Technip in Angola


Technip in Angola
Technip in Angola
Your local partner for onshore and offshore
engineering solutions
Technip profile
A world leader in engineering, project management and technologies,
serving the energy industry for more than 50 years
A workforce of 38,000
Confirmed leadership and proprietary technologies in 3 business activities:
In subsea hydrocarbon field
development, Technip’s activities
include the design, manufacture and
installation of rigid and flexible subsea
pipelines and umbilicals. Thanks to its
portfolio of technologies and industrial
and operational assets, Technip offers a
unique vertically integrated model in
the industry.
In the Offshore business segment
Technip performs engineering,
procurement, construction,
installation, commissioning and the
refurbishment/upgrading of offshore
facilities for the oil & gas industry.
Technip covers the full range of
onshore facilities for the oil and gas
chain, petrochemicals and other
energy industries (nuclear,
renewables including biofuels and
offshore wind). It holds many
proprietary cutting-edge
technologies and is the leader in the
design and construction of LNG and
gas treatment plants as well as
ethylene, hydrogen and syngas units.
The Group has 3 flexible pipe
manufacturing plants, 4 umbilical
production units, 9 logistics and
pipeline assembly bases, and 1
construction yard. Technip’s worldwide
leadership is supported by a modern
fleet of vessels for subsea construction,
pipelay development (rigid and flexible
pipes using S-Lay, J-Lay or Reeled
technology) and heavy lift applications.
Technip in Angola
Technip provides these services for
fixed platforms in shallow water with
conventional sub-structures and self
installing platforms such as the TPG
500 and for deepwater facilities
including Spar, semi-submersible, TLP,
FPSO and FLNG units. Technip is a
world leader in floatover installation
of topsides and its R&D effort is
focused on technology transfer for
local content and new frontier areas
such as ultra-deepwater and
the Arctic.
Technip is also one of the key actors
in refining and petrochemical units,
and has developed a leadership in
the fertilizer industry. Moreover, the
Group is very active in non-energy
activities such as mining and metals,
life sciences, buildings and
Technip in Angola
Committed to Angolan content participation
In Angola, the Group's
ambition is to be the
local Engineering
Contractor of choice,
serving oil companies
for the development
of new and existing
Technip has been active in Angola since
the early 1970s and has formalised its
presence by establishing offices and
industrial facilities.
Technip Angola Engenharia
Technip Angola Engenharia Limitada is
the first engineering company established in Angola, in June 2000 through
a partnership between the Angolan
State Oil company Sonangol (40%) and
Technip (60%). It provides engineering
services to offshore and downstream
oil and gas activities in Angola, and
promotes the Group's subsea capabilities for deepwater developments.
70% of its personnel is directly involved
in engineering and project management. Angolan nationals represent 70%
of the staff, and are integrated at all
levels. Its core of engineers have been
trained in France at the Technip head-
quarters. Engineers and designers
benefit from regular on-the-job training. The company strives to actively
participate in the development of
Angola (infrastructures, industries etc.),
involving its personnel in the reconstruction of the country.
Built on a green site, it benefits the
local economy through its support of
base life and local employment.
Angoflex further boosts Angolan participation through the transfer of new
technologies. An expansion into an
Industrial Base is under consideration.
Angoflex - Lobito
umbilical manufacturing
Quality, Health, Safety and
the Environment
Angoflex Limitada was created in
March 2002 through an association
between Sonangol EP (30%) and
Technip (70%) with the main objective
of investing, building and operating an
umbilical factory located within the
Lobito fabrication yard. This unique
facility uses state-of-the-art technology to produce top quality steel tube
umbilicals for deepwater developments offshore Angola. The Angoflex
presence is contributing to the rapid
economic growth of both the
Benguela Province and the Angolan
This factory employs approx. 180
people (95% are Angolans). Its core
production personnel completed an
extensive training program in Brazil, in
the USA and UK, at Technip's other
manufacturing plants.
Angoflex - Dande
The Angoflex spoolbase was inaugurated in March 2006 and is located in
Dande. It is the Group's newest spoolbase. This facility manufactures rigid
pipelines for reel-lay installation of
deepwater oil and gas production
systems. It is the most advanced facility of its kind built in Africa, and
includes state-of-the-art equipment.
The health and safety of personnel
working on job sites, as well as environmental protection are Technip's
foremost priorities with local communities. At every stage of project execution, these concerns, together with
Quality, are taken into consideration
and are an integral part of operations.
QHS&E Management was integrated
from the start into the Lobito umbilical manufacturing plant and the Dande
spoolbase procedures as the key to
safe and efficient operations and to
continuously improving performance.
