2015-2016 Winter Program Guide
2015-2016 Winter Program Guide
Pickerington Parks and Recreation Pickerington Parks and Recreation 2015 - 2016 Winter Program Guide December · January · February · March Directory Pg 2 Community Pool Pg 3 City Parks Pg 4 Programs Pg 6 Special Events Pg 11 Registration Form Pg 15 Park Ice Rink Victory Breakfast with Santa Breakf y ast with the Bunn Main Photo: Sycamore Park Pond 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147 · 614-833-2211 · www.pickerington.net 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147 · 614-833-2211 · www.pickerington.net 2015 - 2016 Winter Program Guide City / Community Directory American Legion Post 283 614-837-0755 American Red Cross of Fairfield County 740-687-5585 www.alpost283.org Mayor Lee A. Gray City Manager Bill Vance www.redcross.org/oh/lancaster Hickory Lakes 614-837-2143 www.hickorylakes.blogspot.com Olde Pickerington Village Business Association 614-321-8221 Jeff Fix, Council President Cristie Hammond, Council Vice President Tony Barletta Jerry Dailey Brandon Ogden Mike Sabatino Christopher Schweitzer Park Alley Banquet Room 614-834-8167 Pickerington Area Chamber of Commerce 614-837-1958 Pickerington Area Soccer Association 614-920-7972 Meetings are the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm in City Hall. Pickerington Community Theatre 614-863-1861 Pickerington Food Pantry 614-834-0079 Pickerington Lions Club 614-833-4728 Pickerington Ponds (Metro Parks) 614-891-0700 Pickerington Post Office 614-837-5793 Pickerington Public Library 614-837-4104 Pickerington Senior Center 614-837-3020 Pickerington Violet Festival 614-524-4758 Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society 614-382-5989 Pickerington Youth Athletic Association 614-920-9635 POP Community Center for the Arts 614-833-1707 Pickerington City Council Parks and Recreation Board Mike McKinley, Chairperson Craig Burre, Vice Chairperson Nicole McKiernan, Secretary John Eggenspiller Don Goodrich Steve Malone Eric Pawlowski Brandon Ogden, Council Representative Meetings are the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm in City Hall. Parks and Recreation Staff Rebecca Medinger, Parks and Recreation Director Stephen Paullin, Recreation Coordinator Charlie Mastenbrook, Streets/Parks Foreman Wayne Patterson, Parks Maintenance City Departments Mayor’s Office614-837-3974 City Manager’s Office614-837-3974 City Clerk / City Council 614-837-3974 City Hall614-837-3974 Building Division614-833-2221 Community Pool (May 28 - September 5) 614-864-3483 Development Services Department 614-833-2204 Engineering Department614-833-2221 Finance Department614-837-3974 Human Resources Department 614-837-3974 Income Tax Department614-837-4116 Parks and Recreation Department 614-833-2211 Police Department614-575-6911 Service Department614-833-2292 Utilities Billing614-833-2289 www.pickerington.net Photo Release By registering, participating or using any Parks and Recreation Department programs, activities, events or facilities you agree to allow publication of photos taken that are associated with the City of Pickerington. Page 2 www.pickeringtonvillage.com www.parkalleyevents.com www.pickeringtonchamber.com www.pasasoccer.org www.pickeringtoncommunitytheatre.org www.pcmafoodpantry.com www.pickeringtonoh.lionwap.org www.metroparks.net www.usps.com www.pickeringtonlibrary.org www.pickeringtonseniorcenter.org www.violetfestival.org www.pickeringtonhistoricalsociety.com www.pyaa.org www.pickcommunityart.webs.com Retreat at Turnberry (Columbus Recreation and Parks) 614-645-3337 www.columbus.gov Reynoldsburg-Pickerington Rotary Club 614-203-6046 Violet Township 614-575-5556 614-837-4123 Violet Township Women’s League 614-837-9749 YMCA – Jerry L. Garver 614-834-9622 www.rprotaryclub.com Violet Township Fire Department www.violet.oh.us www.vtwl.org www.ymcacolumbus.org/garver December · January · February · March Pickerington Parks and Recreation Community Pool Pickerington Community Pool Earl y Mar Bird Dis ch 1 c - Ap ount ril 3 0 11330 Stonecreek Drive S, Pickerington, OH 43147 • 614-864-3483 Season Pool Passes on Sale March 1 – April 30 for Early Bird Discount! Family Members include one set of parents, and their immediate children (26 years of age and under) residing in the same household. If more than one family resides in the household, each family must purchase a separate Season Pass. Babysitters, grandparents, extended family members and others are not included in the Family Season Pass. 2016 Season Pass Prices Early Bird (March 1 - April 30) CR=City Resident Discount Fee Pool Hours - Open Daily 12:00noon - 8:00pm Open Swim 3 years old and under **Pool closed on weekdays when Pickerington Local Schools are in session.** **Pool Hours subject to change.** (as of May 28, 2016) First Day: May 28 Last Day: September 5 Closed Days: August 15 - 19, 22 - 26, 29 - September 2 Family of 2 Individual (First 2 Family Members) Family Add-on Children 11 years old and under MUST be accompanied by an adult at all times. (Each additional Family Member over a Family of 2) Regular (May 1 - September 5) Fee CR Fee CR FREE FREE FREE FREE $210 $160 $225 $175 $260 $210 $275 $225 $20 $20 $20 $20 Day Pass $8 Sold at pool only, no pre-sales 2016 Season Pass Applications available online. Tiger Shark Swim Team information will be posted online at www.pickerington.net. Want to be a lifeguard? Have you seen the new Splash Pad? Employment applications will be available in 2016 by going online to www.pickerington.net. The City of Pickerington is excited to showcase the new Splash Pad, open all season at the Pickerington Community Pool! Swim Lessons Registration Information Three separate 2-week swim sessions will be held beginning June 6. All swim classes meet Monday – Friday for 30 minutes. The second Friday of a 2-week class will be used in case of inclement weather and a make-up class must be held. This is a progressive swim program. Child must prove competency from previous level they attended. The pool administration reserves the right to test the swimming ability of all individuals for proper class placement. Because of the structure of the program, all classes and schedules are subject to change and/or cancellation by the Swim Lesson Coordinator as required by demand or weather. All children must be at least 3 years old by May 28, and potty trained. Online Registration will be available Wednesday, May 11. Class Times Class Dates Session 1: June 6 - 17 Session 2: June 20 - July 1 Session 3: July 11 - 22**NEW** 9:40 - 10:10am 10:20 - 10:50am 11:00 - 11:30am 4:50 - 5:20pm **New time** 5:25 - 5:55pm **New time** Pool Special Events Registration Begins 2 Weeks 1 Week (Jelly Fish