Skydive - BPA Archive Project
Skydive - BPA Archive Project
■ « k 'P V A H g bTh^BritishlRar^chute] WssociationlMaqazine! The British Parachute Association m P a tro n : H is R oyal H ig h n e s s T h e P rin c e o f W a le s Out on the sixteenth of every other month B P A , W h a rf W ay, G le n P a rv a , L e ic e s te r L E 2 9 T F editorial T e l: 0 1 1 6 2 7 8 5271 Fax: 0116 247 7662 The Mag open forum at the AGM provided a lively debate as usual and we have, some positive suggestions to act upon. EDITORIAL T h e Mag, Station Road, Ailsw orth, Peterborough, P E 5 7AH United Kingdom 01733 380 568 Tel/Fax: e d ito r@ s k y d iv e m a g .c o m w w w .s k y d iv e m a g .c o m SU BSCRIB E Page 5 CHANGED ADDRESS? Call the B PA on s k y d iv e @ b p a .o r g .u k w w w .b p a .o r g .u k I t seems the friendly, more detailed approach Rick Boardman is taking on incident reports is liked, although people were calling fo r more specific details (eg, age of jumper, type of equipment, number of jumps etc, as in the USP/Vs system of incident reporting). I t was explained that many reports are submitted through the confidential system, which encourages jumpers to include more details. We must protect these people by preserving confidentiality. J a c k ie G reen W arners Group P u b lica tio n s W est Street B ou rne, L in e s P E 1 0 9PH Tel: The discussion highlighted some misunderstandings about the way incidents are reported to the membership. The In Confidence section is only the tip of the iceberg; the vast amount, including fatalities, are covered in the STC minutes enclosed with the magazine (see page 52). Gary McSuinness wrote to us (page 31) asking about thank you letters as there were eleven in the last magazine. His point, that it was our policy a few years ago not to publish thank you letters unless they were particularly deserving is very true. He is also right that we should not have relaxed our policy without letting you know. We have warmed to the inclusion of thank you letters because: 1. There are lots of good reasons to thank people since countless jumpers put in unpaid time and e ffo rt for the good of the sport. 2. We receive a fa ir number of thank you letters, so there must be a desire from the membership to have them published. We used the forum to canvass views on this and, although there were some who didn't want them, there were many happy to leave it to our editorial judgement. One suggestion was to separate the thank yous into a d ifferent small section on the letters page, so you can choose not to read it if you're not interested. 01778 393 313 Fax: 01778 3 94 748 ad v e rts@ sk yd iv em ag .co m Tony Butler Technical Officer National Safety Officer John Hitchen PA to above officers Trudy Kemp Financial Administrator Jon Gretton Secretary-General 0116 278 5271 ADVERTISING BPA Staff The above points were all that were raised. Since most magazine issues seem now to be sorted, we were thinking next year of ringing the changes by not doing a forum. A presentation on how the Mag is put together might be more interesting, with an opportunity for questions at the end. Martin Shuttleworth Administration Secretary Susan Waterfield Membership Services Karey Goodwin Membership Services Sue Allen Stock Controller Dove Brown BPA Council BPA Chairman Chris Allen skydive@ Vice Chairman & Competitions Chairman John Smyth Development Chairman Kieran Brady Communications Chairman Eddie Jones Council Members Paul Applegate Calvin Blacker « Ralph Fielding Billy Gollan Dave Hickling Nigel Holland Ian Marshall Ian Midgley Jim White I f anyone has any views on any of the above we'd like to hear them. MANAGING ED ITO R BPA Officers & Representatives Lesley G ale lesley@ skydivem EDITORIAL & WEBSITE CO-ORDINATOR B e v e r ly F a ir h u r s t bev@ skydivem STC Chairman John Hitchen DESIGN A n d y V ern u m Riggers Chairman Tel: 0 1 7 3 3 380 809 styla prin t@ b tco n ne 01869 277 46 9 BPA Vice Presidents SCANNING deadlines M ark W ile s Issue April June A ugust Paul Applegate Jim Crocker, John Lines & Bob Card Treasurer To R ea d e r 16 April 16 June 16 August Copy Deadline 6 March 6 May 6 May 1 • ou t on the 16th o f every other month 1 • copy deadline is the 6th o f the month before Debbie Carter Pilots Committee Chairman Tony Knight Royal Aero Club Delegate John Smyth CAA Liaison Officer Tony Knight BPA Gasco Representative IPC Delegate Angela Hickling John Hitchen skydive i * * February 2003 N O TE: Some of the photos in this magazine may show skydivers without helmets or altimeters, or otherwise not obeying the BPA Operations Manual, in which case they were taken abroad. In the UK it is mandatory to wear a helmet and alti for obvious safety reasons. Civil Aviation Authority A p p ro v e d G A /1 0 1 /9 6 M o* © T h e M ag A ll rig h ts re s e rv e d . N o p a rt o f th is p u b lic a tio n m a y be re p ro d u c e d , s to re d in a re trie v a l s y s te m o r tra n s m itte d in a n y fo rm ; e le c tro n ic , m e c h a n ic a l, p h o to c o p y in g , rec o rd in g , w ith o u t p rio r p e rm is s io n o f th e Editor. T h e v ie w s e x p re s s e d in T h e M a g a re th o s e o f th e c o n trib u to rs a n d n o t n e c e s s a rily th o s e o f th e BP A. O p in io n s in th e e d ito ria l a re th o s e o f th e E d itor, n o t o f th e B P A T h e E d ito r re ta in s th e rig h t to w ith d ra w a n y a d v e rtis e m e n t a t h e r d is c re tio n a n d d o e s n o t a c c e p t lia b ility fo r d e c a y in p u b lic a tio n o r f o r e rro rs , a lth o u g h e v e ry c a re is ta k e n to a v o id m is ta k e s . S U P P O R T E D BY © 2 skydive February 2003 T h e in fo rm a tio n in th is m a g w a s . to th e b e s t o f o u r ability, c o rre c t a t th e tim e o f g o in g to p re s s . R e p ro d u c tio n , p rin tin g a n d m a ilin g ta k e a to ta l o f th re e w e e k s s o s o m e in fo rm a tio n m a y b e o u t o f d a te , o r s u p e rs e d e d . W L j ¥ 1 ®^ H , \ ** '' \ i, > ■ _ _ Free fly o ver Sibson, see page six for more Photo b y Eli Thompson - J fk e M W O u t o n t h e s ix te e n t h o f e v e r y o t h e r m o n th features Sibson Freefly Festival Stunning ph o to s from Flyboy Eli Thom pson AGM 2 A nnual Aw ards and run dow n o f th e day 300-way 3 R o d Fa irw ea th er describes how it feels to set a new W orld R e co rd sJL CF at Empuria \ »y ■ \ \ X \ Som ething fo r everyo ne at R ich a rd H a y d e n ’s sem inar w eek vP* For Starters: Cat 8 - What now ? Tip s to keep m otivation high It Won’t Happen to Me A cle a r guide to skydiving insurance regulars skydive 3 February 2003 The Control Tower, Langar Airfield, Langar, Nottingham. NG13 9HY Telephone & Fax: 01949 860878 Email: Website: British Parachute Schools W E A R E A B U S Y 7-DAY-A-W EEK C E N T R E flying our turbine a irc ra ft every jum ping day! TH E ©EST The Return o f the LET 410 C O U R S E ,S 29-30 March The 2003 season starts here! Grand Caravan and LET 410 Last year Langar exceeded 26,000jumps come and help us get started on this year! Party Saturday RAPS, Tandem Skydives, The Best AFF Deal in the UK TH E REST W E.UCO M E We want to HybRid Students, Flatflyers, Freeflyers, Skysurfers, CRW, Birdmen, Teams and loads of Fun Jumpers E TRy s o m e D ives! a s t e r 1 8 ' 2 0 A p r i I Mixed flat and freefly formations... should be amusing... Party and live band Saturday. TH E, R E S T P R O G R E S S IO N RAPS Students love jumping our Turbine Aircraft TH E REST A IR C R A F T U N E -O p Cessna 206, Cessna Grand Caravan, Let 410 TH E REST in s t r u c t o r s O R G A N IS E R S CO ACHES \>lt>E O M E N A N D 9 IU O T S 3-1V may Load organising, multi-aircraft loads, (extra aircraft to be announced) flatfly, freefly, parties, bands, music, booze. Team T rain H e re S p e cia l R a te s A vailable J o h n , J a n e t an£> ' p h i l C u r t i s - T r ig g in g , \< it S t o r e , C o a c h i n g , C a n t e e n , T 3 a r, f iu n k h o u s e w it h T e a m fc o o m a , S h o w e r s , J -a r g e C a v n \ x in g A r e a U n r e s t r i c t e d A t t i t u d e . H u g e U ^ n iy i n g A r e a , U c c rg e 'p a c k i n g /K r e a . J You don't have to be a Brit S k y d jjy g You don't have to be a skydiver You don't have to be a world record breaker "The Women's World Record coverage was OUT5TAMDIMG! I particularly loved your choice and sequence of photos. hats off to the lovely women of Skydive: The Mag - and to the wonderful women of Jump for the Cause!" Six issues a year Vibrant, colourful Stunning photos Im aginative design _____ Informative editorial Out on 16th of every other month K a te C o o p e r 131-way W om en's World Record Organiser 300-w ay World Record holder W e have lots of o v e rse a s subscribers, n o n B P A m e m b e rs w h o g e t T h e M a g b e c a u s e th e y lik e it. If yo u 're interested in skyd iving , w h a t e v e r n a tio n y o u 'r e fr o m w h e t h e r a fir s t ju m p s tu d e n t, a n a d v e n tu r e s p o rts e n th u s ia s t, o r y o u ju m p a b r o a d , y o u 'll e n jo y T h e M a g . If you subsequently join the BPA a s a fu ll m e m b e r ( a fte r s ix ju m p s o r w h e n y o u p r o g r e s s to fr e e f a ll) y o u r m a g a z in e s u b s c r ip tio n a m o u n t is d e d u c te d fr o m y o u r B P A m e m b e r s h ip fe e s o , in a ll, you don't p a y a n y e x tra . UK £28 Ex BPA member £24 OVERSEAS (Air) £35 Ex BPA member £30 Please send me a copy of The Mag on each of the next six bim onthly publication dates: I enclose a cheque/PO to the value required payable to ‘BPA Lim ited’ (UK subscriptions only) OR please debit my M astercard/Visa as follows: E x p d a t e : ___ / ____ D a t e : ................................... Nam e S ig n a tu re A d d re s s : . BPA, W h a rf W ay, G le n P a rva , L e ic e s te r L E 2 9 T F sky Jive 5 *** F o h rn a rw February 2003 Sibson Festival C o a c h in g w a s th e n a m e o f th e g a m e w ith h o rd e s o f S ib s o n re g u la rs an d v is itin g s k y d iv e rs ta k in g full a d v a n ta g e o f th e F ly b o y z , c o u rte s y o f S ky d ive S ib s o n . 2 ,0 0 0 d e s c e n ts w e re c o m p le te d o v er th e fe s tiv a l, fro m o n e -o n -o n e c o a c h in g d ive s to s u n s e t b ig -w a y s an d tra c k in g dives. “T h e F ly b o y z have re a lly h e lp e d m e im p ro v e m y sit and fly in g s kills , it w a s a b rillia n t w e e k .” T h o m a s B u e ttn e r (p a rtic ip a n t) N ext y e a r’s fre e fly p ro g ra m m e a t S ib s o n k ic k s o ff w ith th o s e B a b y lo n b o y s o v e r th e s p rin g b a n k h o lid a y, 2 2 -2 6 M ay. B a b y lo n w e re a s to rm in g s u c c e s s a t th e ir firs t v is it to S ib s o n la s t J u n e and w ill o ffe r a s im ila r p ro g ra m m e o f c o a c h in g , o rg a n is in g a n d fu n . T h e re w ill be a n o th e r S ib s o n F re efly F e stiv al in 2 0 0 3 b u t d a te s a n d fre e fly o rg a n is e rs a re s till b e in g a rra n g e d . O f c o u rs e you d o n ’t have to w a it fo r v is itin g fre e fly c o a c h e s a t P P C ; th e ir very o w n S tu a rt an d A lex M e a c o c k p lus G ile s F a b ris a re th e re all s u m m e r to c o a c h a n d im p ro v e y o u r fre e fly in g - s ta rt n o w a n d h o n e y o u r s kills fo r th e e v e n ts to c o m e. w w w .s k y d iv e s ib s o n .c o m Sibson A Spotlight Festival DZ Sports Ltd Hinton Airfield Steane Brackley Northants NN13 5 NS Tel: 01245 SI2I0! Fax: 01245 ?!2?00 Web: Ordering is as simple as 1, 2 or 3! 1 Call us on 01295 812 101 2 E-mail your order & payment details to ALTIM ETERS FT50 Alti - wrist mount FT50 - 'G lo w in the D ark' Alti master II - big cle ar face, forchest / wrist Altimaster III G a la x y - new bigger numbers £ 9 5.0 0 £ 1 1 5 .0 0 £ 1 4 0 .0 0 £ 1 2 0 .0 0 AUDIBLE ALTIM ETERS Pro-Dytter - Audible Altimeter, Choose your settings £ 1 2 0 .0 0 Pro-Track - A udible Altimeter and Freefall Computer, LED display £ 1 99.00 N e w Time Out IN S T O C K N O W !! £ 1 1 0 .0 0 Skytronic FX £ 1 75.00 Jump Track CD and Interface £88.0 0 Time-Out/Pro-Track/Dytter batteries £ 5 .5 0 CAMERA SEAR Vision ON! - Battery free video light on indicater Cam eye II Step Ring - Lens converter for P C I / 7 / 1 0 Newton Ringsight Newton Sight Holder £ 1 9.0 0 £ 3 0.0 0 £ 1 9.0 0 £ 9 9.0 0 £ 2 5.0 0 form short sleeve - £16.9 5 BLU-SKY T-Shirts - G rea t new designs short sleeve - £16.9 5 long sleeve - £21.9 5 long sleeve - £21.9 5 SKYBLUE T-shirts - G re a t new designs short sleeve - £1 6.9 5 GROUNDRUSH T-shirts - short/long sleeve, girls clothing, fleeces, shorts, trousers, baseball cap s - C a ll for current stock/prices RW & Freefly Jumpsuits - C a ll for order forms SO SSLES Flexvision clear Flexvision tinted Flexvision overglasses Kroop S k y Eyes Sorz - tinted, mirror, amber, clear Blaze/Peerser Goggle Other goggles available call for details £ 8 .0 0 £ 1 0.0 0 £ 1 1 .0 0 £ 8 .5 0 £ 1 2 .5 0 £1 9 .5 0 £ 1 6 .5 0 VIDEOS softback - £ 7 .5 0 h ard b ack - £ 1 0 .0 0 10 jum ps/page softback only - £ 7 .5 0 Deluxe Logbook Holder - Choose colour preference £ 1 5.0 0 BOOKS Skydiving Basics - Doug Peacock - A nd y Allman Skydive - Sport Parachuting explained by Chris Donaldson £ 1 4.9 9 Skydiver's Survival Guide N E W ! £ 1 5.0 0 £ 8 .0 0 6LOVES WARM winter gloves - thermal lined soft leather - black or white. W inter Special O N LY £ 1 4.5 0 A ircrew - Soft leather summer gloves, black or white £ 2 1.0 0 Neumann - Leather Tackified palm , white only £3 5 .0 0 Neoprene - W arm er gloves! blue or black £ 1 8.0 0 C a ll for size availablility. HEAD SEAR Call for current stock and custom finish details FF1 Freefly openface helmet £ 1 58.63 FF2 Sidemount/flat top cam era helmet FFX Sidemount/flat top cam era helmet £334.88 £ 3 23.13 Side FX Cam era Helmet - external cam era side mount £ 2 05.63 Side FX Cam era Helmet - flat side & lop (or fitting cameras externally £176.25 Nvertigo X - flat sides & top for mounting cam eras £ 1 8 5 .0 0 Hurricane Freefly Helmet £ 1 6 0 .0 0 Factory Diver £ 1 9 5 .0 0 O xygn full face - with flip up lens £ 2 1 5 .0 0 O xygn A3 - flip up lens, external altimeter port £2 25.00 Factory D iver/O xyg n /Z l clear visor Post us your order G O FAST! - C a ll for current d esig ns/availability LO S6IN 6 Logbook 2 jum ps/page 3 CLOTMINS £ 2 0.0 0 Tinted Z1 Visor £ 2 2.5 0 Gecko £ 8 9.0 0 Gath £99.0 0 Parasport Italia EVO - O pen face helmet N E W Call for price Parasport Italia Z1 - Full face, flip-up visor £1 89.00 Padded Helmet bag for Z1 £ 3 0.0 0 Frap Hat - Special offer on set of 3 (s,m,l) - call for prices details £ 9 5.0 0 Bone Head M indwarp Millennium £ 1 75.00 Student S ta rte r P a ck a g e O N LY £ 9 9 FT50 Altimeter, Kroop Goggles, Hitter Gloves Softback logbook (2 jumps per page) or Zak Knife and pouch. Offer only valid for students below Category 8 Arizona Airspeed mind m aps - 4 w a y exits & manoeuvres - CD-ROM Best of Airspeed - 4 & 8 w a y docum entary Basic Body Flight - Skydive University Basic Canopy Flight - Skydive University B rea k aw a y - The most thought provoking video out. Buy it. Fly Like a Pro - For every canopy pilot Pack Like a Pro - Com prehensive guide to both side packing and pro packing Trouble Free Zero-P - Packing tips from the Pros Ground Rush - Malfunctions - how would you react? The Cloud's Edge - something for everyone Willing to Fly Willing to Fly package - Norm an Kent Dive in - DVD - Norman Kent The Good Stuff - just when you think you've seen skydiving CrossWind - the new film from Patrick Passe Anti G ravity O ver The Edge - Skydiving, Base, Lingerie & more! Other Videos and DVDs available on request M ISC ELLA N EO U S Alti-2 velcro w rist mount Altimaster II 'U' Bars Altimeter Chest Pad Altimeter Watch Buddibuoy Flotation Device - Sm all, gas operated with whistle and glow stick Cypres Unit Cypres Batteries Grid Reference Mug Grip - N ew - holds container in place when packing Leather necklace with deployment pin Mouse Mat Pack Boy - Packing tool Packing Mat - Choose colour preference Tube Stoes - M icroline/standard/tandem Z a k Knife & pouch - Small knife, choose pouch colour Jack Knife & pouch - large knife, black pouch £ 1 9 .5 0 £ 1 5 .0 0 £1 7 .5 0 £ 3 5 .0 0 £ 4 5 .0 0 £7 0.0 0 £ 5 0.0 0 £ 3 5 .0 0 £3 7.5 0 £39.9 5 £39.9 5 £ 6 .0 0 £ 6 .0 0 £ 7 .5 0 £1 0.0 0 £ 3 0 .0 0 Call For Price £ 5 0 .0 0 £ 5 .0 0 £ 1 5 .0 0 £ 8 .0 0 £ 4 .5 0 £ 1 0 .0 0 £ 1 5 .0 0 £8 .0 0 £6 .9 9 £ 1 3 .5 0 Please use order form attached £ 6 0 .0 0 £4 5 .0 0 £ 4 2.5 0 £4 2 .5 0 £1 9 .5 0 £1 9 .5 0 Fantastic Discounts on Icarus Canopies CALL M W on 01295 812101 lllilii# Vortex II Complete Rig with Cypres £ 2,950 inc VAT I enclose a CHEQUE payable to DZ Sports Ltd or please debit my VISA / Mastercard / Delta / Switch Name: Address: :□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ » * □ issue N o. D C Signature: Date: Tel/Email: / □ □ please add 5% for credit cards, sorry but we have to pay for this too, no charge for debit cards. ITEM Insurance is automatically added to your order unless specified in the box provided. PRICE COLOUR QUANTITY Insurance not required (tick box) D DZ SPO RTS Ltd, Hinton A irfie ld , S te a n e , B ra c k le y , N o rth a n ts, N N 135N S T E L E P H O N E TOTAL PRICE PO ST & PA C KIN G O rders up t o £ 1 0 .0 0 If you do not accept insurance w e take no responsibility for non-delivery. 2 4 H R □ O rders £ 1 0 .0 0 -£ 2 0 . 0 0 IN SURA N CE O rders £ 2 0 .0 0 - £ 5 0 .0 0 CREDIT CARD 5 % 0 .9 5 p TO TA L O rders over £ 5 0 .0 0 O rders over £ 2 0 0 .0 0 O R D E R H O T L IN E 0 1 2 9 5 8 1 2 1 0 1 P l e a s e s p e a k s l o w l y a n d c l e a r l y , s p e l l i n g a n y u n u s u a l n a m e s . G i v e u s a s m u c h d e t a il a s p o s s ib l e u s i n g t h e a b o v e o r d e r a s a g u i d e ' » :iv - r * i Brit 120 . Beverly Fairhurst C ' - r -> A unique international event is planned i_ this year; a 120-way competition where . ... W =/ ' the aims are to build a new national record and to be the first team to achieve this. Four teams are participating; British, German, Scandinavian and Holland. The Brit team is headed by Darryl Moran with supplementary organisers Lesley Gale, W ing s A ro u n d t h e w o rld ll team of Sebastian XL Invitations to the Rob Colpus, Dane Kenny, plus the full Brit team have been sent out. The In May, Polly Vacher (Brian Vather's Mum, German team is run by Dieter Kirsch, pictured above) is setting off to fly around the the Scandinavian team is organised by world, solo, in a single-engined light aircraft, Pal Bergan whilst Herman Landsmann is via both poles. This has never been done putting together the Dutch team. The before. Polly has already circumnavigated the event is planned for 16-27 September world solo, covering over 25,000 miles over this year, in Umm Al Quwain, part of 17 countries and being airborne for 235 the United Arab Emirates. The event hours over four months! Polly has recently coordinator is Pete Marsden who plans been awarded the MBE for her many years of to use an AN 12 tailgate aircraft, this work with the charity, Royal International Air will take the full 120-way team plus Tattoo Flying Scholarships for the Disabled camera. and for her round-the-world flight. For £25 + you can have your name inscribed on one of the aircraft's wings and carried across the FFI: Pete Marsden north and south poles and through over 20 countries. Donations will go directly to RIAT Flying Scholarships for the Disabled. V 1A Team T ra in in g fo r w o rld M e e t w A ; ^ j ; , N / f/ * V i Skydive Arizona has three Porters available, handy if you need to train for the World Meet in Gap, France on 4-14 September this year. pat@skyd iveaz. com Tunnel 4-way Meet An indoor FS competition at Aerokart wind tunnel, Paris is likely to be held on Dylis Price, OBE, and freestyle partner Tony Danbury If you fancy training somewhere closer to 29-30 March (yet to be finalised). There will be a 3-way competition for everybody home, Black Knights Parachute Centre have with randoms and rotations only. There will also be a 4-way competition with a plans to lease a Porter for some weekends. limited dive pool for teams flying 9 average or above. The number of teams will be Dylis Price OBE limited. Skydiver Dylis Price who jumps at Langar in Skydive Sp ace C en ter The Skydive Space Center at Titusville, Florida The wind speed in the tunnel is generally ideal for FS. Once a month, Aerokart will turn up the airspeed to be fast enough for freeflying, the relevant weekends are shown in our diary of events (inside back cover) as 3D-Pro weekend. FFI Florian Lacroix 0033 1 30 25 72 88 Nottinghamshire received an OBE in the new year honours list for her services to people in Wales with special needs. Dylis turned 70 in 2002 and when not perfecting her freestyle skydiving, she is the energy behind the Touch Trust charity in Cardiff. has had a change in management, pilots and planes, including a new King Air which goes to 15,000ft in six minutes. sky F o r c e s R e u n it e d w e b s it e Forces Reunited is a dedicated UK database for reuniting ex-forces personnel. Registration and use is free and the website is updated on a daily basis. Select the name of a regiment, base or ship from the lists and hit search. February 2003 British Canopy Swooping Championships Portrait by Simon Ward, Canopy shot by Hunter Roberts Chris Lynch and Alastoir Macartney would like to hear from anyone interested in participating in a British canopy swooping event. Previous swooping experience is definitely required for competitors and entrance will be strictly controlled (by invitation) in the interest of safety. The tour is very much in the early planning stages and we are looking for potential competitors as well as judges, assistants and potential venues. Get in touch! A/ Macartney, left and under canopy RAeC Trust Photographic Com petition Here is the overall winning entry of the Royal Aero Club Trust photographic competition. A large number of well-known national companies and organisations donated prizes ranging from flying lessons to a digital camera donated by Olympus. More prize-winning entries and details of the 2003 competition are on: Chris Lynch's highly rated and much needed canopy seminars will now 'F lig h t a t D u s k ' b y E le o n o re R oberts be run under the title of Wing Tips canopy pilot coaching tour. The events will be held over three days with the following programme but some regional variations. The Friday session is free to full time Algarve Spring Boogie instructors. Friday, 9 a m : Canopy pilot fundamentals seminar. Classroom in the D a te: 1 March - 21 April (sic) morning including video sessions. Jumping in the afternoon. £20 per A irc ra ft: 2 x G92s person, free to full time instructors. Coaching: FS & Freefly S atu rd a y, 8 .3 0 a m : Canopy swooping seminar. 