BVQI awarded its ISO 9001:2000
certification to the Lobito plant at
the start of operations in 2004 and
renewed it in 2007 and 2009 proving
its sustainability. The Dande Spoolbase
was also awarded its ISO 9001-2008 in
June 2010.At the end of 2010, Angoflex
Lobito reached the 1.5 million manhours
LTI free milestone.
Social initiatives
Angoflex keeps close ties with local
communities in Lobito and Dande and
regularly takes initiatives to help them
in the health or education sectors.
In 2009 in Dande, the company
provided an ambulance to a local
hospital and a school renovation
project is ongoing. Angoflex is also actively involved in fighting malaria and
Technip in Angola
Technip Angola
Engenharia Limitada
Created in May 2000, through a partnership between the Angolan
State Oil Company Sonangol (40%) and the Technip group (60%),
it is the first engineering company ever established in Angola.
Technip Angola Engenharia Limitada
This venture came as a response to the desire of Technip,
Sonangol and the Angolan Authorities, to develop the
transfer of know-how to Angola and to increase the involvement of local firms in industrial projects.
This engineering company has been operational since June
2001, after training its Angolan engineers in France at the
Institut Français du Pétrole -IFP- and at Technip headquarters. Additionally, regular on-the-job training is provided to
engineers and designers either locally or through mobilisation within overseas project teams (USA, France) to participate in the Group’s major engineering projects worldwide.
Engineering services
Our main activity is to provide all types of engineering
services from feasibility studies to construction supervision,
for the oil & gas sector (offshore and onshore) as well as for
other industries (infrastructures, manufacturing plants, etc.).
We provide a wide range of services encompassing:
Engineering services from feasibility studies to detailed
designs, covering process, structural and civil, piping and
mechanical, electrical and instrumentation, safety
Technical assistance (provision of manpower)
Specialised studies (vibration, process, etc.)
Survey/as-build technical documentation
Technip in Angola
Construction supervision
Project management consultancy services
We operate in all the market segments of the broader
Technip group:
Upstream engineering (both offshore and onshore) with
new platforms, offshore and onshore pipelines, revamping
of facilities, extensions, debottlenecking, capacity studies,
vibration and process issues etc.
Downstream engineering: refining, storage facilities for
fuel distribution, airport storage facilities, pipelines etc.
Infrastructures and Industries with the design and
construction supervision of industrial plants, bridges,
water distribution network, electrical substations etc.
To perform these activities, Technip Angola Engenharia
currently has a workforce of around 100 people of which
75% are Angolans. The target is to reach a workforce of 150
people by 2011.
In December 2009, Technip Angola Engenharia celebrated
the arrival of its 100th employee.
Currently the company is able to handle projects for a total
annual capacity of 100,000 manhours.
The Angoflex Lobito umbilical factory
The plant manufactures steel tube umbilicals for
subsea oil and gas production systems.
The plant, the only one of its kind in Africa, comprises all
machinery for umbilical fabrication to international standards.
ISO 9001: 2000 certification was completed by Bureau Veritas
in March 2004 and renewed in 2007 and in 2009.
Angoflex Lobito employs approximately 180 people (95%
are Angolans). The core production personnel for this factory
completed an extensive training program in Brazil, in the USA
and in the UK, at Technip other manufacturing plants.
Plant expansion
The expansion of this state-of-the-art umbilical plant is
scheduled to be completed in 2010 to meet the growing
demand for longer length and larger diameter products on
the West African market. It will include:
the installation of two large manufacturing carousels
an upgrade to a Helical lay-up machine
a load-out roller path
Product range and capability
By tapping into the considerable design expertise available
within the Technip group, Angoflex Lobito is able to provide
a range of umbilicals adapted to West African deepwater
Umbilical assemblies are made of steel tubes, electrical cables
and optical fibres:
Central cores up to:
220 mm outer diameter (OD) assembly
85 mm OD central steel tube
Up to 12 components and 12 fillers in a single pass:
steel tubes up to 45 mm OD
electrical cables
Final umbilical up to 250 mm OD and 100 kg/m weight
Umbilical unit length / weight dictated by reel capacity
and locally available lifting capability
future capacity increase by adding manufacturing
Angoflex Lobito complements Technip’s other umbilical
engineering and manufacturing units in Newcastle (UK),
in Houston (USA) and in Malaysia.
Technip in Angola
The Angoflex Dande spoolbase
The Dande Spoolbase efficiently manufactures rigid
pipelines for reel lay installation of deepwater oil &
gas production systems. It is located about 40 km
north of Luanda on 780,000 m2 of secure property.
