Eat Local Extravaganza! - BriarPatch Co-op
Eat Local Extravaganza! - BriarPatch Co-op
the Vine B r i a r Pa t c h C o - o p’s C o m m u n i t y N e w s l e t t e r August Owner ount c s i D % 0 1 Vouchers inside! Eat Local Extravaganza! June/July 2011 INSIDE Community Fund: Grant applications due Aug. 31........................... 3 Farm Focus: local producers, farm tour.......................... 4-5 Food News: bits from all over....... 6 Store Stuff: The toughies: store music, parking............... 7 Community Connections: River cleanup and more.................................. 8 Out and about: parading and racing.............................. 9 Eat Local! Foods, classes, raffle, calendar. ...................... 11-14 Cooking Classes. ........... 15 Our Co-op Story: The Washington St. Store................................... 16-17 Deena Miller and Robbie Martin of Sweet Roots Farm have joined the list of local farms selling their bounty at BriarPatch this season. Story on pages 4 and 5. Photo by Akim Aginsky Shoppers survey results.............................. 18-19 2 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Community Connections Editor’s Note Not unlike a circus… Supporting our local food system By Stephanie Mandel By Malaika Bishop, Board Secretary B riarPatch sometimes reminds me of a 3-ring circus. Ladies, and gentlemen… step right this way! In Ring Number One it’s the Eat Local Extravaganza! with the spotlight on local food, tasty free samples almost every day, a farm tour… and more! In Ring Number Two… is that the dancing bears? No! It’s BriarPatch supporting and sponsoring our community: with food donations, farmers markets, the Nevada County Land Trust, Center for the Arts concessions, and much more. And who’s that in Ring Number Three, just sitting there drinking juice? Why… it’s the store managers and Board, discussing how to better serve all owners and shoppers! (Keep the spotlight lit, please! These talks are as lively as the jugglers.) And that’s our three rings just for August. You get the picture. Whether you read, skim, or just peek through this issue of The Vine, it’s clear that there’s a lot going on at the Patch and in our community. And with such an active food scene in Nevada County, we don’t have to look far for relevant news to fill these pages. What this month’s Vine is short on, though, is news from the wider world — state and national legislative trends that impact the food on our tables: budget cuts to sustainable agriculture programs, the farm bill, GMO regulation (or non-regulation), food safety legislation, etc. Because it’s published on a bi-monthly basis, our newsletter isn’t really suited to be your best source for such food news. Though our recent shopper survey indicated that a surprising number of BriarPatch owners prefer to be “offline,” the internet is certainly the best place to go for news and in-depth information on national and state issues. Many advocacy groups and watchdogs of organic standards and other food issues now post their latest news exclusively on their websites and on social networking sites like facebook. So we’re working on adding a fourth ring to our circus. If you haven’t seen it yet, we’re already collecting this other level of important food news that we know interests you, and posting links to the latest developments on our facebook page ( In the upcoming months we’ll be doing the same with our website, ramping up to a new level of reporting excellence that you will value and enjoy. The Vine Published bimonthly by BriarPatch Co-op 290 Sierra College Drive, Suite A Grass Valley, CA 95945 530-272-5333 fax 530-272-1204 N evada County’s local food movement has taken off. This has been an exciting time in which we’ve seen an exponential growth of new farms, young farmers, farm-to-school initiatives, farmers markets, and more. Here at BriarPatch, we are taking a lead in the support and growth of our local food system. This is a strong commitment shared by our staff and board, and it’s clearly written into our new “global ends” policies*, which outline our long-term vision. These policies call for us to “support a strong local food system” and to “provide high quality, healthy products with an emphasis on local and organic.” In this past year, our produce manager David Benson and his team have done an extraordinary job of reaching out to and coordinating purchases from over 30 local farms. This has not only put the freshest, tastiest produce on our shelves, but has begun to support our farmer base in a new way. With quantities like over 300 pounds of cabbage a week going out the door, many farmers are now telling us that sales to BriarPatch are becoming a dependable piece of their business plan, which reduces some of the risk of running a small farm. Last month, in a dialogue with Alan Haight and Jo McProud of Riverhill Farm in Nevada City, the Board discussed how BriarPatch could play a role in farmer loans as a way to partner with local producers. Several Board Directors were further inspired at a recent cooperative grocers’ conference, where we learned that La Montanita Cooperative in New Mexico facilitates over $100,000 a year in member loans to farmers, while working with over 900 regional producers. Something to aspire to! As we seek to raise awareness, look for the local and regional signage around the store. Our managerial team is also tracking the sales of locally and regionally grown produce (see your sales receipts) so we can set benchmarks for greater local purchasing. Please join us this month for the Eat Local Extravaganza. In our family, we have made it a practice in recent years to make July our “no shopping” month. Apart from the staples that we always Continued on next page Keep up with the Patch For information about advertising in The Vine, go to Editor: Stephanie Mandel 530-272-5333 / Moving? Please let us know where. Send an email message with your new mailing address to, call 530-272-5333 ext. 103, or fill out an owner change form at the store. Contributors: Malaika Bishop, Bill Drake, Mellisa Hannum, Chris Maher Read The Vine online at Don’t want a paper copy of The Vine? Send an email message with NO NEWSLETTER in the subject line to Words, Pictures, Production: Rose Arsenith, David Benson, Josh Bumgarner, Margaret Campbell, Tony Finnerty, Mellisa Hannum, Robert Stephson Our email newsletter will send you notices and links to The Vine as new issues are published. Deadline for next issue: August 23, 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 3 Around the Patch Grant applications due August 31 Continued from previous page keep on hand, like bulk oats and rice from BriarPatch, grains from Reed Hamilton/Grass Valley Grains, and honey from McClaughry Farms; we do well on produce from our garden and eggs from our chickens. In August we move on to buying only food without packaging that comes from people we know. We have found it a real gift to practice simplicity and to nourish relationships in this way. However you choose to celebrate local food this month, I’m sure you’ll be enriched by it! Bon Appétit! Chicken donation to bring comfort T hrough the generosity of Smart Chicken®, BriarPatch recently donated several boxes of chicken to the Comfort Cuisine program at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital. Comfort Cuisine provides meals to cancer patients being treated at the hospital’s Cancer Center, along with their and families and caregivers. The nutritious meals are prepared with love by volunteers and sold at minimal cost. Native Plant Demonstration Garden Wish List • Jackhammer service: to punch holes in the bottom of a nonfunctional concrete ditch (approximately 100 feet long). • Rocks: especially larger rocks and slate. • Manzanita wood: branches 3" or more across the base, for a screening panel in the picnic area shade structure (cut for fire safety or similar concerns). • Native plants: primarily shrubs and perennials, in sizes that are easily transplantable. For more information, to volunteer, or to donate, contact: Cindy,, 273-1816. The International Cooperative Principles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Voluntary and Open Membership Democratic Member Control Member Economic Participation Autonomy and Independence Education, Training, and Information Cooperation Among Cooperatives Concern for the Community A pplications for the 2 0 11 B r i a r P a t c h Cooperative Community Fund grants are due by August 31. Grants will be given to local nonprofit organizations and cooperatives working in the areas of: sustainable agriculture and organic food, hunger and social issues, environmental protection, and cooperatives. A total of $2000 will be given in 2011. Applications are available at the Build your own deli sandwich customer service window or may be downloaded from BriarPatch’s website, y_f und. html. For more information, contact Stephanie at 530-272-5333 ext. 127 or T he Br ia rPatch C ooper at ive Community Fund was established in 1999 by BriarPatch Co-op and Twin Pines Cooperative Foundation. Earlier and later customer service F or your convenience, this summer you’ll find the Patch’s customer service window staffed longer hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. K now what you want in a sandwich? No problem at the Patch, we’re now all set up to make your custom sandwich to order. You choose the bread or wrap, spread, veggie protein or meat, cheese, and veggies. Freedom inspires creativity; here’s one winning combination from a veggie sandwich-lover: sourdough bread, grilled baked tofu, pepperjack cheese, garlic basil Vegenaise, lettuce, tomato, pickles. Shop when it’s right for you Do you love shopping or just like to get it over with? Either way, there is a perfect shopping time for you. BriarPatch is often bustling in the afternoons, from around noon through dinner time. For a quieter shopping experience (and a closer parking space!), generally speaking the least busy times at the Patch are: Monday – Friday 7am to 11am Monday – Friday 7pm to 10pm Saturday & Sunday – 7am to 10pm BriarPatch Co-op Vision BriarPatch Co-op is the leading natural food store in Nevada County. We are a vibrant, important community hub for gathering and for dialogue and learning about healthful food. ~ We seek to be a leader in social, environmental, as well as fiscal business responsibility, among both local businesses and food co-ops nationally. ~ We model community-mindedness and cooperative principles, and hope to inspire others to do the same, and in so doing contribute to peace and prosperity for all within our reach. 