2015 3 August SCREA news - Sussex County Retired Educators
2015 3 August SCREA news - Sussex County Retired Educators
Sussex County Retired Educators Association Volume 16 Number 1 After School Views President’s Message by Marie Kovacs Meeting/Luncheon Mon. Sept. 21, 2015 Lafayette House 12 Noon Cost $ 26 Entrée: Lasagna Deadline: Sept. 15 Program: NJEA Sec/ Treas. Sean Spiller & Elle Benz. Pg. 8 The SCREA is affiliated with the New Jersey Retirees’ Education Association President: Marie Kovacs 973-9458344 First Vice Pres. Pam Raynor 973-3838575 Second Vice Pres. Linda Adams 973-7141646 Treasurer/Membership 973-2094129 Ann C. Lane Secretary Theresa Boscia August 2015 Summer conjures up images of carefree days, time outdoors and beach vacations. I hope this has been your experience, but for some of our members it has been a difficult time. Health crises, personal and family issues, and sadness and grief were part of their summer. I hope belonging to our retired community brings comfort to those dealing with adversity. One way the SCREA can help its members deal with life’s challenges is by continuing to work to preserve our pensions and health benefits at current levels. Confidence in one’s financial future is critical for a quality retirement. Scary news of bankruptcy of the TPAF causes unnecessary anxiety to retirees already dealing with the fact of growing older. The good news is that NJREA membership is at an all time high. We are 1,000 members ahead of last year at this time. Higher numbers means Trenton politicians will pay more attention to us and NJEA has more dues money. “Wars are expensive” to quote our president Pat Provnick. Consider inviting a nonmember to our luncheon. Introduce your friend to the executive committee and we can explain the value of membership. Welcome back. 973-2098731 Necrology Nancy Clink 973-2937223 Travel: Linda Adams 973-7141646 Editor: Georgeanna Lewis 407-4434247 SCREA Scholarship committee: Shirley Smith, Fred Aug recipient Nicole Henningsen, chair Toni Soderholm, Warren D. Cummings recipient Christopher Loos, and member Debbie Gorin PAGE 2 V O LU M E 1 6 N U M B E R 1 AFTER SCHOOL VIEWS 2015-16 Proposed Budget to be approved 9/21/2015 Category Actual 9/1/2015. Budget. 8/1/2015. INCOME Dues 4,107.00 Life transfer. 1,000.00 Misc. Income 0.00 TOTAL 5,107.00 EXPENSES Government Relations 0.00 Historian 0.00 Incorporation Fee 50.00 LD Conference 0.00 Luncheon 90+ 0.00. Luncheon Guest 225.00 Member Benefits 0.00 Membership 0.00 Misc. 0.00 Newsletter 1,154.22. Office 343.22. Officer's Expense 90.00 President Expense 100.00 SCEA 100.00 Travel 0.00 VP- Programs 124.00 Web Site 340.00 TOTAL 2,526.44. 4,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 400.00 25.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 500.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 1,800.00 600.00 300.00 125.00 100.00 25.00 500.00 300.00 5,000.00 Resources to Stay Informed or To Inform Go to www.njea.org or better yet www.njea.org/njrea Contact Sen. Steven Oroho, Asw. Alison Littell McHose, & Asm. Parker Space All have the same phone number & address 973-827-0200 115 Demarest Road, Suite B, Sparta, NJ 07871 SenOroho@njleg.org AswMcHose@njleg.org AsmSpace@njleg.org Contact Gov. Chris Christie 1-609-292-6000 PO Box 001, Trenton, NJ 08625 Difference. 107.00 0.00 0.00 107.00 400.00. 25.00. 50.00 25.00. 100.00 275.00 25.00 25.00. 50.00 645.78 256.78 210.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 376.00 -40.00 2,473.56. Budgeted Amount 4,500.00 1,150.00 0.00 5,650.00 400.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 500.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 2,000.00 800.00 300.00 125.00 200.00 50.00 500.00 300.00 5,650.00 Calendar of Events Mon. Sept. 21, 2015 SCREA Luncheon/ meeting Thurs. Sept. 24, 2015 NJREA Fall LuncheonMon. Oct. 19, 2015 SCREA Exec meeting Mon. Oct. 26, 2015 Mailing meeting Mon. Dec. 7, 2015 SCREA Luncheon mtg Tues. Dec. 8, 2015 Trip to Hunterdon Hills Mon. Feb. 29,2016 SCREAM Executive mtg. Mon. April 11, 2016 SCREA Luncheon/meeting Mon. April 25, 2016 SCREA Executive mtg. Mon. June 6, 2016 SCREA Luncheon/ meeting All luncheons are planned for the Lafayette House at Noon. Executive and mailing meetings are at 10 AM at the SCEA office, 47 Rt. 206, Suite 2, Augusta, NJ 07822 VOLUME 16 NUMBER 1 A FT E R S C HO O L V I E WS SCREA MEMBERSHIP Prepared by Ann Lane, Membership Chair For August/September 2015 meetings Please remember that any dues paid during the school year go toward that year’s dues not a year from your payment. *Unified