view - Pickerington Violet Township Historical Society
News for members and friends of: PICKERINGTON-VIOLET TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SOCIETY FA L L 2 0 1 5 Find us: 15 E. Columbus Street, Olde Pickerington Village ~ Call us: 614-382-5989 ~ Email us: YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR ANNUAL FOUNDERS’ DAY BANQUET The Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society invites you to participate in our Pickerington Bicentennial Founders’ Day Banquet Thursday, September 3, 2015 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Pickerington Senior Center — 150 Hereford Drive The evening will feature dinner, music by Standing Stone Strings & Things Dulcimer Club, prizes, and a celebration of Pickerington’s 1815 founding as well as the men/woman who served as Pickerington mayors during the past 200 years. The 11 living mayors of Pickerington will be honored guests at our September 3rd Founders’ Day Banquet. Can you name the mayors in this photo (courtesy of Brian Fox) taken last fall? They are, clockwise from upper left: Tom Burkhardt, Lee Gray, Randy Hughes, Tom Brubaker (passed away June, 2015), Rita Ricketts, and Dale Huntwork. Other living former mayors are Paul McMullen, Garvan Smith, Bob Thomas, Lou Postage, David Shaver, and Mitch O’Brien. Cost is $15 per person (check or cash) for tickets available through August 31 from members of the Historical Society: At the Historical Museum located at 15 E Columbus Street, any August Saturday from 10am – 1pm. By mail to PO Box 732, Pickerington OH 43147. Mail-order tickets will be held at “Will Call” for pick up at the Senior Center after 6:00pm on the evening of the event. Seating is limited. No tickets sold after August 31. Direct any questions to Peggy Portier at 614-382-5989 or pickhistsociety@ WHICH ANIMAL AM I? Bring your children and grandchildren age 17 and under to our Museum to compete in our summer contest. Youngsters who match the 10 animal furs shown here to the correct animals will be entered in a drawing for a $50 prize compliments of Fairfield Federal Savings & Loan. The winner will be announced September 7th during the Pickerington Bicentennial Celebration. This permanent pelt display is sponsored by Antlers & Everything Taxidemy (Baltimore, OH) and Fairfield Federal Savings & Loan. Page 2 U P C O M I N G H I S TO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M E V E N T S P I C K E R I N G TO N B I C E N T E N N I A L C E L E B R AT I O N VO L U N T E E R S N E E D E D F O R S O C I E T Y E V E N T S S E P T 3 - 7 The Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society will be intimately involved in Pickerington’s Bicentennial Celebration the first weekend of September and needs your volunteer help with the following activities: Sept 3 (Thursday) Founders’ Day Banquet set-up (1:30-3:00pm) and cleanup (8:30-9:00pm). Sept 5 (Saturday) Museum hosting from 2:00-4:00pm and 4:00-6:00pm. Need 2 volunteers each shift. Sept 6 (Sunday) Museum hosting from 2:00-4:00pm and 4:00-6:00pm. Need 2 volunteers each shift. Sept 7 (Monday) Labor Day Parade drink stand in Museum front yard (8:00-10:00am). Need 4 volunteers. Sept 7 (Monday) Ride Historical Society float during Labor Day Parade (9:00-11:00am). Need 4 volunteers. Sept 7 (Monday) Museum hosting from 9:00-11am and 11:00-1:00pm. Need 2 volunteers each shift. Please lend a helping hand with these community events! Email OR phone Volunteer Coordinator Cristie Hammond at 614-570-4074 OR sign up at SignUpGenius by clicking on “Volunteer Sign-Up” on the home page of W H AT ’ S N EW AT M OT T S M I L I TA RY M U S EU M ? O C TO B E R 1 , 7 : 3 0 P M M E E T I N G / P RO G R A M Groveport’s Motts Military Museum is dedicated to preserving the memory of all individuals who served in the U.S. military. Displayed collections already include people and memorabilia from our Revolutionary War through Desert Storm. What’s next for Mott’s Military Museum? Warren Motts, founder and executive director of the museum, will reveal what collections are showcased in their new wing and plans to add a new building on the Museum’s grounds. Warren Motts’ presentation in our Museum’s handicap-accessible Lower Level is open to the public; light refreshments will be provided. A RT I F AC T S O F T H E PA S T N OV E M B E R 5 , 7 : 3 0 P M M E E T I N G / P RO G R A M Columbus Metro Parks' naturalist, Carrie Keller, will present "Artifacts of the Past" during the Historical Society’s November 5 meeting. Guests will be able to take a journey back in time to the 1880s — during the Second Industrial Revolution. During this period, Pickerington and the United States experienced a large economic boom due to the advancement of tools used in farming, the building of railroads, and more. Be sure to participate in this meeting to see and touch tools and implements used during this time in history. Light refreshments will be provided by Historical Society volunteers. To volunteer to help, contact Peggy Portier at 614-382-5989. 