4 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Eat Local - Meet the Farmers More farms bring their bounty to BriarPatch T he number of Nevada County farms keeps growing, and BriarPatch shoppers are reaping the benefits. Some recent additions to the growing list of local farms selling their bounty at BriarPatch are Sweet Roots Farm, Greg’s Organic Heirloom Tomatoes, Willow Springs Farm, Riverhill Farm, and First Rain Farm. Here are some introductory snippets, with the web-sites where you can get the full story on the farms. Sweet Roots Farm sionate about growing tomatoes. Though he’s been growing them for ten years and considers himself an organic heirloom tomato specialist, he’s been in the farming business only for the past three. Greg doesn’t plan to stop at growing just the tomato fruit/vegetable; expect to see blackberries, Deena Miller and Robbie Martin, Sweet Roots Farm pears, and squash from him as well. His site is coming soon at ping, which they learned at UC Santa Cruz, where they met. In fact, Sweet Until then, follow Greg on Twitter, @ Roots got its name because the two GregsTomatoes. met and fell in love on a farm. “It was “We have this little microclimate… along Wolf Creek,” said Deena Miller of Sweet Roots Farm, who Patch shoppers may recognize from our floral departa sweet beginning,” Deena says. Sweet ment. Though she still fills in from time Roots is in the process of being certified to time, Deena recently left her regular organic, and is a member of Nevada position at BriarPatch to work at the farm County Grown. For more information on full-time. the 65 different plants, Because of t he including flowers, that farm’s microclimate, they grow, visit sweetDeena and her partner Robbie Martin are able Greg’s Heirloom to grow a lot of leafy Tomatoes greens, including kale, fennel, parsley, daikon, Greg Weber, t he and kohlrabi. They use ma n behi nd Greg’s a mix of techniques, Organic Heirloom Toincluding double crop- Greg, Greg’s Organic Heirloom Tomatoes matoes, is really pas- Willow Springs Farm Willow Springs Farm, proprietors Matthew Wich and Vanessa Patterson, sits on 3/4 of an acre. In its second season this year, Willow Springs uses a row crop method and has an orchard of 15 fruit trees — apples, plums, pears, and peaches — and 28 hens producing eggs. Though the season was pushed back a couple of weeks, Matthew and Vanessa are really excited about this year’s crops. Look for their apples and pears at BriarPatch this autumn. More information is available at Vanessa and Matthew, Willow Springs Farm Riverhill Farm Riverhill Farm sold a relatively small amount of produce to the Patch last year, but this season we expect much more. Currently farming on ten acres, Alan Haight and Jo McProud sell all of their produce within ten miles of Riverhill. Their production system includes the growing of 50 different crops, annual crop rotation, and the use of fall covercrops. Alan and Jo’s farm internship program has helped to launch the careers of quite a few young farmers, and the Continued on next page The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 Eat Local - Meet the Farmers Continued from previous page couple is quite dedicated to the success of farming in the foothills. Look for their assorted herbs, loose kale, a variety of peppers, cantaloupe, strawberries, squash, and more this season. Their comprehensive website is First Rain Farm First Rain Farm, which is part of Living Lands Agrarian Network, is run by Tim Van Wagner, one of the founders of Living Lands. When he was thinking of the name for his Jo McProud and Alan Haight, Riverhill Farm own farm, he felt it needed to be something beautiful. And for him that Meade at In The Kitchen, Tim grows a meant the first rain that comes after the lot of greens for BriarPatch on the three heat and dryness of the summer, replenparcels of land that he farms. Expect ishing the ground pickling cucumbers, and refreshing the collards, chard, Italpeople. In addition ian parsley, ka le, to growing the progreen onions, and duce for a fermentmore. Read more ed foods business about Tim’s farm he shares with his and his musings at sister Wendy Van his blog, firstrainWa g ner a nd h is brother-in-law Joe Tim Van Wagner, First Rain Farm Eat Local Farm Tour: Riverhill Farm Sunday, August 14, 9am (we’ll start promptly to beat the heat!) Free admission - Coffee, tea, and baked goods from BriarPatch J o McProud and Alan Haight of Riverhi l l Fa rm are graciously of fering BriarPatch owners and shoppers the opportunity to visit and learn about their farm at the height of its production season. Riverhill Farm is located on Cement Hill Road outside of Nevada City, just five miles from BriarPatch. (See page 5 for a short farm profile.) To connect with others seeking to carpool, meet on the front patio at BriarPatch between 8:15 and 8:30 a.m. To just meet us there: 13500 Cement Hill Road, Nevada City – From Grass Valley, take Hwy. 49 north towards Downieville at the 20/49 split. The first right after you pass the County Government Center is Cement Hill Road. If you are coming from Nevada City, this intersection is also the top of West Broad Street. Take Cement Hill Road 3 miles to the end, where Cement Hill Road intersects with Bodie Ridge Road. Do not turn onto Bodie Ridge Road, but proceed straight onto the road marked as a private road. During the farm season, you will also see our farm sign at this location, directing you to go straight. Please drive slowly to respect our neighbors. You will see two more signs as you drop down the hill towards the farm. At the bottom of the hill after less than 1/4 mile you will see our address – 13500 – and a sign directing you to the right onto a gravel driveway. Enter the farm and park in the designated parking area. Walk the short distance from your car toward. See you there! 5 6 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Food News Bits Yogurt, beer, green days, and affording organic D Reduce risk of osteoporosis— have a beer! Monday, green to me M eatless Mondays are catching on across the country, even for omnivores. The movement, which began as a way to help Americans become more conscious about what they eat, is showing up in restaurants, schools, and hospitals. Besides the health benefits of eating more vegetables, it’s also cheaper than meat options, which means more green on the plate and in the wallet. (The New York Times) rinking beer can be good for your bones. Malted beers with hops are a major source of dietary silica, according to a study done at UC Davis. Dietary silica can help cut one’s chances of developing diseases like osteoporosis, and roughly half of the silica in beer can be easily absorbed. (The Guardian) Yogurt calories equal to and less than potato chip calories PepsiCo investors give thumbs down to marketing healthier food H arvard researchers suggest that what you eat may be more important than how much you eat. A new study found that potato chips led to more weight gain per serving than foods such as yogurt. Nutritionists caution that this doesn’t give folks with a sweet tooth a free pass. More likely, people who eat a lot of potato chips, sugar-sweetened drinks, and processed meats have a less healthy lifestyle. (Time) T E xcessive use of a growth accelerant is causing watermelons to explode in China. The overuse of Forchlorfenuron during wet weather, which caused excessively rapid growth, has turned the highly valued melons into “land mines.” (Huffington Post) 11 tips for affording organic he Organic Trade Association just came out with eleven tips to buying organic on a budget. The list recommends that we buy in bulk, shop in season, use coupons, check out farm stands and farmers markets, make a shopping list, cook at home, and more. ( Melons in China go explosive A Precursor to type 2 diabetes: polluted blood ccording to a new Swedish study, people with more pollutants and pesticides in their blood have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes. This study adds to the theory that chemicals may change the body in ways that lead to diseases such as diabetes. (Reuters) P epsiCo’s investors are unhappy with their CEO after the business began to focus more on promoting its “healthier-for-you” foods than on its flagship brands of Pepsi, Gatorade, and Doritos. The junk foods, called “fun for you” by PepsiCo, are more profitable, so the business will most likely be putting more marketing dollars back into this junky niche. (Marion Nestle) Organic farming breeds content O rganic farming benefits insect biodiversity, insectflower interactions, and the pollination of wild plants, according to a study published in the “Journal of Applied Ecology.” There were more flowers on the organic farms, which in turn attracted more bees than were found on conventional farms. ( The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 7 Shopper Suggestions Answering the Patch’s toughest questions: parking and music I A strategy for cooperative parking just finished reading your article in The Vine. First, let me say how much I appreciate being able to be a member of this great co-op. It is a blessing to be able to buy clean, local, whole foods and natural products. Regarding parking at BriarPatch. It’s wonderful that the store is so busy so much of the time, and it has created congestion as you point out. I’ve developed a parking strategy that perhaps others can think about also. During busy times, it seems that most congestion is around the front of the store and in the driveway to and from Sierra College Blvd. When