regimes in power or upholding certain ethically reprehensible political or financial practices. As a result, society is beginning to seek changes in business and a greater involvement of the business pag 38 / SIAM NEWS - June 2006 There are three main elements of social responsibility for companies: - Financial: this does not ignore the search for profit and value for the shareholder, but complements these with compliance with principles of quality (with regards to clients), fair prices (with regards to providers) and stability, training and social benefits (with regards to employees), amongst others. - Social: the company as a member of society with a duty to promote the development and vital preservation of society wherever it operates. - Environmental: the company must contribute towards sustainable development. The future of Corporate Social Responsibility involves assuming commitments at a world level in order to globally extend a shared culture and values. The most important initiative in this area is the United Nations Global Compact, launched by the Secretary G e n e ral of the UNO, Kofi Annan, at the World Economic Forum in Davos on 31 January 1999. This is a voluntary initiative which aims, essentially, to synchronise the activity and needs of companies with the goals and principles of the political and institutional actions of the UNO, labour organisations and civil society itself (see SIAM NEWS 19) MAPFRE and Corporate Social Responsibility The Group believes that a sense of responsibility should firstly and above all entail the way in which its companies’ activities are managed. It believes that their greatest contribution to society should be the generation of wealth, creation of employment, fairness with all the people, groups and institutions involved in their activity, strict compliance with their legal and fiscal obligations, and upholding a high ethical level of business management. - Compliance with the legislation in force and the international commitments acquired (United Nations Global Compact and UNEP Protocol). At the end of 2004, MAPFRE created the Social Responsibility Department with a view to taking a closer look at the planning, coordination and control of responsible social performance of the Group’s companies worldwide. Based on these principles, the MAPFRE model is based on three elements: good corporate governance, social responsibility, understood as maintaining a fair relationship with its interest groups, and social actions, as part of the foundational activities which MAPFRE carries out through its private foundations. MAPFRE believes that there is no pre-established model of Corporate Social Responsibility and that each company should create its own model. The three main principles which have shaped the model of responsibility followed at MAPFRE are: - Service to society, seeking society’s progress and acting in accordance with a spirit of solidarity. - Integral management of social responsibility by those who are involved in the MAPFRE decision-making process at any level. MAPFRE ASISTENCIA is one of the MAPFRE Group companies with a department devoted exclusively to d eve loping and enhancing Corpora te Social Responsibility. SUMMARY OF MAPFRE’s CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY GOALS - Dissemination and compliance with national and international laws and regulations and any obligations arising from these, in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ten principles contained in the Global Compact. - Respect for equal opportunities amongst its employees, for their privacy and freedom of opinion; fairness in working relationships, seeking to achieve a healthy and safe working environment, as well as the necessary training adapted to the work they carry out; fair remuneration and stability in employment, avoiding any form of persecution, abuse or discrimination; and favouring harmony between family life and work. - Promoting an increasing sense of solidarity, responsibility and social participation amongst its employees. - Providing its insureds and clients with a quality service within the agreed time, advising them honestly, maintaining the appropriate confidentiality in the handling of their data, and providing them with a procedure for resolving their claims in the shortest time possible. - Socially responsible management of relationships with its providers and collaborators based on freedom, mutual respect and reciprocal benefit. - A policy of performance which respects the environment. - A policy of communication with all the interest groups based on transparency, truth and commitment, particularly with shareholders and investors. - Maintaining a continuous relationship of collaboration with Public Administrations based on transparency and honesty. - A performance which respects the principles of free, fair market competition. SIAM NEWS - June 2006 / pag 39 COME AND DISCOVER Events Diary Second half of 2006 The second half of the year offers thousands of leisure options all over the World. Here are some ideas of what