Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources MINES AND GEOSCIENCES BUREAU Regional Office No. XI 669 Konsuela Bldg., Aurora Quezon Street, Davao City Tel. No. (082) 222-5601 Telefax No. (082) 221-6535 Email: info@mgbxi.org GEOHAZARD IDENTIFICATION REPORT ON THE PROPOSED SHRINE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY AT BARANGAY BADAS, CITY OF MATI , DAVAO ORIENTAL 1.0 INTRODUCTION By nature of its geological and climatological setting, natural hazards such as landslides, flooding, earthquakes, typhoons and volcanic activities are far more common in our country. Having realized the impact of these hazards in socio, environmental, and economical perspective, the Government, constant of its aims of protecting its people, mandated that all subdivisions, housings, land developments and infrastructure projects must undergo geohazard site assessment1. The assessment includes the identification of possible geologic hazards within and adjacent areas of the project to be developed and suggest measures that may be considered to reduce, if not, mitigate its effects and impacts. In response to the letter request of Hon. Governor Corazon N. Malanyaon of Davao Oriental, a geohazard identification survey was conducted in the proposed Shrine of Blessed Virgin Mary at Brgy. Badas, Mati City. The site is more or less 1,000 square meters and is a portion of Lot No. 4091, Psd-11-025713 (AR) that is covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. CLOA No. 219. The said property was donated to the Daughters of the Mary Immaculate, International. Prior to the conduct of the site inspection, review of related studies such as geologic reports and geologic and geohazard maps were done to provide background information of the project area. During the field survey, actual identification and delineation of the geologic hazard were done. Accurate location of the data points were gathered using Garmin GPSmap 76CSx and were plotted to a blown up 1:7,000 from 1:50,000 scale topographic map of NAMRIA Mati Quadrangle Sheet 4240-IV. The report presents the results of the conducted assessment and some technical recommendations for the proponent to consider upon development. 2.0 LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY The proposed shrine is located in Purok 1, Brgy. Badas, City of Mati, Davao Oriental Province. The site is proximal to the national highway and is approximately centered in geographic coordinates 125°54'21.7" east longitude and 7°54'23.2" north latitude. It is more or less 7.1 kilometers (linear distance) southwest from the City Hall of Mati and can be 1 DENR Administrative Order No. 2000-28 " Implementing Guidelines on Engineering Geological and Geohazard Assessment as Additional Requirement for ECC Applications covering Subdivision, Housing and other Land Development and Infrastructure Projects”, DENR, March 14, 2000 access by any type of private or public vehicles through the Diosdado Macapagal National Highway. Point Boundary 1 2 3 4 Geographic Coordinates Datum (Luzon 1911) 126°10'18.322"E 6°54'15.999"N 126°10'18.02"E 6°54'14.786"N 126°10'17.321"E 6°54'15.136"N 126°10'17.609"E 6°54'16.212"N Table 1: Geographic coordinates of the proposed site Fig 1: Satellite image of the proposed Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary (see red polygon) in Po. 1, Brgy. Badas, Mati City, Davao Oriental. (Google Image 2013, Image looking southwest direction) 3.0 CLIMATE AND VEGETATION City of Mati falls within the Type IV climate based on Modified Corona’s Climate Classification of the Philippines characterized by more or less evenly distributed rainfall and having no dry or wet season (Fig 2). Within the vicinity of the project site, tropical trees and plants such as Coconut, Ipil-ipil, corn, grasses and shrubs are observed. Fig 2: Climate Map of the Philippines based on the Modified Coronas Classification 4.0 TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE The proposed Shrine of the Virgin Mary is situated on a rugged terrain and bounded by very steep slopes at the western and eastern portion with narrow north-south trending ridge. The main drainage networks of the area are gullies that incised the very steep mountain slopes and drains towards Pujada Bay (Fig 3). Fig 3: Topographic Map of the Proposed Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary 5.0 GEOLOGY 5.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING The proposed site is within the southern Pacific Cordillera. The region consisting of several massifs in tectonic (?) contact with one another is affiliated either with the Philippine Arc or Pujada Ophiolite. The Pujada Peninsula Block is composed of six (6) formations (Fig.4) namely Pujada Ophiolite, Iba Formation, Basiaw Limestone, Sanghay Formation, Sigaboy Formation and Maco Limestone. The oldest formation in the area is the Low Cretaceous to Upper Cretaceous Pujada Ophiolite and the youngest is the Middle to Late Pleistocene Maco Limestone (MGB, 2010). According to Arcilla et al.2, the central Pujada Peninsula is composed of series of imbricated segments of ophiolitic rocks. The Upper Cretaceous Iba Formation and Lower Miocene Sanghay Formation were folded into series of synclines and anticlines. A broad anticline is formed east of the central Pujada Peninsula. Further, the east-west compressive forces in the northeast of the Pujada Peninsula could have persisted even after the Miocene (?) time as the warped Upper Cretaceous volcanic sedimentary rocks and the Lower Miocence greywacke sediments have still experienced folding. The region is traversed by the Philippine Faulta left lateral strike slip fault. One of its major splays exits at the southwestern coastline of Pujada Bay. Mati Fault