I come to shop during busy times, I enter through the top driveway off Litton Drive and go directly into the back parking lot. This way I am not one of the many cars circling the front parking area looking for a spot, or trying to get out. I am in good health, do not have any mobility issues, do not have one or more young children to pack along, so I figure I will leave the spots near the front for those who really need them for one reason or another. It is another way we can work cooperatively to make the parking scene less frustrating for everyone. One thing that might encourage more people to use the back parking lot is a spot for carts. That way shoppers with more than a bag or two would be more inclined to use the back parking area knowing they don’t need to walk a cart back to the front of the store. Thanks again for everything you do to make BriarPatch a wonderful place to shop. Sraddha Williams Hi Sraddha, Thank you for your insightful comments. We will in fact get a cart corral in the back lot at some point. I am not sure when. The interesting thing about that front lot is that the front drive between the store and the island is narrower at the end closer to the optometrists office. That makes the turn tighter right at the point where shoppers are streaming out of and into the store and where the most cars are backing out and the “circlers” are distracted looking for a spot. Sadly, the security guard who was out there for a few weeks said that ours was the “angriest” lot he had worked. Thanks for not getting into the fray! We recently restriped the lot to direct cars in a one-way circle around the lot. Hopefully people will adhere to this and it will reduce some of the incidents in the lot. Chris Maher, General Manager I Music madness ’ve been a member and supporter of this co-op since its inception … and never have experienced such loud-bad music as recently. Please find something that heals and nourishes as good as your food. I feel that it is junk food for the soul when I’m there. Jean Schwarzkopf Hi Jean, I received your comment today regarding music in the store. You have touched on one of the most common and controversial issues that I deal with on an ongoing basis as the GM of the Patch! We currently subscribe to Sirius, a commercial-free satellite radio for our store. Due to ASCAP/ BMI licensing issues, this is just about the only option that a retailer our size has for in-store music. The service offers a wide variety of channels that have many different genres of music on them. We try to rotate through the ones that are retail appropriate: light rock, classical, jazz, 70s, 80s, acoustic folk and world music are some of the most common. I have found that no station satisfies all the people, and that every station irritates someone! For a while, I got so frustrated fielding complaints that I turned the system off. This, of course, caused people to complain. Our policy is that if you don’t like it, we will change it. So, if you are in the store and hear music that is irritating, please take a moment to let the kind folks at our customer service window know, and they will change it or turn it off immediately. I have copied Bill Drake on this message since you know him and he is usually the person up there. The last thing that we want is for the music to drive people away. Feel free to make a recommendation if there is something you might like to hear. A channel list is available at: programschedules. If you would like to discuss this further, I would love to meet you face to face. I am generally at the store Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thanks for your longstanding support of BriarPatch! Chris Maher, General Manager 8 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Community Connections Rally round the river for SYRCL’s annual clean-up Celebration Upcoming Events at the A.P.P.L.E. Center for Sustainable Living 412 Commercial Street, Nevada City • Open Wed. through Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • 478-1700 Movie Night: “Sicko” Wed., Aug. 3, 7-8:30pm at the A.P.P.L.E. Center Thursday Night Market Aug. 4, 6-9pm, Downtown Grass Valley Stop by our booth and say hello. Mind-Body Medicine: What is the impact of stress? Fri., Aug. 5, 6-7:30pm Sierra Mountain Coffee Roasters, 671 Maltman Dr, Grass Valley. Panel discussion and Q&A with local health experts. Join the South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL) on September 17, 2011, for the 14th Annual Greater Yuba River Clean-Up and Restoration Day. V olunteer at one of over 35 clean-up sites and enjoy the camaraderie of friends, family, and neighbors as you walk along the river collecting refuse, or helping to restore meadows and trails. After the morning’s work, take a swim at Bridgeport Crossing in the South Yuba River State Park, and enjoy a free organic barbeque lunch celebration (co-sponsored by BriarPatch Co-op) honoring you and your co-volunteers. Entertainment will be provided by Haute Trash, and you can be the first to take part in the first annual Rock Skipping Competition, which is open to all ages. Last year, over 650 volunteers turned out, over 1/3 of whom were aged 18 and under. In the past 13 years, over 120,000 pounds of refuse and recyclables have been removed from the watershed due to the hard work of over 5,500 volunteers. So mark your calendar and tell everyone you know about this wonderful family-friendly opportunity to express our love for the Yuba River after we’ve enjoyed it all summer. Register to work/play at your favorite sites beginning August 20th. The SYRCL event is being held in conjunction with the 3rd Annual Great Sierra River Clean-Up, which is supported by the Sierra Nevada Conservancy. For more information, go to Something Changed Everything Sat., Aug. 6, 5-6:30pm Sierra Mountain Coffee Roasters, 617 Maltman Drive, Grass Valley. Speaker and author Peter McGugan presents his new book and the new consciousness that’s shaping our new sustainable world. Peter’s visiting from Canada, so don’t miss this one! N Demo Day and Urban Farm Tour for New and Renewing A.P.P.L.E. Members ew or renewing A.P.P.L.E. members are cordially invited to a Demo Day and urban farm tour at the Harris Street Homestead. Mali Dyck, executive director of The A.P.P.L.E. Center, along with her partner, Patrick Rodysill, of Garden Fare, will open their farm to the A.P.P.L.E. member community on Sunday, September 18, from 11am to 4pm. The day’s events will include: • Edible landscape tour. • How to start a worm compost bin. • How to build a simple chicken coop/ greenhouse. • How to keep your soil alive and vital. • Drip irrigation for beginners, cover cropping to renew soil, preparing nutrient rich foods, preserving the garden harvest, turning your “grey” laundry water into landscape water, and DIY repurposed garden décor. The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 9 Community Connections Friendship 100 Patch Patrol wows crowd at parade B riarPatch employees participated in the Friendship Club’s “Friendship 100” go-cart race fundraiser in June. From left: Lindsay Molsberry came to cheer, drivers Hassan Ebrahimi-Nuyken and Rose Arsenith, and Board Director Peter Lockyer, who sponsored the BriarPatch team. Volunteers Janis Johnson and Mo Tebbe carried the BriarPatch banner. The Patch Patrol executes the “High Five” for the judges at the intersection of Neal and Mill streets. U Rose brought the racing spirit and won her heat. Front End Manager Oscar Salgado and volunteer Julie Herrlinger joined the fun. Photos by Tony Finnerty. ndaunted by temperatures in the high 90’s, on July 4 a fearless band of BriarPatch staff and shoppers represented the Co-op in the Independence Day parade in downtown Grass Valley. Shopping baskets swinging, the Patch Patrol Shopping Basket Drill Team entertained the crowd with moves such as the “Virginia Reel,” “Swing-Your-Partner,” and “Weave.” (See the video on the BriarPatch website, Other volunteers handed out organic lollipops to children. This year’s team: Bill Keogh, Nancy Schillinger, Hassan Ebrahimi-Nuyken, Sarah Reikko, Rusty Pendrey, Leslie and Jimmy Gault, Chelsi Torres, Jessie Meyers, Oscar Salgado, Julie Herrlinger, Randi Pratini, Lucinda Defranco, Janis Johnson, Mo Tebbe, Hilary Dart, Stephanie Mandel Behind the scenes support: Ken Hale, Tony Finnerty, Mellisa Hannum 10 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Co-op News The shade pavilion — a community project Why Does Your Co-op Rock? Shade pavilion raising Sunday, Sept. 25, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. T o enhance awareness and enjoyment of the native plant demonstration garden next to the BriarPatch parking lot, the Redbud Chapter of the California Native Plant Society has organized the construction of a picnic area with a shade pavilion. To be raised the morning of Sunday, September 25, the shade pavilion will be a testament to the community spirit of volunteers, primarily: Cindy Rubin, acting manager of the demo garden, and Tim Brennan of Ridgebeam Building Company. Cindy and Tim designed the structure, and Tim did the drawings with structural engineering review by Will Prechter. Funds for materials were provided by BriarPatch Co-op. Thanks are also due to former garden project manager Cyndi Brinkhurst, whose vision and efforts were pivotal in establishing the garden. Green building methods All of the wood for the project is locally harvested incense cedar, abundant in the Sierra foothills. Ames and Nancy Gilbert donated cedar log posts from their property, harvested (not without considerable effort, as Tim notes) by Ames and Tim. Ad- ditional wood was purchased from Kubich Lumber Co., which has milled local cedar for the past 70 years along Deer Creek, west of Grass Valley. The timbers will not be “finished” with toxic products; rather, they will be allowed to age and acquire a natural patina. The concrete for the pavilion’s foundation will be composed partly of fly-ash, a reused industrial byproduct, rather than of all new materials. The foundation work, which will take two to three