Back to School - Pickerington Local School District


Back to School - Pickerington Local School District
Back to School
Pickerington High School Central
Stacy Tennenbaum, Principal Main Office: 548-1800
Dear Tiger Students and Parents/Guardians:
Another exciting school year is just around the corner! It seems like each year goes faster and
faster. The staff at PHSC is dedicated to making the best high school experience possible. We
provide each student with rigorous curriculum, a variety of extra curricular and co-curricular
opportunities, and high expectations. We know that our Tigers will be prepared for the colleges
and careers that lie ahead.
As we look towards the 2016-2017 school year, I would like to welcome the Class of 2020! We
look forward to spending the next 4 years with you.
In order to get the most out of your time at PHSC, we encourage you to get involved. Find
something to be a part of. We have a lot to offer our students whether you want to get involved
athletically, musically, academically, artistically or philanthropically.
Our Tiger Welcome Days will be Tuesday, August 9th for Seniors and Juniors, and Wednesday,
August 10th for Sophomores and Freshmen. Please report to the main lobby and follow the
signs on your designated day to take care of most of your beginning school year responsibilities.
We will be collecting Emergency Medical forms (must be fully completed and signed by
parent/guardian/18 year old student to participate in Tiger Welcome Days), taking
pictures, providing school IDs and distributing class schedules. Please look inside this packet
for details. It is very important to attend the Tiger Welcome Days because it helps to make
everyone prepared for the first day of school with minimal disruption.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and we will see you on August 9th and 10th for Tiger Welcome
Days, August 11th for our Meet & Greet/New Student Orientation, and August 16th for the first
day of school.
Stacy Tennenbaum
High School Central
Issue #:Pickerington
We will have two days of welcome back activities.
The schedule will be as follows:
August 9 8:00 - 10:30AM Seniors ONLY
12:00 - 2:30PM Juniors
August 10 8:00 - 10:30AM Sophomores
12:00 - 2:30PM Freshmen
When students come in to pick up their schedule,
there will be various stations set up in the 100’s
hallway. The first station will be the Health Station.
Students will turn in their completed Emergency
Medical Form (enclosed in this packet) at this station.
Note: Emergency Medical Form must be completed
and signed in advance by parent/guardian/18 year
old student for process to continue. No student will
be allowed to continue in the process at this point
until completed/signed form is accepted.
Students will then be directed to the HR Imaging
station, where school pictures will be taken (follow
school dress code policy for attire), and IDs will be
issued. Students will then move to the Schedule Pick
Up station, where they will get their schedule.
Student schedules will not be available on Infinite
Campus until they are finalized. Students will be
assigned a locker.
Please make every effort to attend our Tiger
Welcome Days which have been planned to prepare
students for teaching and learning to take place on
the first day of school. Siblings in different grade
levels may come together for convenience of family.
Stacy Tennenbaum, Principal
Dolor Sit Amet
Main Office: 548-1800
Meet & Greet
August 11, 5:00-7:00PM
Put this date on your calendar! All
parents/guardians and students are welcome to
attend the Meet & Greet on August 11, between
5:00pm - 7:00pm. This is an informal drop-in
format. Teachers will be located in their
classrooms to meet and distribute hand-outs to
parents/guardians and students. This is a great
opportunity for parents/guardians and students to
meet his/her teacher prior to the first day of
August 11, 7:00-8:00PM
All freshmen, new students, and their
parents/guardians are invited to an orientation
program in the PHSC Performing Arts Center.
This meeting will be very informative and well
worth attending. There will be brief
presentations by administrators and an
opportunity for your student to meet his/her
guidance counselor.
There is no make-up date scheduled for this
meeting and you are highly encouraged to attend.
Pickerington Central School Pictures/I.D. Pictures
Every student, grades 9-12, is required to have his/her picture taken during designated Welcome Days on
August 9 or 10 when he/she picks up his/her schedule for school identification purposes. Picture
retake/makeup day is August 18 and September 16 during all lunch periods. FOLLOW SCHOOL DRESS
CODE POLICY FOR ATTIRE. HR Imaging will be mailing picture order forms during the
Summer. Checks are to be made payable to HR Imaging. Picture packages will be printed only for
students paying on portrait day. Checks are to be made payable to HR Imaging. No post-dated checks
High School Central
Issue #:Pickerington
Stacy Tennenbaum, Principal
Dolor Sit Amet
Main Office: 548-1800
(614) 548-1815
Susan Shields, Registrar & Secretary
Jennifer Dashner, A-E
Maria Perez-Robertson, F-L
Lynn Dembski, M-Ri
Student Handbook
Parents and students will find the student
planner/handbook very useful during the school
year. Administrators and faculty members
refer to the planner/handbook very often when
asked to explain a school action. Parents and
students are highly encouraged to review this
handbook on line. Students will be required to
acknowledge the handbook.
Julie Brunner, Ro-Z
The master schedule of course offerings (teaching assignments) is arranged each year to accommodate
student course requests. Following are the criteria for correcting/changing schedules.
