Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero
Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero
Cod. Fisc. 80069170589 Part. IVA 021201510002 Roma via Liszt, 21 00144 Roma Eur telefono 0039.6.59921 telex ICRM-I 610160 fax 0039.6.59926220 E-MAIL: Area Collaborazione Industriale e Rapporti con Org.mi 19 feb. 2008 ns rif. 0219 Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero ALLE AZIENDE ASSOCIAZIONI ENTI INTERESSATI AGROINDUSTRY 2008- Conferenza regionale sugli investimenti nel settore agroindustriale - Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), 6- 8 Maggio 2008. Nel quadro dell’attività promozionale a favore dello sviluppo del partenariato con i paesi dell’area Africa, Caraibi e Pacifico (ACP), l’ Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero promuove l’iniziativa AGROINDUSTRY 2008- Conferenza regionale sugli investimenti nel settore agroindustriale - prevista a Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania), presso il White Sands Hotel, dal 6 all’ 8 Maggio 2008. AGRO-INDUSTRY 2008 è un evento di partenariato regionale organizzato dal Programma europeo EU-SADC Investment Promotion Programme –ESIPP (ulteriori informazioni sul programma sono disponibili sul sito ICE sezione agenda), con il sostegno della European Investment Bank (EIB) e del Centro dello Sviluppo dell’Impresa (CDE). La conferenza AGROIND 2008 è finalizzata a promuovere tra gli operatori europei opportunità di investimento e di partnership commerciale-tecnicofinanziaria nei settori agricoltura/agroindustria, identificate attraverso la selezione di oltre 100 progetti provenienti dai 14 Paesi membri dell’area SADC1 e la realizzazione di 14 studi di settore per i relativi paesi interessati (consultabili sul sito: una volta effettuate le procedure di registrazione on-line). Il programma dell’evento, in occasione del quale è prevista la partecipazione di circa 250/300 tra Autorità locali, Associazioni professionali, Istituzioni finanziarie, Organismi intermediari e imprese provenienti dall’UE e dall’Africa Australe, prevede una sessione plenaria, seminari settoriali ed un’agenda prefissata di incontri bilaterali tra i partecipanti. L’iniziativa costituisce un appuntamento importante anche per gli operatori italiani del settore agro-alimentare/agro-industriale per conoscere i programmi di sviluppo nazionali e regionali africani, nonché gli strumenti finanziari europei ed internazionali, in vista dell’ avvio di forme di partenariato ed investimenti. E’ prevista una quota di partecipazione all’evento di € 650 da corrispondere agli organizzatori (nulla è dovuto all’atto dell’iscrizione on-line); le spese e la prenotazione di viaggio e di soggiorno sono a carico dei partecipanti (sono disponibili pacchetti a tariffe agevolate; per informazioni consultare il sito suindicato, sezione: About Agro-ind 2008/Travel / Accomodation oppure il sito dell’ICE/sezione agenda). 1 Angola, Botswana, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambico, Namibia, Sud Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia e Zimbabwe Qualora venga raggiunto un numero minimo di partecipanti, l’ICE coordinerà la delegazione imprenditoriale italiana in loco, garantendo assistenza e servizi organizzativi aggiuntivi. Per aderire all’evento, e per consultare i progetti africani selezionati , le aziende sono pregate di registrarsi on-line sul sito dell’evento (sezione: For International Business Partners/International business partners registration) e contestualmente COMPILARE E RINVIARE LA SCHEDA ALLEGATA, via email/fax, all’ICE, entro l’ 11 aprile 2008. Cordiali saluti Marinella Loddo Dirigente Area Collaborazione Industriale e Rapporti con gli Organismi Internazionali Per ulteriori informazioni contattare: ICE- Area Collaborazione Industriale e rapporti con Organismi Internazionali Linea Affari Europei Patrizia Managò Tel. : +39 06 59926888 Fax : +39 06 59926220 E-mail : INCONTRO DI PARTENARIATO NEL SETTORE AGRO-INDUSTRIA IN AFRICA AUSTRALE Conference Centre -White Sands Hotel Dar Es Salaam- Tanzania, 6-8 Maggio 2008 Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero SCHEDA DI ADESIONE rispedire entro l’11 aprile 2008 via Fax 06/59926220 o via email a: Company/ Organisation:_____________________________________________________ Ms/ Miss./ Mr: _____________________________________________________________ Position:__________________________________________________________________ Tel.:_________________________________Mobile:______________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________________________________ Language:________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________________________________ Country:______________________________Postal Code:__________________________ Tel.:_________________________________Fax.:________________________________ Website:__________________________________________________________________ Nature of your present business:_______________________________________________ Already active in these African countries:_________________________________________ Type of opportunity sought:____________________________________________________ Type of partner(s) sought: (note any particular skills or attributes the partner must have e.g. experience, size, quality, market presence)__________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Any other specific information useful to assist us in seeking out appropriate partnership for your organisation:___________________________________________________________ Do you require translation service? YES ________ NO__________ If yes: Italian/English_________ DATA____________________ Italian/French_____________ FIRMA____________________ AUT. TRATTAMENTO DEI DATI PERSONALI AI SENSI DEL D.Lgs. 196/2003 INFORMATIVA AI SENSI DELL’ARTICOLO 7 DELLA LEGGE N. 196/2003 I Suoi dati personali saranno trattati per promuovere e sviluppare il commercio del suo prodotto e/o servizio all’estero come previsto dall’articolo 2 della legge n.68/1997. Il trattamento avverrà con modalità cartacee e/o informatizzate. I dati saranno comunicati e diffusi ad altri soggetti pubblici o privati per adempiere a specifici obblighi di legge ovvero per tutte le attività strettamente necessarie per lo svolgimento delle funzioni istituzionali dell’Istituto,come sancito dall’art.3, comma 8, del D.M. n.474/1997. Il conferimento dei dati contrassegnati come obbligatori è indispensabile per usufruire del servizio richiesto, l’eventuale rifiuto a fornire tali informazioni non consentirà l’erogazione dello stesso. Il conferimento dei dati contrassegnati come facoltativi è finalizzato esclusivamente alla possibilità di offrirLe un servizio maggiormente personalizzato; il mancato conferimento degli stessi, quindi, non pregiudicherà l’erogazione del servizio. Le ricordiamo, inoltre, che potrà esercitare, in qualunque momento, i diritti di cui all’articolo 7 del Decr. Legisl.196/2003 (diritto di accesso ai dati personali ed altri diritti). Per ogni informazione è possibile rivolgersi al titolare del trattamento dati: Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio con l’Estero, V. Liszt, 21, 00144 Roma, o ai Responsabili del trattamento: 1. Area Strategie di Rete; 2. Area Relazioni esterne; 3. Auditing; 4. Area Legale e Segreteria Istituzionale; 5. Direzione del Dipartimento Personale, Relazioni Sindacali e Servizi Generali; 6. Direzione del Dipartimento Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo; 7. Direzione del Dipartimento Servizi alle Imprese; 8. Direzione del Dipartimento Formazione e Studi; 9. Direzione del Dipartimento Promozione dell’Internazionalizzazione; 10. Attività di Controllo e di Assistenza Prodotti Agricoli; 11. retItalia internazionale SpA. REGOLAMENTO GENERALE PER LA PARTECIPAZIONE ALLE INIZIATIVE ORGANIZZATE DALL’ICE ART. 1. PREMESSA. Le iniziative sono organizzate dall'Istituto nel quadro della politica di promozione dei prodotto italiano all'estero decisa dal Ministero del Commercio con l'Estero. Le decisioni prese dall'Istituto sono quindi dirette a promuovere e tutelare, in via prioritaria, L’immagine dell'Italia in generale, l'interesse collettivo e la riuscita complessiva dell'iniziativa. ART. 2. PARTECIPAZIONE. Sono ammesse a partecipare le aziende italiane, regolarmente registrate presso le CCIAA, che rispondono direttamente dell'osservanza delle norme di partecipazione da parte dei propri incaricati o rappresentanti in loco. Sono altresì ammessi a partecipare organismi italiani quali federazioni, associazioni, enti pubblici e privati e consorzi. La richiesta di partecipazione da parte di tali organismi viene considerata come "domanda collettiva" di partecipazione, salvo accordi diversi che dovranno essere di volta in volta concordati con ]'Istituto in sede di ammissione alla manifestazione. Anche per tali soggetti, nonché per le aziende ammesse loro tramite, valgono tutte le norme contenute nel presente "Regolamento" unicamente a quelle contenute nelle circolari emanate dall'Istituto per la specifica iniziativa. li termine 'azienda" indicato nel presente "Regolamento" vale anche per gli organismi e soggetti di cui sopra che richiedono di partecipare all'iniziativa in riferimento. ART. 