The Voice - AIDS Services Foundation Orange County


The Voice - AIDS Services Foundation Orange County
Nov 12 - Jan 13
Vol. 23 • No. 4
o c a s f. o r g
a publication of AIDS Services Foundation Orange County
Patron's Council
aids walk
Inside this issue
Board of Directors
Shelly Virkstis, President
Randy Harmat, Vice President
Brian Bates, CPA / ABV, CVA, Treasurer
Mark Gonzales, Secretary
A Legacy of Giving ................................................................................ 4 - 5
ASF’s Annual Gala: A Night in South Beach Sizzles .......... 6 - 7
The Friends of Dorothy Sunset with
Successful Halloween Costume Gala ................................................ 9
OCRA Reaches New Heights ............................................................... 11
Letter from the Executive Director ..................................................... 3
Around ASF ....................................................................................................... 8
Save the Dates ................................................................................................. 8
HIV in the News ........................................................................................... 10
Memorials, Tributes & Grants .............................................................. 12
Patron’s Council ........................................................................................... 12
Our Mission
The mission of AIDS Services Foundation is to prevent the spread of
HIV and improve the lives of men, women and children affected by
HIV/AIDS in Orange County.
Our Story
A small group of volunteers founded AIDS Services Foundation Orange
County (ASF) in the late summer of 1985 because people were dying,
had nowhere to turn and desperately needed help. ASF is now the
largest and most comprehensive nonprofit HIV/AIDS service provider
in Orange County, with a staff of committed and caring individuals, a
23-member Board of Directors, and hundreds of dedicated volunteers.
Each year, ASF helps more than 1,600 men, women and children,
along with their families, that are either living with HIV or are impacted
by HIV disease. Services include food, transportation, housing, case
management, emergency financial assistance, children and family
programs, Latino outreach programs, mental health counseling, support
groups, HIV testing, and an extensive array of HIV prevention and
education programs. We hope for a time when these services are no
longer needed. Until then, we work hard each day to prevent the spread
of HIV and to ensure that everyone living with HIV and AIDS in Orange
County has access to life-enhancing care and services.
17982 Sky Park Circle, Suite J, Irvine, CA 92614 • (949) 809-5700
Nov 12 - Jan 13 / Vol. 23 No. 4 /
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Erik Buzzard, Esq.
Mark Guillod, C.P.A.
Arnold Henson, M.D.
Ken Jillson
Idriss Maoui
Jeffrey Pearson
Al Roberts
Jorge Rodriguez, M.D.
David Treffry
Duane Vajgrt, M.D.
Vince Workman
Founding President
Al Roberts
Advisory Board
The Hon. Marilyn C. Brewer, Chair, State Assembly, Retired
Tammie J. Arnold, Managing Director, PIMCO
Jill Bolton, Disneyland Resort
The Hon. Barbara Boxer, U.S. Senator
Dean Corey, Executive Director, OC Philharmonic Soc.
Heidi Cortese
Ron Davies, Business Executive
The Hon. Dianne Feinstein, U.S. Senator
Bill Gillespie
Howard Gleicher
Robert Haskell, President, Pacific Life Foundation
Pearl Jemison-Smith
Janice Johnson
Arnold W. Klein, MD
Judith Morr
Marica Pendjer
Al Roberts
Anita May Rosenstein, Business Executive
The Hon. Loretta Sanchez, U.S. Congresswoman
Rick Silver, Business Executive
Jeffrey L. Stuckhardt
In Memoriam
Roger Johnson, Advisory Board Founding Chair
Executive Director
Philip Yaeger
Editor: Design: Photographers: Printing: Marc Montminy
King Graphic Design
Doug Gifford, Stan Sholik
Printing Division
Letter from the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
As the end of 2012 fast approaches and we begin
to look forward to the New Year, I’d like to take
this opportunity to thank you for your continued
support of AIDS Services Foundation Orange
County over the last year.
