Brasilprev - Banco do Brasil
Brasilprev - Banco do Brasil
Institutional Presentation June 13 BB Seguridade Largest Insurance, Pension and Premium Bonds Company in Latin America Fast Growing with High Profitability Largest Insurance Broker in Latin America Largest Life Insurance Company in Brazil 2nd Largest P&C Insurance Company in Brazil Leading Presence in Other Segments, such as Premium Bonds and Rural Insurance Insurance Operations, Pension Plans and Premium Bonds Managed Through Private Partnerships with Global Leaders Successful Track Record 2013* IPO BB Seguridade Equity investment in IRB – Brasil RE 2012 Brasildental Partnership with Creation of BB Odontoprev Seguridade 2011 Established Joint Venture with Mapfre 2008-2011 Ownership restructuring of BB’s insurance, Partnership Pension Plans and with Principal Premium Bonds Financial division Group in Private Pension Plans 1999 1996 1992 1981 1987 Creation of BB’s insurance operations BB Corretora’s establishment Creation of Brasilprev 1995 Brasilcap’s inception in partnership with SulAmérica, Icatu and Aliança da Bahia Creation of Brasilveículos in partnership with SulAmérica * Pending approval by regulators, supervisors and inspectors. Organizational Structure Shareholders General Meeting Fiscal Council Board of Directors Audit Commitee Executive Officers CEO Marcelo Augusto Dutra Labuto Finance and Investor Relations Directorship Commercialization Directorship Products & Communication Directorship Leonardo Giuberti Mattedi André Luis Cortes Mussili Ângela Beatriz de Assis Shareholders Structure Free-Float 33,75% 66,25% 100% Total 100% Total BB Seguros BB Corretora Holdings BB Mapfre SH1 Mapfre BB SH2 Brasilprev Brasilcap IRB – Brasil Re 1 Brasil dental BB Corretora BB Seguridade Stake in Terms of Total Shares (%) 74,9% 50,0% 74,9% 66,7% 20,5% 74,9% 100% BB Seguridade Stake in Terms of Voting Shares (%) 49,9% 49,0% 49,9% 49,9% 20,5% 49,9% 100% 50% 50% 50% 67% 20% 50% 100% Board of Directors Representation (%) Pending approval by regulators, supervisors and inspectors. 1 Participation in the amount of shares in IRB – Brasil Re after the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting, expected to ago/2013. Corporate Governance Overview Presidents, Vice Presidents and Directors Board of Directors 16 members SH1 Life 8 appointments 8 appointments 16 members SH2 P&C 8 appointments 8 appointments 16 members Brasilprev Pension Plans Companhia de Seguros Aliança do Brasil Mapfre Vida S.A Vida Seguradora S.A 6 appointments 6 appointments 6 appointments 6 appointments 6 appointments 6 appointments Aliança do Brasil Seguros S.A BB Mapfre Assistência Brasilveículos Mapfre Affinity Seguradora S.A Mapfre Seguros Gerais S.A 6 appointments 2 appointments 6 appointments 6 appointments 6 appointments 6 appointments 2 appointments 6 appointments 6 appointments 6 appointments 3 appointments 8 appointments 8 appointments 3 appointments 12 members Brasilcap Premium Bonds 8 appointments 4 appointments 2 appointments 2 appointments 3 members Broker 3 appointments Source: BB Seguridade and Banco do Brasil Broker: exclusive access to BB network …supported by the largest banking network in Latin America with multiple relationship channels Banking Channel1 Non-banking channel2 60.2 mm clients Sound non-banking network spread all over Brazil Partnerships Branches 5,401 148 1º Points of sale Correspondents ATM 60,049 18,218 4.290 Shared External Brokers 28,210 20.198 1Source: 2Source: Banco do Brasil – june 2013 Grupo BB Mapfre – june 2013 Broker: exclusive access to BB network SH1 SH2 Brasilprev Brasilcap Exclusive access to Banco do Brasil’s network Access to BB Corretora 20-year term Obligation to sell their products through BB Corretora’s banking network No termination clause Remuneration: fixed percentage of policies, in operational contracts signed product by product Signed in January 2013 Relationship managed by shareholder agreements with 23-year term for PFG, 20-year term for Mapfre and indefinite for Icatu / Aliança do Brasil Related Parties’ Transaction Policy Enhanced transparency and certainty to minority shareholders BB Seguridade’s commitment to reaffirm its best corporate governance practices Creating a committee related parties, composed of at least one independent member, who must have a favorable vote for approval and signature changes in contracts with related parties Backed by BB and Private Partnerships BB Mapfre SH1 SH1 Life Life Life comprehends life insurance, personal accidents and credit-life insurance. Life insurance is a product focused on individual aiming at assuring financial protection to the beneficiaries chosen by the policy holder, in case of natural or accidental death, or permanent disability of the individual. Credit life insurance (life insurance linked to loans) is intended to ensure the payment of a debt in the event of death, permanent disability or unemployment of the borrower, preventing family member to inherit this liability. BB Seguridade products mainly cover the risks of death and disability. Mortgage Housing insurance is related to the payment of housings. In case of death or disability of the insured, the insurance policy gives the guarantee that his family will receive the property and the bank will receive the full payment of the property debt. A housing insurance can also protect against physical damage to the insured property. BB Mapfre SH1 SH1 Life Rural Insurance Rural insurance protects farmers against adverse natural events, up to a maximum limit. It also covers cattle, farmer’s equity, farm assets, credit to commercialize production, and the risk of death of producers. Life (Insurance Premium) (R$ mm) Premiums BB Seguridade: +31.2% Industry: +24.0% Market Share 20.6% Housing (Insurance Premium) (R$ mm) Premiums BB Seguridade: +107.4% Industry: +23.9% Market Share 6.6% 21.8% 1,427.5 4.0% 1,087.8 35.9 17.3 2Q12 2Q13 2Q12 2Q13 Rural (Insurance Premium) (R$ mm) Premiums BB Seguridade: +60.9% Industry: +58.3% Market Share 77.8% 79.1% 476.3 296.1 2Q12 2Q13 Source: SUSEP Data: Jun/13 Mapfre BB SH2 SH2 P&C Property Property insurance consists in products developed to protect assets or property from individuals or companies, linked or not to loans. The main products of this segment are housing insurance (covers the risk related to the property, and not to the individual, as it is the case for mortgage life or housing life insurance), businesses insurance (protection for companies assets) and insurance for machines and equipment (protection of goods belonging to individuals and businesses). Auto Auto insurance is a product aimed at protecting vehicles, for commercial or private use, from damage sustained and caused in accidents or other situations, besides other assistances provided to the policy holder for their daily lives. Auto Premiums Market Share 14.8% 887.7 2Q12 (Insurance Premium) (R$ mm) ∆% BB Seguridade: +24.2 Industry: +21.4 15.2% 1,102.5 2Q13 Source: SUSEP Data: Jun/13 Brasilprev Pension Plans Complementary pension plans are an optional product giving individuals additional financial protection outside of public retirement plans. The two most important products in this segment are PGBL (Plano Gerador de Benefício Livre) and VGBL (Vida Gerador de Benefício Livre). They are pension plans in which individuals contribute during their working lives in return for receiving a monthly income or a single payment usually upon retirement. PGBL products are recommended for people who declare income tax (IR) in complete form because the contributions are deductible