Herndon High School PTSA
Herndon High School PTSA
Herndon High School September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Dear Hornet Community, Welcome back Hornets! Our faculty and staff are very excited to have you back for another stimulating school year. I hope you all had a restful and relaxing summer and you are now ready to continue your academic journey at Herndon High School. This year we will continue with PBIS and Kids At Hope. In year three of Kids At Hope the HHS adults will help you to Mental Time Travel. We have a lot of fun and exciting activities planned for you through the Teacher Advisory period. Additionally, you will learn about the changes we made to our local grading policy which includes a 50% floor for failing grades. The Herndon staff believes that through these efforts we will be able to offer each of you even greater levels of Principal’s Message - - - - - - - - 1 support for your success. President’s Message - - - - - - - - 2 PTSA This ’n That - - - - - - - - - -2 Whether you’re a freshman or senior, I am counting on you to be an integral member of Notes from the Clinic—- - - --—-3 the school community. Part of being a community includes your participation in the Hornet Wellness - - - - - - - - - - -3 various co- and extra-curricular activities we offer, while balancing your class work. I Art Department News—- - - - - - 4 guarantee that you will find other students and teachers who share your passions. So French Department News - - - - 4 keep your eyes and ears open to learn about exciting fine arts and athletic opportunities The Germans Are Coming - - - - 5 available to you! The Germans Are Coming- - - - -6 Grocery Rewards Program- - - - 7 Education is a partnership that cannot occur without the support of every staff member, Band Notes—- - - - - - - - - - - - - -8 every parent, and just as important, YOUR commitment to excellence. Band Notes -—- - - - - - - - - - - - -9 Class of 2016 News—- - - - - - - - 9 Part of your commitment includes studying daily, doing your work and attending school NJROTC News - - - - - - - - - - - 10 on time each day. Studies show that there is a direct positive correlation between good Special Education News- - - - - -11 school attendance and high student achievement. Being at school each and every day, Special Education News - - - - - 12 along with the concerted effort you will put forth in your classes, will help you become a Class of 2018 News - - - - - - - - 12 superior student. PTSA Membership- - - - - - - - - 13 PTSA Volunteers - - - - - - - - - - 14 I am extremely proud of the progress we are making in so many areas here at Herndon Calendar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -15 High School. Our young Hornets continue to achieve at high levels and have Northwest Federal Credit Union-15 consistently shown incredible growth in their classrooms, on the athletic fields and the performance stages. Clearly, when we work as a community and when we all understand our responsibilities, we will continue to soar even higher this year. Contents Thank you for being responsible and accountable for your own choices and actions, and thank you for maintaining the Hornet Pride we all exemplify. I look forward to working with all of you as we continue to make Herndon High School an even better place to learn. All Hornets Are Capable of Success, No Exceptions! Sincerely, William L. Bates Jr. Principal & “Treasure Hunter” Herndon High School Herndon High School PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year! Whether this is your first year in the Herndon High School (HHS) community or your student is a HHS veteran, the PTSA extends to you and your family a special welcome. We hope you will take the opportunity to get involved with your child’s education at Herndon – these years do not last long! As our students grow up to become adults our respective roles definitely change. But engagement by both students and parents is an important key to success. September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter The PTSA meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria (ch eck our website for any changes). Our next meeting will be October 8, at 7 p.m. Everyone is always welcome to attend all of our monthly PTSA meetings! It’s a great way to find out about what is happening at HHS, network with other parents, and hear from Principal William Bates. Thank you to all who have volunteered so far, and if you haven’t but are interested please contact us at herndonhsptsa@gmail.com or contact our 2nd Vice President/volunteer coordinator, Yelena Barth, at yjbarth@cox.net. Also, you m ay con tact m e w ith questions, suggestions or concerns at walcorn@ce.org. Go Hornets! Walter Alcorn HHS PTSA President walcorn@ce.org The PTSA serves