Through your support of events such as AIDS
Walk Orange County, the Annual Gala, the
Orange County Ride for AIDS
and the Friends of Dorothy
Guild fund raisers, ASF continues
its promise to never let our
clients down or turn anyone
away who needs our help. We
are truly thankful that remarkable
donors like you choose to invest
in the longevity of the agency
and the work we do.
The longevity and fiscal future
of the agency is addressed in this month’s cover
story. It highlights ASF’s legacy giving program,
Partners for Life, and tells the story of the most
recent family to join this exclusive group of
donors. A recent survey showed that nearly 89%
of donors thought it appropriate for a charity to
request a legacy gift. I hope that after reading
this issue and reflecting upon the importance
of legacy gifts to the agency, you will consider
adding ASF to your after-life giving plans.
I’d also like to call your attention to the annual
holiday appeal letter from ASF Board President
Shelly Virkstis. We all continue to feel the
negative effects of the limited growth of the
economy, but for our clients, those effects
become multiplied when combined with living
with HIV/AIDS. Over the last year, requests for
food and housing continued to rise, the need for
medical case management increased and the
continually high price of gasoline led to increased
demand for transportation services to and from
medical appointments. Your gift to the annual
appeal, in any amount, would help significantly
change lives.
The year has seen many amazing
developments including cheaper
and more effective tests for
HIV/AIDS, new treatment options,
and even renewed hope for a cure.
And ASF has increased its focus on
prevention and education through
testing and outreach. We face
2013 working toward an AIDS-free
generation with no new infections.
Until we reach that goal, ASF looks forward to
the continued partnerships we have created with
you through events, the Patron’s Council and
the Friends of Dorothy Guild to serve the men,
women, and children of Orange County affected
On behalf of the board of directors, advisory
board, staff, volunteers, and clients, we wish you a
satisfying, safe, and fulfilling holiday season. And
best wishes for the happiest of New Years!
Philip Yaeger, Executive Director/CEO
THE VOICE nov 12 - jan 13
A Legacy of Giving
Whether it’s HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, Alzheimer’s,
feeding the hungry, or even children’s sports teams,
we all have causes that are important to us. And a
huge majority of individuals decide to financially
support organizations that are working to discover
a cure, ease suffering, or buy new uniforms. Recent
statistics show that 7 out of 10 Americans make
charitable gifts of some kind during their lifetime.
However, a small percentage
of Americans, fewer than
10%, choose to include
charities in their wills or
trusts. Why is there such
a huge disparity in the
number of people who help
charities during life but make
no effort to continue that
help after death? Mostly, it’s
because it never occurs to
people to create a legacy gift.
through that group and through in-kind donations
such as the donation of a new freezer for the
Food Pantry.
“I had some extra time so I started volunteering
on simple office work for AIDS Walk. ASF soon
got me into helping with the next Splash doing
auction baskets and paperwork. I loved the way my
volunteer time was valued and appreciated. And I
still do!”
Jeff and Karla have lost count but
they estimate they have been
volunteering at ASF for 10 or 11
years. The work they do ranges
from event and office assistance,
to Food Pantry, and deliveries.
Jeff said, “We also participate in
and have volunteered at the AIDS
Walk. It's such a good tie-in for us
Karla Kjellin-Elder & Jeffrey Elder
because as we work every week
in the pantry it makes it seem like the money we
“Legacy giving is a way for a donor to continue to
donate is taken to the store to purchase groceries
uphold, through the creation of a future gift, the
and we see those goods go to needy folks.”
values he or she holds today,” says Philip Yaeger,
As friends of ASF, Karla and Jeff already knew how
ASF executive director. “Donors with the foresight
vital their support was to the agency. With the
to take this action now can ensure that ASF will
continued slashing of governmental support for
continue its fight to end HIV/AIDS well into the
HIV/AIDS programs, ASF relies on the generosity of
individuals for an even more significant percentage
ASF’s legacy giving program is called Partners for
of our annual revenues. And as the virus continues
Life. The most recent members to join the Partners
its hold on at-risk populations around the county,
for Life community are Karla Kjellin-Elder and her
the need for continuing and long-term financial
husband Jeffrey Elder.
support is critical.
