Mail Pouch Barns in the Ohio Valley
Mail Pouch Barns in the Ohio Valley
Website: ~ Email: Spring 2012 OFFICERS OFFICERS Electedfor officers the until Officers Jan 1,for 2012 Pickerington-Violet Township Dec 31, 2013 are: Historical Society for Jan 1, 2012 thru Dec 31, 2013 are: President Gary Taylor Vice President-Administration George Hallenbrook Vice President-Education Jack Whitaker Secretary Mary Herron Treasurer Judy Stingel Board Members at Large Carolyn Boetcher Chris Reale Patsy Woodruff Appointed Officers: Membership Chairman Barbara Taylor Historian Peggy Portier Curator Rita Ricketts Librarian Joan Heft Publicity Maggie Arendt Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society 15 E. Columbus Street Mailing Address: P.O. Box 732 Pickerington, OH 43147 Mail Pouch Barns in the Ohio Valley Thursday, April 12 ~ 7:30 PM Historical Society Museum 15 E. Columbus Street Olde Pickerington Village For the past 20 years, Eddie Black has been chasing “Chew Mail Pouch Tobacco” signs and barns in rural Ohio and other parts of the Midwest. During our Historical Society’s first meeting of the season on Thursday, April 12 at 7:30 PM, the 40-year old Lancaster, Ohio high school English teacher will share some of her photographs, memorabilia and information about this unusual form of advertising used by Mail Pouch Tobacco in days gone by. Eddie also will tell us about her visit with the last living Mail Pouch painter, Harley Warrick. The Belmont, Ohio native estimated he painted or repainted over 20,000 barns during his career. Unfortunately, few Mail Pouch Tobacco barns remain, but Eddie knows the locations of those still standing in the Fairfield County area. Eddie currently is an active member of the “Barn Stormers,” a group of like-minded Mail Pouch enthusiasts. Be sure to invite your friends and family to join you in the Historical Museum’s Lower Level for this entertaining program about a piece of disappearing Americana. As always, our program and refreshments are free to the public. Historical Museum Volunteer Orientation: March 24 In order to adequately staff our Historical Museum for Saturday Open Houses and Olde Pickerington Village special events, we need volunteers! If you are interested in being a host or hostess for a few hours each month, join us for an orientation workshop beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 24 at the Museum, 15 E. Columbus Street in Olde Pickerington Village. Topics covered will include: opening/closing procedures; frequently asked questions; finding photos/memorabilia/resources; computer searches and printing; a Q&A guided tour of current Museum collections; and the Museum’s 2012 Open House calendar. Please contact Museum Historian, Peggy Portier, at to sign up for the March 24th Orientation Workshop or to ask questions about being a Museum host or hostess. Historical Museum Quilt Raffle Fundraiser Historical Society members are asked to help sell tickets for a raffle fundraiser to assist with necessary repairs and restoration of our 100-year old Museum which until 1993 operated as the community’s Carnegie Library. The raffle prize will be a “Baby O” quilt similar to the one shown at left by Society members Diane and Jim Paxton. Diane presently is stitching the machine pieced/machine quilted prize and expects it to be ready for Museum display soon. Size of the quilt is approximately 50 x 68 inches. Diane has been a quilter for the past 11 years with the Heart of Ohio Quilters Guild. Tickets will sell for $1 each or 6 tickets for $5 between now and September 13 when the winning Quilt Raffle ticket will be drawn during the Historical Society’s Annual Founders’ Day Banquet. The winner need not be present. If you can help with this fundraising project by purchasing tickets or helping sell tickets to your friends and neighbors, contact Historical Society Secretary, Mary Herron at, or pick up your tickets at our Museum any Saturday between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. beginning April 7 when the Museum opens for the 2012 season. 2012 Historical Society Museum Events March 24 ~ 1:00 PM: Volunteer Orientation Workshop April 7: Our Museum opens for the Season! Visit us Saturdays 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM April 12 ~ 7:30 PM: Historical Society Membership Meeting: Mail Pouch Barns in the Ohio Valley by Eddie Black May 3 ~ 7:30 PM: Historical Society Membership Meeting (Program to be announced) May 4 ~ 6:00-8:30 PM: Olde Village Chocolate Hop (Advance reservations/map required) June 1 ~ 5:00-9:00 PM: Strawberry Social on Pickerington Plaza; Cruisin’ Car Show on West Columbus Street June 7 ~ 7:30 PM: Historical Society Membership Meeting (Program to be announced) July 6 ~ 6:00-8:30 PM: Olde Village History Hop (Civil War Theme featuring Abe Lincoln, live music, food and more!) August 4 ~ 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM: Olde Village Market Day (Yard Sale on the Museum lawn) Historical Society August Picnic: Date and time to be determined September 13 ~ 6:30 PM: Annual Founders' Day Banquet (Quilt raffle drawing held) October 4 ~ 7:30 PM: Historical Society Membership Meeting (Program to be announced) October 30 ~ 5:30-8:00 PM: Haunted Museum at Haunted Village November 1 ~ 7:30 PM: Historical Society Membership Meeting (Program to be announced) November 3 ~ 11 AM – 4 PM: Olde Village BeanFest December 6 ~ 6:30 PM: Historical Society Christmas Potluck December 7 ~ 5:00 - 8:30 PM: Olde Village Holiday (Storytelling at the Museum) Page 