3. DOMANDA DI AMMISSIONE ED ESCLUSIONI. L'adesione all'iniziativa può essere avanzata esclusivamente con l'inoltro del modulo "domanda di ammissione". Lo stampato, fornito dall'Istituto, deve essere restituito entro i termini indicati per ogni specifica iniziativa. Sono prese in considerazione, prioritariamente, le "domande di ammissione" pervenute nei termini stabiliti, debitamente compilate e sottoscritte. Per quanto riguarda la data di presentazione fa fede il protocollo di arrivo all'Istituto o la data di trasmissione risultante sul telefax. Le domande devono essere sottoscritte dal rappresentante legale dell'azienda con l'apposizione dei timbro recante la denominazione sociale. L'Istituto si riserva la facoltà di accettare le domande di ammissione e di accogliere, in tutto o in parte, le richieste di area o altro in esse contenute, senza privilegio alcuno per i partecipanti alle edizioni precedenti. Sono escluse le aziende che: non sono in regola con i pagamento dovuti all'Istituto; non si sono attenute a disposizioni impartite in precedenti occasioni o hanno assunto un comportamento tale da recare pregiudizio al buon nome dell'Istituto o all’immagine dell'Italia; non hanno dimostrato sufficiente serietà commerciale causando lamentele o proteste giustificate da parte degli operatori locali; non hanno osservato norme e regolamenti imposti dai singoli Enti frenetici esteri organizzatori delle manifestazioni o leggi del paese ospitante; hanno utilizzato abusivamente marchi di altre aziende. In ogni caso l'eventuale mancato accoglimento della domanda di ammissione sarà comunicato all'azienda interessata con l'indicazione dei relativi motivi. ART. 4. QUOTA DI PARTECIPAZIONE. La quota di partecipazione ha natura di concorso al complesso delle spese da sostenere per la realizzazione dell'iniziativa e non è quindi riferibile a singole prestazioni, Tale quota, indicata nella circolare relativa alla specifica iniziativa, è definita a forfait oppure, in caso di fiere o mostre, parametrata ai mq. o ai "moduli" e non è comprensiva dell'IVA, ove dovuta. La quota di partecipazione potrà, per cause sopravvenute, essere soggetta ad aumenti. Con la firma della "domanda di ammissione" l'azienda si impegna a sostenere tale eventuale maggiore onere sempre che esso sia contenuto entro un massimo del 10%. Le prestazioni comprese nella quota di partecipazione sono indicate nella circolare relativa alla specifica iniziativa. ART. 5 AMMISSIONE ED ASSEGNAZIONE AREA ESPOSITIVA. La ammissione all'iniziativa è data dall'Istituto a mezzo comunicazione scritta. L'assegnazione delle aree e degli stand viene decisa dall'Istituto tenuto conto delle esigenze organizzative, funzionali, tecniche progettuali e dell'ottimale impostazione complessiva dell'iniziativa. A causa delle caratteristiche dell'arca o della ripartizione degli spazi l'Istituto può essere costretto ad assegnare una superficie non esattamente corrispondente per dimensione ed ubicazione a quella richiesta. L'Istituto si riserva la possibilità di modificare, ridurre e cambiare in qualsiasi momento l'ubicazione c/o le dimensioni dell'area assegnata, qualora esigenze e/o circostanze lo richiedessero, senza diritto alcuno da parte dell'espositore ad indennità o risarcimenti. In caso di riduzione della superficie assegnata spetterà all'azienda una proporzionale riduzione della quota di partecipazione con relativo rimborso. Non è permesso subaffittare o cedere a terzi la totalità o parte della superficie espositiva assegnata. Non è permesso ospitare nella stand altre aziende o esporre i prodotti senza preventivo accordo scritto con l'Istituto. ART. 6. PAGAMENTI E RIMBORSI. Con la sottoscrizione della "domanda di ammissione" l'azienda si impegna a versare l'ammontare dovuto. Per talune iniziative può essere richiesto dall'Istituto un anticipo sull'importo totale. Trascorsi 10 giorni dalla data di comunicazione dall’ammissione all'iniziativa tramite fax, telex o telegramma e della relativa assegnazione di area espositiva l'Istituto procederà all'emissione della fattura per l'importo da corrispondere. In tale fattura sono riportate la somma dovuta, il modo ed il termine di pagamento (generalmente entro 15 giorni dalla data della fattura). In caso di ritardato pagamento, saranno applicati gli interessi di mora a decorrere dalla data di scadenza della fattura o, se non specificato, a 30gg dalla data della fattura. In caso di variazione di date o annullamento dell'iniziativa, per cause di forza maggiore o comunque indipendenti dalla volontà dell'Istituto, l'Istituto stesso, provvederà, entro 60 gg. dalla data di comunicazione, al solo rimborso di quanto versato dall'azienda. In caso di variazione di data la restituzione avrà luogo nei limiti suindicati solo se l'azienda non riconfermerà la propria adesione. Qualora l'azienda non abbia provveduto al pagamento della quota dovuta, decade da ogni diritto di partecipazione e pertanto non potrà prendere possesso dello stand inizialmente assegnato. ART. 7. PRESTAZIONI A CARICO DELL'AZIFNDA ESPOSITRICE. Sono di norma a carico dell'azienda espositrice che dovrà provvedere in proprio, salvo diversa indicazione: spedizioni-trasporto-consegna campionari fino a destinazione nell'area-stand assegnato, ed eventuale ritorno, con operazioni doganali e pratiche connesse; sistemazione campionario in esposizione all’interno area-stand, compresa movimentazione, apertura-chiusura immagazzinamento imballaggi; collegamenti elettrici, idrici ed aria compressa dal punto di erogazione all'interno dell'area-stand fino ai macchinari-apparecchiature in esposizione; erogazione aria compressa nei padiglioni frenetici sprovvisti di impianto centralizzato; forniture particolari ero aggiuntive di allestimento-arredo oltre quelle indicate per la specifica iniziativa, previo nulla osta dell'Istituto; assicurazione contro rischi trasporto, danni e furto campionari e materiali esposti prima, durante e dopo la manifestazione; viaggio e soggiorno con prenotazioni connesse. Il reperimento del personale per lo stand e l'installazione di telefoni, fax, telex, ed altre apparecchiatura può essere richiesto all'Istituto fermo restando che i relativi costi saranno a carico dell'azienda partecipante. ART. 8. DOTAZIONE E SISTEMAZIONE AREA-STAND. L'area e/o lo stand, se predisposto dall'Istituto, viene fornito secondo quanto indicato nelle circolari della specifica iniziativa. Forniture particolari non comprese nelle dotazioni potranno eventualmente essere fornite solo se richieste con congruo anticipo e con addebito a parte. Eventuali richieste di variazioni, modifiche o integrazioni presentate in loco potranno essere soddisfatte nei limiti delle possibilità, sempre con addebito. A conclusione dell'iniziativa gli espositori devono riconsegnare l'area assegnata e gli arredi/dotazioni nelle stesse condizioni in cui sono stati consegnati. Sono a carico degli espositori gli eventuali danni causati dagli stessi. La scritta richiesta dalla azienda partecipante per il cartello/insegna dello stand potrà essere sintetizzata c/o modificata dall'Istituto laddove fosse necessario per esigenza di spazio ovvero per garantire un’uniformità di presentazione della grafica. L'esposizione di eventuali manifesti, cartelli od altro materiale pubblicitario o promozionale può essere limitata ovvero sottoposta ad autorizzazione dell'Istituto in presenza di esigenze di decoro, di immagine e di rispetto delle leggi e dell'etica vigente nel paese ospitante. ART. 9.AREA/STAND NON ALLESTITI. Nel caso di iniziative in cui l'istituto procede alla sola assegnazione dell'area e/o stand senza allestimento, le aziende partecipanti dovranno provvedere all'allestimento c/o arredamento della propria area/stand impegnandosi a rispettare le indicazioni organizzativi e tempistiche impartite nonché rispettare i regolamenti generali, le norme di montaggio-smontaggio, di sicurezza, di copertura assicurativa etc., previsti e pubblicati dagli Enti o Società organizzatrici della manifestazione. ART. 10. SISTEMAZIONE E PRESENTAZIONE CAMPIONARIO. Lo espositore si impegna ad essere presente nel proprio stand per la verifica del campionario e la sistemazione dello stesso entro il termine indicato per la specifica iniziativa. L'espositore si impegna altresì, prima della chiusura della manifestazione, a non abbandonare lo stand, e a non iniziare lo smontaggio o il reimballaggio del campionario. Il mancato rispetto di tale regola, recando un danno all'immagine della manifestazione e dell'Italia, può comportare l'esclusione da altre iniziative dell'Istituto. L'Istituto si riserva la facoltà di far ritirare dall'esposizione quei prodotti, oggetti o arredi che non siano in linea con ]'immagine della manifestazione o dell'Italia, con i fini istituzionali dell'attività dell'Istituto stesso, con il tema dell'iniziativa, con i regolamenti della fiera o le leggi del paese in cui ha luogo l'iniziativa stessa. E' in ogni caso vietato esporre prodotti stranieri c/o distribuire materiale pubblicitario a tali prodotti. ART. 11. RINUNCE. L'azienda che non fosse in grado di partecipare all'iniziativa deve inoltrare. immediatamente una comunicazione scritta all'Istituto per mezzo telefax, telex o