Tis the season! - BriarPatch Co-op
Tis the season! - BriarPatch Co-op
the Vine B r i a r Pa t c h C o - o p’s C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r ‘Tis the season! sponsored by BriarPatch Thursdays at In The Kitchen in Nevada City BriarPatch Pastry Chef/Baker Carol Weeks kicked off the co-op cooking class series with a sold-out class titled “Fall Pies.” Photo by Akim Aginsky inside Debit fee savings for Co-op............ 3 Holiday green gift ideas ................................... 3 Herbal cold remedies ....................................................4-5 What is “Natural”?..................................................................................... 6-7 GMO updates, slime, and other food news........8-9 Community events: fungus & films............................... 10-11 A Wine Crush photo gallery.............................................................12-13 Made for shade: garden update ..................................................... 15 Joerschke store redux ................................................................................. 16-17 Cooking Class Schedules...................................................................... 18-19 June/July 2011 2 December 2011/January 2012 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Co-op and Community Editor’s Note Letters Cooperate. It’s worth it. by Stephanie Mandel A s 2011 winds down, so does our series of articles on BriarPatch’s history, which ran throughout the year to celebrate our Co-op’s 35th anniversary. I hope you enjoyed these glimpses into the Co-op’s past. Our thanks to Bill Drake for bravely tackling these articles in his spare time away from the Customer Service window. In this issue, Roy Ruff, interim General Manager of BriarPatch in 1993, fills in some of the Joerschke store’s history and adds some acknowledgements. Our theme for 2012? Look for articles on cooperatives of all kinds, as we honor and explore the realities behind the International Year of the Co-op. Surveys tell us that many — even most — people come to BriarPatch largely for the good food. If you aren’t familiar with the cooperative business model, it may be hard to believe that BriarPatch, incorporated in the state of California as a cooperative, is truly owned by all of us who have joined. The wealth created here is shared among our many owners and the community; it is not banked by a few executives or stockholders. It’s a model we can all be proud to be part of, and we can emulate it in other areas of our economic life, as well. Those who’ve been around awhile know that being involved in a cooperative isn’t easy. Working cooperatively with other people challenges us at some very deep levels. Is it worth it? I think so, and evidently, so do a great many others. It is often said that learning to work in harmony with others is a big part of the challenge of life. Indeed, Bertrand Russell, the Nobel Prize-winning philosopher and mathematician, went so far as to say, “The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.” Holiday giving for families in need B riarPatch shoppers will be able to help families in need by making donations to Foothills Healthy Babies at the registers throughout December. A project of Child Advocates of Nevada County, Foothills Healthy Babies provides emotional and practical support to pregnant women and families of newborns. Families who are coping with crisis or ongoing challenges and are worried about caring for a newborn may be eligible for these free services. Trained Home Visitors help these families get off to a great start by providing referrals, parent education, and support. They help families identify their strengths and set goals. They assist families as needed for up to 3 years. Other ways to give at the Patch Donate to the BriarPatch Cooperative Community Fund as you check out — any amount, any time. Donate non-perishable food to the Food Bank. The bin sits next to the store exit all year long, and during the holidays your contributions are particularly meaningful and welcome. A Thank you, generous BriarPatch shoppers s the struggle to save our state parks moves into its sixth month, I continue to be very encouraged by the amount of donations being collected at BriarPatch Co-op. On behalf of my father, John Olmsted, I have to say thank you to the many families and individuals who are giving so generou sly out of their hard-earned paychecks, especially in this time of belt-tightening a nd f i n a nc i a l u n c e r t a i n t y. I know my Lyndsay Molsberry holds the donation bottle for the Olmsted fat her wou ld Park Fund. be emotionally touched by the continuously high dollar amount being given, currently upwards of $1,200 just from this one location, and I am as well. I hope to say to the Governor and the Department of Parks and Recreation that we are indeed concerned about our parks, and are willing to put our money where are convictions lie, now and in the future. You and your customers are doing a great thing— please keep it up! Alden Olmsted, Executive Director, Olmsted Park Fund For information about advertising in The Vine, go to www.briarpatch.coop/pages/newsletter Editor: Stephanie Mandel 530-272-5333 ext. 127, Stephanie@briarpatch.coop The Vine Moving? Please let us know where. Send an email message with your new mailing address to info@briarpatch.coop, call 530-272-5333 ext. 103, or fill out an owner change form at the store. Published bimonthly by BriarPatch Co-op 290 Sierra College Drive, Suite A Grass Valley, CA 95945 530-272-5333 fax 530-272-1204 www.briarpatch.coop Read The Vine online at www.briarpatch.coop/pages/newsletter. Don’t want a paper copy of The Vine? Send an email message with NO NEWSLETTER in the subject line to info@briarpatch.coop. Our email newsletter will send you notices and links to The Vine as new issues are published. Contributors: Bill Drake, Mellisa Hannum, Chris Maher, PCC Sound Consumer, Carolyn & Gregory Weisswasser Words, Pictures, Production: Josh Bumgarner, Margaret Campbell, Tony Finnerty, Mellisa Hannum, Robert Stephson Deadline for Feb./Mar. 2012 issue: Dec. 30, 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter December 2011/January 2012 3 Around the Patch Holiday Hours BriarPatch will close for two big holidays, to give all the store’s employees the day off. Fri., Dec. 24 – Sat., Dec. 25 – Fri., Dec. 31 – Sat., Jan. 1 – Open 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Closed (Merry Christmas!) Open 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Closed (Happy New Year!) Green gifts from the Patch • • • • • • • • • Socks made from organic cotton & recycled fiber Candles made from beeswax Toys from recycled plastic, made in San Francisco Soaps from Frontier Angel of Grass Valley Fair Trade Coffees and Teas Chocolate Bars and Cocoa from Equal Exchange Soaps and Lotions from Dr. Bronners and Alaffia Regional Olive Oils from Apollo, Calolea, and more Local Honey from McClaughry Farms and Elmore’s Beehive Products • Wines from Nevada County wineries The International Cooperative Principles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Voluntary and Open Membership Democratic Member Control Member Economic Participation Autonomy and Independence Education, Training, and Information Cooperation Among Cooperatives Concern for the Community Will that be debit or credit? by Mark Warner, CPA, Director of Finance T here has been a lot of press recently about the Federal Government lowering fees on debit card transactions. This has been a confusing area for us at BriarPatch to navigate, just as it for you. To alleviate some (not all) of the confusion, I would like to share with you some statistics gleaned from our merchant card service and our own research. We also have a suggestion as to how you might be able to easily help our co-op. Our credit and debit card transactions are processed by our merchant account service, named Mercury. The simplest way we compare debit and credit cards is the average amount per transaction (sale), since we are charged a total for each type of card. This gets a bit complicated, though, because there is a gray area between the two types of cards. A major item of expense for the Co-op is charges for the “rewards” banks offer — those freebie gifts or cash you get back on things you buy. (And you thought the banks were just being generous!) The grey area is that many debit cards also involve rewards, so the distinction between the two can get hazy. For purposes of discussion, we will draw a line between debit cards that do not have “rewards” attached, and all other debit and credit transactions. Here are some stats that tell the story. (If you overload on the details, just skip to the “take-home message” that follows.) These charges are from prior months that do not included the reduced fee. Percent of BriarPatch merchant card transactions via debit card: 60% Percent of BriarPatch merchant card transactions via credit cards or debit cards that have rewards attached: 40% Charge by merchant card service for every transaction (sale): $0.05 Average charge for each debit transaction: $0.36 Average charge for each credit transaction (or debit transaction/sale that has a rewards feature attached): $0.79 Industry Averages (source: New York Times): Average bank charge for each debit card transaction: $0.44 to $0.48 New cap on debit card per transaction fee: $0.24 Cost of banks to process each debit transaction: $0.12 These facts make it easy to draw a few conclusions. • Purchases made with debit cards cost the co-op much less than those made with credit cards. Even prior to the debit fee cap, they cost us half as much to process as credit card payments. • Purchases made with debit cards will cost us even less in the future, with the new fee passed by Congress. The newly mandated, lower fees should save the Coop about $18,000 a year. If all our customers used debit cards instead of credit cards, BriarPatch would save about $50,000 a year on transaction fees. Without any additional fees or manipulation by banks, our cost for each debit card transaction will be less than a third of the cost of each credit card transaction. BriarPatch is happy to accept whatever form of payment shoppers find convenient. But when and if it works for you, to keep more money at our Co-op (instead of with banks) please use your debit card instead of your credit card. BriarPatch Co-op Vision Statement BriarPatch Co-op is the leading natural food store in Nevada County. We are a vibrant, important community hub for gathering and for dialogue and learning about healthful food. ~ We seek to be a leader in social, environmental, as well as fiscal business responsibility, among both local businesses and food co-ops nationally. ~ We model community-mindedness and cooperative principles, and hope to inspire others to do the same, and in so doing contribute to peace and prosperity for all within our reach. 