Karla and Jeff first became involved with ASF when
they attended a Splash event as guests of a friend.
“We really enjoyed ourselves and appreciated the
work that ASF was doing so we checked into being
donors,” said Karla. They became members of
ASF’s major donor recognition group, the Patron’s
Council. And they continue to support ASF
THE VOICE nov 12 - jan 13
Legacy gifts can provide that long-term support
for ASF. Contributions made by bequests in a will
or trust, designation of ASF as a beneficiary of all or
part of a retirement plan, pension or personal IRA,
designation of the agency as a beneficiary of all or
part of life insurance policies, and/or endowment
gifts each represent forms of legacy giving. These
gifts all represent powerful and meaningful ways for individuals to create a legacy of philanthropy for their family,
their community and the organizations they support.
“I can’t fully explain the many different ways legacy giving sustains the agency,” said Yaeger, “but I can tell you this.
On several occasions over the last few years the agency has been able to provide critical services and care without
interruption because of the receipt of legacy gifts from our donors. Legacy giving has helped sustain ASF through
this last half-decade of financial stress.”
In most cases, when legacy gifts are made, there is no cost to the donor. The gift is usually given after the passing
of the donor and is a percentage of the remaining estate (after taxes, expenses and other specific bequests have
been paid). The immediate benefit to the donor, in some cases, is a tax deduction or the avoidance of a capital
gains tax. It’s a win-win.
Karla offered, “We have our trust set up to include our four children and one charity as equal recipients. It had been
going to a charity that made sense back in 1996 when we started the trust, but we’ve now decided it needed to go
where our hearts are. And that’s ASF. We also have it set up that each of the children has to donate 10% of what
they inherit to a charity of their choice.” She added with a smile, “Hopefully, that will be ASF.”
Following is a list of the current members of the Partners for Life program and a memorial list of those members
who have already realized their legacy.
Doug Arneson
Craig Benedetti
Jeff L. Benedick
Andrew J. Berner, Ph D
Gerald Bodamer, DDS
Jeffrey Elder and Karla Kjellin-Elder
Karen Ellis
Michael Feddersen
Bruce N. Fox
Robert F. Gentry
Mark Igoe
Ken Jillson
Nicholas J. Labedz
Mel Lewis, MD
James C. Loomis
Georgia Garrett-Norris
Bob Metcalf
Ed Mitchell
David Newman-Treat
Mark J. Porterfield Trust
Al Roberts
Jorge Rodriguez, MD
Ty Rose
Judith Rosenthal
Richard Sneed
Gunter B. Weissenberg
Thomas Worthy
In Memoriam
Connie Acord
Jack S. Agcaoili
Carl Allsup
Jerry R. Alsobrook
James E. Armstrong Trust
David A. Arnold Trust
Bea Arthur
Herbert Benton Trust
Estate of Tim Blake
Jon Bowes
Estate of John C. Butler
Michael W. Cole
Robert Crowder
Pat Feeney
Don G. Hagan
Greg Haskell
Howle Family Trust
Addison G. “Bud” Kerr
Lawrence Kuzela
Ira Charles “Chip” Levine
Robin Masters
Thomas E. McCarragher Trust
Martha Raye
Richard M. Reinsch
Thomas A. Rose
Richard L. Sartini
William Scannell
Eugene Scott
Estate of Harry Smith
Don Stratton
Howard Trepp Trust
Alexander J. Wentzel
Arlie Wood
For more information on the Partners for Life program, please contact Chris Bragg, Director of Individual Giving &
Events, at (949) 809-8760 or d
THE VOICE nov 12 - jan 13
A Night in South Beach Sizzles!
On Saturday, September 29, when guests walked the hot pink carpet outside Stage
17 at Disney California Adventure®, they knew they were in for something special
and different. And the ambiance within didn’t disappoint. Complete with pink and
purple lighting, palm frond projections on enormous canvas sails, and the outlines of
palm trees against a sunset sky, South Beach came to life in Southern California!
