Shelter News - Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter
Shelter News - Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter
The Newsletter of the Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter Spring 2013 Shelter News A Tale of Two Dogs Once upon a time, not long ago and not far from here, there were two dogs who each lived with a family. The first dog was named Gracie, and Gracie was a beautiful full-blooded miniature poodle. Gracie's white coat was immaculate and the family always made sure that she had regular grooming sessions and the very best dog food that money could buy. They were busy folks so much of her time each day was spent in her kennel waiting for her people to come home or wake up, but she didn't mind because it was big and had all her favorite toys. Gracie also liked going on car rides, even when it was to her annual vet appointments. The family took longer car rides (they called them vacations) but Gracie never got to go along, instead she'd spend the week at a pet resort. The pet resort wasn't as big as her home, but she enjoyed getting a chance to go for more regular walks than she got at home and she loved to play with all the other dogs. Back at home, Gracie's favorite time were the evenings when the family gathered around the glowing box in the living room. She wasn’t allowed on the couch but she'd play with a toy on the floor nearby and think about how lucky she was. Across town in a small apartment lived a dog named Barney. Barney was an outgoing shepherd mix whose medium length unkempt hair had never seen the stroke of a groomer's comb. Barney lived with his favorite person, and although Barney didn't have fancy food the young man would often share his French fries… yummy! He didn’t have a kennel or many toys, but spent his quiet time each day sleeping in the man’s big chair. Barney had never been to the vet but he felt fine and got lots of exercise when he and the man went for their long walks every evening. His favorite time of year was in the fall when he and the man would spend many days hunting, and over the years Barney had gotten pretty good at finding the ducks that fell into the cold water. Sometimes while waiting quietly for the birds to come Barney would look up at the man and think about how lucky he was. 2013-2014 Officers and Board Over the past 15 years we've seen almost 5000 animals at the shelter and we've seen at least that Members many different relationships between people and their pets. While we may not agree with all of the Officers: President Anthony Anderberg Vice-President Roberta Yates Secretary Linda Anderberg Treasurer Jody Wendorff Board: Sustaining Members: Larry Sorensen Carolyn Vacek Barb Otte Newly Elected 3 year term: Tom Jones Char Gatz Returning 3 year term: Grant Knutson Sandi Sportelli Connie Hall Janice Heintz County Representative: Bev Wangerin choices made by either Gracie or Barney's families, we have to remember that right and wrong are human judgments - both dogs were happy and loved, and both were certainly luckier than many companion animals. It's easy for us to get attached to the animals in our care and to want them to all get perfect homes, but of course such things don't exist. Instead our area is filled with imperfect homes and imperfect families who can only give as much time, care, and attention as they can manage and afford. Both I and the shelter’s otherwise homeless pets are grateful for each and every one of them. - Anthony Anderberg - HMAS President HMAS Donor Recognition The Shelter would like to thank Richard Bipes of Crosslake, MN for designing and creating the HMAS Donor Board. You can check out Richard's other designs at his web site ( Any one time donation of $500 or greater will add your or your company's name to this Donor Board. Page 2 HMAS 2012 Year End Stats *379 Intakes *200 Stray *167 Surrender *12 Born at shelter *310 Adoptions *150 Cats *160 Dogs *28 Claimed by owners *33 Transferred to other organizations CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU’S The Wal-Mart Foundation would like to recognize their associate, Scott Wraspir, with a gift of $250 made payable to the Heart of MN Animal Shelter. This check was issued in recognition of Scott's volunteer service of 25 hours to the shelter. The Wal-mart Foundation is proud to support their associates and make gifts in honor of the service they provide to their local communities through their Wal-mart Foundation Volunteerism always Pays program. Thank You Scott! Many thanks to the Nackerud family whose Christmas gift wrapping efforts at the Hutchinson Mall raised $817.45 for the animal shelter. Thank you to Citizens Bank and Trust Company and the Hutchinson Pet Hospital for encouraging the public to “like” them on Facebook which led to generous donations to the Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter. Thank you to all that have taken the time and effort to raise money for the shelter throughout the years with projects like lemonade stands, birthday money, garage sales and many other innovative