10 people maximum. In addition to the boogie, there will be a freefly Classroom in the morning, jumping by late morning. £20 per person. festival at the end of March run by a European S unday: One-on-one coaching, canopy or freefly. Two slots plus £20 freefly champion. Accommodation, food & drink, per jump. and jumps are all cheap, load organising is free. Flights to Portugal are also cheap. Events for May are lined up at Peterborough, Headcorn, Hinton and Hibaldstow (see diary). If you would like a seminar at your drop zone please get in touch with Chris, who thanks to Performance Designs and Skydive The Mag for their support of canopy pilot education. Photos: Simon Ward New Sebastian XL Website British national 4-way team Sebastian XL have a new website and a full programme o f coaching and skills camps for 2003 O n th e W eb : M o re details on all these stories a re on ou r website plus the following: S kyV e n tu re U K U p d a te T h a i S ky Festival RAeCT Presentation to HRH The Duke o f York F re e d o m o f F lig h t F re e fly C a m p s Team X in B on d m o vie N e w D Z in S p a in w w w .s k y d iv e m a g .c o m CONTAINERS IN FIN ITY JAVELIN ODYSSEY M IRAGE G3 & G4 OMEGA VECTOR III VOODOO VORTEX II AUDIBLE & VISUAL A LTIM ETER S C A N O P IE S AERODYNE RESI FLIGH T CONCEP' ICARUS NORTH AMERI PERFORMANCE ESIGNS PRECISION AERi YNAMICS PRO TRACK I SKYTRONIC FX PRO DYTTER A LTIM A STERII : GALAXY FT-50 ALTIM ETER We are the friendliest and most versatile gear distributer in Am erica. We have a full service rigging loft, specializing in customer service! ITslG i m xK! m u m HELMETS ACCESSORIES 0 BON EHEAD GATH PARASPO RT Z -l SKYSYSTEM S VELO CITY JU M P SU ITS LO G B O O KS G O G G LE S | V ID EO S CLO TH IN G G EA R BAGS CYPRES ALWAYS INSTOCK! We are conveniently located near Philadelphia, between New Yorh City and Washington D.C. IM IH k 6 C:1:.0:3 n271i85 n55 I I _ 6:10;327J8445 \J r (jw tiC tk fx i'm f w m M e a th m a d im t to W h o m ix , t t m o n a ; only, / h e m t o t h e D Z on” International Connection WWW * t - S K V w o n a .c o m The Online - Shop ' Features| Large inventory o r d e r i n g f r o m s t o c k list product information -| colouring tool - | discount prices .video specials - ■ h o t o f f e r s - J| land more! Experience the newest full servic e | on l i n e - s h o p J in E u r o p e w i t h B * ‘ cool prices ■ and fast deliveries ! D e a le rs w e lc o m e ! S K Phone : 0 0 4 9 -4 19 5 -9 9 7 7 0 Fax : 9 97777 E m a il: sales@ m y-skyw Number l Porocentre in the Netherlands offers Skydive Lovely Drop Zone in central Italy - 10 km from Adriatic sea A ncona or P e scara nearest international airports, special price with Rayanair Friendly and professional USPA staff Rigging service Load organisers Shaded packing area Team rooms Services and bunkhouse Free camping on DZ Bar / restaurant Special prices for teams - call for information Website: Email: Tel/Fax : +39 0734 964488 OFF courses weekly! Internationally recognised licence 7 levels, 5 consolidation jumps €nglish speaking professional staff including advanced student equipment Fast turbine aircraft £850 (£920 in July and Rugust) O nly 60m iles ( l 00km) north o f Amsterdam Flights UK - Amsterdam starting from £25 Direct flights from Hinton or Cork on request Bring your family to the scenic holiday island of Texel! Call for info or visit our website: Tel: 00 31 222311 436 Fox: 00 31 222 311 414 info@porac0 ntrumt0x0 Poroc0ntrum T0X0 I BV, Postwog 128, 795 JS D0 Cocksdorp, Th© I\l0th0rlonds skydive “ February 2003 17 CKYCW F The U K ’s most progressive skydiving centre Hibaldstow Airfield, Hibaldstow, Brigg, N orth Lincolnshire Office Tel/Fax 0 113 250 5600 Drop Zone 0 1652 648837 DZ Shop (Walk-in <& mail order) Bar <& Canteen Accommodation Block Free Hot Showers Huge Packing Hangar Covered Creeper Pad Team Rooms Available Video & Camera downloading booths 2003 Team Rates Please check our website for details Students.... 3 large lecture rooms Plenty of student kit Best AFF deal RAPS & Tandems Welcome 7 days a week Hib Events Diary 15 -16 February 1 March 18 - 21 Rpril 26 - 27 April BO May -1 June 1M - 22 June 14 - 15 June 21 - 22 June 27 - 29 June 28 - 29 June 5 - 6 July 26 - 28 July 2 - M August 2 - <-l August 25 - 26 October Valentines Weekend Night Jum ps p le a s e c h ec k Easter Bash F5 M-uuay Scrambles Meet UUing Tips Canopy Pilot Tour Summer Boogie Pre-Nationals FF Competition FS Coaching Roadshouu - VNE Speed Skydiving World Cup POPS Meet FS 8-uuay Grand Prix (Regionals) FS M-uuay Nationals FS 8-uuay Nationals Artistic Nationals Halloween 10-may Speed Further events to come. Please keep checking in ca se any d a te s have to be changed We are now the proud owners of the three fastest turbines in the UK 2 Dornier D028 G92 - 15 place 1 SMG92 Turbo Finist’ - 10 place The Turbines will operate up to 14,500ft at Hibaldstow - weather permitting Plus 1 Cherokee 6 (piston) - 5 place All aircraft are cleared for student jumping Skydive filgarve Spring Boogie AIRCRAFT AVAILABLE Saturday 1 March - Monday 21 flpril Domier D 0 2 8 G92 and SM£92 Turbo Finist 2 Dornier G9Z Coaching & organising Good cheap accommodation Excellent bars and restaurants Saturday 15 - Sunday 23 March Freefly Formation Festival for advanced flyers See website: Both available for long/short term lease b y W a > f*H t t t c w o 'it A BPA S e c re ta ry -G e n e ra l BPA Office: 0 1 1 6 2 7 8 5271 COMPETITIONS New b p a council A t the in a u g u ra l C o u n c il m e e tin g h e ld just a fte r th e A G M , C h ris A lle n w a s re-e le cted C h a irm a n o f the BPA a n d th e fo llo w in g Junior and intermediate teams can register their jump numbers with the BPA office on or o ffic e rs w e re a ls o e le cted: BPA V ic e -C h a irm a n John S m yth C h a irm a n o f C o m p e titio n s C o m m itte e John S m yth C h a irm a n o f D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m itte e K ie ra n B ra d y C h a irm a n o f C o m m u n ic a tio n s C o m m itte e C h a irm a n o f S afe ty & T ra in in g C o m m itte e (STC) Junior & intermediate PreRegistration E d d ie Jones John H itch e n after 1 March, to qualify to compete in the junior or intermediate FS category for the season. This will be useful if the team's jump numbers moy be over the lim it by the time competition to prove their jump numbers were as stated on the day of pre-registration. Any disparity will render the pre-registration invalid. Eligibility (or otherwise) to register will then default to jump numbers at the time of the first competition registration of the season. The criteria for junior and intermediate teams in FS are shown below, for other events contact your discipline rep on Comps Committee, via the BPA office. of the first competition. Pre-registration with FS C rite ria Ju n io r 4-w ay the BPA office does NOT register a team for 3 team members' jump totals combined must The 13 v o tin g m e m b e rs o f C o u n c il fo r 2 0 0 3 , selected w ith o u t the a particular competition; that must be done not exceed 900. (No lim it on 411' member.) nee d fo r a b a llo t a re listed o n p a g e 1 o f this m a g a z in e . direct with the host centre in the usual way. Renewal Time! The pre-registration form is downloadable in t e r m e d ia t e 4 -w ay from the 'documents online' page of the BPA 3 team members' jump totals combined must website or you can call the BPA office. not exceed 1,800. (No lim it on 4,tl member.) Y ou r BPA m e m b e rs h ip re n e w a l fo rm fo r the y e a r 1 A p r il 2 0 0 3 to 31 M a rc h 2 0 0 4 is e nclose d . Please c o m p le te a n d re tu rn th e fo rm to Teams who pre-register with the BPA office in t e r m e d ia t e 8 -w ay th e BPA o ffic e w ith y o u r p a y m e n t b e fo re 1 A p r il 2 0 0 3 , to ju m p a fte r this d a te . The fo rm m a y be d o w n lo a d e d fro m th e 'd o c u m e n ts and satisfy a basic admin check will be 3 team members' jump totals combined must o n lin e ' p a g e o f th e BPA w e b s ite . R e n e w a l fo rm s a re a ls o b e in g sent must be quoted on the team's first entry for to clubs & centres. a domestic competition (regionals, nationals Royal Aero Club Awards issued with a pre-registration number whichnot exceed 1,800. (No lim it on the other five members.) or grand prix). Each team member must The above jump numbers are from when FS1 submit his or her logbook to officials at this was reached. R onnie O 'B rie n , C C I o f S k y d iv e S ibson has be en a w a rd e d a R oya l A e ro C lu b D ip lo m a fo r his tireless c o n trib u tio n s to th e s p o rt o v e r m a n y y e a rs . D e b b ie C a rte r, w h o has serve d the A s s o c ia tio n fo r m o re th a n ten y e a rs as Treasurer, has b e e n a w a rd e d a C e rtific a te o f M e r it fo r h e r o u ts ta n d in g v o lu n ta ry c o n trib u tio n . * 8-way Grand Prix There are three dates in the planned 8-way regional circuit (see diary). There will be no separate senior and intermediate events; all teams w ill enter one event, which will use the intermediate 8-way dive pool to make it easier on the brain for all the teams. VNE, our national team are planned to be on hand to coach. Some VNE members may even be available to make up teams, so it will be worth turning up, even without a full team as every effort will be made to make teams out of the available competitors. Competition Dates Several FS and classics roadshows have been arranged since last issue, see diary for details. C lassics S ele ctio n N a tio n a ls CF N a tio n a ls H in to n , Tue 1 7 - Sun 2 2 June H in to n , Fri 2 0 - Sun 2 2 June February 2003 Indoor packing, video rooms, coaching, Tandem 8r AFF Tel. +351 27 4 67 2 08 9 fax. +351 27 4672081 fast climbing aircraft! available for hire. , Call Nick on 07980 690 681 J Email: Join our e-mail list to jump the van C o n g ratu latio n s to B r it C h icks, we aim to please! i Surer Otter Freefly suits from $99 USD approx. 8 sizes, 10 color combinations. ‘Hotel Charlie1 Serta € Freefly helmets from $69 USD approx. Q u a li t y s k y d iv i n g a c c e s s o r ie s a t r e a l i s t i c p r i c e s . 2 5 % d is c o u n t i f p u r c h a s in g w it h a n e w r ig . Air conditioned Bar 8 t restaurant Proenca a Nova M oitas phone: In t+61-89325-6001 fax: In t+61 -89 3 25 -9 4 52 em ail: web: A lR S P O x r r IP 6 A brantes A1 north F a s t , r e lia b le a n d fr ie n d ly a d v ic e fo r sk y d iv in g , a ir / a c t iv it y s p o r t s a n d d o m e s tic in s u r a n c e n e e d s . * » Capital sum in the event o f death, loss of limb/eye (or use thereof) or total disablement Weekly benefit up to a maximum o f 104 weeks (exc. first 14 days) so long as doctor certifies totally unable to follow normal occupation. • • 10% No Claims Bonus on renewal. Activity sports equipment worldwide Personal baggage for travel insurance (excludes k it whilst out of UK) Medical expenses covering medical or surgical treatment Visit our website: , canyouafford vto be without itr follow ing skydiving, air/activity accident Air transport for repatriation, including medical attendants for seriously ill or injured insured person. Costs of recovery to hospital follow ing a parachuting accident Buildings/contents insurance Car insurance ■ V * W bV . V « % w w w ^ iv e - p o r to g jlc o tn 20 skydive February 2003 C o n t a c t Y v o n n e J u k e s T e l/F a x O I 9 8 3 2 9 8 4 8 0 ( 2 4 h o u r s ) E m a il: y v o n n e a ir s p o r t s @ a o l.c o m __________48 Alexandra Road, Cow es, Isle of W ight. PQ31 7JT__________ %we Life, Sfcytfive * £ 4 * * « * • “ » for “ * « * 6 K t Store and * , D to p ^ 0 j t r*L New and Used G ear 'M/Z’il ft# ytau M $et! FR E E JU M P S with any new gear purchase! Rigs, Mains, Reserves & Cypres Sunrise Rigging International • Performance Designs • Sun Path Products, Inc. Mirage • Rigging Innovations • Aerodyne Research • Icarus Canopies y Precision Aerodynamics • Relative Workshop • Aerodyne Research • AirTec ^ J t i i f Used Gear 7 A Javelin, Sabre 120, Tempo 120, Cypres...... $1200 Javelin NJ with articulated harness.................$4 8 5 Talon, Falcon 235, Raven 218, Cypres..........$2 2 5 0 8_ S g v ie e I r w used gear selections! • Sunset Bar • Hard Dock Cafe y BPA Advanced Instructor „ parachute G e a r to «* Bonfire • Hot Showers Examiner Instructor Camping • Full Hook-Ups Tandem Instructor Team Rooms • Packing A FF Instructor "I've moved, but not far!" C all & ask fo r D a v e o r e m ail d ave@ sun Serving Skydivers for 18 Years 813.788.9831 2003 CALENDAR OF EVENTS o rd e r o n lin e 2 4 / 7 a t 4 3 0 3 S kydive Lane Fax 8 1 3 /7 8 8 -5 1 0 7 — W ' 1-4/3 Zephyrhills, FL 3 3 5 4 2 • Porters • Twin Otters Freefly Coaching • AFF Instruction Load Organizing • $17 Skydives Bring your BPA card and get $2 off first two jumps! - 6 0 -w ays & M a r d i G r a s B o o g ie - B e a d s a n d J a z z pSBH L E T 1 Bank Transfers Transfers B o x m a n 's 6 0 - w a y w e e k e n d , (F r i, S a t, S u n ). b o r o r g @ a o l .c o m t o c o n f i r m o r f o r in v i t e s . B P 'I ^ It 1 l l w I I / r I- J l 14-16/3 G o F a s t a n d T o t a l B o d y P il o t A i r l l P \ an d S p e e d R aces. I \ C o n t a c t C o lo n B e r r y 1 -8 1 3 7 8 3 9 3 9 9 V o r t o t a l b p @ h o t m a i l .c o m *"s■/ 15/3 15-17/3 A - N ig h t J u m p s S a t u r d a y N ig h t - S t .P a t r i c k s D a y & M u f f B r o t h e r s R e u n i o n , f H it - C h u g - S it c o m p e t it io n w it h T K c o a c h in g a c c u r a c y . ' M u f f c o m p e t it io n s , b e e r , b a n d a n d M u f f - w a y s . C o m e a n d g e t y o u r m u ff n u m b e r! 12& 19/4 11-20/4 - N ig h t J u m p s b o th S a t u r d a y s - A n n u a l E a s t e r B o o g ie a n d S p r in g M e e t . 16-19/4 CITY 8 1 3 .7 8 3 .9 3 9 9 u p N o rth . visit us o n lin e at 8 - w a y c o m p e t it io n . L a s t b a s h b e f o r e it g e t s w a r m 12/4 S K Y D IV E - 1 2 0 - w a y w o r l d r e c o r d d iv e s . O r g a n i z e d b y G u y W r i g h t a n d B o x m a n . b l s k y g u y @ a o l .c o m f o r in f o r m a t io n . E a s t e r S u n d a y 4 0 - w a y c o m p e t it io n 4 24 1 S k y d iv e L an e • Z e p h y rh ills , FL 3 3 5 4 2 Fax 8 1 3 /7 8 2 -0 5 9 9 F o r m a t io n L o a d s a n d O r g a n iz in g e v e r y d a y 20/4 - A ll g ir ls a r e w o r k in g - H u g y o u r M a n if e s t o r D a y , ( F r e e h u g s ). H om e of: W ings • Javelin • Tony Suits L ^ pA R A r.u i i t f For those AGM you all about. follow ing of you w h o ha ve never been to an m a y w ish to k n o w w h a t they a re I w o u ld sum it up w ith the four points: The The The The Meeting Sem inars Exhibition Beer! If you ha v e had enough of one, you can go to the other. Most people tend to go for option 4 for most of the d ay! The H a n o v e r H o tel is n 't th a t h a rd to fin d b u t fo r us, try in g to g e t th e re fo r the 2 0 0 3 A G M w a s a n ig h tm a re . The ro u te w e h a d d e c id e d to ta k e just d id n 't w o rk , y e p w e c o ck e d u p s o m e w h e re . I s w e a r w e h a d a fu ll to u r o f th e East M id la n d s o n route. i The Meeting W e w a n te d to g e t th e re fo r 10 a m a n d le ft in p le n ty o f tim e to o . W e a rriv e d a t 1 0 :5 0 - m id speech, h o w e m b a ra s s in g ! C h ris A lle n , BPA C h a irm a n , h a d a lre a d y sta rte d the A G M a n d w a s m id sentence w h e n w e ushered ou rselves in to th e P aris S uite. U k a y so w e w e re a little la te . It y o u , lik e m e, w e re la te o r s im p ly c o u ld n 't m a ke it a t a ll a n d y o u w a n t a n u p d a te o n his speech, it's in c lu d e d as a n in s e rt to this M a g w ith the STC a n d C o u n c il m inutes I |ust a b o u t m a n a g e d to ca tch the ta il e n d o r it a n d then c a m e the a w a rd s . BPA V ic e C h a irm a n John S m yth h a n d e d these o u t, a w a rd e d to p e o p le w h o e ith e r exce lle d in a d is c ip lin e o r h a d been n o m in a te d fo r a p e rs o n a l a c h ie ve m e n t. February 2003 Annual M ik e Forge Trophy (N ew S kyd iver o f th e Year): Chris Harris from Peterborough In s tru c to r o f th e Y ea r: Geoff Mason from Peterlee Stan* AWARD 6 ,0 0 0 Ju m p s <£ 72 H rs F re e fa ll: 6 ,0 0 0 Ju m p s: Jane Buckle Jim Scarratt 3 ,0 0 0 Ju m p s & 36 H o u rs F re e fa ll: Phil Gibbs 84 H o u rs F re e fa ll: Ian Cashman B PA C e r tific a te o f A p p re c ia tio n : VMax Sarah Laughton, Claire Scott.' Brian Vacher, Liz G ro u co tt & Sacha Chilton -A v irs ke th e sam e 3 seen a ll o v e r I fo ru m s. /h o m yo u ys p a c k e d j 3 o n th e / nds up ie a n d f Brit Chicks Project Lesley a n d K ate b o th to o k to the s ta n d a n d s h o w e d us w h a t B rit C h icks w a s a ll a b o u t; the p ro je c t, the fu n d ra is in g a n d th e re c o rd . B eing a B rit C h ic k m y s e lf it w a s o n ly rig h t th a t I sh o u ld a tte n d this o n e . A te a r c a m e to m y e ye as she s h o w e d us th e fin a l ru n o f the v id e o th a t n o n e o f us h a d seen b e fo re . It b ro u g h t b a c k a ll th e m e m o rie s o f w h a t it fe lt lik e a c tu a lly b e in g a p a r t o f it. Two Canopies Out K ai K o rn e r fro m A irte c ta lk e d us th ro u g h s ce n a rio s th a t m a y o c c u r w h e n h a v in g y o u r C y p re s fire a t the sam e tim e as y o u r m a in . He s h o w e d us som e v e ry h a ir y fo o ta g e a n d then a d v is e d us o n h o w to h a n d le these situ a tio n s. It m a d e m e la u g h w h e n he re fe rre d to o n e o f th e c h a p 's reserves as q u ite "S p o rty "\ A lth o u g h a se rio u s se m in a r, this w a s lig h t-h e a rte d a t tim es w h ic h p ro v e d a success. Tunnel Bunnies I I fo u n d the tu nnel tra in in g s e m in a r b y V M a x \ v e ry in te re s tin g , b o th fo r p e o p le w h o h a ve used \ the tu n n e l a n d those th a t h a v e n 't. It's a lw a y s h a n d y to g e t som e tips fro m W o rld C h a m p io n s ! \ \ V/Vlax s s e m in a r w a s v e ry in fo rm a l a n d re la x e d a n d q u ite h u m o ro u s in p la ce s. Even th e h a n d y tip V o f w h a t n o t to w e a r (re fe rrin g to je w e lle ry fo r sa fe ty reasons) a n d h o w to p re p a re b e fo re h a n d w a s useful. \ \ Skydive Mag Open Forum \ This w a s a n o p p o rtu n ity fo r p e o p le to a ir th e ir v ie w s o n \ the M a g a n d its c o n te n t, la y o u t etc. A s C lu b Rep fo r C a rk I tr y a n d a tte n d these; it's w o rth w h ile h e a rin g p e o p le 's o p in io n s . O p e n fo ru m s a re useful in o n e re sp e ct b u t th e y d o te n d to b e a n in v ita tio n fo r p e o p le to g e t o n th e ir so a p b o x e s . Lesley (M a g E dito r) h a d o p in io n s th ro w n a t h e r fro m a d is ta n c e b u t as e v e r she re m a in e d c a lm a n d a p p ro a c h e d the s u b je ct lik e a tru e p ro fe s s io n a l. sky February 2003 REGIONAL WINNERS P r e s e n t a tio n p h o t o s : Simon Ward M o n ta g e p h o to s: Simon Ward & Rob Colpus Sen ior A ccuracy and Style: Glenn Stephenson Interm ediate A ccuracy: Gordon M cConnell Junior Style: Lara Jordan B a r p h o to s: Nigel Holland N ational FS Judge: Ruth C o o p e r N ational C F Judge: David McLagan Skysurfing: Guns r Us Tony Goodman & Tag Pulham F re e fy B: Byzantium Martin Smith & Simon W ard Freestyle A: Fatboy and Slim We don't know who the team members are - please come forward! Freefly A: Euphoria Grant Meekey, Chris Guntrip, Gary Sweeney (pictured) & Alec Cotton Interm ediate C F 4-way Speed: Golden Lions A Roy Bannerman, Alan Ham ilton, Steve Millar & Jamie McNamee Interm ediate C F 4-way Rotations: Golden Lions Roy Bannerman, Alan Hamilton, Darren Brown & John Mikkellse Sen ior C F 4-way S p eed : Take Me Yolanda Lee, Pat Hammond, Sylviane H e rrick (pictured), Eugene Brennan & Adam Johnson Sen ior C F 2-way Sequential: Take Me Yolanda Lee & Pat Hammond Interm ediate C F 2-way Sequential: Golden Lions A Roy Bannerman (pictured) & Alan Hamilton 3 The Exhibition B etw een sem inars there's e n o u g h tim e g r a b a b e e r (o r five ) in th e S n o o ty Fox b a r a n d to g o to th e e x h ib itio n in th e London S uite, h a ve a q u ic k scout ro u n d a n d spend som e o f y o u r h a rd -e a rn e d cash.Y ou w ill fin d v a rio u s c o m p a n ie s tra d in g th e ir g o o d s a n d y o u c a n g e t m e a s u re d fo r a n e w suit / rig a n d b u y v a rio u s item s o f s k y d iv in g e q u ip m e n t fro m c a m e ra helm ets to a ltim e te rs . It's d e fin ite ly / ea sy to sp e n d m o n e y in th e re ! B ut a t th e sam e tim e y o u h a v e fre e ke y rin g s , p u ll-u p s a n d stickers h a n d e d to y o u ! I d id n 't stay fo r the d in n e r d a n c e o r th e p a rty b u t I th in k th e p ictu re s b e lo w tell the w h o le s to ry! Summary In a nutshell it's a re a lly w o rth w h ile e ve n t to a tte n d . The A G M is o n ly o n c e a y e a r y e t encom p a sse s so m uch in fo rm a tio n a n d is a g re a t o p p o rtu n ity to h a v e a g o o d c h a t. A s o u r C h a irm a n h im s e lf s a id in his speech "The A n n u a l G n e ra t M e e tin g is a b o u t le a rn in g , m e e tin g w ith o ld frie n d s a n d m o s t im p o rta n tly , h a v in g a g o o d tim e ". If y o u h a v e n e v e r b e e n , then y o u h a ve 11 m o n th s to b u y _________________y o u rs e lf a b e tte r m a p th a n m in e , , a n d fin d y o u r w a y th e re ! Michelle Meakins February 2003 / / REGIONAL I VWINNERS Senior FS Cham pions: Relative Breeze Andy C liff,A aron Faith, Julia Fox w e 11, Sacha Chilton, Julie W o o d ro w (pictured) & Bernard Devine Interm ediate FS Cham pions: Quest Stephen Rossall, Andy W rig ht, John Goodyear, Simon Brentford, Lynne M urray & Jean-Philippe Reynard Interm ediate FS Silver: UBI Craig Bailey, Shane W o od, C h ris Ivory, Ben W ood & G ary Ivory Interm ediate FS Bronze: MissChief Sally Beck, Lesley Gale, Beth King, A le x Stone, G ary W ainw right (pictured) & M artine Howland Junior FS Cham pions: Sky Pirates Christian H inchliffe,Terry W rig ht, Stephen Rossall, Amanda Truman, C h ris Southworth & Damian Fereday, Junior FS Silver Chaos G ary W atson, Stuart Brown, Maria Russell, Ivan Betts & Madeleine Moore Junior FS Bronze Elemental Calvin Blacker, Jane Henderson, R obert Rossall, (pictured) & D e rrick Kent, K e rry Connell, Richard Baldwin L earn to SKYDIVE Learn To SCUBA in S u n n y • PADI Diver Certifications (all levels) • Dive the Keys/West Palm/Crystal River • Take your SCUBA class from a Skydiver! • AFF instruction also available • Call for locations, schedule & pricing • • • • • • • • • great w eather Courses run 7days a w eek all year AFF course £587 (GBP) A Licence course £689 (GBP) Free accommodation on the drop zone APF professional instructors Cypres fitte d student equipm ent Free Internet access Close to beaches, surf, lots o f sun Did w e m ention th e great w eath er ?? * exchange ra te calcu late d a t 2 .9 0 d o llars p e r p o u n d (8 /1 2 /0 2 ) Diving With Doris BRISBANE SKYDIVING CENTRE ph: 617 54646111 • fax: 617 54646283 (813) 713-4691 ♦ www.DivingW C l o s e s t DZ in Tut W P a r t y in g F l o r id a to B es t in O r l a n d o o rlds AND Florida \5Rudiving Center SRydive LaRe Wales • .au T he S k y V en ture W in d T u n n el Casa King Air Super Otter Snack Bar High Altitude Loads Free Load Organizing 40 Seat Video Stadium Regular Balloon Jumps Large Carpeted Packing Hanger Jump n' Jacks Bar and Grill Organized Wind Tunnel Trips Camping & Accomodation Sport Jum pers FS1 Training Freeflying Coaching Tandem s AFF w w w .S a k y rc3 tS a .c zo m 28 skydive ^ February 2003 V E L O C I T Y E A G L E EYE M Y SPORT ATE Y O U R SPORT guiwpsustWy ,heworlds most perfect all-iourd canopy SABR E2 W O M E N 'S LO NG SLEEVE S A B R E i M E N 'S LO N G SLEEVE S T IL E T T O JU S T H A V E T O SW OOP' P E R F O R M A N C E D E S IG N S E M B R O I D E R E D M E N 'S POLO Altitude awareness may be natural. zero Tolerance for Hook Turns What is going on in skydiving, do we have we o collective deathwish? When I started sport parachuting in 1974 the BPA put out a warning notice on the dangers of low hook turns on high performance round canopies such as PCs. By today's standards these were very slow turning canopies, however, if put into a tight hook turn just before landing, they were more than capable of breaking your ankles - and they did! I do not recall any fatalities, just 1 several nasty accidents. In the mid seventies the first squares came into general use, using a Thanks but No Thanks porous FI 11 type fabric with a generous volume which gave a much faster forward speed (up There were 15 letters in The Mag, December 2 0 0 2 ,1 1 of which were thank-yous. to 20mph) and softer, flared landings. Hook turns did not go away, they became more Some were covering things that have been covered in past editions (Brit Chicks and dangerous and with the added canopy speed caused far more damage to the luckless Freefly Wiggaz). On page 11 John Smyth thanked the teams at World Cup, then individual out to impress. Major injuries to everything below the waist increased in frequency below the teams thanked John Smyth, then again on the letters page, the teams and recovery took much longer. The odd fatality cropped up, mostly from stalled canopies. thanked John Smyth again. Some people work hard on behalf of the sport and I'm Jumpers were still warned about the dangers of low turns; many continued to ignore the sure all the teams thanked John personally; his effort is what the sport needs - but is advice and paid a moderate to heavy price. the magazine a place where everybody keeps slapping each other on the back? Through the eighties the situation remained fairly static, only gaining momentum towards the end of the decade, with the advent of the small zero porosity (ZP) canopy. At the start of the nineties it was possible to land a canopy at speeds of 40mph plus and by the end of the decade up to 60mph. Illogically, low turns on such canopies seemed to become even more attractive and suddenly fatalities became a depressingly regular occurrence, combined with massive neck-down injuries. And so to today, where the situation is such that at my own DZ this year a highly experienced jumper inexplicably hooked in for one final time leaving a grieving widow and children. This is the harsh reality of the current jumping