Chamber Updates - Hillside-Berkeley Chamber of Commerce


Chamber Updates - Hillside-Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
Hillside-Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
4 8 5 0 B u t t e r f i e ld R d . , H i l ls i d e , I L 6 0 1 6 2 7 0 8 - 4 4 9 - 2 4 4 9
Chamber Updates
October 2010
Volume 4 Issue 10
Oakridge Nursing and Rehab
New Members
A Saturday Morning that we will never forget !!!!!!
Jackson Hewitt Tax
From the desk of Helen Lacek...
Southern Exposure
Restaurant & Catering
Shortly after midnight on the morning of July 24, 2010 an event was set into
motion that would change the lives of the residents at Oakridge Nursing and
Rehab and would create a bond between the owners and their employees that
will last a lifetime.
Marc Realty
Kelly Green Landscape
Sanford-Brown College
I received a call from the facility at 2:00am that water was coming in the front
entrance and there was a lot of standing water in the parking lot. Staff were
informed to call the fire department so they could check the storm sewers.
Chase Bank
Grace Analytical Lab
Staples, Inc.
Godinez Automotive
Taqueria Dos Franciscos
Letter/Perfect Signs &
Prepaid Legal Services
Varesh Corporation
Inside this issue:
FootballMania winners
Oakridge continued
Upcoming Events, Officers &
Advertise Here
Customized fx HOT DEALS
Chase Bank
Staples & Chicago Bears
Chamber Board Meeting
October 13th
At 4:00am there was a substantial amount of water coming into the building
via the front entrance so the residents were moved to the other side of the
building. By 6:00am the fire department was on the scene to check the status
of the parking lot which had three feet of water that was not rescinding. The
facility along with the Hillside Fire Department started the facility evacuation
plan. Within half an hour all ambulatory residents were transferred to a bus to
be relocated to the Tri-Gemini workshop on May Street. Because of all the
water the bus was only able to make one trip. A front-end loader from IDOT
was used to push the bus out of the water. Carol Littig, 61, stated that while
on the bus she and other residents were in water up to their knees.
By 7:00am Tri-Gemini was set up as a command center by myself and the
2 Hillside Fire Dept. The residents were triaged at that location and either sent
to a hospital or remained at the workshop because it was believed that the
2 situation was temporary. After reports that the water was still rising it was
deemed a full evacuation.
From 7:45am to 12:15pm all residents were removed from the facility via
large rubber rafts that were brought in by the fire department. Edward Mar4
5 cisz, 59, stated that he liked the idea of taking a boat ride but not in a Hillside
6 parking lot.
Residents were placed at local hospitals and nursing homes. Five residents
were sent to MacNeal, two went to West Suburban, nine to Loyola, five to
Oak Park and four to LaGrange. Residents were admitted for shelter only.
Continued on page 2
FootballMania Winners
Week #1 - Elaine Harris
Week #2 - Donald Wilson
Week #3 - Roberta Bauernfreund
Congratulations to all our winners! Fourteen more winners to come!!
Oakridge Nursing and Rehab continued
The nurses called the hospitals and gave reports while the assistant administrator phoned families. Residents
face sheets and physician orders were faxed later.
The face sheet and current medication records were given at the time of transfer to the driver for those residents being temporarily placed in nursing homes. A call was then made to the director of nursing of each
building receiving residents and a report was given. Later, a copy of current physician orders and medications
were bagged and taken to each of the facilities. Families were called and given locations. The physicians of
all residents were called, informed of the situation, given reports and locations of their residents.
The following nursing homes received residents: The Grove of LaGrange (9), McAllister (6), Evergreen Park
(4), Palos Extended Care (7), and one resident went home with family.
All 56 residents were safely evacuated without incident. The next day the AM staff of Oakridge made rounds
at the local nursing homes and gave care interventions. Department heads went to hospitals. The facility was
secured and a cleaning crew started on July 25, 2010.
During the renovation of Oakridge the staff helped out with whatever was asked of them. They visited residents, did yard work, even accompanied residents to appointments.
The experience isn’t one that any of us would like to repeat but Oakridge will be better because of it. John
and I would like to sincerely thank the staff, the Hillside Fire Department, Vandenberg Ambulance, Trace
Ambulance, the owner of Tri-Gemini and everyone who volunteered for the help that was given on that day
and throughout the renovations. God bless each and every one of you.