telegramma. Se la rinuncia viene notificata all'Istituto entro 10 giorni dalla data in cui è stata comunicata l'ammissione all'iniziativa e la relativa assegnazione dell'arca, nulla è dovuto dall'azienda. Trascorso detto termine, salvo diversa regolamentazione prevista espressamente nella circolare della specifica iniziativa, l'azienda è tenuta al pagamento dell'intero ammontare dovuto, necessario a coprire i costi impegnati e/o sopportati dall'Istituto per la realizzazione dell'iniziativa. Ove lo spazio espositivo inizialmente assegnato all'azienda rinunciataria, venga successivamente riassegnato in tempo utile ad altra/e azienda/e, la prima sarà tenuta al solo pagamento di una penale pari al 30% dell'ammontare dovuto. ART. 12. RECLAMI. Eventuali vizi nell'adempimento degli obblighi assunti dall'ICE, dovranno essere immediatamente contestati dall'azienda ammessa all'iniziativa con circostanziato reclamo scritto all'Istituto onde consentite l'accertamento, la rimozione e la eventuale azione di regresso nei confronti di terzi responsabili. L'Istituto potrà rispondere degli eventuali danni derivanti dai vizi accertati entro il limite massimo della quota di partecipazione corrisposta dall'azienda per la specifica iniziativa. In particolare, relativamente ai vizi negli allestimentiarredi dell'area-stand, l'azienda dovrà, a seconda se gli stessi vengano rilevati: al momento della consegna, avanzare circostanziato reclamo scritto al funzionario o tecnico ICE presenti in loco a pena di decadenza - entro e non oltre il giorno dell'inaugurazione della specifica iniziativa (il suddetto termine assume valore essenziale anche ai fini del primo comma dell'art. 1578 C.C., ed il mancato reclamo scritto entro il termine sopra indicato comporta l'accettazione senza riserve dell'area-stand durante lo svolgimento dell'iniziativa, comunicarli per iscritto al funzionario o tecnico ICE presenti in loco - a pena di decadenza - entro e non oltre la fine della manifestazione. L'eventuale risarcimento derivante dai vizi sopracitati sarà comunque commisurato con riferimento solo al costo dei lavori e delle forniture difformi, omessi o non completati. ART. 13. AZIONI DI COMUNICAZIONE – PUBBLICITA. L'Istituto pur assicurando la massima attenzione e cura, non risponde di errori ed omissioni eventualmente occorsi nelle diverse azioni di comunicazione-pubblicità realizzate per la specifica iniziativa (brochure, catalogo ufficiale fiera, catalogo collettiva italiana, audiovisivi, inserzioni stampa, etc.). ART. 14. TRASPORTI, SPEDIZIONIERI, FORMALITA' DOGANALI. Per particolari iniziative l'Istituto si riserva la facoltà di segnalare, ad ogni buon fine operativo-logisti'co, uno o più spedizionieri per l'espletamento di tutte le operazioni connesse con il trasporto dei materiali espositivi, le procedure doganali ovvero per l'introduzione o la movimentazione delle merci nell'ambito dell'area espositiva. L'Istituto non è responsabile delle prestazioni degli spedizionieri segnalati. li rapporto tra lo spedizioniere e l'espositore è diretto. L'espositore è tenuto a rispettare le nonne doganali italiane e quelle del paese nel quale viene realizzata l'iniziativa predisponendo la necessaria documentazione. L'espositore è comunque responsabile di fronte alle leggi del paese nel quale si svolge l'iniziativa per l'introduzione o l'esportazione di materiali o prodotti per i quali vigano divieti o restrizioni. ART. 15. ASSICURAZIONE. La quota di partecipazione non comprende, salvo diversa indicazione, alcuna assicurazione. L'assicurazione del campionario, quando prevista, è condizionata all'invio all'Istituto, entro i termini indicati, della fattura pro-forma o altro documento da cui risulti la quantità, descrizione e valore della merce destinata all'esposizione. L'Istituto non è responsabile per perdite o danni ai prodotti esposti e/o qualsiasi altro bene dell'espositore, dei suoi rappresentanti, dei suoi invitati e visitatori, come pure degli incidenti in cui possano essere coinvolti. ART. 16. ORGANIZZAZIONE VIAGGI. Per particolari iniziative l'Istituto si riserva la facoltà di segnalare, ad ogni buon fine operativo-logistico, una o più Agenzie di viaggio per l'organizzazione del viaggio, la gestione delle prenotazioni alberghiere ed aeree, ecc. Nessuna responsabilità potrà essere addebitata all'Istituto per disservizi che si dovessero verificare. Il rapporto tra l'Agenzia e l'espositore è diretto. ART. 17. PERSONALE PER LO STAND. L'Istituto offre un servizio di ricerca personale per lo stand (interpreti, hostess, ecc.). Pur assicurando la massima attenzione nella scelta nessun addebito potrà essere mosso all'Istituto per eventuali controversie con tali addetti. Il rapporto tra detto personale e l'azienda è diretto. ART. 18. FORO COMPETENTE. Per le controversie che eventualmente dovessero insorgere tra l'Istituto e le aziende ammesse a partecipare alla manifestazione, sarà competente esclusivamente il Foro di Roma. SIGLA EU-SADC Investment Promotion Programme (ESIPP) è un programma di partenariato promosso dall’Unione Europea e dai paesi South African Development Community (SADC):Angola, Botswana, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambico, Namibia, Sud Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia e Zimbabwe - finalizzato alla promozione degli investimenti e alla crescita del settore privato. Il programma è finanziato dall’8° Fondo Europeo di sviluppo e gestito da un’unità tecnica sita a Gaborone (Botswana), sotto la supervisione della Commissione Europea. Obiettivi Incrementare gli investimenti ed il livello occupazionale nei paesi SADC e contribuire all’integrazione economica di quest’area, attraverso lo sviluppo: • del partenariato tra imprese e del dialogo Pubblico- Privato; • della “capacity building” di Organismi Intermediari impegnati a sostegno del settore privato (Agenzie di promozione degli Investimenti, Camere di Commercio, Associazioni di imprenditori, Istituti Finanziari, Società di consulenza) Strumenti 1) Supporto istituzionale: agevolare l’azione degli Organismi Intermediari per favorire lo sviluppo imprenditoriale ed un ambiente d’affari piu’ competitivo. 2) Supporto dei settori chiave: Organizzazione di incontri d’affari per promuovere investimenti ed accordi di partenariato nord-sud / sudsud. 3) Sostegno alle Imprese: studi di settore, supporto alle imprese SADC nella fase di definizione dei loro progetti e nella partecipazione/ follow- up ad incontri d’affari. ESIPP Project Management Unit E-mail : Web : Tel. : +267 318-0120 - Fax : +267 318-0131 AGRO-INDUSTRY 2008 HARVESTING BUSINESS & INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA DAR-ES-SALAAM, TANZANIA ~ 6-8 May 2008 ITALY Please contact us for departure city other than Rome Package ITABA (British Airways) Departure Rome: 03 May 08 Rome – London Heathrow 03 May 08 London Heathrow – Dar es Salaam 13h35- 15h20 19h20- 07h00 (04 May) Departure Dar es Salaam: 11 May 08 Dar es Salaam – London Heathrow 11 May 08 London Heathrow – Rome 08h55- 16h50 18h15- 21h45 Delegate Package: ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Flight Class economy including all taxes in “S” class (subject to availability) Meet and greet at Airport Hotel White sands 7 nights B/ B in Single Room Transfers Airport / Hotel / Airport Lunch on the 6 – 7 – 8 May Dinner on the 6 – 7 – 8 May All Coffee/tea breaks on the 6-7-8 May Hotel selection Price Code Hotel White Sands Hotel Kunduchi Hotel Giraffe Hotel Beachcomber Hotel Belinda Hotel Jangwani ITABA01 ITABA02 ITABA03 ITABA04 ITABA05 ITABA06 Or Delegate 1,560€ 1,390€ 1,380€ 1,370€ 1,340€ 1,310€ Non Delegate sharing room including Breakfast, Flights and Transfers 1,110€ 1,090€ 1,090€ 1,090€ 1,090€ 1,090€ ⇒ Supplement Half Board: 25€/day/person ⇒ Supplement Full Board: 45€/day/person ** No extension possible after 11 May** (All area will be fully booked) Post event programmes (Web Site, section post event) Info: AGRO-INDUSTRY 2008 HARVESTING BUSINESS & INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA DAR-ES-SALAAM, TANZANIA ~ 6-8 May 2008 Package ITAKL (KLM) Departure Rome: 03 May 08 Rome – Amsterdam 03 May 08 Amsterdam – Dar es Salaam 06h15- 08h45 10h30- 21h15 Departure Dar es Salaam: 10 May 08 Dar es Salaam – Amsterdam 11 May 08 Amsterdam – Rome 23h00- 07h10 10h50- 13h05 Delegate Package: ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Flight Class economy including all taxes in “V” class (subject to availability) Meet and greet at Airport Hotel White sands 7 nights B/ B in Single Room Transfers Airport / Hotel / Airport Lunch on the 6 – 7 – 8 May Dinner on the 6 – 7 – 8 May All Coffee/tea breaks on the 6-7-8 May Hotel selection Price Code Hotel White Sands Hotel Kunduchi Hotel Giraffe Hotel Beachcomber Hotel Belinda Hotel Jangwani ITAKL01 ITAKL02 ITAKL03 ITAKL04 ITAKL05 ITAKL06 Or Delegate 1,470€ 1,300€ 1,290€ 1,280€ 1,250€ 1,220€ Non Delegate sharing room including Breakfast, Flights and Transfers 1,020€ 1,000€ 1,000€ 1,000€ 1,000€ 1,000€ ⇒ Supplement Half Board: 25€/day/person ⇒ Supplement Full Board: 45€/day/person ** No extension possible after 11 May** (All area will be fully booked) Post event programmes (Web Site, section post event) Info: AGRO-INDUSTRY 