is available in the final months of the year. July and August Music ta kes to the st reets in the warm months in Northern Europe. The North Sea Jazz Fest i val has been moved from The Hague to Rotte rdam (Holland) and, from 14 to 16 July, you can enjoy the sounds of well-known stars such as Candy Staton, who will share the stage with musicians with different styles such as Tracy Chapman, Paco de Lucía, Jamiroquai and Van Morrison. On the American continent, J a m a i ca ta kes ce n t re sta g e with the Reggae Sunfe st, one of the world’s most important reggae festivals. It is held in the city of Montego Bay until 22 July. And the last of the musical options we offer is the European festival which attracts the most visitors and the greatest interest. The Salzburg Festival, in the city where Mozart was born, devotes most of its programme to this genius, in celebration of the 250th anniversary of his birth. Until 31 August. September “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” This was the favourite expression of Pablo Picasso, the 20th century’s most important artist, who was born 125 years ago in Malaga (Spain). The country’s capital city, Madrid, commemorates this event with “Picasso, tradición y vanguardia” (Picasso, tradition pag 54 / SIAM NEWS - June 2006 and innovation), an exhibition to be held in the Prado Museum and Reina Sofia Art Centre. The first of these museums compares the genius to the great masters, such as Goya, in the five periods of his work: Blue and Pink, Cubism, Classical, The War and his final deca d e . The second will exhibit six oil paintings, two s c u l p t u res, 59 drawings and sketches of his most symbolic painting: Guernica. This monumental canvas which measure s 3.50 x 7.82 meters was painted in Paris in 1937. Its whites, blacks and blue-greys depict the drama of the war. October A million and a half white-bearded gnus, 250,000 Burchell’s zebras and half a million Thomson’s gazelles take part in the world’s greate st natural specta c le: The Gre a t Migration in Masai Mara (Kenya) across 2,700 kilometres from the Tanzanian Serengeti to the Masai Mara reserve. These lands are home to wild animals that travel freely (they belong to the few African natural parks and reserves which have not yet been fenced in to protect the wildlife from poachers) following the annual cycle of the rains that nourish the pastures. From January to March, the great herds spread out across the southern Serengeti plains and breed, giving birth to 400,000 young. Towards April, the great herds group together and face the long tre k towards the north following the trail of the rains towards the ferti- An oceanic work of art with 1,190 islets which is home to one of the planet’s richest sea beds: 700 species of fish, 200 kinds of coral, 5,000 types of sea shells. le banks of the Mara River. This solemn procession does no travel alone as the carnivores, mainly hyenas, lions and crocodiles follow them closely, while vultures fly overhead. Thousands of weak or sick animals will be killed and eaten during the trek and only one in every three of the young will live to see the Serengeti again. From July to October, the sight of the herds crossing the plains is one of the most beautiful spectacles visitors to Masai Mara can see. Their splendour was a secret until 1971, when the radio connection with Colombo was inaugura te d (until then the Maldives communicated with the outside world by Morse code). In 1972, to the great surprise of the local population, the first 266 tourists arrived. They stayed in cabins built of coconut wood with palm leaf roofs. Since then, the Maldives are no longer a secret and now welcome 420,000 foreigners every year who stay on one of the 90 uninhabited islands which the Sta te has turned into islandhotels. Their beauty and tranquillity make them an extraordinary paradise on earth. In October the rains move once more towards the south, the Serengeti. This is when the procession changes direction and the herds set out again on the route towards the pastures in the south. At the end of October, the migration moves towards the vast plains of southern Serengeti, where a new generation will be born to set out once more on the neverending cycle of life. November 99 percent of the territory of the Maldives is the Indian Ocean. Huge corral reefs create 26 atolls. Each is set in a sea of calm, dotted with hundred of tiny islands, circles of bright white sand or green stretches of uninhabited forest, surrounded by its own coral barrier reef and a shallow marine lagoon. December This suggestion guarantees you a white Christmas. One of the few places that can promise this is the Antarctic. In 2006 it will be 90 years since the explorer Ernest Shackleton’s famous expedition in 1914. Shackleton set out on a transantarctic expedition on board the Endurance, planning to disembark on the coast of the Weddell Sea and cross 3,000 kilometres of icy desert to the Ross Sea. The Endurance never reached land. It became trapped in the ice of the Weddell and sank 281 days later. The