2 … around the Historical Society Museum Pickerington Plaza’s New Look: At the request of the Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society and Olde Pickerington Village Business Association, the city of Pickerington is removing the large planter that occupies a substantial portion of Pickerington Plaza. The project will open up the Plaza to make it more user friendly for community events and other gatherings. Photo at left shows city employee, Gary Anderson, removing the tree. PCMA Pickerington Food Pantry Has Moved: Our Food Pantry friends moved the last weekend of February to their new Olde Pickerington Village location at 70 Cross Street (behind the former Creamery). For the past 18 years the Food Pantry occupied space in the lower level of our Historical Museum. Food Pantry Director, Dianna Kassouf, tells us their new Cross Street home of more than 3000 square feet includes office and warehouse space and is wheelchair accessible. Also, there is plenty of parking adjacent to the building. Peggy Portier, our Society’s Historian, represents the Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society on the Fairfield County Civil War 150 Alliance. This group is a collaboration of heritage, arts and cultural organizations that are planning county-wide events during 2012 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. Historical Society members are invited to participate in local 2012 Civil War commemoration activities which include: Sharing Civil War Photos/Mementos: Do you have photos or Civil War souvenirs associated with a Fairfield County resident who served during the Civil War that can be borrowed? Photos will be scanned and immediately returned to you. Civil War items will be safely displayed during the Olde Village History Hop scheduled for Friday evening, July 6. The event already includes Abe Lincoln, a Fife & Drum Corps, Civil War medical equipment, “Dear Jane” quilt and food. Contact Peggy Portier at if you have Civil War photos, memorabilia or other ideas to contribute. Passport Program: Fairfield County children are being encouraged to learn local Civil War history through a Passport Program that runs through December 2012. Boys and girls can obtain a “Passport” at the Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society Museum, Pickerington Public Library, or online at To win a prize from the Civil War treasure chest, all kids need to do is have their “Passport” stamped as they complete seven activities. Dozens of activities are suggested and include: reading a Civil War book at the library, taking a photo of the headless Sherman statue at 1252 Hill Road North, visiting the Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society Museum, attending the July 6th Olde Pickerington Village History Hop and any other Civil War 150 events throughout Fairfield County. Welcome New Members! “Spare Change Day” Pickerington Public Library Saturday, March 17 ~ 10am - 4pm The Pickerington Public Library invites you to bring your friends and spare change to the Library on or before Saturday, March 17 to help create a “Homework Help Center” for local students within the Library. The St. Patrick’s Day activities include: 1:00-3:00 pm - Live Irish Music 2:00-4:00 pm - Fun with Money (ages 4 and up) All day - Money Smarts for Tweens For more information about this event, go online to New “Individual” Members: Paul Lindquist, Mary Ann Macioce, Carol Yurt New “Family” Members: Stephen/Miseon Hooper Family, Fiona/Rusty Spears Family New “Lifetime” Members: Mitch O’Brien, Lilane Fox Invite a guest(s) to join you for our April 12th meeting and to become a member of our Historical Society! Application forms will be available at the meeting and during Saturday 10-3 pm Open Houses. Annual memberships are only $7.50 for an individual, $10.00 for the entire family, and $100 for a lifetime member. Page 3 Pickerington-Violet Township Historical Society P.O. Box 732 Pickerington, OH 43147 If there is a Red Star next to your mailing label → your 2012 membership dues are past due! Visit the Museum Gift Shop for: “Baby O” Quilt Raffle tickets ($1 each or 6 for $5), “Then & Now” books ($8) and a variety of quality gifts! Spring 2012 Did You Know? At one time Pickerington-Violet Township had a very active chapter of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). Members appearing in this circa 1900 WCTU photo were women of many prominent local families including Stemen, Fishbaugh, Ricketts, Harmon, Kraner, Handshey and Courtright. At this time in history, the small village of Pickerington was reported to have half a dozen saloons in operation. The WCTU originated in Hillsboro, Ohio in 1873 when women organized pray-ins at local saloons and demanded that the sale of liquor be stopped. The WCTU quickly became the largest women’s organization in the U.S. Their primary goal was to abolish alcohol, tobacco and drugs. The Anti-Saloon League and the WCTU were credited with the 1919 ratification of the 18th U.S. Constitutional Amendment banning the manufacture, sale and transportation of intoxicating liquors. That amendment was repealed in 1933. The WCTU also was responsible for gaining for women the right to vote in 1920. Do you have a photo and short story/personal remembrance from our community’s past that you’d like to share with fellow Historical Society members? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Contact newsletter editor, Maggie Arendt, by email at Page 4
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