days, is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, August 30. Tim states that, “Mindful use the material will include minimal waste, with attention to appropriate recycling or disposal of the waste that is produced.” Tried and true timberframing The construction of the pavilion will involve pegged wooden joinery, including true mortise and tenon. The timbers and all the joinery will be precut in advance, and the pavilion will go up in just one day with the use of a powered beam lift to aid in the raising of the structure parts. Timberframing was the dominant form of wood construction up until approximately 1900, when the current model of stud construction was developed. T he third annual My Co-op Rocks contest is back—with something new! BriarPatch Co-op is excited to kick off this year’s contest with two ways to show everyone how much your co-op rocks. This year, create an original video or take a photo that’s inspired by or features your co-op. Starting September 1, head over to www.MyCoopRocks. coop to submit your video or photos, or rate and leave your two cents on others’ submissions. Winners in both categories will be in for some super sweet prizes! Unleash your sense of humor, show your mad video story-telling skills, or let your inner shutterbug shine. Videos should be two minutes or less—so show us what you’ve got! Be ready to share your masterpiece with the world on September 1. The sooner you enter, the more votes you can get! Run with your own idea, or get inspired by one of these suggestions: Top 10 Reasons My Co-op Rocks; Still Life with My Co-op; [Your Co-op name]: a Rock Opera; Unexpected Delights at the Co-op; A Coop Love Story; How Great Food Fuels Me/ My Family/My Life. The only limit is your imagination! Stay tuned for more, and check www. September 1 for more contest details and updates. The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 11 Eat Local Extravaganza Celebrate local foods with BriarPatch in August A t the height of the growing season, BriarPatch will be celebrating our fresh and delicious local products right along with you. Together with co-ops around the country, we’re hosting our annual “Eat Local” month, a time when we invite everyone to appreciate and enjoy our abundance of local foods. As part of the celebration, BriarPatch will be hosting a farm tour of Riverhill Farm, and you’ll find lots of yummy local food-tasting treats, and even a special display here in the store. Where does “local” begin and end? At BriarPatch, food that’s been grown within 20 miles is considered local, and food grown within a larger 120 mile radius is called “regional”. You can see these distinctions on the round tags we display with local and regional foods year-round. This August’s Eat Local Extravaganza will be a great way to explore and enjoy Nevada County’s bounty, and to support the growers and producers who put this delicious, fresh food on our tables. We encourage everyone to set their own (tasty) goals to make this event a personal experience. With the amazing abundance around us, it’s a snap and a pleasure to increase your enjoyment of local foods. It’s easy, for example, to find a local substitute for your breakfast banana, or to prepare your family favorites using locally grown foods. There’s also the added, special joy, that comes with connecting such wonderful nourishment with the recognition that it represents the labor of love of our neighbors. Why Eat Local? At BriarPatch, we intentionally cultivate relationships with local growers and producers to strengthen the local food system, and to provide the freshest, highest quality products for our community. Together, BriarPatch and local producers create market opportunities for these products. This gives shoppers a convenient connection to their farmer/ neighbors who grow them, who in turn cultivate the local environment we all live in. Local foods are also fresher and taste better. They’re packed with more sunshine and nutrients since they’re sped right to the store, rather than spending days or Co-ops across country eating local B riarPatch is joining hands with natural food co-ops coast-tocoast in this fourth year of Eat Local, America! All participating co-ops are members of the National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA) – a business services cooperative that represents 120 retail food co-ops nationwide. weeks even, in transit. Eating local also helps stimulate the local economy, since your dollars spent on local foods support regional farmers and producers. When that money is kept right here in the community, much of it gets plowed back into our shared economy. Much of it is spent locally, and it also goes to pay taxes that support our local infrastructure. Eat Local month is clearly an expres- Read more about local food and farms, and learn why supporting them is so important at www.eatlocalamerica. coop. Find great recipes and information about in-season produce at www. sion of who we are. As a member-owned business, BriarPatch Co-op keeps its investment dollars close to home by supporting local farmers, food artisans, and other local businesses, and by providing jobs for people in western Nevada County. For more information on BriarPatch’s Eat Local Extravaganza, contact Stephanie Mandel, 272-5333 x127; Mellisa Hannum, 272-5333 x129; or Hilary Dart, 272-5333 x134. 12 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Eat Local Extravaganza Know the local and regional foods at the Patch Eggs (Aisle 1A) From 20 farms, when the hens are laying. Fruits and Veggies Fresh seasonally from these farms: Meats Beef – Nevada County Free Range Beef, Nevada City Pork – Llano Seco, Chico Lamb – Donner Trail Ranch, Chicago Park Chicken – Fowler Family Farm, Penn Valley Chicken – Mary’s Chicken, Petaluma Turkey – Diestel Family Turkey Ranch, Sonora Bulk Grains, Nuts, etc. Wheat Flour, Wheat Berries, Rye Berries, Rolled Oats, Teff – Grass Valley Grains, Wheatland Popcorn – Pleasant Grove Farms, Pleasant Grove Walnuts – Ferrari Farms, Linden Bulk Olive Oil & Honey Olive Oil – Calolea, Loma Rica Johansen Ranch, Orland (available seasonally) Berkeley Olive Grove, Oroville Honey – Elmore’s Beehive Products, Oroville Bulk Rices 14 varieties from Lundberg Family Farms, Richvale Olive Oils (Aisle 2A) Apollo Olive Oil, Oregon House Calolea Olive Oil, Loma Rica Bariani Olive Oil, Sacramento Rice & Pasta (Aisle 2B) Rices, Wild Rice Blend, Risotto Mixes, Brown Rice Couscous, Brown Rice Pasta – Lundberg Family Farms, Richvale Chips & Crackers (Aisle 3A) Rice Chips & Rice Cakes, Lundberg Farms, Richvale 20 miles from the Patch Members of this group help build our local economy. Honey, Jam, Rice Syrup (Aisle 3B) Honey – Randy Oliver Honey, GV; Elmore’s Beehive Products, Oroville; Selby Honey, Chico Blackberry Honey – McClaughry Farms, GV Jam – Mountain Fruit Co., Chico Brown Rice Syrup – Lundberg Farms, Richvale Milk, Butter, Yogurt etc. (Aisle 1A) Clover Organic Farms & Clover Stornetta, Petaluma Straus Family Creamery, Marin County St. Benoit Yogurt, Bodega Wallaby Yogurt, Napa Goat’s & Sheep’s Milk Products (Aisle 1A) Goat’s Milk – Meyenberg, Turlock Goat’s Milk Yogurt – Redwood Hill Farm, Sebastopol; Skyhill, Napa; Capretta, Willows Sheep’s Milk Yogurt – Bellwether Farms, Sonoma Goat’s Milk Cheeses (Aisle 7A) Meyenberg, Turlock; Redwood Hill Farm, Sebastopol Cheeses (Aisle 7A) Cow’s Cheeses, Clover Organic Farms, Petaluma Cow’s Cheeses, Petaluma Creamery, Petaluma Cheeses, Cream Cheeses, Sierra Nevada, Willows Blue Cheese, Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Co. Cheeses & Curds, Spring Hill Cheese, Petaluma 120 miles from the Patch Créme Fraiche, Bellwether Farms, Sonoma Soft Cheeses, Cowgirl Creamery, Point Reyes Ice Cream (Aisle 8B) Clover Organic Farms, Petaluma Straus Family Creamery, Marin County Wine, Beer, & Cider Avanguardia, Nevada City Clos Saron, Oregon House Coufous Cellars, Rough & Ready Double Oak Vineyards, Nevada City Grant-Eddie Winery, Oregon House Indian Springs Winery, Nevada City Lone Buffalo Vineyards, Auburn Lucchesi Vineyards & Winery, Grass Valley Montoliva Vineyards & Winery, Chic Park Naggiar, Grass Valley Nevada City Winery Nevada County Wine Guild Renaissance Vineyard & Winery, Oregon House Smith Vineyards, Grass Valley Sierra Knolls Vineyard & Winery, Grass Valley Sierra Star, Grass Valley Szabo, Grass Valley Honeyrun Mead, Chico Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., Chico Fox Barrel Cider, Colfax & Camino Bakbraken Acres, Chicago Park Bevitori Gardens, Smartsville Bierwagen’s Donner Trail Fruit, Chicago Park Blueberry Hill, Chicago Park Country Rubes’ Farm, Grass Valley Dinner Bell Farm, Chicago Park Downtown Farm, Colfax Filaki Farm, Oregon House First Rain Farm, Nevada City Four Frog Farm, Penn Valley Greg’s Organics, Grass Valley Heaven and Earth, North San Juan Hummingbird Hills, Penn Valley Indian Springs Organic Farm, Penn Valley Johansen Ranch, Orland Kaki Farm, Gridley Lazy Valley Ranch, Penn Valley Living Lands Agrarian Network, Nevada City Moonstone Farm, Chicago Park Mountain Sweet Cherries, Oregon House Naked Farm, Nevada City Natural Trading Company, Newcastle Pyramid Farm, Chico Red Hill Mandarins, Brown’s Valley Riverhill Farm, Nevada City Ronsse, Chicago Park Shared Abundance, Auburn Suzumi’s Garden, Grass Valley Sweet Roots Farm, Grass Valley Willow Springs Farm, Penn Valley The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 13 Eat Local Extravaganza Canning Classes Home Canning and Preserving Workshop: Canning Tomatoes Wed., Aug. 3, 6-8:30pm $50 Tomatoes… if there is one food that you should learn to can, it is tomatoes. In the dead of winter, I’m so glad to have last year’s harvest available. Learn how to preserve your own tomatoes, both whole and as a sauce. We will be using the water bath method and discussing pressure canning. Go home with jars of tomato goodies to inspire your own canning sessions. Email or call Wendy at 478-0669 or Community Canning Day/ Open Kitchen – Tomatoes Sun., Aug. 28, 9am-12noon $15 Bring your late summer tomatoes and work together