Cass Tech "Class of 80" 30th Reunion
Cass Tech "Class of 80" 30th Reunion
Cass Tech "Class of 80" 30th Reunion Hello Fellow Classmate: The Reunion Committee has been hard at work deciding and securing locations for our 30 year Class Reunion weekend. We have selected the weekend of August 13 - August 15, 2010 for the event. We have scheduled a fantastic itinerary based on the excitement we have heard from classmates and committee members. The 3 day weekend plan is as follows: 13,2010 - Friday Pre Reunion Get-together • August - Location: • August 14,2010 -Saturday Dinner Dance -International Center, Greektown, Downtown Detroit • August 15,2010 - Sunday Morning Worship Locations: TBD TBD Banquet and Conference Servid~ and Friends and Family Picnic- Keeping in mind the economic times and our desire to have as many of our classmates to attend, we have established the following payment terms: • $ 80.00 per person: a a Paid in full by February 28, 2010 or A deposit of $40.00 per person postmarked by February 28, 2010 and the remaining balance of $40 per person paid in full by May 31, 2010. • $ 90.00 per person postmarked by March 31, 2010. • $100.00 per person postmarked April 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010. $125.00 per person postmarked July 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010 • (no checks accepted after July 15, 2010) On the ticket order form we have included the prices of the individual events if purchased in advance. Friday's event will be the only event where tickets are sold at the door at a slightly higher price. For your convenience, we have created a PayPal account under the "" e-mail address. If you are a PayPal user, you can pay for any of the package options using the "Send Money" link on the web site. If your PayPal payment will be for friends, family members, or for individual event options, please detail those in the ..Email to Recipient" box. For classmates that are interested, a block of rooms have been reserved at the Atheneum under Cass Tech Class of 1980. Please contact reservations at (313) 962-2323. Hotel With this correspondence we are also including the following: • • • Ticket order form with Survey questions - Please complete and return the survey even if you are unable to attend the reunion. Souvenir Memory Book information and order form - Place an advertisement in our souvenir memory book - open to everyone. Flyer for our 1st Annual Bowling Fundraiser and sign up sheet - Please pass along to family and friends even if you are unable to attend or participate. • "Lost list" of classmates - The committee does not have a valid address or email address for these classmates. If you are in contact with them, please forward their addresses to the committee. Please reach out to those classmates you are in contact with personally or via any other social networks (facebook, casstech alumini, etc) and ask them to contact us to update their information. Updated e-mail addresses with the reunion committee will help reduce printing and mailing expenses. We know that some classmates prefer not to receive information or be located. If you or someone you know feels this way, that person should personally contact us to have their name removed from the database. Should the classmate have a change of heart, he or she is invited to reach out to us via any of the communication methods listed below so that we can update our records. We are also planning to recognize our deceased classmates at the reunion. If you know of classmates who are no longer with us, please help us by providing the date of the death and an updated picture. This will allow us to use a picture other than the yearbook photo. We are in the process of updating our Web site to include up to date information, not only for our reunions, but for anything related to our fellow classmates or the reunion committee. We also have an alumni page on Facebook and a group on Casstechhigh.ning If you are a member on any of these social network sites, please join the Cass Tech