YKHC prepares for Gathering next month
YKHC prepares for Gathering next month
Volume X No. 3 • March 15, 2005 YKHC prepares for Gathering next month Participants at last year’s Tribal Gathering work on setting priorities for the communities in their election district. (photo by Michael Faubion) Set for April 5–7 in Bethel, this will be the 12th Tribal Unity and Traditional Medicine Gathering T he coming together of people from throughout the region to discuss health care priorities and celebrate Native healing traditions has itself become a tradition for YKHCʼs customers, directors, leaders and employees. This is Gathering XII, and promises to be just as instrumental as Gatherings past in presenting an opportunity for YKHCʼs leadership to listen and learn what is most important to the people who live in our vast region. Over the years, YKHC has responded to the peoplesʼ concerns by reorganizing the ambulatory clinics at the hospital, building subregional clinics in Aniak, St. Maryʼs, Emmonak and Toksook Bay to bring health care closer to home for most people, creating an inhalant abuse treatment facility, improving water and sewer systems, and a great many other improvements addressing our healthcare needs. The theme this year acknowledges the power and promise of YKHCʼs new mission statement: “Working Together to Achieve Excellent Health.” INSIDE: CHR Intro, p. 4 • PT Terms, p. 6 • Health Fair, p. 8-9 • Operators, p. 14 2 YKHC Board of Directors Unit 1 Joe Mike P.O. Box 20269 Kotlik, Alaska 99620 907-899-4756 Aaron S. Kameroff P.O. Box 37 Alakanuk, Alaska 99554 907-238-3125 Unit 2 Ray Alstrom P.O. Box 8 Marshall, Alaska 99585 907-679-6320 James C. Landlord P.O. Box 32168 Mt. Village, AK 99632 907-591-2119 Unit 3 Billy Morgan P.O. Box 72 Aniak, Alaska 99557 907-675-4457 Angela Morgan P.O. Box 243 Aniak, Alaska 99557 907-675-4413 Unit 4 Fritz George P.O. Box 62 Akiachak, Alaska 99551 907-825-4626 Moses Peter P.O. Box 57 Tuluksak, Alaska 99679 907- 695-6420 Unit 5 Bill Kristovich P.O. Box 1037 Bethel, Alaska 99559 907-543-4151/2212 Henry Hunter, Sr. P.O. Box 632 Bethel, Alaska 99559 907-543-5130 Gloria Simeon P.O. Box 308 Bethel, Alaska 99559 907-543-5676 Joseph C. Bavilla P.O. Box 6011 Napaskiak, Alaska 99559 907-737-7062 Unit 6 Chuck Chaliak P.O. Box 169 Nunapitchuk, Alaska 907- 527-5045 Unit 7 Robert Enoch P.O. Box 8054 Tuntutuliak, Alaska 99680 907-256-2798 Unit 8 James R. Charlie, Sr. P.O. Box 37012 Toksook Bay, Alaska 99637 907-427-7114 James Sipary P.O. Box 37134 Toksook Bay, Alaska 99637 907- 427-7816 Unit 9 Reuben Hill P.O. Box 210 Hooper Bay, Alaska 99604 H: 907-558-4096 - W: 558-4711 Moses J. Tulim P.O. Box 130 Chevak, Alaska 99563 907-858-7366 Unit 10 Sam W. Alexie P.O. Box 57 Eek, Alaska 99578 907-536-5428 Unit 11 Kathy W. Chase P.O. Box 41 Holy Cross, Alaska 99602 H: 907-476-7162 Honorary Board Member Paul John P.O. Box 37067 Toksook Bay, Alaska 99637 907-427-74l4 Numbers to Call YKHC......................................................................... 543-6000 Public Relations Dept. ................................................ 543-6030 Media Services ............................................................ 543-6038 Office of Environmental Health & Engineering ......... 543-6420 Technology Help Desk ................................................ 543-6070 Human Resources ....................................................... 543-6060 Job Line ................................................................... 543-6443 Learning Center .......................................................... 543-6980 Administration ............................................................ 543-6020 Hospital ....................................................................... 543-6300 Emergency Room........................................................ 543-6395 Hospital Community Relations ................................... 543-6350 Social Services ............................................................ 543-6225 Clinic Appointments ................................................. 543-6442 1-800-478-3321 Dental Appointments ................................................ 543-6229 Optometry Appointments......................................... 543-6336 Audiology Appointments .......................................... 543-6466 Subregional Clinic Appointments Aniak ....................................................................... 675-4556 Emmonak ................................................................ 949-3500 St. Maryʼs ................................................................ 438-3500 Public Health Nurses....................................................543-2110 Pharmacy..................................................................... 543-6382 Travel Management Center ......................................... 543-6360 WIC Program .............................................................. 543-6459 Health Services .......................................................... 543-6024 Village Operations ...................................................... 543-6160 CHAP ...................................................................... 543-6160 Injury Prevention/EMS ........................................... 543-6080 Community Health & Wellness ............................... 543-6190 Behavioral Health Services ...................................... 543-6100 Phillips Ayagnirvik .................................................. 543-6700 Village Services ....................................................... 543-6740 Home Care Services .................................................... 543-6170 Volume X No. 3 • March 15, 2005 3 YKHC Board & Committee Meetings 2005 April Kameroff, Medical Laboratory Assistant March 22 Finance Committee March 23-24 Governing Body April 19 Finance Committee April 5 –7 Tribal Unity & Traditional Medicine Gathering April 7–8 Semi-Annual Full Board Meeting May 17 Finance Committee May 18 Governing Body June 21 Finance Committee June 22–23 Executive Board July 19 Finance Committee July 20 Governing Body August 16 Finance Committee The Messenger is a monthly publication produced by the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation as a report to Tribal Members. For questions, comments, submission of articles, or subscription information, write to Messenger Editor, Media Services, Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation, P.O. Box 528, Bethel, Alaska 99559. Email: michael_faubion@ykhc.org. Deadline is the last day of the month preceding publication. Publication is on the 15th of every month. Anchorage Office: 4700 Business Park Blvd. Suite E25, Anchorage, Alaska 99503. 