with your fellow homesteaders to can a mess of tomatoes. In the Kitchen teachers will be on hand to answer any questions. Your group will decide how many jars each person will go home with. This is a loosely organized event, and this will be our first “open kitchen” event. Space is limited. Bring: cutting board, knife, apron, pint jars and lids, tomatoes, and a canner if you have one. Email or call Wendy at 478-0669 or Receipts tell local purchase story H ave you noticed the words “Locally and Regionally Grown Total” on your BriarPatch receipt? They appear whenever you buy food or flowers that are grown within 120 miles of the Patch. An “L” or an “R” next to the item price further specifies whether it was grown within 20 miles, which BriarPatch defines as local, or within 120 miles, considered regional. The “L” or “R” may surprise you if you didn’t realize that the olives in that oil were grown just in the next county. Or for local/regional experts, it may just confirm that your local/regional purchases add up. Coding these items helps BriarPatch staff track our locally grown sales. Want to rack up a bigger L/R total? Learn more— picking up a local and regional shopping list from the display at the store entrance, and keep your eyes peeled for the round shelf signs with the pear. Eat Local Restaurant Raffle L ocal restaurants invite you to eat local when you eat out — and enter a raffle for free meals while you’re at it! Throughout August, local restaurants will have Eat Local stamp cards available for diners who order a menu item made with local and/or regional food(s). Just ask your server at the restaurants for a card, and then get it stamped. When you have four stamps from any of the participating restaurants you can enter the raffle! Just bring the stamped card to the customer service window at BriarPatch by August 31. Participating restaurants: BriarPatch deli, Charlie’s Café, Diego’s, Emily’s Catering & Cakes, Flour Garden Bakery, Fudenjuice, Ike’s Quarter Cafe Jim E’s Club 141, Matteo’s, Nevada City Marketplace, Simplicity Bistro, Summer Thyme’s, The Old Five Mile House 14 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Eat Local Extravaganza, August 1-31 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 15 Cooking Classes Summer adventures with ice cream, tomatoes, Thai, raw, and macrobiotic Thai One On Tout Sweet: Ice Cream & Sorbet B riarPatch Co-op is proud to partner with Wendy Van Wagner and the other cooks at In The Kitchen cooking school. In The Kitchen classes are hands-on and use high-quality ingredients found at BriarPatch. BriarPatch owners receive a 10% discount off the class fees. Class size is limited, so reserve early. Classes All classes are held at In The Kitchen, 648 Zion Street, Nevada City (by the former Miner’s Clinic, now California College of Ayurveda). Thurs., Aug. 11, 6-8:30pm $45 In this class you will learn to make: • Homemade Peach Ice Cream, gelatostyle • Dairy-free, Sugar-free Coconut Sorbet • Vanilla Ice Cream Custard • Fresh fruit and coconut sorbets You’ll also learn about the chemistry of frozen desserts and flavoring techniques through adding fresh fruit, nuts and sweets. Sign up with Jen at 559-9457 or Raw & Living Foods with Atma Campbell of Next Level Foods Sun., Aug. 14, 1-4pm $45 Create 5 different raw cuisine items including an entrée dish, salad, dehydrated items, a raw pie, and a nut or seed milk beverage. We will sample fresh items and offer an option to purchase the dehydrated foods snack pack. All ingredients are plant based/ vegan, and gluten free. Space is limited. Sign up with Atma at 272-1137 or Learn the basics of macrobiotic cooking from the creator of the BriarPatch “Macrobiotic Bento” balanced meal box, Migiwa Kawasaki Too Too Tomatoes! Thurs., Aug. 18, 6-8:30pm $45 A tomato utilization class taught by Jen Smitt. In this class you will learn to make: pico de gallo salsa, homemade Caprese salad with fresh mozzarella, fresh Puttanesca pasta sauce; how to concasse (peel and deseed) a tomato; how to easily sun dry your tomatoes at home; and how to jar and freeze your tomatoes for later use. You’ll also learn about tomato varieties and the history of the tomato in the New World. Sign up with Jen at 559-9457 or Sat., Aug. 20, 6-8:30pm $45 Join us in exploring some of the tantalizing tastes of Thailand: Omelette Soup (very simple, but tasty & versatile), Spicy Cucumber Salad, Pad Thai, and Spicy Red Beef Curry. The recipes incorporate elements of classic Thai cuisine, but can be made with ingredients that are easily sourced. Sign up with Kate at 268-0343 or Marcrobiotic Cooking for beginners Fri., Aug. 26, 6-8pm $45 Learn what macrobiotic means and the basics of macrobiotic cooking. The first in a series, this class will focus on cooking brown rice, sesame salt flakes, miso soup and stock, bean cakes, steamed vegetable salad, and an agar agar dessert. Taught by Migiwa Kawasaki, who has completed the Macrobiotic Leadership program at the Kushi Institute in Massachusetts. Migiwa cooks at BriarPatch Coop, where she has developed macrobiotic dishes including the “Macrobiotic Bento” balanced meal box. Sign up with Migiwa, 470-3625/ 16 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Celebrating 35 Years, 1976-2011 Co-op Stories: Remembering our Washington Street store By Bill Drake I t was 1986 when I was hired at BriarPatch’s Washington Street store, the Co-op’s third location, bringing experience working at the Tree of Life Co-op in Auburn. I worked at the Washington store for almost seven years, and stayed through the early days at our next location at Joerschke Drive in the Brunswick Basin. I then returned to BriarPatch when we opened our present store. Several other current staff members also served the Co-op back in the Washington Street days. Hilary Dart, now our Volunteer and Demo Coordinator, was our manager for our entire time there, and Liz Streater, our present Wellness Manager, worked there as well. Bill Keogh, who now runs our Bulk Department, first worked at the Patch at Washington Street, as did Mary Lou Knapp, who is currently is book buyer and a cashier. The Washington Street era began in 1981, when BriarPatch moved there after a short-lived stay in a building on Nevada City Highway. This new home in downtown Grass Valley, a 2,280 square-foot building located a few blocks from the post office, had actually been a grocery store previously! For the first six months, Hilary was the only paid employee; she ran the store entirely with the help of volunteers. By the time I was hired in 1986, there were five or six salaried staff, and by 1992, when we moved to Joerschke Drive, there were about twelve. Less than a year after moving to Washington Street, the Board of Di- rectors took a great leap, making a hugely significant change to the Co-op’s structure. On March 15, 1982, BriarPatch changed from a members-only co-op to a store that was open to the public. Up to that point, the Co-op was always in the red. Finances were chronically dire, and it was a miracle that we even survived! Once we went public, though, sales got a big boost and we finally began to show a profit on a regular basis. In Hilary’s report to the Board in June 1982, she wrote, “Sales are good compared to the past at this time. I attribute that to being open to the public…All bills Co-op employees posed outside BriarPatch’s Washington Street store, c. 1986. Standing from left to right: Mary Kaminsky, Mary Lou Knapp, Laura Potkin, Hilary Dart, Liz Streater, Bill Drake; front: Susan Myers. Continued on next page The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 17 Celebrating 35 Years, 1976-2011 Continued from previous page are current.” (That year, gross sales for the month of July were $21,580, less than half of our current gross sales for a single day!) In November 1982, when George Burcham and Lois Bailey ended their terms on the Board, it was the first time that our Board did not have any of the original founders. After six years of enormous effort on the part of the BriarPatch pioneers, the cooperative was beginning to stand on its own feet. Fortunately for us, a number of those founders, such as David Bowman (member #1) and Harry Bailey (member #3), continued to help as volunteers, and most of our founders remained regular shoppers. All four of us current Patch employees who worked under Hilary on Washington Street remember her as a good manager who infused the Co-op with a feeling of stability through her years of continuous, selfless service. As Hilary pointed out, “People would seek us out because our prices were good, so we built a good customer base.” One thing that also helped us prosper was Hilary’s insistence that our staff receive training related to the running of a cooperative grocery store. We also learned how to price products better. Our vitamins and body care department also grew, which helped establish us as a wellrounded natural foods store. Many tasks at BriarPatch are now compartmentalized and computerized, such as cashiering and counting money. Back on Washington Street, though, although we each managed specific areas, things were quite different. As Liz recalls, “At that time we all did cashiering and buying, and we all counted the money at night, mopped the floors, closed the produce department… we all did it all!” One of my first memories as a new employee is of Mary Lou taking me to the bank at night to show me where to deposit the day’s proceeds. I can still see the black widow spiders that lurked under the bank’s deposit “drop”; banking was a dangerous job back then! The Washington Street store had a comfortable, “shopper friendly” feeling to it. Part of this was due to what was outside the building. There were nice fruit trees, and a fenced-in backyard that had a swing from a tree and shade – a really pleasant place where children could play while their parents shopped. We also had an inside play area. It has been gratifying to see some of these children from our Washington Street days grow up to become employees at our In November 1982, after six years of enormous effort on the part of the BriarPatch pioneers, the cooperative was beginning to stand on its own feet. present location. I remember when Joe and Suzi Figueira’s baby girl Cailah was born, and watching as she and our store grew together through the years. Not long ago, she left her job behind the cash register to have her own baby. Luke Wilson and Maggie McKaig’s son Bryn now works in our deli. Becky O’Connor’s daughter Shannon is an assistant manager in our Front End department, and Alice Harrell’s son Matthew is one of our cashiers. I have very fond memories of the Washington Street store’s neighbors, many of them elderly, who would come over to buy their milk and eggs. I especially remember Carmen, who lived next door and shared with us the challenges of growing older. For me, the sad thing about leaving Washington Street was seeing our neighbors lose their little neighborhood store. B riarPatch Liz Streater in 1990, holding a co-worker’s baby outside the Washington Street store. Liz, BriarPatch’s Wellness Department Manager, was recently honored for working at BriarPatch for 25 years. It was time to move on, though. Looking back, I can see that Washington Street was where we developed a good following and solidity as a quality natural foods co-op. It was on Joerschke Drive that we achieved consistent financial stability and the impetus of growth that propelled us to the stature that we have today. 