4 December 2011/January 2012 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Staying Healthy Favorite herbal treatments for cold and flu viruses by Drs. Carolyn and Gregory Weisswasser cold and flu infections. It is primarily used to treat viral infections, and multiple research studies have shown significant A study this past year also showed its effectiveness against H1N1 virus. A re you tired and achy, with a runny nose and a mild fever? You probably have a virus. Cold and flu viruses are common infections, especially in the winter. Indeed, cold viruses are the leading cause of doctor visits, and the flu is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the US. There are many wonderful natural medicines that can aid in our recovery from viral infections. Here are a few of our favorite herbal medicines that we find very helpful, which we regularly recommend to our patients. Elderberry Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has a long tradition of use for anti-viral effects against various viruses, including influenza A and B, as well as the common cold virus. For example, elderberry has been shown to deactivate the hemagglutinin spikes on influenza A and B, which stops the virus from being able to pierce cell walls to enter the cells and replicate, thereby slowing and limiting the internal spread of the infection. A study this past year also showed its effectiveness against H1N1 virus. We find that traditional elderberry syrups, as well as the more modern Sambucol extract, both work well. In most cases you want to take it often (four to six times a day), and the earlier in the course of the infection you start, the better. Best of all, it tastes good! If you have a sore throat, try a honey and elderberry syrup combo. Olive Leaf Olive leaf (Olea europaea) is a traditional herbal medicine that dates back at least to ancient Greece. In most cases either the whole leaf is taken in capsule form, or more often, an alcohol extract (tincture) of the leaf is used. The leaf contains a compound called oleuropein, which has been found to be anti-microbial and anti-viral. Research studies have shown in vitro effects against retrovirus, coxsackie virus, influenza, and parainfluenza viruses. Research suggests that the constituents of olive leaves react with the protein of virus particles, reducing the viruses’ ability to infect a cell and inhibiting the replication of viruses that are known to cause colds, influenza, and lower respiratory infection. The tincture is best taken in a glass of water and sipped, since it is usually extracted with strong grain alcohol that can burn your mouth and irritate your stomach if not diluted. Continued on next page The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter December 2011/January 2012 Staying Healthy The Joy of Oregano Oil Book Review from Bill Drake Continued from previous page The dose is 30 to 60 drops, two to four times a day. For the best effect, begin use as early in the infection as possible and use it consistently throughout the illness, sipping the tincture-water over the course of the day. Essential Oil Steam Inhalations Steam inhalations with essential oils are another effective treatment for flu and cold symptoms such as nasal and sinus congestion, sore throat, chest congestion, and cough. Many essential oils have direct anti-microbial effects, Many essential oils have direct anti-microbial effects, and the steam is a great way to carry the oils deep into your nose, sinuses, throat and lungs. and the steam is a great way to carry the oils deep into your nose, sinuses, throat and lungs. The steam and oils are able to directly treat the infected areas and break up congestion. The essential oils we most commonly recommend are oregano oil, thyme oil, and eucalyptus oil. These essential oils can be used alone or two or three together. There are several ways to use them with steam inhalations. One classic way is to bring a pot of water to a boil, then take it off the heat. Mix five to ten drops of each oil in the water, then put a towel or blanket over both your head and the pot, so the steam fills the space and you breathe it in. Go slowly though; be careful not to get burned. Another option is to put the steaming water and the drops of oil into a big cup and just breathe in the steam coming off the cup. On a larger scale, ten drops of each oil can be added to a hot bath and breathed in while you soak in the bath. Drs. Carolyn and Gregory Weisswasser practice Naturopathic Medicine at Whitewater Naturopathic in Grass Valley. They can be visited at whitewaternaturopathic. com or reached at (530) 271-7123. The Cure is in The Cupboard: How to use Oregano for Better Health by Dr. Cass Ingram Oregano oil treatment regimes for numerous ailments. The Miracle of Wild Oregano by Dr. Cass Ingram Information on the oil and its uses, and scientific studies on the subject. The ancient Greeks used oregano as a hemlock poisoning antidote. Fortunately, most of us don’t have to worry about that. And, fortunately, oregano has many other uses as well. Osteopath and researcher Dr. Cass Ingram describes the oil as “a medicine so powerful that it saves lives.” Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral, Ingram writes of its usefulness in treating, among many other things, Candida albicans, staphylococcus bacteria, herpes viruses, hepatitis viruses, E. coli, and a variety of flu and cold viruses. Unlike with antibiotics, bacteria do not appear to develop resistance to it. It has internal as well as external uses and is not considered toxic. A collection of research studies can be found at www. northameicanherbandspice.com. 5 6 December 2011/January 2012 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Food Labels Think you know what’s “natural” and what’s “organic”? W hat do you t hi n k t he word “natural” means? No pesticides? No GMOs? Nothing artificial? Think again. Research has shown that consumers nationwide are confused, because foods labeled “natural” typically do not have the qualities they think they’re paying for. A 2010 survey by The Hartman Group research firm found that a majority of respondents nation-wide believed the term “natural” implied “the absence of pesticides” and “absence of herbicides.” Sixty-one percent believed that “natural” implied or suggested “the absence of genetically modified foods.” On every count, the majority was wrong. Even more a la r m i ng a re t wo consumer polls by the San Francisco research firm, Context Marketing, released in 2009 and 2010. Both polls showed a national trend for more consumers to value the term “natural” than “organic.” While 50 percent said that the word “natural” on food labels was either important or very important to them, only 35 percent believed that “organic” carried the same value. How is this consumer confusion affecting the organic industry? The Organic Trade Association’s (OTA) Executive Director, Ch r ist i ne Bushway, says i t ’s “ a r e a l hindrance to buying organic.” Urvashi Rangan, Director of Consumer Safety at t he Consu mers Union, says “It’s important for consumers to understand that while ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ products sit side-by-side in markets, they mean dramatically different things. While 86 percent of consumers expect a ‘natural’ label to mean that processed foods do not contain any artificial ingredients, current standards prohibit only artificial colorings and additives. High fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and other artificial ingredients can be used in ‘natural’ foods.” The word “natural” is not defined or regulated by the government or any other agency, except for processed meat. Consequently, labels that say “natural” are being contested in a growing number of legal challenges. Natural ≠ Organic “Natural” complaints and lawsuits Two class-action lawsuits are challenging the use of the term “natural” on products made from GMOs. Plaintiffs say that ConAgra Foods is deceiving the public by labeling its Wesson cooking oil “pure” and “100 percent natural,” when it’s made from GMO corn. The suit notes that even Monsanto doesn’t consider GMOs “natural”, since it defines GMOs as “plants or animals that have had their genetic makeup altered to exhibit traits that are not naturally theirs ...” The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has complained that factory-farm chicken producers who label their chickens “all-natural,” such as Tyson, inflate the true weight of the meat by plumping it with salt water, broth, phosphates, and carrageenan. Tyson settled out of court in 2009, paying $2.3 million. (The case didn’t even address Tyson’s routine use of antibiotics.) In 2007, Cadbury, Schweppes and Kraf t faced lawsuits af ter ma k ing “natural” label claims on 7UP and Capri Sun, which both contain high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Both companies changed the labeling of their products to avoid further legal action. Last year, three New Jersey residents sued Breyer’s for falsely claiming that its ice cream is “all natural,” when it contains a chemically altered cocoa powder. The plaintiffs claimed that “natural” is understood by consumers to describe a product that does not have any chemically altered or man-made substances. A year ago, Ben & Jerry’s announced