press Pdf - Galerie Christophe Gaillard


press Pdf - Galerie Christophe Gaillard
Galerie Christophe Gaillard
to present
Tulipe Bleue
Immaterial Sculpture
by the French artist
01 - 04 MAY 2015
About Please Do Not Enter
Please Do Not Enter is a one-of-a-kind curated store in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles. This unique
space features an eclectic array of exclusive timeless contemporary pieces, including contemporary design, high
fashion, luxury accessories and contemporary art. Please Do Not Enter is an unseen shopping destination in
the Los Angeles scene.
Being contemporary art and design collectors, the two French founders, Nicolas Libert and Emmanuel Renoird,
also think Please Do Not Enter as a supporting platform for contemporary creation. They sponsor or produce
outdoor installations as well as commissioned works or special projects.
549 South Olive Street, Los Angeles, 90013 - #213 263 0037 - / pleasedonotenter - #pleasedonotenter
About Galerie Christophe Gaillard, Paris
Located in «Le Marais», close to the Picasso Museum, the Galerie Christophe Gaillard supports french
and international contemporary artists in various artistic fields such as painting (Hélène Delprat, Julien des
Monstiers), photography (Letha Wilson, Hannah Whitaker), action (Fabian Knecht), sculpture or video and
aims at enhancing the pertinence of recognized artists from the 60s to the 90s like Tetsumi Kudo and Daniel
Pommereulle, working with the agreement of the estate, in light of actual art practices.
The Galerie Christophe Gaillard has participated to the Paris Photo Paris and Los Angeles art fairs, Artissima
in Torino, FIAC Officielle in Paris, Loop Barcelona...
12 rue de Thorigny 75003 Paris - # +33 1 42 78 49 16 - twitter / @galeriegaillard - #pleasedonotenter
Unglee is a french artist. He became known in the late 70’s for his experimental films that
were screened in France and abroad, then in the 80’s for his photographs of tulips. In the
90’s, in parallel to his exhibitions, he started to intervene in art reviews such as Art Press,
Art Présence, Technikart or the Revue d’Esthétique in which he published his Disparitions
(Disappearances), fictional obituaries in which he tells his life and passion for tulips.
Between 1998 and 2009, his plastic work went on to an ensemble of radio plays created for
France Culture : A la recherche de Giulietta Fabrizzi (Looking for Giulietta Fabrizzi). Between 2000
and 2005 he shot a series of videos around the theme of love declaration which could be seen
as songs without music. His videos were screened at the Africa Museum in Johannesburg, at
the Centre Pompidou in Paris, at the Kunstfilmbiennale in Cologne, at the Musée du Jeu de
Paume in Paris, at the Beyeler Foundation in Basel, amongst others.
In 2012 he received a research grant from the Centre National des Arts Plastiques in Paris,
for the project Tulipe Bleue - Sculpture Immatérielle (Blue Tulip - Immaterial Sculpture). On
September 18th, 2014, Unglee’s fragrance Tulip Bleue was premiered during an evening at
the Rives de la Beauté event in Paris. That same year, in November, the Galerie Christophe
Gaillard presented his work in a solo show entitled «On le croyait heureux» (we thought he
was happy).
Unglee is represented by the Galerie Christophe Gaillard, Paris.
Unglee on the French Riviera - #pleasedonotenter
About Tulipe Bleue - Immaterial Sculpture
Tulipe Bleue was conceived as I was living the happiest times of my life. I had just spent several months in Hollywood where I had played my own part in Golden Tulips
Are Priceless, produced by the Paramount Studios. As I came back to France, I settled in Grasse and composed this fragrance inspired by the dancer Madeline Swanson.
She wasn’t only my wife but also my muse. Her beauty, her elegance, her marvelous gait were as many exceptional sources of inspiration. With this fragrance I meant
to find the essence of our happiness during these Californian days that we had spent between the cinema studios, our house at the foot of the hill and our lovers’ walks
by the Pacific Ocean, along the beaches of Malibu or Santa Monica. When I had to name the fragrance, I immediately thought of Tulipe Bleue. The blue tulip doesn’t
exist, neither in nature nor for botanists who cannot conceive it. It only exists in dreams, just like my fragrance’s sources of inspiration.
