World Congress 2016 - National Contract Management Association
World Congress 2016 - National Contract Management Association
World Congress 2016 Employer Justification Packet The National Contract Management Association (NCMA) strives to provide its members and contract management professionals with ongoing education and training in order to reach their highest level of success. In the current environment, we recognize that many training and travel budgets have been reduced or eliminated altogether. This demands that each of us become proficient with limited time and resources. Attending a national training event is the most cost-effective investment to receive education and training, while earning continuing professional education hours in a small amount of time. NCMA’s World Congress is the profession's training event of the year for government and industry contract management professionals. This four-day event on July 24–27 is packed with training and interactive sessions where attendees gather to engage, educate, and experience excellence. Plus, World Congress provides unique networking opportunities to make valuable connections with 1,800+ likeminded individuals and with companies who have the solutions your organization needs to thrive. To assist you in communicating the value of attending World Congress 2016, each year we update the Employer Justification Packet that includes the following: About World Congress 2016 – Understanding Who Attends and the Value Provided; Getting Started – Clearly Communicating the Desire to Attend World Congress; A Solid Value Proposition – The Fiscal Value of World Congress Attendance; Calculating Event ROI – How to Justify Your Attendance, and; Attendee Justification Letter – Crafting a Convincing Attendance Request About World Congress 2016 Understanding Who Attends and the Value Provided Past attendees have included: • Contract Specialists & Negotiators • Contract Administrators & Officers • Subcontract Managers • Senior Procurement Executives • Procurement & Purchasing Managers • Vice Presidents & Directors of Contracts • Supply Chain & Sourcing Professionals • Program & Project Managers • Compliance & Ethics Officers • COTRs & CORs • Corporate Counsel • • • • • • • • • • Estimating Specialists & Analysts Pricing Specialists & Analysts Proposal Managers Acquisition Professionals Business Development Professionals Owners and CEOs or Large and Small Business Heads of Contracting Activity General Managers Professors & Students Procurement & Contract Law Professionals The following graphs represent the years of contract management experience past attendees have had and what type of organization they represented. World Congress is beneficial no matter what career stage you are in! What do Past Attendees Say about World Congress? Each year we receive phenomenal feedback from our attendees. In fact, in last year's attendee evaluation more than 98% of attendees positively rated their experience and 94% said that they would recommend World Congress to a peer or coworker! GETTING STARTED Clearly Communicating Your Desire to Attend World Congress We understand that many training and travel budgets have been reduced or eliminated altogether. This means that regardless of the merits of a particular training event, you’ll need to effectively justify the expense. There is no better way to justify an expense than a clearly communicated proposal. To assist you in articulating your proposal, we’ve come up with a list of points you should consider: • NCMA leads the contracting profession and sets the wide professional standard, with the most robust Contract Management Body of Knowledge (CMBOK), of which all programming is based. • World Congress and all NCMA national training events comply with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) requirements regarding government employee conference training as defined in 5 C.F.R. 410.404. • NCMA training events such as World Congress completely support the intent and spirit of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) letters directed to all chief acquisition officers and senior procurement executives encouraging government interaction with industry, as well as effective training and development of the government acquisition workforce and new requirements for the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C). This guidance stresses “early, frequent, and constructive engagement with industry, [which] leads to better acquisition outcomes” and strongly supports participation in professional organizations and/or their events. • NCMA training events meet the intent and spirit of Department of Defense guidance outlined within the Better Buying Power initiative pertaining to increasing the professionalism of the acquisition workforce. • NCMA coordinates closely with senior federal government and industry sector leadership to ensure continued alignment of educational curricula and agency live event training and development policy. • The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memorandum dated May 7, 2014, outlines FAC-C training requirements and expresses the value of professional associations in giving contracting professionals “adequate time and resources to train and develop, providing them appropriate experience so they can understand how to apply their training, and building a culture of collaboration and innovation within the agency.” View the full memorandum and the benefits of attending training by a professional organization here. • Attendees earn 20 continuing professional education (CPE) hours. If you are working to obtain or maintain your NCMA certification, remind your supervisor that this is a great opportunity to earn these hours in a concentrated amount of time. Referring back to the OFPP memorandum, it states that “regular participation in continuous learning activities and programs enhances the skills of acquisition professionals, affords them opportunities for professional growth, and improves the quality of services rendered.” • The networking you'll receive at World Congress is unparalleled. You will be in direct contact with over 1,800+ like-minded professionals and have an open forum to share ideas and build lasting relationships. Helpful tips: • Prepare to