environment, can I was under the impression that The Mag would only publish thank-you letters or first jump stories if they were out of the ordinary or of a deserving nature. USA's Parachutist and Skydiving have similar editorial stances. The more thank-you letters you publish the more people will send them in and the same with first jump stories. The letters page should be there for education, discussion and debate. The only letter of any real substance was Craig's letter. It was informative, interesting and to the point and FP Beaumont's response never addressed his points as a customer; in summary the sort of gritty thing the letter page should be there for. we allow it to continue? Why do a low hook turn? Quite simply, because it feels good, because we can and we all love People who have recently started may be aghast by my comments but after 15 years to show off; it's only human nature and as such is most prevalent in the extrovert parachutist in the sport I can see precious magazine space used for better things. The letters page of today. Also, we never think it can happen to us, so we are prepared to take a chance; after was full of thank-you letters when you first took over the magazine and you got rid all the very sport of parachuting is a controlled risk. The major factor in all of this must be of it... and now it is full of thank-you letters, have we moved on? the availability of a generation of canopies that perform to thrill at high speed and will allow GaryMcGuinness, the ultimate in hook turns, who can resist? It is of course an inherent human trait to trust our own abilities in avoiding trouble! (See E d ito ria l, p a g e 1) Consider the hook turn: a canopy turning in less than half a second, whilst dropping up to 200 vertical feet, the pilot flung out parallel to a canopy's leading edge facing the ground below. Now the pilot will swing down below the canopy at up to 60mph and attempt to partially brake in order to glide parallel to the surface at maximum speed with only a foot or so of clearance, for as far as possible. The question is, if you get your calculations wrong, how high can you lift your legs? The margin for error is so tiny, I would suggest a maximum of four foot. A large number of jumpers have not been able to, so have crashed and burned. Co Directly to Hinton The very British problem of poor retention in our sport is caused by two factors - our climate, about which we can do nothing and the outright unfriendliness of so many of our drop zones. A committed few go to America and are embraced by the all-inclusive I have used maximum speeds but anything over 20mph can be just as problematic; the same camaraderie of skydivers there, just as I was at Skydive Orlando. My subsequent speed x drop x turn x experience equation comes into play. Despite my mentioning quest for a British DZ with a similar genuine welcome has caused me great 'experience' for the first time, do not be fooled. A large percentage of major landing injuries frustration. Then I happened upon Hinton and my prayers were answered. The moral are to experienced jumpers. The old adage about old and bold jumpers still applies, there are of this tale is two-fold - students get off your knees and down to Northamptonshire. very few old-bold jumpers about. One of the most experienced UK jumpers is Bob Charters, Rival DZ operators, send your seconds-in-command to gather some intelligence. whom I have witnessed land a Fury canopy on a 4ft high table top on many occasions, yet Mark Rostovsky Bob never found it necessary to show off with a hook turn. Hook turns are very dangerous no matter who you are or how experienced you think you are. In my opinion the margin for error is so slim, all such low turns should be greeted with Touched an immediate grounding. There are very few sports where such a dangerous area of What a great response the trustees have had to the article in The Mag. I really do exposure would be tolerated. Motorcycle racing was the most dangerous of all sports in the appreciate the generosity of readers, most of whom don't even know me, and was sixties and seventies, according to insurance statistics. The main cause of death up until the very touched by the sentiments on the cards. I will let you know how I get on with eighties was the lack of run-off at critical points on the circuits, following a spill. By the end of the treatment in the US. Penny Roberts the century this statistic had dropped massively as circuits were redesigned and safe run-offs installed. Nowadays there are very few deaths in motorcycle racing. I use this as an illustration of my point that change is possible. In the way that we do not tolerate low-pulls in the sport, I believe we should no longer tolerate low turns. There is a building groundswell of official opinion that the future lies in compulsory AADs. It is a fact that currently more jumpers are dying from low turn impact with the ground than die through failing to deploy their canopies. At the end of the day the question has to be, 'Is such Cockerham: No 1 Black Knights at Cockerham is a jump centre where no-one is left out. After a couple of weeks I feel that I have known the lads years; it's that kind of place, very friendly. With Phil, Jeff, Cliff, Dave, Chris and Jim having a combined parachuting experience of approx 200 years I don't think you can be in better hands, do you? In the list of showing off really worth the candle?' Chris Devine para centres the Black Knights are number 1 and that's where they should be! Mike Ferguson February 2003 Taking HumansFtliM ttT6tTih"elNSxm em tfRjgNAL LIZ A EP P e rfo rm a n c e C lo th in g FINE FREEFLY THREADS m a im a D v a & OTHER SOOD STUFF COMPLETE O N E -O F F S B U IL T T O YOUR R E Q U IR E M E N TS W IT H FA S T TU RN A RO UN D . ANY D E S IG N CONSIDERED!! n ALSO: HELMET BASS. W EIGHT BELTS, TUNNEL HARNESSES ADRENALIN & TESTOSTERONE LOGO T S For more info give Chappy a shout Tel/Fax +44 (0) 1482 635483 UIUIUJ.ori9inol-li20rd.c0m StZ^dive. Z ttU n d ...... a sm all and co zy D Z in th e so u th ern C ,V * part of H olland is looking fo r a F u ll T im e D r o p Z o n e M a n a g e r . W e o perate from A pril th ro u g h O ctober. ...... - i - . 1: in s a n o ^ ' A p p lican t should be an active skydiver w ith team building and m a n a g e m e n t skills. W h e n in t e r e s t e d p le a s e c o n ta c t: H e rm a n La n d s m a n T e l: + 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 4 6 4 Mosevej 3. Box 25 - 4070 Kirke Hyllinge - Denmark Phone: +45 46 48 24 80 Fax: +45 46 48 24 90 o r e -m a il: in fo @ sk y d iv e -ze e la n d .n l e b jh z e r o All Canopies A vailable Including: W e b s it e : www. s k y d iv e - z e e la n d . nl N E W Cobalt & Cobalt Pro Crossfire 2 Safire 2 Electra Sabre 2 W h e r e S k y d iv in g S t o rt s Suppliers of: Javelin Odyssey Atom Legend Voodoo Mirage Wings Next Tear Drop Plus all essential ' skydiving accessories Free Impartial Advice Canopy Artwork Specialists UK's No1 supplier of: Voodoo Containers Gl Cobalt Canopies call for current prices Giant Flags & Promotional Products Full Time Comprehensive Rigging Service t: 01980 844130 01980 844131 f: 32 skydive February 2003 Mike Brooke (524,13 km/h) [vol] n.m . flyin g, flight. H igh speed penetration into the a ir b y m in im izin g the drag w ith a body attitud e which also enables to resist the pow er o f the aerodyn am ic forces that are generated. Photos: W illy Boeykens skydive 35 February 2003 ■ m jw ■’w i w ere a n y o f the to p cu rre nt British 4 a n d 8 -w a y By the th ird d a y w e w e re try in g the first jum pers, most o f w ho m have a lre a d y g reviously 3 0 0 -w a y s . Everything from this p o in t on w as on a g ia n t scale - d irtd ive s took a fo o tb a ll pitch abused th e ir ann ual leave quotas to accom m odate tra in in g a n d in te rn a tio n a l com petitions. a n d a loudspeaker, the a irc ra ft line consisted o f o ne SkyVan a n d thirteen O tters, all e q u ip p e d T raining fo r the record had started the previous S aturday, w ith Jack Jefferies a n d Dan BrodskyC henfeld le a d in g the skydiving p roceedings, w ith the necessary oxyg e n systems fo r 2 0 ,0 0 0 ft skydives a n d there w e re nine cam eraflyers on the jum ps. backed b y G e o rg e Jicha. The sector captains Planning th ro u g h o u t the event w a s incredible. read like a 'W h o 's W h o ' o f s kyd ivin g , so the rest A n a irc ra ft fa ile d to start p ro p e rly a n d it took o f us tried to keep o u r heads d o w n in Inadequates' C o rn e r', h o p in g not to be noticed just e ig h t m inutes to ge t the replacem ent a irc ra ft fo r the d u ra tio n o f the event. u n a w a re th a t there h a d been an a irc ra ft change. up a n d ru n n in g . M o st o f the jum pers w ere The base 10 4 took a few jum ps to ge t it rig h t (I'll Even befo re the start o f the event w e all knew the be honest, I h a v e n 't ever heard the w o rd s 'b a se ' exact slot w e w o u ld be in, o u r lin e -u p position in and '1 0 4 ' used in the same sentence before.) the a irc ra ft a n d h o w the b re a k -o ff plan w o u ld The ta rg e t tim e o f less than 4 5 seconds lo o k e d ... w o rk . 2 2 countries w e re represented and the Russians even b ro u g h t an in te rp re te r w ith them . challe n g in g , as m a n y o f the substantial sized jum pers in this section w e re no t p a rtic u la rly used to d o ckin g on the outside o f a 1 0 0 -w a y. The e ig h t 'W h a c k e r' teams split in h a lf a n d threw B reaking o ff 3 0 0 people is an e n g in e e rin g feat in its o w n rig h t. It started a t 7 ,0 0 0 feet in fo u r together some w a rm -u p 9 6 -w a y dives. w aves, w ith a m a z in g ly fe w close calls, a n d the 36 skydive February 2003 u ^1 8 tg. *« it Norman Kent V . Norman Kent o n ly injuries occurred on la n d in g . This m ig h t have had p ro v id in g helmets fo r the use o f e very p a rtic ip a n t). som ething to d o w ith being forced to have straight-in A n y o n e w h o w a n te d to have visors rem oved had it ap p roa ch es from 2 5 0 feet, all in the same d ire ctio n , ch anged b e fo re the next jum p. Pilots w e re p o lite ly even if it w as slightly d o w n w in d . thanked bu t asked to stay d o w n to 2 0 ,0 0 0 feet. A s the dives b u ilt up there w e re the n o rm a l problem s that you expect o f la rg e scale jum ps. Personnel changes w e re m ade, lin e -u p positions in the a irc ra ft a lte re d and By the fifth d a y it w as cle a r th a t it should com plete. O n e o f the jum ps cam e v e ry close, w ith o n ly a fe w g rip s m issing. W e still had fo u r days left to finish the jo b , but e veryone w a s v e ry conscious that one mistake could cost you y o u r slot. N o pressure then. th a t d id n 't prevent m o re personnel changes from The pilots d id a sterling jo b a ll w eek. They trie d to ge t us result w as th a t some p e o p le w h o h a d n 't m a d e a n y a b it o f e xtra a ltitude on one o f the jum ps, d ro p p in g us serious m istake w e re rem oved from the team . Still no pressure then. at 2 1 ,0 0 0 feet. The result w as chaos - the extra tim e at a ltitud e w as uncom fortable fo r m ost o f the jum pers (you try b eing in an O tte r fo r an h o u r w ith 2 2 o th e r base guys), an d the tem perature w as -3 4 ° C (-2 9 ° F). V isors iced over, swathes o f the fo rm a tio n never even g o t close, a n d the best o f intentions fa ile d to p ro d u ce a n y benefit. co n tin u in g , p a rtic u la rly in one section o f the base. The Thursday 1 2 D ecem ber w as a g o o d day. The first tw o jum ps both b u ilt to o ve r 2 9 0 a n d the th ird ju m p turned o u t to be the one that m attered. 7 .2 seconds a fte r the 3 0 0 -w a y bu ilt, G e o rg e Jicha d e p lo ye d from the centre o f the fo rm a tio n as the signal to leave. The result o f th a t jum p w as typ ica l o f the o rg a n isa tio n . 3 0 0 p a irs o f g oggles w e re p ro d u ce d w ith in an hour, courtesy o f G o Fast (w ho sponsored the event by Rod F a irw e a th e r ro d .fa irw e a th e r@ b ig fo o t.c o m Norman Kent Willy hoeykens Willy Boeykens 38 sky February 2003 s h y D iv e 1— WAY ARIZONA W O fflO ft£ C 0 ft0 300-way FAI World Record Date: 12 D ecem ber 2 0 0 2 Place: Skydive A riz o n a O rganisers: Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld, G e o rg e Jicha, Jack Jefferies Countries represented: 22 Youngest jumper: 21 ye ar old M a x Thiele O ldest jum per: 6 3 ye ar old Larry Elmore Sponsor: G o Fast P hoto: W illy B oe yke n s M o re p h o to s a v a ila b le a t: Check out: British Participants Roger Allen Andy Cliff Rob Colpus Rod Fairwealher Chorlie Hoare Jim Keery Mark Kirkby Pete Knight Lee Loncasty Gary McGuinness Sandy McRobbie Robin Mills Mark Rondel Billy Somerville Dave Stevens Derek Thomas Steve Thomas Eno Van der Post S t r a t h a lla n ScoTiish N atIo n aIs 2 0 0 7 BPA h.Regionals F5 “l-uuay 5 8-Way 2 4 -2 6 2 5 IV U y M Ay - P r a c t ic e R E Q iST R A T iO M C lo S E S % TEAM S CAN / C oM p D ay S T A R T S 8AIV1 S a t ENTER A N y O R A ll d iS C ip liN E S # F ree % T tR b iN E a/c + C A ivipiiN q 2 xC2 0 6 H a v e a q u e ry ? W a n t to r e g is te r ? E m a il: r a lp h .f ie ld in g @ n t ;lw o r ld .c o m Tel: 07774 686161 Your new addiction! Because Faqtor is addictive! But we don't regret a bit! ■P' ‘ Straight in landings O L m e g a swoops. Fiareing never was easier! f=AQT©R dord The new drug! With a guaranteed addicition Faqtor, a high swoop Faqtor and a low price Faqtor! Get the Faqts from your local dealer. W e have a Cessna 182 w h ic h c a n c a rry p a r a c h u tis ts fo u r f o r h ir e THE RATES ARE £155 +VAT PERTACHO HOUR WITH PILOT (we have a contact who is experienced in this work that we could put you in touch with) or £120 +VAT per tacho hour dry dare to be different Weingartstr. 12 wwi Slif Paralec SrrsbH D-6 G798 Wailerfangen - G i : <in c o o t ■ 7 < n c■■ L. + 4 0 *0 0 d / - / d / 0 “El I* £ S ? •o»u0 ** in fo p a ra ie c.o 0 : Also Aerial Advertising from as little as £320 per hour (Banner construction from £70 extra.) W e operate throughout the U K seven days a week. Positioning charge w here applicable. For details on Aerial Photography and surveys please contact: S k y A d s - N e th e rth o rp e A irfie ld , T h o rp e S a lv in , W o rk so p T e l: 01909 482981 • F a x : 01909 482981 • M obile 07889 883906 ■fc, ARE OFFERING SKYDIVING VACATIONS IN BEAUTIFUL SEBASTIAN FLORIDA AFF COURSES Come and join us in the sun for your AFF Course (usually completed within 3-4 days) ABOUT SEBASTIAN We offer the best student training facilities in Florida, including: 600 Acres of open landing area Skydiving Altitudes between 14,000 to 15,000 feet Our flight line of Casa's, Super Otters Our Video Service Free Camping &Showers Trailer Rentals Gear Store &Rigging Facilities Undercover Packing Area Air Conditioned Classrooms &TV Lounge Cafe, Bar STikki Bar ADVANCED COACHING/TRAINING PROGRAMMES FS1 Progression: WAR.P. and One on One Coaching. Helping you to achieve your FS1/CAT 10 in 4 days. WIND TUNNEL TRAINING We can incorporate Wind Tunnel Training into your skydiving experience at Florida's famous Skyventure Wind Tunnel in Orlando. TANDEM SKYDIVES Let us arrange a Tandem Skydive for your friends and family. W H Y CHOOSE US For our highly qualified BPA &USPA Jumpmasters.Our state of the art equipment, the best on the market. Our knowledge of the UK and European Drop Zones to assist you on your return. We are a specialised AFF and One on One School who offer professional, personalised training programmes. Freefall A dventures Florida 400 West Airport Drive, Sebastian Florida 32958 Tel: 772 388 0550 Fax: 772 581 4468 Email. Website, Photograph by John I Our aim is to introduce you to the sport in a safe, professional environment where you'll never feel left out or lost in the crowd. Our courses are designed to fit in with your schedule, so if you feei like a few days off to see the attractions, we can incorporate this into your training schedule. skydive 43 February 2003 Is In its usual stylish way, the Centre de Paracaigudisme Costa Brava (CPCB) was a superb host to a week of canopy formation jumping in October 02. The CRW seminar run by Richard Hayden took a year to put together and was attended by skydivers from 11 countries, who were enthusiastic in their praise. Sponsors Captain's Cabin, the well known skydivers' bar in Empuriabrava, sponsored a 4-w ay competition and a CF big-w ay trophy. CIMSA, the parachute m anufacturer provided eight dem o parachutes, launching their Quantum CRW canopies onto the arena. The Quantums IQuanta? - Ed1w ere to be seen docking on the bottom of the largest s’ac’c, w inning the Captain's C abirf Challenge. They were also flown in the Spanish recordbreaking 10-way diam ond. Coaching CRW coaches from Britain, Belgium, Holland,, Ireland and Spain collaborated in a unique way, by adopting the BPA's system for coaching the novices w ho attended to CF1 standard. The m ore experienced CRW jum pers w ere treated to coaching from national team members, ensuring that everyone's skills w ould be challenged. th e re a n y w h e re b e a u t ifu l t o b u ild fly fo r m a t io n ? a c a n o p y and each coach the opportunity to compete. The scores w ere surprisingly competitive, a tribute to the coaches. All seven teams com pleted each round successfully. Results Gold w ent to Carbi, captained by Marc Calluy. Alan Donny's team McFly took the silver and bronze w ent to Roel Roeloffzen's team, Desperados. The 4-w ay m edals were the largest and most beautifully presented CRW m edals I've seen. Big-way Competition The big-ways divided into tw o formats; straight stacks for novices and diam ond form ations for the more experienced. The first 9-w ay diam ond flew with ease and M arc Calluy knew he had a good base for even bigger formations. Pat Hammond's students built an 8-stack on the first attempt, now everyone w anted to join in the bigways! Mark's next diam ond group consisted of a core of CPCB instructors and they successfully m ade a new record by flying a 10-way diam ond in Spanish skies, on the first attempt! What Language Barrier? Organising any international event presents a big com m unication issue, the 'language barrier' but this w as no problem , thanks to our coaches w ho collectively spoke seven languages. Skills Matching The w eek long sem inar started with matching people's skills. A core coaching group worked with novices on a 1-to-l basis, another team worked with 2-way, a third group of coaches developed 4-w ay skills and tw o coaches w ere tasked with the bigways. With the 4-w ay and big-w ay competitions starting on Thursday, the coaching objective w as to have everyone ready. 4-way Competition The jumps in the 4-w ay w ere designed to allow beginners to compete but still present a real time challenge for the more experienced. One coach captained each 4-w ay team, giving guidance for the novices 44 skydive February 2003 m o re a n d piloted the w inning stack of his team Codo, working m ainly with novices giving them the opportunity to experience the sheer scale of a big stack and the breathtaking view from inside one. The exceptional Captain's Cabin Big-way Challenge trophy w as masterly designed and engraved. Video All the jum ps w ere videoed by Gus Cabana and Sarah-Jane Smith with Bruno Brokken getting som e beautiful photographs over one of the most picturesque DZs in the world. Award Ceremony M ax M onod, M anager of Captain's Cabin, presented the aw ards on the terrace outside Captain's Cabin, with a live band getting the festive atm osphere going. Looking on was his proud father Michel M onod, w ho engineered the collaboration of sponsors to make the event an Empuriabrava classic. CPCB took a very professional interest in the seminar, because CRW is one of the largest grow ing disciplines in skydiving. Belgian team captain M arc Calluy and Dutch Hilfiger sequential team m em ber Roel Roeloffzen coached some of the CPCB instructors in sequential. Ian M arshall took tw o form er British team mem bers through the BPA's CF coaches system and they subsequently qualified for their BPA CF Coach rating. Complete Success In addition to learning new skills and having a terrific fun week, everyone w as given a poster and sweatshirt depicting one of Gus Cabana's spectacular 25-w ay diam ond photographs. A com plete success, the Empuriabrava CRW sem inar and the Captain's Cabin Challenge trophy is featured on the w orld's most popular DZ's calendar for 2003. Spanish R eco rd 10-way diam ond Bruno Brokken showed his skill by brilliantly calculating the exit point for Ian Marshall's Captain's Cabin Challenge winner. The wind changed directly from the northwest to the southwest at a critical height on the dive and, under competition rules, all challengers have to land on the drop zone to qualify. Ian Repeat Performance The event will be run again in late September or early October 03, contact me for details. Richard Hayden Seminar Video: | f S K Y D IV IN G C O U R S E S & H O L ID A Y S n ) : i s) n h ) s) D vcv i IN T E R N A T IO N A L S K Y D IV IN G SC H O O L S , p r o g r e s s io n a n d h o lid a y s IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE A N D FLORIDA k y d iv in g c o u r s e s FULL TIME BRITISH SKYDIVING SCHOOL BASED IN FRANCE ROYAN MAY-OCTOBER FLORIDA LAKE WALES NOVEMBER-MAY ju st SOME OF THE REASONS TO JOIN us! TOP BRITISH RATIO INSTRUCTORS & UK LICENSES OVER OF 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE & BPA ASSOCIATES PERSONALISED AFF, FREEFLY, FS1 & RAPS COACHING VIDEO ON ALL INSTRUCTIONAL JUMPS GREAT SKYDIVING HOLIDAY VENUES WIND TUNNEL COACHING in France (Paris) & Orlando Florida GOOD WEATHER COMPLETE PACKAGES ARRANGED % DKSDPPORT "W <sm I’m stuck at level 4 I can't stop my left turn. I start the movement and to stop it I brake hard to the right but instead of stopping the turn, I start to orbit. My instructor says I have a good position and all I need to do is to relax but I think that something else is missing. What do you think? Several com binations o f body position o r m ovem ent could cause this situation. If you are o rb itin g to the rig h t w hile bra kin g fro m a left turn then I'd say you are o ve r-b ra kin g and possibly d ro p p in g your right shoulder, extending your left leg o r d ro p p in g your rig h t knee as you brake. If you are o rb itin g to the left, perhaps you are not so m uch bra kin g hard but extending your rig h t arm out and extending your rig h t leg, possibly also d ro p p in g your left knee o r shoulder as you do so. A s k y d iv in g re la te d c ro s s w o rd w ith tw o sets o f clu e s g iv in g th e s a m e a n s w e rs ; use th e m a in o r th e re se rv e ! (C A cro ss Dow n 4 Dance like Oliver? (5) 7 Tom travelling w ith nude on horseback (7) 1 Depressed Yank is bad but better than none (3,4) 2 N ew spar, new shrouds (7) 3 Source o f comet! (2,9) 5 Black magic o f one cricket club in W estern Australia (5) 6 Stronger? At first! Higher? No! Faster? No! (7) 8 Found innocent Shakespearean King in last month's revolution (7) 9 M odel tank displays position o f track (5) 12 Final aerobatic trick is where the pin goes (7,4) 15 The point of a flamingo at rest? (7) 17 Nervous about tim e, but not charged (7) 18 Old giant w ith broken legs looks am azed (7) 19 Sound advice for comm ittee (7) 20 Silly skydivers from 26? (5) 23 Electronic outlet for competition (5) 10 Teaches groups o f swimmers (7) 11 Turning up in air w ith me in European DZ (7) 12 W hat all freeflyers seem to have and, as w e know, they never lie (7) 13 Bulb lit up flickeringly (5) 14 Outlines o f canopies ( I I ) 16 Flying contrarily from plot in PM 's street (11) 21 N o dropping area protects us from sunburn (5) 22 Fed w ith h alf portion o f couscous scram bled and concentrated (7) 24 Prehistoric rigs! (7) 25 Concoction o f sucrose leads to runs (7) 26 Irish field spotted in regurgitated ursine vom it (7) 27 Positions for m any aboard (5) I'd suggest you have video taken on your next skydive. Problems becom e so m uch easier to understand and solve when you can see w hat's happening. H aving your instructor d e b rie f you using the video m ay solve several m in o r b ody positions w hich w ill advance your skydiving skills greatly, at a sm all price com pared to m aking several m ore AFF jum ps. I'd suggest your instructor is correct and that it's a relaxation situation. Fluidity w ith the a ir really is the secret to go o d skydiving. I know that m ig h t sound a bit Zen-like but it's true - and I'm a b o u t the least 'new a g