907-677-2232. Please ask permission to reprint articles or pictures. © 2005, Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation. A pril Kameroff is the daughter of Joe Kameroff, Sr. and the late Sarah Ciletti of Aniak. April is quiet, outgoing, happy, and a very hard worker. She was raised in Aniak until she relocated to Seward during her high school years. She attended high school in Seward, but moved back to Aniak in her senior year, where she graduated from the Aniak High School. In May 10, 2004, April completed the Clinical Assistant Certificate program through the University of Alaska Anchorage, (UAA) Medical Laboratory Technology Department. Currently she is pursuing her Associates Degree through the University of Alaska Anchorage and continues to take distance delivery classes. “When I was a young girl, I had a hero and his name was Richard Ciletti. Richard is my older brother and he was a Dragon Slayer for the Aniak Fire Department. I witnessed him save an elderly woman back then, and that inspired me to help my people get well. As I got older, I joined the Dragon Slayers and since then, I am pursuing a Medical Laboratory Technician degree through UAA. Today, Richard is attending UAF in Fairbanks, and studying to be a paramedic. Heʼs the reason why I am where I am right now and thatʼs helping my people Clinical Lab Assistant in a hospital setting. My brother showed • Demonstrates knowledge of infection control and safety me that I could be anything I wanted to be practices. when I grow up. • Collects and prepares blood “I enjoy helping people, and meeting new and body fluid specimens. faces that come through the Aniak Subre• Performs appropriate tests gional Clinic Laboratory. Each day, I learn at the clinical assistant level, new things, techniques, different blood according to standard operattypes and I am proud to say that I am doing ing procedures. something with my life. If you want to be • Follows established quality successful in life, you have to go follow control protocols. your heart and your dreams. At the end, you • Starting salary will have a career to count on. Phlebotomist: $13.48/hr. “As a Medical Laboratory Assistant, I Clinical Lab Assistant: start up and do quality control on all the $19.92/hr. instruments that will be used, collect the specimens, draw blood, label the specimen tubes, run tests in the lab, enter the lab results into the computer correctly, order lab supplies when needed and get lab specimens ready for transport.” Call The YKHC Learning Center: 907-543-6758 4 A message from Community Health & Wellness Diabetes and You D iabetes is on the increase in the YK Delta and somebody is responsible! You might ask who is responsible and the answer you receive depends on whom you ask. There is a profile of the responsible person. They may be male or female, young or old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, working or unemployed and have many other varied characteristics. Look around and look in the mirror. Who are they? They are all of us. We are responsible for our own healthcare and preventing diabetes. We should be proactive not reactive in our care. Proactive means that the first responsibility lies in each of us. If we have health questions or problems, it is up to us to start our care. If we are sick, we should go to the doctor/healer so we can find out what is wrong with us and how to treat the problem. Reactive means to wait for someone else to do something first. We should act first not only in our treatment, but also in being informed on health issues and not wait on the health care provider. Health care providers are responsible for helping you in treatment and care. Diabetes is a disease that is preventable and treatable in most cases. The health community knows many of the reasons that a person develops diabetes but cannot predict exactly who will. We know that heredity/genetics, obesity, lack of exercise, diet patterns/nutrition, and many other factors are involved in developing diabetes. We canʼt change our heredity, but most other factors related to diabetes are controlled by you. It is the job of the health care providers to get good and useful information out to the community. It is up to you to use that information in your care. Do you smoke, chew or drink, eat a poor diet, exercise too little or not at all? Do you help your loved ones to keep poor habits? If so, who is responsible for developing diabetes? You are responsible. YKHC has extensive preventive care resources available to the community, including a Diabetes Prevention and Control section in Village Operations. The health care community stands ready to assist you in taking care of your health and preventing future problems. Take advantage of the services and information available. You are responsible! Call Diabetes Prevention & Control 543-6133 or 1-877-543-6133 Meet your CHR W aqaa. My name is Patrick Pavila from the Native village of Tuntutuliak. I work for YKHCʼs Health Education Department as a village-based Community Health Representative (CHR). I am writing to introduce myself and tell you a Villages little about the work that I do. Served— I have been assigned to your village Tuntutuliak, to deliver health related presentations Oscarville, at the school and community levels. Napakiak, As a CHR, I present material, data, Napaskiak, and other pertinent information on Kwethluk, health promotion in general and as it Akiachak, relates to your village specifically. Akiak, Upon request I will travel to your Tuluksak, village to deliver presentations on Atmautluak, certain topics: alcohol/drug abuse, Kasigluk, and tobacco cessation, human sexuality Nunapitchuk (e.g. puberty, teen pregnancy prevention, STDs, etc.) and other healthrelated topics. After receiving a presentation request and the name of a contact person from a village in my service area, a schedule is made to visit the village. Next, a date is agreed upon on when I can go to the requesting school and/or village and we go from there. The Health Education Department (HE) can assist a village if it wants to organize a health fair. This is a long-term commitment so requests should be made several months before the planned health fair. This can be a school or village-sponsored event, or both the school and village can work together with HE to plan the health fair. The department also assists villages with establishing a Community Wellness Team. Community wellness teams primarily prioritize, plan, and present health promotion and disease prevention activities in their respective communities. If a village wants to start a wellness team, the Health Education Dept. will be more than happy to assist. If you want more information or just want to chat, please call me at (907) 256-2290 or email to ppavila@ykhc.org. You can also relay a message by dialing 1-800-478-4471 ext. 6493. I will be waiting to hear form you in the near future. Piurci. Respectfully, Patrick Pavila, CHR, Tuntutuliak I need to find out who this is at the Health Fair. See more about the Health Fair on page 8 . If you would like more information about our services or the Community Health Representative for your community, please call toll-free 1-800-478-4471 Volume X No. 3 • March 15, 2005 Career Pathways releases new ‘Profiles of Success’ 5 T he Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation Health Career Pathways Program is proud to announce that sets of eight new “Profiles of Success” posters are being distributed to schools and clinics within the YKHC service area. The posters profile Alaska Native health professionals and para-professionals employed by YKHC. The new set of posters includes profiles on Health Aides, Registered Nurse Deborah Samson, Physician Assistant Hazel Julius, Subregional Clinic Operations Manager Gail Alstrom, Licensed