2008 HARVESTING BUSINESS & INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA DAR-ES-SALAAM, TANZANIA ~ 6-8 May 2008 Package ITALX (Swiss) Departure Rome: 03 May 08 Rome – Zurich 03 May 08 Zurich – Dar es Salaam 06h50- 08h30 09h35- 20h10 Departure Dar es Salaam: 10 May 08 Dar es Salaam – Zurich 11 May 08 Zurich – Rome 21h20- 06h25 07h25- 08h50 Delegate Package: ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ Flight Class economy including all taxes “V” class (subject to availability) Meet and greet at Airport Hotel White sands 7 nights B/ B in Single Room Transfers Airport / Hotel / Airport Lunch on the 6 – 7 – 8 May Dinner on the 6 – 7 – 8 May All Coffee/tea breaks on the 6-7-8 May Hotel selection Price Code Hotel White Sands Hotel Kunduchi Hotel Giraffe Hotel Beachcomber Hotel Belinda Hotel Jangwani ITALX01 ITALX02 ITALX03 ITALX04 ITALX05 ITALX06 Or Delegate 1,540€ 1,370€ 1,360€ 1,350€ 1,320€ 1,290€ Non Delegate sharing room including Breakfast, Flights and Transfers 1,090€ 1,070€ 1,070€ 1,070€ 1,070€ 1,070€ ⇒ Supplement Half Board: 25€/day/person ⇒ Supplement Full Board: 45€/day/person ** No extension possible after 11 May** (All area will be fully booked) Post event programmes (Web Site, section post event) Info: INVESTMENT PROPOSAL SUMMARIES Changes joffry Biofuel Product group Energy crops Project Title Production of energy crops Reg. Number SDCD012 Country D.R. Congo Energy crops Sisal and energy (biomass) crops SDTZ018 Tanzania Short description partnership Energy crops producer is looking for an equity investment partner who has the particular knowledge for the accelerated development of the bio-fuel business Company involved in various types of agro business is looking for a joint venture partner who can contribute his expertise in western technology especially on energy matters Companies of interest Bio-fuel importers; bio-fuel processors; investors; Remarks Bio fuel producers; investors; Bio fuel importers; Cereals, oil seeds, honey & nuts Product group Cereals, oil seeds, honey and nuts Project Title Production and trade of organic products Reg. Number SDZA007 Country South Africa Honey Establishment of new trade partnerships in niche markets (fair trade) for honey SDSZ002 Swaziland Oil Propagation of young plants for the aromatic oil sector SDZA014 South Africa Oli (Organic) sesame trading SDTZ001 Tanzania Honey Honey production and processing SDTZ015 Tanzania Cereals, beans/pulses, oilseeds and nuts Trade in cereals, beans/pulses and nuts SDNA005 Namibia Wheat Wheat production SDMW002 Malawi Short description partnership Interest in EU firms to buy organic products and SADC firms to become involved in organic production Honey processor is Interested in forming trade relationship with EU organization to extend market access (fair trade in particular) Producer of young plants for aromatic oil producing sector is looking for equity investor interested in jointly developing the business (preferbly with know-how in propagation) Trading company specialized in exporting organic and conventional sesame seeds is looking for european trade partner. Honey marketer is looking for partner to develop honey production and processing capacity through investments in technology, certification and practices. Investment corporation is looking for a partnership with a international importer or trader interested in grains, cereals and oil seeds from Africa Companies of interest Remarks Importers of Organic products (EU); Organic Producers of organic products (SADC) Importers of organic honey; Importers Organic; Fair Trade of Fair trade honey; Company with up to 500 ha land for wheat production is looking for a joint venture or loan finance partnership. Importers of wheat; wheat traders; investors; Plant propagators; cosmetics producer; aromatic oil producer Organic Sesame oil producers; Sesame traders; Organic oil producers Organic Honey producers; Honey importers; Honey processors Importers; traders; investors; Soy beans Soy bean processing SDZW001 Zimbabwe Cashew nuts Rehabilitation and revival of two cashew nut processing factories SDTZ003 Tanzania farmer based organization is looking for a partner to bring machinery and plant equipment to increase the processing of soybeans primarily to fresh milk Agro processing company is looking for business partnerships to rehabilitate two factories Importers of soy beans; soy beans traders; soy milk traders; investors; Cashew nut processors; cashew nut importers; investors; Fisheries Product group Fisch Project Title Production and trade of organic products Reg. Number SDZA007 Country South Africa Fish Production and processing of fish SDCD009 D.R. Congo Fish Production of fish SDCD012 D.R. Congo Fish Establishment of fresh river fish storage and distribution SDCD019 D.R. Congo Fish Establishment of tilapia cage farming and SDMW005 processing Malawi Fish Establishment of tilapia cage farming and SDMW006 processing at lake Malawi Malawi Fish Establishment of cat fish production and processing facilities SDZA019 South Africa Fish feed Production of fish feed from seaweed SDZA013 South Africa Fish Fish breeding and production SDZA015 South Africa Short description partnership Interest in EU firms to buy organic products and SADC firms to become involved in organic production Fishing company is looking for partnerships to increase its know-how and to gain access to regional and international markets. Company active in the production of fish is looking for an equity investment partner who has the knowledge for the accelerated development of the fish business Fishing company is looking for investment financing as a combination between equity investment and loan finance. Fishing company is searching for a joint venture partner who can provide loan finance and market access. Supplier of Kapenta fish is looking for a joint venture partner who can provide loan finance and market access to set up a tilapia cage farming company at lake Malawi Producer of different products for the cat fish industry is looking for a joint venture partner through equity participation. Company involved with harvesting seaweed is searching for a shareholder to finance the finalization of a new product developed for the already existing market and to finance extending our market internationally Company involved in the breeding of fish is searching for a joint venture partner that will provide finance to establish an aquaculture hub Horticulture Companies of interest Importers of Organic products (EU); Producers of organic products (SADC) Fish traders; fish importers; Fish importers; fish traders; investors Fish importers; fish traders; investors Fish importers; fish traders; investors Fish importers; fish traders; investors Fish importers; fish traders; investors Seaweed traders; investors; fish farmers; fish food producers; Fish farms; importers from Tilapia; fish processors; Remarks Organic Product group Fruits & vegetables Project Title Production and trade of organic products Reg. Number SDZA007 Country South Africa Sweetener Organic agave syrup and agave insulin SDZA001 South Africa Biostimulants Biostimulants from seaweed SDZA004 South Africa Medicine Propagation of young plants for the medicinal plant sector SDZA014 South Africa Dried fruit Freeze drying of organic fruits SDTZ013 Tanzania Fruit Organic cassava and pineapple production SDTZ014 Tanzania Organic cassava and pineapple producers is Importers of organic fruits; Cassave looking for partner to expand production capacity &/ pineapple processors; Investors Sisal Sisal processing SDTZ012 Tanzania Tea Tea processing SDTZ012 Tanzania Importers of sisal; investors; sisal traders Importers of tea; investors; tea traders Fruits & vegetables Greenscheme Development projects SDNA002 Namibia Flowers Primary production of cut flowers and SDSZ001 value-adding to marketing and distribution overseas Swaziland Producer of sisal fiber and sisal yarn is looking for joint venture investment partners. Producer of black tea is looking for joint venture investment partners Green scheme promotion agency is looking for investors that wish to be involved in irrigated agriculture in close cooperation with the local farming community Investment holding company whose main purpose is to create and promote investment opportunities is looking for international funders and partners to participate in the production of high quality roses and cut flower crops. Fruits & vegetables Establishment of new trade partnerships in niche markets Swaziland Producer of over 40 high quality jams, chutneys, sauces and honey is looking for partners realize the project, being it trade relation, finance and know how of grotw opportunities. Conventional and fair trade importers Fair trade and traders of processed fruits and vegetables. SDSZ004 Short description partnership Interest in EU firms to buy organic products and SADC firms to become involved in organic production Firm produces high value organic sweeteners and fibre by products from agave inputs. It looks for a partner with know-how and financal means to develop new factories. Firm produces bio-stimulants from seaweeds which increase the yields of most agricultural crops. It