Herndon High School PTSA
Herndon High School PTSA
Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Hello Herndon, I long for the warm and sunny days of spring! We made it through February and hope the month of March will be kind to us. The snow days have taken a toll on our students and staff but we have remained steadfast in our commitment to accomplishing our academic goals that support student success. Within the next couple of weeks your student will select academic courses for next school year. Please continue talking to your student about the courses they are requesting. I also encourage you to take the necessary time to discuss your child’s short and long term goals because their goals should make a direct correlation with the courses they request for next year. Once a course is selected and a student begins class next year it will be difficult to make changes to the class schedule. Let’s make sure our students stretch themselves in order to reach their fullest potential. Principal’s Message - - - - - - - - 1 Experiencing challenging learning tasks is part of a successful student’s responsibilities. President’s Message - - - - - - - - 2 In the end, the feeling of achievement learners get will lead to bigger and better Political Science News- - - - —- - 3 accomplishments in the future! Government News - - - - - - - - - -3 Our spring activities are well underway. Daily, our tr ack, and ou r baseball, Special Education — - - - - - — - 4 softball, soccer, and lacrosse fields are buzzing with young Hornets who are preparing Special Education — - - - - - — - 5 for the upcoming season. Our students and teachers who participate in our Fine and French Dept. News—- - - - - - - - 5 Performing Arts programs are equally as busy. Before we know it many of our groups ANG News — - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 will be traveling to exciting destinations to participate in various athletic and Band Notes — - - - - - - - - - - - - -6 performance based competitions. Band Notes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7 NJROTC News- - - - - - - - - - - - 8 Our students, teachers and counselors have been working very hard and we are NJROTC News - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 witnessing great results. Even though colleges and universities just recently received Notes from the Clinic - - - - - - - -9 student’s 7 semester grades, many of our seniors are already receiving acceptances from Library News — - - - - - - - - - - -10 the colleges of their choice. Just like in year s past, m any of ou r students US/Gov’t News — - - - - - - - - - -11 plan to attend some of the most prestigious universities in the nation. Spring also Business Management News—-12 brings the season of testing to FCPS schools. Over the next two months we will HHS Spirit Wear — - - - - - - - - 12 administer thousands of SOL and AP exams. Although we strive to promote creativity HHS Spirit Wear — - - - - - - - - 13 and student engagement in the classroom and not have teachers “teach to the test” one HHS Spirit Wear — - - - - - - - - 14 cannot help but feel some level of anxiety when it comes to the SOL’s and AP’s. As you HHS Spirit Wear — - - - - - - - - 15 are aware our students need to earn a minimum of 6 verified credits, including 1 in Drama News—- - - - - - - - - - - - 15 English and math in order to graduate with a standard diploma and score a 3 on their HHS Spirit Wear — - - - - - - - - 16 AP exam for most colleges to accept the course as a college credit. We are confident that Grocery Rewards Programs—- -17 our students will be prepared for these upcoming exams and will perform well on them. PTSA Membership- - - - - - - - -18 PTSA Volunteers - - - - - - - - - - 19 On a final note, I would like to solicit every Herndon community member to continue Calendar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 providing their support and encouragement to the students and faculty at Northwest Federal Credit Union 20 Herndon High School. A gr eat deal n eeds to be acco m plish ed b etw een now and June and our students are bound to experience times of stress. If we work together we can overcome any hurdles and achieve much success as we wind down the 2015-2016 school year. Contents All Hornets are capable of success…. NO EXCEPTIONS! Sincerely, William L. Bates Jr. Principal & “Treasure Hunter” Herndon High School Herndon High School PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE With spring just around the corner hopefully we have experienced the last of the snow days and delays. Spring break is later this month! And m any in th e Class of 2016 are making decisions about their lives postHHS, while most students in younger grades have chosen their classes for next year. To help with that our HHS guidance counselors are great resources to h elp id entify and und er stan d the m any choices to be made through high school and beyond. I encourage students and parents to make use of our counseling resources. March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter It’s time to start working on our PTSA organization for 2016-17, and I invite all parents to get involved. We will need new parents to step in. We’ll lose several long-time volunteers when their child / children graduate in June, so a number of Officer positions and committee chairs will become vacant. Please help us continue to build on the strong PTSA that Our PTSA is active on many we have had for so long by filling one of those spots! Contact fronts. The All Night Grad our