Practical Nurse Clara George, Dental Assistant Abigail Samuelson, Dispensing Optician Grace David, and Eye Care Technician Willie Lake. Each poster also includes education and training requirements for the profession, starting salary and a short description of duties, along with personal education and work experiences for each individual. YKHCʼs Health Career Pathways Program is funded in part by a grant from the Administration for Native Americans, a department of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Career Pathways Program is part of the Learning Center at YKHC and provides health career information to public school students and to adults, and provides assistance to tribal members entering health professional training. YKHC is working with the school districts in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region, the University of Alaska statewide system, and other organizations to provide awareness activities, exploration of health careers, preparation activities, and training options for student and adult learners. “Growing our own” health professionals will help to improve the local economy by ensuring that salaries remain in the region, and health professionals who are tribal members have a better understanding of how to serve tribal members. The Profiles of Success column has run in “The Messenger,” YKHCʼs newsletter, for the last Hazel Julius, a certified physician assistant is one of eight employees featured in the year, and new profiles are still being developed and published monthly. “Profiles of Success” poster series. For more information about job openings at YKHC, health services and scholarships, please log on to our website at www.ykhc.org, or contact the Health Career Pathways office at 543-6758. YKHC’s Chief Operating Officer resigns O n Thursday, February 17, Craig Ambrosiani, YKHCʼs Chief Operating Officer and Vice President of Finance, tendered his resignation to YKHC. Ambrosiani had been with YKHC since 2000. “As Finance Vice President, Ambrosianiʼs responsibility was to the financial health of the company, which amounts to some $120 million annually,” said Gene Peltola, YKHCʼs President and CEO. Craig Ambrosiani As COO, Ambrosiani oversaw the operations of the company, including administrative oversight of Aeromed International, YKHCʼs medevac service, which is based in Anchorage. Another of Ambrosianiʼs duties was to facilitate the new Napartet Goal Team (NGT) which was formed in late 2004 and tasked to oversee accomplishment of the companyʼs 2005 goals. During this period of transition, Sam Deakin, YKHCʼs acting Controller, was appointed acting Chief Financial Officer by Peltola. “And the job of administrative oversight of our medevac company has been assigned to Hugh Short, YKHCʼs Vice President of Support Services,” he said. Peltola also appointed Jeff Murchison, YKHCʼs Performance Improvement Director and a member of the Senior Leadership, to lead the Napartet Goal Team. “YKHC looks forward to working with Mr. Short, Mr. Murchision and Mr. Deakin in keeping the company focused on our present financial and operational goals,” said Peltola. “I also want to reassure our employees and clients that YKHC, through the control of its Administration and Board of Directors, is stable and doing fine organizationally,” Peltola added. Peltola said the position of Vice President of Finance is already being advertised nationally and that he expects to review applications within the next couple of months. “I enjoyed working with Mr. Ambrosiani during his tenure here at YKHC and we will certainly miss him. On behalf of the company, Iʼd like to wish him all the best in his future endeavors,” Peltola said. 6 Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Clinic Basic Anatomy Terms by Anne Kosacheff T his month we will cover basic anatomy terms. Keep this column handy, as it will be referred to frequently over the next several months. Bones (timemta enri) and vertebrae (uyaqinrat) Bones make up the skeleton (timemta enri), and provide the supporting structure for our body. Everyone has the same basic bony structure. There are common skeletal variants we see in the medical field, but for the most part, we are all put together the same way. There are more than 200 bones in the body. Each one is held in place by ligaments, tendons and muscles. Common problems associated with the bones of the body are fractures, bruises and osteopenia/ osteoporosis. Vertebrae (uyaqinrat) are specialized bones of the spine. They are only found in the back and neck. There are 33 vertebrae in the spine, each specialized for a specific function. We will cover each specific area of the back in future columns. Cartilage (qiaryimtaaq or tatangquk), menisci and discs (uivat) Ligaments, tendons and muscles (yualuq) These three tissues all perform the same function (support of the bony skeleton), but do so in different ways. Ligaments connect bone to bone. Generally they support joints directly, by connecting close to the moving part of the joint. Ligaments are relatively stiff, and provide more stability than tendons and muscles. Once stretched or torn, ligaments do not generally repair themselves. Scar tissue may form, but the ligament will never regain its initial strength and function. Common problems associated with ligaments include sprain and tears. Tendons connect muscles to bone. Tendons provide stability, but can stretch more than ligaments. They allow for mobility in the joint, but are not contractile: they do not get longer and shorter actively, like muscles do. After most injuries, tendons can repair themselves. Common problems associated with tendons include strains, tears and ruptures. Nerves (temem elpeksuutai) Nerves (temem elpeksuutai) are the communication pathways between your skin, muscles and internal organs and your brain. As a general rule, each nerve has two-way traffic traveling up and down. The nerves themselves travel next to your bones; can go under, over or through a muscle; and run past every joint in your body. Problems with any of these structures can affect your nerves. Common problems associated with the nervous system include entrapment, impingement, overstretching and tearing. Next month will begin our exploration of the musculoskeletal system. We will cover basic neck anatomy, and touch on common problems found in the neck. Cartilage (qiaryimtaaq or tatangquk) is found on all joint surfaces. It cushions the bony surfaces and allows the bones to move against one another without being worn down. In the knee, the cartilage is called a meniscus. There are two menisci in each knee. The menisci are thicker cartilage than that found in other joints. The menisci provide some stability in the knee, unlike the cartilage in other joints of the body, which only provide cushioning, and some protection from wear and tear. The cartilage found between each pair of vertebrae in the spine is called a disc (uivat). The disc not only cushions and protects the vertebral body, but also supports the space between the vertebrae where the nerves exit the spinal cord to innervate your muscles Physical Therapy Report to Tribal Gathering XII and skin. Common problems associated with any cartilage tissue The Physical Therapy