it would begin phasing out the term “all-natural” on ice creams containing alkalized cocoa, partially hydrogenated oil, or corn syrup. Lawsuits involving more common “natural” products should come as no surprise. This spring, leading organic stakeholders identified “natural” food Continued on next page The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter December 2011/January 2012 7 Food Labels Big Food is betting you don’t. Continued from previous page labels as one of the greatest threats to our perception and practice of genuine organic values. Natural is not organic There was a time when “natural” was understood to mean essentially what “organic” means today. Co-ops sold “natural” organically grown foods in the 1970s and 1980s, when organic systems were emerging and were not uniformly defined. When the U.S. Department of Agriculture organic standards were implemented in 1990, the confusion bet ween orga n ic a nd “nat u ra l ” escalated. Today, two-thirds of Americans believe that foods are now less safe to eat because of chemicals used during the growing and processing of foods, according to research by the Natural Marketing Institute. This widespread interest in avoiding chemicals in food makes it important for shoppers to realize that buying “natural” foods typically does not mean they are avoiding the synthetic inputs and toxins that are used on farms and in manufacturing plants. Unlike the term “organic”, which is the only label with the statutory weight of law, the term “natural” is mostly meaningless marketing. Since no government agency, certification group, or other independent authority defines the term “natural”, there is no way to know that the claim is truthful. Only the term “organic” guarantees that a food was produced without harmful pesticides, genetica l ly engineered organisms, toxic solvents, carcinogenic fumigants, sewage sludge, irradiation, non-therapeutic antibiotics, and artificial hormones. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the term “natural” provides no such assurance. The USDA has found residues of organophosphate pesticides, such as chlorpyrifos and malathion, in corn, soy, wheat flour and oats — all common ingredients in breakfast cereals. These pesticides are prohibited in organic food production, as are thousands of other synthetic substances. Such pesticide use in nonorganic “naturals” is not limited to the farm fields. Harvested corn, oats, and wheat are routinely sprayed in storage. A report released by The Cornucopia Institute in October, 2011 compared organic cereals and granolas with cereals labeled “natural.” It documents how some cereal companies have switched from organic to conventional ingredients without changing their packaging, marketing, or pricing. De spite w ide spre ad consu mer confusion about the meaning of the term “natural”, the OTA’s Bushway says there are clear signs that indicate many consumers nationwide do understand the value of the organic label. At a recent White House briefing, she told the Council of Economic Advisors “something that just about made them fall off their chairs”, namely that the organic industry is growing at 8% and is creating jobs at four times the national average. “Many shoppers do realize what the term “organic” ensures and realize they’re getting added benefit in buying organic,” she says. Reprinted with permission of the Sound Consumer, a publication of PCC Natural Markets, compiled by the editors from a variety of sources. BriarPatch product standards B riarPatch buyers follow standards for products we sell, set in our Merchandising Policy. The policy states that we: AVOID artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners or other artificial ingredients AVOID trans fats/partially hydrogenated oils AVOID high fructose corn syrup AVOID dairy products containing rBGH AVOID meat products treated with hormones or antibiotics AVOID products containing nitrates AVOID irradiated products 8 December 2011/January 2012 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Food News Bits Stock up on chocolate, make some slime, and follow the rules M Just in Time for Christmas A ichael Pollan has just released an illustrated version of “Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual.” Filled with colorful paintings and wise words like, “Rule #4: If You’re Not Hungry Enough to Eat an Apple, Then You’re Probably Not Hungry,” this may be every foodie’s favorite stocking stuffer. R Shaken, Not Stirred…Sweaters? eal Simple e-magazine says that if your stored sweaters smell musty, spot test and then spray them with a few spritzes of straight vodka. It will remove odors without leaving a smell behind – as long as you hang the sweaters out to dry in a well-ventilated area. R Endangered Chocolate esearchers from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture have found that due to rising temperatures that are producing climate change, many of West Africa’s chocolate producing regions will soon be too hot to produce cocoa. (FoodNavigator.com) E Ellen Degeneres’ Vegan Eatery llen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi will be opening a new vegan restaurant in the San Fernando Valley. Ellen also recently began a blog entitled, “Going Vegan With Ellen” (vegan.ellen.warnerbros.com/) that includes recipes, tips, and a list of other famous vegans. Double Dare Slime Was Edible… Well, Sort of… A ccording to the “Gourmet Live” blog, Marc Summers, former Nickelodeon Double Dare host, has released the list of ingredients for the green slime used on the show. The base is vanilla pudding, applesauce, oatmeal, and green food coloring, which stays edible for the first hour or so. After that… Speaking of Bringing Home Leftovers A ccording to the BBC, Britons are embarrassed to ask for doggy bags. In fact, 25% won’t ask, and 24% think taking their leftovers is against health and safety codes. In an effort to change this, the Sustainable Restaurant Association has launched a new campaign, the “Too Good To Waste” initiative, which will place 25,000 biodegradable boxes in restaurants. A typical UK restaurant throws away 21 tons of food each year – or in Across-the-Pond-Speak – the weight of three doubledecker buses. Invasive Species? Just Eat It n invasive fish native to Asia and Africa, the snakehead fish, has been overtaking waterways in Maryland and Florida. Conservationists struck upon a great way to battle the unwanted species: just turn it into a delicacy. As a result of their working with chefs, the snakehead were cooked in a number of different ways and then served at a fundraiser for the Oyster Recovery Partnership. Now they just need to convince local fishermen to catch and market the nonnative fish. And maybe give it a more appetizing name? (HuffingtonPost.com) Y Tips to Slow Food Waste ahoo! Finance e-magazine recently came out with 15 ways to stop wasting money on food. Tips like buying less food overall, keeping your fridge uncluttered, bringing home leftovers, and using smaller plates at home focus on keeping your wallet fat and your garbage can lean. The full article can be found at finance. yahoo.com/news/15-Ways-to-Stop-Wasting-Moneyusnews-4047759464.html. D Organic Farming Rules! ata compiled by the Rodale Institute’s Farming Systems Trial (FST) has shown that in every single category, organic farming systems proved to be far more viable and sustainable than any conventional or genetically modified system. (Rodale.com) — Compiled by Mellisa Hannum The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter December 2011/January 2012 9 Food Politics: Genetically Modified Foods News GMO action heats up at national, state, and local levels I n the late summer and fall of 2011 there was a flurry of activity at BriarPatch — some right out front and some behind the scenes — to inform shoppers about genetically engineered organisms in food, or GMOs. New non-GMO labeling on our store shelves, a presentation by advocate Michael Funk, a movie showing in the Community Room, a book and DVD display, and a march on Washington were just some of the events that took place. These events created a wonderful momentum, and increased efforts to label GMOs are going full steam—at BriarPatch and across the country. Want to get involved? Michael Funk’s talk at St. Here are three current Joseph’s hall attracted an campaigns that you can be estimated 90 people. a part of: California Labeling Initiative Headed for Ballot A ballot initiative for the state of California was finalized and submitted to the California Attorney General in November. Training for petition signature gatherers will be held in December, and official petition signature gathering is expected to start the first week of January. To stay in the loop and get involved, Nevada County supporters may contact David Edwards at gvlabelgmo@gmail.com. Learn more at the official campaign website. labelgmos.org. Just Label It Do you agree with 93% of Americans that genetically engineered food should be labeled? Then tell the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) at justlabelit.org. A petition has been filed with the FDA calling on it to label genetically engineered foods. Currently there is no requirement that they be labeled. Food Company Letter Campaign BriarPatch Do you want the foods you buy to bear the label of verification of the Non-GMO Project? Tell them so! Look for the Non-GMO information table on the store’s patio (when the weather permits) — BriarPatch will supply form letters for you to sign that will be sent to your favorite food companies. We’ll even address and mail them for you! BriarPatch is also putting pressure on these same companies through our strict new GMO Promotions Policy. Read the policy on our website at briarpatch. coop/pages/merch_policy.html. You can help by logging on to www.justlabelit.org and voicing your support for the petition. All it takes is a click! The FDA needs to hear from the public that this is important, so spread the word! 10 December 2011/January 2012 Community Connections The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Fun with fungus festivities