After 5 weeks 6 days and three hours we are all home, but who is counting . Our homecoming was
Sept 3,2010
Helen Lacek
Farmer’s Market
Upcoming Events
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Tuesdays thru October
Farmer’s Market
7am to 1pm
thru October
5555 St. Charles Rd.,Berkeley
October 2
Cemetery Tour
Sponsored by:
Hillside-Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
October 13
Chamber Board Meeting
November 4
Inland Bank After Hours
November 6
Veterans Day Parade-Hillside
Chamber Officers and Directors
President - Rick Smolke
Quik Impressions
Vice-President - Open
Hannelore Alajoki
Republic Bank
Evelyn Belmonte
Village of Hillside
Jack Harris
Great Lakes Automatic Door
Mike Kuryla
Hillside Fire Department
Lou Rodriguez
Customized fx
Rita Steiskal
Boys & Girls Club
of West Cook County
Robert Taylor
R.L. Taylor Realty
Corresponding Secretary Carol Bibly
Hillside Historical Society
Treasurer - Melissa Gardner
Berkeley Public Library
Recording Secretary Sue Hutsebaut
Chamber of Commerce
Past President John Esposito
West-Hill Auto Body
Kathy Zaleta
Hillside Public Library
Joe Tamburino
Mayor of Hillside
Michael A. Esposito
Mayor of Berkeley
The Chamber Board will meet on
Wednesday October 13th at
7:30am at Taqueria Dos Franciscos
at 4949 Butterfield Rd., Hillside.
Most meetings last about one hour.
Members are always welcome.
Godinez Automotive
Powers 24 Hour Towing Service, Inc
West-Hill Auto Body, Inc
Matthew Kramer Architect
Cemetery Memorials & Monuments
Bertacchi & Sons Co., Inc
Peter Troost Monument
Construction Equipment & Contractors
Arc Glazing, Inc.
Continental Electrical Construction Co.
Hillside Lumber, Inc
MEM Electric, Inc.
Stone Mountain Access Systems, Inc
Robert E. Lee & Sons Co.
DBA Hillside Academy
Hillside School District 93
Sanford-Brown College
Triton College
Family, Community & Civic Organizations
Association for Child Development
Berkeley Public Library
Boys & Girls Club of West Cook County
Broadview-Hillside American Legion
Hillside Baseball, Inc
Hillside Historical Society
Hillside Public Library
Memorial Park District
Village of Berkeley
Village of Hillside / Fire Department
Westchester Chamber of Commerce
Finance and Insurance
Chase Bank
First Suburban National Bank
Inland Bank & Trust
Jackson Hewitt Tax Services
Marty Hughes Tax Consultant
North American Medical Management
Precision Accounting & Income Tax Serv.
Republic Bank
Quality Accounting & Tax Service
John Jurik State Farm Insurance
Funeral Home
Corbin Colonial Funeral Chapel, LLC
Health Care
Aspire of Illinois
Celar Chiropractic
Grace Analytical Lab, Inc
Michael A. Esposito D.D.S.
Oakridge Nursing & Rehab
The Renaissance at Hillside
Heating & Cooling
Climatemp Service Group
Home and Garden
Blue Jay Landscaping Services
J.P’s Landscaping, Inc
Kelly Green Landscape Services
Luurs Garden & Flower Shoppe
Legal Services
Jeep & Blazer, LLC
Mary P. McGah Attorney At Law
U.S. Law Attorneys, Ltd.
William C. Kling Attorney At Law
GoSmallBiz-Prepaid Legal Services
Lodging and Travel
Best Western Chicago Hillside
Hillside Manor Hotel
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites-Hillside
Manufacturing, Production & Wholesale
Better Containers
F. M. & J. Asphalt Paving. Inc
Great Lakes Automatic Door
J.J. Superior Sheet Metal
L&J Engineering, Inc
Vanee Foods Company
Office Supplies & Solutions
National Resource And Management
Staples, Inc.
Personal Services & Care
L.A. Tan
Members continued
Letter Perfect Signs & Graphics
Logic Printing
Minuteman Press
Quik Impressions
Bryan Belmonte
Certified Computer Technician
MCSA Network + A+
Excellent Service at Affordable Rates!
Promotional Items
Special T Unlimited
Real Estate
Elite Real Estate Co
Marc Realty
Mega Properties, Inc
R L Taylor Realty
Varesh Corporation
Hillside Bowl
Religious Organizations
Berkeley-Hillside Presbyterian Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church & School
Restaurants, Food & Beverages
Alpine Banquet Haus
Cuomo Catering
LaRocco Meats
Prima LaPizza
Qdoba Mexican Grill
Q’s Restaurant & Pizzeria
Ree’s Catering
Southern Exposure Restaurant & Catering
Stimac’s Restaurant
Taqueria Dos Francisco
Advertise Here!
Business card ads
are available at a cost of
$5.00 / month
LeDonne True Value Hardware
Security & Fire Alarms
Customized fx
Contact Chamber office at 708-449-2449
Unions & Councils
Chicagoland Construction Safety Council
Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 73
We’re on the Web!
Membership information and applications are
available on our website or can be obtained by calling the Chamber Office at 708-449-2449
For more information contact
Estrella Gonzalez

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