With the support and vision of ASF Advisory Board members and event co-chairs
Marilyn Brewer and Anita May Rosenstein, ASF’s all new Annual Gala, the
agency’s signature fund raising event, raised over $268,000!
More than 300 guests enjoyed an open bar and passed hors d’oeuvres as they
mingled, sought out old friends and made some new ones. A 7-piece salsa band
entertained until guests sat down at their tables, elegantly appointed in pink and
purple hues, for a savory and sumptuous dinner. Accompanying dinner were
delicious wines provided by long-time ASF supporters, Beaulieu Vineyard.
After dinner, ASF Executive Director Philip Yaeger presented a video produced
especially for the evening. It highlighted the stories of two ASF clients who tested
positive at the agency, were linked with services within the agency and in the
community through our case management program, and who have returned to
self-sufficiency, eager to educate their community with the information they have
learned about HIV/AIDS from ASF.
At the conclusion of the video, Yaeger recapped the agency’s HIV-testing and fund
raising “Take the Initiative. Take the Test.” campaign. The $100,000 fund raising
campaign was to conclude that evening and there was still a gap remaining in
funds to be raised. Guests who were moved by the stories they had just seen were
asked to make donations to the campaign and an additional $12,000 was raised.
Next, a live auction was conducted by ASF co-founder and board member Ken
Jillson. Items available included a trip aboard the Goodyear Spirit of America airship,
a stay in an executive suite at the St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort, a two-night
stay for four (park hopper tickets included) in the Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean
Suite, two business-class tickets aboard American Airlines and a luxurious timepiece
by Corum. Corporate cash support was provided by Waterpik.
Following dessert, guests were surprised with a gift of high-tech Mickey ears from
the Disneyland Resort. Brought out by the tray-full by wait staff, the ears glowed
and flickered in a stunning “Technicolor” display. Their full potential would not be
realized until guests made their way to the Disney California Adventure® lagoon
for the evening’s grand finale.
From a special cordoned-off VIP section, guests of ASF’s Annual Gala – A Night in
South Beach enjoyed the Disney’s World of Color water and laser show as the gifted
Mickey ears twinkled and pulsed through a full spectrum of colors in conjunction
with the music and visual splendor. It was a spectacular finale to a wonderful
Said Yaeger, “ASF is very lucky to be able to partner with the Disneyland Resort and
offer our donors such a special evening. We are truly thankful for the support we
received tonight from our many generous donors and our friends at Disneyland.” d
THE VOICE nov 12 - jan 13
ASF’s Annual Gala – A Night in South Beach Major Donors
Al Roberts & Ken Jillson
The DaisyField Foundation
Anita May Rosenstein
Nicholas J. Labedz
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Howard Gleicher & Damon Chen
Jon Madison/ Steven Lewallen / Nigel Gevisser /
Jorge Rodriguez, MD
Marilyn C. Brewer
Rick Silver & Robert Hayden / James E. Burba &
Robert Hayes / John G. Combs & Sheldon Harte /
Todd Davis & Chris Richter / John S. Cottrell /
John Nelson
Alan H. Miller, DDS & Mark Guillod, CPA
Clark S. & Greg Collins
Lorraine Ferrini & Cynthia Koulax
Maria I. Marquez, MFT
Randy J. Harmat & Eugenio Vasquez Link Newcomb
& Micah Leslie
Roya Cole
Waterpik / Richard P. Bisson
Barbara Venezia & Stanley Tkaczyk / Mark B. Eskander
& Gerilyn Eskander / Vince D. Workman &
Timothy B. Stoaks
Dennis C. Sieting
Duane J. Vajgrt, MD & Jeffrey Benedick
Ed Todeschini & John Ferrante
Dan Bassett
Judith A. Morr / Janice M. Johnson
Lawrence W. Will, DDS & Michael Shapiro
Leonard R. Olds & Hugh Rouse
Michael J. Fitzpatrick, MD
Ronald Smelt & Max Schneider
Panno Properties / Thomas Panno & Tony Maquet
Philip Yaeger
Shelly Virkstis
David A. Canzoneri & Eric Cortina / Bradford J. Engelland
& John Stordahl
David H. Koontz & James Brophy
Elliott Kornhauser, MD & Joe C. Baker, DMD /
Hung Y. Fan, PhD & Michael Feldman
EJ Tracy
Frank N. Ricchiazzi & Borden T. Moller
Gerald K. Bodamer, DDS & Michael W. Lewis
Glen L. Morse & Douglas Coe / Burnham Benefits
Joe G. Wilkins
Michael H. & Nancy I. Brown, TTEE
Pearl D. Jemison-Smith
Cheryl Nault
Richard P. Bisson & Paola Porrini-Bisson
Ron Dier & Jock Stalker
Sam & Susan Anderson
THE VOICE nov 12 - jan 13
Around ASF
In Search of Secret Angels
The holidays are a special time of reflection, compassion,
and generosity. We all strive to show our love for family
and friends through thoughtful and meaningful gifts.