1) to balance classes between semesters;
2) to accommodate a senior who may need to make a change to meet graduation requirements;
3) to adjust for courses completed, with a passing grade, in summer school or
through correspondence;
4) to drop a study hall and add a class;
5) to accommodate an original request that was not honored due to a scheduling conflict;
6) to change the teacher - ONLY if the student has had the teacher previously for the same course
and he/she failed that course;
7) to adjust for special/alternative programming (CCP, Marketing, LEP/ESL)
8) to change an inappropriate course level as dictated by the prerequisite.
Please note: Schedule changes will not be made to change teachers, change lunch periods, and/or
drop a class that was chosen during registration. In addition, all students are required to take a
minimum number of 6 classes per semester. All students are required to have lunch both semesters.
The last day to request schedule corrections for first semester is August 29, 2016. All changes
require the completion of a Schedule Change Request Form, including parent and student
signatures. This form can be obtained in the Counseling Office, or downloaded from the Counseling
Department website. No appointments will be made to correct/change a schedule. To serve everyone in a
fair manner, all requests are processed in the order they are received.
Stacy Tennenbaum, Principal
Dolor Sit Amet
Main Office: 548-1800
Pickerington High School Central
Issue #: [Date]
Athletic/Band Participation Fee Payment
(614) 548-1825 (614) 548-1830-Fax
You can gain access to the Athletic Office by way
of the main entrance to PHSC. Take the hallway
to the right once you enter the building. Look for
the sign Athletics/Guidance over the entrance.
Scott Barrett - Athletic Administrator
Barry Niemeyer - Assistant Athletic Administrator
Kathy Turnbull - Athletic Secretary
Fee collection for fall athletes and band members
will take place at PHS Central beginning Monday,
August 8th through Friday, August 12th, 2016 from
8:00 A.M. until 3 P.M. Reminder: If you have any
outstanding school fees owed, it will also be due at
this time. Payments can be made by cash, check,
money order, or credit card.
Check out
for more information regarding athletics at
The Tiger Football team kicks off the season in
the Skyline Chili Opener on Saturday, Aug 27 at 6
PM at Nippert Stadium at Univeristy of Cincinnati
vs Elder High School. Check our website, for information on
pre-sale tickets for this game.
Join the Athletic Boosters: To join the Boosters,
go to and download
the 2016-2017 Membership Form; print and
complete the form, and submit to the boosters
along with a check made payable to PABC Tiger
Athletic Boosters. Mail your enrollment materials
to: Pickerington Tigers Athletic Boosters
300 Opportunity Way
Pickerington, Ohio 43147
Parents please note: Students are
not permitted to be in the building
without supervision. Students will
not be permitted to be dropped off
until 6:45am. Students will be
expected to leave the building at
dismissal time of 2:55pm unless
involved in extracurricular activity
and under direct supervision of the
coach or activity supervisor.
Harassment and Intimidation:
Harassment or intimidation is a violation of
the student discipline code. This includes
slurs, profanity, written information,
denigrating remarks or actions, obscene
gestures, and display of insignia, signs,
buttons or apparel. Please see a guidance
counselor or administrator if your student is
experiencing any form of harassment or
Telephoning your child at school during the school
day should only be in case of an emergency. Please
contact the main office at 614-548-1800 if you need to
leave a message for your child. Students ARE NOT
permitted to use Wireless Communication Devices
during class periods or during other instructional
time unless noted by a staff member. PHSC is not
responsible for theft, loss, damage, or vandalism to
WCDs brought onto school property or the
unauthorized use of such devices.
Pickerington High School Central
Issue #: [Date]
Stacy Tennenbaum, Principal
Dolor Sit Amet
Main Office: 548-1800
Attendance Information
Attendance is a very important aspect of a student's school life. The Ohio General Assembly determines
the laws which public schools and parents are required to follow regarding attendance. Regular
attendance for the number of days prescribed by state law is essential if students are to receive the
maximum benefits from the programs afforded them.
Attendance Reminders -- Attendance Office 614-548-1801
• Absences: Please call as early as 6:45 A.M. to report a student's absence. Excused absences from
school are determined only by state law, not by Pickerington personnel. The six specific state mandated
reasons for excused absences are found in the "Attendance" section of the Student Handbook. School
sanctions occur only when Ohio law does not cover an absence.
• Calamity pass: A student is allowed one late arrival without penalty each semester for use in a
calamity situation. Calamity passes require a telephone call to the attendance office on the same day, or
the parent/guardian must submit a note the next day to verify the reason.
• Warning and NME status: PHSC personnel will warn students when attendance becomes a concern.
Generally, students who accumulate ten days or more of absence from class or school will be sent a
warning letter by mail. Further absences can result in notification and placement on the Needs Medical
Excuse (NME) status. NME status will begin with fifteen days of absence for a year-long class and as
early as ten days for a semester class.
• Tardiness: Examples of unacceptable tardiness, as dictated by state law and local policy, include:
needed at home, overslept, alarm clock problems, car trouble, taking family members to the airport,
errands, beauty appointment, missed bus, and a ride did not show up or was late.
• Early Dismissals: Please send written notes with your student the morning of an early dismissal.
Have your student come to the attendance office early in the day to make arrangements for the dismissal.
