Cell Proliferation - Bio
Cell Proliferation - Bio
Cell Proliferation Interest in any of the products, request or order them at Bio-Connect Diagnostics. Bio-Connect Diagnostics B.V. Begonialaan 3a 6851 TE Huissen The Netherlands T NL +31 (0)26 326 44 60 T BE +32 (0)2 502 12 53 F NL +31 (0)26 326 44 61 F BE +32 (0)2 502 12 77 E info@bio-connectdiagnostics.nl W www.bio-connectdiagnostics.nl CELL PROLIFERATION & CYTOTOXICITY ASSAY - EZ4U . EASY hANdLINg . CONvENIENT . FAST . NON-TOXIC . NON-RAdIOACTIvE . RELIAbLE . SENSITIvE EZ4U bI-5000 EZ4U CELL PROLIFERATION ANd CYTOTOXICITY ASSAY ASSAY ChARACTERISTICS Proliferation assays are widely used in cell biology for the study of growth factors, cytokines, nutrients and for the screening of cytotoxic or chemotherapeutic agents. The EZ4U cell proliferation and cytotoxicity assay Method is based on the capability of living cells to reduce sIightly coloured or Reduction of tetrazolium salt to coloured formazan uncoloured tetrazolium salts in the mitochondria into intensely coloured formazan derivates. This water soluble formazan is secreted into the Sample type cell culture medium Sample size 200 µl / test, 10x96 tests Detection limit depending on cell lines Incubation time 2-5h culture medium and can be measured with a standard colorimetric reader. The EZ4U system is well suited for a variety of biological tests, where cell viability is of importance. It offers advantages over conventional dye or 3H incorporation assays. Due to its soluble end products it is easier and faster to perform than other non-radioactive cell viability assays. Furthermore, because the assay procedure is identical to the Thymidine incorporation procedure, no changes in test protocols are necessary. An important benefit is the possibility of an ongoing cultivation after cell number determination and easy to adapt incubation times due to the non-toxic substrate. EZ4U MTT ThYMIdINE ADD SUbSTRATE REMOvE SUPERnATAnT ADD THyMIDInE InCUbATE 2-4 h ADD SUbSTRATE InCUbATE 6-36 h ELISA READER InCUbATE 4 h HARvEST DRy FILTERS ADD SOLUbILISER PLACE FILTERS In vIALS InCUbATE 1h ADD SCInTILLATIOn COCKTAIL MIx by PIPETTInG COUnT In bETA-COUnTER LITERATURE Influence of harvesting technique and donor site location on in vitro growth of osteoblastlike cells from facial bone. Pradel W. et al., Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants 2005, 20(6):860-866 Significant growth inhibition of orthotopic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma by CpG oligonucleotides in immunodeficient mice. Tepel J. et al., Int. J. Colorectal Dis. 2006, 21(4):365-372 The effect of selective sst1, sst2, sst5 somatostatin receptors agonists, a somatostatin/dopamine (SST/DA) chimera and bromocriptine on the „clinically non-functioning“ pituitary adenomas in vitro. Gruszka A. et al., Life Sci. 2006, 78(7):689-693 EZ4U-E-300306 In vitro activity of cycloSal-nucleoside monophosphates and polyhydroxycarboxylates against orthopoxviruses. Sauerbrei A. et al., Antiviral Res. 2005, 67(3):147-154 Effects of met-enkephalin on cell proliferation in different models of adrenocortical-cell growth. Malendowicz L.K. et al., Int. J. Mol. Med. 2005, 15(5):841-845 ELISA READER
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