and Frog) Monday, May 2: Monday, May 9: Wednesday, May 11: Wednesday, May 11: $45 $65 $80 Season Pass holder City Residents without a Season Pass Non-Residents without a Season Pass Online Registration Private Swim Lessons $30 $45 $55 Private swim lessons can be arranged by calling the Swim Lesson Coordinator starting Monday, June 6 at 614-864-3483. FEE: $20 per person - 30 minute session 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147 · 614-833-2211 · www.pickerington.net Look out for more information in our upcoming Spring/Summer Guide: • Family Luau Night • TRY-athlon • Dog Splash • and More! More information online at www.pickerington.net. Page 3 2015 - 2016 Winter Program Guide City Parks / Facility Reservations 256 Diley Road Softball Field Shelters 5 Disc Golf Course Shelter Sycamore Park Hilltop Shelter 256 1 11 Sycamore Park Moorhead Shelter 4 10 Legend 9 Pickerington Parks City Hall 8 3 7 256 6 Schools Sycamore Park Pickering Shelter Roads Railroads Pickerington Park Land 2 City of Pickerington Limits Victory Park O’Brien Shelter Pickerington Parks 1. Colony Park 2. Diley Road Softball Fields 3. Disc Golf Course Page 4 4. Olde Pickerington Village 5. Pickerington Community Pool 6. Preston Trails Park 7. Shawnee Crossing Park 8. Simsbury Park 9. Sycamore Park 10. Victory Park 11. Willow Pond Park Willow Pond Shelter December · January · February · March 1 Colony Park 2 Diley Road Softball Fields 3 Disc Golf Course 4 Olde Pickerington Village 5 Pickerington Community Pool* 6 Preston Trails Park 7 Shawnee Crossing Park 8 Simsbury Park 9 Sycamore Park • • • • 11 Willow Pond Park • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tennis Court Swings Softball Field Park Rules Soccer Field Sled Hill (Seasonal) Skate Park Shelter/Gazebo Restrooms Putting Green Pond • • • • • • • • • Plaza Playground Pickleball Court Parking Ice Rink (Seasonal) Grills/Fireplace Green Space GaGa Ball Pit Fountain/Vending • • • • • • • • 10 Victory Park Covered Bridge Community Garden City Parks / Facility Reservations Bike Trail Basketball Court Arboretum Aquatic Facilities Pickerington Parks Amphitheater Pickerington Parks and Recreation • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Diley Road Softball Fields - Shelter 1 Diley Road Softball Fields - Shelter 2 Disc Golf Course (18 Holes) 1 Olde Village - Plaza Sycamore Park - Amphitheater Sycamore Park - Basketball Court Sycamore Park - Covered Bridge Sycamore Park - Gazebo Sycamore Park - Hilltop Shelter Sycamore Park - Moorhead Shelter Sycamore Park - Pickering Shelter • • • • • 1 Seating (approx.) 50 1 Facility Reservations Fees Time 9:00am - 1:00pm 1:00pm - 5:00pm 5:00pm - 9:00pm Fee $60 $60 $60 1 1 • 1 Sycamore Park - Skate Park 1 Sycamore Park - Soccer Fields 3 Sycamore Park - Softball Fields 2 Sycamore Park - Tennis Courts 3 Victory Park - Basketball Courts 2 • • • City Resident/ Non-Profit Discount Fee $30 $30 $30 8 50 50 80 2. No littering or dumping. 3. Loud and disruptive behavior is prohibited. 4. Advertising or commercial enterprise requires permission from the City Manager. 5. No camping without a written permit from the City Manager. 6. No fires except in designated areas. Wood not provided. 7. Hunting and trapping is prohibited. 8. The only pets allowed in parks are domestic dogs and cats which must be controlled at all times and secured to a leash no longer than 6 feet. Pet owners must clean up after their pets and carry a device for this purpose. 9. No boating, swimming or wading. 10.No motorized vehicles except in designated areas. City of Pickerington charges a $35 returned check fee. 1 4 Willow Pond Park - Shelter 30 Park Watch Please be alert to safety hazards, vandalism and other crimes in our parks. Report crimes to the Pickerington Police Department at 614-575-6911. Even though you may have a Pickerington mailing address, or live within the Pickerington Local School District, you may not live within the Pickerington City limits. • • • • 30 20 Sycamore Park - Pickleball Courts* Victory Park - O’Brien Shelter Restrooms • • 2 Olde Village - Gazebo Grills • • Diley Road Softball Fields Disc Golf Course - Shelter Fireplace Fields/Courts Facilities Electricity *More info at www.pickerinton.net 1. Damaging or removing park property, natural features and wildlife is prohibited. Facility Reservation Information 11.Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. 12.Violation of any park rule may lead to ejection from the park or prosecution under the laws of the City of Pickerington. 13.Parks open from dawn to dusk. Online Re serv Available ations in 2 016! 1. Pickerington residents and non-residents may reserve recreational facilities throughout the year from April 1 - October 31. The restroom facilities will not be available from December 1 - March 31. Reservation agreements will be accepted after March 1 of each year. Additional information available at www.pickerington.net. 2. Full payment is required when submitting reservation form. 1 *Located on Sycamore Park Tennis Court 3 More information online at www.pickerington.net 2 1 • 3. Any person or organization holding an approved application shall receive a refund only if the Parks and Recreation Department is given proper notice to cancel prior to two (2) weeks from the scheduled date of use. There is a $10 processing fee to cancel a reservation. 95 50 4. In the event of rain or extreme weather conditions, as determined by the Parks and Recreation Department, reservations will be rescheduled if possible. 5. The group or organization using the facilities shall assure that: a. All park rules are followed. b. Damages made to the facilities or equipment during their time of use shall be their financial responsibility. c. Facilities shall be left clean and neat. 