2014-2015 PICKERING TO N VIOLET TO WNSHIP HISTO RICAL SO CIETY EXECUTIVE BO ARD Elective Officers President: Peggy Portier Advisor: Gary Taylor VP-Admin: Keith Ebright VP-Programs: Jack Whitaker Secretary: Mary Herron Treasurer: Fiona Spears Member-at-Large: Mitch O’Brien Appointive Officers Curator: Chris Reale Publicity/Newsletter Editor: Maggie Arendt Historical Society 2015 Open Positions Historian Membership Chair Fundraising Chair Interested in serving? Call Peggy Portier, 614-860-0899 Page 3 W H AT ’ S N E W AT T H E H I S TO R I C A L S O C I E T Y ? 1 0 : 0 0 - 1 : 0 0 P M N E W M U S E U M S AT U R DAY H O U R S The Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society Board of Directors voted to shorten Saturday Museum hours for the remainder of 2015. The new 10:00am-1:00pm Saturday hours began Saturday, July 25. The shortened hours will allow volunteer efforts to be directed toward special events and pre-arranged group tours. Groups of 10 or more wishing to arrange a daytime or evening tour of the Museum are encouraged to make a request directly to the Historical Society by emailing or phoning 614-382-5989. Upcoming special fall events during which the Historical Museum will be open to the public include: Pickerington’s Bicentennial Celebration, September 5-6 (Museum open 2-6pm) with contests and games for youngsters in the Museum and on the Plaza; and September 7 (9am-1pm) during the Labor Day festivities. Haunted Museum during Pickerington’s “Haunted Village”, Wednesday October 28 from 6-8pm. Olde Pickerington Village Holiday, Friday December 4 from 5:00-8:30pm. Admission to the Museum is always free — including Saturdays, special events, and for pre-arranged group tours. M E M B E R S ’ V I N TAG E I T E M S I N S P E C I A L M U S E U M E X H I B I T S Our current special exhibit, “Vintage Kids”, includes a collection of children’s clothing from Society member, Peggy Kose. The dresses were worn by members of her family in 1884 (dress on right) and 1934 (dress on left). The dress in the center of the photo was worn by Cleo Mason Richter when she was 5 years old in 1912. It is part of our Historical Society’s collection. The “Vintage Kids” collection of clothing and toys can be seen until the end of August. Jack and Bev Whitaker’s collection of antique irons will be shown during the fall months. For the Thanksgiving-Christmas holidays, we plan to show Historical Society members’ vintage holiday decorations in a “Christmas Past” exhibit. If you have vintage Christmas tree ornaments, a centerpiece, nutcrackers, jewelry, Santas, angels, etc., and are willing to lend them to our Historical Society for this exhibit, please contact Mary Herron at 614-519-9824 or email The name of each donor will be displayed alongside the vintage items which will be locked in the Museum’s display cases. H I S TO R I C A L S O C I E T Y T H A N K YO U N OT E S Thank You, new Historical Society members who recently joined our group: Jack Congrove from Fort Lewis, WA.; MaryAnn Trouten/Kenneth Whaley family from Pickerington; and Sandy and Roger White from Canal Winchester. Thank You, members of the Dr. James “Bud” Clem Kraner Family who plan to fund specific Historical Society programs in Dr. Kraner’s memory. Thanks also to the family of Rev. Robert D. Cole (Buckhannon, WV) for their monetary donation in memory of their brother-in-law and uncle, Dr. James “Bud” Clem Kraner. Thank you, Historical Society members who donated their gently used household items to the June Museum Yard Sale which yielded $273.35. Have you registered for our Historical Society Member Picnic at Smeck Farm on August 6, 6:30 pm? If not, reserve your seat(s) no later than August 1 at 614-382-5989. PICKERINGTON-VIOLET TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SOCIETY P O BOX 732 PICKERINGTON, OHIO 43147 Like or Follow us on social media by visiting our pages at: PickeringtonHistoricalSociety Pickeringtonhistoricalsociety IN MEMORIUM: J A M E S “ BU D ” C L E M K R A N E R A graveside service was held at Violet Cemetery on June 6, 2015 for Dr. James “Bud” Clem Kraner, MD, PhD, who was 91 years of age. He lived in Pickerington until the late 1950s and was a Lifetime Member of our Historical Society. This 1928 photo shows 5-year-old “Bud” with family who preceded him in death: his parents, James Garfield Kraner and Isabel (Clem) Kraner; and sister Mary Ellen Poff. Dr. Kraner is survived by wife, Virginia Cole Kraner and four children: Sue Ellen Kraner Trumble, Sarah Elizabeth Kraner Allen, Dr. James Cole Kraner, and Lt. Col. Timothy Andrew Kraner. In 2012 Dr. Kraner donated one of his writings, “To Pickerington, With Affection” to our Historical Society. In this book, Dr. Kraner gives a glimpse into his personal life, the people he knew in Pickerington, and a compelling timeline of WWII worldwide events while he spent June, 1943 to December, 1944 at the U.S. Army Air Corps’ 8th Weather Squadron Station in Goose Bay, Labrador. The book and photos are available for perusal in our Historical Museum’s reading and reference library. Dr. Kraner earned his MD and PhD degrees from the Ohio State University. He practiced internal medicine in Albuquerque, NM and served as director of the Non-Invasive Vascular Laboratory at St. Luke’s Hospital in Phoenix before retiring, with his wife Virginia, to Sun Lakes, Arizona.
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