2015 Fall - Saint Agnes School


2015 Fall - Saint Agnes School
The Aggie Archives
Fall 2015
Keeping alumni, families and friends connected to Saint Agnes School
Dedicated to God
and His Purposes
See inside for the 2014-2015 Annual Report
The Aggie Archives
Fall 2015
Keeping alumni, families and friends connected to Saint Agnes School
School Information
Phone Numbers
School Office 651-925-8700
Advancement Office 651-925-8811
Admissions Office 651-925-8803
Alumni Office 651-925-8880
Fax 651-925-8708
Mailing Address
530 Lafond Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55103
Rev. Mark Moriarty
Kevin Ferdinandt
Assistant Headmaster
Karl Hendrickson
Academic Dean
Michael Adkins
Dean of Students
Tom Flood
Annual school raffle
Win a 2015 Ford Escape SE!
4-door SUV in oxford white with charcoal black seats, 17” aluminum wheels.
2.0L EcoBoost engine, 6 speed auto transmission, 28 MPG highway.
Rear view camera, keyless entry keypad, ice blue interior lighting.
Sync with MyFord and MyKey, Sirius satellite service, AM/FM/CD/MP3.
Tickets $20
Tickets go on sale November 25. To purchase, call 651-925-8880.
100% of proceeds benefit Saint Agnes School
Drawing to be held at the Red & White Benefit on February 6, 2016, at Saint Agnes School.
Need not be present to win. Must be 18 to purchase and win.
Sales, income tax and applicable fees are the responsibility of the winner.
Mike Streitz
Joseph Olson
Alumni Relations
Kate Boyle
Business Affairs
Patrick Menke
Jill Gubash
Donor relations
Jean Houghton
On the Cover
All School Procession to the Ubel Activity Center for Solemn Blessing and Dedication.
The Aggie Archives is published by the Saint Agnes
Advancement and Alumni Office.
Please direct correspondence and inquiries to:
Advancement/Alumni Office
530 Lafond Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55103
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
Editorial Team: Mary (Hilpisch) Appel, ’83 , Jill Gubash, ’98
Design: Steve Hamburger, ‘75
Printing: John Hamburger, ‘73, Franchise Times
Photo Credits: Mike Ekern, Richard Graner, Dave Hrbacek,
David Herkenhoff, Joe Oden, Joseph Olson, Bridget
Richtsmeier, Brian Weisman
Contributing Writers: Mary (Hilpisch) Appel, ‘83, Kate
Boyle, Jill Gubash, ‘98
From the Superintendent
Year of Consecrated Life
Aggies who have completely dedicated themselves to God
Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life is to be celebrated throughout the world,
beginning on November 30, 2014, and ending on February 2, 2016, on the Feast of the Presentation
of the Child Jesus. He intended to help with the renewal of the world by looking to the special example
of consecrated men and women: “Religious life ought to promote growth in the Church by way of
attraction…Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living! It is possible to live
differently in this world!” Many Aggies have done just that!
On the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, September 8, 2015, Kelly Foht (class of 2005)
made her Solemn Profession of Vows in Zurita, Spain. Sr. Kelly is one of several recent alumnae who
have consecrated themselves completely to Christ through the religious life. A good friend of Sr. Kelly and fellow alumna Sr.
Michelle Klobe (class of 2005) is also a member of that same religious order known as the Servant Sisters, Home of the Mother.
I had the good fortune of visiting recently with Sr. Michelle when she was back in town to prayerfully support her biological sister
Therese (class of 1999) in her Solemn Profession of Vows as a member of another order, The Institute Servants of the Lord and
the Virgin of Matara. One of the topics we discussed was the tradition of taking on a new name that is common among many
religious orders. Therese received a new first and middle name, Sr. Maria Nikopoia, taken from the Greek word for victory. In
Sr. Michelle’s case she kept her first name but added to it a descriptor name, “of the Pierced Side.” Of course, she is referring to
the pierced side of our Lord on the cross. Whether the new name was chosen for the religious or they were allowed to prayerfully
reflect on it themselves, the significance of a new name is the same. To consecrate oneself to God fully and totally is to receive a
kind of new identity, yet it is the person Christ has always planned for the individual. This is a beautiful lesson for all of us. We
are to become new and better when we dedicate ourselves to Christ.
Why this flowering of vocations to the consecrated life? God calls us all to holiness but some are called to live a life that more
fully witnesses to a complete dependence on God. This trust in God’s providential care covers every aspect of their lives: material,
spiritual, emotional, mental, familial and social. This radical reliance is really meant to remind the rest of us that God can be
trusted in big and small things. Furthermore, the example of those in religious orders is more than just relying on God for one’s
needs, one’s daily bread; God satisfies our deepest yearnings and desires. In short, God is more than enough!
Thank you to all Aggies past and present who have completely dedicated themselves to God. Let us pray that many more Aggie
alumni are open to God’s call to consecrated life. Let us also resolve that each one of us, even though called to other vocations,
may be all the more inspired to live out God’s will with a renewed zeal to joyfully trust in God’s providence and thus become, more
and more, the son or daughter of God we were meant to be.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Mark Moriarty
Inside This Issue
Dedication of the Ubel Activity Center
Spotlight: Alumni in Catholic Education
Athletic Hall of Fame
Alumni News
Annual Report
Ubel Activity Center Executive Committee with
Bishop Cozzens
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
n Thursday, November 12, more than 900 students, faculty,
staff, and guests marked the beginning of the dedication day in
prayer, coming together for a solemn Mass celebrated by Bishop
Andrew Cozzens. It was a mere 16 months since his last visit to
campus, when he came for the special announcement that concretized for
the public what so many within the school already knew – that Saint Agnes
School was alive and well, so much so that an addition would be built on to
Gruden Hall. On the day of that historic announcement, it was noted that
the new space would allay mounting concerns over structural deficiencies
identified in Bandas Hall. It would accommodate the growing demands of
a steady increase in enrollment. And it would be done in honor of former
superintendent Fr. John Ubel.
Immediately following the Bishop’s Mass,
the congregation sang hymns of thanksgiving
in procession to the newly opened wing.
Filing through the Knights of Columbus
lining the hall, they took their places in a
hushed gym, where the only sounds to be
heard were that of a student string ensemble.
After a prayer of blessing, Bishop Cozzens,
assisted by Deacon Mark Pavlak, ‘05, sprinkled
holy water throughout the halls and
distributed blessed crucifixes to classrooms.
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
When it came time to reveal the building’s name, it was first announced that the gym would carry on the tradition of the
building that once stood on the same site – Bandas Gymnasium.
The name of the center itself was announced to thunderous applause and a standing ovation initiated by the students
body – the Ubel Activity Center. It was at the request of the project’s lead donors, Mr. John Nasseff and Ms. Helene Houle,
that the building bear the name of their dear friend, as he did so much to assist Saint Agnes in her hour of need and to put
the school on a path toward financial and spiritual health.
Fr. Ubel looked back on his first school homily from September 14, 2006, the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross and said:
In all our victories, and yes perhaps even more so in
our defeats, our loving God is there to help us and to
lift us up. Be young people who embrace the Cross and
sacrifice and do not go running the other way. Rather,
lift high the Cross and embrace it in your lives. Be proud
of your faith and be proud of our school. Let the Lord
take care of the rest. Indeed, the Lord has taken care
of the rest, because this entire school community has
embraced its challenges in faith and trust. And today,
God has seen fit to bless you once again through the
extraordinary generosity of people who love you,
admire you and above all – they believe in you.
He continued in gratitude to his friends:
And today, in a most special way, I offer profound
thanks to John Nasseff and Helene Houle – I wonder if
any of us would be standing here today – certainly not
in this space – without John’s extraordinary generosity
and Helene’s undying support and encouragement.
Thank you for your wise counsel reminding me to
count my blessings and to realize that every day is a
beautiful day because we are here to enjoy it.
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
Fr. Ubel then reminded everyone what – or who – the day was really
Today, many people ask – what will be your legacy? In all honesty,
legacies are not found in ACT scores, Spring Musicals or Championship
trophies. Nor may a legacy be contained in any building, no matter how
beautiful or needed.
For Fr. Moriarty, Dr. Ferdinandt and the entire staff at Saint Agnes
School, a legacy may be found solely in the people whose lives we touch
and whose lives touch us in return [gesturing to the student body]. While
I am humbled that this building bears my name – it is not my legacy. We
adults, privileged to be part of your lives – we see 665 legacies right here!
You are our legacy.
may the legacy
continue for years
to come.
A portrait of Fr. John L. Ubel painted by Mrs. Merry DeCourcy and a
dedication plaque will hang in the UAC. The plaque reads in part:
The Ubel Activity Center was built in honor of Father John L. Ubel in
recognition of his hard work and dedication at a most critical juncture
in the school’s history. This Activity Center is a testament to how God
has blessed, preserved and strengthened Saint Agnes School through
the faith and hard work of so many…Through the lead gift of Mr. John
Nasseff and his wife, Ms. Helene Houle, along with the contributions of
many others, this building honors Fr. Ubel’s commitment to Saint Agnes
School and Catholic education.
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
From the headmaster
Commitment to Catholic Education
As I ponder the commitment so many families have made to Catholic education over
the past 130+ years in this country, I marvel at God’s call to so many of us who continue
the work they started. Since the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore in 1884 when the
bishops in the United States called parishes to erect Catholic schools near every parish
church, Catholic families and parishes have responded generously to God’s call to provide
Catholic education to our families. Saint Agnes Church and School is a testament to
that commitment to sponsoring and sustaining a parish school as well as the generosity of
parish and school families to make it the best school it can be.
As I think about my past 26 years working in education, I owe so much to those who
sacrificed for our Catholic schools before me. Without them, I would not have been able
to pursue God’s call to Catholic education which has marked my professional career - as a teacher in the inner-city
and in the suburbs, as an administrator and teacher who started a school, and now as an administrator and teacher
at Saint Agnes School. It is my distinct privilege to serve in this historic parish and school created in honor of St.
Agnes that hearkens back to the bishops’ call in 1884 to erect a school near every parish church.
Generally speaking, I have experienced two types of Catholics with a sustained commitment to Catholic
education. First are those who went to public schools during their primary and/or secondary school years and then
experienced a call from God to serve in Catholic schools. Second are those who had the good fortune of attending
a Catholic school, were taught and formed well, and then committed their lives to making Catholic education
happen for the next generation (whether by enrolling them, paying for them, or serving them in some capacity).
So many of you who are alumni have been blessed to be in the latter group. I must confess, however, that I am
in the former group, though I wish I could say I was one of the latter. God captured my heart and soul during
my undergraduate years at the University of St. Thomas (back when it was still a college), and I have only served
Catholic K-12 students since then. Exposure to the liberal arts has been such a gift to me, and I feel an obligation
to “give to God what is God’s” - namely, my entire professional and personal life - by serving in Catholic education.
Many Aggie alumni also continue to serve Catholic education - some as donors to their alma maters, others as
parents of current Aggies, others as educators in our Catholic schools, and finally those who have chosen to pursue
teaching at Saint Agnes herself. And so, we offer a tribute with this issue of the Aggie Archives to those who
have contributed to this particular “Aggie” brand of Catholic education - whether by funding one of our various
endeavors or by entrusting their children to this wonderful school. Most of all, we offer a tribute to those Aggie
alumni who serve in Catholic schools and a special tribute to those who serve at Saint Agnes School itself. Please
join me in thanking them for their service and their sacrifice in generous response to the call from God through
the intercession of Saint Agnes herself. Many could have been rewarded more financially by choosing other
professions, but I am honored and blessed to share this calling to Catholic education with them!
Saint Agnes…Pray for us!
Blessings to all in our Aggie family,
Dr. Kevin Ferdinandt
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
Spotlight on Catholic School Educators
Grade School Teachers
Mr. John Capistrant, Ms. Madeline Pilon,
Ms. Mary Eilen, ‘09
he class of 2009 saw three of its graduates enter the
classroom as Catholic grade school teachers in the
St. Paul area. These young alumni are just beginning
their careers with an excitement that is fresh and new. They had
much to say about their time at Saint Agnes and how they chose
their profession.
What are a few of your favorite memories of your years at
Saint Agnes?
John: I have very fond memories of my days at Saint Agnes,
from the musicals to the pep rallies, from praying in the chapel to
working on the yearbook. I am so thankful for the opportunities
I experienced at Saint Agnes, and those opportunities helped me
become successful.
Madeline: Like John, some of my most significant memories
of my time at Saint Agnes involved extracurricular activities,
such as volleyball, assemblies and spending time with classmates.
I remember a strong sense of community with my class and my
Mary: One of the best experiences was being able to participate
in the choir under Mrs. May. I enjoyed touring with the
choir to New York City and Chicago, visiting the Hawthorne
Dominican Sisters in New York and the Sisters of Charity of
Our Lady Mother of the Church in Connecticut, and making
friends for a lifetime. Saint Agnes is truly a family.
What specific classes or teachers influenced you most?
Mary: Many teachers inspired me and I have the privilege of
working with some of them today. I have always been amazed
by the kindness, firmness, and passion of Mr. Johnson, Mrs.
Fitzgerald, Mrs. Loomis, Mrs. Dusbiber, Mrs. Deitchler, and
Mrs. O’Hern. I had the opportunity to learn and grow in my
faith when I took Mrs. Decker’s and Mr. Blonigen’s religion
Madeline: Mr. Blonigen was such a patient teacher who
respected us as students, and he had a zeal for the Catholic faith
that was evident. His classroom was always a place where we
knew we could ask anything and he’d give us an expert answer.
Dr. Whalen was a teacher that challenged his students. He
encouraged us to question what we knew, and truly made his
students validate the opinions they had about the world.
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
Mr. John Capistrant graduated from the
University of MN in 2013 with a B.A. in English.
He teaches middle school Language Arts at
Community of Saints Regional Catholic School in
West Saint Paul. He recently became engaged to
Katelyn Caron and will be married in July of 2016.
John: Most, if not all, of the teachers I had during my days in
those hallowed halls were personable, genuine, and caring. Their
consideration and ability to be understanding started a spark in my
heart. The wonderful example of present and past teachers such as
Karl Pedersen, Fred Blonigen, Gary Moos, Brian Traxler, Elizabeth
Carle, Erica Henderson, and countless others instilled in me the
desire to become the best teacher I could be. Saint Agnes has always
been known for its high quality of education, and that only comes
with incredible teachers doing amazing things in and out of their
When did you first get the idea that you wanted to teach?
