SCIOIV9N1 Final - Southern California Imperial Owners Inc.


SCIOIV9N1 Final - Southern California Imperial Owners Inc.
Imperial Eagle
Newsletter of the Southern California Imperial Owners Incorporated
Volume 9 Issue 1, Spring 2009
FIt for a Queen ...
or King!
In this issue we take
a look back to the
1953 Imperial and its
royal connection.
We say “goodbye” to a
long time friend and
member of the
Southern California
Imperial Owner
We cover some
practical tips whether you are
taking a long journey
or just a short trip.
To all the members of the SCIOI,
As you know this year we did not have the
I have sad news to announce for the club.
sixth annual barbecue due to the unstable
Dick Kretschmer has passed away. What a
weather patterns in February and March. For
tremendous force he was in the SCIOI and was
me, this event is something I plan for all year
always willing to help in any way he could during
long so it feels like something was missing in my
club events. He was a true Imperialist for sure.
life. I keep thinking it is coming up soon. LOL.
Juanita Kretschmer is still in the rehab home due
Well let’s hope next year will be more
to the stroke she had more than a year ago. We
cooperative in the weather department.
will miss both of them as wonderful contributing
members of the club and their wonderful
The State meet in Sacramento is coming
up at the end of the month, which I will be
friendships and the love they always had for all
of us.
attending. Hope to see all of you there as well.
This year I am not bringing my Imperial; it is just
So for now let me wish al of you traveling
a little bit too far for the old lady. But the events
to Sacramento this month for the State meet, a
planned sound great and should prove to make
very safe journey indeed and I am looking
the whole meet a tremendous success.
forward to seeing you there.
Knowing the effort put into these State meets I
can appreciate what the IOANC has gone
Best regards,
through to bring us a great time.
There are plans to have an SCIOI event in
early June this year to make up for the lack of
the the 6th Annual BBQ. There will be a flier
sent out.
Marc D. Hampton, President, SCIOI
Imperial owners have several websites from which to choose:
Southern Cal Imperial Club –
This is our official website. It has information about the club’s members, cars and upcoming events.
Northern California Imperial Club –
The website for the Imperial Owners Association of Northern California.
Imperial Mailing List –
The original Imperial website. It has much information on Imperials, including parts and
cars for sale and links to other Imperial clubs and other car websites.
Imperial Statewide Meet April 29 to May 3, 2009
Laguna Niguel Picnic September 26, 2009
Welcome New Members!
Dennis Guthrie and Ed Ferrara
1982 2 Door Coupe, Frank Sinatra Edition
Dave and Camela Labhard
1937 2 Door Business Coupe
President – Marc Hampton
Vice-president – Linn Davis
Secretary – June Reinhardt
Treasurer – Nannette Clark
Web Publisher – Hans-H Schoor
Editors – Darryl Green
Larry Pritchett
Tour Coordinator – Mark Johnson
Palm Springs
Garden Grove
San Diego
Palm Springs
Huntington Beach
Long Beach
Fit for a Queen...or King: The 1953
Chrysler Imperial
The 1953 Chrysler Imperial was the
highest class of Chrysler competing with the
likes of Cadillac, Packard, and Lincoln.
Imperials received the best material and
components Chrysler had in the 1953 models:
(Ausco-Lambert disc brakes, the biggest hemi
V-8, and Fluid-Torque Drive or Powerflite
transmission all standard) and naturally offered
the best grades of upholstery.
Engines: OHV-V8, 331.1 cid (3.81 × 3.63);
1951-1953 180 bhp; 1954 235 bhp
Transmission: 1953 Fluid-Torque Drive until
June, 1953 and then Powerflight
Suspension, front: independent, coil springs,
tube shocks
Suspension, rear: live axle, leaf springs, tube
Brakes: front/rear drums; discs optional
(standard on Crown Imperial)
Wheelbase (in.): Newport 131.5; Sedan & Town
limo 133.5; Crown Imperial 145.5
Weight (lbs): 4,230-4,570; Crown Imperial
Top speed (mph): 100-105
0-60 mph (sec): 11.0-13.0
1953 was a watershed year for the
Imperial in Chrysler marketing, as it is the first
time that the Imperial rated its own ad
campaign. The Chrysler product line was
topped by Imperial at this point in time, with
Imperial to become a separate division in 1955.
The interesting development in this year's
ad campaign is the introduction of the Chrysler
Imperial Rose in horticultural circles as a tie-in
to the promotion of the car (presumably with
the female portion of the automotive purchase
decision making process). This was not the first
time that women had been included in the
marketing strategy, and they would continue to
do so increasingly through the '50's and '60's
in fashion and style tie-ins.