December 10 - 11, 2011 Fourteenth Annual Fungus Foray Saturday, December 10th, 10-4 North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center, 17894 Tyler Foote Rd., Nevada City Rain or Shine. Please bring a lunch and be prepared to walk in the woods. Also useful: collection basket, waxed paper bags, knife, and hand lens Admission: $20 general, $18 for YWI members, under 18 free Nevada City Wild Mushroom Exposition Sunday, December 11th, 11-5 Miners Foundry Stone Hall, 325 Spring Street, Nevada City Concurrent with the Victorian Christmas Street Fair Admission: $10 general, $8 for YWI members, $5 for students, under 13 free “Hyphaloma,” sulphur mushroom T he Yuba Watershed Institute is pleased to invite the community to a weekend of celebration of the wild mushrooms of the Sierra foothills. Join us on Saturday, December 10th as we make a foray into the Yuba Watershed’s fungus hotspots to collect, identify, and discuss the area’s incredible diversity of mushrooms. After a morning presentation we assemble foraging groups and head out with local and regional mycologists and naturalist guides to identify and collect more than one hundred varieties of mushrooms. Our foraging is followed by workshops, discussions, and hot mushroom soup. The bounty of the fungi we harvest will be showcased at the Wild Mush- Cortinarius room Exposition on Sunday, December 11th from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The whole day is packed with presentations, displays, and workshops on mushroom cultivation, edible varieties, identification tips, exotic and rare fungi, and more. Kids will love these fungus-inspired activities for the entire family. We also have mushroom-related merchandise for sale, including books, wild-crafted food concession products, real gourmet truffles from the King of Mushrooms, plus cultivation supplies and kits from Mushroom Adventures. This event is concurrent with the Victorian Christmas Street Fair, so bring your mushroom-shaped top hat and join us. For more information contact Daniel Nicholson, YWI Board member and local mycologist, at 530-292-3589 or danmadrone@gmail.com; and for general information visit www.yubawatershedinstitute.org The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Community Connections December 2011/January 2012 11 Food films at the festival January 13 - 14 - 15, 2012 S YRCL’s Wild & Scenic Film Festival is a place to learn about sustainable agriculture, food security, and the determined farmers and activists who are working to rebuild our agricultural system. The festival, which will take place January 13-15, 2012, unites 4,000 filmgoers in the hope of further inspiring their activism. The festival includes films on conservation, community activism, adventure, water, energy, climate change, agriculture, and many other categories. The films celebrate diverse worldviews and unique solutions, and present a rare positive outlook that really re-energizes environmentalism. In addition to films, the festival brings workshops, special guests, and leading activists and adventurers to Nevada City. Ticket sales begin December 1, 2011. To buy tickets, visit www. wildandscenicfilmfestival.org, or stop by the SYRCL office at 216 Main Street in downtown Nevada City. Grow! documents a growing season on 12 Georgia farms and the 20 young farmers who tend these farms. The majority borrow, manage, or rent the land from previous generations of farmers. Portrait of a Wine Maker John Williams of Frog’s Leap examines the connections between nutrients, diverse plants, healthy vines, and rich flavor. Williams explains many of the techniques used in organic and traditional winemaking that are employed at Frog’s Leap. Written, produced, and directed by Deborah Koons Garcia. (15 minutes) GROW! allows the farmers to speak for themselves, and their recounting of their positive efforts counteracts the sense of doom that often dominates films on the American agricultural system. Directors Christine Anthony and Owen Masterson hope GROW! will encourage connections between landowners and those who wish to farm. (52 minutes) www.growmovie.net Food Stamped follows Oakland filmmakers Shira and Yoav Potash, who attempt to eat a healthy diet while living on food stamps with a budget of $1 per meal. By interviewing members of Congress, food justice organizations, nutritionists, and Americans who live on food stamps, the award-winning film takes an in-depth, critical look at food security. (62 minutes) www.foodstamped.com Corner Plot tells the story of 89-year-old Charlie Koiner as he continues to farm on his one-acre plot amidst the urban expansion surrounding Washington, DC. Filmmakers Ian Cook and Andre Dahlman clearly present Charlie’s belief that farm life has led to his good health and well-being. (10 minutes) www. cornerplotmovie.com Kings of Flint shows how karate and urban gardening builds character in Flint, Michigan’s youth as they work at the Harvesting Earth Educational Farm. Jackie and Dora King expanded their karate program to revitalize their city’s youth and landscape. Filmmakers Geri Alumit Zeldes and Troy Hale capture the hope that farming creates by removing trash from vacant land and keeping revenue within the local economy. (27 minutes) 12 December 2011/January 2012 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Co-op Owner Events Crush indeed! 350 co-op owners fill Foundry for meal and meeting Thanks to the many cooperators who helped make this year’s gathering bigger and better than ever: Staff Mellisa Hannum, Hilary Dart, Stephanie Mandel, Charles Brock, Josh Bumgarner, Kiyoko Wilcox, Nancy Monteiro and special thanks to the kitchen team for a great meal! Volunteers Karen Quackenbush, Jeanne Shea, Julie Herrlinger, Josie Staggs, Melinda Staggs, Soleil Smith, Ellie Franchi, Ken Hale, Rick Sheller, Mark Fenton, Peter Lockyer, Bill Neff, Jeanette Paganetti, Louise Jones, Deb Stanley, Christy Barden, Denis Howe, Diana Pollock, Kerry O’Regan, Jeff Gold, Alan Weisberg, Sandy Jansen, Sue Brasseau, Janis Johnson, Joan Morton, Jimmy Gault, John Thompson, Max Norton General Manager Chris Maher led a round of applause for BriarPatch’s managers and staff. Board President Jeff Gold called the meeting to order. Photos by Tony Finnerty The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Co-op Owner Events December 2011/January 2012 13 Meg Palley, who carries owner card #7, was in attendance. Linens and dishes were rented to keep the waste to a minimum. The lasagna and salad, prepared by BriarPatch’s kitchen staff and served by volunteers, were praised by all. David Bowman, one of BriarPatch’s founders, chatted with volunteers Janis Johnson and John Thompson. 14 December 2011/January 2012 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Co-op Business In the food pricing shell game, co-ops benefit owners and community by Chris Maher, General Manager I would like to thank everyone who attended our annual Owner’s Meeting in October. With 350 owners attending, the event was worthy of its name, “A Wine Crush.” I would also like everyone to know that behind the event was the support of 50 volunteers, our talented Prepared Foods Department, and the hard work of our Marketing Department folks: Mellisa Hannum, Hilary Dart, Stephanie Mandel, and Josh In 2011 BriarPatch General Manager Chris Maher accepted a big rebate check for LED lightBumgarner. At the meeting, we held a ing retrofitting from Andrew Chandler, Field Representative for EnergySmart Grocer, and vote on a measure to amend Dave Bond of PG&E. Photo by Josh Bumgarner our Articles of Incorporation to allow non-voting investment shares, and it passed by from all over the store, including our fresh foods departa wide margin. Related to this is the fact that we are curments. Look for the flyers and special sales tags every two rently negotiating with our landlord to purchase our store weeks. We have received many thanks and compliments site and facility. It is my sincere hope that we will be able on the program. Please know that we are committed to to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Owning our continuing to find new ways to add value to your co-op facility would provide stability and security for the coownership. op for many years to come. If we are able to accomplish Speaking of adding value, I’d like to say a few words this, we will use the investment shares program that was on prices. You should know that BriarPatch staff conapproved at the meeting to raise enough capital to secure tinually check the prices at other stores around town, financing for the purchase. and that we make a conscious effort to be competitive. In October we introduced our new Owner Specials Unfortunately, at its highest level, wholesale food pricsales program, offering great prices on popular products ing is a shell game. When manufacturers are offering discounts to one store or chain, they have to charge full price at other stores to make up the loss. That said, as a co-op that exists for the benefit of our owners and community, the BriarPatch budget is designed to make only a small profit, between 1% and 3%. We also look for ways to return our profits to our owners, sometimes through discounts, like the Owner Specials program or our periodic discount voucher, as well as through improved services within the store. The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter December 2011/January 2012 Outside the Store Made for the shade Pavilion the cornerstone for picnic area at Native Plant Garden Lots more improvements planned for the picnic area: E legant as it is, the pavilion that now graces the corner of the native plant demonstration garden by the BriarPatch parking lot was not built just for looks. It’s part of the development of picnic and rest areas around the garden. California Native Plant Society volunteers hope these new features will encourage people to slow down, observe, and enjoy the garden. The shade pavilion structure provides about 25% shade as it is. To provide the denser shade needed in summer, the garden team plans to train a couple California Wild Grape plants (Vitis