Madeline: I decided to become a teacher towards the end of
my freshman year of college. I was a different major at the time
and just didn’t feel comfortable with my choice. I was helping my
friend edit his paper when he suddenly turned to me and said, “Are
you a teaching major? You’re really good at this. You’d make a
good teacher.” It was such a random thought, but it hit me like a
thunderbolt. I made the decision and haven’t looked back since.
Ms. Madeline Pilon received her B.A.A.
degree in Teaching Communication
Arts and Literature from the University
of Minnesota, Duluth in 2014. She is
in her second year of teaching middle
school Language Arts at Maternity of
Mary - St. Andrew School in St. Paul.
Mary: I think teaching has always been a part of me. My
grandparents were teachers and my mother is a teacher. As a child,
I enjoyed going to work with my mom on occasion and being her
helper. By the time I was half way through high school, I knew I
wanted to teach, I just didn’t know what kind of teacher I hoped
to be. Because music is such a part of my life, I almost decided to
become a music teacher. I eventually decided that the variety of
teaching all the subjects, as well as working with an age I enjoy,
helped me to focus on elementary education.
John: Throughout my entire life I have had teachers who went
the distance for me, and that left a powerful impression upon me.
I began to pray about what God was calling me to do, and I felt
that it had to be something school related. During my senior year
I knew that I wanted to become a teacher.
Why teach in a Catholic school?
Madeline: I chose to accept a job in a Catholic school because a
Catholic education not only instills a strong academic foundation,
it inspires in students a love of both God and the Catholic Church.
Many people had to make sacrifices so that I could have a Catholic
education, and I am so grateful for that gift. I have always wanted
Ms. Mary Eilen teaches 3rd
grade at her alma mater, Saint
Agnes. She received a B.A. in
and Catholic Studies from the
University of St. Thomas in 2013.
to do something meaningful with my life that contributes to society,
and feel that education is the best way for me to do so. Teaching in
a Catholic school not only allows me to do so, but also allows me to
share my faith with the community in which I work.
Mary: To be a Catholic school teacher is to be an educator of the
whole person. It is such a tremendous responsibility, but it brings
such joy to evangelize the very young minds that take in so much
with such a great degree of excitement. I can discuss, even with
my third grade students, the things that matter most to the human
John: There is a special atmosphere in a Catholic school that
I can only describe as “lingering holiness.” Inside the walls is an
aura of faith formation being instilled into the hearts and minds of
each individual student. I wanted to attend weekly Mass with the
students, as well as be able to talk about my faith and pray before
every class period. I always want to spread Jesus’ love to the children
He places under my guidance and care, and you simply cannot do
that in other schools. Simply put, being a Catholic school teacher
is the most rewarding vocation I could ever think of and I would
not trade it for anything.
Mr. Capistrant’s closing comments summed it up for all of
As a teacher, every day is an adventure. You never know what to
expect, and that is one of the main reasons why I love it so much!
The students never cease to amaze me by their wit, their talents, and
their ability to teach me something new. I learn from them more
than they learn from me, I feel. Their insight and energy inspire me
beyond belief! I absolutely love my job!
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
Dan reminisces further on his high school days.
High School Teacher
Mr. Dan Berthiaume, ‘00
r. Dan Berthiaume,
Class of 2000, is one of
several alumni who have
chosen to return to Saint Agnes in a
professional capacity. The epitome
of well-rounded, Dan teaches
Latin and is head coach of the girls
hockey and softball teams. He and
his wife Becki (Johnson), also an
alumna of 2000, are the parents of
six young children, three of whom
are now Aggie students.
For the past seven years, Dan has been an integral part of
the language program at Saint Agnes, teaching five sections of
Latin each day.
Every day is hilarious! Trying to sort out Latin grammar with 7th
graders, translating Virgil’s Aeneid, and discussing its perennially
rich themes with my Latin IV students - it’s all a hoot! We keep
things light-hearted in Room 316 and laugh a lot. My students are
sometimes shocked to learn that I did not take Latin in high school.
I started studying Latin as a freshman at UST and haven’t stopped
since. I began tutoring Latin students and realized how much fun
it was. I was able to pass on my love for words and grammar and
clarity of expression, and in the upper levels I could read some of the
Western World’s greatest literature in its original form.
Berthiaume is well-loved by students and is an excellent
teacher. The highest praise comes directly from his students.
“Mr. Berthiaume not only knows how to teach Latin, but
he knows the history of the Romans and their culture really
well. He has a lot of insight about daily life in the ancient
world and he makes Latin really interesting – we learn a lot,
but we also have a lot of fun.” Another student offered, “He
asks good questions that help you think about the Latin more
deeply, drawing out more of what the author is trying to
communicate with the use of certain words. Mr. Berthiaume
is an understanding teacher who is easy to approach with
questions. He is very helpful and flexible when it comes to
extra tutoring.” Ever humble, Berthiaume credits his former
teachers with much of his success.
I have always loved words and remember being inspired by my
English teachers here at Saint Agnes - notably Mr. Mike Fitzgerald
and Mr. Paul Schmitz. But no one was more inspiring than Mr.
Fred Blonigen. He taught the faith with such clarity and generosity
that every year he drew more and more students closer to the
Church and the heart of Jesus. To this day I am very grateful for
the intellectual and moral formation I received from Fred, and I
am happy to be his colleague. He is the true Mr. B. at Saint Agnes.
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
I met my wife here! It doesn’t get much more special than that.
At Saint Agnes I was also able to play hockey and baseball with
my older brother Judd and my younger brother Dave. I also
got to share my high school experience with my dear cousin and
classmate Angela Barrett, now Sr. Marie Ange at the Carmel
in Lake Elmo. My high school years are packed with great
When asked about teaching in a Catholic school, Dan had
this to say.
I’ve never even thought of teaching at a school that wasn’t
Catholic. While I certainly admire those Catholics who try to
act as a leaven within non-Catholic institutions, I’ve always
appreciated that I can be exactly who I am at my place of
employment. I don’t have to check the best part of me at the
door before I walk into the building. It is a great pleasure to
share a common faith with my students, and I am not kidding
when I say that they inspire me more than I inspire them. The
conversations that we are able to have in the classroom are deep
and meaningful because they are illuminated and guided by
faith and the Catholic intellectual tradition.
Mr. Berthiaume’s excellence in teaching, passion for the
subject matter, and sound pedagogy were recently recognized
when he was named Minnesota’s “Latin Teacher of the Year”
by the Classical Association of Minnesota (CAM). The
Classical Association of Minnesota promotes the study of
classical languages, Latin in particular, and other important
elements of Greco-Roman history and culture from antiquity
in K-12 schools, colleges, and universities of the region.
Berthiaume said the following upon receiving the award:
This is a huge surprise to me and I’m very honored to receive
this award. I’m fortunate to be at a school that supports classics
in the curriculum, a place where the Latin language is rooted in
so much of what we do. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do!
definitely deserving of the
title “Latin Teacher of the
The plaque awarded to
Mr. Berthiaume reads:
Annua de cunctis uni
tibi dona magistris: Quis
docere potest? Translated,
it means: “To you alone,
out of all teachers, this
once-a-year award: for who
is better able to teach the
hearts of (our) youth?”
School Administrator
Mr. Danny Kieffer, ‘96
aking an administrative role in a Catholic school has its own challenges and rewards. Danny
Kieffer, class of 1996, allowed us an honest glimpse into the turn of events that led him to
the principal position at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School in St. Anthony, Minnesota.
It was a sacrifice for my parents to send my siblings and I to St. Mark’s for our K-8 education,
but it was one they were confident in. There were things I loved about St. Mark’s, and there
were things I did not love about it. As I grew into adolescence, I liked attending a Catholic
school less and less. The workload, the rigor, and the rules were something that I really felt I
could do without.
As I reached high school, I insisted on attending our local public school, and my parents
accepted this with reservations. It became clear during my 9th grade year that I needed to be
back in a Catholic school. I let my schoolwork slide, I got into trouble, and I became less happy
and dissatisfied with life. I came to a point where I was just sick of myself and I could see that my future was not looking so great. I
made the decision to ask my parents if I could go to Saint Agnes High School and they agreed. This change led to new friendships, and
the relationships I formed with teachers, coaches, and administrators changed the direction of my life. I began to remember the value of
my faith, and what it meant to let the Lord lead. It was not always a smooth path, and I was always a little rough around the edges, but
life got better for me. By my senior year, it was clear that I would be going to college, which was not necessarily predictable considering
how my high school career began.
After college I ended up returning to St. Mark’s as a teacher, alongside eight of the ladies who survived teaching me. I taught there
for ten years before taking the principal position at St. Pius X. During my two years at St. Pius X, I took part in the creation of Frassati
Catholic Academy, a regional Catholic school in White Bear Lake. After that, I accepted the position as principal of St. Charles
It has been a blessing to share faith and knowledge with young people who are trying to “figure it out,” just like I was. I cannot express
the unending gratitude I feel toward my teachers, coaches, and parents who took a stand for me. They saw Christ in me, they pushed
me and loved me, and they never gave up until I saw Christ in myself. I live a blessed life for many reasons. I have a beautiful family of
my own, a faith that has survived the pressures of this world, and a career I love where I have the opportunity, each day, to do for young
people what others did for me. And that is why I choose Catholic education.
I advise all students and alumni, young and old, to find a way to stay connected and to support Catholic education. The world is
counting on the work that is being done every day in Catholic schools. In my experience, kids learn and grow best when their souls and
brains are fed together. When there is partnership between the school and home that supports a child’s spiritual and academic growth,
anything is possible. I am living proof of just that.
Many of our alumni continue to
serve Catholic education. A special
tribute to those who serve at Saint
Agnes itself. David Johnson, ‘57,
Dan Berthiaume, ‘00, Frank Webster,
‘93, Karl Pedersen, ‘97, Joseph Olson,
‘03, Mary (Hilpisch) Appel, ‘83, Kathy
(Hobbs) Kilduff, ‘84, Mary Eilen, ‘09,
Jillian Gubash, ‘98.
Not pictured:
Karen (Schiffer) Millmann, ‘05, Kelly
(Pavlak) DiPietro, ‘95, Fr. John Paul
Erickson, ‘98.
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
Spotlight on Catholic School Educators
University Professor
Dr. Margaret Rossini Reif, ‘67
argaret Rossini Reif is an
Aggie alumna from the class of
1967 whose 40-year teaching
career began in high school English and
culminated at the University of St. Thomas,
where she is now a Professor Emerita.
She was hired fulltime in UST’s School
of Education in 1990, where she taught
in Teacher Education and Educational
Leadership. Dr. Reif is also a founding
member of the Murray Institute for
Catholic Education, and was later named
its Director.
In 2003, Dr. Reif received the Monsignor
John F. Meyers Merit Award from the
National Catholic Education Association.
Her writing and research interests included
Catholic education, teaching and learning
methodology, and professional written &
interpersonal communication. Currently
Dr. Reif and her husband Dan are retired
Dr. Reif spots her maiden name outside a
and “educating” their six grandchildren.
restaurant in Portofino, Italy.
She and Dan have also been spotted at
the Aggie Open almost every summer,
along with sister Bev Rossini Osiecki and
brother-in-law Tom Osiecki, both from the class of 1960.
I also remember when Mr. Lindgren asked to speak with me after
a senior English class. He challenged me to worry less about what
We asked Dr. Reif to look back on her high school years, and
others might think and whether I fit in with the crowd and to worry
share with us some of her favorite memories of her classmates,
more about stretching for the best I could be. He said, “Don’t settle.
teachers and time at Saint Agnes:
Set high goals and go for them.” He later became a model for me
in how I chose to connect with my high school and college students
I enjoyed high school, everything about it: my classes, my
during my 40 years as an educator. I learned that I wasn’t just
teachers, my friends. I joined many clubs and participated in
teaching English or education courses; I was a teaching kids with
several activities. I loved debate and speech and in them I learned
lives and issues.
so much about research, speaking in front of groups, and building
confidence. Student Council and Student Congress offered me
I was motivated to pursue careers in leadership and education by
leadership opportunities not often available to girls in the 1960’s!
the strong women teachers I had in high school. Those nuns – Sisters
Unfortunately, we had NO girls’ sports while I was in high school
Jerome Marie, Adrienne, Laura, Mary Patrick, Pacifica – confidently
(it was pre-Title IX!). In fact, the only time GAA (girls’ athletic
taught math, physics, chemistry, multiple foreign languages, and
association) could use the gym was Fridays after school.
English, and they demonstrated how I could do the same.
One particularly funny thing I recall was in Mr. Streator’s social
studies class. He was lecturing when he decided to go casual, putting
his feet on his desk. Unfortunately, his rolling chair slid back and he
ended up on the floor with only his feet sticking up in the air from
behind the desk. He stayed that way for at least a minute or two
while we froze in surprise; soon after we ALL burst into laughter
along with Mr. S.!
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
Following the example of her dad and four siblings, Dr. Reif
pursued education, and began her career as a high school English
teacher and debate coach. After having her first son in 1979,
she became a part-time teacher of adults in a college setting.
Enjoying the work with that particular age group, she decided
to get a graduate degree in order to look for positions in higher
education. She worked both part time and fulltime in Catholic
colleges from 1986 until her retirement in 2011. We asked her
to comment on her experience in higher education:
1967 Aggie Cheerleaders
The best part of my career path was when I was offered a chance
to prepare future teachers and administrators in the School of
Education at the University of St. Thomas. I taught the introduction
to education course, general teaching methods, professional
writing & communication, psychology of teaching and learning,
student teaching supervision, and I chaired the teacher education
department for several years. Not only did I work with excited
undergrads and more seasoned graduate students, but also I had
a chance to impact the schools and students they would eventually
teach and lead in.