• Skip days: There are no "skip days!" Parents should check the school calendar for vacation days
throughout the school year.
• Entering and leaving: Students are not to enter or leave the building during school hours without first
reporting to the attendance office. Because of liability issues, this rule is strictly enforced and there are
consequences if it is violated.
Pickerington High School Central
Issue #: [Date]
Stacy Tennenbaum, Principal
Dolor Sit Amet
Main Office: 548-1800
ALL high school mathematics classes require a graphing calculator. We prefer and
recommend the Texas Instruments 84 Plus. The TI-84 Plus will give students exposure to
the same calculator that PARCC testing models. Furthermore, it is widely used in colleges
and universities and permissible on standardized tests (ACT, SAT). Students are
expected to bring their own calculator on a daily basis to math class. All students must
provide their own.
If you do purchase a TI calculator, please give the TI Technology Rewards Program points
off the package to your math teacher. The department can use the points to obtain
additional classroom supplies through Texas Instrument.
The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Parking information
• All student parking is by permit only. Vehicles
must be registered with the school and display a
hangtag on its rear view window. All drivers
must be licensed, and their vehicles covered by
insurance. Diane Lukacsko is the contact person
for parking permits.
Petermann Transit Bus Service
Parents seeking information about their child’s
bus pick-up and drop-off may use
our interactive online system at
We expect 2016-17 route information to be valid
by August 3.
• The school is not responsible for loss or damage
to a vehicle or its contents.
• Parents assume all responsibility for student
drivers on the way to and from school.
• All vehicles must be operated in a safe, sane, and
legal manner.
• We do not have an "open lunch" which means
students are not permitted to go out for lunch.
• Going to the parking lot during the school day is
by permission. Car passes can be requested at the
greeter's station in the main lobby.
Every high school student can join the
Renaissance Program at some point during
his/her high school career. The club offers
incentives bases on grade point averages,
behavior and attendance. Discounts are
available through participation in the program.
Ask your child to find out more about the
Renaissance Leadership Program.  
Pickerington High School Central
Issue #: [Date]
Stacy Tennenbaum, Principal
Dolor Sit Amet
Main Office: 548-1800
Payment Plan for Instructional Fees
Instructional fees are assigned to students for items
that the student personally consumes in a course.
These fees are kept to a minimum. The school
system charges only for the cost of the item.
Parents/guardians will be mailed a bill for their
student's instructional fees by late September or
early October.
Fee payments should be mailed to the PLSD
Treasurer's Office, (90 East Street,
Pickerington, OH 43147) or delivered to PHSC
main office. Payments can be made by cash,
check, money order, or credit card.
Athletic Office - 614-548-1825
Athletic Fax - 614-548-1830
Attendance Office - 614-548-1801
Guidance Office - 614-548-1815
Guidance Fax - 614-548-1820
Main Office - 614-548-1800
Main Office Fax - 614-548-1810
Music/Band Office - 614-548-1860
Theatre Office - 614-548-1958
It is important for all students (grades 9 - 12) to have his/her picture taken when they pick up his/her
schedule. HR Imaging provides a picture disk for cafeteria personnel to download into the system for
identification purposes. (You do not have to purchase a picture package in order for a picture to be
taken.) This will ensure that your student is identified every time the account is accessed, thereby
reducing fraudulent use. Money can be deposited into your student's account on a daily, weekly, monthly,
or yearly basis. The cost of a Type A lunch is $2.65-$3.75. A la carte items are also available at a per item
charge. Money will only be deducted when the student uses the account. The student may pay by cash,
check, or money order when depositing money into their account. No change can be given for a check or
money order deposit. Checks are to be made payable to Pickerington School Food Service. You can also
manage your child's meal account through My Payments Plus which is available 24/7 for your convenience.
Log on to or call 866-711-7341. MyPaymentsPlus free app is also available on
Smartphones. The application for free & reduced lunch program is included in this packet. After July 14,
applications can also be submitted online at
PHSC will use the PLSD communication system for school newsletters. Principal Tennenbaum will also use
this system to notify parents/guardians of news, upcoming events, changes to previously published
information, or to relay specific concerns throughout the school year. Please verify your contact information
on your parent portal for Infinite Campus. To set up an account, follow the instructions on the district
Pickerington High School Central
Issue #: [Date]
Stacy Tennenbaum, Principal
Dolor Sit Amet
Main Office: 548-1800
9 & 10 - Tiger Welcome Days
8 -12 - Band/Athletic Participation Fee Collection,
8:00A.M. - 3:00P.M.
8 - Board of Education Mtg. 6PM, Heritage
11 - Uninterrupted Teacher Work Day
“ - PHSC Meet & Greet 5-7PM
- Freshman/New Student Orientation, PAC, 7:00-8:00P.M.
18 - Picture Day – make up - during all lunch periods
22 - Board of Education Work session, 4 PM Heritage
26 - Last day for schedule correction request
30 - No School - Professional Development Day
12 - Board of Education Mtg., 7PM, Heritage
16 - Picture retake/makeup - all lunch periods (last day)
14 - 2 hour late start - Professional Development Day
28 - Board of Education Mtg., work session, 4 PM Heritage (if needed)