oodcarvers` Association - James River Woodcarvers
oodcarvers` Association - James River Woodcarvers
1st Thursday of each month 6:00 PM Meeting time James River Woodcarvers' Association http://www.jrcarvers.com Nov 2013 Pumpkin House Carving Wayne & Kathy helped all carve pumpkin houses out for cottonwood bark. First, check the end grain and remove any loose bark. Draw a line in the middle of the bark end. Draw in the roof line, second roof line under the other, and a base line. On the end, draw in the chimney area. Next, cut in the roof, chimney and undercut the roof line a lot. Round the body, undercut the roof line more if needed. Mark the pumpkin face and drill holes to mark it on the back. Carve out the back, and then carve out the face. Clean up all cuts. Carve in the pumpkin lines with a “V” gouge. Carve in roof lines, base rocks & chimney stones. Make deep cuts to show dee shadows. Seal the carvings and bring it next month. President’s Corner By Wayne Thornton November is here already, James River Wood Carvers. I am writing this early because our newsletter person, Betsy Mack, is taking a three week cruise. She isn’t even getting a break from the newsletter as she is putting it together early. We hope you have a great safe time. October’s Thursday night meeting was well attended. People came in from: Petersburg, Hanover, Blackstone, Mathews, Louisa, Chesterfield and James City to carve a pumpkin house. I wish we had had more participants. I found out there is more than one way to carve cottonwood bark. Kathy Overcash outlines her houses with a V tool whereas I use a big Mora carving knife. I just don’t have it in me to dig my carefully, painstakingly, sharpened V tool into the hard crust of that bark. Either way works; everyone had their pumpkin houses shaped by the end of the night. One thing about cottonwood bark is you can go crazy with the detail. I hope to see some of the finished houses at the next meeting in November. I think I will finish mine at the carving retreat. Who am I kidding? They are too much fun to carve; I’ll finish carving it when I’m done with this column. We are anticipating a good turnout for the carving retreat to be held in Ashland. Michael Denton has done a great job of putting this together. He told me he has had help along the way and I’m sure he did, but, without his dedication and passion for this event it would not have happened. Thank you, Michael. Kathy Overcash’s dragon house came in third place (white ribbon) in the Cottonwood bark carving category at the Smoky Mountain Woodcarving Festival (http:// www.woodcarvers.com/) in Townsend, TN. It’s hard to compare whimsy stuff with realistic carvings. Kathy’s Elf came in first in the ornamental category and her oak leaf green man came in first in the wood spirit category. She will be teaching a bark house class at the Smoky Mountain Woodcarving School next October!!!!! Mac (owner of Smoky Mountain Woodcarving) came up to her and asked if she’d like to teach there. Of course, she said yes. She just needs to pick a date. Monday @ the State Fair Tom, Clark, Tean, Betsy showed up for our 4 hour demo time in the Arts & Craft Tent (with the plant show). The demo area was quite large with tables, lights & chairs and the weather was lovely. In the future this is where all demos will take place and with the fair under new & permanent management, arts & crafts might get its own tent again. The tent was up on the hill, close to the main house. We talked to the Super and asked for a whole day and possibly Friday, Saturday or Sunday. This will allow folks time to see the fair and demo too. Everyone wants the weekends so we will see. Monday was a little dead, but we gave out a few brochures. Show & Tell S&T : Rollie, Linda, Jay, Wayne, Tean, Clyde, Rich, Betsy Club Stuff Carving Blanks: Merv is adding some more blanks to the collection (icicles, potbellied bear, shelf mice, shelf wizard) of wood blanks for sale. The cost for these blanks will be as priced on the bags. Price of the blanks is the cost of wood and any printed material. If anyone wants a particular blank cut out please contact Merv (320-4416) or at mervinwa@gmail.com. For Sale: The club has JRWC club patches for sale. They are $3 for members and $5 for non-members. Patches will be in the file cabinet along with