in the calculation bases of income tax. VGBL products are recommended for those who declares income tax in simplified format or is exempt, since the contributions are not deductible in calculating the tax base. In this modality, in case of redemption or income received, the incidence of IR is only on the value of income. Pension Plans Collection Market Share 25.9% 4,718.1 2Q12 (Collection) (R$ mm) ∆% BB Seguridade: +36.1 Industry: +8.7 30.1% 5,949.3 2Q13 Source: SUSEP Data: Jun/13 Brasilcap Premium Bonds Premium bonds is a typical product of the Brazilian market, which links into a single financial instrument components of accumulation (savings) and lottery. Customers can choose between bonds single payment or perform monthly payments. In both cases, during the period, savers participate in draws with cash prizes. Part of the payments is directed to the company to pay, for example, the cost of the plan and the prizes with draws. The remaining amount compose a reservation that the participant gets back to the end of the plan. There are similar products in Spain and United Kingdom. Premium Bonds Collection Market Share (Collection) (R$ mm) ∆% BB Seguridade: +102.4 Industry: +37.5 34.9% 23.7% 1,958.4 967.6 2Q12 2Q13 Source: SUSEP Data: Jun/13 BB Corretora Brokerage The brokerage businesses consist in intermediating the sale of insurance products between the insurance company and clients. Due to the intermediation services, the broker receives a commission, which is calculated as a % of the value of the premium. There are no direct underwriting risks involved. Commercialization of BB Seguridade’s products in BB’s retail banking base Commercialization process Gross premium SH1 SH2 Reimbursement of costs / expenses BB’s client Brokerage BB Corretora Brasilprev Banking service fees Brasilcap Highlights Insurance, Pension Plans and Premium Bonds Distribution Holding Business Lines SH1 Life1 Ranking 10 1st 3 SH2 P&C2 nd Pension Plans 1st 8 Premium Bonds Brokerage 1st 1st 447 Net Revenues (2Q13)5 (R$ mm) 1,783 1,828 5,895 1,958 Adjusted ROAE (2Q13) 27.7% 13.2% 59.0% 63.9% Adjusted net income (2Q13) 6 (R$ mm) 147.9 39.8 108.4 18.9 231.6 % of BB Seguridade adjusted net income 9 26.9% 7.2% 19.7% 3.4% 42.1% 1st 39.1% 550.3 7 Source: Company fillings and Susep 1. SH1 comprises Life, Credit Insurance, Housing and Rural Insurance / 2. SH2 comprises Auto, Casualty and Others (except for Housing and Rural Insurance) / 3. 1ST position: Represents BB Seguridade’s Life products / 4. 2nd position: Represents BB Seguridade’s P&C products / 5. Premiums written for BB Mapfre SH1 and Mapfre BB SH2; Collections for Brasilcap; Contributions for Brasilprev; Operational revenues for BB Corretora / 6. Considers the net income attributable to BB Seguridade / 7. BB Seguridade’s net income includes R$ 3.7mm related to holding revenues/expenses and taxes, which are not shown above / 8. 1ST position: Represents BB Seguridade’s collections products / 9. Considers the results of holdings BB Seguridade, BB Seguros and BB Cor / 10. Position in 1H13 16 Earnings by Segment Income from insurance, pension plans and premium bonds grows in all affiliates. Financial result impacted by mark-to-market. BB Mapfre SH1 Underwriting result Underwriting result: +19.1% Net investment income: -22.1% Adjusted net income: +26.3% Net investment income Adjusted net income Underwriting result (R$ mm) Underwriting result: +274.7% Net investment income: -48.5% Adjusted net income: +53.8% Net investment income Adjusted net income 197.2 156.2 79.6 51.8 241.5 202.7 73.2 57.0 2Q12 2Q13 Brasilprev Result with pension plan Net investment income Adjusted net income 116.0 106.8 Mapfre BB SH2 (R$ mm) 102.5 54.7 27.4 28.1 2Q12 2Q13 Brasilcap (R$ mm) Result with pension plans: +56.7% Net investment