Volunteer Coordinator, Yelena Barth at yjbarth@cox.net committees are busy if you would like to step up or if you have questions. working preparing for the big night, and can always Thanks for all your support. We truly have an amazing use additional parent Herndon High School Community. volunteers to m ake gr aduation night a su ccess. The All-Night Grad celebration provides our students with safe, alcohol- and drug-free activities after the HHS Graduation (June 16). To r aise m on ey for this the All Nigh t Gr ad Committee is hosting a Parent Casino Night this Saturday March 5 from 7:00 p.m. to midnight at The Breeze, 781 Station Street in Herndon. Contact Lisa Alden, the All Night Grad coordinator at hhsang2016@gmail.com to If you have any questions, ideas or concerns, please let me help with this important event. know at walcorn@ce.org. Our next PTSA meeting will be March 10 at 7:00 p.m. – this month in the library, not the cafeteria. It w ill be joint meeting with the Hispanic PTSA (with simultaneous translation from English to Spanish provided) and the guest speaker will be the new School Resource Officer (SRO) Ann Tassey. Com e hear w h at th e SR O do es and w hat she does to keep HHS safe and secure. Everyone is welcome to attend. Go Hornets! Walter Alcorn HHS PTSA President walcorn@ce.org Thanks go to Kofi Annan, ch air of th e PTSA Diver sity Committee, for organizing a program which will be presented at the April 14 PTSA meeting. All are invited to the April PTSA meeting where we will hear from a panel on the topic “Exploring the Cultures of Families in Our Community”. Submissions for the HHS PTSA Newsletter may be emailed to: johnsdjje@verizon.net 2 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter POLITICAL SCIENCE NEWS Accolades to the following students who are the 2016 Political Science Interns!! Emily Moran ― Congressman Glen Thompson (PA-5) Lisa Eftekhari ― Congressman Ron Kind (WI-3) Tanya Singh ― Congressman Jose Serrano (NY-15) Braden Cutler ― Senator Tim Kaine (VA) Sabrina Tolbert ― Senator Tim Kaine (VA) Kayla Magee ― Congresswoman Susan Davis (CA-53) Lindsey Hill ― Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL-27) Katja Timm ― Congressman Raul Grijalva (AZ-3) Chris Lee ― Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (VA-10) Ryan Jasmann ― Congressman Pete Sessions (TX-32) Kaan Kramer ― Congressman Richard Neal (MA-01) Austin Leach ― Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (VA-10) Dina Benslama ― Congressman John Conyers (MI-13) Emma Benoit ― Senator John McCain (AZ) Gabi Kubi ― Peace Corps Antonia George ― Peace Corps Brad Ho ― Congressman Don Young (AK) GOVERNMENT NEWS The Honors Government class took a trip to Capitol Hill meet with Senator Tim Kaine (Virginia) for a question and answer session on the Capitol steps. Meghann Jones Political Science/Intern Coordinator AP US/Va Government 3 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter PARENT INFORMATION RELATING TO SPECIAL EDUCATION All these opportunities are free unless noted. The FCPS Parent Resource Center (PRC) helps parents of students with disabilities. It sponsors workshops, has a lending library, and has Liaisons to help parents solve problems. www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc; English: 703-204-3941; Español: 703-204-3955. Homework Help is available in the Resources ar ea (at the right) on the PRC website, organized by subject area, grade level, and topic. Get acquainted with these resources before your child needs them, so that you will know what is available and how to find it. www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc. Save the Date! FCPS 11th Annual Special Education Conference Saturday, April 9 at 8:00 a.m. ― 2:30 p.m. Hayfield Secondary School, 7630 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria. Attend this FREE conference to learn the latest in special education. Choose from over 40 workshops and many exhibits. Registration in February: www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc/index.shtml. Conference: Student Rights Initiative Application deadline: February 15 March 11-13 in Philadelphia, PA. Cost: $50 + travel and hotel. Students with disabilities will learn information on and effective strategies to enforce their civil right to equal opportunity in schools and beyond. Open to students age 14 and older. www.copaa.org/events/event_details.asp?id=748240&hhSearchTerms=%22Student+and+Rights+and+Initiative%22. Youth and Young Adults: Stronger Together Alternate Tuesdays until May 2016 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in Fairfax. Sponsored by Formed Families Forward, this peer-topeer support group for youth ages 14 - 22 meets twice a month through May. Parents, caregivers and guardians have their own meeting at the same time in the same building. Light dinner of pizza and salad will be served. Register: formedfamiliesforward.org/youth-together-peer-group/ or 703-539-2904. Coaching Adolescents about the Social Aspects of Sexual Development Wednesday, March 9, from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. at The Auburn School, 3800 Concorde Pkwy., Suite 500, Chantilly. Joshua Metz, LCSW will provide strategies for how to talk with your pre-teens/teens about the social issues connected to sexual development. Registration required: www.theauburnschool.org/forms.cfm?myForm=11022. What Works with Teens: Engaging Adolescents with Learning Differences to Achieve Lasting Change March 16 from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at