Department expanded in 2004 to include four are generally due to degeneration (wearing away of the tissue), full time Physical Therapists and one part-time Massage Therapist. or a tear in the cartilage itself. We will discuss specific problems Our outreach programs expanded to include coordinated care with associated with each area of the body in future columns. the Family Infant Toddler Program, Home Care, the McCann Inhalant Treatment Center, PATC and the sub-regional clinics in Aniak, Emmonak and St. Maryʼs. Plans are underway to provide services in the Tooksok Bay subregional clinic beginning in the spring of 2005. More than 200 patients Employment Opportunities received PT services in subregional clinics in 2004. As part of the corporate Patient Centered Excellence Napartut goal, Latest News the Physical Therapy department has set a goal to visit 100 percent Upcoming Events of the home-bound elders to provide a home safety assessment in the 2005 fiscal year. Messenger Back Issues www.ykhc.org Volume X No. 3 • March 15, 2005 7 Don’t Break the Cold Chain! by Chris Desnoyers, YKHC Vaccine Distribution Technician W hat is the cold chain? It is the stable temperature kept during the long voyage of a vaccine shipment. It begins with vaccine production at the manufacturer. It ends at the village clinic or hospital when the Community Health Aide or Nurse gives the shot to the baby, child, or adult. We all know that vaccines protect us from getting many diseases. But did you know that they are very fragile? The shots are temperature sensitive and have to stay between 35° and 46° Fahrenheit (or 2° to 8° Celsius). That temperature is cold but not too cold. Many vaccines donʼt work as well if they are frozen. There are also medicines that are temperature sensitive. These need to stay in the Cold Chain, too. At the manufacturer, the vaccines are put into a box with a mixture of cold packs and ice packs. They are sent to Anchorage, to the Vaccine Depot. There the vaccines wait for our order. The hospital or village clinic or subregional clinic count their vaccines each month and send in an order. The Vaccine DistriSome people bution Center sends the order each month to the think that State. After the state sends the order to YKHC, the vaccines are sent to the village clinics, subhealth aides regional clinics and also to the hospital. and health Manufacturer—to—Anchorage (State Depot)—to—Bethel (Vaccine Distribution)— practitioners to—Village Clinics/Subregional Clinics/Hosonly see pital Pharmacy and Clinics—to—Babyʼs leg or somebodyʼs arm. patients. Some people think that health aides and health That is simply practitioners only see patients. That is simply not true. They are also very busy trying to keep not true. vaccines within the cold chain. When the shipment comes in by plane, either the agent picks up the vaccines to take to the clinic or the clinic staff must go and get the vaccines. Once the box arrives, the health aide takes out the vaccines and puts them into a refrigerator. This special refrigerator (not for food or drink) is checked two times a day to make sure the temperature is between 35° and 46° Fahrenheit (2° and 8° Celsius). Besides taking care of patients, the health aides take care of medicines and vaccines. This is an important job. They make sure the vaccines you get are the best available. The next time you get a shot, think about all the people and all the time it took to get you the safe effective vaccine. Next month check out the information about the links in the cold chain—airports, agents, and aides, oh my! YKHC Immunization: 907-543-6649 Pharmacy Care Quiz Part One 5=Always – 4=Most of the time – 3=Sometimes – 2=Rarely – 1=Never When receiving your prescriptions, how often do you… Take your medications exactly as instructed by your doctor and pharmacist? 5 4 3 2 1 Understand the written information you with your medication? 5 4 3 2 1 Learn the name of any prescription medications you take? 5 4 3 2 1 Know why the prescription medications you take have been prescribed for you? 5 4 3 2 1 Have your prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy? 5 4 3 2 1 Check to see if a refill of your prescription is the same as your last one? 5 4 3 2 1 Read the written information about your medication when you receive the prescription medication? 5 4 3 2 1 Ask what to do if you experience side effects when taking your prescriptions? 5 4 3 2 1 Ask your pharmacist any questions you may have about your prescription medications? 5 4 3 2 1 Ask your pharmacist if it is safe to take a non-prescription medicine, herbal remedy, or nutritional supplement with your prescription medicines? 5 4 3 2 1 Ask your pharmacist or doctor about any precautions you should be aware of when taking prescriptions? 5 4 3 2 1 Part Two 5=Very aware..4..3..2..1=Not at all aware How aware of you of each of the following… Pharmacists need to know your complete medication history when filling a prescription for you? 5 4 3 2 1 Pharmacists check your prescription for potentially harmful interactions? 5 4 3 2 1 Pharmacists check for possible allergies you may have to medication before filling your prescription? 5 4 3 2 1 Pharmacists check your prescription to see if it will affect any of your known medical conditions? 5 4 3 2 1 Pharmacists are available to answer your questions and advise you on taking your medication? 5 4 3 2 1 Congratulations! You have completed the Quiz. Now total your score and turn to page 10 to understand what your score means. 8 fair day for Health a Drawing for door prizes! Nearly 300 people came to the Bethel Health Fair Feb. 19 to take part in the activities and visit information displays. WIC Nutrition Educator Ardene Constantine stands by the Women, Infants & Children Program display, ready with samples of good food. Alma Kanrilak and Debi Olick of YKHC’s Health Education Dept. have plenty to say about how much sugar is in soda pop. Photos by Chris Ho Julia Brown, also with Health Education, was there to help people identify traditional Native foods and learn about its nutritional value. Volume X No. 3 • March 15, 2005 9 Children gather round REbecca Lupie, a volunteer with the VFW Ladies Auxiliary who was helping out at the Injury Prevention booth. T he day began with a session that offered comprehensive blood tests, thyroid blood test screenings, and prostate blood test screenings. These began with registration, followed by blood pressure and height and weight measurements, and concluded with a one-on-one consultation with a health provider. Juice and snacks were provided to these participants to replenish basic energy after they prepared for the tests with a 12-hour fast. For those who preferred morning activity to early morning tests, there was a 3K Fun Run/ Walk with prizes for the top finishers. In the afternoon, 25 booths provided information, materials, visual aids and hands-on displays covering various health topics. Vision screenings and blood sugar readings were offered as well. Traditional dancers from the local immersion school entertained fairgoers while children enjoyed games and other fun activities. Door prizes—from gift certificates to safety gear and much more—were given away throughout the afternoon. Two lucky