2015 Oct SCREA news - Sussex County Retired Educators
2015 Oct SCREA news - Sussex County Retired Educators
Sussex County Retired Educators Association After School Views Volume 16 Number 2 President’s Message by Marie Kovacs Meeting/Luncheon Mon. Dec.7, 2015 Lafayette House 12 Noon Cost $ 26 Entrée: Turkey dinner Deadline: Nov.30 Program: The Quartet from Harmony in Motion The SCREA is affiliated with the New Jersey Retirees’ Education Association President: Marie Kovacs 973-9458344 First Vice Pres. Pam Raynor 973-3838575 Second Vice Pres. Linda Adams 973-7141646 Treasurer/Membership 973-2094129 Ann C. Lane Secretary Theresa Boscia October 2015 POLITICS AND YOU: "I don't like politics." "I didn't become an educator to get involved with political issues." "All politicians are corrupt.”. Frequently these refrains are heard from both active and retired members. However, political decisions dictated your professional life and now threaten your retirement. If legislators don't hear from you, they certainly will hear from big business, tax reform groups, their cronies and our governor. Recently I had the opportunity to talk with a member who is not afraid to jump into the political fray and be heard. She was all set to accompany me to NJEA Headquarters for Lobby Day training. The day would include breakfast at NJEA, a briefing on talking points, a walk over to the State Capitol to meet with legislators and lunch. Several days before the trip she called to cancel. It was not because her desire for involvement diminished or that she doubted her potential influence. She had to face the fact that she was an 82 year old with two bad knees and a recent injury. A long ride followed by the walking and standing required made it a prohibitive plan. The spirit was willing and the passion to take charge of her future was there . I hope you are inspired by this colleague who is willing to fight for you. She knows we can not stay out of politics. To quote NJEA VicePresident Marie Blistan, "We are not hopeless, because we are not helpless". Stay calm and fight on. 973-2098731 Necrology Nancy Clink 973-2937223 Travel: Linda Adams 973-7141646 Editor: Georgeanna Lewis 407-4434247 NJEA Secretary Treasurer Sean Spiller installed the new officers of the Sussex County Retiree's Education Association: Secretary Theresa Boscia, President Marie Kovacs, First Vice President Pam Raynor and Second Vice President Linda Adams. PAGE 2 AFTER SCHOOL VIEWS V O LU M E 1 6 N U M B E R 1 Retirees to recoup prescription overpayments Published on Friday, October 9, 2015 by NJEA NJREA members have been handed a victory. The School Employees Health Benefits Program Design Committee (SEHBPDC) has come to an agreement on how to recoup the overpaid retiree prescription copayments for Plan Year 2015 as a result of the NJ Division of Pensions and Benefits’ unilateral decision to increase copayments at the beginning of the year. This victory will bring relief to tens of thousands of former public school employees. An unfair edict In June 2011, when P.L. 2011, Chapter 78 was signed by Gov. Christie, the School Employees Health Benefits Program (SEHBP) and the State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) Design Committees were given the authority to develop health and prescription plans. The SEHBP and SHBP Design Committees (SEHBPDC and SHBPDC, respectively) are comprised of equal representatives from labor and the Governor’s appointees. The law requires a majority vote (50 percent plus one) to implement any health of prescription plan design changes, which includes prescription copayments. Because NJREA members fall under the SEHBP, any plan design changes—including prescription copayments—are determined by the SEHBPDC. The SEHBPDC did not come to an agreement on retiree prescription copayments for Plan Year 2015 and the NJ Division of Pensions and Benefits unilaterally raised prescription copayments for SEHBP retirees. The labor representatives on the SHBPDC filed a lawsuit stating the Division of Pensions and Benefits did not have the right to change benefit levels without approval from the Design Committee. In Dec. 2014, the court issued a unanimous decision in favor of labor’s position that the Division does not have this power under the law. While NJEA is not a part of this lawsuit, it has applied to our retirees. As a result of the court’s decision last December, the SEHBPDC has agreed on how to reconcile the increased costs to retirees. Recouping overpayments The SEHBPDC needs to refund retirees approximately $5 million in overpaid copayments for Plan Year 2015, with the final amount being determined at the end of this calendar year. In order to refund this overpayment, retiree copayments will be lowered for Plan Year 2016. Express Scripts states that it will take approximately one year to recoup the value to members. Changes will only affect members in certain SEHBP Retiree Health Plans. The respective copayments for members in Direct 