e ' th in ke r you could m eet so take th a t fo r w h a t it's w orth! Sky Eye Surgeon What’s it like jumping a w ingsuit? How much different is the freefall experience? What speeds can you track and how slow is your descent? How experienced do you need to be to try a wingsuit and which drop zones provide training? T h e m a in d iffe re n c e in th e fre e fa ll e x p e rie n c e w ith th e w in g s u it is th e in c re d ib le fe e lin g o f flo a tin g , c o m p a re d w ith th e v e ry o b v io u s fe e lin g o f fa llin g in o th e r d is c ip lin e s . T h e h a rd e r yo u w o rk th e m o re e ffic ie n t y o u r p o s itio n w ill b e b u t a tw o m in u te p lu s flig h t c a n b e q u ite e x h a u s tin g . A n y th in g u p to 10 0 + m p h fo r w a rd is e a s ily a c h ie v a b le if y o u d iv e th e s u it a n d s a c rific e lift fo r s p e e d . A s fo r d e s c e n t ra te , 4 0 m p h is a g o o d s lo w s p e e d b u t fly in g w ith a g r o u p is g e n e ra lly a ro u n d th e 6 0 m p h a re a as y o u fly fo r m a tio n s a n d ta k e g rip s . A cro ss 4 7 10 11 12 13 14 16 21 22 24 25 26 27 Line tangle Climbed Colleges Spanish DZ EG box brownies Dutch flower Portraits o f profile Flying two canopies Gas Unfuzzy Myths - rigs Race tracks Irish airfield Grooves ‘podouow gi ‘doo| Suisop z\ “m pd 6 Dow n 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 12 15 17 18 19 20 23 Late deployment (3,4) Swaddles Aircraft manufacturer (2,9) Witchcraft Least quick Became unclouded River mouth Circle o f line (7,4) 4-way FS formation - one foot Unbiased Skydiving glasses Governing board Birds Occurrence T h e BPA fo llo w th e B ird M a n m a n u fa c tu re r's g u id e lin e s o f n e e d in g 5 0 0 ju m p s b e fo re fly in g a su it. You w ill s till n e e d g o o d in s tru c tio n fr o m a n e x p e rie n c e d w in g s u it fly e r b e fo re m a k in g y o u r firs t flig h t. S uch ju m p e rs c a n b e fo u n d a t m o s t U K d r o p z o n e s n o w th e d is c ip lin e h a s b e e n a ro u n d fo r a c o u p le o f y e a rs . W e sto n ha s o lim ite d n u m b e r o f suits a v a ila b le as d o H in to n , N e th e ra v o n , H ib a ld s to w , L a n g a r a n d C h a tte ris . P h o n e b e fo re h a n d to c h e c k th e a v a ila b ility o f d e m o suits a n d in s tru c tio n . Dr Fordy ford IU3A3 iz ‘3S339 oz ‘i p a n ° 3 6 l ‘ssjSSoo 8 i ‘ [B.im3N L\ 8 *JS3avois 9 ‘BM!M 5 ‘po®IHA«H 3CI £ ‘sdeiMug z ‘j|nd Moq i uuo(] sjojs LZ‘siu3ao[aj 92 ‘s3sjnc>3 gj ‘spusSsg ‘pssnooj ZZ ‘suozo \z ‘SuiuB|duMoa 91 ‘ssusnoqiis frl ‘di|nx £i ‘sbjsuibq zi ‘Bunduig u ‘sjooips oi ‘psiuno^j l p SSOJDy 47 :suopttjos F e b ru a ry 2 0 0 3 TnUm 3. Go to Other Drop Zones O c c a s io n a lly m a k e the e ffo rt to g o to o th e r d ro p zo n e s e s p e c ia lly fo r an e v e n t lik e a ro a d s h o w o r c o m p e titio n , it's w o rth it! It c a n seem p re tty d a u n tin g tu rn in g u p a t a n y D Z u n d e r y o u r o w n steam , e s p e c ia lly y o u 're used to re g u la r h o m e D Z w ith a ll its fa m ilia r faces. You soo n le a rn each o n e is d iffe re n t a n d th e p e o p le h a v e th e ir o w n s p e cia l w a y s ! W h e re d o y o u g o first? W h o d o y o u s p e a k to? W h e re a n d w h a t g e a r d o I h ire ? W ill th e y shout a t m e if i a p p ro a c h them ? These a re q u e stio n s w e 'v e a ll bee n p h a se d by. W e ll, h e a d fo r the m a n ife s t a n d A S K ! Even if it seems to b e th e m ost s tu p id q u e s tio n to y o u , it's fa r b e tte r to ask th a n to fre a k o u t in the d o o r b e ca u se y o u w e re to o sca re d to d o u b le check. Y o u 've a lre a d y th ro w n y o u rs e lf o u t o f a p la n e , a p p ro a c h in g a n in s tru c to r is Simon W ard (u su a lly ) less s c a ry th a n that. F in d o u t a b o u t lo c a l rules, a n y h a z a rd s , n o -g o a re a s , p la ce s o f tu rb u le n c e , the a ir c r a ft a n d a n y o th e r C h eck a t m a n ife s t w h o to a sk a b o u t w h a t. D o n 't c o p y b lin d ly ! You m a y see s o m e th in g th a t lo o ks lik e a g o o d id e a , b u t w h ic h c o u ld b e in a p p ro p ria te fo r y o u o r it m a y s im p ly b e a d a ft id e a . q u e s tio n s y o u m a y h ave. Take a ll y o u r d o c u m e n ts a n d e x p e c t to h a ve y o u r d o cs a n d rig c h e cke d . 4. Get Coached I g o t a b it c o m p la c e n t a fte r g e ttin g m y c a t 10 . Then, o n c e I sta rte d d o in g som e b ig g e r fo rm a tio n s , I re a lis e d th a t I'd g o t in to such b a d h a b its , I n e e d e d u rg e n t c o a c h in g ! A fe w c o a c h e d ju m p s d o w n th e lin e a n d I k n o w I'm o v e r those b a d h a b its , b u t it's VERY e a sy to s lip b a c k . H a v in g s o m e o n e ju m p w ith y o u g ive s y o u a ta rg e t to w o rk a g a in s t, a g o o d p o in t o f Simon Wardi re fe re n ce . O n c e y o u 're settled in , h o n e th e skills y o u 'v e le a rn e d g e ttin g to C a t 8 b y g e ttin g in d iv id u a l c o a c h in g fro m a n in s tru c to r a n d w o rk in g to w a rd s IC1 (In d iv id u a l C a n o p y , G r a d e !) . H e re y o u 'll le a rn m o re a d v a n c e d c a n o p y skills, la n d in g in p re -d e c la re d a re a s , le a rn h o w to C a n o p y fo rm a tio n sh o u ld o n ly b e trie d w ith a n in s tru c to r h o ld in g a BPA CF1 c o a ch ra tin g ; d o n 't e x p e rim e n t w ith frie n d s ! You c a n o n ly s ta rt s ky s u rfin g w ith 5 0 0 ju m p s so it's to o e a rly fo r th a t b u t le a rn in g fre e fly a n d fre e style skills, e s p e c ia lly those o f h e a d -u p fly in g w ill b e a re a l b e n e fit. 6. Buying Kit - Not Too Soon! ^ y / / This c a n b e a n o th e r im p o rta n t sta g e o f y o u r / s k y d iv in g c a re e r - a tim e to th in k a b o u t / b u y in g y o u r o w n kit. It c a n b e te m p tin g (if / jjjs y o u 'v e g o t the / c a sh !) to w a n t to / / if V b u y a ll y o u r o w n k it in o n e g o o n re a c h in g *•**. C a t 8 . A s n ic e as it is to h a v e y o u r o w n g e a r a n d th e i I in d e p e n d e n c e th a t b rin g s , D O N 'T ru n b e fo re y o u c a n w a lk . You \ \ c o u ld m a k e a n e x p e n siv e o r \ p a in fu l m ista ke so e a sily. \ v g tjfr * s p o t (w h e re to d ro p to la n d s a fe ly o n the D Z), a n d flig h t-lin e checks i.e. w h a t to lo o k fo r o n y o u r g e a r b e fo re y o u ju m p , etc. It's a fte r this th a t c o a c h in g is S O im p o rta n t. Y o u r FS1 (F o rm a tio n S k y d iv in g , G ra d e 1) q u a lific a tio n w ill p r o b a b ly c o m e next. A series o f c o a c h e d ju m ps w ith o th e r p e o p le w ill c u lm in a te in a fo u r p o in t 4 -w a y , g iv in g y o u m o re fre e d o m to ju m p in b ig g e r fo rm a tio n s w ith w h o y o u like . I s ta rte d o u t s m a ll, b u y in g m y h e lm e t, \ a lti a n d then m y ju m p s u it. (G e t this m a d e \ ^ „ to m e a su re if p o ssib le , s tra n g e ly e n o u g h , it \ d o e s h e lp a lo t!) By the tim e th a t h a d a ll a rriv e d , I'd n o tch e d u p a ro u n d 6 0 ju m p s - a N. g o o d tim e , I w a s a d v is e d , to s ta rt th in k in g a b o u t It m a y seem m o re e x p e n siv e b u t in the lo n g ru n , c o a c h in g w ill save y o u tim e , m o n e y a n d lo w e r y o u r c h a n c e o f in ju r y (see la st issue). If y o u o n ly ha ve e n o u g h m o n e y fo r ten ju m p s o v e r a w e e k e n d , d o five in ste a d , p a y in g o u t o n the o th e r slots fo r a c o a ch to ju m p w ith y o u . It'll b e m o n e y w e ll s pe nt in th e lo n g -te rm . W ith 4 0 0 m a in ly so lo ju m ps y o u 'll p r o b a b ly b e n o t n e a rly as g o o d as so m e o n e w ith 2 0 0 ju m p s b u t m ost o f them h a v in g be e n c o a ch e d . 5. Choose a Discipline It's p ro b a b ly b e st to sta rt w ith FS1 as th e skills w ill tra n s fe r la te r to fre e fly in g sh o u ld y o u w a n t them to a n d y o u r p ro g re s s io n is k n e w w h a t size c a n o p y I w a s c a p a b le o f fly in g a n d la n d in g safely. A c a n o p y b o u g h t a t th a t sta g e s h o u ld la st a c o u p le o f h u n d re d ju m p s b e fo re y o u s ta rt d o w n s iz in g . D O N 'T d o th a t to o soon. You w o n 't lo o k v e ry c o o l s m a c k in g in o n a sm all c a n o p y just b e ca u se y o u 'v e seen the m o re e x p e rie n c e d g u y s ju m p th e m ! I I Ask Advice When Buying Kit I if y o u c a n a ffo rd b ra n d n e w g e a r, g re a t! S eco n d h a n d g e a r is a ls o a g o o d o p tio n b u t d o n 't listen to W h e th e r n e w o r s e co n d - w ill then n e e d to w o rk o u t h a n d , A S K a d v ic e fro m a n d g e t a n y p o te n tia l rig y o u w a n t to m ove o n to a n o th e r ch e cke d o u t th o ro u g h ly b y a n e x p e rt b e fo re y o u fre e fly in g , fre e style , p a r t w ith a n y m oney. A rig g e r w ill sp o t p ro b le m s a c c u ra c y , s k y s u rfin g o r CF y o u w o u ld h a ve n o id e a (c a n o p y fo rm a tio n ). Try a b o u t. d is c ip lin e such as % H 5, ^ * :‘ * J u s* a n in s tru cto r o r r ig g e r y o u , o r w h e th e r / >•* v . | th e p e rso n se llin g it! lik e ly to b e q u ic ke r. You w h e th e r FS is fo r N. b u y in g m y o w n rig . By then I h a d m y IC1 a n d FS1 a n d . >m " t V 1 \ ^ J^i|P ^ 1 1 j ^ S f som e sa fe e x p e rim e n ta tio n a t this s ta g e , ra th e r th a n la u n c h in g in to o n e d is c ip lin e w ith o u t th in k in g a b o u t a n y o th e rs. More advice on m ost top ics d iscu ssed in th is a rticle is availab le on our w eb site, use the se a rch facility on the home page to locate your area of interest ww w.skydivem ’ Go Freefly-Friendly O n th e s u b je ct o f g e a r, it's a g o o d id e a to g e t a n ice , tig h t, fre e fly -frie n d ly rig s tra ig h t o ff. This w ill be g re a t fo r FS to o . If y o u th e n w a n t to tr y fre e fly a t a la te r s ta g e , y o u d o n 't ne e d to w o r r y a b o u t m o d ific a tio n s to y o u r rig to m a k e it safe - a n d th e re is n o te m p ta tio n to try 'ju s t o n e sit ju m p ' w ith a n u n s u ita b le rig to see if y o u lik e it. It's just n o t w o rth th e risk - p re m a tu re d e p lo y m e n ts c a n a n d d o h a p p e n (even in FS) so g e n e ra lly th e tig h te r th e rig th e better. It m akes sense to c a rr y a s p a re c lo s in g lo o p so Eli Thom pson y o u c a n re p la c e it a t th e firs t sig n o f w e a r. A n o th e r tip is to n o t le a ve it to o lo n g a fte r g e ttin g y o u r C a t 8 to ju m p a g a in . A \ I la y o ff c a n le a d to a ll sorts o f p ro b le m s , n o t le a st a c tu a lly lo s in g th e n e rv e to ju m p . You c a n ta k e th e v ie w " O h w e ll, I'v e d o n e it n o w ", b u t there's S O m uch m o re to a ch ie ve . The fa n ta s tic th in g a b o u t th is s p o rt is th a t there's a lw a y s a n e x t stage - m o re q u a lific a tio n s to g a in , stu ff to le a rn a n d ro o m to im p ro v e . It's N O W th a t y o u n e e d to m a k e th e rig h t m oves. Put the e ffo rt in to g a in in g y o u r n e x t g ra d e s . Then g o to ro a d s h o w s , g e t som e c o a c h in g , g o to skills ca m p s a n d y o u 'll b e s u rp ris e d b y w h a t y o u le a rn a n d w h a t y o u ca n d o . Lindsey Ashwood (pictured) "Give you PartEx on a used Cypres, pal" Very soon the earliest built Cypres AAD s w ill be celebrating their 12th S I K V o lu t io n A s th o u g h th e re w a s n 't a lre a d y a b e w ild e rin g c h o ic e o f o p e n -fa c e d h a rd helm ets o n th e m a rk e t, P a ra s p o rt Ita lia ha ve a d d e d to the list w ith th e in tro d u c tio n o f th e ir Z1 Evo. birthday. As the system has a 12 year life cycle this means that the end is nigh R e p la cin g the o ld Z1 A lp h a w h ic h w a s d is c o n tin u e d for m any Cypres units and owners w ill be digging deep into their pockets fo r a a b o u t a y e a r a g o , th e Evo is b a se d o n te c h n o lo g y used in th e c o m p a n y 's p o p u la r Z1 fu ll-fa c e d helm et. replacement. The Evo shell is fo rm e d fro m 3 m m in je c tio n m o u ld e d A irtec have explained that m any o f the components o f the high tech device p o ly c a rb o n a te , w h ic h a lth o u g h p ro v id in g g o o d im p a c t p ro te c tio n , still re m a in s re la tiv e ly fle x ib le a n d th e re fo re have a finite life span perform ing w ithin the strict parameters set by the is c o m fo rta b le to w e a r. The Evo's sides a re fa irly fla t to a llo w fo r th e fittin g o f a s id e lo c a te d c a m e ra m ount. company. A irtec have from day one set A v a ila b le in ten c o lo u rs , in c lu d in g som e m e ta llics a n d a very high standard for their creation 's o ft to u c h ' v e lve t lik e m atts, th e Evo is e q u ip p e d w ith a and have never been prepared to w ater c o m fo rta b le lin e r a n d a s tu rd y c h in stra p . A s w ith the Z1 fu ll-fa c e , the shell com es in a fix e d s in g le size b u t the lin e rs a re in te rc h a n g e a b le in o rd e r to set the size. dow n their high quality control standards in order to extend an individual unit's life. The com pany A n in te rn a l p o c k e t w ill ta k e m ost types o f a u d ib le a ltim e te r a n d P a ra s p o rt a ls o p ro d u c e a v e rs io n o rig in a lly thought a 10 year life span c a lle d th e 577 (S k ytro n ic Inside) w h ic h is s p e c ia lly d e s ig n e d w ith custom cutouts o v e r the e a r w h ic h w ould be the system's maximum but e x p o se th e c o n tro ls o n o n e o f th e ir o w n S ky tro n ic a u d ib le s . after testing hundreds o f units a t their 8 The Evo re ta ils a t a ro u n d £1 2 5 . year service period found that a 12 Parasport Italia: 0039 0121 69692 year life was attainable. But after this period the unit literally goes in the bin. Previously w e have reported in Kit News that no trade-in deal w ould be forthcom ing from A irtec the Germ an m anufacturer but recently the com pany have announced that indeed a small trade-in discount o f 6 0 Euros is available on the purchase o f a brand new unit. The 6 0 Euro discount w ill be knocked o ff the purchase price o f a new Cypres by any recognised A irtec dealer w ithin one year o f the expiry o f the 12 years and 3 month maximum life span. BENCHM ADE A sm all US c o m p a n y c a llin g them selves The B en c h m a d e K n ife C o a re o ffe rin g a n a lte rn a tiv e to th e u b iq u ito u s o ra n g e p la s tic Z a k k n ife w h ic h w e h a v e a ll c o m e to k n o w a n d lose. C a lle d th e M o d e l 5 , this s m a ll h o o k kn ife is re p o rte d ly r a z o r s h a rp a n d w ill c u t th ro u g h a n y fib ro u s m a te ria l, "lik e a h o t k n ife th ro u g h b u tte r", so c la im s a c o m p a n y s p o ke sm a n . U n lik e o th e r h o o k knives o n th e m a rk e t w h ic h Each traded-in unit must be complete fe a tu re tw o r a z o r b la d e s set a t a n a cu te a n g le w ith a non-activated cutter.Jf the unit is to e a ch oth e r, th e M o d e l 5 is m a c h in e d o u t o f w ithout cutter o r the cutter has been a s o lid p ie c e o f 4 4 0 C steel, c re a tin g a activated the discount w ill am ount to lig h tw e ig h t b u t v e ry s tro n g a n d e x tre m e ly only 40 Euros. O n ly one expired s h a rp c u ttin g to o l. The h a n d le even d o u b le s as Cypres w ill be accepted against each a b o ttle o p e n e r fo r w h e n th e b e e r lig h t is lit. new unit purchased. The M o d e l 5 com es w ith a s m a ll n y lo n s to w Airtec: 0049 2953 1293 52 skydive F e b ru a ry 20 03 p o u c h a n d re ta ils fo r a ro u n d £ 2 0 . Benchmade:001 503 655 6004 P r o t e c t io n lymounts R a c k e t G a th helm ets h a ve c o m e u p w ith w h a t th e y th in k is a so lu tio n to the p ro b le m o f 'ris e r s la p ', ie , th e te a rin g o ff o f y o u r m ost p riz e d V e rtic a l V is io n s in the States a re p ro d u c in g a n ic e ra n g e o f P ro -D y tte r o r P ro-T rack fro m th e side b e lly m o u n t c a m e ra p la tfo rm s fo r o f y o u r h e a d a n d s e n d in g it the s k y d iv in g m a rk e t a n d o th e r fre e fa llin g a ll o n its o w n so m e . a p p lic a tio n s . If y o u 'd lik e to w a tc h G a th 's so lu tio n consists o f a s im p le a e ro d y n a m ic p ro te c to r c o v e r fo r the P ro -D ytte r b a se p la te w h ic h sh o u ld save y o u r b a b y fro m p e ril. The u n it c a n still b e e a s ily c a lib ra te d w ith o u t re m o v a l a n d b a tte ry access is p o s sib le w ith th e o p e n in g o f y o u r o w n fe e t as y o u tra c k a w a y fro m a 3 0 0 -w a y o r film th a t AFF o r W A R P stu d e n t fo r d e b rie fin g , o r w o u ld just lik e to w a tc h y o u r o w n fa c e as y o u c u t a w a y fro m a o n ly o n e screw . Gath: C R e W w ra p , then a b e lly m o u n t is fo r y o u . V e rtic a l V is io n s b e lly m o u n ts a re C y b e r co n stru cte d fro m a s tro n g y e t F S If y o u 're a c o m m itte d h a rd c o re 4 - w a y FS a d d ic t o r even a lig h tw e ig h t, p o w d e r-c o a te d a lu m in iu m , a n d co m e in a c h o ice m e m b e r o f a b u d d in g n o v ic e 4 - w a y te a m , a n e w p ro d u c t o f th re e typ e s a n d fo u r c o lo u rs . fro m C ra ig B uxton o f G ra v ity P ilot P ro d u c tio n s w ill p ro b a b ly They a re c o m p a tib le w ith a w id e be m o re th a n y o u 'll b e a b le to resist. ra n g e o f d ig ita l c a m e ra s such as C a lle d A r iz o n a A irs p e e d M in d M a p s 2 0 0 3 , this C D -R O M the S o n y PC series, th e C a n o n CL1 a n d o th e r s im ila rly size d a llo w s access to liv e -a c tio n v id e o o f e v e ry c u rre n t 4 -w a y e x it c a m e ra s. A 3 5 m m stills c a m e ra a n d b lo c k tra n s itio n . m a y a ls o b e fitte d . U sin g the 'V irtu a l V id e o g ra p h e r' m o d e y o u c a n fly a ro u n d The sim p le st m o d e l is th e F la t Top. the fo rm a tio n s a n d see the FAI d iv e p o o l fro m e v e ry a n g le . This com es w ith a n o n -a d ju s ta b le U tilis in g th e 'T ra c e r T e c h n o lo g y ' y o u c a n see th e p a th y o u m o u n tin g p la te a n d s in g le b o d y nee d to fo llo w fo r e a c h b lo c k , in c lu d in g 3 D tra n s itio n s . You s tra p a n d w e ig h s o n ly 1 .6 lb s. The c a n a ls o use a c o lo u r c o d in g schem e to fo llo w y o u r slot a n d m id d le m o d e l is th e R a p to r w h ic h fe a tu re s a s p e cia l b a ll a n d socket y o u r p ie c e th ro u g h ea ch fo rm a tio n a n d tra n s itio n . system a llo w in g th e c a m e ra to tilt You c a n ru n a d e m o o f the s o ftw a re fro m th e ir w e b site a n d a t 5 5 d e g re e s a n d s w ive l a n d th e C D -R o m re ta ils a t a ro u n d £ 5 5 . ro ta te a t 3 6 0 d e g re e s p ro v id in g a ll th e c a m e ra a n g le s y o u r h e a rt Gravity Pilot: 001 386 738 5914 Flat Top d e sire s. The D e lu xe m o d e l is c a lle d th e D u a l R a p to r b e ca u se it is e q u ip p e d w ith d o u b le b o d y m o u n tin g stra p s fo r e x tra c a m e ra s ta b ility a n d w e ig h s in a t 2 .6 lb s . F o o d f o r t h o u g h t ! A ll V e rtic a l V is io n s m o u n ts c o m e Some discussion has been taking place in BPA circles recently in respect of Cypres AAD service and battery dates and how they might conflict with the reserve's repack cycle. Recently a rig was refused an inspection tag at a DZ because the Cypres batteries were out of date but the reserve itself was, in foct in date. To me this scenario opens a Pandora's box of questions: We all know that AADs are e q u ip p e d w ith a q u ic k release c a m e ra s a fe ty s tra p as w e ll as Raptor m o u n tin g holes in the c a m e ra p la te , a fo a m c u s h io n e d b o d y m o u n tin g b a se p la te , secure not mandatory for intermediate or experienced skydivers, right? Right - therefore s q u e e ze re le a se s tra p b u ckle s a n d we can happily and legally go jump our rig if it doesn't have an AAD inside. But a d ju s ta b le 'ty p e 1 2 ' harness what about if it has an AAD inside but you choose not to turn it on - is that not the ( 1 ,2 0 0 lb s ) w e b b in g straps. same thing? Therefore if you have an AAD inside and choose not to turn it on, then surely it's irrelevant if the batteries are out of date or indeed even if the unit itself is out of service - it's exactly the same as not having one at all - which don't forget is okay and legal. Taking this logic further - why couldn't Mr X's rig be tagged if he has the option of never turning the AAD on? Just food for thought... V e rtic a l V is io n s re co m m e n d the use o f a w id e a n g le lens w h e n u sin g a b e lly m o u n t. Vertical Visions: 001 304203 8500 Dual Raptor (also pictured above) skydive 53 ^ February 2003 Ramblers Fam ous Fo r Fu n ! Toogoolawah Drop Zone, Australia • Great jumpable weather all year round • Turbine Caravan loads 7 days a week • All loads to 1 4 ,0 0 0 ft • Freefly School • Formation Skydiving School • Great Coaches • On-site Rigging Loft • On-site Jumpsuit Factory • Excellent facilities • Lots of free beer and great social atmosphere, 7 days a week • free sausage sizzle every Friday night • All visitors and experience levels welcome Come and find out why Ramblers is F'<HftOU§ 1 OF Full! LEARN TO SKYDIVE LEARNING CURVE CAM PS • Beginner courses starting daily • Accelerated freefall course (AFF) recognised worldwide A BOOGIE FOR B E G IN N E R S __________________ Personalised coaching camp/boogie catering specifically for • Take advantage of Australia’s low Aussie $$$ and consistent blue skies Own gear preferred but not essential - Gear available for hire and Completion Package - 9 jumps over 4-5 days conversion training available. No Rego! • FREE: jump, gear hire, packing course, log book and accommodation • B-Rels Addiction Package - 20 jumps over 7-1Q days • 9 jumps of AFF course all with video plus another 11 jumps • Achieve international A licence - guaranteed! • FREE: jumps, gear hire, videos, photos, log book, goggles, packing course, club membership, magazine, accommodation and so much more! Night Jumps • • • • • • • beginners and low experience level jumpers (ie A-C licence). • Canopy Handling Jumps • Intro Freefly coaching • Intro CRW Jumps • Intro & Inter 4-way coaching • Night Jumps • Dive training • Starcrests • Tracking improvement jumps • All landings videoed and briefed A sk a b o u t o u r B-Rel packag es. IN F O R M A T IV E S E M IN A R S A — A N D W O R K S H O P S ________ K 14th December, 2002 18th January, 2003 18th February, 2003 15th March, 2003 Night ratings for beginners IMight starcrests Videos and photos available • tracking & separation • malfunctions • canopy openings, flight & landing • equipment maintenance • packing tips • effective creepering Training Camps_________ Two specialised freefly training/coaching camps are g * planned for early 2003, with World Champ Mike Swanson (dates tba). Fun jumpers are welcome to enjoy the atmosphere and the 10 caravan loads daily. U P C O M IN G L E A R N IN G C U R V E C A M P S 13-17th January 2003 10-14th March, 2003 12-16th May, 2 0 0 3 Lim ite d slo ts available p re-reg istra tio n essen tial For Hire • Conversion Gear • Experienced Gear • Pro-Tracks • BirdMan Wing Suits • Intermediate Skysurf Board Accommodation • • • • Bunkhouse & Camping - free for jumpers Powered camp sites available On-site cabins & caravans - $22/night or $77/week On-site motels, self-contained - $44/night or $165/week s k y d iv e @ r a m b le r s .c o m .a u Phone: + 6 1 7 3 3 9 9 6 4 0 0 #"■ Those of us who are a bit longer in the tooth may remember a TV advert from the 1970s that had a cartoon father holding an insurance policy that miraculously grew and turned into a metal shield around his family. The father, arms around his wife and children inside the shield, tapped the outside and to its reassuringly solid resonance proclaimed, "Get the strength of an insurance policy around you!". That 20 second flash said it all - well, nearly all... An insurance policy is simply a fund into which a number of people pay some money la premium) for a precisely defined purpose (the policy) to build up a pot of money. If one person has an accident and needs money, then providing he or she is covered by the policy, it pays out. Or as the comedienne Hylda Baker would have said, "You've got something coming". (Why am I so obsessed with 70s television?) BPA Liability Insurance BPA