Our Mother of Mercy Church, Waynoka St. Cornelius Church
Our Mother of Mercy Church, Waynoka St. Cornelius Church
Ministers - July 23/24 2016 627 12th Street, Alva, OK 73717 Office: 580-327-0339 www.sacredheartalva.org Fax: 580-327-0710 In case of medical or other emergencies: 580-327-8223 Alva: Our Mother of Mercy Church, Waynoka EMHC: Brent B., Kim B. St. Cornelius Church, Cherokee Servers: Julie O., Emily O. Lector: Fred Jungman Usher: Tim Ohm, Lynn Nickel Pastor: Rev. Fr. Bala Sagili Jesudas fatherbalasj@gmail.com Deacon: Mr. Roy Callison—918-822-3255 deaconcallison@sacredheartalva.org Secretary: Mrs. Susan Callison Gifts: The Paul Barton Family Cherokee: Lector: Mary Austin Usher: John Austin office@sacredheartalva.org Gifts: The Armbruster Family Director Religious Education: Mrs. Kim Bogdonavecz Waynoka: bkbog@sbcglobal.net Lector: Ron Bouziden Usher: Bob Glass For bulletin entries please e-mail Mrs. Susan Callison at office@sacredheartalva.org or leave a message at the parish office. Bulletin deadline Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. Luke 10:41-42 The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” Vocation Discernment Retreat “Opening the Door to the Joy of Mercy” vocation discernment retreat for single women, ages 17-35, will be held from Friday, Aug. 5, at 5 p.m. to Saturday, Aug. 6, at 7:30 p.m. with option for extended stay at Little Sisters of the Poor, 1655 McGill Ave., Mobile, Ala. No charge. Register by Aug. 3 at vocmobile@littlesistersofthepoor.org or (251) Parish Council Meeting Tuesday, July 19, 2016 At 7:00 pm In the Coffee & Donut Room Register for Catholic Summer Camp Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Summer Camp is open to youth going into grade 4 through grade 12. Activities include crafts, hiking, swimming (in-ground pool), fishing, water sports, volleyball, canoeing, archery, scripture adventures, talent show, soccer, campfires and drama. Total cost per camper is $300, with deposit due at registration. Scholarship assistance available. Download forms or register online at www.archokc.org/youthand-young-adult-office/summer-camp. Call (405) 721-9220. You are invited to a Wedding Shower Given in honor of Kellcie Skinner & Ian Burnett On Saturday , August 6 at 2:00 pm at the Runnymeade Hotel 402 4th St. Alva, OK Hosted by Georgianna Gagnon, Martha Gardner, JoAnn Isenbart, Lana Isenbart, and Terri Owen Kellcie and Ian are registered at Schumacher’s Copper Penney, Target.com, and Walmart.com Liturgical Schedule 2016 The Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time Saturday, July 16 4:30 pm: Sacrament of Confession 5:00 pm: Holy Mass, Waynoka for +Norma O’Dell Sunday, July 17 8:15 am: Sacrament of Confession, Alva 9:00 am: Holy Mass, Alva for Priest’s Intention 11:15 am: Sacrament of Confession, Cherokee 11:30 am: Holy Mass, Cherokee for +Norma O’Dell Monday, July 18 NO MASS Tuesday, July 19 6:00 pm: Sacrament of Confession, Alva 6:30 pm: Holy Mass, Alva Wednesday, July 20 12:00 noon: Holy Mass, Alva Thursday, July 21 8:00 am: Holy Mass, Alva Friday, July 22 8:00 am: Holy Mass, Alva WEEKEND COLLECTIONS: July 9/10, 2016 Sacred Heart St. Cornelius Our Mother of Mercy Weekly Budget $1,260.00 $340.00 $260.00 Collection $1,237.51 $311.00 $142.00 -$22.49 -$29.00 -$118.00 Over/Under Good Samaritan 71.54 Building Fund Capital Campaign $264.00 Candles Catholic Charities presents Reds, Whites & Brews Catholic Charities will host Reds, Whites and Brews at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum at 6 p.m. July 22. The event supports Sanctuary Women's Development Centers. Tickets $60. Go online to http:// redswhitesbrews.com. The Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time Saturday, July 23 4:30 pm: Sacrament of Confession 5:00 pm: Holy Mass, Waynoka Sunday, July 24 8:15 am: Sacrament of Confession, Alva 9:00 am: Holy Mass, Alva for Priest’s Intention 11:15 am: Sacrament of Confession, Cherokee 11:30 am: Holy Mass, Cherokee The Holy Rosary is prayed before Mass on the first and third Sundays of the month in Alva and every Sunday before Mass in Cherokee. Please pray for: Don & Bunny Pfeiffer, +Kathryn Pierce, Guadalupe Torres, Duvigen Torres, Bea Valencia, +John Hendrix, Michael Arebalo, Tracy Lundy, Kyle Hadwiger, Tammy Brown, Gary Kilian, Mary Ellen Turner, Glenn Schlarb, Deacon Gary Means, Louise Ewing, Deloris Kilian, Donovan Reichenberger, LaUna Levings, Ruby Kaczor, Wesley Mervine, Fred Isenbart, Sr., Rev. Lawrence & his parishioners, Richard Glossip, Tom Reid, Geneva Difenbach, John White, Albert Blahut, +Leona Young, Miguel Geerber Altar Society Prayer Line Safe Environment The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City through its programs, organizations and events, has numerous daily contacts with many children and young people. It is, therefore important that all Archdiocesan Personnel, clergy, seminarians, religious, employees and volunteers, protect the rights of children and be alert to the possibility for child abuse. Under Oklahoma State law, all individuals MUST report an incident or suspicion of sexual abuse of a minor (person under 18 years of age) to the civil authorities. The Oklahoma Department of Human Services has established a statewide abuse reporting hotline for reporting: 1-800522-3511. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you feel a child is in immediate danger of harm call 911. For the safety of children and the healing of victims, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City provides an Abuse of Minors Pastoral Response Hotline for reporting the abuse of a minor (in the past or presently) by a member of the clergy or other church personnel: 1-405-720-9878. The Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator, a licensed professional counselor, will respond to calls to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Response Hotline. A report to the Archdiocese does not relieve the individual To be added to the Altar Society’s Prayer Line, please contact Peggy of the duty to report child abuse to civil authorities as O’Neil at 580-327-2592 and leave a message with your name and required by Oklahoma State Law. In Oklahoma, failure to report child abuse is a misdemeanor punishable in law. phone number.
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