18 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Co-op Business: Shopper Survey Results Shoppers (mostly owners) speak up in survey Here are some highlights from the responses: T he results are in! Thanks 600+ times to all who took the time to complete the survey. This feedback from shoppers is extremely valuable as BriarPatch staff strive to meet your needs. Who took the survey? Are you a BriarPatch owner? 97.7% yes, 2.3% no Product selection/variety Quality/freshness of products Prices Location of store/convenience Hours of operation Atmosphere ambiance of store Please choose the top five factors you consider when choosing where to shop for groceries. What is your gender? 82% female, 18% male Cleanliness of store Knowledgeable staff Friendly/courteous staff How long have you been shopping at BriarPatch Co-op? 10.1 years = 24.4% 20+ years = 18.6% 5.1-10 years = 19.9% 3.1-5 years = 16.9% 1–3 years = 16.1% Availability of brands I/my family likes All other responses Please mark up to three social issues that you think BriarPatch should champion. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with BriarPatch Co-op? Extremely Satisfied (51.3%) + Satisfied (42.1%) = 93.4% How well does the store meet your needs overall? Very well Well Somewhat well Somewhat poorly Poorly Very poorly No opinion Promote recycling Support development of other small businesses Provide nutrition education Support other co-ops Support local, sustainable agriculture Address local hunger problems Provide education on food safety issues Support efforts to protect/improve environment Make charitable donations to community organizations BriarPatch should not champion social or environmental issues All other responses The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 19 Co-op Business: Shopper Survey Results Is there anything else you want to say about BriarPatch? S hoppers gave 229 responses to this question. (Thank you to all of you.) Here is a sampling, chosen with an attempt to represent the diversity of viewpoints expressed. While there is not space in this newsletter to print responses to each comment, BriarPatch staff will address the major concerns in the upcoming months. Parking: “Looking forward to more parking.” “The parking lot for elderly folks is not very user friendly especially when pushing a cart.” Prices: “I’d love for the prices to go down… and I know how hard that is.” “I have done surveys of pricing and BP gets a bad rap. Whole Foods is usually higher priced as compared to same items as BP. As are Raley’s and Safeway… if you can find the products.” “Lower prices please!” “The new store is great and aside from so much inflation in food prices in general, I have no complaints.” Store and staff vibe: “Love ya’ll. I’m in here almost every day and I feel like part of the family.” “How Please rate BriarPatch in terms of how well it is meeting your needs with respect to the following store characteristics: about good management specifically relating to employee training in customer relations…?” “The employees are a lot of fun and wonderful to deal with.” “Well run, by people that care and employees who like their work.” “New” store: “I am proud to be a member and to volunteer at BriarPatch. I was skeptical about all the $s that were used for purchasing and building, but I see that it was an excellent decision and now reaping benefits for the store and the community.” How important are these features for shopping at BriarPatch Co-op? Product selection/variety Quality/freshness of products Prices Location of store/convenience Hours of operation Atmosphere ambiance of store Cleanliness of store Knowledgeable staff Friendly/courteous staff Availability of brands I/my family likes All other responses Very well No opinion Well Not important Somewhat well Somewhat important Somewhat poorly Important Poorly Very important Very poorly No opinion Patronage Member/ Ability to refund Owner vote for of the Member/ Board of Member/ business Owner Directors specials, Owner coupons, appreciation discounts days Other 20 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Co-op Owner Benefits & Meetings Food co-op movie needs owner support E ducation, participation, i nd e p e nd e nc e , and cooperation. These are four of the seven principles that guide food cooperatives in their mission of service to their communities. Food for Change, a work-in-progress documentary planned for release next spring, looks at how food co-ops manifest these principles in their day-to-day operations. The film takes a contemporary and social-historical look at cooperatives in the United States, exploring the three major periods in the growth of the co-op movement. The first wave of co-ops was a response to the financial collapse of 1929, as co-ops helped people band together for relief in hard times. The second wave we are more familiar with, as the counter-culture of the 1970s sought ways to express its newfound appreciation for wholesome foods and a connection to farming. The third wave? That’s the reality we are living at BriarPatch today, which actually combines the aims and motivations of the first two waves (which is interesting food for thought). The release of Food For Change is timed to coincide with the United Nations designation of 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives. The film will be shown in hundreds of locations across the country on the same day, sparking an invigorated national discussion of the cooperative vision – as good business as well as right action. To date, 64 co-ops in 25 states (including BriarPatch Co-op) have contributed nearly 40 percent of the budget needed to complete and distribute the movie. Your support as an individual co-op owner is needed as well. A great way you might “warm up” to making a contribution is to visit www.foodforchangemovie. com. There, you can watch the film’s trailer, view entire scenes, and then see if your head, heart, and wallet are in accord. Your investment in this documentary will help to communicate a deeper understanding cooperatives, which will vitalize not just BriarPatch, but the new wave of co-op growth, nationwide. Board of Directors Jeff Gold, President; Alan Weisberg, Vice President; Peter Lockyer, Treasurer; Malaika Bishop, Secretary; Mark Fenton, Rick Sheller, Louise Jones, Kerry O’Regan Owner Meetings BOARD MEETINGS Tue., Aug. 30; Tue., Sept. 27, 6:00-7:30 p.m. In the BriarPatch Co-op Community Room on the last Tuesday of the month. BriarPatch owners are welcome to attend. A Wine Crush Owner Meeting and Banquet Monday, October 17, 6pm Miners Foundry, Nevada City • free admission lasagne dinner $3 advance/$5 at door wine, beer, Italian sodas Where to find Board meeting agendas & minutes Agendas are p osted on the front inside bulletin board several days before meetings. Minutes are posted there about two weeks after meetings and online at www. Staff will make you copies upon request. League of Women Voters supports co-op election S incere thanks to Mary Dreifuss and Ruth Schwartz of the League of Women Voters’ Western Nevada County chapter, for counting the votes for the BriarPatch Board Director election in May. League volunteers have provided this service to the Co-op for several years, with efficiency and professionalism. Thank you League, from all BriarPatch’s owners. Learn more about the League at How to contact the Board Directors have BriarPatch email addresses consisting of their full first names and the first letter of last names followed by “”. Or send an email message to with “Board” in the subject, and staff will forward it to the Board Secretary or another Director as indicated. Or leave letters for Directors at the customer service window. Know and enjoy your BriarPatch benefits! Owners: find your August 10% Discount Voucher in this newsletter! Patronage Dividends For years with sufficient earnings, profits will be returned to owners in proportion to purchases.. Local Business Discounts Discounts on goods and services at 38 local businesses. The list is on the next page, page 21. Newsletter Ad Discounts Run a free classified ad and/or take a one-time $20 discount on a display ad in our bimonthly newsletter. Community Mindedness Join your friends and neighbors in showing your pride in co-owning a local business that supports our community. Volunteer Program Discount Earn a 10% discount by volunteering in the store with bagging, product sampling, or other jobs as available. Pick up a volunteer application at the Customer Service window. Special Order Discount Pay only the wholesale catalog price plus a handling charge when you order products in wholesale quantities (by the case or 6 each for