winners received round trip airline tickets. Lea Anne Abernathy, a nurse preactioner It was a fun and informative event for the at the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Regional entire community. Hospital, explains things to a health fair visitor. Circle of Care Program Case Manager Carl Evans had information about the HIV Quick Test. 10 Raven’s Quest Summer Institute seeks UA students by Janice Troyer, University of Alaska A re you having trouble deciding what you would like to major in at college? Do you have an interest in the “helping” professions? Do you like the idea of getting paid to go to school and earning college credits at the same time? Then Ravenʼs Quest Summer Institute might be just the place for you! For the past two summers, University of Alaska students from across the state have come together to learn more about career opportunities in behavioral health, cultural diversity, and the behavioral health degree programs offered within the University of Alaska system. Students also work on building academic skills to help them succeed in future college courses. Participants in the 8-week Ravenʼs Quest Summer Institute take part in a variety of activities including class discussions, guest speakers, special workshops and 75 hours of job shadowing. Students shadow staff at Southcentral Foundation, Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Southcentral Counseling, Alaska Childrenʼs Services, and Homeward Bound. Students also meet and talk to many professionals about their jobs and experiences in the field. Many of these speakers either live and/or work in rural Alaska. Social events are an important part of the Ravenʼs Quest Summer Institute. Besides the classroom and job shadowing experiences, Ravenʼs Quest participants enjoy getting together for potlucks, gift exchanges, movies, neon bowling, hiking and special events like UAA ice cream socials and an Eklutna Powwow. Many friendships are made during the course of the eight weeks. Alice Kiunya, originally from Kongiganak, attended the 2004 Ravenʼs Quest Summer Institute. Alice comments that Ravenʼs Quest helped her understand the classes she is currently taking and gave her a very good overview of the behavioral health field. She especially enjoyed the job shadowing experiences. Alice is currently in Sitka finishing up a Human Services degree. Pamela Notti, who has spent many summers in Bethel, also attended the 2004 Ravenʼs Quest Summer Institute. Pam comments, “Ravenʼs Quest was the most rewarding experience Iʼve had at UAA. The speakers that came in from the Social Work, Psychology and Human Services programs, as well as the countless others who spoke about the helping professions, gave me the motivation to Pharmacy Quiz, from page 7 Here’s what your score means Above 78—Chances are youʼre a health-conscious consumer. Keep up the good work and youʼre likely to avoid unnecessary complications from your medicines. 62-78—Though you may not always chat with the pharmacist, youʼre comfortable asking questions when you donʼt understand about your medicine. Take some extra time to tell the pharmacist all the over the counter products youʼre taking, you can be sure that youʼre doing all you can to safely take your medication. 41-61—In todayʼs hectic world, it sometimes seem like thereʼs no “time-out” for illness that requires medical treatment and prescription drug therapy. Get to know your pharmacist. Doing so could Pamela Notti, Crystal Swetzof, Carlyn Green, Bruce Ervin, Peer Mentor Jess Ruck, and Alice Kiunya during a weekend hike at Raven’s Quest Summer Institute. continue on my quest to obtain a degree in Social Work. The class, classmates, bonding, friendships, internships and the whole experience was a goldmine of knowledge and experience.” If you are currently enrolled as a University of Alaska student with an undeclared major then you may be eligible to apply for Ravenʼs Quest Summer Institute. Preference is given to students from rural Alaska. Selected students receive a $480/week stipend to help cover the costs of room and board. Additional travel funds are available for students who need assistance traveling into Anchorage. All students have the opportunity to earn up to six college credits during the summer. If you would like more information about this great opportunity or to find out whether you are eligible to apply, call Program Manager Janice Troyer at (907) 786-6592 or email her at anjkt1@uaa. alaska.edu . You might also try visiting the Ravenʼs Quest Summer Institute website (www.ichs.uaa.alaska.edu/acrh/ravensquest) which has answers to frequently asked questions, applications and photos from the 2003 and 2004 Summer Institutes. help to take your medicine as prescribed and make you healthier in the long run. 40 and below—This is an opportunity to remind you that todayʼs pharmacist does a lot more than just “count pills.” Pharmacists are specially trained in understanding todayʼs complex drugs and educating patients about their medicines. Take advantage of the trusted resource of your pharmacist. ASK, LISTEN AND LEARN For questions, please call YKHC Pharmacy Department: 907-543-6382 Volume X No. 3 • March 15, 2005 11 A message from our Grant Writers... Civil Defense Community Plans, Community Plans, Community Plans! Does your village have a comprehensive community plan yet? if it doesnʼt, YKHC can help. I t isnʼt enough to want-or need-a project in your community. Now, funding agencies want to know how you know you want it or need it. And, they want to know that your community has thought through all the details including how your project will be supported for years into the future. Whether it is a new clinic funded by the Denali Commission, or a new airport, school or water system, your community needs a community plan. And it isnʼt just here on the YK Delta. Communities statewide must meet this new requirement. The YKHC Grant Development Department is working with AVCP, Inc. and the AVCP Regional Housing Authority to assist Tribal Councils and Municipal Governments in the preparation of community comprehensive plans. We can provide a variety of services, including technical assistance in the planning process as well as identifying funding sources to carry out community comprehensive planning. Grant Writer Jerry Pflugh will be making a presentation on the community planning process during the 2005 Tribal Gathering starting April 5 in Bethel. If you or your community has questions, or would like assistance, please feel free to call Norman Ayagalria or Angie Whitman at the Grant Development Department. You can call toll free at 1-800-478-3321, extension 6041 (543-6041) for Norman, or 6612 (543-6612) or contact Norman by e-mail: norman_ayagalria@ykhc.org or Angie: angie_ whitman@ykhc.org. New clinic in Mekoryuk. Funding for community projects require community planning. Contact YKHC’s Grantwriting Dept. for information: 907-543-6041. by John Dickens “And let none say it can not happen here…” T he ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles words at the fall of Troy ring true even today. The recent earthquake and tsunami in south Asia is a grim reminder of how delicate and fragile our time on this planet can be. The U.S. Geological