Members benefit from third party public liability insurance cover, (within the limitations of the terms of the policyl. For example, if you accidentally landed on someone's car the BPA insurers would be responsible for paying for repairs. The premium for this is included in the membership subscription, be it full, provisional or temporary. But what the policy doesn't cover is medical insurance, personal accident (compensation in the event of injury or death), or cover for travel, equipment or baggage. Ensure you Insure Skydiving is variously described as an 'extreme sport', an 'adrenaline activity' or as Grandad might say from the comfort of his armchair, '****ing dangerous'. Although statistics prove skydiving to be nothing like as high risk as some nonskydivers may perceive, it can never be entirely risk-free, as with any action sport. The risk is reduced to an acceptable level by strict operational procedures but can never be entirely eliminated. Skydivers must therefore voluntarily accept an element of risk, which it is prudent to always insure against. Medical and Repatriation Over the last few months at least two British jumpers have been seriously injured skydiving whilst they did not have repatriation cover. The cost and kerfuffle of getting a seriously injured person home to a UK hospital is surely more than anyone would wish to impose on their partner, family or friends (who will already be stressed enough!). We all pay into the NHS but this won't get you an air ambulance should you need it. These cost thousands of pounds. The whole medical and repatriation bill can be tens or even hundreds of 56 skydive February 2003 thousands. Okay, this is a worst possible scenario but it does happen. It's happened twice recently. It could happen to you. Medical insurance cover including repatriation is the absolute minimum that any skydiver should have whilst parachuting abroad. This should include cover for non skydiving medical emergencies too. See the leaflet Health Advice for Travellers from Post Offices or telephone 0800 555 777. Paying the Bills There's also the compensation side of personal accident insurance for which you guessed - an additional premium is payable. This sort of policy pays out for serious injury such as the loss of an eye or limb or in some cases, death. Some policies may also make a contribution to lost earnings - say you are a driver and your leg ends up in plaster. Who is going to pay your bills and those of your dependents, with no money coming in? Travel, Equipment and Baggage There's also travel, baggage and equipment insurance. If you have a household policy, it may already give baggage cover or be extendable. Single or Multiple Trip? Typically, insurance is available for single or multiple trip, in various parts of the world such as Europe, USA or beyond. An annual multi-trip policy may be better value compared with a separate policy for each holiday. Note that most general insurance policies don't cover skydiving. Start with the skydiving and add personal accident, travel, equipment and baggage cover as required. Be wary of any offer of free travel insurance, eg, on a credit card as it is highly unlikely to include 'high risk' activities such as skydiving. Form E111 When travelling within Europe, it's a good idea to get a Form Elll - the passport to free or reduced cost emergency medical treatment in most European countries. Pick up an application from the Post Office - this gives further information on a country-by-country basis. Remember that the Elll is intended to cover illness and emergency medical treatment. It doesn't cover repatriation to the UK if you have a serious skydiving accident and it doesn't give longer-term cover after the immediate emergency is over - when things can get very pricey. An Ell! is good to have and can help you out but don't depend on it to the exclusion of a proper insurance policy, or you could end up seriously out of pocket. ME! According to the 2002 BPA survey, 12% of the membership have had a skydiving injury in the last 3 years. 82% jump abroad. How do your odds stack up, jumping abroad without adequate insurance? Photo: Steve Utter Shop Around Keep Your Policy Handy^f Insurance premiums for everything have hiked up a lot following the events of 11 September. But a premium is still a small price to pay for the peace of mind that a good insurance policy brings to you and your kin. If you do need to call on an insurance policyTrwnember that you may not be in a fit state. Keep your insurance details somewhere obvious, such as in your log-book holder, wallet or purse and tell others so they can find it easily in an emergency. If you are in a coma, you can't tell anyone where it is! You might think this doesn't bear thinking about but we can assure you that from recent experience, ifs only sensible to plan in this way. It is also worth making photocopies of all your documents to carry with you, just in case your bags are misplaced or stolen. Some travel insurance companies are listed in the box below. These are not recommendations, just options. There are more companies providing travel insurance than we have space to list. If you shop around you can still get comparatively good deals - but watch the small print to make sure you are getting what you want. Be aware there may be an excess, ie, an amount of a claim you have to pay yourself before the policy will pay out. Checklist Make a checklist and go through it with the insurance company as it can be easy to forget something that later turns out to be important. There's a suggested checklist here but think about what is important to you and make your own. Never be afraid to ask, however silly a question may seem. Few of us are insurance experts so if you see a jargon word or phrase, ask what it means in plain English. Getting the policy that's right for you is your own personal responsibility, not the insurers! We hope you will never need to call on your insurance. But, unless you have the strength of an insurance policy around you, you could find yourself - and your Nearest and Dearest!!) - in quite a pickle indeed. Martin Shuttleworth - - CH ECKLIST Ask Around It is said the acid test of an insurance policy is when you make a claim. Find out from other skydivers about any claims they have made, how easy it has been, whether they have had problems with exclusions and so on. TR A V EL IN SU R ER S CO V ERIN G SKYDIVING Airsports Axa Travel Columbus Direct Endsleigh Flexicover Extrasure Harrison Beaumont Navigator Travel Protection Group 01983 298480 0870 366 2100 0207 375 0011 0800 028 3571 0870 990 9292 0207 480 6871 0800 970 0161 0870 241 0576 0845 602 0020 ' " ° " m U C h is ,h e P re m iu m ? ' What is t h e Z o ^ m ls there any excess? + ls advisable) ' K b . added? ^ Personal accident covpr i dePosit S Parachute eauinm • pensat,’°n) ✓ equipment insurance “aggage insurance s Personal liobjjrty / exp en d R ep o rt in co m p lete co n fid en ce to: R ic k B o a r d m a n 2 8 1 A b l in g t o n , F ig h e ld e a n , iic t I S a lis b u r y , W ilt s h ir e , S P 4 8JX Q ( by bv Rick Boardman ^ jfo. Reports are a little thin at this time of year, as the jump season becomes too cold for some. If you’ve had some adventures that we could learn from, let’s hear from you. Here’s hoping we have a safe season once it kicks in. Note: Phone/Ans 0 19 80 670598 Mobile 0 77 47 114602 Email The a b o v e a re c o n f id e n t ia l R eports o n this p a g e a re c o m p ile d p a rtly fro m o ffic ia l In c id e n t R eports, s u b m itte d to th e BPA a fte r e v e ry U K in c id e n t a n d p a rtly fro m the C o n fid e n tia l R e p o rtin g S ystem , a v o lu n ta ry m e th o d o f re p o rtin g d ire c tly to Rick B o a rd m a n , in c o m p le te secrecy. W e th e re fo re d o n o t g iv e d e ta ils o f w h e n a n d w h e re in c id e n ts h a v e h a p p e n e d , to p ro te c t th e c o n fid e n tia lity o f p e o p le w h o use the system . Rick extracts sp e cific re p o rts fo r a n a ly s is w h e re he c o n sid e rs th e re is m uch to b e le a rn e d . But b e a w a re th a t this p a g e is o n ly a s m a ll p a r t o f re p o rtin g in c id e n ts to th e m e m b e rs h ip . A resum e o f a ll in c id e n t a n d in ju ry re p o rts, on a n o n g o in g b asis is c o n ta in e d w ith in th e BPA's S afe ty a n d T ra in in g C o m m itte e (STC) m inutes, e n clo se d w ith e a ch m a g a z in e . In the ra re case o f a U K fa ta lity , a B o a rd o f E n q u iry is im m e d ia te ly fo rm e d a n d c o n ve n e d . The B o a rd in ve stig a te s the in c id e n t a n d m akes a full r e p o rt to STC w ith c o n clu s io n s a n d som etim es re c o m m e n d a tio n s . These fa ta lity re p o rts a re c o v e re d in th e STC m inutes en clo se d w ith ea ch m a g a z in e . Wingsuits and cutaways again! Following a wingsuit dive I deployed my canopy at about 3,800 feet. I immediately had twists and the canopy (very high performance) started to turn and dive. My left arm wingsuit zip jammed and the turn had accelerated so I cut away my leg in order to try and kick to stop extra twists occurring. Without holding the risers it was useless so I cut away the arms next and went for the risers. I got to them and kicked hard but the canopy continued to accelerate, dive and twist up. It was time to get off it (probably a late call!). I reached in and took hold of both pads, peeled the velcro on the cutaway and punched down. It only moved about 1.5 inches and the force was too great for me to pull it any further. I added my left hand to the cutaway pad and pulled again and when there was no further movement, I REALLY didn't like it! I relaxed the pull and then pulled hard with both hands once more. This time the cables slowly withdrew, and I was free... There was no RSL. I grabbed the reserve pad and banged out the reserve. I'd been belly to earth for the last couple of rotations and being catapulted free hadn't flipped or spun me. The reserve opened quickly and on heading. When I landed I checked and my AAD had fired but hadn't cut the loop. I guess I just beat it! didn't go according to plan that I got scared. I saw a bit of ground where I would impact, if I stopped working the situation. I might amend my thinking regarding two handed reserve drills. I'd always dismissed heavy pull forces as a problem for the slighter man, or the smaller women! I may also return to using an RSL, it was quite strange to have used my left hand in the cutaway and then to have a 'further task' to perform. By this stage I was no longer performing a drill, I was having to work things out to save my life which again, was not part of the plan. M o s t o f th e ke y fa c to rs to b e p u lle d fro m this re p o rt a re a lre a d y q u o te d b y th e jum per. H e h a d a p la n a n d c a lm ly w o rk e d the p ro b le m as it p re se n te d itself. B ut d o y o u d e te c t the ris in g stress levels as th a t p la n h e a d s o u t th e w in d o w ? This g u y d id w e ll to re co g n is e th a t fa c t w h ils t som e o th e rs m ig h t n o t h a ve stayed so c o o l. It d o e s n 't stop th e re . He's a ls o sat b a c k a n d a n a ly se d the w h o le s itu a tio n a fte r th e fa c t a n d m a d e som e d e d u c tio n s a b o u t h o w his m e n ta l a n d p h y s ic a l p re p a ra tio n needs to b e a lte re d . I p e rs o n a lly a m d e lig h te d b y th is s to ry fo r tw o rea so n s. Firstly, I b e lie v e it is a su p e rb e x a m p le o f h o w to re c o v e r fro m a m istake, u sin g a p re -p re p a re d p la n as a s ta rt p o in t a n d c o n tro llin g the s itu a tio n even w h e n the p la n a lm o s t g o e s o u t o f th e w in d o w . If it's o u r tu rn fo r som e stress th is w e e k e n d , m a y w e a ll h a n d le thin gs so w e ll. S eco n d ly, the v ic tim has d e b rie fe d h im se lf, lo o k in g a t e v e ry I know ellipticals aren't ideal with wingsuits, however I'd done most of my wing jumps on this beast or my Stiletto. Only occasionally have I had turns or twist problems with them on deployment. I now have a Sabre 2 and riser inserts on order. I think now that I should have deployed higher, I'll be opening above 4,000ft for the future. Being low didn't spook me when I looked down at first. I was working through my planned drills. It was when the cutaway 58 sky e F e b ru a ry 20 03 a s p e ct o f his b e h a v io u r w h ic h he c o u ld h a v e c h a n g e d . This p a rtic u la r s to ry a ll b u t w ro te itself! Note: Students a n d in te rm e d ia te p a ra ch u tists MUST NOT c h a n g e th e ir re se rve d rills . If y o u h a v e a n y d o u b ts , speak to y o u r in s tru c to r o r C CI. A n y e x p e rie n c e d p a ra c h u tis t th in k in g o f c h a n g in g th e ir reserve d rills sh o u ld o n ly d o so a fte r c a re fu l c o n s id e ra tio n a n d a le n g th y p ra c tic e session, w h ic h sh o u ld b e o fte n re p e a te d . Education, Education, Education! I was asked to look at some 'expert' (ie, non student) club hire kit because the low experience jumper who had just used it had major problems flying it. When I spoke to the jumper, he was quite excited by what had just happened. The canopy had seemed to fly well at first but when the jumper brought the brakes down below hip level, he had been very alarmed to see both ends fold back until the tail touched together. Jerking the brakes up had caused a radical diving-forward effect. Turning the canopy left a minute later, he was even more alarmed when he found the canopy pulling him violently left and back until again he brought the toggle back up. The canopy was found to be fine. The jumper was long armed and tall and had come up through the AFF system. He had only recently completed his consolidation jumps and was somewhat surprised when I told him that he'd been a stall! sat with him for about fifteen minutes and over a cup of tea, told him how a canopy stalls! O f co u rse n o w a d a y s students g e n e ra lly ju m p la rg e , d o c ile stu d e n t c a n o p ie s w h ils t th e y tra in a n d m o st o f them a re v e ry h a rd (o r d a re w e say, n ig h o n im p o s s ib le ) to sta ll. Ju m p e rs r a p id ly g e t o n to h ig h e r p e rfo rm a n c e z e ro p o ro s ity squares a n d th e n , s a d ly, som e le a rn the h a rd w a y a b o u t w h a t else p a ra c h u te s can d o . A fe w o f those in d iv id u a ls g e t d e n te d a lo n g the w a y. T h in g s used to b e d iffe re n t. B efo re th e a d v e n t o f RAPS a n d AFF, students w o u ld tra n s it o n to sq u a re s a fte r a lo n g a p p re n tic e s h ip o n ro u n d s . The b rie fin g s a n d e a rly ju m p p ro g ra m m e th a t y o u r C C I p u t y o u th ro u g h to fly a s q u a re w e re p re tty heavy, if y o u d id n 't p e rfo rm w e ll o n y o u r ra m -a ir, y o u c o u ld even e n d u p b a c k o n a ra d io ta lk -d o w n ! I ca n c e rta in ly re m e m b e r b e in g o rd e re d to g e t in a n d o u t o f the stall. N o w a d a y s these th in g s a re n o t ta u g h t to the sam e level. The BPA is lo o k in g h a rd a t m o re e d u c a tio n fo r ju m p e rs a n d a n IC 2 (In d iv id u a l C a n o p y 2 ) ra tin g is in the o ffin g . P re v e n tio n W h e n y o u ju m p s o m e th in g n e w g e t a b rie fin g . If y o u 're g iv in g th e b rie fin g , d o n 't fo rg e t to co ve r th e o b v io u s . W h a t's se co n d n a tu re to you c o u ld be a lie n te rrito ry to som eo ne else. Dave Wood h a s been Club Chief Instructor of RAFSPA for nearly six years and is now C C I of Cyprus Parach u te Centre. Popular, friendly, opinionated but fair, Dave h as greatly developed the efficiency, fa cilitie s and so cial life of RAFSPA. He will be sorely m issed. D ove W ood When did you start jumping and how m any skydives do you have? I d id m y firs t ju m p in 1 9 7 3 a t W e s to n , a m ilita ry b a llo o n d escent fro m 8 0 0 ft. It w a s the m ost frig h te n in g th in g I've e v e r d o n e in m y life. H a v in g s a id th a t, th e se co n d o n e w a s even w o rs e ! I w a s keen to le a rn m o re so I d id th e m ilita ry p a ra c h u te c o u rs e , fo llo w e d b y the m ilita ry P ara chute T ra in in g In stru cto rs co u rse . In 1 9 7 8 I c a m e b a c k to the P a ra c h u te S ch o o l a t B riz e N o rto n a n d starte d s p o rt ju m p in g a g a in a t W e sto n in 1 9 7 9 ; I n o w have o v e r 6 ,0 0 0 ju m p s. W hat disciplines have you tried? FS a n d a ccu ra cy . I'm a fr a id to s a y I o n ly trie d a c c u ra c y b e ca u se I h a d to w h ils t I w a s a t N e fh e rs! The s p o rt to d a y o ffe rs such d iv e rs ity, b u t FS has a lw a y s be e n m y p a ssio n . W hy did you start instructing? I g o t in to s p o rt in s tru ctio n b e ca u se I w a n te d to b ro a d e n m y h o riz o n s a n d e x p e rie n c e a c h a n g e fro m m ilita ry in s tru c tio n . I q u a lifie d as PI (n o w Bl) in 1 9 8 9 a n d w e n t to N e th e rs w ith m y CSI in 1 9 9 0 . T hat y e a r I a ls o g o t m y A FF a n d ta n d e m ra tin g s. I Have you entered an y competitions? I w a s in a 4 - w a y te a m in the C yp ru s C h a m p io n s h ip s a n d th e A rm y C h a m p io n s h ip s a t N e th e ra vo n th re e y e a rs o n th e tro t, '9 0 , '9 2 a n d '9 3 . M y p a rtn e rs in c rim e w e re Pete Lam son, K eith S ke lley a n d S k ip p y M o r r is - w e h a d such a la u g h . I loved those c o m p e titio n s a n d the sense o f c a m a ra d e rie ; it re a lly fire d m e u p a n d g o t th e a d re n a lin e g o in g . H o w e v e r, I h a ve a n a p p a lin g m e m o ry so m y team n ic k n a m e w a s M a r v o th e M e m o ry M a n - I w a s c o n s ta n tly fo rg e ttin g p o in ts! It d o e s n 't ta k e a g e n iu s to w o rk o u t that's n o t a g re a t tra it in c o m p e titio n . Images: Simon Ward, Paul Hollow and Andy Ibbotson • What's your most m emorable dem o? The m ost m e m o ra b le d e m o w a s in to W e m b le y S ta d iu m , fo r the Tell me something that skydivers are unlikely to know about you E n g la n d v G e rm a n y E u ro p e a n F o o tb a ll C h a m p io n s h ip a ro u n d 1 9 9 6 . In 1 9 9 9 I c yc le d fro m S outh to N o rth W a le s w ith a g u y c a lle d C h ris I fle w th e G e o rg e C ross fla g o n a 2 - w a y CF ju m p in to th e a re n a ; it G e e a n d a b a c k -u p ve h icle . W e s ta rte d b y ru n n in g u p th e h ig h e s t w a s a w e so m e . U n fo rtu n a te ly , w e lo st th e fo o tie . p e a k in S outh W a le s , then c yc le d to N o rth W a le s a n d ra n up S n o w d o n . It w a s b lo o d y d iffic u lt b u t w e m a n a g e d it a ll in tw o d a y s Do you enjoy w orking on a DZ? a n d ra is e d o v e r £ 3 ,0 0 0 fo r c h a rity . It is w ith o u t q u e s tio n the m o st e n jo y a b le a n d m ost d e m a n d in g e x p e rie n c e I h a v e e v e r h a d . W hat trait do you most value in people? Loyalty. W ho is your mentor in the sport? T h e re is n o o n e in d iv id u a l w h o has in flu e n c e d m e, m o re a succession o f p e o p le . F o r e x a m p le , R oy W illis , w h o has be e n in the s p o rt fo r m a n y a y e a r a n d is e x -C C I a t W e s to n , Joe F ra n ce a n d B ob S outar. I liste n e d to th o se g u y s ta lk in g a b o u t re p re s e n tin g B rita in in 4 - w a y a n d th a t im p re s se d a n d in s p ire d me. Of all your achievements, which m eans most to you? S eeing b o th m y sons, Ben a n d S h a n e pass th e ir AFF courses a n d q u a lify as skyd ive rs. I'm n o t sure m y w ife C h ris w o u ld a g re e w ith m e! W hat w inds you up? W o m e n d riv e rs a n d s lo w ju m p p ilo ts. A ls o Len nie M o b b s , W e sto n 's lo n g e s t s e rv in g c lu b m em ber. Lennie used to w a tc h th e m ilita ry ju m p in g a t W e s to n , a n d as a re su lt s ta rte d s k y d iv in g in his teens. A t 7 3 he still re m a in s in c re d ib ly a c tiv e in the W hat has been the highlight of your time at Weston? s p o rt, s k y d iv in g p re tty m uch e v e ry w e e k e n d . H e loves it a n d I so b e lie v e th a t w e c o u ld m a k e it w o rk , a n d w e d id . a d m ire th a t (I a p o lo g is e if I h a v e g o t y o u r a g e w ro n g , L ennie!). Describe yourself in three w ords A rr o g a n t, d e m a n d in g , fa ir. Tell us about your fam ily I've been m a rrie d to C h ris s y fo r 2 9 y e a rs a n d h a v e tw o sons, S h a n e w h o is 2 7 a n d Ben w h o is 2 5 . I a ls o h a v e a g ra n d s o n , Fletcher. A v e ry successful season w ith th e Tw in O tte r. So m a n y p e o p le d id n 't W hat m akes a good CCI? N o t o n e th in g as e v e ry C C I b rin g s th e ir o w n p a rtic u la r style, skills a n d id io s y n c ra s ie s to the jo b . W h a t p e rs o n a lly m o tivate s m e is g e ttin g p e o p le in th e a ir a n d w a tc h in g th e m e n jo y th e ir s k y d iv in g , w h e th e r it b e te a m m e m b e rs , students o r ta n d e m pa sseng ers. Big sm iles, h a n d -c la p s a n d h o lle rin g u n d e r c a n o p y - that's w h a t m akes the jo b w o rth w h ile . What's your favourite food? Did you teach your sons to skydive? G rille d tu n a steak w ith m a y o a n d s a la d . T h e y m a d e th e ir firs t fe w And your personal motto? ju m p s w ith m e a n d they P ositive M e n ta l A ttitu d e . a re n o w c o m m itte d s k y d iv e rs . Ben is a n in s tru c to r in th e RAF a n d S h a n e e n jo y s a ll aspects o f th e s p o rt a n d just loves W hat w a s your most memorable skydive? W ith o u t d o u b t, o n e o f th e ro u n d s o f th e C y p ru s C h a m p io n s h ip s w h e n I w a s in th e te a m w ith Pete, K eith a n d S kip p y. W e h a d to ro ta te tw o co m p re sse d a c c o rd io n s b u t w e d id n 't k n o w h o w to so w e to ju m p . T h e ir te a m UBI just k in d o f m a d e it u p , w ith c o m ic a l results. B ob C a rd w a tc h e d fro m w o n th e In te rm e d ia te th e g ro u n d as these tw o p a irs w e re s p in n in g o u t o f c o n tro l in the a ir 4 - w a y a t th e B ritish a b o v e h im , a n d m a d e th e c o m m e n t, " O h m y G o d , a re those fo u r n a tio n a ls this y e a r g u y s re a lly m y s e n io r s ta ff? ". (p ic tu re d ). Describe your perfect day How did you feel about that? That's e a sy - b lu e skies a n d 6 5 safe lifts w ith m e ru n n in g the show ! V e ry , v e ry p ro u d . W ho do you adm ire in the sport today? Team U BI fo r th e p u re e n jo y m e n t th a t th e y g e t fro m s k y d iv in g a n d , H ave you done a 3 -w a y with your sons? I h a v e b e e n k n o w n to step in w ith Ben a n d S hane's te a m o n let's b e h o n e st C ra ig B a ile y is n o s p rin g c h ick e n a t 3 9 ! [D o I d e te c t s om e b ia s in this c h o ic e ? !] Just b e ca u se b o th m y sons a re in this o c c a s io n . te a m - n a h ! H ow did you and Chrissy feel after Ben's canopy collision? W hat are your ambitions for the future, both personally and for the sport? C h ris s y w a tc h e d it a n d says she g o t 5 0 m o re g re y h a irs fro m d o in g For m e, it is to e n jo y ru n n in g th e C y p ru s p a ra c h u te c e n tre as C C I! A s so! G e n e ra lly w e d o n 't w o r r y to o m uch a b o u t th e ir safety. I'm re a lly fo r th e s p o rt, I w is h th e re w a s a w a y o f m a k in g stu d e n t s k y d iv in g h a p p y a b o u t th e ir ju m p in g as th e y 're b o th v e ry c o n fid e n t. 1 0 0 % safe. D a ve w a s s p e a k in g to Bev F ord skydive 61 •+ February 2003 The Kit Store Ltd WOW! Teardrop, ZP main, La»g«stock ofall tk* stuffto sotisfy Ywt skflm t Mods aaddosiros reserve, Cypres Performance Designs * Sunpath Chute Shop * Icarus • Thomas Sports • Parachutes de France • Bonehead * BirdMan Suits * Airtec • Symbiosis Suits • Sky Systems VISA "YES we mail order too" C a ll, fax o r em ail R o b Colpus for help o r a b ro ch u re O r drop in to th e K it S to re at H e a d c o rn D Z at any tim e North and South America Aerodyne Research Corp Tampa, FL, USA Phone + 1 813 837 1673 Fax. + 1 813 835 0972 :nnoio< + 33 (0) 1 30 30 89 89 33 (0) 1 30 30 05 75 Africa and Indian Ocean Aerodyne Systems (Pty) Ltd South Africa Phone + 27 32 533 0333 Fax. + 27 32 533 0262 C l u b N e w s E D IT O R IA L weather in the second week most people left with 20-30 coached Give your rep a hug! jumps and obout 16 hours in the wind tunnel. It is planned to repeat D o you know who your club rep is? D o you ever thank them for sending regular updates about your club? W ell you should - they w ork