Her work in Teacher Education took on an even broader scope
with the start of the Murray Institute, a partnership between
St. Thomas and the Archdiocese that offers graduate degrees to
Catholic fulltime teachers and administrators tuition-free. The
Murray students study in cohorts (or groups) throughout their
programs. For this reason, Dr. Reif believes that their degrees
are only one aspect of what is learned. They also develop a keen
knowledge of their colleagues and the parishes throughout the
Archdiocese, thereby forming connections that strengthen
Catholic schools with better-prepared educators and leaders.
Minnesota has seen some significant changes in education over
the last 25 years: the advent of the charter school (the first in the
nation opened in 1992 right here in MN), the mainstreaming
of home school environments, increased interest in virtual
education, and relatively strong public schools. And yet many
families continue to seek out – and sacrifice for – a Catholic
education. We asked Dr. Reif to identify some of the attributes
that are unique to Catholic education and set it distinctly apart
from all other models:
My work teaching the Murray cohorts and leading the Murray
Institute cemented my assessment of Catholic schools as the best
option for educating our children. I worked with teachers and
administrators who are smart, strong, dedicated, creative, and
successful. I learned how much they loved their students and chose to
shape them academically and spiritually. Some of them earn far less
than their public school counterparts, but choose to stay in Catholic
schools because of their strong faith and because they are making a
difference. In all my years in education, the most motivated teachers
I worked with were in the Catholic schools.
In 2015, much is written about the success of charter schools with
their unique focus, i.e. college prep, science & technology, second
languages; their effective teacher-student ratio; their on-site team
decision making. However, Catholic schools have long offered a
diverse curricular focus, small class sizes, and the site-based model
of decision making. Additionally, Catholic schools infuse Catholic
teachings into all subjects and require the study of religion as well.
Our teachers live and model the lives they want their students to lead.
The administrators and teachers partner with parents and families
to help all children succeed. I’ve watched the Catholic schools add
From the top: Sharon Larson, Bonnie Gervais, Judy
Koppy, Marge Rossini, Mary Jane Wigen, Joanne Abbott
gifted and talented, special needs, and second language services to
their offerings. I’ve visited dozens of schools and found technologyintegrated lessons, amazing music and art classrooms, advanced and
remedial reading instruction, and advanced placement (AP) courses.
My husband and I chose to educate our two sons in Catholic schools
and did so K-12 for one and K-16 for the other. They are creative,
hardworking, and motivated problem solvers because of their highly
effective Catholic educations.
Dr. Reif has maintained strong ties to the Aggie community
since graduation. We asked her to share how she stays connected:
I’ve managed to stay connected with many Aggie graduates through
a variety of channels. First, do you have any idea how many Rossinis
attended Saint Agnes? Family gatherings are often Aggie minireunions! I have also worked with and taught many Aggies. Dr.
Kevin Ferdinandt, Ms. Jill Gubash, and Mrs. Sheila Gutierrez, all
Saint Agnes educators, were my former students. My family also plays
in the golf tournament, where we catch up with several generations of
alumni and current student athletes. I have maintained contact with
many of my 1967 classmates through Facebook; a gathering last fall
in St. Paul to celebrate our 65th birthdays – amazing how many 13year Aggies showed up; and special friendships – Judie Koppy Cohen
& Mary Pat Kubitschek Fox – whom I have known for 61 years!
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
etween the sunshine and the high spirits, Homecoming weekend
was a tremendous success! It began with an alumni memorial Mass
on September 24, attended by many, including 1947 graduate Pat
(Schiltgen) Utecht, who later wrote: “To attend Mass with the students, hear
their lovely singing, and then be treated to a delicious brunch and greeted by
Father and the staff, it was truly a special time.”
Saint Agnes defeated the
Humboldt Hawks 38-16
Aggie pride was evident as 500+ alumni, family and friends gathered for
tailgating. Whether playing touch football or visiting with friends, parents and
kids alike enjoyed the beautiful weather and shared school spirit.
The Big
Maria Turch and Jimmy Sechter
were selected Homecoming Queen
and King
saint agnes
Congratulations to Big Red Run Winners & Participants!
Saturday’s race day couldn’t have been better! Great weather, rocking tunes, and
runners who were on fire! Congratulations to the winners of the Big Red Run:
1st Place Male
James Sirba
1st Place Female
Sydney March
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
1st Place Male Student
Kieran Walsh
1st Place Female Student
Anna Wilgenbusch
The Regep family enjoys a beautiful
day at the races
Hall of Fame Gains Four New Members
A 4-year letter winner
in basketball, softball and
volleyball, Sara (Tibesar)
Carlston, class of 1995, earned
many all-conference honors. She scored over 1000 points in
basketball and was named the first ever Athena Award winner
at Saint Agnes. Sara was also a member of NHS and the
Valedictorian of her class. She played college volleyball at UWRiver Falls and NDSU.
Jerry O’Connor, Sara (Tibesar) Carlston, Judd and Dave
aint Agnes School added four new members to the Athletic
Hall of Fame on September 26. One inductee noted how
nice it was to see four fast patch players make it into the Hall
of Fame together!
Daniel O’Connor, class of 1962, was a 13-year Aggie who
lettered numerous times in baseball, football and hockey, earning
all-conference honors in each sport. After graduation, O’Connor
had a successful career at Univac, a prominent Minneapolis
company who was an industry leader in pioneering some of the
first computers.
Accepting the award for Dan was his brother Jerry, a member of
the inaugural Hall of Fame class of 2007. Jerry recalled how Dan
had built his life around competition, but it didn’t always translate
to the classroom. He then told a story about the time his mother
was called in to school where she found Dan out front using a
razor blade to scrape gum from the steps. On a more serious note,
Jerry went on to remark on his brother’s successful athletic career
after graduation. Dan O’Connor was a professional handball tour
player. He won 11 championships (MSHA, National) between
the years of 1971 and 1978. He played fast pitch softball within
the International Softball Congress
and was MVP for All American Bar
in 1976. He was a 5-time member
of the All World Fast Pitch Softball
Team and is a member of the
Minnesota Fast Pitch Hall of Fame.
Jerry O’Connor
Dan had a love of competition
and a passion for people. He
passed away in April of 1994.
Sara was introduced by her brother Marcus who began his
remarks with this: “I don’t know how it has taken you this long
to put her in the Hall of Fame, because she’s been in mine for a
long time.”
speech, Sara spoke about
how high school athletics
made her into who she
is today. Playing sports
gave her the desire to give
back by becoming a coach
herself. She had this to
say on the importance of
Athletics teaches us about
teamwork, dealing with Sara (Tibesar) Carlston and
adversity, humility, losing Marcus Tibesar
with grace, and perhaps more
importantly, winning with grace. It pushes us to the limits physically
and mentally, provides lifelong friendships, teaches us to be leaders,
and shows us how to believe in something greater than ourselves.
Sara then spoke about the impact that her teammates and
coaches had on her:
We carried each other through that one last drill. We survived the
spring practices in the gym where we had to work around the stage.
We made so many memories, and most of them were in the simple
moments – sharing rides home, singing the Aggie rouser on the bus,
braiding our hair just right, laughing about how Coach Tom Cross
ran up and down the sidelines as much as we did on the court,
seeing Mr. Silvia almost losing his mind on third base, teasing Mrs.
Cartwright about this or that. These coaches were instrumental in
shaping my athletic career. Their guidance and mentorship through
the years were a tremendous support and I am so appreciative for
all they taught.
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
future Aggie hopefuls. You never know what might draw someone to
Saint Agnes, and so may we all continue to support Aggie athletics!”
Judd looks forward to coaching softball again this spring:
I am fortunate to coach some of our future hall of famers alongside
my brothers Dan and Dave. Last year, we had indoor practices off
campus, and we can’t wait to be back on campus, in our own gym,
and around the great students at Saint Agnes. Glory be to God, it’s
a great time to be an Aggie.
Dan and Judd Berthiaume
Judd Berthiaume, class of 1998, earned multiple letters
in baseball and hockey. He was a key member of the 1998
baseball team that won the Tri-Metro conference and
section championships to earn baseball’s first trip to the
state tournament. Judd emerged as one of the top men’s
fast pitch softball pitchers in the world during his late teens
and early twenties. He represented the U.S. on the U19
Junior National team at the ISF Junior World Tournament
in Newfoundland, Canada, and was the winning pitcher in
the game where Team USA defeated Australia, the eventual
gold medalist.
Judd’s brother Dan spoke of his impressive athletic career,
noting how thrilled Saint Agnes is that Judd is currently the
assistant coach of varsity softball. “He must be the most
overqualified assistant coach in the nation!”
Judd first thanked his parents:
The older I get, the more I appreciate the sacrifices they made
to send me to Saint Agnes. It’s a significant part of many family
budgets, and I’m sure it was of ours.
Then, his teammates, coaches and teachers:
I couldn’t have been as successful without my great teammates,
coaches – namely Dick Ghizoni and Bill May – or the support of
my teachers and the administration.
The reason I transferred to Saint
Agnes was because of hockey. And
although I really enjoy playing sports,
God’s reasons were even
greater. In addition to
meeting my wife, I take
full credit for the fact that
my transfer allowed my
two brothers to follow,
meet their wives, and for
our families to eventually
create a total of at least 16
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
A member of the 2001 State Championship baseball team,
Dave Berthiaume, class of 2003, was the winning pitcher in
both the section and state
championship games.
went on to play baseball for
the College of Saint Scholastica
in Duluth. Dave also played
hockey, soccer and football. A
polished fast-pitch player, Dave
represented the U. S. on the
U19 Junior National team at the
ISF Junior World Tournament
in Sydney, Australia. He too is
currently an assistant coach for Dave Berthiaume
the Aggie softball team.
Dave was introduced by teammate, cousin, and classmate,
Paul Barrett. “It was a dream come true when my cousins came
to Saint Agnes. I had always wanted to play sports with them,
since I only have sisters and my dad worked 24-hour shifts at the
fire department.” Paul went on to say how “there’s no one like
Dave,” describing one crazy play-by-play moment after another,
which kept the audience on the edge of their seat until Dave
came forward to speak:
It is an honor to be standing here with legends like the Tibesars
and O’Connors. I give credit to my teammates and coaches for
much of my success. Ryan Collins and Greg Hoemke sure knew how
to put a line-up together. I also have to credit my brothers. I lost so
many times at whiffle ball in the back yard that I simply had to get
better. I also think that my wife Anne wouldn’t have dated me if it
weren’t for some of the success I had in athletics!
Here’s to the future
legends at Saint Agnes
are accepted through
June 1, so be sure to
let us know who of
your fellow classmates,
athletic boosters you’d
like to see in the 2016
Aggie Hall of Fame.
School’s Out for Mrs. Kampa!
fter 37 years in the main office
of Saint Agnes School, Mrs.
Mary Kampa has announced her
retirement for this December. Throughout
her time with our school, Mrs. Kampa has
been a stalwart presence in the main office
during periods of change, uncertainty, and
expansion. No matter what has changed,
her voice has remained a constant, whether
on the phone or over the intercom. She has
been a source of dependability over the years
– managing substitutes, maintaining student
files, writing hall passes, providing BandAids for skinned knees, sending transcripts
to graduates, and notarizing documents for
faculty. Mary has been the “go-to” person
for all things Saint Agnes.
With her professionalism, and passion
for her work and the school, Saint Agnes
staff and students will certainly miss Mrs.
Kampa. Please join us in celebration as we
recognize her countless years of service.
January 14, 2016
3:30 - 7:00 PM
Sweeney’s Saloon
96 North Dale St.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
No hall pass required!
Alumni Open House!
An event for all alumni & their families
Friday, December 18, 2015
You are invited to an Alumni Open House in the newly opened Ubel Activity Center!
Cheer on the basketball teams, see the new classrooms and fine art studios,
enjoy concessions in the commons and shoot some hoops
in the new Bandas Gym following the boys’ game!
5:30 PM Girls Basketball vs. Mounds Park Academy
7:00 PM Boys Basketball vs. Mounds Park Academy
Free admission to games for alumni & their families. We welcome the boys State basketball teams of
1994, 1995 & 2005 to the court during half time for fan recognition
9:30-11:30 PM Alumni Open Gym
Bring your gym shoes! Beer, wine & music available in the commons.
Young Alumni Christmas Reunion!
Classes of 2013, 2014 & 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
6:30 - 9:00 PM
Ubel Activity Center
Saint Agnes School
Pizza! Games! Open Gym! And more!
Check out the “Welcome Back for Christmas” reunion event
on the Saint Agnes Facebook page and RSVP if you plan to attend!
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
Alumni news
Class of 1945
Lucille Hafner Hammer writes, “My
husband passed away one year ago.
We have been blessed with three
children, six grandchildren and four
Class of 1956
Angela Gale Rindfleisch notes, “My
husband and I have moved from MN
to AZ and we are loving it! There’s no
snow down here, but we were tired of
shoveling anyway. Being able to sit
on the patio in January, February and
March is wonderful!”
Class of 1957 & 1958
Charpentier send an update on their
family. “Our son Luke has four children
and is about to retire from the MN
National Guard. Daughter Anne has
three kids. She works and drives the
kids around. Lynn, who has five kids,
teaches pre-school. Our son Peter is
a chef and lives in Australia with his
family. He has two children.”
Class of 1962
LeDonna Wistrcill notes, “I enjoyed
going to the annual Red & White
Benefit in February at the Crowne
Plaza. Wonderful food, fun program,
and a beautiful place to hold the
event. I also am enjoying watching the
progress on the new gym, auditorium
and classrooms of Saint Agnes School.
I can’t wait to tour it when everything
is finished!”
Frank Resch, Rick Hansen, Ruth
(Clark) Lambert and Bonnie (Wessels)
Lund “lunched” for almost four hours
last November at the Great Moon Buffet
in Maplewood. A wide range of current
day topics were discussed but a GREAT
deal of time was spent reminiscing
about the “Good Old Days.” These fast
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
talking four meet about every other
month at assorted local restaurants
just to keep in touch.
Class of 1964
Marlene Grewe Plumbo sends this
note, “Hi to all from the Class of ‘64! I
loved seeing the pictures of everyone
at our 50th reunion. Although I was
not able to attend, I heard that a good
time was had by all those who were
Gail Pazdernik Law and Jim Law
celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary on August 14, 2015.
They have two children and two
grandchildren, and they reside in
Hudson, WI and Birchwood, WI. They
are NOT Packer fans!