bills for the 2015-16 membership year should have been mailed out in May or June. If you have not already mailed in your dues, please do so as soon as possible so as not to miss any publications. If you have misplaced your bill and need a duplicate you can request one from NJEA at 609-599-4561 or I can snail or email you a duplicate bill. *If you or your friends do not receive your NJREA/ NJEA/NEA or SCREA 2015-2016 publications you may not have paid your annual dues. *Please make sure that you add SCREANJ@gmail.com to your email contacts so that you are assured you receive the quarterly SCREA newsletter. *Life NJREA members that do not have unified membership should send your $10 annual county membership or $250 life membership to me. *NJREA members that have membership in another county and want an additional county membership in Sussex, please send your $10 annual membership to me. Please let any recent retirees you know that they will probably receive their unified membership bills in September or October when NJEA realizes they are no longer on their active lists. 2015-16 SCREA Treasurer’s Report For the August/ September meetings Prepared by Ann C. Lane, Treasurer General Checking Account Balance 3/30/2015. 15051.56 Input. 3901.51 Output. 4205.35 Balance 6/27/2015. 14747.72 All the following are from 6/30/2015 Visions Regular CD (10/11/15). 2062.01 Visions Primary Share 25.04 Lifetime Lakeland 15237.40 Lifetime Visions CD 12828.81 Philanthropic/Scholarship 6/30/2015 Lakeland 4154.76 Visions Draft (Checking) 1156.72 Visions 25.03 Visions (Main Shares 02) 25.00 Visions CD (matures 10/1/ 5155.88 If they want, they can call NJEA at 609-5994561 to pay their dues with a credit card prior to that time frame. Please share your newsletter with the new retirees and invite them to our September luncheon/meeting. If you have any questions/problem about membership or your membership status, or receiving the county newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone, email or snail mail. (973.209.4129, laneac9999@gmail.com, or 21 Aspen, Hamburg NJ 07419). Necrology By Nancy Clink April 24, 2015 to August 9, 2015 We will sadly miss three of our members Beatrice M. Talmadge, Manuel J. Reis and Bernice Brenner. Beatrice Talmadge passed away May 12, 2015. She taught second grade in Frankford for over 25 years, retiring in 2007. Manuel Reis passed away on July 12, 2015 . He taught at Sparta High School for 29 years, retiring in 1988 Bernice Benner, 95, passed on July 11, 2015. She taught first grade in Hamburg for 33 years Please contact me at 973-293-7223 if you hear of the demise of one of our members. PAGE 3 PAGE 4 AFTER SCHOOL VIEWS Secretary’s Minutes: VOLUME 16 NUMBER 1 By Georgeanna Lewis The June 1st meeting at the Lafayette House was called to order with the flag salute led by President, Linda Bruno at 12:00 PM. The singing of God Bless America was led by Despena Eptamenitis, accompanied on piano by Barbara Henderson. The Invocation was given by Betty Heldak.. Mrs. Bruno wished all a relaxing summer with many opportunities to gather with family and friends. There were no new members. The Executive Board was introduced. Motion to accept the minutes from the April 13th meeting and the treasurer’s report as they appeared in the May Newsletter by Linda Adams, second H.Ralph Smith. Passed. President's Message. Elaine Badgely, Linda Bruno, Elise Falleni, Marie Kovacs, Pam Raynor, Lucille and Paul Stanziale attended the SCEA Legislative Reception on April 14. Legislators attending were Freeholders Gail Phoebus, Dennis Mudrick, and Assemblyman Parker Space, who left prior to the program. NJEA Sec/Treas., Sean Spiller was the keynote speaker. He gave an update on the court cases regarding funding pensions and benefits. We have been asked to attend a lobby day on June 25 in Trenton. Please see Ms. Bruno if attending. The NJREA Spring Luncheon/ DC meeting was held April 23; President Bruno, JoAnne Horvath, Marie Kovacs and Gary Wikander attended. NJEA’s decision to remove itself from any further discussions with the Christie administration was the main topic of discussion. NJEA’s stance remains FULLY FUND THE CURRENT PENSION SYSTEM, to make quarterly payments and have the courage to over-ride the governor’s line vetoes in the budget. The NJREA Fall luncheon/ DC meeting is Sept. 24; registration coupons will only be in the June NJREA Newsletter. The NJREA Convention will be held at Resorts Hotel and Casino in AC on Nov. 4th and 5th. Registration information will be in the Sept. NJREA Newsletter. The