income: -19.3% Adjusted net income: +24.7% Result with premium bond Net investment income Adjusted net income 87.7 70.8 Result with premium bond: +145.0% Net investment income: -109.0% Adjusted net income: -21.9% 36.3 144.6 167.3 (R$ mm) 21.6 28.3 40.7 52.9 -3.7 2Q12 2Q13 2Q12 2Q13 Consolidated Earnings Adjusted net income 31% higher even in an adverse environment for financial income BB Seguridade Adjusted Adjusted net income ROAE (%) (R$ mm) Net income Adjusted net income: +31.4% 34.3 BB Seguridade (R$ mm) ROAE (%) Net income: +84.9% 39.1 39.1 550.3 23.6 418.9 550.3 297.6 2Q12 2Q13 2Q12 2Q13 BB Mapfre SH1 – Highlights Adjusted ROAE grew fueled by growth in earned premiums. Earned premiums 28.8% Claims (R$ mm) (%) +2.0 p.p. 1,173.4 32.0 34.0 2Q13 2Q12 2Q13 910.8 2Q12 Combined ratio Adjusted ROAE (%) +1.7 p.p. 77.7 +7.2 p.p. 79.4 (%) 27.7 20.5 2Q12 2Q13 2Q12 2Q13 BB Mapfre SH1 – Highlights Banking channel sustains the growth of premiums written. Highlight for credit insurance and rural in premium’s composition. Premiums written (R$ mm) Breakdown of premiums 2Q12 vs 2Q13 2Q12 +44.7% 1,783.2 1,232.4 2Q13 Mortagage life Others insurance 1.4% Rural 3.3% 20.8% Mortgage life insurance Others 2.0% 2.8% Rural 44.7% Life 23.8% 2Q13 Selling channels 2Q12 Life x 29.8% 2Q12 37.3% 34.2% Credit insurance Credit insurance Selling channels 2Q13 Other channel Other channel 11.4% 15.3% 84.7% Bancassurance channel 88.6% Bancassurance channel Mapfre BB SH2 – Highlights ROAE showed an increase impacted by the growth in earned premiums and improved combined ratio. Premiums earned +19.1% Combined ratio (%) -3.4 p.p. 1,806.3 59.0 55.6 2Q13 2Q12 2Q13 1,516.6 2Q12 Claims (R$ mm) Adjusted ROAE (%) (%) -3.9 p.p. 98.2 +4.5 p.p. 94.3 13.2 8.7 2Q12 2Q13 2Q12 2Q13 21 Mapfre BB SH2 – Highlights Performance in P&C maintains the growth of premiums written. Premiums written +17.7% (R$ mm) Breakdown of premiums 2Q12 vs 2Q13 2Q12 1,828.1 1,553.0 2Q13 Others Others Affinity Affinity 14.4% 1.2% 57.2% 27.3% 58.9% Auto Selling channels 2Q13 Bancassurance channel Bancassurance channel 34.6% Other channel 27.5% 2Q13 Selling channels 2Q12 65.4% x 12.5% Casualties Casualties 2Q12 1.1% Auto 34.9% 65.1% Other channel Brasilprev – Highlights Brasilprev reaches 53% of net total net inflow in the market, which has been supporting the growth of reserves1. Gross revenue from pension plans Adjusted ROAE (%) (R$ mm) +0.2 p.p. +26.7% 5,895.0 58.8 59.0 2Q12 2Q13 4,652.0 2Q12 2Q13 Net Inflow of Contributions (R$ mm) Technical Reserves +29.1% Net Inflow of Contributions Market Share 53.0% 37.9% 3,526.2 3,566.1 2Q12 2Q13 (R$ bn) 75.2 58.3 jun-12 jun-13 1 Source: Consultoria Quantum Axis Brasilcap – Highlights Strong revenue growth, with an increase of reserves. A smaller net investment income and retained earnings limited the expansion of ROAE. Premium Bonds Collection +106.8% Adjusted ROAE (%) (R$ mm) 1,958.4 110.9 63.9 946.8 2Q12 -47.0 p.p. 2Q13 2Q12 Technical Reserves +42.8% (R$ bn) 7.9 5.5 jun-12 jun-13 2Q13 BB Corretora – Highlights Benefits from the predominance of sales through the banking channel, increase of commission income and net margin. Brokerage Revenues +28.8% (R$ mm) Revenues Breakdown 2Q12 vs 2T13 2Q12 446.8 347.0 2Q13 Other 5.3% 12.5% 2Q13 Adjusted Net Income (R$ mm) +41.8% 2Q12 2Q13 46.8% SH1 16.1% 16.8% SH2 SH2 Performance (R$ mm) 2Q12 2Q13 Brokerage Revenues Operating Result Adjusted Net Income 347.0 239.7 163.3 446.8 337.9 231.6 Net Margin 47.1% 51.8% 231.6 163.3 x Brasilprev 19.1% 2Q12 0.2% 20.1% SH1 45.6% Brasilprev 17.5% Other Brasilcap Brasilcap Contacts: Investor Relations SBS – Quadra 1 – Bloco A – Ed. Sede I – 4º andar 70.073-900 – Brasília, DF Tel: +55 (61) 3102-5771 Apresentação Institucional Março 2013
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