as a booster organization for the school to support its overall academic mission. It provides a forum for parents and students to be a positive influence on school life, and to help everyone keep up with what’s going on in the school and the larger Fairfax County education community. Here are a few of the activities supported by the HHS PTSA: PTSA “THIS ‘n THAT” On September 19, HHS PTSA successfully completed the PTSA audit for 2014 – 15 school year. Audit results are available for all members to view on the website. Drug and Alcohol Free Activities (DAFA), most notably, the All Night Graduation party Support for parents, teachers and students through Teacher Mini-Grants, staff breakfasts, support at Back-to-School Night, a student/parent directory, parent and student educational programs, scholarships and other support activities Monthly PTSA meetings to lear n about an d provide input into key topics regarding school administration and plans including the upcoming renovation (be sure to vote for the school bond referendum this November!), FCPS academ ic policies and the overall functioning of HHS We still have a few open positions on the PTSA board. We are in need of a Parent Education chair and a Cluster Coordinator. If you ar e inter ested or h ave questions about these positions, please contact 1st VP Volunteer Coordinator, Yelena Barth at yjbarth@cox.net. As many of you know, Picture Day didn't go as smoothly, as it should. In the future, HHS PTSA will work in closer cooperation with the school and photographers to ensure better results. Please visit HHS PTSA table at Back-to-School Night on September 29th beginning at 5:30 p.m.! Meet the Board, sign up for membership, get on the list for news and announcements, ask questions... Your interest doesn't automatically assume involvement in the PTSA, but it can boost your child's high school years in numerous ways. We'd like to meet you and hear from you! It’s not too late to join the PTSA and get involved. You can find our membership and volunteer forms in this newsletter or at http://herndonptsa.org/. Both sign-ups may be completed online or on paper. Look for the PTSA table at Back-to-School Night Tuesday, September 29, beginning at 5:30 p.m., w her e yo u m ay sign up on the spot. Thanks to those who have already joined online or sent in your forms! Yelena Barth 1st VP Volunteer Coordinator yjbarth@cox.net Of course, the PTSA is not the only worthy organization deserving of your time and energy. Many booster organizations will be on hand beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Back-to-School night to answ er questions, sign up students and parents in the organizations and sell spirit wear. Whatever activities your student engages in, the most important thing is to take advantage when the opportunity arises. Submissions for the HHS PTSA Newsletter may be emailed to: johnsdjje@verizon.net 2 Herndon High School September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter NOTES FROM THE CLINIC Dear Parents, Welcome to the new school year! I’m sure I speak for Mrs. Weinstein as well when I say that we hope for a healthy and successful school year for all. Our goal in the clinic is to keep your child (ren) safe, in class, and ready to learn. We will be doing our hearing and vision screening for all of our 10th graders and new to FCPS students early next month. Th is is a basic pass/fail screening and you will hear from us only if your student was not able to meet the minimum guidelines twice—the original screening and a later rescreening, or if they repeatedly do not have their glasses/contacts with them. Please consider sharing a couple of hours with us to help us screen some 500+ kiddos. With flu season almost upon us, some pointers to remember: Handwashing is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infection—please reinforce this with your students and encourage them to wash their hands well and often. Get your flu shot. The CDC is currently recommending that everyone over 6 months old receive immunizations against influenza. There are some non-injectable forms of the vaccine available to those over 2 years and under 50 years, who do not have asthma or other chronic diseases. For more information you can go to the CDC’s web page at http://www.cdc.gov/features/flu/index.html. Please keep your student home if he/she is sick. It’s difficult to learn when you have to concentrate on being sick. A student who is sick shares germs with everyone around him/her. Students should be fever free (without meds) and not have been vomiting or had diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school If your student will need medications you may check the HHS web page under Student services and “Clinic” for links to the FCPS med regulation and forms to download. Or, you may call Robin Weinstein in the clinic at 703-810-2210. Virginia Wilkinson, MSN, RN, NCSN School Public Health Nurse Robin Weinstein School Health Aide NEWS FROM HORNET WELLNESS Please visit the Wellness quick link from the HHS homepage to stay up to date on wellness events and information. September Wellness Focus: September is FCPS Breakfast Month. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It “breaks” the night’s “fast” by replacing the energy reserves used overnight. School-aged children are the biggest breakfast skippers. Research reveals students who miss breakfast are less attentive in class, and their ability to work and concentrate is limited. Fruits and Veggies – More Matters Month! Fill half of your plate w ith fr uits an d veggies. For addition al resources, visit http://www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org/. Backpack Awareness – Pack it Light, Wear it Right! Fo r addition al r eso ur ces, visit www.aota.org/ backpack. October Wellness Focus: October 7th – International Walk to School Day – HHS students who walk and ride their bikes to school will be recognized for their commitment to wellness! National Bullying Prevention Month – the HHS bullying and harassment lesson will be delivered through Teacher Advisory on October 29th. Healthy Breakfast Month Celebration for teachers and staff – Every Wednesday, a healthy breakfast snack is provided for teachers and staff. If you would like to share your talents with the Wellness team this year, please send Laura Waterman, Lkwaterman@fcps.edu a m essage. 3 Herndon High School September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter The Art Department is excited for another artistic year! We are welcoming 2 new art teachers this year. Mrs. Jennifer Diglio is our full time studio arts teacher and Mrs. Benita Klein is our part time studio arts teacher. We are very excited to have them join our department. The HHS Art Department is looking for all your old camera gear. Any cameras, tripods, camera bags, darkroom equipment and more. If you think your camera equipment is old and has become junk we welcome and can make use of it. Many students do not have cameras. Your donations allows students to have access to needed equipment for classes. We are also looking for: Fabric, yarn, ribbon, string, wallpaper scraps/ samples, wood scraps, Ziploc bags, foil, sponges, plastic containers, magazines, old computer parts, artificial flowers and plants, animal skulls, Non-working cameras, old tools and much more! Please consider donating an item or 2! Tammy M. Morin Fine and Performing Art Dept. Chair FRENCH DEPARTMENT NEWS We are looking forward to a wonderful year in French again! We are really excited to have Madame Ancheta as our new French teacher who will be in charge of the French Club (Cercle Francophone). All students of French or students who love French are welcome to join; see Madame Ancheta (QD2D, mbancheta@fcps.edu) or Madame Butts (Room 200, obutts@fcps.edu) for a m em ber sh ip for m . Dues ar e just $5 fo r a year’s worth of Francophile fun! Our first meeting will be on Thursday, October 15! The French Honor Society (SHF) is available for tutoring and conversation after school every Monday and Thursday. Students just need to sign up in advance on the classroom calendar. Please come and take advantage of this opportunity! In addition, SHF will be celebrating National French week in November so stay tuned for more information. Merci ! Michelle Ancheta French 2 & 4 Cercle francophone, sponsor 703-810-2372 4 Herndon High School 5 September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School 6 September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter REGISTER YOUR SHOPPING REWARDS CARDS FOR 2015-2016! Hey Hornet families, Now is the time to register your shopping rewards cards! HHS earns lots of money and rewards from these annual programs but you need to register each and every year. Don’t waste a minute because the money HHS earns adds up quickly from your shopping! Programs that have cards you can link to HHS are outlined below. Harris Teeter – Together in Education/TIE: Program runs from 8/ 1/15 – 5/31/16. Please register your VIC card now at: http://www.harristeeter.com/community/together_in_education/link_to_your_school.aspx. **Thru September 29, Harris Teeter is running a Re-Link your VIC card sweepstakes** Additionally, Harris Teeter has a special opportunity for HHS to earn an extra $50 if you: a) Link your VIC card to HHS; and b) shop in the Express Lane between September 9 and November 3 spending $100 with in a single visit each week for five weeks (out of the eight week time period). If you are linked to more than one school (5 schools is the maximum), the $50 will be split among the schools to which you are linked. Giant – A+ for the students: Program runs from 10/9/15 – 3/17/16. Please register your GIANT card now at: https://giantfood.com/aplus/register/?