Class of 1980 groups. The Case Tech Class of 1980 Reunion Committee can be contacted in the following ways: Website: E-mail: US Mail (until Aug31, 2010): C.T.R.c. 1980 - P.O. Box 11055, Detroit, Mi 48211 Phone #: (313) 837-8481 Checks and money orders should always be made out to: "C.T.R.C. 1980" only We look forward to a favorable response and hope to see you at this milestone in our lives. We are excited and expecting to have a wonderful event, but it won't be special without you!! Come and be a part of our fabulous 30th reunion celebration! Cass Tech Class of 1980 Reunion Committee (CTRC 1980) CASS TECH CLASS OF 1980 30-YEAR REUNION TICKET ORDER FORM & QUESTIONNAIRE NAME: ADDRESS: CrrY,ST,zW~: _ PHONE#: E-MAIL Please Note: (I) By providing the above contact information you are acknowledging that CTRC 1980 can communicate with you accordingly. (2) All tickets purchased in advance will be mailed to the above listed address the week of August 1,2010 ONE EASY PAYMENT ---- Yes, I plan on attending the 3 day weekend for our 30-year reunion and choose to use one easy payment per person of: @ $ 80.00 (if postmarked by February 28, 2010, also can get additional picnic tickets for $10 per person below) @ $ 90.00 (if postmarked March 1,2010-March31,2010) @ $ 100.00 (if postmarked April 1,2010 - June 30, 2010) @ $ 125.00 (if postmarked July 1,2010 to July 31,2010 - no personal checks accepted after July 15,2010) PAYMENT PLAN Yes, I plan on attending tbe 3 day weekend for our 30-year reunion but cboose to use tbe following payment plan per person: --------- @ $ 40.00 (per person deposit to reserve a $80 ticket per person ifpostmarked by Friday, February 28,2010) _____ $ 40.00 (balance per person due if postmarked by May 31, 2010) Ir"'$----------, INDIVIDUAL PICNIC TICKETS Since I purchased a 3 day weekend ticket(s), I would like to purchase additional tickets for the catered picnic for each guest I invite. @ $ 10.00 (lfpurchased with the one easy payment of$80 and postmarked by February 28, 2010) @ $ 15.00 (If purchased in advance with other 3 day reunion ticket package-easy payor payment plan) INDIVIDUAL EVENT TICKETS ---- I am only interested in purchasing individual tickets in advance for the following days of the reunion weekend @ $ 30.00 Per person - Friday, August 13,2010 - Mix & Mingle in advance postmarked by Thursday, July 15,20 I0 @ $ 75.00 Per person - Saturday, August 14,2010 - Dinner Dance in advance postmarked by Thursday, July 15,2010 @ $ 20.00 Per person - Sunday, August 15, 2010 - Catered Picnic in advance postmarked by Thursday, July 15,2010 E-MAIL ADDRESS LISTED - SOUVENIR BOOKLET Also, since r purchased a ticket(s) to the Saturday Night Dance (individual or in package), I would like my e-mail address above published in the souvenir book. DONATIONS No, I will not be able to attend our 30-year reunion, but please publish the above e-mail address in the souvenir book with eitber of the following donations: To help provide for a successful reunion, I will make a donation (suggested donation $25) To help cover committee expenses (p.O. Box, Weh site, e-mail), I will donate (suggested donation $15) NOTE: For a donation of $20 or more, you also will receive the souvenir booklet. TOTAL ADVANCE TICKET PURCHASE Mail all checks and money orders payable to: (no checks after July 15, 2010) CfRC1980 PO Box 11055 11..1..$ _ Cass Tech "Class of 80" th 30 Reunion Survey Name: Name at Cass (If different): Address: City: _ State: _ _ Personal Information: Married? _ (Y/N) If so, for how many years? __ Are you married to a Cass Tech Grad? __ Divorced? __ (Y/N) Widowed?: __ Do you have children? _ (Y/ N) Do you have grandchildren?_ (Y/N). If so, what year did he/she graduate? (Y/N) How many?: ___ What are their ages? (Y/ N). How many?: _ Do you have great-grandchildren?