SCREA constitution, By-Laws, and policies were submitted to the NJREA Constitution and Affiliations Committee for review. We received a letter with a few suggestions to make our document stronger. The SCREA Executive Committee voted to give the suggestions to our Constitution Committee to look at during the 2015-16 year. Marie Bilik was in the lobby prior to our meeting. She is not an endorsed candidate (NJEA will not screen or endorse prior to the budget vote.). Joan Wright, candidate for NJREA Secretary, who was in the lobby prior to our April luncheon was successful in the election. All other NJREA officers and NJEA officers will remain the same. This is President Bruno’s last meeting as SCREA President. She thanked the Exec. Committee and members for allowing her to serve as president for the four years and for giving of their time to help our organization protect the welfare of our members and public schools. 2nd VP elect, Elise Falleni will be relocating to Ohio and tendered her resignation to the Exec. Committee. Linda Adams volunteered to take this position. A vote will be taken under Old Business. All committees and chairs will end on August 31st. “You will be in excellent hands under the leadership of incoming president Marie Kovacs, who will be appointing new committee chairs.” Committee Reports First VP Marie Kovacs took a moment of privilege to honor President Bruno; who had a balance of socializing and getting our work done. She spent many hours unraveling the IRS red tape and visiting Trenton. 2 VP Lucille Stanziale: Next meeting/luncheon is Sept. 21. Details will be in the SCREA Newsletter. Linda Adams will be working with the Lafayette House on meal choices and prices. Government Relations: Elaine Badgely and Linda Bruno attended an emergency NJREA GR meeting on May 18. A goal was set to personally visit all 120 legislators before June 5. Ralph Smith made several attempts to arrange a meeting with LD 24 for the 6 members on our lobby team. We were given a take it or leave it option to participate in a May 21 meeting with NJEA GR Fran Pfeffer and 3 SCEA members. Sen. Oraho did all the talking, McHose left midmeeting and Space played with his phone the entire time. They stated they didn’t want our pension fund to go bankrupt but did not have the ability to fund it unless taxes are increased which they will not support. They will not vote to over-ride a Governor veto. They feel our members should reduce their health benefits from platinum premium to gold and/or share payment. Younger teachers should have a 401K that is portable before the vested 10 years. We have made every attempt to keep you updated by e-mail, newsletters and our website. The video “Pension funding: this is our fight!” was sent to all members we have e-mail addresses for over the weekend. We need you to tell your story and send it to legislators in the district you vote in. President Bruno then read her personal letter to the legislators. Membership: The deadline for 2015-2016 dues is Aug. 31. See Ann Lane for forms or questions. NJREA Editorial: Georgeanna Lewis reported that the committee proof read the newsletter electronically last week and it will be sent to the printer hopefully including a decision from the NJ Supreme Court on Christie’s appeal of Judge Jacobsen’s decision that a full state pension payment must be made this year. She thanked Linda Adams for taking minutes this year. Scholarship: Toni Soderholm thanked all who purchased 50/50 raffle tickets in the lobby prior to our the luncheon and have sent donations using he coupon in our newsletter. All donations made by check to the SCREA Philanthropic Fund are tax deductible under IRS guidelines. (Continued on page 6) Volume 16 Number 1 AFTER SCHOOL VIEWS. Page 5 SCREA Travel Report Hunterdon Hills Playhouse Cruising the Hudson on the River Rose The best kept secret in Newburgh, NY was a small hole in the wall restaurant, Beni’s Bauhaus. When we got there, Linda Adams thought, “oh my is this place even in business”? When we got into the shabby interior we all started to wonder until the food started coming out. The place was a “mom and pop” restaurant that was just starting out. The German food that was served was second to none! What a wonderful time we had followed by an authentic paddle-wheeler ride up the Hudson to Bear Mountain and West Point, then to return home. We filled the bus and ourselves. A fantastic day out with the SCREA and friends. Contact: Linda Adams or Lucille Stanziale (973) 827-6285 (973) 579-2797 37 Fairview Ave. 47 Route 