Petroleum Coke Calcining


Petroleum Coke Calcining
Engineering and technologies
Petroleum Coke Calcining
From design to delivery
Petroleum coke calcining is a thermal process to improve physical and chemical
properties of the green petroleum coke produced by the delayed coker unit
■ The feedstock anode grade green petroleum coke is a Technip profile
valuable by-product of the coke process in oil refineries available in different grades of quality
Technip is a world leader in project management, engineering and
construction for the energy industry.
With a workforce of 40,000 around the world, we constantly offer the best solutions
and most innovative technologies to our clients to meet the world’s energy challenges.
■ Thermal processing of green petroleum coke to calcined petroleum coke by:
■ removing associated moisture and volatile We operate in three main businesses:
combustion matter
■ improving critical physical properties like electrical conductivity, real density, oxidation characteristics
In subsea hydrocarbon development,
Technip’s activities include the design,
manufacture and installation of rigid and
flexible subsea pipelines and umbilicals.
Thanks to its portfolio of technologies
and industrial and operational assets,
Technip offers a unique vertically
integrated model in the industry.
In the Offshore business, Technip
performs engineering, procurement,
construction, installation,
commissioning and the
refurbishment/upgrading of offshore
facilities for the oil and gas industry.
Technip covers the full range of
It holds many proprietary cutting-
commodity linking the oil refining, metallurgical/
Technip provides these services for
fixed platforms in shallow water with
conventional sub-structures and
self-installing platforms such as the
TPG 500 and for deepwater facilities
including Spar, semi-submersible, TLP,
FPSO and FLNG units. Technip is a
world leader in floatover installation
of topsides and its R&D effort is
focused technology transfer for local
content and new frontier areas such
as ultra-deepwater and the Arctic.
edge technologies and is the leader in
chemical with solid material industries and an aluminium the design and construction of LNG
and titanium dioxide production
The Group has 3 flexible pipe
manufacturing plants, 4 umbilical
production units, 9 logistics and pipeline
assembly bases, and 1 construction yard.
Technip’s worldwide leadership is
supported by a modern fleet of vessels
for subsea construction, pipelay
development (rigid and flexible pipes
using S-Lay, J-Lay or Reeled technology)
and heavy lift applications.
onshore facilities for the oil and gas
chain, petrochemicals and other
energy industries (nuclear, renewables
including biofuels and offshore wind).
Calcined petroleum coke (CPC) is an important industrial and gas treatment plants as well as
ethylene, hydrogen and syngas units.
Technip is also one of the key actors
in refining and petrochemical units,
Technip’s unique technology expertise and value chain
and has developed a leadership
position in the fertilizer industry.
Moreover, the Group is very active in
non-energy activities such as mining
and metals and life sciences.
Petroleum Coke Calcining
“Coke Calcining” Competence Centre
Our Düsseldorf center, Germany, is at the service of our clients worldwide for their
coke calcining projects.
Technip in Germany is a fully integrated international EPC contractor with more than 25 years of experience
and about 350 employees. It is renowned for the execution of process plants for the oil refining, gas,
petrochemical and chemical industries as well as underground gas storage and coke calcining plants.
Calcining Technology and Expertise
With strong engineering expertise and project management skills, Technip safely
delivers the best solutions for its clients. Our recognized expertise is a strategic asset
that drives our competitiveness. Technip experts have developed knowledge and
skills that are industry benchmarks.
Petroleum Coke Calcining
Technip has realized EPC projects from small scale
to big scale production units:
Wide range of production capacity through modularization
Flexible solutions to comply with environmental and safety
Material Handling
Technip has successfully designed and built material handling
systems facilitating the operation of the calciner plants such as:
Why Technip calciner technology?
As a leading provider in design and construction of calciner facilities, Technip combines its expertise in process
engineering, construction management, commissioning and qualification.
Our expertise and experience
30 Technip specialists, making up the calciner core team in Germany, have been a leader in worldwide calciner
projects, with the support of the broader group, for more than 30 years.
We deliver safe and successful calciner projects across the world for the benefit of our clients. Technip
maintains the focus whether faced with the biggest challenges or the smallest details.