fundraising efforts! Legacy of Love You can make a lasting contribution toward saving the lives of countless numbers of animals by naming the Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter as a beneficiary in your will or life insurance policy. Please remember the animals when you prepare your will or trust documents. Our Federal Identification number is 41-1933351. FEATURED VOLUNTER Char Gatz My name is Char Gatz, most people call me Chucki. My husband Gary, my sister (Mary Witte) and I own EZ Obedience and Boarding, located 1-1/2 miles west of Hutchinson. When my sister and I retired from 3M we decided to start an obedience and boarding facility for something to do with all our spare time! We have met so many nice dogs and people in the last 3 years and have had so much fun! I have been training and showing dogs for over 30 years. I have trained and shown Golden Retrievers, a Border Collie, a Belgian Terverian and have traveled all over the US and Canada showing dogs. Now I have a 3 year old Australian Shepherd (Bro) that I am working with in Obedience and Herding. Bro is also a Therapy Dog and I have started a Therapy Dog Chapter #252 here in Hutch, which is another great volunteer organization. What made you decide to volunteer at HMAS? A long time ago, probably at the first of the HMAS garage sales, I noticed they had a few baked items for sale. As I love to bake, I thought - “now that is something I can do to help”. I got my friends, family and everyone to bake something to donate and HMAS was so appreciative, it was just so much fun. So from helping at the garage sale, I became a shelter member and now I am on the Board. I enjoy all of the things I do at the shelter, it is a great group of people to work with. We are doing a great service to the community, helping a lot of animals find good homes, keeping them safe and having fun doing it all at the same time. Page 3 The Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter is going GREEN. May 18th - Paws on Parade Benefit Walk June 30th - MNSNAP Spay/Neuter Clinic Sept 6th-7th - Rummage/Bake/Book Sale Watch for: Cash Wise Brat Stand Dog Shows Wish List Dish soap Large Laundry soap Dryer sheets Paper towels, toilet paper Garbage bags Mop heads, Industrial type Bleach Paper for the copy machine Phone cards long distance Leashes Durable pet toys Cat Litter Postage stamps Collars Hand soap Shopvac VOLUNTEERS: Membership Coordinator Volunteer Coordinator MONEY FOR: Medical Fund Spay/Neuter Sponsors for Pet of the Week Ad What Can Your Donation Give US? Cans for Critters Our aluminum can collection trailer continues to be a great source of help for the shelter. The trailer is located outside the shelter building, and cans can be dropped off at any time. Used Cell Phones and Empty Laser and Inkjet Printer Cartridges Collection drop off points at both the cat or the dog building. If you want someone to come and pick them up, call 320-587-7470 and leave a message. Newsletter -vs- email If you would like to have the HMAS newsletter sent to you by email. Please email your email address to or go to Remember to drop off your Cash Wise Points for animals at the shelter if you cannot utilize them! $2 A small toy to pass the long hours waiting $5 A bone for the dogs A fun string toy for the cats $10 Makes all of our bedding Downy fresh Buys us a shinny new collar and leash $15 Feeds us for one day $20 Keeps our web site running for one month Gets one of us routine medical care $25 Provides fresh cat litter for the entire group Helps us find a home with a newspaper ad $50 Buys special foods for sensitive stomachs Trips to the vet for one of our ill friends $75 Helps over population by sterilizing one animal Keeps us all warm during a cold winter month Cat play area perches or gravel in dog runs Donations of new and gently used items for the Heart of MN Animal Shelter’s annual fall rummage sale. Please do not drop items off at the shelter. For pick up call: 320-587-7652 or 320-234-7375 $200 Buys a cat condo which give the cats extra room to move around or space for 2 cat friends ****NO clothing Please**** Rummage Sale Items Wanted Page 4 Twiggy is getting along fine and seems to be gaining weight. We love her and she adds so much life to our home. The cat is the only one who isn’t too fond of her. They take turns teasing each other. She chases him, then he turns and swipes at her, but no one ever gets hurt. She loves to run in the snow. And also to eat the snow... I think she is one of the few who will miss it if spring ever comes. Thanks again! - Dennis and Mitzie Pebbles is doing wonderful! She is such a joy to have, I cannot even begin to explain how much I adore this cat. She is still feisty at times, but that's just part of her charm. She definitely runs the show, and when she's not on my lap, she's usually sprawled out on my bed, prowling around my high-up loft bed which she now thinks is her own personal kitty castle, or watching the excitement out the window that overlooks downtown Albert Lea. She has become a complete cuddle bug, and