californica) to grow over the top of the structure. If more shade is needed in the meantime, a roller shade will be installed overhead. The finishing touches for the shade pavilion will include a sign on the front, and a screen panel made of natural manzanita limbs on the side facing the store. As with the entire Demonstration Garden, the picnic area is an all-volunteer project, and most of the materials are donated. Volunteers who are BriarPatch owners can earn a 10% discount at the register (in addition to their annual dividend) by joining the BriarPatch volunteer program and offering their services in the garden. Ask for a volunteer application at the Customer Service window. For more information or to volunteer, contact Cindy at crubin@nccn.net or 273-1816. What’s next? • Fine gravel under the shade pavilion. • Headers to contain the gravel. • Local slate pavers to set into the gravel under the pavilion (if we can find a source). • More yarrow transplanted into bare spots in the native lawn, so it will fill out more quickly. • Completion of the rock edge along the outer edge of the native lawn area. Volunteers led by Tim Brennan of Ridgebeam Builders built the structure in a day, on September 25. Photos by Tony Finnerty Wish List Sign: We would love a carved wooden sign for the pavilion. Granite curbing: We’d like 40-70', reclaimed (or even new). Slate: Local slate for paving (at least 1/5" thick) that is not wanted where it is. Large rocks: Again, rocks that are not wanted where they are. We will find a way to move them here. Experienced rock setter: We could use assistance with rock placement and possibly some dry stacking. Jackhammer service: To break up 100' or so of nonfunctional concrete ditch. Native plants: In sizes that are transplantable: shrubs, perennials, annuals, and bulbs. • Permanent, in-ground irrigation: While the native yarrow lawn will require much less water than a conventional grass lawn, it will require some irrigation during the dry season to keep it green, or else it will go dormant. • Several inches of forest mulch over the entire lawn area to improve the soil and the lawn surface. In the spring, the yarrow will grow up through the cushion of mulch. • A large, hand-crafted picnic table with benches under the shade pavilion. • One or two additional benches elsewhere in the picnic area. • A debris station: trash, recycling, compost, and doggie clean-up bags. For more information, to donate, or to volunteer, contact Cindy at crubin@nccn.net or 273-1816. 15 16 December 2011/January 2012 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Our Co-op History Letters I More Joerschke store history and acknowlegements was surprised to read the recent BriarPatch Vine article subtitled, “The Joerschke Drive Store” and notice missing and inaccurate information concerning the time when I was interim operations manager at the BriarPatch. It is accurate to report that when Warren Zimmerman joined us we gained accounting acumen and that his prudent business practices were vital to getting the store on a sound financial footing. It’s not accurate to indicate that he simply “walked through the door.” In truth the position was created when I declined the General Manager job and offered to instead act as Operations Manager if we brought in a Finance Manager. That selection process was thoughtful and exhausting, requiring several late night meetings and interviews after extensive advertising. The article also incorrectly states that Warren arranged extension of our line of credit with Mountain Peoples Warehouse. In fact, that was accomplished prior to his arrival; Warren later negotiated the terms and repayment schedule. Paul Harton, who’s quoted as having that recollection, was not involved in the store until 18 months later, so again, it’s understandable that he may be mistaken; I know the facts because I was there. The article also neglected to give Warren credit for uncovering employee theft by a trusted staff and board member which was at the core of the reported “red ink” resulting in the 1993 fiscal crisis, prompting the Board’s decision to ask for Hilary Dart’s resignation as general manager. It’s not a flattering memory, but it turned out to be a very big deal for the co-op and resulted in the guilty employee’s conviction and incarceration, so it’s pertinent. The emphasis on Warren’s and Paul’s later contributions, while certainly valid, doesn’t give credit to the extraordinary effort co-op members, volunteers, and staff put forth at that time to save the store. Many pitched in both financially and with personnel effort on the multiple extracurricular fund raising events we undertook at the time to keep revenue up, including bike-a-thons, beer tastings, flea markets, parking lot events, and concerts. There are many others who deserve credit. I know I’m not recalling all of them, but big thanks should go to: Liz Streater – Dept. Mgr. who took on the responsibility of two departments when staff cuts necessitated it, at no additional pay. Bill Keogh – Dept. Mgr. who took on the responsibility of two+ departments when staff cuts necessitated it, at no additional pay. Henry Plog – Staff member who headed up or participated in all the volunteer fund raisers, with no additional pay. Donna Scheler – Board President who worked nights and weekends to maintain the organization at a time when most of her colleagues quit. Linda May – The one board member who sat with me on the search committee that eventually choose Warren as Finance Manager. Mike Pasner – A long-time member who did $1000s of facility improvements pro bono. Izzy Martin – Who did staff and management consulting pro bono at critical times. Greg Zoller – Longtime member who did $1000s of facility improvements pro bono. Steve Ramsey – KVMR General Manager at the time who agreed to split the revenue from BriarPatch-produced and KVMR-sponsored events, generating many $1000s for the co-op. David Bowman (and several other original members who I’m sorry I can’t remember) – Who contributed financially Continued on next page The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter December 2011/January 2012 17 Our Co-op History Continued from previous page over and above their membership, when they could. Hilary Dart – Who the Board, in that era, unfairly asked to resign as General Manager in the midst its criminal investigation of another employee, but who has quite charitably continued to support the Co-op, and continues to support it to this day. It’s not an overstatement to say that without these people’s efforts and others, the Briarpatch would have closed its doors and declared bankruptcy. Regards, Roy Ruff Editor’s Note: In the article about BriarPatch’s Joerschke store (Vine, October/ November 2011) we chose to leave off mentioning the embezzlement that took place at BriarPatch in the early 1990s, out of respect to the family of the former employee (who is now deceased) involved. However, as Roy says here, those who helped see the Co-op through those critical years deserve acknowlegement for their role in this chapter of the Co-op’s history. Thank you, Roy, for your service to the Co-op back then and for sharing with Vine readers this part of story. Lights, Cameras, Co-ops! Celebrating Food Co-ops with a “Virtual” Video Premiere Former BriarPatch General Managers and Board Presidents were honored at the October Owner Meeting. Standing, in center, is Lillian Gilbreth, the Co-op’s first manager. Photo by Tony Finnerty BriarPatch General Managers 1977-79 Lillian Gilbreth 1978-79 Bruce Frazier 1979-80 Cheri Callahan (dec.) 1979-80 Rob Shipman 1979-80 Francis Hamilton 1980-81 Floyd Perry-Thistle 1980-92 Hilary Dart 1993 James Nelson (interim) 1993 Roy Ruff (interim) 1993-95 Debra Damerst 1995 Bill Keogh (interim) 1995-2009 Paul Harton 2006-07 Jose Martinez (interim) 2009 Chris Maher BriarPatch Board Presidents 1976, Oct. 1977, Nov. 1979, Feb. 1981 1982 1984, Nov. 1986, Jan. 1987-89 1990, Jan. 1990, Dec. 1991, Dec. 1993, Jan. 1993, Dec. 1997 2000 2003 2004 2007 2009 - now George Burcham (dec.) Peter Arnold Ted Lyon (deceased) Jack Cohn Steve Hein Marcia Doerr Joe Cohee minutes missing Liz Twi-Path Damon Smith Mary Haughey Donna Scheler Janet Crain Daria Kent Joseph Guida Kwong Chew Joseph Guida Debbie Plass Jeff Gold Note: The lists above were derived from archived Board minutes, which are incomplete and possibly inaccurate in some cases. Compiled by Bill Drake and Louise Jones. K evin Gillespie, celebrity chef from the Woodfire Grill in Atlanta (and sixth season Top Chef finalist!), has been traveling around the country exploring farm fields and co-op grocery aisles as part of the celebration of the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives, 2012. IYC presents a great opportunity for food co-ops nationwide to shine the spotlight on the role co-ops and delicious food play in bringing communities together. On Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 5:00 p.m., grab your favorite movie snacks and visit www.strongertogether. coop/premiere to take part in an online streaming “premiere party” featuring the first three videos in the 13-episode series featuring co-ops from Vermont to California. After the premiere, new videos will be released online every other Monday from February 6th through mid-June at www.strongertogether.coop. 18 December 2011/January 2012 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter in The Kitchen Cooking Classes Getting The Most Bang For Your Buck: or How to Choose the Choicest Nutrient-Dense Foods for the Best Value An educational talk with Eva Tobie Mon., Dec. 12, 6-7:30pm $10 Examples of meals that give your family the best sources of vitamins and minerals at the best price. Some of the comparisons will surprise you! Come check out what to put in your shopping cart to stretch that dollar and boost your health. Sign up with Wendy at 478-0669 or info@wendyvanwagner.com. Winter Soups and Such riarPatch Co-op is proud to partner with Wendy Van Wagner and the other cooks at In The Kitchen cooking school. In The Kitchen classes are hands-on and use high-quality