Petroleum Coke Calcining
Green coke storage/reclaiming
Blending facilities
Calcined coke silos
Loading/unloading facilities for ships/truck/rail cars
Proprietary Equipment
Together with its exclusive partner Metso Minerals Inc., USA,
Technip offers proprietary equipment design based on its
in-house know-how and implemented with selected OEM’s
(Original Equipment Manufacturers):
Rotary coke cooler (indirect cooling)
Waste heat boilers
Guillotine damper systems
Rotary kilns and afterburner
Refractory lining
Petroleum Coke Calcining
Special Features
Making a difference
“The Technip way”
State-of-the art calciner plants are designed to handle different green coke
qualities and produce calcined coke in accordance with off-taker’s specific
■ Rotary Kiln provided with secondary or tertiary air system and tumblers
■ Storage of separate green coke qualities for blending purpose
■ Blending silos for green coke and automatic sampling/dosing
■ Direct feed of wet green coke via air cooled feed pipe into the kiln
Adapting to evolving markets
Project management expertise
Our customers rely on Technip to deliver projects of all
types and sizes. We are well positioned to design and
execute increasingly ambitious and complex projects.
Offering project management expertise, Technip is
committed to meeting today’s enhanced project challenges.
Acting locally
Integrated capabilities
With global presence in the world, we know our markets
inside out and provide services with local knowledge
wherever our clients’ projects are located.
Thanks to the experience and the know-how of our
multidisciplinary teams, we strive to deliver cost-efficient
Know-how: when talent meets experience
Quality, health, safety & the environment
Technip has designed and built calciner facilities over the last
30 years. As reference, Technip demonstrates the know-how,
the commitment and the inspiration to help our clients to
develop their projects to achieve their goals.
Our HSE strategy and philosophy are an integrated part of
everything we do, everywhere. The Technip group-wide HSE
policy aims at establishing behavior that promotes proactive
HSE management.
Team spirit
Exceptional projects call for exceptional talent: our
international teams of engineers are continually trained to
deliver superior technical and project management skills.
Technip values diversity, passion and true belief in each
person’s contribution. It is the trust and confidence
between team members and between teams that take us
Petroleum Coke Calcining
■ Indirect coke cooling system that produce high quality calcined coke (no micro cracks)
■ Efficient flue gas treatment at a tube type afterburner, followed by a special proven boiler designed for calciner operation, filter bag house and SO2 scrubber
■ Automatic dedusting oil spraying system for calcined coke
■ Samplers for analysing the green and the calcined coke
■ Product screening and blending before shipping
Our corporate culture is based on the highest quality
standards and continuous improvement. Our “hands-on”
quality management is focused on project management
Petroleum Coke Calcining
Conceptual studies to turnkey
Selected references
With a team of professionals dedicated to the calciner and material handling
technology, Technip is a leading global provider of technical and regulatory
solutions from design to validation around the world
Customer and Location
Capacity MTPY
Abu Dhabi Oil Refinery (Takreer)
Ruwais, U.A.E
2 x 260,000 (CPC)
Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C ©
Sitra, Bahrain
2 x 225,000 (CPC)
Turkmenbashi Refinery
Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan
95,000 (CPC)
Volgograd, Russia
2 x 50,000 (CPC)
Fergana, Uzbekistan
95,000 (CPC)
Deutsche BP AG
Gelsenkirchen, Germany
EPC: Engineering Procurement Construction
Atyrau, Kazakstan
Project Evolution
95,000 (CPC)
141,000 (CPC)
EPCS: Engineering Procurement Construction Supervision CPC: Calcined Petroleum Coke
Petroleum Coke Calcining
Economic evaluation
Technical and feasibility studies
Strategy and organization
Project management
Cost estimate
Cost control
Conceptual design
Basic design
Detailed engineering
Construction management
Commissioning and start-up
Design qualification
Performance and testing
Regulatory compliance
Personnel training
Operating assistance
Lump sum prices
Petroleum Coke Calcining
89 avenue de la Grande Armée
75773 Paris Cedex 16
Phone: +33 (0)1 47 78 24 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 78 33 40
Technip Germany GMBH
Theodorstrasse 90
40472 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 659 2222
Fax: +49 211 659 2140
This document is the property of Technip and is not intended to be a binding contractual document.
Any information contained herein shall not result in any binding obligation on the part of Technip, or any
of its affiliates, and is provided for information purposes only.
Technip - Region A Communications Department - May 2014 - Photo credits: Technip and Alba, all rights