Class of 1977
Melanie Solytjes Sweeney says, “I was
inspired by the articles I read about the
large families that have – and still are –
attending Saint Agnes. I would like this
opportunity to thank my mom, Mary
Solyntjes, for the sacrifices she made
to send all nine of us to Saint Agnes.
Because of her, my walk with God is
constant. Thank you, Saint Agnes, for
increasing my spiritual journey.”
Class of 1998
Bridget Higgins was married to Zeng
Her at the Chapel of Our Lady of Victory
on September 19. Fr. John Bauer from
the Class of 2000 presided over the
ceremony, and sister Kathryn, ‘99, was
the maid of honor. Also in attendance
were alumnae Esther (Peterson)
Callahan, ‘97, Angela (Buettner)
Froeming, ‘98, and Jillian Gubash, ‘98.
Class of 2000
Joshua Zamyslowski informed us,
“This past year has been a hectic one.
After being medically retired from
the Air Force, I am back in school
to finish up my Bachelor of Science
in Engineering Technology at the
University of West Florida. My wife
Patti and I are welcoming our third
child in November 2015 and are very
excited to add Jackson Stanley to our
loving home.”
Class of 2002
Nicole Baglino, former Saint Agnes
cheerleader and coach, is attending
Florida Atlantic University of Boca
Raton, FL. Previously the cheerleading
captain/dance leader for the Palm
Beach Makos minor league football,
she is now a team member of the Miami
Dolphins Cheerleaders. Part of her
duties will be to perform at the Miami
Dolphins vs. New York Jets nationally
televised game in London, England.
Class of 2005
Mark Pavlak sends this update, “I was
ordained a transitional deacon on May
2, 2015, and am now one step closer
to being ordained a priest in 2016. I
will be serving at St. John the Baptist
in Excelsior this summer before school
begins again in the fall.”
Julie Rufenacht Stautz informed us
that on January 3, 2015, she married
Ian Stautz. They are now living in Eau
Claire, WI.
Kelly Jo Foht
made her
Perpetual Vows
Kelly Jo Foht made her Perpetual
Vows as a Servant Sister of the Home
of the Mother, an order in Priego,
Spain on September 8, 2015. Sr. Kelly
Alumni News
Jo of the Sacred Heart of Jesus has
been a Sister in the community for
eight years. She has served at several
locations in Spain and is presently
serving in Jacksonville, Florida. Learn
more about the Servant Sisters at
Past Faculty
Sr. M. Renee Lorentz, SSND, notes
that she is completely retired and
living at the motherhouse in Mankato.
Dealing with some health issues, she
asks for prayers and continues to pray
for us all.
Class of 2013
Salutatorian reunited this fall to run
the Twin Cities Marathon on Sunday,
October 4. Julia Knapp and Mary
Kimlinger ran the 26.2 miles in 5:00.53,
beginning together before Mary took
the lead. Julia caught up around the
20-mile mark and they finished sideby-side. Both are students at the U of
M on the Twin Cities campus. Mary is
majoring in Biology and Julia is an Air
Force Cadet in her third year studying
Aerospace Engineering.
Peter Foley was named Homecoming
King at the University of Mary.
Majoring in Mathematics Education,
Peter serves as a Student Ambassador
and is a member of the Knights of
Virtue and the Emerging Leaders
Class of 1976
(McDonald) Pastorius are in the
early stages of planning a 40-year
reunion. If you are interested in
being involved with the planning
contact Deb, demath01@comcast.
net or Michele, 651-769-4419.
Class of 2015
Kaitlyn Gellerman finished a strong
softball season for the Aggies last
spring. She was named both All
Conference and All State Honorable
Mention at the end of her senior
year. Katie now studies theater at the
University of Mary.
Class of 2005
A 10-year reunion will be held
on Saturday, December 19, at
Shamrocks in St. Paul beginning
at 8:30 PM.
Watch for the
Facebook event or contact Theresa
Poechmann at tpoechmann3@
yahoo.com to learn more.
Class of 1965 50-Year Reunion
What a great turnout for the 50-year
Aggie reunion! Classmates traveled
from near and far, the farthest being
from Hawaii! The evening was
filled with reminiscing, school trivia
and a lovely dinner. Pictures and
yearbooks were out for everyone
to page through and remember the
“good ol’ days.”
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
Class of 1970 45-Year Reunion
The Class of 1970 had a successful 45-year reunion on
September 12. The reunion was held at Mancini’s Char House
in St. Paul. Classmates came from Arizona, Colorado and
Florida to catch up with old friends. We shared many fond
memories of our years together at Saint Agnes High School.
It was a wonderful time and we are looking forward to our
50th! See you all then.
Class of 1975 40-Year Reunion
We enjoyed another wonderful evening of good food, good
drink and good friends at Tom Reid’s Hockey City Pub in
St. Paul. If you’re part of the class of ‘75 and haven’t been
in touch, you can do so on Facebook. There are some 40
classmates connected on Facebook. Send a friend request to
Cathy Huss Mrosak and she will connect you to the group.
Class of 1990 25-Year Reunion
What a great night to celebrate! With memorabilia, a World’s
Finest Chocolate Bar and old yearbook photos of classmates
and teachers on display, we had a great time catching up with
one another at O’Gara’s in St. Paul. Classmates flew in from
Maryland, Boston and Nebraska to attend and we remembered
Matt St. Martin with a nice drawing done by Andre Puleo. See
you at the 30th!
Class of 1980 35-Year Reunion
We had a nice turnout for our 35th! It was a casual night at O’Gara’s Bar & Grill in St. Paul where 36 classmates, many with their
spouses, came together for a fun evening. We always enjoy looking back on our times in the halls of Saint Agnes.
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
Class of 2000 15-Year Reunion
The class of 2000 gathered at Grumpy’s in Roseville on July
25th to celebrate their 15-year reunion. It was a great time of
reconnecting with our classmates and telling many stories of
our time at Saint Agnes. We are looking forward to our 20-year
reunion in 2020!
Class of 1995 20-Year Reunion
The Saint Agnes Class of 1995 enjoyed a fun-filled evening
at the Machine Shed restaurant on July 18. Classmates and
guests enjoyed old photos, yearbooks and great conversation.
“Everyone picked up right where they left off!” was a common
quote of the evening. Even after the actual gathering was
finished, the party continued late into the evening. Although
it has been 20 years, we all agreed that we can still “do it up”
like the old days! Can’t wait for the next one!
in memoriam
Floyd Anderson
Past Parent
Walter ArntzenParishioner
Leona Bauer
Past Parent
Bobby Belland
Son of Robert Belland, ‘45
Darryl Berthiaume1957
Frances Bettendorf Reinhart
1934 GS
Stephen Blacik1969
Patrick Dooley1957
Robert Dyer
Spouse of Josephine Huss Dyer, ‘49
Leo Fecht
1935 GS
Lorraine Gaiovnik Middleton1943
John Gegen1953
Delores Grewe
Past Parent
Lucille Grosinger
Past Parent
Gloria Huber
Past Parent
Frank Huberty
1945 GS
Robert HudallaBrother of Sr. Claudette Hudalla, ‘43
Harvey Jacobsen
Spouse of Rose Hunt 1957
Jeffrey Jamieson1981
Joseph Kausner1955
Joan Kight
Past Parent
Mary Koch Backlund
1948 GS
Dorothy Koch Hughes
1941 GS
William Langlois
Past Parent
Terese Latterell Wolter1956
Shirley Lorch
Past Faculty
Thomas Lynch1957
Patrick McCarthy1971
Marcella Meyers Conner1942
Gerald Mullner1956
Thomas NelsonFriend
Carol Pechman Reuter1957
Joseph Pilon
Past faculty
Richard Prior
Past Parent
Carl Reitter1949
Richard “Red” Roberts
1943 GS
Alice RoskowiakParishioner
Charlotte Ross Brewitz
1938 GS
Irvin Rubbelke
Past Parent
Carol Sagstetter
Past Parent
Kenneth Schmidt
1938 GS
Robert Schmidt1956
Herbert Schmitz
Past Parent
Richard SchreierGrandparent
Morris Syrstad
Past Parent
Randy Thill1985
Ruth Thommes Koeck1943
Gerald Walek1956
Claudette Wasilk Lape1952
James Weiskopf1957
Donald Weiss
Past Parent
Robert Wesley
Spouse of Mary Ann Grosinger Wesley, ‘54
Margaret Winkel Ledin1956
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls
and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
GS=Grade School
CC=Commercial Class
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
From the advancement office
I am pleased to present the 2014-2015 Annual Report for Saint Agnes School. You will see that great
things are continuing to happen here.
I would like to begin with a sincere thank you to the 1,200 individuals who have given to Saint Agnes
over the past fiscal year! We are so grateful for your gifts. This year’s annual fund has raised $489,153.
As many of you know, it is an exciting time at Saint Agnes, with many successes to report!
• Enrollment continues to grow – we are now over 650 students.
• Athletics continue to thrive, with several of our teams making a run for the state tournament and
individual athletes who have received state recognition.
• Academics received a top honor rating from the Cardinal Newman Society for the fourth consecutive
year. ACT scores continue to be well above the state and national averages.
We also celebrated the opening of the new $18 million dollar Ubel Activity Center with a ribbon cutting by Archbishop Hebda in
October, and the solemn blessing and dedication by Bishop Cozzens on November 12. Students have begun using the facilities for
classes and the new gymnasium was host site for the Catholic Athletic Association volleyball playoffs at the end of October.
We are so very proud of our school’s accomplishments, and we are thankful for all those who have supported these efforts.
And yet, even with all of these positive changes, one thing remains constant – our mission to offer an outstanding Catholic
education to our students. Many of our students (almost 60%) require tuition assistance. These are hard working families who
make daily sacrifices in order for their children to attend Saint Agnes. We strive to remain an affordable option for families by
offering high school tuition at $9,900, junior high at $4,900, and grade school tuition at $4,400, still some of the lowest rates in
the Archdiocese.
Annual Giving is the largest source of scholarship income used to assist these families, without which many of whom may not
otherwise be able to attend Saint Agnes. In the words of Pope Benedict XVI, “Education is the most exciting and difficult
adventure in life,” and we whole-heartedly concur! This is why we ask that if you have not already given to the annual fund, you
prayerfully consider a gift at this time.
Help us continue the long-standing Aggie tradition of outstanding Catholic education for all families!
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs. Jean Houghton
Donor Relations
Saint Agnes Foundation Announced
We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Saint Agnes
Foundation, a legally separate public charity (501c3) established
to promote and sustain the mission and vision of Saint Agnes,
both school and church. Founding board members include:
John Hamburger (Chair), Jim Berens (Treasurer), Keith Kostuch
(Secretary), and Rev. Mark Moriarty (ex-officio President).
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
Archbishop Hebda cuts the ribbon on October 8 to
open the Activity Center
Saint Agnes School Annual Giving Report
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Annual Fund $489,153
Unrestricted Gifts – General operation expenses including tuition assistance.
Restricted Scholarship Funds – Named tuition assistance scholarships.
General Funds
Fundraising Activities – Red & White Dinner, Raffle, and other events.
Red Envelope – Monthly giving by parishioners for operating expenses and tuition assistance.
Designated Program Funds – Band, Choir, theater, and athletic support.
External Foundations and Support
Total Annual Giving
Annual Fund
General Funds
External Foundations & Support
This report includes gifts received prior to July 1, 2015. Gifts are separate from the ongoing gifts to the $5.75M
Capital Campaign Fund and the $18M Student Activity Center Fund. We have made every effort to ensure that
the information contained in this report is accurate. Please feel free to contact Jean Houghton, Director of Donor
Relations, with your comments or corrections at 651-925-8810 or email jhoughton@saintagnesschool.org.
