Ahenakew Lake Project
Ahenakew Lake Project
TSX – DML, NYSE MKT – DNN denisonmines.com A Lundin Group Company Ahenakew Lake Project Northwest Territories Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan The Ahenakew Lake Project consists of 18 claims totaling 42,579 hectares located 10 kilometres south of the producing Rabbit Lake Mine. Saskatchewan highway 905 passes through the middle of the property. ATHABASCA BASIN Alberta Saskatchewan Prince Albert Geology Saskatoon The Ahenakew Lake Project straddles the eastern edge of the Athabasca Basin. The sandstone thickness ranges from zero metres (no sandstone cover) on the property’s eastern side to no more than 100 metres on the property’s western side. Basement rocks are dominantly paragneisses belonging to the Wollaston Domain. Historical work • From 1965 to 1979 the property received sporadic exploration including airborne and ground geophysics and limited drilling. Several drill holes with anomalous alteration and minor radioactivity are noted amongst the holes drilled during this period. N Uranium mines and deposits Uranium mill 50 km Manitoba ATHABASCA BASIN Midwest, Midwest A 55 million lbs. U3O8 Cigar Lake 350 million lbs. U3O8 McArthur River (P2N) 500 million lbs. U3O8 Ahenakew Lake • From 1980 to 2005 the property was explored by Gulf Minerals, Eldorado Nuclear, Uranerz and then Cameco. Work included airborne and ground geophysics and drilling. Several anomalous drill holes were noted; the best intercept recorded was 0.51% U3O8 over 0.4 metres starting at 56.9 metres in drill hole HBW-29. • From 2005 to the present Denison took over operatorship of the property and has completed further airborne and ground geophysics as well as several drilling programs. Regina Directors Lukas H. Lundin, Chairman Ron F. Hochstein, President and CEO John H. Craig W. Robert Dengler Brian D. Edgar Eun Ho Cheong William A. Rand Catherine J.G. Stefan Management Ron F. Hochstein, President and CEO David D. Cates, VP Finance, tax and CFO Michael J. Schoonderwoerd, VP Controller Terry V. Wetz, VP Project Development Steve Blower, VP Exploration Sheila Colman, Canadian Counsel and Corporate Secretary Denison Mines Corp. Atrium on Bay 595 Bay Street, Suite 402 Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C2 Canada 416 979 1991 info@denisonmines.com Rabbit Lake mine 5 km North Ahenakew Lake Project N Athabasca Basin unconformity UEX’s West Bear uranium deposit Mag 1st vertical derivative underlay Conductors Historical drill holes 5 km Potential •The thin or missing sandstone cover makes the property attractive to explore for unconformity and basement hosted uranium mineralization. •The basement geology underlying the Ahenakew Lake Project is similar to both the Rabbit Lake and Eagle Point uranium deposits. •The model for “Rabbit Lake” basement style mineralization remains relatively untested on the property. Future work planned • Continue to drill test prospective geological and geophysical targets. • Perform a surficial geochemistry survey to assist in prioritizing drill targets on the property. For more information about this project please contact: Steve Blower, Vice President, Exploration T 604 689 7842 sblower@denisonmines.com