Pastor Pérez brocure inglese.p65


Pastor Pérez brocure inglese.p65
1984 - I Worldwide Triennal of Ceramics. Small format. Zagreb.
1985 - Cuban Painting. Casa de la Cultura de los pueblos. Jijón.
1988 - Present Cuban Painting. Fundación “Jaime Guasch”. Itinerant
1990 - Exhibition of Ceramics. Galería de Mérida Yucatán. Mexico.
1996 - International Exhibition of Art World Travel Center. D.F.
Mexico. Expo Cdap. Centro de Arte Nouveau. Dominican Republic.
1997 - “The poetry of landscape”. Museo Galería Josefina. Managua.
1998 - ART 98. Vancouver Internacional Fair. Canada.
Galería Art. Store. Hamburg. Germany. Galería Bogotá. Colombia.
2000 - Cuba towards a new Millennium. Antique Gallería. Panama.
“Two of la Havana ”. Galería Tamara. Hato Rey. Puerto Rico.
Influences in Cuba. The Royal commonwealth Society. London.
England. Fondo Cubano de Bienes Culturales. Havana City.
2004 - Participation and approval of new year cards for la Caja de
Madrid. Spain.
Salón Ciudad. Centro Provincial de Artes Plásticas y Diseño. Havana
y Emmbassies of Cuba in Nicaragua and in Argentina.
y Museo Nacional de Costa Rica.
y Private Collections in New York. United States.
y Itinerant Exhibitions in several cities of Italy.
y Galería Tamara. Puerto Rico.
y Galería Tec Studio. San Juan. Puerto Rico.
1987 - UNEAC AWARD. IV National Fair of Ceramics. Isla de la
Juventud. Cuba.
2000 - AWARD. MENTION. 1er Showroom of Erotic Art. Galería
y Gallery Victor Manuel, Habana Vieja, C. Habana
y Gallery Forma, Habana Vieja, C. Habana
y Gallery Varadero, Varadero, Matanzas
y Gallery Aeropuerto "Jose Marti", C. Habana
y Capitolio de La Habana, C. Habana
y Gallery La Acacia, C. Habana
Pastor Pérez
After Portocarrero
“After René Portocarrero, for whom the city was for a while, a
fruitful obsession, many years passed before the barroque La
Habana was depicted again in the paintings with a certain artistic
dignity. Among the tons of pigments that every day are poured out
to get an occasional tourist to carry a false souvenir of the city
where he loved a mulatta or drank a Cuba Libre, only Pastor Pérez
seems to be following nowadays the steps of René. Close steps,
because the buildings of the city are the same and we have the
impression that they haven’t changed; far steps, because, according
to Pastor, the city has become a darker and more rectilinear
environment. Pastor Pérez is, if you wish to see the things like I
do, the Portocarrero of these days, the person who more than others
is compared to him, even in his curriculum, in the autodidactic
way to reach art. He is also, as Marianne de Tolentino remarked,
“an emotional painter” who sees things in a cuban way, something
that René didn’t see. Above all because his place was occupied by
virgins, saints, apostles, eternal images and...Pastor, with these
not so naturalistic canvas, as it seems, shows that the cities are
alive, immaginative, fantastic beings,sometimes visited by
unconventional, irreverent, lustful angels. In the old ochre purple
city of Pastor, sometimes sprayed with a so called symbolic red,
people seem to experience nightclubs’ or the blue carnival’s life, a
colour that can be the setting for the difficult, not so easy, almosthapiness”
(Cuban art critic)
Collisions: Pastor Pérez
Pastor Pérez Rodríguez
Indipendent Artist
Born in Ciudad Habana in 1947
Phone: 00(537)6968339
Mobile: 00(535)2922536
ranges. There is a concordance with the emotion and the sources of
inspiration of the work, with the vibrating and lyrical conception of
painting. The definition of the borderline between the figuration and
the abstractions doesn’t mean a lot to Pastor Pérez. He dominates
the first, he still loves to make portraits – real or imaginary – with a
realistic accuracy. He dominates the second when he gives priority
to the colour as a language. In conclusion, his present paintings carry
a deep and psychic vision that plays with figurative and abstract
elements at the same time, to the rhythm of his feelings.
The feelings – here is an emotional painting -, as far as we can
diagnose a work that we are beginning to know, are not strange to
beliefs. Pastor Pérez is driven by the afrocuban simbology, by
metaphoric properties of nature- including human beings-, by the
display of power, protection and presence that we read in the
interpretation of his signs. An extraordinary vitality concentrates
and exudes from those vigorous and poetic, free and armonious
If we refer to freedom in the conception of treatment, it is because
Pastor Pérez doesn’t follow a formal or constituent pattern. He
spontaneously elaborates and changes it. He makes a silhouette, he
outlines, he fragments, disposes the signs – that we often associate
with figures- by enhancing the bidimensional or drawing levels and
dephts which are based on shapes, structures and color. His hierarchy,
in inner proportions and dimensions, is absolutely personal and
indipendent from schools. We do not even see a descriptive santeria:
the spiritual reaffirmation is, in our opinion, subjective and plastic.