2014-2015 Annual Report
Joan Brown
Daniel & Christine Buss
Catherine Cich
Robert & Lorianne Melcher
Nuveen Investments, LLC
Michael & Mary Parizino
Mark & Susan Pilon
Steven Rothmeier
Donna Schneider
Guardian Angel
Aim Higher Foundation
Anonymous (3)
Archdiocese Of St.Paul & Mpls
James & Lois Berens
The Calhoun Group
Catholic Community Foundation
Catholic Services Appeal of the St. Paul
& Mpls Area
Harold Cragg Estate
Mary Jo Schierman Feltl
Flaherty Foundation
GHR Foundation
Thomas & Mary Clare Gormley
Deloris Staeger Greenstein
Larry & Julia Hobbs
John Horn
Stanley Hubbard
Estate of Lillian Seiler Kinney
Estate of Stephen Markoe
McGough Foundation
Larry & Andrea McGough
Minneapolis Next
John Nasseff & Helene Houle
Tawnee Nasseff
NEI Electric
Pohlad Family Gift Fund
Saint Agnes Education Foundation
St. Anthony Maria Hilf Council
Steven & Charla Turch
Dr. Thomas Votel
Michael & Leann Belisle
Community Of Saints Catholic School
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Rev. John Paul Erickson
Gordon Erkel
John & Marie Thill Ernster
Larry & Beth Frye
James Glatzmaier
Edward & Carol Gorka
McGlynn Family Foundation
Richard & Catherine Mulvey
Giuseppe & Susan Puppin
Shirley Silgen
St. Francis De Sales Church
St. Joseph Academy Alumni Assoc
Thomas & Nancy Wallrich
Wells Fargo
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Anonymous (4)
Arch Insurance Group
Paul & Gloria Arntzen
Dr. Vance Bachelder
Bailey Foundation
Dale & Jeanette Bovee Ballman
Bernie B. Berczyk
Winifred Berntsen
Keith & Ruby Bougie
Kyle & Maria Brownell
Brian & Mary Burns
Daniel & Rachel Burns
Thomas & Sherrie Busse
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
Grade 8 CAA Volleyball Champs
Eugene & Delores Carroll
Cathedral of St. Paul
Robert & Marian Collins
Frederic & Susan Contino
John & Jeanne Schierman Cota
Dr. Terence & Karen Coyne
Claude Cybulski
Alan & Mary Helen Deutsch
Dolan Printing
Thomas & Annella Dosdall
Thomas & Mersihda Dyer
Michael & Rebecca Ekern
Thomas & Katie King Flood
James & Mary Urista Foley
George & Ann Frey
John & Marilyn Sack Gautraud
William & Bernadette Hafner
Hawk Janitor Supplies
John & Gretchen Healy
Matthew & Nicole Hobbs
Holy Childhood Catholic Church
Thomas & Jean Houghton
Paul Keller
Mary Ann Kight
Mark & Denise Scully Kimlinger
Kopp Family Foundation
Brian & Jacqueline Krech
Margaret Winkel Ledin
Robert Lee & Mary Schaffner
Raymond Lesnar
Joanne Manthe
James & Donna May
Jan-Marie McCabe
Paul & Chris McDonald
Sterling & Doris McKusick
Medtronic Foundation
Leo Mrozek
Gerry Nasseff
Joseph Oden
Kerry & Alice Olson
Phil & Connie Paquette
Joel & Charlotte Patros
Richard & Karen Pearson
Judith Pedersen
Pine Haven Farms
Piper Jaffray
Myron Pocta
Janice Probst
Rev. James E. Reidy
Greg & Elvina Richardson
Timothy & Patricia Roddy
Carla Warner Ryan
James Schmitt
Rick & Marylee Schnobrich
Ken & Virginia Schoen
John & Linda Schroepfer
Martin Scully
Timothy Sheetz
James & Jeanne Shrake
Timothy & Renee Skidmore
St. Agnes Altar & Rosary Society
Mark Sterner & Thaworn Phanthong
Gene & Patricia Sullivan Thom
Robert & Amy Grau Tibesar
Dr. Frank & Genevieve Ubel
Rev. John L. Ubel
Jeff & Nathalie Ulrich
US Bancorp Foundation
Timothy & Mary Valento
James & Karin Vaske
Tom & Dawn Walrath
Frances Walz
Peter & Diane Welvang
John & Carol Voeller Weyandt
Brian & Mary Huna Wilcox
James Chase
Dr. J. Donald & Sarah Flanagan
Deborah Hanson
Chris Hennessey
David Houle
Jeffrey Marcolina & Jean Murtaugh
Michael & Teresa Naughton
Joseph & Judy Novotny
Jean Opatrny
Reginald & Kathy Pavlak
John & Terese Shearer
Mark Shrake
Archie & Amy Skemp
Jason Sandifer, ‘92 dances
with his daughter Jaylynn at
the Father/Daughter Dance
2014-2015 Annual Report
Jack & Carol Schmidt Steigauf
John Ulrich
Roger & Anita Westerhold
John & Joan Williams
3M Foundation
Michael & Mary Bougie Amery
BAE Systems
Suzanne Barona
Robert & Theresa Heimerl Barry
Terrence & Annette Beaudry
Roger Bielke
Brian Bloomquist
William & Rachael Boeser
Carol Boyle
Jeffrey & Kate Boyle
John Burns
Dan & Anne Burt
David Busch
Rita Winkel Dexter
Paul & Becky Deikmann
Ronald & Ann Maire Draganowski
James Franczok
Thomas & Catherine Harrington
Joseph & Karen Hartman
Matthew & Arika Eve Heffron
John & Elizabeth Swintek Hilpisch
Gerald & Barbara Houle
Roger Huss
James & Kathleen Jackson
Joe’s Sporting Goods
Howard & Denise Gagnon Johnson
Joan Zaspel Jungkunz
Marjorie Kight
Col. Harold Kowalski
Joseph & Vicki Kueppers
Marilyn Langeslay
Lawrence Lawyer
Alicia May
Carl & Bette Belland Meyer
Anne Miller
John & Eileen Mullen
Jesse & Jessica Nelson
Jon & Kathy Peterson
John & Nicole Posteuca
Matthew & Natalie Hafner Posteuca
Gloria Pozzini
Terence Rauschendorfer
Nicholas & Emily Rehberg
Richard & Eileen Bartel Roberts
Robert & Mary Sandquist
Dr. Virginia Schubert
Securian Financial Group
Susan Sendelbach
Daniel & Christine Barona Siewert
Lenora Smith
Rebecca Sowada
St. Columba Catholic Church
St. Raphael Church
Michael & Julie Szwejbka
Rev. Eugene Theisen
Catherine Maas Torborg
Travelers Foundation
Clifford & Anita Burns Twaroski
David & Marie Uppgaard
Thomas & Barbara Votel
Ronald & Martha Weidenheft
Rev. George Welzbacher
Barbara White
Aggie Pride
Beverly Herbst Aplikowski
Stephen & Mary Hilpisch Appel
Thomas & Nancy Arata
Lenore Augustine
Jeffrey & Karen Berthiaume
Robert & Debra Bieniek
Erik Biscoe
Robert & Judi Blake
Armand & Joanne Borocki
Andrew Bougie
Kenneth & Laurie Buckeye
Marlene Petschen Buechler
Rose Mary Byrne
Jeanne Ewald Carlson
Class Of 1964
Elizabeth Merth Cole
Mary Correll
Daniel & Christine Costanzo
Daniel & Melody Cylkowski
Carolyn Davis
Jeffrey & Michele DeYoung
Donald & Sonia Dickerson
Charles & Catherine Dobihal
Mark Egan
Steve & Cheryl Elfstrom
Richard & Camilla Ellsworth
Steven Finanger
Ralph Fitzsimons
Joseph & Kay Foht
David Fox
Scott & Amy Franzitta
Patricia Gallagher
Thomas & Jodi Galush
Gemstar Manufacturing
Robert & Lisa Harris
Jean Haskell & Jack Stuckmayer
Leonard & Mary Jo Hassel
Thomas & Kathryn Hilpisch
Anna Hoagland
Stephen & Joy Hoffman
Catherine Hoppe
Duane & Deb Kaczmarek
Peter & Carol Pagel Keller
Daniel & Jill Kelly
Stephen & Georgine Koessl
James Kowalski
Waclaw Kucy
Geraldine Lachowitzer
David & Beverly Lardy
Roger & Shirley Lavoi
George & Dolores Belland Leier
Betty Theisen Lewis
Lawrence & Helen Liddiard
Andrew & Theresa Livingston
George & Betty Livingston
Robert Loida
Dr. Linda Long
Dale & Virginia Lotzer
Derik & Christina Mantel
Patricia Burke Maslow
Craig McDonald
Roger & Luella McInerny
Robert & Julie Foht McNamara
Gerald & Carol Ann McShane
Georgine Bielke Misukanis
Robert & Mildred Hermes Moder
Agnes Moser
Christopher & Diana Most
John & Bonnie Napiwoski
Debbie Nasseff
Steve & Tammy Nasseff
Michael & Mari-Lea Oberg
Edouarda Opatrny
Fred & Michelle Klein Otto
Mike & Mary Hernandez Petrulo
Gerald Pohl
Peter & Maria Huizel Posteuca
Michael & Sheila Prazak
Jerome & Judith Peglow Quinlan
Patricia Rafftery & Tim Meath
Kent & Semonia Roberts
Gerald & Lorraine Roskowiak
Michael Roth
Michael & Pamela Rothmeier
Leonard & Mary Schmidt
Brad & Sherry Schraut
Paul & Brigid Schreier
Ronald & Cathy Schultz
Dr Gregory Sheehan
Ramon & Julia Sicam
Peter Silgen
Thomas & Stephanie Skulley
Thomas & Sandra Smolik
Barbara Sobaski
Col. and Mrs. John Sobraske
St. Agnes Men’s Club
St. Matthew Catholic Church
David & Kathleen Steffes
John & Sandra Stephanie
Joy Steveken
Robert & Theresa Strauss
Thomas & Paula Schierman Sweigert
Thomas & Theresa Tichawa
Bruce & Kathleen Trusty
Wayne & Rosemary Vail
Patrick Waters
Scott & Beth Weingart
Margaret Whalen
Dale & Patricia Windingstad
Acme Tuckpointing
David & Pat Adam
James & Rochelle Adams
Kathleen Adams
Kevin & Jeannina Adams
Michael & Cynthia Adkins
Dennis & Margaret Adrian
Janet Maeurer Alexander
Anthony & Nell Alt
Lawrence & Virginia Mangan Amelse
Kathleen Ammann
James & Donna Hansen Amon
Mary Ann Poeschl Anderson
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
2014-2015 Annual Report
Darrell & Mary Anderson
Louis & Joanne Anderson
Marie Anderson
Matt & Kathy Angstman
Anonymous (10)
Cyril & Cecilia Anuforo
Dolores Appel
Donna Appelhans
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Armour
Phyllis Arntzen
Richard & Geraldine Arras
Kristine Audette
Lisa Bachman
Val & Elizabeth Baertlein
Paul & Krista Baison
Ashley Ballman
Bernelda Ballman
Pat Balstad
Dr. Paul & Erin Baran
Paul & Brigid Foley Barrett
Paul & Nancy Barrett
Thomas & Debra Barringer
Donald & Margaret Bartho Bartho
David & Karen Batsche
Mary Battmer
James Bealke
Dwayne & Dawn Youngs Beardsley
Mariah Beaudry
Caroline Becker
Daniel & Karen Behr
Robert Belland
Donald & Carolyn Ullman Beltzner
Judy Bender
Lars & Carline Jackson Bengtsson
Anthony & Jill Bennett
Sture & Barbara Berg
Patricia Berglund
Donald & Kathryn Morin Berthiaume
Augusta Berthiaume
Judd & Sonja Berthiaume
Matthew & Claire Pilon Besser
Laura Bethke
Robert & Grace Roberts Bevins
Therese Martin Bieniek
Margaret Bieza
Lawrence Bisch
Gregory Blacik
Janet Blacik
Lauren Blacik
Joanne Widerski Blomgren
Fred & Julie Blonigen
James & Margaret O’Hair Boardman
Richard & Hilery Bobnick
Francis & Margaret Conrad Boerjan
Natali Bohm
Dr. James & Delores Bertini Boily
Todd Boos
Michael & Tonia Borkan
Patricia Borre
Lance & Judith Lauer Bougie
Everett & Pat Bourbeau
Rev. Ronald Bowers
Ronald Bowman
Robert & Michelle Boyum
Christian & Kathleen Bracher
Henry Braddock & Debraann Rectenwald
Harold Brandel
Marlene Mueller Braun
Richard & Michelle Brausen
Roger Breheim
Jane Bremer
Patricia Bies Bremner
Robert & Mary Brenberg
Robert & Ruth Mottl Bringer
Robert & Nancy Broberg
Michael & Stacy Brown
Jeanne Ewald Carlson, ‘84, with nieces Margaret and
Hannah Goossens
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
Daniel & Mary Brunnette
Dalton & Mary Adam Bugbee
B. Burkee
Carolyn Burkee
Tim & Yvonne Burkee
David & Barbara Bursey
Benjamin & Mary Everson Bushee
Kevin & Susan Bushey
Judith Moll Butler
Geraldine Byers
Joseph Canaan
Timothy & Judith Capistrant
Jack & Theresa Kranz Capps
Brian Carlson
Duane Carlson
Cynthia Carstenson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cashin
Dale & Mary Schlundt Casper
Dario Castillo
Catholic United Financial
Richard Champley
John & Jean Meuwissen Charpentier
Rita Jungwirth Chial
Thomas & Janice Chlebeck
Walter Chlebeck
Ronald Cich
Alvin Clasemann
Geralyn Clasemann
Class Of 1949
William & Mary Connolly Clemens
Joann Rindfleisch Clemens
Anne Collopy
Clement & Molly Commers
Marie Conlin
Michael & Joan Connolly
Ronald Cook
George & Mary Jane Tomsche Corbey
Cherry Corleone
Evelyn Reitter Costello
Robert Costello
Daniel & Angela Cross
Christopher & Linda Crumly
Richard Crupi
Lorraine Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham
Elizabeth Curtis
Nathan & Maria Czaia
Wosen Dade
Michelle Dahl
John & Marilyn Dan
Joshua Wiesler & Mary Kelly Danaher
Catherine Dawson
David & Cathy Deavel
Philip & Linda Dech
Francis & Joan Decker
John & Delores Demont
Greg & Tracy Dennis
Michael & Jennifer Devera
Joan Dexter
Joseph & Candi Diaz
Audrey Dick
Roger Dickerson
Anna Barthel Dickey
Joy Dietz
Rebecca Dietz
Marilyn Dimartino
Aaron & Kathleen Dimmel
James & Mary Olmschenk Dinger
Domenic & Kelly Pavlak Dipietro
Mark & Joan Dittman
Dixie Dixon
Sherry Dixon
Thomas & Monica Dobihal
Beverly Doherty
Robert & Shirley Dolan
Dennis & Patrice Doran
Joe & Gabrielle Doran
John Dribaum
Paul Drucker
Barbara Dugan
John Dugas
William & Mary Lou Dunn
Dr. David Dvorak
Agnes Dynes
Joan Echtner
