Description from Dr.Galitzer - Hippocrates Health Institute


Description from Dr.Galitzer - Hippocrates Health Institute
Comprehensive Cancer Wellness
Program Description
By: Dr. Michael Galitzer
For more information and to register please
contact the Hippocrates Program Consultants
Office, seven days a week, 9:00am – 7:00pm
at 561-471-8876 ext. 2177 or
Hippocrates Health Institute’s (HHI) New Premier Program, The Comprehensive
Cancer Wellness Program (CCWP) is an enhanced addition to its’ Signature “Life
Transformation Program" which provides the fundamental training & a definitive
blueprint for transitioning to a healthier lifestyle. The CCWP is designed for individuals
with Cancer wanting to optimize wellness & learn preventative self-care with
integrating natural holistic therapies. This Program is intended to be an adjunct to
standard medical treatment for people wanting to include additional integrative &
holistic therapies as part of their “Wellness Care" in their recovery.
The premise of the program is that individuals with cancer are dealing with
systemic and metabolic imbalances that include:
1.) High Levels of Toxicity
2.) Sub-Optimal Nutrition
3.) Hormonal Imbalance——Especially with the Adrenal Glands
4.) Low Energy
5.) Emotional Distress
6.) Confusion About What is Needed to Win the Battle with Cancer
Simply put, there is a tug of war in the body between the energy of the cancer &
the energy of the body. The traditional approach to cancer therapy is to reduce the
energy of the cancer through surgery, radiation, & chemotherapy. This treatment,
which will kill cancer cells, will also weaken the energy of the body, & usually result in
an even higher level of toxicity, due to the increased demands placed on the liver.
The HHI CCWP is designed with a comprehensive integrative approach to
increase the body’s energy, optimize nutrition, reduce toxicity, enhance metabolic
balance & maximize one’s ability to deal with stress by introducing specific strategies
for mastering emotional management & tapping into the power of the mind & brain to
influence & up regulate the immune system & mobilize other healing systems of the
Participants learn how to maximize their “ Personal Power” with Making a
Conscious Decision to “Get Well” & “Designing a Compelling Future” to Transform
their Life to Promote Long Term Wellness.
Dr. Michael Galitzer’s Biography:
Dr. Michael Galitzer is one of the Program Directors of the Hippocrates Health
Institute’s Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program. Dr. Galitzer specializes in
Holistic Metabolic Functional and Regenerative Medicine. His focus is to optimize the
overall systemic health of the individuals enrolled in the Comprehensive Cancer
Wellness Program so as to maximize their long term healing potential.
He is a nationally recognized expert in Energy Medicine, integrative medicine, and
bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). For more than 40 years Dr. Galitzer
has been a leading figure and innovator in the field of longevity, or anti-aging
Dr. Galitzer graduated from SUNY Upstate Medical School, and in 1973 he moved to Los
Angeles, where he practiced Emergency Medicine for 15 years. (He was among the
first 100 doctors in the U.S. to become board certified in Emergency Medicine.)
Eventually he began studying integrative medicine, including herbs, nutrition, Energy
Medicine, and homeopathy, and in 1990 he completed a course in Medical
Acupuncture, which he incorporated into the private practice he established in Santa
Monica, California, in 1987.
Today, Dr. Galitzer utilizes revolutionary treatments drawn from both traditional and
complementary medicine, including sound and light therapy, toxin elimination, and
intravenous supplementation, to produce remarkable and rapid improvements in his
patients’ health and vitality. His patient list includes many top Hollywood, business, and
sports figures, as well as people from all across North and South America, Europe,
Asia, Africa, and Australia.
Dr. Galitzer has been a member of the American Association of Medical Acupuncture,
the American Association of Acupuncture and Bio-Energetic Medicine, the International
Oxidative Medical Association, and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He
was a Board Member of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, a leading
organization of physicians in the area of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. He
has given lectures all over the world on longevity, alternative, and bioenergetic
1466 Hippocrates Way
West Palm Beach, Florida 33411
For the past decade, Dr. Galitzer has been a featured contributor to nine bestselling
books by actress, author, and health advocate Suzanne Somers, including I'm Too
Young for This!: The Natural Hormone Solution to Enjoy Perimenopause (2014),
Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets that Will Redefine Aging (2012), Sexy Forever:
How to Fight Fat After Forty (2010), Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who are Curing
Cancer—and How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place (2009), Breakthrough: Eight
Steps to Wellness (2008), Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones
(2007), and The Sexy Years: Discover the Hormone Connection: The Secret to Fabulous
Sex, Great Health, and Vitality, for Women and Men (2004). Dr. Galitzer’s own
publications include Re-ignite Your Spark, No Batteries Required, a chapter on
bioidentical hormones in Alternative Medicine, the Definitive Guide (2002), and
research papers published in Explore Magazine and The Townsend Letter for Doctors.
His work has also been featured in articles in the New York Times Magazine, and C
Magazine in California. His recent book, “Outstanding Health,” was published in
March 2015.