In conclusion: the half-breed and magic religious touch of Caribe
has found its own and passionate enhancement in the painting of
Pastor Pérez.”
Voluntary Service of las Casas Reales. Casa de Bastidas.
Exhibition “Collisions”, Dominican Republic.
1966-67 - Circulo de Bellas Artes. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.
Havana City. Piaintings.
1976 - “Images”. Hotel “Presidente”. Luanda. Angola.
1974 - Salón Nacional. “26 de julio “de las FAR. Museo Nacional.
1981 - “Exhibition” of Grupo de 10 de octubre. Galería 10 de octubre.
Havana City.
1982 - “Exhibition of Ceramics” (Selection of Works with destination
to Faenza). Galería 10 de octubre. Havana City.
1983 - “Hall of the City ”. Centro Provincial de Artes Plásticas y
Diseño. Havana City.
1984 - “Contemporary Cuban Sculpure”. (Salutation to the first
Biennial Exhibition of la Havana ). Galería 10 de octubre. Havana
City. “Two in One or About Blank Space”. Galería Habana. Havana
City. “The usefulnes and the Beauty ”. Museo Nacional de Bellas
Artes. Havana City.
1986 - Cuban Handicrafts. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.
Cuban Ceramics. Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas. Havana
City. “Contemporary Cuban Sculpure”. (Salutation to the II Biennial
Exhibition of la Havana). Galería 10 de octubre. Havana City.
1987 - Cuban Ceramics. Museo Artes Decorativas. Havana City.
National Exhibition of Ceramics.Isla de la Juventud.
1988 - Salón Nacional de Grabados 88. Museo Nacional.
1990 - Permanent Collective Exhibition. Museo Nacional. Castillo
de la Fuerza. Havana City.
1983 - Ceramic. Galería de Arte 10 de octubre. Havana City.
1984 - “Portraits and landscapes”. Biblioteca “Enrique José Varona”.
Havana City.
1987 - “Projections”. Centro Provincial de Artes y Diseños. Havana
1994 - “Colllisions”. Casa de las Bastidas. Santo Domingo.
Dominican Republic.
1995 - “Seeking new landscapes”. Galería “Víctor Manuel”. Plaza
de la Catedral. Havana City.
1998 - “Galería de Arte siglo XX”. Santander. Spain.
2000 - “Galería of West Hollywood. California, Los Ángeles. United
2001 - “Without Title”. Galería hotel “Meliá Habana”. Havana City.Cuba.
2002 - City’s privacy. “Museo de la Ciudad ”. Old Havana Havana
City.Cuba. Galería “Tec Studio. San Juan .Puerto Rico. From one
extreme to another The City. Model of la Havana. Havana City.Cuba.
2005 - Exhibition. Galería. Miami. United States. Exhibition “Revelations
of Village” Hotel Ambos Mundos. Old Havana. Havana City.
1998 - Centro de Prensa Internacional. UNEAC Wine Contest.
Havana City. “Galería la Acacia ”. Hotel Inglaterra. Havana City.
2006 - Presentation and Dinner of the serigraphy edition of the original
painting Con Amarillos y Papalotes. (With Yellow and kites) Taller de
Serigrafía René Portocarrero y Occidentales Miramar. Gaviota.
1999 - Salón Nacional de Fotografía. Fototeca de Cuba y Centro de
Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales. Havana City.
2007 - Exhibition of The Virgin of Charity OSHUN. Sala Villena.
UNEAC. Exhibition in galería Santander. Spain. September.
2000 - Varadero International Contest. Varadero. Matanzas.
Like almost all cuban painters, Pastor Pérez, is a follower of the
new caribbean and latin american image, of a neoexpressionism that
seeks and reaches the explosion of colours as well as of the shapes
and that turns the space into an authentic “colour field” filled with
inner energies and rhythms. The chromatic impact, we have indicated,
is related with a well used brightness, starting from an explosion
that irradiates tonalities more burning than warm, up to a night or
twilight tone that makes light and shade to flame. It also distributes
touches of half shades giving the result of an atmosphere that recalls
the light.
It is not only due to a wise and felt combination of colours and
1982 - “From the landscape”. Taller de Cerámica del “Parque Lenín”.
Havana City.
2003 - Exhibition of “The Charity of Copper”. Seminario de San
Carlos y San Ambrosio. Old Havana. Havana City. Galería de
cerámica FBC. Tribute Exhibition to Martí. Havana City.Cuba.
Ceramic Among Friends. 25 Anniversary of F.C.B.C. Galería Juntos.
Presentation of the Magazine Artes in Santo Domingo, specialized
publication in Caribbean Art. Hotel Sofitel Sevilla. “Sunflower” event
of Tropiflora. Hotel Parque Central. Old Havana.
2004 - Landscape in Galería Acacia. Old Havana.
2005 - Exhibition. Santander. Spain. Corte ingles
2006 - Exhibition. Testimonies of the City. Taller de Serigrafía René
Portocarrero. Exhibition. Faces of my City. Model of la Habana.
Havana City. Exhibition. ¡ASHE OSHUN! Sala Villena de la
UNEAC. Havana City.