looks for a EU trade partner giving them access to markets and finance through loan arrangement Producer of young plants for medicinal plant producing sector is looking for equity investor interested in jointly developing the business (preferbly with know-how in propagation) Experienced producer and marketer of Tanzanian agricultural produce is looking for a business partner to jointly develop a processing plant to freeze dry organic fuits (pineapples in particular) Companies of interest Remarks Importers of Organic products (EU); Organic Producers of organic products (SADC) Importers of organic sweeteners; Organic Importers of organic fibre by-products; investors; (Organic) crop producers; Biostimulant importers; Investors Organic Plant propagators; Medicinal plant producers; Organic Importers of dried (organic) fruits; Organic Producers of dried fruits; Processors of dried fruits; Investors Organic Importers of fruit; Importers of vegetables; investors; Importers of flowers; flower traders; investors; Fertilizers Establishment of a fertlizer blending plant SDSZ009 Swaziland Transport company is looking for a partner that can provide a capital contribution and the appropriate trade relationships with competitive sources/suppliers of major raw materials Maize Production and processing of maize SDCD015 D.R. Congo Producer and processor of maize is searching for Maize importers; maize traders; investment partners that will bring also necessary investors; know-how in maize production and milling. Fruit juices Fruit juice processing and packaging SDZA011 South Africa Producer of high quality fruit juices is looking for an equity participation or loan finance partner to control his own processing and packaging Fruit juice traders; investors; fruit importers; Fruits Development of fruit production, storage and packaging SDZA016 South Africa Fruit traders; investors; fruit importers; Sugarcane Rejuvenation of sugarcane irrigation scheme SDZA025 South Africa Flowers Flower production SDZW002 Zimbabwe Company involved in packaging, sales and distribution of fruits is searching for know-how and an equity injection or loan capital to further develop a commercial fruit farm Sugarcane production compant is looking for a partner in technology transfer, management expertise and/or loan based finance to repair the farm Company involved in growing golden gate roses is looking for a joint venture partner with whom he can jointly develop a 10 ha greenhouse for roses, 3 ha for summer flowers and 15 ha for protea. Cotton Cotton production and ginning SDZW003 Zimbabwe Company involved in cotton trade is looking for a Cotton importers; cotton traders; joint venture partner that will participate with equity investors; in accordance with the share percentage acquired to create additinal depots to grow the business Fruits & vegetables Passion fruit, mange tout and baby vegetables SDZW004 Zimbabwe Fruit importers; fruit traders; investors; Tobacco Tobacco processing SDZW005 Zimbabwe Vegetables Vegetable processing SDZW006 Zimbabwe Producer and exporter of passion fruit, mange tout and other vegetables is looking for a joint venture partner to expand their buisiness Tobacco producer is looking for a joint venture partner to supply cigarette manufacturing equipment and finance Agro based company is looking for a joint venture partner to commence the processing of fruits and vegetables (drying, freezing, canning). Flowers Production of Helconias and Tuba Roses SDTZ030 Tanzania Flower producer is looking for a partner who will contribute technical knwo-how, access to international markets and financing Flower producers; investors; importers of flowers (roses, helconias) Investors; fertilizer expert companies; fertilizer importers; Sugar importers; sugar traders; investors; Flower traders; flower importers; investors; Tobacco importers; tobacco traders; tobacco machinery companies; investors Fruit and vegetable importers; fruit and vegetable traders; investors; Fruits & vegetables Financing SDTZ031 Tanzania A group of shareholders is looking for an equity investment into a new special purpose vehicle Investors; IFI; Venture capital funds; Mangos Large scale production of magos SDTZ028 Tanzania Importers of mango; investors; mango traders; Mangos Mango production SDTZ027 Tanzania Sisal Sisal and energy (biomass) crops SDTZ018 Tanzania Producer of grafted mango is looking for a partner to part finance the establishment of a large scale plantation of mango Food processing company is searching for a joint venture partner to get involved with drying of the fruits and into pulp and juice making Company involved in various types of agro business is looking for a joint venture partner who can contribute his expertise in western technology to expand their sisal business Investors; Importers of mango juice, pulp, dried mangos; Sisal producers; Sisal importers; investors; Livestock Product group Livestock Project Title Production and trade of organic products Reg. Number SDZA007 Country South Africa Short description partnership Interest in EU firms to buy organic products and SADC firms to become involved in organic production Trading company is looking for a loan finance partner Producer of milk is looking for a partnership with the aim to increase its know-how and to gain acces to regional and international markets Companies of interest Importers of Organic products (EU); Producers of organic products (SADC) Investor; meat importer; meat trader; Pigs Development of pig industry SDSZ005 Swaziland Milk Production of milk SDCD006 D.R. Congo Eggs Production of eggs SDCD016 D.R. Congo Producer of eggs is searching for financing and investment partners that wishes to provide risk capital in exchange for shared ownership Investors; egg importers; egg traders; Beef & chicken Upgrade of processing line, including SDMW004 processing capacity, technology and packaging Goat and lamb, production and processing SDZA021 Malawi Beef and chicken processor is looking for a joint venture or loan finance partner Meat importers; meat traders; investors; South Africa Meat importers; meat traders; Joint venture between the Northen cape government, the private sector and a finance investors; institution is looking for joint venture partnerships from the EU to access new markets in Africa Broilers Broiler production, poultry slaughtering and meat processing SDZA027 South Africa Broilers Broiler production SDZA009 South Africa Broiler producer is looking for a equity participation to facilitate the new capacity investment Company involved with the production of peppers and lettuce is looking for an equity participation or loan finance to construct infrastructure to grow chickens on contract for sale to an abattoir Goat and lamb Importers of milk; milk traders; investors; Meat importers; meat traders; investors; chicken importers Meat importers; meat traders; investors; chicken importers Remarks Organic Meat Beef fattening and meat processing SDTZ021 Tanzania Beef Beef fattening and processing SDTZ005 Tanzania Poultry Establishment of a poultry intergration SDTZ006 Tanzania Producer of cattle is looking for a joint venture partner to expand their business Producer of beef is looking for a joint venture partner to expand the production of beef Agro business company is looking for a joint venture partner to (part) finance the establishment of a modern poultry operation Meat importers; meat producers; investors; Beef importers; investors; beef processors; Poultry producers; investors; hatchery; Other Product group Consulting services Project Title Cooperation in agricultural consulting services Reg. Number SDNA006 Country Namibia Packaging Establishment of a packaging line for vegetables and roasted nuts SDSZ008 Swaziland Beer and lemonade Production of beer and lemonade SDCD017 D.R. Congo Laboratory Establishment of a laboratory for quality control of cotton and textiles SDCD022 D.R. Congo Short description partnership Consultancy company is looking for international partners to work together and share skills, for references and/or joint ventures on agricultural related projects and to source the market for our services Transport and distribution company is looking for a packaging partner with fund to set up a factory in order to engage in local packaging Producer of beer and lemonade is searching for an investment partner to expand the production lines company involved in the promotion of cotton cultivation and quality control is looking for a investor partner to establish a new laboratory on a joint venture basis. Companies of interest Consultancy companies; Packaging companies; investors with relevant know-how; Beer importers; lemonade importers; traders; investors; Cotton traders; investors; Remarks BOTSWANA Proposal Product A small scale company, established in 2004 and with a 25 ha piece of land in ownership, is looking Fish for an investor (JV or equity participation) willing to invest 100 – 250 thousand Euros in the Vegetables development of fish and vegetable farming on his land. Business plan, market study and production licenses are available. Companies of interest Investment funds Fish Importers Fish/Vegetable traders