206, Suite 2 Hamburg, NJ 07419 Augusta, NJ 07822 cell 973-714-1646 lin150@ptd.net scea15@earthlink.net Mail checks written to SCREA Trips to Linda Adams 37 Fairview. Ave. Hamburg Audit Report By JoAnn Horvath All financial records were examined on August 10, 2015 at the SCEA office. The purpose of examination was to compare the check register to the bank statements for the past year. All records were found to be in order. No recommendations at this time. December 8, 2015 Join us at a Playhouse Christmas Show and Luncheon. Cost will be the same as last year $80 pp. which includes bus, show and lunch. Leaves Newton Park and Ride at 9:30 AM returns home around 5PM. New for 2016, Ocean City, Maryland Sept. 25– 29, 2016 -5 days and 4 nights $680 pp double, $875 Single, $670 Triple pp. Deluxe motor coach, stay at the Quality Inn Boardwalk www.qiboardwalk.com, 4 dinners at famous Ocean City restaurants, 1 lunch at Lobster Shanty, tour Assateague Island, tour Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art, Ocean Downs casino, ecotour, etc. More info at the September luncheon or contact Linda Adams for full itinerary. Scholarship News Our $1,000 Fred Aug Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Nicole Henningsen, a recent graduate from Wallkill Valley Regional High School. She plans to major in elementary education at Sussex County Community College. The $1,000 Warren D. Cummings Scholarship went to Christopher Loos, a graduate of High Point Regional High School. He plans to major in social studies education at the College of New Jersey. Thank you for your contributions to our fund raiser and in memoriam which made all this possible. -----------------------------------For Donations to the SCREA Philanthropic fund (scholarship) Name: ______________________________ Date:_________ Amount ____________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ (Optional) In memory________________________ (Optional) Name & Address to send acknowledgement to Please write check to SCREA Philanthropic fund and mail it to Lucille Stanziale, SCREA, 47 Route 206 Suite 2, Augusta, NJ 07822 VOLUME 15 NUMBER 4 AFTER SCHOOL VIEWS Minutes continued from page 4 We would not be able to present the scholarships today were it not for your generous contributions. PAGE 6 New Business: Judith Fulton asked President Bruno for a clarification about voting. President Bruno said she would not vote for every position. Judith reminded us of the use of a “write in” vote. Travel: Linda Adams reported 45 people enjoyed a great lunch and ride on the Hudson last week. There are still seats for Hunterdon Hills playhouse on Dec. 8th at a cost of $80. A flyer for the trip next September was distributed with hopes that an early sign up would guarantee prices for the rooms. If anyone has ideas for trips, please email her. She saves emails. The Passaic CREA invited us to join them June 3 at a Rally at the Wayne Municipal Building. Old Business: A motion to approve Linda Adams to be 2nd VP for the 2015-2017 fiscal year was made by H. Ralph Smith and seconded by Nancy Clink. It passed. Warren D. Cummings– Christopher Loos from High Point Regional High School Motion to adjourn at 12;40 PM by Ann Lane and seconded by Elise Falleni. Program: President Bruno presented our scholarships followed by the recipients giving an acceptance speech. They were: Fred Aug– Nicole Henningsen from Wallkill Valley Regional High School. New Jersey Public Employee Pension Facts (Source NJEA) Public Employee Defined Benefits are a Good Deal for States and Communities Public employee pensions are modest, but irreplaceable source of security for public employees to which they generally contribute substantially. TPAF members are expected to contribute $740 million to the pension fund in 2015. Taxpayers shouldered only 20.1 % of all public pension funding from 1993 to 2012. Each dollar contributed by taxpayers supports $8.82 of New Jersey economic activity. While politicians who run state government have often failed to faithfully contribute to the pension plans, teachers, school employees and other public employees have contributed every year and have never failed to make their legally required payments Pension benefits are not the cause of unfunded pension liabilities which are making headlines. The deep financial downturn of 2008 and 2009, spurred by recklessness on Wall Street, caused significant problems for our state’s pension fund. The pension fund is not at an imminent risk of default and have years to recover investment losses. Unfunded liabilities do