on the other hand, trends northwest along the rugged terrain of Kalampuyagan to southwest of Taguibo at the headwaters of Bitanagan River (Fig. 5). Fig 4: Stratigraphic Column of Pujada Peninsula (MGB) This Site Fig 5: Neotectonic of Mindano (Publier, et al.) showing the proposed Shrine of Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Arcilla D.M. and Narcos, D.M., Geology of Bato-Bato, Mati, Taganilao and Portion of Bitanagan Quadrangles, Davao Oriental, Bureau of Mines and Geosciences, Regional Office No. X, Surigao City, April 1985 5.2 LOCAL GEOLOGY Based on the Published Geology and Mineral Resource Map of this Office, the area is within the thick sequence of slightly metamorphosed greywacke and siltstone with lenses of chert, intercalated occasionally with basalts flows and intruded by diorite and ultramafic rocks with Cretaceous in age (Fig 6). Field investigation indicates that the site is underlain by fine to medium grained greywacke (sandstone) and dark brown mudstone. The lithologies are observed to be fractured. The greywacke and mudstone probably represents the Sanghay Formation that unconformably overlies the Iba Formation which is composed of basalts, argillite, limestone, chert and clastic rocks on this portion of the Pujada Peninsula (MGB, 2010). This Site Fig 6: Geologic Map of Davao Oriental 6.0 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN Based on the submitted developmental plan, the proposed site will cover the following development: altar, vestry and sacristy, an open atrium, statues of the Crucifix, Blessed Virgin Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus and comfort rooms. The site will cover more or less 1000 square meters of land area (Fig 7). Fig 7: Site development plan of proposed Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7.0 ASSESSED GEOHAZARD 7.1 MASS MOVEMENT The proposed site is situated on a ridge that is bounded by very steep slopes on the eastern and western portion of the area. The area is subjected to creep, slope erosion, rill and gully development. Based on the 1:10,000 Scale Geohazard Mapping and Assessment of Mati City, the area is delineated to have moderate susceptibility to landslide (Fig. 8) Although the area has moderate landslide susceptibility, alteration of the topography to accommodate the desired development may affect the stability of the ground and may potentially lead to mass movement. These maybe trigger by seismic activity or hydraulic action. Furthermore, fracture lithology of the area may also contribute to ground instability. Fig 8: Landslide Susceptibility of the proposed Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7.2 SEISMIC HAZARD AND GROUND SHAKING The Philippines is situated in a tectonically active region. Accounting some of the major fault zone on Mindanao Island are the Philippine Fault and its splay faults, Philippine Trench, Cotabato Trench, Mindanao Fault, and other inferred faults. The site is bounded by the splays of the Philippine Fault, an active fault, on the western and eastern portion from the property. The western splay is approximately 3 kilometers from the site while the eastern slay is approximately 7.3 kilometers from the site. According to the Global Seismic Hazard Map of the UN/International Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction Study (1998), the City of Mati has 4.8 values of Peak Ground Acceleration (m/sec2) with 10% Probability of Exceeding in 50 years, corresponding to return period of 475 years (Fig. 9) Fig 9: Global Seismic Hazard Map of the Philippines With the presence of the above mentioned earthquake generators, ground shaking as a result of seismic activity may affect the area. 8.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Based on the results of the geohazard identification survey, certain geologic hazards were identified in the area particularly mass movement and seismic-related hazard that may potentially affect the area. These are influenced by the steepness of slope and fractured lithology of the underlying material as well as the active splays of Philippine Fault that traverses Mati City. The proposed development of Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary may be undertaken provided that the following recommendation should be strictly followed by the proponent, to wit: A detailed geotechnical study (foundational analysis) should be undertaken to fully evaluate the structural load and the condition of the underlying materials of the area. This will also serve as guide for the appropriate design of the proposed development. Appropriate engineering bioengineering and or bioengineering measure should be undertaken on the slopes of the area for stability and minimized slope erosion. Proper drainage system should be installed to efficiently channel and dispose run-off water and minimized slope wash and erosion. Proper grading procedures should be considered to maximize utilization of the land area. Strict standards eg. (ASSTHO, NSCP) of grading procedures should be followed to attain optimal stability and materials to be used as backfill should fit the projects dominant layer. Building or structural designs should be conform to the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP). Prepared by: ALLEN JUNE B. BUENAVISTA Geologist DOCUMENTATION Photo 1: Ridge where the proposed Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary is to be constructed. Photo 2: Very steep slopes at the western portion of the property. Photo 3: Steep slopes characterized the surrounding area of the proposed site Photo 4: Fractured Greywacke (sandstone) observed in the area. Photo 5: Fractured mudstone underlying the area. Photo 6: Panoramic view of the proposed site (encircle, looking SW)