ASF’s clients are no different from the rest of us. They
want to experience the joy of giving, too.
However, due to the physical and
financial stresses of living with HIV, many
clients are burdened with the inability
to provide their children with even one
thoughtful or meaningful gift. The ASF Secret Angels
program serves to alleviate some the strain living with
HIV can bring to the holiday season.
Your donations to Family Programs
Secret Angels will help our clients in
need with the purchase of special gifts
for their children…special gifts for
which they don’t have the means but
desperately want to give. It’s easy to
help. You can:
Surprise Gift from
Local Philanthropists
In September, ASF received an unexpected gift from Sue
and Bill Gross through their William and Sue Gross
Family Foundation. The $50,000 gift was earmarked
by the agency to increase ASF’s ability to reach at-risk
populations with HIV testing.
“The most important thing ASF can do to help an
individual with HIV or AIDS is connecting them with
care,’ said Philip Yaeger, ASF executive director. “Once
they are receiving treatment, they get healthier, become
considerably less likely to transmit the virus, and the
community on the whole becomes
healthier. Until each individual knows his
or her status, there’s no reason for them
to seek treatment. This generous gift will
extend the reach of the testing campaign
which is so important for Orange County.”
“Bill and I are very proud to support ASF as
they work toward ending both the spread
of HIV and the incidence of AIDS in our
dPurchase and donate Target gift
community,” said Sue Gross, President of
Bill & Sue Gross
the family’s foundation. "As we’ve seen
dVisit Select “TargetLists,” click on “Find
in our efforts in other parts of the world, the sooner you
a List,” and enter “Ana Mora,” ASF’s Family Programs
become aware, the greater the likelihood of successful
coordinator. Once there, you can choose the items you treatment and a better life. We believe this program will
wish to purchase from our clients’ wish list.
make an impact on Orange County.”
a cash donation to ASF designated for “Secret
Angels” that we will use to purchase a gift.
Thanks to your donations, ASF was able to provide 197
children with new toys, clothing, books, and electronics
through the Secret Angels program last year.
Sponsorship of one child is equal to $50. However, any
help you can provide will add holiday cheer to and
greatly impact the lives of families affected by HIV/AIDS.
For more information on ASF’s Secret Angels Program, please
contact Ana Mora at (949) 809-5710 or
The agency will reach at-risk populations where they
congregate. Testing hours are already regularly scheduled
at the Mexican Consulate in Santa Ana. College campuses
often host health fairs at which ASF provides free HIV
testing and counseling. Community fairs and events,
such as AIDS Walk Orange County and the recent
National Latino AIDS Awareness Day health fair are
also targeted to host testing. And teams of ASF’s HIV
Prevention Specialists are out in the public in force on
the days surrounding National HIV Testing Day and World
AIDS Day. d
Save the Dates!