The Lab School, 4759 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC. Learn how to engage authentically with teens, create an atmosphere of mutual respect, and use humor to establish a deeper connection so as to effect positive change. Register: www.labschool.org/lectureseries or 202-965-6600. Resources for Dyslexia Netw or king Call March 24 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. This PEATC-sponsored conference call is about dyslexia; where to find information about it, whether your child may qualify for special education, and how to connect with other families. Register: www.surveymonkey.com/r/TGTYCX5. CHADD: Childr en and Adults w ith Atten tio n Deficit/H yper activity Disor der Alexandria Parent Support m eets th e 4th Mo n day of each m onth fr o m 6:30 -7:30 p.m. at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 1301 Collingwood Road, Alexandria. Contact: Jenny Kennedy at adhdparentmountvernon@gmail.com. West Fairfax CHADD Parent Support Group m eets each 2n d & 4th Th u r s. at 7:30 p.m . in Roo m 201 at Fairfax Church of Christ, 3901 Rugby Road, Fairfax. Contact Sharon 703-716-4646 or clintob@aol.com. Oakton ADHD Parent Group m eets on th e 4th Tuesday each m onth at 7:30 p.m . at Oakto n Lib r ar y, 10304 Lynnhaven Place. Contact Maureen Gill: maureen@adhdcoachforparents.com. Support Group for High School Students with ADHD m eets th e fir st S unday of each m onth fr om 3:30 5:00 p.m. at 4031 University Drive, Fairfax (enter on South St. No parents!) Call 703-403-3335 to enter the building. Contact: coach@BrainRelief.org or 703-641-8940. (Special Education continued on page 5) 4 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter (Special Education continued from page 4) NAMI: Nation al Alliance on Mental Illness builds better lives for those affected by m ental illness. Oakton Family Support Group m eets on th e 1st Thur sday of each m on th fr o m 7:30 -9:00 p.m. in Room 9 of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, 2709 Hunter Mill Rd. Contact: Joanna Walker at 703-620-2633 or Joanna.naminova@gmail.com. For other Family Support Groups: www.nami-northernvirginia.org/families-and-friends.html. Planning for Long Term Needs of Persons with Mental Health Needs Friday, March 4, at 10 a.m. at The Arc of Northern Virginia, 2755 Hartland Rd., Suite 200, Falls Church. Formed Families Forward will join a panel discussion on how to access resources and prepare longer range plans for young adults with mental health needs. Registration required: thearcofnova.org/trust-presentations/ or 703-208-1119 x120. FRENCH DEPARTMENT NEWS On February 11th, our French 5/AP students had the great joy of hosting Merwan, Melanie, Ester, and David, the four French interns w ho had come this year to work at Herndon Elementary School. The Interns had a great time and were very impressed by Herndon High School. It was a great opportunity for students to show off their French and practice their communicative skills with French native-speakers. Students and interns also discussed current events and topics under study for the AP exam in May. Ophélie Butts World Languages Department Chairperson French 1, 3 & 5/AP French Honor Society Sponsor 5 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter CLASS OF 2016 NEWS ALL NIGHT GRAD 2016 If you are not familiar with All Night Grad parties (ANG), they are what the name implies; an all night long party for the recent graduates of the high school. The parties are customarily held on the night of graduation to provide a safe, supervised, and memoryfilled night in an alcohol-free and drug-free environment. Herndon High School will be hosting our ANG party June 16 from 10:30 p.m. to 4 a.m. at the Herndon Community Center. ALL stu dents atten din g r equ ir e a tick et r eser vatio n. TICKET RESERVATION FORMS Tickets are currently $60 which includes entry into the party, food and drinks, all activities provided (inflatable activities, casino games, massages, caricature artists, photo booth, money machine, and Alain Nu The Man Who Knows Illusionist), and lots and lots of prizes! FREE and REDUCED tickets are also available if your student qualifies for free or reduced lunch. Forms are available in the BLACK OFFICE and at the website www.herndonang.org. Payment is made to HHS PTSA DAFA via check or online via credit card using our PayPal link. PARENT CASINO NIGHT ― This is the BIGGEST fundraiser for ANG. It will be held Saturday March 5 from 7 p.m. ― midnight at The Breeze in Herndon. Tick ets ar e $40 in advance and $45 at the door . Tick ets ar e available for purchase online at www.herndonang.org. Enjoy a night of Black Jack, Texas Hold ‘Em, and Roulette as well as raffles, a Silent Auction, and food/drinks. Come out and support the Class of 2016! HHS ANG Casino Night Saturday, March 5 7:30 p.m. - midnight Mediterranean Breeze. We provide many FUNDRAISERS to support the ANG event including: Senior Yard Signs ($25) ongoing sales; available online or forms in Black Office Tervis Tumblers SOLD OUT - if interested email hhsang2016@gmail.com; if there is enough interest, another order may be placed Herndon Flags ($20) - available online or forms in Black Office Premium Seating Raffle ($5/ticket, $20/5 tickets) ― sit close to the stage to watch your graduate ― drawings monthly; available online or forms in the Black Office Upcoming Restaurant Nights: Tuesday, March 1 ― Manhattan Pizza, 21800 Towncenter Plaza in Sterling (in plaza near Dranesville Road/Rt. 7 intersection) from 3 – 9 