communicate your attendance plans. Have a list of the different sessions you plan to attend and describe what you will gain from these sessions. • Offer to share your new insight! Once you return from World Congress, deliver a short presentation and Q&A session for your colleagues. By sharing the information you’ve obtained, the organization receives a higher return on its investment. • Communicate that you'll share the presentations and speaker handouts with your colleagues. As an attendee, you’ll have unlimited access to materials provided by the speakers. • Finally, check out our registration page, where all the various rates are listed to see if you qualify for any of the reduced rates. Remember, those who register at the nonmember rate receive a complimentary one-year NCMA membership with their attendance to World Congress. Not only do these individuals receive all of the benefits of attendance, but they also receive a whole year’s worth of NCMA membership benefits. A SOLID VALUE PROPOSITION The Fiscal Value of World Congress Attendance A stand-alone, 90-minute NCMA Webinar costs $189.00, but at World Congress, you can participate in up to 14 education sessions (not counting the post-event seminars) for a total of 1,020 minutes of learning—a value of $2,142 for the member rate of $975 ($1,150 for nonmembers). That’s more than $1,167 of savings in education alone! As an attendee, you will get all of that knowledge and face-to-face networking in just four days, meaning fewer days out of the office, lower travel costs, and immediate applicable results. $189: Average cost of one 90-minute Webinar $975: Early member registration fee for World Congress, which includes: 14 education sessions (1,020 minutes)—a $2,142 value, 3 breakfasts—a $100 value, 2 lunches—a $120 value, 3 refreshment breaks—a $30 value, 1 evening reception with hors d'oeuvres and beverages—a $50 value, and 10 hours of exclusive access to the exhibit hall. $2,442 (actual value of World Congress attendance) -$975 (actual member cost) —————————————————————————————————— $1,467 (actual member savings) CALCULATING EVENT ROI How to Justify Your Attendance While you must justify your need to attend World Congress, your supervisor must justify the purchase to his or her superiors. The easier it is for your supervisor to justify the expense, the more likely it is that your proposal will be approved. To make an effective justification to your supervisor, you have to look at the expense from his or her point of view and calculate the return on investment (ROI). How to Calculate the ROI In order to calculate the return on investment, you must first have an idea of your original investment. In other words, you need to know the cost of the investment in order to submit a proposal and to calculate the ROI. Event Expenses Worksheet EXPENSE World Congress Registration EXPLANATION Visit the Registration Page for the available rates. COST $ Pre/Post Event Registrations (if applicable) Optional. $ Flight (if applicable) Visit a travel site such as Expedia or Travelocity to find an estimate. $ Lodging (if applicable) Visit the Lodging Page for the available rates. $ Transportation To and from the airport, if flying (Taxi or Rental Car). $ Mileage Reimbursement Driving to the event or to the airport for your flight? Use Google Maps to calculate distances, and then multiply miles by 54 cents/mile (IRS standard for 2016). $ Parking Reimbursement (if applicable) At the airport for flight departure, at hotel, or at the convention center where the event is located. $ Food Per Diem The current per diem rate for Orlando, FL is $59. $ Total: $ Evaluating & Calculating the Benefits One of the most challenging parts of finding the ROI for your attendance is that many of the benefits are difficult to quantify. This is especially true when it comes to determining the value of networking. Therefore, the best way to convey the overall value is to focus on each type of benefit and the overall organizational return. Benefits that you may want to consider include networking, current/future challenge exploration, current/future tools exploration, current/future technology exploration, vendor search, and team building (if multiple staff members attend). To get you started, we’ve begun filling in a sample table on the next page. Event Benefits Worksheet ORGANIZATIONAL CHALLENGE Your organization is currently struggling with innovation and generating new ideas. POTENTIAL ORGANIZATIONAL RETURN • Get it from the experts. Gain insights, solutions, and strategies for innovation. Learn upcoming and future trends that the profession will experience. • Hear from both government and industry leadership on potential strategies that could provide innovative and valueadded solutions. • Listen to nationally recognized leaders within the contracting profession and discuss the current challenges and what can be done to improve upon the future of contract management. Your organization is wants to increase its competitive advantage through implementation of key efficiency initiatives and enhanced buying power trends. • Learn more about the latest growth trends in both government and industry. • Gain a better understanding of key initiatives and practices to reduce organizational inefficiencies. • Capture potential solutions you can take back to your organization for discussion, consideration, and implementation. Your contracting department lacks the key management tools and training essentials for the organization’s future success. • Learn key principles from senior contracting and acquisition leaders in meeting the key challenges of the 21st Century, including human capital trends and building quality teams. • Hear experts discuss principles of acquisition; including innovative source selection practices, pricing trends, and cutting-edge green procurement strategies. • Receive information on state-of-the-art tools and practical solutions to help increase team productivity, communication, and ultimately the bottom line of your organization. • Travel together and attend World Congress as a team to help build coworker relationships. Discuss the ideas that you took away from the event once you return back to the office for added team value. Your organization needs to be more