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147 · 614-833-2211 · www.pickerington.net Page 5 Preschool Programs 2015 - 2016 Winter Program Guide Sporties for Shorties Each week, coaches will teach lively and positive classes that help children build sports skills and coordination such as throwing, kicking, jumping, balance and agility. In each class, we will feature different athletic activities, with lively music, colorful sports and fitness equipment, and plenty of exercise for your child. This program provides excellent preparation for organized athletics for your child. Children should dress to be active, and all equipment is provided. Free trial class day, January 11. No pre-registration is necessary. Instructor: JumpBunch staff Ages: 18 - 36 months with a Parent 8 Weeks Fee: $78 City Resident Discount Fee: $62 Class # Date Day(s) Time SS-01 Jan 25-Mar 14 Mo 6:00-6:30pm Ages: 3 - 5 years Hummingbirds Soccer Children ages 3-6 have fun and learn the basics of soccer: dribbling, passing, trapping, shooting, defense and positioning. Each session consists of instruction in each aspect of the game, participation in fun drills that are designed to teach fundamental skills to such young children, and low-key, non-competitive games. Players will be put into age-appropriate groups. All coaching will be conducted by Jump Start Sports staff, but parents may assist. All children must wear shin guards to participate. You can purchase shin guards at Target, Walmart, Dick’s or any sporting goods store. The children should wear tennis shoes or cleats. Each child will receive a team shirt on the first day. You should also bring a water bottle for your child. Instructor: Jump Start Sports staff Ages: 3 - 4 years 6 Weeks Fee: $82 City Resident Discount Fee: $65 Class # Date Day(s) Time Class # Date Day(s) Time HBS-01 Apr 7-May 12 Th 4:30-5:30pm SS-02 Jan 25-Mar 14 Mo 6:30-7:10pm HBS-02 Apr 7-May 12 Th 5:30-6:30pm HBS-03 Apr 7-May 12 Th 6:30-7:30pm Location: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 8630 Refugee Road Ages: 5 - 6 years Class # Date Day(s) Time HBS-04 Apr 7-May 12 Th 5:30-6:30pm HBS-05 Apr 7-May 12 Th 6:30-7:30pm T-Birds T-Ball Instructional tee-ball for 3-5 year olds (5 year olds who are not yet in Kindergarten may participate). Players learn the basics of catching, fielding, throwing and hitting. Then they apply what they’ve learned in fun, non-competitive games. Parents are encouraged to participate in the coaching and are provided practice plans and assistance in coaching young children. Jump Start Sports staff will lead the instruction. Jump Start Sports will be providing all of the equipment except for gloves. Each child should have a baseball glove. The size recommended for t-ball is 9 Inches (the smallest size “real” glove). Baseball pants and cleats are optional for this age. If your child has a bat that he or she wants to bring, please be sure to have your last name on the bat and we ask that you allow anyone else on the team to use it. If you bring your own helmet, children will not be required to share helmets. Instructor: Jump Start Sports staff Ages: 3 - 5 years and Pre-K 6 Weeks Fee: $87 City Resident Discount Fee: $69 Class # Date Day(s) Time TB-01 May 4-Jun 8 We 4:30-5:30pm TB-02 May 4-Jun 8 We 5:30-6:30pm TB-03 May 4-Jun 8 We 6:30-7:30pm Location: Sycamore Park Softball Fields Location: Sycamore Park Soccer Field 1 L’IL KIK Directed by Grandmaster Stephens of Free Spirit Karate Club, Tae Kwon Do skills help build strength, agility and coordination. Students will learn at their own pace and most important, will have Fun Fun Fun! Social skills and coordination drills wrapped together with our unique selfdefense techniques. Instructor: Mrs. Jennifer Jones Ages: 3 - 7 years 6 Weeks Fee: $100 City Resident Discount Fee: $80 Class # Date Day(s) Time LK-01 Feb 4-Mar 10 Th 5:30-6:00pm LK-02 Mar 17-Apr 28* Th 5:30-6:00pm *No Class March 24 Location: Grace Fellowship 1449 Refugee Road Page 6 Program Instructors We are seeking instructors for new programs with the Pickerington Parks and Recreation Department for all ages. If you have a talent and want to share it with others who want to learn, here is your chance to reach out. Call the Parks and Recreation Department for more information at 614-833-2211. December · January · February · March Pickerington Parks and Recreation Youth Programs NEW! Superhero Soccer Teacher Appreciation Gift Basket Each participant will receive a shirt and medal. Typically Superhero Soccer will run practices (2) nights a week and have a game on Saturday. Practices will take place after 6:00pm and games could run at various times on Saturdays. More detailed information will be communicated after the registration deadline Friday, March 11. Looking for a Summer Job? The City of Pickerington Parks and Recreation Department is looking to fill several position’s this coming summer. Jobs will include: Instructor: Parent/Shadow Volunteers Ages: 5 - 20 years old with developmental disabilities 6 Weeks (subject to change) Fee: $20 Class # Date Day(s) Time SSO-01 Apr-May* TBD TBD • Summer Playground Staff •Laborer • Recreation Assistant • Aquatics Staff *Schedule will be made after regristration deadline of March 11. Employment applications will be available in 2016 by going online to www.pickerington.net. Location: Civic Park 6800 Daugherty Drive, Reynoldsburg Attention Pickerington High School soccer athletes, we are looking for you to volunteer. Give back to the community by sharing the joy of soccer a couple days a week. Volunteers like you will make Superhero Soccer a success. Give us a call at 614-833-2211 for more information. Kids in Karate Directed by Grandmaster Stephens of Free Spirit Karate Club, Tae Kwon Do skills help build strength, agility and coordination. The mental aspect builds self-confidence, self-control and mental discipline. NEW! Noteworthy Melodica Orchestra is a music ensemble that meets once a week and teaches students how to play a melodica, how to listen and work with other orchestra members to create music together, and how to read music. Melodicas are small keyboard and wind instruments that are portable and light weight perfect for playing anywhere! Students will play music by artists such as Coldplay, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars and many more. One time additional $50 fee to purchase Melodica on the first day of class. Class # Date Day(s) Time KIK-01 Feb 4-Mar 31* Th 6:00-7:30pm KIK-02 Apr 7-May 26 Th 6:00-7:30pm *No Class March 24 Location: Grace Fellowship 1449 Refugee Road Instructor: Noteworthy Music staff Ages: 9 - 15 years 5 Weeks Fee: $110 City Resident Discount Fee: $88 Class # Date Day(s) Time MO-01 Jan 8-Feb 5 Fri 5:30-6:30pm MO-02 Feb 12- Mar 11 Fri 5:30-6:30pm Instructor: Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory staff Ages: 5 years and up 1 Day Fee: $25 City Resident Discount Fee: $20 Class # Date Day(s) Time TGB-01 Dec 16 Wed 4:00-5:00pm Location: Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory 1718 Hill Road North Valentine Chocolate Covered Strawberry Making Strawberry Dipping for Valentine’s Day. Learn how to temper chocolate and take home a box of your own creations. Instructor: Mrs. Jennifer Jones Ages: 5 years and Up 8 Weeks Fee: $82 City Resident Discount Fee: $65 Melodica Orchestra NEW! Create your own delectable goodies - chocolate dipped pretzels, gourmet caramel apple, and more and put them all together in a creative gift bucket for your teacher. Your child will enjoy creating the treats and then putting it all together in a decorative gift bucket. The perfect holiday gift for