Wellness Department items). Cooking Class Discount At In the Kitchen cooking school in Nevada City. See for class schedule and more information. The opportunity to be involved Vote for the Board of Directors and in other decisionmaking elections, run for the Board, and attend our annual Owner Meeting and party in October. Food Safety Alerts Notices of important food safety issues affecting BriarPatch shoppers are sent promptly via email. (To get on the list or update your email address, send it to or leave it at the Customer Service window.) The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 21 Co-op Owner Discounts OWNER BENEFITS These local businesses offer discounts to BriarPatch owners. Discounts vary. Please present your owner card prior to the transaction to receive the discount. Inquire about this cooperative promotional program with Mellisa at 272-5333 ext. 129 or MellisaH@briarpatch. coop. Goods HEALTH & HEALING Ambient Beauty Facials by Franceska Alexander 10% off products & treatments 530-265-8448 By appointment only Colfax Farm & Country Store 10% off purchase (most products) 140 Main St., Colfax • 530-346-2600 Country Wood Furniture 10% off merchandise except sale items & finishing; claim discount before orders are placed 116 W. Main St., Downtown GV 273-5375 Geronimo Pole Co. 5-20% off hand-peeled poles, custom log furniture, timbers, tipi poles, slabs, etc. 288-1000 NEW! Brian J. Breiling, Psy D, MFT, LPC Specializing in Emotional Transformational Therapy and Positive Psychology: individuals, couples, families 10% discount 530-478-9592 • Mowen Solinsky Gallery 5% off cash sales • 530-265-4682 225 Broad St., Nevada City Parts for Imports10%-15% off (except oil & selected special orders) 120 Joerschke Dr., GV • 272-3477 Sweet Diane’s Custom Wedding Cakes & Fine Catering with Diane Astarita 10% off • 692-1614 Tomes 10% off used books, CDs & DVDs 671 Maltman Dr., #3, GV, 273-4002 Weiss Brothers Nursery 10% off (except sale items) 615 Maltman Dr., GV • 273-5814 NEW! Dr. Jennifer Nelson Chiropractic, Nutrition, Bodywork, Ayurveda, HCG Weight Loss, Detox 10% discount on services 530-478-9592 NEW! Monster Gym Corporate rates (lowest available) 722 Freeman Lane, Grass Valley 272-7676 Antouri Chiropractic 10% off, cash patients only 563 Brunswick Rd. Ste.5, Grass Valley 273-6192 • Body Balance • Kung Fu & Tai Chi Free introductory package 151 Mill St., Grass Valley 530-477-0677 Debra Buddie, L.Ac. Acupuncture & Herbs 10% off all acupuncture treatments 913-6347 • Grass Valley California College of Ayurveda 10% off Bliss Therapies, Intern Consultations 700 Zion St., Nevada City • 478-9100 HEALTH & HEALING SERVICES Dr. Don Williams, DC 10% discount for existing patients, cash only $50 discount new patient services 530-271-5921 Carbright Auto Detailing Steam Cleaning & Paintless Dent Repair 10% off any service 273-5482 • 11671 East Main St., next to Humpty Dumpty Changing Spaces 10% off feng shui services 272-9128 Covert’s Pump Service 10% off labor 530-292-WELL (9355) Dawn Lorraine Conscious Skincare Organic Facials & Skin Products 50% off your first facial 265-9004 • Kimmel Electric • csl#914225 $25 off all repairs & remodels, new construction 530-432-1872 office Liz Fugman General Contractor #908963 Plumbing, electrical, carpentry, home repairs and remodels 10% discount on labor • 265-5151 Fast and Fit for Women Gym & Personal Training Studio $10 Off Enrollment Fee 530-273-5862 Form is Function 10% off all fitness classes, group or private 530-346-7631 office 510-393-2568 mobile Iris Holistic Counseling Services Donna Fisher-Jackson, M.A. 50% off initial counseling session 530-477-7863, Grass Valley Jacobson Chiropractic $40 follow-up visits Thursdays, cash only, please call for appointment 265-2220 • 194 Gold Flat Rd., NC Living Waters Colon Hydrotherapy 5% off packages & service 1097 E. Main St., Suite F, Grass Valley 530-274-9738 Synden’s Home Care 15% off house cleaning and elder care 530-798-9081 • 530-205-9764 South Yuba Club Corporate rates (lowest available) 555 Searls Ave., NC • 530-470-9100 Wilma Terrill, M.S., M.F.T. Marriage Family Therapy, Hypnotherapy & Children’s Issues 10% off sliding scale 265-3068 • 103 Providence Mine Rd., Ste. 104, Nevada City SERVICES Bardsley Safe and Lock 10% discount on labor 530-575-2100 Brian’s Electrical Service & Plumbing Repair Brian Puckett, 30+ years experience lic. #324214 10% off labor • 272-6241 Loma Rica Ranch Self Storage 6th month free 5x10 $55, 10x10 $75 530-273-0889 Sierra Consulting & Integrated Pest Management Tree Specialist & Agricultural Advisor 10% off • 432-7845 Veronica Monet, ACS, CAM Couples Consultant specializing in Anger Management & Sacred Sexuality 7% off in-person and telephone appts. 208 Providence Mine Road, NC 888.903.0050 SOLAR POWER Mountain Solar Consulting, sales, and installations of solar electric systems $250 credit toward system monitoring on your computer or 5¢/watt discount on photovoltaic modules 175 Joerschke Dr., Grass Valley 274-7355 / 763-7634 / 22 August/September 2011 The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter Classified Ads Co-op Connections Co-op Connections listings cost $20 per issue, $15 for BriarPatch owners. Email up to 5 lines — business/person’s name, 4 to 5 word description, contact information (phone number, email address, website), and owner discount (if any — not required) to mellisah@ For more information, call 272-5333 ext.129. CHILDBIRTH Sierra Homebirth Midwifery Services Jessica Mairs, LM, CPM Individualized, compassionate, and holistic midwifery care • (530) 273-7430 (H) (925) 457-4787 (C) TAI CHI Five Elements Community of Tai Chi Players Classes in Yang-style Tai Chi Chuan Tues and Thurs at 5 PM. New! Beginners Class Starts Tues Sept 13 • (530) 274 –3513 YOGA & MORE Dragonfly Yoga, Massage & Wellness Yoga classes for all levels in peaceful studio. First visit free! New! Prenatal Yoga 17328 Penn Valley Dr. Suite D, Penn Valley or contact Bonnie 530.432.6929 Yoga Sculpture with Jackie Gerster Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Wild Mountain Yoga Center • (916) 747-1415 Classified ads are FREE to BriarPatch current owners. The deadline for the October/November issue is August 2, 30 words maximum. Submit your ad to the newsletter by giving it to a staff person at the store or by emailing it to Mellisa Hannum, Please include your owner number. Ads may be run repeatedly. Renew by the first of the month preceding publication, by email or phone, 272-5333 ext. 129. BriarPatch staff reserve the right to edit ads or to reject any ads deemed unsuitable. A classified ad does not represent BriarPatch endorsement of the products or services offered. FREE Free. “Acorns And Eat ‘em,” a How-To Vegetarian Cookbook and Field Guide for Eating Acorns, by Suellen Ocean. Go to for information on obtaining a free download of the book. Hear Dr. Don Williams, DC speak on the subject of how to Be Free From Depression. BriarPatch Community Room, October 18, 7-8pm. 271-5921, CLASSES & EVENTS Double Oak Vineyards & Winery. Local mountain grown fine wine produced by nature-friendly farming. Double Oak Saturdays: wine tasting, picnicking & tours. Taste our award-winning wine at the State Fair Wine Grape Day, July 29th. (530) 292-3235. Piano Lessons in your home or my studio. (NC/GV area) Beginning to intermediate levels. Adult beginners especially welcome. Emphasis on music reading. Cathy Collings, B.A. in music from Oberlin College. 2726588. Piano lessons – experienced teacher loves to work with beginners (children and adults) and continuing or returning students. Certificate of Merit, National Guild Auditions. Jean O. Poff, Nevada City. 273-6875, Holistic Strength. Natural movement instruction that cultivates strength, speed, mobility, stability, endurance, resilience & balance. Eurasian folk wisdom meets cutting edge science. Contact Eric or Alison at (530) 346-7631,, Free public DVD Showing of Adyashanti 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month. Begins at 6:45 with silent meditation. Location: Sierra Center for Spiritual Living. Contact: or Jan (530) 273-5595. Book group - read memoir, fiction, spiritual narratives, and discuss how books are a connection between souls. Monthly. Writers especially invited. Preliminary meeting at Woolman, NC. Max. 10. Contact Elizabeth: Flute Lessons: all levels from Nora Nausbaum, many years experience teaching all ages in kind, patient, fun way. Flute Choir starting September 15 downtown location. 273-5489, More info: Enneagram in Relationship. Classes & Groups. Understanding the Enneagram can help you in relating with family, friends or partners. Come & have fun getting to know yourself and those you love better. Brian J. Breiling, Psy.D & Jennifer Nelson, D.C. (530) 478-9592. DANCE & MOVEMENT CLASSES African Dance Class. Thursdays 5 pm to 6:30 pm at St. Joseph’s Cultural Center, 410 South Church St., Grass Valley. Dances, rhythms, & songs of the Congo. Taught by Cai Sorlien. Live drumming by Kit Bailey. All levels of experience included. 288-3603. Dance your way to Fitness: Aerobic dance fusion, core conditioning, strength training class. MWF 8:45-10:15am Center of Arts, Grass Valley, upstairs in SDI. Call Jenn, 913-6877. 1st class free. Kra-Z Fitness located @ 354 Idaho Maryland Dr, opening July 13th, offering Zumba™ classes, Zumba™ toning and R.I.P.P.E.D classes. To find out more information regarding class times, visit Sarah Molaro. Reiki Energy Healing/Chakra Balancing. Beginning Ballet and Ashtanga Yoga Instruction. Classes and Private Lessons, barter options. 