English Version - AIDS Services Foundation Orange County


English Version - AIDS Services Foundation Orange County
Nov/Dec 2007
Vol. 18, No. 4
inside this issue
National Latino AIDS Awareness Day _________________ 4
Advisory Board
Adopt-a-child Program ____________________________ 5
Jorge Rodriguez, M.D.
Board President
Splashback to the Cactus Ranch Motel ___________ 6 & 7
Karen Ellis
Co-Vice President
The Honorable
Marilyn C. Brewer
State Assembly,
Retired Chair
Friends of Dorothy Guild ___________________________ 9
Maria Marquez
Co-Vice President
ASF Holiday Party ________________________________ 10
World AIDS Day _________________________________ 10
Mark Guillod
Jeffery Stuckhardt
Letter from the Executive Director ___________________ 3
Frank Bianchini
Terry Delonas
Barbara Boxer
U.S. Senator
Peggy Goldwater Clay
Community Leader
Ross Conner, Ph.D.
Dean Corey
Executive Director,
O.C. Philharmonic
Ron Davies
Business Executive
Hung Fan, Ph.D.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator
Arnold Henson, M.D.
Bill Gillespie
Nancy Jackson
Ken Jillson
Robert Haskell
President, Pacific Life
Our Mission
Janice Johnson
Arnold W. Klein, M.D.
AIDS Services Foundation Orange County's mission is to prevent the spread of
HIV and improve the lives of men, women, and children affected by HIV/AIDS
in Orange County.
James C. Loomis
Marica Pendjer
Veda Mabry
Anita May Rosenstein
Business Executive
Patron’s Council _____________________________________ 9
Memorials, Tributes & Grants _________________________ 11
Dale Jenkins
Judith O’Dea Morr
Our Story
A small group of volunteers founded AIDS Services Foundation, Orange County
(ASF) in late summer 1985, because people were dying, desperately needed
help, and had nowhere to turn. ASF is now the largest and most comprehensive
not-for-profit AIDS-service organization in Orange County, with a staff of over 60
committed and caring individuals, a 22-member board of directors and hundreds
of dedicated volunteers. AIDS Services Foundation, Orange County helps more
than 1,500 men, women, children, and families in Orange County living with
HIV disease. Services include food, transportation, housing, emergency financial
assistance, kids and family programs, mental health counseling, support groups
and HIV education and prevention services. We hope for the day when we will
never have to open our doors again. Until then, we work hard to ensure everyone living with HIV and AIDS in Orange County has access to life enhancing
care and prevent its spread.
www.ocasf.org • www.ocaidswalk.org
Remember World AIDS Day - December 1, 2007
November/December, 2007 Vol. 18 No. 4
Alpesh R. Patel
Al Roberts
Judith A. Rosenthal
Patti Tucker
Duane Vajgrt, M.D.
Loretta Sanchez
U.S. Congresswoman
Rick Silver
Business Executive
Stan Tkaczyk
Barbara Venezia
Al Roberts
Dick Weil
Managing Director,
Michelle Burton
Design & Layout
Gillian King, King Graphic Design
Printing Services
Richard Baca, Printing Division
by Alan Witchey, Executive Director
from the executive director
crawled into bed last night and smelled smoke. Under normal
circumstances, I would have been alarmed. However, for the
past several days, the air has been filled with a burnt fog that
creeps into my house like an unwanted insect. White ashes have
snowed down from a yellowish gray sky, blanketing the world. My
home is safe, but in the distance I know the flames from fires are still
crackling and burning. People are losing their houses, their photographs,
and all the things that matter to them. I am one of the lucky ones to
escape any losses. Some people might look out my window and
assume it’s the end of the world, but I know it’s just California.
Earthquakes, mud slides, fires, flash floods, and the dry, hurricane
force of the Santa Ana winds all seem ordinary to Californians. We
look at extraordinary disasters and with determination seek to overcome them. I am inspired by the spirit and energy
our community possesses. No matter what crisis occurs, we continue life, rebuild when necessary, and find ways
to help those in need. That is how we will overcome this current catastrophe.