your favorite teacher! Instructor: Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory staff Ages: 7 years and up 1 Day Fee: $25 City Resident Discount Fee: $20 Class # Date Day(s) Time VCS-01 Feb 6 Sat 9:30-11:00am Location: Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory 1718 Hill Road North Ice Cream Pie Winter Wonderland NEW! Design and build your own ice cream pie. Then top it off with your favorite decorations, take it home and enjoy! Instructor: Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory staff Ages: 6 years and up 1 Day Fee: $25 City Resident Discount Fee: $20 Class # Date Day(s) Time IPW-01 Feb 20 Sat 10:00-11:00am Location: Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory 1718 Hill Road North Location: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 8630 Refugee Road 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147 · 614-833-2211 · www.pickerington.net Page 7 Youth/Adult Programs 2015 - 2016 Winter Program Guide Youth Drawing Class is designed to teach students drawing and finishing techniques as they further their artistic skills. Students complete a work each week learning cartooning, still life, graphics, art history and more, using a wide variety of mediums. New lessons are taught each session and sessions are independent of each other. All supplies included. Instructor: Diane Thielman Ages: 6 - 12 years 5 Weeks Fee: $77 City Resident Discount Fee: $61 Class # Date Day(s) Time YD-01 Jan 7-Feb 4 Th 5:15-6:15pm YD-02 Feb 18-Mar 17 Th 5:15-6:15pm Royal Arts Lightsaber Class NEW! On guard! Have you ever wanted to be a Jedi Knight? Learn the noble art of fencing, including information about swords, moves and the use of “Light-Sabers”. All equipment is provided. Instructor: Royal Arts Fencing Academy staff Ages: 10 years and up 6 Weeks Fee: $110 City Resident Discount Fee: $88 Class # Date Day(s) Time RLS-01 Jan 12-Feb 16 Tu 5:30-6:30pm Location: Royal Arts Fencing Academy 5770 Westbourne Ave, Columbus Location: Grace Fellowship 1449 Refugee Road Zumba Fitness Zumba is a dance fitness program created by Columbian dancer “Beto” Perez. It involves dance and aerobic elements. The choreography incorporates Latin and Hip-Hop dance styles along with traditional fitness moves. The goal of the class is to have fun while working out to a mix of Latin and popular music. Possible side effects include weight loss and new friendships! Bring water to drink during this 45 minute class. The instructor is a licensed Zumba instructor and ZIN member Instructor: Marilyn Morgan Ages: 18 years and Up 12 Weeks Fee: $50 City Resident Discount Fee: $40 Class # Date Day(s) Time ZF-01 Jan 4-Apr 11* Mo 6:15-7:00pm *No Class January 18, February 15, March 14 Location: Pickerington Senior Center 150 Hereford Drive Pilates Pilates is a body conditioning routine that helps improve balance, coordination, flexibility and strength. It enhances core strength by working your abdominals and back. Exercises can be modified in range of difficulty from beginning to advanced. Bring a comfortable mat for floor work. Some classes will use resistance devices that will be provided by the instructor and can be used if desired, but not required. Bring water to drink. Beyond Youth Drawing Class is designed for students who want to go beyond youth drawing and study individual skill sets. Students will work independently and with instruction to explore perspective, figure drawing, still life, art history and individual subject matter they are interested in, using a variety of mediums. All supplies included. Instructor: Diane Thielman Ages: 11 - 16 years 6 Weeks Fee: $77 City Resident Discount Fee: $61 Class # Date Day(s) Time BYD-01 Jan 7-Feb 4 Th 6:30-7:30pm BYD-02 Feb 18-Mar 17 Th 6:30-7:30pm Location: Grace Fellowship 1449 Refugee Road Instructor: Marilyn Morgan Ages: 18 years and Up 12 Weeks Fee: $50 City Resident Discount Fee: $40 Class # Date Day(s) Time PIL-01 Jan 4-Apr 11* Mo 7:05-7:50pm *No Class January 18, February 15, March 14 City Residents are those who live within the City Limits of Pickerington. City Residents receive a discounted fee for classes. Accepted forms of payment include cash, checks and credit cards. Online Registration is available for most classes and programs. Check us out online at www.pickerington.net. Location: Pickerington Senior Center 150 Hereford Drive Zumba Fitness and Pilates Combo Sign up for Zumba Fitness and Pilates together for a wellrounded workout and receive a discount! Instructor: Marilyn Morgan Ages: 18 years and Up 12 Weeks Fee: $80 City Resident Discount Fee: $64 Class # Date Day(s) Time ZPC-01 Jan 4-Apr 11* Mo 6:15-7:50pm *No Class January 18, February 15, March 14 Location: Pickerington Senior Center 150 Hereford Drive Page 8 December · January · February · March Adult Programs Pickerington Parks and Recreation DROP-IN! Fitness Yoga Based on traditional yoga principles and modern fitness movements, this program is safe and effective for all age groups and fitness levels. Arrive on an empty stomach. Bring a yoga strap or bath towel and a yoga mat. This is an ongoing class; no preregistration necessary. Pay instructor at class. Outdoor Winter Recreation Looking for some outdoor activities you can do this winter? • Victory Park Ice Rink will open this winter, weather permitting. Open daily from dawn to dusk. Check www.pickerington. net to see when the rink has officially opened for the season! Instructor: Pam Gay Ages: 18 years and Up Ongoing Fee: $3/class (Drop-in) Class # Yoga Date Day(s) • Sycamore Park Sled Hill located behind the Pickerington Senior Center. The gate for the Covered Bridge Lane entrance will be closed on snowy days for sledding safety. • Disc Golf can be played all year. The Time course remains open, even in winter. Ongoing-May 19* Mo,We,Th 7:00-8:00pm *No Class Jan 18, Feb 15, Mar 10, 21, 23, 24, 28 • Cross Country skiers can find some nice open space at Sycamore Park, or the Disc golf course. Location: Harmon Middle School 12410 Harmon Road Now offering Thursdays too! Victory Park Ice Rink Introduction to Essential Oils Weather Cancellation Parks and Recreation classes and programs that are held in schools are cancelled on days when the Pickerington Local School District is closed due to inclement weather. Instructor: Massage Therapy of Ohio staff Ages: 18 years and Up 1 Day Fee: $14 City Resident Discount Fee: $11 In this Vinyasa Flow class you will synchronize breath with movement. Students will focus on linking conscious breath with a mindful flow. In Vinyasa class, students awaken their strength, energy and flexibility in a fun atmosphere. Participants should bring their own mats and props. Instructor: Allison Kuhn Ages: 18 years