really hard! D o tell us what you’ve been up M ilita ry S k ills C am p the trip in November 2003 with a smaller group so if you're At the beginning of December, 40 members of the British Armed interested and in the military, contact: Forces went to DeLand, Florida for an intensive skills camp organised A l Macartney by Dave Tyler and Alastair Macartney. Skills levels ranged from AFF G e t W ell S o o n students, to those with over 1,000 jumps. Coaches came from across the Army plus DeLand M ajik and Freedom to, through your club rep or of Flight. Performance Designs provided demo canopies ond coaching, directly to us. W e ’re not as well as giving a tour of their factory. A number of seminars were psychic, you know. If you want a given including break-off, tracking and canopy flight. Due to bad Best wishes to Bob Soutar who's recovering in hospital from an accident in January. We also wish Julia Northcott o speedy recovery from her recent accident in Spain. Apparently she's in good spirits and is doing well. mention, tell your rep! If you are submitting items to us directly, indicate which club you jump at. Even if we don’t have the space for a separate article Netheravon Achievements Cat 8 Beth Relf, Ed Bowyer 3,000 jumps Arthur Gibson, Phil Gibbs in its own right we can often find another slot for your piece. For example, this Club N ews includes an X L Challenge w rite up from Hinton and a report of the Military Skills Cam p under Netheravon. So if you make the effort to tell us what you’ve Photos: Simon Ward been up to, w e’ll make the effort to include it. The best diary in the world I spend a lot of time collating Awards dates from adverts and other Student of the Year Rob Lay Jump Numbers countries’ skydiving magazines. Jump Hog Ed Murdoch W e think we're the only New management and support made last Ooops Award Chris Francis skydiving magazine in the world year very successful. The transformation of Dipstick Award Ian Bottomley to include such an extensive the canteen is complete and is so impressive Cutaway King Terry Wakenshaw range of international diary we had to have a party to celebrate! The Club Chief Pilot Glen Gotland General Dogsbody Geraldine McGuinness dates. Each entry has a phone Christmas bash was just as popular and we number and contact info. Ch eck all had a great night. Thanks to those from out the inside back cover for details. other centres who came along. John Hillam and Alice Gillies received awards for Ifv Award for Trying Harry Minty Bum Spot Award John McCourt 400 Ed Murdoch In December David McGuinness was diagnosed with cancer. achieving their instructor ratings. Louise Keeping his usual high spirits, he did a tandem dressed as Elvis Cliff, Helen Brewis and Laura Johnson also (pictured right) prior to his operation. Everyone at Border would received awards for their continued support. like to wish him a very speedy recovery. Lama Johnson 64 s k y F e b ru a ry 20 03 SfBSOM C o r n w a ll ) Once everyone had arrived for the Christmas party, we trundled off to the pub for a good ol' pub quiz to start the evening, followed by a raffle organised by Belle and Kat. A few hours later in the lobby, the suits and dresses came out to play and everyone looked fantastic! After dinner Fran gave the announcements and commendments. A well deserved thank you went to our packers, Bob and Katrina Hazell; also to our resident cameraman and president of Plymouth Uni Skydiving Club, Dan Ranson, who has made a big effort to introduce students to CPC. Alex Burr (Student of the Year 2001) presented this years' CPC Student of the Year award to none other than yours truly! (pictured below) We then took to the floor which proved that we have some good little movers, namely John and Fran Fisher who were great! Along with the hotel lifts, the swimming pool, the food fights, the fire extinguishers, the portable stereo and 'Medium Pace'l!), the broken bed, the threein-a-bed (twice), the jacuzzi, the flat roof, the kids' playroom and the alcohol; it was a good couple of days! Cheryl Marks Lots of jumping was to be had in November and early December from our warm and toasty 206 so we eagerly await its return in early March. The usual end of season party at Birdland Bar ensured a hangover or two. Sibson reopens this month. On 29 November Kate Cornell exchanged vows with Golden Knight, Brian Krause and became Mrs Krause (pictured right). This was a fantastic wedding, with not a dry eye in the house when Brian pledged his love to Kate. Good health and happiness to you both. With the chilly winter weather here, lots of Sibson regulars and staff took the opportunity to travel to DeLand, Elsinore, Eloy, Grenada and Venezuela to name but a few. In DeLand Lee Matthews managed a paltry 13 points on his first 4-way (FS1 qualifying dive) and finished by 5,000ft. There was much buying of beers! Lizzie Harris Sibson Achievements Graduated AFF Mark Hall, Alison Chaplin, Bob Owen Cat 8 Bob Owen FS1 Lee Matthews, Lizzie Wright K a te Cornell & Brian the Golden Knight, aka new lyweds, M r & Mrs Krause Since the season drew to a close in November, members had to find something else to occupy their time - so they got fit and community spirited and entered the infamous Cyprus 'Dhekelia Dash'. This involved fifteen people running fifteen miles in relay which was great fun. They somehow ( Cyprus j scooped a silver medal in the club team category (pictured right)! 2003 sees a big changeover in 'da management' fo r the new season. We welcome new CCI, Dave Wood (see page 60) and his wife Chris. We also welcome our new senior instructor Greg McKenzie, his wife Helen and kids Lia and Locklian. The DZ re-opened on the first weekend of the year and the plane flew in promptly at 7am. Jumping was rounded o ff by the first barbecue of the season, a sign of great things to come. Helen Mills Jum p N um bers 3,000 Greg McKenzie F e b ru a ry 20 0 3 RAPA ) RAPA staff travelled to Empuria in November to do some training. We were fortunate to have Steve Thomas come along prior to his trip to the 300-way World Record, everyone benefited from his knowledge and expertise. Highlights of the trip included 'Swoop' Scobie forgetting his container was open and walking across the manifest, dragging his canopy behind him; Nick Culligan's 200th which was a nice 10-way with two cameramen; Dutch Holland had his first mal (subsequently told the whole DZ about it); and the most fun was trying to get a picture of all the assistant staff together in the same piece of sky! (pictured left) Due to bad weather we only carried out 30 of the planned 40 jumps each. I bumped into Jorris from Icarus at the DZ, and we blagged a guided tour of the Icarus factory at Barcelona. He is very enthusiastic about his product and really looked after us. The last weekend in November saw the RAPA Christmas party, with a barbecue (yes, in November) and free (yes free!) beer. A lot of jumpers made the trip to the party and had a great time. Some even enjoyed my attempt at an end of year vid which was played in the bar on a big screen (thanks Bish). Goodbye to the assistant staff who have now returned to their regiments to do some proper soldiering. Hello to 'H ' Harrison who comes to RAPA from Weston and takes over from Steve Blee. The centre has reopened giving just about enough time for us to recover from the APA and BPA AGMs. Words & photo: Buzz Busby ) C h r is tm a s P a r ty 2002 ended with a bang at the Swan Hotel. It's the one night of the year we get to see the fellas in dinner suits and the girls spend the previous six months looking for 'that frock'. The meal was superb and was again served by to Basil Fawlty and a penchant for shouting, “ Turkey?" then walking o ff before you have time to answer! A w a rd s Helen Shaw collected the Commitment to the Sport award on behalf of all the instructors and boy, did the girls clap! Outstanding Achiever was awarded to Wendy Lloyd, an AFF student who has come a long way since H elen Sha w collecting the C om m itm ent to the S p o rt Aw ard watching husband Mick jump whilst she ran the canteen. Wendy now packs and helps get students in the air during busy periods. Trish Hayton was awarded Student of the Year for her dedication and patience. Skydiver of the Year went to Julia Baker who, this year graduated AFF and got her FS1, achieved 8 and 15-ways, and still only has little more than 50 jumps! Brian Shaw was commended on completing 2,000 tandems. Many mentions were read out and thanks were given to all the staff, instructors and jumpers at NWPC for their hard work and support. The new year saw Jane and Jason tying the Jump Numbers knot, congrats to them both. Proud parents, Martine and Stuart Morris christened baby Georgina Alicia in January. Just as the vicar asked us not to send in any videos of him to 'You've been Framed', he tripped over and Steve Hogan Julia Baker 200 Rachel Stott, Karen Bain 300 Amanda Baillie 400 Carol Sutton 900 Darren Baillie applauded by us for her good behaviour and for not laughing at him. NWPC is now open for jumping and the next event is our Easter Boogie, which is just round the corner, dates tbc. N ine do t h e USA Over Christmas we headed for the SkyVenture wind tunnel in Orlando and were put through our paces at the Airspeed Tunnel Camp. We were all amazed by the skills of our coaches, the progress we all made and the unbelievable M ic k & A nd y with their D afta aw ards pain of the two hours of 'freefall' in three days! The tunnel was amazing fun - unlimited freefall and no packing. Alas all we have now is our memories (of Chad and his pants!), oh, and also the nine hours of video. After the tunnel we went to Sebastian and soon realised that tunnel training does nothing for your canopy skills! Firsts for the group included helicopter jumps at Sebastian and Casa jumps and a 21,000ft lift at Lake Wales. Thanks to the Airspeed and Sebastian XL fo r their time and patience and to SkyVenture for their material compiled by events throughout the boy' Tim and how he must be the smallest Let 50 Andy Butterworth almost landed in the font! Little G was hospitality and the free trip to the Sky Coaster, sketches included one about pilot, 'Monkey Graduated AFF N ew Y e a r the world's largest swing. 'Whets a Christmas bonus Daddy?'. His Cork Achievements 4 hrs freefall CCI Dennis then took to the floor with his year, aided by two puppets, 'Parvo' and Skydiver o f the Year, Julia B aker range of highly windproof clothing. Ellen Nath the head waiter with an uncanny resemblance pilot in the world, not forgetting to mention his Michelle Mealtins & Karen Bain Photos: D uncan Stott M a rtin e & Stua rt with baby G eorgina at her christening F e b ru a ry 20 03 Chatteris The club held its Christmas dinner dance in the Bushtown Hotel and as usual, it was good to see so many old friends and retired jumpers. Congratulations to Wendy Simpson and Ted making our first BPA course a Jensen who shared the honour of Student of the Year. The club success. The club Christmas bash reopened in January with clear crisp blue sky, let's hope that's was well attended and was used as a going to be the trend for the rest of the year. CCI Maggie final meeting place for the thirty or so thanks everyone for their help and support during the past club members who flew out to Eloy on year. Christmas day. A great time ensued with John McCourt lots of firsts being achieved throughout the Achievements Wendy Simpson, Ted Jensen First freefall over one thousand descents between us and holiday. Lots of sympathy to Sharon Dawson who broke her leg, landing awkwardly on day two, not so much sympathy to Russell Smith who broke his nose in the bar on the last night! (No he wasn't fighting, yes he did start the tequila frenzy.) Eloy is thoroughly recommended with an awesome line-up of It has been a quiet couple of months due to some very bad aircraft, facilities, weather and the cheap weather so we have a small backlog of students waiting to do dollar. On the busiest day of the their first jump when we open again at the end of February. boogie we did 98 lifts! See Drop Zone Focus, page 74. We had a good festive season with a Christmas party that everyone enjoyed. We also went to Goodbye to Ben Harrison who the Christmas party at our sister drop zone, Border Parachute leaves us and hello to Phil Speight, Centre where a thoroughly good night was had. Due to such our new duty Nomad pilot. bad weather down south we have been arranging trips up Steve Wilkins north quite regularly so that we can keep jumping. We hope to recruit more enthusiastic students in the new year and look forward to seeing both the new blood and all the old regulars again. Rob Lay Achievements Cat 8 Joggi Botma, Rachel Hinde FS1 Martin Harris C h atteris p h oto s: R u ssell Sm ith TflSTOCK We had a good end to the year at our Christmas do at the popular venue, the Hawkstone Hall Hotel. We had great food and great accommodation, nice one Liz for that. During the night all the usual awards were given out, some of which C hatteris & C a rk ju m p e rs in Eloy’s remain unpublished due to legal reasons! 6 0 yea r old D C 3 j Gravel Awards Student of the Year Nick Ervin Memorial Plate Tye Grundy Ben Skellern Crater Award Martin Wilshaw Party Animal Claire Wilshaw Achievements First freefall Tom Gateley IC1 Steve Shone FF1 Tony Houlton Jump Numbers 200 Jamie McCullock, Rob Grey 3,000 Simon Davenport sky F e b ru a ry 20 03 BmiWGTOM C lassics R e gio n a ls 28-29 Septem ber Dave Walker has devised a new way of scaring off seagulls humanely; jumping in fu ll Elvis attire, singing the King's greatest hits and swooping in over them. It doesn't W asp A cc u ra c y sound humane to me! It did however create interest in the The central regionals in classics Sunday Mirror. ___ _ proceeded normally at Brid until round four in accuracy when five jumpers, a pilot and a wasp boarded a Cessna 206 bound for 3,300 feet. During the climb The latest must-have fashion accessory at the DZ is a brand new Javelin Odyssey. Paul Scott went one better and gave his an earthy look, giving a whole new meaning several of the jumpers reported seeing a wasp but all to the phrase 'dirt dive'. Welcome back to Rob Mitchell agreed that, much to their relief, the stripy stowaway and get well soon. The word is they want you to go back completely disappeared shortly before running in. to the USA and re-build the wall. Dave Saville was first to exit, but most unfortunately Dave Saville is a hat; he's just come clean. Pig Airlines are for Dave, he had neither seen the wasp during the now flying over Bridlington. The fact that Andrew 'Baggy' climb, nor realised that the insect had sought refuge Collins has just passed his Cat 8 has nothing to do with it! down the back of the neck of his jumpsuit. Dave was two seconds into his dive when the wasp announced in the way that wasps always do, that: 1. It was down the back of his jumpsuit... and 2. It did not enjoy freefall. Calling all the ladies': the two bronzed/chiselled Adonises ^ (masquerading as Simon Cathrine and Alan Westerman) ^ m u ^ Sjmon< Pau/ s & m R on th e jr trjp t0 W M G eese s k y d iv in g C e n tre are planning to do a nude jump. Free sick bags and smelling salts come with every jump ticket. Bets are odds on that they want to do a rodeo! Dave's canopy deployment served to shake the wasp Paul Simms further down his back, inside his shirt, an action that seemed to only to antagonise the already angry little passenger. I Bridlington Achievements First freefall Peter Hardaker Cat 8 Paul Scott, Helen Moon, Lindsay Potter FS1 Lara Jordan, Vicki Hosier have been in this sport for a considerable number of years, witnessing many, many accuracy target approaches. Most jumpers employ the technique of Andrew 'Baggy' Collins 2 hrs freefall Tracy Bartley, Paul Simms hanging motionless in the harness in order not to upset the glide of the canopy. Dave, however seemed Jump Numbers to be pioneering a new and very radical approach. 50 His new technique was both noisy and vigorous, 100 Lara Jordan involving agile contortion of the upper torso whilst 200 Vicki Hosier bellowing some intelligible mystic chant which went 900 Phil Lyall (out of the mock-up!) Jason Ellam something like, "Aah ah ahhhh ah ahhhh". The close of 2002 saw another sell-out BKPC Christmas party This new technique resulted in a 25 metre zap, which to our astonishment, he celebrated with a wild, rowdy dance, hurling away all of his kit and tearing off most of his clothes, imploring both judges and B lack K m g h ts hosted at Thurnham Mill. Many awards were presented from Freestyle Packer of the Year (gratefully accepted by Rob McVey), to the prestigious 2002 Turf-surfer Award (to Neil Sharpies and his tiny pocket rocket canopy). We we're pleased to see Dean spectators to join in and help him. Thorpe recognised as the Student of the Year for his enthusiasm Whilst I have been assured that Dave has now and progression. Dean received a trophy and sponsorship of permanently abandoned this technique, the incident WARP progression jumps (pictured left). has given both judges and officials some cause for concern. We judges have been completely through Dave and Mo in the canteen turned out an excellent Christmas both the FAI and BPA rules for accuracy landing and meal at the end of December, which everyone enjoyed. We were are unable to find anywhere, rules covering glad to see that discounted turkey sandwiches were not on the competitors who jump with wasps inside their menu in the new year! jumpsuits. Sue Waterfield was worried that the wasp may not have been a member of the BPA and Nicky Johnson was concerned that Dave Saville may have been tandeming a wasp without a tandem instructor's rating. We only closed the centre for two doys over the holiday period by request so enjoyed a very busy start to 2003. All those mince pies and drinks certainly seemed to have improved everyone's fast fall skills! Preventive maintenance on the runway has been paying off with us able to keep flying despite the wet weather. Putting this aside, the competition was won with a brilliant performance by Nicky Johnson, totalling 6cm for the six accuracy rounds and our thanks must go J e ff lllidge Black Knights Achievements Cat 8 Michael Bridge, Michael Romanek to British Skysports for hosting such a friendly and Jump Numbers enjoyable competition. Bob King 68 skydive F e b ru a ry 20 03 200 Chris Ince 2,700 Jeff lllidge 1,000 tandems Billy Sharpies ( tf/A/TO A/ ) X L e r a t e y o u r s k ills C h r is tm a s & N ew Y e a r Along with other Hinton jumpers I've just completed the XL December saw most of the club regulars fly off to warmer climates. Challenge, an intensive coaching week with British National Maddie Moore wins the 'Who can say the most stupid thing to USA 4-way Champions, Sebastian XL in Florida, combining jumps customs' award, with a quip about an AK47 which cost her over with tunnel time, pictured above and below. £700. (We all know what a good sense of humour Customs have!) I Hinton Achievements think just about every Kalashnikov/machine gun joke has been used The challenge was tailored on a jump by jump basis to meet but if anyone knows any more, let us know. our individual skill levels. If the rest of the group advanced at a different pace to you, this wasn't a problem. XL worked with Christmas saw a fantastic bonfire and fireworks party at Steve and us one-on-one or two-on-two. They videoed and fully Elaine Parks's house where I think we must have set o ff most of the debriefed each jump, picking out the good points in a jump fireworks in Northamptonshire! Steve and Elaine ore currently and then adding new skills, boosting confidence. apologising to the neighbours. If anyone in the Northants area sees a silver, remote-controlled blimp could they please return it to Steve. XL have over 26 years of skydiving experience between them (Ivan liberated it by accident.) and it shows. They talk with authority and their advice works. They thoroughly enjoy what they do and their enthusiasm is Congratulations to Gave Luke and Nicola Dwyer on their contagious. For myself, as the least experienced jumper, the engagement. The Nomad is back and will stay until the Beaver takes learning curve was ballistic and I hod a jaw-dropping over at the end of April. transformation in my skydiving skills. Caroline While Words and group photo below by Colin Hicklin Rob, Patrick, Beryl, Jo h n , Ben, Gibbo, E m m a , D ave, Phil, Colin a n d X L ’s Pete, Jo hn, Thom as & Steve FS1 Sam Matthews Jump Numbers 300 Mike Sheehan Steve Stringer 400 Elaine Parks 5.000 Geoff Wood 2.000 tandems Dave Luke S r A n d r w s ) ■;, ; ,, „ , .., ; A d ria n Asbury. ...a n d Sofia K irkh am over E m p u ria As a surprise for the regular jumpers and to prove that the cold didn't affect him, our CCI After enduring moans of the regulars at the centre being closed over Christmas, Alan finally organised the first ever night jumps at St Andrews. All the regulars and some new faces caved in and agreed to stay open. So 2002 ended with our new year party, giving an gathered anxiously. Once the day's jumping had finished everyone helped to set up lights on the opportunity for everyone to thank Alan, Brian and Sandy fo r their hard work in building the runway and landing area. When it was sufficiently dark jumping commenced. We started with centre to what it is. It was a great night's drinking in front of the fire that Andy kindly kept jumps from 5,000 ft for first timers then did formation and freefly lifts. Most people did at least going. Our chief pilot, Sandy is currently on his way to pick up our new, eagerly anticipated two jumps and everyone thanked Alan in the usual manner with drinks at the bar! Cessna 206. A door for the Cl 82 is in the pipeline and a bar still a possibility by Easter. We're also hoping to get a Let for early April. The centre may close on 30-31 March for the aircraft's C of A. A special Three British d eaf sky divers, Alan Thompson , Stuart Wilson & Tim Powell mention goes to Andy TARG£T ) Howe for his boxing Annual Awards prowess, apparently he's Most Progressed Student Paul McCormick being lined up to fight Most Persistent Student Richard Head Richard Head Mike Tyson next! Most Entertaining Landing Dave Taylor Guy Raddiffe NE Uni Parachute Club Durham University Achievements We had an excellent Christmas party and dinner; IC1 Paul McCormick Jane Robertson our karaoke kings, Chris Southy and Roo (yes, I thanks to Nick Battles for singing and Dan & Co have photos). I never want to hear 'You've lost for DJ-ing. that loving feeling' again! A lg a rv e W in ter B o o g ie We adopted Kerry the South African (the poor Those who went to the Algarve had a fab time. It girl didn't know what she'd got herself into), was nice to see so many Brits out there; it was we'll see you soon at Hib. Derrick fell down a 4ft Caitlin Rogers like a mini Hibble on tour. On Niki's first jump drop into a ditch full of dirty water outside the Laura McDermott she managed to land in a small field surrounded car park. Ruth said she would've helped but was Matt King by an 8ft barbed wire fence (but it was Buzz laughing too much! He rescued his phone and his Graduated AFF Laura McDermott Lightyear who rescued you, wasn't it?) We can't beer, so that's ok. Cat 8 Julie Hutton forget her unfortunate landing either (see left). IC1 Will Powell She says she landed standing up but do we Kerry Short believe her?! Poor Tom had a mal after a Liz George 30-way carnage jump but we'll blame Tony for Will Powell that. Noel and Tony were tandem students for Kerry Short the first time. Geetha and Achievements First freefoll I had the funniest 6-way Jump Numbers 100 ever with Tim Carter and Geetha Naranayanan Danny Jessop falling belly 200 Tom Hibberd to earth - worth seeing, 300 Calvin Blacker believe me, thanks to 600 Alan Russell Emma and Ben too. 1,000 Tony O'Leary 1,400 Noel Purcell We nearly got the boozer closed down but I think the Strath clan had something to do with that. 70 sky The Crow's Nest's favourite customers were F e b ru a ry 20 03 A lg a rv e S p rin g B o o g ie We hope to see you all there on 1 March to 21 April when we'll do it all over again. Hannah Swallow La n g u r C h ris tm a s P a r ty The Langar Christmas party attracted a record 130+ people and had all the required ingredients: alcohol, food, alcohol, music, alcohol, presents for everyone, and, of course, alcohol. We hod a fantastic time and were particularly pleased that the charity raffle in aid of Cancer Research UK raised over £2,000. Thanks to everyone who donated prizes including Sunpath, Bev Suits, SkyVenture, Shannon Pilcher and BPS Langor. 