We are fortunate that none of our clients lost their homes in these fires, but in Orange County, we face an
ongoing catastrophe — AIDS. People are losing their jobs because of their declining health, their homes because
they can’t afford to pay the rent or mortgage, or their health because they can’t purchase food or insurance. Every
day, ASF works with clients to help them maintain their lives, improve their health, and rediscover hope, all of
which is made possible due to the generous donors and volunteers who support us. For that, I thank each of you
reading this today.
At the end of each year when we commemorate World AIDS Day, I think back over all the amazing challenges
our clients survived in the past twelve months. There are too many to recount, but I remember one man who was
in the hospital for a month. I was certain he was going to die. I saw him last week, and he looked so healthy that
it inspired me once again to believe in the goodness of the world. For a moment, I forgot that more than 40 million
people are infected with HIV worldwide, and that more than 1 million of them live here in the United States. It’s
estimated that 6,000 - 8,000 reside in Orange County. HIV and AIDS continue to spread like an uncontrollable
fire burning away lives and dreams.
Through our prevention and education efforts, ASF is trying to suppress that fire, but we need everyone to bring
HIV back into their daily conversations. Encourage people to be safe and to get tested. This year’s theme for World
AIDS Day is Stop AIDS — Keep the Promise. It speaks to the importance of stopping the spread of HIV for future
generations and reflects back on the commitment we made to provide compassion and care to those afflicted with
HIV/AIDS. This year, I celebrate the determination I see in Orange County to help others and improve lives. This
year, I celebrate you because you are part of the solution. Tonight, as I crawl into my bed, I will once again smell
smoke, and I will still be far from alarmed. Instead, I will think it is ordinary. I will hope the air clears tomorrow,
but I know that if it doesn’t and I need help, I will get it here.
National Latino AIDS awareness
National Latino AIDS Awareness Day in Santa Ana
Presented by ASF and Abbott Laboratories
On October 14, 2007 over 800 people visited the 2nd Annual Open
Your Eyes to Health Fair at the Artist’s Village in Santa Ana. This
health fair was used to promote National Latino AIDS Awareness
Day and to educate families regarding the importance of good health.
The day started off with a bang, thanks to Archbishop Soto and
Senator Lou Correa, who both gave rousing talks about the need for
the Latino community to get tested for HIV. The importance of
families maintaining overall health was also emphasized during their
presentations. Super Estrella, a popular Latino music radio station,
was in attendance and provided upbeat music while also entertaining
the crowd with numerous contests and giveaways. The crowd was also
treated to free food which included burrittos, corn on the cob and
soft pretzels.
Kids were not left out as there were many activities for them also!
Smiles abounded as children played in the bounce houses, slid down
the colorful slides and had their faces painted. In addition, the
Discovery Science Center provided educational activities and children
were given the opportunity to learn about the importance of exercise
by actively participating in an exercise group.
The main focus of this fair was health and it definitely hit the mark.
The thriving event had numerous testing areas, where people got
tested for diabetes, cholesterol, vision and HIV. There were over
thirty HIV tests given on this day, which is a record for any ASF event.
Due to many community partners and Abbott Laboratories this event
was a huge success. Thank you to all volunteers and community partners.
Thank you to:
Abbott Laboratories
Apex Audio
Black Box Theatre
Boehringer Ingelheim
Andrea Harris/Cal State Fullerton
Mike Carter
City of Santa Ana
CVS Delhi Center
Glaxo Smith Kline
OC Health Agency
One Voice Insurance Services
Para Todos Magazine
Pioneer Pharmacy
Planned Parenthood
Public Law Center
Salon Medusa
Shanti OC
Tu Salud
by Yari Romandia and Scott Blaisdell
ASF Adopt A Child Holiday Gift Program
by Laurie Barber
Three Ways You Can Help
Visit www.target.com.
Click on TargetLists, go to “find a list” and
look up the list for Laurie Barber, ASF’s
Family Programs Coordinator.
Click on the gift card of your choice. It will
be shipped directly to ASF Family Programs.
Still want to buy a specific toy that a parent
has requested for their child? Click on the
gifts of your choice. Our TargetList is a
complete list of gifts that were submitted by
our clients for their children. Gifts purchased on target.com are shipped directly to
ASF and distributed to our clients before
the holidays.