Survey says “one out of every ten earthquakes in the world occur in Alaska.” There have been dozens of tsunamis recorded in Alaska since 1788. A massive array of geologic, anthropologic and archeological evidence points to frequent, catastrophic events in Alaska that changed everything overnight. Are you and your village ready? Where will you go when the big wave comes? When the great floods of yesteryear return? How are you going to feed your family? Keep warm? Stay alive? Care for the wounded? Rescue the stranded? Keep it together till help arrives? Have you thought about it? You had better start! Geologists point to possibly two huge 9.0 or bigger earthquakes that are long overdue. The Shumagin gap and the Yakutat gap. These geologic time bombs have got all the earth scientists sweating. In many ways we are probably one of the least prepared regions in the whole state. Other areas, even ones poorer and more remote than ours have Borough governments preparing and planning for these upcoming events. What are we doing? From what I can tell, not very much. If Anchorage was hit by a 1964 style 9.2 earthquake, do you really think that they could help us quickly enough? If the “Big One” occurred tomorrow do you think your town is really ready to stand on its own for a few days? If you knew that a tsunami was coming where would you go? The time to start thinking about these issues is right now! I am calling on all the people of this great Delta of ours to start thinking about this. Start preparing now. Consult the Elders, meet with your family, your tribe, your town. There are tremendous resources available for those who will look. Do it now. 12 The 2005 Dietary Guidelines Fruits and Vegetables: Chronic Disease Fighters Chronic diseases, like heart disease, cancer, stroke and type 2 diabetes account for 7 out of every 10 deaths in the U.S. Compared to people who consume a diet with only small amounts of fruits and vegetables, people who eat a healthful diet with generous amounts of fruits and vegetables are likely to have reduced risk of chronic diseases, including stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and cancer in certain sites (oral cavity and pharynx, larynx, lung, esophagus, stomach, and colon-rectum). Fiber Fights Heart Disease Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as fruits and vegetables and whole grains, have been shown to have a number of beneficial effects, including decreased risk of coronary heart disease and improvement in laxation. There is also interest in the potential relationship between diets containing fiber-rich foods and lower risk of type-2 diabetes. • Key recommendation: Choose fiber rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains often. • The recommended dietary fiber intake is 14 grams per 1000 calories consumed. • The majority of servings from the fruit group should come from whole fruit rather than juice. Increasing the proportion of fruit eaten whole is desirable to increase fiber intake. • Legumes (dry beans and peas) are especially rich in fiber and should be consumed several times per week. How does fiber work? 1. Fiber lowers blood triglyceride levels. High triglycerides can damage arteries and increase risk for heart disease. 2. Fiber slows down the absorption of food in the gut resulting in better blood sugar control which may help prevent diminished sugar control and type-2 diabetes. Bring Down High Blood Pressure with Potassium-Rich Fruits and Vegetables Diets rich in potassium can lower blood pressure and help blunt the effects of salt on blood pressure. Health authorities recommend increasing intake of fruits and vegetables rich in potassium to lower high blood pressure or keep blood pressure in normal range. Many American adults will develop hypertension (high blood pressure) during their lifetime. Lifestyle changes can prevent or delay the onset of high blood pressure. These changes include reducing salt intake, increasing potassium intake, losing excess body weight, increasing physical activity, and eating an overall healthful diet. Great sources of potassium are sweet potatoes, white potatoes, white beans, winter squash, bananas, spinach, melons (cantaloupe, honeydew), and tomato sauce. On average, the higher an individualʼs salt (sodium chloride) intake, the higher an individualʼs blood pressure. Nearly all Americans consume substantially more salt than they need. Americans may be consuming more sodium than they think because 75 percent of sodium is added to processed foods by manufacturers whereas only 5 to 10 percent comes from salt added while cooking or at the table, and 10 percent comes from natural salt content of foods. The potassium in fruits and vegetables is more readily available for absorption than that from meat, milk, and cereal products. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is a report issued by law every five years from the secretaries of Health and Human Services and Agriculture that “shall contain nutritional and dietary information and guidelines for the general public.” For more information about the food groups and nutrition values, or to pick up some new ideas on physical activity, go to www.healthierus.gov/dietary guide- Murkowski proclaims March as Alaska Nutrition Month R esearch shows that good nutrition lowers peopleʼs risk for obesity, many chronic diseases, and some types of cancer from the Governor’s Press Office (Juneau) – Governor Frank H. Murkowski on March 2 proclaimed March 2005 as Alaska Nutrition Month. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and stroke are among the leading causes of death in Alaska, and almost a third of all heart disease and cancer deaths can be attributed to what people eat. Current research shows that good nutrition lowers peopleʼs risk for obesity and many other chronic conditions, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis and some types of cancer. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for all Americans, published in January 2005 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), encourages individuals to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy products and lean protein foods. Fruits and vegetables are an important component of the guidelines, which recommend consuming two cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables per day for a reference 2,000-calorie diet. “In many rural village stores in Alaska, fresh fruits and vegetables are often in short supply, are of poor quality due to long shipping times, or are too expensive to purchase on a regular basis. Fortunately, there are other ways to get your five cups of fruits and vegetables. Frozen, canned and dried fruits and vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh. Most canned and frozen fruits and vegetables have the same amount of nutrients as fresh, serving per serving,” said DHSS Public Health Director Richard Mandsager, M.D. Volume X No. 3 • March 15, 2005 13 Nicotine Control to open Cessation Clinic in March N icotine Control and Research is proud to announce that they will soon be taking appointments and scheduling patients for Nicotine Cessation. This means a patient can call the clinic, schedule an appointment which fits into their schedule, and