Tulipe Bleue was premiered in Las Vegas, right after the triumph of Golden Tulips Are Priceless. Its success was immediate and Tulipe Bleue became the fragrance for an
entire generation of women attracted by its ultra feminine notes, its trail and glamourous background. It became THE fragrance to wear. With its powerful notes, it
was the height of luxury and voluptuous pleasure of the 80’s.
For several months, I worked with Domitille Bertier to create the 2014 version of Tulipe Bleue. We kept the spirit of the original while adapting it to today’s desires.
The California sun, the morning chill of the fragrant Hollywood hills and Madeline Swanson’s sophistication that had inspired me were reinterpreted by Domitille
Bertier who reinvented a very «bloomy» chypre. It associates the scent of fresh-cut spring flowers under the morning dew with boisé notes and a splash of red lipstick
with exceptional remanence. Thus was born an absolutely feminine fragrance, resolutely contemporary and deeply glamourous. As magical as that secret moment we
call the Blue Hour, because of the particular color of the sky - right before sunrise, a deeply silent moment for the night birds have just fallen asleep while the daytime
birds haven’t yet awaken - as magical then, as the Blue Hour which is said to be the best of times to appreciate a fragrance, Tulipe Bleue is as surprising as Madame
d’Aulney’s L’Oiseau Bleu (The Blue Bird) which will turn into a Prince Charming. Tulipe Bleue is pure seduction and if I were to qualify its fragrance, I would say it is
simply, but with sophistication, the olfactory aura of happiness.
It is all of that the presentation of Tulipe Bleue will offer the spectator, in a surprising bewitchment. This result will be obtained through a scenographic display that
will stage the evanescence of the fragrance, presented in an ornamental case, sublimated by the Tulipe Bleue melody, especially composed by Fabrice Ravel-Chapuis.
To accompany and complete the presentation of the Tulipe Bleue - Immaterial Sculpture at Please Do Not Enter, the Galerie Christophe Gaillard and I produced a limited
edition (27 and 3 artist’s proof) of the fragrance in a bottle with a gold-plated spray especially designed by the Maison Marcel Franck in Paris.
Tulipe Bleue - Immaterial Sculpture will be presented at Please Do Not Enter, while the Galerie Christophe Gaillard will present «Unglee goes to Hollywood», a selection
of photographic series by Unglee at Paris Photo Los Angeles.
Unglee - #pleasedonotenter
Paris Photo Los Angeles
Paramount Pictures Studios // May 01 - 03, 2015
The Galerie Christophe Gaillard will be presenting «Unglee goes to Hollywood», a solo
show in the New York Backlots for Paris Photo Los Angeles 2015, exhibiting different
photographic series Unglee created throughout his carreer.
What do we know about Unglee ? That he loved tulips and their fragrance, photography, cinema, that he
had two wives and a male lover - unless he had many more - that he cultivated his tulips in Melun for a
while - or elsewhere - that celebrity played a very important role in his career, as is shown by his experiences
in Hollywood or at the MoMA - unless it was on the Riviera.
But who are we talking about here ? A fictional character such as the one we discover in his Disparitions
(Disappearances) ? The artist as much at ease with studio photography than with photomontage, with a
cinematographic form of writing than with parody ? Whoever would try to see through the complexity of the
character Unglee would soon realize the purposelessness of his enterprise, the deception being intentional and
the information shared as factual and precise as scarce.
Better then stick to the signs and forms left by Unglee as many clues of a work as conceptual as it is
sensational or sensual, likely to capture «l’air du temps» - the spirit of the times - (if only to use the name of
the perfume which appears in his film Radio-Serpent, 1980) with humor and impertinence…
Extract from Signalement Unglee, by Audrey Illouz.
With the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques
Flammes roses sur beurre, 1992 - March 2015
Unique C Print mounted on aluminum, 20 x 13 3/8 inches. - #pleasedonotenter
For more information please
contact Nicolas :
Thank you !
The Tulipe Bleue - Immaterial Sculpture project
was created with the help of the
Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Paris - #pleasedonotenter
Project partners :
International Flavors & Fragrances and Air Aroma