_requestid=1885890. Target Red Card – Take Charge of Education: Program runs year round. Please register your TARGET Red card now at: https://www-secure.target.com/redcard/tcoe/enroll. As of September 7th, HHS PTSA has already accumulated $736.72 towards our next check from Target! The Number of Target Red Card holders who have designated HHS PTSA is 80. Remember - The more people that designate HHSPTSA, the more FREE MONEY we can earn! AMAZON.COM: If you use our link to make purchases at Amazon.com, a portion of each purchase price can be donated automatically to Herndon PTSA, at no cost to you! This is a FREE way to support the kids! IT IS EASY! Check it out at: smile.amazon.com and be sure to designate HHS PTSA! If you have any questions or need help registering your card, please contact Julie Saylor at jsaylor@verizon.net o r 703-444-5897. Thank you for your support! 7 Herndon High School September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter BAND NOTES Band Camp Kathleen Jacoby, the school's ba nd dir ector , h a d her w or k cut out for her when marching band camp began on August 10. Not only did she have to teach 150 students how to perform a new marching show in just under four weeks, she also had to give many of them as well as herself some time to grieve. Sadly, three former members of The Pride of Herndon marching band, Kyle Mathers, Dale Neibaur, and Holly Novak, w er e k illed in a ca r a ccident w h ile on a road trip in Texas on Friday, August 7. All three students held leadership positions when they were in the band, and they were known and loved by many of today’s band members. Although they all graduated in 2014, they stayed in the area after graduation and still visited Ms. Jacoby a nd the ba nd fr equ ently . The new s of their passing rocked the entire community, and grief counselors were made available to students during the week of August 10. Transitioning from this time of grief into a normal band camp routine surely was not easy, but the upper classmen on the leadership team rallied and spent the first week of camp welcoming this year’s rookies and showing them the ropes. The camp allows freshman and transfer students some time to get to know their fellow band mates, time to perfect their marching skills and receive additional instruction by specialized instructors. It allows the whole band and color guard some time to learn and perfect their new marching show. When asked about his first Herndon High band camp, Freshman, Kyle Nicgorski, said “It was a very welcoming and fun experience. It was really cool to be marching with everyone in the band as well as playing with them. I am most excited to be playing at all the football games.” By the last day of camp, on September 3, the students were ready to treat their parents to a special preview of this year’s marching show. The theme of this year’s show is “Rain or Shine” and it includes tunes such as “Good Day Sunshine”, “Have You Ever Seen the Rain”, and “Pocketful of Sunshine”. The show was arranged by Bob Thurston who was previously a Chief Arranger for the United States Air Force Band and who has written many shows for Herndon High in prior years, as well as for many other high school and college bands. “Band camp was a blast (as always) this year!” said Kayla Lundberg. “My favorite part of the show is definitely the cyclone. The band is just sprinting around in circles and the guard is spinning rifles and umbrellas, also running around like maniacs. I'm so excited to see how the effect turns out because it’s been fun and hard work trying to make it happen.” Kayla is a Junior this year and a part of the Color Guard leadership team. Senior percussionist Tucker Phillips stated “My favorite part of the show is either the percussion storm, or watching Peter (a drum major) sprint around the band to get to the back podium as we turn around. I’ve always loved band camp, but being a senior has made the whole experience far more enjoyable, and I feel so into everything.” Tag Day On Saturday, September 12, members of the marching band canvassed area neighborhoods asking for donations to help The Pride of Herndon purchase things like new instruments and new uniforms. This is usually the band’s biggest fundraiser of the year. This year’s Tag Day was very successful and the band was extremely pleased with the generous donations provided to our students. BAND NOTES is continued on page 9 8 Herndon High School September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter BAND NOTES is continued from page 8 Football Games At every home football game, The Pride of Herndon will perform their “Rain or Shine show” during half time. They also play the National Anthem at the beginning of each game. On Friday, September 18, Herndon played their first home game of the year against Falls Church High School. This happens to be the school whose band is directed by Ms. Jacoby's husband, Steve Jacoby. So, the Falls Church marching band joined ours for a special dedication at the beginning of the game to honor the three former students who lost their lives in August, playing the song “You'll Never Walk Alone.” 