Product range and capability
This is the most advanced facility of its kind built in Africa,
and includes all state-of-the-art equipment and machinery
for pipeline fabrication to international standards. The facility has an annual production capacity of up to 300 km of
pipe. The workforce averages 200, when in full production.
This facility also has a unique 600-meter long jetty, with
water depth of up to 12 meters at the bulkheads.
Accommodation and full catering facilities for 400 people
are provided on-site, in addition to a medical clinic.
The Technip group operates four other Spoolbase facilities
in Mobile, Alabama (USA), Evanton (UK), Orkanger (Norway),
and Barra do Riacho (Brazil).
Technip in Angola
The Dande Spoolbase has the ability to pre-fabricate pipe
stalks up to 3 km in length, which minimises tie-in welds, and
the time needed to load pipe onto the Deep Blue reel pipelay
vessel. This capability is unmatched by any other spoolbase
in the world.
Ability to handle single or double joints
Pipe stalks lengths to 3 km
Pipe-in-pipe for production flow assurance
Plastic-lined pipe for water injection corrosion protection
Pipeline diameter range from 6" to 18"
A new workshop for the fabrication of subsea structures
Major projects executed by Technip in Angola
Technip Engenharia Angola
Design audit and construction
supervision for the jet fuel
pipeline from refinery to Luanda
Design audit and construction
supervision for the Luanda Airport
temporary jet fuel storage
Process engineering for PARISOM
Conceptual design for nitrogen
Basic design for the new jet fuel
pumping station
Feasibility study for flare network
Feasibility study for control room
Feasibility study for optimum gas
injection study in Malongo
Detail design for chemical
injection skids in Malongo
Feasibility study for Nemba field
capacity study and debottlenecking
Feasibility study for GIP-H
additional compression
Detail design (with Technip Paris
office) for Jasmin Project
Technical assistance to Block 17
Technical assistance to Block 3
Participation on the basic design
(with Technip Paris office) for Rosa
Conceptual and basic design for
produced water injection in
Block 3
Study for condensate recovery in
Block 3
Social project for Dalia FPSO,
Block 17
Design of subsea templates for
Dalia umbilicals, risers and
flowlines, Block 17
Detailed design for the Lobito
umbilical manufacturing plant
Dande spoolbase detailed
Lobito Tomboco - 30 km
production umbilicals
Tombua Landana - 9.5 km
production umbilical
Block 4 - Gimboa 3 km production umbilical
Dande spoolbase
Lobito umbilical
manufacturing plant
Kissanje East - 8 km umbilical for
water injection
Mondo - 9 km production
umbilicals and Batuque - 5 km
production umbilical
Block 17 - Pazflor - 32,5 km
production umbilicals - 25 km
water injection umbilicals
Block 17 - Dalia - 54 km production
and water injection umbilicals
Block 15 - Kizomba Satellite phase 1
- 13 km of gas injection umbilicals 6 km production umbilicals
Block 18 - Greater Plutonio
Block 31 - PSVM - 43 km water
injection umbilicals
39 km water injection umbilicals
and 7 km water/gas injection
21 km of 12" production in 17"
carrier Pipe-In-Pipe
30 km of 12" gas and water
Weld repair rate = 0.7% (World
35 km PIP of 11" and 16" and 34 km
of 8" gas injection.
53 km of 12" and 14" diameter,
plastic-lined pipes
Weld repair rate = 0.8% (worldclass)
44 km of 12" and 8" water
injection (HDPE lined) plus 18 km
of 8" gas injection
20.5 km of 12.75” gas injection
Technip in Angola
89 avenue de la Grande Armée
75773 Paris Cedex 16
Phone: +33 (0)1 47 78 24 00
Technip Angola Engenharia Limitada
Edifício Avenca Plaza
43 - 45 Rua Rei Katyavala
Luanda - Angola
General Manager
Tel: +244 222 372 901
Mobile: +244 912 517 931
Fax: +244 222 393 785
Angoflex Limitada
Edifício Avenca Plaza
43 - 45 Rua Rei Katyavala
Luanda - Angola
Gregorio M. ATHAYDE
General Manager
Tel: +244 226 424 901
Mob: +244 917 246 444 &
+244 929 987 993
Fax: +244 226 424 930
This document is the property of Technip and is not intended to be a binding contractual document.
Any information contained herein shall not result in any binding obligation on the part of Technip, or
any of its affiliates, and is provided for information purposes only.
Technip - Group Communications - August 2013 - Photo credits: Technip - P.2: Harry Gruyaert &
Jean Gaumy / Magnum Photos.