and Up 8 Weeks Fee: $32 City Resident Discount Fee: $25 Class # Date Day(s) Time FY-01 Jan 8-Feb 26 Fr 6:30-7:30pm FY-02 Mar 4-Apr 29* Fr 6:30-7:30pm NEW! First Aid with Essential Oils Come and learn how Essential Oils can be used to treat minor injuries and be part of your family’s first aid kit. Make and take a product to add to your home’s first aid kit. Price also includes a $10 voucher toward a massage at Massage Therapy of Ohio, LLC. Instructor: Massage Therapy of Ohio staff Ages: 18 years and Up 1 Day Fee: $14 City Resident Discount Fee: $11 Class # Date Day(s) Time Class # Date Day(s) Time EO-01 Jan 4 Mo 6:30-8:00pm EO-03 Mar 7 Mo 6:30-8:00pm Location: Massage Therapy of Ohio 8523 Refugee Road Location: Massage Therapy of Ohio 8523 Refugee Road Diaper Bag Makeover with Essential Oils Flow Yoga NEW! Essential Oils can be used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. Come and learn how they can improve your life. Price includes a take home sample and a $10 voucher toward a massage at Massage Therapy of Ohio, LLC. NEW! NEW! Essential Oils Series Come and learn how essential oils can improve your baby’s health. Make and take diaper cream and wipes. Price also includes a $10 voucher toward a massage at Massage Therapy of Ohio, LLC. Come and learn how Essential Oils can improve your health and home. Register for all 3 classes for a discount and receive a $30 voucher toward a massage at Massage Therapy of Ohio, LLC. Each class has a take home product. Instructor: Massage Therapy of Ohio staff Ages: 18 years and Up 1 Day Fee: $14 City Resident Discount Fee: $11 Instructor: Massage Therapy of Ohio staff Ages: 18 years and Up 3 Weeks Fee: $35 City Resident Discount Fee: $25 Class # EO-02 Date Feb 1 Day(s) Mo Location: Massage Therapy of Ohio 8523 Refugee Road Time Class # Date Day(s) Time 6:30-8:00pm EO-04 Jan 4-Mar 7 Mo 6:30-8:00pm Location: Massage Therapy of Ohio 8523 Refugee Road *No Class March 25 Location: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 8630 Refugee Road 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147 · 614-833-2211 · www.pickerington.net Page 9 Adult Programs 2015 - 2016 Winter Program Guide Women’s Self Defense A very basic self-defense class will be taught to help defend yourself against a violent attack. Students will have a better understanding of the signs of violent aggression, as well as recognizing the violent offender. Wear sweats and comfortable clothing, this is a physical contact class. Instructor: Pickerington Police Department staff Ages: Women 18 years and Up 3 Days Fee: $13 City Resident Discount Fee: $10 Class # Date Day(s) Time WSD-01 Feb 16-18 Tu-Th 6:00-9:00pm Location: Pickerington Police Department 1311 Refugee Road Ballroom Dance - Couples Adult Softball Leagues Instructor: Fred Astaire Dance Studio staff Ages: 21 years and Up 4 Weeks Fee: $83 City Resident Discount Fee: $66 Monday: Tuesday: Thursday: Friday: Friday: Learn all of the popular dances that are on “Dancing with the Stars.” Lessons will be taught in a group class format and will be at the beginner level. Dances may include: rumba, salsa, cha-cha, Tango, Waltz, Swing, etc. Class # Date Day(s) Time BDC-01 Jan 25-Feb 15 Mo 7:15-7:55pm BDC-02 Feb 22-Mar 14 Mo 7:15-7:55pm Location: Fred Astaire Dance Studio 1406 Ety Road, Lancaster Team information and applications will be available in February. Please stop by or call the Parks and Recreation Department at 614-833-2211 for an application. Each league will have approximately 6 – 8 teams. Men’s Church - Sycamore Co-Rec - Sycamore Men’s League - Sycamore Co-Rec - Sycamore Co-Rec - Diley USSSA sanctioned leagues include a ten-game season and tournament for the top 4 teams. Softballs are provided. Team entry fee is $375. Leagues start the week of May 2. The department maintains a Free Agent List for individuals who would like to join a team. Player contact information will be distributed to managers; however, placement on a team is not guaranteed. Ballroom Dance - Singles Dance like a STAR! You too can learn how to dance all of the fun and exciting dances that are on “Dancing with the Stars” and you do not need a dance partner, as this class is for singles. Instructor: Fred Astaire Dance Studio staff Ages: 21 years and Up 4 Weeks Fee: $83 City Resident Discount Fee: $66 Tai Chi Class Slow down and enjoy the gentle, relaxing movements of tai chi. In this class, students will learn a short series of moves and do exercises to improve balance and flexibility. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes that can move freely on the floor. Class # Date Day(s) Time BDS-01 Jan 25-Feb 15 Mo 8:00-8:45pm BDS-02 Feb 22-Mar 14 Mo 8:00-8:45pm Location: Fred Astaire Dance Studio 1406 Ety Road, Lancaster Instructor: Margaret Quamme Ages: 18 years and Up 8 Weeks Fee: $55 City Resident Discount Fee: $44 Class # Date Day(s) Time TC-01 Jan 19-Mar 8 Tu 6:00-7:00pm TC-02 Mar 29-May 17 Tu 6:00-7:00pm Location: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 8630 Refugee Road You can apply for your U.S. Passport at City Hall Community Gardens The Parks and Recreation Department has garden plots that may be reserved for the growing season. Community Garden registration packets will be available in February. Plot Size 20’ x 15’ Plots 40’ x 15’ Plots 3’ x 8’ Raised Beds Fee $25 $50 $13 City Resident Discount Fee $20 $40 $10 REGISTRATION February 1 – 19: Returning gardeners with same location Sunday Co-Ed Volleyball League A Free Agent list is still available for the Sunday Co-Ed Volleyball League. Individuals who would like to join a team can add their name to the list. Placement on a team is not guaranteed. For more information, call the Parks and Recreation Department at 614-833-2211. February 22 – 26: Returning gardeners who want a new plot location; register in person at the Parks and Recreation Department to select new plot location February 29: New gardeners may begin to register Walk-ins available: Monday - Friday 8:30-11:30am. Afternoons by appointment. For more information or to make an appointment, contact the Office of the City Clerk at 614-837-3974. Page 10 December · January · February · March Pickerington Parks and Recreation FREE! Special Events Olde Pickerington Village Holiday Gathering Dorothy Steiger Memorial Mitten Tree Friday, December 4 5:00 - 8:30pm 7:00pm - Tree Lighting Ceremony Olde Pickerington Village FREE! Join us for a tree lighting ceremony, carriage rides, strolling carolers, holiday gift shopping, free children’s activities, plaza of lights, gingerbread house contest, luminaries and a visit from Santa! Sponsored by the OPVBA and City of Pickerington Parks and Recreation Department. For more information, call the Parks and Recreation Department at 614-833-2211 and visit www.pickerington.net or call OPVBA at 614-321-8221 and visit www.pickeringtonvillage.com. Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 5 Seatings: 8:00am, 9:30am or 11:00am Pickerington Senior Center 150 Hereford Drive Be sure to get your tickets for a merry morning of fun! Come eat breakfast, make a craft, enjoy the holiday music, visit the gift shoppe, check out the bake sale and of course see Santa! Friday, December 4 - Thursday, December 18 Tree Lighting Friday, December 5, at 4:00pm City Hall, 100 Lockville Road Stop by City Hall to donate mittens, gloves, hats and other warm gear by decorating the annual mitten tree! Donations for all ages are greatly appreciated. For more information, call the Parks and Recreation Department at 614-833-2211 or visit www.pickerington.net. FREE! Santa’s Mailbox Wednesday, November 25 Friday, December 11 City Hall, 100 Lockville Road A North Pole Express mailbox will be placed in front of City Hall for children to write Santa and his helpers a letter for Christmas. Please include child’s name and return address so Santa can write back! For more information, call the Parks and Recreation Department at 614-833-2211 or visit www.pickerington.net. The Merry Mile Friday, December 4 at 6:00pm City Hall, 100 Lockville Road Sponsored by City of Pickerington Parks and Recreation Department and Pickerington Senior Center. Grab your running shoes and plan to join us for this festive one mile fun run. Ticket Information: • $6/person (children 2 years old and under are free) • On sale November 2 - December 2 at the Parks and Recreation Department • Tickets not sold at event • Cash, Checks payable to City of Pickerington, or Visa and MasterCard • Registration begins Monday, November 2 • Race fee is $10/person and $30/family • Register at the Pickerington Parks and For more information, call us at 614-833-2211 or visit us online at www.pickerington.net 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147 · 614-833-2211 · www.pickerington.net Recreation Department or go online to www.pickerington.net • All proceeds go to the PCMA Food Pantry • All participants will receive a t-shirt • Prizes will be awarded in six different categories • Sponsored by City of Pickerington, Reynoldsburg-Pickerington Rotary Club and OPVBA For more information, please visit www.pickerington.net. Page 11 Special Events 2015 - 2016 Winter Program Guide Breakfast with the Bunny 2016 Event Calendar Year-At-A-Glance Saturday, March 19 Seatings: 8:00am, 9:30am or 11:00am Pickerington Senior Center 150 Hereford Drive Look in the upcoming Program Guides or go online to www.pickerington.net for more information about all of the 2016 City of Pickerington special events. Be sure to get your tickets for this years Breakfast with the Bunny! Enjoy breakfast, crafts and of course seeing the Bunny! Limited seats are available, so get your tickets while they’re still available! Sponsored by City of Pickerington Parks and Recreation Department and Pickerington Senior Center. Breakfast with the Bunny Saturday, March 19 Arbor Day Ticket Information: • $6/person (children 2 years old and under are free) • On sale November 2 - 25 at the Parks and Recreation Department • Tickets not sold at event • Cash, Checks payable to City of Pickerington, or Visa and MasterCard Saturday, April 16 For more information, call us at 614-833-2211 or visit us online at www.pickerington.net July 4th Celebration Pool Season Saturday, May 28 - Monday September 5 Friday Night Flicks Fridays, June - August Summer Concert Series Fridays, June - August Monday, July 4 Pool TRY-athlon TBD Pool Family Luau Night TBD Youth Fishing Derby Arbor Day Celebration Saturday, April 16 10:00 - 11:00am Sycamore Park Arboretum Saturday, July 16 FREE ! Celebrate Arbor Day with the City of Pickerington as we plant a new tree in the Arboretum. This event is free and open to the public. Enjoy music by the Pickerington Community Chorus, color guard presented by the Cub Scouts, meet the winners of the 3rd Grade essay contest, hear the history of Arbor Day, presentation of the Tree City USA award and enjoy light refreshments. For more information, call the Parks and Recreation Department at 614-833-2211 or visit www.pickerington.net. Page 12 Pool Dog Splash Monday, September 5 Haunted Village Thursday, October 27 Tots Trick or Treat Monday, October 31 Community Trick or Treat Monday, October 31 Santa’s Mailbox Wednesday, November 23 - Friday December 9 Dorothy Steiger Memorial Mitten Tree Friday, December 2 - 16 Olde Pickerington Village Holiday Gathering Friday, December 2 Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 3 **All dates are subject to change** December · January · February · March Pickerington Parks and Recreation Community Events Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society Olde Pickerington Village Business Association 15 East Columbus Street Mail To: PO Box 732 Pickerington, OH 43147 614-382-5989 pickhistsociety@hotmail.com www.pickeringtonhistoricalsociety.com PO Box 465 Pickerington, OH 43147 614-321-8221 opvba@hotmail.com www.pickeringtonvillage.com Olde Pickerington Village Holiday Gathering Friday, December 4, 5:00-8:30pm Visit the Historical Museum during this Olde Village annual event. See special exhibit of vintage items from Pickerington-Violet Township families’ Christmas Past. Admission is free! More information on page 11. Museum Operational Hours Saturdays thru December 19, 10:00am-1:00pm Discover, Explore, Play and Enjoy Olde Pickerington Village Discover unique shops and eateries. Explore our city’s history. Play and walk in Victory and Sycamore Creek Parks. Enjoy free community events including the farmers’ market. Museum is open during the winter only for special events or pre-arranged tours of 10 or more people. Open houses resume during April, 2016. Special Events for 2015: Help preserve local history! More information on page 11. Become a Historical Society member and enjoy learning about Pickerington-Violet Township history; receiving invitations to membersonly summer picnic, Christmas potluck, and subscription to member newsletter; along with information about monthly meetings, field trips, volunteer opportunities and more. 2016 member dues are only $10 for an individual or $15 for your entire family. Call 614-382-5989 to sign up today! Olde Pickerington Village Holiday Gathering Friday, December 4, 5:00-8:30pm Pickerington Area Chamber of Commerce 13 West Columbus Street Pickerington, OH 43147 614-837-1958 www.pickeringtonchamber.com Women’s Leadership Coalition Friday, December 4, 8:00-9:00am Friday, January 8, 8:00-9:00am Friday, February 5, 