Make a monetary donation to ASF, Family
Programs and we’ll purchase the gift cards for
you. All donations are tax deductible.
For more information or to make a
donation, please contact Laurie Barber
at 949-809-5710 or lbarber@ocasf.org.
secret angels needed
Helping Children Infected and Affected by HIV/AIDS
The Holiday Gift Program is designed to help parents infected
with HIV/AIDS and their children. Every parent wants to be
able to provide some special gifts for their children during the
holiday season.
Many of our clients are unable to provide any gifts for their
families due to their health and financial circumstances. We are
looking for special people to provide some secret assistance for
these parents.
Each of our eligible clients can request gifts not to exceed $50
per child. We match these wish lists to interested donors so that
they can purchase the gifts, purchase a gift card, or make a monetary donation to sponsor a child from our wish list.
Why a gift card?
We feel it is important to maintain the comfort children feel
from receiving gifts from their parents as opposed to charitable
donations from strangers, that is why we are asking for
donations of gift cards to local stores.
This way, our parents can purchase specific gifts, wrap
and address the gifts to their children, from them.
Your generous gift will touch the entire family by
empowering parents at this difficult time of year.
To insure enough time for distribution of gifts, all donations need to be delivered to ASF by Friday, December 7.
sponsor-a-bear program
ASF’s Holiday Gift Basket Program relies entirely on donations and corporate
sponsorship each year to create more than 450 gift baskets for our clients.
Several years ago, ASF established its “Sponsor-a-Bear” program to help raise
the funds necessary to continue its success. Each October, ASF
kicks off the “Sponsor-a-Bear” program so that
individuals can help underwrite the costs
Donate your Car, Truck, RV or Boat to
benefit AIDS Services Foundation
by sponsoring a bear for just $5.
You can sponsor as many bears as you
like. Last year, Frank Romero, ASF’s own
Remember to mention ASF as the charity of your choice.
Volunteer Services Supervisor, raised more than
We benefit by receiving the proceeds of the donation,
and you receive the tax dedution!
$7,700 for holiday gift baskets through the
(949) 809-8766
“Sponsor-a-Bear” program.
Contact Mark Marger at
(949) 809-5770 or send an
email to him at MMarger@ocasf.org
to get in on the action!
Splashback to the Cactus Ranch Motel
On September 28th and 29th ASF hosted its 22nd Big Splash at the Festival of Arts in Laguna Beach. The two-day event raised over
$500,000 and had 800 guests fully entertained by the delightful show written by event co-chair, Ken Jillson. ASF would like to
especially thank Ron and Santina Davies for their $100,000 lead gift this year. Their generosity inspired the entire community to reach
down deep and make a difference in the lives of hundreds of men, women and children living with HIV/AIDS in Orange County.
The amount of hours and days that Splash volunteers committed to this event are innumerable. For many the journey began
months beforehand and the cast dedicated nearly an entire month of their lives to rehearsing a show cleverly choreographed
by Amanda Nora and Nate Hodges. Mark Porterfield and Steve Chadima’s home was transformed into Splash headquarters,
during this critical time. Their kindness was instrumental and provided a wonderful place for the show to really come together.
Leslie Barry, Mike Carter and Bill Park arrived on-site on Saturday, September 22nd and spent the week setting up sound, lighting
and building a fantastic stage complete with a smiling cowboy and a flashing vacancy sign, creating a believable and befitting
backdrop for the fun-filled show.
Judy Fluor Runels, event co-chair, brought a dedicated group at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 29th to set the mood with
75 darling centerpieces comprised of succulent plants and, of course, horse shoes! By 6 p.m. the live and silent auctions were
on display and the guests were placing their bids. The Live Auction was brought to life by a spontaneous $25,000 matching
challenge gift from Paul Morabito! Jim Loomis, Nicholas Labedz, Thomas Panno, Ernest Schmider, and Al Roberts all stepped up
to the challenge and gained an additional $50,000 for programs and services at ASF. Other winners that evening included Shelly
Kim, who took home the luxurious weekend package from the St. Regis Resort and Nicholas Labedz was also the lucky bidder
acquiring the New York Palace package with two round trip American Airlines tickets. Lastly, Thomas Panno won the weeks stay
in Princeville, Kauai!