p.m. Tuesday, March 8 ― Panera on Elden Street All are welcome at the next ANG planning meeting tentatively scheduled on Monday, March 7 from 6:30 ― 8 p.m. at The Breeze, 781 Station Street, Herndon. Lisa Alden BAND NOTES District Band In January, we were thrilled that these Herndon students were selected and participated in District Band: Wind Ensemble: James Adams (Sophomore, Principal Percussion); Jacob Reeves (S enio r , Per cussio n); and Aimee Toner (Senio r , Flute). Symphonic Band: Evelyn Showalter (Junior, Oboe and English Horn); Benjamin Clark (Senior, Trombone); Kevin Archambeault (Ju nio r , Eb and B b Clar in et); Abigail Witmer (S en ior , B b Clar in et); Carey Rice (Sen ior , Bb Clarinet); Angela Phelps (Senior, Trumpet); Simon Fogelson (Senior, Trombone); Shennan O'Day (Junior, Euphonium); and Jordan Sonderegger (Senior, Percussion) Alternate: Julia Picchiottino (Senior, Euphonium) (Band Notes continued on page 7) 6 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter (Band Notes continued from page 6) Four of these students have been invited to audition for All States. Wind Ensemble members James Adams, Jacob Reeves and Aimee Toner, along with Benjamin Clark fr om th e Sym pho nic Band, will audition for the All-Virginia Band on February 28. Herndon High also had the honor of hosting this year’s District Band event. It was held from February 4 to 6 and it culminated with a concert that included performances by the Junior Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble. Many thanks to the volunteers who helped make this event run smoothly! Drumline The Herndon Indoor Drumline has moved up a competitive class this year. Despite the fact that it was the first time the whole line had been able to perform the show in a gym together, they did well at their first competition on February 13! The drumline is adding more visual and sound to their show, “Bring the Heat,” and they expect to be on fire for their next competitions: March 5 at Powhatan HS and March 19 at South County and West Potomac HS. Guard The Indoor Guard won first place in their class at their first competition of the season at Potomac High School on February 6. They had a good showing at John Champe High School on February 21 as well. Out of 11 units, they placed 4th overall with a second place score in General Effect. Since the first place unit was promoted a class, that bumped Herndon’s Guard up to third place overall. This year's show is “Lord of the Dance.” Percussionist invited to Julliard Summer Program We are very excited to share the news that Sophomore Percussionist James Adams has b een accepted into th e Juilliar d Su m m er Percussion Seminar. Juilliard takes 16 advanced high school-age percussionists from around the world (not just the U.S.!) for this twoweek intensive camp, and the kids work directly with the Juilliard percussion faculty as well as with guest artists during their time there. Congratulations to James! Citrus Fundraiser The HHS Band Parents Association would like to extend their thanks to everyone who purchased oranges and grapefruits from a member of the band. The money raised from our citrus sales will help reduce the cost of our band students' spring trip to Boston. Open Positions on Band Parents Association Board and Subcommittees There are several Board and Subcommittee positions that will be vacant next year. If you will have a child in band next year, please consider volunteering. This is a wonderful way to get involved, share many rewarding experiences with your child and make new friends too. Please go to the Herndon High School Bands website at www.herndonband.org for descriptions of the available positions and information on how to sign up. Upcoming Events: March 1 – Pre-Assessment Concert in the HHS Auditorium at 7 p.m. March 5 – Indoor Drumline competition at Powhatan High School March 11 – Symphonic Band State Assessment March 12 – Wind Ensemble State Assessment March 19 – Indoor Drumline competition at South County and West Potomac March 31 to April 3 – Band trip to perform in Boston April 16 – The Pride of Herndon marches in the national Cherry Blossom Parade 7 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter NJROTC NEWS The Mark of Excellence: HHS’s Navy Junior ROTC ― Demonstrates Discipline and Preparedness “Commander, United States Navy, arriving!” announced a Herndon cadet on Friday, January 15th as Commander Ross Piper, U.S. Navy, w as p iped aboar d. Com m ander Pip er then join ed his Geor ge W ash ingto n Un iver sity (GWU) ROTC staff and midshipmen in the gymnasium, where the Herndon High School Navy Junior ROTC cadets were formed, ready, and at attention. This marked the beginning of the Herndon Corps of Cadets’ Annual Inspection, an all-day event highlighting the corps’ accomplishments and emphasizing its discipline and preparation. After the Herndon cadets presented the colors and the National Anthem, the GWU ROTC staff and midshipmen kicked off the day with a Uniform Personnel Inspection (UPI). Attended by cadet parents and Director of Student Activities Jonathan Frohm, the p er son nel inspectio n focused o n u nifor m w ear and military bearing as well as required knowledge about the chain of command, military rank, and the 11 General Orders. The UPI also recognized seventeen cadets for their exemplary appearance. Herndon High School’s Navy Junior ROTC cadets are formed and ready for inspection. “Commander Piper asked me a really tough question during the inspection,” shared a first year cadet. “Unfortunately, I