_ _ What are their ages? (Y/ N). How many?: _ Are any of your children, grandchildren, etc _ _ What are their ages? _ Cass Tech grads? _ (Y/N) What years? _ Occupation & Education: What is/was your profession and/or job title? : Name of employer (If Applicable): Are you retired? __ _ _ (Y/N). If so, when did you retire? : _ What is the highest level of education you have obtained?; Did you attend any previous reunions? Please circle the events you attended. io" 15th zo" 25th What would you say is your most favorite memory about your time at Cass Tech? Who was your favorite teacher and why? Was there any event that occurred during your years at Cass that still impacts you today? Please share any additional memories or comments you have relating to the Class of 80 or the so" reunion celebration. CASS TECH CLASS OF 1980 REUNION SOUVENIR BOOK ADVERTISING ORDER FORM All advertisements orders must be submitted by June 1,2010. DEADLINE: CONTACT INFORMATION - PLEASE PRINT Name Telephone ( Mailing Address -:::- ----::-:---:::-- Street E-Mail Address ADVERTISING )---------:=-:--_ City, State ----------------- Zip (Orders will be confirmed via e-mail) RATES Type of Advertisement Price Back Cover (color) $250 Inside Front Cover (color) $200 Inside Back Cover Center Spread Page Full Page Ad Half Page Ad Quarter Page Ad (color) (color) $200 $150 $100 $60 $40 (b/w) (b/w) (b/w) (b/w) Business Card Ad Patron (b/w) Publish Contact Information (Name, E-Mail and/or Phone Number) Indicate Choice Amount $25 $10 $10 Total Amount Enclosed PAYMENT AND MAILING INFORMATION Make checks payable to: CTRC 1980 . DEADLINE: All advertisement orders must be submitted by/June 1,2010. BY U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mail order form, advertising content and original photos to: Cass Tech Reunion Committee (CTRC), P.O. BOX 11055, Detroit, MI 48211 BYE-MAIL The order form, ad content and photos may be FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Contact Rose Daniel Love at (3l3) 850-1940 or via e-mail ADVERTISING DESCRIPTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS The Souvenir Book Will Include: Advertisements - Promoting a business, church, organization, etc. Congratulations - Saluting a Cass Tech 1980 graduate Memorials and Tributes - Honoring a 1980 Cass Tech graduate who is no longer with us Advertising Content Camera-ready advertisements are encouraged and preferred. Content submitted electronically is preferred. Photographs All photos should be clear (not distorted, fuzzy or dark). To ensure quality reproduction, please submit original photos (Photos to be returned at reunion). Electronic photos should be submitted in a jpeg format. Copyright protected photos can not be accepted. Business Card Ads Actual business cards must be included with order. Business cards will be printed as is - with NO corrections ADVERTISING CONTENT (Please type or write clearly.) Check spelling and accuracy of information. Content may be edited for quality and format purposes. Select: ---____ Ad content is written below Ad content is on a separate sheet --- Clearly write or type advertising content here. Patron Name(s) ___ Ad content/camera-ready ad was submitted electronically (preferred Method) Business card is attached ~~"~l /.;ib:- I 11 ... CU1'I1!R RAll ~~~ ~ » mnn Aat I ..,1~ '"IT ~i ! ~ CASS i tecnxic»: liIGli !3 SClioOL ANNOUNCES OUR fIRST ANNUAL "'BATTLE" 'BOWLING FUNDRAISE'R rnis YEAR'S nfEME: r ~~ ~~ ttte SEXES" cc'BA TTLE Of ~f! Who! ~'Be:ttfw? 7'he- Wo-me-w (W "(;he,M~? I! COUN,RY ? ?> ~~ ~~ ; ~~$>t = LANES r «~~ 3 <~ ~ ~s 5~ (Py{,ced~'3 ~ ~.~~ DOUBLES ~ ~ SO/50 RAffLES PRIZES COME tlAVE FUN »~~ wtr« FOR MORE INfORMAnON ~~ ~ P~& @ ~ Sill ~~ - )~ ? I pop) MYSTtRY 1980 ~ ~ III DOOR 313-837-8481 55 5~ j /~ ~~~. FAMILY, FRIENDS AND CLASSMATtS CONTACTCTRC ~III- t Ages 13 and up - $20.00 ~w/~ ~ ~ (Registration 3 p.m.-3:45 p.m., Practice 3:45 p.m.-4 p.m., Bowling 4 p.m-8 p.m.) Ages 12 and under - $10.00 == - t p. rJ1I. t"c:r 8 p. rJ1I. II 'j ~ SUNDAY. MAY 23. 2010 $, (W S~ ~ 11II ~( ~$ J = ~~ • -•• I~ ~~ <~ ~ ! >~ = }.