As we finally close the curtain on another phenomenal Big Splash we must also thank Anita May Rosenstein and Brian
Rosenstein, Mark Porterfield and Steve Chadima, Paul Morabito and Ed Bayuk, Al Roberts and Ken Jillson, Bill Gillespie, Nicholas
Labedz and Dick and Britney Weil as our other major sponsors this year. The Big Splash also thanks Susan Davis, Sundried Tomato
Café and Catering, California Stage and Lighting, Beaulieu Vineyards, Young’s Market Company, Bill Atkins Design, Starbucks,
King Graphic Design, Signature Party Rentals, MicWorks, Brite Ideas, Laguna Beach Independent, Union Bank of California,
PIMCO Foundation, Stalker Fine Foods, Printing Division, Kaiser Permanente and The Blade.
friends of dorothy guild
“I’ve put a group of friends together to help AIDS Services Foundation Orange County.
The money we raise goes directly to helping local families and individuals dealing with
—Barbara Venezia, ASF Advisory Board Member,
Guild Chairman quote from her column in the Daily Pilot
Earlier this year, Barbara Venezia set a goal to raise $30,000 through two fundraisers to support ASF. Her first success was an over the top Tupperware Party that raised
over $16,000 and most recently she and her committee organized a wildly successful Halloween Costume Event that raised over $50,000 on Saturday, October 27th at
Newport Beach Vineyards and Winery at 2128 Mesa Drive. Loren Blackwood and
Richard Moriarty donated the use of there exquisite Vineyard and Wine Cave which
was a perfect setting for this hauntingly fun benefit. Given those numbers the
Friends of Dorothy Guild has raised more than $65,000 in their first year of
service to the community of clients living with HIV/AIDS in Orange County.
At the Halloween Costume Event, everyone arrived filled with the spirit of the
evening and dressed as superheroes, pirates, witches, and of course characters from
the Wizard of Oz. The Silent Auction consisted of various ghouls, skeletons and
Halloween décor that shaked, rattled and howled during the evening. The Live
Auction had three exciting getaways up for grabs complete with airfare beginning
with a two-night stay at the Treasure Island Resort in Las Vegas and tickets to see
Cirque du Soleil which was taken home by Dr. Scott Stoney and Jacqueline Lee.
The next marvelous escape was to London and Paris beginning with a three night
stay at the Thistle Marble Arch and ending with four nights as the Le Parc Sofitel
Demeure Hotel which was won by Loren Blackwood and Richard Moriarty and lastly was a weeks stay at a lovely home in Maui won by Patrick Munoz.
Barbara stated that she liked the name Friends of Dorothy as it reflects how the
Wizard of Oz character, “clicked her heels three times and made things happen.” We
would like to thank Barbara and her guild members for making a lot of very good
things happen for ASF! Guild Members: Jeremy Belesario, Loren Blackwood, Steve
Bond, Marilyn Brewer, Bunny Clark, Kathleen Craig, Elena Dawson, Tim Dunn,
Mark Eskander, Patti Gordon, Dave House, Lana Johnson, Dean Jones, Pat Kennedy,
Rachael McCabe, Annemarie Miller-Jones, Tim Stoaks, Judy Tenuta, Stan Tkaczyk,
Renee West, Harriett Wieder.