be seen accordingly. Thus, a patient who only needs Cessation and Nicotine Replacement Therapy or any other tobacco-related service, can be screened and triaged in the Nicotine Cessation Clinic WITHOUT having to first be seen in one of the other ambulatory clinics at the hospital. Additionally, Nicotine Control and Research will handle walkins on a first come, first serve basis. They will not have to be processed through the ambulatory clinics if they are only requiring nicotine cessation treatment. “To better serve our customers, who are our patients, this seemed a no-brainer,” said Alexandria Modigh-Hicks, Director of the Program. As YKHC strives to achieve excellence in patient Work begins on remodeling the Nicotine Control offices in a Nicotine Cescare, innovative ideas about how to make this happen are welsation clinic. comed by corporate leadership. “We are so excited to have this clinic. Our patients have assistance in the scheduling and registration aspect. always seemed frustrated at how they would have to go to Delta “We will make a formal announcement when the Nicotine CesClinic first to have their blood pressure and vitals taken, and then sation Clinic is officially open,” said Caroline Nevak, Outreach and referred to Nicotine. This added a lot of wait time for these patients” Media Specialist for Nicotine. said Carrie Enoch, Senior Counselor/Coordinator. For the time being, patients will continue to be seen in the origiThe new process will take a lot of the burden off the other ambunal manner, but by mid March the program anticipates that the latory clinics and reduce wait times for patients overall, since they clinic will be open and actively treating patients. are having to screen patients who have no medical complaint other than nicotine cessation treatment. For help in Quitting or more information Many different departments in the corporation came together and about the Nicotine Cessation Clinic or assisted in making the transformation. for any other tobacco related comments, “I would like to especially thank Manny Konig, Peter Charles, Olrick Nick and Robert Larson of the Maintenance Department,” please call 1-800-478-3321. said Ms. Modigh-Hicks. “They answered the call for the reconstruction of the office into a clinic in one day!” Other departments include Nursing and the Emergency Room, who are providing blood pressure and monitoring equipment; the Well Child Program, directed by Anna Simon, with instruction by Lynette Collins, who is teaching the staff how to take vitals and record. Additionally, Registration and Scheduling, led by Karen Sidell, has been extremely helpful and collaborative in lending www.ykhc.org/ tobaccoprogram Download anti-tobacco hand-outs to post in your community— 14 Village water plant operators meet for training in Bethel “ The boiler is the heart of the water plant,” said Jeff Severn, Environmental Health Officer and O&M Training Coordinator from YKHC Office of Environmental Health and Engineering (OEHE). Jeff Severn, YKHC Operations and Maintenance Training Coordinator looks on as Joseph Sallaffie from Tuluksak and James Aqwiak from Emmonak troubleshoot a burner gun unit at the YKHC / ANTHC Boiler Maintenance Training held in Bethel February 15–17. “It is critical that the boiler is operational for the rest of the water plant to function,” said Severn, as Water Plant Operators from the YK Delta met in Bethel for a Boiler Maintenance Training workshop last month. The three-day workshop, jointly sponsored by Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) and OEHE, covers a variety of topics from boiler systems and maintenance to troubleshooting. “Itʼs great to be able to get together with water plant operators from different villages and troubleshoot different problems,” said Sam Burkett, lead water plant operator in Grayling. Samʼs father, Dave Burkett, was the Grayling water plant operator for more than 20 years before passing the torch to his son. “Being an operator is a good profession to get into,” said the elder Burkett. “Itʼs interesting because there is always something different to be done.” Village water plant operators must receive detailed boiler training to ensure that the water plant is heated and functional, and provide safe drinking water for their communities. “This is a skilled and dedicated group of men,” said Severn. “Their jobs are crucial for the villages they serve, and their efforts often go unnoticed until there is a problem.” A letter from the State Immunization Program March 3, 2005 Sometimes our lives seem to get too busy, and we put off doing something even though itʼs very important. Such is the case as we write to offer a very belated thank you to several wonderful YKHC employees. The Alaska Immunization Program, Division of Public Health, has been working with a consultant group to consider whether we should develop a new method for maintaining immunization information for Alaskaʼs children. To help the consultants understand the needs of rural Alaska firsthand, we took a trip to Bethel, Aniak and Crooked Creek last November. The trip was wonderful and educational…and none of it would have been possible without the assistance of several YKHC employees. We want to thank them publicly for sharing their valuable time with us and providing great insight into the needs of their communities. So we offer a huge “thank you” to: Deborah Burnard, RN, YK Immunization Coordinator Jackie Wassilie, Certified Health Practitioner, Aniak Subregional Clinic Kassi Keene, Certified Health Practitioner, Crooked Creek Clinic These individuals are great ambassadors of the typical YK spirit of helpfulness. We thank them for their time and for their daily efforts to assure all children are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases. Sincerely, Laurel Wood Immunization Program Manager Gerri Yett Deputy Immunization Program Manager Operator of the Year Award I n 2003, OEHE introduced the annual Water Plant Operator of the Year Award to recognize the operatorʼs outstanding achievements. David Fitka of Marshall won the award in 2003 for his superior work. The 2004 winner will be announced this spring. If anyone in any community throughout the Delta feels that their operator should be nominated for this award they can contact YKHC-OEHE at 1-800-4786599. “Cauyaput Piniutekaput ~ Our Drum is Our Strength” Cama-i Dance Festival April 8th, 9th and 10th Sponsored by the Bethel Council on the Arts Bethel High School To reser ve a craft table call Elsie 543-3838 evenings To volunteer call: Joan 543-7231 days, 543-5885 evenings Volume X No. 3 • March 15, 2005 15 Kusko and Yukon Family Medicine Clinics Family Medicine Goal: To provide the best care for our patients and to maximize continuity of care by improving availability of services of Healthcare Providers. Yukon Clinic Villages Served Atmautluak Chefornak Eek Kasigluk Kipnuk Kongiganak Kwigillingok Marshall Mekoryuk Mountain Village Napakiak Napaskiak Newtok Nightmute Nunapitchuk Oscarville Pilot Station Pitka’s Point Quinhagak St. Mary’s Toksook Bay Tuntutuliak Tununak Kusko Clinic Villages Served Akiachak Akiak Alakanuk Aniak Anvik Chevak Chuathbaluk Crooked Creek Emmonak Grayling Holy Cross Hooper Bay Kotlik Kwethluk Lower Kalskag Nunam Iqua Red Devil Russian Mission Scammon Bay Shageluk Sleetmute Stony River Tuluksak Upper Kalskag Clinic Hours: Monday–Friday — 9 a.m.