'Never The Bride' played for us again and were as brilliant as ever. Everyone got into the Christmas party spirit including organisers Sally, Martine, Alex and Jill who managed to relax and let their hair down once things had gone to plan. Thanks girls! s h o w e r s P ro m ise d ! Dave Hickling's end-of-yeor address summed up a record-breaking year for Langar and we're expecting even more from 2003. Dave announced the imminent construction of a hangar at Langar (volunteers needed!) and in an unguarded moment, also promised new showers (must have been drinking...) H o no ured The Annual BPS Student of Year award went to Paul Monaghan (pictured bottom left) and well deserved it was too. Our very own Dylis Price received an OBE in the New Year Honours list. See page 14. Alex Stone & Tony Danbury Langar Achievements FirstFreefall Chris Britton, Sam Jackson Cat 8 Paul Rimmington, Clare Wilson FS1 Paul Cropper, Laura Hillas IC1 Darren McGing FFI Andy Pike, Rich Wheatley David Garretty Michael Wilson-Roberts Jump Numbers 100 Angela Hickling 9,000 Dave Hickling HeADCORM In December our illustrious chief instructor Pete Achievements Sizer had a bit of a surprise (surprise) when he 100 jumps James Wilson took Cilia Black on a tandem jump (pictured above) FSI & IC1 Michelle Theobald for a new TV programme. On our last day jumping in 2002, Jane Buckle managed three jumps even though she rarely ventures out in the cold! The staff organised an excellent Christmas dinner at a local pub which surprisingly had few casualties until the hangovers kicked in the following morning. We saw the year out as we saw it in, with a party in Wings. Those who can remember anything of it enjoyed it (even Alex doing his Frank Sinatra in Skid Row at 2am!). Congrats to Marky Mark and his girlfriend Jo who will be having a baby and to Polly Parrott and Maria who became engaged. A jubflbe, I5 -w a y at H ea d co rn Photo: M a lco m Darling Ruth Cooper POPS . SSPA The SSPA's Last Act On Sunday 10 November 2002 the final act of the Scottish Sport Parachute Association (SSPA) was carried out by acting chairman Bunny McGeechan. Bunny handed over a cheque for £1,632, the total amount remaining in the SSPA coffers, to Billy Gollan of Paragon Skydiving to help alleviate difficulties brought on by an arson attack. History Members of the Scottish Parachute Club, Para Clan and the Golden Lions founded the SSPA in 1975. It existed to assist and promote skydiving in Scotland, a task it carried out over 27 years with various grants from the Scottish Sports Council. The vast majority of skydivers in Scotland Louise H a w k in s over Langar have benefitted at some time from the SSPA. New jumpers Photo: Tony D an b ury will continue to benefit for many years, through equipment provided by the SSPA and from instructors The AGM has been and gone so there is a new top POP, Following on from the 27-way record last year, we will try whose training was sponsored by the SSPA. Nils Hansen. I would like to thank all of you for your to make it even bigger this year. Jack Felstead has agreed support over the last three years and expect to continue to to organise it again and, if you want to take part, you The decision to wrap up the association was not taken see you at DZs and POPs meets in the future. should start to think about practicing in groups. It may be lightly and was unanimously supported by the current Last year was pretty full with a world meet and a new record as well as the usual local meets. This year we have a long way off but we are starting to think about the 2004 members. It had become clear over the last four years world meet in Switzerland. Check the info on our website. that funding from the Sports Council was no longer Pete Shew a different format with main meet at Hibaldstow on the last weekend in June and an introduction to freefly at Sibson on 17-18 May. For this you will need to ensure that your equipment is suitable for freefly use, your rigger can advise on this. 7 2 s k y dF e bh ru a ry 20 03 New TOP POP - Nils Hansen: 0117 973 8341 Jack Felstead: available, mainly due to the way that grants are now awarded through lottery channels. Thank you to all the people who served on the SSPA, giving their time and expertise freely to help others. It was fitting that the last act of the SSPA was to help a Scottish drop zone. Eddie Jones SftMR S tars What a year it has been for the team, we lost our plane but thanks to Tiggs and his Islander we finally got o ff to a flying start. We said goodbye to CCI Andy Paddock and hello to Steve Jelf. Carl Williams moved his operation from Wales and up to South Cerney to work along side the team, which at times has been interesting but still fun. Goodbye to Jeff Montgomery who leaves us for the Black Knights display team. Replacing Jeff is Rob Brown mind you, no sooner had he arrived, he disappeared with our CCI to DeLand! The last operating weekend saw another successful night jump programme. Some of us tried some FS in the dark. All went well and we had a great night. Sluarl Miller-Holi Achievements FS1 Rob Brown 400 jumps Vancent (Big Al) Allen Photo: Craig O ’Brien BCPA N ottingham U ni stu dents Tom, C hris & La uren ce in E m p u ria November saw the first BCPA meet for this the club captains met with the BCPA academic year, Freshers 2002 at Langar. committee; an opportunity to find out what Friday night passed in a blur as a result of the the clubs need, share ideas and get to know brilliantly low prices at the bar while skydivers each other. drank themselves into oblivion, comfortable in the knowledge that barring an act of God, there would be no chance of jumping the next day. True to form, cloud-base the next morning was at approximately 2ft, so everyone was given plenty of time to wake up and come to their senses for refreshers and dz orientations. Presentations on skydiving were prepared to while away the daylight and to stop the collegiates turning on each other out of sheer boredom. It appeared to work but the major event of the day was still ahead - the opening of the bar (again). Whilst most people were fighting to be the first at the bar, The party continued with a DJ who knew exactly how to please a group of glow-stickwielding collegiates! Thanks to Steve Newman who did a fantastic job running the bar and thank you very much to Langar for helping get the academic year off to a successful start (despite no jumping whatsoever). Many collegiates were lucky enough to jet off to sunnier lands for Christmas to beat off those winter blues! Spain, Portugal, and New Zealand all had British collegiates falling from their skies. Check the diary page inside the back cover for 2003 BCPA events. Owner/Operator London Parachute School D Z located off J B o f M 4 0 in Oxfordshire 31 Green Street, Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire, HP15 7RA Tel: 0 14 94 4 5 9 5 0 0 Fax: 01494 4 4 4 32 6 C h ris Fran cis & M artin H arris CCI C h ris Francis Instructors Val Slattery, Rob Zealley, Dick Barton, Dave Skinner, Los C ro ss Pilots Ja so n Bishop, Mike W estwood Aircraft C e ssn a 2 0 6 5 places BN Islander on call 7 places First Jump Courses RA PS, Tandem, A FF Jump Prices Tandem £220 R A P S continuation £ 4 0 1 0 ,0 0 0 ft £18 5 ,0 0 0 f t £14 Altitude Restrictions Maximum altitude is 1 0 ,0 0 0 feet. Coaching W ARP, FS, C F Load Organising Directions From London (M40) Exit the M 4 0 at JB and turn left, take the Load organising is free. Simply turn up, rep o rt to m anifest and speak to Martin or Rachel. 1 DZ Attractions L P S is a small, friendly club that places an em phasis on having fun. W e welcom e any visiting jum pers and all have a good time. Owner, O perator and CCI C h ris Fran cis is also owner of first right turn, signposted Lewknor and B ord er P arach u te Cen tre in Northumberland. Regular trips are made to Bord er and m an y' follow the road through the s ta r t of the students com plete their training here and they h iv e no altitude restrictions. village and take the first left turn. Follow this road and keep going through an S □Z Accommodation bend. The DZ is down a tra ck on the left, which can be spotted looking power lines You can cam p at L P S by prior a rran g e m e n t and a tra n sfo rm e r box mounted on a pole. Food Si Drink A catering trailer offers hot and cold drinks, From Birmingham burgers, hot dogs, sandw iches, crisp s and snacks. A s above, except at J B turn right. Th e re ’s the pub, the Leathern Bottle nearby which offers really good food at reasonable prices. M ost Recommended Local Accommodation Peel Guest House □ 1 8 4 4 351 310 (Postcombe) Sunday afternoons after jumping are spent here! W e have b arb ecues on bank holidays too. Local Attractions The DZ is right n ear the Chiltern Hills which form s a ridge making an im pressive walkway. High W ycom be is 15 m inutes away and has a great Black Prince Hotel shopping centre. 01844 345 569 (Princes Risborough) View from a visiting jumper George & Dragon □ 1 8 4 4 4 6 4 414 (Princes Rlsborough] Red Lion □1844 344 9 80 (Princes Risborough) Backg ro un d Im age: H a n s Bergrren "When I arrived at London PC, the first thing that hit me was how friendly everyone was. Load organising was simple and I didn't have any trouble finding someone to jump with. I had a great day and was made to feel very welcome even though I’d never been there before. I've been going back ever sin ce." ffil C o a c h in g & F a c ilitie s LO FS CF FF AC WP SU 7 A load organisers formation skydiving canopy formation freeflying accuracy WARP Skydive U rigging room X !! T A <B 16 Skydive Redlands video room equipment shop canteen evening restaurant bar bunkhouse showers camping welcome caravans welcome R e d la n d s Farm , W anborough. Sw indon, Wiltshire Tel/Fax: 0 1 9 0 2 65 3 22 0 sky d iv ered lan d s @ O p e n : W/ends 9am - 8pm Please call 07855 908 083 prior to coming F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares A i r c r a f t : Various LO FS A W 17 Skydive Southwest Headcorn Parachute Centre D uke of G lo u c e ste r B arracks, South C erney, C irencester, G lo u c e ste r GL7 5RD Tel: 0 7 7 7 9 01 9 655 w w w .skydivesouthw will @ sky d iv eso u th w .u k O p e n : Fri-Sun (W/days by arrangement) F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : tandem, squares AFF A i r c r a f t : Cessna 182, Islander H ead co m A erodrom e, H eadcorn, Kent TN 27 9HX Tel: 0 1 6 2 2 8 90 86 2 Fax: 0 1 6 2 2 8 9 0 644 h e a d co rn @ b tco w w w Open: Tue-Fri 9am - dark, (winter Mon 1pm - dusk) W/ends & bank hols 8.30am - dusk First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem Aircraft: Turbolet (May-Sept), Beaver (Oct-April), Islander ac w p Y A W LO FS CF FF AC W P SU II 8 jg Black Knights Parachute Centre ■ k l l jS H I ■ P atty’s Farm , Hilliam L ane, C o ck erh am , L a n c a ste r LA2 ODY Tel: W /end 0 1 5 2 4 791 820 W /days/Fax: 0 1 772 7 1 7 624 ww w .bk p c .c o .u k in fo @ b k p c.c o .u k O p e n W/cntls, bank hols, mid week by arrangement 8am - 8pm F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : rounds, squares, AFF, tandem A i r c r a f t : Cessna 185 FS WP & A * JE 2 A 19 % Tue-Thu by arrangement, Fri- Sun. 9am - dark squares, AFF, tandem A i r c r a f t : Cessna 206, Islander O pen: F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : A LO FS C F AC W P f t A x M T W British Parachute Schools L an gar Airfield, Langar, N ottingham NG 13 9HY Tel/Fax: 0 1 9 4 9 8 6 0 878 info@ w w w O p e n : Every day 9am - 8pm (or sunset), 10am start Sun F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares, AFF, tandem A i r c r a f t : Tuibolet (summer). Cessna 206, Grand Caravan LO FS FF W P < " , A » | | T ^ 4 A fl \ British Skysports, Bridlington E a st Leys Farm , G rindale Rd, Bridlington, E Yorks Y 0 1 6 4YB Tel: 01262 677 367 / 0 7836 276 188 Fax: 01262 401 871 w w w O p e n : Every day Sam - 8pm F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares, AFF. tandem A i r c r a f t Cessna 206 FS C F A C W P 5 f t A S fj Y A W % FS C F W P SU f t * Devon & Somerset Parachute School 3 0 Tow er Way, D unkesw ell, Nr Honiton, D evon EX14 4XR Tel/Fax: 0 1 4 0 4 891 690 a g u e s tl @co m p u se rv e.c o m ww O p e n : 9am - sunset Wed-Sun, midweek by arrangement F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares, AFF, tandem A i r c r a f t : Cessna 206 A Kingsmuir Airfield, Saint A ndrew s, Fife KY16 8Q Q Tel: 0 1 3 3 4 880 6 7 8 skydivestandrew s@ m w w w .skydivestandrew O p e n : W/ends 8am - 10pm, Fri 5pm - 10pm, midweek by arrangement F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares, AFF, tandem A i r c r a f t : Cessna 185, Cessna 206, Turbine & Islander by arrangement FS C F FF A C W P f t A x S Y A W % LO FS CF FF A C W P SU 9 f t A < JB f | Y ‘*.: A W London Parachute School 31 G reen Street, H azlem ere, B ucks H P 15 7RA Drop Zone located off Junction 6 of M40 Tel: 0 1 494 45 9 500 Fax: 0 1 4 9 4 44 4 326 info@ w w w Open: Weekends 9am - dusk First Jump Courses: squares, tandem, AFF Aircraft: Islander, Cessna 206 LO FS CF AC W P X A 10 Merlin Parachute Centre Now operating from Peterlee (map no 15), contact: Bill Rule, 3 Lower Darcy St, Bolton, L an cs BL2 1PW Tel/Fax: 0191 51 7 1234 O p e n : W/ends & bank hols 9am - dark F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares, AFF, tandem A i r c r a f t : Islander 11 Strathallan Airfield, Nr Auchterarder, Perthshire PH3 1LA Tel: 0 7 7 7 46 8 6161 W /end 0 1 7 6 4 662572 kbrady@ w w w O p e n : Fri 5pm - 9pm (Summer), W/ends & B/hols 9am - dark F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : rounds, squares, tandem A i r c r a f t : Turbine (Summer), 2 x Cessna 206 LO FS C F FF A C W P f t A * North London Parachute Centre Hibaldstow Airfield, Hibaldstow, Brigg, N Lines DN20 9NN Tel/Fax: 0113 2 5 0 5 6 0 0 or DZ 0 1 6 5 2 648 837 info@ targetsky.dem O pen: W A W UK Parachuting Old Buckenham Airfield, Attleborough, Norfolk NR17 1PU Tel: 0 1 9 5 3 861 0 3 0 Fax: 0 1 9 5 3 861 031 jum p@ u k p arach u tin g .co .u k w w w O p e n : W/ends & W/days (by arrangement) F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares, tandem A i r c r a f t : PA-32 (available for w/end displays) FS s< j e Y A 23 Wild Geese Skydive Centre % Errol Airfield, G ran g e, Errol, P erth sh ire PH 2 7TB Tel: 01821 642 4 54 Fax: 01821 64 2 656 w w w .paragonskydiving.20m .com b g@ Open: Wed-Fri 9am - 7pm, Sat 9am - 6pm, Sun 10am - 6pm First Jump Courses: rounds, squares, tandem Aircraft: Cessna 182 % 14 Peterborough Parachute Centre S ibson Airfield, W ansford, P eterb o ro u g h P E 8 6NE Tel: 0 1 8 3 2 28 0 4 9 0 Fax: 0 1 8 3 2 2 8 0 409 skydive@ ww Open: Mar-Nov Tue-Sun 8am - 8pm, Dec-Feb Wed-Sun First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem Aircraft: Cessna 206, Turbolet (summer) # ' Peterlee Parachute Centre T he Airfield, Shotton Colliery, C o Durham DH6 2NH Tel/Fax: 0191 517 1234 shottonairfield @ h ttp://m em /skydiveam y Open: Wed-Fri 1pm - 8.30pm, W/ends & hank hols 8.30am - 8.30pm Flexible hours, please phone to confirm First Jump Courses: squares, AFF, tandem Aircraft: Cessna 182, Turbo 206 (occasionally) FS f t A ixJB A W A W % LOFS CFAC W P ^ i A J S ^ i A W \ C ark Airfield, Flookburgh, Nr G ran g e-o v er-S an d s, Cum bria LA11 7 J S Tel: 0 1 5 3 9 55 8 67 2 Fax: 0 1772 78 7 106 skydive-northw est@ w w w .skydive-northw Open: W/ends & bank hols 9am - 9pm First Jump Courses: squares, tandem, AFF Aircraft: Turbolet 410 (Mar-Dec), Islander 15 Cherokee 6 LO FS FF W P SU f t A x JS J| Y 22 A 19 LO FS FF W P SU f t A X a f | Y ^ i A 9am - dusk every day F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares, AFF, tandem A i r c r a f t : G92 Turbine, SMG-92 Turbo Finist. Tilstock Airfield, W hitchurch, S h ro p sh ire SY 13 2HA Tel: 0 1948 841 111 Fax: 0 1 9 4 8 8 4 0 638 skydive @ th ep a ra ch u te c e n tre .c o m w w w .th ep arach u tecen m O p e n : All year Sat 8am - 9pm, Mar-Oct Fri 2pm - dark F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares, AFF, tandem A i r c r a f t : 2 x Cessna 206 12 North West Parachute Centre WP f t M f y A f l A W r fe The Parachute Centre Chatteris Airfield, M anea, March, C am b s PE15 OEA DZ Tel: 0 1 3 5 4 74 0 81 0 Fax: 0 1 3 5 4 7 4 0 40 6 Office Tel: 0 8 7 0 787 4 9 0 0 Fax: 0 8 7 0 78 7 4 9 0 9 ch a tp a ra@ a o m O p e n : Tue-Fri 9.30am - 8pm, W/ends 8am - 8pm. Closed Mon/Tue in winter F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : rounds, squares, APT, tandem A i r c r a f t : Nomad LO F S C F W P l x f i A J S | | % 19 Skydive Strathallan 20 Target Skysports 13 Paragon Skydiving Cornwall Parachute Club fs c f w p s u i » K t T Hinton Airfield, S tean e, Brackley, Northants NN13 5NS Tel: 0 1 2 9 5 81 2 30 0 Fax: 0 1 2 9 5 81 2 400 info@ Open: Tue-Fri 9am - 7pm, W/ends 8am - late First Jump Courses: squares, AFF. tandem Aircraft: Cessna 206, Turbolet LO FS C F FF AC W P f t A x X F ra n ’s R anch, Old Naval Airfield, S t Merryn, W adebridge, Cornwall PL27 7RT Tel: DZ 01841 540 691 CCI 0 1 2 0 8 81 3 310 cp c @ m a d a sa fish .c o m w w w .com w O p e n : Oct - April W/ends, May - Sept Wed-Fri 8.30am - sunset F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares, tandem A i r c r a f t : Cessna 182 , Cessna 206 or Islander 6 Hinton Skydiving Centre FS C F AC JE Border Parachute Centre Brunton Airfield, Chathill. N orthum berland NE67 5ER Tel: 0 1 665 589 000 Fax: 0 1 4 9 4 44 4 326 cjfpara@ hotm w w w 3 18 Skydive St Andrews k » % M ovenis Airfield, 116 C arro w reag h R oad, G arvagh, C oleraine, C o Londonderry, N Ireland BT51 5LQ Tel: 02 8 29 5 5 8 60 9 Fax: 0 28 2 9 5 57 050 p arach u te@ w ild g eese.d em o n .co .u k w w w .w ildgeese.dem O p e n : W/end 8am - dark, W/days 9.30am - dark F ir s t J u m p C o u r s e s : squares, tandem A i r c r a f t : Cessna 206, Cessna Caravan fs w p *^ > A W % M ilitary A ffiliated C e n t r e s A Army Parachute Association APA Airfield C am p, N etheravon, Salisbury, Wilts S P 4 9S F Tel: 01980 678 25 0 Fax: 01980 671 026 a p a @ n e th e ra v o n .fsn et.c o .u k w w w B RAFSPA &RAFSPA H aw ks P a ra c h u te Team JSPC (W) RAF Weston-on-the-Green, Bicester, Oxon OX6 3TQ Tel: 01869 34 3 34 3 / 34 3 201 Fax: 0 1 869 343 676 skydivew eston. rafspa @virgin.n e t C Services Parachute Centre S hackleton B arracks, B F PO 802 Tel: 0 2 877 721 4 7 2 Fax: 0 2 8 7 7 721 342 D Silver Stars Parachute Team D uke of G lo u c e ste r B arrack s, S o u th C erney, C irencester, G lo u c e ste r GL7 5RD Tel: 0 1 2 8 5 8 6 8 2 5 9 Fax: 0 1 2 8 5 861344 info@ w w w skydive 75 February 2003 FOUNDING p MEMBER U Title NEW ! W FFC R A N T O U L 0 2 V H S NEW ! W FFC R A N T O U L 02 D V D NEW ! S W O O P 2002 VHS V9010 N . K e n t’s D iv e In D V D V9012SN G o o d S tu ff D V D V 9020 S w o o p 2001 VHS V 9030N Q u in c y 2 0 0 1 V H S V 9022 A la s k a J o n ’s E v o lu tio n V 90015 C lo u d ’s E d g e A n d m a n y m o re ! Credit Cards Accepted. PA L N T S C & “G ” rated v i d e o s available, C all o r visit our w ebsite for details. PHONE: 847-679-5905 /0 £ S S £ [ FAX: 847-679-8644 260 pages featuring 1000's of canopies, rigs, accessories, videos, rigging equipment and supplies. w w w .P a ra G e a r.c o m Get everything you n e e d a ll in one plac e ! We carry a w ide selection o f tools, tapes, hardw are, fabrics and other rigging specific item s so you can brow se an d shop via our online catalog or our annu al printed catalog. 3839 West Oakton Street - Skokie, Illinois 60076 U S A A ll M a jo r C r e d it C a r d s A c c e p t e d . BPA Associated UK Organisations Overseas DZs Associated Organisations Overseas Military Affiliated DZs When at BPA AffiBated Centres, the foKowmg organisations are run under the BPA Operations Manual. The BPA takes no responsibility for framing or advice when these orgaisations operate at other centres These Drop Zones are run under the BPA Operations Manual Active Skydiving East Coast Parachute Centre Glengoynan, St Fillans, 8 Burns Crescent, Chelmsford, Perthshire PH6 2ND Tel/Fax; 01764 685316 M obile: 07803 041348 scotty@ Essex CM2 OTS Tel: 01245 268772 slattery@ Specialist AFF School offering residential courses in Spoin and USA, video included on all jumps. Run by Scotty Milne, ex Red Devil, 5 times British Champion, Advanced RAPS, static line and progression courses. AFF and tandem - UK and abroad. Tandem video by arrangement. Currently sharing facilities with the London Parachute School at Lewknor drop zone. Royal Novy & Royal Marines Sport Parachute Association PO Box 442, Portsmouth, Hants, P03 5XY Tel: 01980 678 277 secretary@ RN8;RMSPA is a small RAPS/AFF/Tandem operation based at Netheravon and is the first point of contact fo r service sport parachuting. Bunny McGeechan (Chairman, SSPA), techniques fo r best results. The Coach House, West St, Epsom, Surrey KT18 7RL Tel: (Spain) 00 34 972 45 45 63 Airw aves International Skydiving School kevin@ Operated by Kevin McCarthy, ex National Strathallan Airfield, Auchterarder, Perthshire PH3 1 BE Tel: 01698 812 4 4 3 (weekdays) Tel: 01764 662 572 (weekends) 78 High Street, Bexley, Kent D A51LB Tel: 01322 557375 M obile: 07802 472 566 Champion with over 7,500 jumps and over 20 years experience. Probably the best AFF Newsgroup: school in Europe. State o f the a rt equipment and professional, personalised training gives The SSPA aims to prom ote parachuting in Scotland and provide training grants and France: 00 33 (0) 619 605 997 skydive@ you safe, rapid progression to Category 10 ond beyond. Videos with all jumps. Courses subsidies fo r all aspects of the sport. available all year in the Costa Brava. Flexible Skydive Academy BPA Approved instructor Rod Bartholomew payment to suit you. (24 yrs experience), Coco Cazolas (USPA & FFP) & Sean O 'Foolin (AFP) offer AFF, RAPS / RAPS progression, FS, FF, tandem & team Parachute Training Services Peterlee Parachute Centre, Shotton Colliery, Co Durham DH6 2NH Contact: Ian Rosenvinge coaching at our beautiful resorts in Royan, France and Florida. Operating fu ll tim e all year, our professional skydiving holidays Oxon 0X141BU Tel/Fax: 01235 529570 doug@ paratrg.dem have everything. Video included. UK support on return. Training programmes now offered 11 Godwyn Close, Abingdon, at the new wind tunnel in Paris. Run by Doug Peacock, BPA Instructor/Examiner. The complete RAPS British Collegiate Parachute Association package, PTS offers one jum p introductory courses with the option of individual Lorraine Blacker, BCPA Chairman 12Abberton Road, Manchester M20 1HU The BCPA aims to promote parachuting and skydiving at collegiate level. We hold events for our 25 affiliated university clubs and we provide help on setting up and running these clubs. Most importantly we provide a community where university skydivers of oil abilities can find like-minded people to jump and socialise with. David M orris Action Sports 2 Daleside, Cotgrave, Nottingham NG12 3QA Tel/Fax: 0115 989 2050 M obile: 0777 498 6600 dave@ Dave specialises in AFF courses and tandem introductions in the UK, Spain and France. The AFF course includes free jumpsuit, progression tra inin g through Cat 8 and advanced grades. Operating at Hinton A irfield in conjunction with Hinton Skydiving Centre. Six days per week, call for further info@ Tel/Fax: 0191 386 5261 skydiveacademy@ http://m em /skydiveam y 7 day AFF courses our speciality. Late Maym id September at Peterlee. Outside this period, courses can be arranged abroad. Centre 15 mins drive from Durham city (2.45hrs from Kings Cross and and less than 2hrs from Edinburgh). B&B in local pubs from £12.50, in Durham City from £18. The Skydiving Company Headcorn Aerodrome, Heodcorn inform ation. Kent TN27 9HX Contact: Colin May PhD Skydiving Tel: 01622 892 092 m ail@ theskydivingcom Laburnum, The Hollow, Shrewton, Salisbury, W ilts SP3 4JY Tel: 01980 621363 Fax: 01980 620609 Mobile: 07971 665815 Operating from Headcorn Parachute Club, the Skydiving Company offers tondem, RAPS aff@ Skydive lim ited Friendly, professional AFF school and Skydive U coaching run by Martin W illiams, BPA examiner, AFF instructor and Skydive U coach. Providing clients with small, personalised courses all year in Californio, Spain and UK. Emphasis on continued support in UK post course. Video on all jumps, only best equipment used. and AFF courses. Sibson A irfield, Wansford, Peterborough PE8 6NE Tel: 01832 280066 Fax: 01832 280067 M obile: 0785 000 7178 chris@ Chris Allen, Ex Red Devil, CCI, BPA AFF/Tandem Examiner, USPA Safety and Training advisor and Skydive University UK co-ordinator. Offers AFF courses in the UK Pops UK and abroad. Also