crew had no choice but to set out on their own rescue mission and this epic crossing, which finally lasted three years, is considered to be the most heroic of the polar expeditions. SIAM NEWS - June 2006 / pag 55 1ST MAPFRE ASISTENCIA PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION First prize “Los serenos años” Author: Ana Carolín Rodríguez Martín MAPFRE QUAVITAE Bembrive Residential Home Taken in Pontevedra (Spain), January 2006 Second prize Author: Esther Garrido Fernández International Management Control, MAPFRE ASISTENCIA central services Taken in La Coruña (Spain), December 2004 pag 56 / SIAM NEWS - June 2006 Special Award “Heaven help” Author: Laczi Róbert IBEROASISTENCIA Hungary Taken in London (United Kingdom), 2003 Third prize “Dessine-moi un avion”. Photograph from the series “Une image, Un voyage et Un petit Prince.” Author: Diana Amaya (representing the call center of MAPFRE WARRANTY France) Taken at Lyon Airport (France), May 2006 MISCELLANEOUS Casino Royale he legendary James Bond returns to the big screen in what will be his 21st film, an adaptation of Ian Fleming’s first novel, “Casino Royale”. In this first Bond story, his skill at Baccarat leads to 007 being sent to Monte Carlo to track down a Russian spy involved in a multi-million dollar plot. T Significant changes to the original plot are obviously expected to bring it up to date with today’s world. For example, the end of the Cold War means that the enemy need no longer be Russian. “Casino Royale” is scheduled to open in November. The film is directed by Martin Campbell (the director of “GoldenEye”). Daniel Craig plays James Bond, taking over in the role from Pierce Brosnan. Judi Dench returns in the role of M and the Bond girl in this film is Vesper Lynd, played by Eva Green. Campbell says he will remain faithful to the novel and that, unlike Brosnan’s Bond movies, there will be less special effects and just one explosion. Amar es Combatir his is the t i t le of the new album f rom Maná, released on 22 August in over 40 countries. This is the ninth album in the rising ca reer of the “most influential Mexican rock band”, as Maná have been called. T Produced by Maná and with the special collaboration of the re co rding engineer Thom Russo (Audioslave, Macy Gray, Michael Jackson and Eric Clapton, amongst many others) the album was recorded in three and a half months in the prestigious The Hit Factory / Criteria studios where legendary stars such as Bob Marley have recorded and w h e re world classics like the Eagles’ “Hotel California” were created. The first promotional single is Labios compartidos “Niño bueno en París” Mario Vargas Llosa he Nobel Prize-winning author once again tackles the subject of loyalty in “Niño bueno en París” (a Good boy in Paris), as he did in “The City and the Dogs”. This time it is the protagonist, Ricardito Somocurcio’s, loyalty as the story unfolds of his blind, unrequited love for this bad girl, a woman loyal to no-one but herself. Some might consider it a modern love tale, but the fact is that, in his own way, the novel’s hero is lucky, even when the only affection he receives is just the scraps thrown to the dog. T Mario Vargas Llosa (Arequipa, Peru, 1936) has published some 20 novels, the most famous of which include “Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter”, “Conversation in the Cathedral”, “The Feast of the Goat” and “Paradise on the Other Corner”. He is a member of the Peruvian Academy of Language and the Spanish Royal Academy. SIAM NEWS - June 2006 / pag 57 PUZZLES 6 1 8 3 2 8 4 1 6 7 6 7 5 Complete the following Sudoku so that each row, column and 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9. 4 5 5 6 Peanuts 3 9 7 2 4 5 1 A monkey had a bag with lots of peanuts. Every morning his owner put exactly one hundred more peanuts in the bag. During the rest of the day, the monkey ate half the peanuts in the bag and left the other half. One night, after this had gone on for some years, the monkey’s owner counted the nuts the monkey had saved in its bag. 4 2 6 9 8 7 Riddles... How many were there? My first is in Cyprus, and also in Crete My second’s in foot, but it isn’t in feet. My third is in trousers, but not in jeans. My fourth is in beets, but it isn’t in beans. My fifth is in orange, but not in lime. My last is in minute, but is never in time. What has a tongue, cannot walk, but gets around a lot? I move without wings, between silken strings, I leave as you find my substance behind. What am I? My first is in happy, but not in sad My second’s in evil, but isn’t in bad. My third’s in an a p p le, and also a pear And my last is in ladder, and also in stair. Chess You have a chess board with 64 squares and 32 domino pieces. Each domino cove rs ex a c t ly two squares of the chess board, so with all the pieces you can cover the whole of the board. If you cut off two opposite corner s q u a res of the chess board and take away one domino, can you still cover the remaining 62 squares of the chess board?
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