confused two things, but Commander Piper made sure I understood what was what. Even though I wasn’t perfect, I found the personnel inspection a great lesson in the importance of discipline and preparedness, especially in pressured situations.” Being prepared for the Annual Inspection is paramount, especially for the unit’s Senior Staff members, as the GWU staff and midshipmen spent the remainder of the day reviewing the Staff’s goals for last year and this year to see what progress the Staff had made in the 125-person unit. “Serving in a Senior Staff leadership position is like having a part-time job with really high expectations,” explained one of the four-year cadets. “For the Annual Inspection, Senior Staff members spend extra hours preparing briefings, double checking records, cleaning workspaces, etc. in addition to the time normally required of their positions. Everyone must demonstrate the During inspection, cadets must be prepared to answer highest discipline, and everything must be organized and prepared perfectly.” any posed question with confidence. Every other year, the U.S. Navy requires that each of its Navy Junior ROTC units undergo a detailed inspection by the Area Manager, and, the alternating year, another senior officer, such as Commander Piper, conducts a similar but less detailed inspection called an Offsite. The Offsite focuses primarily on drill, uniform inspection, and unit goals and accomplishments. This year’s highlighted accomplishments include increased unit membership, a successful fundraising campaign, a fall orientation trip, multiple community service events, and competitive and awarded teams, such as the cadet-led physical training, drill, and rifle teams. Commander Piper praised the cadets for their hard work and gave them an excellent report. Naval Science Instructors, David Adler, Captain, USN (retired) and John Maness, Senior Chief, USN (retired) thank Commander Piper and his GWU ROTC staff and midshipmen for their time and mentorship of the Herndon cadets. A Marine Master Sergeant inspects a Navy Junior ROTC Platoon Commander. Note: Photographs by Robert Maxwell courtesy of Herndon High NJROTC. (NJROTC continued on page 9) 8 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter (NJROTC continued from page 8) Herndon’s Top Shot Competes in Navy National Championship Allison Maxwell, a senior at Herndon HS, made Herndon Navy JROTC history. For the second year in a row, she competed in the Navy JROTC Service Championship, held February 18-20, 2016 in three regions throughout the United States, including Camp Perry, OH, where Maxwell competed as an individual representative of Area 5, composed of units in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. Out of a national field of over 2,800 Navy JROTC marksmen who shot the qualification match, she received her invitation after finishing second in Area 5’s Secretary of the Navy Postal Competition. She is now ranked 22nd among all Navy JROTC marksmen in the nation. Cadet Maxwell added, “I am so grateful to the Herndon Navy JROTC for providing me the opportunity to learn a new sport and to compete at the national level. It has made me a better leader and student, and it has opened many doors for me.” Maxwell plans to attend college next year and study biology, psychology, and neuroscience. She hopes to become a pediatric neurosurgeon. Cadet keeps her cool during the intense 10 shots standing/50 seconds per shot finals at Camp Perry, OH. Note: Photographs courtesy of HHS NJROTC. Herndon High’s Navy Junior ROTC is for anyone interested in real leadership experiences, teamwork, and/or high-level competition. There is no military commitment. To learn more about this outstanding program, please contact David Adler, Captain, USN (retired) at (703) 755-5710 or dbadler@fcps.edu. Maxwell celebrates with Herndon Navy JROTC cadets after the October 2015 Herndon Homecoming Parade. NOTES FROM THE HHS CLINIC Dear Parents, Greetings from the clinic. Now that you have dug out of all that snow, I just want to send a couple of reminders. It is still flu season and the infection is peaking in Virginia. There is still time to get your flu shot! In addition: I understand that it is difficult to talk sense into teens, but it is very helpful if you do the following: Please keep your student home if he/she is sick. It’s difficult to learn when you have to concentrate on being sick. A student who is sick shares germs with everyone around him/her. Students should be fever free (without meds) and not have been vomiting or had diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school If your student will need medications you may check the HHS web page under Student services and “Clinic Corner” for links to the FCPS med regulation and forms to download. Or you may call Robin Weinstein in the clinic at 703-810-2210. If you follow the news, you know that the Zika virus is circulating in the Caribbean and has reached the southern U.S. You can find the most reliable information at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/hd or at www.cdc.gov. In order to keep down the populations of these mosquitos (who do live in this area), start now to remove or overturn any containers that can harbor standing water. With Spring Break rapidly approaching, be sure that you plan ahead if you are traveling in that direction. Remember to bring along plenty of mosquito repellant and long pants and shirt sleeves so you can cover up and protect yourself from these voracious insects and the viruses that they