although I am definitely her "person", she is extremely friendly with everyone who comes to visit. I cannot thank you and the rest of the shelter staff and volunteers for taking such great care of her, and never giving up on her, even after she'd been there for so long. Pebbles will never have to worry about being without a home ever again. - Raquel Hellman Hello it's your old friend Twister. I still really love my new home and my big brother and sister are great. I love to sneak into their beds at night and snuggle...after all they're really my beds, the kids just borrow them for a few hours. Everybody that visits says they have never seen a cat as patient as me. I let my brother and sister carry me around everywhere. I love sleeping on the very top of my kitty condo because I can see all the birdies out the big picture window and the sun is nice and warm and everybody comes to give me pets and snuggles while I'm there. I never bite or scratch, even sometimes when Mommy thinks I should. I just wiggle away and hide for a few minutes. I hate the jingly collars my mommy tries to get me to wear. I take them off all the time so I can sneak up on her at night. Ha ha ha. One of my favorite things ever is when my brother and sister go out to play on our three season porch...they bring me with and I can sit in a bunch of different windows and talk to the neighbors cat Frank through his window. Then it gets dark out and I make Mommy come out and call for me before I show her where I am, she always tries to put collar back on me then but I take it off really fast. Although my Daddy wasn't thrilled about me coming home at first mommy catches him snuggling me and giving me kitty treats. Then when he sees mommy watching he pretends he wasn't just petting or playing with me...I think it's a game to Daddy now he and mommy laugh about it all the time! The dogs are still here, we play tag now, and I use them as exercise hurdles. I've gotten lots bigger since you saw me last. I'm super long and a very healthy weight. My family brags about you guys every chance they get. They are so thankful they found me and that you did such a good job with me. - Twister Main Brooks in his New Home In Memory of . . . In Memory of Todd Kirsch From: Pat Kirsch In Memory of Harry Kurth From: Dan & Kathy Scheer In Memory of my companion, Libby – 15 yrs old From: Maureen Hantge In Honor of Grace Wurdell's 8th Birthday From: Kris Dobratz, Friends & Family In Memory of our Bassets Flash & Sassy From: Donn & Pamela Hoffman In Honor of my dog Carly Sue From: Elizabeth Cheney In Memory of Phoebe Jean From: Stephanie Miller In Memory of Donna Hartmann From: Gordon Hartmann In Memory of Keith Krommenhoek From: Mike, Mary, Trevor, Jillian (Beck) Evans, Dan & Kathy Scheer In Memory of My Princess Kyrie From: Roger Nieland In Memory of Taylor Marie Lepel and her dog Kenzi From: Joel & Elynn Lepel Page 5 In Honor of Jenny - a true animal lover From: William & Doris Wegner In Honor of Dave & Kristi Ahlquist From: Mark & Shirley Ahlquist In Memory of Romeo & McDuff From: Kay & Eugene Falling In Honor of Peg Klouda & Brian Cherry From: Kay Hultgren In Memory of David Prieve From: 3M Co-workers & friends In Honor of my very good neighbors Rick, Vicki & Kelsey Linder From: George W. Quast In Memory of Todd Pooler From: Mary & DeLue Grams In Memory of Bruce Hakes From: Peggy Nonweiler, Vickie Curtiss, Patty Hakes In Memory of our beloved Brownie (Maria) From: William & Sheryl Mose In Memory of Cuddles From: Lori & Mike Buske In Memory of Lady – a beloved member of the Elfering family From: Lora Goldschmidt In Memory of Bandit, my Siamese cat From: Keith Peterson In Memory of Alfred Nott From: Jeff Nohner In Memory of Roxy Johnson From: Loren Johnson In Memory of Dan Block From: Jeff Nohner In Memory of Lugene Dressel From: Daryl & Sheila Gruenwaldt In Memory of Eileen Schmidt's Mother From: Corrine McQuillan In Memory of Sassy From: Anna Wehmeyer In Memory of Mary Schmeling From: Wendy Lambrecht In Memory of Roy Pikal From: Bruce & Melinda Adams In Memory of Brian Renstrom From: Beth, Dan & Ramsey Nowak In Honor of Uschi Smith's 70th Birthday From: Dr Virgil & Kay Voigt, Michael & Mary Mueller, William Ratzlaff, and Merrill Wendlandt In Honor of my kitties Tux & Raquel and my friend’s shelter donations for my 6th Birthday Party. From: Ian Todd In Honor of . . . In Honor of Marian Farmer From: Dona Brown In Honor of Wheezer From: Cris & Linda Remucal In Honor of Bubbles From: Jiameng Wang If you would like to make a contribution in memory or in honor of a very special animal or human friend, please complete the information below and mail to HMAS Memorials, Box 175, Hutchinson, MN 55350 Your name____________________________________________________________Phone________________________________ Address___________________________________________________City, State, Zip_____________________________________ (Please circle one) In Memory / Honor of ________________________________________________________________________________________ Donation enclosed $________________________ Page 6 Page 7 Signature of walker, or walker’s guardian if under 18 Signed_____________________________________________ In consideration of the furtherance of your purposes, objectives and work, and in consideration of your permitting me to participate in your walk, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, I hereby waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages which I might have against you, the municipalities through which the walk will take place, as well as any other person connected with the walk, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns for nay and all injuries which I may suffer while taking place in the walk or as a result thereof. Total: _________________ Total Pledge St. Address, City/State/Zip Sponsor Name All contributions must be received by walk day to qualify for prizes. Please hand in your TOTALED pledge form at the registration desk. Additional pledges may be listed on a separate sheet stapled to this pledge form. Make checks payable to the Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter. All donations are tax deductible. City/State/ZIP__________________________Phone__________________ Individual’s Name_________________Address______________________ Team ___________________________________________________ Registration @ 9:00am Walk @ 10am HMAS Paws on Parade Benefit Walk, May 18, 2013 HMAS PAWS ON PARADE BENEFIT WALK Glencoe Veterinary Clinic Operation Roundup The Glencoe Veterinary Clinic supports the efforts of the Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter. We want to recognize these efforts and their need for financial support. From April 1 – May 10 the Glencoe Veterinary Clinic will be sponsoring a Round-Up for the Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter. Clients will be able to show their support of the HMAS by rounding up their invoice total. 100% of client’s donations will be given to the HMAS at the Paws on Parade pet walk on May 18. In addition the clinic will have a collection box for people in the community to bring in items needed by Heart of Minnesota that will be donated on May 18 as well. How it works: when a client brings their pet to the clinic, or stops in to purchase merchandise, they will be able to add a donation to the HMAS onto their invoice. The invoice will serve as the client’s proof of contribution to HMAS. The client will be given a paw to write their pet’s name on, and the paw will be placed on the wall of giving. The Glencoe Veterinary Clinic will collect donations from April 1 – May 10, and then issue the HMAS a check at the Paws on Parade pet walk on May 18 for the entire amount donated. The Glencoe Veterinary Clinic hopes that our clients will become aware of the efforts of the HMAS and will support their endeavors to find forever homes for the pets that are in their care. Please support HMAS and participate in Glencoe Veterinary Clinic’s Round-Up for the Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter. Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter 880 Century Ave., P.O. Box 175 Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 234-9699 If you would no longer like to receive this newsletter or if you are getting duplicates, please call 320-234-9699 or e-mail:, web-site: NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID HUTCHINSON MN PERMIT NO. 18 Current Resident or Adoption Hours: Tuesdays 5-7pm Thursdays 5-7pm Saturdays 1-5pm Thank you to Standard Printing in Hutchinson, MN for Printing our Newsletter. Sponsors Needed! You’ve probably seen the “Pet of the Week” ads in the Hutchinson Shopper. These ads have proven highly successful in finding homes for the featured animals. Many people tell us they watch for the ad each week. Individuals or businesses are welcome to be a one-time sponsor, or sign on the schedule as a regular. They may have their name listed as the sponsor, or sponsor anonymously. The cost is $25 for each ad. For more information, call the shelter! The Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter is devoted to the care of unwanted, stray or abused animals in the form of providing veterinary care, housing and adoption in the McLeod County and surrounding area. We are further devoted to the education of the public regarding animal care and overpopulation. I’d like to be a member of the Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter! My membership fee will include a one year subscription to the Shelter News, so I will always be on top of what’s going on at the shelter. I will also be able to vote at the annual meeting. I am enclosing a check or money order in the amount of $20.00. Pleased send my newsletter and updates to this address: Name____________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address_____________________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP_______________________________________________Phone________________________ Please contact me about volunteer opportunities available with the shelter
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