patron’s council
as of October 31, 2007
*ASF Board Member; **ASF Advisory Committee
Ron** & Santina Davies
Michael Barry
Bob Crowder
David & Shelly Kim
Jim* & Linda Loomis
Craig Benedetti & Alex Acosta
Jerry & Laura Bieser
Rich Fiock
Bill Gillespie**
Janice Johnson*
Paul Morabito & Ed Bayuk
Marcos Pacheco
David Pennington
Fred Siegel
Vern and Carol Underwood
Marilyn C. Brewer**
Kevin Broadwater & James Vaughn
Jacques Camus
The Edwin D. & Rose Delaney Foundation
Josh Goose
Kenneth Jervis
Robert M. Oster
Steven Saucer & Charles Brickell
Kim Shepherd
Richard** & Britney Weil
Jim Albright & Tom Peterson
Richard Anderson & Alex Wentzel
Jeff Benedick & Duane Vajgrt, MD*
Frank Bianchini* & Joseph Ramondetta
Paul Blank
Pamela Bobit
James Bohm
Peggy A. Bradley & Dona Klein
Mike Bucaro
Michelle Burton
Theodore Caldwell & Sandra Campbell
David Canzoneri & Eric Cortina
Joseph N. Carberry & Tim Turner
Mark Clymer & Marc Mullendore
Michael Cole
John Combs & Sheldon Harte
Elwood Cruz & Mark Munsell
Jeffrey Dunlap & Layne Rackley
Southern California Edison
Jeff Elder & Karla Kjellin-Elder
Karen Ellis* & Sandra Hartness
Brad Engelland & Jon Stordahl
Hung Fan, PhD* & Michael Feldman
Dan & Adrianne Feehan
John Ferrante & Ed Todeschini
Jerry Finster
Armando Flores
Leonardo Flores
Harold Foley & John Anguiano
Steve Francis
Kathryn May Fritz
Steve Frost & Gary Castaneda
Gerald Giannini & Ralph Wilson
Hoot & Leslie Gibson
Anthony Glenn
Charles Groux & David Taborelli
Mark Guillod* & Alan Miller
Joseph Harris
Sheldon Harte & John Combs
Carl O. Harvey, III
Bob Haskell**
Robert Hayden
Arnold Henson, MD* & Theresa Siaca
Debora Hintz
Robert Hodges & Charles Hensley
John W. Holcombe
Daniel Hovenstine, MD
Shirley Jaglowski
Dale Jenkins*
Michael Johnson & Taka Oiwa
Nathan Jurczyk & Bob Parisi
Fred Karger
John & Susie Kenefick
Trevor Kensey
Dan Ketelaars & Jay Arter
Alex Kochnuk
Elliott Kornhauser, MD & Joe Baker, DMD
Barry Kuppermann, MD & Jan Kuppermann
Charlie Lapple & Cameron Pearce
Francois Leclair
Elliot Leonard & Roger Litz
Tom Livermore & Scott Shadrick
Mark Loeffler
Hilda Lord
Veda Mabry
Maria I. Marquez*
Henry McCanless & Mark Coolidge
Mike McConnell & Michael Baum
Bill Merrill & Paul Ecke
Glenn Morse
Judy O’Dea Morr*
Don & Bess Owens
Bill Oxford
Pat Powers
Mark Puente
Christopher M. Quilter
George Raab
Chuck Rainey
Tom Ray
Dan & Emily Real
Frank Ricchiazzi & Borden Moller
Sam & Bonnie Richmond
Al Roberts* & Ken Jillson*
Jorge Rodriguez, MD* & Ed Olen
Ty Rose
Judith Rosenthal* & Georgia Garrett-Norris
Mario Ruiz
Dick Runels & Judy Fluor Runels
Scott Sackin & Philip Talbert
David W. Schaar
Max Schneider, MD & Ron Smelt
Frank J. Schools
Jean E. Schwalbe
Jeff Seeger
Dennis C. Sieting
Rick Silver**
Edward & Helen Shanbrom
Calvin Smith
Sindee Smolowitz & Peggy Eaton
Dwight Spiers & Gordon Cowan
Patrick Stanton
Jeffery Stuckhardt* & Bill Lawrence
Larry Tenney
Stan** and Barbara Tkaczyk**
Patti Tucker*
Jeffrey L. Van Hoosear
Alan Witchey & Paul Sigmund
Allan Weiss
Richard M. Young
Tues., December 11• 6:30 pm
Join us at A
Laguna Art Museum
307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach
Enjoy holiday cocktails & food
It’s all for a great cause and it’s
only $50 per person!
RSVP to Diana Pahl at ASF
(949) 809-8760 or dpahl@ocasf.org
Dress is Casual.
All proceeds for the evening will benefit the ASF Food Pantry. Your admission of $50 will help provide an ASF client with approximately 15 days’ worth of food!