harbor. Virginia Wilkinson MSN, RN, NCSN, School Public Health Nurse Robin Weinstein School Health Aide 9 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter LIBRARY NEWS Snow days just make the library an even busier place when we return! For example, in January and February, despite the snow delays, the librarians taught research skills to all of our seniors while also providing computers for student testing and teaching spaces for classes displaced for various reasons. We support all research efforts and encourage students to use the library independently before school (we open by 7:00 a.m.), during Stinger and lunches, and after school (we are open till 3:30 p.m. on Mondays and 4:00 p.m. on Thursdays). This year PTSA awarded us a mini-grant w hich w e just used to pur ch ase additio nal audiobooks for our students. Titles include “Maze Runner”, “Titanic” and “Space Taxi”, among others. Spring break is coming up in about a month. Do you and your child have plans to read a good book over that break? Have your child talk to us or go to the public library for a recommendation. Books & Authors, one of our Gale databases, can help you find books (http://bna.galegroup.com/bna; the password is available on our Blackboard course). Encourage your child to read something fun over the break! Better yet, read something together and discuss it. The American Library Association announced the Caldecott, Newbery, and Printz awards in February. “Last Stop on Market Street”, written by Matt de la Peña, illustrated by Christian Robinson, won this year’s Newbery Award. “Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World’s Most Famous Bear”, illustrated by Sophie Blackall, written by Lindsay Mattick, took the Caldecott Medal. The Printz Award for young adult literature was first given in 2000. This year, Laura Ruby earned this award for “Bone Gap.” Three exciting events are quickly approaching. The 3rd annual NoVA Teen Book Festival will take place on Saturday, March 5, at Washington-Lee High School in Arlington. As their website states, “NoVa TEEN Book Festival is a FREE festival celebrating Young Adult (YA) fiction. It’s a day-long event packed with books, authors, and activities.” They always have had a fantastic line-up of authors whose sessions are entertaining and enlightening. This year is no different—the 24 authors will be flying in from all over the country to inspire the students and adults who attend. If you are a fantasy fan, chances are you’ve read some of Holly Black’s work—she’s the keynote speaker this year. Historical fiction fans will recognize Jennifer Donnelly’s name. And Jason Reynolds and Brendon Kiely, whose “All American Boys” just won a Coretta Scott King Honor and has been getting all sorts of press from NPR and the New York Times, will be in attendance. Additionally, here in the library we will celebrate National Library Week, April 10-16, and w e’ll host a Poetry Café at the end of April for National Poetry Month. Please stay tu ned to ou r B lackbo ar d cour se for information about these events! Like us on Facebook at Herndon High School Library or follow us on Twitter @HHSLibrary for other updates. On a final note, we want to thank and recognize our wonderful volunteers. These friends of the library have been instrumental in maintaining an orderly collection and helping out in so many other ways. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Ms. Wolfe at mewolfe1@fcps.edu. Thank you, Mary Wolfe and Kim Dare Librarians 10 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter US/VIRGINIA GOVERNMENT NEWS Students tour the Frederick Douglass House Students visit the Lincoln Memorial and Museum. Students visit the Korean War Memorial Douglas Graney NBCT Social Studies Teacher Students visit the African American Civil War Museum. 11 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter BUSINESS MANAGEMENT VIRTUAL ENTERPRISE CLASS Dear Parents and Friends of Herndon High School: We are enrolled in Mrs. Thomas’s Business Management Virtual Enterprise Class at H er ndon H igh School. This class is similar to the television show “Shark Tank”. We create a company, write a business plan and then defend that plan before several panels of judges. Our company officers and employees have specific roles that relate to responsibilities they would have in the business world. In this class students explore the roles of business in the free enterprise system and the global economy. We also study how the American economy operates and prepare to make decisions as consumers, wage earners, and citizens by working together to design a business which operates virtually over the internet through participation in the program Virtual Enterprise International. The method of instruction is a simulated business operation. Together we determine the nature of our business, its products and/or services, and its management and structure. Students in our class engage in a variety of specific activities ranging from marketing and research, advertising, buying and selling products or services, paying wages and taxes, managing personal finances, as well as negotiating loans with the Central Bank. This year our Business Management Virtual Enterprise class identified one of the top concerns high school students have today — how to pay for college. W e cr eated the co m pany Scholar ME. S ch olar ME is similar to “match.com” but instead of matching people with relationships, we match students with scholarships. Our company has an extensive online application