~ » ~ ~ II 11II ) 30250 W. 9 MILE 'RD. fA'RMING/ON tlILLS, MI 4-8336 -4-816 (248) 476 -3201 ({or dA.rect't.CYW~) }~ ~ ;!I • ~~ ~ r J I: ~~ = ~~ Well/'Let;'~T~I"tt:o-"(;he,L~' ~ ~ >~ . l. CLASS Of 1980 'REUNION COMMITT'ff ~I II IlIAD 11IIII aI ~ ,1 cunaRAll mnn am tftIT I a!l IlUDIIIIII ,I ~~ CASS TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1980 BOWLING FUNDRAISER "BATTLE OF THE SEXES" Sunday, May 23, 2010 NAME: ADDRESS: CITY,ST,ZIP: _ PHONE#: Please Note: E-MAIL (1) By providing accordingly. the above contact information you are acknowledging tbat CTRC 1980 can communicate witb you BOWLERS REGISTRATION @ $ 10.00 AGES 12 & UNDER $ @ $ 20.00 AGES 13 & UP $ TOTAL Mail all checks and money orders payable to: (no cbecks after April 30, 2010) CTRC 1980 POBox 11055 Detroit, Ml48211 If you are a PayPal user, you can pay using the "Send Money" link on the www.paypal.comwebsiteto ,the detail theformto •• ••" •• . Include "bowling" in Help us pre-register, reserve additional lanes and setup lane assignments by completing the following information and returning to CTRC 1980 by April 30, 2010. Additional bowlers can be added the day of the event. # BOWLER NAMES Male (M)I Female (F) Bowling Avg (if known) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 12 .. Copy and attach sheets for addltlcnel bowlers AGE 4-8 AGE 9 -12 AGE 13 -17 AGE 18 - 25 AGE 25 + Angela Tracy Abernathy Regina Persan Abner Cheryl Albright Michael A. Allain Thomas Nolan Allen Darlene Anderson Sandra Fay Anderson Margaret E. Andrews Doreen Lynn Andrzejewski Darlene Denise Anthony Linda Roshell Atkins Irene Renee Banks Ronald Duane Barton Stephanie Dawn Basnight Trena Lynn Bates Paula Benjamin George Henry Bennett Renaldo Dorian Benson Katherine Maria Bitsoli Stanley Garrett Black Lisa Renee Blair Larry Richard Blake Jeffrey Demetrius Blalark Tanya Denise Blanchard John Francis Boisvert Tonya LaShawn Bowdry Mary Lee Boyd Ouden Boyd Monica Audrey Brasfield Debra Ann Brawley Terrance Kirkley Brooks Cynthia Brown Donna Brown Eugene Brown Kenneth Brown Lolita Lee Brown Michelle R Brown Dorell Deville Browning William Deter Bruton Gerald Van Burton Mark Joseph Bushnell Brenda Faye Butler Gregory Kenneth Butler Ursula A. Butler Kim Buyck Joann Byrd Terrance Byrd Veronica Lynette Byrd Henery Cabanne Curtis Earl Cade K:\Cass Tech\Reunions\30 Dwayne Calhoun Genoveva Cantu Beatrice Carter Kim M. Carter Charles Richard Charlebois Allen Chin Myla Churchill Debra Jean Clark Doretha Clark Janet Diane Cleveland Francine Nannette Cole Jerome Benjamin Collins Anthony Eugene Cook William James Craft Sherman Crandol Cheryl Crawford Diane Adaline Crawford Jonathan D. Cromwell Sheri Lynn Crosby Kimberely Denise Crossley Lavonne Crowder Faith M. Crumpler William Geoffrey Cullens Carrie Cunningham David G. Daniszewski Angelina Lynn David Andre Leslie Davis Janice Davis Billy Day Derrick Day Pamela DeVonne Day Dulcina Andrea DeLaRosa Roseland Ann Dennard Christpher Dennis Daniel Robert Derringer Eddie DiFranco Michael Edward Dixon Ronald Delane Dixon Darryl Keith Donald Yule C. Donald Walter Edmond Douglas Arlene Bernice Draper Mavis Ann Ducksworth Charles Dulin Theresa Mary Dziurgot Dawn Elam Lisa Eldridge Anthony Evans Cathy Marie Evans Orea Rena Evans year reunion\Weekend\mailing\Lost Pamela Denise Evans Quintona Fambro Patrick Vernon Fitzgerald Herbert Allen Fluker Denise Leontyne Ford Tracy Dwayne Fowlkes Tharlyn Fox Mark Allen Freeman Sharon Denise Gardner Carol Gary Maxine Denise Gibson Kristi Glenn Marquita Anne Glymph Christine M. Gowing Girlisa Elaine Gray Myava Lynne Grayson Greta Gregory Katrina Griffin Ameen Rasool Haamid Valarie Arnetta Hale Kendrick Halliburton Wendy Michelle Hamilton Gregory Michel Handel Duan Edward Hanks John Hardy Sharon Patricia Harlan Franklin Perry Harrell Horace Harrell Rickey H. Harrell, Jr. Andre Duane Harris James Saunders Harris Rebecca Lee Harris Michael Harvey Barbee D. Hawkins Marcus D. Haynes Roger Heiple Cheryl Lynn Hendricks Pride E. Henry Stephen Ned Hewson Alexia Ann Hill Darryl C. Hill Karalyn Hill Patricia Hill Robin Camille Hill Rochelle Tina Hill Angela Hodges Eric James Holcomb Gina Renae Holsten Tommie Lee Hooper Iris Elaine Horton List_01311 0 Gina