Fish producers Proposal Product Meat A medium scale company (one mln. Euro turnover and 50-100 employees) in livestock and horticultural production, wants to develop a number of product lines of processed meat. The equipment will be imported and the company can provide leadership. They are looking for an experienced food technologist who wants to invest in the company through technology transfer. Moreover, they are working on a final detailed business plan to start fund acquisition. CONGO Proposal With the aim to diversify its products, a small scale company from Congo D.C. producing and selling seeds from food crops like rice, soya, peanut, maize and vegetables is looking for a investment partner. They have a 50 ha. field available and would like to diversify its production activities to other vegetables, like tomatoes, onions and green tea. Moreover, they would like to set up small scale commercial processing facilities. Various forms of partnership for the 500.000 – 1 mln Euros investment can be accepted and the company itself will contribute with 20% in the form of infrastructure and human resources. Proposal Meat traders Investment companies Meat processors Product Vegetables Vegetable traders Product Fish Fish traders Product Coffee Companies of interest Coffee importers Coffee traders Investment funds Product Fertile eggs Since six months, a SME has been producing day old broiler chicks for the Lesotho local market. They use equipment made of incubators and hatchers, with a capacity of 60 000 chicks a week (based on 80% hatchability). Currently, the hatchery is operating at a quarter of the available capacity and the customer demand cannot be met. This is mainly caused by a lack of fertile settable eggs, and the company wants to address this problem by producing eggs locally for Ross, Hubbard and Cobb types of flock. Their next venture aims at the acquisition of land, the construction of a 3500 bird house and the purchase of parent stock that is reared to produce fertile eggs. The sources of finance suggested are equity of at least 25% of the venture from the SME and bank borrowing of 75%. If another equity partner is found in the form of a joint venture or direct equity ownership, the bank loan can be reduced. Total partner contribution is estimated at 200,000 Euros. Main customers of fertile settable eggs will be hatcheries in Lesotho, but fully implemented, other southern African hatcheries that experience shortages can also be supplied. Proposals Companies of interest Tilapia traders Investment funds Fish importers As part of an international Holding, with various production and processing companies in DRC, a medium scale company is active in buying and processing coffee. They would like to enter into the business of coffee farming, including production and collection of coffee beans. Partnerships should focus on equity participation or loan finance, although access to international markets also will do. LESOTHO Proposal Companies of interest Vegetable importers Investment funds A recently established small scale Association in Congo D.C. is looking for an investor to start its commercial activities in fish farming. Activities include the implementation of basins for Tilapia and Njombo fingerlings, which subsequently are to be stocked in Lake Tanganika for growing. The company will produce fish feed, and establish a cold room for fish storage and a smoking line. Targeted markets are local or regional. Partner contribution should be about 100,000 Euro’s and can be offered through a joint venture or equity participation. In full production a 350.000 Euro turnover is expected. Proposal Companies of interest Food technologists Product Organic fertilizer A small scale company established in 2004 is active in the manufacturing, packaging and marketing of an organic fertilizer. At this stage, they are only producing one tenth of the volume of the total market demand, and due to financial constraints their product range is restricted to two products based on two hummer mills and two sewing machines. With a capital investment they can boost fertilizer production to market demand levels and make organic fertilizer available for traders and local farmers. The expected contribution of a partner is mainly half of the total finance Companies of interest Egg traders Egg importers Parent stock chicken producers Investment funds Companies of interest Fertilizer traders Investment funds Organic producers traders and local farmers. The expected contribution of a partner is mainly half of the total finance required. Moreover, this company is looking for trade relations. Business plan and production licenses are available. MADAGASCAR Proposal Product Fruit juices A small scale processing company, with a turnover between 50,000 and 100,000 is specifically looking for regional and international market access of their products. This company produces exotic natural fruit juices from local fruits. Juices are natural and do not contain artificial colorants or preservatives, as preservation is based on flash pasteurization. With nine types of fruit juices, this company is leader in the Malagasy market. With increased sales, they hope to get the financial means to expand product range to 15 different fruit juices and to set up a second production unit in the capital of the country. Proposal Product Essential oils Investment funds Companies of interest Importers/traders of essential oils Investment funds Product Meat (Beef/Chicken) A medium scale halaal meats company is processing both beef and chicken into dressed and conventional cuts and also value adding into sausages. They sell their products throughout Malawi and also export to Mozambique. They have received enquiries for their products from various SADC countries, Kenya, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. Their supplier of beef feeds 6,000 heads of export quality cattle under a specialized feedlot programme and can increase capacity for us if necessary. However, they need to upgrade their processing capacity, technology and packaging before they can penetrate new export markets. They are looking for a joint venture or loan finance partner, who can invest an amount of 250.000 – 500.000 Euros. Proposal Product Fish (Tilapia) A small scale company, being the main supplier of Kapenta fish (Limnothrisa Miodon) to Malawi, imports the kapenta in bulk, repackages it into smaller packets and sells the packets to all of the large supermarket and wholesale companies in Malawi. Fairly large quantities are also sold directly to both formal and semi-formal markets in the major cities. Current monthly sales exceed 60 metric tons. Proposed is to set up a commercial Tilapia cage farming company based at Lake Malawi to take advantage of international demand for high quality pre-packed fresh fish fillets. Tilapia is an easily farmed fish and reaches typical market size (about 500g) in approximately 6 months under Malawian conditions. Both the European and North American markets will be targeted. Equipment is basic and locally available and approximately 100 jobs will be created in local communities. They are looking for a joint venture partner, who can invest between 250,000 and 500,000 Euros. Their own contribution includes land and aquaculture permits, fishing and aquaculture experience, highly motivated management and local knowledge. Proposal A corporate entity, registered in Malawi in January 2006 and with a current turnover between 500,000 and 1 mln. Euros a year, has its primary activity in the management of farms. The entity owns five farms with a total of approximate 2000 ha, and produces groundnuts, rice and paprika through farm rents and participation of the local community. It employs farmers at a reasonable wage, grow crops and after sales share profits with the community. The entity wants to diversify through the establishment of a food processing plant, to process nuts and paprika as well as packaging beans and rice in order to export to both regional and international markets. They are Fruit importers Cosmetic producers A small scale producer and exporter of essential oils would like to have a financial partnership to prepare a 30 ha land for agriculture. They are already owners of the land, but are in need of working capital to start production. Moreover they have production licenses available. With the production and processing of various fruits and vegetables, they hope to increase their stock of essential oils for export. MALAWI Proposal Companies of interest Fruit traders Companies of interest Meat importers Meat traders Investment funds Companies of interest Tilapia importers Fish traders Investment funds Product Nuts Companies of interest Nut traders Paprika Nut importers Rice Vegetable traders Bean traders Rice importers Packaging equipment producers Paprika and nut processing producers MAURITIUS Proposals An small scale (turnover 100,000 – 250,000 Euro) agribusiness is active in Hydroponics production under protection in tunnels, and produces actually tomatoes, English cucumbers, sweet peppers and melon. Fruits and vegetables are supplied to supermarkets and major hotels. Produce is supplied year