Crown Sedan
Gone are the scientific and logic-based black &
white ads that seek to exclaim superior design and
quality. Rather this is prestige and elegance by
Germain's (United States) in 1952. The plant is an
erect bush that will grow to heights between 5' and 9'.
The complete 1953 Chrysler corporate line was
association with royal power and wealth; which, with
introduced October 30, 1952. The Custom Imperial
no monarch in the USA, was an interesting play to
Newport hardtop was introduced on March 18, 1953. people's emotional and psychological views of the
Its base price was $325 over the sedan but in a price
embodiment of luxury. This is the first & last time that
war with the other "Big Three", Chrysler instituted a
any direct visual play to the regal aspects of the word
general price cut on March 25, and the new model
"Imperial" are made in an Imperial ad campaign. But
was reduced by $45. A week later, the delivery and
with the coronation of Her Royal Highness, Princess
handling charges for Imperials were raised $10, so the
Elizabeth in 1953, Chrysler created a single
customer came out $35 ahead.
“Coronation Imperial”. This Town Limousine was
Although the Imperial looks very similar to the
finished in Royal Purple enamel paint with a white
'53 New Yorker, they have different wheelbases,
doeskin interior with Royal Purple cloth inserts
taillights and side trim. Clean front fenders and a
complete with gold laurel stitching and gold finish
higher rear fender also set it apart. This is the first
trim. The wrap around glass was modified to make a
year for the stylized eagle hood ornament. Power
blind C-pillar. Rumor has it that K. T. Keller, the
brakes and windows, center folding arm rests (front
President of the Chrysler Corporation used the car
and rear) and a padded dash were standard. Parking
lights on all Imperials were positioned between the
top and center grille moldings.
Chrysler Imperial was the first rose used in the
advertising and promotion of a major consumer
product - the Chrysler Imperial automobile. It is a very
refined Hybrid Tea bush with large (4" - 5") dark red
and highly fragrant flowers. Chrysler Imperial was
raised by Dr. Walter E. Lammerts and introduced by
Member Profile:
Dick Kretschmer
Richard “Dick” Kretschmer was born in Chicago,
Illinois living in the vicinity of the St. Valentine’s Day
As editors, we look forward to profiling a person or
massacre during the depression and prohibition. Bad
couple from the Southern California Imperial Club. This
ankles forced him to give up his dream of being a
allows each of us to read about and possibly learn things
professional baseball player. He then enlisted in the Army
about the profiled member that we may not have known.
for twenty one dollars a day. His unit, the 69th Coast
We were planning on profiling Dick and Juanita
Artillery was sent by Franklin D. Roosevelt to San Diego to
Kretschmer last year. Unfortunately, Juanita had a
protect it from any possible invasion.
disabling stroke so we decided to postpone the article
until she was better. It is with much sadness that we
have to posthumously write about Dick Kretschmer.
Juanita and Dick Kretschmer
He participated in WW II, landing
in France as part of the 63rd Infantry
Division, 263rd Engineers, “C”
Battalion. He received a bronze star
for his part in blowing a hole in the
Siegfreid Line, enabling the
penetration along the German Army’s
frontline defenses. He was quiet
about it, but proud of his
contributions and being an
After his enlistment period
ended, he continued to serve our
country in the Army National Guard
until he retired as a Chief Warrant
Dick Kretschmer
Officer in 1982. In his civilian life,
Dick worked 43 years for the San Diego Gas & Electric Company as an Emergency
Crew Dispatcher.
Dick met his wife of 65 years, Juanita Stevens at the Palace skating rink in
San Diego, separated only by World War II. He was a good man, husband, father
and friend. He was fair, brave, honest, generous and caring. He gave without
talking about it to those in need.
After his family, classic cars were his passion. He belonged to the Antique
Car Club, and had been a member of the Southern California Imperial Owners Club
for the last 20 years.
Dick is survived by his wife Juanita, two daughters, Barbara Ann (Bobbie)
Brown and Georgiana (Georgie) Birch, two grandchildren and four great
grandchildren, his sister Georgie Henry and sister-in-law, Marge Kretschmer.
Personally, I knew of Dick’s generosity. He was one of the first club members
I met and was so kind. He helped advise me on restoring my 1960 Imperial and
even gave me some needed parts. We will all miss him. Dick passed away on
February 14, 2009.