the carving blanks. Publicize Club: We are trying to publicize the availability of JRWC to existing and new carvers and have created a club flier and card that can be handed out at events or left in select locations for anyone interested to pick up. If you have any ideas on how to promote club membership, please contact Wayne Thornton, Merv Warner or Tom Lasser. Photos of your work: Missed the Thursday meeting? Send photo (solid background) to Kathy & Betsy to get them into the newsletter & web site. No cropping & big as possible is best. Club Officers 2013 - 2014 President – Wayne Thornton Vice President – Tom Lasser Treasurer – Fern Frost Workshop Chairman – Linda Garthaffner Program Chairman Fran Hazelwood – Carving Competition Chairman – Tom Lasser Newsletter Editor - Betsy Mack Website Manager - Kathy Overcash Event/Demo Coordinator — Michael Denton Membership Dues: Dues ($15 / year) can be given to Fern Frost. Thursday Carving: For those carvers arriving first on Thursday, please help set up the tables and chairs if they are not already set up. The tables are located in the closet across the hall. We meet at 11:45 to set up the tables and go to lunch at 12:00. All are welcome to come join us; we are back by 1:00 for carving. 1:00PM to 4:00PM. Nametags: Please remember to wear your nametags at all club functions. This will help new members and those with poor memories like mine to get to know each other better. Saturday Workshops: Held at Woodcraft on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Members: $5 minimum + cost of materials. Non-members: $20 minimum + material cost. Please register before attending a Saturday workshop as space & blanks maybe limited. Linda 539-8399. Show and Tell: Each month at our Thursday night meeting (1st Thursday of the month) we have show and tell of work you have recently completed. Bring it in and at the end of “show & tell “we draw from the participants for a $10 gift card to the Woodcraft store (9862 West Broad Street). Newsletter Entries: If you have a tip to share or a newsletter entry (250 words and no embedded photos; send photos separately as attachments) . Please send to bcmack@comcast.net for publication in a future newsletter. Must be received by 22nd of each month 1st Thursday Programs and 3rd Saturday Workshops 6:00-6:30pm Business Meeting Start 9:00am , Break for lunch, 6:30pm Program or Start workshop End ~ 3:00pm November: Inverse relief carving November: Elf December: Party December: NA JRW Carvers 5451 Spotslee Circle Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Stamp Here NEXT CLUB MEETING THURSDAY Nov 7 Events, For Sale & Other Things For Sale: Cottonwood Bark - Kathy Overcash has a supply of cottonwood bark for sale. She also has a supply of glued up whimsical house blanks available. She can be contacted during Thursday club meetings or by email at overcash@artfromthebark.com. Upcoming Demos & Shows Nov 9: Join the James River Woodcarvers as they car pool to Warsaw, Virginia to hike through Tom Roads' Trail of Fantasy Faces. Tom's trail features 70+ faces carved in living trees. We will be leaving promptly at 9:00 AM from Woodcraft and returning about 4:00 PM. Dress according to the weather and wear a comfortable walking shoes. Pack a picnic lunch and snacks. For more information, see Fran Hazelwood December 5: Holiday Party @ Woodcraft during regular meeting time 6pm .Eat 6:30pm . Suggestions for food are by last name. A-H: Desert; I-O: Appetizers ; P-Z: Heavy hor-d’oeuvres We don’t want to run out of food, nor do we want only desserts. I changed the order for some variety this year. December 7: Montpelier Christmas Sale: 9-4pm, Inside, profits donated to the Spay & Neuter Clinic. Space $50. Share a space with Betsy & Linda and save money. Only try to sell things under $50 and you well do OK. Contact Betsy. Cost divided by all. Feb 21-23, 2014: Charlotte Showcase. New categories: Chip Carving , Shore Birds & Cottonwood Bark. Changes: Show theme: Cartoon Caricatures. Cash Award Category: Caricatures, Bark carving, Birds & Santa. charlottewoodcarvers.com We hope to send a few folks down for this, so get started. Box it up & someone will take it with them Ray Deyo offers a 10% discount to club members on our meeting night only. You must show your membership card to be eligible