ingredients found at BriarPatch. BriarPatch owners receive a 10% discount off the class fees. Class size is limited, so reserve early. All classes are held at In The Kitchen at 648 Zion Street in Nevada City. Mon., Jan. 9, 6-8:15pm $45 We all love a warming bowl of soup on a cold winter day. This class will teach you the basics of making soup. We will make 4 different soups, as well as some fun, fancy, yet easy additions to take your soups to the next level! We’ll make Potato Leek with dill oil, Creamy Butternut with a dollop of creme fraiche, Warm Russian Beet Borscht, and Cauliflower Gorgonzola. Sign up with Wendy at 478-0669 or info@wendyvanwagner.com. Get Saucy: A Mother Sauce Primer Pasta from Start to Finish B Wed., Dec. 7, 6-8:30pm $60 Introduction to French “Mother Sauces” and their modern counterparts. In this class we will review the definitions of the Mother Sauces: Espagnol, Veloute, Bechamel, Hollandaise, and Tomato. Chef Jen will demo the modern versions of these classics: Beef Demi, Chicken Demi, Grafton Cheddar, and Bearnaise. We’ll discuss pairings in dishes and you’ll leave with recipes that put the sauces to use. Sign up with Jen at 559-9457 or info@ wendyvanwagner.com. Mon., Jan. 16, 6-9pm $45 It’s all about taste and texture. Discuss the difference between dried and fresh pastas, and the best ways to highlight both. We’ll explore the world of flavors and how to magnify them in your pasta. Some of the pastas we will be working with are: Buckwheat Pasta, Pumpkin Noodles Pasta, Lime Pickle Pasta, Traditional Hand Rolled Egg Noodles, and Agnolotti. Space is limited: sign up with Aaron Taber at guitaraaron1@gmail.com or (530) 798-8425. Japanese-Style and Macrobiotic New Year Celebration Cooking Includes a talk about low blood sugar Fri., Jan. 20, 6-8:30pm $40 Let’s start the new year with a healthy celebration meal! Learn how to make New Year foods from the Japanese tradition, arranged for a Macrobiotic diet: Mochi (rice cake) Soup, Seven Fortune Vinaigrette, Golden Potato, Tofu Cake, etc. Teacher Migiwa Kawasaki trained as a Macrobiotic chef at the Kushi Institute. Sign up at 470-3625/migiwakawasaki@yahoo.com. Fabulous French Mon., Jan. 23, 6-8:30 $45 French cooking can actually be quite easy. Learn perfect dishes you can whip up for a dinner party — so your guests will feel honored, and you won’t feel overwhelmed. In this class we will cook elegant classics like mussels in white wine, garlic, and butter; Coq au Vin with fresh herbs; and chocolate mousse. Sign up with Wendy at 478-0669 or info@wendyvanwagner.com. A Romantic Dinner for your Sweetie Fri., Jan. 27, 6-8:30 $40 The way to the heart is through the stomach. We will teach you how to cook up a feast that you and your sweetie can have fun preparing together: sensual date and goat cheese bites; Caldeirada, a mouthwatering, sexy Portuguese fish stew; peppery green salad; and chocolate souffle with cream. Sign up with Wendy at 478-0669 or info@wendyvanwagner.com. The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter December 2011/January 2012 19 Co-op Cooking Classes French Country Classics for Winter $35 / $30 Co-op Owners Sign up for all the Co-op Classes with mellisah@briarpatch.coop/272-5333 ext. 129. with Robert Smith, Chef at The Old 5 Mile House Thurs., Jan. 5, 5:30-8:30pm $35 / $30 for Co-op owners Good healthy French classics demystified and made easy: Meatless French Onion Soup with Gruyere Crouton; Mussels Normandy, fresh mussels sautéed with white wine and herbs; and Coq au Vin, a classic French chicken stew that’s hearty and delicious. Excellent choices for entertaining or for a quiet dinner at home for two. Recipes will be included. These are dishes Robert will offer at The Old 5 Mile House through January. Holiday Sushi with Laura Thorne of Way Yum Sushi Thurs., Dec. 15, 6-8pm $35 / $30 for Co-op owners Come learn how to make organic, gluten-free, nutritious, and yummy sushi. We will be preparing different kinds of sushi rolls, inari, to-die-for sauces, and a special white chocolate holiday sushi surprise. All you need to bring is a hungry tummy. A total hands-on experience. San Francisco Cioppino Supper with Douglas Schma Thurs., Jan. 12, 6-8pm $35 / $30 for Co-op owners Hailing from Carmel and now in the BriarPatch kitchen, chef Doug Schma shares his 30 years of cooking expertise with a meal built around a shellfish cioppino — a classic seafood stew. Doug will round out the meal with San Francisco-inspired dishes: linguine with lemon, Parmesan, and bay leaves; Palace Hotel green goddess dressing over steamed vegetables; and persimmons in pomegranate sauce. The Savvy Shopper’s Guide to Saving on your Food Bill with Robin Mallery and Wendy Van Wagner Thurs., Jan. 19, 6-8:30pm $25 / $20 for Co-op owners Join us as we teach you how to shop the Co-op for deals and BriarPatch Basics that will maximize your shopping and eating power! We will be making several main dish entrees that feature bulk grains and beans, as well as produce that is hearty and seasonal. Tibetan Food with Tibetan Buddhist Monks Thurs., Jan. 26, 6-8pm $35 / $30 for Co-op owners Hang out with the monks and make Momos, a kind of wrap made with a simple flour and water dough, with a filling that can be meat and/or vegetables. Tibetan soup is often Thukpa, with noodles and meat and vegetables. Tibetan Hot Sauce is made from tomatoes, peppers, and cheese. Hey BriarPatch cooks, do you have a special cooking skill that you’d like to share with fellow owners? Contact Stephanie at 272-5333, x127. 20 December 2011/January 2012 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Co-op Owner Board & Benefits Know and enjoy your BriarPatch benefits Serve our co-op! Board Director candidate applications due by mid-February B riarPatch Co-op’s Board of Directors election will be held in May, but it’s not too early for interested owners to start learning what’s involved in serving the Co-op in this important function. The Board serves a critical role in overseeing and guiding the strategic plan for the Co-op. Three positions on the Board, for three-year terms, are open at each annual election. Want to know more about Board service? Here’s how: • Attend Board meetings. They’re held on the last Tuesday of each month (except December), and the next three are scheduled for January 31st, February 28th, and March 27th. Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. in the BriarPatch Community Room. • Pick up a packet of information compiled just for candidates, available at the Customer Service window. • Visit the BriarPatch website (www.briarpatch. coop) to review news and activities, and to become acquainted with the bylaws that are posted there. • Contact either of these two Board officers: Jeff Gold, Board President 265-8032, jeff@jeffgoldassociates.com Rick Sheller, Chair, Board Development Committee 273-4246, rick.sheller@ncga.coop 2012 Election Schedule: February 15 Deadline for candidate applications February 15 – March 1 Candidate interviews April 15 - 30 Campaigning and candidate forum May 1 - 15 Voting May 29 New Directors seated at Board meeting. Discounts demystified Attention Owners: Your December Owner Discount Voucher is in this newsletter! W ith our new Owner Specials two-week sales, BriarPatch is now offering more discounts than ever. These discounts can’t always be combined, though. Please read below to understand their limits. NEW! Owner Specials – For these deep discounts, the Owner Specials price is the maximum discount allowed for that purchase — it cannot be added to senior, volunteer, or employee discounts. Not valid for special orders. Owner 10% and Volume Discount Vouchers – Vouchers for these discounts are inserted in The Vine periodically and are good for a single shopping trip. These discounts are the maximum discount allowed for that purchase — they cannot be added to senior, volunteer, or employee discounts. Not valid for catering, special orders, or gift cards. Senior Discount – Shoppers age 62+ may receive 5% off all purchases every Wednesday. Coupon Discounts – When 2 separate coupons for the same product are available on the shelf, these can usually be combined for extra savings. Board Meetings Monthly on the last Tuesday of the month. No December meeting. Tuesday, January 31, 6:00-7:30 p.m. Held in the BriarPatch Community Room. BriarPatch owners are welcome to attend. Owner Specials Sales for owners only, changed bi-weekly on Weds. Patronage Dividends For years with sufficient earnings, profits will be returned to owners in proportion to purchases. Local Business Discounts Discounts on goods and services at 40 local businesses. The list is on page 21. Newsletter Ad Discounts Run a free classified ad and/or take a one-time $20 discount on a display ad in our bimonthly newsletter. Community Mindedness Join your friends and neighbors in showing your pride in co-owning a local business that supports our community. Volunteer Program Discount Earn a 10% discount by volunteering with product sampling and outreach. Pick up a volunteer application at the Customer Service window. Special Order Discount Pay only the wholesale catalog price plus a handling charge when you order products in wholesale quantities (by the case or 6 each for Wellness Department items). Cooking Class Discount At In the Kitchen cooking school in Nevada City. See www.wendyvanwagner.com for class schedule and more information. The opportunity to be involved Board of Directors President: Jeff Gold Vice President: Alan Weisberg Treasurer: Peter Lockyer Secretary: Malaika Bishop Mark Fenton, Louise Jones, Kerry O’Regan, Rick Sheller, Lew Sitzer How to contact the Board Send an email message to info@briarpatch.coop with “Board” in the subject, and staff will forward it to the Board Secretary or another Director as indicated. Directors have BriarPatch email addresses consisting of their full first names and the first letter of last names followed by “@board.briarpatch.coop”. Or leave letters for Directors at the customer service window. Vote for the Board of Directors and in other decisionmaking elections, run for the Board, and attend our annual