round, with peak production in June to September. This business would like to expand and diversify production to mini and leafy vegetables, aromatic herbs and strawberries and specialize in the marketing of hydroponics produce in Mauritius and the region. They want to establish a wholesale depot, where producers of hydroponics in Mauritius can market their produce, and as such they are looking for a joint venture partner. Producers of hydroponics crops can supply the depot with fresh produce, which will then be marketed professionally. The transformation of the produce will include warehousing, cold room installation, grading, packaging, labeling/branding and distribution of quality produce to local and regional markets. The business estimates a yearly turnover of 400,000 Euros. Product Fruit/vegetables Companies of interest Fruit importers Vegetable importers Investment funds Packaging equipment producers Proposal Product Fisheries A leading group, working in diversified sectors as telecommunication, consumer goods and services, with an annual turnover of 1 mln, wants to diversify its activities into fisheries. They propose the growing up, harvesting, packing and distribution of different selected species of fish (Abalone, Red Drum and Flat Fish). Final products will include fresh, frozen and dried fish. Species are selected to serve highly profitable niche markets in Japan, EU, USA, Hong Kong and Singapore. The group is looking for a joint venture or other type partner, who will have the knowhow and technical expertise and a total investment of 5 mln. Euros. MOZAMBIQUE Proposal A small scale company, established in 2004, aims at producing Malagueta Birds Eye hot Chili (Capsicum frutescens). They distributed quality seed (35 grams/family) to more than 4,000 family sector farmers in the tobacco industry, who can use it to diversify their production. With the seed, each family can produce about 500 kgs. of dried chili, which will be bought by the company. With an investment of 100,000 – 250,000 Euros into the running costs of the company, the project can be expanded and uplift the family sector farmer. With the current shortage of peri-peri, Mozambique could be an important supplier to world markets. In the company’s future plans, also the manufacturing of per-peri sauce is foreseen. The factory will create additional employment to Mozambican women. Proposal An agro-educational centre, active in commercial cattle breeding, maize & bean production, and jathropha & macadamia nurseries, links all projects to training of students and knowledge transfer to the community. They have 2250 square metres of school buildings and a drip irrigation system available and an actual annual turnover of 175,000 Euros. They are looking for a loan finance or grant to establish a trust fund for implementation of expansion plans. They intend to reach 500 breeding females for beef production, 200 selected bulls per year for genetic improvement of local animals and 1000 tons of commercial tomatoes and vegetables per year, with the surplus being NAMIBIA Proposal A trading company owned by four black shareholders, currently export food crops like sorghum and soybeans within SADC countries and on a small scale to overseas countries. They have acquired large production areas in both South Africa and Namibia, and now would like to enter into production of mainly sorghum, soya beans, and new crops for biofuels and biomass. From their own production 20% will be targeted to local markets and 80% to export markets. Training and development will be part of core activities. Apart from the shareholders financial contributions (250,000 – 500,000 Euros), the company has approached commercial banks to purchase equipment. They intend to contribute 30% of the investment (excluding acquisition of land) from own resources. Proposal Fish farming equipment producers Investment funds Product Chilli Companies of interest Investment funds Chilli importers Chilli processing equipment producers Fair trade organisations Product Cattle breeding Companies of interest Meat importers Maize Investment funds Beans Vegetable importers Nut importers Fair trade organisations Product Soya beans Companies of interest Bean importers Bio-fuels Bio-fuel producers Bio-mass Bio-mass producers Investment funds Product Bio-Fuels A Governmental Agency promotes two projects within the Green Scheme, which aims at Fruits encouraging the development of irrigation-based agronomic production in Namibia. Simultaneously, it wants to achieve an uplift of communities located within suitable irrigation areas. Commercial farming enterprises are tied to a settlement of small-scale farming units in a joint enterprise. The idea is for the latter to learn by watching the commercial farmers, thereby building local capacity in terms of production and marketing management. The commercial farmers serve as ‘service providers’ to the small scale farmers, by providing them with the necessary farm equipment, transport and marketing services at cost. The project areas are situated near densely populated regions, which makes the marketing of cash crops like maize easy. Producing biofuels and fruits like wine grapes, guava, paw-paw, banana and mango offer good opportunities especially when processing of products is included in the project. Investors must comply with Green Scheme requirements. SOUTH AFRICA Proposal Companies of interest Fish importers Product Goat meat A venture partnership between the Government, the private sector and a development finance Lamb meat institution has currently 118 registered co-operatives with 896 emerging farmers breeding goats as part of the commercialization of the goat industry in South Africa. This Association is dedicated to producing only superior quality goat and lamb products for both the local and international markets. They can achieve this through training and superior advisory and support services to their farmers. Goats are exported to the Middle East and Malaysia and are sold into the local market, through various supermarket outlets, some butcheries, and various informal markets. This association is the largest exporter of goat meat in South Africa and is certified by AGRISETA as the recognized Goat Livestock Training Program. They are looking for an investment partner (joint venture, € 5 mln.) and trade partnerships from other African countries. Proposal Product Herbs Companies of interest Investment funds Bio-fuel producers Fruit Importers Fair trade organisations Companies of interest Meat importers Investment funds Fair trade organisations Companies of interest Investment funds Herb brokers Herb producers A small scale innovative and fully owned and operated South African company, established in 2002, grows widely exported and locally distributed herbs which are harvested and instantly cryogenically frozen to produce “Freshly Frozen Herbs”. This company would like to 1) optimize the freezing, packaging and storage capacity in the factory; 2) increase market share and diversify the market to cover all types of herbs and customers; 3) product development 4) improvement of Good Manufacturing Practices and obtaining HACCP readiness standard. To achieve these goals, the company is looking for a loan finance (500,000 Euros) and trade partnerships. Proposal Herb importers Supermarkets Product Bio-stimulants Seaweeds Companies of interest Investment fund Fertilizer brokers Organic producers Testing and registration agencies A company, cultivating, harvesting and processing various types of fresh seaweeds has developed a group of biostimulants extracted from algae juice which, if administered correctly, increases the quantity of most crops and enhances the quality of the harvest. They have registered the product as an agricultural stimulant in various countries and have achieved good results in field trials. The company harvests fresh seaweed sustainably in the south Atlantic Ocean with own boats and processes the product in their factory by means of a cold mechanical process. Current markets are South Africa, Korea, Italy, Spain, and the USA, but they are negotiating with potential customers in countries as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Russia, Ukraine, and Greece. As their production capacity is substantially larger than their current sales, they would like to expand the market from a current 400 ton to approximately 1400 tons per annum. The equipment necessary for the increased production is already in place and minimal changes would be necessary. They are looking for trade partners giving access to new markets and finance through a loan arrangement for market development and product testing and registration in individual markets. SWAZILAND Proposal Product Roses A newly established investment holding company has made a 40% shareholding offer in a project for the production of flowers. The proposed project comprises the development of a 20 ha farm to specialize in the production of high-yielding intermediate and Tea Hybrid varieties of roses for sale as cut flowers to markets throughout the world. To add value to the bouquet complimentary flowers will be produced and added. The Company will