- Darryl Green
your windows are clean, the mirrors are at the
Many people have concerns about taking their
cracks in the windshield and the defrost function
cars on long trips, especially if their cars are
works adequately, in order to ensure that your
getting on in years or mileage. Truth is, long trips
visibility won't be hindered in any way.
are actually easier on your car than day-to-day
Your car's braking system is your last line
driving -- but a breakdown far from home can
of defense and you need it to be in tiptop
really ruin your fun. A few simple checks will
shape. Even if you don't hear them
stave off many common problems. As with most
squealing yet, have an expert conduct a
things, it's best to start early.
thorough inspection. Furthermore, if
correct angle, and don't be afraid to install new
wiper blades. Double-check that there are no
you feel that your brake pedal is
Get any major repairs done.
softer than usual, it might be a
If your car needs major repair or maintenance,
sign of abnormal deterioration,
do it at least one month before you go. That will
so have it checked as soon as
allow plenty of time for any problems related to
the repair to pop up. Hoses and belts are like
While it's true that the more you
the blood arteries of the human body; they
drive, the more your battery gets
connect the entire system. If there's a loose
charged, if the battery has reached
connection, you might find yourself hitchhiking
the end of its natural life, you might have
before you know it. Make sure all hoses and
difficulty starting your car. You don't want to
belts are tightly secured.
jumpstart the car every day, do you? While
Check the coolant, or have your mechanic
you're at it, make sure that the electrical and
Mobile phone - What if
check the coolant's mixture of antifreeze and
ignition systems are as good as new.
water to make sure the car is properly protected.
If you feel your car's air conditioning getting
If the coolant needs to be changed, do it now.
progressively weaker, don't waste any time and
Check the tires and make sure they are inflated
have a professional look into it. Your road trip is
to the proper pressure. Low pressure can cause
supposed to be a vacation, not a foray into a
extra heat buildup that can lead to a blowout at
steamship boiler room.
high speeds. Follow the instructions for
Check the air filter. A clogged air filter reduces
checking tire pressure in your owner's manual.
fuel economy. They're inexpensive and easy to
While you're down there, check the tire tread.
change. If your current air filter has been in the
Put a penny, edge on with Lincoln's head
car for more than 10,000 miles, it's time to clean
pointing down, in one of the grooves of the tire.
it or change it.
If you can see the space above Abe's head, it's
Get any major repairs done. If you don't have a
time for new tires. Check the spare tire make
current road atlas, get one. Hours and hours of
sure the spare is fully inflated and that the jack,
expressway can get boring. Getting off the
wrench, and other tire-changing bits are in the
beaten path can add an entirely new dimension
trunk. If your car has wheel locks, make sure
to your trip.
your car breaks down after
all? What if you run out of
gas in the middle of the
desert? Keep a cell phone
for emergencies (along with
a charger); not to chat with
buddies or pick up messages
every hour.
Extra fuses & oil Sometimes, trouble springs
up without warning -- even
if you take the necessary
precautions. Blown fuses and
oil shortages are common
causes of tribulations, so
prepare for the worst by
taking along extra fuses and
at least a quart of motor
you have the adapter for the lock-nut.
If you don't have some sort of roadside
Check the glovebox for the owner's manual
assistance program, consider joining AAA.
and registration. If the manual is missing,
They'll tow your car if it breaks, change the tire if
consider ordering a replacement before you go.
it goes flat, jump start the car if the battery dies,
Check the registration to make sure it won't
open the doors if you get locked out, and give
expire during your trip.
you gas if you run out. A AAA membership will
Check the headlights, the blinkers and the
usually pay for itself the first time you run into
interior lighting. Faulty lights can be very
trouble -- plus you'll get discounts at some
dangerous, as other motorists will have a hard
roadside motels and restaurants.
time gauging their distance from you on the
Wash and vacuum your car. Before you pack,
road. Furthermore, you can be pulled over by
give your car a good scrubbing and vacuuming.
the police, should your lights be burnt out.
Clean cars always seem to run better. Besides,
Wipers need to be checked. Driving a car is not
who wants to travel in a dirty car?
like commanding a submarine. You must
constantly keep your eyes peeled for obstacles.
In order to facilitate this task, make sure that all
Arrive safely
and in style
What to take with you:
Emergency kit - Again,
in the spirit of taking
precautions, having an
emergency kit in your car
with all the essential tools
to circumvent foreseeable
troubles. Your kit should
contain jumper cables, a
knife, a flashlight, a
multipurpose tool, tire
sealant, and duct tape.
Relax! Unexpected things can
happen, but if you've
followed these guidelines,
you've headed off a lot of
potential problems. Relax
and enjoy your trip