Ecolab Foundation
Michael & Qidi Huang Eggert
Patricia Ehlers
Michael & Kathleen Eilen
Michael & Kathleen Eischen
William & Clare Hermes Eldredge
Lester & Elaine Green Elkinton
Paul & Carol Ellringer
John & Ann Elward
James & Carol Gerten Engelking
Charles & Yvonne Wolf Erding
Marie Fastner Erickson
Maureen Erickson
Joan Eiden Ernster
Michael & Helen Esch
Jon & Barbara Mathias Esselman
Michael & Carol Steiner Ethier
Caroll Buesing Etter
Joseph & Maria Ewald
Lori Famiglietti
Thomas & Dorothy Wegscheider Fashingbauer
Rosanne Fastner
John & Verna Feeney
Thomas & Elizabeth Anne Feeney
Lori Felien
Bette Feltz
Dennis & Katheryn Larson Ferguson
Donald & Mary Kay Fier
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Fink
Christine Finlay
Michael & Katherine Fischer
Eugene & Alison Fish
Charles & Kathleen Fitze
Michael & Dorothy Fleming
Matthew & Kathryn Foley
Patrick & Sandra Foley
Thomas Fontaine
Christopher & Diane Foote
Rodney Frantzen
Melvin & Audrey Franzwa
James Fuenffinger
Matthew & Marissa Furness
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Furrer
Peter Gaetke
James & Jayne Gahlon
Michael & Mary Gaida
Bernice Gaikowski
Daniel Galaba
Eugene Galatowitsch
Todd & Shannon Obert Gale
Rev. John Gallas
Rev. Joseph Gallatin
Robert & Bernice Galush
Jane Gambucci
D. Gannon
2014-2015 Annual Report
Robert & Margaret Gardner
Joanne Garlough
Kathleen Garvey
Terrence Garvey
Ervin & Rosemary Gau
Gary & Mary Lou Gauthier
Justin Gauthier
Randy Gauthier
Susan Gauthier
Robert Corcoran
Thomas & Judy Gehrz
Kevin & Patrice Todd Gellerman
General Mills Foundation
Daniel & Elaine Silcox Gephart
Louise Gerken
Patricia Gese
Richard & Muriel Wildenauer Gill
John Gillen
Charles & Joan Soderberg Glaraton
Thomas & Laverne Devaney Gleason
Jody Glime
Gwen Godfrey
Gregory Goossens
James & Marlene Christensen Gormley
Bridget Gormley
Megan Gormley
John Gray
Rev. Gerald Grieman
John & Joan Schultz Grieman
Michael & Victoria Gimberlin Grimes
Kathleen & Kathleen Grise
Kenneth & Geralyn Grosinger
Pamela Grothe
James & Marianna Loipersbeck Guardini
Jillian Gubash
James & Sharon Gullickson
Gerard & Mary Gutzmann
Sandra Gutzwiller
Margaret Guzik
Larry & Marilyn Adamski Hable
Simon & Linda Haeg
William & Gloria Hafner
Mr. and Mrs. John Hagan
Wilfred & Ann Hageman
Dennis & Tatiana Hagen
Christine Hager
Frank & Mary Jo Lucker Haggerty
Dawn Hahm
Mark & Mary Hahn
Larry & Rosemary Krenner Hall
Katherine Halverson
Neil & Arlene Hamilton
Lucille Hafner Hammer
Michael & Gail Manthe Hannon
W. Karl Hansen
Leslie Harrier
Terry & Tamara Harris
John & Cynthia Hartnett
Richard & Lois Follmer Hathaway
Bruce & Dyanne Haug
E.A. Haugen
Philip & Gloria Mattsen Hawk
Joseph & Susan Heather
Ronald & Diana Heckadon
David & Monica Heesch
Kelly Heffron
James & Mary Heine
John & Mary Helfenberger
Lillian Kuebelbeck Hendel
Thomas Hennen
John & Virginia Peck Henry
Robert & Lindsay Herda
David & Rachael Herkenhoff
Timothy & Dorrene Hern
Elizabeth Hernandez
Joseph Herriges
Jim & Lois Herrington
Ronald Herrmann
Rosemary Legel Hildman
Jeri Hildman
James & Jane Hileman
June Hill
Mark & Suzanne Hill
Michael & Ann Hill
Christopher & Kristine Hintgen
Gregory Hintgen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hintgen
Mary Meko Hinze
David Hirsch
Michael Hoagland
Robert Hoaglund
Deborah Hoffman
Mary Jane Hofmeister
Robert Hogan
Harry & Kathleen Hohman
Thomas & Susan Holman
Leo & Eileen Honetschlager
Sr. Luke Hoschette
Mary Ann Koller Houck
Linda Houle
Gilbert Hovland
Gerald Hubbard
Michael & Deborah Hugger
Richard & Patricia Huizel
Elaine Hullander
Joshua & Jessica Humphrey
Thomas & Mary Humphrey
Suzanne Spies Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. John Hurt
Kyle & Bonnie Jean Inforzato
Mary Iversen
Kenneth & Gloria Peterson Iverson
Daniel & Eileen Ivory
William & Kitty Ivory
Joshua & Steffani Jacobs
John Jacobsen
Richard & Margaret James
James & Margaret Gerlach Jansen
Frank & Dorothy Racine Janssen
Stanley & Jean Fowler Javorski
Paul & Rose Ann Jensen
Mary Jerde
David & Rozlyn Juelich Johnson
Clarence & Jeanette Bizjak Johnson
Craig & Sherri Johnson
Randall & Sharon Johnson
Valentine & Mary Johnson
Rosann Taylor Juenemann
Patricia Jundt
James Just
Phillip & Mary Just
Dr. John Kaess
Walter & Barbara Kaluza
Robert & Marilyn Christopherson Kane
James & Barbara Kavanaugh
Theresa Fastner Kegley
Paul & Ann Kegley
Molly Budzien Keim
Eugene Kelbe
John Kelcher
Christopher & Lucy Ackermann Kelleher
Angela Kelly
Stephen & Emily Kelly
Donald & Patricia Thul Kemp
Hank & Rachel Kemp
Mark & Karen Lynn Kemp
Richard & Elaine Brodtmann Kennedy
Joann Kennedy
Hedy Kesler
Michael & Kathleen Hobbs Kilduff
Sharon King
Benjamin Kitto
F. Alexandra Klas
Charles & Julie Ewald Knapp
Francis Knapp
Julia Knapp
Patricia Knapp
Timothy & Temptie Knapp
Bernard & Marcia Koalska
Patrick & Marijo Kobold
Michael & Lorna Koch
Joseph & Vicki Koessl
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koester
Steven Kohler
Susan Och Kolles
Jerry & Gloria Linn Kolton
Chris & Denise Adrian Koontz
Dorothy Kordiak
Kenneth & Erica Brinker Kordiak
Ronald & Deborah Kordiak
Phil & Terri Korst
Donald & Mary Lou Kostuch
Marian Koubik
John & Leola Kowalski
Tony & Geraldine Riegel Kowski
David & Barbara Kraker
Louise Selbitschka Kramlinger
Eugene Kraus
Debra Krause
Valerie Kriesel
Jack & Mary Niles Krings
Michael Krogan
George Kronschnabel
Joseph & Rochelle Kubista
Richard Kuefler
Joseph & Lenore Zinschlag Kuelbs
Andrew Kueppers
George & Betty Kunik
David & Tonya Kuntz
Thomas & Melonae Kunz
Keith & Alexa Kuwata
Michael & Barbara Lachowitzer
Michael & Olga Laforce
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
2014-2015 Annual Report
2015 Vocations Pilgrimage to France
Dolores Lahlum
Theodore Lahlum
Patrick Lally
Suzi Lamatsch
Kenneth & Bernadette Lamb
Bernie & Colleen Lancette
Jeffrey & Barbara Land
Paul Landgraf
Lawrence & Kathleen Langer
Mary Langlois
Carla Lardy
Jeanette Tima Larson
Andy & Kate Larson
Kathleen Larson
Michael Larson
Jeffrey & Jeanne Lathrop
Joan Latvala
Stephen Lavigne
Mary Lawrence
Mary Beth Lawrence
Tim Layeux
Thomas Leibold
Richard & Marcilyn Leier
Richard & Louise Lesavage
Most Rev. John LeVoir
Dennis & Letha Lewandowski
Mark Liberko
Ronald & Janice Lien
Terrence & Roberta Lijewski
Del & Suzanne Lindgren
Robert & Patricia Loch
Timothy Loch
Eric Loegering
Hilda Loesch
Sr. M. Rene’ Lorentz, SSND
Lois Asher Lotzer
Justin Lundquist
Kenneth Lyons
Thomas & Patricia Fischbeck Lyons
James & Lori Ann MacDonald
Michael & Kathleen Albrecht Mahoney
Walter & Geraldine Michaels Mandel
Jim & Bonnie Marten
Lucy Martin
Phillip & Stephanie Martineau
Elizabeth Martin-Hinton
Anne Martinson
Richard & Marianne Greenstein Matlon
John & Clare Dech Maturen
Daniel Mayer
Michael Mayer
Sandra Mayer
Mark & Janet McCoy
Joseph McDonald
Marshall & Mary Marthaler McDonough
Thomas & Patricia McEachron
James & Laura McGinn
Joan Krois McGrath
Timothy McKasy
Sean McKenna
Michael & Charlene McKernon
Thomas & Judith McKernon
Gerald & Donna Schepers McKoskey
Fern McLean
William & Ann Maire McMahon
Rita Schuweiler McMonigal
Eileen McNamara
Jeanne McNamara
John & Rachel McNamara
Patrick & Rita McNamara
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
Ryan & Nicole McNamara
Mary Mead
Claude & Margaret Franklin Medina
Doug & Judi Mehr
Jeremy Mehrhoff
Gerald Melin
Charlotte Weber Menasco
Bernard & Arlene Menge
Patrick & Bridget Menke
Mike & Ann Rossini Merabella
Maurice & Mary Pat Braun Merabella
Gerald & Beverly Mertz
William & Beverly Absey Meyer
Thomas Meysembourg
Carl & Dolores Westbrook Mickow
Aaron & Lynne Brennan Miller
Dean & Colleen Miller
James & Mary Jane Miller
Kathleen Miller
Kevin Miller & Candee Haagensen
Robert Miller
Ronald & Carol Miller
Stephen & Elizabeth Miller
Herbert & Betty Mischke
Dr. Mark & Janice Misukanis
Steven & Cheryl Curtis Moore
James & Jean Morehead
Robert & Karen Morehead
Gregory Morey
Leo & Dolores Mudek
Gregory Muller & Tracy Udoh
Stephen & Julia Mulligan
Brian & Jill Mullin
Denise Muske
Tom & Kathy Myers
David Nagan
James & Mary Novak Nagel
James Nash
Zelda Nasseff
James & Patricia Bilder Navarre
Carol Dupre Nelson
Eric & Mee Lee Nelson
James & Mary Nelson
Jane Nelson
Johnathan & Annie Nelson
Richard & Susan Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. D. Nestor
Larry & Dianne Thalhuber Neuman
Jim & Nancy Mallum Newcomer
Long & Thy-Dung Nguyen
Lloyd Nierenhausen
Meg Niesen
John & Txia Qhua-Pe Kou Nieszner
James & Eileen Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nolan
James & Gail Ramacher Nollan
Jack & Elizabeth Nordgren
John & Julie Norris
Gerald & Rhoda Juelich Norsten
Dale & Elizabeth Nugent
Shirley Nygren
Kathleen Oberg
William & Georgeann Obert
Shawn & Candice Oglesbee
Wesley Oglesbee
Kevin & Diane O’Hehir
Kathleen O’Hern
Dr. D.G. O’Leary
Margaret Walters Olson
Bob & Judy Olson
Douglas & Jeanne Olson
Paul & Margery Olson
Richard Olson
Thomas Osborne
Nathan & Jill Ostertag
The Geerts family prepares salsas for the Parent Fiesta
2014-2015 Annual Report
Andrew Padula
Robert & Barb Pagel
Donald & Rosanne Pangell
Joseph & Kirsten Papp
Richard & Mary Parnell
Darlene Paskett
Ann Marie Pastorius
Gary Pastorius
Most Rev. Richard Pates
Carol Van Dyke Pearson
Anna Mae Peltier
Michael & Margaret Hageman Peniston
Marcos & Ann Perez
Lawrence Persico
Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson
Nadine Peterson
Francis & Mary Ann Steichen Petron
Michael & Laurie Petruconis
Hoang & Trang Pham
Tho & Cham Pham
Dao & Sylvie Phan
Jonathan & Jennifer Drapinski Phillips
Most Rev. Lee Piche
Ronald & Sharon McNamara Pierre
Werner Ives & Elizabeth Hermes Pitzen
Donald Pizzella
Robert Plaster
Charles & Dorothy Moser Plonty
Ron & Marlene Grewe Plumbo
Colleen Poechmann
Susan Poepl
Thomas Poeschl
William Pohl
Donald & Mary Ann Hafner Pojar
Scott Polansky
Steven Porter
Paul & Carol Portz
John & Margaret Pose
Elaine Poskozim
Doru & Una Posteuca
Francis & Mary Pott
Patrick & Melede Powers
James & Erika Pralutsky
Leland Pratsch
Robert Preston
Prudential Foundation
S. Quell
George & Audrey Bomstad Quinn
Richard Racine
Gary & Lisa Rademacher
John & Mary Rapacz
Denise Olson Rasmussen
Thomas Rauschendorfer
Dale & Mary Reak
Donald & Jean Regan
Donald & Shelly Regep
Linda Reiling
Philip & Joyce Reilly
Kathleen Rein
Relevant Radio
Frank Resch
Jacqueline Peiffer Rice
Bonnie Lattin Richert
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Richter
Jean Richter
Mr. and Mrs. P. Richter
Andrew & Beverly Burke Rieder
William & Angela Gale Rindfleisch
Thomas & Betty Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. William Roche
Patrick & Pamela Ross
Dante & Mary Jo Rossini
Joseph & Marilyn Hauth Rossini
Martin Rossini
Richard Roth
Peter & Mary Rother
Mark & Sandra Simmons Rufener
Kathryn Rumpca
Ronald & Kathryn Russell
John & Beverly Ryan
Patrick & Michaela Ryan
Richard & Sandra Ryan
Richard & Carolyn Wiome Rylicki
Louise Rzentkowski
Donald Saatzer
Rene Labarre Saiko
Robert Salazar
Anthony Sandkamp
Dr. Virgil & Joan Sandkamp
Nicole Nelson Sandquist
Dorothy Sandquist
Rose Mary Satack
William & Mary Ann Caroline
Carol Scarlett
Robert & Mary Schaefer
Bill Schaeffer
Brooke Schaeffer
Richard Schaeffer
Paul & Betty Jelacic Schaeppi
Mr. and Mrs. Kristopher Scherping
Wesley Scherping
Greg & Ann Schiffer
James Schluender
Mary Tollas Schmid
Dave & Jill Schmidt
Lynn & Mary Kay Schmitt
Gerald & Marion Och Schneider
John & Amy Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. R Schneider