In addition to his thriving practice in Santa Monica, Dr. Galitzer is the medical director
of The American Health Institute in Los Angeles, an organization dedicated to education
and research in the areas of Energy Medicine and cancer. He currently resides in Santa
Barbara with his wife and four children.
Dr. Janet Hranicky’s Biography:
Dr. Hranicky is one of the Program Directors of the Hippocrates Health Institute’s
Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program along with Dr. Brian Clement, Dr. Anna
Maria Gahns-Clement, and Dr. Michael Galitzer. This exciting new program integrates
Natural and Holistic Therapies to optimize health and thereby maximize the long term
healing potential of each individual.
Dr. Hranicky has an extensive interdisciplinary educational background, holding
Bachelor’s Degrees both from the University of Texas and Drake University and two
Masters Degrees from Southern Methodist University. She holds a Ph.D. in Clinical
Psychology from Fielding Graduate Institute and is a California Licensed Clinical
Psychologist and a member of the American Psychological Association.
Dr. Hranicky is currently completing her Medical Degree with the International
University of Health Sciences.
Dr. Janet Hranicky is a nationally renowned expert in PsychoNeuroImmunology and
Cancer. As an associate of the late renowned Radiation Oncologist, O.Carl Simonton,
and M.D. from 1979—2009, she was involved in the longest running Mind/Body
Treatment Program for Cancer in the world at the Simonton Cancer Center. She has
applied her clinical experience and research from working with thousands of people
with cancer and training healthcare professionals internationally over the last 30 years
to an integrative model of cancer treatment that incorporates her background in
Behavioral Medicine with a number of Integrative and Alternative Therapies based on
core principals in Functional Medicine, BioEnergetic Regeneration Medicine,
Integrative Biophysics, and Nutritional Science.
Dr. Hranicky presents some of the highlights of her clinical work and research in
PsychoNeuroImmunology in her internationally recognized program, “The Power of
the Mind in Getting Well,”™ which is exclusively offered as one of the essential
therapeutic components in the Hippocrates Health Institute’s Comprehensive Cancer
Wellness Program. Dr. Hranicky covers some of the basic tenets of her theoretical
research in Emotions and Cancer: “The Pleasure-Freeze Theory —The Biological
RoadMap for the Logic of Emotions and Stress and Cancer.” Dr. Hranicky has also
applied her extensive training in Behavioral Medicine & Neuroscience along with her
many years of training with Tony Robbins & The Robbins Research Institute in
developing this program. This innovative program, which has been applied to the field
of Psycho-Oncology, is helping people all over the world maximize their “Personal
Power” to positively influence the course of their recovery.
She has been a long-standing certified trainer with Kahler Communications, Inc.
utilizing Dr. Taibi Kahler’s leading-edge technology in personalized stress
management, Process Communication Model™ since 1986. NASA used this acclaimed
system, for almost 20 years in the selection of astronauts. Dr. Hranicky has applied this
technology to the field of Health Care and Cancer Wellness Treatment because of its’
refined ability to predict distress patterns unique to each individual and provide
specific interventions for stress management. Her adaptation eGuide: “The Key to Me
in Getting Well”™ provides an interactive approach for incorporating the results of the
Kahler Stress Profile™.
Dr. Hranicky has also has included a number of BioEnergetic Therapies in the
Hippocrates Health Institute’s Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program such as, the
OndaMed BioFeedback Technology, to evaluate and treat underlying systemic
dysfunction to optimizing the stability and strength of the BioEnergy Field and enhance
optimal health and vitality.
Dr. Hranicky’s passionate interest is in the area of BioEnergy Field Medicine and
Integrative BioPhysics. The growing field of Quantum Medicine enables us to look at
the human body as an electrical/electromagnetic system which is charged and which
charges the larger Quantum Field. Emotions carry charge and charge is the agency of
change within matter. It has been Dr. Hranicky’s clinical observation that these
“emotional” disturbances precede the development of cancer. Changes in
consciousness and one’s emotional state shift the BioEnergy Field which can alter the
course of disease. She believes that Spontaneous Remission is correlated to the
changes in the vibrational frequency of a person’s BioEnergy Field that happen when
healthy shifts occur in the strength, coherency, and flow of one’s emotions and energy
that impact a desirable movement toward Parasympathetic/Sympathetic balance.
Dr. Hranicky is honored to support the on-going work of her courageous mentor, O.
Carl Simonton that is being done at the Simonton Cancer Center. She has seen in her
clinical research over the last thirty years of pioneering the field of Stress,
Psychological Factors, and Cancer with Dr. Simonton that the significance of healthy
emotional change is profound in up-regulating the vitality of our natural healing
properties that are designed within us to alter the course of cancer towards health and
long-term survival.
Dr. Hranicky trained with the late Dr. Valerie Hunt, U.C.L.A. Professor Emeritus in the
area of BioEnergy Field Medicine over the last 15 years. Dr. Hranicky is currently
involved in ongoing clinical research with the Comprehensive Cancer Wellness
Program in alliance with the BioEnergy Fields Foundation founded by Dr. Valerie Hunt,
The American Health Institute and Hippocrates Health Institute.