Houston Verrette Hyatt Mark K. Ivory Nalia Jaber Johnnie Lee Jackson Edward Jew Rochelle Johnigan Duane Johnson Gloria Johnson Jane Johnson Kenneth James Johnson Laura Ann Johnson Quinton Paul Johnson Rodney Raymond Johnson Ron William Johnson Russell Waif Johnson Sheila Denise Johnson Stephanie Johnson Stephen Gerard Johnson Cynthia Marie Jolly Jean Eleanor Jonah Dave Jones Gary L. Jones Lloyd Lee Jones Randall Allister Jones Greg Jordan Kelli I. Jordan Kimberly Vendetta Jordan Stephanie Elaine Jordan Benita Mone't Kennedy Mark Stephen Kevnick Kristie Marie Killough Doris Marnetta Kinchen David Stanley Korona Tom Kowalak Jeffrey Kozoron Wendy Krause James LaBlanc Gregory Lambert Patrick Lionel Langford Everette Joseph Lawrence Euisung Christine Lee Tracey Gail Lightburn Robert Lillard Kap Lim Sandra Lynn Litt Lynda Lockhart Monica Long Monteyne Louie Scott MacDonald 2/1/2010 Robin Magee Dan Bernard Malski Marcia Carol Manuel Cynthia Mason Verdrina Mathews Guy Mattison Michael Ronald Mayberry Carolyn Deneise McBride Letrice Carmel ita McCoy Tina Maxine McDonald Kevin McDougall Leroy McGary Kimberely D. McGhee Barbara Mcintyre Timothy Mciver Legrant McKenzie Robert Bruce McKinlay Kimberly Dianne McKinney Ira Leon McLaughlin Sylvia Menifer Sa lena Camelle Meriwether Marvin Eugene Metcalf Anna Miller Jeffrey Craig Miller Kim Murray Miller Michael Mizzi Tracy Jennifer Montgomery Cheryl Lynn Moore Lisa Jean Moore Marlon Anthony Moore Rachel Beatrice Morin Kimberly Yvette Morse Marvin Morton Sandra (Sandy) Moy Nancy Mulloy Janine Michelle Murray Ohela Myrick Melvia Sherron Neal Diana Near Alicia Maureen Nelson Karen Andrea Nelson Thomas Nelson Saundra R. Nicholson Wendy Norfleet Kimberly Marie Norris Edna Jean Nunn Rickey O'Donald Catherine Mary Olbrys Edward Dwayne Oldham John Brendan O'Neill K:\Cass Tech\Reunions\30 Robert Alan Page Kevin Joseph Paquet Antonia Parker Martha Lynn Parker Angelo Patterson David Pearson Maurice Peavy Crystal Rehnae Peeples Jerald (Jerry) Douglas Peguese Glenda Gail Peoples David Keith Perry Jae Lynn Perry Cherise Yvette Polk Daniel Joseph Porvin Marsha Rena Putnam William Leigh Rawls Geoffrey Steven Reeves Nelson Reid Mark Repasky Carl Joseph Reyes Stephen Reyes Carlton David Richmond Denise Riggs Geoff Ritchie Tonya Robertson Cynthia Robinson Robert Rodriguez Michelle Renee Rowland Mary Yvette Roy Paul Andrew Rudy Georgette Claryse Rutherford Richard Joseph Rykala Carl Kosto Savich Karen Elizabeth Scott Renate Marie Seldon Angela Michelle Senior Katherine Serdiuk Anthony Javelle Sharpe William Sharpe Roderick Sharper Scott Shaw Karen Marie Sheard Lirim Shemshedinefski David William Shonibin Joanna Lynn Simmons Leslie Carol Simpson Karen Denise Small Beverly Gail Smith Carla Smith Chris Smith year reunion\Weekend\mailing\Lost Clayton Marcus Smith Deja Kimberley Smith Denise Smith Michele Diane Smith Phillip Maury Smith Theodore (Ted) L. Smith Victoria Ann Smith Gayle Snell Myra Elizabeth Snowden Cahil Keevin Sprewell Karen Annette Spruce Agnes Sptizer Janice Lynette Stanley Erwin Clifford Stephens David W Stepp Doretha Stevens Althea Darlene Steward Lori Stewart Paul Oliver Stewart Kerwin Swett Christopher Michael Swiderski Sherman Curtis Swilley Thesnelia Dephne Tansil Richard Taylor Scott Barry Tennant James Therrian Glenda Phyleese Thomas Michael Anthony Thompkins Gregory K. Thompson Karen Tucker Michael Tudor Charlotte Denise Turner Michael Turner Marlene Renee Van Andrew Robert Walden Christal Annette Walker Kimberley Ann Walker Pamela Diane Walker Brenda Dean WaShington Raymond Washington Sheila Lorraine Washington Stephanie Ann Whaley Mark Edward Whittington Russell W Wilkins Darlene Marie Williams David Williams Dawnita Marie Williams Doretha Denise Williams John Williams Leslie Williams List_01311 0 Margaret Williams Pauline Eunise Williams Sheila Ann Williams Wanda Rene Williams Michelle Denise Willis Leslie John Wilson Monica Ann Wilson Ronald DaBro John Wilson Yolanda Monee Wilson Crystal Wright Margaret Ann Wright Margaret C. Yu 2/1/2010