anna.ida3@gmail.com/2013 Accumulated Organic Content Sinking velocity and travel time for spherical particles in nonturbulent freshwater (after von Engelhardt 1973, Littke et al. 1997a) Correlation between marine organic carbon content and sedimentation rate sediments deposited in normal openocean environments (field A), upwelling high-productivity areas (field A’) and anoxic environments (field B) Allochthonous Organic Matter accumulate organic matter from the (mainly planktonic) productivity in the overlying water column Autochto nous Organic Matter Alochtho nous • redeposition of marine sediments after erosion • turbidity current by which sediment is suspended in the near-bottom water column and then settles again Turbidity currents may expose the organic matter to an oxygen rich water mass causing further degradation during resettling The redeposited allochthonous sediment will differ only very little in age from the underlying autochthonous sediment Organic Carbon pore-water DOC concentrations generally increase with depth In anoxic sediments : sulfate reduction dominates and benthic macrofaunal processes (i.e., bioturbation and/or bioirrigation) are insignificant Pore-water DOC concentrations versus depth in bioturbated and/or bioirigated Organic Nitrogen Organic Phosphorus Dissolved Transport Index (DTI) Rasio antara konsentrasi materi teruspensi dengan transport totalnya DTI elemen kimia terlarut x100% elemen kimia terlarut elemen kimia teradsorpsi partikel Makin tinggi DTI makin besar komposisi elemen terlarut Kapasitas Adsorbsi Banyaknya zat terlarut yang teradsorpsi oleh setiap gram adsorben pada keadaan jenuh Kapasitas adsorpsi elemen kimia teradsorpsi partikel 100% elemen kimia terlarut elemen kimia teradsorpsi partikel TUGAS • Jelaskan fate bahan organik C, N, P di sedimen (lengkapi dengan diagram/skema bila perlu) • Bila ada data sbb, hitung nilai DTI dan kapasitas adsorpsi. Jelaskan maknanya St1 St2 St3 St4 Silikat saring St1 St2 St3 St4 N Kjendhal 17.96 14.425 5.595 5.391 saring 1.024 1.118 0.605 0.733 tdk 17.874 15.417 7.098 saring 5.888 tdk saring 2.033 1.343 0.775 0.541 PO4 Total P saring 0.157 0.188 0.097 0.081 saring 0.42 0.188 0.446 0.171 tdk saring 0.02 0.853 0.109 0.026 tdk saring 0.134 0.108 0.167 0.19