World AIDS Day is December 1
AIDS Services Foundation Orange County along with
several of our community partners will hold our annual
World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil on Saturday
December 1 from 7:30 – 8:00 p.m. The Vigil will be
held at the Second Street Promenade in the Artists
Village in Santa Ana. The event is open to the public.
Candles will be provided at the vigil.
You are encouraged to join us for the vigil and spend
the evening in the Artist Village. The vigil coincides
with the monthly Open House Art Walk held in the
Artists Village. Several restaurants in the area provide
dining options and you can walk through the galleries
and studios to make it a full evening. Staff from The
Center Orange County, REACH and ASF will be onsite
throughout the evening to provide people attending the
Art Walk with information about HIV/AIDS.
The vigil will draw our attention to the fight against
AIDS here in Orange County and around the world.
We will also take time to remember those friends, partners,
spouses and family members we have lost to the disease.
The vigil will include music, poetry and readings to
help us commemorate the evening.
Parking can be found in the 'Artists Village Parking
Structure' at Third Street and Broadway in Santa Ana.
More information on the Artists Village may be found
on the web at www.aplaceforart.org
If you have questions about the event please contact
Ty Rose, Outreach Chaplain at ASF, 949-809-8762 or
$20,000 - Health Education
David and Karen Barr
$5,000 - General Operating
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Gomez
$25,000 - Case Management
$40,000 - Latino Community Outreach Program
$5,000 - Positively Speaking Program
$10,000 - General Operating
$5,000 - Nutrition Services Program
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Abramowitz
Mr. Alfred W. Moore and Gae V. Seal
also known as the Popcorn Man of Splash who
started the tradition with his donation of Popcorn
Richard W. Silver
Al Roberts and Ken Jillson
Mother of ASF board member and Splash
producer, Ken Jillson
Al Roberts
Shop at Ralph’s
and help ASF!
Did you know that every time you purchase groceries
you can help ASF?
When you enroll or renew your Ralphs Fundraiser
Membership, up to 5% of your Club Card purchases
at Ralphs and Food 4 Less are returned to ASF
through Ralphs Community Contribution Program.
This program has already generated thousands of
dollars that go directly into ASF’s programs. All you
have to do is enroll at Ralphs.com, even if you’ve
already enrolled with ASF in the past. It’s easy!
• Go to www.ocasf.org and click on
“Shop Ralphs and Donate to ASF.”
Charles A. Lampman, Jr.
Angel Burton Wilkins
Justice Burton Wilkins
• Enter your information to enroll!
ASF’s NPO number is 80888.
All registrations after August 1, 2007 will be effective
for the new term that began on September 1, 2007.
Food 4 Less members will
not need to re-register
their Food 4 Less
Reward Card and their
membership will continue.
For many years the ASF Pantry has been a recipient of the September Yom Kippur Food
Drives from Temple Bat Yahm in Newport Beach. We want to thank them for their
continued support and donation of nearly $700 in products to the pantry this year.
The Nurture Women’s Bible Study from Rock Harbor Church in Costa Mesa hosted a
picnic on Saturday October 29, 2007 that brought together the families from the
Nurture Women and ASF’s Latina Support Groups. The Nurture group has hosted a
Mother’s Day Tea the past two years for the same group of ASF clients helping to build
a bond between the two groups of women. The afternoon included a delicious picnic
lunch, organized games for all all the children and gifts for each of the ASF clients
attending. We wish to thank the Nurture women and their families for their kindess,
love and generosity.
Saturday, December 1st
World AIDS Day
Promenade, Artists’ Village
Santa Ana, 7:30 PM
Call Ty Rose 949-809-8762
Tuesday, December 11
ASF’s Annual
Holiday Party
Laguna Art Museum
$50 per person, 6:30 PM
RSVP to Diana 949-809-8760
Visit www.ocasf.org for more
information on upcoming events
A heartfelt thank you to contributors to the 4th Annual Painted Pumpkin Auction
Madison Square Garden & Cafe, Jon Madison; Coastal Counseling & Coaching, Dr. Kathleen
Nickerson; Joanna Fee and the Committee.
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