10, Direct 15, Aetna Freedom 10, and Aetna Freedom 15 plans are on page 6. (Continued on page 6) Resources to Stay Informed or To Inform Go to www.njea.org or better yet www.njea.org/njrea Contact Sen. Steven Oroho and Assemblyman . Parker Space Both have the same phone number & address 973-827-0200 115 Demarest Road, Suite B, Sparta, NJ 07871 SenOroho@njleg.org AsmSpace@njleg.org Contact Gov. Chris Christie 1-609-292-6000 PO Box 001, Trenton, NJ 08625 Calendar of Event Mon. Dec. 7, 2015 SCREA Luncheon mtg Tues. Dec. 8, 2015 Trip to Hunterdon Hills Mon. Feb. 29,2016 SCREA Executive mtg. Mon. March 7, 2016 Mailing meeting Mon. April 11, 2016 SCREA Luncheon/meeting Mon. April 25, 2016 SCREA Executive mtg. Mon. May 2 2016. Mailing meeting Mon. June 6, 2016 SCREA Luncheon/ meeting All luncheons are planned for the Lafayette House at Noon. Executive and mailing meetings are at 10 AM at the SCEA office, 47 Rt. 206, Suite 2, Augusta, NJ 07822 VOLUME 16 NUMBER 2 A FT E R S C HO O L V I E WS SCREA MEMBERSHIP Prepared by Ann Lane, Membership Chair For October/December 2015 meetings Please remember that any dues paid during the school year go toward that year’s dues (September 1 – August 31) not a year from your payment. PAGE 3 Treasurer’s Report 2015-16 SCREA For the October-December meetings Prepared by Ann C. Lane, Treasurer General Checking Account Balance 9/30/2015 13325.06 *2015-16 Membership cards have already been mailed out and your convention badges should be mailed by the time you receive this newsletter. Visions Regular (matures 10/11/15) *If you or your friends do not receive your NJREA/ NJEA/NEA or SCREA 2015-2016 publications you may not have paid your annual dues. Lifetime Lakeland 14589.31 Lifetime Visions CD (matures 7/5/18) 12836.89 *Please add SCREANJ@gmail.com to your email contacts so that you are assured you receive the quarterly SCREA newsletter. *NJREA Life members that do not have unified membership should send your $10 annual county membership or $250 life membership to my address listed below. *NJREA members that have membership in another county and want an additional county membership in Sussex, please send your $10 annual membership to my address. Visions Primary Share 2065.39 25.04 Philanthropic/Scholarship 9/30/2015 Lakeland 4435.29 Visions Draft (Checking) 2640.72 Visions (Main Shares 01) 25.03 Visions (Main Shares 02) 25.00 Visions CD (matures 4/1/16) 2658.27 *Please let any recent retirees you know that they will probably receive their unified membership bills as soon as NJEA realizes they are no longer on their active lists. If they want they can call NJEA at 609-599-4561 to pay their dues with a credit card prior to that time frame If you have any questions/problem about membership or your membership status, or receiving the county newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 973.209.4129, laneac9999@gmail.com, or 21 Aspen, Hamburg NJ 07419 Necrology By Nancy Clink August 9, 2015 to October 18 ,2015 I am pleased to report that none of our members have passed. Please contact me at 973-293-7223 if you hear of the demise of one of our members. A PLUG FOR MEMBERSHIP By Pam Raynor The next time you are out and about with fellow retired educators ask if they are members of SCREA. Some retirees have let their membership lapsed, while others NEVER joined. We need to get as many members as possible to join the SCREA. More members make for a STRONGER Voice in Trenton. Yes, dues are $89.00 annually and that comes out to be less than $1.70 a week. Surely for less that the price of a cup of coffee you could sign up and be a part of a larger voice in support of issues dear to our hearts and wallets. PAGE 4 AFTER SCHOOL VIEWS VOLUME 16 NUMBER 2 Secretary’s Minutes: By Theresa Boscia The September 21, 2015 meeting at the Lafayette House was called to order with the flag salute by President Marie Kovacs at 12:07 PM. We sang “God Bless America” led by Despena Eplamenitis who was accompanied on the piano by Suzanne Hunt. The invocation was given by President Kovacs. Necrology Service was led by Nancy Clink in memory of the members lost August 2014 to August 2015: Marilyn Ammiano, June Bach, Dawn LaGreca, Manuel Reis, Beatrice Talmadge and Helen Titus. President Kovacs asked members attending for the first time to stand and introduce themselves and name their former school district. There were quite a few new faces. Members of the Executive Board were introduced. Minutes of the June meeting were accepted on a motion by Linda Adams, second Nancy Clink. Correspondence: Thank you notes were received from the Department of Human Services, Newton for the items donated from our annual spring food drive and from Chris Loos for the Warren D. Cummings Scholarship awarded to him in June. President’s Message: President Kovacs attended the New President’s Meeting on August 19th at the NJEA Headquarters. President Kovacs, JoAnn Horvath, and Georgie Lewis will attend the NJREA Fall Luncheon/Delegate Assembly