–5 p.m. For an Appointment call: 543-6442 or 1-800-478-3321 Delta Walk-in Clinic The Delta Walk-in Clinic is available for acute/urgent needs that require same-day attention. The staff consists primarily of Certified Physicians Assistants and Nurse Practitioners who emphasize quick encounters with referrals to other clinics when necessary. “Delta Walk-in Clinic Project” Project Priority: Improve patient satisfaction by decreasing wait times. The Delta Clinic opened in March, 2001, to allow patients to “walk-in” for acute/ urgent medical needs. The average number of patients seen is 70 per day, with an average of 3-4 medical providers per day. In an effort to decrease waiting time, a group of nursing staff attended an extensive Quality Improvement workshop through Alaska Native Medical Center and have brought back several ideas for improvement. We have developed Nursing Protocols for the Delta walk-in clinic. The Clinic is also opening one hour earlier to capture the early morning rush. So far we have already seen a decreased wait time by 25 percent. We are excited to achieve and maintain a continued decreased wait time. Clinic Hours : Monday–Friday — 8:30 a.m.–7 p.m. We treat patients of all ages, from infants to elders, in many areas such as: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Routine physical exams: Pre-employment physicals Women’s routine health care Well child exams EPSDT and immunizations Prenatal care Family planning Cholesterol screening Chronic medical conditions Preventative services Hypertension management Lesion removal Specialty Clinic referrals Joint injections Medication refills Lab and Blood testing Pediatric Clinic The Pediatric Clinic is designed to provide care for chronic sick children. This clinic offers local primary care and specialty consultative care for children. At the parents request an appointment with a pediatrician can be scheduled. Clinic Hours: Monday–Friday — 9 a.m.–5 p.m. For an Appointment call 543-6297 Specialty Clinic The Specialty Clinic provides services to patients by referral only. Some examples: Gynecology, Urology, Cardiology, Neurology, and Dermatology. Please schedule an appointment with your designated healthcare provider for referrals. Clinic Hours: Monday–Friday — 9 a.m.–5 p.m. For an Appointment call 543-6442 or 1-800-478-3321 Protection Prevents STDs Using condoms can protect your sexual health from sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STD/Is). Protect yourself. Talk honestly to your sexual partner about the safety of sex to reduce the risk of getting infected with STD/Is. Be honest with yourself and your partner. Do you know if you have a sexually transmitted disease or infection? Many people do not know that they are infected. Condoms can protect you from contracting or transmitting STD/Is. Alcohol and drug abuse are often risk factors in transmission. Limiting, or eliminating altogether, alcohol intake can aid in making better decisions to protect yourself. If you wish to quit using or abusing alcohol or drugs, resources are available. If you want to learn more about STD/Is, please call Public Health Nurses 907-543-2110 or 1-800-478-2456, or Circle of Care 907-543-6941 Volume X No. 3 • March 15, 2005 Employees honored at February Recognition Luncheon O n Friday, Feb. 25, five YKHC employees were honored for their years of service, and job and personal accomplishments, with a luncheon and a special recognition at the Community Health Services Buliding boardroom. The five joined VP of Hospital Services Jack Crow and Native Hire Coordinator Wally Richardson, who presented them with awards and gifts. The special guests in attendance were John Dickens, Senior EMT trainer; Richard Hoffman, Behavioral Health Float Technician; Anne Kosacheff, Senior Physical Therapist; Skidoo Pavil, LAN/WAN Administrator; and Ed DeMoss, CHAP Field Supervisor. John Dickens John has worked as an EMS Instructor for YKHC for five years. Since March, 2000, he has taught 1,474 students with a total of 2,074 classroom hours. Using his own funds, he became a Medevac Escort Instructor, Emergency Medical Dispatcher and was appointed in 2004 by Gov. Frank Murkowski to the Alaska Council of EMS. John also invested his own funds to become a certifying officer and is now capable of certifying others as EMTs. John is also a certified Hazmat Technician and a licensed Aircraft Dispatcher. He has written a regular column, EMS Corner, for the YKHC Messenger for the past four years. Ed DeMoss In September, Ed DeMoss joined Village Operations as the Director of Field Supervision. Prior to this, he served as a Behavioral Health Clinician. Currently Edward manages the daily operations of the village clinics, including eight Supervisor Instructors, two Clinical Instructors, two Health Aide Support Coordinators, and 190 Health Aides. Additionally, Edward represents YKHC at the Statewide CHAP Directors meetings. Richard Hoffman Kendra, who is Richardʼs wife and works at optometry, said he enjoys playing with his three boys and helping the 7-year-old with his homework and school activities. He likes to help people any way Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation P.O. Box 528 Bethel, Alaska 99559 907-543-6000 he can. His hobbies include hunting, fishing, snowmachining, and weightlifting. Richard is outgoing and enjoys the outdoors. His future goals include studying accounting. He presently works as a behavioral health sitter. Kendra works at optometry. He and his family live in Bethel. Anne Kosacheff Anne is the Director of Physical Therapy Services at YKHC. The department and a staff of five provide a range of physical therapy interventions for inpatients and outpatients. They also travel to the subregional clinics, to other programs in Bethel, and even make home care visits. Anneʼs contributions to our organization, the staff and the patients throughout her 10 years here have been remarkable. The Physical Therapy Departmentʼs equipment, layout, schedules and staffing are the result of her hard work. There have been no customer complaints since the start of the Department. Anne has achieved recognition for her nine years of volunteer work with the Bethel Fire Department, including the Firefighter Of The Year award in 2001, and in 2002, the Alaska EMS Provider of the Year award. Skidoo Pavil Skidoo has been working for YKHCʼs Technology Dept. since 2000. He is an A+ certified network professional, and received accomplished training in HEAT system administration, CCNA, and Microsoft ISA Servers. Skidooʼs accomplishments include work as a Help Desk support staffer, customer service manager, Help Desk Support Supervisor. He is presently one of the LAN/WAN Administrators. Skidoo was in charge of overseeing the installation of new computers at the new locations such as Bethel Community Services, KEYES, the Learning Resource Center, Inhalant Treatment Center, and the new Toksook Bay Subregional Clinic. He trained his Help Desk staff despite having numerous temporary and contracted employees. Non -Profit Org. US Postage PAID Anchorage, AK Permit # 537