8:00-9:00am Friday, March 4, 8:00-9:00am Women’s Leadership Coalition is organized by Pickerington Area Chamber of Commerce. WLC meets the first Friday of each month from 8:00-9:00am at a woman owned and/or woman run business. All business women are invited. For complete details go to www.pickeringtonchamber.com. Monthly Membership Luncheons Thursday, December 17, 11:30am-1:00pm Thursday, January 21, 11:30am-1:00pm Thursday, February 18, 11:30am-1:00pm Thursday, March 17, 11:30am-1:00pm Pickerington Senior Center 150 Hereford Drive Chocolate Hop Friday, May 6 This educational opportunity is designed to assist Chamber members and their employees by enhancing their skills in areas such as Sales & Marketing, Public Relations, Business Etiquette, Image Branding and more. Olde Pickerington Farmers’ Market Thursdays, June 2 - September 24, 4:00-7:00pm 2016 Annual Dinner & Awards Celebration Thursday, February 4, 5:30pm Tall Timbers Event Center 13831 National Road SW, Reynoldsburg Special Events for 2016: For more information, visit us online at www.pickeringtonvillage.com Olde Pickerington Village Holiday Gathering Friday, December 2 The PACC Annual Dinner & Awards Celebration is the most anticipated Chamber event. This celebration draws more than 250 Chamber members, elected officials and guests. Highlights include the review of the year’s accomplishments, the Chamber’s Annual Business Awards, a silent auction and much more! During 2016, help celebrate the 100-year birthday of the Carnegie Library building which first opened for business on Labor Day, 1916. The building now serves as our community’s Historical Museum. 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147 · 614-833-2211 · www.pickerington.net Page 13 Community Events 2015 - 2016 Winter Program Guide Violet Township Women’s League PO Box 384 Pickerington, OH 43147 614-837-9749 vtwl07@gmail.com www.vtwl.org Organizational Activities Special interest groups meet throughout the month such as euchre card groups, afternoon movie outings to Marcus Theatre, knitting and needlework, daytrips, breakfast, lunch and dinner outings, card group, scholarship style show and community service projects. Membership Our organization is a non-profit, charitable and social club for women of all ages and walks of life who have varied interest and talents and live in Pickerington, Violet Township and any of the surrounding communities. Guests are always welcome. You may attend two meetings or activities to meet members and discover the benefits of membership in our organization before you join. Each member receives a monthly newsletter. Membership contact: Bonnie Evans 614-864-5356. Scholarship Luncheon & Style Show Saturday, April 30,10:30am-3:00pm Jefferson Golf and Country Club 7271 Jefferson Meadows Dr, Blacklick Pickerington Senior Center 150 Hereford Drive Pickerington, OH 43147 614-837-3020 www.pickeringtonseniorcenter.org pickcenter@pickeringtonseniorcenter.org Monthly Meetings Meetings consist of a brief business meeting, social time with refreshments and an entertaining and/or informational program. American Legion Hall 7725 Refugee Road Tuesday, December 15, 6:30pm Christmas Party Tuesday, January 26, 6:30pm Game Night and Pizza Tuesday, February 23, 6:30pm Presentation by Wildbirds Unlimited on preparing yards and feeders for migratory birds and butterflies. Tuesday, March 22, 6:30pm Preparations for Scholarship Style Show Operational Hours Mondays - Thursdays, 8:30am-4:30pm Fridays, 8:30am-2:30pm Available for rentals such as church services, wedding receptions, graduation parties and other functions. Activities Members can participate in free strength classes Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00-11:00am, and free exercise on Fridays from 9:00-10:00am. Other activities include Bingo, Bid Euchre, Bridge, Crafts, Watercolors, Square Dancing, Aerobics, Strength Training, Monthly Luncheons, Trips and more! Annual Memberships are $12.50 for seniors ages 50 and up. Pancake Breakfast Saturday, January 23, 8:00-11:00am Saturday, February 27, 8:00-11:00am Tuesday, April 26, 6:30pm TBA Tuesday, May 26, 6:30pm Potluck and Installation of New Officers Tickets are $27/person and go on sale March 2 - April 16. Over 150 raffle prizes will be available. Contact Karen Virden for reservations at 740-9272036. Several scholarships will be awarded in 2016 to students living in the City of Pickerington or Violet Township. See school guidance counselor for application information or online at www.vtwl.org. Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 5, 8:00am-12:00pm $6/ticket (children 2 years old and under are free). More information on page 11. Breakfast with the Bunny Saturday, March 19, 8:00am-12:00pm $6/ticket (children 2 years old and under are free). More information on page 12. Snow Removal Notice The Service Department staff does its best to keep the streets of Pickerington clear and safe during the winter months. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. As winter approaches, please be advised of the following information on snow plowing by the City: • City workers clear the main roads first, then side streets, and then subdivisions. It may be necessary to stop where we are and return to the main roads during instances of heavy, continued snowfall. • If possible, please do not park your car on the street during periods of snow removal. This will help the plow drivers clear the streets and also avoid your car being “snowed in.” Please see Ordinance Section 452.16 Snow Emergency: Parking Ban at www.pickerington.net for complete information. • It is up to each resident to make sure the postal service carrier can reach your mailbox for delivery. Snow can strike a mailbox, mailboxes that are properly maintained usually are not affected. It is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain mailboxes to withstand snow and wind and to repair them if they are damaged by snow removal. The City will not replace mailboxes damaged as a result of rotten posts or negligence. Page 14 • We make every effort to keep from plowing snow into driveways, but in most instances it cannot be avoided. Before your street is plowed, push or shovel the snow or ice to the LEFT side of your driveway (as looking at your house from the street); this will minimize the amount of snow and ice that gets pushed back into your driveway from the snowplows. Snow being pushed into the street by residents clearing their driveways is dangerous and is also illegal. We are unable to plow out individual driveways and appreciate your understanding and cooperation if snow is pushed onto your property. • The City of Pickerington is not responsible for damage occurring