Our Mother of Mercy Church, Waynoka St. Cornelius Church


Our Mother of Mercy Church, Waynoka St. Cornelius Church
Ministers - August 13/14, 2016
627 12th Street, Alva, OK 73717 Office: 580-327-0339
In case of medical or other emergencies:
Our Mother of Mercy Church, Waynoka
St. Cornelius Church, Cherokee
Lector: Tim Ohm
EMHC: Liz Bittle, Annette Schwerdtfeger
Servers: Emily B., Ronald V.
Ushers: Josh Schwerdtfeger, Jeff Levetzow
Pastor: Rev. Fr. Bala Sagili Jesudas
Gifts: Fred & Wendy Jungman
Deacon: Mr. Roy Callison—918-822-3255
Lector: Alan Armbruster
Ushers: Ken Koppenaal
Secretary: Mrs. Susan Callison
Gifts: Sims Family
Director Religious Education: Mrs. Kim Bogdonavecz
Lector: Ron Bouziden
Usher: Bob Glass
For bulletin entries please e-mail Mrs. Susan Callison at
or leave a message at the parish office.
Bulletin deadline Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m.
Luke 12:39-40
“Be sure of this: if the master of the house had
known the hour when the thief was coming, he would
not have let his house be broken into. You also must
be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son
of Man will come.”
Religious Education Classes Start
Welcome Back & Registration with Ice Cream Social
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
at 6:30 pm in the Parish Center
The entire parish community is invited!
For Information, contact Kim Bogdanovecz, D.R.E. at
Certificate in Leadership Ministry
This program will promote dynamic leadership for
lifelong catechesis and youth ministry in parishes.
Leaders will participate in a series of eight courses
that will lead to a certificate. The program is
designed for pastors/associate pastors, deacons,
youth ministry coordinators, prospective youth
ministry leaders, directors of religious education,
high school campus ministers or youth ministry
teams. Courses in October, November, February and
March at the Catholic Pastoral Center. Register by
contacting (405) 721-9220, Nhoush@archokc.org.
Pilgrimage to New Mexico
Join Fr. Joseph Arledge on a Year of Mercy pilgrimage visiting
the Catholic Missions of New Mexico, Sept. 11-16. Includes
Santuario de Chimayo, Taos Pueblo, Capilla de Nuestra Senora
de Guadalupe, Santuario de Guadalupe, Loretto Chapel and
Miracle Staircase; San Francisco de Asis with its mysterious
picture of Christ that defies scientific explanation; San Miguel
Mission, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis and more. Six days,
most meals, all admissions and roundtrip transportation
departing from Edmond and Woodward. $1,685 pp dbl. occ.
$450 pp deposit. Call (405) 293-2003.
Liturgical Schedule 2016
Sacred Heart
The Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Saturday, August 6
4:30 pm: Sacrament of Confession
5:00 pm: Holy Mass, Waynoka
Sunday, August 7
8:15 am: Sacrament of Confession, Alva
9:00 am: Holy Mass, Alva for Priest’s Intention
11:15 am: Sacrament of Confession, Cherokee
11:30 am: Holy Mass, Cherokee
Monday, August 8
Tuesday, August 9
Wednesday, August 10
7:00 pm: Holy Mass at Prison, Alva
Thursday, August 11
5:00 pm: Holy Mass at Prison, Helena
Friday, August 12
8:00 am: Holy Mass, Alva
St. Cornelius Our Mother of
Weekly Budget
Good Samaritan
Building Fund
Capital Campaign
Feast of The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Monday, August 15, 2016
Holy Mass 12:00 noon, Alva
The Solemnity of Mary’s Assumption into heaven is
usually a Holy Day of Obligation. This year the feast day
falls on a Monday, therefore the obligation is removed.
Parishioner’s are still encouraged to attend to celebrate
this great feast.
The Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time
Saturday, August 13
4:30 pm: Sacrament of Confession
5:00 pm: Holy Mass, Waynoka for Priest’s Intention
Sunday, August 14
8:15 am: Sacrament of Confession, Alva
9:00 am: Holy Mass, Alva for Priest’s Intention
11:15 am: Sacrament of Confession, Cherokee
11:30 am: Holy Mass, Cherokee for Priest’s Intention
The Holy Rosary is prayed before Mass on the first and third Sundays
of the month in Alva and every Sunday before Mass in Cherokee.
Retrouvaille is for couples with troubled marriages,
including separated and divorced couples who want
to try again to make their marriage work.
Retrouvaille begins with a weekend, Aug. 26-28, at
the Catholic Pastoral Center, OKC. Six follow-up
sessions are required. Call (405) 443-3541 or visit
Please pray for:
Don & Bunny Pfeiffer, +Kathryn Pierce, Guadalupe Torres,
Duvigen Torres, Bea Valencia, +John Hendrix, Michael
Arebalo, Tracy Lundy, Kyle Hadwiger, Tammy Brown, Gary
Kilian, Mary Ellen Turner, Glenn Schlarb, Deacon Gary Means,
Louise Ewing, Deloris Kilian, Donovan Reichenberger, LaUna
Levings, Ruby Kaczor, Wesley Mervine, Fred Isenbart, Sr., Rev.
Lawrence & his parishioners, Richard Glossip, Tom Reid,
Geneva Difenbach, John White, Albert Blahut, +Leona Young,
Miguel Geerber
RCYC- Regional Catholic Youth Conference
The pilgrimage to the Regional Catholic Youth Conference, Nov.
18-20, will be in Beaumont, Texas. Cost is $325 pp. Fee includes
bus, transportation, hotel, registration and T-shirt. To register,
contact your parish youth minister or call (405) 721-5651, Ext.
115, or (405) 721-9220.
Pilgrimages to Archdiocesan Holy Doors of Mercy
During the Jubilee Year of Mercy, the opportunity to encounter
the incredible Mercy of God has been made available by
Archbishop Coakley for pilgrimages to eight “Holy Doors of
Mercy” sites in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. St. Mary
(Guthrie) of the Catholic Daughters of America has planned tours.
St. Peter, Woodward, Sept. 17; St. Wenceslaus Shrine of the
Altar Society Prayer Line
Infant Jesus of Prague, Prague, Oct. 23; The Cathedral of Our
To be added to the Altar Society’s Prayer Line, please contact Peggy Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Joseph Old Cathedral, OKC, Nov. 12.
O’Neil at 580-327-2592 and leave a message with your name and Contact Gloria Belair at (405) 649-2421, (405) 834-0596,
phone number.