produce 50 million rose stems per annum, and 100% of production will be exported predominantly to European markets. Roses will be grown utilizing hydroponic soil-less technology. In the long term, the holding will explore the possibility of running an outgrowers scheme to local farmers for provision of plant material, fertilizer and guaranteed purchase of floriculture products. The Holding company is now in the process of mobilizing funds from shareholders to secure its 40 % share, which translates to Euro 3.6 million. It will negotiate for a loan with commercial financiers and the remainder from a partner through Agro Industry 2008. Proposal Product Honey Companies of interest Flower importers Flower producers Investment funds Companies of interest Honey importers Honey brokers A small scale honey processor that aims to develop communities in Swaziland collects comb honey from beekeepers across the country, processes the honey in their international standard, HACCP certified factory and sell the honey to local and overseas markets. They have a predominantly mechanized production line with extraction, processing and bottling done by machines. The company has successfully replaced South African imported honey in the formal market and now claims a dominant market share. The company would like to form a trade relationship with a European organization. Principally they are interested in extending their access to markets including niche markets such as fair trade and they are also interested in receiving investment and technical assistance to enable them to gain fair trade certification and gain ‘third party status’ with the EU. Proposal Honey producers Investment funds Fair trade organisations Product Jams An established producer of over 40 high quality jams, chutneys, marmalades and sauces produces Chutneys from fresh ingredients without artificial preservatives or colorants. Their production process is closely controlled, they are HACCP compliant and their products and service meet the high Sauces demands of consumers in Europe, Japan, Australia and America. Their products are available under the Fair Trade label and the company meets socio-economic obligations to local women rural farmers and other employees. The company is looking to expand their markets both in fair trade and normal markets. Moreover, they would like to increase people's understanding of Fair Trade principles. All stakeholders should grow when the company grows, which can be realized by increased turnover and the transfer of new technical skills. TANZANIA Proposal Product Cashew nuts Companies of interest Technical partners Investment funds Chutneys/sauces/jam importers Supermarkets Fair trade organisations Companies of interest Investment funds Nut importers A leading Tanzanian based ICT solution provider has diversified in recent years into AgriProcessing. It has successfully bought over two old Cashew nut Processing Factories from the Nut producers Processing. It has successfully bought over two old Cashew nut Processing Factories from the Government of Tanzania. The company is an active member of the cashew processors association (CPA). The factories have not been operational for over 10 years, and will require major rehabilitation and upgrading of equipment to match current technological standards. The primary object of the investment project is therefore to rehabilitate the factories, restore the deteriorated infrastructure and revive operations by purchasing adequate stocks of cashew nuts for processing. The company would like to invite interested partners who can play a key industrial development role through its financing scheme (total investment of 5 mln. Euros is needed) and/or Business Partnership towards the development of the Cashew processing factories. Proposal Product A medium scale business with the main mandate of producing, processing and marketing organic agricultural produce from Tanzania is looking for a partner for a joint investment to put up a fruit processing plant and fresh fruit export to external markets. The business involves buying fresh organic fruits from certified and contracted organic farmers, sorting and packing, ready for export. Those found to be under required specifications, shall be dried and packed for export markets. The company has already obtained a dried organic fruit market in Germany. The Freeze Dry Plant can process Mangoes, Pineapples, Papaya, Bananas and many others and shall be built nearby farms of various organic fruits. Processing shall use modern technology for quality processing, creating 42 direct employment and more than 500 indirect jobs. For the project 1-5 mln Euro is needed. ZAMBIA Proposal Companies of interest Organic fruit importers Investment funds Product Fish (Tilapia) Essential oils Companies of interest Tilapia importers Investment funds Tilapia producers Companies of interest Cosmetic technologist Investment funds Herbal soap importers A small scale industry focusing on production of health products is producing herbal soaps, made with predominantly organically produced base and essential oils. It uses small scale production tools and simple labeling. Currently products are marketed as Zambian soap and partly to the USA. The basic oils and essential oils are all sourced from within Zambia and the region and are selected on science guided information on plant benefits. The company would like to scale up its production and marketing activities in response to some enquiries received from other countries including Malaysia, EU and African countries. This expansion in production will require additional production equipment, improved packaging as well as more raw materials. The company also envisages to diversify its business operations to include other cosmetic products such as liquid herbal soap, and lotions using indigenous Southern African oils. The company is looking for a loan finance (100,000 to 250,000 Euros), technology transfer or improved access to markets. Soap sheps Essential oil producers Herbal producers Cosmetica producers Product Cotton A company with a turnover of over one million Euros, runs cotton contract growing schemes through the provision of inputs on credit to cotton farmers and extension services. They then buy back the crop from the farmers, gin the cotton and export 70% of the lint to the international markets. 30% of lint is reserved for the local market. The ginned seed is further processed to produce cooking oil for the local market, cotton cake for export, hulls and soft stock for stock feeds. Markets are established in Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, Russia, Japan, and Dubai. The company now intends to grow through creation of additional production capacity, with a number of jobs to be created of about 150 people for permanent staff. The company also has plans to install its own ginnery. The land has been surveyed and the ginnery equipment is already in the country. They are looking for a structured finance (joint venture, equity participation, loan finance) that creates win win situations. Proposal Product Soya beans A farmer based organization focuses on the transformation and commercialization of soya beans in the form of fresh and sour soya milk, bread, soya mince balls, sausages, snacks and coffee. These products are sold through local supermarkets, village shops and markets. It uses collective action as the tool for improving production, processing and marketing of products and to exploit agribusiness opportunities. Since 2002, the organization was supported in setting up the association, train farmers in organizational and development skills and teams. The current phase focuses on market demand driven soy processing using five soya milk processing machines (capacity 60 to 100 L/Hr). This organization seeks to increase processing of soya beans primarily to fresh milk with financial and technical support to grow to export products in good volumes. The partner is expected to bring in investments for equipment of the processing plant. Cashew nut producers Organic fruit processors A medium scale company, established in 2002, is proposing a project for fish farming of tilapia in cages on a lake. The project is new and the promoters are looking for suitable finance (loan finance) and partners (Joint Venture, equity participation). The project is planned to be carried out in phases and will reach a maximum production of 5,000 tons of tilapia per year in three years. The local market can easily absorb all the fish and products produced and there is tremendous potential for export of tilapia and products to the region. Currently Zambia imports tilapia from China, Taiwan and Zimbabwe. The total investment is 3.5 mln. Euros in three years. The turnover at full production will be 7 mln. with a profit margin of 40% and the project will create 200 jobs in a very poor part of Zambia. Proposal Product Herbal soaps ZIMBABWE Proposal Cashew nut specialists Companies of interest Processed cotton importers Cotton traders Investment funds Ginnery Companies of interest Food importers Soya milk Soya importers Sausages Investment fund Soya mince balls Processed soya producers Soya technologists