Owner Meeting/party in October. Food Safety Alerts Notices of important food safety issues affecting BriarPatch shoppers are sent promptly via email. (To get on the list or update your email address, send it to info@briarpatch.coop or leave it at the Customer Service window.) The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter December 2011/January 2012 21 Co-op Owner Discounts at Local Businesses Goods Ambient Beauty Facials by Franceska Alexander 10% off products & treatments 530-265-8448 By appointment only California Hardwood Flooring, lumber, & moldings from recycled, salvaged wood 10% (and more!) off 1980 Grass Valley Hwy., Auburn 888-8191 • californiahardwood.com Colfax Farm & Country Store 10% off purchase (most products) 140 Main St., Colfax • 530-346-2600 Country Wood Furniture 10% off merchandise except sale items & finishing; claim discount before orders are placed 116 W. Main St., Downtown GV 273-5375 Geronimo Pole Co. 5-20% off hand-peeled poles, custom log furniture, timbers, tipi poles, slabs, etc. 288-1000 www.geronimopole.com Mowen Solinsky Gallery 5% off cash sales • 530-265-4682 225 Broad St., Nevada City www.mowensolinskygallery.com Parts for Imports 10%-15% off (except oil & selected special orders) 120 Joerschke Dr., GV • 272-3477 Sweet Diane’s Custom Wedding Cakes & Fine Catering 10% off • 692-1614 sweetdianes@hotmail.com Tomes 10% off used books, CDs & DVDs 671 Maltman Dr., #3, GV, 273-4002 www.tomesgv.com • tomes@nccn.net Weiss Brothers Nursery 10% off (except sale items) 615 Maltman Dr., GV • 273-5814 HEALTH & HEALING Antouri Chiropractic 10% off, cash patients only 563 Brunswick Rd. Ste.5, Grass Valley 273-6192 • www.antouri.com Body Balance • Kung Fu & Tai Chi Free introductory package 151 Mill St., Grass Valley 530-477-0677 www.bodybalanceacademy.com These local businesses offer discounts to BriarPatch owners. Please present your owner card prior to the transaction to receive the discount. Ask about this cooperative promotional program at 272-5333 ext. 129 or MellisaH@briarpatch.coop. HEALTH & HEALING HEALTH & HEALING Brian J. Breiling, Psy D, MFT, LPC Specializing in Emotional Transformational Therapy and Positive Psychology: individuals, couples, families 10% discount 530-478-9592 • bbreiling@aol.com Debra Buddie, L.Ac. Acupuncture & Herbs 10% off all acupuncture treatments 913-6347 • Grass Valley Monster Gym Corporate rates (lowest available) 722 Freeman Lane, Grass Valley 272-7676 • www.monstergyms.com Dr. Jennifer Nelson Chiropractic, Nutrition, Bodywork, Ayurveda, HCG Weight Loss, Detox 10% discount on services 530-478-9592 jen4nel@sbcglobal.net South Yuba Club Corporate rates (lowest available) 555 Searls Ave., NC • 530-470-9100 Synden’s Home Care 15% off house cleaning and elder care 530-798-9081 • 530-205-9764 synden.t@gmail.com Wilma Terrill, M.S., M.F.T. Marriage Family Therapy, Hypnotherapy & Children’s Issues 10% off sliding scale 265-3068 103 Providence Mine Rd., Ste. 104, NC California College of Ayurveda 10% off Bliss Therapies, Intern Consultations 700 Zion St., Nevada City • 478-9100 www.ayurvedacollege.com Dr. Don Williams, DC 10% discount for existing patients, cash only $50 discount new patient services 530-271-5921 www.livingvibrantly.com drdon@livingvibrantly.com Fast and Fit for Women Gym & Personal Training Studio $10 Off Enrollment Fee 530-273-5862 www.fastandfit.net Form is Function 10% off all fitness classes, group or private 530-346-7631 office 510-393-2568 mobile www.kettlebellform.com Iris Holistic Counseling Services Donna Fisher-Jackson, M.A. 50% off initial counseling session 530-477-7863, Grass Valley www.donnafisherjackson.com Jacobson Chiropractic $40 follow-up visits Thursdays, cash only, please call for appointment 265-2220 • 194 Gold Flat Rd., NC Living Waters Colon Hydrotherapy 5% off packages & service 1097 E. Main St., Suite F, Grass Valley 530-274-9738 livingwaterscolonics@gmail.com SERVICES NEW! Dreamspinner Photography Portrait, Event, and Commercial 10% off prints 265-4753 www.dreamspinner-photography.com NEW! Sierra Wellness Nutrition Julie DeHollander, RD, DC 20% off nutrition services 530-263-3131 Julie@sierrawellnessnutrition.com www.sierrawellnessnutrition.com NEW! Will’s Plumbing & Solar Repair, alter, unclog, trenching $5/hour off each service call 272-6421, 615-7313, 265-7313 Bardsley Safe and Lock 10% discount on labor 530-575-2100 www.bardsleysafeandlock.com Brian’s Electrical Service & Plumbing Repair Brian Puckett, lic. #324214 30+ years experience 10% off labor • 272-6241 SERVICES Carbright Auto Detailing Steam Cleaning & Paintless Dent Repair 10% off any service 273-5482 • 11671 East Main St., next to Humpty Dumpty Changing Spaces 10% off feng shui services 272-9128 changingspaces4u@aol.com Covert’s Pump Service 10% off labor 530-292-WELL (9355) Dawn Lorraine Conscious Skincare Organic Facials & Skin Products 50% off your first facial www.dawnlorraine.com 265-9004 • dawnlorraine@live.com Kimmel Electric • csl#914225 $25 off all repairs & remodels, new construction 530-432-1872 office www.kimmelelectric.com Liz Fugman General Contractor #908963 Plumbing, electrical, carpentry, home repairs and remodels 10% discount on labor • 265-5151 Loma Rica Ranch Self Storage 6th month free 5x10 $55, 10x10 $75 530-273-0889 lomaricastorage.com Mountain Solar Consulting, sales, and installations of solar electric systems $250 credit toward system monitoring on your computer or 5¢/watt discount on photovoltaic modules 175 Joerschke Dr., Grass Valley 274-7355 / thomas@mountainsolar.net 763-7634 / jack@mountainsolar.net www.mountainsolar.net Sierra Consulting & Integrated Pest Management Tree Specialist & Agricultural Advisor 10% off • 432-7845 sierraconsultingipm.com Veronica Monet’s Shame Free Zone in The Miner’s Village 7% discount 206 Sacramento St., Suite 206, NC by appointment: 888.903.0050 veronica@TheShameFreeZone.com 22 December 2011/January 2012 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Co-op Connections ____________________ Five Elements Community of Tai Chi Players Classes in Yang-style Tai Chi Chuan Tues., Wed., Thurs. at 5pm www.taichi-nevadacity.com • 530-274 –3513 Ayurveda: Yoga as a Way of Life February 12-18, 2012, Kalani Oceanside Retreat, Big Island, Hawaii workshops, yoga, meditation, and cooking classes ompranaveda.com • shakti@ompranaveda.com 530-615-6115 Co-op Connections listings cost $20 per issue, $15 for BriarPatch owners. Email up to 5 lines — business/person’s name, 4 to 5 word description, contact information (phone number, email address, website), and owner discount (if any — not required) to mellisah@briarpatch.coop. For more information, call 272-5333 ext.129. Classified ads are FREE to BriarPatch current owners. The deadline for the February/March issue is January 4. Submit your ad, 30 words maximum, to the newsletter by giving it to a staff person at the customer service window or by emailing it to Mellisa Hannum, MellisaH@briarpatch. coop. Please include your owner number. Ads may be run repeatedly. Renew by the first of the month preceding publication, by email or phone, 272-5333 ext. 129. BriarPatch staff reserve the right to edit ads or to reject any ads deemed unsuitable. A classified ad does not represent BriarPatch endorsement of the products or services offered. FREE Free. “Acorns And Eat ‘em,” a How-To Vegetarian Cookbook and Field Guide for Eating Acorns, by Suellen Ocean. Go to www.oceanhose.com for information on obtaining a free download of the book.. CLASSES & EVENTS Double Oak Vineyards & Winery. Local mountain grown fine wine produced by nature-friendly farming. Wine tasting, tours & picnicking: Saturdays, February through December, & by appointment. www.DoubleOakWinery.com. 292-3235. Our wine is at BriarPatch. Piano Lessons in your home or my studio. (NC/GV area) Beginning to intermediate levels. Adult beginners especially welcome. Emphasis on music reading. Cathy Collings, B.A. in music from Oberlin College. 272-6588. Piano lessons – experienced teacher loves to work with beginners (children and adults) and continuing or returning students. Certificate of Merit, National Guild Auditions. Jean O. Poff, Nevada City. 273-6875, rogerpoff@ comcast.net. Holistic Strength. Natural movement instruction that cultivates strength, speed, mobility, stability, endurance, resilience & balance. Eurasian folk wisdom meets cutting edge science. Contact Eric or Alison at (530) 346-7631, EricKenyonRKC@yahoo.com, FormisFunction.org. Prajna-Satsang: Wednesday nights 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Deep silent meditation followed by sharing. Email prajnang@yahoo.com or (530) 575-2264 for directions. All welcome. Join Dr. Don Williams, DC on Tuesday February 21 for his next free community health talk. Visit www.livingvibrantly.com for more info. Home Tutoring Plus in-home tutoring for all ages/all subjects. Professional tutors assist with homework, home schooling, test preparation, etc. (530) 878-1014. Mention this ad for $20 off your 1st lesson package. www. HomeTutoringPlus.com. Home Study Farm Program for Grades 1, 2 & 3 (ages 6-9). Schedule a “Day in the Life of the Farm Program” visit by calling Yuba River Charter School at 265-6060 ext. 110. DANCE & MOVEMENT CLASSES African Dance Class. Thursdays 5 pm to 6:30 pm at St. Joseph’s Cultural Center, 410 South Church St., Grass Valley. Dances, rhythms, & songs of the Congo. Taught by Cai Sorlien. Live drumming by Kit Bailey. All levels of experience included. 288-3603. Dance your way to Fitness: Aerobic dance fusion, core conditioning, strength training class. MWF 8:45-10:15am Center of Arts, Grass Valley, upstairs in SDI. Call Jenn, 913-6877. 