meeting in Bordentown on September 24th. Dental Health Benefits will have a slight increase. Information will be in the newsletter. The NJREA Convention will be held at the Resorts Hotel and Casino on November 4th and 5th. Travel: Linda Adams - The Norwegian Gem Cruise was sensational. We all had a lot of fun. Next September we are doing a bus trip to Ocean City, MD. The flyers were on the tables. We already have half the bus filled 25 people, so don’t hesitate if you are interested. We still have room for the Hunterdon Hills playhouse for a Playhouse Christmas on Dec. 8th. The cost is $80. Please do not wait to sign up. The sign up sheets are here. We are working on a day trip to Essex, Connecticut in the spring either April or May. This would include eating at the Griswold Inn, a museum tour and ecology boat ride. If anyone has ideas for trips they would like to go on, keep her posted. Email is the best way to contact her because she saves emails and does not forget. Government Relations: Elaine and Ralph were unable to attend the September 1st meeting due to prior commitments. Linda Bruno attended as NJREA North Contact and she left a report for Ralph to give. Pac committee met. 54 candidates’ screenings held. No endorsements in our legislative district. Do contact legislators. We need help on pension issues to override the governor’s veto. Membership: Ann Lane is not here today. However, if you have not received your membership forms or paid your dues feel free to contact her. Budget: President Kovacs asked for a motion to accept the budget as printed in the newsletter. Motion by Linda Adams, seconded by Ralph Smith. Approved. Committee Reports: Member Benefits: Lu Stanziale - no report. 1st Website: Marie reminded us to go to www.Screa - njea or www.njea.org. She thanked Paul Stanziale for updating it. VP Report: Pam Raynor: It’s the job of this office to find speakers for our meetings. Today’s speakers are Sean Spiller, NJEA Secretary/Treasurer and Ellie Benz, the organizer of Earth Angels and one of the 15 Sussex County women honored in 2015 for making a positive impact on the community. 2nd VP Report: Linda Adams reported we have 85 people enjoying our luncheon here today. Please contact her in the future if you have any issues with the lunch menu. She’s new and trying to make food choices a bit different while staying at $26 per person. We need to remember that this price also includes tax and gratuity which is usually 25% more so please keep that in mind. Our holiday luncheon will take place on Monday, December 7th. We will be having a Holiday Turkey Dinner. At the April meeting we will have roast pork and in June chicken. Scholarship: Sharon Mullen, Chair, reported that half of $120, from the 50/50 was given to the winner who donated part of her winnings. Sharon thanked participants for their generous support. Old Business: None New Business: Please consider lobby training. Lobbying can be intimidating but you never have to go alone and you’ll receive instruction in what to do and say. Let Ralph know if interested. They will leave from the Uniserve office. It’s possible training may be done in Sussex County. (continued on pg. 6 Volume 16 Number 2 AFTER SCHOOL VIEWS. Page 5 SCREA Travel Report Hunterdon Hills Playhouse Tuesday, December 8, 2015 Join us at a Playhouse Christmas Show and Luncheon. Cost will be the same as last year $80 pp. which includes bus, show and lunch. Our bus leaves Newton Park and Ride behind the Shop Rite at 9:30 AM and returns around 5PM. Send a check made out to SCREA Trips to Linda Adams, 37 Fairview Ave., Hamburg, NJ 07419 by November 15th. Specify choice of entrée: Pot Roast, Fried Shrimp, Roast Turkey, Lemon Pepper Cod, Baked Vegetable, or Gluten free Vegetable Kabob. New for 2016, Ocean City, Maryland Sept. 25– 29, 2016 -5 days and 4 nights $680 pp double, $875 Single, $670 Triple pp. Deluxe motor coach, stay at the Quality Inn Boardwalk www.qiboardwalk.com, 4 dinners at famous Ocean City restaurants, 1 lunch at Lobster Shanty, tour Assateague Island, , tour Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art, Ocean Downs Casino, eco-tour, etc. More info at the next luncheon or contact Linda Adams for full itinerary. This trip is filling up quickly, please let Linda know if you are planning on attending. A deposit of $200 will be due November 30th. . Scholarship Committee By Sharon Mullen Contact: Linda Adams (973) 827-6285 cell 973-714-1646 lin150@ptd.net Mail checks written to SCREA Trips to Linda Adams 37 Fairview. Ave. Hamburg 07419 As in the past we will be collecting for our scholarship at the December meeting. If you wish to give a check, which is tax deductible, please make it to SCREA Philanthropic Fund. We will not have a 50-50 in lieu of this annual collection. In the past we have given two $1000 scholarships to future educators annually. Donations may be made at any time using the form below. -----------------------------------For Donations to the SCREA