available; team coaching, Skydive University one-on-one programme Pete Shew, 6a A m pthill Rd, Shefford, and tandem. oltim eter, helmet, goggles, video log w ith re jumps a t cost. A great deal if you want to Beds, SG17 5BD learn to skydive. Dave has over 7,000 jumps and is a BPA Tandem and AFF Instructor and Tel: 01462 638312 pete@ A society of skydivers over forty. Regular Examiner. Dhekelia Garrison, BFPO 58, Cyprus Tel: 00 357 2474 4337 Fax: 00 357 2474 4180 Rhine Army Parachute Association JSPC (L) (RAPA) PTCHQATG(G), BFPO 16 Tel: 0049 5254 982 2378 Fax: 0049 5254 982 2740 Scottish Sports Parachute Association FreeFall Company Instructor & Exominer w ith over 7,000 jumps. Scotty uses the latest equipm ent and teaching Cyprus Combined Services Parachute Centre (CCSPC) national and international meets at host parachute centres. Terminal Velocity Skydiving 4 Cottesmore, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7YL Tel: 01344 440212 Fax: 01344 445704 m artin@ term A irfield Camp, Netheravon, Offers RAPS to Cat 8 plus support beyond, tandem w ith/w ithout video and stills, WARP coaching and AFF in the UK and abroad. W iltshire SP4 9SF Tel: 01980 67821 l o r 300 or 212 Emphasis on personal coaching and enjoyment. All courses under direct Fax: 01980 678349 reddevils@ supervision of London Parachute School. Red Devils Overseas Associated Organisations The BPA takes no responsibility h r m y training or advice given by these organisations as they do not necessarily operate under the BPA Operations Manual Centro de Paracuigisme Costa Brava PO Box 194,17487 Empuriabrava, Spain Tel: 0034 972 450 111 Fa*: 0034 972 450 749 Skydive Spain. AFF courses (1 tandem, 7 jumps with oir-to-air video), tandem flights, freestyle school, Babylon freefly school, Skydive U, free load organising, team coaching (special rates), geor hire (with Cypres). Pilatus Porter and Twin Otter all year. All jumps from 12,500ft. Open all year - and now club house, tennis and pool. Florida Skydiving Centre 440 South A irp o rt Road, Lake Wales, FL 33859, USA Tel: 001 863 678 1003 Fax: 001 863 678 1409 info@ BPA qualified WARP ond tandem instructors and USPA AFF & RAPS courses. Very large landing open area, large covered and carpeted packing area, fu ll line of equipment, rigging shop, cafe, snock bar and lounge. King A ir summer, CASAs and Super Otters November-April. Freeiall Adventures, Florida 400 West Airport Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958, USA Tel: 001 561 388 0550 Fax: 001 561 581 4468 BPA & USPA qualified instructors. Owned by Brit Mick Hall. Otters and Casas. Over 600 acres, classrooms, state of the art equipment, undercover packing, wind tunnel training, free comping, showers, bunk rooms, rigging, store, restaurant. Freefall Adventures/Skydive Cross Keys 300 Dahlia Avenue, Williamstown, New Jersey 08094, USA Tel: 001 856 629 7553 Fax: 001 856 629 7585 Licenced skydivers: BPA instructors. AFF, tondem, Skydive U, Monkeydaw FF school, freestyle and team coaching. Super Otter, Super SkyVon, Grand Caravan, Stearman Bi-plone, helicopter ond balloon jumps. Rigging loft, cafe/bar, indoor packing, team rooms, lorge, open landing area. Perris Valley Skydiving 2091 Goetz Rood, Perris, CA 92570, USA Tel: 001 909 657 3904 Fax: 001 909 657 6178 office@ Three Super Otters, Super SkyVan, shaded packing and creeping, video rooms, organising, coaching, team and group rates, packing, rigging, Square One gear store, loft, guest house, RV hookups, restaurant, bar, pool, AFF and tandem schools. Skydive Elsinore 20701 Cereal Street, Loke Elsinore, CA 92530, USA Tel: 001 909 245 9939 Fax: 001 909 245 3661 skydive@ Sunny southern California's prem ier drop zone, located between LA and San Diego. Two Twin Otter aircraft, teom rooms, snack bar, kit store, rigging, comping, bunkhouse, warm showers and friendly staff. Professional instruction and coaching. W onderful views and atmosphere. Skydive Sebastian 400 West A irport Drive, Sebastian, FL 32958 USA Tel: 001 772 388 5672 Fax: 001 772 388 2105 info@ BPA & USPA qualified training. SkyVan, Super Otter and Caravan. Tandem AFF, FS1, Skydive U, FS and team training with Sebostian XL, freefly coaching with Chris Lynch, Rob Silver, Mike Swanson, Rook Nelson. Load organising, beach jumps, camping, showers, bunkhouse, volleyball, rigging service, covered carpeted packing area, store and restaurant. Displays, tandem and RAPS courses. Background Image: Hans Bergrren skydive 77 February 2003 Skydiving & Sport Scuba Diving Medicals L a m 3 3 c e n tre ]europeen de ch u te libre £ 3 5 ^ ----- Dr Margaret Clamp Lowdham Medical Centre Franklin Road, Lowdham Nottingham NN14 7BG Tel: 0115 9663633 Mobile: 0780 2850084 Email: » 2 0 0 3 A p r il 1 9 « ONLY SERIOUS SKYDIVERS READ ON Going to Empuria?.............. YOU WILL SKYDIVE * YOU WILL BE TIRED Physically and m entally exhausted. GET THE ACCOMMODATION RIGHT Need aSkyvan or a Casa 212 on your DZ? Just ask CAE aviation. contact: Bernard Zeler ARE YOU A TEAM AND DO LOTS OF JUMPS? ARE YOU A JUMP HOG AND WANT TO STAY THAT WAY? Then w hat you need is a good nights sleep, peace and quiet on a good bed in a quiet house and neighbourhood. 5 MINUTES FROM THE DROPZONE. GET IT RIGHT by contacting Tel: 00 34 649153239 email: ie r o k a r t In form a tion s 3D W eek end once a month with FF animation and coaching . P le a se b o o k y o u r s e s s io n s + 3 3 (0)1 3 0 2 5 71 9 0 1 9 9 / 2 0 3 ro u te d e P o n to is e 9 5 1 0 0 A rg e rtte u il F ra n c e F a x : + 33 (0 ) 1 3 0 2 5 71 9 3 Th u rsd a y: 6 .0 0 p.m . - 0 .0 0 a.m . F rid a y : S .00 p.m . - 0 .0 0 a.m . Saturday : 3 .0 0 p.m . - 0 .0 0 a.m . Sunday : 2 .0 0 p.m . - 8 .0 0 p.m . f u n r a d io > KIT FOR SALE 135 250 jumps Micro Raven 135 reserve, o jumps. Reflex container, fully loaded. BOC. Immaculate piece of kit. £1,500. G3 red / black custom made container to fit medium build. Stainless steel hip rings and hardware, hacky handle, soft reserve handle, aluminium hook knife. Spectre 135 red/black, 100 jumps. PD143 reserve. Expert Cypres. Great condition. £2,750. Am prepared to sell without canopy. JUMPSUITS Merlin Freefly and Pro competition (FS). Both white with navy and red to fit approx 6ft. Mint condition, hardly used. £100 ono each. STILETTO Contact: Jerry 07967 831699 Bucks Contact: Sean 0772 9404069 Yorkshire. ATOM LEGEND main - Safire requested) Contact: Sam Link 07984 062751 Romsey. CONTAINER ONLY Javelin NJ. Charcoal/purple/green. Will take 113 reserve, Stiletto 120 COMPLETE RIG Vector 3 all main. BOC. 3 years old. £350. black cordura, stainless steel hip rings and three rings. Contact: Steve Scott BOC. 100 jumps. As new. 07712 869935 Bucks. Stiletto 135, 20 jumps, steve.scott@h blue/white as new. PD113R reserve, no jumps. Cypres. COMPLETE RIG 2-pin £2,200. Also jumpsuits in Teardrop BOC, Fury 210 main. various sizes for sale. Raven 1 reserve, Cypres, Contact: Tim new batteries fitted Sept 02: 07976 285 750 Medium harness. Good or 01733 313 212 beginners rig. maintained by RAFSPA. £1,000 ono. MIRAGE 145 - Techno 140 Reserve. Only 21 jumps so excellent Contact: Alex Micallef 07932390073 condition. Black and red alexm icallef@ hotm Cypres, Gath helmet and (can email pictures if goggles. £2,750 ono. COMPLETE RIG red / black Javelin container, BOC, PD 190 main. SR reserve, Cypres, 150 Jumps. Excellent Condition. £1,950. also Alti, Icarus rig bag, Gath helmet, Pro-Track (brand new), jump suit, goggles, gloves etc. Contact: Matt Sellors 07779 881902. Essex COMPLETE RIG Spectre 120, COMPLETE RIG 1 pin Teardrop BOC, PD190 main, 250 jumps. Raven II reserve, Cypres, bag & pack mat. Medium harness. £1,200. Contact: Colin Barmby 07941 119 336 or 01480 402992 Cambs 120 Tempo unused, expert cypres harness medium / small, all stainless BOC, hip rings, hacky. Blue and orange throughout, only two years Contact: John Doyel old. Only 90 jumps. Like new! 07788 130631 £2,200 ono. Hemel Hempstead Contact: 0776 1719328 Leeds C l a s s if ie d A d v e r t is in g Classified adverts also available on the BPA website: PAYMENT £15.00 per issue (private) □ £20.00 (trade) incl of VAT □ For an extra £10.00 I would like to appear on the BPA Website □ Please indicate the numbers of issues required □ Cheques should be made payable to Warners Group Publications Pic, or fill in your credit/switch card number below. Issue No Q □ □ Visa Mastercard/ Access □ Cheque Description Expiry Date Switch □□□□ □□□□□ TY PE OF ENTRY REQUIRED □ Kit for Sale □ Miscellaneous It Am This will ,fe m be in bold Please tick Maximum 36 Words Sign ed :____________________________________________________ Date: ON COM PLETION SEND ENTRY TO: Jo Cooke, Classified Advertisement Department, Skvdive Mag Warners Group Publications, The Makings, West Street, Bourne, Lincs. PE10 9PH Name/Address (not for publication) Location BLOCK CAPITALS Contact NAME___________________________ A DDRESS. Tel Email DAYTIME TEL. NO._ CllOSin^ DatC fOl* the Cost issue IVIar 21 • No responsibility is occepted for any negoKatkms whkh may result from these advertisements. The publishers reserve the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement without giving be accepted by the publisher for any error or omission. Rates, terms ond conditions for classified advertisements may be changed at any time without notice. Renders should take care before moking payments or parting with goods to advertisers or persons replying to advertisements as no liability con be accepted by the publishers for any resulting loss or dissatisfaction. skvdive79 ^ February 2003 18-21 Target Easter Bash Hibaldstow 0113 250 5 6 00 3-7 FEBRUARY 15-16 valentines £100 Weekend BPS Langar € 1 0 0 f o r w e e k e n d ju m p in g 15-16 01949 86 0 878 Valentines Weekend Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 18 BPA Council Meeting 22 0116 278 5271 Tunnel Freefly/Freestyle Meet SkyV enture, Orlando, Florida 22-23 001 520 466 3753 0116 278 5271 CSI/Pre-A6s/ar\ce6 4-9 Mardi Gras Boogie Sold Coast Skyd ive rs, 001 800 79 6 7117 M ississippi 6-9 New School Flight Camp Florida Skydiving Center, Lake W ales FF coaching A tunnel time 7-9 BCPA Scottish Regionals S t Andrews 01334 880 678 ww w .b c p a .o r g .u k c h a ir m a n @ b c p a .o r g .u k 8-9 Kate Stephens FS Coaching S t Andrews Freefly Money Meet Skydive Arizona Eloy, U SA instructor Course Netheravon 8-22 01334 880 678 Thai Sky Festival 22-8 Mar Ecuador Boogie Exo tic Sky Adventures 10-14 24-28 instructor Course Netheravon C S B I/ T B I/ A F F B I/ A d v 0116 278 5271 27-4 Mar Airspeed Tunnel Camps 42/43 SkyV enture, Florida MARCH 1 Ramblers PC, S Q , A ustralia 10-15 10-16 Night Jumps 001 813 783 9399 1-21 Apr Algarve Spring Boogie with T arg et Skysp orts 0113 250 5600 Pure Progression Program South of the Border Boogie Skydive San Carlos Organised by A Z Airspeed 001 520 466 3753 Mardi Gras Boogie / 60-ways Skydive C ity, Z ephyrhills, Florida F re e fly Training Center, Sebastian, Florida 14-16 1-4 0061 917 33 99 6400 Skills Camp & 4/8-way Coaching Skydive Portugal Proenca a Nova 12-17 Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 Learning Curve Camp Go Fast/Total Body Pilot Air & Speed Races Skydive C ity, Colon B e rry: 001 813 783 9399 Zep hyrhills, Florida 15-20 18-22 16-22 Skills Camp & 4-way Coaching Skydive Portugal Proenca a Nova 17-20 Aerokart 3D-Pro Weekend Aerokart Wind Tunnel Argenteuil, France 18-21 Symbiosis w ere proud to be part of the... 0033 130 257 288 flacro ix@ aero Freefly Tunnel Camp F re e fly Training Center, Sebastian, Florida 18-30 Organised by A erostore 21-23 001 610 3 2 7 8555 BCPA Southern Regionals Hinton 01295 812 300 ww w .b c p a .o r g .u k c h a ir m a n @ b c p a .o r g .u k 22-30 FS/Accuracy Meet Croatia 00 38 5917 8490 ww w . f a l c o n a i r . c z f a l c o n a i r @ q u i c k . c z 27-29 Aerokart 3D-Pro Weekend Aerokart Wind Tunnel Argenteuil, Frar\ce 29-30 0033 130 257 288 flacro ix@ aero indoor FS Competition Aerokart Wind Tunnel Argenteuil, France 27-30 0033 130 257 288 flacro ix@ aero Airspeed Big-way Camp Skydive Arizona Eloy, U SA 29 001 520 466 3753 Langar Party Langar 01949 86 0 878 ww w .b p s la n g a r .c o .u k 31-4 Apr instructor Course BPS Langar AFF/Tandem 0116 278 5271 APRIL 3-6 XL April Fools Boogie Skydive Sebastian, Florida 11-13 Airspeed Tunnel Camps 44/45 SkyV enture, Florida 4-7 steve@ Vertical Skills Camp F re e fly Training Center, Sebastian, Florida 11 -20 Easter Boogie / spring Meet & Sequential world Record Attempt 120-ways, 8-way & 40-way competitions Skydive C ity, 001 800 40 4 9399 Zep hyrhills, 12-20 Airspeed 4-way Skills Camp Skydive Portugal Proenca a Nova 12-20 s M B IO S IS S U I T S Congratulations ^ to everyone involved The Airfield, Headcom, Kent TN27 9HX Tel: 01622 890 967 Fax: 01622 891 236 ROB COLPUS (Have I told you I was on a 300-way lately?) Portugal Easter Boogie Skydive Portugal Proenca a Nova 12-27 Empuria Easter Boogie CPCB, Empuriabrava, 0 0 34 972 45 0 111 Spain ww w m cp cb@ g 12-27 BCPA Elsinore Progression Trip ww w .b c p a .o rg .u k fo re ig n trip @ b c p a .o rg .u k Skydive Elsinore 14-17 BPA Council Meeting 18-20 0116 278 5271 Easter Hybrid Dives Langar 01949 86 0 878 ww w .b p s la n g a r.c o .u k in fo @ b p sla n g a r.c o .u k 80 skydive February 2003 19-20 Hinton Memorial Scrambles Hinton 20 21-27 01295 812 300 Weston Party 01869 343 343 Go Vertical Freefly Boogie Skydive Portugal Proenca a Nova 24-27 New School Flight Camp Florida Skydiving Center, Lake W ales FF coaching &tunnel time 26-27 4-way Scrambles Hibaldstow 0113 250 5 6 00 26-27 Hybrid & Tracking Weekend F re e fly Training Center, Sebastian, Florida 26-4 May Airspeed Ultimate 4-way Camp Skydive Arizona Eloy, U SA 27-28 001 520 466 3753 Crosskeys Season opener Skydive Crosskeys 001 856 629 7553 Florida 18-2 May instructor Course Ta rg et Skysp orts AFF/Tandem 0116 278 5271 29-1 May Cancer Survivor Big-ways Skydive Spaceland, Rosharon, T exas Tony Albano MAY 1-4 Aerokart 3D-Pro weekend Aerokart Wind Tunnel Argenteuil, France 2-10 0033 130 257 288 flacroix@ Philippines Skydiving Festival Tropical Asia Parachute Club, 0063 45 917 955 3409 Philippines 3-4 POPS Meet RAPA, Bad Lippspringe, 0 0 49 5254 933 862 Germany 3-5 CF Southern Regionals Cornwall 01841 540 691 ww w .s k y d iv e c p c .c o m c p c @ m a d a s a fish .c o m 3-11 Langar Boogie BPS Langar 01949 860 878 ww w .b p s la n g a .u k in fo @ b p sla n g a r.c o .u k 4 Weston Party R A FS P A , W eston 8-13 9-11 01869 343 343 Airspeed Tunnel Camps SkyV enture, Orlando, Florida 46/47 Wing Tips Canopy Pilot Coaching Sibson 01832 280 4 9 0 with Chris Lynch: 10-11 VNE Coaching Roadshow Netheravon 01980 678 245 10-11 Student Progression Week Headcorn 01622 89 0 862 15 Easter Big-way Boogie Freefly Basics with Tim Porter Skydive Portugal Proenca a Nova 3-8 18-27 Skydive Nagambie 0061 03 57 94 1466 Victoria, A ustralia R A FSP A , Weston Brazil Boogie XL Challenge X L Challenge Skydive Sebastian, Florida Sibson 6-way Speed Peterborough 01832 280 4 9 0 Andy Kelly 4-way Meet & FS Southern Regionals 4-way Headcorn 01622 89 0 862 12-16 instructor Course Stra th a lla n C S B I/ T B I/ A F F B I/ A d v 12-16 0116 278 5271 Learning Curve Camp Ramblers PC, S Q , A ustralia 0061 917 3399 6 4 0 0 15-18 Airspeed Big-way Camp Skyd ive Arizona Eloy, U SA 001 52 0 466 3753 17-22 Classics Selections Nationals 01295 812 300 Hinton 9-10 Classics Central Regionals Langar 01949 860 878 ww w .b p s la n g a r.c o .u k in fo @ b p sla n g a r.c o .u k ADVERTISERS A erokart 16-18 Wing Tips Canopy Pilot Coaching Headcorn 01622 890 862 w ith Chris Lynch: 16-18 Port Macquarie Boogie & POPS Meet Port Macquarie, N S W , A ustralia 17-18 POPS intro to Freeflying Peterborough 01832 280 490 19-20 XL Tunnel Camp SkyV enture, Orlando, Florida 19-23 instructor Course Strath allan CSI/Pre-A d vanced 22-26 0116 278 5271 Babylon Freefly 19-20 Hinton 20-22 21-22 Woodmouse 4-way Meet Peterborough 01832 280 490 27-29 Speed Skydiving world Cup Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 28-29 CF & Classics Northern Regionals 0 28 2955 860 28-29 23-26 Pau Parachutisme Passion, France Strathallan inc: CF 2/4-way, Classics, Artistic events 07 7 7 4 686 161 weston Party Target Skysp orts 01113 250 5600 with Chris 7-8 VMax Coaching Roadshow 01334 88 0 678 Classics Roadshow with Julian Spencer, fo rm er national champion Hinton 01295 812 300 7-8 woodmouse Speed 7 Meet Headcorn 01622 89 0 862 7-9 Queen's Birthday Boogie Ramblers Parachute Centre, SQ , A ustralia 7-10 Freefly Mini Boogie Skydive Nagambie 0061 03 5794 1466 Victoria, A ustralia 8-14 RAPA Championships Bad Lippspringe, Germany 0 0 4 9 5 2 54 933 862 (FS, Classics, CF A Swoop) 12-15 Aerokart 3D-Pro weekend Aero kart Wind Tunnel Argenteuil, France 12-17 0033 130 257 288 flacro ix@ aero Classics Roadshow with Julian Spencer, fo rm er national champion Hinton 01295 812 300 14-15 Pre-Nationals Freefly Meet Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 14-15 FS 8-way Grand Prix Langar 01949 860 878 ww w .b p sla n g a .u k in fo @ b p sla n g a r.c o .u k 14-22 Target Summer Boogie Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 17 BPA Council Meeting 0116 278 5271 SEPTEMBER World Championships Byron Bay Boogie B re tt/ S c o tty : 0061 04 1897 4131 FS 8-way Grand Prix Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 5-13 6-7 FS Week 11-13 01622 890 862 22 RAPA, Bad Lippspringe, 0 0 49 5254 933 862 Germany 12-19 Swedish Friflaj Festival Glenn Johannesson w w w 19-26 +46 70 7 979 757 XL Pre-Nationals Coaching FS British Nationals 4-way Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 Lapalisse, France 27 Bewl Reservoir water Jumps Headcorn 01622 8 9 0 862 01932 701 321 Go vertical Freefly Boogie Skydive Portugal Proenca a Nova 4-12 The Oktober Boogie Skydive Nagambie 0061 03 5794 1466 Victo ria, A ustralia 21 BPA Council Meeting 0116 278 5271 FS British Nationals 8-way Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 2-4 Artistic British Nationals Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 4-10 CF world Record Attempt Lapalisse, France 9-10 Weston Scrambles R A FS P A , Weston 01869 343 343 0 0 4 4 ( 0 )1 2 9 5 8 1 2 3 0 0 w w w .d z s p o rts .c o m E m p u ria b ra v a 28 0 0 3 3 (0 )9 7 2 4 5 0 111 c p c b @ g n a .e s Freefall Adventures, Florida 43 001 561 3 8 8 0 5 5 0 skyd ive m ik@ a o m 62 62 0 0 4 4 (0)161 7 8 9 6 8 9 5 w w w .h e a d sh ie ld .co m The Kit Store 62 0 0 4 4 ( 0 )1 6 2 2 8 9 0 9 6 7 s y m b io s is .s u its @ b tin te rn e t.c o m L a p a liss e 78 La rs e n & B ru sg a a rd 32 0 0 4 5 4 6 75 7 722 w w w .l- a n d - b .d k Dr M a rg a re t C lam p 78 0 0 4 4 (0 ) 1 1 5 9 6 6 3 6 3 3 m c la m p @ d o c to rs .o rg .u k O rig in a l L iza rd 32 0 0 4 4 ( 0 )1 4 8 2 6 3 5 4 8 3 c h a p p y @ o rig in a l- liz a rd .c o m Pa race n tru m Texel 17 0 0 3 1 (0 )2 2 2 31 1 4 3 6 w w w . p a r a c e n tr u m te x e l. nl Pa rach u te s d e F ran ce 76 001 8 4 7 6 7 9 5 9 0 5 s a le s @ p a ra g e a r.c o m Pa rate c 42 00 4 96 8 37 7 375 in fo s a v e @ p a ra te c .d e P erform ance D e sig n s Point Z e ro 32 0 0 4 4 (0 ) 1 9 8 0 8 4 4 1 3 0 in fo @ s k y d iv e p o in tz e ro .c o .u k R am b le rs P a rach u te Centre NOVEMBER Sk y A ds 42 0 0 4 4 ( 0 )1 9 0 9 4 8 2 981 a la n d e n e @ a o l.c o m Sk yd iv e A rizo n a 16 00 1 5 2 0 4 6 6 3 7 5 3 w w w .s k y d iv e a z .c o m 28 00 1 8 6 3 6 7 8 1 0 0 3 in fo @ s k y d iv e la k e w a ie s .c o m Sk yd ive M arche 17 00 39 07 34 964 488 in fo @ s k y d iv e m a rc h e .c o m Instructor Course Headcorn C S B I/ T B I/ A F F B I/ A d v 17-21 01869 343 343 0116 278 5271 Instructor Course Headcorn C S I/Pre-A dvanced 0116 278 5271 20 in fo @ s k y d iv e p o rtu g a l.c o m w w w .s k y d iv e - p o r tu g a l.c o m Skydive Strathallan 42 0 0 4 4 (0 )7 7 7 4 6 8 6 161 (m obile) w w w .skyd ive stra th a lla n .co .u k Weston End of Season Party R A FS P A , W eston 54 0 0 6 1 7 5 4 23 1 1 5 9 ra m b le rs @ h y p e rm a x .n e t.a u Sk yd ive Portugal 8 IFC & 29 001 9 0 4 7 3 8 2 2 2 4 w w w .p e rfo rm a n c e d e s ig n s .c o m Halloween 10-way Speed Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 33 0 0 3 3 (0 )1 3 4 3 2 7 7 7 7 p a ra c h u te s -d e -fra n c e @ c s i.c o m P a ra g e a r Equipm ent Sk yd iv e L a k e W a le s 25-26 Sk yd ive Z e e la n d 32 0 0 3 1 (0 )2 2 2 3 1 1 4 6 4 in fo @ s k y d iv e -z e e la n d .n l Sk y v a n U K 20 m o b ile 0 0 4 4 (0) 7 9 8 0 6 9 0 681 a v ia to rn ic k @ y a h o o .c o .u k Su np ath Products 55 00 1 8 1 3 7 8 2 9 2 4 2 in fo @ s u n p a th .co m The Sunshine Factory 21 001 8 1 3 7 8 8 98 31 w w w .su n sh in e -fa cto m Sym biosis Suits 80 0 0 4 4 ( 0 )1 6 2 2 8 9 0 9 6 7 sy m b io s is .s u its @ b tin te rn e t.c o m T arg et Skysp orts 18 0 0 4 4 ( 0 )1 1 3 2 5 0 5 6 0 0 in fo @ ta rg e ts k y .d e m o n .c o .u k AUGUST 2-4 42 12 & 13 0 0 3 3 4 7 0 99 1 8 0 3 w w w J a p a lis s e -a e ro .c o m OCTOBER 10-14 26-3 Aug Espace Boogie DZ Sports 120-way Challenge Headcorn 01622 89 0 862 Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 26-28 28 001 8 1 3 7 1 3 4691 div e rd o ris @ a o l.c o m Bewl Reservoir water Jumps 4-12 Hoxter 4-way Mini Meet Diving with Doris G ro u n d ru sh Clothing 27-28 CF Central Regionals XL/PD Roadshow Langar 01949 86 0 878 & Pre-Nationals XL Coachingww w .b p s la n g a r.c o .u k in fo @ b p sla n g a r.c o .u k Headcorn 01622 89 0 862 4 0 0 4 4 (0 ) 1 9 4 9 8 6 0 8 7 8 in fo @ b p s la n g a r.c o .u k D a v id F erg uson (G oing to Em puria?) 78 m o b ile 0 0 4 4 (0) 7 9 6 6 5 3 6 6 2 4 p u ig m a l@ g m x .n e t 0033 492 540 LAC Meet Peterborough 01832 280 490 M l 28 0 0 6 1 (0 )7 5 4 6 4 6 111 w w w .b ris b a n e s k y d iv in g .c o m H eadshield Pete Marsden a t Umm Al Quwain A ustralia B risb a n e Sk yd iving Centre w w w .g r o u n d ru s h u k .c o m 16-27 3-6 17 0049 419 599 770 s a le s @ m y -s k y w o rld .c o m 0 0 4 4 (0 ) 1 9 4 8 6 6 2 1 7 9 01869 343 343 Headcorn POPS Meet Airspeed Tunnel Camps 48/49 ww w .tu n n e lc a m p .c o m d a n @ a irs p e e d .o r g 14-15 0033 559 048 589 Hibaldstow, Accuracy A Hit n Rock 0113 250 5600 www .thepops.orginfo@ targetsky.dem 5-6 JUNE S t Andrews 28-29 Tracking Meet 46 0 0 4 4 ( 0 )1 8 0 2 4 7 2 5 6 6 s k y d iv e @ a ir-w a v e s .c o .u k Dodington's Sports Instru m ents Wiggaz Festival R A FS P A . W eston 4-14 A irw a v e s 01869 343 343 All discipines, Gap, France 01869 343 343 30-1 Jun Wing Tips Canopy Pilot Coaching 7-8 28-29 01869 343 343 30 0049 295 398 990 m a rtin @ a ic y p re s .c c British P a rach u te Scho o ls, L a n g a r 0116 278 5271 Weston Summer Ball Rodders 4-way Meet R A FS P A , W eston Scottish Nationals and 4-way N Regionals & 8-way Grand Prix 0116 278 5271 BPA Council Meeting 30-31 20 0 0 4 4 ( 0 )1 9 8 3 2 9 8 4 8 0 y v o n n e @ a irs p o rts .n e ts c a p e .c o .u k Airtec A lb atro s Skyw orld Instructor Course 24 63 16 A irsp o rts In su ra n ce B u re a u FS Central Regionals 4-way Hibaldstow C S I/Pre-A dvanced 19 A erod yne T echnologies Aerostore Corp oratio n john@ Langar 01949 860 878 ww w .b p s la n g a r.c o .u k in fo @ b p sla n g a r.c o .u k 18-22 0 0 3 3 (0 )1 3 0 2 5 7 190 w w w .a e ro k a 001 6 1 0 3 2 7 8 5 5 5 w w w .a e ro s to re .c o m XL Skills Camp Empuriabrava, Spain 16-17 0116 278 5271 trudy@bpa, R A FS P A , W eston W ild Geese Wing Tips Canopy Pilot Coaching R A FSPA, W eston VNE Coaching Roadshow Hinton 01295 812 300 with Chris 25 01295 812 300 78 instructor Course Hibaldstow C S B I/ T B I/ A F F B I/ A d v 11-15 CF Nationals Hibaldstow 0113 250 5600 Peterborough 01832 28 0 490 23-26 01295 812 300 Hinton 21-22 11-15 Hinton Scrambles T hom as Sports Eq uipm ent OBC 0 0 4 4 ( 0 )1 2 6 2 6 7 8 2 9 9 e n q u ire s @ th o m a s -s p o rts .c o m BPA Formation Skydiving Canopy Formation Style & Accuracy Boogies Freefly & Skysurf POPS Speed Skydiving unclassified Total Control 20 0 0 6 1 8 9 3 2 5 6 001 in fo @ to ta lc o n tro l.c o m .a u T unnelC am 62 00 1 4 8 0 2 8 3 2 6 0 3 w w w .tu n n e lc a m p .c o m Email us your diary dates by 17 March fo r inclusion in the next tApril) issue skydive February 2003 homas Sports NEW Y E A R O F F E R #1 ITEA R DROP OR ZER O X CONTAINER Pinfold Lane, Bridlington E a st Yorkshire Y 0 1 6 6XS ww w .thom TSE TACKIFIED GLOVES £17.50 INCLUDING ISTAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE IIP RINGS HORNET ZP MAIN TEMPO RESERVE YPRES £2700.00 inc VAT NEW Y E A R O F F E R #2 T EA R DROP OR ZER O X CONTAINER INCLUDING STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE IP RINGS P D SA B R E2/SP EC TR E MAIN TEMPO RESERVE YPRES £29 .00 inc VAT T el +44 (0)1262 678299 Fax +44 (0)1262 602063 bile 07785 994931