19th Annual Showcase of Bands Everyone in the community is invited to attend the Northern Virginia Regional Showcase of Bands, where you will have the fantastic opportunity to see 25 local high school marching bands perform! This event will be held on Saturday, September 26, at Herndon High School from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. Participating marching bands will compete with other bands of similar size. The highest scoring bands will be recognized with trophies during two different awards ceremonies taking place at approximately 3:45 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. Local high school bands participating include Riverside, Tuscarora, Osbourn, Wakefield, Stonewall Jackson, Broad Run, Loudoun Valley, Falls Church, Woodgrove, Dominion, Washington-Lee, South County, Thomas Jefferson, John Champe, Hayfield, Fauquier, Annandale, South Lakes, West Potomac, Westfield, and Freedom High School. Bands from Maryland and West Virginia are also competing. This event is hosted by the Herndon High School Band Parents Association in partnership with USBands. Tickets are $15 at the gate for ages 7 and up. Children 6 and under are free. Upcoming Band Events: September 26 – Showcase of Bands September 28 – Senior Regional Orchestra Auditions October 4 – All-Virginia Jazz Auditions October 24 – Homecoming November 6 – Final Home Football Game Performance (Senior Night) November 11 – Tag Day Concert November 12-15 – Senior Regional Orchestra Performances CLASS OF 2016 NEWS Planning is underway on the Herndon High School All Night Grad (ANG) celebration for the Class of 2016. The ANG Committee, led by Chairperson Lisa Alden, will meet monthly to report progress and plan for the June 16, 2016 event. If you are not familiar with All Night Grad, this will be the 30th class to host the event. It is an all-night party for the recent graduates of the high school. It is held on the night of graduation to give the students an alternative to parties that might allow drinking or drugs. Activities might include large blow-up games (things like human sling shot, obstacle course), casino games, caricature artists, massages, photo booth, money machine, to name a few. There is food and prizes all night long. Think iPad, flat screen TVs, gift cards, and so much more! ANG is sponsored through Drug and Alcohol Free Activities (DAFA), the Herndon Community Center, parents, and friends of Herndon High School. Representatives from ANG 2016 will be present at Back-to-School Night to share additional information about upcoming fundraisers such as Halloween Candygrams, Bartending Nights at Jimmy's Tavern, Priority Seating at Graduation, Parent Casino Night, and Yard Signs. Forms and information regarding purchasing ANG 2016 Tickets will also be available. Email Lisa Alden at hhsang2016@gmail.com if you are interested in joining a great group of volunteers to plan for ANG 2016. 9 Herndon High School September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter NJROTC A Growing Program with Growing Needs “I’d like to see our program grow to 150 strong,” announced Herndon High School NJROTC’s Senior Naval Science Instructor, David B. Adler, Captain, USN (retired). Had he said this a few years ago, the Herndon High School community would have considered it a far-fetched dream. Now, with NJROTC enrollment higher than it has been in several years and with a very large and enthusiastic freshman class, the goal is “Can you imagine all of the things NJROTC could do with those numbers?” shared an excited cadet. “Think of the lessons in leadership and sportsmanship, especially with our teams having represented Herndon High School at the national level. And, the community service! NJROTC could expand its presence in the community!” Herndon High’s NJROTC does support the school and community in many seen and unseen ways. In addition to helping with myriad Although undergoing inspection by highly-motivated US Marines school events, cadets provide Color Guards for public and is no easy task, Herndon cadets retirement events, raise flags at the local cemetery, collect food for keep their cool under pressure. LINK, shovel snow for the seniors at H ar bor H ouse, an d raise money for