205-7698. Namaste. Fast and Fit for Women. Individual instruction. Daily small group trainings on balls to bands. Fast paced Super Circuit Tuesdays and Thursdays unique to us. One week FREE. 273-5862. YOGA CLASSES Yoga Sculpture taught by yoga teacher and competition bodybuilder Jackie Gerster at Wild Mountain Yoga Center. Build strength and flexibility. All student levels. Wed. 12:30-1:30 pm. (916) 747-1415. Iyengar Style Yoga with Ronnie Paul at Full Life Yoga Studio, Wednesdays 10:30 - noon. This class encourages thoughtful movement, respect of individual differences, and the meaning of yoga in daily life. 265-0478. Full Life Yoga Studio provides an island of serenity where 8 instructors teach a wide variety of classes for all age, body type, and ability level. Breathe, Release, Relax, Tone, Stretch, Feel, Live. 204 Providence Mine Road, Ste. 112, Nevada City,, 277-3783. The Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm, established in beautiful foothills of Grass Valley for 40 years, offers extended retreats, events, and daily classes on Eastern and Western holistic Yoga and meditation., MARTIAL ARTS Aikido’Ka. Aikido classes for students of all ages. Our classes emphasize fun, respect, fitness, self-defense, personal growth and non-violent dispute resolution. 142 E. McKnight Way, Grass Valley. 273-2727. www. SERVICES - BUSINESS, COMPUTER Project Simplify - Getting organized doesn’t have to be painful. Let it be easy. Call Shawn (530) 205-5775 or go to Apple Computer Specialist. Tutor, Install, Upgrade, Consult... and more. Tony, (530) 273-3106 Quality Editorial Services. Pitch perfect writing and editing for your business, academic, web, creative, or dream projects. I’m Robert Stephson. Visit me at Designs by Dwight. Custom website and graphic design. (530) 559-0977. SERVICES - GARDEN Sunnydaygarden. Time to update your beautiful living space? Food & Flowers. Good ideas and garden planning, consultation, design, planting, pruning, maintenance & mentoring. Sensible, creative, livable gardens. Kathy Laible, (530) 263-3709. A Women’s Touch Yard & Garden Design. Edible fall gardensstart them in August (broccoli for sure)! Seed starting, vegetable, flower & landscape bed installation. Maintenance, pruning, composting, mentoring & consultations. Randi Pratini, (530) 478-0800. Permaculture your homestead! Reduce food costs, improve water availability & quality, boost fertility & biodiversity, lower energy expenses, increase self-reliance, create abundance! 3-hour site evaluation $175. See details at Garvin’s tree service. Call me for all your tree needs, 263-9190. We also offer interior/exterior painting services, Lic. # 884378. Need Tree Work? Hook-less tree climbing licensed and insured. BriarPatch owner. Call Austin DeRock for free estimates, (530) 2776633. The Vine, BriarPatch’s Community Newsletter August/September 2011 Classified Ads Michael’s Tree Service: ISA Certified Arborist/State Licensed Contractor # 723619. Fully Insured. Serving Nevada County for over 18 years. Removals, trimming, consultations. Discount for BriarPatch owners. Call today for a free estimate. We care about your trees. 265-5724. Garden Consultations and Landscape Planning. Creative and practical advice on plant material and design, organic and sustainable gardening, drought and deer resistant landscapes. Susan Iversen, 273-2517. Garden with Nature. Tune into Nature’s wisdom while discovering your innate ability for integrative awareness. It’s fun! Workshops, coaching, and consulting available. Renee Wade, 292-0279. SERVICES - HEALTH & HEALING Got Drama? Wish he/she understood you? Want to stop the madness? Get relief now! Veronica Monet, ACS: Couples Consultant specializing in Anger & Sexuality. Telephone appointments & Nevada City office. 7% discount to members. (888)903-0050. Quantum Bio-Feedback for Spiritual Healing. God and Science in Harmony. Try “STU” Spiritual Tune Up! Deep Relaxation, Stress Relief, Chakra & Aura Sweep, Brain Wave Repair, Flower Essences, Gemstones, Essential Oils, Angelic Attunement. Feel like a “New You” and still be the “Old You”. Let me pamper you! Dr. Haripriya Dillon, ND, HolisticGift. Net, 432-2121. Reiki Master. Certified in Usui Shiki Ryoho healing system. Encompassing the whole mind-body-spirit in caring for your health. Releasing cumulative stress or addressing more serious health concerns. Serving the human, animal, and plant kingdoms. Doreen Domb, (530) 273-8394. Dr. Don Williams, DC. Gentle care for infants, children and adults. Specializing in functional neurology and mind-body healing. (530) 271-5921, Mindful Massage with Mieke Blees. Receive $30 off your first session. Thorough and specific work in a comfortable space. Relieve Headaches, Back/Shoulder/Neck pain, Sciatica, promote relaxation. Call (530)205-7071. Sleep Better. Think Better. Live Better. Relieve stress and pain, deepen sleep, improve memory, ease depression and anxiety. Effective for children’s learning and behavior problems. No Drugs! Reach your peak potential with neurofeedback. Free brain health newsletter & consultation. (530) 263-1413. Elevation Massage Therapy. Enjoy blissful, beneficial massage with Lillian Llacer, CMT. Soothing, deep tension release, effective pain relief, pre-natal, and sports massage. 20% discount for new clients, 10% off Tues/Thurs for owners. (530) 559-3115. A Caring Heart. Certified Personal Care Attendant. Cleaning, cook meals, taking you to appointments and errands, provide companionship, and other services you might need. Excellent references. $12 an hour. I am very honest. Marceline, 615-4018. LightStones. Crystal/Gemstone “Pharmacy” offers a wonderful selection of crystals, minerals & gemstones, hand-selected for your enjoyment. Showroom in Nevada City, open by appointment. Call Maraiel Ruth at (530)265-3159 for info. Are you 18 Yrs old or older & need a Marijuana prescription? Indicated for Intestinal disorders, Chronic pain,& stress. Call MFM, 268-8778; $95 initial exam & Certificate/ $50 annual renewal. Board Certified Internist. Additional 10% BP member discount. End of Life Coach for the terminal patient, spouse, family, and caregivers. Many thoughts, many feelings – when you need to talk, Rose Gander Pastor, Chaplain, caregiver, empath,, donation only. Art therapy/counseling for individuals, couples, families, and children. Professional counseling on a sliding fee scale. Contact Sue Cirillo, (530) 613-1383, art therapist and MFT intern. Supervised by Jennifer Hoffman MFT, lic. 44842. Improve brain function using neurofeedback and therapy. High success rate with ADD, brain injury, stroke, memory enhancement. Over 30 yrs experience: Erik Olesen, MFT, BCIA. 885-2673. www. Solid Ground Bodywork. Effective, focused orthopedic massage sessions with a holistic perspective. Deep, powerful and empowering yet gentle, supportive and very relaxing. Short sessions available. Glenn Smith, 478-0770. SERVICES - HOME Loma Rica Ranch Self Storage. Kent & Mollie Gallagher invite you to call our friendly resident manager, Barbara, 273-0889. 5x10 $55, 10x10 $75, 6th month free. Kimmel Electric CL #914225. Your licensed, insured electrician for repairs, remodels and upgrades. Upfront pricing & discount for BriarPatch members., kimmelelectric@, (530) 432-1872. Bardsley Safe and Lock. 30 years local experience. State Permit LCO4728. Service, re-key, or change combination on locks & safes. 10% discount on labor for BriarPatch members. (530) 575-2100. High quality handiworks. Plumbing, carpentry, electrical, general repair, remodels. Call Liz, Licensed General Contractor, for all your home improvement needs. (530) 265-5151. Ken Hale Piano Tuning, Repair, Regulation & Evaluation for home, schools, concerts. Call Ken, Registered Piano Technician, 272-8133. Mention ad for 10% discount. Handy Houseman. Small repairs, Household Projects, Tile Setting, Plumbing, Window Washing, Painting, Kitchen Remodels, Patios, Bathrooms, Showers, Kitchen Flooring, Electrical. Free Gutter Inspections. Isaac , $23/hour., 272-7488. For What It’s Worth. Alan Caisse, State Certified Real Estate Appraiser. Experienced, Honest and Accurate. Estate, Legal or Sale purposes. Nevada County Specialist. Conventional to the most complex - I’d be glad to help. Since 1988. (530) 470-8611. Heart to Heart Animal Wellness. At -Home Professional Pet Care Provider. Services include Animal Acupressure, Dog Walking, Companion Care for Special Needs and Senior Pets. Insured and Bonded. Let us care for the pets you love., (530) 559-5120 or 265-0954. SERVICES - MISC. Live Rock n Roll dance band for weddings and parties. Music from the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. Please visit our website, or call 432-1363. Rooms for rent in Squaw Valley cabin. 2 rooms in my home, bed and breakfast style. For more info: or call Cindy at 386-1985. Many nearby summer activities available. Travel: Costa Rica/eco adventures, Hawaii, Mexico, Caribbean, Europe; weddings/honeymoons, spiritual vacations. Personal travel experience-local resident for 34 years. Melanie (530)268-1756,, Need a ride to or from town, work, school, the train or bus station, or the Airport? Call Gold Country Cab and Courier. Ask about our $5, $10, and $15 rides. 274-8294(TAXI). Wedding Officiant Jinnae Anderson, Non-denominational Minister. Sacred, joyful weddings that you will cherish in the happy years that follow. Ceremony samples, coaching, advice. 17 years experience., 277-9642. FOR SALE Join CSA, Mountain Bounty Farm this summer! Organically grown Veggie and Fruit Shares available. Mid-season memberships are prorated and welcome. Sign up at or 2923776. Honeywell Hepa Air Cleaner Model 18150, $50/b.o.; gently used; includes extra new pre-filter & manual. Also selling Sunbeam Hepa Air Cleaner Model 2587/2588. Manual included; $20/b.o. (530) 274-9010 Chicago Park. 23 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Cedar Ridge, CA PERMIT No. 290 Sierra College Drive, Suite A Grass Valley, CA 95945 27 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Shoppers’ Forum What’s your favorite local food? I always look forward to the local heirloom tomatoes. – Lindsay Jim Gates’ beef, the vegetables from local farms, and Dinner Bell chicken… there’s too many choices! – Gordon and Heidi Blueberries and local honey. – Jenny Peaches. –Bob Blueberries from Penn Valley. Love the fresh greens. The closer they are to being picked, the more vital they are. – Jean Figs, eggs… the garden plants are my number one favorite. – Chris The cherries have been really good this year. – Mary
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