Roger & Ruth Weinhaus Schoenecker
Michael & Stephanie Scholl
Helen Schreyer
Ronald & Anna Schultz
Joan Schumacher
Robert & Marijo Kneer Schwiderski
Louis J.Sciez
Dan & Jennifer Scott
Robert & Betty Scott
A. Scozzafave
Ann Sechter
Nancy Koubik Seel
James & Nancy Seifert
Kathleen Seitz
Annette Selbitschka
Dennis Selby
Gregory & Brenda Selner
Christopher & Terese Semlak
Maria Severs
Robert & Marie Merth Shields
John & Patricia Shrake
Patrick & Karen Shrake
Gerald & Julie Sieve
Rev. Earl Simonson
Helen Sirba
John & Sue Ann Hoffman Sirba
Rosemarie Sirba
Kathleen Skradski
Michael & Laurentia Smieja
Gregory Smisek
Richard & Catherine LaBair Smith
Joan Smith
Maxwell & Eunice Herschbach
Thomas & Lois Soderberg
James Sokola
Joseph Solyntjes
Flip & Patricia Spanier
David & Beverly Spencer
Patrice Spencer
Jacqueline Spies & John Spetch
Brian & Lisa St. Martin
John & Patricia St. Martin
Timothy St. Martin
James & Joyce Stafki
Eleanor Staler
Jeffrey & Amy Stariha
Tom & Ann Starr
Lori Zimmermann
Zada Steidl
William & Kathryn Hansen Steigauf
Mary Steiner
Robert & Teresa Stephenson
Mary Brown Sterzinger
Ruza Stevanovic
William & Mary Lee Stevens
Alicia Stewart
Mary Ann Gau Stickney
Janice Stierman
Steven Stierman
Thomas & Laura Stierman
Philip & Kirsten Humphrey Strandquist
Frank & Nancy Strohmayer
Rev. James Stromberg
George Stuber
Richard & Willa Studiner
Bernard & Carol Sturgeleski
Roger & Mary Kunik Sullivan
Daniel & Susan Dittel Sutliff
Rita Swanberg
John & Nancy Swanholm
Melanie Solyntjes Sweeney
Steven Sweigert
Jared & Teresa Taggart
Melissa Tarnowski
Casey Taylor
Paul & Nancy Taylor
Tom & Barbara Teresi
Nebiyu Tessema
Harold & Lougene Thibault Tessier
Anna Testen
Theodore & Louise Testen
Harry & Katherine Pott Tevlin
Roger & Lori Thein
Kate Thode & Matt Dudley
Dean & Katherine Thome
Denise Thompson
Charles & Catherine Thooft
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
2014-2015 Annual Report
Gary & Julie Thyen
Rick Tibesar
Drs. So Lian Tio & Alwin Young
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tischer
Victor & Genevieve Tissek
John & Susan Tomlinson
Jim & Susan Toner
John & Mary Jo Trojack
Albert Turek
G.M. & Mary Scott Twite
Kelly Obert Ubel
Patricia Schiltgen Utecht
Judith Valerius
Sharon Van Horn
Shirley Van Horn
Gloria Vann
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Vielgut
Rev. Richard Villano
Lewis & Kayleen Vogel
Philip & Kathleen Cufer Vukovic
Raymond & Marilyn Gibis Wagner
Richard & Carolyn Loney Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Warkentien
Richard & Kathleen Warren
Eugene Waschbusch
Com. Jack Waschbusch
Jack & Janet Watson
Edward & Charlotte Watzl
Lisa Waytulonis
Alex Webb
Mr. and Mrs. J. Webb
Richard & Barbara Wegscheider
Jane Weidner
Joseph & Kathi Weinzetl
Clayton & Cathie Welch
George & Barbara Welp
Matthew & Mary Jo Wernet
Mary Grace Westman
Mary Anne Paddock Wetschka
Joanne Whalen
Julia White
Lucas & Ann Maire Whittaker
Louise Domonkos Widmer
Thomas & Mary Lou Wilharber
Vivian Wilson
Nancy Wilusz
Robert Wind
William & Gloria Winkel
Ledonna Wistrcill
Leonard Wistrcill
Rene Woessner
Nancy Wolf
James Wondra
Audrey Wright
Ronald & Donna Wright
Patricia Wrobel
James Wurst
Wiz & Jane Wyatt
Ellie Yellick
Janel York
Gregory & Sandra Youngs
Leonard Zabilla
Frank Zacher
Waneta Zacher
Daniel & Candis Zechmeister
Bernice Zimmerman
David & Lisa Zimmerman
Class Giving
Caroll Buesing Etter
Marjorie Kight 1942
Lillian Seiler Kinney
Louise Domonkos Widmer
Louis Anderson 1943
Agnes Gerlach 1943
Lillian Kuebelbeck Hendel
Sr. Luke Hoschette 1943
Eugene Kraus 1943
Bette Belland Meyer
Dorothy Racine Janssen
Frank Janssen 1944
Richard Leier 1944
Lougene Thibault Tessier
Margaret Whalen 1944
Robert Belland 1945
Grace Roberts Bevins
James Fuenffinger 1945
Joan Soderberg Glaraton
Lucille Hafner Hammer
Jeanette Tima Larson
George Leier 1945
Lois Asher Lotzer
Janet Maeurer Alexander
Rita Jungwirth Chial
Clare Hermes Eldredge
Rosemary Legel Hildman
Gloria Peterson Iverson
Eugene Kelbe 1946
George Kunik 1946
Thomas Poeschl 1946
Evelyn Reitter Costello
John Demont 1947
Mary Ann Koller Houck
Jean Fowler Javorski
Theresa Fastner Kegley
Patricia Thul Kemp
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
Mary Niles Krings
Jack Krings Geraldine Michaels Mandel
Georgine Bielke Misukanis
Philip Reilly Patricia Schiltgen Utecht
Mary Anne Paddock Wetschka
Leonard Zabilla Mary Ann Kight Donna Schepers McKoskey
Mary Tollas Schmid
Mary Kunik Sullivan
Albert Turek Mary Ann Poeschl Anderson
Armand Borocki Patricia Bies Bremner
Class of 1949 Joann Rindfleisch Clemens
James Engelking Mary Jo Lucker Haggerty
Joan Zaspel Jungkunz
Marian Koubik Clare Dech Maturen
Dolores Westbrook Mickow
John Napiwoski Rhoda Juelich Norsten
Robert Plaster Dorothy Moser Plonty
Marie Merth Shields
Robert Shields Carol Schmidt Steigauf
Elaine Green Elkinton
Carol Gerten Engelking
Melvin Franzwa Marilyn Sack Gautraud
Virginia Peck Henry
Dolores Belland Leier
Betty Theisen Lewis
Margaret Franklin Medina
Beverly Absey Meyer
Donald Pangell Mary Ann Hafner Pojar
Betty Jelacic Schaeppi
Mary Scott Twite
Elizabeth Merth Cole
Muriel Wildenauer Gill
Laverne Devaney Gleason
Mary Marthaler McDonough
Elizabeth Hermes Pitzen
James Schmitt Thomas Soderberg James Wondra Margaret O’Hair Boardman
Marlene Mueller Braun
Marlene Petschen Buechler
Mary Jane Tomsche Corbey
Ralph Fitzsimons Gerald Hubbard Robert Kane Geraldine Riegel Kowski
Patricia Bilder Navarre
Francis Pott 1952
Roger Schoenecker 1952
Mary Ann Gau Stickney
George Stuber 1952
Marilyn Gibis Wagner
Beverly Herbst Aplikowski
Roger Bielke 1953
Delores Bertini Boily
Mary Schlundt Casper
Rita Winkel Dexter
James Franczok 1953
Marlene Christensen Gormley
Marilyn Christopherson Kane
Elaine Brodtmann Kennedy
Donald Pizzella 1953
Donna Hansen Amon
James Amon 1954
Keith Bougie 1954
Joan Eiden Ernster
Thomas Fontaine 1954
Lois Follmer Hathaway
Gloria Mattsen Hawk
James Miller 1954
Carol Dupre Nelson
Robert Pagel 1954
Richard Racine 1954
Jacqueline Peiffer Rice
Patricia Sullivan Thom
Eugene Galatowitsch 1955
Ervin Gau 1955
Elaine Silcox Gephart
Rosemary Krenner Hall
William Ivory 1955
Louis J.(jerry) Sciez 1955
Victor Tissek 1955
Richard Wegscheider 1955
Ronald Weidenheft 1955
Richard Arras 1956
Judith Lauer Bougie
Lance Bougie 1956
Rev. Ronald Bowers 1956
Judith Moll Butler
Walter Chlebeck 1956
Ronald Cich 1956
Marilyn Adamski Hable
Joseph Herriges 1956
John Kelcher 1956
Roger Lavoi 1956
Margaret Winkel Ledin
Anna Mae Peltier 1956
Angela Gale Rindfleisch
Eunice Herschbach Sobolewski
Katherine Pott Tevlin
Virginia Mangan Amelse
John Charpentier 1957
Rodney Frantzen 1957
Daniel Ivory 1957
Donald Kostuch 1957
Nancy Koubik Seel
Mary Brown Sterzinger
2014-2015 Annual Report
Edward Watzl 1957
Darrell Anderson 1958
Jean Meuwissen Charpentier
Thomas Chlebeck 1958
Yvonne Wolf Erding
Carol Pagel Keller
Peter Keller 1958
Terrence Lijewski 1958
Joan Krois McGrath
Gary Pastorius 1958
Martin Rossini 1958
Ronald Schultz 1958
Dennis Selby 1958
Frank Strohmayer 1958
Mary Adam Bugbee
Dorothy Wegscheider Faschingbauer1959
Thomas Fashingbauer 1959
Mary Jo Schierman Feltl
David Fox 1959
James Jansen 1959
Rosann Taylor Juenemann
Stephen Lavigne 1959
Thomas Leibold 1959
Michael Mahoney 1959
John Nieszner 1959
Beverly Burke Rieder
Thomas Roberts 1959
Marion Och Schneider
John Stephanie 1959
Judith Valerius 1959
James Bealke 1960
Mary Urista Foley
James Foley 1960
John Gillen 1960
Mary Novak Nagel
Bonnie Lattin Richert
Margaret Conrad Boerjan
Jeanne Schierman Cota
John Ernster 1961
Leonard Hassel 1961
Suzanne Spies Hurley
Roger Huss 1961
Kathleen Albrecht Mahoney
Eileen McNamara 1961
Gerald McShane 1961
Robert Miller 1961
Paul Olson 1961
Mary Ann Steichen Petron
Richard Roth 1961
Carolyn Wiome Rylicki
Richard Champley 1962
Joan Schultz Grieman
John Grieman 1962
James Kavanaugh 1962
James Kowalski 1962
Frank Resch 1962
Ledonna Wistrcill 1962
Leonard Wistrcill
Daniel Zechmeister 1962
Kathleen Ammann 1963
James Gahlon 1963
Victoria Gimberlin Grimes
Paul Keller 1963
Charlotte Weber Menasco
James Nollan
Rene Labarre Saiko
Daniel Behr 1964
Jeffrey Berthiaume 1964
Therese Martin Bieniek
Class of 1964
William Dunn 1964
Kathleen Garvey 1964
Rev. Gerald Grieman 1964
Gail Manthe Hannon
Gail Ramacher Nollan
Sharon McNamara Pierre
Marlene Grewe Plumbo
Marijo Kneer Schwiderski
John St. Martin 1964
Kathleen Cufer Vukovic
William Winkel 1964
John Dribaum 1965
Marianna Loipersbeck Guardini
Maurice Merabella 1965
Nancy Mallum Newcomer
Paul Portz 1965
Catherine LaBair Smith
Rick Tibesar 1965
Carol Voeller Weyandt
John Weyandt 1965
Sharon Turch Bookin
Robert Broberg 1966
Janice Probst 1966
Mary Ann Caroline Scarborough
Kathleen Skradski 1966
Jacqueline Spies 1966
Richard Wagner 1966
Theresa Heimerl Barry
Peter Gaetke 1967
Judith Peglow Quinlan
Jerome Quinlan 1967
Paula Schierman Sweigert
Gerald Tischer 1967
Carolyn Loney Wagner
Theresa Kranz Capps
Mary Langlois 1968
Frank Zacher 1968
Kathryn Morin Berthiaume
Dianne Thalhuber Neuman
Linda Reiling 1970
Gregory Blacik 1971
Richard Brausen 1971
Joanne Manthe 1971
Joseph Rossini 1971
Marilyn Hauth Rossini
Mark Misukanis Jean Opatrny John Hamburger Denise Gagnon Johnson
Steven Kohler Michelle Klein Otto
Terence Rauschendorfer Thomas Rauschendorfer Patrick Ross Rita Swanberg Gary Thyen Geralyn Clasemann Thomas Gormley Mark Sterner Carolyn Ullman Beltzner
Kenneth Grosinger Richard Kuefler Carol Van Dyke Pearson
Lawrence Persico Jennifer Drapinski Phillips
Denise Olson Rasmussen
Steven Turch Anita Burns Twaroski
David Adam Thomas Dyer Richard Nelson Robert Strauss Michael Connolly Michael Lachowitzer Christopher Semlak Melanie Solyntjes Sweeney
Colleen McLaughlin Zacher
Robert Zacher
Carol Steiner Ethier
Michael Ethier
Denise Scully Kimlinger
Mark Kimlinger
Marianne Greenstein Matlon
Michael Parizino Dale Ballman Barbara Mathias Esselman
John Hilpisch Anne Wallrich Kuettel
Steven Kuettel Margaret Hageman Peniston
Patricia Rafftery Sandra Simmons Rufener
Joseph Solyntjes Michael Borkan Kelly Heffron William McMahon Mary Hernandez Petrulo
Mary Huna Wilcox
Carline Jackson Bengtsson
Mary Connolly Clemens
Philip Dech Elizabeth Swintek Hilpisch Rozlyn Juelich Johnson
Carla Warner Ryan
Christine Barona Siewert
Thomas Wallrich Mary Hilpisch Appel
Julianne Ewald Knapp
Susan Och Kolles
Michael McKernon Jeanne Ewald Carlson
Kathleen Hobbs Kilduff
David Kuntz Kathryn Hansen Steigauf
Daniel Burns Brian St. Martin Andrew Bougie Mary Everson Bushee
Joseph Ewald Peter Silgen 1978
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
2014-2015 Annual Report
2015 Spring Musical - Cinderella
Matthew Hobbs 1989
Nicole Nelson Sandquist
Janel York 1989
Mary Bougie Amery
Joseph Kubista 1991
Raymond Lesnar 1991
Denise Adrian Koontz
Justin Lundquist 1992
Lynne Brennan Miller
Robert Tibesar 1992
Ann Rossini Merabella
Amy Grau Tibesar
Katie King Flood
Molly Budzien Keim
Lucy Ackermann Kelleher
Maria Huizel Posteuca
Steven Sweigert 1997
Rev. John Paul Erickson 1998
Jillian Gubash 1998
Julie Foht McNamara
Catherine Maas Torborg
Claire Pilon Besser
Justin Gauthier 2001
Brigid Foley Barrett
Paul Barrett 2002
Mary Kelly Danaher
Stephen Kelly 2005
Natalie Hafner Posteuca
Anna Testen Angela Kelly Andrew Kueppers Julia Knapp Roger Dickerson Joseph McDonald 2005
Anna Barthel Dickey
Rosanne Fastner George Frey Wilfred Hageman Jeanette Bizjak Johnson
Margaret Walters Olson
Deloris Staeger Greenstein
Robert Moder Mary Meko Hinze
Thomas Votel, M.D.