not disappear if pension benefits are cut or the fund is closed. The pension liability debt remains. The NJ Pension Fund has been well managed. In fiscal year 2014, it exhibited growth of about 16.9%. The 5 year annualized growth was about 12.4%. Pensions are engines of economic growth and help maintain economic stability and curtail poverty. In 2012, expenditures from NJ public employee pensions supported $2.4 billion in federal, state and local tax revenues. Retirees and their beneficiaries personally paid $104 million in taxes. Explain the court decision on pension payments that occurred June 2015. The state was scheduled to pay 5/7 of the scheduled payment. The legislature was able to find enough revenue last year to pay the require 4/7 pension payment while balancing the budget. The Governor reneged. The NJ Supreme Court, which had three judges appointed by Governor Christie and a temporarily assigned judge voted 5-2 to support the Governor’s position to not fund our pension fund which Chapter 78 established in 2012, was to provide. Where can the money be found to fund our pensions? The state budget passed in June, had little room to spare. The emergency fund of $350 million was at its lowest level ever. Corporations could be assessed a tax surcharge, possibly for a limited number of years. NJ has one of the lowest gas taxes in the country. An increase could generate a modest increase. Corporate incentives and subsides have failed to produce sustained economic development. Instead, these subsidies and incentives have diverted billions of dollars in tax revenue away from the state. The federal government has not bailed out any state pension system. Selling bonds is an acceptable method of generating revenue, but the state’s rating has dropped repeatedly. The issuance of bonds during the Whitman administration led to the current state of affairs. VOLUME 15 NUMBER 4 PAGE 7 AFTER SCHOOL VIEWS Menu: Minestrone Soup House Salad Lasagna Hot Apple Betty Rolls and butter Executive Committee of the SCREA. Seated: Ann Lane, Treasurer & Membership, Marie Kovacs, President, Pam Raynor, First Vice President. Standing: Sharon Mullen, Scholarship Chair, JoAnn Horvath, Audit, Linda Adams, Second Vice President & Travel Chair, Theresa Boscia, Secretary, Linda Bruno, Past President & Budget, H. Ralph Smith, Government Relations. Missing: Elaine Badgely, Government Relations, Gail Baum, Membership, Shirley Smith, Constitution, Lucille Stanziale, Member Benefits, Paul Stanziale, Website, Nancy Clink, Necrology. Photo by Georgeanna Lewis, Editor. SUSSEX COUNTY RETIRED EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION 47 Route 206 Suite 2 Augusta, NJ 07822 Vote NJ General Election Tuesday, November 3, 2015 First Vice Presidents Report By Pam Raynor For our September meeting we have two guest speakers to share valuable information with us. Sean Spiller, NJEA Secretary/ Treasurer will kick off our 2015-2016 year with current information from Trenton. Our second speaker is Ellie Benz, a local attorney who is currently the organizer of Earth Angels, a holiday gift drive for needy senior citizens. Pension Facts (continued from page 6) Will cuts in funding schools, hospitals, unemployment benefits be needed? After nine credit downgrades, the state must get its fiscal house in order. Revenue can be raised with a Millionaires tax and/or a surcharge on the corporate business tax. Economic Development Authority programs that provide corporate subsidies should be scrutinized and overhauled. The Exxon settlement is an example of lost revenue that should have been maximized. I look forward to seeing many of you at our fall meeting. What can you do to help fight for full funding of the pension system? Website: Become a Pension Activist to help educate and mobilize our 200,000 members. Sign up at fundnjpension.org Our SCREA website is up and live at www.screa-njea.org and as a link on the NJREA website. Your user name is the # on your NJEA membership card and the last 4 digits of your SS # is your password unless you have changed it. Let Lucille or Linda Bruno know if you want anything else published. The goal of the SCREA Executive Committee is to keep members informed. Keep yourself informed about the issues and learn about action you can take by texting “Pension” to 738674 and regularly checking njea.org and fundnjpension.org. Contact your legislators and remind them of their obligation under Chapter 78 to fund our pensions. Encourage your colleagues to do the same.
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