THE VOICE nov 12 - jan 13
Season of Sparkle – Holidays on Ice
AIDS Walk Orange County
ASF’s annual Holiday Party is back! Join
us for heart hors d’oeuvres, festive treats
and cocktails. Visit for more
information or to purchase tickets.
The spectacle continues at The Disneyland
Resort. Visit for
more details.
Final Halloween Costume Gala Caps a Successful Year
For the last 6 years, Barbara Venezia and her dedicated steering
committee have worked to raise much-needed funds for and awareness
of HIV/AIDS in Orange County. Their group, The Friends of Dorothy
Guild, acted as ambassadors and fund raisers for AIDS Services
Foundation in communities in which ASF traditionally had no presence.
They have been a huge success! But all good things must come to an end.
With close to twenty-five events under their belts and over $700,000
raised for client programs and services at ASF, The Friends of Dorothy
Guild leadership have decided it’s time to box up the red-sequined
pumps and disband the group.
On Saturday, October 20, a sold-out crowd of two hundred
supporters gathered at The Center Club in Costa Mesa for the dual
purpose of celebrating the Dorothy’s annual Haunted Halloween
Costume Gala and wishing the guild a fond farewell. The $42,000
raised at the event through ticket sales, live and silent auctions, and
event underwriting brought the guild’s fund raising total to over
$100,000 for the 2012 season.
The annual event also allowed the Dorothy’s to honor and thank
their corporate and underwriting supporters for the year with their
signature Shoe Awards. Event sponsors that were recognized
included Mark Eskander, The Center Club, Dennis Sieting, Susan
Scott, David Przeracki, Scott Christian, and Al Roberts & Ken
Jillson. Food and refreshments were provided by Barefoot Wine
and Bubbly, Billy’s Naked Chicken, Divas Cup Cakes, Carolyn
Stoaks, and Nothing Bundt Cakes.
“I’m proud of what the Dorothy Guild’s accomplished. Though our
fundraising campaign has ended a successful run, we’ve grown a
base of donors for ASF who I hope will continue to support them
over the Rainbow and never lose sight of the important work ASF
does,” says Venezia.
“After their six amazing years of financial support and outreach in the
wider community, ASF is certain there will never be another group
that is equal to the task of accomplishing what the Dorothy’s did,”
said Philip Yaeger, ASF executive director. “Barbara Venezia and her
group have put forth unbelievable amounts of energy in support
of the work ASF does in Orange County. That drive, generosity, and
dedication can never be replaced.” d
THE VOICE nov 12 - jan 13
HIV In The News
New HIV Tests Still Being Developed
With the recent distribution of OraQuick at-home HIV
tests to the marketplace, HIV testing should be becoming
commonplace. That’s good news! With a retail cost
of only $39.99, HIV testing is now easier and more
confidential than ever. Researchers, however, are still
trying to find even easier and cheaper ways to test for
HIV in the system.
According to a paper published in Nature
Nanotechnology, researchers at Imperial
College London have developed a test that
analyzes blood serum for an HIV biomarker
known as p24. When present, a reaction in a
vial of solution causes nanoparticles of p24
to draw together into irregular clusters and
develop a blue hue. These blue clusters are
visible to the naked eye. When a negative
result is achieved, the particles separate
into spheres and remain red.
In contrast, the study also found that CD4 counts <200
cell/mm and cancellations of appointments, whether
at three 3-, 4-, or 6-month interval, were risk factors for
virologic failure.
If further studies confirm Buscher’s preliminary findings
as reported above, regular office visits could be reduced,
meaning lower costs for patients, less time dealing with
their illness, and less disruption to their everyday lives.
A New Vaccine Approach: Trick the
Immune System
Members of the medical faculty at Ruhr University
Bochum in Germany have received $2.3 million in
funding over the next 3 years from the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation. The researchers are part of the
Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery (CAVD) which
“seeks to speed up the development of an HIV-vaccine
through a rigorous exchange of information, methods
and reagents.”
The test can detect even the minutest
particle of p24 and therefore significantly
decreases the window period – the period
directly after infection when other antibodies tests may
give a false negative. The test is also one-tenth the cost
of current ELISA nucleic-acid based tests.