Marie Fastner Erickson
Rita Schuweiler McMonigal
Richard Roberts 1943
Donald Bartho 1944
William Hafner 1944
William Stevens 1944
Lenore Zinschlag Kuelbs
Joanne Widerski Blomgren
Patricia Burke Maslow
Richard Studiner 1948
Michael Esch 1950
Richard Ryan 1950
Ruth Mottl Bringer
Harold Kowalski 1952
John Feeney 1953
John Kowalski 1953
John Ryan 1953
Jim Toner 1953
David Batsche 1954
Eugene Waschbusch 1954
James Wurst 1954
Jack Waschbusch 1958
Timothy Valento 1959
William Pohl 1961
Daniel Mayer 1962
In Memory of Jerry Bilder, Sr., ‘60
Patricia Bilder Navarre
In Memory of Stephen Blacik, ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barringer
Gregory Paul Blacik
Janet Blacik
Lauren Blacik
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fitze
E.A. Haugen
David Hirsch
Anna Hoagland
Michael Hoagland
Robert Hoaglund
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Land
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marten
Gerald Melin
In Memory of James Burke
Joanne M. Whalen
In Memory of Dr. John A Cich, ‘52
Catherine Cich
In Memory of Dennis Decker
Margaret Conrad Boerjan
In Memory of Kristine Keller Dembiczak, ‘56
Mr. Paul G. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mehr
In Memory of Gertrude Ashton, ‘29GS
William McMahon
In Memory of Fred Fleischhacker ‘46
Janet Maeurer Alexander
In Memory or Richard Augustine, ‘50
Lenore Augustine
Thomas Kunz
In Memory of Lois Fox-Millet, ‘63
David Fox
In Memory of Mary Joan Beaudry
Terry and Annette Beaudry
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
In Memory of Mr. Vic Berra
Margaret Conrad Boerjan
In Memory of Frank Asenbrenner
Peter Keller
Margaret Conrad Boerjan
In Memory of Patricia Ballentine and
Elvrick Webb
Alex C. Webb
St. Lucia Day
In Memory of John and Claudine Ganon
Denise Gagnon Johnson
In Memory of Bob Hammer
Lucille Hafner Hammer
2014-2015 Annual Report
Lucy Martin
Mr. and Mrs. D. Nestor
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nolan
Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson
S. Quell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerlad Richter
Jean Marie Richter
Mr. and Mrs. P. Richter
Mr. and Mrs. William Roche
Louise Rzentkowski
Carol Scarlett
Mr. and Mrs. R Schneider
Mr. A. Scozzafave
Maria Severs
Gloria Vann
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Vielgut
Mr. and Mrs. J. Webb
Audrey Wright
Ellie Yellick
In Memory of Therese Hovland
Gilbert L. Hovland
Maria Turch was named
one of five finalists for
Minnesota’s Ms. Soccer
In Memory of Wally Hanson, ‘49
Mary Ann Poeschl Anderson
In Memory of Bill Hoffman and
Catherine Leritz Berbee, ‘40GS
Deborah Hoffman
In Memory of Robert Hogan
Mrs. Robert Hogan
In Memory of Thomas Houle, ‘56
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Armour
Todd Boos
Mr. B. Burkee
Cynthia Carstenson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cashin
Dixie Dixon
Joan Echtner
Bette Feltz
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Furrer
Angela Gale Rindfleisch
Mrs. D. Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. John Hagan
Dawn Hahm
Joseph Herriges
Mr. and Mrs. John Hurt
John Kelcher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koester
In Memory of Peggy, Marie and
George Huss
Roger G. Huss
In Memory of Sarah Krieger
John and Marie Ernster
In In Memory of William Maleitzke, ‘65
Rick J. Tibesar
In Memory of Larry and Alice Manthe
Gail Manthe Hannon
In Memory of Robert Michels
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Roberts
In Memory of John and Eileen Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen
In Memory of Barbara Murawski ‘66
William R. Dunn
In Memory of Richard Olsen
Rosann Taylor Juenemann
In Memory of Sharon Chlebeck
Pichler, ‘62
Thomas Chelbeck
Walter Chelbeck
In Memory of Bernadette Pohl
Gerald Pohl
In Memory of John Pojar, ‘83
Mary Ann Hafner Pojar
Lucille Hafner Hammer
High school students travel to Spain
In Memory of Robert Preston, ‘79
Mr. Robert C. Preston
In Memory of Carl Reitter, ‘49
Joan Zaspel Jungkunz
In Memory of Bill Roberts, ‘38CC
Grace Roberts Bevins
In Memory of Steve Rothmeier
John Horn
In Memory of Robert Schmidt, ‘56
Carol Schmidt Steigauf
In Memory of Mel Sobaski
Barbara Sobaski
In Memory of Tom Spies ‘61
John Nieszner
Patrick Waters
In Memory of Bernard Wind, ‘51
Robert Wind
In Memory of Otto Witzmann ‘49
Marian C. Koubik
Mary Ann Poeschl Anderson
In Honor of Michael Flanagan
Dr. J. Donald Flanagan
In Honor of the School Sisters of Notre
James Jansen
In Honor of Cathryn Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. John Schneider
In Memory of Kathy St. Martin and
Matthew St. Martin, ‘90
Timothy St. Martin
Brian St. Martin
In Honor of Paul and Mildred Gillen
John P. Gillen
In Memory of Dr. Scott Valento
Timothy Valento
In Kind
In Memory of Carol Van Duesen
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence M. Beaudry
In Memory of Audrey Stephan Votel, ‘46
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herda
Chelsea Votel and Grandkids
Thomas and Barbara Votel
In Memory of Noreen Waters
A. Johnson and Sons Florist
Harvey Abrams
Micheal Adkins
Steve & Mary Appel
Atlas Staffing Inc
Basilica Block Party
Caroline Becker
Jim & Lois Berens
October Rosary Procession to the Cathedral
Keeping you connec ted | fall 2015
2014-2015 Annual Report
Saint Agnes
Over the years, Saint Agnes School has
been blessed by the establishment of
many scholarship funds. Many of these
scholarships have been created to honor
the memory of past students, faculty,
parents and friends of the school. Through
the continued support of these active
scholarships by alumni and friends, we
are able to assist many students today in
making a Saint Agnes education a reality.
For a more complete description of each
fund, please visit the website at www.
Cecilia Gormley Scholarship Fund
Dakota County Fund
Dennis Ryan Memorial Fund
Dominic Fund
Donald A. Yecke Memorial Fund
Elizabeth O’Connell Memorial Fund
Fr. John Buchanan Scholarship Fund
Fr. John L. Ubel Scholarship Fund
Frank & Millie Kimlinger Scholarship Fund
Frogtown Scholarship Fund
Inez Nosbusch Scholarship Fund
JLW Scholarship Fund
John Pojar Memorial Fund
Joseph Haus Memorial Fund
Kubista Scholarship Fund
Larry Manthe Scholarship Fund
Lawrence Ellstrom Memorial Fund
Leon and Mary Shrake Scholarship Fund
LM and GWB Scholarship
Marie Tschida Pranke Scholarship Fund
Msg. Richard J. Schuler Scholarship Fund
Music Department Scholarship Fund
NE Metro Scholarship Fund
NW Metro Scholarship Fund
Richard Kieger Memorial Fund
Sean Smith Memorial Fund
South River Valley Scholarship Fund
Sr. Adelia Breimhurst Art Scholarship Fund
Sr. Celine Scholarship Fund
Sr. Joanette Scholarship Fund
Sr. Leonore Scholarship Fund
Sr. Mary Alphonse Scholarship Fund
Sr. Mary Richard Scholarship Fund
Sr. Nicollette Scholarship Fund
St. Anthony Society Fund
St. Padre Pio Fund
Steven G. Rothmeier Scholarship
Steven Michael Tauer Scholarship Fund
Student Aid Scholarship Fund
Valento Family Memorial Fund
Western Wisconsin Scholarship Fund
Saint Agnes School accepts charitable
contributions to each of the Scholarship
Funds listed here. If you would like to
make a donation to one or more of these
scholarship funds, please contact our
Advancement Office at 651.925.8810 or go
online to www.saintagnesschool.org and
click Support Us.
Bibelot Shops
Big Bell Ice Cream
Black Powder Fireworks/Brad &
Rachael Schmitz
Robert & Virginia Blackstone
Fred Blonigan
Cabi/Liz Nugent
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre
Cherokee Sirloin
Conny’s Creamy Cone
Costco & Atlas Staffing
Cub Foods
Lynn Davern
Joan Decker
Disney World
Dock Cafe
Donald’s Uniform and Apparel
Eileen Douglass
Scott & Becky Ekholm
Ferguson Family
Mary Jo Feltl
Donald Flanagan
FOSS Swim School
Four Crown Wendy’s
The Frame Works
Larry & Beth Frye
Jerry & Karin Freihammer
Friends of Saint Agnes
Dieter & Joyce Geerts
Travis & Courtney Gregar
Guthrie Theater
Karl Hendrickson
Chris & Kris Hintgen
Hyland Ski & Snowboard Area
Izzy’s Ice Cream Parlour
Tammy Jenkins
Mary Jerde
Joe’s Sporting Goods
Craig & Sherry Johnson
The Jungle Theater Faith Kelly
Rachel & Hank Kemp
Chris & Denise Koontz
Steve & Anne Kuettel
Gerrie Lachowitzer
Jacinta Lagasse
David Lanning
John & Marilyn Lieske
Betty Livingston
Mary Loomis
Mama’s Pizza
Mancini’s Char House
Maplewood Community Center
Jim & Donna May
Dave & Joanne McLaughlin
Dave & Jamie McLaughlin
Brian & Sandy McLaughlin
Jerry & Carol McShane
Brett Miller
Miller Orthodontics
Karen Millmann
Minnesota Orchestra
Minnesota Zoo
Mixed Blood Theatre
MN State Fair
MN Zoo
MODE Boutique/
Marah Cuadrado Labey
Mpls. St. Paul Magazine
Jim & Jean Morehead
John Nasseff & Helene Houle
Noble Interiors/Jim & Eileen Noble
Brent Odenbrett
O’Gara’s Bar & Grill
Ordway Center for the Performing Arts
Keeping you connec ted | Fall 2015
Park Square Theatre
Kim Perez
Mark & Sue Pilon
Pool & Yacht Club R. F. Moeller Jeweler
Radisson Bloomington
Relevant Radio
John & Betsey Reagan
Rinata Restaurant
Bridget Richtsmeier
Root Hair Salon
The Saint Paul Hotel
Sam’s Club
Shanghai Bistro
Jill Parry Schmidt
Schoenstatt Sisters of Mary
Pete Silgen
Sparks Restaurant
Sisters of Charity of our Lady, Mother
of the Church St. Anthony-Maria Hilf Society
St. Patrick’s Guild
Jack & Carol Steigauf
Tom & Laura Stierman
Mike Streitz
John Thode
Thomas Lake Cleaners
Thomas Liquors
Three Rivers Park District
University of St. Thomas
Leila Vance
Sandy Veal
Village Ortho
Walt Disney World Co.
Brian Walter
Water Park of America
Brian Weisman
Wild Mountain Ski and Snowboard Area
Dale & Patty Windingstad
Wuollet Bakery
Last year’s Benefit Sponsors
Feltl & Company • Key Community Bank • Keller-Williams Edina
John Nasseff & Helene Houle
NEI Electric • United Hospital Foundation
McGough Construction • Nasseff Mechanical • Mrs. Arthur J. Nasseff Family
Agnes Chlebeck Family • Fr. Ubel & the Cathedral of St. Paul
Fr. Morrissey & the Church of St. Louis, King of France
Fr. John Paul Erickson, Class of 1998 • Schubert Club
St. John’s Church & School, Little Canada
Warners’ Stellian Appliance
Band Concert
Saint Agnes School Bands
Saturday, December 12, 2015 • 6:30 PM
Beutow Auditorium, Concordia University
Ensembles: 6th Grade Band, Junior High Band, & Concert Band
Directed by Mr. Rick Peters
Choir Concert
Saint Agnes School Choirs
Sunday, December 13, 2015 • 4:30 PM
Church of Saint Agnes
Ensembles: 5th & 6th Grade Choir, Junior High Mixed Choir, Madrigal Singers & the Concert Chorale
Directed by Mrs. Donna May
Alumni Open House
& open gym!
An event for all alumni & their families
Friday, December 18, 2015 • 5:30-11:00 PM
Ubel Activity Center
See page 17 for details
Young Alumni
Christmas Reunion!
Classes of 2013, 2014 & 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015 • 6:30-9:00 PM
Ubel Activity Center
See page 17 for details
Saint Agnes School
530 Lafond Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55103
US Postage
Twin Cities, MN
Permit #490
Change Service Requested
Sa v e t h e Da t e
Saturday, February 6, 2016
New Bandas Gymnasium • Saint Agnes School
Dinner, Games, Silent Auction, Live Auction, Live Music
Hosted by the Saint Agnes Foundation
Saint Agnes School is proud to recognize the 2016 Red
& White Benefit Honoree Mr. Larry McGough for his lifelong commitment and generosity to Catholic education.
Mr. McGough has been a presence at Saint Agnes in
the classroom and on new construction, and a generous
supporter to both capital projects and student scholarships.
For information on sponsorships, advertising, and auction donations please call:
Exclusively Sponsored by
Feltl and Company
Securities Brokerage and Investment Banking