prepared to manage upcoming legislation changes • This year we will see significant legislative changes in the area of acquisition. World Congress will bring you up to date on these dramatic changes and how to prepare now in order to adapt. Once you have quantified the benefits of the event, you will then be able to point out the ROI to your employer. You can use the information you mapped out here to help write your attendee proposal, which is the next step of the process. ATTENDEE JUSTIFICATION LETTER Crafting a Convincing Attendance Request While the choice to attend World Congress may seem like an easy one for you, at times it can be challenging for some organizations to see the full benefits. This is why it is so important to take the time to build a solid business case for your attendance. Next, you’ll find a “justification letter” template. Present this letter to your supervisor to explain all of the benefits you’ll obtain from World Congress attendance, how attending will make you achieve professional growth, and ultimately, how it will help advance your organization. This general template on the next page will get you started. Customize it with your own voice and the specific needs of your organization. World Congress Justification Letter Template <Date> Dear <supervisor’s name>: I would like to attend NCMA’s World Congress 2016, July 24–27 in Orlando, FL—the year’s premier education event for government contract, procurement, and acquisition professionals. The training event will enable me to attend a number of education sessions that are directly applicable to my work and will allow me to network with a variety of like-minded professionals, contract experts, and colleagues from around the nation. Many of the presentations are tailored to the <your area of focus> profession and give information on how to <list benefits to your responsibilities>. After reviewing the event website (, I have identified a number of education tracks that will allow me to gain knowledge and understanding about how we can improve our processes. The sessions that fall under each track will be facilitated by government, industry, and academic experts, as well as other contracting professionals who have faced similar challenges. I highlighted education tracks below because they directly relate to <an issue the organization currently faces>. <Insert the track titles that most apply to your responsibilities.> <The dollar amounts in brackets below will need to be adjusted to reflect the current pricing. All registration fees are listed here. The travel costs vary as well and should be changed to reflect your costs.> The full registration fee is <$xxxx>, but can be reduced $200 by registering before March 18, 2016. I have included a detailed cost breakdown below. Here is the breakdown of training event costs: Roundtrip Airfare: <$xxxx> Transportation: <$xxxx> Hotel: <$xxxx> Meals: <$xxxx> Registration Fee: <$xxxx> The opportunity for me to develop my network and gain knowledge in specific areas of <your area of focus> makes my attendance to NCMA’s World Congress 2016 an excellent investment for <name of your organization>. Sincerely, <your name here> What Happens Next? You should consult with your tax professional for advice and to determine whether the IRS regulations below apply to your specific circumstances. After your request has been submitted to your employer, it will be reviewed to determine which expenses will be covered on your behalf. Your employer may cover your participation in whole, in part, or may not have the budget to cover the expenses being requested. If you fall into the latter two categories, it’s important to also consider that the Internal Revenue Service allows you to deduct the costs of attending a training event if you do not receive reimbursement from an employer as it relates to a profession. You can deduct the total eligible costs for the year on a personal income tax return as a miscellaneous deduction. The IRS limits the deductible amount to the portion that exceeds 2 percent of adjusted gross income. Admission You can deduct the cost of admission to the training event if your employer requires your attendance or it otherwise relates to your current profession. If not required to attend, the training event must be an ordinary and necessary expense. You meet this requirement if attendance to similar training events is common practice in your trade or profession. The deduction covers meetings that provide networking or potential future business opportunities. Long-Distance Travel If the training event is outside your principal work area, you can deduct the travel expenses. These may include the cost of purchasing airline and train tickets, and ground transport to and from transportation hubs such as an airport or train station. Personal Automotive Expenses Taxpayers who use a personal vehicle to drive to the training event may deduct related costs. The IRS provides taxpayers with the standard mileage rate methodology for calculating the deduction. This gives a fixed amount you can deduct for each mile driven with a personal vehicle for business purposes. For example, in 2016 the IRS standard mileage rate was 54 cents per mile driven. In addition to the mileage rate, you can deduct the cost of tolls. Lodging If you must stay overnight while attending, you can deduct hotel costs. The IRS considers an overnight stay necessary if the travel is so extensive it requires extended rest to participate in the training event. For example, if the event were 30 miles from the home, absent other extraordinary circumstances, an overnight stay would be unnecessary. Additionally, deductible hotel charges may not be extravagant or luxurious. Meals Amounts paid for food and reasonable restaurant gratuities while traveling away from home are another deduction. The IRS gives taxpayers two methods to calculate meal costs. It publishes daily per diem rates applicable to various geographic areas that you can use without regard to the amount actually spent. Alternatively, you can keep records of all meals and list the total costs paid. The following link is to IRS Publication 463, which details the IRS regulations for deducting travel expenses.
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