Researchers hope to team with nonprofit global health
groups to put the test into wide use in low-income
countries ravaged by HIV/AIDS.
Twice Yearly Check-Ups May Control HIV
MedPage Today reported recently that “going 4 or 6
months between office visits instead of the standard 3
does not appear to compromise virologic control among
stable-HIV patients.”
The study, conducted by April Buscher, MD, while a
resident at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston,
found that If patients only saw their physicians every 4
months, 75% still had undetectable viral loads at the end
of a year. Of the patients who only saw their doctors
twice a year – every 6 months -- 76% had maintained
virologic control at the end of 12 months. These
numbers are consistent with the 75% who maintained
virologic control after regular quarterly visits.
Buscher noted that the generalizability of her findings for
the 6 month visits group might be limited because of the
small percentage of patients within that group. Of the
2,165 patients included in the study, only 168, or about
7.5%, were members of the 6 month group.
THE VOICE nov 12 - jan 13
The project being funded is based on the knowledge
that certain immunological reactions to prior vaccines
have actually increased the risk of HIV-infection and the
desire to avoid harmful immune system responses while
still creating protective antibodies.
Earlier studies have shown that certain antibodies
could protect from HIV infection. Important for such
antibody production are the CD4 T helper cells. However,
reactive CD4 T helper cells are also where HIV multiples
particularly quickly. Therefore, if the number of HIVresponsive CD4 T helper cells increases as a result of the
vaccine, the effect is simultaneously helpful and hurtful.
The aim of this research project is to produce HIV
antibodies through the use of T helper cells whose
purpose is the recognition of other pathogens, not HIV.
The immune system would essentially be tricked into
fighting HIV. The number of T helper cells which respond
to HIV would not go up through vaccination, making it
more difficult for HIV to multiply. d
OCRA Reaches New Heights!
The 3rd annual Orange County
Ride for AIDS set new milestones
this year as the event continued
the growth realized during last
year’s ride.
Registrations were up about 40%
to a total of 165 for the October
13 event. More than 120 riders,
a growth of more than 50%,
participated on the day of the
event. And, although the books
don’t close on the event until
December 1, funds raised are
expected to top $125,000! That
total is 16% more than we raised
last year!
OCRA also increased its size by
adding an extra route for less
experienced riders. In addition to
the 100-mile Century route and
the 62-mile Metric Century route,
riders could also opt for the less
imposing, 30-mile Taste of
OCRA route.
All three routes were once again
developed by local cycling club,
Team OC. The members of Team
OC once again stepped up in a big
way to assist in the execution and
logistics of the ride. Members also
offered training rides for all three
routes with special Sunday rides
focusing on the family-friendly
Taste of OCRA ride. The continued
success of OCRA is definitely due
in no small part to the involvement
of the members of Team OC.
Also new this year was the location
of the start and finish line at the
Festival of Arts grounds in Laguna
Beach. The new site offered the
ride and our cause greater visibility
and definitely added to the excited
atmosphere of the post-ride festival.
The new start and finish location
also provided the opportunity to
change and refine the routes used
for the last two years. Riders all
agreed the new routes were more
forgiving, with the hardest climbs
coming about half-way through the
ride instead of long climbs to
the finish.
Pit Stop locations along the routes
included Irvine Valley College,
Starbucks at Las Flores Plaza in
Rancho Santa Margarita with a
volunteer crew supplied by Chase
Morgan, and Doheny State Beach
staffed by ASF employees, friends
and family. Trabuco Hills High
School served as the lunch Pit Stop
location. Volunteers from Wells
Fargo handed out sandwiches
to our riders provided by BJ’s
Restaurant and Brewhouse of
Laguna Beach. Awaiting the riders
at the finish were pizzas provided
by BJ’s and burgers and fries served
fresh from Original Tommy’s
Burgers food truck.