the American Cancer Society and the Wounded Warrior Project. Most im por tantly, th e program as a whole produces responsible citizens who value community service as well as personal honor, education, discipline, and self-reliance. With a growing program and all of its possibilities, however, come growing needs. The two most pressing needs are for translators and funding. An organization that appeals to students representative of the school and community as a whole, NJROTC has many English as a Second Language (ESL) students, including some who currently speak no English at all. Having a volunteer Spanish translator available during key instructional classes would make a huge difference in the unit’s ability to educate and inspire its students. Equally as important is the need for funding. Growing numbers simply means more programming costs. NJROTC invites the Herndon High community to help the unit continue to grow. The color guard represents the unit and Herndon High School at many public events. Volunteers are needed to translate during the school day. Contact Captain Adler at (703) 755-5710 or dbadler@fcps.edu. Cadets put a "sting" to cancer as they raise money for the American Cancer Society. Donations are needed to provide fiscal support. Checks may be made out to “Herndon High School NJROTC,” and mailed to Herndon High School, Attention: Captain Adler, 700 Bennett Street, Herndon, VA 20170. “Respect is a two-way street!” This was just one of the many lessons that new cadets entering Herndon High’s Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) recently learned during their New Cadet Introductory Course (NCIC). The week-long course included academic instruction, drill, physical fitness training games, service, leadership opportunities, and, most of all, teamwork – teamwork within squads competing against other squads and teamwork among the more senior cadets who planned and executed the entire course. Who says physical training can’t be fun? Here, cadets compete in an NJROTC favorite – volleycross! Herndon High’s NJROTC is for anyone interested in real leadership experiences, teamwork, and/or high-level competition. There is no military commitment. To learn more about this outstanding program, please contact David B. Adler, Captain, USN (retired) at 703-755-5710 or dbadler@fcps.edu. NJROTC cadets celebrate their successful highway cleanup. 10 Herndon High School September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter PARENT INFORMATION RELATING TO SPECIAL EDUCATION All these opportunities are free unless noted. The FCPS Parent Resource Center (PRC) helps parents of students with disabilities. It sponsors workshops, has a lending library, and has Parent Liaisons to help solve problems. They also post (on their website) the 2e Twice-Exceptional Newsletter, w hich pr o vid es infor m atio n o n suppor ting gifted stu dents w ith disabilities. www.fcps.edu/dss/osp/prc/index.shtml English: 703-204-3941; Español: 703-204-3955. Save the Date! Future Quest 2015 Sat. Nov. 14, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. George Mason Univ. in the Johnson Center (Fairfax campus). This College and Career Conference for high school students with disabilities and their parents will include inspiring speakers, a resource fair, and many worships about options after high school, employment, assistive technology and college and career planning. http://futurequest.gmu.edu. Understanding the Special Education Process: Protecting Your Child’s Rights at School Mon. Oct. 5, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. McLean Bible Church, Tysons Campus, Community Room B. Understand the protections provided under the law and how to navigate the special education process including eligibility, IEPs, due process, transition services and least restrictive environments. RSVP appreciated but not required: erin.roundtree@mcleanbible.org or 703-770-2938. Youth and Young Adults: Stronger Together Alternate Tuesdays starting Oct 6, until May 2016, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in Fairfax. Sponsored by Formed Families Forward, this peer-to-peer support group for youth ages 14 - 22 meets twice a month through May. Parents, caregivers and guardians have their own meeting at the same time in the same building. Light dinner of pizza and salad will be served. Register: www.formedfamiliesforward.org/youth-together-peer-group/ or (703) 539-2904. Back to School: Practical Tips for Dealing with Caregiver Stress and Avoiding Burnout Wed. Oct. 7, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Formed Families Forward 4031 University Drive, Fairfax, VA. Join other adoptive and foster parents, grandparents and other kin caring for children for an evening of information and support. Register: www.formedfamiliesforward.org/back-to-school-burnout/ A Sense of Control: Why It’s Such a Big Deal for Kids with LD and ADHD Oct 14, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Lab School 4759 Reservoir Road, NW Wash., DC 20007. This lecture will focus on how to support the development of a healthy sense of control in students with LD and ADHD while maximizing kids’ willingness to work hard and to use the help offered them. Register: www.labschool.org/lectureseries. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Other Neurobehavioral Conditions: Understanding a Brain Based Approach Four Thursdays, October 15 - November 5, 6:00- 8:00 p.m. 4031 University Dr., Fairfax VA 22030. This 8-hour workshop includes current information on FA/NB and provides a brain based approach for living with, caring for, and teaching individuals and their families. CEUs are available. Register: www.formedfamiliesforward.org/4-sessionfasd/ $15 per person, collected first night. Bully Busters Fri. Oct 16, 10:00 a.m. - noon FCPS PRC 2334 Gallows Rd., Entr. 1, Dunn Loring. Learn how to increase your own "bullying IQ", empower your child to effectively cope if bullying occurs and help lower your child's chances of being bullied and becoming a bully. Register: www.surveymonkey.com/r/BullyBuster. Strategies to Support Secondary Students with Dyslexia Tue. Oct 20, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. FCPS PRC 2334 Gallows Rd., Entr. 1, Dunn Loring. Workshop will include strategies to support reading, writing and math at home; ways to promote effective study skills; and strategies to promote self-advocacy skills. Register: www.surveymonkey.com/r/Dyslexia-Secondary. Fidgety, Forgetful & Unfocused! Fri. Oct. 23, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. FCPS PRC 2334 Gallows Rd., Entr. 1, Dunn Loring. This workshop will focus on the importance of executive functioning skills, how to set up an effective homework space, and how you can promote peaceful, ontask behavior during homework time. Register: www.surveymonkey.com/r/FFandUnF. Parent Information Related to Special Education continued on page 12 11 Herndon High School September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter Parent Information Related to Special Education continued from page 11 Trauma Awareness Training for Families and Professional Partners Tue. October 27, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Formed Families Forward, 4031 University Dr., Fairfax. Presented by the Trauma Informed Care Team of the Partnership for A Healthier Fairfax. Family/professional pairs who attend together will each be given a $10 gift card! Register: www.formedfamiliesforward.org/trauma-awareness-training/. CHADD: Childr en and Adults w ith Atten tio n Deficit/H yper activity Disor der . Support Group for Parents of Teens and Young Adults with ADHD. Meets the 1st Thu r sday of each m o nth (Oct 1, Nov. 5) at 7:30 p .m . at Fairfax Circle Church 3110 Chichester Lane, Fairfax, VA 22031 Contact: phone/text 703-489-4626 or ocgreulich@aol.com. NAMI: Nation al Alliance on Mental Illness builds better lives for those affected by m ental illness. Oakton Family Support Group m eets on th e 1st Thur s. of each m onth, 7:30 -9:00 p.m. Rm 9 of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, 2709 Hunter Mill Rd. Contact: Joanna Walker at 703 620-2633 or Joanna.naminova@gmail.com. For other Family Support Groups visit www.nami-northernvirginia.org/families-and-friends.html. CLASS OF 2018 NEWS As we begin the year, our class administrator, Mr. Barr, and class sponsors, Mr. Carvajal, Mr. Headen and Ms. Klein, will be meeting with the SGA Council of 2018 to make plans for the year. Expect to see more information shortly regarding the following events. Class of 2018 events that need community support are: Supply Donations for Homecoming Float 2015 Need: wood, paint, cardboard, paintbrushes, spray paint, glue gun, tape Where: Information will be provided once a host house has been identified Who: contact Herndon2018@gmail.com for more information concerning supply donations T-shirt Fundraiser What: sell sophomore class T-shirts (all white, short sleeve t-shirts) How: pay with cash or check (make checks payable to “Herndon High School”) Where: turn in orders to the Red Office, Room 248 When: pre-order prices are available until Homecoming Class Community-Building Activities In addition to the homecoming float build weekends, the 2018 Student Council and administrative support team hope to schedule more events through the year to engage students in positive, class community-building activities. Some ideas that have been suggested include class dinners, bowling nights, ice skating, community service opportunities, etc. Look for more information on these events as they develop. Please consider participating in these great activities; we appreciate it! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Herndon2018@gmail.com. 2018 Communications Remember that you and your student should check out all available forms of communication to keep up-to-date on all of the many HHS happenings! Daily Announcements are broadcast on the cafeteria TV. The HHS website has lots of important information and it contains links to the Class of 2018 website. Our Class of 2018 email updates are sent out periodically for class-specific news. If you haven’t signed up, please do so by sending an e-mail to Herndon2018@gmail.com. We are exploring adding texts to our parent communication platform. Watch for updates (via the HHS Class of 2018 emails & webpage) for instructions regarding how to sign up for these expanded communications opportunities. Sincerely, Melanie Mulcahy Class of 2018 Liaison 12 Herndon High School September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter Join PTSA online right now! http://herndonptsa.org/membership/ http://herndonptsa.org/membership/ Herndon High School PTSA - 2015-2016 Name(s)_______________________________________________________________ E-mail Address_________________________________________________________ Phone Number_________________________________________________________ Item Amount PTSA Membership Your membership supports parent/student educational programs, teacher appreciation programs and professional development, scholarships, the All-Night Graduation party, and more. Individual Member Quantity ____ @ $10 $____ Staff Member Quantity ____ @ $5 $____ PTSA Donation - 100% tax deductible; our PTSA keeps 100% for our programs. This is an easy way to further support our PTSA programs. Nothing to sell! No other fundraisers! Gold - $40 $____ Silver - $30 $____ Bronze - $20 $____ Other $____ Building Fund Donation - 100% tax deductible; 100% spent on building resources. The Building Fund allows the school to purchase items above and beyond the FCPS budget: clinic equipment, patio tables/chairs, SmartBoards, Media Center computer stations, etc. Platinum - $100 $____ Gold - $75 $____ Hornet - $50 $____ Red & Black - $25 $____ Other $____ Mailed Newsletter Subscription - $5 $____ The PTSA newsletter is published bi-monthly and is available on-line. If you prefer to read a hard copy of the newsletter, it can be mailed to your house for $5 per year (5 issues). Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________ Total amount $____ Please make check(s) payable to HHS PTSA Mail to HHS PTSA, 700 Bennett Street, Herndon, VA 20170 or drop off at HHS main office. 13 Herndon High School 14 September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter Herndon High School HERNDON HIGH SCHOOL CALENDAR NORTHWEST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Business Partner (Events subject to change, please consult HHS PTSA website for latest upd ates.) PTSA Member Benefit September 2015 29 Back-to-School Night October 2015 9 Student Holiday 12 Columbus Day – Student Holiday 23 HHS Bonfire 24 Homecoming (Parade, Football, Dance) 30 Student Holiday September/October 2015 PTSA Newsletter Northwest Federal Credit Union, a Herndon High School business partner since 2008, offers student services such as certified education loans, free First Checking, FirstCard Visa Platinum, 33,000+ free ATMs and 5,100+ locations nationwide. Members of the Herndon High School PTSA and their families may join Northwest Federal by opening a savings account with $5 or more. Join online at www.nwfcu.org and select “Herndon High School PTSA” as your qualifying organization. Call 844-709-8900 with questions or visit Northwest Federal’s Herndon Branch at 200 Spring Street. Northwest Federal Credit Union Foundation NWFCU and the NWFCU Foundation are proud to partner with HHS. The NWFCU Foundation supports the teachers, staff and students at HHS with an annual grant to fund staff professional development and technological upgrades. Since the partnership was formed, the NWFCU Foundation has awarded over $30,000 in grants to HHS. The NWFCU Foundation also provides volunteers for test proctoring and supports numerous other events throughout the school year. Scholarships All Hornets Are Capable of Success, No Exceptions! The NWFCU Foundation awards scholarships to deserving students who demonstrate leadership, dedication and commitment in school, at home and in the community. Since 2006, 13 HHS graduates have received $60,500 in Ben DeFelice Scholarships a w a r ded by NW FCU Foundation. For scholarship information, please visit www.nwfcufoundation.org. NWFCU Foundation 200 Spring Street Suite 130 Herndon, VA 20170 844-709-8900 15
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