that connects high school and college students with available scholarships. On December 17, 2015 our students participated in the Virginia Business Plan Defense competition. As a result of an outstanding performance, the class was awarded 1st Place and will represent Herndon High School and Virginia in the International Competition in New York City April 16-19. The international events will include three competitions. In the first competition, our CEO, COO, CFO, CHRO, CMO and CTO will Defend our Business Plan as seen on “Shark Tank”. In the second competition, our employees will be put on teams with students from the United States and 10 other countries and will be given a Harvard Case Study to solve and present before a panel of judges. The last competition is a Trade Show where over 400 student-run companies will sell their products or services. As a class, we need to raise $11,000 in order to represent Virginia in the international competition in New York City. W e ar e ask in g you to par tn er w ith us an d m ake a tax deductible don atio n to H er ndo n High School for the Business Management Virtual Enterprise Class. Checks may be written to “Herndon High School” with a memo “Business Management”. As part of our fundraising activities, you may be interested in our ScholarME Poster. If you would like, we will acknowledge your support by putting your company logo or name on the ScholarME Poster that is being created. You will receive a copy of the poster and can proudly display it showing your support for budding entrepreneurs. Thank you for your time and THANK YOU for your support! Please contact Mrs. Kathy Thomas, Business Teacher with any questions (Kathy.Thomas@fcps.edu or 703-810-2405). ScholarME Employees—Mrs. Thomas’s Business Management Virtual Enterprise Class HHS SPIRIT WEAR Herndon High School Sports Boosters offer a wide variety of Herndon High spirit wear and car stickers for sale. Browse the next four pages to see pictures of many great items that are for sale. You may print out and return the order sheet on page 12 or go to the sports booster website. Hot off the press and available now are the new HERNDON ALUMNI and youth tees! 12 Herndon High School 13 March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School 14 March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter Hornet Baseball Hornet Basketball Hornet Cheerleading HHS Class of 16 Hornet Family Hornet Field Hockey Hornet Football Hornet Golf Hornet Robotics Hornet SGA Hornet Soccer Hornet Softball HHS Class of 17 Hornet Gymnastics State Champions HHS Class of 18 Herndon Hornets Hornet Step HHS Class of 19 Hornet Color Guard Hornet Ice Hockey Hornet Indoor Track Hornet Swim-Dive Hornet Swimming Hornet Cross Country Hornet Lacrosse Hornet Tennis Hornet Dad Hornet Latin Club Hornet Track-Field Hornet Dance Team District Champions Hornet Mom Regional Champions Hornet Volleyball Hornet Wrestling HERNDON DRAMA NEWS Congratulations to Carly Shaffer (10), whose Cappies review of Woodbridge High School’s production of “A Streetcar Named Desire” was forwarded to the Lorton Star for publication! The Advanced Drama class had a great production of “Mill Girls” by Eliza Anderson at this year’s VHSL competition on February 5th. Congratulations to Student Director, Patrick Hammes (12), and the cast and crew on a great performance of “Cinderella: The Oldest Story Ever Told” which played to a standing room only house on February 13th. Cheer on the Intermediate Drama class as they take a 25 minute production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” to the Folger Shakespeare Festival in DC on March 9th at 11:30 a.m. Come support the ESOL Drama class’ reader’s theater production of “La Leyenda de Kiki Koki/The Legend of Kiki Koki” at the Hispanic PTSA meeting on March 11th. Don’t miss “Legally Blonde: The Musical” based on the movie! Performances are April 22 & 23 @ 7:30 p.m. and April 24th at 2 p.m. Recommended for ages 13+. Thank you! Morganne Davies Drama Teacher herndondrama.org Cinderella cast and crew. 15 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School 2015-2016 Sports Booster Order Form (if more than 1 color choice listed please mark 1st and 2nd choice in case supply/size is out of stock) Item Description Adult Shirts Circle Size Circle Color Price Short Sleeve (Hornet) Short Sleeve (Herndon Mom) S, M, L, XL, XXL Ladies S,M,L,XL,XXL Black, Red, Gray Red (shirt is a v-neck) $10.00 $15.00 Short Sleeve (Herndon Dad) Men M, L, XL, XXL Red $15.00 Short Sleeve (Herndon Alumni) S, M, L, XL, XXL Red $15.00 Long Sleeve (Hornet) S, M, L, XL, XXL White, Red, Black $15.00 Polo Shirt Short sleeve Ladies S,M,L,XL,XXL Men M,L,XL Red/Black Accent $35.00 S, M, L, XL, XXL S, M, L, XL, XXL S, M, L, XL, XXL S, M, L, XL, XXL White, Gray, Black Black, Red Red Black or Red $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $50.00 S, M, L Red $10.00 S, M, L, XL, XXL Black $15.00 Black Red Black White Black Black $12.00 $20.