to basketball poles and/or nets placed in the city’s right of way or extending over the roadway; however, the property owner is responsible for the damage to city vehicles as a result of these objects. These objects are not only unsafe in the right of way, but illegal as well. • Cul-de-sac plowing is especially difficult as plows cannot easily turn or have a place to put the snow. Snow will not be placed in the middle of the cul-de-sac turnaround due to safety concerns. For more information, contact the Service Department at 614-833-2292. December · January · February · March Pickerington Parks and Recreation Registration Form Pickerington Parks and Recreation - Registration Form Office Use Only Parent(s) Name Address City State Phone (Home) (Cell) (Work) Zip Received Date Cash Approved By Credit Card Total Paid Check # Receipt Number Email Address (required) Emergency Contact Information must be filled out (someone outside of the household preferred). Emergency Contact Name Phone Participant Name M/F Date of Birth Relationship Age Grade 2015-2016 Class # Fee Waiver for Participation In consideration of permission granted to me or my child to engage in recreational activities and reservations, I, the undersigned, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, do hereby release and discharge the City of Pickerington, its employees, public officials, agents, officers, assigns and volunteers for any and all injuries suffered by myself and my child, claims, demands, actions, judgments and executions, which might occur on City of Pickerington premises and/or during City of Pickerington sponsored activities. I recognize and voluntarily accept all of the potential risks and hazards associated with participating in said activities, no matter how remote and unlikely. Further, I recognize the inherent danger involved in such activities and take full responsibility for my actions and physical condition. I hereby consent to receive medical treatment and hereby consent on behalf of my child to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness during the event. I do hereby grant and give these groups the right to use my or my child’s photograph or image with or without my or my child’s name, both single and in conjunction with any persons or objects for any and all purposes including, but not limited to, private or public presentations, advertising, publicity and promotion relating thereto without compensation. I warrant that I have the right to authorize the foregoing uses and do hereby agree to hold the City of Pickerington harmless of and from any and all liability of whatever nature, which may arise out of result of such uses. The City of Pickerington reserves the right to cancel this agreement or make a decision on any situation not covered herein. I hereby acknowledge that he/she has read and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement. For the consideration stated above, I hereby agree, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to indemnify any, all or any combination of the aforesaid, jointly and severally and to hold harmless from and against any and all actions, claims, demands, liabilities, loss damage or expense of whatever kind of nature, including attorney’s fees, which may at any time be incurred by reason of my preparation and/ or participation in recreational activities and reservations. Signature (Parent or Guardian if participant is under 18 years old) Payment Method: Cash Check Date Credit Card - Please bill my (circle one): MC or VISA Name of CardholderAccount NumberExp. DateCVC Code Cardholder SignatureDate Registration Information: Fees are due at the time of registration. Registration is complete with full payment. 1. Online Register for select Parks and Recreation programs 24/7 with Online Registration. Visit www.pickerington.net for more information. Call the Parks and Recreation Department to setup a new household and verify residency status. 2. In Person Register in person from 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday - Friday in City Hall, 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio. 3. By Mail Send completed registration form and payment to: City of Pickerington, 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, OH 43147. City Resident Discount Fee You must live within the City limits of Pickerington, or be the spouse or child of a resident to receive the City resident discount fee. Even though you have a Pickerington mailing address, or live within the Pickerington Local School District, you may not live within the City limits. Cancellation of Activities The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel activities due to low enrollment. Decisions to offer activities are based upon pre-registration numbers and made 48-72 hours in advance of the start date. Register early to help avoid a cancelled or closed out activity. If class is cancelled or closed, you will receive a full refund in the form of a check; no cash refunds. Refunds take about 3 weeks. 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio 43147 · 614-833-2211 · www.pickerington.net 4. Drop-Box Located outside City Hall, 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, Ohio. 5. By Fax Fax us your registration form 24/7 with your MasterCard or VISA information to 614-833-2201. Accepted methods of payment include: Cash, Checks made payable to City of Pickerington, Visa and MasterCard. City of Pickerington charges a $35 returned check fee. Refund Before the Activity Begins Refunds will be made only before the start of the activity for one of the following circumstances and a $10 processing fee will apply: • When the refund is requested at least seven (7) days in advance (except where otherwise noted) of the first activity meeting, provided it does not reduce the participation level below the required minimum. • When a Refund Request is completed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Department. • No refund will be given for activities under $10. • No refund will be given for materials purchased. No refunds will be given after the start of the activity. Page 15 2015 - 2016 Winter Program Guide Pickerington Parks and Recreation 100 Lockville Road, Pickerington, OH 43147 · www.pickerington.net · 614-833-2211 Page 16 Sycamore Park Sled Hill - Behind the Senior Center More information on page 5 Arbor Day Celebration More information on page 12 Sycamore Park Hilltop Shelter Playground More information on page 5 Victory Park Playground More information on page 5 Pickerington Community Pool Splash Pad More information on page 3 Pickerington Community Pool More information on page 3
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