1st class free. Fast and Fit For Women is ideal for all ages and fitness levels. Individual instruction provided. Variety of equipment to choose from. One week FREE. www.fastandfit.net. 273-5862. Ka Hale Hula O Pilialohaokalani O Hilo. Explore traditional Hawaiian Hula - beginner & advanced classes. Monthly workshop and weekly practice available. Open enrollment through March. For details visit www.GrassValleyHula.com or call Cindy Waipuna Kelly at (530) 518-0910. YOGA CLASSES Yoga Sculpture taught by Jackie Gerster at Wild Mountain Yoga Center. Lengthening and strengthening for all student levels. Wed. 12:30-1:30 p.m. New and beginning students always welcome. (916) 747-1415. Iyengar Style Yoga with Ronnie Paul at Full Life Yoga Studio, Wednesdays 10:30 - noon. This class encourages thoughtful movement, respect of individual differences, and the meaning of yoga in daily life. 265-0478. Full Life Yoga Studio provides an island of serenity where 8 instructors teach a wide variety of classes for all age, body type, and ability level. Breathe, Release, Relax, Tone, Stretch, Feel, Live. 204 Providence Mine Road, Ste. 112, Nevada City, www.fulllifeyogastudio.com, 277-3783. Good Morning Yoga! 8:30-10:00 Mondays and Wednesdays at Moving Ground Studio, 410 S.Church St., Grass Valley. 575-6274. Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher Marianne Reagan. Alignment and Awareness through Asana. Ananda in Auburn with Susan Hayes, at Auburn Yoga & Fitness, Monday & Wednesday evenings, 6:45-8:00pm. Fun, relaxing, gentle hatha yoga & pranayama for all -- from absolute beginners to aspiring bodhisattvas. (530) 889-2920. SERVICES - GARDEN Sunnydaygarden. Winter can be beautiful in the garden. Good ideas and a helping hand. Garden planning, consultation, design, planting, pruning, maintenance, mentoring. Sensible, creative, livable gardens. Kathy Laible. (530) 263-3709. A Women’s Touch Yard & Garden Design. It’s perennial and bulb planting time! If looking way ahead, then, seed starting, vegetable, flower & landscape bed installation. Maintenance, pruning, composting, mentoring & consultations. Randi Pratini, (530) 478-0800. The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter December 2011/January 2012 Co-op Connections SERVICES, HOME Need Tree Work? Hook-less tree climbing licensed and insured. BriarPatch owner. Call Austin DeRock for free estimates, (530) 2776633. Michael’s Tree Service: ISA Certified Arborist/State Licensed Contractor # 723619. Fully Insured. Serving Nevada County for over 18 years. Removals, trimming, consultations. Discount for BriarPatch owners. Call today for a free estimate. We care about your trees. 265-5724. Garden with Nature. Tune into Nature’s wisdom while discovering your innate ability for integrative awareness. It’s fun! Workshops, coaching, and consulting available. Renee Wade, 292-0279. SERVICES, HEALTH & HEALING Got Drama? Wish he/she understood you? Want to stop the madness? Get relief now! Veronica Monet, ACS: Couples Consultant specializing in Anger & Sexuality. Telephone appointments & Nevada City office. 7% discount to members. (888) 903-0050. Iris Holistic Counseling Services. Donna Fisher-Jackson, MA, CHT. Free 30 minute Discovery Session. (530) 477-7863, Grass Valley. www.DonnaFisherJackson.com. Quantum Bio-Feedback for Spiritual Healing. God and Science in Harmony. Try “STU” Spiritual Tune Up! Deep Relaxation, Stress Relief, Chakra & Aura Sweep, Brain Wave Repair, Flower Essences, Gemstones, Essential Oils, Angelic Attunement. Feel like a “New You” and still be the “Old You”. Dr. Haripriya Dillon, ND, HolisticGift.Net, 432-2121. Reiki Master. Certified in Usui Shiki Ryoho healing system. Encompassing the whole mind-body-spirit in caring for your health. Releasing cumulative stress or addressing more serious health concerns. Serving the human, animal, and plant kingdoms. Doreen Domb, (530) 273-8394. Dr. Don Williams, DC. $5.00 discount for existing patients, certain restrictions apply. $50 discount new patient services. (530) 271-5921, www.livingvibrantly.com. Mindful Massage with Mieke Blees. Receive $30 off your first session. Thorough and specific work in a comfortable space. Relieve Headaches, Back/Shoulder/Neck pain, Sciatica, promote relaxation. Call (530)205-7071. LightStones. Crystal/Gemstone “Pharmacy” offers a wonderful selection of crystals, minerals & gemstones, hand-selected for your enjoyment. Showroom in Nevada City, open by appointment. Call Maraiel Ruth at (530)265-3159 for info. Are you 18 Yrs old & need a Marijuana prescription? Indicated for Intestinal disorders, Chronic pain,& stress. Call MFM, 268-8778; $95 initial exam & Certificate/ $50 annual renewal. Board Certified Internist. Additional 10% BPmember discount. Solid Ground Bodywork. Effective, focused orthopedic massage sessions with a holistic perspective. Deep, powerful and empowering yet gentle, supportive and very relaxing. Short sessions available. Glenn Smith, 478-0770. CranioSacral Therapy. EnerHealing, Corina Fürst, CMT. Improve quality of life, mind-body-spirit balance; relieve stress, pain and dysfunction. Gentle, sensitive, holistic approach. $30 off first session. (530) 362-8240. Transform your life from pain into power, from co-dependence to co-creation, from victim to victor over life’s most grueling challenges. www.LettingGoMadeEasy.com. Caring effective psychotherapy and neurofeedback. High success rate with depression, anxiety, ADD, brain injury, and more. Over 30 yrs experience: Erik Olesen, MFT, BCIA. 885-2673 www.strongu.com. Sierra Wellness Nutrition. Counseling and medical nutrition therapy. Julie DeHollander,RD,CD is a registered dietitian/functional nutritionist specializing in digestive disorders, food allergies, weight management, and more. All ages welcome. $30 off initial nutrition assessment. 263-3131, www.sierrawellnessnutrition.com. Loma Rica Ranch Self Storage. Kent & Mollie Gallagher invite you to call our friendly resident manager, Barbara, 273-0889. 5x10 $55, 10x10 $75, 6th month free. Lomaricastorage.com. Kimmel Electric CL #914225. Your licensed, insured electrician for repairs, remodels and upgrades. Upfront pricing & discount for BriarPatch members. www.kimmelelectric.com, kimmelelectric@gmail.com, (530) 432-1872. Bardsley Safe and Lock. www.bardsleysafe.com. 30 years local experience. State Permit LCO4728. Service, re-key, or change combination on locks & safes. 10% discount on labor for BriarPatch members. (530) 5752100. High quality handiworks. Plumbing, carpentry, electrical, general repair, remodels. Call Liz, Licensed General Contractor, for all your home improvement needs. (530) 265-5151. Handy Houseman. Small repairs, Household Projects, Tile Setting, Plumbing, Window Washing, Painting, Kitchen Remodels, Patios, Bathrooms, Showers, Kitchen Flooring, Electrical. Free Gutter Inspections. Isaac , $23/hour. www.myhandyhouseman.com, 272-7488. Heart to Heart Animal Wellness. At -Home Professional Pet Care Provider. Services include Animal Acupressure, Dog Walking, Companion Care for Special Needs and Senior Pets. Insured and Bonded. Let us care for the pets you love. elise.petheart@yahoo.com, (530) 559-5120 or 265-0954. SERVICES, MISC. Preparedness & Outdoor Recreation. PrepareDirect, a national company based locally since 1980, provides quality and essential products for emergency preparedness and outdoor recreation at a discount. Use coupon #925 at website checkout for an extra 10% off for locals. www.preparedirect.com, (530) 274-3344. Rooms for rent in Squaw Valley cabin. 2 rooms in my home, bed and breakfast style. For more info: www.crosscreekcabinsv.com or call Cindy at 386-1985. Cabin is less than one mile from the ski slopes! Need a ride to or from town, work, school, the train or bus station, or the Airport? Call Gold Country Cab and Courier. Ask about our $5, $10, and $15 rides. 274-8294(TAXI). Wedding Officiant Jinnae Anderson, Non-denominational Minister. Sacred, joyful weddings that you will cherish in the happy years that follow. Ceremony samples, coaching, advice. 17 years experience. www.yourceremonywithspirit.com, 277-9642. Travel: Costa Rica/eco adventures, Hawaii, Mexico, Caribbean, Europe; weddings/honeymoons, spiritual vacations. Personal travel experience-local resident for 34 years. Melanie, 268-1756, dreamaker80@hotmail.com, www.dreammakertravel.net, travelwithmelanie. blogspot.com. Dreamspinner Photography. Portrait and Business Photography by Richard Bannister. Family, Children, Couples, Senior Portraits, your choice of local location. 265-4753, dreamspinner-photography.com. Home Study Farm Program. A Waldorf-methods Farm and Nature Studies Program for grades 1,2 & 3 (ages 6-9). 265-6060 ext. 110, raelynnnoel@gmail.com, www.yubariverschool.org/homestudy.html.. FOR SALE Is it a yurt or a tipi? It is better, it is a Plenisphere, year-round living in your own canvas home. Energy efficient, portable, sustainable, off-grid, ergonomic, comfortable, gorgeous! Less than $5K. (530) 470-3174. “Goodnight Sweet Pea” is a book about transformation — who we become when we are asked to be the parent for our parents. For sale at www.lauriewoodum.com. Allison’s Gourmet offers Local, Vegan, Organic gifts: award-winning brownies, cookies, fudge, caramels, toffee and more! Pure ingredients, meticulously hand-crafted with easy shipping to distant loved ones or free local pick-up. AllisonsGourmet.com. 23 290 Sierra College Drive, Suite A Grass Valley, CA 95945 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Cedar Ridge, CA PERMIT No. 27 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Shoppers’ Forum What special dishes are you planning for the December holidays? Roasted root vegetables. Parsnips and carrots and sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes. – Sarah Pumpkin pie, definitely. I like making pumpkin pie. And eating it. In my family December is pecan pie and ham and homemade bread. My dad has been making bread my entire life. – Amund Lemon Honey Christmas cookies. They’re quite delicious. We use honey from the beehives on our ranch and the lemons are from the tree outside our window. It’s been a family tradition for as long as I remember. – Anna I have a cranberry recipe that’s a little different… it’s got orange and it’s really quite tasty. – Joy A lentil loaf, a nice pilaf, a veggie lasagna. – Charles We’re thinking about wild game. We’ve been looking for elk and buffalo steaks. We’re getting into higher quality proteins. – Carlton Happy Holidays from your friends at BriarPatch!
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