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Red $5.00 $12.00 $5.00 $4.00 $5.00 $4.00 $12.00 $40.00 (Embroidered/wicking material) QTY Total Hoodies, Sweats, Jackets Hoodie-Herndon Crewneck Sweatshirt (Hornet) Crewneck Sweatshirt (w/out hornet) Jacket, (Embroidered) Youth/Children Shirt Short Sleeve (Hornet) Shorts Mesh long shorts Hats/Scarfs Fleece Headband (Hornet) Baseball Hat Deluxe (H) Baseball Hat Adjustable (H) Sun Visor Knit Ski Cap (H) Scarf, Fleece (H) Other Items License Plate Holder String Backpack Herndon Lanyard Hornet Car Magnet Vinyl Car Sticker Window Decals/Stickers Infant Onesie Hornet Blanket (4 in 1) (limited supply) while supplies last (Round) Herndon Hornets w/Hornet White specify sport/ “class of” 12m, 18m, 24m (cushion/pillow/blanket/tote) White Item is red & black Name:___________________________________________________TOTAL DUE:________________ Phone number:_________________________Email:________________________________________ To order: Mail completed form with payment to: In Stock clothing orders and payment received by Friday, can be picked up the following Monday after 2:00pm at HHS Main Office. Julie Saylor 1364 Butter Churn Drive Herndon, VA 20170 *You will be emailed if something is out of stock/if there is a wait for your items* Checks are to be made payable to HHS Sports Boosters. Payments cannot be left at HHS Main Office and must be mailed. Jsaylor@verizon.net Questions? Contact Julie at: Jsaylor@verizon.net or 703-444-5897 16 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter REGISTER YOUR SHOPPING REWARDS CARDS FOR 2015-2016! Hey Hornet families, Now is the time to register your shopping rewards cards! HHS earns lots of money and rewards from these annual programs but you need to register each and every year. Don’t waste a minute because the money HHS earns adds up quickly from your shopping! Programs that have cards you can link to HHS are outlined below. Harris Teeter – Together in Education/TIE: Program runs from 8/ 1/15 – 5/31/16. Please register your VIC card now at: http://www.harristeeter.com/community/together_in_education/link_to_your_school.aspx. **Thru September 29, Harris Teeter is running a Re-Link your VIC card sweepstakes** Additionally, Harris Teeter has a special opportunity for HHS to earn an extra $50 if you: a) Link your VIC card to HHS; and b) shop in the Express Lane between September 9 and November 3 spending $100 with in a single visit each week for five weeks (out of the eight week time period). If you are linked to more than one school (5 schools is the maximum), the $50 will be split among the schools to which you are linked. Giant – A+ for the students: Program runs from 10/9/15 – 3/17/16. Please register your GIANT card now at: https://giantfood.com/aplus/register/?_requestid=1885890. Target Red Card – Take Charge of Education: Program runs year round. Please register your TARGET Red card now at: https://www-secure.target.com/redcard/tcoe/enroll. As of September 7th, HHS PTSA has already accumulated $736.72 towards our next check from Target! The Number of Target Red Card holders who have designated HHS PTSA is 80. Remember - The more people that designate HHSPTSA, the more FREE MONEY we can earn! AMAZON.COM: If you use our link to make purchases at Amazon.com, a portion of each purchase price can be donated automatically to Herndon PTSA, at no cost to you! This is a FREE way to support the kids! IT IS EASY! Check it out at: smile.amazon.com and be sure to designate HHS PTSA! If you have any questions or need help registering your card, please contact Julie Saylor at jsaylor@verizon.net o r 703-444-5897. Thank you for your support! 17 Herndon High School March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter http://herndonptsa.org/membership/ 18 Herndon High School 19 March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School HERNDON HIGH SCHOOL CALENDAR NORTHWEST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Business Partner (Events subject to change, please consult HHS PTSA website for latest upd ates.) PTSA Member Benefit March 2016 1 5 7-10 10 10 21-25 28 Student Holiday—Presidential Primary ANG Parent Casino Night, 7 p.m.-midnight, The Breeze English Writing SOLs Last day for course change requests PTSA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., library Spring Break Student Holiday April 2016 14 21 22 PTSA Meeting, 7:00 p.m., cafeteria 2 hour early release, end of Third Grading Period Student Holiday March / April 2016 PTSA Newsletter Northwest Federal Credit Union, a Herndon High School business partner since 2008, offers student services such as certified education loans, free First Checking, FirstCard Visa Platinum, 33,000+ free ATMs and 5,100+ locations nationwide. Members of the Herndon High School PTSA and their families may join Northwest Federal by opening a savings account with $5 or more. Join online at www.nwfcu.org and select “Herndon High School PTSA” as your qualifying organization. Call 844-709-8900 with questions or visit Northwest Federal’s Herndon Branch at 200 Spring Street. Northwest Federal Credit Union Foundation NWFCU and the NWFCU Foundation are proud to partner with HHS. The NWFCU Foundation supports the teachers, staff and students at HHS with an annual grant to fund staff professional development and technological upgrades. Since the partnership was formed, the NWFCU Foundation has awarded over $30,000 in grants to HHS. The NWFCU Foundation also provides volunteers for test proctoring and supports numerous other events throughout the school year. All Hornets Are Capable of Success, No Exceptions! Scholarships The NWFCU Foundation awards scholarships to deserving students who demonstrate leadership, dedication and commitment in school, at home and in the community. Since 2006, 13 HHS graduates have received $60,500 in Ben DeFelice Scholarships a w a r ded by NW FCU Foundation. For scholarship information, please visit www.nwfcufoundation.org. NWFCU Foundation 200 Spring Street Suite 130 Herndon, VA 20170 844-709-8900 20
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