Philanthropic fund (scholarship) Name: ______________________________ Date:_________ Amount ____________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________ (Optional) In memory________________________ (Optional) Name & Address to send acknowledgement to Please write check to SCREA Philanthropic fund and mail it to Sharon Mullen, 5 Highland Ave., Andover, NJ 07821 AFTER SCHOOL VIEWS VOLUME 16 NUMBER 2 PAGE 6 Secretary Minutes (continued from pg. 4) Announcements: Heidi Clune - The Salvation Army bell ringing collections begin the Friday after Thanksgiving. For information call (973) 222-8091. Volunteers are needed. Motion to Adjourn by Heidi Clune and seconded by JoAnn Horvath at 1 pm. Program: President Kovacs introduced Sean Spiller Secretary/Treasurer for NJEA and liaison to retired educators. Sean reminded everyone that retired and active members have the same concerns. We must be unified. The biggest challenge is insuring that our pensions are funded. Monies for them could run out in 2027. We must put pressure on candidates and endorse those who support our pensions. Sean Spiller shares information on educational issues with member Lou Molinari The second speaker was Ellie Benz, a Sussex County attorney, who started Earth Angels in 1999. The program reaches out to seniors in Sussex County who are often lonely and have no families. They are remembered with gifts and holiday greeting cards. Also students in certain schools correspond regularly with the seniors. Two or three volunteers are needed to help coordinate the program. Sean Spiller conducted the installation of the new SCREA officers. Direct 15/Aetna Freedom 10/Aetna Freedom 15 2015 2016 Mail Retail Retail Away Tier (30-Day (30-Day (90-Day Supply) Supply) Supply) Generic $11 $6 $8 (Continued from page 2) Mail Away (90-Day Supply) $3 Preferred Brand $23 $34 $20 $30 Non-Preferred Brand $46 $57 $42 $52 Out-of-Pocket Maximum $1,533/individual If the SEHBPDC is not able to come to an agreement on retiree prescription copayments for Plan Year 2017, then they will revert back to Plan Year 2014 levels on January 1, 2017. NJEA/NJREA will work to keep its members informed of any additional information. $1,411/individual Horizon HMO/Aetna HMO 2015 Retail Tier The respective copayments for members in Horizon HMO and Aetna HMO Legacy ($10 copay) plans are as follows: Generic Preferred Brand Non-Preferred Brand Out-of-Pocket Maximum (30-Day Supply) 2016 Mail Away $7 $14 (90-Day Supply) $6 $21 $28 $34 $1,533/individual Retail (30-Day Supply) Mail Away (90-Day Supply) $5 $13 $2 $19 $26 $31 $1,411/individual VOLUME 16 NUMBER 2 AFTER SCHOOL VIEWS PAGE 7 Menu Cream of mushroom soup House salad Turkey with stuffing Potatoes & Vegetables Rolls & Butter Coffee or Tea Cheesecake The Sussex County Democratic Committee will present Dr. Ed Selby with a lifetime achievement award for all his many years of service Special Guest Speaker : Senator Loretta Weinberg Sunday October 25, 2015 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM Crystal Springs—Chestnut Room $80 per person/ includes Buffet Dinner/ Cash Bar For more information go to Www.sussexdems.com Website: Bring a new retiree Martha Storms brought Debra Veiga, newly retired from Vernon Township Our SCREA website is up and live at www.screanjea.org and as a link on the NJREA website. Your user name is the # on your NJEA membership card and the last 4 digits of your SS # is your password unless you have changed it. Let Lucille or Linda Bruno know if you want anything else published. The goal of the SCREA Executive Committee is to keep members informed. SUSSEX COUNTY RETIRED EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION 47 Route 206 Suite 2 Augusta, NJ 07822 VOTE General Elections Tues. Nov. 3, 2015 Deadline for absentee ballot is October 27 First Vice Presidents Report By Pam Raynor I hope you will join us Monday, December 7th for our holiday luncheon. We will be entertained by a Quartet from Harmony in Motion. They will sing seasonal tunes for us to enjoy. Those attending our September meeting heard Sean Spiller, NJEA Secretary/ Treasurer inform us of what is happening with our pensions, whose funds could be depleted by 2027. He explained why NJEA is not supporting candidates who are not in SUPPORT of fixing our pension system. Ellie Benz, a local attorney spoke about her two social projects one called Earth Angels which distributes gifts to Senior Citizens during the holidays. She was in need of a coordinator for a pen pal letter exchange between Senior Citizens and local elementary students. I look forward to seeing you at our December 7th meeting. Ellie Benz, center with members Margery Barrett and Lois La Scala at our September 21st meeting. Ms. Benz spoke about Earth Angels, a group that provides gifts for senior citizens in local nursing homes and on their own. Contact information Ellie Benz (973) 940-0707 or inquiry@eleanorabenz.com.
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