Organizers are already sitting down
to plan the 4th annual Orange
County Ride for
AIDS. We’re definitely
expecting it to continue to
grow! Registration should be open
by early December for the planned
October ride! More information can
be found at d
Presenting Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Supporting Sponsors
Media Sponsor
Service Sponsors
A Road Bike 4 U • Bike Religion
East West Bikes
Edge Cyclesports
G2Bikes Bicycle Center
Irvine Bicycles
JAX Bicycle Centers • Kiehl’s
Laguna Beach Legal
Oakley Performance Bikes
Rock N’ Road Cyclery
Simple Green
Sport Performance Institute
Starbucks • Yoga Works
THE VOICE nov 12 - jan 13
In Memory of Dino and Ruby Gomez
Arthur Gomez
In Memory of Eddie “Tony” Estrada
and Shawn Coakley
Richard and Charlene Estrada
In Memory of Michael McCoy
Vine Street Elementary School Faculty Fund
In Honor of Dr. Judy Fluor Runels
Louis D. Nealon
In Honor of Louis
ASF Volunteer Extraordinaire
Carol M. Edwards
In Honor of Ken Jillson
On the occasion of his birthday
Max Schneider and Ron Smelt
In Memory of
Michael Strazzulla
In Honor of
Barbara Hobson
—Ellen Gilleland
Thank you to the following for their generous
support of ASF's programs and services:
Entertainment AIDS Alliance ............ $5,000
General Operating
MAC AIDS Fund ................................. $25,000
Nutrition Services Program
Wells Fargo Foundation ................... $10,000
Medical Case Management
Wilbur May Foundation ................... $15,000
Family and Children’s Program
THE VOICE nov 12 - jan 13
Patron's Council
The outstanding leadership and commitment of its generous
supporters are essential aspects of ASF’s ability to help individuals
living with HIV and AIDS. Patron’s Council is ASF’s major donor
recognition society. Patron’s Council members are vital to the
success of ASF and demonstrate their unwavering commitment
to the agency by contributing $1,200 or more annually in nonevent related contributions. As major donors, Patron’s Council
members enjoy several recognition events each year.
President’s Circle
Anita May Rosenstein**
Ambassador’s Circle
Marilyn Brewer**
Director’s Circle
Michael H. & Nancy I. Brown
Bill Gillespie**
Delegate’s Circle
Jeffrey Elder &
Karla Kjellin-Elder
Gerald Giannini &
Ralph Wilson
Dennis C. Sieting
James W. Vaughn &
Kevin M. Broadwater
Advocate’s Circle
Wylie A. & Bette Aitken
Joe Baker, DMD &
Elliott Kornhauser, MD
Craig Benedetti &
Alex Acosta
Desi Barroga
Brian D. Bates, CPA/ABV, CVA*
Jeff L. Benedick &
Duane Vajgrt, MD*
James E. Burba & Bob Hayes
Erik Buzzard*
David A. Canzoneri &
Eric Cortina
Walter W. Carnwright &
Ariel C. Feir
Mark Coolidge
Karen Ellis &
Sandra Hartness
Bradford J. Engelland &
Jon Stordahl
Hung Y. Fan, PhD &
Michael Feldman
Mark Guillod* & Alan H. Miller
Arnold Henson, MD*
Carl O. Harvey
Robert M. Hodges, PhD &
Charles Hensley, PhD
Daniel R. Hovenstine, MD &
John Weber
Janice M. Johnson**
Mark Loeffler
Judith A. Morr*
Glen L. Morse & Douglas Coe
Christopher Quilter
Patricia Powers
Chuck P. Rainey III
Al Roberts* & Ken Jillson*
Scott Sackin & Philip Talbert
Max A. Schneider, M.D. &
Ronald E. Smelt
Frank J. Schools
Jean E. Schwalbe
Calvin L. Smith, Jr.
Jeffrey Stuckhardt** &
Bill Lawrence
Ed Todeschini &
John Ferrante
Philip Yaeger*
* ASF Board Member ** ASF Advisory Committee Member
* Indicates renewal of Patron’s Council Membership
since last printing.